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  1. Chris couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t attached to a girl. Even before he knew how to spell ‘girlfriend,’ he had one. At first he attracted them just by being the brash, confident exceptional boy he was, excelling in every sport, activity, hobby, and grade as he went. Once puberty hit, the line of ladies seeking his company grew exponentially, keeping his dance card full all the way through high school and college. Maybe that’s why he never realized there was a need inside him that was aching to be fulfilled, until it was too late. The rain had been pouring for almost a week straight since Chris had moved into his new apartment, in a new city, where he had just started a new job. Having graduated high school at 16, and college at 20, Chris was used to things coming easily to him, but no one seemed impressed or even pleased with him at work. Unnerved by his slow start, he hungered for something to distract and rejuvenate him. On his third night there, he called his current girlfriend who was two hours away in the tiny town where they’d gone to school together. After five minutes on the phone, Chris realized she wouldn’t be driving up to see him anytime soon. Unphased, he assumed he’d have another girlfriend by the end of the week, and decided to work out his frustrations with a different type of physical exertion. He was already lacing up his tennis shoes for a run when the sky opened up and cancelled that idea. The next few nights he spent looking for a female companion in bars and clubs, but amazingly he had no luck. As it turns out, being born handsome and exceptional makes it easy to get girls when you are in a small town, but here in the city, he had no idea how to approach a woman and start a conversation. Without the aid of a classroom he was helpless, not to mention the added disadvantage of working so late each night that anyone worth talking to was either taken or drunk. So there he was, stuck inside on a rainy Saturday night: horny, alone and itching for release of some kind. Getting out the newspaper with half a mind to call one of the women advertizing under the escort section, he happened to turn to a full page ad for a gym. Halted by the spandex clad babe in the photo, he realized as he read that the gym was only a few blocks from his house and extremely reasonably priced, considering they advertized services like personal training, massage therapy, dozens of different classes and a nutritionist. He clipped the coupon from the bottom corner, tossed on some shorts and a tshirt and dashed to his carport. Perhaps it was a stereotype, but Chris expected floor to ceiling windows, bright lights and a giant neon sign to welcome him. Instead he found himself walking in to an unassuming red brick building at 11pm, where a short, trim redhead greeted him. She took his coupon, promised him the first five visits no strings attached and instructed him to veer left to the men’s gym, where one of the male trainers would meet him. A slim tan blond man named Dave led him through the 4 story complex, explaining that unlike other gyms, Stern’s kept the male and female gyms separate, only combining on the top floor where group classes were held. The floor below that had the nutritionist’s area and windowless mirrored work-out areas for each sex, containing equipment like weight machines, treadmills, etc. The main floor housed the offices, private training rooms, locker rooms, and massage rooms, and the basement housed two identical pool areas, divided by sex, each with an Olympic size pool, sauna, steam room, and shower area. Chris was about to question the separation until a man strode past him in the buff and dove into the pool. Dave explained that the workout area was divided to promote working out for yourself, instead of worrying how you looked to some slut. Chris laughed, but asked again about the pool, when Dave explained that there were no suits allowed on the pool level when the gym opened 60 years before, and they’d never changed the rule. Shrugging it off, he thanked Dave and got to his work out, running for almost an hour with only a few other men spread around the large room. He was sweating profusely, going faster and faster, his eyes locked with his reflection in the mirror across from him, until someone walked in front of his machine, and he almost fell off. Hitting the stop button and jumping off, Chris glanced up as he took a swig from a complimentary water bottle and almost spit it back up. The man who’d broken his stride was the most beautiful specimen Chris had ever seen. He starred, slack-jawed and bug-eyed at the shirtless 6’6”, 230lbs, raven haired, blue eyed ripped god who had taken up a spot at the weight bench and was pressing some ridiculous amount. “Spot me, bro.” The man, who Chris would come to know as Jake, commanded. Usually Chris would have begged off, being more of a cardio guy with no weight training to speak of, but Jake’s tone made him step over and take the spotting position. He stood there spotting him for two sets of 25, when Jake hopped up and began removing weights, telling Chris to take his place. He laid down before remembering to protest, and tried to grunt out his lack of interest in weights between lifts. “You need this man,” Jake said, scooting close enough over Chris’ head that his shorts hung open directly over Chris’ face. Chris shut up and tried not to get caught sneaking glances at the firm thighs and enticing shadows up the shorts’ legs. “Guy like you probably got along fine in school, handsome and fit, but now you’re in the real world and it’s time you work out like a real man.” After Chris could do no more reps, Jake pulled him to standing with one hand and introduced himself as one of the private trainers that the gym employed. Jake explained that new members got three free training sessions, and he expected Chris to use them. Arriving in the lockerroom, Jake tugged off his shorts leaving him in an extremely-snug pair of white briefs, outlining his hefty bulge and perfectly spherical ass. Taking Chris’ hand, he placed it on his lower abs and told him to feel the definition where they met his groin muscles, as well as on his pecs, huge biceps and the back of his warm, fuzzy thighs. Wrapping himself in a towel, Jake stripped the briefs from under it without revealing anything else, and then made Chris promise to come back the next night for legs. Nodding, he watched as Jake strode off into the staircase for the showers, before regaining his senses, pulling on his coat, and leaving. That night as he showered, Chris replayed the images of Jake in his mind, and found that he was excited by the idea of working out with him again. His dick jumped when he remembered the view up Jake’s shorts, but he dismissed it as a side effect of needing pussy and seeing that much exposed skin. Chris returned the next night, and the next, and the next and was quickly the gym’s best customer. Jake made him a great deal on a weekly training fee, and the two of them were quickly transforming Chris from an attractive slim wasp-type, into a buffed, taught, machine of a man. Chris became obsessed with making Jake proud of his work, and started imagining Jake more and more in his fantasies. At first he was just taking part in whatever imaginary threesome Chris concocted to get his rocks off, but after awhile Jake was becoming the star. Still, Chris convinced himself that he was only picturing Jake because he symbolized the ideal that Chris was striving to become. Before either of them knew it, 6 months had passed and Jake was Chris’ best friend, well only friend, in town. One night as they stripped down to shower, carefully concealing their full nudity from one another, Jake asked Chris when he last got laid, and couldn’t believe it was really 6 months. “Come early tomorrow,” Jake said before they split to head to separate shower stalls. “Then we’ll go out after and find some pussy. Time to test out your new body on some unsuspecting skanks.” Music rocked Chris’ chest as he tried to hear what the gorgeous brunette was saying, shouting from the stool next to his. He tried to care, but he could tell she was hot for his dick, the way she caressed his arms and stroked his thigh, but he kept getting distracted watching Jake dance with a petite latin girl. As he suspected, it was barely an hour later that the four of them had taken a cab back to Jake’s apartment and each couple began getting hot and heavy on opposite ends of the couch. He was so caught up seeing Jake in action and getting his first play in months that he didn’t notice Jake pull out a glass pipe and small white bag full of crystal shards. Both girls jumped at the chance to smoke, but Chris declined, never having tried any drugs, or even hard liquor. “Too bad,” Jake said, blowing a cloud of something he called ‘tina’ as he spoke. “This shit makes me cum like a fire hydrant and fuck like a bull.” The latin girl squealed and shoved her hand into his open fly while they finished the bowl. As the brunette started to unzip Chris’ pants, Jake picked up his date, tossed her over his shoulder and dashed into the bedroom. Disappointed that he was unable to watch his idol demolish the latin chick’s cunt, Chris regained his vigor when he realized he could hear every dirty, nasty thing that was going on just beyond the bedroom door. The two buddies eventually turned it into a fuck-fight, seeing which one could make his girl cum faster, harder and more often. Chris planned to be the victor, having achieved anal first, but lost control when he moved to the floor and caught a glance through the open door of Jake’s face and chest contorted in pleasure as he pounded the bitch doggy style. He whipped his cock out of the brunette’s ass, and shot copious amounts of jizz across her tits and face. Spent, Chris fell back against the coffee table and watched as the brunette hopped up and ran to the bathroom. Once she was finished, she made some dumb excuse and disappeared to find a cab, while Chris slowly found his briefs and used them to wipe down his cock and chest before dragging his ass to the john. Taking his time as he passed the bedroom in hopes of another glance, he almost fell over when the latin girl was slammed up against the wall by the door, both her legs over Jake’s arms as they completed their fuck. Chris stood in the dark hall, his dick hardening again, wishing he could see Jake’s cock, but afraid to venture further out from his hiding spot. As Jake laid the girl on the bed and grunted his final grunt, Chris slipped into the bathroom and began washing up in the sink. Still hardening, he took a moment to admire the v-shape that was forming from his abs to his dick, and the way his arms and pecs stood out and shone in the dim bathroom light. He flexed and stroked his dick just in time for Jake to burst in behind him and push past him to the toilet. They laughed at Chris’ display, and Jake began commenting on how proud he was of Chris’ progress while Chris went into a fog where all he could see was Jake’s dick. Semi-hard and covered in cum and pussy juices, Jake drew a finger from the dick head out to the toilet bowl, leading a heavy beady string of cum. After a moment, Jake’s piss began to flow, and Chris realized he was fully hard again. All he wanted to do at that moment was reach out and take Jake’s cock in his hand. He had no idea what he would do with i, all he knew is the world would be perfect if he could feel Jake’s cock. He snapped out of his haze as the latin girl came in with them and took a hold of Chris’ hard-on, asking for seconds. He lifted her up onto the counter and fucked her right there while Jake watched and cheered them on. Chris was ready to cum in minutes once Jake began to stroke his dick again. He came deep in her pussy, adding his load to Jake’s, before the trainer lifted her off Chris’ cock and took her back into the bedroom for sloppy thirds. Looking down, Chris realized his cock was covered in both his load and his buddy, and he couldn’t resist wiping off a few drops and tasting them before he got dressed and snuck out the door. Chris gave up trying to explain his feelings for his friend after that, giving in each weeknight to fantasies of jerking off together, showering together, even letting Jake cum in his mouth. On the weekends they’d find more girls and repeat the fun with new victims, sometimes only finding one girl and having to share. Still too afraid of what Jake might do if he realized Chris’ attraction, Chris was always careful to take turns on the girls. One night as a perky blonde co-ed was giving them both head on the couch, Dave from the gym walked in with a teenage jock type guy, sat down and loaded some tina in a bowl. Chris was weirded out at first, until Jake explained that Dave was his roommate and they saw each other fucking around on a regular basis. Chris was even more shocked when the teen dropped to his knees and began sucking Dave off. Jake could see Chris’ shock and, before the girl noticed, he dragged them both to the bedroom to fuck. A few weeks later, they had just gotten back from the club with tall modelesque girl, when Dave entered, this time accompanied by a skater type guy with piercings in his nose, brow, ear and nipples (which he proudly showed while Dave loaded a bowl). Chris declined the pipe as usual, but the girl was on a mission to get him to try it, telling him he could only fuck her tight pussy if he took at least one hit off the pipe. Chris said no again, his hard cock begging him to give in. “Stop being a little bitch and smoke this,” Jake ordered him before handing Chris the pipe, and lighting it. Chris began inhaling as the smoke filled the cylinder, just as he had heard Dave and Jake explain to girls and guys they’d initiated previously. At first he felt nothing, but with the exhale came a huge cough, and a buzzing feeling shooting up his spine and into his brain. He should have stopped at one hit, but the model kept shotgunning hits with him and encouraging him to take more and more. Soon there was an all out smoke/fuck fest in the middle of the living room. Chris was pounding the model’s pussy while Jake shoved his cock deep into her throat, which was quite a feat, since he is at least 9 inches long and tends to get wider the longer he fucks. Dave had the skater on the floor with his legs over his head and was breeding his ass with a nice thick 8 inch uncut cock. Chris found himself wondering how the tight hole took so much cock and somehow still made the boy beg for it like he did. Many years before, one of Chris’ girlfriends had shoved her finger in his ass while they fucked. After the initial jumping and hollering, Chris found he enjoyed it, so much so that he was now in the habit of fingering his hole when he jerked off. The combo of the high and the site in front of him had Chris so horned up that when he and Jake switched ends, he asked the model to finger his hole. Eyes closed, he heard a bottle of lube pop open and a long, kinda thick finger slide two knuckles deep into his tight ass. Moaning, he began to pump harder in her throat, which made Jake pump back from the other end. Simultaniously, they pulled out of their respective ends, and began covering her in cum. Neither one shot far enough to hit the other, but Chris made sure to lick up some of Jake’s load while kissing the model before she ran to the shower. Mysteriously, even with the model in another room, Chris could still feel a finger slowly pumping his hole, almost making him hard again. Turning, Chris made eye contact with Dave, who pulled his finger out and mouthed “you’re welcome,” so Jake and the Skater bottom would be none the wiser. Joining the model in the shower, Chris was worried when he didn’t get hard as fast as usual, which she explained might be from the tina. Anxious about it, Chris hopped out and went to find Jake or Dave to ask them but stopped just outside the living room where he couldn’t be seen easily, but had a pretty good view of Jake feeding his hardon to the skater boy, while Dave pounded the boy’s ass. Instantly Chris was hard and went back into the bathroom where he fucked the model as rough as he could, focused on the picture of Jake’s dick sliding between his own lips. A few days later, Dave ran into Chris in the locker room and asked him what he thought of the weekend’s festivities. Unsure, Chris tried to play it cool, until Dave told Chris he had seen the way Chris looked at Jake, and was pretty sure Chris would have sucked Jake off if the skater hadn’t done it. Chris tried to deny it, but Dave whipped out his phone, and produced pix of Jake feeding his load to other tricks Dave had brought home. “I’ve yet to see him fuck a guy,” Dave said, handing Chris the phone before leading him into a massage room. “but I know he loves feeding them. Maybe next time I can find a way for you to swallow his spunk.” Chris wasn’t listening. He was engrossed in the photos on Dave’s phone, each of them featuring the two roommates destroying bottoms of all ages and types, Dave in their asses, Jake in their mouths. Dave continued describing dirty scenarios involving Jake, while pulling down Chris’ shorts and jock, and jerking and fingering Chris. Moaning with pleasure, he licked his lips pretending he was the boy taking Jake’s man meat in his mouth. The fantasy was so real he didn’t even notice that Dave had maneuvered three fingers into his hole and was rubbing his own hard cock against Chris smooth ass cheek. Chris could see Jake in his mind, siddling up behind him to show him some proper dumbbell technique, then popping his dick from his shorts and sliding inside Chris’ ass without any of the other gym members knowing. Dave just started to spread Chris’ cheeks and slip his cock into the crack when they both heard Jake call out Chris’ name into the locker room, only feet from where they stood. Adrenaline soared through Chris’ body as he flew back from Dave and tried to pull up his shorts. He couldn’t be sure if Jake saw what was going on when he came in, but there was no way Jake missed Chris’ stiff cock poking out obscenely or the fact that Dave still had his monster dick in plain view. Still, Jake didn’t say anything about it and everything seemed totally normal until they finished and Jake got a text from Dave. “Dave told me what happened,” Jake said quietly, causing Chris’ heart to sink into his abdomen. “He told me he caught you jerking in the massage room. It was pretty ballsy of you to offer to let him watch in exchange for not ratting you out. Good thing he has been hot for your ass since you walked in. Of course now that you’ve had a man show you how to sculpt it, you’d better watch out for more pervs.” Chris laughed nervously and thanked god that Dave covered for him. However, he was so rattled that he didn’t realize they were both naked together for the first time with no one else around. Jake took advantage of the opportunity and had Chris flex his different muscle groups so they could compare. Somehow Chris stayed flaccid for the flex off, even when Jake ran his hand down Chris’ back, over his ass and down between the thighs to show the line of the musculature. Chris asked if he could feel on Jake, just to be sure he understood, then told Jake he was going for a swim, dashed off and blasted his cum load under the water. The next weekend Chris got a text from a number he didn’t know, but he was sure it was Dave when the attachment was a photo of Jake in the shower. Dave invited Chris to come over before he and Jake went out that night, to smoke and hang out, and discuss what had happened the last time. Chris politely declined a few times, worried he might end up getting fucked by Dave, until Dave mentioned that he had a sex tape Jake made before they’d met, and Chris could watch it. Shower, shave and he was out the door to Dave and Jake’s. Chris was greeted by a familiar face but no one he could place, until Dave explained that his guest was a member of the gym and a former MLB player. In no time they’d smoked a few bowls, got the video playing and convinced Chris he could jack off without Dave or Todd (the mlb guy) raping him. Sipping the drink Dave made him, Chris was stroking furiously at the sight of Jake plowing the hell out of some poor teen girl. By the look of Jake and his fuckslut, this must have been 3 or 4 years ago, when Jake was just a high school senior. Little by little the ghb in Chris’ drink took effect, loosening him up so Todd had no problem getting Chris’ dick in his mouth. He could feel his senses dulling, but decided the best way to counter act it was take more hits off the pipe and agree when Dave asked him if he’d like to try taking some fingers in his ass again. Perfectly timed once again, Jake walked in just as Todd was sucking Chris’ dick down to the balls and Dave had three fingers in Chris’ tight hole. “Hey roomie,” Dave said, handing Jake the pipe. “Turns out your buddy here likes getting his hole fingered, especially when he is high.” Jake laughed and took a few hits, before asking Chris if he was okay. Chris nodded yes and reached for Jake’s crotch. Oblivious, Jake handed him the pipe as if that’s what he wanted, before stripping off his own clothes and instructing Todd to suck his cock. Eyes glued to the real Jake, Chris forgot they were watching Jake’s sex tape, until the star of the tape noticed and asked why. “It was a request,” Dave said, standing up and moving down behind Todd’s upturned hole. “Seems as though your little trainee gets off watching you fuck.” Mortified, Chris was too high to deny it and just blushed. Everyone laughed, while Dave pulled Todd off Jake’s cock, and threw his legs back and began wailing on the baseball player’s tan hairy ass. “Course he does!” Jake added. “Just like I think it is hot watching him fuck. He is one hot piece of muscle man now, ain’t he Dave?” “You know I think he is,” Dave grunted between thrusts. “but I think he’d be even hotter with your dick in his mouth. And I KNOW he’s game for it.” Jake’s eyes whipped to Chris, and he knew Dave was telling the truth. No words were spoken as he stepped closer and waved his hard dick only an inch from Chris’ pink lips. Leaving the last bit of distance for Chris to make was all the approval Jake needed, for as soon as Chris leaned in to suck Jake, Jake thrust forward, grabbed a handful of dusty blond hair and began reaming Chris’ throat. If it was anyone else, Chris would have choked and pulled off and never tried it again, but he knew what he was getting with Jake, and it was exactly what he needed. Chris began to jack his own meat and finger his tight hole while he slurped on Jake’s massive member. Less than a minute was all it took for Chris to cum all over himself, and soon after Jake fed him his load. Worried that Jake would think less of him, Chris told Dave he was heading to the gym and ran out while Jake was in the shower. Although Jake’s apartment was only a few blocks from the gym, Chris was too high to drive there, but did anyway, barely making it in one piece. The rain had turned to snow recently and the roads were covered in it, which meant no one was working out on a snowy Saturday night. Inside the locker room, Chris stripped off his clothes and sat on the bench, still covered in cum. He began to freak out about what his only friend might do now that he saw what a faggot bitch Chris was. Still too drunk for a work out, he laid back and closed his eyes, willing this to just be an amazing dream, but knew it wasn’t when he heard the door slam and Jake’s voice call out to him. “What the hell man?” Jake asked, putting his bag and coat in his locker, and starting to undress. “You should know me well enough by now to realize I always have at least two loads to shoot once I start partying, and you gotta take the rest of them now boy.” Chris opened his eyes just in time to see a fully erect Jake straddle the bench, hoist Chris’ legs over his shoulders, squirt some lube on his cock, and slide most of it in on the first stroke. Chris screamed out, but stopped once Jake commanded him to. The first few minutes were excruciating, but after awhile it was less painful and more of a dull ache. All the pain was forgotten once Jake was balls deep. It was like a switch had been thrown, turning a straight muscle boy into a hungry bottom whore, begging and pleading for more dick and cum. When Jake finally decided to grace Chris’ ass with his load, he did it balls deep, sharing both of their first man2man kiss at the same time. Once they were sure the gym was truly empty, they sent the desk worker home and moved up to the gym floor, where Jake added another load to Chris’ ass, this time on the weight bench. Reinforcements arrived soon after, and Chris spent the rest of the night taking loads from Dave, Todd, two other gym members and high school kid who wondered in thinking it was a club and accidentally caught Jake giving Chris a fourth load on the reception desk. Attached: one pic of chris, four pics of Jake
    9 points
  2. “You ever had coke fingered up your arse son?”, I shook my head making him grin widely again “that’s excellent boy, it will be a whole new experience for you son”, he got up and I could not help look longingly at his thick dangling cock, he smirked “don’t worry Robbie boy, you may be playing with daddy’s cock soon enough”, I blushed bright red as he got a bottle of poppers and the mirror I’d snorted the coke off earlier and settled back down behind me, he held out the poppers to me and I took them, he spat on my hole again and then pushed his finger deep into my hole again, I yelped at the fairly painful invasion “sniff the poppers son”, I did as he said, the rush was instant and my hole relaxed round his finger “ah that’s better son, your tight little boy hole is opening up nicely”, could only moan with pleasure as his digit worked in and out of my hole, I sniffed the poppers again “that’s a good boy, your keep sniffing”, and then “sweet little boy hole, needs lots of attention, doesn’t it son?”, I looked over my shoulder lustfully nodding “yes daddy it does”, he grinned “atta boy Daddy loves playing with boy hole”. By now I was rocking effectively fucking myself on his finger and sniffing the poppers, “time for your bump baby boy, so stay still” I looked over my shoulder as he pulled his finger out of my butt and coated it with the coke on the mirror, his finger probed at my ring “relax son”, his finger pushed into me “that’s a good boy, you keep that boy pussy open for daddy”, I could feel the coke tingling on my anal walls as he fingered more and more into me, my hole was getting looser as he soon had two fingers inside me. Keeping his fingers inside my hole he rubbed his spit slick hand up and down the shaft of my hard cock “oh yeah Robbie boy that pussy is loving daddy working it, now for part two of the game”, I looked as him, his eyes intent on his fingers in my hole “part two of the game is 15 minutes of me playing with you, making it all about you, if you cum within 15 minutes then its all about what Daddy wants”, and then his eyes met mine “so do you want to play or go”, my head buzzing more so now from the coke in my hole and knocking any sense of caution aside I could only smile nodding shyly “I wanna play”. David moved his eyes to mine pulling his fingers out of my hole his other hand still stroking my cock “that’s excellent son”, and then grasping my right arse cheek leant forward “that boy cunt looks good enough to eat so I think I will”. I’d been rimmed before but never anything like this, if there had been and Olympic sport in eating arse David would have won gold, silver and bronze, sensations I never knew possible from having a tongue up my arse were shown to me, I was moaning, sniffing poppers, squirming and writhing under his tongue, his strong hand gripping my arse to keep me from moving too much as the other stroked my leaking cock up and down with a delicate touch that belied his stature. “oh fuck yeah that’s beautiful eating boy, three minutes down tick tock” before diving his tongue back up my hole, sending shivers back up my spine, I swear it almost felt like his tongue was slivering its way up deep inside me. Minutes passed and he kept on, only coming up for air to tell me the counting minutes or to say ‘tick tock’ , I groaned as a felt my orgasm boiling in my balls as he effectively eat and milked it out of me and then I lost it, I could not hold back anymore as spurts of my boy juice erupted from my cock squirting down onto the leather sofa I was kneeling on. Still lost in the afterglow I knelt there as he fondled my balls squeezing the last drips of my cum out “not bad boy, just over 13 minutes”, I looked over my shoulder watching as he shucked his shirt revealing a deliciously hairy stocky body, he rubbed his cock with some of my cum, it looked ‘angry’, bigger and thicker “now its Daddy’s fun time’
    3 points
  3. Several years ago, shortly after graduating from high school, I picked-up a Saturday job in a local department store filling shelves from the stockrooms in the basement. It was a big, old fashioned place with some pretty weird characters working behind the scenes. I didn't mind. I was a solitary character, aware I was somehow different but not sure why. One day, I tore my trousers and a co-worker suggested I went to the in-house tailor who repaired staff uniforms and stuff. The tailor, who worked in a small room deep in the basement of the store, was a chubby, fresh-faced man with a high pitched voice, and almost always wore a grubby sweat-stained singlet. Arriving at the tailor's room, I found both the tailor and another guy who I recognised as a foul-mouthed character with a pot belly and tattoos on his arms. I explained the problem to the tailor and he examined the tear closely in a way which made me feel awkward. "Hmmm, well, take them off and I'll see what I can do." I hesitated and the other guy gave a dirty chuckle. "Don't worry, we're all boys here, aren't we? Not shy, are you?" "Come on" smiled the tailor, adding "get them off." I undid my belt and slipped my trousers off, feeling vulnerable yet a bit excited as I stood there in my underpants. "He's got a hard-on!" exclaimed the foul-mouthed guy. Sure enough, my pants were bulging with my erection. The room had got suddenly hot and tense and the rough looking man leaned towards me and grinned evilly. "Those panties too," he directed, saying "get them off." I was scared and excited and fearful about what might happen, but I hooked my fingers in the waistband and pushed them down. My cock sprang up and I felt a rush of pleasure and wickedness as I stood there naked before the two men. The tailor stood up " think I'll just lock the door." He did so, brushing past my cock as he went, making me shiver with excitement. When he returned, he had removed his singlet revealing a pair of sagging tits. He knelt in front of me and whispered "Mmmm....let's take care of this shall we?" To my shock and surprise, he sucked my cock into his mouth and I was suddenly engulfed in a delicious warmth and wetness. "Oooo!" I gasped. "What are you doing?" But my hands went to his head and held it as I couldn't help sliding in and out of his wet lips. Beyond his bobbing head, I saw pot-bellied guy stand up and strip off, gasping as I saw his thin, veiny body with the protruding belly, and the thick, glistening cock which sprang up beneath it. He began to rub it as he saw me looking. "You want it don't you, kid? I think we're gonna have some fun...."
