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  1. Paul wiped the man's cum off his back, and wiped his ass cheeks with the towel. He suddenly realised that his cock and ass were on show as he was doing it, and he looked up to see he had gathered a sizable audience. He saw one particular guy, quite chubby, who was unashamadly beating his stubby cock. Paul got turned on. He loved older guys being turned on by him. His drunkeness blinded him, and he made a move towards the man. He grabbed Paul by the arm and lead him to a cabin. 'Come on slut', he whispered, and Paul felt his cock begin to grow. The man locked the cabin behind them, and took out a bottle of poppers. He sniffed hungrily. 'Sniff this bitch'. Paul obeyed, and as he sniffed, the man moved in, removing Paul's towel and fondling his body. The man was rock hard, and moaning audibly. He ran his hand down Paul's body, his finger bouncing off of each square of Paul's young six pack. 'Turn around', the man said. Paul turned around, kneeling on the small bed, pushing his ass into the air invitingly. He noticed another one of those biohazard tattoos. 'What's your tattoo?' he asked absentmindedly. 'Nothing you need to know about boy', the man said. Paul shuffled further onto the bed. 'You want me to fuck you slut?'. Paul nodded his agreement, and the man mounted Paul from behind, resting his hands on Paul's slim, muscular hips. Paul winced as he felt the man's cock slide into him. The man began to pound immediately, panting as he leaned on Paul's slender frame. 'Ah... ow... slow down... please?' Paul pleaded. The man spat on Paul's back. 'Shut the fuck up slut'. This turned Paul on even more, though he knew it shouldn't. The man pounded Paul's ass, and Paul began to enjoy it. 'Awww yeah, fuck me. FUCK ME!' Paul began to play with his cock as the man slammed his ass. He could hear the man panting, almost as if he was struggling. Suddenly, he pulled out. He pushed Paul against the wall and lay on the bed. 'Sit on my cock you fucking slut'. Paul did what he was told, and straddled the man. His asshold quivered over the man's cock as he lowered himself onto it, moaning. 'Fuck me... please'. The man kneaded Paul's ass cheeks, still not believing the body he could see bouncing in front of him. It wasn't long before the man knew he couldn't hold it any more. 'Aww yeah I'm gonna cum. You ready boy? You want my toxic seed boy?' 'Yes! YES! Fuck me... fucking cum in my ass!' Paul wondered fleetingly what the man meant by toxic, but he grinded his asshold onto the man's cock. He could hear heavy panting from the door, and he knew there was a huge queue of men behind it that wanted him. 'Oh boy, oh... ahhh... I'm gonna... here it comes!' Paul screamed as he felt jet after jet of hot cum splash inside his asshole. The man was screaming, kneading Paul's ass so hard it was turning red. He lay, panting, as Paul's asshole quivered, unable to hold the load any longer. He peeled himself off of the man's cock, feeling warm cum flooding down his legs. The man was spent, unable to move. Paul slowly picked up his towel, cleaning his ass as he did. The man stared at him malevolently. 'You ready for another load boy?' Paul knew he shouldn't, but the man's cock was so small... He wanted more. 'Y-yes', Paul said. The man grinned. 'Open the door then boy...'
    6 points
  2. There were eyes all over Paul as he made his way through the dark corridors of the sauna. Hands reached out to touch his tight body, and he gripped to towel for dear life. The sound of fucking screamed through the air, over a dull club anthem playing quietly in the background. He turned a corner, and saw an older man coming towards him. He was thin, worn, and he stopped in his tracks as he saw Paul. Paul could see the man's dick hardening, and he motioned to Paul to follow him. Paul wouldn't have looked at him twice, but it turned him on that the man was getting excited at the sight of him. He followed the man into a small cabin. The man immediately ran his hands over Paul's amazing body, moaning and kissing lightly as he went along. 'Fuck me', Paul said. He turned to face the wall and dropped the towel, putting his ass out slightly, inviting the man. Paul put his head down and began to play with his dick, and he could feel the man moving towards him. The man let out an almighty orgasmic moan, and Paul felt hot loads of cum cover his back and ass cheeks. He turned around as load after load was pumping, now covering his tight stomach. The guy had got too excited and his cock had exploded before he even got near Paul's ass. Paul giggled as the man recovered himself. The man walked over to him, grabbing his face and pushing him against the wall. 'You had a lucky escape boy,' he said, and brushed the twink's body one last time with his hands. He turned to exit the cabin, and it wasn't until that point that Paul had noticed the biohazard tattoo on his back. 'Cool tattoo,' Paul thought. 'I wonder what it is?' He wrapped himself back in his towel, and made his way back into the dark halls of the sauna.
    5 points
  3. I don’t think I’m your typical gay man. I’m about 5’11, 160 lbs., shaved head, full beard and mustache, with a ton of ink and very versatile with play. I find piercings, especially prince albert and septum piercings, very erotic. I also love bearded and heavily tattooed guys. I have always been instantly turned on by the kinkier, sleazier side of sex. I enjoy going to the bathhouses, bookstores, and love gloryhole sex. Watersports parties, getting soaked with piss and drinking piss from “the tap” are all very hot to me. I also get into slings, toys, and dirty talk with sex. But I also have a turn on for taboo sex. Taboo bareback sex!! I have never been into condoms. I love bareback sex, anonymous bareback sex. I’ve taken a ton of cum down my throat. I have fucked guys bareback and cum in them. I love getting fucked bareback too, but I have never let a guy cum in my ass. I’ve resisted my desire to be a cum dump for a long time for fear of contracting HIV, even though I go online and chat with guys about my desire to take poz cum and get charged up. I have even seen guys walking down the street with biohazard tattoos on their arms, proudly displaying their HIV status. Just the sight of their biohazard tattoo gives me an instant erection. My desire to knowingly take poz cum has grown more and more difficult to resist. I no longer want to resist this turn on. I want to take load after load of poz cum and charge up. It consumes my thoughts. It’s 6pm on a Friday night in Chicago, and it has been a long week. It’s a beautiful day, sunny and warm. To kick off my weekend I decided to head to my favorite corner coffee shop and have a light dinner. I ordered my usual latte and sandwich and decided to grab a table in the outdoor dining area and unwind. I love people watching and cruising, and today is no exception. The streets of Boystown are busy as usual with sexy men. It’s been about 20 minutes, and I’ve had plenty of eye candy to enjoy. Then I spot him. He rounds the corner. My eyes travel up and down his trim body. He’s just my type of guy, nicely built with a shaved head, long beard, and full sleeves of ink. Curls of hair stick out above the neck line of his t-shirt. As he walks past me to enter the coffee shop I can see the outline of his cock down the right leg of his jeans. I can feel my cock pulsing with approval in my pants. After a few minutes he remerges from the coffee shop and sits a few tables from me. I glance over at him from time to time, trying not to stare. As I look back at him my eyes make their way up his perfect body. I’m caught. He’s staring directly into my eyes. He looks at me continuously then gives me a nod with a little grin. His eyes stay fixed on me for a brief moment, then he gets up and approaches my table. As he put out his hand he said, “Hi, I’m Paul.” I reached out and shook his hand. He had a firm handshake. “I’m Adam.” “Care if I join you, Adam?” “Of course not, have a seat.” “I couldn’t help but notice you checking me out. I know you definitely caught my eye too.” I grinned and nervously chuckled then said, “Yeah, I’m guilty. I have a thing for guys with beards and tattoos, and you’re quite handsome….hard to take my eyes off you.” He said, “Well, I like the same things in my men. I wonder what else turns you on.” After a slight pause he said, “This is going to sound like such a line, but do you come here often, because this is one of my favorite spots, and I don’t remember seeing you here before today?” “yeah, I come here pretty often. This is my favorite coffee shop. We must have been missing each other.” “Well, I’d love to run into you here again, Adam. I was admiring your beard and tattoos…. You’re very sexy.” “Thanks. I have a lot of tattoos. I have a lot more planned and want to get my neck and hands inked too.” “A man after my heart…..woof. So what are you doing tonight? Want to hang out…maybe grab a beer?” “Sure, I’d love to.” “I usually hang out at a bar down the road. Want to head there for a few?” “Yes….definitely.” Paul walked out of the coffee shop ahead of me. He had a nice round ass that filled out his jeans so nicely. This man was really turning me on. We walked side by side to the bar, occasionally brushing against each other lightly as we walked. “So, Adam, I’m curious. You like beards and tattoos just like me. What else turns you on?” “Oh, I think I would surprise you, Paul. I can be a bit kinky.” “Ooooh, you got my attention,” as Paul touched me on the arm. “Tell me more….what’s kinky to you?” “Well, I know it’s not for everyone, but I get into watersports.” We arrived at the bar, and as we were walking in he said, “So, what do you enjoy with watersports? Getting pissed on, pissing on guys? Drinking piss?” I didn’t answer right away as we sat down at the bar and ordered two beers. We got our beers and Paul immediately continued our conversation. “So, you were telling me about your turn on to watersports…..” “Well, anything goes with piss for me. What do you think about that?” Paul reached over, grabbed my hand, and rubbed it across his crotch and down his leg. I could feel his cock was semi hard. I took my hand and grasped his rod. It was tightly pressed against his jeans and felt about 7 to 8 inches long. “Does that answer your question?” I could feel my cock getting hard in my jeans as I said, “I guess you are into piss play too.” “You bet I am, and a lot more.” “Like what?” “Well, I also love toys, and slings, and I only bareback when I play. I love cum.” This man was reading my mind. I felt like every word would make me melt right into his arms. “Now you have my cock getting hard, Paul.” Paul reached over and rubbed my leg then lightly brushed his hand across my semi hard cock. “So you like to bareback too?” “Yeah, I love bareback and love cum, but I’ve never let a guy cum in my ass. I’m still neg.” “Well, I’d love to be the first to cum in your ass, if you want me to, Adam.” My heart was beating faster and my cock was nearly fully erect at the thought of Paul filling my ass with his huge cock and cum. “There’s only one thing, Adam.” “What’s that?” Paul looked a little nervous too, “Once I start there’s no pulling out, ……and…..” Then Paul slowly lifted his shirt, lowered his jeans a bit, and showed me the tattoo on his abdomen. “See that tattoo?” “Yes.” “You know what it means don’t you?” He had a bold, black, biohazard tattoo just above his pubic line on the right side of his abdomen. My cock was raging hard, pulsing in my jeans. I was so turned on and so scared at the same time. Paul looked directly into my eyes, waiting for my response. “Yeah, I know what it means.” “And, how does that make you feel?” My eyes lit up, “You’re poz!! Do you want to poz me up?” “Well, if you want it, I’d love to give you my poz load.” I reached over and took Paul’s hand and rubbed it across my hard cock. “I guess that’s a yes. I was a little nervous, because I really like you, but I’d love to give you my seed.” I said, “This has been a fantasy of mine for so long. I’ve held back from being the cum pig I want to be, because I was afraid to poz….but yes, I want this. I have jacked off so many times fantasizing about taking toxic loads.” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure. I want this!!” Why do you want it?” “I’ve been craving to play uninhibited and take all the poz cum I can get and poz up. I love cum. I want to be a poz, cum pig. I’m tired of resisting my turn on to poz.” “Well, Adam, I chased to poz, and I love being charged up. It’s also a huge turn on of mine, and I love to gift. I’ve been poz for just over two years, and I’m not on meds. You better be sure about this, because there’s a really good chance you will poz tonight if we do this. I have a fairly high viral load, so I’m pretty toxic.” It felt so good to talk to someone in person with the same turn on. I was so nervous, but wanted this so badly. Paul slowly reached up, put his hand on the back of my neck and head, and looked me directly in the eye. He leaned over and his lips slowly touched mine. Then he slid his tongue deep into my mouth and gave me the most erotic, passionate, French kiss I ever had. Then he whispered in my ear, “I’m going to fill your ass with every drop of my poz cum tonight.” He then slid his hand onto my thigh and pressed his leg against mine. I leaned into his shoulder and slid my hand on his thigh and firmly grasped his hard cock. He kissed me again and said, “I have to take a piss, then do you want to head to my place?” “Yes, I’d love to.” Paul got up and walked into the bathroom. I got up and followed him. He was standing at the urinal trying to piss when I walked in. I came up behind him and slid my hands across his ass to his waist. Then I led him into the bathroom stall, and got down on my knees. I licked the head of his cock, then engulfed the head of his hard dick in my mouth. His cock was a full 8.5 inches, and my shaft was rock hard with excitement. I pressed firmly against my hard cock in my pants. “You want my piss too?” “Yes, feed me.” Paul stood still, fully erect, “Here it comes.” I felt the first drop of piss leak out of his piss hole. The sweet, salty taste made my cock even harder. Then he fed me more of his piss giving me enough to fill my mouth as I gulped every drop down. He slowly emptied every drop of piss down my throat then pulled me to my feet. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, then hugged me. Our hard cocks pressed firmly against each other. “Do you have to piss too?” “Oh yeah.” Paul grinned, and slid down in front of me to his knees. He unzipped my jeans and pulled out my erect cock. We could both piss with hard-ons. He took my cock into his mouth, sucked it slowly then stopped with the tip of my cock in his mouth….waiting for me to feed him. I slowly let out a small amount of piss, stopping the stream each time I filled his mouth for him to gulp it down. As I was filling his mouth with piss he pulled my cock out of his mouth letting piss run down his beard and drip onto his shirt and pants. He slipped the head of my cock back into his mouth and I gave him every drop of my piss. Then I pulled him to his feet, tucked my cock into my pants and zipped up. Paul wiped the piss into his beard, took me by the hand and led me out of the bar heading to his apartment. I was excited and trembling. The thought of Paul giving me what I wanted raced through my mind. I could be pozzing tonight. I glanced over at Paul and he gave me a smile and took my hand in his. “Trust me. I know you’re a little scared to take this step, but we’ll take this slowly. I know you want this and you will love being poz.” I gave Paul a little grin, and he squeezed my hand. My cock was dancing with excitement pressed firmly against my jeans. I felt like I could shoot my load right there in anticipation. We got to his apartment, and he led me by the hand to his bedroom. He pulled me close to him and slowly pulled my shirt off over my head. He kissed my chest then slid his hands down my abdomen to my crotch. He pressed firmly feeling my hard cock through my jeans. Then he unbuttoned my pants, slid my zipper down, and dropped my jeans to the floor. I had no underwear on and my cock stood at attention, jumping with each pulse and wave of excitement in my body. I was already leaking precum. Paul took off his shirt. His chest was covered with thick hair with a thin treasure trail disappearing into his jeans. His arms were fully inked down to his wrists, with a large sparrow tattooed on the left side of his neck. I kneeled in front of him and unbuttoned his jeans. I pulled his pants down just enough for me to see the mark of a proud poz man….a mark I longed to have on my body as well. I kissed his biohazard tattoo then put my lips around his cock through his jeans. He was rock hard and slid his jeans to the floor showing me his beautiful, toxic tool. I ran my tongue across his balls and down the shaft of his rod to the head of his cock. The sweet taste of poz, precum leaked from his piss hole onto my tongue. I slipped his cock into my mouth and felt the head hit the back of my throat as I slowly sucked and lubed his pole with my spit. Paul pulled me to my feet and buried his tongue in my mouth kissing me. His warm body and hard cock was pressed against mine. The smell of piss lingered on his beard and filled my nostrils, exciting me even more. I was melting in his arms. We kissed for quite a while then he grabbed my ass firmly with his rugged hands. “Ready for my poz cock?” “Yes!!” He told me to lie on the bed on my belly, and I obliged. He crawled onto the bed at my feet and kissed my ass cheek. I felt his long beard wisp against my back slowly toward my head, kissing my back a few times as he positioned himself on top of me. His hard rod came to rest between my ass cheeks with his body pressed against mine. He kissed the back of my neck and slid his arms around my chest. I could feel the wetness of his precum lubing my ass crack as he ground his cock against me. My body was flooded with excitement. My cock was rock hard and my nipples were like firm erasers. “I want to be your cum dump. Fill me with your poz seed.” Paul sat up, his legs on each side of my ass with his cock between my ass cheeks. He took his rod in his hand and pressed and slid his cock firmly against my hole. Then he reached up and massaged my neck and shoulders. With a somewhat rough grasp of my shoulders, he worked his cock deep between my cheeks against my asshole. My cock pulsed and my ass cheeks tightened around his shaft with approval. Paul spread my ass cheeks apart and spit on my hole, then slid his cock across my hole lubing the length of his shaft. He again spread my ass cheeks, but this time I felt the head of his cock pressing at my tight hole. I arched my back and spread my ass, pressing against his cock. He pushed his head firmly at my hole. My ass opened and engulfed the head of his cock. Then with a firm thrust he shoved his cock halfway into my tight hole. My body jerked with pain and my ass burned. He held his cock still in my ass and again spit on my hole. The burning subsided. He then pulled back a little and began to advance into my ass, lubing my hole with his spit and precum. The pain turned to pleasure, and Paul worked his cock all the way into my ass. I felt his pubic hair against my cheeks and again arched my back forcing his cock into my ass balls deep. I moaned with pleasure, “Fuck, yes!!!” “You like that? You like my poz cock in you raw?” “God, yes!!!” “Good, cause I’m going to seed you good.” Paul pulled his cock out of my hole, then slid back in, working my ass with the full length of his pole. His thrusts were deep and rough hitting my prostate each time he bottomed out inside of me. He pulled his cock all the way out of my now gaping hole and turned me onto my back. Paul bent my knees over his shoulders and worked his body above mine. “I want to look into your eyes as I give you my poz seed.” He then directed the head of his cock to my ass. I felt the tip of his wet shaft against my hole and he slid back into my ass with ease. With one long, slow thrust is slid is cock all the way into my ass. Again I felt his balls tight against my ass. “Feel that? Every inch of my cock sliding deep into you leaking poz precum?” Paul looked into my eyes and slid his tongue deep into my mouth, swirling his tongue with mine as he began to work his cock in and out of my hole. He then stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes as he buried his cock into me all the way with each thrust, pulling almost all the way out then plunging balls deep into my ass. Sweat was dripping from his chest and beard onto my body. He kept working my ass harder and deeper. “My virus is in you, more and more with each thrust of my cock. I’m going to poz your ass up. I know you want it!!!” “Yes, give me your poz seed. Charge me up.” “Are you sure, cause I’m close to flooding your ass with all my toxic cum.” My cock was so hard I felt like I was going to shoot my load with each pounding against my prostate. “Yes!! I want every drop of your cum. Please poz me.” “Here is cums.” “Give me your poz seed. I want this.” I felt Paul’s cock expand in my ass and with one more deep thrust he plunged his cock all the way into my ass. He kept his cock buried deep inside me, and I could feel his cock pulsing, filling my ass with his toxic cum. My ass tightened around his shaft with excitement. “Fuck!!! You’re getting every bit of my virus…..yes!!! Take my poz cum!!!!” The excitement was all I could take. I didn’t even touch my cock, and I began to shoot my load. My rod erupted, shooting spurt after spurt of cum onto my chest and beard. We were both covered in sweat. Paul kept his cock deep inside me, and slid my legs to his sides. He leaned down and licked cum from my chest, then kissed me. I could taste my cum on his lips. “Taste your neg cum? It’s some of the last you’ll shoot before you poz.” “Fuck yes!! I want this!!” “Good, cause there’s no turning back now. Now keep my toxic seed in you. Let it do its job.” Paul’s cock slipped out from my ass. A small trickle of poz cum leaked from my ass and ran down my crack. Paul rolled onto his back and pulled me into his arms pressing my cum-soaked body against his. “I want this as much as you do, Adam. I want to poz you, make you mine. I’ll give you all the toxic seed you want.” We laid in each other’s arms for a while, naked and panting. Then Paul said, “I have to piss again….be right back.” He jumped out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. I got out of bed and followed him. I could hear Paul pissing in the toilet and I walked in and put my hand into the stream of piss spraying from his cock head. He stopped pissing and said, “You want more piss?” I licked my piss soaked fingers and said, “That’s why I’m here.” Paul pushed me to my knees on the bathroom floor and stood in front on me with his hand on top of my head. He let out a stream of piss soaking my body, face, and beard. He directed his stream of piss to my mouth and I opened wide as he filled my mouth with his sweet, salty urine. I gulped his piss and let him soak my face and beard to the last drop of piss. I loved the feel, smell and taste of piss. I stood up and Paul ran his hand down my piss soaked chest then put his piss soaked fingers to his mouth. He pulled me to him and kissed me, tasting his piss on my tongue and lips. We crawled back into bed naked, stinking of piss and cum, curled up together and dozed off to sleep. I suddenly jumped myself awake. My cock was rock hard. I was lying on my back and precum was leaking from my shaft onto my belly. I ran my hand onto the other side of my bed and looked at my empty bed. Slowly realizing I was alone. What an erotic dream!!!! I lie in bed and stroked my cock, thinking about this rugged, poz man fucking me and charging my ass up. I pictured Paul fucking me and whispering into my ear as he shot his load in me, “Take my poz cum.” That pushed me over the edge and my body bucked with excitement. My cock pulsed, shooting my neg seed all over my abdomen, chest, beard, and lips. My body was sweaty and began to relax. I licked the cum off my lips and ran my hands across my chest and lapped up the cum from my fingers. I got out of bed, jumped into the shower. I had to piss while showering and let out a stream of piss, soaking myself. My morning piss smelled strong and made my cock begin to grow. I couldn’t get the thought of this hot poz man out of my mind and felt my cock getting hard again as I finished my shower. I was consumed with thoughts of pozzing. It was something I could no longer resist. I got myself dressed and made my way to my favorite corner coffee shop for a morning JO. I grabbed a newspaper, took my coffee, and sat in the street side dining area. I could hardly concentrate on my newspaper. Thoughts of my dream danced through my head. I wanted poz seed badly. The streets of Boystown were busy with the morning bustle of gay men starting their day. It reminded me of my dream. Then out of the corner of my eye HE rounded the corner. Could this be real? My inked man from my dream was walking toward me. He had a shaved head, full beard, and was covered in tattoos. As he approached me his eyes met mine. He smiled and said, “Good morning.” “Morning,” I replied. As he walked past me, and entered the coffee shop, a specific tattoo caught my eye. There is was….a biohazard tattoo on his left upper arm. I felt my cock getting hard. A grin came across my face, and I leaned back and sipped my coffee. He emerged from the coffee shop and sat a few tables from me, just like in my dream. I couldn’t stop looking at him. Then he looked over at me. I was staring directly at him. He smiled and continued to look into my eyes. I got up and walked over to his table and said, “Hello, I’m Adam.” “Hi, I’m David. Want to join me?” I knew this was going to be an amazing day.
