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  1. Chris couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t attached to a girl. Even before he knew how to spell ‘girlfriend,’ he had one. At first he attracted them just by being the brash, confident exceptional boy he was, excelling in every sport, activity, hobby, and grade as he went. Once puberty hit, the line of ladies seeking his company grew exponentially, keeping his dance card full all the way through high school and college. Maybe that’s why he never realized there was a need inside him that was aching to be fulfilled, until it was too late. The rain had been pouring for almost a week straight since Chris had moved into his new apartment, in a new city, where he had just started a new job. Having graduated high school at 16, and college at 20, Chris was used to things coming easily to him, but no one seemed impressed or even pleased with him at work. Unnerved by his slow start, he hungered for something to distract and rejuvenate him. On his third night there, he called his current girlfriend who was two hours away in the tiny town where they’d gone to school together. After five minutes on the phone, Chris realized she wouldn’t be driving up to see him anytime soon. Unphased, he assumed he’d have another girlfriend by the end of the week, and decided to work out his frustrations with a different type of physical exertion. He was already lacing up his tennis shoes for a run when the sky opened up and cancelled that idea. The next few nights he spent looking for a female companion in bars and clubs, but amazingly he had no luck. As it turns out, being born handsome and exceptional makes it easy to get girls when you are in a small town, but here in the city, he had no idea how to approach a woman and start a conversation. Without the aid of a classroom he was helpless, not to mention the added disadvantage of working so late each night that anyone worth talking to was either taken or drunk. So there he was, stuck inside on a rainy Saturday night: horny, alone and itching for release of some kind. Getting out the newspaper with half a mind to call one of the women advertizing under the escort section, he happened to turn to a full page ad for a gym. Halted by the spandex clad babe in the photo, he realized as he read that the gym was only a few blocks from his house and extremely reasonably priced, considering they advertized services like personal training, massage therapy, dozens of different classes and a nutritionist. He clipped the coupon from the bottom corner, tossed on some shorts and a tshirt and dashed to his carport. Perhaps it was a stereotype, but Chris expected floor to ceiling windows, bright lights and a giant neon sign to welcome him. Instead he found himself walking in to an unassuming red brick building at 11pm, where a short, trim redhead greeted him. She took his coupon, promised him the first five visits no strings attached and instructed him to veer left to the men’s gym, where one of the male trainers would meet him. A slim tan blond man named Dave led him through the 4 story complex, explaining that unlike other gyms, Stern’s kept the male and female gyms separate, only combining on the top floor where group classes were held. The floor below that had the nutritionist’s area and windowless mirrored work-out areas for each sex, containing equipment like weight machines, treadmills, etc. The main floor housed the offices, private training rooms, locker rooms, and massage rooms, and the basement housed two identical pool areas, divided by sex, each with an Olympic size pool, sauna, steam room, and shower area. Chris was about to question the separation until a man strode past him in the buff and dove into the pool. Dave explained that the workout area was divided to promote working out for yourself, instead of worrying how you looked to some slut. Chris laughed, but asked again about the pool, when Dave explained that there were no suits allowed on the pool level when the gym opened 60 years before, and they’d never changed the rule. Shrugging it off, he thanked Dave and got to his work out, running for almost an hour with only a few other men spread around the large room. He was sweating profusely, going faster and faster, his eyes locked with his reflection in the mirror across from him, until someone walked in front of his machine, and he almost fell off. Hitting the stop button and jumping off, Chris glanced up as he took a swig from a complimentary water bottle and almost spit it back up. The man who’d broken his stride was the most beautiful specimen Chris had ever seen. He starred, slack-jawed and bug-eyed at the shirtless 6’6”, 230lbs, raven haired, blue eyed ripped god who had taken up a spot at the weight bench and was pressing some ridiculous amount. “Spot me, bro.” The man, who Chris would come to know as Jake, commanded. Usually Chris would have begged off, being more of a cardio guy with no weight training to speak of, but Jake’s tone made him step over and take the spotting position. He stood there spotting him for two sets of 25, when Jake hopped up and began removing weights, telling Chris to take his place. He laid down before remembering to protest, and tried to grunt out his lack of interest in weights between lifts. “You need this man,” Jake said, scooting close enough over Chris’ head that his shorts hung open directly over Chris’ face. Chris shut up and tried not to get caught sneaking glances at the firm thighs and enticing shadows up the shorts’ legs. “Guy like you probably got along fine in school, handsome and fit, but now you’re in the real world and it’s time you work out like a real man.” After Chris could do no more reps, Jake pulled him to standing with one hand and introduced himself as one of the private trainers that the gym employed. Jake explained that new members got three free training sessions, and he expected Chris to use them. Arriving in the lockerroom, Jake tugged off his shorts leaving him in an extremely-snug pair of white briefs, outlining his hefty bulge and perfectly spherical ass. Taking Chris’ hand, he placed it on his lower abs and told him to feel the definition where they met his groin muscles, as well as on his pecs, huge biceps and the back of his warm, fuzzy thighs. Wrapping himself in a towel, Jake stripped the briefs from under it without revealing anything else, and then made Chris promise to come back the next night for legs. Nodding, he watched as Jake strode off into the staircase for the showers, before regaining his senses, pulling on his coat, and leaving. That night as he showered, Chris replayed the images of Jake in his mind, and found that he was excited by the idea of working out with him again. His dick jumped when he remembered the view up Jake’s shorts, but he dismissed it as a side effect of needing pussy and seeing that much exposed skin. Chris returned the next night, and the next, and the next and was quickly the gym’s best customer. Jake made him a great deal on a weekly training fee, and the two of them were quickly transforming Chris from an attractive slim wasp-type, into a buffed, taught, machine of a man. Chris became obsessed with making Jake proud of his work, and started imagining Jake more and more in his fantasies. At first he was just taking part in whatever imaginary threesome Chris concocted to get his rocks off, but after awhile Jake was becoming the star. Still, Chris convinced himself that he was only picturing Jake because he symbolized the ideal that Chris was striving to become. Before either of them knew it, 6 months had passed and Jake was Chris’ best friend, well only friend, in town. One night as they stripped down to shower, carefully concealing their full nudity from one another, Jake asked Chris when he last got laid, and couldn’t believe it was really 6 months. “Come early tomorrow,” Jake said before they split to head to separate shower stalls. “Then we’ll go out after and find some pussy. Time to test out your new body on some unsuspecting skanks.” Music rocked Chris’ chest as he tried to hear what the gorgeous brunette was saying, shouting from the stool next to his. He tried to care, but he could tell she was hot for his dick, the way she caressed his arms and stroked his thigh, but he kept getting distracted watching Jake dance with a petite latin girl. As he suspected, it was barely an hour later that the four of them had taken a cab back to Jake’s apartment and each couple began getting hot and heavy on opposite ends of the couch. He was so caught up seeing Jake in action and getting his first play in months that he didn’t notice Jake pull out a glass pipe and small white bag full of crystal shards. Both girls jumped at the chance to smoke, but Chris declined, never having tried any drugs, or even hard liquor. “Too bad,” Jake said, blowing a cloud of something he called ‘tina’ as he spoke. “This shit makes me cum like a fire hydrant and fuck like a bull.” The latin girl squealed and shoved her hand into his open fly while they finished the bowl. As the brunette started to unzip Chris’ pants, Jake picked up his date, tossed her over his shoulder and dashed into the bedroom. Disappointed that he was unable to watch his idol demolish the latin chick’s cunt, Chris regained his vigor when he realized he could hear every dirty, nasty thing that was going on just beyond the bedroom door. The two buddies eventually turned it into a fuck-fight, seeing which one could make his girl cum faster, harder and more often. Chris planned to be the victor, having achieved anal first, but lost control when he moved to the floor and caught a glance through the open door of Jake’s face and chest contorted in pleasure as he pounded the bitch doggy style. He whipped his cock out of the brunette’s ass, and shot copious amounts of jizz across her tits and face. Spent, Chris fell back against the coffee table and watched as the brunette hopped up and ran to the bathroom. Once she was finished, she made some dumb excuse and disappeared to find a cab, while Chris slowly found his briefs and used them to wipe down his cock and chest before dragging his ass to the john. Taking his time as he passed the bedroom in hopes of another glance, he almost fell over when the latin girl was slammed up against the wall by the door, both her legs over Jake’s arms as they completed their fuck. Chris stood in the dark hall, his dick hardening again, wishing he could see Jake’s cock, but afraid to venture further out from his hiding spot. As Jake laid the girl on the bed and grunted his final grunt, Chris slipped into the bathroom and began washing up in the sink. Still hardening, he took a moment to admire the v-shape that was forming from his abs to his dick, and the way his arms and pecs stood out and shone in the dim bathroom light. He flexed and stroked his dick just in time for Jake to burst in behind him and push past him to the toilet. They laughed at Chris’ display, and Jake began commenting on how proud he was of Chris’ progress while Chris went into a fog where all he could see was Jake’s dick. Semi-hard and covered in cum and pussy juices, Jake drew a finger from the dick head out to the toilet bowl, leading a heavy beady string of cum. After a moment, Jake’s piss began to flow, and Chris realized he was fully hard again. All he wanted to do at that moment was reach out and take Jake’s cock in his hand. He had no idea what he would do with i, all he knew is the world would be perfect if he could feel Jake’s cock. He snapped out of his haze as the latin girl came in with them and took a hold of Chris’ hard-on, asking for seconds. He lifted her up onto the counter and fucked her right there while Jake watched and cheered them on. Chris was ready to cum in minutes once Jake began to stroke his dick again. He came deep in her pussy, adding his load to Jake’s, before the trainer lifted her off Chris’ cock and took her back into the bedroom for sloppy thirds. Looking down, Chris realized his cock was covered in both his load and his buddy, and he couldn’t resist wiping off a few drops and tasting them before he got dressed and snuck out the door. Chris gave up trying to explain his feelings for his friend after that, giving in each weeknight to fantasies of jerking off together, showering together, even letting Jake cum in his mouth. On the weekends they’d find more girls and repeat the fun with new victims, sometimes only finding one girl and having to share. Still too afraid of what Jake might do if he realized Chris’ attraction, Chris was always careful to take turns on the girls. One night as a perky blonde co-ed was giving them both head on the couch, Dave from the gym walked in with a teenage jock type guy, sat down and loaded some tina in a bowl. Chris was weirded out at first, until Jake explained that Dave was his roommate and they saw each other fucking around on a regular basis. Chris was even more shocked when the teen dropped to his knees and began sucking Dave off. Jake could see Chris’ shock and, before the girl noticed, he dragged them both to the bedroom to fuck. A few weeks later, they had just gotten back from the club with tall modelesque girl, when Dave entered, this time accompanied by a skater type guy with piercings in his nose, brow, ear and nipples (which he proudly showed while Dave loaded a bowl). Chris declined the pipe as usual, but the girl was on a mission to get him to try it, telling him he could only fuck her tight pussy if he took at least one hit off the pipe. Chris said no again, his hard cock begging him to give in. “Stop being a little bitch and smoke this,” Jake ordered him before handing Chris the pipe, and lighting it. Chris began inhaling as the smoke filled the cylinder, just as he had heard Dave and Jake explain to girls and guys they’d initiated previously. At first he felt nothing, but with the exhale came a huge cough, and a buzzing feeling shooting up his spine and into his brain. He should have stopped at one hit, but the model kept shotgunning hits with him and encouraging him to take more and more. Soon there was an all out smoke/fuck fest in the middle of the living room. Chris was pounding the model’s pussy while Jake shoved his cock deep into her throat, which was quite a feat, since he is at least 9 inches long and tends to get wider the longer he fucks. Dave had the skater on the floor with his legs over his head and was breeding his ass with a nice thick 8 inch uncut cock. Chris found himself wondering how the tight hole took so much cock and somehow still made the boy beg for it like he did. Many years before, one of Chris’ girlfriends had shoved her finger in his ass while they fucked. After the initial jumping and hollering, Chris found he enjoyed it, so much so that he was now in the habit of fingering his hole when he jerked off. The combo of the high and the site in front of him had Chris so horned up that when he and Jake switched ends, he asked the model to finger his hole. Eyes closed, he heard a bottle of lube pop open and a long, kinda thick finger slide two knuckles deep into his tight ass. Moaning, he began to pump harder in her throat, which made Jake pump back from the other end. Simultaniously, they pulled out of their respective ends, and began covering her in cum. Neither one shot far enough to hit the other, but Chris made sure to lick up some of Jake’s load while kissing the model before she ran to the shower. Mysteriously, even with the model in another room, Chris could still feel a finger slowly pumping his hole, almost making him hard again. Turning, Chris made eye contact with Dave, who pulled his finger out and mouthed “you’re welcome,” so Jake and the Skater bottom would be none the wiser. Joining the model in the shower, Chris was worried when he didn’t get hard as fast as usual, which she explained might be from the tina. Anxious about it, Chris hopped out and went to find Jake or Dave to ask them but stopped just outside the living room where he couldn’t be seen easily, but had a pretty good view of Jake feeding his hardon to the skater boy, while Dave pounded the boy’s ass. Instantly Chris was hard and went back into the bathroom where he fucked the model as rough as he could, focused on the picture of Jake’s dick sliding between his own lips. A few days later, Dave ran into Chris in the locker room and asked him what he thought of the weekend’s festivities. Unsure, Chris tried to play it cool, until Dave told Chris he had seen the way Chris looked at Jake, and was pretty sure Chris would have sucked Jake off if the skater hadn’t done it. Chris tried to deny it, but Dave whipped out his phone, and produced pix of Jake feeding his load to other tricks Dave had brought home. “I’ve yet to see him fuck a guy,” Dave said, handing Chris the phone before leading him into a massage room. “but I know he loves feeding them. Maybe next time I can find a way for you to swallow his spunk.” Chris wasn’t listening. He was engrossed in the photos on Dave’s phone, each of them featuring the two roommates destroying bottoms of all ages and types, Dave in their asses, Jake in their mouths. Dave continued describing dirty scenarios involving Jake, while pulling down Chris’ shorts and jock, and jerking and fingering Chris. Moaning with pleasure, he licked his lips pretending he was the boy taking Jake’s man meat in his mouth. The fantasy was so real he didn’t even notice that Dave had maneuvered three fingers into his hole and was rubbing his own hard cock against Chris smooth ass cheek. Chris could see Jake in his mind, siddling up behind him to show him some proper dumbbell technique, then popping his dick from his shorts and sliding inside Chris’ ass without any of the other gym members knowing. Dave just started to spread Chris’ cheeks and slip his cock into the crack when they both heard Jake call out Chris’ name into the locker room, only feet from where they stood. Adrenaline soared through Chris’ body as he flew back from Dave and tried to pull up his shorts. He couldn’t be sure if Jake saw what was going on when he came in, but there was no way Jake missed Chris’ stiff cock poking out obscenely or the fact that Dave still had his monster dick in plain view. Still, Jake didn’t say anything about it and everything seemed totally normal until they finished and Jake got a text from Dave. “Dave told me what happened,” Jake said quietly, causing Chris’ heart to sink into his abdomen. “He told me he caught you jerking in the massage room. It was pretty ballsy of you to offer to let him watch in exchange for not ratting you out. Good thing he has been hot for your ass since you walked in. Of course now that you’ve had a man show you how to sculpt it, you’d better watch out for more pervs.” Chris laughed nervously and thanked god that Dave covered for him. However, he was so rattled that he didn’t realize they were both naked together for the first time with no one else around. Jake took advantage of the opportunity and had Chris flex his different muscle groups so they could compare. Somehow Chris stayed flaccid for the flex off, even when Jake ran his hand down Chris’ back, over his ass and down between the thighs to show the line of the musculature. Chris asked if he could feel on Jake, just to be sure he understood, then told Jake he was going for a swim, dashed off and blasted his cum load under the water. The next weekend Chris got a text from a number he didn’t know, but he was sure it was Dave when the attachment was a photo of Jake in the shower. Dave invited Chris to come over before he and Jake went out that night, to smoke and hang out, and discuss what had happened the last time. Chris politely declined a few times, worried he might end up getting fucked by Dave, until Dave mentioned that he had a sex tape Jake made before they’d met, and Chris could watch it. Shower, shave and he was out the door to Dave and Jake’s. Chris was greeted by a familiar face but no one he could place, until Dave explained that his guest was a member of the gym and a former MLB player. In no time they’d smoked a few bowls, got the video playing and convinced Chris he could jack off without Dave or Todd (the mlb guy) raping him. Sipping the drink Dave made him, Chris was stroking furiously at the sight of Jake plowing the hell out of some poor teen girl. By the look of Jake and his fuckslut, this must have been 3 or 4 years ago, when Jake was just a high school senior. Little by little the ghb in Chris’ drink took effect, loosening him up so Todd had no problem getting Chris’ dick in his mouth. He could feel his senses dulling, but decided the best way to counter act it was take more hits off the pipe and agree when Dave asked him if he’d like to try taking some fingers in his ass again. Perfectly timed once again, Jake walked in just as Todd was sucking Chris’ dick down to the balls and Dave had three fingers in Chris’ tight hole. “Hey roomie,” Dave said, handing Jake the pipe. “Turns out your buddy here likes getting his hole fingered, especially when he is high.” Jake laughed and took a few hits, before asking Chris if he was okay. Chris nodded yes and reached for Jake’s crotch. Oblivious, Jake handed him the pipe as if that’s what he wanted, before stripping off his own clothes and instructing Todd to suck his cock. Eyes glued to the real Jake, Chris forgot they were watching Jake’s sex tape, until the star of the tape noticed and asked why. “It was a request,” Dave said, standing up and moving down behind Todd’s upturned hole. “Seems as though your little trainee gets off watching you fuck.” Mortified, Chris was too high to deny it and just blushed. Everyone laughed, while Dave pulled Todd off Jake’s cock, and threw his legs back and began wailing on the baseball player’s tan hairy ass. “Course he does!” Jake added. “Just like I think it is hot watching him fuck. He is one hot piece of muscle man now, ain’t he Dave?” “You know I think he is,” Dave grunted between thrusts. “but I think he’d be even hotter with your dick in his mouth. And I KNOW he’s game for it.” Jake’s eyes whipped to Chris, and he knew Dave was telling the truth. No words were spoken as he stepped closer and waved his hard dick only an inch from Chris’ pink lips. Leaving the last bit of distance for Chris to make was all the approval Jake needed, for as soon as Chris leaned in to suck Jake, Jake thrust forward, grabbed a handful of dusty blond hair and began reaming Chris’ throat. If it was anyone else, Chris would have choked and pulled off and never tried it again, but he knew what he was getting with Jake, and it was exactly what he needed. Chris began to jack his own meat and finger his tight hole while he slurped on Jake’s massive member. Less than a minute was all it took for Chris to cum all over himself, and soon after Jake fed him his load. Worried that Jake would think less of him, Chris told Dave he was heading to the gym and ran out while Jake was in the shower. Although Jake’s apartment was only a few blocks from the gym, Chris was too high to drive there, but did anyway, barely making it in one piece. The rain had turned to snow recently and the roads were covered in it, which meant no one was working out on a snowy Saturday night. Inside the locker room, Chris stripped off his clothes and sat on the bench, still covered in cum. He began to freak out about what his only friend might do now that he saw what a faggot bitch Chris was. Still too drunk for a work out, he laid back and closed his eyes, willing this to just be an amazing dream, but knew it wasn’t when he heard the door slam and Jake’s voice call out to him. “What the hell man?” Jake asked, putting his bag and coat in his locker, and starting to undress. “You should know me well enough by now to realize I always have at least two loads to shoot once I start partying, and you gotta take the rest of them now boy.” Chris opened his eyes just in time to see a fully erect Jake straddle the bench, hoist Chris’ legs over his shoulders, squirt some lube on his cock, and slide most of it in on the first stroke. Chris screamed out, but stopped once Jake commanded him to. The first few minutes were excruciating, but after awhile it was less painful and more of a dull ache. All the pain was forgotten once Jake was balls deep. It was like a switch had been thrown, turning a straight muscle boy into a hungry bottom whore, begging and pleading for more dick and cum. When Jake finally decided to grace Chris’ ass with his load, he did it balls deep, sharing both of their first man2man kiss at the same time. Once they were sure the gym was truly empty, they sent the desk worker home and moved up to the gym floor, where Jake added another load to Chris’ ass, this time on the weight bench. Reinforcements arrived soon after, and Chris spent the rest of the night taking loads from Dave, Todd, two other gym members and high school kid who wondered in thinking it was a club and accidentally caught Jake giving Chris a fourth load on the reception desk. Attached: one pic of chris, four pics of Jake
    2 points
  2. For about an hour I enjoyed the attention and thought this was all we'd do but then he pulled out his cock and it was massive, not as fat as Oscar's but still fat and even longer and he told me to get on my knees as he had another bottle for his baby. I got on my knees and quickly got half of his cock in my mouth and I wanted it all. He made me feel so good I wanted to give him the best blowjob possible. Several times I gagged and he asked me if I really wanted it all and I told him that my Daddy deserves the best and he grabbed a bottle of poppers and told me to keep inhaling. After more than five big hits he took the bottle and grabbed my head and pushed slowly and he got it down my throat. He started to fuck my face slowly. In and out of my throat it went and he told me I was the best baby girl he ever played with. Twice he stopped and gave me more poppers and I heard his breathing go weird and I knew I'd get daddy's cum and I hoped he'd shoot some in my mouth so I could taste it. He told me he was cumming in his baby and held it in my throat and I felt a dozen pulses and he then pulled back and was still cumming. After shooting in my mouth he pulled out and came on my face too. Just as quick as he took out his cock he put it away and picked me up and hugged me then fed me another baby bottle. I then wet the diaper for him and he removed the diaper and started to rediaper me by applying cream to my hole again but this time he then fingered me and quickly got three fingers in me as he told me again he loved his baby which made me want him so I asked him to make love to his baby. He took his fingers out and I thought I blew it but then he dropped his pants. Using the cream for lube he started to fuck me and did it slow and I started to feel something new and as it built I knew he was going to fuck the cum out of me. As I peaked he'd go slower so that I couldn't cum and I was in love and going crazy at the same time. He reamed me good for twenty minutes and then started to pick up speed and I climbed with him and as I was about to cum he started to fuck me hard and fast like Oscar. Was thrashing my head it felt so good and as I cried out that I was cumming he slammed faster and started to cum too. As I realized he was going to fill me with a huge load my own orgasm got stronger. After catching his breath he pulled out and I dropped to my knees and licked his cock clean. He pulled up his pants and I got back on the bed and he put a fresh diaper on me and I fell asleep. He woke me up and told me George would be back soon. He asked if I wanted the chastity cage removed but I told him I never want to cum again unless I do again like with him. He kissed me and told me to wait for George to get me and he left.