    2 points
  4. (This is a completely fictional story) Part I My name is Patrick, if that even matters to any of you reading this story. I just thought you should know. I sat in my jeep looking across the street to the red front door on a brick house. Still fighting with the urge to back away from this course of action, I took a deep breath and opened the car door. Months before I had started up an on-line conversation with a guy named Mac. His pictures were extremely hot and they depicted his solid, hairy chest, full, dark beard, muscular thighs, shaved head, thick 8” cock, and his piercing blue eyes. I wanted to have him fuck me from the first moment that I saw those awesome pics. But there was just one problem. He was poz. I had been barebacking for quite some time with various men, with whom I was somewhat familiar. Most people would consider them to be my fuck buddies or regulars. Getting fucked bareback had become the only way that I enjoyed taking cock and I found that I could never go back to using condoms again. There was a part of me that wanted to be able to take bareback anonymous loads from any guy that wanted to penetrate my tight hole, but another side of me was nervous and scared of becoming HIV positive. I was certain that there must be other men in the world that would relate, but I was not aware of any and I felt very alone. I wanted someone to understand and I think, secretly, I wanted someone to help me to become poz. Mac and I talked a lot, on-line, about barebacking and how he loved to fuck all sorts of men. It didn’t matter to him as to whether the bottoms were poz or neg. He would fuck and breed anyone that requested his seed. This sort of conversation always made me extremely horny and my cock would call for me to stroke it, while reading through his previous messages, until I would shoot a big load onto my furry stomach. I even found myself looking at his pics and masturbating when he wasn’t on-line. The fantasies of him plowing deep into me with his big, hairy cock and coating my colon with his toxic semen were intoxicating to me. Well, his seed wasn’t entirely toxic. He has said repeatedly that he was undetectable and that meant that, if we ever did fuck, the chances of converting me was only very minimal. However, the thought still riled my need for adventure, for danger. The barebacking sessions with the safer regulars were becoming less exciting since I had started to discuss undetectable breeding sessions with Mac. I even found myself, occasionally, imagining that one of my neg tops was undetectable while they were fucking me. This made the experience much more intense and my thoughts keep telling me that what I really wanted was to get fucked and bred by Mac. However, then my thoughts would scare me. At moments during my bareback sessions I would envision that the top sliding his raw cock up my fuckhole was a high viral load poz top and I would suddenly lose control. This thought would send me through the roof and over the edge. I would begin moaning and pulling on the back and butt of the top as if to say, “Yes, fuck me! Fuck my neg hole and poz me because that is what I really need, what I want, what I have longed for!” But when the top would cum in me and I would shoot my load I would return to my senses and be terrified at what I had envisioned and how erotic it was to me. How could I think such things, it wasn’t right. It was dangerous. After a few months of chatting with Mac and hearing his many stories as well as sharing some (but not all) of my desires with him, I had decided that I would take a risk. The drive to take an undetectable load had been way to strong and I was losing my ability to resist it. I knew what I would do. I would absolve myself of the responsibility and let fate decide. I would toss a coin. Heads would mean that I stay with my neg top regulars and tails would mean that the universe was telling me that it would be okay if I took a few undetectable loads. After all, how dangerous could it be, Mac had told me that he had been on meds for years and that undetectable guys aren’t really contagious. Not that I didn’t really trust his information, but I researched if undetectable men are very contagious and found that, according to most experts, they aren’t. So, there I stood in my living room, fully naked with a rock hard cock and a quarter in my left palm. I stared down at it for a moment, took a deep breath and then tossed it into the air. The quarter flipped several times before landing in my right hand and I quickly flipped it face down onto my left wrist. I froze for a moment, unable to lift my hand and look at the coin. I closed my eyes, removed my hand and looked down, I saw heads. I felt a flood of disappointment come over me. How could this be? I was sure that the universe would want me to get fucked by Mac. That it wouldn’t do any harm. Then I made a decision that would be important to the rest of my life. I decided to go 3 out of 5. I tossed the coin again in the same fashion and looked at it. Heads again. I was overwhelmed with the same feeling of disappointment. Somewhere down inside I craved to see tails. Tossing the coin twice more I did see the desired tails each time. My excitement and nervousness swelled. I couldn’t believe what I was doing, but I was determined that no matter what the next flip was I was going to abide by my deal. I would follow either path no matter how my rational self may scream at me. The quarter flew through the air one last time and I missed catching it. It fell to the carpet, rolled and came to lie next to my couch. I slowly walked towards it and when I got close enough I saw that it was tails side up. Close enough I thought. My fate was determined. I would go to Mac’s house, have him pummel my hole for as long as he wanted and beg him for his undetectable load. I would love it and I would willingly take it, maybe even more than once. The excitement was overwhelming. I had to tell Mac. Getting on the computer, I saw that he was on-line, which he usually was. I told him that I had made the decision to take his undetectable loads, that I wanted it. However, I did make it very clear, through my wording, that I only desired the safer undetectable loads and that I didn’t really want to become poz, even though I knew somewhere deep in my gut that I really did want the more dangerous, highly-charged loads. He and I setup a fuck date for the following evening at 9 p.m.; I logged of, went to my couch, and jacked off. That night I shot multiple, intense loads thinking about the impeding breeding I would receive. That brings us back to my sitting in the jeep. My mind raced, looking at his house. Everything in my rational-self yelled to drive away and go back home to my safer practices, but I had made a deal with myself that I wasn’t about to break. I would follow through no matter what. I walked up to his front door and rang the bell. The door opened a bit, and the room beyond was dark and shadowy. A hairy, masculine hand appeared and urged me to enter. I complied. Stepping through the door, I entered his residence. I couldn’t see at all. Forms suddenly moved in the darkness. There were multiple men in this room. Terrified, I knew that something was wrong. I moved to go back through the door when several strong persons grabbed me from behind. A hood slipped over my head and cuffs snapped around my wrists and my ankles. I was thrown to the floor and a foot was placed upon my chest. I could feel that it was covered by a large army type boot. I heard several men laughing. Then I heard a masculine, low voice speak out above the others. “This is Mac. At least that is what I called myself while chatting with you. This isn’t even my house. I belong to a special group of individuals that provide a kind of service. You need not pay us or even request our assistance directly. We know what you want from chatting with you and we intend to see that you get it. However, we do it in our own special way. We like to play games. We like to let fate decide. Shall we begin boys? Shall we play a game?” The laughing resumed. “Oh, shit!” I thought. I had done it now. (To be continued)
    2 points
  5. I had just out of high school, going through the whole "breakup" thing with my high school girlfriend, typical cliche of the off to college and moving on sort of thing but was at least in need of preferably something ongoing and I am open to a lot of scenarios. I was always curious, and due to the fact that I was a bit jaded from the whole leaving experience, I decidedly just needed a break (possibly and most likely permanently) from the "straight" life. This led to my first experience which was when i had a mixed race gay roommate in college. The seduction, the fear of being caught being intimate with a man, myself losing control in the moment and my eventual submissive need to accommodate to his sexual desires that led to a long term sexual based arrangement as his bottom. He had made it quite clear from the beginning, and had explained the dynamics of gay sex, mutual oral, and his sexual preference to being a gay top. What surprised me was his adamant aversion to condoms, and his feelings of only fucking raw. I was stunned on his words as he told me the whole point of gay sex is for the top to have the desire to cum inside of, and the bottom desire to be cummed in without question, otherwise there is no point to fucking. These words have stuck with me ever since, and I have lived by them when considering potential sexual partners. As time has gone on I've come to completely agree with his feelings on the subjects we discussed, and have completely embraced them. I soaked all this in and yet still found it all intrigued me. Our conversations got more and more graphic as time went on, his sexual exploits, anonymous encounters with bottoms he fucked just to use etc. In hindsight it must have been obvious to him where this was going to go but, I had held back talking of my curiosity on the subject. My questions about the subject was of clear willingness even though I regularly made it clear that I respected his life, decisions and sexual preferences, but I was str8..... uhuh.... He was regularly Nude in the room with me, as I was with him, and regularly caught myself looking at him, and constantly had to catch myself, although later I found he knew what I was doing and was purposely hoping to entice me. He had a better than average length uncut cock, a sizable amount of foreskin completely covering the head, with a girth of a beer bottle when soft. Time went on we could hear each other masturbating across the room, curiosity of what his tool looked like when aroused running through my head, until one night I had gotten enough courage up to share my feelings in the dark. He was extremely supportive and reassured me that he wouldn't tell anyone and his interest in helping me explore these feelings that I had. He made it clear we only had to do what I was comfortable with, but he was very sexually attracted to me and was excited about my curiosity and my willingness to share this with him. I was extremely apprehensive at first, when he suggested I join him in his bed. I normally sleep nude, but considered what I was doing and lost what modesty I had. I saw no point in it any longer as I moved to his bed, being naked with him was clearly the point of this. After this point our touching, being nude with each other was expected common practice. We spent the next three and a half years nude in our dorm room together more or less at all times that were possible. We had fooled around like this for several months, with heavy petting occasional to nightly oral, the first time he came in my mouth and i savored his load. this and all of what you would think that would happen as we explored and learned each others bodies as two young men in the privacy of our cramped dorm room. I had mixed emotions on this, although being very new to being intimate with a man, and coming to enjoy the frequent play. I was coming to terms with the fact I enjoyed it, I realized how much of a non issue it was. He made his preferences known that he needed me to start swallowing his cum every time sucked him, and other more dominating demands became to surface as I complied happily and willingly to the experiences and found myself enjoying them equally. Very soon it became clear to me the finality of where this was heading, and where my place was becoming sexually with him. I found that there being no question in my mind what eventually would happen. Standing over the waste paper basket as i looked in at the condoms which were out of date, that I had brought hoping to get some college tail. My conscious decision not to get more, because if we went there I wanted to make sure there they were none available. My growing desire for this to progress, made the moment when he took my anal virginity a desired, and welcomed relief. The questions of whether I would enjoy gay sex were answered, and to my great pleasure I craved him all the more. I still remember the first time he penetrated me, which with all the extended foreplay that had been going on I had found myself offering my hole quite predominantly hoping to hint to him he should take it. It all came down when to when he was on top of me, kissing me and I instinctively raised my legs to give his rock hard cock the best possible access to my hole. But it wasn't until the pre-cum soaked head of his cock entered me that the knowledge and excitement that he really wasn't wearing a condom hit home. He reminded me at this point that if we did this what would happen, and this was my last chance to back out, you know how this is gonna go. I looked him and simply raised my head up to kiss him deeply, after which lifted my ass up a bit which forced his cock in me just a bit deeper. No further words needed to be said as he then gently shifted his weight and slide into me completely, the craving to feel sweet stretching discomfort of my hole to accommodate his raw girth, was being quenched. The knowledge and full expectation as he slowly fucked me that he would and SHOULD cum directly inside me. It was what I wanted my first time, and is what is we had discussed, I had clearly agreed to by offering up myself for him to fuck, what I would experience. I never had any question of whether or not this would happen if we fucked, and I instinctively wrapped my shaking legs around him as he slid his rod in and out of me relishing the full length of his member. He made sure he went slow, and that i was comfortable with all that was happening. His words of encouragement and verbalization of how good it felt to finally be inside me were intoxicating. His admission to me that he until that point didn't know if he was ever going to actually get to fuck me with my knowledge of his intention to breed. Finally that moment came when i felt him swell inside me. the point when he groaned as i felt his cock throb and began to fill me the first time with his seed, driving it balls deep, as i pulled my legs up to take him all in, I knew I was completely his. I with every throb of his meat I could feel the thick streams of semen that he had filled my mouth with many times before were becoming a part of me and I welcomed and desired to share whatever exposure to the dangers of having raw sex he gave to me. I felt euphoria at the knowledge his cum was flowing directly inside of me, coating my insides, and the biology of what my body would do with his fluids absorbing them as they were meant to do. I guided his cock back into me for a second round as I simply wanted more from him, then bending over with my face in a pillow for a third round at which he fucked me with a frenzy that i just kept slamming back into to be sure to take every drop he could give me. When he was completely spent after fucking me gently at first to ramming me like a crazed animal and breeding me three more times that evening, I admit i was a bit sore. It was a sweet feeling that I embraced as part of the experience of being his. I reached down and began to play with that bit of remnants of his orgasm leaking out as proof to the world what he had done to me. I felt so exposed, embarrassed to be so used, and so feminized by the experience of being fucked and bred, yet completely loved it all at the same time. I was completely into him and even as i drifted off to sleep, with him back inside me, I thought about the next time he wanted me and I knew i would be completely willing to give it to him again without question. And I did, usually several times daily. All of this became a more and more frequent occurrence which i spent my days looking forward to, and it was like an awesome secret affair that every conversation with people i had in his presence i would think "if you only knew how i spent my time with him". Most days I spent with a wet feeling in my crack as the proof of what we were doing leaked out of me. It really didnt matter where we were although somehow we never got caught in public, but over time that possibility just added to the intensity of his being inside me. I started enticing him at the most inopportune moments with comments or hidden gestures at my desire to be bred by him at random moments. the knowledge and acceptance in what he taught me as his bottom is an intricate part of what made the sex then and now so good. Its the only part of me that is remotely feminine in that because of my experience with him, I have no interest in being the top when with a man. I also to this day won't sleep with a man unless I'm completely willing to be bred by him regardless of the consequences. If only i could find something like that again.
    2 points
  6. Tommy watched as Chuck took out a leather gag and gagged him. That excited Tommy and his limp cock started swelling again. "Oh how nice to see you're getting excited. I love boys that get into it as I know I can go harder." Tommy froze when Chuck pulled out a rubber mallet and said he'd start with that. George loved seeing a boy cry from being fucked hard and sometimes from a boy getting spanked but CBT didn't do anything for him so he told Chuck he'd be back in half an hour and walked away before Chuck bashed the boys balls. Tommy thought he felt pain when Oscar fucked him but he was about to find out that his new life was going to open him up to all kinds of pain. As George left the room he heard Chuck's mallet make contact and knew Tommy would need some chemical assistance once he was done. George went outside to have a smoke and enjoy a drink when he saw Big John pulling up. He decided that he would be ideal for Tommy's next visitor. Big John stepped out of his truck and big is what this man is. Big John is six foot six and three hundred pounds. But don't think that he's like Oscar cause Big John is not into fucking boys, actually he's a married straight or bi guy and has a strange kink but Tommy will need something to get his mind off his sore nuts and hole. Big John got his bag out and walked over to me and I told him the boy would be ready for him in about an hour and he could set up in the guest room off the kitchen. Just then Bobby came running outside with Oscar chasing him. Oscar had got so hot hurting Tommy's little boyhole he wanted to tie Bobby down on his belly and he wanted to rape him hard. Bobby knew his ass would be wrecked for the night and didn't want to miss getting fucked by lots of guys and was yelling that Oscar could do it later but not now. I knew Tommy couldn't take another brutal fuck like that so Bobby had to put out like it or not. I helped Oscar catch Bobby and brought him to the dining room where a few twin beds had been set up and we quickly got Bobby restrained. I told Bobby he could either be raped for real or I'd have him slammed first then Oscar could use him. Bobby stopped screaming and asked for his slam and had his sly smile telling me he was hoping this would happen. I told Oscar to grab one of the prepared points that had black tape on them and after he returned and I was about to slam Bobby I asked what was the most he ever slammed and he said a 40 once. As I pushed the chems in I told Bobby he just got a .60 and I turned to Oscar and told him he better rape Bobby hard. I stepped back and watched Bobby cough a few times and as his breathing settled down and his eyes rolled back Oscar climbed on top and rammed his whole fucking baseball bat cock into Bobby causing a combination scream and moan to come out of Bobby. For the next ten minutes I watched Oscar fuck Bobby as if he was punishing him and while I am nearly an exclusive top me own asshole twitched wondering what that brutal of a fuck would be like, maybe next time I'll let Oscar do it to Tommy without any chems. Big John found me and he was speechless watching Bobby's rape and I told him to go to the guest room and I'd bring his boy soon.
    2 points
  7. "I may just become the freakiest pig Vegas has ever encountered." Worse than Liberace, Siegfried and Roy, and Celine Dion combined!
    2 points
  8. Currently, Armond Rizzo is the best. God I love the way he takes a load.
    2 points
  9. I prefer when the bottom doesn't get hard while getting bred because all concentration and feeling is centered in his cunt. I like his soft cock flopping around as he is getting rough fucked. I especially like the ones who can't even remember the last time they shot a load because it's all about their pussies - but, once in awhile accidents do happen and I end up fucking the cum out of the cock and sperm whore.