    4 points
  4. Cable Part II The feelings of sucking a cock and him sticking the tip of his finer in my ass were amazing. Like nothing I had ever felt before at all. He stopped playing with my ass for a bit and I looked up to see him sending a text message. He noticed me looking and told me he had sent a message to his bud to make sure he found something for my wife to do to keep her busy for a little bit so we could play more without being interrupted. I smiled around his cock and kept sucking as he went back to playing with my hole. I felt him circling his finger around a little and pushing in more . What a feeling it was. He then backed up the half step it was to the bed, pulling me with him and then sat down on it. He pulled his finger out of me again and I saw him put his fingers to his mouth and got more spit on them. He then proceeded to stick his finger back in my ass and I could tell it felt different and it dawned on me that he now had two fingers in me. The feeling in my ass was getting more and more intense and soon I could feel my hole opening up more and then he had three fingers in me and twirling them around some and spreading my hole more. I was going wild and was sucking like a crazed person on his huge cock and then licking it and down and licking his balls too. He then pulled my head away and stood up and turned us around and pushed me back on the bed on my back as he pulled my shorts down and then off of me. As I lay there I was wondering what he was doing now but did not have long to wait. He then knelt by the bed and pushed my legs up and out as he bent over and started to suck my cock. A few in and outs of his mouth and my cock was rock hard and then he let loose of it and went down and kissed and sucked on my balls for a bit and then he pushed my legs farther back and wider apart. He went down lower and started to rim my ass and was running his tongue in and out of my hole. This had never been done to me before and I almost jumped out of my skin it felt so good. He licked and sucked on my hole for a good 5 minutes and then was also running his fingers in and out of me too opening me up and driving me wild. His tongue was fantastic and his fingers going in and out were hitting something inside of me that I figured had to be my prostrate. Whenever his fingers bumped against it I would jerk with the pleasure and each time his fingers went in they hit it and then I could feel his fingernails scrape a little on the way out which felt amazing and painful at the same time but not overly bad pain. He kept this up for another 5 or so minutes and then he got up off the floor and his mouth started kissing and licking and sucking me up across my balls and then my cock, stopping to suck the entire length of my cock deep into his mouth and almost making me cum. Then he kept on going up across my stomach and across my chest, stopping to go back and forth and suck and lick each of my nipples which again was a different but fantastic feeling. He then kept coming higher until he was right over my face and looking me in the eyes. He asked if he could go ahead and finish what we had started. I was feeling so damn good I just told him to hurry as I needed to get off badly. He smiled and as he looked deep into my eyes, I felt his cock as my ass replacing his fingers. My eyes got big as it dawned on me he had meant by finishing, he was going to fuck my very virgin ass with that huge cock. He saw me getting nervous and whispered to me soothingly to just hold still and he would go slow and easy and soon I would love it and beg for more. I held still as he started to push his cock in me slowly. I could feel my hole opening up little by little as he entered me and then he held still for a bit and told me that the head was all in now. My hole felt so full I didn't think I could take any more but after just a few seconds he started to push it in further and further and then he would stop for a bit and back out a ways and then back in for a few strokes. Then he would push in more and repeat until finally he told me he was all in and I already knew it as I felt his balls bump against my ass. He held still then and as he looked me in the eyes, he leaned down and planted a kiss on me and as I started to return it he drove his tongue into my mouth and as he twirled his tongue around in my mouth he started to pump slowly in and out of my ass. Every stroke of that huge cock rubbed back and forth on my protrate, driving me wild and my own cock got harder than I could ever remember it getting. He started to pick up the pace a little at a time until he was finally pile driving my ass hard and deep and fast. I was reaching down and grabbing his ass and pulling him in on every stroke. The feelings I had were so amazing I couldn't believe I had never even thought of doing this before. If was getting pretty warm in there from this and he leaned back a bit and still ramming my hole he pulled his tshirt up and off and threw it on the floor. He then reached with both hands and grabbed my ankles and raised my feet and legs up as high as possible and over my head so he was really pile driving my ass. I bent my neck forward so I could look between us and could see his cock going in and out of my hole. I looked all over him and noticed he had several tattoos that had been covered by his shirt. I was admiring the art work and then noticed there were two side by side on the lower part of his stomach I could not see very well. I craned my neck around but could not make them out as they were definitely in the shadows. I forgot about them for a bit though as I told him I was about to cum and he said good as he was too. A couple of more big hard thrusts from him and my own cock erupted and being almost over my head I opened my mouth and the cum was landing right in my own mouth. He told me he could feel my ass spasming and with that he leaned back away from me and rammed his cock as far into me as he could and said here it comes. He was cumming and I could feel every pulse of his cock and looked down there between us enjoying every second of it and since he was now leaning back some I could see his tats down there. One appeared to be a scorpion and beside it looked like the biohazard symbol I had just seen in a doctor's office. His other tats had all been in black but these two were both in bright red. As we lay there together after that huge orgasm of us both, I mentioned this to him. He sais he wanted them in red as a warning. I had no idea what he was talking about and said so. He said he thought I would know and said they mean I am positive. I said cool I am a pretty positive person myself. He told me not like that, I mean I am positive, HIV positive. My mouth fell wide open and my eyes must have popped out of my face when he said that but also my cock which was still hard, erupted again. I had no idea what to do now and it was too late anyway. He went on to say he thought I knew and that he had scraped his fingernails in my ass on purpose also to cut me up a little and help it get into by blood quicker. I couldn't even move or speak as he started to wiggle his cock around in me and then pulled out and stood up.
    4 points
  5. Paul was drunk. And he wanted to get fucked. There was nothing he loved more than raw cum in his ass. He'd only ever done it with boyfriends before, but tonight, single after a recent breakup, his wicked side took over, and he found himself ambling through the streets towards the local sauna. He was stunning looking, a swimmer, and his ridiculous body was accentuated by his spray on t-shirt and jeans. He stumbled into the door of the sauna. unsure of what to do next. A tiny old man behind the counter almost fainted when he saw Paul. Paul returned his stare. "Fif - fifteen dollars," the man finally said. Paul reached into his pocket, brushing his tight t-shirt up slightly as he did. The old man audibly whimpered. Paul looked at him. Covered in lesions, he looked like he should have been dead years ago. Paul hesitated for a moment, asking himself 'Should I be here?' His cock was hardening as he realised the old man was enjoying looking at him so much. 'Yes, yes I should'. He paid, and the old man gave a rather more audible whimper as Paul turned towards the entrance. Paul knew he was rubbing himself as Paul's tight ass swayed into the changing room. It was dank and dark, and the smell of piss and amyl nitrate permeated the air. Paul went to his locker, a little voice in his head telling him to leave. He ignored it, and peeled his tight t-shirt off, his ribs showing as he arched his back to remove the t-shirt. He heard a whimper, and as the shirt came over his head he saw the old man, who was shamelessly jerking off as he watched Paul change. Paul had never been as turned on in his life. He could hear the buzzer to the sauna going off. The old man turned towards the reception, hesitating a moment, but then he heard the click of Paul's belt. He turned back to see that Paul was taking his jeans down, revealing an exceptionally skimpy pair of black briefs which barely covered his ass, and as Paul bent over to pick up his shoes, the old man screamed as he shot a dirty load all over the floor, moaning orgasmic ecstasy. Paul then removed his briefs, wrapped a very skimpy towel around his waist and made his way into the depths of the sauna. The old man, meanwhile, sank against the wall, and simply watched, his mouth open, agog as the twink beauty passed from his view.
    3 points
  6. From the time I was in my teens, I began chatting online with guys in gay chat rooms. I was so curious about sex and couldn’t wait to get my cherry popped. I was always honest about my age which didn’t seem to be working out for me. However, when I was barely legal, I caught a break. On gay.com, I found a guy who surprisingly didn’t mind my age. I now realize just how risky that was—for both of us. Regardless, we set up a time to meet. He asked if I had a place and I said I didn’t but suggested the gas station bathroom. He said that would work. We decided to meet near my house (I didn’t want him to know where I lived) so I got on my bike. I don’t know if we ever exchanged names but somehow I remember his screen name to this day. He told me he would be driving a silver Jag. When he arrived, he didn’t seem to look quite like the pictures as I had remembered them (this was before I knew that is to be expected). His profile said he was 28. He was attractive, but he looked more like mid 30’s. However, I didn’t care about any of that. I just couldn’t wait to get fucked. I got in his car and we drove down the street to the gas station. He instructed me to go in to the bathroom first and he would follow behind shortly after so as not to attract attention. I was so nervous and afraid of getting caught although I had less to be nervous about than him. After what seemed like an eternity, finally he joined me in the bathroom locking the door behind him. He began to unbutton his pants and I was frozen. “Get undressed” he ordered. I did as I was told. The bathroom was gross, the floor was dirty, but I was so horny I didn’t care. After he took off his clothes, he removed his ball cap revealing his graying and balding hair. ‘28 my ass,’ I thought. After we were both naked he asked, “you got lube?” I panicked, “No?” He grinned, “It’s cool. I can use spit.” I was clearly not well prepared. “Grab that bar,” he said, pointing to the beam mounted on the wall next to the toilet. “Now bend over.” I heard him spit and turned around to see him rubbing his saliva up and down his shaft. I was so horny I thought I could cum at any second. I could feel his body heat as he got right behind me and rubbed his cock between my ass cheeks. “So you’re a virgin, right?” “Yes,” I replied He moaned in satisfaction, “You want this dick to pop your cherry, boy?” “Oh yeah,” I said. “Then spread those ass cheeks for me.” I did as he said but then it hit me. “Do you have a condom?” I asked. “I didn’t bring one. Did you?” “No,” I replied. “Can I go bare? I’m clean,” he said. The anticipation was killing me. “I guess so.” He smirked. Looking back now, I know he was never going to use a condom. He spit on his fingers and rubbed them on my ass. It was finally happening. I was about to get fucked! He put his hands on my hips pulling me onto his cock. As soon as the tip was inside me I gasped. Fuck it hurt! I turned around only to see he wasn’t even halfway inside me yet. He was probably 8” and I had only taken about 4. “Damn that’s tight! Guess you really are—were a virgin,” he said proudly. I could tell he got off knowing he was the first to fuck me. He pulled out to lube up more. He spit on his cock and he went right back at it. “FUCK that feels good. You like gettin’ that ass barebacked?” In my head, I was nervous but my cock was just getting harder. “Oh yeah,” I relented. I winced in pain from each thrust as he tore my virgin ass tissue. He ignored my discomfort, focusing only on his own needs. “I’m getting close,” he warned me. “Where do you want me to cum?” he asked. “On my back,” I said. Pretending he didn’t hear me, he started moaning before I finished my thought. After a few more minutes, “Here it comes boy! I’m gonna breed you!” Just as he said that, I started cumming and my already tight hole spasmed around his dick. Before the words registered in my head, I felt my ass get wetter and I knew he came inside me. “How’d you like getting that ass loaded?” he asked. I glared at him disapprovingly. “Sorry boy, you had such a good grip on me I couldn’t get out,” he claimed. “Plus, an ass that hot is meant to be a cumdump,” he said as he slapped one cheek. As we got back in the car, he opened the glove compartment to put away his ball cap when I noticed a pack of Trojan condoms. “Oh I did have condoms!” he said with a sinister grin. “You know, you shouldn’t let strangers fuck you bareback and you really shouldn’t let them unload in your ass.” Seriously? I knew he was right and I also realized we were at a gas station, which sells condoms. But I didn’t care. I had finally got my cherry popped and little did I know I would become a bareback slut.