    2 points
  3. I just got a hard fucking and a big load from a fuck buddy. We hadn't been able to connect due to schedule conflicts for a few weeks. He woke me up banging on the door in the middle of the night to take his BBC. He is a short, slight young black man with a huge cut cock; it's at least 9.5 and beer-can thick. He's more thuggish than twinkish though with lots of tattoos. Tonight he wanted the room dark for a change. I heard him undressing, then he climbed onto the bed. He hugged me briefly before pushing my head down towards his cock. It was rock hard. I licked and sucked it as hard as I could. His cock is just beyond my ability to easily deep throat, but I managed to work it all the way down my throat eventually. He fucked my throat for several moments holding my head down on his cock. "You ready?" I said I was and lubed his cock generously. Before I could add any to my hole, he grabbed for me. I managed to take a quick hit of poppers before he pulled me into a spooning position and shoved himself inside me. He is a small man, but he is wiry and strong. The entry was a little dry. It was more of a dull ache than a sharp pain though. He worked my hole open slowly and forcefully. After several minutes he rolled me onto my belly. I could tell the friction was not working for him either, so I asked him to let me relube his cock. He slid back in and began to fuck me hard and fast. I am pretty sure he came at this point. He's a quiet cummer and likes to keep working his load in, so I am never sure when he cums. In any case, he continued to pound my ass as hard as ever for a long while. His cock was no longer rock hard which is why I think he has unloaded already. He manhandled me into several positions fucking me deep enough to make me yelp again and again. After fifteen minutes of this, he announced he was done and climbed off. He asked for some light and a wet washcloth. He cleaned up and dressed quickly. He left without saying much as usual. I have been working my hole with a toy while I typed this. Occasionally, I pull it out to eat some of his load off the tip. As soon as I finish this, I will beat off thinking about the BBC that owned my ass.
    2 points
  4. So, this is a little delayed but I figured I'd keep this thread updated and reply to a few comments. Sorry it took so long to reply, a lot has been going on, the most recent being the fact that I tested poz yesterday. I want to first explain the concept of the freedom of it that was mentioned earlier, but in a less aggressive and more thought out way. I'm more than prepared for rejection and judgment, in fact I completely welcome it. Anyone who wants to reject having sex with me because of the fact that I'm positive has every right to do so. They have no obligation to me and I won't judge them for that. It's their health, their life, and their decision. The reason this also benefits me is because typically someone who is that concerned over it isn't going to be willing to have the care free, slutty, unprotected sex that I've grown to love. And typically the people who share that interest have either already tested poz, are on prep, or simply don't care. And that's the freedom of it, there's no worries, no concerns, just great sex like my boyfriend and I had last night after I tested poz because there was nothing at all to worry about at that point. I'm well aware that there are plenty of negative sides to testing positive. Bills, it's lifelong, being treated differently, the possibility of an unexpected break up someday, etc. Believe me I've thought about it in extreme detail and I'll respectfully ask everyone to not knock my capability of thinking something through just because of my age. However, focusing on the negatives will do me no favors and I refuse to be that bitter victim that feels like life is now a giant prison because my promiscuous habits caught up to me. I wanted this and I wanted it because I knew the day my boyfriend tested positive that I most likely would too. So I started looking to the bright side of it and viewing it in a new light and in doing so it completely changed my view of it. And you're more than welcome to judge me and call me crazy for that. I obviously wasn't shocked to test positive, I wasn't sad, I wasn't emotional, I embraced it. And what better outlook can you have on it? HIV isn't a death sentence. In fact it's made me start living a healthier life than I was living before. I've been eating healthier, not skipping meals, drinking more water and less sweets, started taking vitamins and looking into gyms. All things I slacked on before that now I can't. And life is never guaranteed. I could walk into a cross walk and get hit by a driver not paying attention or get in a car accident or get jumped walking home. And there are SO many worse things to be diagnosed with that have no bright side what-so-ever. I'm going to live a happy life being poz, and when it boils down to it life is what you make of it and it eventually comes to an end for everyone. I'm not going to live mine being scared at every turn.
    2 points
  5. Several years ago, shortly after graduating from high school, I picked-up a Saturday job in a local department store filling shelves from the stockrooms in the basement. It was a big, old fashioned place with some pretty weird characters working behind the scenes. I didn't mind. I was a solitary character, aware I was somehow different but not sure why. One day, I tore my trousers and a co-worker suggested I went to the in-house tailor who repaired staff uniforms and stuff. The tailor, who worked in a small room deep in the basement of the store, was a chubby, fresh-faced man with a high pitched voice, and almost always wore a grubby sweat-stained singlet. Arriving at the tailor's room, I found both the tailor and another guy who I recognised as a foul-mouthed character with a pot belly and tattoos on his arms. I explained the problem to the tailor and he examined the tear closely in a way which made me feel awkward. "Hmmm, well, take them off and I'll see what I can do." I hesitated and the other guy gave a dirty chuckle. "Don't worry, we're all boys here, aren't we? Not shy, are you?" "Come on" smiled the tailor, adding "get them off." I undid my belt and slipped my trousers off, feeling vulnerable yet a bit excited as I stood there in my underpants. "He's got a hard-on!" exclaimed the foul-mouthed guy. Sure enough, my pants were bulging with my erection. The room had got suddenly hot and tense and the rough looking man leaned towards me and grinned evilly. "Those panties too," he directed, saying "get them off." I was scared and excited and fearful about what might happen, but I hooked my fingers in the waistband and pushed them down. My cock sprang up and I felt a rush of pleasure and wickedness as I stood there naked before the two men. The tailor stood up " think I'll just lock the door." He did so, brushing past my cock as he went, making me shiver with excitement. When he returned, he had removed his singlet revealing a pair of sagging tits. He knelt in front of me and whispered "Mmmm....let's take care of this shall we?" To my shock and surprise, he sucked my cock into his mouth and I was suddenly engulfed in a delicious warmth and wetness. "Oooo!" I gasped. "What are you doing?" But my hands went to his head and held it as I couldn't help sliding in and out of his wet lips. Beyond his bobbing head, I saw pot-bellied guy stand up and strip off, gasping as I saw his thin, veiny body with the protruding belly, and the thick, glistening cock which sprang up beneath it. He began to rub it as he saw me looking. "You want it don't you, kid? I think we're gonna have some fun...."
    1 point
  6. I've been analyzing this idea for quite some time now. With me, at the time of this writing being HIV- and not on PReP, I am seriously starting to believe that I am addicted to letting men use me to sperminate my insides. I continue to let complete strangers who possibly and probably have HIV, AIDS, HEP C, Ghon, Syph and any other sti, have unprotected anal sex with me with my insistence that they cum inside my ass. I refuse to use condoms and daydream about all the random dna traveling inside my body into my blood stream and bonding with me physically and permanently. I have slowly allowed poz men first to bareback me but cum externally, now I allow undetectable men to breed me on a regular basis. I can't and won't stop doing this knowing my health is in very big jeopardy. What are the thoughts of the B Zone? Is it possible to develop a sperm addiction or is it more of an addiction to risky sexual behavior? Or something else completely.
    1 point
  7. Just created this account tonight, my boyfriend tested HIV positive on September 10th. I tested negative on September 11th, however I did get sick that night and have been ever since with symptoms of seroconverting so I'm still unsure of my status. It's not something I'm at all worried about or afraid of. In fact I want him to convert me for multiple reasons. I'm not at all bothered by the possibility of becoming poz, I know that it's something I'll have the rest of my life but I know I'll be fine regardless of how my body reacts. I also don't want sex to become awkward or uncomfortable or something either of us are scared of in the relationship since both of us are very sexual people and we haven't used protection once, so I know I already have a very high chance of being poz. I understand there are other options such as Prep if I'm not converting after all, but I don't really want that because the risk is still there and that's where the awkwardness comes in if I'm not fully willing, which I am. The last thing I want is for us to be living as if we're scared of something neither one of us are scared of (if that makes sense). I also really enjoy the idea of knowing I would be the first person he converted.
    1 point
  8. This is the start of the true story of how I took my first bareback, if you like this part I’ll tell you rest, this is in the chem sex part as there are chems later, if continued. I was in my early 20’s, not bad looking, some said handsome, pretty cute, pretty good body, I’d moved up to London for work and for the first time could explore my sexuality proper for the first time, I soon found that I was attracted to older men, 20/30 years my senior, there was something about them that got me so hard and turned on. I was regularly frequenting a pub called the Kings Arms or KA in Poland Street in the west end, and I met a lot of big daddy bears that well made me pop my cork, and then I met him. His name was David, he oozed manliness, well built and tall I was in the KA having a drink after work when he walked in, I can still remember my first sight of him because he took my breath away, suited and booted, shaved head, a cocky grin on his face and a bulging crotch that belied its contents. Back then I was shy and I thought I was being discreet and circumspect stealing glimpses of him, now I realise that I must have been so obvious it’s painful. I saw him start chatting to another young lad; I just sighed picking up my beer and went outside for a cigarette. I was miles away daydreaming when I heard those first words “you got a light?” that brought back into reality I looked round to see the ice blue eyes staring intently at me, I nodded lighting his cigar, he smiled, a warm friendly smile “good boy, thanks” and then “so why did you not say hi earlier?”, feigning innocence I shock my head “I dunno what you mean?”, he threw his head back laughing “I saw you checking me out boy”…that word ‘boy’ made me feel heady and hard, I gulped, bit my lip, took a sip of my drink and blushed as red as its possible for a person to blush, he stepped close up to me “its okay lad, what’s your name?”, the heat from his body and his towering presence was intimidating and sexy at the same time, I shuffled my feet and looked up into his eyes “its Rob”, he grinned broadly “nice I like that name, I’m David”, I put my hand out to shake it “nice to meet you David”, he brushed my hand aside and leant in and kissed me right there on the street, I swear I almost dropped my drink and almost lost my load in my pants at the same time. I stood there as he pulled away from me, I was hot and sweaty, the tension in the air could have been cut with a knife and the electricity between us was at about 10,000 watts, I looked around me, no one was paying any attention to us, I looked back at him and he smiled again “So Robbie boy, do you like to play games?”, I must admit I was confused and croaked “games? Yes I love them, why?”, that smile again and a twinkling in his eye as he moved even closer to me, so close I could feel the heat from his body as he leaned in “good Robbie boy, I like games too, wanna play the 15 minute game with me?”, he kissed my cheek as I softly asked “what’s the 15 minute game?”, he chuckled pinching my nipple through my Fred Perry t-shirt “if you come with Daddy I’ll show you” and right then and there in the street I spunked my briefs
    1 point
  9. So, after about 6 months of going back and forth and a lot of research I finally decided to go on PREP. I have been on it for 32 days now and have taken it daily. I was terrified to start on this, but after mulling it over I decided with my behavior it wasnt a matter of "if" I became HIV poz, but "when." So, I went on it and have had no side effects at all. I got a major headache in the back of my head for a few days the 2nd/3rd week in, but they have subsided. Not even sure if it was due to the medication or not. But, I was very concerned about side effects and I can say I am pleasantly surprised I have none. Obviously time will tell how the body handles this on a regular basis over an extended time, but for now all things seem to be ok. If you are thinking about going on it, it is a personal decision each has to make on their own. I decided to do it and I am glad I did. I am keeping track of my behavior to see if it gets worse or riskier, but honestly it really cant. I started taking loads bb and once I did that I knew I loved it and needed and wanted more. So, hopefully this big blue pill helps. Id like to hear others that have gone on it recently to hear their stories. This page and many others helped. Do your research guys.
    1 point
  10. Last weekend, I had the wildest sex in my life yet with my partner Justin. We’ve been together for almost ten years now (we are both in our 30s), and usually Justin is pretty conservative sexually. We were drinking quite heavily (cocktails) during the evening, and around midnight we went to a small gay bar. At the bar, we continued with beers and danced. After a while, Justin started to get quite physical, dancing closely, French kissing, rubbing my dick through my pants, and then sticking his hands inside my pants. It wasn’t really a wild club where you could do stuff like that, so I told him he had to stop or I would have to fuck him in the toilet. He said, “Well, then you just have to do that.” We didn’t waste a second, went upstairs to the toilet and into the only toilet stall they had. Inside, we didn’t waste any time. Of course, we didn’t bring lube, so spit would have to do. Unfortunately, both our mouths were so dry from drinking all evening that we could barely manage a few drops of spit. Justin pulled down his pants, turned around, bent over the toilet seat, lubed up my dick with a little spit, and then shoved it in. After a few strokes with a lot of friction (my cock is rather big), he loosened up enough so that I could fuck him harder. We were both pretty pissed, so after a while, I thought I’d test how far he would go. While we were fucking, I told him to get on his knees and to suck me. I must admit that I’ve had this fascination with Ass-To-Mouth (ATM) for a while, but we had only done it once before, and that was after Justin had douched his ass. This time, he hadn’t prepared. While there was no visible dirtiness, it was clear to both of us that my cock would not be really clean, either. But Justin was too drunk to care, so without hesitation, he turned around and took my cock in his mouth; right after it had been in his ass. Wow! Justin is a really good cocksucker, so he did a great job, but then I wanted back in his ass. I fucked him again for a while, told him to suck me one more time, and then I fucked his ass again. In between, he French kissed me, and I guess I realized that he had just sucked my dirty cock. Finally, I blew my load inside his ass. I don’t remember whether he came or not, but I didn’t really care at the time. Unfortunately, there was no toilet paper in the stall, so he couldn’t really clean up his ass and I told him that he was not allowed to get rid of my cream anyway. We went back downstairs on the dance floor and continued dancing. Justin told me that cum was dripping down his legs. I told him that under no circumstances was he to get rid of my cum until I had the chance to breed him again in the hotel room. In turn, he asked me, with a smile on his face, how I had liked the taste of his ass when I was kissing me. To be honest, I had not tasted anything (and I don’t think I would have liked it), but I thought the question was pretty nasty for a conservative guy like him. Anyway, we continued dancing and rubbing for a while before heading home to the hotel. If you guys are interested, I can post what happened there…
    1 point
  11. So the three of us are standing in my kitchen and suddenly helper strips down to nothing. He is standing in front of me totally nude and I am like what the fuck but my tongue was hanging out. A great body (not great face), hard, hairy, ripped. His nuts are lowing hanging and his dick semi hard sticking out right in front of me. He pushes me down, pops in his dick and empties himself down my throat. My dick is so hard I am uncomfortable but there is nothing I can do. He lifts up my chin, calls me a pig and empties his throat into my mouth. I almost gag but then landscaper leans over and coughs up and spits in my mouth. Within seconds helper is almost sitting on my face and I am sucking those low hanging nuts and waiting to see what happens next. To my surprise he moves my face to landscapers zipper and says to landscaper, he is yours. He begins to unzip but helper is like no no no and grabs his belt and jerks landscapers pants down to his knees and suddenly I am face to face with landscapers cock and nuts. Helper says to landscaper he is a pig, he wants your piss and seed. Use him for your own enjoyment and he will have a great time. I did not say a word but thought YES. Lets do it.
    1 point
  12. Yup sexxx, I've been on PrEP for the past 6 months w/no negative affects. Was tested at the 3 month mark as is required under CDC protocals - all STDs and HIV were neg. Also no adverse affects upon my kidneys/liver (blood tests). Have peace of mind when I let my inner pig free.
    1 point
  13. im neg and going on my 2nd week on PrEP. just realized my profile stated Neg Tops and i changed it to just Tops. as for my status i still have neg listed but for "your status" i have "ask me" simply because id like to discuss it.
    1 point
  14. Total dream of mine to be at Steamworks...watching guys getting fucked BB. Then have a hot guy come-up behind me, finger my hole and talk me into bending over a rail and taking his hard, bare cock up my pussy. He'd be fucking my tight hole and saying (out load), how good his cock felt, and how he was going to seed my hot hole. By then there would be several guys watching me take this stranger's bare cock...and all too soon, his hot, thick load of sperm. Then, while some guys hold me down by my sholders, this hot Top would walk around and shove his cum covered cock in my mouth. I'd be sucking his tasty cock when I'd feel another raw cock slid into my wet ass. Finally my fantsay cum true. Getting spit fucked. A cum covered cock in my mouth and another hot dick up my cum lubed ass. HEAVEN!
    1 point
  15. I truly believe my seroconversion has begun. On October 4th I was bred by an anon guy for at least 45 min to an hour, it was an epic session, no forplay just tons of raw fucking. We never discussed status, I just wanted that dick! On Octeber 15th I fell very ill, high fever, sweats, severe weakness, aching body, head ache, and I am suffering from it still today (Oct 21st) I was tested at a clinic on Oct 20th and it came up neg, but I know it's still to early for a poz test so I am going to wait the 3 to 4 weeks and take another one. I have never experienced sickness like this before, if this is just the common "flu" it will surprise the hell out of me. I am very prepared mentally for a poz result due to knowing the consequences of my actions, because I enjoyed EVERY second of those actions! If I do result in a poz outcome, I may just become the freakiest pig Vegas has ever encountered!
    1 point
  16. Went to a sex party in Queens last night thinking I'd get my hole wrecked and loaded. Well lo and behold I ended up TOPPING for the first time in probably 6-7 years. This hot masculine muscled up Latino slut was taking cum and I was too tempted so I sunk into his hole and barely lasted 30 seconds before blowing my load in him. Never was a very good top. So my own hole was unfucked but I bred someone else. An alright night.
    1 point
  17. Usually go for guys around my own age +/- 10 years. Maybe because it feels more natural but also because I don't meet a lot of younger guys who are into fucking a "daddy" type (for them). Not that I would turn them away :-)
    1 point
  18. Excellent story! We're so close to learning how everything changes for our hero. I hope the author continues his talented tale.
    1 point
  19. I could never stop...and no I would never tell!
    1 point
  20. Friend was horny and wanted to fuck, but I couldn't host so he fucked me in the back of my car. Kept begging him for his poz dick and cum until he bred me deep. Had to keep hitting the poppers because he's so thick and big.