    1 point
  10. Fuck it. It was late Saturday afternoon and I had just finished running some last-minute errands getting stuff to keep me hydrated for that evening's play session with a FFuckbud in Bushwick. I was a little behind schedule and felt rushed, sweating from the late summer humidity and sexual anticipation. It was a warm day and I was wearing a t-shirt with cut-off sleeves, shorts and sneakers. I took a deep breath to relax as I waited for the Über car to arrive. I stared at my phone screen: the app displayed the driver was a few minutes away. He was kinda hot from the thumbnail image of his profile. OINK! Buzz. My phone vibrated as the screen display got interrupted as a text came in. HIM: SORRY baby. Can't host tonight after all. Something came up. Have to cancel. Fuck it. I texted him back quickly. ME: Dang that sucks. HIM: I know!!! Was really looking forward 2 PNP and getting @ that pussy of urs. ME: K. Another time then. HIM: I'll make it up 2 u next time I CYU. ME: L8R. I was already cleaned out and just a little buzzed. I smoked a little bowl while getting ready earlier to get me in the mood. It was enough to get my manhole hungry. He is one of my regular fuckbuds. I hate it when they cancel as the last thing I want to do is go online and take a risk with someone new. I like playing with the few regular buds I have. We have great connection and they know how to make my insatiable hole feel great. And I give it back in return. Except not tonight apparently. I stared at my phone screen. Now what? I thought to myself. Should I contact another bud at this last minute? Go online and risk searching for someone new? That seemed desperate (well I was sorta...). FUCK IT. I cancelled the Über car. I shook my head cursing at myself. I had a bag of protein and energy drinks in one hand and my phone on the other. Beside me, I had a small overnight travel bag that had some of my favorite toys, various lube and grease, poppers, and my toiletry bag parTy kit. All that preparation for nothing. I looked around me at the storefronts on the block. I live in an area of north Brooklyn that is historically more African American. But that is rapidly changing as it gentrifies year by year as the a new influx of people move in (myself included), priced out of Manhattan and other areas of northwest Brooklyn. I see a barber shop across the street. Hmm...time for a cut, I think to myself. If I can't play, I may as well get a haircut. I usually go to my barber in the East Village but I sure wasn't going there tonight. It had been a few weeks since my last cut and I like to keep my hair short and buzzed fresh. I was overdue. I placed my phone in my shorts pocket, picked up the overnight bag and crossed the street. Some aashole hipster almost ran into me on a Ciibike, oblivious to jaywalkers ruling the street. I cursed at him as he sped by, not hearing me with his headphones on. I was still spitting at the air when I got in front of the barbershop. It was about to close, totally empty except for one lone barber. I entered. "Hey," I greeted him, walking in. "How's it going? Can you do one more today?" The barber looked me up and down quickly as he was putting some equipment away. "It's late." It almost sounded like a complaint. He looked at me appearing to size me up. The barber was in his mid to late 50's, a tall dark, black man with short, buzzed cut hair and a trim beard that had a light salt and pepper pattern. He was about 6'3" and I guessed around 225 lbs of solid man. He looked like a coach for a high school athletic team. He had a handsome face in a rugged way with an impressive squared-off jawline that was framed with a short beard. He was wearing a dark green, button-down short sleeve shirt that served him like a uniform and was snug on his upper body. The top two buttons were undone and I could see short bristles of salt and pepper hair lightly covering his chiseled chest. He was wearing dark blue sweatpants that were a little loose. I couldn't help but notice that he had impressively large feet in his black beat-up sneakers. I could read that he was in good shape for his age. "I just need a buzz cut." My hair was about a half-inch long, too long for my taste. "You can do me quick: in-and out." I smiled at him. "Cool?" He moved towards me then passed my side heading to the storefront windows. "I am just about to close," he announced as he shut off the air conditioner. His voice had a deep weight with an after-tone of a subtle bass. I liked how he sounded. He adjusted the old blinds at the windows, lowering them one by one as the narrow shop got darker. He looked me up and down again. I noticed some pause with his gaze. "I will do you," he said, locking the door and lowering the last shade on the inside of the door. The shop was darker now, cut off visibly from the outside. The small shop had old fluorescent light bars overhead in three parallel rows casting a greenish glow to the room. His dark skin took on another sheen with the absence of natural light from the outdoors. One length of the light on the farthest right ceiling row was flicking on and off, shorting itself randomly, casting stranger highlights on both of us that would materialize and then quickly disappear. "You're in luck, Boy," he finally smiled. I liked that he called me Boy. Was he flirting with me as he read me visually again (or so I thought)? Or was I just horny from my now defunct evening's anticipation? "You're my last customer." He walked into the shop towards one of the corners. "I'll take you." He washed his hands at a corner sink for shampooing customers. He dried them off thoroughly. Nice forearms, I thought; they were thick and solid. "Put your bags down by that last chair," he instructed in that deep tone, pointing to a beat-up leather barber chair. "Sit down." I walked towards the corner, setting the overnight bag down. I placed my plastic grocery bag on the linoleum-tiled floor. The contents fell out, imbalanced and tossed around. My drinks rolled around our feet. "You goin' to do some major exercise or somethin' tonight?" He peered at me and then the various drinks scattered on the floor. "Yeah," I laughed as I looked up at him. "You could say that," I paused. "...special exercises." I knelt down, gathering the various bottles and placing them carefully back in the bag. "They help keep me going." He was now standing beside me, near the counter, getting some of his barber tools out of several small cabinets. I couldn't help but stare at his crotch as it was just a few inches from my face. He turned slightly, opening another cabinet to get some clippers so he was in profile from my viewpoint. WHOA! Nice bulge! There was something definitely in those dark sweatpants. I couldn't stop looking at it, that inner buzz inside me from earlier triggered itself ON. "You done yet?" He looked down at me, a tight smile on his face. "Sit down on the chair and let's get this started." I got up and sat down on the barber chair. It was an old-skool shop; probably from the late 80's when the neighborhood was a lot rougher. I got myself comfortable on the chair which looked like an antique at this point. The leather was well worn on the seat and it crackled as I adjusted myself, straightening my back. There were mirrors all around us at each chair station. There were six chairs in the shop in total, three at each side, with just a little walk space in the center of the narrow shop. You could see your reflection from one side of the room to the other into infinity as the mirrors on each side of the shop reflected on itself. The mirrors were a bit faded, well past their time; some were cracked, including the one in front of us, a hairline fracture that ran diagonally from mid-center on the left side up to the right corner of the glass surface. If I turned slightly, my head appeared split and off-register. The cabinets surrounding the mirrors at each chair station were covered in black Formica, the edges a bit frayed. There was a scattering of photos all around each station displaying men's hairstyles from old to current trends. I looked across from me and observed his personal photos taped around the mirror. A few were with his wife (I presumed) from different eras. He maintained a great body regardless of the decade. I noticed the wife in older photos but only solos of him or with male friends as he got older. There was a photo of him without a shirt, I am guessing from the last decade, probably on some island vacation, showing off his chiseled chest. HOT! I could feel myself starting to sweat slightly. He grabbed a long sheet of white tissue paper from one of the frayed tiny cabinets in front of us flanking the large mirror. I watched our reflection as he proceeded to get ready, folding the tissue as he walked behind me. He wrapped the tissue around my neck and tucked it into my T-shirt collar. He did this quietly as he looked deep into my eyes in the mirror. I watched him in return, also silent. I sensed we were both assessing the situation and measuring each other. I couldn't quite get a read on him. He was making me nervous. He was making me horny. I looked at those forearms again. They were large and thick, a light tangle of dark hair blended with his skin tone. I saw some tattoos on his right arm that I hadn't noticed before. They were faded and old, the black ink almost blending with his dark skin tone. The designs gave away their age as they were soft and fuzzy, the edges blurred by time and unsaid experiences. He reached for a dark sheet that was folded at the edge of the chair arm. He snapped it in the air suddenly, startling me as it sounded louder than it probably was, my senses already heightened. He unfolded it and draped it over me. It was a thin polyester sheet and it created a second skin over my crotch and upper body. He fastened it around my neck methodically. His large hands then rested on my shoulders, brushing the sheet into place. His palms seemed to be wiping away the creases so that the draping of the sheet over my upper body was even and centered. His hands had a weight to them that felt solid and heavy. Impressive. Masculine. Sexy. His fingertips applied a little pressure to the front of my shoulders for a mere moment, a slight massage. I moaned. Fuck it-that felt good! His right hand lifted in the air and disappeared behind my head in the reflection as our eyes met again and traced each other. The palm of that hand now brushed the back of my neck and ran up and down the back of my head, feeling my hair lightly as if we was barely touching it, running up and down, up and down, slowly, gently, almost sensually. It was if he was studying my hair, its texture, softness, healthiness. But his touch seemed to graze over me longer than professionally expected, unmeasured seconds that bordered into inappropriate movements. I moaned a little more, almost embarrassed at my obviousness. "Whatcha want, Boy?" Finally he spoke. The tone was now almost gentle, but just a bit, a decipherable difference I caught in comparison to his not-so-friendly greeting when I had entered earlier. The deep voice seemed to echo for a few seconds in the small, empty shop. Outside the light was getting fainter as the sun had set quickly as the late afternoon stepped into the early summer evening. The broken fluorescent light bar behind us flickered like a signal as if it were announcing the passing of the day. "Just a buzz cut," I stammered in my reply. His large hand ran over the top of my head again, rapidly this time. "What you take? 1.5? 2?" He looked at me. "Huh?" I was puzzled. "What do you mean?" "Clippers. Razor guard size," he answered. "Oh. I think it's usually a 2." I inadvertently brought my hand up to the top of my head as If to measure my hair and our hands touched for a second. He looked at me in the mirror. "Then my regular barber goes more in detail with a 1.5." "Regular barber?" His tone was definitely easing. "Yeah. I go to this Ukrainian guy in the East Village. I had a date that cancelled and saw your shop was still open. So here I am." "A date huh?" He kind of sneered at that. "You don't look like you dressed for any date." Fuck it. What the hell. "Yeah...well it was more a hook-up," I confessed quickly. "He cancelled at the last minute. I was right across the street to meet him when he cancelled. Saw your shop was still open. Figured I would get a buzz here." "Well you came to the right spot," his hand brushed the back of my head again, now taking his time, slowly running his palm up and down, up and down. "You got nice hair, nice texture...very soft." I stared at our reflection in the cracked mirror. Behind us, the fluorescent light bar shorted out for a second or two. He stopped with my hair and walked over to the cabinets and got his clippers ready, plugging the cord in a socket by his right. He approached me and I stared at him, my eyes following him in the mirror as he positioned himself behind me. He flicked the clippers on and it came alive, resting on my head for a second before he started to push it along. The whir and buzz of the vibration seemed like a strange percussion in my ears. He started by running the clippers from the front of my head towards the back. The clippers vibrated in a gentle rhythm over my scalp. I was definitely hyper sensitive with the little toke on the glass pipe from earlier. Fuck it-that felt GOOD-as he raked my head methodically, row by row. It was like an electronic massage in parallel motions going over my scalp. Tiny threads of dark, black hair fell around me, scattering on the sheet on my upper abdomen and crotch, raining down as the clippers ran its path. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation privately. I took in the mechanical buzz and vibration and breathed in slowly. "You OK there, Boy?" He noticed. I opened my eyes slowly, staring at our reflection. My head was on one side of the reflection in the crack of the mirror, his on the upper half. He was almost smiling. "You OK?" He repeated, the voice had a hint of concern. "You looked like you went somewhere down the avenue or somethin'." "Uh yeah," I replied, a little embarrassed. "I just like clipper cuts. It feels good," I admitted. "OK, Boy," he laughed and winked at my reflection. He continued with the clippers, buzzing around the rest of the top of my scalp, then the back and sides. He walked around me, shifting from my right side then to the left, getting in the correct position, gently pushing my head down or to the side to get a better angle. Short, trimmed hair continued to rain around me. I watched him intently in the mirror. His arms flexed as he moved the clippers around my head. The cuffed edge of his short-sleeves were tight around his biceps. I observed his hand, large with thick, long fingers, holding tight on the clippers gliding it around my head. He sure was getting sexier by the minute. "What kinda hook-up you had goin' tonight?" He didn't look at me as he continued to push the clippers around my right ear, carefully and slowly sculpting at the hair edge, repositioning himself to my right side, his large body getting closer to the chair arm, closer to me. I turned my head slightly to him but he quickly pushed my head face-forward with a gentle but in-control force as he continued sculpting the edge around the back of my ear. "What kinda hook-up is it that you got all those energy drinks?" He sneered a little now but continued to put his attention on my hairline. "And what's with the overnight bag, Boy?" Fuck it. Go for it, I told myself. I was already a little buzzed and so horned up. "Well," I looked at his reflection, waiting for his eyes to meet mine, trying to get more of a read on him. "If you really want to know...we were going to parTy and get all crazy and shit." "Watcha talkin' 'bout?" His eyes suddenly looked in the mirror, curious. "You know: parTy?" I emphasized the last syllable. He moved the clippers away from my head, staring at me more seriously in the mirror. "I like a little Tina. Gets me all wild and super horny." He smiled at me and resumed clipping around the right side of my head. "That bitch Tina?!?" He laughed. "She sure is a good time." He smiled wider and continued to carefully trim around my ear and side. "Haven't fucked with that biTch in ages." "So you parTy too?" He got my attention. I shifted slightly in my chair. "Oh yeah, Boy." He looked at me proudly in the mirror, then placed his attention back to cutting my hair. "Yeah, after my wife passed over ten years ago, I got a little crazy for a minute...if you know what I'm sayin'. Few bitches here and there. Some wild ones too! Those are the ones I partied with. GOOD TIMES!" He smiled at that memory and continued with the clippers. "Whatcha get into? You a bottom, Boy?" He stopped for a second, looking at me, waiting for my reply. I nodded as he held the clippers away from my head. "Yeah. I thought so." He stepped away from me, careful to not get tangled with the cord of the clippers, and walked towards another cabinet and adjusted the blade guard. His body was turned just slightly, most of his back facing me. When he was done, he walked behind me, then towards my left side. He brought the clippers back to my head to go in for a finer trim detail. He cranked the lever on the side of the chair as it jerked up a few inches, raising me. My left elbow was now at the same level as his crotch. His body was much closer now. I could feel his body heat. He carefully continued with the clippers, inching his body closer and closer now that my elbow was rubbing against the jersey material of his sweatpants. WHOA! SHIT! He was fucking hard as a rock! He continued with the cut, shifting his body left to right just slightly, back and forth, rubbing his crotch on my elbow. I pushed my left arm towards him, playing his game, adding pressure to his crotch that was now pressing against me. "Ohhhhh...Boy. That do feel good." He stopped cutting my hair for a moment, pressing harder on my arm, his head cocked back, eyes closed. I stared at our reflection. Then suddenly he opened his eyes. "You got any of that biTch in your bag there, Boy?" His eyes spoke of experience and knowledge. I could read that we had something in common... HUNGER. I nodded in the reflection. "Let's invite that biTch to this party then, Boy." He stepped away from me a half step, holding the clippers down at his side. It was still buzzing. From the mirror I saw an impressive silhouette of a bulge growing in his sweatpants. It was huge and thick, stretching the jersey material obscenely. "Boy, I haven't let loose since I don't know when. Haven't made it with a guy in ages either. But you sure are cute. And I sure am horny. I told you you came to the right spot." He paused and gave me a serious glare in the mirror. "Open your bag." The light flickered behind us again. In the mirror my hair was half-done: one side short and buzzed, the other unfinished. I looked a little crazy with this insane half-done buzz cut. I also looked really horny. A bead of sweat trickled down the left side of my forehead. I slowly stood up from the chair, countless hairs trimmed at the same tiny lengths, like black needle tips, littering around us on the floor. I walked over to my overnight bag, bent down and pulled on the zipper. He turned off the clippers, walked around the chair, and set it on the cabinet counter. I dug through the contents, looking for the small toiletry bag that had my parTy supplies. He sat down on the chair I had been on, the leather cracking under his weight and mass as he spread his legs. I stood up with the toiletry bag, placed it on the counter beside the clippers and unzipped it. He watched me silently. I prepared the glass pipe with a good size shard of crystal and carefully heated it, careful to keep the flame at the right distance, rocking the bowl side to side. He started slowly massaging his crotch then leaned forward, motioning for me to step closer. I continued to slowly melt the Tina as he leaned in even closer, both arms about to surround me. His hands disappeared behind my back and unfastened the sheet over my upper body. The sheet fell silently, my trimmed hair scattering into a random, frenzied pattern on the linoleum floor. "Take a big drag, Boy." He instructed. "And I mean a BIG HIT." I did as I was told. I kept the flame under the bowl another second as that lovely light grey cloud formed in the glass bubble. I shook the torch off and he reached for it as I took a long, deep BIG breath as he had instructed, taking as much smoke as my lungs would allow. "Good Boy," he grabbed the pipe. "Hold it in as long as you can. Now take off that shirt. Let me see your body." I lifted my arms and pulled the tank top off and threw it carelessly on the floor. Little bits of trimmed hair fell on and around us. "Nice tits, Boy. You keep in shape." He lit the pipe a few times for himself like I had done earlier, then set the torch to his side. He motioned for me to keep my breath and to not exhale. The magical smoke appeared in the pipe and he took equally, if not more, of a big hit than I had just done. We both held our breaths. He reached over slowly and with his free hand squeezed my right nipple, surprising me. He squeezed it hard. Finally, I exhaled; I couldn't help myself. A huge cloud came out of me, floating slowly over us, temporarily obscuring him from my vision as if he was lost in a miniature chemical fog. And then his face slowly appeared as the smoke dissipated, floating towards the fluorescent lighting, the small clouds taking on another palette. He grabbed me and leaned in closer, our mouths met, his swallowing mine, surprising me. His large and heavy tongue pushed and parted my lips gently at first, then with force, getting my mouth open and wide as he exhaled a huge amount of smoke. I greedily sucked it in. His eyes stared at me. He was different now. This wasn't the barber anymore. This was a Man. And he was hungry with that all too familiar look in his eyes that indicates the biTch was here. His tongue darted rapidly into my mouth, fishing for mine. There was now an electric energy in him that wasn't there before. His tongue gave it away if his eyes hadn't already hinted of it. The tongue danced violently in my mouth as if it were seeking its last breath. I gave it back earnestly and kissed him deeply, sucking in his tongue, adding pressure so hard that our mouths locked into a vacuum. We were both with the biTch now. I flicked my tongue back at him harder and he relented, his mouth first, then his body relaxing. I exhaled back to him. He sucked it in deep then looked at me intently, the madness gone, now only a soft gaze in his eye. His tongue gently coaxed mine and I pulled away slightly, licking his thick, dark lips. He exhaled and a thick cloud surrounded our heads. I took control now. I pushed him gently back on the chair as he reclined at an angle. He is quite tall; his legs were spread wide on the floor despite the chair being higher than normal. I grabbed the pipe and lighter from him and lit it again, inhaling deep as he watched me intently. He grabbed the pipe and torch from me and did the same. I held my breath as long as I could watching him before I exhaled. He held his breath longer before exhaling, our combined clouds fading in the ceiling. We repeated this a few more times, getting more higher. I grabbed the pipe and torch from him and placed them on the counter. I pushed against the foot pedal on the base of the chair, flipping it downwards and stepped onto its flat edge leaning into him. He sat back comfortably, very buzzed, observing me, his arms spread open and resting on his side. I leaned forward and slowly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and pulled it apart. Nice chest. He was still in great shape. The hint of salt and pepper hair that I saw earlier was now all visible. It was light on the upper chest, then thicker near his pecs, visually defining the lower curves of his pectorals. The hair was short and bristly and then it got less dense as it disappeared into his groin. I ran my left hand over his chest, feeling the texture of his body hair, the firmness of his muscles and a slight sweat that was building, coating his dark skin. I reached forward with my body, my abdomen rubbing against his crotch, hard and throbbing, as I leaned in closer and took his right nipple into my mouth. I bit it hard with my front teeth and held my grip. Then I gently flicked my tongue left to right on the tip of his nipple, brushing it lightly with saliva, teasing him. "MUTHAFUCKER!!!" He groaned, sliding up the chair slightly. I looked up at him while biting hard and soft, my tongue moving rapidly. He stared back at me and his body shifted up the chair even more as I felt his hard cock rub against my abdomen. I pulled away and shifted back down, in between his legs, looking up at his crotch and upper body. His massive cock was throbbing under the jersey material of his sweatpants. I positioned my right hand under his left thigh and squeezed tight, pulling the cotton against his leg. His bulge looked massive now, outlined by the tightened jersey material. It pulsed with excitement. I kept rearranging my grip and pull on the material, admiring the view. I lifted my left hand and slowly started feeling his shaft. "You one of those NASTY bitches!" He proclaimed. He was breathing heavy and rapid now, clearly turned on, clearly starting to buzz. I squeezed harder on the bulge. Fuck! It was huge! Thick as a beer can - my favorite! It looked long too - maybe 9"-10". I kept stroking it through the cotton, re-arranging its position on his thigh, checking it out, getting myself turned on with what was in front of me. He pushed my hand away suddenly and I leaned back. He took control and started rubbing himself, gripping the thick base with his left hand. "You like that, Boy?" He smirked at me. There was something nasty about how he said that. I nodded, gripping and squeezing my own dick inside my shorts. He squeezed his cock some more and we exchanged glances of silent anticipation. He was showing off to me and I was a willing audience. He kept grabbing his thick tool, moving it from one side of his thigh, an inch or two down his leg, then the other way, then back, constantly shifting. It looked obscene like some monster about to be unleashed. "You like what you see, Boy?" I nodded, grabbing his tool. I squeezed it hard, loving the weight and mass of it in my hand. I brought my hand to the base of his cock then traced it along the cotton material, rubbing it slowly up and down the shaft which only made him moan some more. My hand encircled the head and I squeezed gently at first, then with a tighter grip, then back to a soft touch. He squirmed on the leather chair as it crackled from underneath him. Then suddenly I grabbed the shaft again and shook it hard as it flopped through the sweatpants material. His hands appeared from the side as he lifted his ass off the chair slightly. Then he suddenly pulled his sweatpants down, thrusting them as far down his legs as it would go. He was wearing thin boxers with a vertical stripe pattern and the left leg sleeve was getting soaked from his excitement. His tool looked even larger now. I pushed back a little to admire the changed view. I grabbed his tool again and the thin cotton was barely covering his shaft. I positioned his cock slightly so it was running down his thigh, the head just visible now underneath the edge of his boxers. I pulled back on the cotton material exposing the head further. Now it was my turn to to moan. Wow. It was a beautiful cock head : round and bulbous and dark. He was uncut. The head was covered with foreskin which was pulled back slightly. Precum was leaking out of his urethra. I slid my finger alongside the slit and placed it in my mouth, licking it while looking at him. It had a slight salty taste. "Oh yeah man," I moaned, finally answering him. "I love it." "Pull off my sweats and boxers," he commanded firmly. I leaned back slightly and yanked them off quickly rolling them through his legs and feet. I kept his sneakers on and tossed the clothing to one side of the floor. His legs looked massive, long and muscular with impressive thighs. There was strength to his legs that I liked. I squeezed his thighs hard several times and then let go. His balls were large and round and pushed the base of his thick tool which was now very hard and swerved to the side by his left hip. I leaned in closer and took in his scent from in between his legs. He smelled of sweat, his own musk and some old-fashioned scent that reminded me I was in a barber shop. I leaned in closer and spit on his balls. His cock shifted. I leaned in more and ran my tongue from the bottom to the top. I repeated this from the left side, then the right, then back to the center, each time depositing more saliva that his testicles were now glistening, the highlights in a faint green cast from the fluorescent lighting. My mouth opened wider and I engulfed as much of his balls that I could fit into my mouth. And then I applied pressure with my lips creating a seal as I applied suction to the testicles inside my mouth. I ran my tongue rapidly over his balls, side to side, up and down, with pressure, without, all at random, driving him crazy. I loved how his balls tasted, a little salty from his sweat, a little pungent in general, and a lot masculine. His cock kept shifting. I released his balls and leaned back for a moment while my left hand cupped his testicles, spreading my saliva gently around his balls. His cock shifted again as if silently wanting attention. I leaned forward once more, grabbed the shaft of his tool and brought my lips to his cock head. I curled the tip of my tongue and flicked it around the rim of his foreskin, just getting a little bit of the tip under the rubbery skin as I pushed it back with my tongue. He squirmed a bit on the chair. I continued around the head, taking my time. It tasted musky and slightly strong, carrying that day with it. I was too high to really care. And then I pulled back with my mouth and rolled the flat top section of my tongue along his cock head, tracing it along the line of his urethra, coating it with my saliva. His ass shifted. And then suddenly I took his whole head in my mouth, the thick massive bulb, coating it with more saliva, sucking on it now with pressure, my tongue dancing inside the hood to the rapid rhythm of my heart beating. "MUTHAFUKKKKKAAA!!!" He yelled, his hands now grabbing tight on the chrome edges of the chair arms. Beads of sweat fell from my face mixing with my saliva on his tool, adding more of my own lubrication. I took a deep breath and my mouth opened wider. I applied more suction as I inched forward-slowly, very slowly-on his very hard shaft. I looked at him monitoring his reaction. His eyes were closed, head cocked back, groaning to himself. "Mutha...fukkaa...Mutha...fukkkaaa..." He was sweating even more than me. I inhaled through my nose again and leaned in another inch, my tongue washing the underside of his shaft. I kept watching him as I took my time, savoring the weight and mass of his tool inside my mouth, enjoying that I was providing him this pleasure. I love how a big cock feels when it fills my mouth, my throat. He was getting harder from excitement as he continued to squirm on the chair. I breathed in again through my nose and now dove in, eyes closed, visualizing my actions inside my mind, taking several inches, then pulling back a bit, then diving back in, then out. In. Out. In. Out. I allowed his stiff tool to fuck my hungry mouth and then very suddenly I dove right in, sucking that thick head into my throat. "MUTHAFUKKKIN' BITCH!" He yelled, almost startling me. More sweat was now pouring down my face. I opened my mouth even more, inhaled again, a big, deep breath through what I could take through my mouth and more oxygen through my nose. I relaxed my muscles more as I let his tool sink further inside my throat, meanwhile applying slight random pressure, massaging his shaft. I kept this going slowly, taking my time, breathing in more air through my nose, wanting it, taking it. He just continued to squirm. Finally I had most of his thick cock inside me, the bristles of his public hair now tickling my nose. I looked up at him. His eyes were still closed, head to one side, mumbling to himself. I stayed like that for awhile, just enjoying the volume and weight on his tool in my mouth and throat. I would pull back occasionally, but just a micro inch, and then sink in, fucking the shaft with my mouth. And then I would rest again at the base, contracting my throat muscles, massaging him, resting in that position, savoring the mass inside me. I started to pull back and sink in again, but building my pace; slowly at first, then more rapidly, up and down, up and down. He was really squirming now and I started to apply more pressure and sucking at the same time. Faster. Faster. FASTER! "MUTHAFUKKKAAA!!!" He yanked me off violently, pulling my head with such speed and force away from his shaft that my mouth made a loud plopping sound as I breathed air again. His tool shined with a coating of my saliva. Pre-cum leaked out of his cock head. I leaned in to catch it with my tongue. But he pushed me away. "FUCK BOY!" He pulled back on the chair now, straightening his upper body slightly, his hands falling back on the arm rests. "You sure know how to suck dick! FUCK! I just don't want to cum so fast! That biTch got me goin' and horny! And if your suckin' dick that good I can only tell what the rest of the evening will bring!" He laughed at that. I licked my lips and then wiped the excess saliva around my mouth and chin with my right hand. I stared at him greedily. "You look kinda crazy with that half-done haircut!" He laughed again, now lifting himself from the chair. "Get up, Boy. Take off those shorts and you get that ass back on this chair." He got up around me, his big, slick dick bouncing around. I stood up beside the chair and stepped out of my shorts, kicking off my sneakers. I had a black and red jock on. He whistled at me when he saw that. "WOO! That sure look good on you! Turn around." I did as I was told, giving him a show of my ass, framed by the black jock straps. "Nice!" He felt my ass. "We gonna have some fun with that later. Now get on that chair!" I got on and he placed the polyester sheet on my upper body again and clipped it behind my neck. He grabbed his clippers from the counter. He still had his shirt on, unbuttoned and hanging loose, and nothing else but his sneakers. It looked almost comical with his swinging hard-on but it actually was kinda hot. I was slouching down on the chair a bit. My legs were spread wide. I couldn't help it. I was horny, that buzz just starting to set... "Ok straighten up, let's finish this cut." He walked behind me as I slid up the chair. As I did, the sheet exposed my crotch. I was getting turned on from the whole scenario. The clippers came to my head and he proceeded to finish the cut. The vibration of the clippers was working its magic on me again. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the mechanical rhythm on my scalp. I started to get hard despite the T. "You sure like this, huh?" He snickered behind me. I opened my eyes, looking at him in the mirror. He was intensely focused, being very particular with his methods. After a few minutes he was done and placed the clippers aside back at the counter. He shifted to the other side of the counter and selected a shaving blade sitting in a clear glass jar of sanitizing liquid. He retrieved the blade and dried it with a towel nearby. To his left was a small device that he pressed. Heated shaving cream oozed out if it on his palm. He then walked behind me and applied the warm cream on the back of my neck. He massaged the heated cream slowly, gently, spreading it around the bottom trimmed edge of my hairline on the back of my head. The heat of the warm cream added to the heat now forming in the small shop. A tiny bead of sweat ran down the left side of my face. I moaned again. My breathing was getting more rapid. I watched him from the reflection of the other mirror behind us reflecting on the cracked mirror in front of me. I was nervous and yet excited at the same time. My cock twitched in my tight jock. He held his blade impressively steady and very carefully brought the sharp instrument to the back of my head. I stayed still and tried to concentrate on my breathing, to relax and not move an inch. The sharp edge of the blade made contact with my skin and I felt as if someone had shocked me with a hit of electricity. My senses were so heightened. The edge of the blade felt as if it were sinking into my moistened skin, my sweat and the heated shaving cream mixed into some new lubricant for the sharp blade to glide over me. He applied a tiny bit of pressure that was so faint I shouldn't have felt it. But I did as I flinched as the blade shifted slowly along the bottom of the hairline. And then with a very sudden gesture that was a mix of speed and unmeasured pressure, his hand pushed quickly as the blade separated from my skin. I exhaled as the fluorescent light behind us flickered again. Before I could relax, the blade returned, the coldness of the sharp metal shocking me again. I inhaled and caught that I was holding my breath. He applied that subtle pressure and slight movement and shaved another fraction of an inch or so of my hairline to a fine, crisp edge. I exhaled again and he repeated this over and over until he was done. It was only a few minutes but that biTch made it seem more like an eternity. And yet I was loving it. There was something about the super sharp blade that he controlled that turned me on. He wiped what was left of the shaving cream away with a small towel, still standing behind me. I looked at him in the mirror and it was a little obscene: him standing there with a hard-on, the foreskin pulled back revealing his dark tool and holding a blade in one hand. "Slide down that chair a little bit, Boy," he instructed. "Get that ass just hanging off the edge a bit." I did as I was told. He walked over back to the counter. He dropped the used blade back in the sanitizing jar. He turned around looking at me. "You seemed to like that, huh?" I nodded in silence. "Ok-well that was just for starters." He pressed on the small machine on the counter again as more heated cream oozed out of the tiny nozzle. "Now pull up those legs and hold them. Hold them STILL-you hear? I'm gonna shave that hair around your hole." I was already flying at this point. I liked where this was going so I obliged and pulled my legs up, holding it steady on the back of my thighs. My asshole was in clear view. "Muthafukka..." He paused, eyes staring at my hole. I was already buzzed from the bowl we smoked together and the earlier hit I had done just before leaving my apartment. My hole was clearly showing this. I contracted and relaxed my hole, showing off to him. "HOLY FUCKIN' SHIT!!! Whatcha got there, Boy?" He stepped closer. "Fuck. For a second there I thought I was lookin’ at pussy." A thick finger touched my asslips, sliding around it gently. "That is one beautiful hole you got there." He approached me and bent down for a second, taking a closer view. "Muthatfukka. That sure is pretty." He stood up straight and looked around to his side. He found a small stool and grabbed it with his free hand, positioning it to my left side. He then walked back to the counter and pulled another drawer open retrieving a small hand mirror. "Here-grab this," he instructed. "I want you to see what I'm doing. This is special service. I don't provide this to many customers." He winked at me, laughing a little. I held it with one hand and adjusted it. It was a double-sided mirror: normal reflection on one side, close-up view on the other. He fidgeted around the counter then retrieved a fresh, new blade from the jar. He pressed on the machine again as it shot out more heated shaving cream. He sat on the stool next to me, adjusting himself. His legs were spread open and his thick shaft, now semi-hard hung over the edge. If I had another free hand I would have taken a picture. He looked so hot and strangely odd and menacing at the same time with his open shirt, the blade in one hand, the wad of white cream on the other hand, and his big, uncut dick just hanging there. "Hold that mirror just right now so you can see..." His one hand moved closer and spread the warm shaving cream on my manpussy. He spread it liberally, all around my hole and around my asscheeks. Everything felt ultra-sensitive on my skin around my hole. The warmth of the cream almost felt burning at first, as it was a shocking sensation. But the burn faded quickly to a warm glow. I looked in the hand mirror admiring the view. I twisted my hand slightly and switched to the close-up view. My hole was pulsing from the heat like some strange organism surrounded by white foam. "Beautiful," he was admiring the view. He inched in closer. From the hand mirror I saw the blade-now mega size in the enhanced reflection-approaching my pulsing manpussy. The sharp blade looked menacing and I held my breath as my hole instinctively contracted, the pussy lips folding in on itself. "Fuckin' beautiful," he repeated. The blade came closer to the edge of my hole and made contact with my skin. With his left hand he held my ass, pulling it wide as his right hand carefully glided the sharp blade, scraping with a slight pressure away from my asslips. I watched nervously from the mirror. The fluorescent light behind us flickered again, this time with a slight scraping noise that lasted a second. He held the blade at a slight angle as it glided on my skin. The blade pushed the heated cream aside, exposing a smooth, shaved area near my hole. The moistness of the cream and my sweating made my skin seem to glow with a slight light green tint from the fluorescent lighting. He repositioned the blade just another inch above where he had started and repeated the procedure. And again and again. Each time, I flinched as the sharp blade made contact with my sensitive skin. It was a combination of nervousness and anticipation. I stared at the reflection and admired the view. I contracted my hole, winking at him. "You like that, huh?" He asked. I nodded again, silently. He stood up and grabbed the stool and moved over to my right side of the chair. He set the stool down near me and squatted into position. I admired the view of his impressive cock just hanging out, the hood of his foreskin pulled back a bit more, exposing that impressive bulb. He pulled the right side of my ass as the blade approached. I twisted my hand a little bit to get a better view with the hand mirror. As the mirror turned, I caught a momentary glance at my face in the reflection. I was covered in sweat and didn't even realize it. I adjusted my hold until I had a close-up view of my hole. The blade made contact, the sharp edge startling me again. He pulled carefully, gliding it away from my asslips, shaving the short hairs around my hole. I was exhaling and breathing more rapidly. "Hold STILL-you hear?" he demanded in an authoritative voice. I took control of my breathing, trying not to move. The blade came across further up my hole then glided along the smooth surface of my skin, pushing the shaving cream aside. In a few eternal minutes he was done. "Look at that fuckin' pretty hole," he announced. He grabbed a small towel near him and wiped gently around my manhole, removing any leftover shaving cream that was visible. My asslips were all flared and enlarged, pulsing from excitement and anticipation. I was still holding the small mirror. And then the blade approached again, coming into view in the enlarged oval reflection. He had the blade turned upside down, so the curved, unsharpened edge was pointing towards my hole. It came into contact with my moist asslips, the curved flat edge tracing along the soft folds of the skin, slowly up and down, up and down. I gasped a little, not sure what to expect from him. "I can tell this pussy is special," he said. "Don't see this too often." The blade continued its path along my hole. He pulled it away a few inches, tilted the tip of the unsharpened side and pushed it carefully in the crack of my hole. In the mirror I could see the curved edge of the blade enter my hole a micro-inch. I breathed in nervously. "Don't worry, Boy. I ain't gonna hurt you. Last thing I wanna do is hurt that pussy." He pulled the blade away slowly. "Well at least not with this tool." He pushed back on the stool, wiped around my ass again so it was clean and smooth. He stood up. "Take a look," he insisted. I turned the small hand mirror again for the normal view. Shit. My hole did look pretty. It was still pulsing. He grabbed the small mirror from me and walked back to the counter placing it down along with the blade. He wiped his hands with the towel and threw it aside. His dick was starting to throb. He turned looking at me, that thick tool pointing up and twitching. "Watcha want, Boy?" He stared at me greedily. I was still holding my legs up and apart. I moved my hands to my manpussy, feeling the smooth, hairless skin around it, rubbing myself gently. I looked at him with a new hunger, checking him out, staring at that big uncut dick. My fingers found my hole and ran up and down on my asslips. My hole felt warm and moist, as if it was sweating from the heat of the room and the heat building inside of me. "Fuck it," I begged, pulling my asslips apart wider.