    3 points
  7. Cable part V After mooning around all morning and worrying about what I had done yesterday and playing with my own ass trying to calm the sensations that were still there, I jumped in the car and headed to the doctor's office. What the hell had I done anyway, what was wrong with me? Never even thought about a guy for sex and then let two of them fuck me bare and cum in me and then they were both poz. What would happen if I did catch it, what about my wife and family. I was torn to pieces with worry now, no matter that it had felt amazing and been about the best sex I had ever had. I could never meet a gay guy again, I knew, without remembering and now knowing what they went through and how it could feel. I was able to get right in to the doctor. When he came in was a problem though. How could I explain this to him. I somehow got it out and hoped he could understand some of my gibberish as I could hardly talk about it and must have almost sounded like a fool to him. To my surprise though he seemed a little amused but mostly concerned. He did a little checkup and some other tests and then wrote me up a prescription for the PEP. He said to start it immediately and don't miss any for the next 30 days and then check back and we will run some more tests and then again in about 3 months or so to make sure. I went home with my new prescription and took a dose and then had to find a good hiding place for the rest as I surely did not want my wife to find it. I now felt I had everything under control and could relax and go back to my regular straight life. For the rest of that week everything was back to normal except for an occasional tingle in my ass, which I had to sneak into the bathroom to rub and jackoff to a few times. The tingling and memory would not quite quit and go away entirely and only diminish when I played to a tolerable level that I thought I could control completely. Friday came around and my wife's work called saying the one who worked the overnight called in sick and wanted to know if she could do the overnight. Hey, time and a half, sure looks good on a pay check, so she agreed and since she worked 2nd shift it meant I had the entire evening and all night alone. I made plans to just go to a local bar and have a couple of drinks and then home to my lonely bed again as she would not get back until probably around 11 or 11:30 the next morning. I jumped in the shower and got cleaned up and ready to go have a drink. The warm water sure felt good and as I turned around to let it run down my back the warmth ran down the crack of my ass and again the tingling started. I thought, damn, not now, go away but my hand went between my legs and a finger rubbed my hole and soon entered into it. The feeling for some reason was really strong this time and soon I had three or my fingers in me and twisting them about as deep as I could go and my cock was hard as a steel bar again and my other hand was stroking it hard and fast. Too soon it was over as I shot a huge load all over the shower floor. I rested for a minute and then removed my fingers and finished my shower and dressed. I decided I needed that first drink soon so instead of heading clear across town to my regular place I made a beeline for the closest one. It was one I had never been in before but didn't matter to me I just wanted a drink to calm down a little. I entered and immediately knew why I didn't go to bars much anymore as the sound of what passed for music anymore hit me from a way the hell too loud system. I made a almost dash to the bar and grabbed the first stool available. I ordered my drink and drank about half in one gulp. Wow, tasted so good and now I felt almost human again. LOL I turned around on my stool then to take a look around. It was the usual nondescript bar you see in almost any town. A bar, a few tables and some booths on one side and a couple of pool tables at one end. Didn't see anyone I knew at all so turned back to the bar and started to watch the TV above the back bar that was showing a football game of teams I didn't really care about but it was sports. After about a half hour, I am a slow drinker, I ordered another drink. I had just started it when someone sat down beside me. I turned my head to take a look to see who sat down and was greeted by a huge smile. My mouth dropped open and sure enough it was one of the cable guys from the other day, the first one to be exact. He said hi, how are you doing? I couldn't even speak at first, but my ass and cock immediately both twitched and my cock started to inch up. What the hell is all I could think. He again spoke wanting to know if I remembered him or not? I finally found my voice and told him that I did but the words came out almost garbled. He kind of grinned at my confusion and then leaned towards me and asked how I had enjoyed the other day. I told him it was pretty good. He then said that if I wanted some more to just say the word and he would be glad to oblige and his partner was over playing pool and he was sure he would love to also. He leaned my way again and told me they had talked about it all week long. How they had really enjoyed fucking my virgin hole and filling it up with their toxic juice. It had been a long time since they had had that tight of a hole to use. I was totally flustered by what he was saying and the twitching and feeling in my ass and cock were driving me crazy. He went on to tell me they had got ahold of another guy just a couple of days ago and both had fucked him all night long. He was pretty sure that guy would convert too and laughed good and loud about it. He said they hadn't told that guy they were poz so he would get a big surprise later. I could barely take another sip of my drink as my hand was shaking so much. I said it had been a nice time but I had went to the doctor the next day and was now taking meds to stop the HIV from taking. He was really surprised by that and told me he thought I had enjoyed what we had done and was going to convert since I had also let his bud do me too. He got up then and headed to the back of the bar and I thought that would be the last I saw of him. A few minutes passed and I got up to go to the restroom. I went in and it was small with only two urinals side by side with no partitions. I went to the far one and as I started to take a piss the door opened and the second cable guy came in and up to the other urinal. He pulled that big cock of his out and I could not take my eyes off of it at all. I was done peeing myself but just stood there watching his cock drain. He turned to look at me and then downward where my own cock was now hard and standing straight up almost. I glanced up at him nervously and he smiled and then turned my way as he finished and kind of shook his cock at me. I couldn't help myself as I reached for it and took it in my hand. It started growing as I had to stroke it and soon was at its full size and pointing, it seemed directly at my face. It was beyond me as I leaned forward and took it in my mouth and started to suck it. He moaned and told me that really felt nice and he knew his bud was wrong when he had told him I didn't want them anymore. I sucked him for about 5 minutes and then he pushed me off of it and told me we had better get out of there before someone came in and caught us like that. As we left the toilet he was telling me he just knew I had liked the other day too much to not want more and he sure wanted some more of my nice tight ass. I told him what I had told his bud that I was taking the meds to prevent what they had. He just smiled and told me that he was sure if I would just listen to my own body, that I would go home and dump the meds out and just take their gift and enjoy myself more. I almost collapsed on the bar stool as I was shaking so much and he proceeded back to his pool game. I started to watch the game again and was sipping at my drink again. I hadn't noticed but there were very few people left in the bar now even though it was a ways from closing. As I was just finishing up my drink the two cable guys came up and sat on each side of me. I could hardly gulp the last couple of drops of my drink down with the lump that formed in my throat and the thoughts that flashed through my mind of the other day. They both reached out and put a hand on each of my legs and slowly rubbed their way up to my crotch and then one hand was feeling my balls and the other stroked my cock through my pants. I was immediately hard and almost came in my pants. The first cable guy leaned over and said his bud told him I had sucked him in the restroom and wanted to know if he could get a little head from me too. I could only look at him and nod my head. He said follow us then and I got up and just followed them out like they had a rope on me. They went out and then around to the side of the bar to a stairway going up. The second guy told me they had an apartment right up over the bar and we could do what we wanted to there. I went up the stairs and into their apartment meekly and could not for the life of me say why. It was just a little apartment with a livingroom, kitchen, bathroom and two bedrooms. They led me into the bedroom and one of them started to kiss me and both were taking my and their clothes off as they traded kissing me back and forth between them. As they kissed me they were running their hands all over my body and rubbing my ass and cock. I couldn't help myself it felt so good and so right. Soon the first guy pulled me over to the bed and laid down on it and pulled my head down towards his cock. I found myself crawling up between his legs and soon his cock was deep in my throat and I was sucking him like my life depended on it. As I was doing this the other guy got behind me and soon I felt his mouth and tongue on my ass as he started to work on my hole. I almost jumped to the ceiling when he started that it was so sensitive. My ass and cock were both just almost jumping of their own accord from the sensations he was causing again and soon he was running a finger in and out of my hole while his tongue licked me and he wet my hole with his spit slicking it up. It didn't take long before I could tell he had me opened up more and then two and then three fingers were in my hole again and I was absolutely bouncing and could not hold still. The cable guy I was sucking was hard as nails and moaning and telling me how good it felt. I was sucking and licking and then would lick my way down to his balls and lick and suck them also. As I started to lick my way down to his balls a second time the guy behind me started to rotate his fingers back and forth in my hole more and then I could tell that is felt different again and then it dawned on me that he now had all four of his fingers buried in my ass and was driving me wild with the pressure on my prostrate. He leaned over me as I was sucking on his buddies balls and told me he was going to get his thumb in my too before he fucked me. I gasped at that but didn't move away and came back to the cock and sucked the entire length of it into my mouth and down into my throat as I felt him put his thumb against my hole and push. It was too much and hurt like hell but with a cock buried in my throat and him behind me I couldn't move nor make more than a gasping noise and then I felt his thumb enter me and his fingers probe further than they ever had before. He said omg I bet if I had more lube I would have my whole hand in there. That is such a tight feeling I can't wait to fuck you again. With that he pulled his hand back and I was empty again and found that it was almost unbearable. I needed my hole filled. It was only a few second though and he drove his cock into me, the entire length in one stroke, making me gasp around the cock in my mouth again. He immediately started to pound my hole hard and fast. He leaned over me again and told me that I should have seen my hole when he pulled his hand away, it must have torn it some when he drove that much in me and was bleeding again and he wanted to cum in me while it was there and make sure that my meds could not help. I couldn't move again when he said that but the feeling in my ass made me suck all the harder and then the first guy said I am going to cum and grabbed my head so I couldn't pull back and started to unload in my mouth. As I got the taste of the first cum other than my own my cock erupted too and the load from it was so intense it hit me in the chin. My ass tightened up from my orgasm and the guy in my ass yelled here it cums as he unloaded his toxic cum deep in my ass and shoved into me as hard and deep as he could. We rested for a bit after that and then they traded places and did me again and with almost the same result as before. I now realized that I liked the taste of cum now too but the best was having my ass fucked raw and filled with their hvl cum. We traded around most of the night then and I ended up with 3 loads from each of them in my ass this time. When I finally was able to stagger into my home, I went to my hiding place and grabbed my meds and dumped them down the toilet. I decided that it was way too much fun getting fucked to worry about that again. About 3 weeks later and after meeting up with the cable guys a few more times, I came down with a terrible case of what seemed like the flu. A trip to the doctor showed I was now positive and another test about two more months later confirmed it. Now, I just wonder how I can break it to my wife and then I also wonder if I should tell her and maybe one time she will break down and let me fuck her again? Who knows what will happen now.
    3 points
  8. Cable part III As the cable guy stood up, I could only lay there wondering what the hell had I just done. Had never done anything with a guy before nor even thought about doing anything and now I had sucked a cock and been fucked and found out the guy was hiv positive on top of that. I was totally dumbfounded and had no idea what to do now. The cable guy meanwhile was getting dressed and then asked if I had liked what we had done. I really didn't know what to answer but told him it had felt pretty good but what should I do now? Do about what is all he wanted to know. Just enjoy and if you like I can send my buddy down and let him show you more if you want. I kind of looked at him like he was crazy but then he layed down beside me again and his hand went to my hole and rubbed it and I about jumped off the bed with the feelings that caused. I couldn't believe my ass still felt tingly and actually my thoughts were it needed more. He said you have my poz load in you now and it sure feels like you want more of that, so why not? I could only lay there and moan in pleasure as he rubbed my hole. I couldn't believe I wanted any more of that but couldn't bring myself to say it. He told me he was going upstairs now but to just stay right there and he would send his bud down now. I could only lay there and squirm as my hole was actually wanting more attention. When he went, I found myself reaching down and touching my hole and then even stuck my own finger in a bit. I kind of stirred it around in the sloppy hole I now had and then brought my finger up and looked at it up close. It was covered in white cum but had a tinge of pink to it. I wondered and put my finger back down and into me again and actually put two in together and then looked again. I had a nice big glob of cum on them now and it definitely had what looked like a bit of red to it. I thought, damn he did scrape me some. Mesmerized by it I found myself bringing my fingers up more and then licking them a little and then just stuck my fingers in my mouth and tasted the cum and cleaned them off. It wasn't bad tasting I thought. I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs but they sounded like a bigger person so was sure they weren't my wife's feet making the noise. The other cable guy entered the room then. He told me he liked what he could see and that his partner had told him I was ready for some more. As he was saying that he was pulling off his shorts and wow, another nice looking big cock flew out. It looked to be as big as the other guys. He saw me staring and told me that yep it was like the other one's and some of their friends called them the twins as they a were almost identical cocks. He moved to the side of the bed and leaned over me and I took his cock in my mouth. The second cock ever and I found I was loving the taste of them. I sucked and then licked the length of it and then licked his balls too and then sucked it again. Must have been doing reasonable anyway as he got really hard quickly and was moaning his pleasure too. After a few minutes of this he pulled out of me and moved to the end of the bed. He reached out and spread my legs and told me that was a great view of cum leaking out of my ass. I told him he better hurry as I was worrying about my wife and he said not to worry as they had her helping run the cables while they hooked up connectors and she would be busy for at least another 20 minutes to a half hour. He then lifted my legs up and dove into my ass with his mouth and had his tongue in my fast. I about jumped through the ceiling if felt so good. He was eating my ass and I was loving every second of it. After a few minutes of that he started working his way up me like his bud had done earlier. First to my balls and then to my cock, sucking the whole thing down his throat. I could hardly believe I was that hard again so soon after cumming twice already. He then moved up and sucked my nipples and then up to my neck and then planted a kiss on me as he rammed what felt like three fingers into my hole. I yelped a little but it was muffled by our mouths together and his tongue driving into mine. As he broke off the kiss, he told me how nice my hole felt on his fingers and that he bet it was going to feel great around his cock too. I asked him if he knew his partner had HIV and he smiled and told me that he definitely knew that. As he replaced his fingers in my hole with his cock he reached up and pulled his tshirt off too. I immediately looked to see if he had any tats and sure enough he had one. It was just above his cock and about 3" around and it was the biohaz one. He made sure I was looking and then immediately started to ram his cock into me. Deep, hard and fast strokes as he leaned down to my mouth again and told me, see I knew about my bud as I am the one that pozzed him and I am too. I couldn't move again for a bit. As my mouth dropped open he clamped his lips to mine and I just let him ravage my mouth with his tongue. His pounding of my ass just seemed to increase in intensity and I could not stop it as if felt too good. My mind was racing though with thoughts of what the hell am I doing conflicting with wanting it to never stop. He started to grab my legs then and lifted them high up and tipped me almost upside down and then really went to pile driving my ass. I could only moan and whimper with the pleasure it was causing in my hole and my cock was rock hard again too. He kept it up for quite some time it seemed and then I felt it again. My cock was spurting again and with the position we were in it was directly above my mouth and I opened wide and swallowed every drop of my own cum. As I was cumming he told me he could feel my ass twitching around his cock and I better get ready. With that he rammed as hard as he could one more time as deep as he could and told me he was cumming. I could actually feel his cock pumping his toxic cum into my torn up hole and my own cock was tingling again but was spent this time. As we calmed down from it he lowered me down and then as his cock got limp and slipped out of me he moved to lay down beside me and took me in his arms. He held me for a bit and told me how great it felt and hoped I had liked it too. He then told me that the two of them were always on the lookout for nice guys like me with neg holes to convert and I would probably. He got up some and looked and told me he could see cum leaking out of my hole some and reached down and pushed it back in telling me it should just stay in there and do its job. He showed me his finger then and I was started as it had some definite red on it. He said there was some bleeding and their bugs were already probably in me and going to town. He then got up and started to get dressed. I couldn't think of anything else to do so I did too. As we both went upstairs then he said that sometimes the cable acted up and if it did to call and they would come back and check it and me out if I wanted. I am thinking it may act up somehow.
    3 points
  9. So I'm 19 and new to barebacking scene. When I met a guy and he was going to whore me out. When we met at the hotel I was nervous I'd only been fucked by two guys in the same night. He's was fit in his 40s with dark hair. First thing he had me put on a blind fold and mouth gag. He bend me over the bed and fucked me first, my tight hole was sore by the time he came deep inside me, he went to answer the door and I heard several guys come in. The plan had been for all 6 of the strangers to come over time but they all showed up at once. I could feel a crowd of hands rubbing my body and on my ass. Telling me how cute of a little boy I was. He poz, one of of the guys asked the guy I'd met. Not yet he told him. They were all so excited. "Well boy you think you'd be up for a gangbang" I just shook my head up and down. They took the gag out of my mouth and left the blind fold on. Then a cock slide in my mouth fucking my face fast then one went up my ass using the first guys cum as lube. Others guys grading me and having me use my hands to jack then off. I had went from a good boy to a total slut in no time. It didn't take long for this second guy to cum, he moaned so load and I had no clue what he might be breeding me with. My ass wasn't stretched yet but bright red. After 45minutes of switching and fucking my face and ass the last guy was in my slutty sloppy red teen ass. As his sweaty ball sounded away at my ass. He let out a moan and shot jizz deep in my soaked ass. All the guys left but the organizer he took my blind fold off and told me I took it like a champ cum was dripping from my ass the whole way home.
    2 points