    1 point
  21. Older for me. I've always been that way. Usually 40's 50's and 60's ideally. However recently I've started to find younger guys(30's) attractive, esp young arrogant Tops. The first guy I was with was 41 and I was 15, that hasn't changed too much. Even non-sexually I've gravitated to people older than me. I want to soak up their knowledge... and cum
    1 point
  22. Day 2 - Morning Shane was awoken by the gentle caressing of a hand on his arse cheek, the sensation was amazing so he lay there and continued to pretend he was asleep, just to enjoy the innocence of the moment. He wasn't aware which of the lads was feeling him up, so he slowly opened his eyes and glanced at the body of the man he was spooning and it turned out to be Richard; letting him know that Corey was the one caressing his arse. He was loving every second of it, and as Corey's touching became more and more deliberate, his fingers began probing Shane's hole. Shane noticed the touching stopped momentarily, already feeling the loss and hunger for more. His ears alive now though, as he heard Corey spit onto his fingers and of course those spit covered digits returned to Shane's hole, causing a massive smile to return to Shane's face. Corey didn't waste anytime now, getting Shane's hole slick with the spit, inserting a couple of fingers, quickly followed by a third and then a fourth. Shane began moaning with delight, there was no way he could continue to conceal the pleasure he was experiencing in his fuck hole. He gently backed up against Corey's hand, trying to get his fingers deeper inside his hungry hole; a hole that swallowed Corey's fingers inside, working in the remnants of Richards Poz load left there just hours earlier. Corey leaned in closer to Shane's ear - whispering - you like that? You like me working my lovers Poz load into your hole? You're gonna remember us, and this trip forevermore. Tell me how much you want this, you need this. Tell me you're gonna spread our gift around Australia when you go home! Tell me cunt! Shane, now so turned on by this hot young mans Poz talk, instantly begs to be Poz, confirms his absolute desire to spread their DNA amongst the masses. He moves to his side ever so slightly to kiss Corey, being careful not to dislodge Corey's fingers from his fuck hole. The decision was made for him though, as Corey removed his four fingers and without hesitation put them into Shane's mouth, telling him to taste his lovers Poz load, telling Shane to taste his very own ass juices. Shane gobbled the slime down in an instant and as he delighted in pig heaven, the normally submissive bottom boy Corey pushed his hard 6 inch cock into Shane's relaxed hole. His motion instantly met by an oh yeah, fuck me, cum in my fucking hole you hot cunt! (From Shane). Richard was now beginning to awaken, and quickly realised what was happening - wasting no time in egging his lover on - repeating over and over - cream his hole babe, give our Aussie pig toy what he wants, wreck his cunt and blow your Poz juice in his worn out hole. So turned on, Corey didn't last long, shouting take it, take my charged cum, I'm filling you up with my dirty load you fucking hot slut! Once spent, Corey ripped his cock out of Shane's slick hole and instructed Richard to fuck his load in further. Like Richard needed an invitation, he quickly flipped Shane onto his back and began to pile drive his slimy hole with his large cock. Shane's eyes were rolling back, glassy and he was literally unable to talk - his ass lips wrapped snug around Richards hot cock. Corey now sat on Shane's face, allowing Shane to rim his hole out, while he leaned forward to suck on Shane's throbbing tool. Richard works over Shane's hole with his morning wood like an expert, deep, pronounced thrusts, stimulating Shane's prostate with each thrust. It wasn't long till Shane was blowing chunks into Corey's waiting and willing mouth, without spilling a drop Corey's vacuum mouth stored Shane's entire load, and without hesitation Corey moved up to kiss his boyfriend and share Shane's load with him in an intimate moment, Shane's cum being swapped in their mouths as Corey simultaneously started tweaking Richards nipples. With the sensations of Shane's hole wrapped around his cock, Corey playing with his nips and snowballing Shane's load with his boyfriend, Richard was put into overdrive and started pumping his Poz load into Shane's willing hole, slamming in deep, after a couple of thrusts he pulls his cock out and inserts three fingers into Shane's hole, and begins roughly scratching up Shane's insides. Once rewarded with some pinkish slime on his fingers he roughly slams his cock in again and works his seed into the open wounds he just created. While Shane lay there begging him - yeah man, make it take, please make it take. Still hard as a rock in Shane's hole, Richard collapses on top of Shane and kisses him passionately as Corey joins them, creating a wonderful 3 way kiss as their heart rates begin to normalise. Having jumped straight into fucking when he woke up, Richard was busting to piss, and decided to use Shane as his receptacle - slowly but surely his piss stream began to fill Shane as their kiss continued. Shane broke that kiss to say, yeah fucking hot, fill me with your hot dirty piss. All excited, Corey begged for Shane to release the piss and cum mixture over his smooth chest and abs - a request that simply couldn't be denied - so off they went to the bathroom where Corey sat in the shower basin and enjoyed the feeling of wearing a mixture of his and his lovers Poz cum and Richards piss and it flowed from Shane's battered, bloody and puffy hole. Shane summed it all up with a simple wow, just wow and the boys started a shower and finally the process of cleaning themselves of the previous nights sexual adventures could begin..
    1 point
  23. I'd go on prep. I like what evilqueerpig said about the man being more important than his status. I agree about that, but being bisexual this has kind of ruined my chances with women, so i'd be more cautious and try to get on Prep.
    1 point
  24. It's hard for me to give up a dick when I know he's about to squirt, I keep that suction up and his balls tense to best keep his cock in my mouth. I am a cum addict, I want that cum. If he pulls out of my mouth, as he wants to see it squirt, I hold my tongue on the tip of that dick, to best make sure no gaps for cum escape.
    1 point
  25. BIg decision and I would have thought it over-------------for at least about 10 seconds and said get over here now. LOL Thought the roommate was going to convince him though. Very fucking hot story though.
    1 point
  26. 11.5" uncut......we were both shocked when my nose hit his bush and his balls were smacking my chin......swallowed every drop of his cum
    1 point
  27. It has been a while but trust me, it has been an incredible few months. To go over everything would take hours so I will try to post a few things at times over the next few weeks. My last update was towards the end of July but on August 1 he shows up early evening, dressed not in his work clothes but a nice pair of pants and white shirt. He looked so fucking hot. Anyway he comes bouncing up to the back porch with a bottle of gin and some beer, sits down and tells me his wife/family has just taken off for three weeks at the beach. He is going to try to meet them for a long weekend sometime in the middle of their vacation but depends on his work schedule. He goes inside fixes a few drinks, comes out hands me one and bends down and kisses me. Just like that. I am shocked but my dick springs into action and all sorts of things come to mind, We sit and talk At some point he says he needs to switch over to beer so he can take care of me. Over the next half hour he downs a few and springs up and with glass in hand and directly in front of my face at eye level whips out hi dick and starts to fill a glass. I have never seen his cock this close and wanted nothing more then to bend forward and take it. But the way things where happpening figured I did not want to ruin anything. He is holding his cock with one hand and the glass with the other. He fills it and stops just show of the top and hands me the glass saying, (are you ready for this), it is going to be a wild few weeks getting to know each other while his family is out of town. All I can think is what the hell does he mean by that. I drink the entire glass of hot piss while he is bending over me. When I am finished he leans over with open mouth and attacts my mouth leaving behind a serious case of beard burn and mouth full of his spit. This goes on for a few hours. We talk and really get to know each other with breaks for piss, kisses and spit. He does tell me over the course of the evening he loves coming over because he can live out his fantasies and I am open for whatever. It is the first time I get the impression this is going to go further.
    1 point
  28. A good jockstrap. As other people have suggested, tops get very horny by the sight of a well framed butt with cock and balls well covered as the top's cock and balls are priority. I also love underwear that's only open at the back, like a crack. It becomes like a pussy and it's perfect for clothes-on rape type of play. Also love eating ass when it's highlighted like that. I fucking hate it when a bottom wears a jockstrap only to eventually start jacking off while getting fucked or sucking me. It's a turn-off. You should be getting fucked while playing with my balls or just getting off by getting pounded hard and spanked and have your hole poked and used as it's meant to. Personally I have been looking for a top's underwear that'd be the opposite of a jockstrap. Something that would leave my cock an balls (cockring easily put) out all the time so it's clear I don't want anything done to my ass and it's straightforward eat that dick and sit on it. Play with my balls while we take a break to drink some water or smoke a cigarette. I also love eating man butthole when taking a cig break or any kind of break. Love it how it tastes and smells after I fucked his hole hard. Flushed or not, most of the time I don't give a fuck as long as they're clean (many bottoms who don't flush are surprisingly clean for long periods of time).
    1 point
  29. I want my tops load in me mouth or ass doesn't matter but if they want a blow job I want it down my throat for sure
    1 point
  30. I'm fond of it. Love getting pissed in then fucked. The pressure is fantastic & my hole has to stay tight to keep the piss in.
    1 point
  31. That was one hot fucking story!!!!bravo!!!!! I can only dream of reaching that level of debauchery one day......I really need a daddy cock in me tonight.....guess I better check bbrt!
    1 point
  32. 10:00 PM I knock on the door. I hold my breath… waiting. Afraid the door will open, terrified that it won’t. It opens. The room is dark inside. All I can see is a silhouette but I know it is Him. “Come in.” His voice sends shivers down my spine. Deep, strong, masculine, dangerous. I obey and the door closes behind me. I can’t see anything so I stop out of instinct. He is behind me and gives me a push, firm but not aggressive. I move carefully to the center of the room. A bright light suddenly shines out of the corner of the room directly into into my face. I’m blinded for a moment but my eyes slowly recover. I can see the eight men around me, my mystery man and the seven others that He told me would be be using me tonight.. With the light pointing at me, I am in a spotlight and they are shadows around me. I can just make out a tripod in the corner. Some kind of camera on it. After all the pictures I had received, I had expected that. I wonder if any pictures taken tonight will be used to tease and tempt another young man? I hope so. I think there must be more than one camera. I can see someone holding a video camera as well. “Did you follow the instructions?” My host asks. “Yes.” “To the letter?”

“Yes.” “Why are you here?” His instructions had prepared me for this question. He had told me what to say. “To be fucked like a cheap slut, to be bred by all of you, to take your toxic seed, to be filled by your hot loads, to get your HIV.” “Has anyone coerced you into this?” “No. I am here of my own free will and volition.” It occurs to me that there must surely be a video camera recording my statements. Proof if I ever try to cause them trouble. I know I won’t cause trouble though. He has prepared me for this and I want it. “Take off your clothes…except the jockstrap.” I pull my shirt off, throw it into an empty corner. A murmur of approval from somewhere. I blush. I kick off my sneakers and slide my track pants down my hips, trying to be sexy, bending over and showing my ass off. He didn’t tell me to do that… that was my addition. I step out of the track pants and push them away with my foot. I’m naked now except for the jock. The room is warm but I feel my nipples get hard as if there was a cold breeze. He is behind me. I still can’t see His face in the dark. But I feel His hands. Caressing my chest. His fingertips tracing my abs. His palm sliding across my bare ass. I moan. His hands are on my shoulders now. Pushing me down. I drop to my knees before Him. He towers above me, my face level with the crotch of his jeans. He says nothing. I can just make out the shape of Him above me, looking down at me with unseen eyes. My hands find His belt in the dark. I unbuckle it and then unbutton and unzip his jeans. I pull them down. I can smell Him. A faint odor of sweat and cum. The most beautiful thing I have ever smelled. The object of my obsession for the last four months is so close now. I move my head forward, seeking it. I feel his cock touch my lips. The soft skin. The hard engorged head. My lips open… Bright lights again from either side of him, blinding me. I hear the faint clicks of a camera, I can see a camcorder capturing this moment as well. I don’t care. His hard dick enters my mouth. So big and hard. I bathe His cock with my tongue, savoring the hint of pre-cum that drips into my mouth. Better than any cum I have ever tasted because it is His. He pushes deeper. I open my throat and allow Him in, sliding deep in a single long slow push. His balls rest against my chin. Then He begins thrusting in and out. Hard. His body slaps against me face, my lips start to swell. I don’t stop and neither does He. I lose track of time but my knees start to hurt. I ignore them. He is breathing heavily above me. I know He is close. He pulls his shaft out of my mouth, only the tip of His knob between my lips. “I’m going to cum, boy.” He says. “Tell us how much you want this POZ cum.” “Please…” I beg. It is hard to talk around the tip of his dick. “Please give me your POZ load. I want it so bad, I’ve wanted it for so long. There is nothing I’ve ever wanted more.” “Here is comes then, you fucking slut.” I feel the tip of His cock pulse. And again. His cock throbs at my lips. Then His cum fills my mouth… the glorious flavor of it coating my tongue. I tilt my head to the camera without being asked and open my mouth so they can see. i hear the camera clicking. A new picture to join the collection. I turn slightly the other way so the video camera captures the moment as well and give it a big smile. His hands are on the back of my head, thrusting His dick back into my throat. I can still feel Him pulsing. Then the pulsing slows, stops. He pulls out and runs the tip of his dick across my bruised lips. He backs away. Another man steps forward. Still just a shadow. He could be young, or old. He could be handsome or ugly. It doesn’t matter. I open my mouth and his cock slips inside.
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  33. 5:45 PM Back on the bus. Heading home. So much to do in the next few hours. But memories are still bubbling up. The pattern continued. Days , even a week or more, would go by without hearing from him. Then an email would show up. No message, just a picture. Each time a new new email would come in, I would spend days masturbating over the latest picture… until the next one would show up. Each picture was hotter and kinkier than the last. Each picture showed His hot body, His hot cock, but not His face. Each time he was with a different guy. First He was fucking a redhead, Next was someone with a shaved head like I had when I was competing in swim meets (although I had started letting my hair grow out a bit after the season ended… but it was still pretty short). The shaved head guy was surrounded by a group of guys, my mystery man’s dick in his ass and another guy’s cock in his mouth - a gang bang then - but only the shaved head guy’s face was visible in the picture. A week or so later the next picture was Him, my mystery man, and other guy who’s face was also cropped out and they were double penetrating a blonde. The blond looked like he was screaming but his face was a beautiful blend of agony and ecstasy. I’ve never done anything like that… i wonder how it feels? Each time I wrote back saying how much I wished he would do this to me, how I would do anything he wanted, how much he would like my ass. Each time i felt more desperate. Over two months had passed since I first responded to his ad. Still I was craving him. I had never seen his face, I didn’t know his name,, had not met him, still had not spoken to him except by email and Craigslist, still didn’t know anything about him. I just knew I wanted him. Finally, one evening an email arrived with no attachment. “Do you think you can take my cock?” was all it said. I immediately wrote back: “Yes. Please.” I was surprised when his reply came back so quickly. “You want me to breed you with this POZ cock, boy?” I didn’t breathe for a minute. He was POZ. I had wondered, maybe even suspected, but now I was seeing it written there before me. It didn’t make a difference. I wrote back, using words and phrases I had learned from the stories I read on BreedingZone. “Please, sir. Please fill me with your toxic seed. Knock me up.” A few minutes later I received the reply. “Soon.” Almost home now. I’m eager to be off the bus, to be home, and start getting ready. 7:20 PM I step out of the shower and hang up my towel. I’m clean - inside and out like He told me - and ready. I pick up the jock strap He sent. It is not new. It smells of cum, piss, and sweat. I wonder how many of the guys in the pictures He sent me have worn this same jock? I cover my mouth and nose with it and breath deeply its scent. I want to cum so badly… but He told me not to. I reluctantly pull the jock away from my face, slip my legs into the straps, and slide it on. A little tight but not a bad fit. I slip on a pair of blue track pants with a white stripe up the side. Maybe a bit cliche, but I think He will like how I look in them. Then a t-shirt, and shoes, and I am ready. Too early to leave yet. I pull out my cell and scroll back through His messages and emails. By this time, Orange Country was feeling too constricting. I was ready for a move. And I wanted to be closer to Him. To be close when He was ready. I found an apartment in Hollywood (West Hollywood adjacent the ad called it), found a job in a hotel, and made the move. Still He was sending me messages. Pictures. Promises. Teasing me. Driving me crazier. “Going to have a party for you.” One message read. “You are going to have our toxic cum pour out of your slutty hole.” Said another. “We are going to ruin you.” Last week, He sent a message to keep to keep today’s date free. Then, last night, nearly 24 hours ago, the message: “Less than 24 hours now, boy. We are going to fuck you, use you, and POZ you up real good…” I am so ready.
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  34. 12:25 PM Lunch Break time. The instructions He sent tell me not to eat today… so I’m walking outside to the park near the hotel. Kill some time. It is a pretty nice day, lots of people about. Some guy about my age is glancing my way and smiling. He’s cute… but I just look away. Like I said, I’m no virgin but the next dick in my mouth or ass will belong to my mystery man. I’ve waited this long. I can wait for a bit more. By the time He responded, it had been a week since the family got home. I was almost ready to give up… but I still checked email in hope and dread multiple times a day. Finally he replied. I opened his email. There was no message… just a picture. I opened the picture. A young guy, dark hair and tan skin, on his knees, his mouth open, that huge cock in his mouth and something else… I can see his mouth is full. Full of cum. I felt jealous. What did this cocksucker, the one in the picture, have that I didn’t? Why was he getting what I wanted? He was hot and athletic - probably track and field I guessed - but so am I’m hot and athletic too. I’m a swimmer for fucks sake! Who would pick a runner over a swimmer? There had to be something wrong with me. I replied. “Wow. Wish that was me.” I hoped I didn’t sound too desperate…. I saved the picture though. Laying in bed that night, I jacked off while staring at it. I wished it was me on my knees. I wished it was me with that big dick in my mouth. I wished it was me tasting that cum. Days went by. Then a week. I check email daily - multiple times daily. And then, finally, a new message arrives. I’m sitting down to breakfast with my family when it comes in. I excuse myself and rush to the bathroom. I scramble to open the email. Again, no text… just a picture. This time He is with a different guy, blonde like me but pale, can’t see his face but he has an amazing tight little body. Gymnast I guess. He is naked, on all fours, facing away from the camera, and that huge dick is inside his ass. Definitely no condom. I could see what I assumed to be cum dripping out of his hole and trickling down his balls. I dropped my pants, freeing my already hard dick, and I jerked off to the new picture. I shot a string of spunk into the toilet in about 30 seconds. I wiped the last drips off my cock and sucked them off my finger. I shake my memories off again. Time to get back to work. The faster I get through today, so sooner it will be time. Why fantasize about what happened a couple months ago when I’m so close to getting the real thing?
    1 point
  35. 9:00 AM I’m on time as I hit the time clock… barely. I work at the front desk in a hotel. It's a stupid and shitty job but it is a paycheck. “Glad you can join us Sam.” My manager says and gestures for me to get out to the desk and start helping the ‘guests’. I put on my fake smile, go on auto-pilot and retreat into my memories again. The morning after I responded to the Craigslist ad, I checked messages again. Still nothing. Why wasn’t he responding? I’ve got a swimmer’s build, tight abs, great ass, and I’m really cute… everyone says so. What more can he want? Several friends called and told me to come hang out. I resisted, they insisted. and I went along with it. Every chance I got, I checked Craigslist on my phone for messages. Still nothing. It was about ten when I got home. I checked again. One new message. Him. Finally! “Nice pic. Talk a look at my profile here…” followed by a link to a web page. I clicked on the link, of course…. it was on a site called BreedingZone. I glanced at the profile without really reading it but there were two albums of pictures. The first album is a number of pictures of Him. They were again taken from angles where you couldn’t see the face but it was clearly the same body. This time He wasn’t wearing underwear…. and I was instantly drooling His dick was fucking amazing. I have never seen one that big. 9 fucking inches according to the caption! He also had a tattoo of a scorpion on his groin… tats are so hot. The second album was even better. It was full of pictures of guys, young guys like me… maybe 18 to 20. all very fit… on their knees sucking Him or bent over and taking His big dick deep in their asses. I started stroking myself as i clicked through his pictures. A couple of them were closeups of His dick buried in an ass. I stared at those pictures, trying to figure out what seemed odd about them. Then it hit me. He wasn’t wearing a condom in any of the pictures. Wild! I was staring at the pictures, strangely captivated, and stroking myself. Within a few minutes I had shot another load all over myself. I licked the cum off my fingers and typed out a reply. “Wow… hot pictures. You have an amazing body.” Again I waited. No reply. Four days passed. Every day I kept checking my messages on Craigslist. Nothing. What the fuck? What was wrong with me that he wasn’t interested. Maybe I wasn’t as cute as I thought? Saturday. I was restless, desperate. Why wasn’t he replying? I checked Craigslist. New message! It listed an email address and then “Send an ass pic.” It knew it wasn’t a request. It was an order and I didn’t question it. I went into the bathroom and snapped a picture of my ass in the mirror and sent it off from my regular email account. I waited in agony for a reply. Two days went by, then I received an email: “Nice butt, Take another pic. This time spread your cheeks and let me see your tight hole.” I almost danced in the middle of my room. He responded! He liked my ass. I obeyed his instruction, went into the bathroom, bent over and spread my cheeks this time so my hole was clearly visible, snapped a couple pictures, and sent the message off to him. No reply again. Days passed. I swear I jacked off in almost every room of the house. I was spending time on BreedingZone every day, looking at all the profiles and pictures, reading through forums and stories about guys fucking without condoms.. there were even guys looking for to get infected with HIV! This was crazy shit… but I got hard every time reading about it and I couldn’t stop looking at it. I had thought I was a rebel when I sat my naked ass on the family couch and wacked off. I was a silly kid… this was the real deal. Hot, dirty, nasty sex. I wanted to try it. I needed to try it. He had still not replied when my family got home from the vacation and I had to stop walking around the house naked and jacking off everywhere. The guest in front of me is looking at me funny. He must have said something to me… but I have no idea what it was. Have to keep it together… stay focused. Less than 13 hours now.
    1 point
  36. gay guys who refer to themselves as straight or straight acting are usually closet cases.
    1 point
  37. cam1972, I couldn't agree with you more. I think of all the times I would see Craigslist ads with guys claiming they are "straight" and only top. If you ask them if they bottom at all, they reply "no, I'm straight." It's actually kind of funny. Correct me if I'm wrong but the last time I checked, straight guys play with women ONLY. I don't know. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.