    1 point
  11. Hi, I'm Adam. I'm 20, am in good shape, have a seven inch uncut cock and I'm gay. I was about to attend classes at the university, and allthough the student accommodations were overall fine, somehow the dorm rooms didn't feel all that private, so I found myself looking around, scouring the newspapers for a cheap but decent place to rent. After some searching I found an advertisement for a room to rent that looked interesting, so I telephoned the listed number. The guy who answered the telephone indicated he was the landlord and that the room was still available, so I went over to take a look. The building was neat and tidy, and it turned-out the room for rent was fantastic, but Dan, the landlord, who showed me around, and who sported a goatee and bulging chest muscles and calves was even hotter! I was very satisfied with the room, and so Dan and I went to the lounge where we talked at length. He was wearing shorts that were quite revealing, and I couldn't stop staring at his meat which was to one side of his shorts. After some small talk we agreed that I would rent the room and Dan said I could move in the following week. Back at the dorm all I could think of was Dan's muscles, and his dick encased in those shorts. Mmmmmmm. Wanking myself silly, I soon drifted off to sleep. As the week went by I packed my stuff and on the designed day headed over to my landlord. When I arrived Dan answered the door, greeted me, all the while covered in sweat, remarking "Sorry, I was working out, buddy." I just couldn't stop staring at the masculinity of the guy. Finally I managed to brake off my stare and headed to my room to put in my stuff. I heaved a sigh of relief as I shut the door, but honestly the image of Dan kept coming to mind. i settled in comfortably, but after a few days I found myself watching TV when Dan entered the room, wearing the skimpiest pair of shorts yet: they were very tight and his cock was bulging. "Adam, is everything okay?" he asked. I stammered yes, but couldn't take my eyes off his crotch. As I stood up to go out, for some reason I fell backwards. Dan grabbed me asking "Whoa, steady there, boy. Are you sure you're okay?"
    1 point
  12. 1. The Pary I slipped back into the booth setting my beer down on the round table as I did so and nodded to the booth’s other occupant. I had never been too keen on gay bars but it was my roommate’s birthday so he had gotten to pick the bar. It was still early in the night, the bar was still quiet, a person could actually hear himself speak, and so far only one of my roommate’s other friends had shown up. Austin, my roommate had gone off to the bathroom while I went to the bar to grab myself another beer, which now left me alone with his friend Rick. Rick was a bit older then I was maybe twenty-six, or twenty-seven, to my twenty-four. He was tall and powerfully built, with broad shoulders and thick muscular arms. His strong square pecs were clearly visible through his black v-neck t-shirt, and this thick growth of dark black hair sprouted up around the base of his neck. He was just the sort of guy that I normally go for, a total man’s man, if there was such a thing any more. I myself was a little shorter then he, with sandy blond hair, and a tight runner’s body that I worked hard to maintain. Around my sophomore year of college I had started to get a bit hairy, and now a year after graduation I was quite proud of the broad swath of light brown hair that grew across my chest and stomach; however I was now where near as hairy as Rick promised to be. “How long have you known Austin,” Rick said, in a deep voice, shifting round the booth a bit to get closer to me. “We met freshmen year of college, we lived across the hall from each other actually.” “And now you’re roommates? Or something more?” “No, just roommates. There’s never been anything like that between us,” I said truthfully. Austin and I had become friends living in the dorms at Northwestern and then roommates when we both moved off campus our junior years. It had seemed logical after graduation when we both got jobs in Chicago to continue the arrangement and get a place together in the city. Our two-bedroom Wrigleyville apartment was small and a bit cramped but we had found a place in a pretty good part of the neighborhood and sometimes the sun even shown through my window in the morning. “What about you,” I asked, “how do you know Austin?” “I met him a year ago, just after he moved to the city…well actually, right here,” he gestured to the bar around him, “been fucking the shit out of him since.” I was a little taken aback and just blinked at Rick. I had never really been comfortable discussing my own sex life, and I was most certainly uncomfortable discussing my roommate and best friend’s sex life. “Excuse me,” I stammered. “Yeah, I’ve probably wrecked that boy’s hot ass once a week sense we met. Except for when he plows me with that donkey dick of his.” The way that he said that sounded like he assumed that I had first hand experience with Austin’s donkey dick. Just then Austin came back followed by two girls and a couple more guys. The night suddenly took off from there, drinks were ordered all around and many shots started appearing at the table. Eventually the bar filled up and everyone ended up on the writhing mess that made up the dance floor. Austin, having drank more then his skinny little twink frame could handle, and possibly more then I had ever seen him drink before, had lost all of his inhibitions and was grinding his ass unapologetically on Rick’s crotch. Amongst the mess of sweaty gyrating bodies I was the only one who noticed the pair. My gaze was drawn to them as I watched my normally quiet and demure roommate grind his ass hungrily onto this big hulk of a man’s crotch. More drinks were had, and more dancing, Austin kept pace but was fading fast. As it drew close to closing time he had devolved into a sweaty, sloppy, drunken mess. When the lights came on and the bar started to clear out, I scooped Austin up from the booth he had half sat half fallen into for the past ten minutes and started to guide him towards the door. Several of his friends asked if I needed help with him, I assured them I was fine and started to steer him towards home. Just as I got to the corner and started to push Austin towards the L station, Rick caught up with us and slipped Austin’s other arm around his shoulder taking some of the, what was quickly becoming, dead weight that was my roommate. “Looked like you could use a hand,” he remarked. Again I assured him that I was fine, but Rick wasn’t taking no for an answer. He helped me get Austin onto the train, rode the two stops to our apartment and then helped me shove him up the steps to our door. Once we had pored him into his bed, rolled him onto his side, stuffed a pillow under his head, and closed the door, Rick finally broke the silence that had fallen between us. “You’re a good friend, taking care of him like that.” “Thanks,” I said, “and thanks for your help. He would have been a lot to handle on my own once he passed out on the train.” “No problem,” he smiled a broad toothy smile. “Do you want a glass of water or something?” I asked. “Yeah that would be great, those damn clubs are always so hot. I’m always so sweaty and hot afterwards.” I laughed and turned to the little kitchen area just off the living room. I filled two glasses of water from the pitcher in the fridge and turned back to face Rick. He had pulled off his black v-neck shirt and now stood bare chested facing me. His broad square pecs looked even more impressive then I had guessed they would through his shirt. Covered in a thick dark forest of hair they each sported a warm pink nipple the left one adorned with a single silver bar through it. He didn’t have a six pack but rather the single broad powerful patch of muscle that came from manual labor not a gym. A deep v of muscle framed the dense, dark, almost black, treasure trail that vanished into his low slung dark jeans. My cock twitched. His skin still glistened with sweat slightly. I felt my mouth go a little dry. He smiled that big toothy grin at me again. I handed him the water silently, his fingers brushing against mine as he took the water. “Too bad Austin got so drunk tonight,” he said the smile faltering a little. “Why is that,” I asked. “Well I’ve been saving up this birthday present for him all week,” he said, something new creeping into his sparkling brown eyes, “but I guess I’ll just have to give it to someone else.” “Could always wait till tomorrow,” I laughed, feeling a little nervous now. “Can’t wait that long, I’ve been saving this up all week, it’s now or never,” he took a step closer and as I leaned back to keep the distance between us equal I felt the kitchen counter firm behind my back. I laughed nervously again, as he stepped just a little bit closer. “So what is this present that Austin’s going to miss out on now,” I asked, guessing that I probably already knew the answer. “What do you think it is?” he asked, the hand not holding his glass of water now drifting to his crotch. “Dunno,” I said quietly trying to keep my eyes on his face. “A big hot six day load from my big, fat, beer can cock shot right up your roommate's cunt," he answered in a whisper. He was now only a foot away from me, and I heard him set his glass down on the counter with a clink. “But,” he continued, leaning in a little bit more his mouth getting closer to mine, “I guess I could always find some slut on Grindr to give it too. Unless,” he paused, his mouth now only an inch from mine, “There was a hot bottom boy right in front of me I could give this gift to.” With that he finally closed the gap, his mouth pressing hard to mine. I resisted for a moment, but when the hand that had been holding his water came to rest on the small of my back pulling me tight to his hairy slightly sweaty body, I melted. My lips parted and I let his tongue slip into my mouth, wrestling with my own. His hands slid over my body, slipping under my shirt, running up and down my back. He broke the kiss only to quickly pull my shirt off over my head. With my shirt now gone his hands slid down my back till the rested on my ass. He kneaded at the meaty flesh, and pulled away to say, “Damn you’ve got a hot ass. How the hell has Austin been able to resist this for so long?” “I always thought Austin was, like me, a total bottom,” I replied, a bit breathlessly. “With a cock like his that would be a fucking crime. Now get on your knees and get my cock out. I wanna see it down your throat before I stuff it up your ass.” He spun us around so that he was now the one with his back against the counter and I immediately fell to my knees. Normally I am not a hook up sort of person, but Rick was so fucking hot, between his amazing body, the slight stench of sweat that clung to him, his brick demanding manor, and the considerable amount of beer I had had I never once thought of saying no to him. I fumbled for a moment with his button fly but soon had his pants around his ankles. He wore no underwear, so I was face to face with Rick’s self proclaimed “big, fat, beer can cock.” He had not been exaggerating. It was like being face to face with a flesh colored can of Guinness. The massive, heavily veined, organ sprouted from a dense patch of black pubes and sported two almost absurdly low hanging swollen balls beneath it. Without being told to I stretched my mouth widely and too the bulbous mushroom head in my mouth. I worked as much as I could into my mouth, slobbering all over the shaft as I did so. I put my hands on his strong hips trying to pull myself forward. His hands soon came to rest of the back of my head pressing me into him, forcing more of his cock down my throat. Precum began to ooze from his cock, filling my mouth, and dripping out the corners of my lips along with my own spit and he started to face-fuck me. Rick groaned in pleasure as my throat worked his cock, and my own cock strained against my pants. Though I never would admit it I loved rough sex, I loved being used, and this big hunk of a man was doing just that. After I don’t know how long, he stopped and pulled his cock from my mouth. He dragged me to my feet and kissed me before saying, “Strip.” I shucked the last of my clothing, and stood naked before him, my own modest six and a half inch cock shinny with precum. He kissed me again and then said something that surprised me, “Sit on my face, I wanna work your hole open before I fill you with my fat cock.” I stepped back and he lay down on the floor right out side of the door to where Austin slept. At this point I didn’t care and as soon as he was down I knelt down over him putting my ass right on his face. As his tongue found my hole I bent forward and did my best to swallow his cock again. Rick clearly took pleasure from eating ass and as his tongue danced around my hole I felt myself opening up to him, my sphincter relaxing far quicker then it normally did. Relaxing my hole wasn’t enough for him and he pressed his tongue into me, occasionally slipping a finger in too. I was moaning around his cock, groaning desperately as waves of pleasure crashed over me. It was a good thing that Austin was completely passed out cause there was no way he would have slept through my desperate whimperings and moanings of pleasure as Rick lapped at my hole. Finally I couldn’t take any more of it and I pulled my mouth off of his cock, quickly turning around so that I was now straddling his hips. I kissed him hard on the mouth, rocking my hips back and forth I felt his spit-slicked cock sliding up and down my equally slick crack. When I had spun around I had intended to get him into my room, into my bed, quickly get a condom on his cock and stuff his fat tool deep inside of me, but when I felt his mushroom head make contact with my well loosened hole, I did something that I never do out of a relationship. I pressed back with my hips, pushing my ass onto his cock, Rick locked eyes with me and shifted his pelvis forward a little bit. The head of his cock began to work its way inside of me, stretching me wider and wider as it entered. The thought of stopping seemed impossible, plus he had basically told me that he was going to be dumping a load in Austin tonight, and Austin would mess around with someone who wasn’t safe. I moaned loudly, my eyes rolling into the back of my head as his cock sank deeper and deeper into me. When I finally felt his pubes on my taint I felt more full then I had ever before. Rick smiled that same toothy smile and started to rock his hips, fucking his cock into me slowly as I got use to the size of his cock. I felt like he was pulling my intestines out with his cock each time he retreated and punching them back in again with each inward thrust. He pulled me to him and started to kiss me deeply again. Somehow he managed to flip us both over, his arms tight around me, his cock never leaving my hole, so that I was now on my back and he was between my wide spread legs. The gentle fucking was over now. Rick from his new position shifted my legs to his shoulders and left forward essentially bending me in half, and then began to hammer away at my hole. This was how I loved to be fucked, on my back like a whore, taking cock deep and hard. Rick seemed to understand that without my having to explain it to him. He whispered “I’m gonna wreck your hole boy and then give you my gift. You want it boy?” “Yes,” I panted, sweat springing up on my face, “Give me Austin’s birthday present.” He completed my hole, telling me how it fit his fat cock like a warm glove. I could feel myself becoming loose around him, and I squeezed my ass tighter working his cock with my sphincter. I honestly have no idea how long he fucked me on the floor that night, all that I knew is that when he finally growled, “Here comes your present slut,” I had become sweaty, sloppy, mess, begging Rick to use my hole. Rick slammed into me one last time, bottoming out completely and causing me to yelp, as he said, “Take my fucking load bitch!” I felt his cock twitching in my hole and I knew that he was flooding me with six days worth of built-up cum. I moaned and felt my own cock twitch as I shot a load all over my self without even touching my cock. We stayed like that for a long moment, laying there with his cock still buried deep in my now cum filled hole, in a sweaty heap, before finally Rick said, “Damn, you’ve got a better ass even then Austin. I’m gonna have to start breeding your hole regularly.” I laughed, “Why don’t we go crash in my bed for a while. If you’re up for it in the morning we can go for round two.” “Sure thing,” he flashed that toothy grin again and pulled his cock slowly from my hole. I clenched tight as he withdrew trying to keep the massive amount of cum he had shot inside me. I mostly succeeded and I showed him to my room with just a thin trickle of cum running down my leg. Rick walked closely behind me, kissing my neck as we walked, his cock quickly rising to full mast again. By the time we got to the bed he had slipped his cock back into me and was slow fucking my wrecked hole. We did sleep that night but not much, by the time we passed out around seven in the morning I had two more loads in my ass. Together we fell asleep in my bed, Rick’s cock just inches from my well-used hole, the door to my room left wide open in our drunken horniness.