  10. Its been almost two weeks since all my antics at the underbear party. you can read the details of the night in my other blog. It was a such a great night and in the week after I've been chatting to most the guys that I'd taken loads from on BBRT. Some of them confirming there viral load status and wanting to be informed if I'd gotten sick. I'd had many thoughts about the night and i do feel blessed if i finally start sero converting from one of the many loads i'd taken. Well as it reached day eleven. i just couldn't drag myself from bed on Tuesday morning this week. I'd been waking most the night with a cold dampening sweat. my bed soaked. and when i did get up i had a dulling headache and upset stomach. As i got to the bathroom i realized i was fatigued and out of breath. and i was again sweating profusely. My stomach was turning badly and i felt i was going to explode i could feel the acrid build up in my throat as if i was going to vomit as well. Sitting down on the toilet i started to pee when my stomach passed a liquid mess. my god i almost died. the smell of it was horrendous. and it made me ill to the point i knew i was going to hurl as well. i made a very quick wipe to clean my hole and flushed. the smell was terrible in the toilet. and as i gagged the vomit came up. putting my head in the bowl i must of thrown up some ten to fourteen times. the final efforts didn't really bring anything up but the foulness of bile in my stomach which i spat into the toilet. i went to the sink and washed my mouth with the cold water. and turned back to the toilet. again my stomach turned as i saw the toilet bowl and as i sat again another round of liquid mess came out. the smell not so bad. i cleaned and flushed the toilet twice. sprayed the air with some room deodorizer and went and had a shower. the cold shower was great and i dried off. i was back lying on my still soaked bed when i called work saying i wasn't coming in. laying there i nodded off again and around midday i awoke to my stomach pain. it was intense sharp and stabbing and again i felt nauseated. i tossed and turned to try and get comfortable. but it only made things worse. in the fetal position i finally had some comfort. and i went back to sleep. it was four before i got up again and as i went to the bathroom for the second time my body was burning up and i had a terrible cold sweat. i had a very quick shower to refresh myself before the housemate got home. done and sitting in the lounge with a large glass of water. the third id had since the shower. my body was dripping with sweat. the lounge i was in was soaked. i soon got some food ready to put on for dinner. but preparing it made me feel ill. and again i raced back to the toilet to vomit. done and dusted i cooked dinner for the housemate and myself and as i looked at dinner i decided i couldn't eat. and soon i was in bed. the night wasn't the best. i hadn't slept and again i was soaking the bed with cold sweat i was having. it was now Wednesday morning and i had very little energy. i was tired and confused and well called my boss straight away saying i wouldn't be in again. i got up at ten and had a shower and called my doctors to see if i could get in. he wouldn't be able to see me till Thursday. so i made it for the earliest possible time. i had a shower and got refreshed. got a fan out and went to the lounge where i put the tv on slept for the day. about four in the afternoon. after having had some fluids to drink. i tried to eat something a bit of the dinner id cooked the night before. it tasted great but didn't last long. i was running to the toilet to vomit again. and resigned myself to having a few dry biscuits. before i went to bed. As i lay in bed on Wednesday night i wondered if its just a bug. or if this was the big sero conversion. id been hoping for. As i couldn't sleep i thought id message the guys on BBRT. to tell them i was feeling indeed crook and very sick over the last two days. I got a reply from the only one that was online. and he asked how i was feeling. i couldn't lie i felt like id been hit and run over my body had now started to ache and as the cold sweat dripped down onto my bed i realized how soaked my bed sheets were. i told him how i was and what how id been feeling over the last two days. he replied back sounds like you've got it good. your most certainly sero converting.was his remarks. then i got another message. got to give it to you for sure you free tomorrow. I replied saying i was seeing the doctor in the morning and would be free about eleven. we made a time and i looked forward to the poz injection. Thursday came and i was up at the doctors surgery. waiting for my appointment when i saw another cub that had been at the underbear party. he looked just as ill and sick as i was and as i got called in into the doctor i saw him on his phone messaging on BBRT. dealing with the doctor going through everything and rudimentary checks he found my blood pressure was high and decided i should have some blood tests taken. he prescribed some medicine for the high blood pressure as well as medicine for the vomiting and again i waited this time for the pathology nurse to take the bloods for what the doctor had asked to be tested for. i looked at the paperwork and understood most but was grateful to see nothing on there for HIV. Done with the nurse i realized what the time was and i'd have to race home to meet the guy that was coming round to give me another healthy dose of the bug. As i pulled up into the garage and got out i found the guy was walking up the drive way. "i hope you don't mind me been early" he said. as i got to him i said "not at all" "was hoping it wasn't going to take so long so i could get ready when i got back" As we made our way into the apartment he gave an approving nod and smile. "thanks for messaging me last night" he said. "i really did enjoy breeding you at the underbear party" he continued. i was glad he was here. i hadnt had a cock in five days and was really needing to be fucked. i told him "to make himself comfortable" and showed him where to get a glass from and let him know what he could have to drink and have. even showed him outdoors where he could have a smoke or just relaxe till i was done refreshing. i quickly went to the bathroom. washed my very empty stomach clean and had a brief shower. i just wrapped the towel around my waist before i went to find my guest. as it would be coming off soon. i found him out the back and he had a drink waiting for me. as i got to him he asked "is it okay to have joint" to which i said yeah it was okay. he pulled out a bag from his pants and proceeded to get one very long blunt out. "do you want to have some with me" and my mind went it probably make you throw up. but i said instead "yeah sure let me just get my smokes". so i ducked in and grabbed them of the counter. sitting as he lite the joint i took a swig of the ginger ale drink on the out door patio. he had a couple of puffs before handing it over and as he did i realized he truly had gotten comfortable. he was undressed apart from his underwear. as i had my tokes of the joint and handed it back we started to chat about various things of the underbear party. and then it got serious. "How long have you actually been wanting to get pozzed up for" he asked handing me the joint again. having another puff i replied "been wanting it for the last six years" "but it was only really a year and bit ago that i finally really accepted that its what i want". my answer must have been enough he grabbed his crotch. "we should finish that joint and then get to work" he said to me. i heartily agreed having another toke and passed it back. At the end of the joint we had swigs of our drinks and then both had a smoke as our conversation continued. soon i was buzz and all i could think of was getting his cock out and having fun. i put my smoke out and stood. my towel dropped from my waist. as i moved from my position to closer to him i said "shall we start" and with that he stood. i lead him to my room. and said "look its a bit of mess but i think you wont mind when you see whats out". We got into my room and he went "oink" "is a pig and lives like a pig" and with a grab on my shoulder had me turned around and down before his cock. his cock was been held back by the restraint of the underwear. Looking up at the guy before me he was pretty solid in build round solid stomach. shaved head big round face square chin. no beard. his body coated in fur front and back. as i pulled down his jocks to get at his cock the first thing i saw was the big bio hazard tattoo under his pubes. as the jocks slipped down to his ankles his cock was my next thing of attention. it was the meaty uncut cock i had. hard it was about eight inches and it was thick in girth. i quickly had my mouth round it tasting it and remembering it from the party. my mouth went back and forward. id choke on and bite down on it. as i came off to get a breath there was a big droplet of precum coming from the eye of the cock. i put my tongue to it and pulled away stretching the precum out. "That's enough of that" he commanded "i think its time you have your hole worked on before i breed you" "now lets see what there is to play with" and with that i got on the bed and watched as he went to my sex toy and the bag i usually had them in. "mmmm i think i found a winner" he said "do you have a blindfold" he asked. I replied it should be in the side of the bag if not there is the red fisting hanky that could be used. he couldn't find the mask instead he masked me with the hanky. tying it so it would be tight. he guided my ass to where he wanted it position and as i got there i was handed the bottle of amyl i had on the floor. i took a few hits and as he rubbed some lube across my ass and pushed some in my hole i could only think of what he was going to use. "your such a well prepared pig you know what turns us poz guys on don't you" he said. with that i said "ugh huh" "you've found the toilet brush haven"t you". "Yeah" he replied followed by "this is the perfect toy for a pig like you" more lube got spread across my ass and i heard the bottle been squeezed again. knowing it was been squeezed onto the bristles of the brush. "Can't wait to see this up your cunt pig" he said. i took a huge inhale of amyl. my world going red i bent slightly forward and pushed my ass back. "yeah scrub my cunt" "tear it open so your viral seed has the perfect place to go" i said. and with that the brush was pushed up against my lubed hole. "im going to fucking enjoy this" i heard as the brush started to be pushed harder against my hole. taking more amyl.hits my ass started to open and as the brushes bristles started to find there way in my hole the familiar scratching inside my gut started. the more he pushed the brush in the more i was on the amyl. "thats it pig its almost in now" "relaxe" he said. i was feeling recharged a new energy took over. with another huge snorting of amyl. i pushed back on the brush and with him pushing it forward it slid in. a 360 turning sensation took over as he pushed in more of the brush. "Good fucking pig" "not even a yelp" he said and with that i had his huge free hand come smacking down on my ass. which made me push back harder on the brush inside me sailing it further into my innards. "you fuckin love that dont you pig" he shouted at me. to which i cried "yes". he now pulled on the toilet brush that was up my cunt pulling it back before smacking my ass again and having it go further up me. occasionally twisting. it went on for five minutes. "fuck pig" "this has me hard".he said. with that all movement stopped on the scrubber in my cunt. "your a fucked up pig" he said. i murmured "ugh huh" as my mole puckered on the thin shaft of the brush deep in my hole. i felt lube on my hole been worked into it and over the brush handle up it. "you want some cock now pig" he said. to witch i replied "fuck yeah load my hole" "im going in" he said and as he pushed his thick hard cock in my hole i felt a sting of the cuts inside me "thats it pig" "im going to scrub my cock raw in your hole, load you up with toxic juices and blood" and with one mighty push his cock sailed in against the brush. my hole shuddered with excitement and i let out a piggy grunt. "fuck yeah" i cried and as took more snorts of the amyl. i relaxed and enjoyed the newest joy. "Damn" came from above me. soon followed by his body on top as he started to pound my torn hole. "fucking always wanted to do this to pig" he said in my ear. as his pounding continued the scrubbing of my hole truly began. sliding in with his thrusts and coming out as he pulled back i couldnt help myself any longer on the joy i was feeling. a deep and sinister calling came out from me. "fuck yeah" "oh hallowed priapus lord of cock, take my servitude and raping. bless the hallowed poz seed i take and make me one with you" i said aloud. i felt a new strength as i took the pain inside. "Thats it pig" "you need to be in our club" "fuck that brush is ripping my cock open" "your getting my toxic blood also" "damn it feels good".he cried into my ear as he pounded away. i took another snort of amyl and the brush in me moved deeper. his cock also moved deeper into my second sphincter. Handing him the amyl he took a good long inhale momentarily impaling himself in me. before he went back to scrubbing me with cock and brush. id clasped down around his cock head and brush and in a few thrusts he let out a might cry "Fuck yeah pig" as i felt the splattering of his toxic load. he soon was spent and as his blooded torn cock came from my hole. a feeling of relief came from me. with the scrubber still in my hole i turned and cleaned his cock. it tasted good with seed blood and ass juices over it. he soon had his strength back and said "okay pig lets finish scrubbing your gut". i got back into my original place. and felt him grab on the toilet brush up my hole. he worked it hard for a few minutes back and forward before i cried out. "you need a break pig" he asked and i replied "hell yes" "okay lets get this scrubber out of your pig" and with that he started pulling and twisting the toilet brush out of my hole. as soon as the brush came out i let out a gasp. no longer filled by the roughness i had endured. he got me up and said "lets get a drink and have a smoke before you have another round". we went to the kitchen got some ice and drinks. talking again he said "thats the most fucked up fun he ever had" i had to agree and said "that i usually only scrubbed my hole once it was loaded with cum" we continued to talk and discussed life been poz and how much we both just enjoyed the fun we had. i was rubbing his hard cock with my foot as we sat and smoked and drank looking at my phone for the time i said "well thats been fun two hours" "do you want to continue". he looked at me and said "i cleared my day to breed you for as long as you like". i got up and kneeled before him grabbing his raw cock. looking at him and smirked with devilish pride "you want that cock again in you dont you" he said as i started to sucking his throbbing cock again. i could see that the toilet brush had pierced his foreskin with the bristles. "yeah" "i fucking want it" "i want to know for sure im poz" "will you breed me till i next get tested" i said. he looked down at me and gave me a nod of yes as i went back to sucking his cock. he grabbed the bag on the table and proceeded to lite the second joint. taking a few puffs he blew the joints smoke down onto bobbing head on his hardening cock "i think you need more of this" he said. as i got up and sat he handed me the joint and as i had a puff he got in front of me and started sucking my now hard cock. "your going to have a great poz death stick" he said as he got up and sat. we soon finished the joint and came back to my room. "no more hiding behind the blindfold" i said "i want to see you fuck me with that demon cock and brush again" so i positioned myself on the floor in front of the mirrors to my cupboard. "fuck yeah pig" "watch your holes destruction" came from Marcus's mouth. with that i took the amyl and watched as he again lubed my hole and the bloody brush. it didn't take much effort as my hole puckered out and swallowed the brush. Marcus pushed the final part and as before smacked my ass leaving a big hand print i could see. the brush sailed right in again. with out even hesitation Marcus lined up his cock and shoved it in my hole again. "fuck its so moist now" "you ready pig" Marcus said. "yeah" "give it to me" i said and with that Marcus started his thrusting. i felt the familiar movements inside my gut again and this time it felt better than before. "make me a proud poz pig" i shouted as Marcus slammed into me. watching in the mirror taking hits of amyl i watched Marcus lusting as he enjoyed his devastation. tired of the position Marcus pulled out and had me lie on my back. as he now crouched above his hard cock above. he gave a shove. his cock head slipped in and a new feeling swamped my body as the cock and brush attacked me from new angels. my thoughts moved away from watching in the mirror as i now focused on Marcus body and his cock. taking a hit of amyl again and again. i drifted into enjoyment. "Fuck yeah" "breed me with demon seed" "show me how real poz pigs play" i said. Marcus now looked like a beast possed. his thrusting of my hole was sending new joys up my spine. i was breathing heavy and as i had more amyl. i shut my eyelids still focused on Marcus. From within my shut eyelids a red haze took over me. Seeing Marcus as a heavy red figure torturing my soul. i couldn't help my joy. "fuck pig" "im going to blast you good this time" Marcus said as my eyes opened and i looked at him.feeling his cock slamming into the scrubber up my hole.i took more amyl and handed it to Marcus this time his pounding continued as he slammed my hole taking snorts of the amyl. the brush moved deeper in me and so did Marcus's thick uncut raw cock. handing back the amyl i took my strongest sorts of amyl. and let nature take over. soon i was muttering "fucking breed my cunt" "breed me like a poz pig should be" "give me your toxic demonic seed". it was enough Marcus face went red and the sweat dripping from him. he drove forth in me. the toilet brush moved deeper as Marcus slammed in and shot his load. he shook and groaned loudly like a beast before marcus said "Fuck take my filthy viral load cunt" with another thrust forward with his cock. "thats my entire nuts im emptying in you pig" "damn im nearly done" and another shudder and thrust forward. with that marcus collapsed onto me and we embraced face to face. two sweating bodies. i wrapped my arms around him and went for the kill. kissing him and he returning it with the same ambition. "Fuck pig you truly do know how to please" Marcus said. as Marcus cock slipped from my hole and in the embrace we had we rolled onto our sides and kissed again. the brush still up my hole Marcus said "think that brush needs to come out now" and with that he moved and i got back on my fours to allow him to work the brush and seed. looking in the mirror there was only about six inches pf the brushes shaft to grab. at first it didn't want to budge. but having a hit and using my ass muscles to push it moved and with Marcus pulling it soon moved a distance. Marcus then pushed and pulled the brush for about a minute on my hole. when i couldn't take it. my cock aching from its hard throbbing i let out a scream as i shot my load all over the floor. thick chunky gushes and as i did the brush came from my hole, not feeling completely done i reached for Marcus's cock. it still hard i said "go on fuck my destroyed hole" It was all it took and Marcus again shoved his cock in. "what a great poz pig your going to be boy" Marcus said. he fucked and thrust inside me. i was scooping the thick pools of cum up i had spilt and rubbing it on Marcus's cock for lube. Marcus pulled out and said "i need a break" and i had to agree. we got up and went out the back to have a drink and smoke, this time we sat side by side one hand on each other and my head leaning on his shoulder, not a word just a touch and we finished our drinks. collected everything and headed to my room, we just lay there together feeling each other and me looking into Marcus's eyes. a kiss and a strong bear hug ensued and as we rested for an hour i felt at ease. Not because i had been sick but because i finally truly recognized that the best sex was with another poz pig or with someone willing to get pozzed. our moment was broken when i got a phone call. and as i sat an answered and felt Marcus's hand rubbing my back and crack. i just wanted the call to end. as soon as i was done i turned to Marcus and kissed him with conviction. stopping briefly and looking down "breed me one final time" i asked. he looked at me and said "I'm pretty spent how about we finish this off on the weekend" "Ive got a hotel room in the city I'll come and pick you up Saturday " i felt dejected but should of been satisfied as i replied "cant wait" with that i offered Marcus to join me in the shower as we tussled in the water my energy level back i couldn't help but enjoy the moment. done and dressed i gave Marcus a kiss as he left at four. as he got to the gate and waved he shouted "i'll send you a message. so be online later" with that he left and i went back to house and felt alone again. though my housemate would be home anytime. how do i know feel. well better. i still am sick and cant keep food down, but the thought of more energized sex like that has me accepting the outcome of a poz result at my next testing.
    2 points
  11. Paul opened the door of the cabin to see a muscular guy standing there, stroking his cock. He stared down at Paul. 'You want me to fuck you boy?' Paul nodded his agreement. 'Not here', the man whispered, and he took Paul by the arm, leading him down the corridor to a set of stairs. The stairs were lined with men, most naked, all stroking their cocks. They turned to see Paul, and he was sure one of the guys nearly slipped off the step, stunned by Paul's beauty. The man pushed his way through the men, as hands reached out to touch Paul. They fondled his ass, ran their hands down his back, his stomach and arms. As they neared the top, someone shouted: 'Wait! Please!' Paul wheeled around to see an skinny man standing in front of him. 'Ahhh... ahhhhhhh... AHHHHHHHHHHH!' The man's cock erupted with a thick shot of cum. It hit Paul's stomach with a splat. Paul looked down to see a thick, creamy load running down his stomach. The man tried to grab Paul as the young guy's cock was rapidly hardening. 'Hey!' the muscular man shouted, pushing the skinny man back. 'He's mine'. 'Please come with me!' The skinny man shouted. 'I don't have long left, I need to pass it on before I go! Please!' Paul didn't know what to do, but the muscular man pulled his arm harded. Paul looked back, as the skinny man stared at him malevolently. They arrived at a doorway, and as the muscular man opened the door, Paul saw a quite comfortable bedroom. A large window on one wall betrayed the morning sunlight. The clock said 7am. 'Wow', Paul thought. Paul suddenly noticed another muscular man sat in the corner, stroking himself. Paul was rock hard. The two men kissed each other. 'This is our private suite. For regulars only'. Paul nodded. 'Get on the bed you fucking slut!' Paul did as he was told, crawling onto the bed on all fours. The two men signed audibly as they saw Paul's spectacular fuckhole in front of them. The first man wasted no time. He roughly shoved three fingers into Paul's cunt. Paul yelped, jumping up slightly. The man pushed him back down, as he slid his huge bull cock into Paul's hole. Paul felt his asshole pop as the man's huge mushroom head invaded his ass. 'Oh yeah... fuck me... FUCK ME PLEASE!' Paul rocked back against the huge cock, as it pounded his g-spot over and over. Paul could feel the man's precum running down his legs. 'FUCK ME!' The second man shoved his massive cock into Paul's mouth, grabbing the back of his head as he did. Paul sucked for his life, as the man moaned louder and louder. 'My turn!' the man shouted to his partner, and they swapped places. Paul let out another yelp as his asshole yawned open for this new cock. The men were screaming in ecstasy as Paul jerked his twink cock. 'FUCK ME!' The men were getting close, Paul could tell. 'You ready for a double load slut?' Paul couldn't get his words out he was so turned on. He nodded voraciously. The two men positioned themselves over Paul's wide open hole. 'Ahhhh....' ... 'Awww yeah...' ... 'Here it comes slut! You ready? Here it ccomes!' Paul shot a huge load in unison with the men, who flooded his gaping hole with two thick, creamy loads. Paul screamed as he felt both cocks jam into his inviting hole. The men worked their loads into the twinks guts, the double penetration causing Paul to tear up. 'Please, slow down'. The two men took their cocks out, and Paul's hole exploded with a mix of blood, and thick creamy cum. The two men kissed as Paul recovered himself. He looked over at the two men. 'Get the fuck out slut. GET OUT! GET OUT!' Paul jumped up, grabbing his towel and making for the door. He slammed it shut behind him. He began to wipe the cum away, but noticed the blood on the towel. 'Wow, they fucked me hard', he thought. He still wasn't sure what their biohazard tattoos were about. He suddenly realised he wasn't alone. He looked up to see the skinny man from before, on his knees on the floor, with his cock inside a similarly skinny man. The skinny man noticed Paul, immediately pulling his cock out of the other man and standing up. Paul stared at him, turned on by the man's obvious attraction to him. 'Come with me', the man said.
    2 points
  12. Oscar replaced Richard and his fingering was scratching my hole to make it bleed. Richard brought the cup of cum and ass juice and told me to drink up. As nasty as it looked before the slam I swallowed it all and licked the cup. Next Richard soaked a jockstrap with poppers and held it to me face and as I flew Oscar ripped me open. ----------------------------------- Sometime later I was able to focus and remember a guy no older than me who was fucking me. He looked like a frat or jock college guy. I was amazed how fit and young he was and thought only older guys wanted whore boys. He wasn't white nor black but he was so hot and good looking, sort of a young Derek Jeter and his eyes were beautiful. "I can't believe your ass is still tight after Oscar pounded you. Do you like when they hurt you?" "I want to make them happy and if a man enjoys hurting me then I want them to hurt me. But I don't want to get really hurt. What do you like?" "As long as I can fuck a tight hole and shoot my cum in that hole I'm happy and since I already came once in your ass I plan to fuck you for a while more and then shoot it you again." "Your slow but long and deep fucking feels so good. I could enjoy this all night" "My name is Drew and I know your Tommy. You don't remember me do you?" "Sorry I keep drifting when they slam me." "I don't mean from tonight but from school. We never actually met but you were friends with the guy in the next dorm room from me, Anthony" "Yes I remember you now. I can't believe your here and your fucking me." "Anthony didn't think you were gay. I can't wait to tell him. He always wanted your ass" "So you know why friend George?" "Everyone knows George." "I'm staying with him for the next couple of weeks if you want to try to get together and bring Anthony." "Oh yeah, you're a real whore now. You want Anthony to cream your hole too?" "I dreamed many times that he got in my room and fucked me while I was passed out. And I hope to find a friend or two from my past." "Anthony would love to get together then we can put sleeping pills in your drink and when you pass out both of us will take turns on your ass" All of a sudden I started to feel something and realized it was the same as when Big John had fucked me and that I was going to cum soon. I told Drew and he stopped fucking to make sure I didn't cum. A few moments later he started again but went faster and told me he was going to breed me again. I begged him to breed me and he held me tight as his cum shot in me. Drew told me he'd call Anthony and then get in touch with George soon and he walked away. A guy who fucked me early came over and said, "I told you I'd be back." I remembered he came really fast and spit in my mouth and liked my locked cock. He asked where George or Richard were as Richard walked up behind him and startled the guy. I couldn't hear what they said but I saw Richard pull a key out of his pocket and hand it to the guy. The guy then turned to me and told me how he liked boys in chastity and asked if it was just for tonight or did I want to stay locked and I said it was my first time but I liked it and wanted to stay locked. He then pulled out a smaller chastity cage and told me if I wanted to be locked I should be in the smallest cage that fits and he started to remove the one I was wearing and then squeezed the smaller one on me. My cock looked smaller than Bobby's! I thanked him and after giving the key back to Richard told me to remember that I wanted it later. Richard gave me another drink and then slammed me again and I don't remember anything else until I woke up the next day.