    1 point
  38. If bottoms are slut/whores, then tops are slut/whores also. This is what drives me crazy in the gay community. It's ok for the bottom to be called a faggot while the top can be called straight... I know there is a sub-culture where this is popular, but it is becoming the mindset of many I talk with. If you are into fucking men and only men, you are no less a gay man than the man who takes the cock up his ass. To me, that sounds as tho they are ashamed to be gay. Same goes with the topic here. If a bottom is a slut/whore for sleeping around, then so is the top.
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  39. Hairy men with scruffy beards. Unwashed is even better.
    1 point
  40. I have heard of guys showing up at a hotel and robbing the bottom of his money, drugs, computer if he had one. The scenario of being blindfolded and alone like that in a motel room is a perfect target for someone looking to commit a robbery. Then if you have some standards and a total troll shows up and your not into him but he is not taking no for an answer and ends up raping you. Having a buddy is best, but even someone you meet online like another bottom you two can take turns and watch each others back. That way you don't have to ask a friend. I know that I would not want to ask one of my friends cause they would totally not understand why I was wanting to do that. Some things are better left unsaid.
    1 point
  41. This story got me so hot reading it that I almost let loose of a hot load in my pants while reading it. WOW Have now read it about 6or 7 times and it is still just as hot.​
    1 point
  42. Ryan and I watched TV from his bed, porn of course, as we relaxed and took moments to kiss and fondle each other’s semi-hard cock while we chatted. Ryan asked me what I had packed for the weekend. I let him know that I followed his suggestion and had only brought a change of underwear since I was told that no other clothes would be needed given that we’d be naked the entire time. I asked him who we were meeting. He told me we’d be driving up with identical twins Marc and Mike. The guy who owned the cabin, Steve, would be driving up alone with the new kid. I asked who the new kid was since I thought I was the new kid. Ryan chuckled, gave me a kiss and told me that the new kid was a neg that was chasing and ready for conversion, and that I wasn’t a new kid I more like his little brother. Since I was an only child Ryan’s comments made me smile. We kissed again and watch some more porn. Ryan got a text on his phone and told me that it was time to get going. We got dressed, grabbed our back packs and headed out. There was a red Jeep waiting for us with the twins sitting in front. We hopped in back and I was introduced. Ryan asked them how things were at work. I learned that Ryan and the twins worked together for Steve. It was a small shipping business that catered to a select clientele. Not much more was said except for Ryan letting me know that he could get me a job there if I was interested and if Steve liked me. One of the twins said, Steve won’t just like me, he’ll love me. I’m not sure how long it took to get to the cabin. Ryan woke me with a kiss as we pulled into a secluded, wooded area. We drove back another distance and to see this modest cabin with a deck off the back leading up to a lake. The jeep stopped and we climbed out. We each grabbed our back packs and headed inside. Ryan showed me around. Downstairs there was a large room with a large bed in the middle. Off to one side was a kitchen with a full bathroom. Upstairs there were 2 bedrooms along with 2 full bathrooms. Each bedroom had an extra large bed, big enough for 4 people to sleep. There were TV’s in each room. I was told that all the TV’s were linked up to a computer that could play continuous porn or they could show what was going on in any room of the cabin since the computers were connected to cameras in each room of the house. We tossed our things in one of the rooms and kissed each other. As I turned for the door I saw the twins were already naked as they entered the room. I commented that I guessed we were sharing a room. I turned to see Ryan lose the last of his clothing. Like moth’s to the flame I was surrounded by the 3 naked studs and easily lost what little I had I was wearing. Ryan then said, now let’s get things ready for Steve and out guest. I followed them downstairs and watched as the twins pulled a large canvas bag from the closet. Ryan asked me to help with a trunk that was next to the bad. I was memorized when the trunk was opened. It was filled with all kinds of toys, ropes, and restraints. As I helped Ryan setup the trunk I noticed the twins were assembling a sling in the center of the room. Once everything was set we then set about preparing the favors for the party. We each took Viagra as points were set out. We then set about preparing points for ourselves for the weekend. Mike asked me how much I like to do when I slam. I told him that I’ve only slammed on two occasions. The first time was when I first met Ryan and the second time was last night. Marc snickered and said that he knew how much I did my first time and then asked how much I did last night. I told him a lot less. I was preparing my slams to be able to top some tonight and maybe later I’ll do some that will leave me a total bottom. That brought a big grin to both Mike and Marc. We were all set and I was itching to do my slam, but we had to wait for Steve and the guest of honor. We didn’t have to wait long. We were all on the bed as we heard a car pull up outside. A few moments later the door flew open and I saw a very good looking daddy type walk in followed by a guy about my age. As I looked closer I recognized the kid as a guy from my high school, Colt. He was a year behind me at my high school and the starting quarterback on the football team. We made eye contact and you would have thought he was going to die. I was introduced to Steve and he commented to Ryan what a great catch I appeared to be. Ryan let Steve know the night was over that I’d surprise him. I was asked to show Colt around and help him get himself settled in the master bedroom. Colt followed me upstairs as I described the place and showed him the master bedroom. We then had a chance to chat. I learned that his father had held him back a year before he started kindergarten to give him a chance to mature for football. I asked him about his girlfriend, I thought he was dating a cheerleader and, according to the gossip at school, had been banging her since they started dating. He told me that they had decided to wait until after high school. That was his way out of having to explain to her that he gay. I smiled at Colt and told him that it was going to be ok. Knowing Ryan like I do, this was going to be a fun weekend. Colt then asked me if I was poz. I told him with a smile that as of a couple weeks ago. He then asked me if they brought me up here. I told him that Ryan was my HIV father, or as we were calling it, he is my HIV big brother. Colt then asked if I partied with Ryan. I told that I did and let him know that it will be fine. I could tell that Colt was a little nervous and let him know to just relax and let whatever happen, happen. I knew the others were waiting for us downstairs and suggested that Colt lose the clothes. Colt shucked his shorts and t-shirt. He wasn’t wearing any underwear and we headed down to the others. Porn was playing on the TV’s, Steve was already naked and Colt was then introduced to the others and Steve came over to ask me a favor, since I was newly poz my viral load would be the highest among the group. He asked me if I would prepare his slam exactly like Ryan had prepared for me. He then let me know that if I ever needed a job to just let Ryan know and I could work for him. I later learned that these guys considered themselves a family. Steve first ‘knocked up’ Ryan and then the twins joined them very much in a similar way as Colt was about to join the family. I felt a little left out when Ryan assured me that I was as much a member of the family as any of them. Steve looked at Colt and told him, ready or not it’s time. The twins secured in the sling as I prepared his slam (with Steve and Ryan’s guidance). I was given a large amount of Tina and mixed it in the syringe with just enough water to dissolve the drug. Then I placed a tourniquet on my arm, hit the vein and drew back an ample amount of blood. I was so tempted to empty the barrel but figured my day would come later in the weekend. I walked over to Colt, leaned in and gave him a kiss and described what was about to happen. He shook his head that he was ready and I told him ready or not as I placed the tourniquet on his massive left bicep and stuck the needle in prominent vein. Colt watched as I registered a flash of blood in the red tinged slam and then slowly emptied the contents and I kissed him one more time before I pulled the tourniquet off. Colt coughed out 3 times and began to breathe really fast. I leaned in and kissed him again to help him relax as Steve began to fuck my schoolmate. I turned to see the twins doing their slams as Ryan brought over mine. We both looked at each other and smiled. I thanked him for showing me this world and my true self and we both prepped for the slam. Then Ryan got an idea, he suggested that we do each other’s slam at the same time and pull off the tourniquets together. I smiled and agreed. We fixed each other’s tourniquets, administered the slams and kissed as we pulled the tourniquets simultaneously. Our actions received a hoot and holler from the twins. Colt was lost in the haze of the drugs as Steve was fucking into him slowly. I was caught by surprise when Marc began to rim me and could tell that Mike was doing the same to Ryan by the expression on his face. I reached down to stroke Ryan’s cock as he did the same to mine. I grabbed my man’s cock as he shot his small wad of cum into my hand. As he stroke mine I felt a quick drip from my own cock. I pulled my hand to my mouth and licked it clean as Ryan did the same. Ryan looked into my eyes and told me that he knew that I’d eventually cum with my slam as I felt the rush of the drug hit my prostate. As I licked my hand clean, Ryan did the same. We then kissed and shared the cum in our mouths as the twins worked their tongues in deeper. I needed Ryan inside me right then and there. We broke away from the twins and made our way to the bed. I lay down and pulled Ryan on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his muscular body and pulled him into me. His hard cock found its home with Mike’s assistance and Marc fed me his cock. The twins had a similar build, 5’10”, 150 pounds of solid muscle, short blond hair and blue eyes that a man could get lost in easily. As Ryan began to fuck me the twins lay next to us and began to fuck along side. I looked up at Ryan as he leaned in to kiss me. Ryan then lowered his head next to my ear (away from the twins) and whispered to me that he was glad that I chose to let him take my virginity. I looked back up at him and let him know I was very happy that he was the one I chose as well. I wasn’t really prepared for what he said next, Ryan told me that he was falling for me and hoped that after I graduated that I would take Steve up on his offer and go to work for the company. Then I could move in with him and we can get a nice one bedroom apartment. I smiled up at him and simply said yes. I knew my father would not accept this decision. Even more disturbing to the conservative prick, he would never accept me if I came out to him. As we lay there with Ryan deep inside me I was wondering how Colt was doing. One of the twins grabbed a remote and click, suddenly we could see the action on the TV across from the bed. It was apparent that Colt was out of it as Steve began to fuck him harder. Suddenly we heard a grown and growl from Steve as he unloaded his load inside the newbie. Steve yelled out that it was Ryan’s turn to fuck Colt, but it was too late, he was just filling my ass with his own load. Ryan pulled out of me and I checked on my buddy in the sling. I asked Colt how he was doing and he replied that he felt fantastic. Steve finished up and pulled out of Colt and Ryan told me to take his turn. I learned the rules of the family were that any new piece of ass was fucked by members in order of seniority and I since I was last one to join I was supposed to be the last one to fuck Colt. The only exception was if a member chose to give his turn to someone else. I stepped up between Colt’s spread legs. I got down and rimmed his seeded hole while Colt asked if his arms could be free from the restraints. Steve said that since I was the one who was about to fuck the new piece of ass it was my decision. I paused from rimming Colt’s delicious ass to simply say free from the restraints. As I worked my tongue into Colt’s hole he began to moan. As I came up I licked his limp dick to tease him. I looked into his eyes as I slid my hard cock inside his slick ass. I wanted this fuck to last and with Ryan’s coaching I did just that. After a good 30 minutes I had to slow down several times to hold off cumming. When I did this I leaned in and kissed Colt as Steve was being serviced by the twins. Eventually the twins were in doggy position on the bed as Steve would fuck one for a while then switch to the other twin to fuck. Ryan was kneeling before the twins getting his cock serviced as they got fucked. He looked over at me at saw me working on Colt like a pro. He left the twins and came over to the sling. Ryan came up behind me and as I was kissing Colt slid his cock in my ass. When I stood up Ryan told me it was time to sperm his ass and all I needed to do was fuck myself back on his cock, then fuck into Colt. I rocked back onto the magnificent cock I was beginning to desire more and more. I could feel the cock inside me pushing on my prostate and as I slid into Colt the sensation was incredible. It wasn’t long before I began to call out that I was cumming. As I finished up and pulled out of Colt, Ryan pulled out of me and slid right into Colt’s well spermed ass. The sensation between my hole and Colt’s had Ryan adding his load along with the ones already in there. As I recovered I saw Marc make his way over to take my man’s place. He added his load followed by his brother’s. As the twin’s took their turns with Colt it was Steve’s turn to fuck me. He must have had the largest cock of them all because when he slid in I could definitely feel the difference. Steve had me on my back as he began to fuck me. I looked up as him and asked him to quit be gentle and fuck me like a man is supposed to fuck a boy. Steve began to pound at my hole. I had my legs back so he was hitting me in the right place. I kept my ass working and Steve leaned in to kiss me. When he finished kissing me he came up and told Ryan that he was right, he was impressed with my abilities. Ryan commented that he taught me well. I was impressed with Steve’s stamina as he fucked me. There were times that I felt his cock get bigger and harder where I thought he was about to cum only to have him keep going. Then it happened, I felt the tingle in my balls and started to cum very hard. My cum splashed out all over my chest, stomach and it even hit my chin. When Steve was done Ryan leaned in to lick the cum from my body as Steve told him that I was a keeper. He looked down at me and told me that I was going to work for him sooner or later so I might as well accept the offer. The sex continued into the next morning and as the sun came up we made breakfast and planned to lay out by the lake and get some sun.
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  43. We started to discuss what we were going to do for dinner when there was a knock as the door. Ryan yelled out for them to come in the apartment. I was a little startled at first since we were just sitting there naked, but Tyler must have known who was at the door. A still naked Ryan got off the bed to welcome his guest with a nice hug and kiss. The guy asked if I was the kid he had been talking about. Ryan told him yes this is Tyler. Ryan introduced me to his friend, Steve. I got off the bed, still naked and getting harder by the second, and shook Steve’s hand. It turns out that Steve was his dealer and was bringing over a supply for the weekend. Tyler took out a wad of cash and handed it to Steve and Steve handed him a small baggie. Steve then asked if I needed anything. I told him I didn’t really plan on buying anything other than food over the weekend; my dad gave me some cash for food. Ryan told me that the food was taken care of and if I’d like to get some Tina that would be cool. I pulled out $200 (of the $250) my dad gave me and told Steve why not. Steve counted out some Tina for me and handed me my stash. Ryan gave me a wink as he asked Steve if he could get him anything. Steve just said he’d love a crack at my ass and maybe a nice ride on my cock another time when he didn’t have to rush off. Steve got a hug and kiss from both Ryan and myself before he headed out the door. Ryan said to me, right on babe, nice buy. I replied back that I was scared to take the Tina home with me. Ryan said that I shouldn’t worry and he’s keep them for us to use another time. Ryan then suggested that we order a pizza and he’s show me how to prepare and administer my slam so that I was prepared for the weekends festivities. As we waited for the pizza to arrive I asked Ryan why the weekend we met he was rock hard while I was soft. He let me in on a little secret, he pulled out some blue pills and told me he takes two Viagra about an hour before he slams. He then handed me 2 and told me to take them. He also told me that he used a large amount of Tina with less water which makes the drug stronger in the system. Ryan showed me how to measure out the Tina and put it in a syringe. We each had a point ready for use after we ate some pizza. There was a knock at the door and Ryan put the points away and we both grabbed our underwear and answered the door. Ryan paid for the pizza and we each had a couple slices. As we sat there and ate my cock was getting rock hard and could tell that Ryan was as well and he suggested we lose the underwear. We finished eating and Ryan put the pizza away and got the points out. He told me it was time to finish my lesson. Ryan showed me how to mix the water in the syringe to dissolve the Tina. I watched as mine dissolved in the warm water. I looked at my point and wondered why mine is so clear when I remember a red tinge that first night. I asked Ryan about the color and he had a shit eating grin on his face. He came clean and told me he added some of his blood to the point he used on me to insure I was his HIV son. You would think that I would be upset hearing that, but I was really turned on by what he did. Ryan went on to say that he really liked me and hoped I would be ok with his pozzing me. He did it so that I wouldn’t have to worry about getting HIV from him and we could fuck bareback. I was so turned on by Ryan’s actions I gave him a big kiss. When we stopped kissing, Ryan then took out two tourniquets and told me to wrap it tight around my bicep. He then took out some alcohol and wiped my arm then his. He demonstrated as I followed on how to hit the vein, pull back the plunger a little to get a flash of blood to be sure the needle is in the vein, then slowly push the plunger all the way down. After the contents were empty the needle is slowly pulled out and the pressure is applied to the injection site. The last thing I was told to do was raise my arm over head and pull the tourniquet off. I did as Ryan told me as he did his own slam. As I was about to pull off the tourniquet Ryan leaned in for a kiss. I felt the familiar feeling I had on our first meeting, the warm, the cough as Ryan coughed shortly after mine. We continued kissing as Ryan pushed me back on the bed and he climbed on top of me. I felt Ryan’s hard cock as he lay on top of me. Like before he shot some cum out, but this time it was on my body. It felt amazing as the drugs hit us we kissed and were grinding our hard cocks into each other. While we kissed Ryan grabbed some lube he had handy and slicked up our cocks. The sensation was amazing with Tina. I was a little surprised when he broke our kiss and moved up my body. I thought he was about to feed me his cock when he moved back a little and slid down on my hard cock. The feeling was better than when I fucked him in the shower. He bounced up and down as his cock was leaking pre-cum on my belly. The sensation of his ass wrapped my cock and his actions were too much for me. I began to moan and Ryan began to rock back and forth faster. I couldn’t take much more and shouted out that I was cumming. Ryan continued to milk my cock, making -sure to get every drop of my seed. When Ryan finally pulled off of my softening cock he got between my legs and sucked me clean. He then pushed my legs up and began to rim my hole and I began to moan. He got me good and wet before he worked his slick cock inside me. I had little time to recover as I was now getting fucked by this stud. As Ryan fucked me he made sure to hit something inside me and it didn’t take long for my cock to begin to stir. Whatever he was hitting it was causing me to moan louder. Ryan also began to pinch my nipples a little which also felt incredible. The added sensation help my cock continue to grow. It wasn’t fully hard yet, but it was slowly getting there. Ryan leaned in and kissed me as our tongues probed each other’s mouths. When he stopped our kiss he reached down and stroked my hard cock. His hand felt amazing but he stopped as he began to pound me harder and harder. I could feel his cock growing inside me as he worked it in and out of my ass. Ryan’s breathing began to quicken as his cock felt to get even harder. I felt this strange feeling in my groin that was somewhat familiar to me. Ryan then slammed in a couple times more and groaned out. At almost the same moment I felt my balls churn and I began to cum. My first shot hit my forehead, the second shot hit my lips. Ryan leaned in and licked the cum from my face and as he did this he got hit with my next two shots in the face. He leaned in further and as we kissed we shared the cum in his mouth and then I lick the remnant from his chin. We flipped fucked until we started to wind down from our slams. I noticed the sun peaking through the blinds as we cuddled together in bed to rest before the big camping trip.