    1 point
  13. It was a warm evening in Phoenix and I got a call from one of my favorite truckers, George, who was in his mid-fifties and loved to plow my ass with his thick cock. He said he was parked in the truck stop and needed to get off. The good little trucker slut I am, I got ready, drove down to the truck stop and found myself climbing the steps into his big white rig. He wasn’t kidding about being hard. His thick seven inches were bulging like I’d never seen before. Before I could say hello he told me to start sucking him while I got undressed. I undid the snaps of my shirt, kicked off my boots and socks, and last slipped off my jeans. The sight of my red jockstrap must have pleased him as he instructed me to keep it on. It also seemed as if his penis was bulging even bigger in my mouth than it had before. On my knees sucking his thick cock I was intoxicated by the smell of his unwashed crotch. It had been marinating all day behind the wheel of his rig as he came in from Los Angeles. I imagined him getting hard thinking about plowing my ass, dribbling pre-cum and going soft again for the last four hundred miles. As I kept sucking I felt one of his rough hands make its way around the back of my thigh and up the crack of my ass. Finally it ended up at the entrance of my ass. He tried to get it in, but since I hadn’t been fucked in a couple of days, I was pretty tight. His hand left my ass briefly as I heard him spit in his hand. He started working his spit into my hole and finally got a finger in, slowly working it in and out until he was up to the third knuckle. “Damn you’re tight, bring that ass up hear so I can get it ready to fuck.” I eagerly obliged and soon we were in the 69 position with me still sucking him and him eating my ass. His full facial hair had me oozing pre-cum against his hairy chest. Soon he was putting three fingers in my ass and pulling on my balls with his other hand. “Turn around and get that cock up your ass,” he said while grabbing his next cigarette. I turned around and his pre-cum slick cock slid into my ass pretty easily until I got to middle where it bulged out even bigger than the tip. I started riding him slowly while he smoked his cigarette. “Fuck yeah, squeeze my cock with your shitter you little bitch.” I tried to squeeze the thick cock in my sphincter, but I could barely put any pressure on it. “Come on you little slut, squeeze my fuckin’ cock.” Again I tried, but he had my ass so open it wouldn’t. “Sorry Sir, I’m trying but your cock is too big.” He tapped out the cigarette and blow smoke in my face. “Well I ain’t gonna get off like this. Bend your faggot ass over the passenger seat.” I crawled over to the passenger seat and in an instant he was plowing my ass balls deep. He grabbed my hips and started pounding harder and harder until he grunted and I could feel his load shooting in me. After he was done shooting he ripped his still hard cock out of me and sat on the floor, leaning up against the bunk. “Get over here and clean my cock of you stupid slut.” While I was cleaning his slick cock off I heard the CB radio go off behind me. “Hey George, you in the Flying J?” He slapped me on the back of my head. “What are you stupid; go get me the fuckin’ mic.” I reached up to the CB, got the mic down and continued cleaning his cock off. “Yeah, I’m here. What do you want?” “You eat dinner yet? Me and Mike were going to get the buffet there.” “Yeah, come on over, I’m in the back row with an empty trailer.” “Gettin’ off the road now, see you soon.” He banged me in the back of the head with the mic as I continued to lick his now soft cock. “I’m done, put it back.” I did as instructed and went back to his crotch. “I’m done there too slut.” “Yes Sir.” I got up and started to put my jeans on. “What the fuck are you doing?” “Getting dressed Sir.” “I didn’t tell you to get dressed.” I took my jeans back off and he took them, along with my other clothes and put them in the driver’s seat. “I’ll need that ass again later.” He started to buttoned up his jeans and fixed his clothing as he lit another cigarette. “You’re going to stay here in your slutty little jock and clean my truck while I go eat with some friends.” “Yes Sir.” “See you in a while and don’t touch your cock or your ass. You better keep my load in your ass 'cause that’s gonna be your only lube later.” As he exited the cab he took my clothes and put them in the side-box of the truck. I looked down and my hard cock was still restrained in my jockstrap and pre-cum was oozing out and dripping down to the floor. I found some paper towel and some Pledge and started wiping down the cab. In the closet there was a little vacuum that plugged into the cigarette lighter, which I use to vacuum up all the ashes and dirt in the carpet. While I was emptying the canister out the sleeper door a truck was backing into the next space. I thought I had hidden my nearly naked body, but once his truck was turned off I heard a knock on the passenger door. I froze and tried to remain as still as possible. He knocked again. “Come on, I know you’re in there.” I went to the passenger door and rolled down the window. “Yeah?” “I don’t suppose this is your rig?” “No Sir it’s not.” “You got a nice ass, how about you come over to my rig and I get a little piece?” “Sorry, I’m waiting for the driver to get done eating.” “Loyal. I like that. Okay, then. Catch you later. Maybe I’ll talk to the guy that drives this rig and see if I can borrow you.” “Yes Sir.” I rolled the window back up and went back to cleaning the cab. When I was done I lay down on the bunk and must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I heard was George yelling. “Hey slut!” I got up, went to the driver’s side window and rolled it down. “Get out of the truck, some friends of mine want to see you.” “But Sir, I’m…." “Get your ass out of the fucking truck!” Wearing only my red jockstrap, I opened the door and climbed down from the rig. Even before I reached the ground there was a hand on my ass. I turned around and there were two men, one of whom was about sixty, maybe 5’11”, about 170 pounds and his dick, even soft, was easy to outline in his jeans. I would soon learn that this was Gary. The other one was Mike, he was about 45, maybe 5’7”, and also exhibited a nice bulge in his pants. “Damn George! Nice piece of ass you got here." Gary’s thick middle finger penetrated my ass. “Oh fuck, he’s all ready to go too!” “I told you so. So, how about it; you forget about the fifty bucks I owe you and you can both fuck him.” “Sounds good, come here bitch.” Gary grabbed me by the back of my neck and forced my down to his crotch where his cock was growing in his pants. “Unzip me, you stupid whore. You can’t suck it through the fuckin’ denim.” They all laughed at his joke. I unzipped his pants and his dick fell out onto my cheek. I took him in my mouth and his cock was instantly rock hard. It had to be at least nine inches long and he had the type of low hanging balls I love on older men. “Fuck yeah, he’s a good little cocksucker,” Gary praised. Mike, meanwhile, knelt down behind me and started licking my ass. His five o’clock shadow against my freshly fucked hole made me instantly rock hard. “How’s he taste Mikey?” “Awesome, I can’t wait to fuck him.” “Well let me go first, after you get done with him he’ll be too stretched out.” Instinctively I moaned at the thought of an even bigger dick than I had in my mouth fucking my ass. “The whore seems to like the idea. Turn around and lean over the tires whore.” I turned around and bent over the back wheels of the tractor. The warm night air felt so fucking good as it touched my ass. Gary pushed his jeans down to his thighs and got behind me. In one motion he pushed all nine inches into me and started fucking me like he was using my hole to jack off with. My jock covered dick was pressed against the tire as Gary plowed my ass. He has one hand holding himself up against the tire and the other muffling my screams. He started going faster and faster, his dick was getting even thicker until he finally shot his load deep in me. He kept pumping my full of cum for what felt like a good full minute. When he was finally done he grabbed me by the neck again and shoved his cock in my mouth. “Yeah clean it up bitch.” After only a couple of licks he was soft and I had gotten all of the cum off his dick and balls. “Ok Mike, your turn. I’ll meet you back in the truck.” Gary zipped up his pants up and walked away. Mike’s throbbing cock was still being restrained by his jeans. “Turn around again.” Again I turned around; a little disappointed I wasn’t going to get that slab of meat before it went in my ass. I knew it was going to be bad when Mike took of his sweaty t-shirt and stuffed as much of it as he could into my mouth. “I need two hands fuck.” Suddenly I felt the biggest dick I’ve ever had in me slamming into my ass. Tears started running down my face as Mike pounded me. I feel the two loads of cum in my ass running down my legs and splattering between us every time he slammed his cock in my ass. George must have gotten bored watching me get fucked, “Send him back when you’re done using him.” He climbed back into the cab. Mike never slowed down and never acknowledged George’s absence; he just kept pounding my ass mercilessly. Suddenly he yanked his t-shirt from my mouth. “You want my fucking load?” “Yes Sir.” “Beg for it you little slut.” “Pleas Sir, please give me your load. I want to feel you shooting it inside me.” “Here you go.” He pounded me a few more times before he shot his load in me. As Gary had done before, Mike grabbed my neck and shoved his cock in my mouth. This time I not only tasted cum and my ass, but a little blood as well. My ass was so open that I could feel the night air inside me as cum dripped onto the ground. Suddenly he held my head against crotch with my mouth still around his soft cock and started pissing down my throat. I took every drop until he pulled out of my mouth and gave me a last little shot of piss in the face. He laughed as he zipped up his pants and put his shirt back on. As he walked past me he slapped my face lightly, remarking “Good little slut.” I got up, looked around and climbed back up into the cab. When I got back in I found George watching television in the sleeper. “Stay on the floor until I’m ready to use you.” Just then there was a knock on the passenger door. …to be continued
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  14. If memory serves me correct the safe sex Orgies were Tuesdays and Thursdays and Tuesday was cheaper entry donation. I had met Tony on the Tuesday at my first Orgy experience where he fucked me hard, fed me poppers and whored me out. He was a little an older thin Italian American with white hair and a deep tan. I was given his number from the orgy guy and we enchained texts and he offered to pay my entry and buy me a drink before hand at next week's orgy. I was up for this but I wanted to go to the Thursday one also. Thursday's orgy was fun but hard to remember any details that would have been note worthy. It kind of blends in with the first one in my memory. I do remember some guy being a little too eager when I was sniffing poppers in the sling and pulling me by the legs, causing the poppers to spill up my nose. That was unpleasant. I also remember the orgy guy and I talking about music, and him offering me as many bottles of poppers as I liked(which was very nice of him) he had them stored in his fridge. Before I knew it a week had gone by and I had a date with Tony. We had arranged to meet in a bar called American Whiskey just down the road from the venue. He was dressed up very nice in a suit, I immediately became aware of how under dressed I was. He bought me a drink and offered me food but I wasn't hungry. I loose all appetite when I know sex is coming. We talked about each other for a little while, nothing of note. Although he did mention he went to college with David Byrne which I thought was cool as I'm a fan of Talking Heads. After a drink or two the conversation got a little more sexual. He mentioned about doing this again, but instead of going to an orgy, he would bring me back to his where his friend would be waiting to join us, and asked me if I'd wear a butt plug. I told him I would. We finished our drinks and head to the orgy guy's place. When we arrived I noticed the alcohol had seemed to affect Tony more than it did me, this surprised me because we only had two whiskeys. Yet he seemed a little drunk, and louder than usual. We got undressed and he brought me downstairs. He repeated the routine he had put me through the week before, giving me poppers before slowly deep throating his dick, only to become more aggressive as he pumped my throat. He then led me to the sling, with my legs up and spread apart wide, he jams his dick deep and begins rabbit fucking my hole, I take it with ease and clench my hole tight like I know he likes. He applies very generous amounts of lube which starts to make a mess. I sense he does this on purpose to give the feeling of a loose sloppy hole, something that I definitely don't have even at my most fucked. He often says things like "you like me fucking that sloppy hole puppy?". He gets off on the small crowd that's gathered in the sling room. I'm offered a cock or two to keep me pacified, hands begin to grope at me again. This starts to really turn me on, and combined with the poppers I start to really feel like a piece of handled meat. However, in slight contrast to last time, where Tony was offering me up to strangers, he seems strangely possessive of me this time around, at times he'd move guys out of the way, or not give people their turn with me. I get the sense that because he paid me in and bought me drinks that I'm his toy to use, and he's not willing to share me. I don't mind being his fuck toy but I'm in no mood to exclude others from the fun. After all this is an orgy. I slide up on the sling and hang my head off the back, some guy drops his big hairy balls in my mouth. I suck on them for a while before I'm pulled away and back to Tony to be used some more. "Do you ever go bare?" he asks. I remember that he had already asked me this in the bar. Was this a question for the room? "Yeah sometimes" I answer. "Do you mind if I go in without a condom?" This wasn't asked at the bar. (Let it be known the topic of sti's did come up and he said he was clear and hiv negative and I told him the same) "eh, ok." "Fuck yeah! I can pull out if you want." I didn't reply to this. At this point Tony peels off his condom and drops it on the floor(a big no no at the orgy guy's place), he then applies even more lube to my already over lubes asshole and slides his cock in and out of me like a slip'n'slide. "Yeah, this is so fucking hot. Skin on skin, you like that?" he really ramped up the dirty talk at this point as he continued to plow my ass at such an angle that it was giving me tingles. He'd stop every once in a while to refill both his nose and mine with a strong hit of poppers. I'm feeling very sleazy at this point. Tony is putting on his fuck machine show and using me as his sex doll, guys are jerking it watching me, and some slapping me with their cocks, waiting for their next turn for my mouth to be free. Although I don't want that to sound too conceited, they were also enjoying each others company, I was in no way being gangbanged(my ultimate fantasy) Tony was being too greedy for that to materialise. Tony was becoming louder and more aggressive with his fucking, which had been going on for quite some time, I was a little worried about hogging the sling. Tony didn't care though, he was way too busy showing everyone what a slut I was and what a stud he was, pounding my ass harder and harder than ever, balls slapping off of me, every so often thumping my chest or putting his hand on my throat to simulate strangling. "Who's your fucking Daddy!?" he yells. This must've been heard upstairs. "You" coyly reply. "Louder!" he demands. There is no way I'm shouting it. "You are" I say with a little more gusto. "Tell them I'm your Daddy!" I don't reply. He gets frustrated, and pounds me three times BAM BAM BAM as hard as he can. "Fucking cunt!" He pulls his dick out and leaves the room, breathing heavily. Is he really angry, is this for real? I watch him as he heads up the stairs, my feeling is that he didn't cum. I go to stand up from being in the sling. It reckon a combination of lack of food that day, heavy amount of poppers(my lips were blue) and the two whiskeys finally kicking in all had a hand in what happened. The second I stood up I got extremely light headed and saw black, next went my legs. Two men grabbed me before I fell and dragged me about 4 feet out of the room towards the stairs. Bent over I rested both hands on one of the bottom steps, trying to regain my composure when all of a sudden I feel a man grab my hips and push his dick into me balls deep and begin to fuck my half limp body. This was one of the men who stopped me from falling. This hurt bad, I politely took the pain. His dick was very hard and going in at an awkward angle. He kept trying to angle his cock to a position that felt the most pleasurable to him, whatever part of my hole felt good rubbing against his dick head. Before long my light headed-ness was becoming too much and I had to ask him to give me a moment. I slowly made my way upstairs to find Tony had left. I got a glass of water and sat down on the bed where two guy were 69ing. An older stocky man with salt and pepper hair walked up to me and took my water. He then moved me over on the bed and with all his strength flipped me onto my stomach. This was done in a very rough and sexy way. He forces his dick into my ass, it's very wide and only barely fits, with some discomfort. He still hasn't said anything to me at this point. He fucks in long deep and sharp thrusts, before pulling out and feeling my whole and then his cock. "Ugh damn condom. Are you clean?" How I hate that question with its insensitive wording. "..yeah.." before I can ask him anything or even finish my sentence he has snapped off the condom and began fucking me bare. Not permission needed it seemed, who is this guy. Who ever he was he was about to get rough. He pushes my head down on the bed putting all of his body weight on me and continues to fuck deep and hard, it gets very painful, and I can help but moan. He gets me in a full nelson and rails my hole hard and deep. It becomes unbearable and I need a break. "Hold on" I tell him as I try to get up to my hands and knees. This isn't happening, he doesn't lay off. I push back against him "give me a second", he doesn't listen. He continues to drive his fat cock into me deep "Ugh fuck" Now I'm really struggling to try get him off of me but he's much stronger and seems to be getting off on this. I wasn't at the time. I've never been in a situation where I've thought "I'm being raped" and although I wasn't frightened or worried in any real way, I did want the guy off of me and he wouldn't stop. I understood what he was getting out of it, but if it had been someone a little less open minded he might have got into some trouble for what he was or wasn't doing. "He's struggling" he lets out in a strained voice to some man standing over us. This seems odd. I stop resisting in the hop he'll be finished soon. "I'm coming" he says before he lets out a loud moan and shoots a fresh load up into me and milks the rest onto my hole, before pushing it in one more time. He climbs off and slaps me on my back, which is covered in his sweat. "Woo you were amazing! Fuck that was great!" He says with a smile on his face. His tone is extremely friendly, and this might sound odd to read but he praised me in a way that seemed as if I was acting in a scene with him "you were great" that kind of aroma to it. Whereas I was genuinely trying to get him off of me. If you ever have had a rape fantasy, seek this guy out. I felt unsure about this guy cumming in me. I lay on the bed barely able to move after the exhausting impromptu wrestling match. As I catch my breath they forceful fucker walks back over to me and kisses the side of my face, bites my ear and asks "So do you like older men?" "Mmm hmm" I exhale. "You're a very sexy boy, do you mind if my friend fucks you" "Sure, why not" I say sarcastically really feeling the strain at this point. I climb to all fours, the friend of his was the guy watching me struggle as I was fucked minutes before. He is roughly in his 60's , bit of a belly, large cock. He slowly fucks me doggy style for about five minutes, never changing the pace, not making a noise very methodical and unemotional before letting out a grunt to indicate he had cum. He pulls his cock out and I turn around to see to my shock he hadn't been wearing a condom. "What's going on?" I thought, this is supposed to be safe sex night and I've taken three loads. Two without my permission and one without my knowledge. I felt too nervous and embarrassed to ask him his status or mention that I thought he was wearing a condom. So I just left it, and went to get dressed. I felt odd about those last two guys, and I was physically exhausted, so I was ready to leave. I saw the first guy who bred me eating out someone's ass. He spots me fully dressed and gets up and makes his way towards me smiling. "You're leaving? Come here" He raps his arm around me and gives me a forceful hug. Then, with his mouth still dripping in assjuice and spit, he forces his tongue down my throat. I feel like whatever life that hasn't been squeezed out of me will be sucked out via my face by this guy. Even the orgy guy comments on how over eager he was with me, and he must've seen it all with the amount of orgies he's hosted. I go to grab a slice of pizza, but it has been too soon since sex and I can't swallow it. As I sit there staring at my wasted slice, I get a text from a guy I have been talking to for two months. He lets me know about a few days that he has become available to finally meet me that are also good for me. As well, he is ready to introduce me to chemsex and can supply the righT chemistry for our session. I'm nervous and very excited, my time in NYC is coming to an end, but with one week before I fly home, I decide I'm going to end it with a bang!
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  15. Hi I'll be in Tel aviv from 16/11 to 25/11/13. Important gay community. Any barebackers over there? Do you know where to go out for BB? Thanks for your answers
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  16. I am sure we helped, but I think it was that cock shooting inside you that did the most to make you a cumslut.
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  17. Usually like older. And hairy. Like feeling taken care of/dominated a bit. Though sometimes young is a nice change of pace.
    1 point
  18. Tommy's crying turned Oscar on and he knew he wouldn't last much longer and he told Tommy to beg for his load and it would all be over. Through the pain Tommy heard and begged to be bred. Oscar started breathing harder and then pushed all the way into Tommy and held still as he shot into the boy. Oscar collapsed and stayed on top of Tommy until he felt his cock start to go down and he had Bobby bring him a big butt plug which he pushed into the bloody hole as he withdrew. Bobby is such a whore that he dropped to his knees to clean Oscar's cock as Oscar toyed with the plug in Tommy. "Whore that was the best $500 I ever spent, I know you'll remember this as long as I do" Oscar took Bobby and went for a drink while I spoke with Tommy. "I bet that hurt more than it looked?" Tommy still sobbing told George, "it hurt more than I ever imagined it could hurt, is it really bad?" "It'll be sore for a couple of days but it isn't bleeding much. Tommy, if you could do it over would you beg again to be fucked hard by Oscar?" "Of yeah, it hurts but I needed to feel it and I hope once I'm healed he'll want to do it again." "Now that sounds like a real whore to me" "What was that about him spending $500?" "Tommy you told me you wanted to be a whore so many of the people you'll meet while we're together will be your first customers" "I just made $500 by letting him fuck me?" "No Tommy boy, I get $300 and you get $200" "George your my pimp too" "I thought you'd like that, but now we have to get you ready for your next visitor" George pulled out Tommy's butt plug causing Tommy to scream and George told him he didn't have days to heal so we need to help your boyhole close but don't worry you'll get plugged again later. Tommy whimpered a bit and George and a new guy, Chuck, watched the boyhole try to close and after a minute it was closed again. George then introduced Chuck to Tommy and told Tommy that a whore must be ready for all kinds of sex and fetishes and while your hole rests some Chuck would like to show you what he likes to do to a cute little twink whoreboy like you. Tommy watched as Chuck took out a leather gag and gagged him. That excited Tommy and his limp cock started swelling again. "Oh how nice to see your getting excited. I love boys that get into it as I know I can go harder." Tommy froze when Chuck pulled out a rubber mallet and said he'd start with that.
    1 point
  19. I love the feeling of pushing open a guys room door and finding him on the bed in nothing but a jock. It's nice to have him get my dick wet and then fuck him. It's really hot if he does atm. I usually like bottoms that pick motels. It's usually discreetly in and out.
    1 point
  20. Better late than never. Since so many people offered advise when I asked the question, I think I owe it to the forum members to tell how it went. I did travel to meet the guy who claimed had a monster 12 inch cock. Yes, he was very good looking and really did have a monster cock just as he had said in his CL ad, very long and very thick. Meeting him was really hot, he first gave me a massage and got me very excited before he tried to penetrate me. When he did penetrate me, he came in slowly but still it was painful. I thought he was tearing me up and was sure he had entered me completely, just to find out he was just half way there. Eventually I took the whole thing and he started fucking me slow but deep. It was absolutely wonderful, but the feeling was so strong, I could only take it for about 10 minutes. We waited a little, allowing me to relax and then we tried again. Still painful but even more pleasurable. Finally he did cum deep inside me. I was happy and proud I had taken the test and passed. I went back home feeling my ass like his cock was still inside me. It was a nice feeling. The thing is, the following morning, my ass hurt badly, like a bee had stung it. It was hard to go to the bathroom for the next three days as the sting of pain was always there. Finally, I got back to normal. Will I try it again? You bet!!! Now I know what to expect and will be ready for it.
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  21. I could never stop...and no I would never tell!
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  22. Hahaha the X-men comment made me laugh. I don't think the American government would do that. China maybe. If only being hiv positive gave me superpowers. It's funny because since my diagnosis I've had a reoccurring dream that my doctor told me that my body somehow cured itself and became immune to the illness. A nice thought, wish it came true.
    1 point
  23. mmm fucking hot as hell. put a plug in that hole so it doesn't leak out.
    1 point
  24. Part 3: A Change of Perspective Feeling a bit restless, Ryan checked his phone again. No new messages. Damn. It had been over 24 hours since he left the note on Gabe's car windshield. Why was this taking so long? Ryan wondered. Over the past day, Ryan couldn't think of anything but Gabe. But, he also needed to reconcile his feelings. He decided that he just liked the idea of a big poz cock. And he wanted to howl like his roommate, Donald did the night before. I don't want to get pozzed, Ryan assured himself. He made his way into the kitchen to look for a snack - or maybe something to take his mind off recent events. And then, he saw Donald. He hadn't talked to Donald since he'd been home - and their different schedules often meant they didn't cross paths most days. Donald was a night auditor at a nearby hotel. Ryan was in college for perhaps a few years longer than one should be. "Hey," Ryan said as he made his way toward the fridge trying to act as normal as possible. "Sup bitch," Donald said walking by Ryan and slapping his ass. Ryan was stunned. Donald didn't talk like this or act like this. And there was something else different that Ryan just then noticed. "Heh .. oh .. no glasses?" Ryan asked. "Ditched them while you were up north," Donald answered, "got tired of them and got contacts instead. Ryan immediately thought of Superman and Clark Kent. Donald looked strikingly different. It wasn't just the lack of glasses. He seemed less odd without them for sure .. but Donald had a confidence he didn't have. "When did you get back?" Donald asked. "Oh .. this morning," Ryan lied. He didn't want Donald to know he heard about his chasing sexcapade. "Anything new with you?" Ryan asked. "Nahh .. same old .. picked up some extra hours at work is all," Donald unknowingly returned a lie with a lie. "And speaking of work .. I'm back to it. Later skinny ass bitch!" Donald gave Ryan another slap on the ass and made his way for the apartment door. A bit stunned, Ryan uttered "yeah , later man." Ryan didn't quite understand Donald's new strong persona. But, he had to admit, he kinda liked it. And, as if social circumstances weren't awkward enough, Ryan's phone buzzed. Oh shit, he thought, it's Gabe. The text message that followed was simple enough. "You're gonna get it." the message read. It seemed fitting. The note Ryan wrote and left on Gabe's windshield was simply enough. Ryan simply wrote "I want it." Another text messsage followed. "how do you want it?" Ryan thought for a moment, and the answer came very easily Ryan: i want it like how Donald got it. that sounded hott! Gabe: oh, u heard me pound his fuckhole huh? Ryan: yeah. i want ur big dick owning me too. Gabe: mm hmm. so u like hung guys? Ryan: fuck yeah! Gabe: why not let Donald fuck you then? Ryan paused for a moment. That wasn't an option. And although Ryan didn't know for sure, he couldn't imagine Donald's slight frame packing a big dick. Ryan: you're saying Donald is hung? Gabe: yeah. he's about as big as me. i though u two fucked around. Ryan: no. i never thought of him like that. Suddenly, Donald became a lot more interesting to Ryan. The new attitude, a big dick. Wait .. not Donald. Not odd geeky Donald. Ryan tried to dismiss the notion and focus on his goal .. Gabe. He wanted Gabe. Gabe: u know im poz right? Ryan sighed. He knew he shouldn't keep the conversation going, but felt compelled. Ryan: yeah that's cool. Gabe: are you poz? Ryan: no, i'm not. Gabe: you want to get pozzed? Ryan didn't want to think about that. He just wanted to get fucked. Ryan: I wanna feel your big dick inside me. Gabe: my big poz dick will cum inside you if I get that ass. Ryan: can I just suck it? Gabe: no. Ryan waited for more. Nothing followed. Fuck, Ryan thought. Ryan: i think ur hott af Gabe: thanks Another long pause. Ryan: i never done this before. Gabe: done what? Ryan: let a poz guy fuck me. Gabe: but u left me a note saying u wanted it right? Ryan: yeah.. i want it. bad :-/ Gabe: well, u gotta be very clear that u want my poz cum in ur ass ass. dont leave any room for doubt. Ryan stared at the screen. Why am I still talking to him? Ryan wanted to stop talking, but he couldn't ignore how much he wanted to feel Gabe inside him. He also couldn't ignore his dick hardening in his shorts. Ryan: i want you to fuck me with your poz cock. Ryan's hands were starting to tremble .. was it fear or excitement? He wasn't sure. It all felt so terribly wrong, but so undeniably compelling. Gabe: and? Ryan tried to remember what Donald said to encourage the ass pounding he overheard. Ryan: i want you to blast your poz cum deep inside my ass. Gabe: i see Ryan put the phone on the kitchen counter and quickly pulled down his shorts and started jerking. He was too turned on. Gabe can be mine, he thought. He pictured Gabe's big dick again inside his mind. And then imagined little Donald getting fucked while Donald's big dick swung back and forth as Gabe pounded him. I want that, Ryan thought. He picked his phone back up. Ryan: how many times have u and donald fucked? Gabe: idk ..15-20 times i guess now. we started a couple weeks back. Ryan couldn't believe it. Donald was a player. Maybe it's true. It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for. Gabe: but i only fucked him for the first time the other night. Ryan: huh? donald isn't a top. Gabe: could have fooled me. he pounds ass like a pro if u ask me. The fact was that Ryan didn't know. He just assumed that little Donald must be a bottom. Little Donald, Ryan though, I guess he's not so little either. Ryan: then why did he let u fuck him? Gabe: he wants to get pozzed so he can enjoy converting little neg bitches too Ryan thought about the playful slap Donald just gave him minutes ago. And it made him even harder now. I bet he wants to poz my ass too, Ryan thought to himself. Ryan: that sounds hott Gabe: yeah. nothing hotter than pozzing a neg boy's hole. except maybe for when u get it. and ur gonna get it. Ryan's heart was pounding so hard, he thought it might jump out of his chest. He wasn't even touching his dick and his dick was involuntarily twitching up. Despite trembling hands, Ryan managed to tap out the message: poz my ass! i want u to pound me just like u did donald. fuck me like a little chaser bitch Gabe: i shoot big loads. ur ass is gonna get filled. Ryan quickly texted back and hoped he was using the right verbiage " hell yeah! shoot ur viral load deep into me." Gabe: ur ass is gonna be my poz cum receptacle. Ryan placed the phone down on the counter again. He started jacking again with his eyes closed. His phone blinged again. Gabe: i only live a couple of blocks away. u want it now? Ryan read the message. He knew that he had a big decision to make. A BIG decision, he mused to himself thinking about Gabe's big dick again.