    2 points
  13. Cable part IV Well, now the cable is installed and wife off to work and I am sitting here with two poz loads of cum in my ass and wondering what the hell had I done and why. Had never even thought about doing anything with a guy and now had let both of the cable guys fuck me. I had even sucked both their cocks and gave absolutely no protest when they did me at all. Then finding out that the first one was HIV positive and was freaked out by it and then still let his bud come do me and he was poz also. Now what the hell to do. Can feel my ass and the back of my pants are damp with their cum that has leaked out of me and saw what appeared to be blood mixed with it. Freaking out some and yet my cock is telling me how nice it liked it and my ass loved the way it was filled and pounded. I get up and take my pants off and can see they are wet from the leaking cum. Man, they must have both cum a ton in me and as I look closer I can see a trace of red in my pants too. I take them to the bathroom and rinse them off, Can't have blood drying there, be damn hard to explain that one. LOL I get a towel and go sit down on the couch again to watch my new cable. Place the towel under my ass and turn on the tv. Can't concentrate on anything on there. I start to finger my hole some while just leaning back, My ass is still tingling terribly from its use of earlier. I can feel the cum still trying to leak out and soon have my finger buried as far up me as I can and find it is not enough. I pull it out and takes only a short time and I have three fingers in me as deep as I can and just wiggling them around. My cock gets hard again. Damn, cum three times in about an hour and now only about an hour more later and it is rising hard as a rock again. As I keep playing with my ass I use my other hand to stroke my cock which is now like an iron bar as I think back on what those two cable guys had done to me. My fingers are hitting my prostrate and driving me wild and it only takes a few minutes and I am cumming again. The idea of those two big cocks ramming my ass and my fingers now twisting and turning in me and I blow another big load all over my stomach clear onto my chest. WOW Damn I am so horned up and hot for more it seems. Been about 24 hours almost now. Barely slept last night as my ass would not let me sleep with the tingling all the time since I had let two cable guys I had never known before fuck me and fill me with their poz cum. WOW, damn hot time and something I never would have thought about before then either. Still cannot believe I did that and have been looking up HIV on my computer to see what it is like or what to do. My search results tell me I can get PEP and probably not catch HIV. Now, can I afford it or even want it or what to do. I guess I have a couple of days at most to decide. Even now after a day is gone all I can think about is how great those cocks felt pounding away in my hole. Never thought about gay play before but now I have decision to make about a couple of things. Do I go get the PEP and hope it does work and stops the infection or let it go and if I do take it do I want more cock in me. Felt so amazing that now I am wondering, since my wife no longer lets me have sex, if I should go ahead and do some more gay sex or not. My mind is racing and not really sure what to do right now. Got to quit touching my ass with my own hand and maybe I could think straight and know what to do.
    2 points
  14. I learned my lesson about engaging in fantasy play with someone you don't really know. Boy did I learn it-- the hard way! Lke most slutty bottoms, I always had a rape fantasy. The details often varied but it always involved me not really seeing the guy's face ever and being "force fucked." Well, I started chatting with a Dom Top on gay.com (back in the day) and confessed this fantasy in one of our conversations. "I can make this happen," he told me. Instantly I boned up, but was also very nervous. I was still a semi-novice bottom at this point and not the full-fledged cum whore I am today. After much more conversation, he convinced me to come over that Saturday evening. I showed up at the door at the appointed time, even 'though I strongly debated chickening-out. Of course. Now I sorta wish I had, but hindsight is always 20/20. I knocked and heard him say "Come in." The motel room was dark, except for the glow of the ember on his cigarette. "You know what to do." I did know because we discussed how things would begin. I was to strip down to my underwear, and put on the hood that would be waiting on the bed. This way I wouldn't see any faces. I did as I was told and sat on the bare mattress. "Good. Now, are you sure you want to be raped tonight boy?" he asked. "I think so, sir." "I'll take the boner in your underwear as a 'yes'. Okay, so this is going to be intense so I'm giving you a "safe word" to use if you feel things are too much beyond what you can handle. The word is 'firetruck'. Got it?" "Yes sir. Firetruck." "Good boy. Now we're going to begin. Roll over on your stomach and lay on the bed." I did as I was told and waited. I heard him rummaging around in a bag and then come back to the bed. I then felt him start to fasten leather cuffs to my wrists. "Um... What's happening? I don't remember any talk about bondage," I asked. "You want a rape scene, boy. For that you need to be restrained. Feeling helpless. Otherwise it's just another fuck." His explanation sounded logical so I went with it. The next thing I knew he was clipping my wrists to restraints at either side of the top of the mattress. He similarly bound my ankles, so after about five minutes I found myself hooded and tied spread eagle on a bare motel mattress. Then he made a call. "Yeah, the stupid fucker actually showed up... Yup, he's all tied up 'n' ready for it. Oh, you're gonna like it. Sweet bubble butt to plow. Oh yeah, bring him too, but he has to go last. I don't want him wrecking that cunt too much before I get in there. Okay. See you soon." Then he hung-up. The room was silent. "Um... We didn't talk about their being others involved either," I said, feeling a bit of panic start to creep up inside. "If you're gonna get raped, might as well be gang raped" he nonchalantly remarked. More silence. My anxiety slowly built-up. All I could hear were the slow drags off of his cigarette and then the noisy exhalation of the smoke. Then he got up and went to the bathroom sink and filled a glass. He came back to the bed and put the glass to my lips. "Here, drink this. You're gonna need it." "What is it?" I asked nervously. "Just water... With a little GHB to relax you." "Firetruck! I don't want to do any drugs." "Suit yourself, but when the boys get here, you are really gonna wish you had listened to me. Besides, I'm not trying to knock you out. What would be the fun in raping you then? It's just enough so you can pretend that you had no control over taking three cocks in your ass." I thought about it a bit-- in for a penny, right? So I tipped my head back and opened my mouth. He fed me the water and I lay my head back down on the mattress. It wasn't long before I could feel the effect of the drug - I felt foggy and lethargic. It was also about that time I heard a car pull up outside. Before I knew it, all three men were in the room. I heard a couple beers crack open. They surrounded the bed and one of them smacked my ass. Hard. "HooWee! You weren't kiddin' about this boy's ass!" Who ever he was, he sounded like a redneck. "Can't wait to fuck it!" "Well, you can have first dibs, cuz you know I like sloppy seconds," said the top who had set-up everything. The third man in a very deep and sinister voice said, "I'm so gonna tear this boy up." He sounded like he might be black. "By the way," the first man said, "His safe word is 'firetruck'." and they all started laughing. Then I heard clothes start to hit the floor. The bed moved under me as I felt someone climb on. My rape scene was going to start very soon and I already felt like things were out of control, but the GHB had done the trick and I felt helpless to resist. The second guy remarked "Fuck I can't wait to bust my nut in this boy hole" and with that he spit violently on my asscrack a couple times, pushing one of his rough fingers into me, working some of the spit inside. He spat a couple more times on my crack, and I felt his cock humping my crack and getting spit slicked, and then positioned his cock head position at my hole. I still had enough of my faculties to mumble out, "Wait...what about a condom?" The cock at my hole paused, and the guy who arranged the rape scene leaned close by my ear. "Now, what kind of a rape would it be if we bothered with condoms?" "You guy's neg?" I asked, on the verge of freaking out. "Don't worry. John here is negative and needs to stay that way for his wife n kids. Now shut the fuck up!" With that John brutally shoved inside my hole. Even drugged up, it hurt. I was only getting fucked with a bit of spit for lube, and John wasn't small. My asshole was burning and he was just jack rabbiting away like a typical married guy. "Fuck yeah, this bitch is TIGHT!" John exclaimed with a hard slap on my ass. "And he ain't gonna get all knocked up like my stupid cunt wife!" "Well, I wouldn't be too sure about that," said the deep sinister voice. All the men in the room laughed at that, and John said, "Oh yeah, I forgot you tend to knock bitches up, Big John." "Firetruck," I mumbled. John kept on fucking me. I said "Firetruck" a bit louder this time and this brought a fresh round of laughter. "I think this cunt just asked for my load, huh guys?" John said. And suddenly he was grunting loudly and I knew he was cumming up my ass. He finished quickly and then pulled himself out of my hole. "Damn that was fine! Now bitch needs to clean my dick for me." I felt him switch around the bed to be beside my head. I kept my mouth closed tightly, but then was slapped hard across the face, stunning me. "You do as your told, boy!" the lead guy said. "And if you even THINK about trying to bite his cock, we will beat you so bad you will wish you'd never been born." I nodded, and with my cheek on fire I opened my mouth and accepted John's cock so I could suck him clean. While sucking, I felt another guy assume the position behind me. John pulled out of my mouth, and before the next cock assault could begin I said, "Firetruck!" From behind me, the lead guy said, "By now you must realize that that isn't gonna work." "But you said....." The leader laughed. "You stupid faggot! That was just so that you wouldn't put up much of a fight! What the fuck fun would it be to rape boy ass if the boy got to stop the scene? No, you wanted a rape fantasy. We're giving you rape reality." I remember thats when I started crying, which didn't deter the scene in the least as the second guy unceremoniously started fucking me. His cock was bigger than the first, but at least there was some slick wetness in my ass from John. He didn't fuck as harshly either. He lay his full weight on top of me while he slowly worked in and out of my ass. I could smell his cigarette breath as he grunted with each thrust. I started to beg him to just hurry up and finish but he just laughed. "Oh no, boy. I like to take my time. I want you to remember this fuck-- my weight on top of you. How my uncut cock feels sliding in and out of your hole. And how it feels when I dump my swimmers inside you." It felt like he fucked me for a long time, but eventually he said, "You ready for my load, boy? And just so you know, I ain't never been AIDS tested. But I mostly fuck stupid neg cunts like you so you probably ain't got nothin' to worry about." "Firetruck," I whispered. And with that I felt his cock throb inside me and knew his load was now mixing with John's. He lay on top of me for a couple minutes more, and then let his dick slide out of me slowly. "You're turn, Big John," he said. "Now clean my dick, cocksucker!". I did as I was told while feeling Big John get up behind me. "I'm gonna be nice to your pretty faggot ass and use some lube. Feels better for my dick anyhow." With that I could hear him slathering lube on his cock. He positioned himself at my hole and slowly worked his big cock head inside me. Initially I thought Big John might be a gentle fuck, but then he violently shoved all the way into my ass. I screamed in pain. Even with the lube and the drugs, it felt as if I was being sodomized by a baseball bat. I was gasping for breath, my guts and ass wracked with pain, but Big John didn't move an inch, he just kept me pinned to the mattress. Then I felt his lips by my ear. "I just want you to know, that while these other dudes are probably neg, I'm not," he whispered. "I popped Poz in prison a few years back. Yeah, a bitch I was seeing accused me of rape, even though she had been beggin' for this big dick - 'til I gave it to her too hard. Cunt had me thrown in the pen. Guess I tore up the wrong holes while inside. So now that I'm out, and already done the time, I figure I should actually do the crime." I started full-on bawling at this point, because I knew there was no way to stop what was about to happen. Big John started raping my hole, and I have never prayed so hard for unconsciousness in my life. He fucked hard an with his entire cock-- pulling all the way out and shoving all the way back in. And he was so massive that each thrust felt like he was punching through my intestines with a broom handle. My tears were soaking the mattress as snot ran out my nose and down my face, but he just kept fucking while John #1 shouted encouragement. I honestly have no idea how long it lasted, and after awhile I actually just became sort of numb to it and it was like I wasn't even in my body any more. Finally Big John said, "Aww shit, I'm gettin close!" and John #1 said, "Fuck yeah! Breed this stupid faggot's ass!" "Yeah faggot! Take my toxic DNA!" With that Big John blew his Poz fuck juice into my guts, mixing his load with the other two in me. I doubt he ever heard me say "firetruck." "So fuckin hot! I'm gonna shoot another load on this cunt just watching" said John, whereupon I felt warm jets of spunk hit my face and neck. Big John stayed inside me for a long time. Then he announced, "I gotta piss. Think I'm gonna use this faggot ass as my piss bucket." With that he proceeded to release a strong stream urine up my guts. I was completely numb when he finally got done defiling me and pulled out. I vaguely remember being fed another glass of water-- which was evidently again drugged. Within minutes I blissfully lost consciousness. When I awoke, it was nearly dawn. I was alone in the room, restraints and hood gone, naked on a bare, now piss/jizz/blood stained motel mattress with a splitting headache and a raw asshole. All my stuff was exactly where I had left it. I dressed and gingerly made my way to my car and back home. I looked online for my rapist, but his profile had already been deleted. I cried some more- mostly over my stupidity. I asked to be raped, and got exactly what I asked for - and it definitely wasn't fantasy material. And then all I could do was wait to see if I ended-up 'pregnant'.
    1 point
  15. I'll try to make this short and quick so that all of you will read it. I made a big mistake. I started talking to a hot poz guy (Ben) online; and he told me how lonely he was and that all he wanted to do was cuddle with someone. I felt sorry for him. And he was very handsome so I decided to take him up on his offer. He promised he wouldn't do anything that I didn't want to do. I still can't believe how quickly things changed. He was spooning me. And I told him he could take his underwear off since I had mine on. I couldn't believe how big his cock felt pressed against me. I felt around with my hand and grabbed at his cock through his underwear to confirm he was as big as it felt. It was massive! Well, I kinda messed up. Since I grabbed at his dick, I think he assumed that it was okay to take off his underwear. He asked if I could spit on my hand and jerk him off. I thought that seemed safe and I won't lie. I wanted to touch his dick. So, I spit on my hand and started jerking on him. God damn, he was so fucking big! I kept adding more spit because he seemed to breath heavier the wetter his dick became. "You want this?" he asked me. I didn't think he really meant it. I thought he was just teasing me and I just kinda answered it reflexively, "Fuck yeah! I want it." Next thing I know, Ben positions me on my side and I thought we were gonna start spooning again. But, then I feel his thick cock head poking around my hole. "What are you doing?!" I asked him as I started to panic. I just kinda froze. Everything happened so fast. And as his cock found his way inside me, it felt incredible. So wet and so hard! I started to realize what was happening then. HE WAS FUCKING ME! This isn't right. I can't let this happen. I try to tell him to stop. But, I can't make the words out. The internal conflict I felt was insane. I WANT THIS! said one part of me. HE NEEDS TO STOP! screamed the other part. All I could do was let out moans, though as he continued to plunge it into me. FUCK YEAH! GIVE IT TO ME! .... No wait, don't fuck me. FUCK ME !!! Finally, I was able to say "warn me before you come" and I felt proud and relieved that I started to regain control. Those feelings barely lasted for a second though. Because then he blurted out a moment later, "I'm gonna cum!" I felt an even more intense jab. And I just assumed he knew to pull out. It felt too intense though and I shot my load as he drilled in somehow deeper than before. I felt his throbbing cock and soon realized he was cumming up in me. Oh shit! Before I could say anything, he pulled out. But, it was too late. He already pumped a poz load deep inside me. :-( So .. please learn from this. Don't let this happen to you! Don't cuddle with hot poz guys. It's too hard to say no once it starts. And then once you get it, you want it again. I didn't want to kick him out of my bed. And so, I woke up to him pounding my hole again a few hours later. And I still couldn't say no. So, be careful!
    1 point
  16. This is my write up for the men's club at Berghain , called Lab.oratory. This club Berghain is a very popular dance/Rave club in the Friedrichshain area of Berlin- its at the end of the UBahn Train #1 and a 15 min from station which is pretty safe I found but any cab driver will know Berghain dance club so just ask them to take you to there to Berghain. Its about 20 Euro from center of Berlin, Schoneburg. And, the cab leaves you at the Cab line up entrance. When you get out-- just walk through the muddy path directly to the huge warehouse building. you will see some metal barriers for lining up - just go through and then cut directly to the LEFT and you'll a short bit another short right -walk through the enclosed pathway and at the end on the right at end is the entrance. A big burly German will be at door to let you in. Check the local listings or Disco Damage for the theme night. Its only open Thurs, Friday, Sat and Sun. Usually Thurs is Naked night, and Friday is just open - but my advice just check your clothes (more on that later). Sat/ Sunday is usually some Fetish night - some more popular than others... the place is a huge warehouse- pictures don't do it justice- its out of a dystopian novel -scary but its just all lends to the mystique of the place.... I went on Thurs- Naked Night and Friday- Night -2 4 1 special drinks and Sunday afternoon- which was Masked night. Thursday Naked Night- FIRST and MOST -do not show up late!!!! There was a line up at 9pm opening and you will regret every sec if you show up at 10 - the door is only open for 2hours - after that 2hours it closes door- and I mean show up at 8:30 and line up it was 8:45 with 5 guys lined up and I turned around and 15 guys were behind me in just a matter of seconds. The door opens - the doorman are pretty gruffy but nice so just don't be an ahole. You pay your 6 euro and they give you a bag- Naked means naked- no jock etc- keep you your shoes , knee pads whatever- and you place your valuables in the bag and they give you a number on a plastic card-(DO NOT LOSE) the card is how they track your drinks that you buy at the bar and its all very high tech -(god NYC could learn something from it) so wear socks or some wrist bad or something to hold card. The number is written on your bag and your arm. Important when you leave at night -you have to dress and take that card with your number on it at the bar to check out -even if you didn't have anything to get receipt from bartender -in order to leave and not upset the doorman- you give the number card and receipt back to doorman to leave so they know you settled your tab. I stress again do not lose it !!!! they get very upset so follow protocol. NAked night- OMG- it was about 400 guys - 400 of the most hottest men I've seen ever-all shapes, sizes age groups- just naked - some of the biggest dicks I ve seen and then alot of regular etc. Caligula must have left blueprints for this place-its huge- and why I say get there early on time- not only will you miss the action but you'll want to as a first timer - explore the place-there so many nooks and crannies it feels endless and you definitely want to explore the place - and like me you'll want to clone yourself so you can place your self in every possible area- there was so much fucking, sucking etc once it started and when it starts its flash quick -it goes on on on -it s like wildfire and you move from one stop -another set of bodies are just fucking away. --- When you walk in the little booths on the right are for more privacy but then on the left of that is a leather curtain with a sling in between the rooms- go through that and there is the main darkroom- it has a full size bed platform where the Berlin Bottoms line up and take their positions-its also another small leather platforms and a sling in the dark corner and some various tables, fuck horses- but let me tell you -once the first bttm is getting plowed- its like a zombie apocalypse - I wish those tops would come to NYC - there is nothing as wildly fun as I ever I have seen in all my years- the closest was the old El Mirage Black party nights.. I'm truly dating myself. The other areas is the bar- with the nicest bar staff ever! and then begins the Yellow brick road- a hall way with slings on both sides and then a back hallway with crannies and leads to anther small bar and then to the right is a crackout dark hallway with what I would call -waiting stations- for more intimate action - i'm winking there because the men will just jump on whatever you're doing--- and then it opens to a grand room where there are various platforms and directly on the left in the back is the gloryhole section- i found this on the 3rd go around and boy that was jumping all night long on both ends... -the right is where the bathroom is at and a small tub for piss addicts. The toilets for the piss/shit fetish smells like it and two rooms with hoses for cleaning out- apparently that happens tho I can't imagine doing that there but it must happen- the smell is something I won't forget- it was disgusting and gives you a tremendous hardon at the same -go figure! One mention by the gloryhole area is a booth area with metal floor grating and right below it is a tiled room with stairs leading down to it- I couldn't figure it out but this for piss lovers just to lie on metal grating and let them just piss on you- god I love the Germans! I didn't see it much used on my visit. There is an upstairs area with a sling and some leather fuck beds that was during various times very popular so not to be missed. The main action centered in the main dark room with the platform beds with the bottoms lined up bentover -the tops will go from hole to hole to hole- god it was sensational on the receiving end and to watch it go down as well.... a tops dream and a bottoms final resting place-LOL- i would pay rent to live there! The action was non-stop until about 12midnight and this is where the crowd starts to go - because of work and real life of course so that's why I stress- go early!!!!!! One thing bout the bottoms-they are extremely aggressive -they will knock you out to get that cock and will pull it out your ass and right into their mouth and back to their hole- -this for newcomers was like for me WTF and you have to learn -bitch -that's my cock- pull it out there ass- eat it and put it back in yours. Friday night- was the regular night - I at first went to gay village to check out the CDL bar lounge that was having Berlin Gangbang -15 euro - OMG what a fucking waste of time- it was horrible! all wrapped and quite pathetic - i left ran into two Danes visiting from Copenhagen and i saved them the waste of time and we went to LAB- it was about 11ish close to the doors closing at 12 midnight and OMG it was packed i mean 400 guys - not all naked but trust me when I say - just check your shit and don't bother -if u want to wear a jock -go ahead but don't with the clothes -you came to fuck so come to fuck! It was so crazy - insane- a must visit. Sat -I didnt attend it was gummie night- rubber night Sun -mask night- bring your own or they sell you a hooded mask- bring your own -the one they supply look like terrorist hoods- and so HOT! I mean stifling not the erotic kind- but when in rome--- it wasn't nearly as crowded about 50 if that so wasn't that popular My recommendation is Thus/Frid nights- not to be missed!!!! one other recommendation - the sauna BOILER- is so amazing-it puts any other bathhouse to shame which includes Steamworks in Chicago, Toronto, - it is an achievement that's got to be seen- and Sunday at 5pm is high tide for some of the most beautiful men I've seen gathered - it does skew younger Berliner's - there wasn't a lot of out of shape guys - i did feel like the fattest person there -i did see a few beefy like myself just so you know but fuck it -go just to see the steamroom and the maze of rooms. I didn't care i did feel intimidated but got in one of the rooms with the sling- put on my mask and blinded myself - i took 3 loads - woof! so if you attend church you will get your communion! A must see!!! LAB- out of this world - sorry for the long post but nobody ever shares what its really like and this just gives a beginner a glimpse of what you'll find but the experience is on another level and what you make of it- and its for all ages unlike some places where older guys like myself will feel left out- I didn't see anyone left out. Also, yes, a lot of the fucking is raw but there was condom use more than i would prefer but it is quite mixed but its definitely more raw. I hope this helps any newcomers..... I know I want to go back.