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  44. 10. Nathan Of course, I took some pictures as the three men jumped into the pool. As I continued to take pictures of them playing in the water, I tried to take stock of the past week and everything that had happened. On paper, I had made major decisions, and radically changed the nature of my most important relationships: with my brother, with my nephew, with one of my best friends, and most critically, with my husband. But none of these changes felt bad or wrong to me. As I watched the casual intimacy the boys shared frolicking in the water, it felt more like I had just grown up more. Alan had talked about how infecting me was a major milestone in his life and helping Jason become poz had forced me to develop as a man as well. Greg would be exactly the same. It wasn't just Greg that was getting changed; it was myself as well. "Boo! Stop over-thinking whatever you are worried about and join us in here," Jason called out to me. I put down my camera and joined my men in the pool. Before I had even adjusted to the water, I was in the middle of a warm, safe, masculine circle. Our hands were exploring each other's now-familiar bodies, our tongues were intertwined, and our love for each other was exposed. For me, it was a moment of pure joy. I didn't want it to end. Of course, joy like that couldn't last forever. One by one, we got out of the water. We dried off and helped each other to some more sunscreen. Our afternoon drifted pleasurably onwards, interrupted by an fresh joint being passed around, a new round of beers, and swapping magazines to read. As the sun began to set, Sean announced that he needed to get back home and get ready for the evening. The three of us remained, sometimes talking, sometimes just reading, and sometimes letting a hand linger a moment too long on an exposed pec or butt. While Greg napped in the warm California dusk, Jason found some salmon in the fridge and started to grill it. I mixed some cocktails for us. Dinner was a leisurely affair outside. Afterwards another joint appeared and was passed between Greg and I while all three of us lounged in the hot tub. As the sun finally disappeared behind the horizon and the night grew cool, we retired into the bedroom. Although we hadn't done much that day, we were tired out from the sun and the sex. We could barely stay awake through some movie we had found. Greg was the first to sleep, nestled between Jason and myself with his head against my chest. Jason was next to fall asleep, his arm wrapped across Greg and holding onto my thigh. When the two of them were gently snoring, I extricated myself to turn off the TV, and shut off the lights. It took me much longer to get to bed. I was still thinking about how everything had changed, and how it would all change again tomorrow. I had to drop Greg off at school, and then return to our home. I wondered how Greg would think back on this week. Would he have the same fond memories I had? I awoke with a start. It was still dark out and Greg was still next to me. However, from the way he was pressing against me and his gasping for air, I quickly realized that Jason was fucking him. I had a momentary pang of jealousy, that Jason had started something that I wasn't involved in. But, I realized that the jealousy was small and petty of me. I had brought Greg into my small family, and I had never asked Jason's opinion. That Jason was so willing to share our love with Greg was something I had to be thankful for. "Please, Uncle Jason," Greg was repeating. It was hard to tell if he was saying it from pleasure or pain. His voice was tense and I knew, no matter how gentle Jason tried to be, Greg's hole was still the raw and tender ass of a novice. I reached to the bed table, and found a bottle of poppers. "Here, boy," I whispered into his ear. I wrapped an arm around him and held him close. "Sniff," I said, as I held the bottle under his nose. "It will make it feel good again." Greg didn't need me to tell him twice, and inhaled deeply. "Good boy," I said, as we locked lips and my tongue slid into his mouth. As the poppers diffused through my boy's body, Greg slowly relaxed. His plaintive cries to my husband no longer had the same edge of pain to them. He got comfortable in his place as a bottom for my man. "Please, Uncle Jason, maybe not so hard?" he asked, knowing that it was just the poppers which were masking the pain he had been feeling. I held Greg close to me, feeling each one of Jason's thrusts into his body. I handed the poppers to Jason, and let him do a long hit. "I'm sorry, Greg," Jason said. "This is what you said you wanted. And this is what you need." He handed the poppers back to me, and I immediately held them back under Greg's nose. "What you deserve." "Take it, boy. Take my husband's cock. Take his cum. Take his virus," I said, interrupting each sentence with a deep, slow kiss. "Make me proud, boy. Make my Jason happy." "Please," Greg begged again. He was almost whimpering in pain, but neither Jason, Greg nor myself made any effort to stop the harsh and relentless fuck Jason was delivering. This was a fuck that Greg had to take, if was going to get what he wanted so badly, if he was going to become a man like Jason or myself. "Make me proud of you Greg," I said, giving him another hit of the poppers. "I want you to be my hot poz boy. Our beautiful, infected boy." "Please Uncle Jason," Greg cried. The poppers were now taking full effect and he was now saying things I knew he just barely meant. "Fuck me hard. Pound your raw cock in me, and shoot me full of your poz cum. Make me your boy." He was crying now, crying from pain, crying from pleasure, crying from the sadness of a dream being realized, and crying from the pleasure of a fantasy coming brutally true. "You want it boy? You want my poz load up your raw ass?" "No, I don't," said Greg. I could feel his tears on my face from him, but I made no effort to stop Jason. "I don't want it. But I want to be a real man. Just like Uncle Nathan. Just like you. I want it from you. I want you to give it to me." He was barely coherent, a mixture of pleasure, desire, pain and raw fear driving his every action and word. "Please," he finally said, repeating it over and over like a mantra. "Take it boy," Jason moaned, thrusting his cock hard into Greg's young hole. I could hear it in his voice how his cock was stiffening and spurting and how the dirty cream was dripping into Greg to take root there. "Fucking take my poz load," Jason said, each word another agony-inducing thrust into Greg's body. Again, all Greg could do in response was to whimper, and beg. "More," he said. "More cum. More virus. In me." His body might have been shaking, but his cock was hard as a rock thrust up against my body. "Please," he repeated endlessly, as Jason's orgasm subsided. Even though Jason was clearly exhausted from his efforts, he managed to pull his cock out and turn Greg around. My penis had been erect from the moment I had woken up, and I didn't hesitate to line it up with Greg's cum-drenched raw hole. "You're going to take my husband's cock now," Jason said, between deep breaths. "You're going to take his toxic load up there and you're going to let him infect you. It's probably going to hurt. No. It will hurt. But you need this. Understand, boy?" "Yes, Uncle Jason," Greg said. He was shaking and there were still tears running down his face. "Please, Uncle Nate, fuck me. Fuck me raw. Breed me. Make me your pozboy." My cock had already been dripping from feeling him pressed up against me while Jason had fucked him. Hearing him beg for my seed only made the drip worse and my cock harder. I pressed my cock against his hole. I didn't bother with lube, not even a bit of spit. For Greg's sake though, I was glad that Jason had used some lube on him, and, of course, he had just deposited a big load in Greg's hole. With just the sperm and remanants of lube to grease my penetration, Greg tensed up as my cock slid into his hole. "Popper up, boy," I said, loud enough for Jason to hear me. "You're going to need it." Jason held the bottle under Greg's nose and forced him to inhale the relaxing drug. As the poppers took effect, Greg relaxed just the slightest bit. I took the opportunity to ram my cock all the way into his hole. "Please," he begged, a low moan coming from him. Despite his obvious need, despite his clear desire, and despite the poppers, he had still struggled against my penetration. But I was past caring about him and his pleasure. All that mattered was my cock, to get it as deep as possible inside him, and to spray my virus over his raw and exposed guts. "Please, Uncle Nate, not so hard," he begged me again. "I'm not sure if I can take it." His pleading cries had an unintended effect on me. Rather than making me slow down and go easy on my nephew's hole, my hips sped up, thrusting my cock ever deeper into him. "Take my husband's cock," Jason whispered to him. "Take his poz rod. He's going to shoot his deadly sperm deep in your hole, whether you enjoy it or not." Jason turned towards me and continued, "Infect him, my hot Nathan. You infected me. Now do it to him. Make your nephew a real man, just like us." As he spoke, Jason held the bottle of poppers under my nose. If I did a hit off the poppers, I'd toe a fine line between rough, aggressive fucking and simple, brutal rape. But it wasn't me that was doing the thinking any longer. It was my virus that was doing all the thinking for me, and my HIV made the choice. I inhaled deeply. "I'm sorry, Greg," I managed to whisper, before the illness and the poppers completely took over my body. I slammed my cock into him, feeling the collected ass juices, lube, and sperm squish around. It just barely smoothed out my pounding. I didn't care. My cock was in charge, only caring about its own pleasures and happiness. Greg had become my sex toy for the week. I had stopped caring if I broke my toys while I played. "Please, Uncle," Greg begged. "Not so deep. Or so hard." I had my arms wrapped around him, holding him in place. It let me pound deep into his body. I could feel each of his tiny squirms as he tried to avoid my cock, each tiny shudder of his body as my death stick found an untouched part of his tender hole to defile, and each tiny gasp of air as he forced himself to go well beyond his limits. I didn't want to do this to my hot nephew, to my beautiful boy, to my beautiful god son, but I couldn't help myself. Besides, it wasn't me who was doing the fucking any longer. It was my virus, passed down from man to man, in the brutal, aggressive sex that made it spread. His hole was so wet, so warm, and so perfect that I had to mark it with my seed. I held him tight, not letting him escape the relentless ass-pounding for even a moment. "Here," Jason said, holding the poppers under Greg's nose once more. "Breathe. It will help relax you. As much as anything can save you now." Jason pressed his body against Greg. He made sure Greg had no option but to snort the poppers and continue to take my cock. "Deep breath," Jason said. "Open yourself up. Let Nathan into your body. Let our seed fill you up boy, and let it take root deep in your body." The poppers slowly took over Greg's thoughts, then his actions. "Please. I want it so badly. But I don't know if I can take it any longer." Greg was forcing himself up against my cock, letting me get in a little deeper into his body. He was still sobbing. The poppers were hardly a match against the difficult and painful fuck. "Don't stop, Uncle. Please. Don't stop," he said, struggling to get out the words between sobs of pain. "I need this. I know it. But it's so hard." He gasped again. "Stop, Uncle. Please." Then there was a moment of quiet, a moment of utter ambivalence. "Give it to me. Harder," he said. The confusion, uncertainity and sheer need were easy to see in his face and hear in his voice. "It's ok," Jason said, cradling Greg's head in his hands. "It's ok to cry. It's difficult, I know. I went through it as well." I remembered the ordeal that Jason endured, how he cried from the pain, how he cried from the emotion, and how he cried from his relentless need to be fucked raw and bred full of Alan's life-altering virus. "Remember, it's not Nathan fucking your hole. It's the virus raping your ass and your body. It's the best way for you to get it." Hearing Jason work so carefully to convince Greg to take my infected dicksnot was a huge turn-on for me, and made me slam his hole even harder. Greg start to kiss Jason, and I knew he was looking for a distraction from what I was doing to his hole. As the two men made out, I nibbled on Greg's ear, telling him how good his raw hole felt stretched around my cock. I was starting to drip pre-cum into his hole, which made the fuck ever so slightly easier for him to take. "Please, Uncle Nate, fuck me," Greg moaned. "I need you to cum in me. I need your virus." "Good boy," Jason said. He held the poppers under Greg's nose again, and let the young man inhale. "Let it take over your mind. Let it drive you." Jason didn't take the bottle away from Greg, even after several deep breaths. For the first time since my cock had penetrated his hole, Greg relaxed fully in my arms. The poppers had finally had an effect on him. The secret was just to give the boy more and more of them. "You ok there, boy?" I asked. My mind had cleared a bit, and Alan's virus no longer had its iron grip on my actions. Although, I still wasn't sure if I could stop fucking Greg if he asked me to. His hole felt so good wrapped around my penis, and my balls were dripping pre-cum into his unprotected guts. "It hurts, Uncle Nate. It hurts a lot," he said. "But don't stop. Please, don't stop until you breed me." He paused, his body tense. He pushed back against my cock, letting me in fraction of an inch deeper. "I need it. I need your cock, your cum, your virus. And I need it even if it hurts. Especially if it hurts." Greg had a clarity that I hadn't heard in his voice before. It was a deeper understanding of his need. I wondered if he had already started the infection process. Maybe the virus had found purchase in his brain. I hoped that it had begun; he had wanted it so much. My cock was swelling, and I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. The darker part of my psyche, the part that the virus had long ago taken over and perverted to its own ends, wanted to make the fuck last as long as possible. This fuck was turning into a battleground between two animalistic halves of my nature: the side which sought pure pleasure that wanted to cum immediately, and the side which was dark and diseased that wanted to extend the pain and the ordeal as long as possible for Greg. I knew that this was probably the last load I was going to be able to fuck into Greg for quite a while, and I had to make sure that he got to college with plenty of the virus in his body. "Fuck it into his hole, love," Jason said. "You know he wants it. Feel how hard his cock is." Jason grabbed me by my torso, sandwiching Greg between us. He made sure that regardless of Greg's desires or wishes, he couldn't escape my cock or the eventual injection of toxic sperm. "Please, Uncle, I need it," Greg asked me, right before Jason kissed him again. I was past caring whether Greg wanted my load or not; my cock had already decided where it was going to shoot. "I love you Alan," I said, "I love you Jason. And I love you, Greg." Those were my last coherent words. My balls tightened up, and my hips thrust my dick deep into my nephew's young body. "Ugh, Please, Uncle, Please," Greg moaned. I couldn't tell if it was pain or desire that was driving him, either worked for me. I slammed my cock into him, again feeling that familiar tingle at the tip. It took only a few quick strokes more before the first spurt of my orgasm landed inside of the boy. "Thank you," Greg started to repeat, "Thank you." He could feel the warm, toxic seed landing in his hole, and his obvious happiness at the breeding only made me thrust harder and deeper into him. "Breed our boy," Jason urged me. "Fill him with your jizz. Your sweet and deadly jizz" I thrust my cock into Greg's hole again and again, each time injecting a fresh spurt of dirty cream into his hole. Finally, seemingly hours later, I was spent. I wondered when the next time I could bred Greg would be; the fast-approaching morning would be a bit rushed, and my balls were drained from the week's activities. "There's one last poz load for you, boy," I whispered into Greg's ear. "At least for a while." My cock was softening, but it was still hard enough for me to work the cum into his hole. "I hope we've given you enough." "Thank you. Fuck that was painful and intense," Greg answered. "But hot. I'm hard as a rock." I pulled my cock out of his hole, and he rolled onto his back. In the dim light of the bedroom, I could see his cock sticking up, glistening from pre-cum. "God, I have to get off," he said. As Greg spoke, Jason just barely stroked my arm. I knew immediately what he was thinking and together, we started to lick Greg's cock. We ran our tongues up and down his hard shaft, licking up the drops of pre-cum and teasing his dickhead. "Oh man, that's it," Greg moaned, his cock throbbing under our attention. "I'm gonna cum," he continued. I let Jason have the pleasure of swallowing Greg's head; I had already drunk from the tap, and wanted to share the pleasure. "Fuck," Greg moaned, grabbing Jason's head and holding him down on his shaft. "Fucking take my cum," he grunted, as spasms wracked his body. Jason kept his lips wrapped around Greg's cock, getting every drop of his sweet boy-jizz. Finally, when Greg's body had stopped shaking from the pleasure, I leaned in to kiss Jason. He had swallowed much of Greg's cum, but there were still a few drops for us to share. "Nice," I said, as Jason and I kissed and licked up the last few drops from his cock. Greg's cum wasn't as sweet as I remembered from the other times; it had a fresh spiciness that had been lacking before. It wasn't bad; it added complexity to an already amazing flavor. "So fucking tasty," I said, as Jason and I swapped the load back and forth. "Yeah," Jason said. We lay back down, Greg between us. All three of us began to make out, as the intensity from our orgasms faded, and the simple love for one another returned. I wrapped one arm underneath Greg, then rested the other on Jason, holding my two men fast and close, not trusting their safety beyond my grip. But my belief was deeply ironic, that I could ensure my men's safety. In truth, the most dangerous person for Greg was me. Around him, around me, neither of us could control our actions. Inevitably, this would lead to Greg's infection. Once more, it was Greg who fell asleep first, his breathing getting slower and deeper. "That was fucking amazing," Jason said quietly, whispering over our sleeping boy. "Was it like this when you pozzed me?" "Yeah, it was," I said. "I'm glad we could share this." "Me too. I love you," Jason said. He kissed Greg's sleeping face delicately. "And I'm falling in love with you too, boy," he said to our sleeping young man. "I'm glad this happened," I said. "I'm happy you're part of him now." We didn't speak again as we fell asleep; we didn't have to. We had lived together long enough to understand each other perfectly and to know what each other was thinking. It was enough to feel each other's skin, to feel the warm boy between us, to know our sperm and our virus were invading his body. Tangled together, a physical manifestation of our growing emotional bonds, we three slept soundly. In the morning, I woke up first and carefully extricated myself from the warm mass of bodies in the bed. I didn't expect the two younger men to wake up for some time, so I took the relative quiet time as my time to go for a run. The exercise helped to clear my mind, and get me prepared for the day. I knew it was going to be crowded and hectic at move-in. There was also one other trip that Greg and I had to do, one that would be even harder emotionally than any I had done in a long time. Even after I came back from my run, it didn't look like either Greg or Jason had stirred; they were still had their arms around each other, sleeping soundly. I did my best to be silent as I stripped down and went into the bathroom. The warm shower felt good, washing off the last bits of lube from the previous night, plus all the sweat and grime from both sets of my early morning exercises: the fuck and the run. While I was in the shower, Jason had woken up. I realized it as he pressed his body against mine when he joined me in the shower. "You feel good," he said. "Good run?" he asked, running his hand along my body. "Yeah, it was." I turned to face him, and we started to kiss. "It's nice to be back with you," I said. "I missed you. And I missed this as well." His cock still had that pleasurable stiffness of morning wood as I wrapped my hand around it. "I want it inside me." "Tonight, boo," he said. "I want to put it inside you too. Not to say I haven't enjoyed breeding Greg." "Yeah, I know." We were quiet as our tongues explored each other's mouths and our bodies rubbed against each other. "You think he's going to be ok?" I finally asked. "I think so. I hope so. He seems to know what he wants." "Yeah, he does. And he has been determined to get it. I'll tell you the whole story later. But, I worry he'll change his mind. I don't want him angry at us in a year for the things the virus made us do." "Who knows," Jason said. "He's still young. I suppose that is what we need to be worried about. But too late now, huh?" "Right," I said. We washed each other off, then stepped out and dried off. "Fuck," Jason said, finally noticing and caring about the clock. "I gotta run. Real life intrudes" He dressed quickly, and grabbed a protein shake on his way out. "Give Greg a kiss for me. Or more," he said as he headed off to work. I looked at the time as well, and realized that we needed to get going soon as well. "Time to get up," I said, gently shaking the sleeping boy. He had looked so peaceful and innocent lying in the morning sun. I hated to interrupt that slumber, but I was the responsible adult. I wanted to get to the dorms early, before the rush started. "Is it time?" he asked, sleepily. "Unfortunately," I said. "Shower? Are you ok?" "Ok? Why do you ask?" he replied. "Well, last night. It was rougher than you might have wanted." "No. It was what I needed. And it wasn't you. It was your virus." He coughed as he stood up out of bed. "I feel like I'm getting a cold. Must be from all the switches between the desert, air conditioning and back again," he said. He grabbed a towel and went in to take a shower. Was it truly a cold? Maybe one of the many loads we had pounded into him had finally taken root. After the quick shower, he got dressed quickly, and we had a quick bite to eat. "Ready?" he asked me. "Oh yeah. But I think I should more ask you that. It's a big day for you." "I am," he said. "Let's get it started." We climbed into the SUV. "I want to take you somewhere first," I said. "It's a only a bit out of our way. And it's important. For both of us." Instead of taking the interstate to the campus, I headed towards an older part of town. Since this was California, older was very relative; it had been built in the 1920s. Even though I hadn't gone to our current destination in a few months, I could never forget how to get there. Muscle memory quickly took over, and it made all of the familiar, painful turns through the shady streets. In a few minutes, we reached our destination, a small plot of green in the middle of an older neighborhood. In the years since I had been coming here, the neighborhood had changed. When I first had to come here, it was all first generation blue-collar immigrants, but the craftsman bungalows were slowly selling to a younger, professional crowd. Since the last time, there were more rainbow flags waving in the bright morning sun. I parked the SUV, found the rocks I had gathered in that gas station in New Mexico, and the two of us got out. "What is this, Uncle Nathan?" Greg asked me. He fell silent when I didn't say anything. I led him to a pair of black gates set in a low stone fence. There was a gold Star of David topping each of the gates, and I could just barely see the stones on the other side. "Alan," I said. I opened the gates, and the gravestones stretched across the small field. We were both silent as I walked to the plot. "Here it is," I said, standing in front of the marker. It read very simply, "Alan Knight. August 30, 1954 - Sept 10, 2001. 1 Elul 5714 - 22 Elul 5761." There were still two pebbles on the top; I had found them on a beach in Greece in the spring. "Here," I said, handing Greg one of the New Mexico rocks. He knew the traditions of our tribe, and placed his stone next to the others. "Yitgadal vyitkadash," he started to say quietly. I placed my rock next to his, and joined his barely audible prayer. Together, we wrapped our arms around each other. Even in the hot California summer, there was a chill. The simple body contact helped to warm us. "Aleinu v'al kol Israel vimru," we concluded. "Amen," Greg said. He turned and hugged me. I was trying not to cry; I still missed Alan. I'd always miss him. I wanted him to be here so badly. I wanted him to see what kind of man Greg had grown into. Knowing that Alan would approve, we kissed slowly. "I wish I had known him better," Greg finally said. "You'll always carry a bit of him in you," I said. I had initially meant the memory of my amazing man, but for the two of us, it was always going to be much more complex than just simple memories. "I know," Greg said. "I'm glad that I have that part of him." We kissed again, chaste, yet intimate. "This has been an amazing week," Greg said. He sniffled a bit, and I saw that his eyes were red and puffy like mine. I wiped my eyes; I didn't want Greg to know how close I was to breaking down in tears. "Now, let's get you moved into college, young man," I said. We walked out of his resting place, back to the SUV, and drove off towards the dorms.