    1 point
  25. Fucking Justin Justin and I quickly went from sitting and kissing on his bed to me laying on top of him as we kissed and our hardening cocks ground against each other through our clothes. I reached down between us a pulled his shirt up. I broke the kiss to slide his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. Justin responded and pulled my shirt off and it quickly joined his on the floor. My eyes wandered over Justin’s torso, admiring his smooth torso. His hands played over my chest and down my abs, fingers following my happy trail to the button of my shorts. His fingers fumbled with the button and zipper, but soon had them undone. I lifted my crotch off his, and he slid my shorts down my legs. I kicked off my shorts, then resting my weight on my knees, I undid his jeans. Justin lifted up his hips and I slid his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion. His cock was rock hard and nestled in his bushy brown pubes were two nicely sized balls. I licked his nipples and slowly worked my way down his torso till I was inhaling the musky smell from his cock and balls. I licked his cock before taking both his nuts into my mouth and giving them a good tonguing. As I licked his balls, I slid his jeans and boxers off and tossed them to the floor. With his legs now free, I spread them slightly and worked my way down to his near virgin pucker. He went wild as my tongue worked around his hole, and then slowly into him. Justin was soon moaning from my tongue fucking his hole, and he grabbed his ankles, spreading his legs wide to give me easier access to his now spit soaked hole. While I continued to fuck him with my tongue, I began to add a finger into the mix. He really loved it, and was begging me to never stop. My other hand reached down and pulled my cock out of the pouch of my jockstrap. Now that his hole was lubed up with my spit and loosened from my fingers, it was time to slide my dripping toxic cock into that neg hole. As I moved up, I spent a few minutes on his cock, sucking and licking his 6 cut inches and making him moan again from my oral skills. With a pop, his cock fell out of my mouth and I moved up his body, kissing his stomach and nipples before I kissed him on the mouth as my cock lined up with his hole. “Can I be the first to fuck you raw?” I asked him as the head of my cock pressed against his entrance. “Please,” Justin said “Help me become a cumslut like you.” My cock pulsed at the idea, and the head easily slid in. I went back to kissing him as I slowly worked all 7 inches into his hole, the first bare cock he had ever taken. As my balls hit his ass, Justin moaned into my mouth. I slowly began to slide in and out of his hole, each stroke there was less resistance as my precum and his ass juices provided lubrication for the fuck. Once I felt he was ready, I really began to fuck him, pounding in and out of his hole, sometimes sliding all the way out to punch back in. “Fuck Tom, This is the best sex I have ever had! You feel so good inside me, if this is how it feels all the time bare, then I am never going back to condoms. FUCK!” Justin said as I rose up to really pound on his hole. “Bare feels the best, and you will know for sure when Ryan and Dave fuck us later.” I replied. “I’d rather just stay here with your cock in me all day.” “But we both need some Daddy dick to really sate us both. I’m getting close, want me to shoot it in you, give you some cum lube for them?” “Yea, fill me up with your cum Tom, shoot it all in me!” I began to thrust deep into Justin as his hand moved to his cock and began to jack himself off. A few minutes later, I pushed as deep into him as I could and unloaded my toxic cum deep into his ass. As my cock fired volley after volley of tainted seed into his no longer virgin to HIV ass, Justin moaned and shot a huge load of neg cum all over his face and chest. I leaned down and began to lick his seed off his face and swallowed most of what I licked up. After I licked the last few remnants of his load off his body, and my cock popped out of his ass, I kissed him and fed him some of his own cum, snowballing the seed as our tongues encircled each other. We lay there on his bed for a few more minutes, kissing and savoring the afterglow of a great sex session. Then it was time to get dressed and “see” if Ryan and Dave wanted to meet up. As we dressed, I convinced Justin to go commando since he didn’t have a jock. I told him he should get one as they are quite hot to get fucked in, as he would see when I was getting fucked. About 4, I contacted Dad through the app again. He gave me the address, and Justin and I were on our way to meet them for the “First” time and get some more cum in our asses, or at least more cum in his and get some sweet daddy fucking for me.
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  26. The site is called breeding zone not pozzing zone so someone can be on here because they like to get bred (fucked bareback) but would prefer to remain HIV-.
    1 point
  27. MAC MEN 8: THE PARTY PART 4 “More…loads…” is the first thing I say when I come back to my senses about a minute later laying on top of Kenny’s sweaty, muscled back. “You all right, man?” he asks. “I think I blacked out for a second,” I say. “Other than that, never been better.” I look over to the load board and see Lito making a hashmark, his huge cock swinging like a pendulum, a long drop of spunk hanging past his knees. Then I look down to see my cock is still wedged up Kenny’s ass. Good. I love to watch and feel my spent spunkshooter snake out of a cummed up manhole and I’m glad I miss the withdrawal during my mini fuck-coma. “Don’t pull out yet, Randy.” I turn to see Angel, the man responsible for the slutty turn my life has taken. Angel goes in for a hot, wet kiss—I never get tired of those lips—then crawls under Kenny and positions his gaping mouth under Kenny’s freshly-bred fuckhole. “Now you can pull out,” he says. As I start to withdraw, I see Angel’s hungry eyes and gaping mouth on either side of my cummy spent shaft. My cum-caked cockhead squelches out of Kenny’s hole bringing with it a hot, white glob of seed that lands right on Angel’s tongue. It’s followed a second later by my shiny wet cock, which he takes to the base in one gulp Kenny stands and turns to face me while Angel sucks down the dregs of my load, tasting me and all the men who filled Kenny before me. “That was so fucking hot,” Kenny sighs, his scruffy flushed face an inch away from mine. “Lito Cruz bred me, right?” I ask, reaching around to finger my swollen hole. “Right after I unloaded in you? Or did I dream that?” “It fucking happened,” says Kenny. “I watched him unload in you in that mirror right there while your load was seeping into me. It was fucking amazing.” Before Kenny goes to make a mark on the wall for my load, we promise to get together soon to, “hang out and reminisce about our high school days.” “Or we can just swap cum,” he suggests. “I’ll take option B,” I say. Angel lets my cock slide out of his mouth then stands up to give me a sloppy warm spermkiss. Then he leads me by the hand to a spunk-spattered fuck bench. We each put one knee up on the bench for balance then face each other and finger each other’s battered cumholes. “How are you doing?” he says softly. “This is too fucking much, man,” I say. “I’ve never been into drugs, but I feel like I’m on something, like drunk on cock and ass and flesh and cum and all these hot fucking men. I know there’s a world outside this place, where I have a life and a job and responsibilities and all that shit, but I don’t care about it. I just want this night to go on and on and on.” “It can,” says Angel, “and it will. And you’ll still have your life and your responsibilities and everything but you’ll also have this life as a fucking hot barebacker to escape to when you feel the need to do what we were born to do as men with cocks; breed a hungry hole.” “And there are so many hot men in this room—hell, in this world—and I want to swap spunk with all of them,” I say. “Every load I take, every hole I breed just makes me want more and more and more.” “I knew it,” he says. “I could see that in you the moment I met you.” “Fuck, you’re wet,” I say, when I feel a big glob of cum drip down my fingers to the floor. “How many loads have you taken so far?” “Taken four, given three,” he says. “How ‘bout you?” “I’ll tell you later,” I say. “Right now, I’m too out of it to think. I know I’ve taken more cum than I’ve given.” “You got more in you?” he asks. Before I can answer, Hassan, Marcus’s Middle-Eastern buddy from before taps me on the shoulder. “You guys look like you’re in deep conversation,” Hassan teases, his half-hard cock slapping against my thigh. “I thought guys came here to fuck, not talk.” “We’re talking about fucking,” I say with a smile. “How ‘bout you keep on right on talking while I tap that ass like I wanted to earlier,” Hassan proposes. “I’ve been kind of raving about it,” says Marcus sauntering up behind Angel. “And I’ve always wanted to tag Angel’s hole.” “You’ve tagged my hole,” Angel reminds him. “Not that I’m complaining.” “I’ve fucked you, yes,” clarifies Marcus, “at Ron’s birthday breed-up but I didn’t unload in you because the birthday boy got all the loads, remember?” “Oh right,” remembers Angel. “It even said that on the invitation. But I remember I wanted cum so bad that night. So I got Frank to breed me without letting on that he was—even though I could feel every hot jet—and then he came in Ron a little while later. Luckily, he’s a quick rebounder.” Hassan pulls my chin toward him and starts kissing me softly on the lips. The slow, sweet pace is a nice change after so much balls-to-the-wall man-pounding. Marcus does the same to Angel. Hassan takes my hand and leads me around the fuckbench so I’m facing Angel who’s being put into position by Marcus. Angel and I smile at each other—we know what we’re in for—then kneel on the bench, face to face, offering up our slick, hungry asses for the taking. I stare into Angel’s eyes as I feel Hassan’s throbbing cock slide into my ass. Angel’s eyes widen right along with mine as Marcus slides into him. As they start to fuck, Hassan and Marcus coordinate their slow, sensuous fuck-rhythms so that everything I’m feeling, I can see on Angel’s face and visa versa. “They’re totally doing a number on us,” I say to Angel. “We can play that game, too,” says Angel. He looks up to Hassan behind me. “My friend Randy’s hole is sweet, isn’t it, studman?” says Angel. “I know it’s sweet because I was the first man to go in there bare to breed him. I flooded his guts with a massive load of sperm. I still remember how good it felt to shoot my hot ropes right up that perfect hole that had never been seeded before. And once that happened, everything in Randy’s world was different. I unleashed a monster.” With that Angel kisses me. “A fuck monster.” “I’m about to unleash a monster, too,” taunts Marcus, “right up your sweet hole, Angel…but not yet.” “Marcus, you can try to hold off all you want but if Angel wants your load, and you know he does, that ass is going to milk it out of you,” I say. “I know because Angel’s the first fucker who let me cum in him bare…but he didn’t just let me, he made me with his talented ass. And now he’s going to make you, too.“ I can see in Angel’s eyes that he’s starting to really use those expert ass muscles of his to get Marcus’s seed. “He’s turning on the milking machine, isn’t he?” “Oh fuck,” says Marcus. “That’s incredible.” “And your aching balls are pulling up, aren’t they?” I ask him. Marcus just nods, in rhythm with his fuckstrokes. “Better keep up, fucker,” Angel says to Hassan. “Fine,” says Hassan who matches him stroke for stroke for a while but finally gives up and just starts to longdick me as hard as he can. “That’s it, Hassan,” I groan. “I love those long strokes. I love hearing the wet sounds as you slide in and out on the carpet of cum your buddy Marcus blasted up there earlier. Add to it, fucker. Flood me.” “Do it, fuckers,” demands Angel. “What are you waiting for? I see you two at the gym together all the time, strutting around like you’re the hottest fuckstuds going, silently promising that if a bottom stud’s lucky enough to get that hot, worked out body pounding into him that he’s also gonna get a big, hot, wet load.” “So you guys gonna deliver or what?” I say, as Hassan starts jackhammering his cock right past my prostate. I fall forward and hold onto Angel’s shoulders as Hassan starts the inevitable build to orgasm. “Breed us, fuckers!” begs Angel, holding onto my shoulders as Marcus gets ready to spunk him up. “Give us your hot loads!” I look up and see Marcus nodding frantically at Hassan as his orgasm overtakes him. “Get ready for my load,” he pants. “Here….it….cummmmmmms!” I stare deeply into Angel’s pleading eyes. “Every drop, Angel,” I command him. “Take every drop of Marcus’s hot load.” “I’m cumming, I’m cumming, oh fuck, take the load, take the load!” barks Marcus, his massive pecs heaving as he unloads in my breeding mentor’s hot, insatiable cumhole. “Unnnnnnnngh! Unnnnngh! Yeah, that’s it. Unnnngh!” “Now your turn, Hassan,” says Angel, breathless from the recent breeding. “My friend Randy needs your load. Look in his eyes. He’s living for it. Nothing else matters to him right now but your hot load of mansperm. Don’t let him down. Blast your cum into that perfect ass.” “It’s cumming, fucker,” Hassan gasps, slapping my hips with his big hands as his cock pistons in and out of me in long slippery fuckstrokes. Hassan is the king of longdicking and I love the way it feels, especially with so much manjuice up there already. “You’re getting seeded, dude, whether you want it or not.” “Oh, he wants it,” says Angel. “I want it,” I beg. “Breed me, stud. Knock me up with that hot sperm.” “Aaaaaaaaghhhhhhh!” shouts Hassan, claiming the distinction as my loudest cummer of the night so far. “Aaaagh, aaagh, ughhhhhhh, fuuuuuuuucckkkk, oh fuck oh fuck.” “Soak it all in, Randy,” says Angel grabbing my face and putting his mouth right up to my ear. “Let it seep into you, every microscopic bit of it, make that sperm part of you.” I take Angel’s words to heart. I close my eyes and visualize Hassan’s hot jets of mancum as they blast into me; one rope hitting one asswall, the next hitting the other, the third hitting the roof of my ass-tunnel and the rest shooting straight ahead in several more strong blasts. “I feel it,” I groan. “I feel every pulse. Give it all to me, Hassan, drain those giant nuts.” Hassan falls onto my back with a thud. “Best cum tonight,” he says after catching his breath. “Thanks, man,” I say. “That was even better than I imagined. I knew you were going to be a hot fuck but those long strokes hit places in me I didn’t even know I had.” Angel, Marcus, Hassan and I stand in a circle, caressing each other’s shoulders, back and asses and recovering from the heavy-duty mind/assfuck. I like these guys. I could see the four of us hanging out outside of here; having meals, working out, catching movies, like double-dating except everybody’s fucking everybody and no hole is safe. I glance over Angel’s shoulder at the wall of loads. It’s two-thirds covered in hashmarks. I want to take a photo of the wall before I leave for my Facebook cover page. To the uniformed viewer, it’s just a wall with a bunch of hashmarks on it. But all my Shudder buddies would know it’s all about assloads. I like to imagine my fellow barebackers innocently surfing the web at work, landing on my page and getting a raging hard-on at the thought of Shudder, then leaving the office and whatever work it is they were supposed to be doing, to get their breed on as soon as possible. And if I’m in the neighborhood, I’m more than happy to leave my desk to take their seed.
    1 point
  28. I have found that using Boy Butter works great for me. I will apply it a bit ahead of time, in anticipation of a good fuck. It cuts the initial pain some, and doesn't affect the top's cock. Helped me take a super thick cock last week. (Covered, unfortunately)
    1 point
  29. Part 2 Tingling sensations raced up and down my arms, and then my whole body began to feel little electric shocks. He held my arm as I stood there, looking at his handsome rugged face, all the time feeling like I was about to fall again, and sure enough, as I lost my balance and fell against him, I was not so out of it that I neglected to move in for the kill by pressing my lips against his mouth. He was no less greedy for me, 'cause his tongue met mine, as we mutually explored each other's mouth. He also wrapped me in his embrace, torso to torso, crotch to crotch, as our kisses became more frantic. Even through his (admittedly) skimpy) shorts, I could feel his throbbing cock. I did my best to squeeze his cock with my crotch, and he responded by moaning in between kisses. After a couple of minutes, we parted and I assisted him in removing his his shirt. As I expected, his body was all muscle and quite rugged. Again he leaned in for the kill, as he gestured for me to get naked. In seconds I had stripped-off all my clothing, and my cock throbbed and stood at full as he virtually ripped off his shorts. We ground our erections against one another, and I explored his body with pleasure. Breaking off the kiss, he asked "Are you sure, boy?" "Yes, I'm sure," I replied, and with that he pushed me down on my knees, directing my open mouth to his massive cock meat. I didn't care if it hurt or whether I could get the whole thing down, I simply eagerly sucked on him, taking his cock down my throat, bit by bit, until I had successfully deep throated him. He moaned with pleasure, as he also held my head in such a way as to force me further down the shaft. Finally he let me off, and I took the opportunity to say what I had been thinking for several minutes "Please, fuck me, fuck me, please." He then stated "I only bareback, boy." I was beyond caring - I wanted his meat in my ass, and quickly. So I smiled my approval, and he directed me onto the sofa. I liberally kissed his body as his breath became increasingly ragged, and occasionally, when I kissed a particularly sensitive part of his body, he would his torso would buck off the sofa, as he moaned in delight. Then he suddenly stopped, and for a split second I wondered if I had done something wrong, but no, he pushed me away, saying "We can't, we can't, such a sweet boy like you. It wouldn't be right to do this with you." "Why not, please, why not?" I murmured, as I kissed his rugged chest. He then came out with it: "I'm HIV positive." I immediately recoiled from him, my brain analysing what he had said to ensure I had understood him correctly.
    1 point
  30. Twins (Part 1) BACKGROUND INFORMATION This is a fictional story about 2 twins, Jack and Jeff. At the time of these events they were 6 feet tall with lean, swimmers builds weighing 170 pounds each and had matching 8 inch cut cocks. They discovered early on that they like sex with boys. They were both versatile and spent a lot of time naked with each other sucking, rimming and flip-fucking. Since they only played between themselves they never used condoms. On the night of their senior prom they double dated, but after they took their dates home they got a hotel room so that they could fuck each others brains out. They did this because they knew that once college started they wouldn't have the chance with each other since they chose different school based on different professional ambitions. At college Jeff was closeted. He dated around a little bit with different guys, and on the rare occasion when he had sex, he played safe and used a condom. On the other hand, Jack was out and became a total slut. Although he tried condoms, he preferred it raw. Jack also met some guys at school who introduced him to drugs. Before this Jeff and Jack had only drank and smoked an occasional joint. Jack tried a variety of drugs, coke, GHB, Ecstasy, and his favorite Tina. He started off snorting and smoking her, but soon learned to slam. With his use of drugs it didn't take long before he was pozzed. Jack accepted his fate and the more he thought about being poz, the more it turned him on. It turned him on so much that it gave him the idea to poz his twin. The boys talked on the phone often and shared their sexual experiences as they would jack off together over the phone. Jeff was honest with Jack about his sexual encounters and his use of condoms. Jack never really lied to Jeff, he just 'implied' that he played safe like his brother did. THE STORY Jack and Jeff were twin brothers. They were 19 year old freshmen at two different colleges. Spring break was quickly approaching and Jack had a plan. Since their spring breaks did not coincide with each other he was going to suggest to Jeff that he could go to Jeff's school for his spring break, then Jeff could come to his for the following week. Jeff loved the idea (actually he loved the thought of he and Jack fucking like rabbits). If he only knew what Jack had in store for him. Spring break came and Jack hoped in his car ready to make the 6 hour drive to his brother's campus. He quickly went down his mental check list to make sure he had every thing he would need, clothes, shoes, money, weed laced with Tina, CHECK! Off he drove. Jack pulled up to his brother's dorm. Jeff was lucky, his roommate quit a few weeks into the term. That left him with the room to himself. Jack climbed out of his car, grabbed his bag and headed into the building, up the stairs and down the hall. There he stood at his brother's door pondering if he could go through with his plan.....he knocked on the door. Jeff opened the door and the two brothers hugged and stepped in the room so that they could do what they really wanted to do, kiss. They sat down, had a beer and Jack pulled out a (Tina laced) joint for them to share. They no more then roached it when they began to kiss again. Jeff mad the comment how strange this weed made him feel and how horny he was getting. In no time they were naked and 69'ing. Jack took his time to let his plan unfold. Jack began to lick Jeff's tight hole. Jeff was moaning like a bitch in heat that hadn't been fucked in months (in reality it was longer then that). Jeff commented on how horny the weed made him feel and looked at Jack and said "I need to be fucked bro, now!" Jack help maneuver Jeff on his back, lifted his legs to his shoulders and lined his 7" (poz) cock up with his brother's (neg) hole. Since Jack had become a slut he could last a long time. Jack planed on making sure his brother's hole was abused and bruised. Jack looked into his brother's eyes and he felt that tingle in his balls. He kissed Jeff and whispered to him "I've been saving this load for you for a few weeks". Then he grunted out "HERE IT CUMS!" as he shot (what seemed like a gallon of) his poz cum deep in side he brother. Jack held himself inside his brother for a while to make sure nothing leaked out of his (neg) hole. Jack wasn't finished with Jeff yet. He wanted to show his bro what he had learned and soon was working his dick into another erection to go for round two. Jack asked his brother if he was able to take a second pounding. As sex starved as Jeff was he quickly said "Hell ya!" Jeff kissed his brother as he felt his brother growing hard again in side him. Jeff smiled and threw his had back as Jack pounded and filled his hole for the second time. Through the week of Jack's spring break visit he seeded his brother at least twice a day. If this didn't poz Jeff, the following week when he goes to Jack's school should!
    1 point
  31. He's hot & would make a perfect fuckboy. You could whore him out to me rawTOP
    1 point
  32. My uncle had business on the coast of Mississippi and he offered me $200 to help him out. I didn't have a job, I needed money, and I liked being around him. He's been my father figure since I was born and we've had a special bond that I didn't understand when I was a kid. I stayed at his house every weekend throughout most of my childhood. I've been attracted to him for most of my life. When I was thirteen, I started sneaking into his bedroom every time he came in from doing yard work. While he was in the shower, I would pick his underwear off the floor and inhale his scent. I was addicted to his musk, his masculinity. He wore his clothes two sizes too small, and he was never without his well-worn John Deere baseball cap. He was a red-blooded American man and all I wanted was him. When I was sixteen, I was finally caught in the act. He went out to get breakfast and I went to his bedroom. I was sitting on the edge of his bed, his underwear pressed to my face and masturbating, when I realized he was standing there, staring at me. I froze. I was too scared to move. "Forgot my wallet," was all he said. He grabbed his wallet from the dresser without taking his eyes off me, and left. After a few minutes, I managed to finish what I was doing. He came back with breakfast and we ate. We talked about going to the lake to fish. We didn't speak of what had happened. His attitude towards me changed only for the better. We felt closer. I told him when I was eighteen that I was gay, but that wasn't entirely true. I wasn't sure what I was. I wasn't attracted to women, and the only man I was attracted to was him, but I couldn't tell him that. I didn't know how he felt and I didn't want to ruin the relationship we had. I had noticed over the past year that his body was changing. He was getting skinnier. His ass wasn't as plump as it used to be. He was still as masculine as ever, but not as built. I still wanted him. He had a dark patch on his chin that he said was just a bruise. I accepted that as truth, but I noticed that it was gone the next day, and that it looked like he had put makeup over it. It didn't take much for me to realize that he probably had AIDs. My attraction to him only continued to grow. I still wanted him, and maybe I was wrong for it, but a need started growing inside me to be just like him. I wanted whatever it was he had, whether it was AIDs or not. When we were in the car, on the way to the coast for his business trip, I would find myself staring at him. He caught me several times, and smiled at me each time. This isn't normal, I kept thinking to myself. But I knew I couldn't come back from this business trip without getting what I wanted. Diseased or not, I've wanted this man sexually for years. It was time I did something to make it happen. I may have been doubtful when I was sixteen, but I knew in my heart that it wouldn't take much to get him to make love to me. Our hotel was a sleazy, rundown joint two blocks from the coast. A couple of tractor-trailers were parked at the far end of the parking lot, and two women, who were without a doubt prostitutes, walked up-and-down the sidewalk in front of the rooms. It was just after seven in the evening when we had checked into our room. I was surprised to see only one queen-size bed, and my heart and cock danced at the possibility that seemed too good to be true. I sat on the edge of the bed. I was hungry. "Can we order pizza?" He smiled at me. "Yes. But I want you to do something for me first." "Anything." He smiled again. "Good. I want you to watch me." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Wait here for a minute and you'll see," he said. He walked out the door and a moment later he returned with one of the women. Without saying a word, he bent her over the little table by the window. He lifted her dress and made eye contact with me as he felt inside her. He didn't break eye contact even has he unbuttoned his jeans, slipped them to his knees, and put himself inside her. I was the one who broke eye contact first. My gaze fell to his ass, now starting to sag a little. A black patch decorated his right ass cheek. I sucked in air. My cock started to throb. I reached into the pair of sweat pants I was wearing and stroked myself. I met his eyes once again and he was smiling at me. "You like that?" He asked. The woman answered, but I knew he was asking me. And I knew what he was referring to. I nodded and smiled even wider. "Good. I was hoping you would." He stared at me as finished. I noticed a flash of pain on his face that lasted only a second as he came inside her. He pulled his jeans back up to his hips before she managed to turn around. He showed her the door and closed it behind her. He turned to me. "I'm hoping that was only foreplay." He was rubbing his crotch and I could see him hardening through his jeans. I stood up and took my clothes off. I looked at him. "You know I want you. I'd be surprised if you didn't." "But do you know what you're getting into?" He asked. "You're the only person I've ever asked that question. You're like a son to me. I want to know that you understand. I want to believe that you understand." I gave him a little smile. "I understand what I'm probably getting into. It doesn't take much to figure out what that black patch means. I still want you. I've always wanted you." He pulled his clothes off. There was a patch on his chest, two patches on his torso, a patch on his pelvis, and, even though I couldn't see it now, the patch on his ass that I saw earlier." "You have to promise me that I won't be the only one." "What do you mean?" I asked. "This is a brotherhood. By the time we go home, you'll be a part of a brotherhood of men who live their lives to recruit others. You have to help do that." I thought about it for a moment. If summoning up the urge to have sex with someone who wasn't him meant fulfilling a wish that I've desperately wanted to come true, I would do it. "I promise," I said. He walked over to me, bent down to meet my lips, and kissed me. He gently pushed me to my knees and rubbed his cock against my lips. He still smelled like her. It wasn't a pleasant smell. His slit was raw and oozing. I let him in my mouth and started sucking him. He moaned as I sucked him, doing my best to keep my teeth away from him. I had never sucked anyone before, and I felt like I was doing a good job. It sound like I was. I felt his hands slip under my armpits. I looked up at him and he lifted me onto the bed. Laying me down, he climbed on top of me, pressed his body against mine, and kissed me. My body was screaming with pleasure as he rubbed his cock against mine. He slid down between my legs, lifted them up, and started licking my asshole. I felt my brain popping with pleasure. He kept making me wetter with spit. He slipped a finger in, working me open. Two fingers. Three fingers. It hurt, but it felt so good. He climbed over my body and gently sat on my chest. "Get it wet." I sucked him, getting as much spit on his cock as I could. He climbed back to my legs, pushed them against my chest, and put his cock against my hole. "This will hurt at first. It won't last long. I promise." He pushed the head of his cock inside me with a little force. I yelped. He learned forward, cupping my face with his hands. "You'll be okay." I nodded, and he kissed me again. Slowly, he moved himself in, and out, and in again, until all of him was inside me. He was right. It didn't last long. Waves of pleasure crashed through me. It was bliss. It was perfect. He spent the better part of an hour slowly making love to me. His breathing started to get more rapid, his thrusts faster and harder. "This isn't the end." He said. "This is the beginning. You'll be a part of something that will connect you with men all over the world. We deserve respect, and that's what we get." His face started twisting. He was about to orgasm. He gave one last final thrust. He cried out in pain as he exploded inside me. I started to jerk my cock, but he pushed my hand away as he collapsed on top of me. He pulled himself out of me. "Men like us, we don't masturbate. We don't waste what can be given to others." He laid down next to me. "I want you to finish inside me." I climbed over to his ass. I spread his cheeks. He hole was purple and raw. There were little bumps around it. "Don't spit on it." He said. "I'll be fine without it. I promise. Just go for it." I put the head of my dick against his hole and pushed. I slid inside him with ease. I was in him for less than a minute before I started blowing the biggest load of my life. When I pulled out, I could see a small streak of blood on my dick. He rolled onto his side and pulled me to him. "I'm attracted to you as much as you are to me." He said. "I hope that we can keep doing this. Sharing our gifts is the best part of the brotherhood." I smiled at him. "Of course we can." I paused a moment. "That woman. You did that to spread the gift?" "Yes," he said. "I only hope that I gifted her and she'll spread that gift to every man that puts himself inside her." We ordered that pizza I wanted, ate dinner, and spent the night repeatedly making love to each other. When I woke up the next morning, my heart fluttered with excitement when I pissed and it burned a little. "Welcome to brotherhood." My uncle said when I told him. "It may only seem like a minor infection, but after the night we had, there's no doubt that you're a member of the pack now."