    1 point
  17. What is your all-time favorite bareback scene? The one that you have been jerking off to for years? Mine would be: MAV AND THE RUDE BOYZ by Machofucker It is a hot threesome with a very hot (probably Latino) bottom who gets fucked by Red and another black top. He sniffs poppers frequently and you can see he is high in poppers just willing to be their hole. Awesome scene! I have been jerking off to this scene for years now (don't know exactly when it came out, probably 2-3 years ago)
    1 point
  18. Cody’s Weekend at Home Although Cody was only a junior in high school, he was already 18. His father held him back from starting school so that he would be a year ahead of kids his age. His father was an all-star high school wrestler who was a state finalist all 3 years he wrestled varsity. He knew that if Colt started a year later he’d have a good chance to be a four time state finalist and maybe state champion. Cody stood 5’8” and normally weighed 135 to 140 pounds but was able to cut his weight down to wrestle in the 126 pound weight class against kids who would probably be younger and less experienced. He had a good muscular build from years of weight training and good nutrition. His father’s genetics didn’t hurt. Cody started wrestling the age of 7. He found that he liked the body contact he had with other guys and soon found that he was stimulated by this contact. He would throw wood easily and soon found himself jerking off to wrestling videos. When he got to high school he figured he was gay and kept pretty much to himself occasionally dating a pretty girl. His senior year he noticed that the student trainer assigned to work with the wrestling team was watching guys shower. Cody bust the kid when he was watching him shower and exploited this to his advantage. It didn’t take much to get the kid to suck each other’s cocks. Cody always took his time in the shower and made sure he was the last one there with the student trainer so that they could mutually suck each other off. Cody wanted to do more but the student trainer was reluctant to try. When his parents had to go cross country for a wedding as the state tournament was approaching they decided to let Cody stay home alone. The team had their last match before the tournament on a Thursday night giving the team 2 weeks to prepare for the opening round. Cody’s parents left that Friday morning and Cody figured he’d check a few things out in the city that night. At the end of practice on Friday the coach gave them the weekend off. There were a couple places in town where he might meet someone to play around with and he soon found himself outside one of the local gay bar. He sat on the hood of his car watching guys as they went inside. Paul was walking down the street. Cody noticed Paul when he was a block away from the bar. Paul was over 6’ tall (coming in at 6’2”) with a lean muscular build (around 180 pounds). Cody guessed him to be in his mid 20’s as he kept his eyes on this stud as he came down the street. When Paul got closer he noticed the young stud looking him over and instead of heading inside the bar he walked up to the kid sitting on his car. Paul looked the kid over and asked, “Are you going inside or are you just going to sit there and look pretty?” Cody answered, “I’d love to go inside but I’m only 18. Is there any place we could go and have some fun?” Paul could tell that Cody was looking for some fun and made a suggestion, “I live close by, we could go there and I’m sure we’ll find something fun to do.” As they began to walk towards Paul’s place they introduced themselves to each other. Paul lived a couple blocks from the bar and soon were at Paul’s building. Cody followed Paul up the stairs and soon they were alone in his apartment. Paul said, “Make yourself at home Cody.” As Paul kicked off his shoes and walked over to the fridge. Cody kicked off his own shoes and soon he was sitting on the couch. Paul called out from the kitchen, “Can I get you anything to drink?” Cody answered that he didn’t drink alcohol since he was still in training.” As Paul returned to the living room he turned on the TV and asked, “What are you in training for?” Paul already had porn playing from his computer that he had hooked up to all his TV’s. While Cody watched the porn on the TV he let Paul know that he wrestled and Paul told Cody that he played baseball when he was in high school and college. Cody could tell Paul was a jock from the way he carried himself. That really turned Cody on and he was sure that Paul was turned on as well from the apparent bulge in his jeans. Paul asked cody, “Hope you like porn.” Cody was transfixed on the porn as he nodded in the affirmative. The porn was all bareback as Paul began to hope he could breed this jock. Cody then noticed a funny looking glass pipe sitting on the coffee table as Paul was rejoining the young jock. He said, “This is a strange looking Marijuana pipe.” Paul laughed and let Cody know, “It’s not a Marijuana pipe it’s a Tina pipe.” Cody had a puzzled look on his face as Paul took the pipe and said, “I’ll show you how to use it if you’d like?” Paul then took out a small baggie and put a couple rocks of Tina in it then lights his torch and held it to the bottom of the bowl. Cody watched in amazement as the bowl filled with smoke just before Paul slowly inhaled the smoke into his lungs. Paul held his breath for a second then blew the smoke out. Cody was intrigued and when Paul asked if he’d like to try it he didn’t hesitate with “Fuck yeah. Is it anything like pot?” Paul responded, “It’s better than pot.” Paul held the torch to the bowl and the smoke began to quickly fill it as he told Cody, “Now slowly inhale and hold your breath till I tell you to let it out.” Cody did as he was told and held his breath. Paul purposefully had Cody hold the Tina in longer than he himself had as he had the pipe ready for another go. He had Cody exhale and then inhale a second breath from the pipe. After the 4th time Cody was starting to fly as Paul wanted him too. Quickly the two began to kiss as they continued to share the pipe and before long Paul was ready to give Cody a shotgun. Cody was familiar with shotgunning a joint. Paul explained in detail how he was going to do a deep drag of the pipe then as Cody inhales the smoke from Paul as he exhales while they share a kiss. Cody was game and soon they exchanged a few shotguns as they passionately kissed. It didn’t take long till they both found themselves only wearing boxer briefs. Paul’s cock was rock hard and dripping. That was probably more due to the Viagra he took shortly after they returned to his apartment then the stud he was with. As the 2 jocks kissed Paul paused to ask Cody, “What do you want to do?” Cody answered, “I’m in your hands Paul.” Paul got an evil grin on his face as he led Cody to the bedroom. On the way he asked, “Are you enjoying the Tina Cody?” Cody answered “Fuck yes, it makes my body tingle.” Once they were in the bedroom he kissed Cody and excused himself. He returned with a 250 cc syringe filed with (what Cody could see) was a clear fluid. Paul let Cody know, “If you enjoyed smoking Tina I think you’ll love slamming her.” Cody had a puzzled look on his face, “Slamming?” Paul explained, “Yes, injecting it directly into your vein. It’s awesome and if you think your body tingles now, just wait.” Cody was a little apprehensive as Paul said, “I’ll do myself first then you, ok?” Cody seemed a little more interested. Paul described in detail what he was doing as he wrapped a piece of rubber around his left bicep, took an alcohol prep and wiped a prominent vein, stuck the needle in and pulled back the plunger to register a flash of blood. Paul added that he’s very good at this since he’s a nurse. Paul then slowly pushed the plunger down about 1/3 the way before he pulled it from his arm and replaced the cap. He then held a cotton ball over where he had just injected himself, put his arm over head and with his teeth pulled the rubber from his arm. Paul let out a couple coughs as Cody could see his cock begin to leak big time. Paul leaned over to Cody and kissed him as he was feeling his rush. When the kiss broke Paul told Cody “It’s now your turn” trying not to give Cody a choice or opportunity to back out. Cody seemed a little nervous but was transfixed as Paul applied the tourniquet, found a good vein he never noticed that Paul was using the needle he just used on himself. Paul hit the vein with expertise he had as a nurse, registered the flash of blood and emptied the rest of the syringe into Cody’s arm. As the needle was withdrawn Paul was sure to let Cody know “You will feel a warmth rush into your chest, you might feel a slight difficulty breathing for a brief second as you cough out hard. Your heart will begin to beat really fast as a ringing might be heard in your ears.” Paul put a cotton ball over the injection site as he put Cody’s arm over his head then pulled the tourniquet off. Cody felt the warmth as was described as he suddenly coughed out hard. He heard the ringing in his ears as his heart began to beat really fast. As the rush washed over his body Paul helped him lay back as he climbed on top of the rushing twink and kissed him deeply. When the kiss broke Paul was sure to ask, “How are you feeling Cody?” Cody responded “OH FUCK, WOW!!! This is FUCKING awesome!” Paul returned to kissing Cody and quickly both jocks lost the last little bit of clothing each were wearing as their boxer briefs ended up on the floor. Paul was rock hard and his cock was still dripping as Cody’s cock was very sensitive but he was very limp. Cody asked, “Why are you so rock hard and I’m so soft?” Paul let Cody know, “That’s how Tina is, some get rock hard and some get very soft.” Quickly Paul maneuvered so that they were in ‘69’ position and quickly Cody was devouring Paul’s cock as Paul licked and sucked Cody’s limp tool. Quickly Paul moved his mouth and began to eat Cody’s hole. Cody had never been rimmed before and quickly asked “What are you doing?” Paul responded, “Haven’t you ever been rimmed before?” Cody quickly admitted, “The only thing I’ve ever done was suck and get sucked.” Paul moved so that he could pay complete attention on eating Cody’s virgin hole as he readied it for his hard cock. He worked to get it nice and sloppy wet as Cody writhed and moaned. He knew that he would be inside this jock bare and breeding him in minutes. As Cody’s began to open up and get nicely lubed he knew it was time. He began to kiss and lick his way up Cody’s body making sure to pay attention to the twink’s very sensitive nipples. As he moved up he was sure to aim his hard cock towards Cody’s hole. Paul knew how to position his cock so that it would slide right inside. Paul was staring deeply into Cody’s eyes as the tip hit home and Paul took Cody’s virginity. Cody moaned out as Paul bottomed his 8” balls deep inside his hole. He stroked Paul’s face as the two kissed and Paul began to slowly fuck away. Cody wrapped his legs around Paul’s slim waist as he felt Paul piston in and out of his hole. Since Paul was still rushing he knew he would cum quickly then be ready to really pound away at Cody. Paul felt his balls begin to boil and knew the strong orgasm would be upon him soon. He took a couple long strokes and grunted as his cock spewed out a huge load of his poison seed. Paul knew between the shared point and the load inside Cody would most likely get the fuck flu within a few weeks. The two kissed as Cody commented, “I know you just came, I felt your cock twitch inside me and I think I felt your load.” Paul kissed Cody again and let him know, “Yes I just filled you with a big load of my cum.” Cody never began to worry, he knew the implications of what had just happened and what it could mean and as he looked into Paul’s eyes he knew the answer to the question he had on his mind as Paul pulled his still hard cock out of his ass. Paul maneuvered Cody into doggy as he mounted the twink from behind. He slid his hard cock inside and began to slowly build up speed to where he was pounding away at Cody’s hole. Cody felt every thrust as his prostate was hit. Paul knew that Cody would learn to be a bottom cum dumb and Paul hoped that Cody would want more Tina. Cody was fucked in every position possible as the two shared another slam. It was mid day on Sunday when Cody finally left for home. He was very satisfied at what he had done that weekend and asked Paul “Can we get together again after the state tournament is over in a few weeks?” Paul answered “Fuck yeah! Would you like to meet some of my friends?” Cody answered “Fuck Yeah!”
    1 point
  19. Just created this account tonight, my boyfriend tested HIV positive on September 10th. I tested negative on September 11th, however I did get sick that night and have been ever since with symptoms of seroconverting so I'm still unsure of my status. It's not something I'm at all worried about or afraid of. In fact I want him to convert me for multiple reasons. I'm not at all bothered by the possibility of becoming poz, I know that it's something I'll have the rest of my life but I know I'll be fine regardless of how my body reacts. I also don't want sex to become awkward or uncomfortable or something either of us are scared of in the relationship since both of us are very sexual people and we haven't used protection once, so I know I already have a very high chance of being poz. I understand there are other options such as Prep if I'm not converting after all, but I don't really want that because the risk is still there and that's where the awkwardness comes in if I'm not fully willing, which I am. The last thing I want is for us to be living as if we're scared of something neither one of us are scared of (if that makes sense). I also really enjoy the idea of knowing I would be the first person he converted.
    1 point
  20. I had not had cable TV and my internet was with my home phone company but their rates were skyrocketing out of control. I decided it was time to get cable as TV signal was constantly changing on local channels and hard to pick up with an old antenna and my internet kept coming and going too. Talked it over with my wife and she went with it also, so we called them to come hook us up with everything new, cable tv service, home phone, and internet all from same company. Now for a little back up story. I am as you see married and had really never done any man2man at all. Wife and my sex life had gone out the window, but that is another story, so I was constantly horny as hell. I am in pretty good shape and play basketball regularly with younger guys and keep up and they can't stop me whenever I decide to shoot and workout about 3 other days per week on my own also. The day of the hookup arrived and the company sent out two guys to do it as we had requested 6 rooms to be hooked up for the cable (5 bedrooms and the livingroom), and the two guys were both somewhere between 25 and 30 years old, and I am not really very good at guessing ages. Both guys appeared to be similar at about 6' and around 190 to 200 pounds. Really did not pay a lot of real attention though and it being quite a warm day both also were in shorts and t-shirts. We have two bedrooms in the basement, which is also were all the lines into the house have to go through before going upstairs to main floor and then to second floor also. After getting main floor somewhat ready, one of the guys and I went to basement so I could show him where I wanted the lines to go and the tvs to hookup. One room has a floor support pole in it leaving little room to maneuver where line and tv had to go. We were very close together as he ran the cable and I was getting the TV ready, basically almost against each other. At times as he got the cable ready and I was putting tv in place there were times when my butt would actually bump against him and some time I noticed that he seemed to be getting a hard on. I was a little curious about that and turned around to say something and could see the outline of a definite hardon through his shorts as they tented out in front of him. I kind of gulped as it looked to be quite a bit larger than mine, which is basically avg. sized at about 6 1/2" and before I could turn back away he noticed where I had been looking. I just about had the TV in place and it was plugged in and I turned it on when he kind of moved forward a little and I felt that big cock up against my ass again. Like I said, I had never done and M2M before but for some reason it seemed to feel good to me and I was a little turned on by it. I didn't move when he pressed against me so it must have given him the signal it was ok as he kind of rubbed his cock against me more and moved so it was pressed into the crack of my ass for sure. I was surprised how much I was turned on by this and just stood there letting him rub against me. With no sex from wife I was horny as hell anyway but had not thought of another guy before. He got bolder and pushed against me harder and then reached around me and grabbed my cock too. I gasped at the feeling of that. He then finally spoke and asked if I fooled around on my wife or not. I told him I never had and had not ever done anything with a guy for sure. He said it sure feels like you like it though and I told him I was horny as hell is probably the reason as wife and I had not done anything in about two or three years now. He turned me around and stepped back a little and then dropped his shorts. He was commando and out popped his huge cock. It had to be about 9" and as big around as a beer can. WOW I had never seen one that big except in a porn movie. I was mesmerized by it and involuntarily almost reached out and took ahold of it. As my hand wrapped around it I took a big breath and held it. It was like nothing before at all. He asked me, since I had never done anything with a guy before, if I wanted to suck him a little to see what it was like. I was a little hesitant, thinking of my wife right upstairs, but the size and feel of that cock was just too much, and throwing caution to the wind, I bent over and got closer and just stared and then took the head of it in my mouth and licked it and sucked. Being my first time I wasn't sure exactly how to do anything else. But after a very short time started to move my mouth farther onto his cock until it was into my throat and there was still more of it to go. I then let it slide out as I moved my head back away and then in again and repeated. It must have been ok as he was moaning some quickly and grabbed my head to help guide me as he fucked my mouth. I was actually enjoying it and could taste what had to be his precum and the taste was nice to me too. As I continued to suck on him, he reached back of me and started to slide his hand into the back of my shorts and then ran his fingers up and down the crack of my ass and stopping each time to kind of tickle my hole some. With the sucking the feelings were fantastic and I was getting hard as a rock from the stimulation. Pretty soon he pushed my shorts down off of my ass and then as I looked up he put his fingers in his mouth and got them wet and then back to my ass and ran his wet fingers around my hole getting it wet with his spit. He went back and forth to his mouth about 5 or 6 times and then as my hole got wetter I felt a finger slip in a little which made me jump, but it felt pretty darn good. This was way more than I had ever thought about. WOW What a feeling.