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  45. 9. Greg I woke up with sunlight streaming into an unfamiliar room. It landed on my face, briefly disorienting me. It took me a moment to remember where I was: I was at my Uncle Nathan's home, and had just awoken in his bed. A warm body was pressed against my back and a heavy, muscular arm was wrapped around me, holding me close and safe. As the sleep fell from my mind, I remembered what had happened the previous night. My HIV-positive uncle had fucked me bareback. Not just Nathan, but his husband as well. Both of them had fucked me raw: my Uncle Nathan, and his husband, my Uncle Jason. They had filled my young ass with their virus-laden sperm. Then, I had fallen asleep between the two. This morning my ass was still filled with their deadly cum. Lazily, I rolled over, to see which man was still in bed with me. It was Jason. I must have awaken him, because as I faced him, he stretched, yawned, and smiled at me. "Good morning, Greg," he said. "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah, I did. Very well," I answered. He reached down and ran a finger along my hard cock, then pressed his own deadly tool against my body. "Where's Uncle Nate?" I asked, realizing that we were alone in the bed. "He's probably off running," he said. He pushed his cock up between my legs and landed the head right against my hole. "You enjoy last night?" he asked. "I know I did." "Very much," I said. Before I could say anything else, he stuck his tongue in my mouth. We kissed. I must have had horrible morning breath, but his was just as bad, so they cancelled out. I wrapped my arm around him, reaching down to his firm butt and pulling him closer to me. "I want you inside of me again," I said, as we broke off the kiss. "I want you to infect me." The effects of the weed we had smoked the previous night were still lingering and I was being more forward than I might have otherwise been, but I didn't care, nor did I think it mattered much. Jason had fucked me twice the previous day., each time filling my hole with his deadly jizz. Nathan's and Jason's rule was that it took three loads for a pozzing to count. "I want you to be my poz dad," I said. I still needed one more load from my Uncle Jason, and I was determined to get it before we got out of bed. Jaosn spent a lot of time at the gym, but it wasn't just for show. He knew how to use the muscles he had developed. He easily flipped me onto my stomach and spread my legs wide. "You're going to get it boy," he said, as he got on top of me. "Gonna slam my deathstick deep in your hole and breed you." His cockhead was right against my hole, ready to penetrate. His cock was raw. Like every time I had been fucked that week, there was no condom to protect me. The safety was off. He hadn't bothered with any lube. I hoped there was still enough cum and lube from the previous night to make his penetration easier for the both of us. But my need for his seed overpowered any worries of soreness or pain, or even a desire to pause long enough for lube. My ass was pressing back against him, almost forcing him to enter me. Enter me he did. It wasn't slow and it wasn't gentle. It was the forceful, direct thrust of a man who needed my raw hole just as badly as I needed his unprotected cock. "Fuck yeah, Greg," he said. "I'm inside you. Raw." "I know," I said. It wasn't painful. Right now, I needed this fuck so badly I could overlook so many things. "I need your seed, Jason." It was what I had only dared to fantasize for the past few months; both of these men fucking me and sharing their loads with me. "I'm fucking you raw, Greg. Fucking my nephew. Breeding my husband's godson. Fucking my poz cum into your negative hole," he whispered into my ear, as he pounded his cock into my hole. "Please, Jason, give it to me. Make me your poz son. Make me your very own." Jason wrapped an arm around my neck, holding me tight as he fucked my hole harder. He was holding me just tight enough that it was hard for me to breath, and I was gasping for air. "Fuck me. Fuck me hard," I managed to whisper. "I'm going to fucking knock you up, boy. Going to breed you good and infect you. You're going to be just another link on my chain of death." He was pounding my hole hard now. His weight was holding me down. He made sure he could get in deep. "Fucking shoot my virus deep in you." With his free hand, he grabbed a bottle of poppers off the bed stand, and held it under my nose. I inhaled deeply. This was an intense fuck, hard, deep and forceful, but I was loving every second of it. Jason was pushing himself hard, and only the cum that remained from last night was lubricating our athletic pounding. Right now, the poppers were a nice addition to our fuck, but I knew very soon, they would be essential for me to be able to withstand his assault. "Breed me Jason. Shoot it in deep. You know I want it. I want your AIDS." The poppers hit right as I uttered the last phrase, and I nearly yelled it. Beneath me, my cock was rock-hard, grinding into the bed. I was so turned on, I knew I was dripping precum onto the sheets. Jason took the poppers from me and held it under his nose. He did a long hit, then quickly put the cap on, and continued to pound my hole. "Fucking. Take. My. Virus," he said. He was pulling his cock almost all the way out of my hole, then slamming it back in. Each millimeter of his cock was getting in on the action, opening up my hole, penetrating me, and rubbing in the previous night's cum into me. As the poppers hit him, his thrusts got faster, and almost inconceivably hard. I had turned into merely a hole for his cock, a pure and innocent vessel he was going to defile with his dirty, deadly cum. "I'm going to breed you my boy," he said. "That what you want? You want my gift? You want my HIV? You want the same virus your Uncle gave me?" "Please, give it to me. Infect me. I want it. And I want it from you, Jason. From you, Uncle Jason." That set him off. Deep inside of me, his cock swelled and spurted. He was injecting me with his cum, a thick mixture of seminal fluid, sperm, and most critically, millions of tiny viruses, the human immunodeficiency virus that would quickly infect me. We were engaged in the riskiest of risky sex, and there was nothing protecting me from the illness. My only reaction, my pitiful defense was only to spread my legs wider, not even trying to protect myself in any way. I wanted it that badly. "Let me have it." He was pounding his cock into me and filling me with his cum. I was glad I was on my stomach; I knew if I even touched my cock, I would explode. I didn't want to cum yet. I wanted to concentrate on Jason's orgasm, concentrate on making him feel good. He must have given me a good ten or fifteen thrusts, each one deep into my body and each one punctuated with a spurt of toxic cream into my defenseless hole. Finally, his pace slacked a bit and he released his iron grip around my throat. I tried to catch my breath even as his cock stayed as hard as ever. He kept it buried in my ass, where it felt like it had always belonged. We were both gasping for air, exhausted by the sex. "Oh fuck," he said. "That was amazing. Are you ok?" he asked, now gently stroking my hair. It was a surprising and seamless transition from the rough, animal fuck to the tender loving touch. "Are you good?" he whispered again, a different man from the one who had just raped his seed into my barely willing body. But he was still all Jason, a perfect example of the power and the tenderness of two males having sex. I wanted this to be how I always made love with another man: rough and angry, tender and deep. "I'm fucking amazing, Uncle Jason," I said. I twisted my head back and our lips met. I felt so close to him at that moment and I didn't want it to end. My bond with my Uncle Nathan was one of blood. Now I had a bond with my Uncle Jason; it was a bond of cum. As we kissed, a bit of sweat dripped from his face into my mouth. I didn't mind. I didn't care. I wanted any part of this man that he would give me. Sweat seemed almost pure compared to the dirty seed he had just forced into me. "That was so fucking hot," a familiar voice said. We both looked up at the same time, and saw Nathan standing in the door. He was wearing a just a short pair of running shorts, his hairy chest drenched with sweat. He was lowering one of his many cameras, and I knew he had been documenting what had just happened. We had been so involved we hadn't heard him. "I think it's my turn now," he said, as he pushed down his shorts and let his hard cock spring free. "How long have you been there?" Jason asked. I was wondering the same thing. I wondered if I had said anything I didn't want Nathan to hear. I couldn't remember anything untoward: he already knew the depth of my needs, and if he was bothered by Jason fucking me, he hadn't made it clear. "Got in right about the time you flipped Greg onto his stomach," he said. He stepped out of his shorts, and put the camera on the dresser. He strode to the bed where Jason was still lying on top of me with his cock still buried inside me. "I wanted to watch the two of you. And it was incredible." "Wanna feel my cum up his hole?" Jason asked. He rolled off of me, slowly pulling his cock out of my ass. I felt how wet I was, and was thankful for how easy it would be for Uncle Nate to slide in. "Do you have to ask?" Nathan said. "You good, boy?" "Just need your poz cock up my ass," I said. "And maybe just a bit more lube." "I can do both," he said. Jason tossed me the bottle of poppers, and handed the lube to Nathan. Nathan knelt between my legs, pouring a bit of the cold liquid on my hole. I shivered from the sudden chill and from the anticipation of having his raw cock in me once more. "Do a hit," he said while his cockhead was lined up with my ass. As instructed, I opened the brown bottle and inhaled deeply. As I waited for the poppers to hit, I tried to remember how many times this handsome man had fucked me over the past week and how many loads I had taken from him. I counted up to five loads before the poppers hit me, and counting, much less more complex thoughts became impossible. "Please," I moaned, only thinking about another deadly load getting injected from my uncle's raw cock. Uncle Nate needed no more prompting from me, and started to slide his cock into me. It was a bit sore from the week's exploits, but it felt good. Very good. It felt surprisingly natural, like I had always been getting fucked up the ass. He took his time, carefully working his shaft into me and letting me get used to his length and thickness. "Going slow, my boy," he said, "I want to work my husband's load into your hole. Work it deep into your body" I realized his short strokes in and out, getting ever deeper wasn't just for me to get used to him, but for him to make sure every load I got had an equal chance to to implant itself in my body. "Fucking hot, boo" Jason said. He was still lying beside me and he had an arm around me. He held me down as his man fucked my hole. "Seed our boy again," he continued as he leaned in to kiss me. "You want it, don't you?" he asked me, almost whispering the dangerous thought into my ear. Between Jason's hot body next to me, Nathan's hard cock inside of me, and the last lingering effects of the poppers, all I could think about was how good I felt. "Please," I said, not sure if it was a response to Jason's question, or a plea to Nathan to knock me up with his seed. Underneath me, my cock was a solid column of hard flesh and I was dripping copious amounts of pre-cum onto the bed. "Fuck, he needs it," Jason said. "You're gonna breed him good?" he asked Nathan. "Fuck up our boy properly?" Nathan adjusted his position, now lying on top of me, just like Jason had been. "Of course, my love. Feels so amazing to be fucking in your spooge and to feel your poz cum surrounding my cock." Jason leaned in to kiss him. As the two made out, I took another hit from the poppers. "You want my load?" Nathan asked. "Yeah," I said, handing the poppers to Nathan. "You're gonna cum this soon?" "This morning, yeah. I've been thinking about your hole since I woke up. And fucking with Jason's sloppy seed isn't helping." He did a long hit from the poppers, then handed the bottle back to me. By the time I had gotten the top on, he was pounding my hole hard. "I'm gonna breed you, hot boy. You going to take my poz load?" "Of course. Give me your deadly load, Uncle Nate. Breed me good and fuck me hard." I squeezed my ass around his cock, ready to milk out a load from him. Deep inside me, his hard cock was finding all of the familiar, pleasurable spots again. Even over the few short days we had been together, my ass had started to conform to his cock, and he was able to slide in and out easily. Of course, the lube and Jason's cum didn't hurt his efforts. Although Nate said he was going to cum quickly, he didn't cum immediately. Even though as I was focused on getting every toxic load I could from my uncles, I was loving the feeling of getting fucked, of being filled up by a man's hard cock. I didn't mind the prolonged ass pounding at all. Besides, I knew each stroke of Nathan's dick worked more of Jason's load into my tender hole and my receptive young body. Jason was still lying next to me with his hand wrapped around us two, and he was whispering into Nathan's ear. Despite being right next to them, I could only hear snatches of what he was saying. "Breed him." "Feel my cum up there." "Make him your new poz boy." Whatever he was saying, it was working. After a few short minutes of pounding, I heard the signal change in Nathan's breathing that I now knew meant he was getting close. "Gonna breed you, my boy. Gonna fucking infect you," Nathan grunted. His cock swelled in my hole, and he gave a hard shove, pushing it deep into my body. I felt his first spurt and coupled with a guttural moan from him, my hole was suddenly wetter than it had been a few moments before. "Please, Uncle, breed your boy. Fuck it in deep." There were several more forceful thrusts into my hole, each one punctuated with another moan from Nathan. Jason watched both of us closely. "Yeah, Greg, take my man's poz load up your raw ass. Let us infect you, make you our hot poz boy," he said, encouraging both of us. Nathan responded with a few more spurts of cum into me but then his orgasm waned. Even though he had been on top of me, I felt him relax as it ended, letting more of his weight rest on me. Nathan had already been sweaty from his run, and our morning ass pounding only made him sweatier. It was dripping off of him and onto my body. I was still horny and I wanted every part of my Uncle Nate so badly. Now, it wasn't enough just to have his cock inside of me and to have his cum inside of me. I had a sudden urge to lick his body clean, to taste his man-sweat, to have it also become a part of me. I wanted any fluid of his I could get; I wanted it in my body. But, our positions made that option hard, so I had to settle for turning my head back towards him, and giving him a long kiss. "Needed that fuck, huh?" Jason asked. "You have no idea," I said. "Actually, I do," Jason said. "It was the same way for me. There's something about Nathan that makes the desire, the need even more all-consuming." He smiled. "His cum is like a drug. Maybe a poison." I could only nod in complete agreement; Nathan had forced his tongue back into my mouth. Jason joined us and our three tongues were intertwined. It felt good; I was enjoying the deep intimacy we had been able to develop. I could almost forget about my own throbbing cock beneath me. Finally, Nathan broke it off, and pulled his cock out of my ass. He rolled off of me, landing on the other side of me from Jason. "What do you guys want to do today?" he asked. "We could probably go somewhere, see some sights, if you wanted, Greg." "Or, we could just have a leisurely day, get some brunch and hang out by the pool," Jason countered. "And work on not getting tan lines." I had already decided that I wanted to stay at the house. Nor had I been planning on wearing anything by the pool; I was glad Jason agreed with me. "I like Jason's plan better," I said. The start of school was going to be busy, and one last day of relaxation was a very appealing option. Not to mention, I'd get another few loads from my hunky uncles this afternoon and maybe, finally, get a chance to get off myself. "Works for me," Nathan said. "But we need to shower before getting brunch." Jason jumped off the bed, and headed into the bathroom. He turned on the water in the shower. But before I could get up, Nathan grabbed me and pulled me close. He kissed me; his goatee rubbing against my smooth face. "I'm glad you're here," he said. "I'm glad you and Jason are getting along. And I'm really glad you're letting him be a poz dad for you. It means a lot to me. And, I know, to him." "It's been a pleasure," I said. "Really, more of a fantasy come true." It was true. I had been dreaming about this for months. Although not a single one of my detailed jerk-off fantasies had actually come true, the entire week ended up being better than all of the fantasies put together. "I just hope it takes," I said. "Well, we'll continue to work on you and that sweet sore hole of yours until it does. Now, let's get clean. At least our bodies." He helped me to my feet, whistling at my erection. "And we'll need to help you out with that monster dick of yours today, no doubt." He swatted at it playfully, and it bobbed in the warm air. "We know how to grow them, huh?" In the bathroom, Jason had gotten out towels for us and was doing a final adjustment on the water temperature. "In you go," Jason said, motioning for me to step into the large shower. It was more than big enough for the three of us so Jason and Nathan followed me into the shower. We all stood under the warm water, washing away the accumulated sweat, lube, grime, and pre-cum matted in our hair. Jason grabbed a bar of soap, and started to lather me up. Nathan did his best to get in our way, and managed to get a good bit of his body lathered up into the process. I took the soap and returned the favor for Jason, as Nathan continued to play around, finally getting completely covered in soap as well. With the three of us were covered in the slippery lather and our hands sliding over each other's bodies, we spent several pleasurable minutes stroking various body parts. Even after my Uncles' intense morning fucks, with all the attention, their cocks both got just as hard as mine. "Again?" I asked. "So soon?" "Definitely at least one today," Jason said. "But I need to build up a big load for you first." He stood under the water and washed off the soap. Nathan grabbed me from behind, his cock sliding into my ass crack. "You'll get another one from me as well. But you're going to have to learn patience and wait a bit." He nibbled on my ear a bit, as one hand slid down my smooth body and he found my erect cock. "And if you are good, the two of us will take care of this monster sneaky snake as well." We joined Jason under the water, and rinsed off. I was the first out of the shower, drying off, then headed back into the bedroom, where I tried to find some clothes. Jason and Nathan stayed in the bathroom, and I could hear them talking but they were quiet enough that I couldn't make out the words. Shortly they emerged, holding hands and smiling like horny teenagers. "We did another coin toss. Your ass won," Jason said. "Or lost, depending on your point of view. It's going down. This afternoon. By the pool. Be ready." "Works for me," I said. I was still naked, wandering around the bedroom and trying to remember where I had scattered my clothes over the course of the past day. It seemed like each piece had come off multiple times between the patio, the hot tub, and the bedroom. My uncles had gathering up the clothes they had also spread across the room and tossed them into a pile in the corner. Both of their cocks were still semi-hard, bouncing as they walked around the room. "Do you guys ever get soft?" I asked. "Not around you," Jason said. Nathan nodded in agreement, as he struggled to fit himself into a tight pair of underwear. He filled them out nicely, and it was hard for me to resist the temptation to kneel down and worship the handsome older man. "Now get dressed, boy. I'm hungry," Jason continued. Behind Jason, Nathan rolled his eyes at his husband. "You better do it. A hungry Jason is a cranky Jason." Jason had found some underwear and pulled it on. As he bent down to pick some other piece of clothing up, I saw that there was a cut-out for his ass, leaving him exposed and beautifully vulnerable. It was my first good view of Jason's butt. I suddenly realized how beautiful a man's ass could be, and in particular how amazing Jason's was. Firm and muscular, his two cheeks begged to be spread apart and violated. I wanted nothing more than to kneel down, and stick my face in there. I needed to lick his hole, tell him how amazing it was, and then force my cock deep into him. "You staring at my ass, boy?" Jason said, noticing my possessing gaze. "Uh," I stammered. But then I realized Nathan had fucked him uncountable times, and he had spent the last day or so fucking me. This wasn't a high-school gym, and there was no reason to deny the obvious. "Yeah. Yeah, I was." He had stood up now and was stepping into a pair of shorts. "Don't worry. You'll get to fuck it one of these days. We just have more pressing matters to deal with first." "Like?" Nathan asked, giving Jason a hard slap on the butt. "Well, first food. And hopefully a Bloody Mary. Then we've got to get our little nephew knocked up." He pulled on a t-shirt. Nathan also finished dressing as well. I had managed to get some clothes on, but was still looking for my shirt. "Here," Jason said. "Take one of mine." He tossed me a t-shirt. "Or one of mine," Nathan said, pointedly correcting Jason. "Sorry, One of ours," Jason said, correcting himself. "Where to?" he asked. "State Street Grill?" Nathan said. "Close. Good. Sounds perfect." The three of us left the bedroom, put on our shoes, and headed out the door. "It's a ten minute walk," Jason said. "Or a two minute drive, a ten minute hunt for parking, and then a five minute walk." "I'm fine with walking. I've spent too much time sitting in a car this week." I easily fell in between the two men as we walked down the street. They made no effort to hide the attraction between us, occasionally one or the other would run a hand down my back, or pat my ass. I felt open and comfortable with them. I realized how much I had been craving this easy intimacy with other men; the experiences in high school had been furtive and rushed and I never got ot speak about it afterwards. As we walked we talked about the logistics for tomorrow. It was going to be busy on campus, and we needed to figure out how to manage getting Nathan back home. After spending several minutes talking past each other, we finally realized that Jason would be getting off work right about when Nathan and I figured we'd be done, and it would be an easy detour for him to pick up Nathan. "I think we really need some food," I said, as we realized how simple it would actually be. "No kidding," Nathan said. "And we're here." He opened the door for us, and we walked in. We quickly got a table, sat down and started to look over the menu. "Hi, I'm Sean, and I'll be your..." I looked up and saw a hot young man. "Oh. It's you," he continued. "And who's the new one?" he asked, smiling at me. I tried not to stare, but he was very good looking and looked almost familiar. "Hands off, Sean," Nathan said. "He's my nephew, Greg." "He seems old enough to make his own decisions," Sean said. "And I haven't even touched him. Yet. But first, some drinks?" "Fuck yes," Jason said. "Bloody Mary. Coffee." "Same for me," Nathan said. "And you?" Sean asked. "A virgin Mary? But I can think of other ways for you to find salvation." He winked at me. "I'll take that," I said. "I'll get those in for you," he said, as he walked away." "You know him, it seems like?" I asked. "Yeah," Nathan said. "Not quite an ex of mine. We hung out a lot after Alan, fucked a lot. But it never really worked out for us. Anyway, he has a serious boyfriend now. Not that that stops him much," Nathan explained. "But we're still really close with him and his boyfriend, Vic. Both of them are still over frequently as well." Jason continued. He turned closer to me. "And he helped out when I was chasing," he said, almost whispering in my ear. "Chasing?" "You know, looking to get pozzed up." I was silent. I hadn't really thought much about how Jason had gotten infected. He had told me it had involved Uncle Nate, but somehow, I had always thought it had been an accident. It had not crossed my mind that it had been intentional. "You wanted it?" "Well. I wanted Nathan." Under the table he reached across me and grabbed Nathan's leg. "Badly enough that I didn't care about HIV. And he wouldn't let me fuck him until I was also HIV+. So, your uncle did most of the hard work, but a few other guys got to help out. Sean was one of them." "Do you regret it?" I asked Jason. "Never. It is a very small price to pay for the most amazing man ever. And the feeling of power when I'm in a neg hole..." he trailed off, a big smile on his face. "Guys," Nathan interjected, "Let's talk about this somewhere else." I looked around, and realized that although the restaurant wasn't very busy, it wasn't deserted. "Remember to tell Jason your reasons for getting it though. I think he'll appreciate it." "I think I need a real drink first, before I can do that," I