    1 point
  33. I was on Grindr when I came across the guy who bullied all the gay and assumed-gay guys in high school (never the girls though--go figure). It had been about six years since we graduated. I looked at his profile and laughed when he said he was a bottom. Who would've thought? A bully ending up as a bottom? Unheard of. Not. I messaged him and asked if he was interested in hooking up. He didn't seem to recognize me, or he didn't say anything, but he said he was horny and wanted to hook up on his lunch break and that he liked meeting in the park if that was cool. Safe sex only, of course. I agreed to meet him there and, before I left, used a pin needle to pop a hole all the way through the middle of the condom wrapper. We met at the time we agreed on and I realized he was a total "jock bro." We parked next to each other, the side of his minivan facing a wooded area. He sucked me for a bit and slid open the van's door and bent over for me, spreading his smooth bubble butt. My cock started throbbing when I saw the baby seat. A family man. Perfect. I slipped the condom on, lubed his hole, and started fucking him. It wasn't the first time this guy had been fucked. He wasn't loose, but he wasn't tight either. After I came, in the condom, which turned him on because he came as soon as he heard me moaning, I did my best to squeeze out as much cum from the condom as possible before I pulled all the way out without him noticing. I packed myself back into my shorts, leaving the condom on my dick, and he smiled when he saw me doing it. "Kinky. Leaving the condom on is kinda hot. You gonna eat that later?" I told him I would. I wouldn't, though. I'd use what was left of it as lube for my diseased bottom friend I fuck from time to time. I started to get into my car and leave and he said "You think we can do that again sometime?" I laughed at said "Nah. I hated you in high school and I still hate you. Enjoy your life, pal." And I left. I went home and jerked off thinking about how a little of my unmedicated and viral load was inside him as he worked his boring job and later when he went home to his family. I came when I imagined him making love to his boring wife. I hope my load takes and he joins the club and everything he loves falls to pieces.
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  34. Part III Two other gorgeous men dressed in the same red leather as Mac entered the enormous circle of light and walked toward their cohort. One of them was a Caucasian with a hairless, swimmers build and the other was shorter, smooth, solid and obviously Hispanic. The booming voice from the darkness spoke, “Mac, since you are new to your position, these Lures shall be your servants for the evening’s events. They will assist you in prepping the cum-whores for each round.” Both of the men bowed to Mac and moved to take their positions slightly behind him on either side. “Now, which game shall we play?” The shadow voice said slowly, giving it an even more ominous tone. “I believe that, for our first round, we shall use the Ring of Toxic Death. Mac, take your servants and secure each of our five secretly willing victims into their respective stations on the Ring.” Mac and the others quickly moved to obey. Starting with number 1, each of us was forcibly removed from his respective St. Andrews cross. Before we were moved our hands were cuffed behind our backs and the noose was placed around our necks. The long pole kept each man at a safe distance from our captors as we were relocated to the large, black, waist-high, pentagon-shaped device. Each side had a padded station that would perfectly hold a man that was bent over into a perfect doggy-style fucking position. Numbers 1, 3, and 5 struggled hard to no avail and, before their handcuffs were removed, they were shackled, with chains on their wrists and ankles, into their stations on the Ring. Number 2 didn’t resist as he was transferred. He calmly walked, with his head lowered, to his place on the device and allowed them to secure his arms and legs. I twisted and turned, pulling at the rope around my neck, but this was more for show. I wanted the others to believe that I was resisting more than I was internally. Even though I didn’t want to show it to everyone else, deep down inside I was really excited at what was taking place. The terror was intoxicating and I could hardly wait to find out what was going to happen next. Chained into place, all of us standing inwards, facing each other, I could see the terror in number 1 and number 3’s eyes. They were perhaps no more than twelve feet from where I stood and each was breathing heavily through their noses. Their mouths still contained the red gag balls that muffled their whimpers. The restraints on our wrist gave us just enough slack to allow us to remain standing, but we were unable to turn around. Each rope of metallic links, attached to our wrist cuffs, disappeared into dark holes in the middle of the Ring of Toxic Death. “We will now play a modified version of musical chairs,” The deep manly voice rang loudly from unseen speakers in the darkness, “and this game will decide who may win the first round. We shall call it musical slut waiting for his toxic death loads.” The voice chuckled a bit and other sounds of male laughter rang out in the darkness. “We shall play a song while Mac walks around the circle. He will stick his cock in each one of your un-lubed asses, which I imagine might hurt a bit. The last one to take his cock before the song ends will be the winner of this round. Random chance has picked number 1 to take his cock first. Mac, you will then go around the circle clockwise until the end of our little tune. If you resist taking his cock then you will have just volunteered to win this round. Mac’s First Assistant, tighten the chains to position our little friends.” The Caucasian man in red moved to a table and picked up a remote control. He pushed a button and all of the chains moved into the holes on the Ring. This pulled all five of us into a bent over position. None of us could move anything other than our heads. Mac walked up behind number 1 and pulled out his rock hard huge cock. He was obviously very turned on by what was happening, but he wasn’t the only one. My cock throbbed and precum dripped from the end of my hairy tool. “Let the music begin.” The voice rang out from the darkness. A generic techno type of music blared from unseen speakers. It was the kind of song that you might hear while fucking at a bathhouse. Mac positioned the head of his large cock against the asshole of cum-slut number 1 and pushed his hips forward in one slow, forceful motion. Number 1 screamed out from behind his gag-ball and I could see his eyes widen and then clench shut. We could all tell that he was in pain. His forehead hit the top of the Ring in front of him several times to obviously refocus some of the pain away from his dry fuckhole. Mac withdrew his hard shaft as more rapidly than it was inserted. I could see a grin on his face as he moved clockwise around the circle. When Mac rammed his cock into number 2’s hole there was a grunt of anguish, but I could see the determination in the previous Mac’s eyes. He just stared forward while remaining silent and still. I hoped that I would be as tough. However, I would not get my chance to find out. As the new Mac was walking from number 3 towards number 4 the music stopped. “Number 3 is our winner men!” The voice boomed from the darkness. “Mac, pull out your coin and lets have a toss to determine if we AIDS breed this little pig or if we release him?” Mac pulled out a coin from a small pocket in his belt. “Heads you get filled with lots of AIDS babies…tails…you go free.” Mac bent over to softly say these words into number 3’s ear. I could see the terror in the slut’s eyes intensify. Mac tossed the coin, caught it in his hand and slapped it down hard on his opposite wrist. When he removed his hand he loudly said the word “Heads!” Laughter echoed from the dark. Number 3 pulled wildly at his restraints in vain. There would be no escape. His fate was sealed.
    1 point
  35. Part II Still hooded so that I remained completely blind, I was forcibly taken through the house, down a set of stairs and through a door. Part of me wanted to yell out, but I was in shock, too scared at what these men may do if I resisted. I heard the side door of a van slide open, I was thrown inside and I lay on the floor, all four of my limbs handcuffed. I was helpless. Several other men entered the van, and the door slid closed. I heard the garage door lift and we were off. We drove for several hours. All the while the voices around me talked quietly. I heard one of them mention that tonight’s group was a “good crop,” and that this evenings events should be particularly interesting. The vehicle finally came to a halt. I was pulled out of the van by a few men that lifted me off of the ground and carried me through a door that I heard unlatch and squeak as it swung open. They were far from gentle with me. My clothes were cut from my body and stripped away, and when my feet touched the floor I could feel the cold firmness of concrete. Several sets of strong hands held me in place, and my hands were still handcuffed behind my back. Cold water hit me and I gave out yell. A strong hand covered my mouth in warning, silencing me instantly. While standing in some sort of shower I was thoroughly washed both inside and out. Leather Straps were placed around my neck and wrists and ankles, and a harness was positioned around my torso. All the while my captors remained silent. My hood was removed, but the surrounding space was pitch-black and I remained unable to see anything as a different leather hood was placed upon my head. I could feel that this covering left my mouth and nose exposed. A hand squeezed the sides of my cheeks which forced my mouth open and a gag ball was strapped in place. After being dragged through the dark, my arms and legs were spread and I was shackled in place. There were muffled moans around me and whispers in the dark. A low, masculine voice rang out through the blackness, “Welcome chasers. All of your on-line chats with me have indicated that you have a strong desire to be fucked by HIV positive men. Well, as you have already guessed, you won’t be getting fucked by me. Actually, I am HIV negative. However, we have many dozens of poz men here that are full of cum and ready to plow all of their juice up your waiting asses. Every member of our brotherhood, except for me and a couple others that lure in chasers like you for the infectors, are very poz. None of them are on meds and if you are lucky enough to win some of their seed tonight, then you will most certainly become poz yourself. They are here to service you and help you to become what you secretly desire; POZ. Accept your destiny and let them eradicate your fear of becoming infected once and for all. We will now play a sequence of games and your fate will be decided for you. Shall we begin?” Spot lights came on above me and I was momentarily blinded. When my vision returned I saw that I and four other attractive young men were strapped to five St. Andrew’s Crosses all facing each other in a very large circle. Numbers hug above each of the crosses. From looking at the other numbers I assumed that I must be number 5. In the middle of the circle were a bunch of sexual devices including (but not limited to) what looked like padded sawhorses, small and larger cages, and one large round platform with five padded stations. Beyond the edge of crosses was only darkness. A man dressed in all red leather gear including a harness, Boots, chaps, gauntlets, a collar, and a hood was standing to one side of the circle. I instantly knew by his incredibly hot body that this was “Mac.” Mac stepped forward but stopped suddenly as another voice came from the surrounding darkness. “Mac, bring number 2 to the Leader immediately. 2 has been randomly chosen to speak with him.” Mac quickly obeyed. He withdrew a long stick with a hoop at the end (that is normally used to restrain dangerous animals) from a large, black box. He placed the hoop around number 2’s neck and tightened it a bit. The gorgeous, hairy man with a rock solid body, huge cock and a goatee was then released from the cross and was led from the light to the shadow beyond by Mac, who was firmly holding the other end of the restraining pole. I looked around the room at the others that remained. Some moaned behind their gag balls. I could not fully see their faces because of the black leather hoods over their heads, but I could observe their naked bodies. They were all beautiful. My ego told me that I must fit in well. Numbers 1 and 3 were hairless and yet completely masculine and very well built. Number 4 and I had hairy chests, stomachs and legs and we looked similar other than the fact that I had a short beard and he was clean shaven. Every one of us only wore a harness, a hood, cuffs on our wrists and ankles, and a collar. All of these were leather and black. I suddenly realized that all of our large cocks were rock hard. I knew at that moment Mac had been right. We all were extremely excited by the danger that awaited us, at the chance of being gang-fucked and pozzed up. It seemed like Mac had been gone for about a half an hour when the voice from the dark spoke, “Chasers, there has been a change in tonight’s events. We have made a deal with one of your fellow poz-cum-seekers. You see, we can’t have our lures getting too old and so the role of Mac will now be played by number 2. He has accepted the job in exchange for us letting him remain negative.” The new, younger “Mac” stepped out into the light. It was indeed number 2 dressed in the red leather gear. He held one end of the restraining pole in his left hand and other end was still obscured in the darkness. The voice continued, “The toss of a coin has decided that the former employee will now join the chasers and be subject to the same risks as the rest of you. Mac, restrain the new chaser on cross number 2.” Mac pulled on the pole and the previous, older “Mac” was revealed. He was now dressed in the same black outfit as the rest of us. He was also gagged. The man in black was quickly restrained on the cross by the man in red. The new Mac walked to where his predecessor had stood at the edge of the circle. Facing us and placing his hands behind his back the man in red leather said, “Now, shall we begin?”
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  36. I've been going to the bath for years and I always get fucked bareback. Of course, I'm very awarw that I could poz any time. But I'm still Neg. There's a lot of anon sex at the saunas and this promotes role playing and all kinds of fun stuff. In other words, at these anon sex places "everything goes" including playing with your HIV status. And to me not telling the truth about HIV status it's OK in this kind of place. If you are very concerned about infections you can go to saunas, and even play in the dark areas, but at your own risk. Not because everyone is poz, but because these are sexual fantasy places.
    1 point
  37. I tell all my bottoms: Dude, I have a big dick and I don't pull out, so that loads gonna end up deep in you. If someone has a problem with that, I politely tell him that it's not gonna happen and that he should find himself another guy who's a better fit. If the guy contacts me again, I will ask him, if he has changed his opinion. If not, I will politely tell him not to contact me again until he's ready to go through with it. I once had an hour drive and 5 minutes from his place I get a text: Sorry, changed my mind, you can fuck me bareback but you can't cum in my ass. I turned around. Twenty minutes later I get another text: "Where are you?". I replied: "On my way home. I got my principles and you knew that." Two months later the guy is offering to come to my place and begging for my load.
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  38. Once Doug and Greg left I lay down on the bed naked and still in my boots. While I had been fucked by four guys I had never cum and still had a hard on. I put my fingers in my hole and dug some cum out of my ass and started to jack off with it. Every time it would dry up a little I would just dig in my ass and find another gob to get my dick wet. It didn’t take very long until I was shooting a load that hit the wall, my face and covered my chest. After regaining my strength, I got up and took a shower. Once I was all clean I lay down on the bed, thinking I was only going to take a nap, but fell asleep for much, much longer. At 5:00 A.M. I was awakened by a hand covering my mouth and a person’s weight pressing me into the mattress. “Don’t worry, I’m Nick, I’m your ride home.” He released his hand from my mouth and let me turn over. Standing next to the bed was another man who introduced himself as Scott. Both of them were thin wiry men with gaunt faces wearing jeans that were too big for them and matching polo shirts with their company’s logo on them. Nick was only about 5’7”, but Scott was well over 6 feet. “Let me get dressed and we can get going” I said. Nick ran his hand in between my ass cheeks and rubbed my still swollen hole. “Not so fast, this ain’t gonna be a free ride. From what I heard up and down the highway last night, you’re a pretty good piece of ass.” He unzipped his pants and pulled out his soft cock. “Prove it.” He had a really nice cock and it didn’t take long before he was rock hard in my mouth. As I sucked him he ran his hands up and down my body, stopping every so often to pinch my nipple, which had the effect of getting me hard. Scott sat in one of the chairs and smoked a cigarette while rubbing his crotch and watching his friend get blown. From the size of his feet I was pretty sure he was gonna have a big cock. Nick got undressed and instructed me to sit on his face. His tongue was fantastic and before long there was a thin line of precum floating from the head of my dick down to Nick’s stomach. The scene must have gotten to Scott, cause he undressed revealing a very large soft cock with some major foreskin hangin’ off of it. He got on the bed in front of me, straddling Nick’s legs, grabbed me by the back of my head, and directed me to suck his cock. His crotch smelled so good from sweat and piss. As his dick hardened I was able to get my tongue between his foreskin and the head of his dick where salt from his sweat had collected. After a while, Nick had me slide down to his body and sit on his cock. Despite Nick’s efforts to make my ass wet, I was still swollen and sore enough that getting Nick’s cock in my ass still made me wince. Although it was better than having the monster that was in my mouth try to get in there first. Scott’s dick kept growing and growing. He loved to shove my face into his crotch and make me choke on his cock. Strings of spit hung from my chin as he tried force his enormous cock down my throat. Nick wanted to make it last, so he instructed me to turn around and start sucking him again and let Scott have a try at my ass. Apparently Scott knew how big he was, cause he went very slow getting his dick all the way in me. Once he was in and he could tell I was doing good, he started ramming his cock in hard. Unlike Nick, he really wanted to cum and a few minutes later he dropped his load in me. “Damn, he can take a big cock.” “Thank you Sir.” “Good boy, why don’t you sit back down on Nick’s cock and clean mine off?” “Yes Sir.” I sat back down on Nick’s cock, which at this point was a welcome relief from Scott’s flesh log, and cleaned of his shiny cock. When I was done he redressed and left the room saying “I’ll be waiting for you two in the truck.” “Yeah, we’ll be coming soon” Nick replied as I rode his cock. As promised it wasn’t long until Nick’s load coated my guts. After cleaning him off he told me to get dressed and make sure I wore the black lace-up boots. I did as instructed and followed him out to their truck, which was a cab over, not the conventionals I usually saw. I climbed in and Nick followed behind me, getting into the driver’s seat. Scot was sitting in the passenger seat smoking again. Nick pointed to the center of the cab that was raised up to accommodate the engine, “Do you know what this is?” “No sir.” “It’s called the doghouse. I want you to take off everything and get up here and sit like the little bitch puppy you are.” I did as instructed and knelt down on the padded area. It was high enough so that when we passed other truckers they could see me quite easily. Soon we were headed east on I-10 and every time we passed another truck, Nick would slow down and let the other driver see me. Sometimes they gave us the finger, but a lot of time they smiled and nodded in approval. “I need to take a piss” Nick said. “Yeah, me too” said Scott. “Let’s see if he can take piss as good as he can take cum.” Nick unzipped his pants and took his cock out. “Come over here and drink my piss so I don’t have to stop.” Being on the doghouse made this kind of difficult since it was a little higher than the seat. I put a hand on each of his thighs and took his cock in my mouth. Soon I felt a warm flow in my mouth and used my lips to cut off the flow when I needed some time to swallow. Being in the position left my ass in the air and pointed in Scott’s direction. I guess he couldn’t wait to piss, cause I suddenly felt some sort of lube being put in my ass and then I felt Scott’s big cock parting my ass. He pushed it all the way in and then let go with a strong stream of piss. As Nick finished Scott was still filling me at the other end. He must have pissed in me for a good two minutes before I felt him squeezing of a few short spurts to signal that he was done. “I’m gonna pull my dick out now and you better not let piss spray all over me fucker.” Slowly he took his cock out of my ass and as I felt the ridge from the head of his dick start to pass through my sphincter I squeezed as tight as I could. Since I was swollen from all the fucking I’d gotten none of it spilled out. “Now get back in position.” Nick said. For the next two hundred miles I knelt down and squeezed my sphincter. Finally we ended up back at the truckstop George had first picked me up at. Nick took a spot in the very back row. “Good boy, you didn’t spill a drop.” “Thank you Sir.” “Bet you need to take a piss and release all that piss from your ass too.” “Yes Sir.” Truth be told I was about to explode from my dick and my ass. “Get out on Scott’s side and I’ll come around, but don’t start till I can watch.” I climbed down the side of the truck and squatted behind the back wheels and pissed while all Scott’s piss flowed out of my ass. “Fuck, that made me hard again” Scott said. “Me too. Come over here boy and suck me while he fucks you.” They were right, watching me dump all that piss had made them hard. Nick’s cock sprang out of his pants and Scott didn’t waste any time shoving his monster up my ass and going to town on it. In a few minutes, Scott was shooting up my ass. When he was done, Nick flipped me around and shoved his cock in me while I cleaned off Scott’s dripping cock. Soon he was shooting a load in me. Once I had cleaned off Nick’s cock, they threw my bag of clothes down and told me to get dressed. Walking back to my car I could feel cum running down my leg. Can’t wait till George is back in town.
    1 point
  39. y thank yeew! i can testify to this...it's always glorious to watch a bottom's will subsume itself fully to my fuck. at that point, whatever the physical personality of the bottom (active, passive, bossy, fearful), the actual rhythm of their movement submits entirely to my own, even correctly predicting it, always with full submission as the guide of their action. i can go for hours to break an unruly bottom to that state (or just punish the willing ), but once i get a man broken to my dick, it's very hard to hold back nut...it becomes imperative to deepseed him.
    1 point
  40. I find this a non-issue. A few dirty whispers in the ear and any bottom is begging for my load. I can't think of the last time a guy asked me to pull out. If asked in the future, I would but it's kinda pointless because I leak a ridiculous amount of pre-cum.
    1 point
  41. Maybe it's on account of the wedding ring, but no bottoms ever asked me to pull out. Not sure how I'd react if one did, cause for me it ain't sex if I don't nut inside someone. I remember feeling insulted one time when this dude at the XXX spit out my load after I came in his mouth. A couple weeks later same dude wanted to blow me again and I told him "not unless u swallow". He did.
    1 point
  42. i never pull out no matter how much they beg me to. if i stick my hard cock raw in a tight hole im not stopping until its bred full of my cum. i have had guys have me use a condom and it broke just kept fucking until i filled them full and said i didn't notice it
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  43. I am 38 years old and do not think I have ever pulled out with out at least leaving one load. I let my bottoms know he is going to have my cock in his ass for more than a few minutes. I blow the first load deep if I am asked to pull out. I can cum without making a sound if I have to. I have faked a cramp a few time in order to take a break so my cock can rest a few before I go round two. So if he does not have time for the fuck it is his loss. I like to be in the hole long enough that he knows he has been fucked three days later.