    1 point
  21. I had been talking to a guy online for about two months before this point. Let's call him Tom. Tom had a profile on BBRT NKP and here on breeding zone. I had been wanting to experiment with chemsex for about 6 months before I left for the states, I had been watching some videos to see what the deal was. I believe it was this site that introduced me to the concept, before hand I had no idea about meth use in the gay community(or a subsection of the gay community) but I had it in my head that if I was to try it, it should be in America(where I could get away with it). Plus it seemed to be more available over in the states. What I was looking for was tough, a top who was willing to introduce someone to Tina for the first time who also was hiv negative. This may not seem like much. But first of all nobody seemed to even respond to me on NKP(maybe they were too high) I was beginning to this it was an online ghost town, or that perhaps my account was broken. After searching for some time, I found two profiles that matched the requirements, a neg Top, who can administer. I messaged both guys. One replied "Any pics?" I sent him some pics of me, including a face pic. "Hmmm any more pics?" He wasn't sure. A little disappointing. The next guy I message replies "I would love to meet". However plans changed and we didn't get to meet for quite some time(scheduling conflicts). This was a good thing in some respect. We managed to talk a little more and I felt comfortable this was an honest and open guy, he was in his 40's and seemed mature, extremely attractive, and sexually right up my street. He asked for porn vids that I found hot so he had an idea of what I was into. He liked these very much. We eventually arranged to meet a little over one week before I was set to leave. He was situated up the top of Manhattan and told me to meet him around 9pm. I took the train up, then hopped a cab to his place. A nice apartment complex. I don't remember feeling nervous. Strange really, I felt more nervous walking into a gay bar, or sucking off my first New Yorker, but this, what would be the most extreme thing I was about to partake in, and I felt eerily calm. I also remember thinking very calmly "I could die here" just before I pressed the buzzer. He unlocks the door from his room upstairs, I'm not told what room number or floor he is on, but the second I step in I get a text. "Be right down, have to get something from the basement" I wait in the foyer. Probably a good time to mention my previous experience with drugs. Tried ecstasy a handful of times, first two times were great, the rest sucked. Cocaine 3 times previously, got absolutely nothing from it(became quiet and fidgety) and weed on a handful of occasions. In no way was I a drug user, never partied and played, with the exception of weed with two guys in NYC. So why I was actually doing this I have no idea. But I'm hoping it's good. Tom comes down to meet me, and we both head to the laundry room where he empties the machine. He seems rushed, I spend my time examining him as he does his laundry. His head is shaved(bald), he has a grey goatee, very handsome masculine look, dressed in a tank top and sweatpants, he's in good shape. He really is a perfect match. Perfect Daddy. I wonder if he's high already, but I think he isn't How will he be with me, what will I do when I'm high? "Positive thoughts" I keep telling myself in my head. Positive thoughts. We enter his apartment, it's nice, big, he leads me to the bedroom. A large bed is covered with rubber sheets, to the left of the bed on the floor is a large duffel bag, filled with all kinds of sex toys. To the right is a computer and desk, on the desk lay some syringes. Now my heart starts to race a little. "Do you want to have a look through the toys?" "Sure". He shows me his collection, rubber cock and ball rings, rubber anal inserts, large buttplugs(one shaped like a sperm), sounds kit(makes me wince), rope, cuffs, things that I couldn't even identify. "That's an impressive collection" I say, wide-eyed. "Yeah. So I'm thinking we get you in a harness" He instructs me to take my clothes off. Then he puts the harness on me and tightens it. I feel infinitely sexier. I've never worn a harness before or since, but it felt great. He began to explain the benefits of said harness. "So when I'm fucking you I can just grab it like this, and pull you towards me" he says as he demonstrate by grabbing the shoulder straps and pulling me towards him, this makes me horny. "Hmm, a rubber jockstrap." He then takes a jockstrap from his bag, again, I've never worn one before this. It fits well and covers up that dick of mine. I'm slowly being transformed into his toy, there is only one thing left. He talks me through the whole experience, what it will feel like, how he preps the meth by pouring hot water until the crystals have fully dissolved, etc etc. He then shows me about 4 or 5 videos of slamming, and explains what the person might be feeling. "Ok so are you ready?" "Have you ever done this with someone for the first time?" "No, never introduced anyone" I sit on the cold rubber bed, he props two pillows behind my back. "Hmm, hang on." He goes to the bag, and takes out two of those, I actually don't know what they are called. Like small leather hoods that go over your hands. and leather cuffs. He loosely ties me to the bed. ​"It'll be interesting to have you tied up for your first slam" My heart starts to pound faster, the nerves are coming in hard and fast. Should I look at the needle going in? Maybe not. Everything will be fine. He holds the needle up to the bedside lamp. "They're full dissolved, see? Let's see how hard it is to find a vein." He runs his finger over the inside of my elbow, a vein comes up immediately. He then puts on the tourniquet and waits a few seconds. Wipes my arm with a pad and sticks the needle into my vein. He pulls back I look, see red inside the needle, then look away. "Ok. Now tell me if you feel any burning or stinging in your arm." I look again, he slowly pushes the plunger until the meth is inside me. He then snaps off the tourniquet and looks at me. I feel nothing. He gives me a look as if to ask how I feel. "Nothing?" I say, smiling nervously. He looks in disbelief. "Nothing?" "Nope" "Are you sure?" "Yeah I don't feel anything" "Hmm, that's crazy. Maybe I didn't give you enough" He turns around to look at the syringes on his desk. I let out a nervous laugh. "Maybe if I moved around a little" I say as I bend my arm up and down(as much as it will go with the restraint) Then I feel a sudden tingle in my legs, reminiscent of the first time I tried E(which I was the last to come up on then too), then BAM! This indescribable rush goes through me, my breathing becomes heavy and I blow out a long shaky "woah" I look at Tom, he seems excited. "OK....nowitsworking" I say in a short burst. I start to feel myself and wish these restraints vanished. I start to feel as if I could make them disappear if I really wanted to. Tom sees me squirming in ecstasy on the bed. "Now I know it's working." He then turns around and straps up his arm and gets ready to slam himself. I writhe around feeling everything with my body, everything tingles in such an amazing way. This is too good for words. I'm loving this, nothing has happened yet and I'm loving it already, I think of a thousand scenarios of what will happen throughout the night in the space of a second or two. My mind is well and truly fucked! It's very hard to focus on anything, everything has a shudder effect. I hear Tom exhaling heavily I look over and he's whipping of the strap from around his arm. "Fuck" "Fuck" I say almost at the same time. He seems very controlled, I don't know how he does it. "Do you have sensitive nipples?" "Not really" I answer. "You will". He then straps two sucking cups to my nipples and pumps them until they stick. "Thank you so much for this" I gush, I feel forever in his debt. I become overtly grateful and complimentary, he smiles knowing it's the drugs doing their work. He also becomes very talkative, he asks me about the first time I had sex. He raps my legs around his waist and I start to grind against him as I describe my first time. "Tonight will be a night of firsts" He tells me in that calm and hushed voice. For some reason we both feel the need to half whisper to each other. "Ok let's get these off" He removes my restraints as I thank him again for being so generous to have me over and get me high. He thanks me for coming. "God if we met earlier? I'd send you home stupid". After some talking, he takes my head and buries it into his armpit. I lap away at it as he moans. He takes the suction cups from my nipples and twists them as I start to suck on his. I still don't feel sensation in my nipples, however the rush from the meth was too much to notice if I did. This was perhaps the most sexually confident I had ever felt, I had to constantly remind myself, this is actually happening. I move down to work his cock. He tells me to suck it hard, so I do,gripping with my like and sucking down on his soft veiny dick to the balls, he grabs both balls and pushes them against my mouth "open" I try to accommodate for both cock and balls but it proves too hard, even though his cock is only semi erect, his balls are far too big. I settle for one ball and a dick in the back of my throat, my mouth is stuffed. He likes the feeling as I gag and retch. Eyes water, stomach knots, body squirms. Next I take both his balls in my mouth which is another mouth-filling task, his dick lays on my face with his wet helmet resting on my right eye. I feel like a good little slut. He tells me to smell his dick, which smells of precum. After sucking his dick some more it becomes hard enough to fuck with. He puts a rubber cock ring and ball separator on himself and tells me lie back. I put my legs in the air and present my hole for fucking. "No." he says. "Put your feet here" he motions to his chest. I place both feet on his chest and he slides his cock into my ass. At first my hole rejects him, pushing him out when he gets into a rhythm. It's the Tina, it has made my ass tighten up. However, I have an idea. I get up and take out a bottle of poppers out of my bag and lay back on the bed. "Maybe if you choke me" I suggest. He places his open palm against my neck, just under my Adam's apple, then moves up and down to find the strongest pulse. I take a huff of my poppers and raise one hand in the air(this is a safety technique I use at first with some guys, when the hand drops, I'm out and they should let go. Any longer and it could become quite dangerous). He presses down, not too hard, but enough to make my feet tingle. Everything goes tunnel vision. I'm back in Ireland doing something menial or talking to a friend or something. All of a sudden a man's face appears from nowhere, then a room behind him, where am I? Confusion. I feel a heavy tingling and something moving in and out of my hole. It has a similar feeling to pins-and-needles. Then I remember where I really am, in an apartment in New York, high on meth, being fucked unconscious by a complete stranger who could have killed me with little effort. The rush of realization is incredible. My breathing becomes heavy "Wow! Oh my God" He leads in to make out with me, his dick is now in my ass without me pushing it out. "Did you have a little dream, baby?" "Yeah, how long was I out" "Only about 5 seconds, don't worry." He fucks me harder and although his cock isn't rock hard it feels incredible. I could feel the rubber of the cock ring against my hole. I wanted everything he had inside me. "I think I can get my balls in you" he lets out in a grunt as he thrusts back and forth. "Yeah?" I ask with some scepticism, the drugs have taken away any pain the fucking may have caused, but it in no way made my ass wider, in fact it had a tightening effect on my hole. This problem was solved with a little force, or a nice choke-out. "Yeah, I think so. Hang on." He rolls me back so my ass is in the air, he then stands over me and squats down. I feel him pushing against my hole and decide to push out, hoping it will let him in. This works and he pushes his balls inside me. He pulls them out "Oh fuck" he lets out in pleasure. He pushes just his balls into my hole a few more times, dipping them in and out until it becomes easy. He then pushes his sloppy cock into my widened hole, followed by both balls. Everything is inside me. It has to be the best feeling I've ever had during sex, it's incredibly hard to describe that pleasure, knowing you're connected to another man by both his cock and balls, they fit tightly into your hole. You are being completely used as a place for him to rest his dick and balls. The feeling of his pelvis pushing against your ass, knowing there is nothing further that can go in, he is as deep in you as he can possibly go. Amazing! I feel with my hands to ensure everything is in. I rub his taint while he grinds against me. He stops moving, but I continue to grind in a circular motion, churning my insides with his balls and dick. "Hold still" he tells me, he looks focussed and stares into the distance. "You feel that?" "Nope" "I'm pissing inside you" "Oh fuck!" I concentrate on the feeling, a tingling in my lower back, I'm being used as this guy's urinal. "Ugh, it's hard to piss in this position". He only pees a little in me before slowly pulling his balls and cock out of my piss-filled whole, he keeps me propped up with one hand. "Don't move boy. Fuck yeah" he spits in my gaping hole. Then reaches into his bag of toys for a large butt-plug. He spits on it, and pushes it against my ass lips, it's not going in as easy as it should. He calmly instructs me to breath in and out, eventually the rubber plug slides right in, filling my ass completely. After about 30 minutes of playing, I go to the toilet to take out the plug and push out the piss. I feel very wobbly on my feet but very happy also. I notice that when the plug comes out there is no more piss up my ass. I feel around to check. Either my ass has absorbed the little piss there was, or it's gone a lot deeper than I can reach. The next few hours become a blur. I get slammed again which is so much stronger than the first, I cough and it hits me like a euphoria freight train. This turns Tom on greatly. We make out more, fuck, suck toys and attempted fisting. He could slide four fingers but not past the knuckle. I found it extremely hard to concentrate on what was going on, everything spun and shuttered, I felt fantastic, almost a state of frenzy. When Tom is on top of me he sweats so much it dribbles down onto my face and chest, almost like a tap. Our sweat has a distinct smell, a chemical smell because of the meth. He takes me to the shower to cool off. I check the time and hours have gone by. It's about 10.00am the next day. "My boyfriend will be home soon" What? Oh no, "is this going to get awkward?" I think. I say nothing. "It's ok though, we could always go to the bathhouse" First time for everything. I let him know I'm up for this adventure and he tells me to get dressed and meet him at the nearby subway, while he cleans up and gets dressed. I walk to the nearest subway, it's a hot day out and people are up walking to work. I'm very aware of my movements, not to act like a tweaker. He eventually meets me and we head towards the bathhouse. It's not long until we are there. I'm becoming paranoid that people will know I'm high. Tom seems fine. We get our locker key and head to our room. After stripping, I head to the locker with our clothes. To large black men check me out in my jockstrap(given to me by Tom) the place seems pretty empty, which doesn't surprise me given the time. I put away my stuff and head back to our booth/room. I'm tingling all over and moving faster than usual. I get in and Tom lunges at me, jamming his tongue down my throat and shoving his fingers up my hole. I turn to liquid in his arms, the feeling is very hot. He has a small bag of toys with him. He takes out a large metal buttplug. It's very wide, "Guess where this is going" he says as he slaps it against the palm of his hand. "No way" "Get on all fours" I climb onto the bed on all fours. He squirts some lube onto the top of the plug, then pushes against my ass. I feel there is know way this will fit. I try to push out to open my ass up. "Breath, relax." He instructs. It's hard to do so, even though there is no pain at this point(from the drugs) I'm still nervous of damaging my ass. I breath in and out. Then take a big hit of poppers and repeat. I feel it enter my hole, it begins to hurt. "Damn, is this nearly in" I think to myself, then my ass retracts. "It's in" he tells me, before leaning in to gently kiss my ass cheek and tell me "good boy". He slaps the base of the plug and every time he does is sends an extremely pleasurable shiver up through my insides. He lays me back on the bed and spreads his ass cheeks. "Stick out your tongue" I do, then he sits down hard on my mouth. I work my tongue slowly up and down he asshole, trying hard to push my tongue deep. He lets out a series of moans and groans to indicate he loves the sensation. He then grabs the back of my head and really pushes me into his hole. He wants me to go deeper and I can feel his hole pushing out against as my tongue slides deeper. My tongue is stretched out to the point of pain, but knowing the pleasure it gives him causes me to endure it. This goes on for a few minutes(with a few air breaks) before he lifts his hot ass from my face. He hands me down a rubber butt plug. "I want you to put this up my ass" "Can you pass me the lube?" "No just use spit" He opens my mouth and slides the plug all the way down to the end, I gag, he pushes further, fucking my throat with the plug. This gets him off. He sits on the end of the plug and forces it down my throat with his ass. I'm now being smothered and choked. I cough up some spit. and he takes the plug out and turns it around, facing his hole. I take it off of him and push. It takes some force and I worry about hurting him, but he seems to be fine. It eventually goes up his hole. I smack the end of it as he done with my and he groans in ecstasy. We make out for a while with plugs up our asses, I then go to give him a blowjob. After some time sucking his semi-flaccid cock I feel it's time to take the plug out. I leave our room to walk to the toilets. I get a few propositions on the way, but ignore them in a chemmed out haze. I enter one of the cubicles and try to push out the plug. This is more difficult and painful than getting it in. I finally manage to pull the metal plug from my insides and the thing is hot. Really hot. Hard to hold. I have to run it under a cold tap before I can carry it back to the room. By the time I get back he has jerked his cock hard. And places me on all fours before fucking me for quite some time. "Shit I've got to go to work soon" I wonder how he can even think of working, as my mind is so confused and fried from the meth, I could barely see straight. I guess this guy is well used to this kind of activity. This worries me slightly. Maybe all isnt as it seems with him. He edges himself with my ass a number of times but is too uptight to cum. "Wanna meet me later on, say 7pm?" "Ok". We both head to the showers. As we wash up he tells me "I think I have to piss" "Can I drink it" "Sure, get down there." I get down on my knees and open up. He shoots hard, like a fire-hose down my throat. It tastes extremely strong but I swallow every drop. As we walk back to our room to get dressed it hits me hard. It had totally slipped my mind that his piss was filled with strong chems, and it sent me flying high. "You feel it?" He asks me in a hushed tone. It really tickles him that I'm high as a kite in public. We get dressed and leave the bathhouse. I get home(somehow) and try to get some sleep. This is impossible. I am shaking like a leaf and sweating buckets. I go to the bathroom to have a cold shower. I look in the mirror. My face frightens me, it looks so different to what I usually see. There is a deadness in my eyes. I try not to focus on it, and shower and change. By the time this is done it's almost time to head out the door again. I get to Tom's apartment again, his eyes are red. He looks like he's just shot up. "Hey baby, come in" I come in and undress. "Ready for another slam?"
    1 point
  22. Live here in houston in montrose. Looking for guys that are both bareback curious and known cum dumps. Neg top here, If we have to break you in slowly I'm cool with that. I just want to make sure that everyone experiences the joy that is BAREBACK. No one should be deprived of the feeling or be scared of getting "pozzed". Live in the moment and enjoy sex. There is no better feeling then submitting your hole to a top and giving yourself to him for HIS pleasure. If you are worried about HIV then there is always PrEP. Don't let your fears control the fun that you have now. Whether you are 18 or 60... Live life to the fullest. If my post speaks to you and you are in the HOUSTON area then hit me up cuz I'd love to pump some cum in you.
    1 point
  23. I got a hold of a buddy the other day who is a total bottom, and I asked if he had any friends who top that I could borrow for a while, as I had not had a cock in my hole in some time, and the action seemed to be dead in my town. He said he knew of a couple of guys who might be interested, and that if they were interested, he might come along as well. We arranged to meet at a local adult store as there were too many people around my place for us to be able to play. My Buddy and his two 'friends' showed up and he introduced them to me. While introducing them to me he said the first one was poz with a high VL (and unmedicated) and the second one said he was poz, but undetectable. We had met in the parking lot, so after the introductions we all went inside to do some playing. We got a large room, stripped down and I started to suck the undetectable guy while my buddy sucked the total poz guy. After I sucked him a bit, my guy had me get up on a table, and when I positioned my legs over his shoulders, he rimmed my hole but good. I could feel his tongue all over my whole, and forcing its way inside me, all the while he was slobbering and wetting and lubing my hole. Looking over, I saw my buddy who was bent over, and getting pounded deep in his hole by the other guy's poz cock. After a few minutes of being rimmed and my cock getting a little of his mouth too my guy stood up beside the table and with my legs still over his shoulders proceeded to slam his 8 1/2" thick cock in my ass and started to pound my hole good. After not having any in a long, the action felt terrific. He pounded good and hard and fast and then he said "Here it comes" and loaded my hole good and full. Buddy then spoke up and asked "How did you like it?" "It sure felt fine" I answered. His guy had pulled out of him and come to look at my slopped up hole and my buddy said, "Guess what? When introducing the guys to you, I deliberately reversed the two guys: you got the unmedicated poz load deep in your hole!" I almost jumped to the ceiling when he said that but couldn't move as the other guy had grabbed my legs and plowed his cock in deep too and started to fuck me good too. Then my buddy said "Hey, I was just fooling, they both are total poz, and neither is on meds, and both have a high viral load." As he finished his remarks, the second guy grunted and filled my hole up too. What a rush. I was so hyped at what he said my cock just erupted without being touched. What way to find out what is being pumped in me. Now it is just a waiting game to see what happens, especially since they had already loaded-up my hole. Then I thought what the hell? and took another load from each of them before they left.