said. Almost as soon as I said it, Sean re-appeared, carrying a tray of drinks. He set down some water, then put three bloody marys in front of each of us. "Here you go, boys. Enjoy," he said. He winked at me, and I wondered just how virginal my drink was. "You need a bit more time with the menu?" he asked, again not letting his eyes off of me. "Yeah, I do," I said. "Well, if I can help you in any way, let me know." His emphasis on "any way" made it clear what he wanted. I took the opportunity to look him over a little better. I estimated he was in his late twenties, maybe a little shorter than my 5'8" height and very skinny, with straight brownish-blond hair and blue eyes. He was smooth shaven and it seemed like he would have trouble growing a beard anyway. I wondered what he had hidden under the waiter's uniform. "Something caught your eye?" Nathan asked, as he walked away. "Yeah. He's cute," I said. I was a little embarrassed to be put on the spot like that; like I was back in middle school having to tell my parents which girls at school I liked. "Plus he's got a big cock, especially for such a skinny boy," Jason said. "And a great ass. You should ask if he wants to come over this afternoon. He might let you fuck him." "Serious?" I asked. It was a very different world than I had experienced in high school, one where sex was this easy and informal. "Absolutely," Nathan said. "And do you know what you want? To eat," he quickly added, then corrected himself once more, "For brunch." "I'm getting an omlette," I said. Nathan flagged Sean down, and the stud took our order. I could have been imagining it, but he was still staring at me more than was necessary. As he walked away, I took a sip of the bloody mary. As I expected, there was the taste of alcohol. "Stronger than you expected?" Nathan asked, smiling. "Yeah," I said sheepishly. I excused myself to wash my hands. I found the restroom towards the back of the restaurant. When I walked in, Sean was standing at the lone urinal, pissing. When he finished, he turned around and looked me over, his cock still hanging out. Jason wasn't wrong; for a short, skinny guy, his cock seemed absolutely massive. "You like?" he asked, noticing me staring. "Uh...yeah," I said. I guessed hard, it would be at least as big as Nathan's shaft. In fact, it was probably even bigger. "Um," I stammered. I leapt, unsure of what the answer would be. "You want to come over later?" "Nathan's?" "Yeah," I said. "We were going to hang out by the pool." He cut to the chase. "Can I fuck you?" He was still smiling and his cock starting to get hard at the thought. "Yeah, of course you can." "Just so you know, I'm poz. And I only fuck raw." I smiled. "Perfect. That's very cool. Nathan's been fucking me bareback for the past week." "That fucking bastard! He always gets the hot guys first." He smiled, shook his cock, and then literally stuffed it back into his tight black pants. "I'm off at 2:00. And if you're packing anything like what Nathan has, you better plan on fucking me as well." He washed his hands carefully, and headed back I washed my hands, then returned to our table. "And? We saw Sean come out of the restroom a little after you went in," Jason asked me, as I sat down. "Yeah," I said. "He's probably coming over after he's done working here. If that's alright?" "Of course," Nathan said. "It'll be nice to see him. And, you fucking him? Or he fucking you? Or both?" "Hopefully both, but we'll see, I guess," I said. Our food came out right then. Unfortunately, another server carried it out. We dug in, and the first few minutes were quiet while we ate. Only as we finished did we start to talk again. It was idle chit-chat for the most part; I was more cognizant that we were in public. I needed to be more careful about what I said, not so much about sex, but about the our family and especially about my chasing the bug. "Everything good?" Sean asked, as be dropped off the bill. "Very good as always," Nathan said. "And Greg says we're going to see you shortly?" "Oh fuck yeah," Sean said. "I'm off here at 2:00." Nathan handed Sean a credit card, and he took it away. "Thanks for brunch, Uncle Nate," I said. I looked at my watch. It was already a quarter to one. The day was quickly flying by. I wished I had more time to spend with Nathan and Jason, not to mention Sean as well, before I had to go to school. In a week, I'd have homework to do and books to study. Soon, the past week would be just a distant, pleasant memory. Although, with luck, I would have a permanent souvenir of the week coursing through my blood stream. It would have taken over my body by then. But it was the companionship and closeness with these men I was going to miss the most. "My pleasure, boy," Nathan replied. "Any last minute shopping you need to do?" he asked, as he signed the credit card slip. "I think there may be a tiny bit of space left in the car." "Nah. I'm good, I think." We got up and walked back to Nathan's place. "Joint?" I asked, as we walked by the SUV. "I'll pass," Jason said. "Drug tests, you know." "I'll take one," Nathan said. I grabbed the bag of weed and some rolling papers, and followed the men into their house. "Something to drink?" Nathan asked as we paused in the living room. "I'll have a beer," Jason said. "Same?" he asked me as I rolled up a fat joint. "Sure," I replied and handed the joint and lighter to Nathan. He did a hit, handed it back to me, then disappeared into the kitchen. As I did my first toke of the day, Jason headed back to the bedroom. I was alone for a moment, enjoying the sweet smell of the weed, and marveling at how much this short week had changed me. I had packed and left my parent's home; I had driven across the US; and tomorrow I'd be moving into my college dorm room. But those were small changes compared to the other things that had happened to me. I had let two HIV positive men fuck me. More than that, I had seduced one of them and begged the other to fuck me. The two things I was looking forward to most right now was for the two men to bareback me several more times this afternoon. Second was over the weekend, getting to bareback some hot, unsuspecting frat boy. Almost simultaneously both Nate and Jason came back to the living room. Nate had three beers and a camera, and Jason had a stack of beach towels and some sunscreen. "Go out back?" Jason asked and Nathan nodded. The three of us walked out to the small pool in the back. Nathan started off by removing his shirt, kicking off his shoes, then finally dropping his shorts. He was standing there undressed and naked, his hairy chest glistening in the bright southern Californian sunshine. I turned to Jason. He was already down to his underwear, the sun catching his smooth skin and highlighting his tattoo. "Your turn," Jason said. I handed the joint to Nathan, and followed my uncles' lead; I quickly stripped off my clothes and felt the sun against my skin. "Sunscreen?" Nate asked. He took the bottle from Jason. He poured some on his hand, then proceeded to rub it all over Jason's back and shoulders. "You too," Jason said, as he motioned for me to stand in front of him. He started by rubbing the thick cream on my back, then worked his way down. He spent a lot time rubbing it into my ass, probably more than he needed to. He took a finger, slick with the oil, and let it sneak into my crack. Once inside, he gently probed my hole. But before I could react, he started on my shoulders and arms. "Turn around," he said. I did, and faced him. He poured more sunscreen on his hand, and covered my chest with it. He worked his way down, covering my stomach, then my aching cock. With the slippery lotion, he stroked my cock teasing it just enough to get me hard. "Need to make sure everything is covered," he said. "Now, it's your turn to turn around," Nathan said to Jason. Nathan covered Jason's body with the sunscreen. Nathan also covered Jason's cock with the cream. It took just a few quick strokes by Nathan for Jason to get as hard as me. "You get to do Nathan," Jason told me, as he handed me the bottle. I started on his back, then worked my way down to his ass. It was the first time I got to explore his ass closely; it was firm and muscular. I longed for the time when I would to be able to thrust my cock into it. Yesterday morning, when Nathan had last serviced me now seemed like a very long time ago. The last time I had fucked a guy was several weeks ago; some closeted frat guy home from college. I had met him online; his parents were away for the weekend. I had fucked him on the couch in his living room. He never asked about my status, nor did he make me wear a condom. "Not yet, boy," Nathan said, reading my mind and intuiting my desire to fuck him. "You know what it's going to take to get inside of Jason or me." He turned around, and I continued to spread the sunscreen over his chest, working my way down to his stomach, and then to his cock. I needed only a stroke or two before he too was erect like Jason and myself. It felt good to be outside, in the sun, surrounded by two hot, naked men and all three of us erect and aroused. Nathan grabbed the joint, and lit it. "Let's do this afternoon properly," he said, taking a few hits from it. "Right on," Jason said. As Nathan and I passed the joint back and forth, we all did some touch-up work on the sunscreen, then set up four lounge chairs by the pool. Between the two of us, we quickly took care of the joint. Just as the joint was nearly finished, Jason even took a quick hit from it. Nathan and Jason lay back on the chairs holding hands. I ran back into the house to get the rest of the weed and papers. The clock said it was already two o'clock, and I wondered if Sean was on his way here from the restaurant. As I walked back towards pool, Nathan called out, "Sean's on his way." My cock twitched; I wanted him to let me fuck him, as well as breed my hole. I quickly rolled two more joints for all of us to share before he arrived. My timing was perfect. Right as I finished rolling the second one, the gate opened, and Sean walked in. He had lost the long sleeve white shirt from the restaurant, and was now in a white tank top but with the same dark black pants. "Make yourself comfortable," Nathan said, as Sean dropped his bag by one of the chairs. "And properly undressed." "Thanks," he said. "I will." He kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his tank top. He was a a skinny guy, with just enough muscle to not be just skin and bones. In the bright sun, his pale complexion and sandy hair almost glowed. He undid his belt and pants, then let them slide down, exposing his tight, bright blue briefs. Even semi-soft and packed into his underwear, his cock seemed larger than it had been in the restaurant. It was almost comically outsized for his skinny frame. "You mind?" he asked, as he reached into a bag and pulled out a small black bag. "No," Nathan answered, "But do it inside, ok?" "Of course," Sean said as he stepped out of his pants. He took the bag, and disappeared into the house, his tight ass bouncing in his blue underwear. "What was that?" I asked, once the door had closed behind Sean. "Sean likes to slam," Nathan said. I must have had a puzzled look on my face, because he continued. "Sorry. Slamming is inject crystal meth." "Meth?" I asked. "Isn't that dangerous?" "It can be," Nathan said. "Especially if you get addicted easily." "Have you ever done it?" I asked. "Yeah. Both of us. And we still do, although very rarely." "Really?" I was shocked. I had only heard the official line repeated endlessly at school: all drugs were bad, and meth was the worst. I had never believed it. I had smoked pot all through high school, and so far, the worst that had happened was that I had gotten into my first choice college and had some amazing sex. "Yeah," he said. "It can be a very intense, sexual experience. But you want to be sure you know how it affects you. In a controlled setting." "But, Sean seems so normal. Not what I was expecting." I had only seen the media portrayals of toothless hillbillies doing meth. Not a hung, sexy young man. "He is," Jason interjected. "Now at least." "Yeah," Nathan said. "He and his boyfriend Vic were pretty bad a few years ago." "It was totally out of control. And we nearly got sucked in as well. But then they got cleaned up, and got a handle on it," Jason said. "Almost surprisingly under control, now," Nathan continued. "But that was a crazy time. Not all bad though." Sean was in the house less than five minutes; when he came out, he looked almost no different than before, other than a slightly dreamy look in his eyes. His underwear was now in his hands, along with his small black case, and his cock was now semi-erect, bobbing with his every step. "All good?" Jason asked. "Oh yeah," he said. "And are those joints on the table?" he asked. "Yeah," I said. "Help yourself." "Thanks," Sean said, "I think I will." He took one of the joints and lit it up, then did a long hit. His cock stiffened a bit more, now sticking out in front of him. "Like it?" he asked me. "Oh yeah," I said, as I took a joint and lit it. I did a few puffs, then handed it to Sean. He took a few long draws from it, and offered it to Nathan. "I'm good for now," Nathan said. "You two share it." Sean motioned for me to shotgun his hit; it didn't surprise me that it turned into a kiss. His tongue started to explore my mouth. He wrapped his free hand around my waist and pulled me in close as our cocks started to harden nearly simultaneously. He broke off the kiss and took another long hit from the joint but still kept his arm around me. Locked in his embrace, I took the opportunity to study his face. He still looked young, but I could see the start of a few faint lines around his blue eyes. His lips were red and moist, and I wanted him to finish his drag so I could kiss him again. As soon as he was done with his hit, he leaned in towards me again to kiss. I eagerly opened my mouth, but this time I forced my tongue into his mouth. His eyes widened at the unexpected intrusion and his cock twitched in pleasure. As we kissed, he slowly exhaled his hit into me. When both of us needed some air, I broke off our kiss. I let go of the last of the hit and he whispered into my ear. "So, you want to fuck me first? Or do I fuck you first?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason staring at the two of us, slowly stroking his cock. "Come on boys, enough making out. We want to see some hard core raw fucking," he said. I reached down and grabbed Sean's dick. I could just barely wrap my hands around it. I wondered how I was ever going to get it into my hole, even as much as had it been worked out by my uncles. But I also wondered if I could stand another moment without him inside of me. "I want you inside me first," I said, loud enough for Jason to hear. "You know I'm poz, right? And I don't pull out, either?" Sean asked me. He whispered it, making sure my two uncles didn't hear him. "They're poz as well. And they didn't pull out either," I replied, indicating Nathan and Jason. "I know what I want. And you definitely have everything that I want," I continued. I squeezed Sean's hard cock, leaving it to him to decide what I wanted more: his virus, or his hard shaft. "I think you'll get everything you want and need," Sean said. He pushed me down, back into one of the lounge chairs and spread my legs. He dove in, and started by licking my balls then worked his way further down. His wet tongue found my hole, and he started to open up my hole carefully. As he rimmed me, Nathan and Jason gathered around me. Jason kneeled down by me, and started to make out, while Nathan grabbed one of his ever-present cameras, and started to take pictures of Sean working on my hole and Jason's tongue in my mouth. There had the various solo scenes during our trip out here, but this was the first time that I was in the middle of sex while Nathan took pictures. I had expected it would happen eventually, and I hardly cared when it was between men as hot as Jason and Sean. One part of me knew that if the photos got out, it could be embarrassing for me. But, my cock was thinking about all the guys who would jerk off, wishing they were me, as well as the ones who would dream of being Sean or Jason. "You mind?" Nathan asked me, although after he had spent a few minutes taking pictures, it seemed like too little, too late. "Not at all," I said. I started to play with my cock. I was so turned on by Sean's rimming, Jason's insistent kissing, and Nathan's obvious adoration of my body that I was already pretty hard. As soon as I touched it, it stiffened up all the way. Sean took a break from munching at my hole, and admired my erection. "Fuck, that's nice. You've gotta give it to me this afternoon," he said, before he took the head into his mouth, licking off the drops of pre-cum. I grabbed the back of his head, and slowly pulled him down onto my shaft. He was a natural cocksucker just like Nathan. There was only the slightest pause in his trajectory as my shaft entered his throat. I thought I was going to explode right there. Seemingly there had been long years since the last time I had gotten off. "Don't cum yet," Jason whispered into my ear. "Enjoy it, let that load grow deep in your balls." I focused not on the wet mouth on my cock teasing me towards orgasm, but on Jason's soft tongue on my skin and his warm breath in my ear. "That's what I do. Let the load build up and let the virus seep into my semen." His head was pressing against mine in a rhythmic motion. I tried to turn to see what Jason was doing, but his muscular torso blocked any view. "I'm jerking off," he said softly. "Getting another load ready for your gut." "Please," I said, teasing his ear with my tongue. "I want you to infect me. I want you to be my poz dad, just like Nathan." Sean had returned to my asshole, and his tongue was working over my hole. The weed had definitely hit me, and I felt relaxed and blissed out. All I cared about was being happy, and I already was having so much fun. I wanted to share the experience and make these amazing men around me happy as well. "I want you two so much," I managed to say, before Sean began another oral assault on my hole. "You'll want this," Nathan said, handing a bottle of lube to Sean. I didn't remember him bringing it out, but was thankful it had appeared. Sean stopped tonguing my hole, and straddled the chair. His cock was resting against my balls as he poured the lube on his shaft, then let some drip down my crack. He easily slid a finger into me, then worked in a second and finally, a third, opening me up enough to just maybe be able to take his fat rod. "Please," I moaned. I was squirming, my need for fresh, toxic seed driving all of my thoughts and actions. "I need you inside me." Sean pulled his fingers out of my hole, and placed his cock right up against my freshly lubricated and open hole. I tried my best to push myself down on Sean's thick head, but he had grabbed onto my legs and was holding me in place. "Eager boy, aren't you?" he said, smiling at me. "You'll get it, don't worry. I just want to go slow at first." I knew he was right; the past few days had been an intense introduction to bottoming. Today, I needed to go slow, especially for a cock with the length and girth of Sean's. "I'm going to enjoy this. A lot," he said, as he flexed his hips. His cock entered and his penetration and domination of my body had officially begun. I was immediately glad that Sean had decided to go slow. He was far thicker than either of my uncles and just his dickhead was stretching me open more than either Nathan or Jason had accomplished. Nathan was still standing over us, still taking pictures of the entire scene: Sean penetrating me, Jason kissing me, and me between them, masturbating. He must have noticed the expression on my face, because he disappeared behind me for a moment, then returned with a bottle of poppers. "One more thing you'll want for this fuck," he said, handing them to me. I grabbed them eagerly and took a long hit. As the poppers washed over me, I was able to relax more and let Sean open me up properly. Sean noticed me letting him in deeper and he moaned in pleasure. "So fucking good," he said. "I could get very used to this hole." "Well, he's going to be in the area for a few years," Nathan said. "I bet he'd be willing to work something out with you, especially if you're willing to give up your hole as well." "You want to fuck him?" Jason whispered into my ear. "See your raw cock slide into him, drip your pre-cum up there, then shoot a hot load?" I could only nod in response. I had been dying to fuck Nathan for as long as I could remember. I had fantasized about Jason since I first saw him naked several years ago; he had run from the bathroom to the guest bedroom and I had gotten a peek at his naked body. I was now so horny, I'd fuck almost anyone or anything with a pulse and a hole. The hot, short, skinny little guy currently plowing my ass was more than acceptable. "You think he can take all of your big cock?" I hoped that he could take me; Sean had gotten his entire shaft into me and was starting to slowly pump my hole. If a novice like me could take his massive tool, an expert fucker like him would be able to take my cock with ease. "Fuck, that's a damn big tool you have there," Sean said. "I guess it runs in the family." He reached down to stroke me in synchrony with his own deep thrusts into my body. "Don't worry. I can take everything you have to give me. But first, you're going to have to take what I've got to give you." "Please, Sean, give me your seed," I begged him. "Fuck, I need more of that sweet pozcum." After four days of getting bred, of getting my ass filled with virus-laden sperm, of now having three different, HIV-positive men breed me, I was more than getting used to it. However, each individual fuck was only a small, small step on the much longer journey I had started. Even finally getting a positive result on an HIV test would only be the first stopping point on the journey that would take the rest of my life. After that brief stop, I wanted to continue my explorations and find another willing man, and infect him. I wanted to see him just as eager to get my seed as I was to get Nathan's, Jason's, and now Sean's precious ball juice. "Any time you want it boy, I'll breed this hot cumhole," Sean said. Despite the edginess of our conversations, the not-so-subtle references to virus, to disease, to being driven by our need for seed, there was never a sense of humiliation in the conversation. I had slowly realized how fluid the roles in this world really were: Nathan fucked Jason first. But he needed Jason's cock inside him just as badly. Right now, my primary goal was to get fucked. I needed these deadly men to seed my tender hole with their life-changing fluids. But as soon as that change had occurred, my priorities would change as well. I would be a champion sperm donor, not a prize-winning jizz receptacle. I'd be the one with the power of love and hate, health and sickness, and life and death itself. Even while I was still uninfected, these thoughts were making my cock hard, and my ass tingle. I wanted Sean's charged load inside me, so I could take the next short step on my journey. "Please, Sean, blow your load in me. Add it to all of Uncle Nathan's loads, and all of Uncle Jason's loads. Mix them all up into a single, potent brew for my butt." "You really sure you want this?" Jason asked. He was still kneeling next to me, kissing me and playing with my dark hair. Nathan was still taking pictures of the three of us as we concentrated on the the complex and often awkward dance of male on male on male fucking. No, better, to call it love making. Certainly, what had happened between Nathan and myself was love: the love of a father for his son, made totally real and physical. Jason was a mix: the love of a father, but also the love of a brother. Nathan would tell me what to do, but Jason would explain how I could achieve that goal. And Sean, well, he was maybe my kindred spirit. A little older, but I could easily see him becoming my guide to this new and wonderful world. He was seemingly fearless and ready for just about anything: sex, kink, drugs, bondage, play, porn, and groups. Sean's blue eyes had stayed locked on me, as I thought through all of the implications of what we might do together: the pains, the beautiful suffering, but also the pleasures. The doors that would get closed with my infection, but the many other doors that would suddenly be open for me. Many of those doors would lead to dark, scary and amazing places. "You ready? Ready for my demon-infested sperm, Greg?" He leaned in and kissed me, a gentle, deep kiss that contrasted with the hard pounding his cock was giving me. "Yes, Sean, I am. I've wanted it for a long time. And to get it from my Uncle Nathan, my Uncle Jason, and from their..." "Dealer and Marriage counselor?" Jason snorted. "That's more accurate than you might guess." "From all of you. From your partners. Your friends. This creates a new family for me. I want this virus from all of you. Done properly." "Fuck, boy," Sean said. "Keep that up, and you're going to get it a lot sooner than planned." He turned to Nathan. "You getting this down on film?" "Of course I'm getting it. This is what I had hoped for Greg. My boy, being able to say not just what he wants, but what he needs. Now, give him what he needs now. Your poz cum. Deep in his unprotected neg hole." Nathan ended the speech with the click of the camera shutter. Jason leaned in between myself and Sean, adding his tongue to our intertwining bodies. With the intense