    1 point
  44. My heart jumped in my chest wondering who could be knocking at the door of George’s truck. All I could see was a flannel shirt and a cap in the convex mirror. The visitor knocked again. I felt George flick his cigarette butt at my back. “Go answer the fucking door. What are you deaf?” Still only wearing my jockstrap I opened the door to find the driver from the truck that was parked next to us. “Hey, rumor is there’s a little slut in this truck that likes to get fucked.” I must have turned red because he continued, “Aw, looky there, a bashful slut.” By this time George had pulled on his jeans as was standing behind me. “Can I help you?” George said lighting another cigarette. "Just wondering if I could get a piece of this. Heard it’s real good.” “How much were you thinkin’ about?” I was shocked. It was one thing for me to get fucked to repay George’s debt, but it never dawned on me he’d just whore me out like a prostitute. "I got twenty in cash.” “All you got’s twenty fuckin dollars to your name?” “Yeah, everything’s on cards now, even my paycheck. Tell you what, I got a fuel pump I keep in my trailer box for emergencies. How about I pump twenty gallons out of my tank into yours plus give you the twenty bucks?” George hesitated for a moment before finally agreeing. “Pump the fuel first while I get him his clothes. Don’t want people reporting the little slut for running around the truck stop naked.” “Deal.” As our neighbor went back and got everything ready to transfer the fuel from his tank to George’s, George got out and retrieved my clothes from the side box and threw them up into the cab for me to put on. As he climbed back into the cab he said, “Make sure you got all your shit with you when you leave. My 50-something dick is wore out and I need to cover some miles tonight.” “Yes Sir.” As I bent over to pull my jeans on George slapped my ass. “Damn slut, that hole of your is still pretty open. Hope he’s thick enough to fill it.” He laughed as he put out another cigarette. I pulled on my shirt and shoes. “Got everything?” “Yes sir.” “Good, get the fuck out.” With that order I climbed out the passenger door and down to the ground where the other driver was still pumping fuel into George’s tank. He looked me up and down. “You better be a good piece of ass, between the fuel and the twenty bucks it’s costin’ me about $100.” “He’s a good maid too.” George yelled down from the window. “He cleaned up my rig real good.” “Well, what are you waiting for? Climb up there and start cleaning while I finish this.” I climbed up into the cab of the Western Star. It was a lot nicer that George’s International. This driver kept a lot cleaner truck too from the look of it. There really wasn’t much to do. I snooped around until I found some dash cleaner in the bottom of the closet beneath some blue work shirts with name tags on them that said “Billy”. I started dusting off the dash and all the gauges, then I continued to the floor, which must have recently been cleaned because all it needed was a dust as well. Suddenly I could hear the metal cap being screwed back onto the fuel tank and the rocking of the truck as Billy climbed onto one of the steps and opened the door. “Why are you still wearing your clothes? Get undressed, I can’t fuck you like that.” I got undressed in the middle of the cab while Billy watched. A bulge grew underneath his jeans. “Go lay on the bunk with your ass pointed out of the sleeper.” I did as I was told. Behind me I could hear Billy’s belt buck clanking as he his belt through the loops in his jeans. Suddenly I felt him crack the belt against my bare ass. I jumped and screamed a little. “Did I tell you to fucking speak?” “No Sir.” Another crack of the belt against my ass. “And?” “Sorry Sir.” “Good boy.” I heard something else metallic behind me, some sort of chain. Then I felt his bulging denim crotch against my bare ass. Then suddenly I felt pain on my right nipple and then my left. Billy had placed nipple clamps connected by a chain on to me. He reached down to feel my rock hard erection leaking precum, taking some on his finger and licking it off with his tongue. “Boy likes nipple play, awesome. Let’s see what else boy likes. Put your feet up on the bed so you’re squatting.” I put both feet on the bed and squatted with my hole exposed to Billy. Again I felt his denim covered crotch come in contact with my ass, only this time it rubbed against my exposed hole. Then Billy put a leather restraint on my left wrist and then one on my right wrist. He then took two lengths of chain and connected each of my restraints to the back corners of the sleeper. Again he reached down and took some precum off my dick and ate it. “Boy likes restraints too.” I then felt a hard leather weight belt being cinched around my waist and heard another length of chain. He then grabbed the weight belt and lifted me up to attach it to the chain so that my feet were dangling and my ass was in the air. “Oh we’re not done yet my friend.” He then placed restrain on either of my ankles and placed a spreader bar in between my feet. I then heard another length of chain being brought out. Suddenly Billy was face up under me. He grabbed the spreader bar and looped the length of chain around it and then attached the two ends to a d-ring on the back wall of the sleeper. Sliding out from under me he said, “Now we’re ready for fun.” The next thing I felt was his tongue encircling the head of my dick and his lips wrap around the base. He started sucking me pretty vigorously, occasionally batting at the chain between my nipples. With all the stimulation and restraints I came in a matter of minutes. “Good boy, now you can give my dick full concentration.” Behind me I heard him get undress, but I couldn’t get a good look at his cock. He fingered my hole a couple of times getting the three loads in there to re-lube my ass and then he plowed his cock into me. I didn’t know if he was especially big or if it was just my hole being sore from the other guys, but his dick felt enormous. I knew it wasn’t as long as Mike’s, but it definitely felt thicker. He didn’t waste any time letting me get used to it at all. He went from 0 to full on fucking. All the while he gave me instructions on when to squeeze his dick and when to release my hole’s grip on it and if I was a second late on either direction he would pull his dick all the way, slap my ass with the belt and jam his thick cock all the way back in. This continued for what seemed like an hour or more until he finally had me squeeze his cock one last time and shot his huge load in my ass. After he was soft he let his cock slip out and sat on the driver’s seat to collect himself. “Fuck I needed that. You hangin’ in there?” He chuckled at his lame pun. “Yes sir.” “How about I let you out of that contraption and we go get us a couple of showers?” “Yes sir.” Billy, carrying a duffle bag, led me into the private room and we both got undressed. He turned on the water in the shower and instructed me to get in. He then instructed me to wash him, starting with his feet. I knelt down in front of him and there was evidence he was aroused again staring me in the face. “Look up at me and open your mouth.” He said grabbing his semi-hard cock. As soon as my mouth was opened, eh aimed his piss slit for my mouth and released a stream of urine in my mouth. At first I wasn’t swallowing and it was running out of my mouth and all over my body. Seeing this he stopped midstream and said, “Start swallowing bitch.” He started again and I started to swallow. “Good boy.” After he was done pissing, I got a hand full of liquid soap and started soaping up his hairy feet and legs. Slowly I worked my way up his hairy bear body until I was finally soaping up his buzz-cut hair. After I was done washing him and he was rinsed off he stepped out of the shower. “Now you clean yourself up and make sure that ass is good to go again. I’ll leave you some clean clothes to wear, meet me back at the truck.” I washed my body and made sure my ass was “good to go” as Billy put it. When I got out of the shower I was surprised not to see the clothes I wore into the room, but instead a pair of black lace-up boots and a tiny pair of rubber shorts. As I walked out of the showers in the tiny rubber shorts, truckers laughed at me, one guy even snapped the waist band making sure to stick his rough finger in my crack as he did it. Finally I found the exit and started walking out towards the truck, which was parked all the way in the back row. As I walked passed a couple of air horns went off and a few guys whistled at me out their windows. At last I found Billy’s Western Star and climbed in the cab. Billy was already in the bunk when I got in. He threw a pillow at me. “Here, you can sleep on the floor.” “Yes sir.” I curled up on the floor with my pillow and fell asleep in my tiny shorts and boots. A few hours later I was woken up by Billy’s belt against my ass. “Come here bitch.” I crawled over to the bunk and Billy swung his legs off the side. “Open your mouth I need to take a piss.” He grabbed me by the chin. “And you better not spill a fucking drop!” I took his cock in my mouth and waited. At first there were little sprays of piss and then finally he let go with a full stream. I wrapped my lips tight around the base of the cock and made sure not to let any out of my mouth. After what seemed like ten minutes his stream slowed down and he finished by squeezing out a few short spurts. “Good boy.” He said taking his cock out of my mouth. “Now go back to sleep.” A few more hours passed and I woke to find one of the d-rings on my boots fastened to a chain that was fastened to the cab of the truck. Billy was seated in the drivers’ seat pressing the start button on the dash. He looked over at me. “Hope you don’t mind, but I think you’re going to make a turn to LA with me. Don’t worry I’ll have you back by Monday morning.” “But I’ve got things to do this weekend. What about my car?” “The only things you’re going to do are what I tell you to do. And I don’t give a fuck about your car. I got to make back that fuel somehow. Not get your ass up here in the seat so I can show off the merchandise if I need to.” I climbed into the passenger seat as we exited the truck stop and got on I-10. I hadn’t noticed it in the dark, but Billy’s truck was electric blue and very easy to notice. We were just barely passed the exit to Gila Bend when Billy’s phone rang and he put it on speaker. “Hey Billy it’s Doug, is that you behind me?” “You hauling a load of fence pipe?” “Yep, that’s me. You still got that boy with you in the little shorts you had up on BBRT last night?” “Yep, little slut sittin’ right here.” “Well come up along side and show him off.” Billy sped up and got beside Doug’s truck. I shyly waved at him as we got next to him. “Don’t wave at me, get up and show off that fucking body.” I got up and spun around slowly. “Take the fucking shorts down.” Facing him I peeled the shorts down to my thighs. “I ain’t suckin’ your dick, I wanna fuck you. Turn around slut.” I turned around and showed my as to Doug. “Nice! Now bend over with one foot up on the seat so I can get a good look at that hole.” I did as instructed. “Fuck yeah. How much Billy?” Billy turned the speaker off and started to talk to Doug. “I need to make at least a hundred off him to break even. Cool. Bythe? OK see you then.” Billy hung up the phone and put his cruise back to where it was as he slipped in behind Doug’s truck that quickly sped away from us. “We’re gonna stop at Blyth for a little bit so you can make a little of that money back.” We drove for a while more. My head started bobbing as the road lulled me to sleep. Suddenly Billy yelled out. “Fuck, the weigh station is open!” “Are you overweight?” “I don’t think so, but I didn’t weigh it before we left.” Slowly we exited into the weigh station and rolled over the scales. Over the loud speaker I heard “Western Star pull over.” Billy pounded the steering wheel. “Fuck!” Billy got out all the information that they were going to ask us for and went into the weigh station. My heart was pounding as I saw Billy come back with an officer in tow. The door opened and the officer climbed in the truck. “Hi there, I’m Officer Jacob and it seems that Billy is 120 pounds over gross. I asked Billy if there was anything that he could get off the truck to lighten the load. He said no, but that there was something in the truck that could lighten my load. So how about you climb in the back there and lighten my load.” “Yes sir.” I climbed in the back and Officer Jacob was right behind me. “Get on your knees and suck me.” I got on my knees, undid his belt and pulled down his underwear to reveal a thick seven inches drooling with precum. As I sucked him he got harder and harder till all the veins on his cock stuck way out. He looked down at his watch. “You’re real good and all, but I got a schedule to keep. So why don’t you turn around and let me fuck that ass so I can get off.” I turned around and Jacob peeled my rubber shorts down to my knees. “You got any lube?” “I don’t know where it is sir.” “Guess we’ll have to do this the old fashioned way. Jacob spit a giant wad on my ass crack and spread it all over my hole. Then he spit another wad and started to finger my hole. After he thought I was slick enough he shoved all seven inches into my ass. I screamed in pain. “Shut the fuck up!” He grabbed the back of my head and shoved it into the mattress. He started fucking me faster and faster until he came. Still hard and pumping cum out of his cock he grabbed my hair and shoved his cock in my mouth. “Clean it off bitch.” I sucked all the cum off his cock, paying special attention to his piss slit that kept producing little pearls of cum. When he started going soft he shoved me into the mattress, got his pants back up and exited the truck. Billy climbed into the truck shortly after. I was pulling the tiny rubber shorts back up. “Awesome, you’ll be all lubed up for Blythe.” He started the truck and we exited the weigh station, getting back on I-10. …to be continued
    1 point
  45. Negative guys (like me) who go to baths or clubs (like me) who let complete strangers fuck them raw (like me) can't complain about the consequences of their actions. For some of us, the addiction to raw cock is so powerful that we'd do anything to get a hard breeding session.
    1 point
  46. Twins (Part 4) After a shower and little rest they got ready to go out for the night. Eric began smoking some more Tina to keep him going for the nights activities. They passed the pipe around along with a round of Viagra to keep them all hard for the night. Jeff had no idea what where they were going or what was planned, but he was game for anything. They hopped in Jeff's jeep and drove off. Jack noticed that Eric had a gym bag with him, but never gave it much thought as they sped away. It didn't take long before they were in front of a nice looking building when Eric announced they had arrived. Jeff asked what the place was and was told that they were at the local bath house. They went in side and asked for the room that was reserved for them. Eric and Jack had arranged for a sling room for the night and well into the next day. As they got settled in the room, Jeff looked around and noticed the sling. He wondered why they all came here when they could have played back a the apartment. Jack told Jeff this is where we came the night after they told me that I had been pozzed by them to celebrate. I spent the entire night in that sling over there, right were you will be tonight. They all led Jeff over to and then lifted him up into the sling. Jeff then had his wrists and ankles restrained so he was not going any where until he would be released. It was apparent that Jeff was excited at the idea of being in the sling by the hard 8 inch erection he had, then again it could be the Viagra kicking in. They made sure that Jeff's ass was higher then his head so that nothing would leak out. Jack put an open bottle of Gatorade to Jeff's lips and told him to drink. Jeff liked Gatorade, but this tasted different. Jack let Jeff know that it had a good amount of G in it and with the Tina he was about to slam, the poppers later on he would be begging for anything to be put in his ass. Eric prepared the 3 slams. Jeff watched as Eric and Miguel gave themselves their slams. He was fascinated how some one could just inject themselves like that. Then Jack stepped up and showed Jeff how to give a slam. He tied a rubber tube around his arm, found a good vein then stuck the needle in his own arm. Jeff watched as Jack pulled back a little bit of blood back. As he started to push the plunger down, Jeff asked about his slam. Jack looked down at him and said, "I have your slam right here."; Jeff gave himself about 1/3 of the slam before he stopped and pulled back filling it with some of his own blood. Jack let Jeff know that just as had been done with him when Eric and Miguel brought him here a few months ago, the three of them had shared a slam, Jack was sharing his with Jeff. Miguel tied rubber tubing around Jeff's arm as Jack pulled the the Tina and blood mix syringe from his arm and approached his brother. Jeff was in a haze from the G that he barely comprehended all the implications of his brother's actions. Jack let him know that if all the seeding didn't take, this would not fail to poz his brother. Jack found the vein as Jeff watched the bloody clear liquid disappear into his arm. The tube was removed from his arm and he felt the rush and had the strongest cough of all of them. As Jack was administering the slam, Eric gave Jeff a large booty bump Jack commented that "This is going to be good." Jeff felt the warmth through his body and the burn in his ass as his senses were thrown intro over load. He started to wiggle his ass and begged for some one to fuck him. Jack stepped up rammed right in and pounded away. Jack looked down at his brother, enjoying the look of lust on his brother's face as he rammed the entire length of his cock in side his brother.. Jack to a big hit of poppers and paused he pounding long enough to give his brother a long hit in each nostril. Jack went into over drive and grunted out as he gave his brother his first (of many) load(s) of the night. He was quickly replaced by Eric and Jack walked over to kiss his brother deeply. Miguel lit up some Tina in a pipe and passed it around. First Miguel took a long hit of the pipe then passed it to Eric who also took a long hit. He then handed it to Jack. Jeff looked up waiting to get his hit off the pipe when Jack took a long, big breath off the pipe and leaned in to kiss his brother. As Jack and Jeff kissed Jack breather the smoke into Jeff, then sucked it back out of his brother, only to breath it back in to Jeff again. Jeff caught on quickly and they enjoyed the Tina between themselves as they shared a passionate kiss. This lasted so long that they never noticed when Eric shot his load and was replaced by Miguel. As Miguel fucked Jeff, Eric grabbed the bag he brought with them to the baths. Jeff never saw what Eric was getting out of the bag, but he would soon know how mush his ass could be opened up. Between the generous slam, booty bump, the G, and poppers Jeff had been given he was feeling really good. All he knew was he wanted to get fucked. What he didn't know was he was in for the fucking of his life. Miguel began speaking in Spanish which signaled that he was getting close to seeding Jeff's hole. He pounded away at Jeff and then screamed out something in Spanish no one understood except for himself as he let loose his load. Eric placed something on the floor near the area between Jeff's spread legs as Jack stepped up for what Jeff thought would be another fucking. What Jeff felt was a bit of a surprise. Jack reached down to the item on the floor, a tub of Crisco, and began to work 3 then four fingers into Jeff's hole. Eric fed Jeff more poppers by breathing them in through his own mouth then kissing Jeff as they exchanged the poppers the same way Jack and Jeff had exchanged the Tina earlier. This distracted Jeff for a bit as Jack then slipped his thumb into Jeff's hole and began to work his fist into his brother's ass. As Eric Finished feeding Jeff poppers, Jack slipped his fist past his brother's ass ring. Jeff let out a moan of pleasure as he felt his hole stretched open. He looked down between his legs to see his brother with his hand in side his own hole. Jeff had heard about fisting before, but he was amazed that this could be done to another person let alone himself. Jack looked down at his brother and asked how he felt with a fist inside his ass. Jeff replied that it felt incredible. Jeff then saw something else that Eric had brought with them to the baths that night, a very large dildo. Eric told him that it was a horse cock dildo and that measured 13 inches long and 8 inches around. By now jack had worked his fist into Jeff past his wrist. Jack flexed his fingers to stretch Jeff open and prepare him for the horse cock dildo. Eric began to generously lube the dildo with Crisco as Jack slowly pulled his full fist out of his brother. Jack punch fucked his brother's hole a few times before tacking the dildo from Eric as Miguel gave Jeff a hit off the pipe. Jack slid the dildo in side his brother's gaping hole, Eric and Miguel left to cruise the baths for more tops to have seed Jeff. The dildo slid in about half way with ease before meeting some resistance. Jack began to rotate and wiggle the piece of rubber lodged inside his brother. Jeff could only moan as he felt the dildo working its way farther in side him. After some time Eric and Miguel returned to the room and as they walked through the door they gave Jack and nod. Jack knew that the word would soon spread about the fresh meat in their room. Eric noticed that the dildo was not moving as easily now and reached in is bag for something to help with the insertion. Eric prepared a small slam for Jeff and gave it to him. As the slam hit Jeff and he threw his head back only able to say "FUCK!" the dildo slid past the internal ring and completely disappeared in side Jeff. Jack commented "Damn bro, way to go!" as Jack began to fuck his brother with the huge piece of rubber. Soon there was a crowd gathering just outside the door as Jeff was getting a fucking from the dildo. Guys began to line up waiting for their turn to fuck and seed Jeff. Jack noticed this and slowly pulled the dildo from his bother's ass. Jeff felt very empty and his hole gaped open for all to see. Jack announced that the pig in the sling is my twin brother and we are celebrating his becoming a poz pig tonight. He further said that no cock or load will be turned down. The rest of the night Jeff was fucked by every top in the place, some more then once. They lost track of how many loads Jeff took. They made sure that one of the 3 (either Jack, Eric or Miguel) was around so that no harm would come to Jeff. The two not on duty near Jeff to feed him poppers and watch those fucking him would fuck on the bed on the other side of the room. The next morning when the traffic into the room had slowed and then stopped, Jeff was seeded one last time by Miguel, then Eric and finally his brother Jack. The release Jeff from the sling and helped him into the shower where they washed him inside and out. They then dressed and headed home to crash. Jeff sat in the back of the jeep as they drove home reliving the nights events. He was hard as hell for some reason and when they got back to the apartment and alone in Jack's room Jeff wasted no time in jumping his brother. Jeff was now the slutty pig that Jack was as Jack got the fucking of his life from his now poz brother.
    1 point
  47. Twins (Part 2) After a week of Jack visiting his brother Jeff one would think that the boys would be ready for a break. Actually Jeff couldn't wait to go to Jack's school. As soon as classes were done, they hopped in their cars and Jeff followed Jack the 6 hours back to his campus. Unlike Jeff, Jack lived in a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 other guys. The 2 were boyfriends but had an open relationship. One was Eric, a graduate student who was 24, 5'10", 150 pounds, curly blond hair, blue eyes and a 7" cock and his boyfriend was Miguel, a Latino who was 21, 5'8", slim build, 130 pounds, black hair , brown eyes and a 7 1/2" uncut cock. (Side note: On any given weekend there might be a few other guys around. Some poz, most were unsuspecting neg boys, gay, bi and the occasional drunk straight boy.) Jack had moved in with these 2 lovers at the beginning of his second semester. What Jeff was soon to find out was not only were these guys gay, but poz as well. These were the 2 guys who introduced a willing Jack to drugs and pozzed him. Now it was time for phase 2 of Jack's master plan and his roommates were going to assist him. No sooner did they arrive then Jeff was offered a drink and the 4 studs sat down to get acquainted. They spiked jacked Jeff's drink with a small amount of GHB, just enough to get him more pliable to what was going to be suggested. In no time Jeff was feeling the effects of the G as a (Tina laced) joint was being lit. They made sure that Jeff got more hits on the joint then anyone. Jeff was getting very horny, more horny then when he smoked the joint he and Jack shared the previous week. They could see the lust in Jeff's eyes as the Tina hit him. Eric put a porn on the living room plasma as he and Miguel began to make out. Jeff just watched the live action in front him and the porno as he felt more and more horny. Jack leaned in to kiss him and whisper to him, "Just let go and let what happens, happen." Jeff closed his eyes as Jack began to kiss and caress him. As Jack and Jeff made out Jack slowly stripped themselves down to their boxers while Eric was laying on top of a half naked Miguel. Jack got Jeff on his back so that he could not see what Eric and Miguel were about to do. While Jack and Jeff were grinding cock to cock, Jack slid Jeff's boxers down and made sure he was well positioned between Jeff's legs. Eric Reached in with a finger covered with Tina and Jack worked a little lube Miguel supplied around his unsuspecting brother's hole. Jack slipped his finger in for a few second then pulled it out only to have his finger replaced with Eric's Tina covered finger. Jack kept a tight lip lock on Jeff's mouth as Eric massaged the Tina into his hole. Jeff broke the kiss to tell Jack that his finger was stinging his hole. As the forced booty bump took its effect on Jeff he began to wiggle and move his ass further onto Eric's probing finger. Jeff had never felt so horny in his life. He looked up at Jack and said "I need to get fucked, now!" Jack looked back into his eyes and told him, "That's exactly what we plan on doing." as he slid his hard cock into his brother's (Tina) hungry hole. Jack just held his cock still in side his brother's hole and asked, "How does that feel? You like that dick in your hungry ass?" Jeff looked up and pleaded with Jeff, "I need to get fucked, I need you to pound my hole." Jack answered back, "I know you need to be fucked, that you need to have your hole pounded. I can tell you are liking the Tina Eric slipped into your ass." Jeff was a little shocked, then he relaxed and let the booty pump take control as he asked Jack, "Why did you do that to me?" Jack asked "You liked the joints we smoked?" Jeff nodded yes. Jack informed him that they were laced with Tina and he had already experienced the sexual high from them. He wanted Jeff to experience the full effects that Tina can provide when fucking. With that done Jack began to pound away at Jeff's hungry hole as Eric and Miguel disappeared to fix slams for everyone. When Eric and Miguel returned Jack pulled his cock out of his brother's hole and just held him down. Jeff pleaded for Jack to continue fucking him crying out "I need your dick in side me bro, please???" Jack looked down at Jeff and asked, "How bad do you want to be fucked bro?" Jeff answered "Bro I need to be fucked now." The brothers looked at each other for a few minute, Jeff trying to move his ass onto his brother's cock and his brother holding him down so he couldn't really do any thing. Jeff then said, "I'll do any thing you want me to to get that cock of yours in side me." Jack answered back, "Any thing? Are you sure?" Jeff thought for a moment as he felt the hunger growing in himself and said "Yes, any thing." Jack signaled for Eric and Miguel to proceed and began to inform his brother what was about to happen. As Jack spoke he continued to hold Jeff down tightly, and now with help from Eric and Miguel, they prepared Jeff for his first slam, Jack told his brother, "I can tell that you enjoyed the Tina, am I right?" Jeff nodded a yes. Jack continued, "I knew it. Now you are going to feel the greatest high as we slam or inject Tina directly into your vein. Not to worry, Miguel is a nursing student and is very good with needles. He taught me to slam as I will teach you. Ready or not, it's going to happen." Jeff shook his head yes again and closed his eyes. Jack told his brother to open his eyes, he needs to see what is happening. Jeff opened his eyes and looked up at his brother. He saw a look of love from his brother that seemed to comfort him. That look let Jeff relax as Miguel began to move in. Jack said, "Watch as your life is going to change from this point on, after this week you will be craving cock and cum more then you will ever know." Jeff appeared relaxed, but as he looked over at his arm to watch as Miguel stuck the needle in his vein, he felt a wave a panic wash over him as he felt the poke of the needle in his arm. Although Jeff felt panicky he never jerked or moved his arm. Jeff just watched as Miguel first pulled back on the plunger getting a bit of his blood in the clear liquid to make sure he hit the vein. The he watched as Miguel pushed down on the plunger and the blood and clear liquid disappeared into his arm. The panic Jeff was feeling was quickly replaced with a rush of warmth and a strong cough. That's when Jack knew the slam had hit his brother. Jack slid his cock back into his brother as Miguel then gave him a slam. Jack leaned his head back as he felt the effects and let out his own cough. As the drugs took effect the brothers looked into each others eyes as Jack began to passionately fuck his brother. Jack's plan was almost complete. The last step was for his brother to willingly get fucked and seeded by his roommates. "Jeff, I know you haven't had as much sex as I have and that any time you did you used a condom because you were afraid of getting the bug. " Jack said as he began to prepare his brother mentally for what was happening in his body, already being seeded with his own poz loads the week before as Jack was sliding his cock in and out of his brother's hole. Jeff continued, "The bug is a wonderful thing to have, it is a gift, a gift I received from Eric and Miguel, one I have and have already shared with you. I know you will recognize the freedom and power this gift will give you." As Jeff was feeling the high from the slam he attempted to process what Jack had just said. "Did you give me HIV Jack?" Jack only nodded yes. The slam was in full effect as Jeff processed what his brother had told him and with the meth and his brothers DNA already moving through his body he threw his head back and begged for Jack to pound his hole and give him his seed. Jack wasted no time in starting his assault on his brother's hole as Eric and Miguel watched. Jack fucked his brother with all his might and strength. Jeff just moaned and begged for Jack to seed his ass again, "Cum in side me bro, give me more of your DNA." Jeff was understanding what the gift meant, freedom to fuck without using condoms and gifting others like he has been gifted. Jack grunted out, "Oh Jeff I'm going to cum. Are you ready for another one of my charged loads?" Jeff cried out, "Give it to me bro, give me your poz load."
    1 point
  48. met a freaky guy about an hour ago in the rambles. ate his ass, fucked him, dropped a load.....sucked it out
    1 point
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