summer sun on our bodies, and our close proximity, all of us were starting to sweat, and the sex just made us breathe more heavily. The sweat and heat made hitting the poppers an even more visceral experience. "Now, fuck me hard, and shoot your load inside me," I finally said. I wasn't going to be able to withstand his fuck much longer, and I wanted Sean's strain in my hole, where it could do the most good. Or the most damage. It was hard to tell the difference as the poppers clouded my mind. I clenched my ass around Sean's thick rod, and begged him to shoot. "All in good time, Greg. I can't cum on command, like some guys." He glanced at Jason, then continued. "But just keep on telling me what you want, and you're going to get it plenty soon enough" I pulled him closer to me, and kissed him deeply before whispering into his ear. I told him how he made me feel like a total cum bucket, just a warm, wet, living repository for his sperm. Or for any man's sperm. I want him to be one of the few who knocked me up. He was leaning against me, using the leverage from my body to force his cock ever deeper into me. Jason was still next too us, pressing us together, the sweat and lube coating our bodies was getting sticky, holding us together. Nathan was still taking pictures; sometimes close-ups of the places where our bodies met and penetrated, other times of the grins of pleasure, and the grimaces of uncertainty about how we all would fit together. We were living in the moment, heedless of the weeks and months still to come. "Tell me you want it," Sean finally said. "And let me smell you pits." "I want your sperm. I want your infected sperm. I want to you knock me up, shoot it into my unprotected hole." As I was making my needs so very clear, I raised my arm, and Sean buried his nose in my sweaty and, no doubt, musky pit. "Like the best poppers ever," he said, pulling his face out of my armpits. He paused a moment, like he saw the wave of emotions, of pure masculine sexuality about to roll over him. Then he attacked my ass with renewed vigor, and within moments, his cock was steel. "Slow and drippy, but you're going to get all of it," he grunted, as the first stroke of his orgasm hit and he plunged into my body. Sean's cock pulsed, and its thick white payload was delivered where it needed to go. It went right where I wanted it to go. In that perfect moment I wanted it more than anything else. Several more loads of Sean's infected cocksnot made it into my hole, before he collapsed on top of me. "There's your first load for the afternoon," he said. We kissed. Of course, we were now connected more deeply than before. Now, we didn't need words to explain what we were thinking. "You need to let your uncles have their turn in that cummy hole." I turned and saw that both Nathan and Jason were beside me, their cocks hard and dripping. "But first, you need to show me what you're made of," he continued, "and fuck me hard, deep, and raw." "It's finally your time, boy" Nathan said, running his hand possessively along my chest and stomach. He paused right at the base of my cock, and grabbed my erect shaft. "Time for you to use what you got," he said. "Am I already?" I asked, hoping that what I had wanted so badly was now finally mine. I hated being this innocent young man, and I wanted to be dangerous, my cock a charged up pistol, ready to strike down the unsuspecting frat boys of school. Sean, even though he was already poz, was going to be the perfect test run of my new power. "Unfortunately, I don't think so, boy," Nathan said. "I'm sorry. Usually its easy to tell when it takes. You'll probably get sick. And you've been in great shape this week." "I don't care," Sean said. "I just want his cock in my hole, and his hot boy cum in my guts." His face had a combination of need and happiness; like he already knew I was going to fuck him and how good it was going to feel. He got up from kneeling between my legs, and moved forward just enough to straddle my cock. "Not quite so fast there, Sean," Jason said, grabbing his shoulder and pulling Sean off me. "I have a better idea." I was momentarily disappointed. I had been looking forward to this moment, and it was hard to have it taken from me so suddenly. "You," Jason said, indicating me, "get up." He continued, "And you," motioning to Sean, "Get on all fours on the chair." I got off the lounge chair right as Sean got on to it. His ass was sticking up and completely exposed, swaying slightly in the afternoon breeze. All I could think about was how good my cock would feel inside of him and how badly I wanted to breed Sean. "Now, it's your turn," Jason told me, handing me the bottle of lube. I poured it on my cock, then let a bit drip onto Sean's hole. "First time raw?" Nathan asked. "Not quite," I said. Most of the boys in high school had made me wear a condom. As I watched more bareback porn, especially the breeding porn, I realized how selfish they had been: denying me the pleasure that I knew bareback sex was. Finally, my senior year, I had started to bareback with a sophomore. It was everything I had imagined it would be, and, trite as it sounded, more. Every time I had to wear a rubber after that seemed like something less than sex. "He's a great place to start," Jason said. My uncles were flanking me, their arms around my shoulders, and their free hands playing with their hard cocks. I had one hand on Sean's hip, the other hand guiding my hard erection to his pink hole. "Just think. Just you and Sean. No rubber between your hard cock and his poz hole," Jason whispered into my ear. "Fuck him good. Make it last." When he said that, my cockhead was already poking up against Sean's hole. I couldn't contain my self any longer, and I pushed in. There was just the slightest hint of resistance from Sean's hole, but then he opened up and let me in. The warmth of his hole bloomed around my tool, engulfing it in a an all-to-rare world of pleasure. I knew, immediately, that this was what I would spend the rest of my life pursuing: a man's raw hole, given to me freely, willingly, and knowingly around my hard cock. "It's amazing, isn't it?" Nathan said, seeing the expression on my face. "Don't stop yet, man," Sean said. "I want all of you inside me." I slid my cock the rest of the way into the skinny man. It was hard to believe that there was enough space for my tool in his small frame, but he took every inch making only moans of pleasure. I couldn't hold back, and rather than letting him have a chance to get used to me, I immediately began pounding his hole. I wanted to feel every inch of Sean's hole and how good he could make my cock feel. "Slow down there, cowboy," Jason said. "We have some other plans for you now." As he spoke, Nathan moved behind me, and his hard cock slid into my crack. "Since you're already lubed up and ready," Jason continued, "It's time for you to get a few more loads up there." Nathan bent me over slightly, just enough to line up his cock with my hole. With a hand on my waist, he held me in place in order to make sure that my cock stayed inside of Sean. Jason poured lube on his husband's cock and then Nathan pushed it into me. I had already been well-lubricated and opened up by Sean's tool, and my hole now readily swallowed Nathan's cock. As Nathan started to pound my hole, all of us could hear the squishing noises he was making with the load Sean had already shot inside of me. "Fuck man," Nathan said. "You really filled our boy up with your cum." "Of course," Sean said. "No one asked me to pull out, least of all Greg." As I got used to Nathan's steady strokes into my hole, I started to find my own rhythm to fuck Sean without interrupting Nathan. I liked being in between these two hot men; my cock buried inside the warm, raw hole of a young poz man, and my masculine, infected uncle's cock was, in turn, buried deep inside of me. All I could think about was sex: ass, balls, erections, cum, penetration, and fluids. I wanted to feel my cock in every hole I could find and I wanted to feel every cock I could find in my hole. "Don't cum yet," Jason told me, tweaking one of my nipples. "Nathan needs to give you one more of his loads. And I still need to fuck my load into your hole." "I'm doing my best," I gasped. Sean was squeezing his ass around my cock and I was already dripping pre-cum into his hole. TO make it even worse, Nathan had found the perfect spots in my ass. He was carefully pressing his cockhead against each of them in turn. Each of his deep thrusts milked out another drip of pre-cum into Sean's hole. Jason leaned into me and gave me a deep kiss. "This your first raw hole?" he asked me. "Almost," I said. It was nothing like the inexpert sophomore I had been fucking. "You're going to be spoiled," he said. "Sean's an amazing bottom." "He wasn't bad as a top either," I said. Nathan grabbed on to my hips, and started to pound my hole harder. I had gotten used to Nathan fucking me, and I could tell from the change in his breathing that meant he had been getting close. "Yeah, Uncle, fuck me hard and breed me deep," I begged. As much as I had been enjoying fucking Sean's ass, I was still craving more poz cum. Even though I dreamt of it being different, I knew that my uncles' breeding efforts had not yet taken hold, and I was still uninfected. In the heat of the moment, all it meant to me was that I had to try harder. I had to take more loads, I had to take them more often, and I had to take them deeper. Even though I was having a lot of fun fucking Sean, I knew sex would be even better when I could shoot a charged load in the bottom. I was envious of Nathan. He was so collected, so calm, so masculine when his cock was inside of me. He clearly knew exactly how powerful he was and how easy it would be for him to destroy and then re-create my life with his charged fuck tool. I wanted to grow into a man just like him, to know that power and yet still be able to wield it with the same confidence and assurance that he possessed. "Yeah, boy, take my charged load," Nathan moaned. He thrust his cock into me, and I felt that familiar bloom of warmth deep in my hole. Nathan grunted, lost in the pleasure of his orgasm. My own cock twitched deep in Sean's hole, but I forced myself to concentrate on Nathan's cock. I didn't want to cum until after I gave Jason a chance to add his own load to my ever-growing collection. I squeezed my hole, trying to milk out every deadly drop from my uncle's hard cock. In the heat of his orgasm, he leaned over my torso and started to nibble on the nape of my neck. "That's right, boy, milk out my toxic sperm," Nathan said. As he forced his cock deeper into me, and I squeezed my ass harder, the nibbles became closer to bites. Far from hurting me, it only pushed my limits further and made me slam into Sean's hole harder. "Please, give it to me," I begged Nathan, feeling his hard cock still exploding with clockwork regularity in my hole, adding spurt after spurt of charged-up cum to the gift Sean had already given me. "Hungry, aren't you?" Sean said. His body was tense under me. He was clearly working hard to be able to withstand my pounding, but I didn't care. In fact, it was a turn-on, to see how much mental control he needed to take my cock without breaking. All I wanted was to get my cock deep in him and deposit my load inside of him. I was only sad that my load wasn't as toxic as all of the hot men surrounding me. "Fuck yeah," I said, not sure if I was answering Sean's question or just begging for more seed from Nathan. Nathan's thrusts slowed down, as he injected the last wonderful drops of his seed into my hole. I expected him to use his still-hard cock to work his load into my body, but as soon as his orgasm was over, he pulled out. I didn't have to worry. Nathan immediately stepped aside, and let Jason take his place behind me. Jason lined up his cock, and slid it into my well-lubricated hole. "Damn, that's a sloppy hole," Jason said, as his cock tunneled deep into my body. Before I could say anything, Nathan held the poppers under my nose. I had no choice but to inhale. The poppers washed over me, and I was once again lost in a world of pure sexual pleasure. It was hard for me to tell where the boundaries between Sean and myself were, or where Jason's cock ended and my hole began. The three of us felt like a single creature, our individual bodies merging into one erect, aroused creature focused on the passion of men and the exchange of semen. That exchange would eventually prove deadly for all of us. Next, Nathan gave Sean a hit of the poppers, and the effect on him the same as one me. "Please, Greg, fuck me," he moaned, pressing his ass into my cock, and squeezing it hard. "Give me your load, man, fuck me deep." I felt the familiar tingling at the tip of my cock, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off much longer. Jason took the bottle of poppers from Nathan, and did a hit himself. "Damn boy," he moaned. "I want to sperm your hole so badly," he said, pounding my ass hard. "I can't hold off much longer," I said, my hips thrusting hard into Sean's body. My cock was stiffening, and I could feel that the slow drip of pre-cum was turning into a veritable *******, anticipating of my orgasm. "Shoot in me, please," Sean begged. "Don't pull out. Don't waste it." He thrust his ass back and clamped down on my cock. I stopped trying to hold back and rammed my cock deep into him. My balls tightened up, and a wonderful surge of sperm shot through my shaft right into Sean's waiting hole. As I started to shoot my clean, pure sperm into Sean, Jason's cock also stiffened and surged. He unloaded a spurt of dirty, infected semen into my waiting hole, right in synchrony with my orgasm. Quickly, the three of us fell into a vicious, re-enforcing circle of insemination: Sean would squeeze on my cock, which made me shoot another wad of cum into his hole; in shooting, I tightened my own ass which milked out more of Jason's deadly sperm. In turn, that made me unload some more into Sean. Together, the three of us were locked in an unyielding orgasm, which drained our balls and filled our holes. Sadly, eventually, our three-way orgasmic ordeal faded. Jason's balls were drained first: he had already unloaded into me earlier in the morning. Then, my balls were tapped out. However, the three of us remained connected through our unprotected shafts that were still buried inside of each other. Only long after the orgasm faded away and the faint remnants of the poppers had cleared from our heads did we realize that Nathan had been photographing the whole thing. "Fucking hot, men," he said, smiling as he put down the camera. I couldn't speak, still exhausted by the fuck and the orgasm. Luckily, I didn't have to say anything, as Jason grabbed me, and started to kiss me. "Wow, that was hot," he said, between thrusts of his tongue into my mouth. "I love breeding your hole, nephew," he said. "And I'm going to be so proud to be your bugdaddy." He whispered the last line, quietly enough that only the two of us could hear it. "Fuck, I needed that," Sean said. He slowly pulled away from my cock, but was careful not to let a drop of sperm drip from his hole. I stayed still, and kept Jason's still-firm tool in my hole as Sean extricated himself. "Anytime you want Greg, I'm ready," he said. "Especially once you're shooting poz loads." "Hop in the pool?" Nathan asked, as Sean shakily stood up from the chair. "Definitely," Sean said. With a running start, he jumped into the pool. The splash hit all three of us. Jason jumped from the shock of the cool water hitting him. Unfortunately, he also pulled his cock out of my hole. Jason and I joined Sean into the pool. The three of us let the cool clean water wash off the sweat and lube our energetic fuck fest had left on us.
    1 point
  46. Since day one, older guys have been the best tops/fuckers. They have almost always been more uninhibited, more adventuresome, much less uptight and self-conscience and MUCH less self-absorbed. In other words... a hell of a lot more fun in most cases.
    1 point
  47. 3. Nathan I was in that pleasant post-orgasmic moment of clarity. My balls had just been drained into my young nephew who was now cuddled up next to me. "Why?" I asked in response, unsure exactly what he was thanking me for. "For another load of cum in me. For a load from Uncle Alan. For getting me closer to my goal." "My pleasure," I said. I was still savoring the last bit of his sperm. "And there's another one for you in the morning." "I was hoping for at least one," he said. He rolled over, his ass nestled up against my cock. I wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close. "But I'm tired now." "Me too." We lay there together, our breathing slowly synchronizing, and we drifted off to sleep. In the twilight of sleep, I remembered how Alan used to hold me like this. His sperm would be deep in my ass, and my sperm would be deep inside of Alan. It felt good to be sharing this with Greg. Not just good, it felt right. I awoke with a start, unsure where I was. Pressed up against me was a warm young man, his naked ass pressing against my cock. For a brief, perfect moment, I thought Alan was back with me. Then I thought it was Jason, and finally the truth percolated through my sleep-fogged mind. It was my nephew. My godson. Greg. And I had fucked him earlier in the evening. Bareback. Greg was still sleeping soundly. Without disturbing him, I looked at the clock; it read 11:45. We must have fallen asleep shortly after I had fucked him. I remembered that he had wanted my poz load. And I did nothing to dissuade him from it. Despite the two loads I had already shot, my cock was hard again. I let my hand drift down to Greg's groin, and found his cock was just as hard as mine. My touch must have disturbed him, because he turned over, and still semi-asleep, he began to kiss me. "Can I fuck you?" he asked, between kisses. "Not yet, boy. I want to make sure you're shooting poz cum." Alan had done it to me and I had kept it up with Jason. I didn't want him to fuck me until he had tested positive. But then, it would be a free-for-all. "You up for fucking me again?" he asked. His hand dropped down to my crotch, finding my hard cock already dripping pre-cum. "I guess I know the answer to that," he said. We were both slowly waking up, more aware of where we were and what we wanted. I found an opening between Greg's legs, and forced my hand to his hole. It was still wet and slippery from our earlier couplings, and my finger slid in easily. "Damn. Put it in me," Greg moaned. "I fucking need it," he said, the urgency audible in his pleading, "Don't wait." It took me only a moment to manouver him into position, my cockhead right at the entrance to his hole. "Ready for another pounding, boy?" I asked. A twinge of uncertainity flickered through my mind. I didn't know if it was my position to be doing this to Greg. But my cock was eager to get inside of my boy, and my virus was doing the thinking for me. "Please. Breed me again, Uncle Nate." I pushed my dick into his warm hole. I hardly needed any force at all, he was still so open and ready. "Oh fuck, that feels good." I didn't say anything, but just leaned in, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him. There were times in sex where you didn't need words, and this was one of them. We both knew it was what we needed. My raw cock in his bare hole, dripping my precum deep in his young body. "Just enjoy it, Greg," I whispered. I made sure he wasn't going to talk much more by sticking my tongue in his mouth. In the still darkness of the hotel room, it was easy for me to just concentrate and savor the fuck. Each thrust into Greg was like discovering a new world of pleasure, and each thrust elicted a soft moan of contentment from the boy. He had wrapped his legs around me, and held us together tightly, not letting me pull out, even if I had wanted to. Unlike the hard, eager fucks of earlier, there was a slowness to this one. We had all the time in the world to get to our destination, and the journey would be its own reward. I went slowly, working my cock into Greg's body, and Greg met my tender strokes with his own thrusts onto my shaft. We continued to kiss, our tongues interlocked. "Please, Uncle, fuck me," Greg panted out between kisses. "Breed me." I didn't answer, but just kept on pressing my cock into his body. Underneath me, Greg felt so young, so alive. I needed no encouragement to fuck him. Aside from my need to get a fresh load in there, I also wanted to work the older loads into his body. I could feel my earlier loads squishing around in his ass. I wanted to be a part of him forever, and right now, this was how I knew to do it best. "Don't worry, boy. I will." Our fucking was long, intimate and deep. This was the closest that two men could be to one another: One man's cock deep in the the other man's ass, and there was nothing coming between them. I lost track of time. It might have been minutes, or it might have been hours. It didn't matter to either of us. We moved in synchrony, working my old cum into his body, and working on getting a fresh load injected into him. Finally, after an eternity of pleasure, I felt the familiar tingle at the tip of my cock. I knew I couldn't hold off much longer. "You want it, Greg?" I asked him. "Please. Breed me again," he said. "I need your sperm." "You want to get sick, boy?" "Yes, Uncle Nate. I want it. And I want you to do it." My balls were hard against his ass and my cock was deep in his body. "Infect me." My cock was dripping pre-cum into Greg. My balls were drawing up tight, getting ready to spew another virus-laden load into his body. His pleading was infecting my mind, and all I knew was how good it felt to be inside of him. "I'm going to shoot it in deep, boy. Fill you with my toxic sperm" "Please, Uncle Nate. You know I'll do anything to get your sperm." Greg grabbed my ass and pulled me against him. "Anything to get your virus." Another hard thrust into him, this time from me. "Anything to get sick," he said. "Anything?" I asked. I knew it was said in the heat of passion, and he probably didn't think it through. All the same, my mind started to race at the possibilities. "You want my pozcum that badly, Greg?" I slid my cock out, leaving just the head in him, taunting him with the prospect of not getting my load. "Anything. Everything. Uncle. I've told you how badly I need this. And how badly I need you to be the one to do it." He pulled me back into him, getting the full length of my cock back inside him, filling him up again. "Fuck Greg. I'm getting close. I can't hold back." I was sliding in and out in his hole, the loads I had already deposited squishing around and the sensation engulfing on my cockhead. "Cum in me Uncle Nate. Shoot in me. Infect me." I couldn't hold back any longer. I thrust my cock deep into him, and held it there. My balls pulled up and a thick eruption of sperm, semen, and virus pulsed through my cock right into Greg's body. "Take it Greg. Fucking take my load," I grunted. "Thank you, Nathan. Thank you," Greg moaned. Even in the darkness of the hotel room, I could sense the smile on his face. His needs were deep and dark, and I had just fulfilled some of them. "My pleasure, boy," I said. I shoved my rod into him several more times, each one punctuated with another volley of my bodily fluids. He pulled me close, held me tight and started to kiss me. With my cock buried deep in his body and his tongue in my mouth, it was easy to stay connected, even after the passion of the orgasm had subsided. We didn't say anything, but just made out. I was a little shocked at the desires we had both just exposed, Greg's depths of need, and how far I imagined pushing him. I knew he would follow me where ever I lead him, and wondered how deep into the depths of our fantasies I could take him. Or would take him. Underneath me, his heart was pounding inside his young, beautiful body. I was again acutely aware of my job as the elder to mentor and protect him. Once more I had failed at that task. And had enjoyed the failure more than I could express. On the bedtable, my cell phone buzzed and the screen lit up, interrupting my reverie. "Who's that?" Greg mumbled, reluctantly taking his tongue of my my mouth. "Jason," I guessed. I had glanced at the clock, and saw it was now one in the morning, eleven at night back home in California. It was about time for our evening ritual. I had missed it last night, too tired to even think, much less text Jason. I let my cock slide out of Greg's hole. As it fell out, Greg clamped his ass down, making sure that every drop of my deadly juice stayed inside of him. Disentangling ourselves, I grabbed the phone. On the screen was a picture of of his hand, a big load of cum covering it. "I won the coin toss tonight. And had to waste this load. Come home soon, Boo" read the text. I quickly typed back, "Definitely a wasted load. You have NO idea how wasted. Miss you. Love you." We had developed an evening ritual, right around when we needed to take our meds. His text reminded me that I hadn't taken mine. "I need to take my meds," I told Jason. "Oh. I hadn't thought about that," he said. "Can I watch?"
    1 point
  48. met a freaky guy about an hour ago in the rambles. ate his ass, fucked him, dropped a load.....sucked it out
    1 point
  49. At home. I made one of my regular cumdumps come over tonight and I shot 4 loads in his ass. Boring, I know, but if you want to shoot multiple loads it's easier when you dont have to worry about being interrupted. I think I'm going to go give him #5...
    1 point
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