    1 point
  24. I had always been a good boy. For 31 years I had avoided all drugs. Never been drunk, never had a cigarette, never touched a drug. That all changed at 31. Due to some very interesting circumstances I tried pot for the first time. This changed everything. All of a sudden I had done my first drug and my first “illegal” drug. After a year of smoking pot (first occasionally and then regularly) I was introduced to something quite different. I had a boyfriend at the time. An older man whom I loved but didn’t do much for me sexually. So on the side, Alex (The Cuban) had always been there. Alex drank, but that was it. He had never done drugs, not even pot. Alex had introduced me to poppers and that was a lot of fun, but that was it. I’d skateboard over to Alex’s place, he’d fuck me for an hour or two and that would be that. The sex was always spectacular. I was 32 at the time, 5’10-11”ish, lightly hairy, muscular/athletic build but not a body builder. I was blessed with some very good genetics. Born in Charleston, SC on the Navel Base, my legs had always been huge. Skateboarding around South Beach for years had given me rock hard legs and brought my butt into alignment with the rest of me. I could easily pass for mid/late-20’s, but never lied about my age. Alex was older. Around 40, but Cuban so he could pass for my age if necessary. At this point we had been fucking for years and it never got old. Alex was smaller in stature, but but had a damn nice cock. Not huge, but definitely big and thick. One night I was at Alex’s doing our normal deal. He had procured me some really great pot and we were sniffing some great poppers like normal. Only this time, when he came, it was something different. His orgasm seemed to last forever and he even jumped up thrusting his cock in the air. He wasn’t shooting cum anymore, that was all deep inside me, but he was clearly still having an orgasm. Once subsided, he said he had something to tell me about. He had been smoking “tina” before I got there and whenever he would leave the room (sex was always marathon like) he was taking hits off of his pipe. I was in awe. I had no curiosity to try it myself, but clearly it had a very sexual effect. Not too long after we started round 2, (I’m usually good for 2 rounds at least, especially if I don’t cum), he said he wanted to try something. He had a small bag with some “dust” in it. He wanted to stick the head of his cock in the bag and fuck the dust into me. He said it wouldn’t have much of an effect since it was only dust. At this point I was stoned and horny. I had already tried pot, one illegal drug, how much different could tina be? I watched as he lubed up his beautiful cuban cock and stuck the bag on the end. He did what he could then cleaned out the bag with his finger, applying what was left to the tip of his cock. Now I trusted Alex… We had been fucking for 3 years at this point and when sex is involved I’m a pretty submissive guy. So without any hesitation he began to sink his fat, cuban, tina laced cock deep in my hole. At first I felt normal. It burned a little but that was it. Within minutes though, the nerve endings in my hole were on fire. All of a sudden my hole was alive. I didn’t care about my cock or anything else. All feeling had been redirected to my beautiful, southern, white boy, corn fed pussy. We fucked and fucked and fucked. Even the showers in between felt incredible. Cleaning out my hole with his shower shot felt amazing. He eventually brought out a different bag with actual clear shards. I ended up with a shard up my hole. Many hours later (who knows), we were still fucking. Thank God he has no problem staying hard on the stuff or cumming. Eventually he had to go to work. I still had not cum and still did not care. I left hungry and very much so awake. I eventually came that night after many hours of jerking off. My nose was sore from the poppers I had inhaled over the past day of fucking and jerking. Finally I was able to sleep. The come down lasted for days and was not pretty, but in the moment and for the many hours of mind-blowing sex (like literally nothing like i had felt before), it was worth it. This happened 3 more times. Haven’t touched the stuff since but I totally would. Don’t care about smoking it. Slamming it intrigues me, but having it fucked into me will always be my favorite. One of the three times I got fisted for the first time ever, but we’ll save those stories for another day.
    1 point
  25. I started off as a right condom queen until i begged my first bbc to fuck me raw. Since then I progressed to undetectable poz guys to basically any guy that wants to give me his load. Raw4life!
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  26. Help me out because I need to know
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  27. Sorry guys....my word processor had some issues in copying this story into BreedingZone. I tried to edit it and it wouldn't let me. It copied more than once, so the story repeats.
    1 point
  28. Very horny story. I think whether you take the PEP or not is up to whether you want a repeat or not as you aren't going to get a hornier conversion!
    1 point
  29. The worst is when the top slips out & shoots his wad of jazz on the floor, When that happens, I just think WTF what a waste.
    1 point
  30. Looks don't matter to me when my ass is just in the air or I'm blind folded in a sling. I've had guys I saw after they've fucked me that are total trolls that have used me and I think it's kinda hot
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  31. Was posted a year ago but I don't remember seeing it on here. Sorry if it's a repeat. "Blowing his load" http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=JlRrD-G478-#.VFUDQcnLL8c
    1 point
  32. Booze up and popper up and you'll turn into a total slut. Works for me!
    1 point
  33. BAREBACK BEARS PARTY i organized a international bareback bears orgy on my place in Madrid http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=oysxN-G694-#.VFH5jnl0zIU
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  34. Don't know why I love risky scenes, but I hooked up with a hot white guy on campus (I don't attend, but I love all the hotties). Anyway, he wound up being a bottom which pissed me off cuz I wanted a good pounding. So we meet and did it in a handicap stall in one of the UCF buildings. Since I don't really like to top, I decided to make him really feel it by fucking him as roughly as I could. I placed a tiny amount of spit on my dick head and just rammed in balls deep in one hard thrust. There was no talk of condoms so I made the choice to fuck him raw. Ifucked him as he bent over and grabbed the railing. I didn't last long as I hadn't cum in over a month. I didn't even ask where he wanted it. I continued fucking with only his ass juices now as lube and unloaded a massive load in his ass. In all it was just a five minute rough fuck quickie. At least he was good enough to suck my dick clean. I'm still surprised at all the 18-20 year olds that don't ask about status at all, and how there's no resistance to raw fucking one my head hits their hole.
    1 point
  35. Two vids from this hot guy ___________________________ sunday funday was beyond bored and horny one sunday so I called a couple of buds to cum over a breed me. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=GQMKs-G694-#.VFB5Unl0zIUdownlow soldier breeds my ass found this soldier online who was holding in a huge load. Was more than happy to help him release it!! This was our first time (of many) that we have hooked up. So glad I live close by a base http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=xu13r-G192-#.VFB7Vnl0zIU
    1 point
  36. When I do top, I want a hole oozing cum. Love the feeling of using a warm well used fuck hole.
    1 point
  37. So much has happened already and while I have cried in pain often I was excited about what else would happen tonight let alone the whole two weeks. George told me that Big John liked to have a boy pretend to be a baby girl and that it might me weird but that he was gentle and I should enjoy the break from the rough stuff. As soon as George left Big John or Daddy as he told me I could call him picked me up and sat me on his lap and hugged me and told me I was a good little girl. He picked up a baby bottle and told me to drink. Daddy caressed me as I drank the bottle and I liked it, but Daddy noticed I liked it too much as my cock got hard and he carried me to the bed so he could fix me. He laid me down gently and took off my panties and he told me for a little girl I had a big clit but he would take care of it. And get rid of my nasty hair. He put a pacifier in my mouth and next he covered my crotch with shaving cream and using a bowl of water he had waiting and a razor he removed what little hair I had. All that touching had my cock throbbing and I felt awesome. I wanted him to stroke me and hoped he would as I was getting really horny. From a cooler he pulled out a bag of ice and held it to my crotch and quickly my cock went soft. He told me that was better and to close my eyes and relax. He then started attaching something to my cock and balls and when he finished he told me to open my eyes and I saw my cock was trapped in a tiny pink cage. He told me it was a chastity lock and it would prevent any embarrassing erect clit. I liked how it made my cock look so little. He told me next time he'd bring a smaller one for me and then he tickled me and asked if I liked it and I loved it and told him so. I loved how I felt as he rubbed my belly and when he told me that Daddy loves his little girl I then told him I loved my Daddy too. He picked me up and sat down with me in his lap and I again told him I loved my Daddy. George later told me that the baby bottle I was fed had X and G in it as Big John likes how much it makes a boy like or even love him. He laid me back on the bed and gave me a teddy bear to hug as he got some stuff out of a bag and then I saw it was a diaper and baby powder. He lifted my legs to slide the diaper under me but when he saw my swollen boyhole he gasped. Gently he touched my hole and asked me if Oscar did that to me, when I nodded he told me he'd make it better and rubbed diaper cream on my hole then finished diapering me. For about an hour I enjoyed the attention and thought this was all we'd do but then he pulled out his cock and it was massive, not as fat as Oscar's but still fat and even longer and he told me to get on my knees as he had another bottle for his baby.
    1 point
  38. I love the tip, followed by the shaft.
    1 point
  39. depends on the situation i try to avoid any status talk....if your NEG and like BB....you wont be neg for long, esp as a bttm. usually i never get asked or IF i do its after i already nutted inside thier ass raw,,,,woof or i just tell the bi guys online that im neg. but most guys know a dirty pigtop when they see a profile, take a hint boy. haha
    1 point
  40. I'm new to barebacking but definitely think if you let a guy in you bareback he should be able to cum inside you. I use to use condoms but it's just not fun and guys slip them off anyways
    1 point
  41. Part IV I was flat on my back next to my boyfriend, with a POZ loads dripping out of both of our assholes. Bobby leaned over to kiss me and wormed his fingers between my asscheeks, working Tom's seed in and out. He whispered in my ear, “You alright with this? We can leave now if you want.” As I caught my breath, I couldn't help but think that I wanted more. Once my hole had been opened up, I knew I needed more. To my right, Kevin was fingering his own cummy hole. He swiped his fingers over my ass and took some of Tom's seed to squish into his own ass. As we lay in a sticky pile, two of the photographers still taking photos applauded us and started looking at their cameras to see what they had got. Tom went over to his clothes and fished out his phone. He snapped a pic of the three of us cumwhores and texted it to a few friends with an invite saying “CUM JOIN THE POZ PHOTOSHOOT” He got a few answers back saying that they were on their way. While we waited, we joked around and went into the other room to look at the pics. There were some great closeups of dicks covered in spooge and holes leaking cum. They were hot, but the ones that really got me going showed little more than a tangle of arms, faces stuffed with cock, and feet on shoulders. A total free-for-all. No one caring whose loads they were taking. We were surprised when Joe reappeared. I had thought he left when he rejected Tom's bare POZ cock. Turns out that he had been lurking in the shadows the whole time and had wanked out two loads watching our orgy, and now he wanted in. “I'll take it bare, but only from you NEG guys.” “Yeah right,” chuckled our frat boy host. “We'll see how long that lasts!” The frat boy reminded us that Tom's friends were on their way over and we might break the record tonight. With me, Bobby, and Kevin having POZ seed in our holes, we needed three more bottoms if we wanted to tie and four if we wanted to break the record. Ryan said he thought it might be fun to bottom for once. That made four. The photographer who had face-fucked Bobby said he was up for some POZ seed. So we got to five. The photographer told Bobby his name, Brian, and they shook hands. It cracked me up to see this guy introducing himself to a dude whose belly was full of his cum. Within a few minutes, some of Tom's POZ buds arrived. Liam and David were a couple, pumped up, POZ, and proud. They were on their way home from the gym when they got Tom's text, so they were both ripe and sweaty. David was well over six foot tall, olive skinned, and ripped. I'm sure his meds mixed with some steroids to create his taught tight look. Liam was about 5'6, and ripped. He had a greying goatee that set off his greying red hair in a sexy way. “What do we have here?” David asked. Tom explained that we were going for a record-breaking evening of POZZING, all to be captured on film. They started stripping down, revealing matching tribal biohazard symbol tatts on their right pecs. Bobby started nibbling on David's nipples as I started in on Liam. Ryan and Kevin pulled their shorts down and began deepthroating their cocks. I felt almost high as I tongued Liam's sweaty pits. Just then, the front door opened, and a guy from one of my classes walked in. Henry was the all-American ideal. He looked like he should have been on a poster for the Marines, and here he was at a POZ photoshoot. I could tell our frat boy host was drooling. Henry stripped off his clothes and joined the fray. Liam and David organized us all in a line, all on our knees with our faces pressed into the cummy sweaty mattress. Bobby was first, then me, then Ryan and Kevin, and lastly, Brian. “Five piggy bottoms is impressive, but not record-breaking,” hinted the frat boy host, trying to convince Joe to join in. He shook his head and said that he would let the frat boy fuck him bare, but not the POZ studs. “On your knees,” the frat boy ordered, and Joe joined us. Liam, David, Henry, and Tom went in order behind each of us, loosening our holes and opening us up one by one. Liam stuck his tongue far up my ass as he spread my cheeks, and was then replaced by David's muscular long fingers. Joe let the POZ guys finger and eat his ass, but he drew the line when Henry started working his drooling cock over his crack. “Just tongue, man. I'm not ready for the bug,” he protested. Liam laughed and shoved three fingers up his hole. The four tops lined up behind us. David started fucking Ryan, and Tom sunk his dick into Kevin's ass. Henry lined up behind me and worked his thick cock slowly into my hole as Tom began fucking Bobby again. The frat boy slammed into Joe's ass so quickly that Joe started half-screaming / half moaning. Five holes getting plowed at once, and Brian fingering his ass waiting for his turn. All I could hear was panting and groaning mixed with anonymous voices, “You like that?”, “Fuck yeah, bro. Take that cock!” , “You want my seed, man?”. I've never felt such freedom and such pleasure. The frat boy raised is voice above the others. “Alright everyone. Switch!” Henry pulled out of my ass and moved onto Bobby as Tom slipped easily into my stretched-out hole. I could hear Joe whining, “No man. Just you. I'm not getting POZZED tonight!” “Alright man. I'll keep fucking you as long as you can take it!” So everyone got a fresh POZ dick in their holes, except for Joe, and now Ryan waited his turn. We switched tops until they had all fucked each bottom twice, and the frat boy kept pounding Brian's ass the whole time. The frat boy was the first to cum, and shouted, “Take that NEG seed, you fucker! Take my load!!!” Brian was so exhausted that he seemed to have passed out. Before anyone else could cum, the frat boy threw up his hands. “We could play this two ways guys. If I let one or more of you POZ dudes cream my hole, we'll tie the record. If one of you wants to fuck Brian's cummy hole, we'll break the record. Who's in?” The frat boy laid down on his back and pulled his knees up to his chest. Henry leapt over to him and started eating his hole. David picked the frat boy up and laid down underneath him, sliding easily into his ass. Liam climbed on top of the pile and slid his sticky cock alongside his partner's. Henry shoved his dick in the frat boy's mouth. Watching our NEG host become the center of action was so hot that I almost missed seeing Tom mount Brian's upturned passed-out ass. He jackrabbited away as the three POZ dudes practically raped the frat boy. I diddled my hole watching the action. Ryan and Kevin were making out hardcore as Bobby and Brian slurped on both of their cocks. I picked up someone's camera and shot away, getting closeups of the frat boy's ass straining to contain both POZ cocks. I snapped some great ones of Joe finally taking Tom's cock, which he had fought not to take even though he wanted it. Liam and David creamed the frat boy's ass within seconds of each other, just as Tom's thrusts slowed down and he unloaded deep in Joe's ass. Henry shot his wad all over the frat boy tangle. Tongues lashed as we all made out with each other, fingering our gooey holes into our newfound friends' holes. We caught our breath as Tom held a bottle of poppers under Joe's nose, which revived him quickly. “What the hell happened?” The frat boy responded as Tom cradled Joe. “Let's just say we broke our record, dude.” The End. I invite you guys to write the next chapters if you like!
    1 point
  42. There's nothing hotter than Dad/Son roleplay, especially with a Poz Daddy. Very hot dialogue between the 2 of you!
    1 point
  43. Part III My mind was in a fog. I came to thinking I must have been having a wet dream. Images of Bobby fingering a knowingly POZ load into his gaping hole swirled in my head. I knew I should be angry, or disgusted, but all I could think of was how hard my cock felt, and how hot it had been. I seemed to have passed out, and my crotch was wet. Turns out that I had cum, hard, without even touching my dick. I fell over and landed on the mattress next to Bobby as he lay there, his ass covered in POZ seed. There were at least six guys standing around, some fully clothed, some jerking off, but all still had their cameras firing away. I opened my eyes to see a tangle of bodies. Ryan and Kevin, the guys who had posed last week had stripped out of their clothes. Kevin was pleading, “Help a guy out, Bobby. Gimme some of that TOXIC lube.” Bobby leaned up and pulled his body down on top of him. Kevin lined up his cock with Bobby's wrecked hole. He dipped the head of his cock into Bobby's ass and withdrew. I knew it was covered in Tom's POZ jizz. Ryan leaned in and snaked his tongue first into Bobby's mouth, then kissed his own boyfriend. Ryan laid down next to Bobby and pulled his ankles up. Kevin re-positioned himself at Ryan's ass and started fucking. I knew he was working Tom's POZ cum deep into Ryan's bare hole. The frat boy host crouched down beside me and asked if I was ok. I nodded and he handed me a glass of water. “Let me help you out of those shorts, man. They seem pretty soggy.” I was embarrassed that I cum all over myself, but figured under the circumstances, he was probably the only guy who had noticed. I let the frat boy undress me and shivered as he ran his hands over my body. Bobby lay there, working his cummy hole, smiling as he watched me being handled. The frat boy sunk his tongue into my mouth. He smiled. “You taste good. Want to taste something even better?” He pushed my head down to Bobby's ass. “Eat it. Wouldn't want that TOXIC load sinking in too deep, would we?” I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue. I had rimmed Bobby before, but never after fucking him. His ass was usually so tight and pink, but now it was loose, puffy, and red. It tasted sort of tinny, mixed with the tartness of fresh cum, cum that I knew was POZ. I thought I would just run my mouth over Bobby's hole, but it was so open that I could practically fuck him with my tongue. I noticed Tom was standing beside me. He knelt down. “Don't be mad at me, dude. I promised I wouldn't cum in him, and I didn't.” I don't know what I was thinking, but I raised my head enough to kiss him. I had a glob of his cum on my tongue, and fed it to him. One of the guys standing around jerking off saw what we were doing, and leaned in to snap a few pics. I decided to show off a bit and let our tongues move apart as Tom's cum formed into a strand, perfectly suspended over Bobby's upturned ass, leaking still more POZ seed. Knowing that Bobby's hole had much more where that came from, I went back to eating Bobby's ruined ass. The guy snapping pics was naked from the waist down. He straddled over Bobby's head as he leaned forward to get pics of me eating Tom's load. Bobby's gasps changed to moans as I realized he was swallowing this stranger's thick dangling cock. I knew this was out of hand, but there was nothing to do to stop it. The frat boy climbed up behind the photographer and started rubbing his bare dick over his crack. I knew the frat boy started fucking him when Bobby's moans turned to gagging. As the frat boy fucked, the photographer's wide dick was choking Bobby, and he was loving it. I could hear cameras clicking mixing with Ryan and Kevin fucking right next to us. Just then, I felt something wet at my ass. “You want that ass fucked too?” Tom asked. “Please. Don't.” I wrestled with wanting to know the freedom that Bobby had felt as he felt that bare POZ cock filling his hole. "Okay, we'll be safe, well, as safe as I was with your boyfriend. You'd like that, wouldn't you?” I knew he was right, and I nodded. Tom went back to the bag of dildos and found a thick five inch flesh-colored one. He handed it to me. I spit on it to lube it up. He chuckled and leaned it to stick it in Bobby's ass. Poor Bobby didn't know what was coming as he was too busy blowing this guy getting fucked. He yelped as that dildo went deep into his hole and came out covered in a sticky mix of pink ass juice and POZ cum. I shuddered knowing that I would have some of that cum in my hole in a few seconds, and maybe a whole lot more if he came inside me. Tom pulled the cummy dildo out of Bobby's ass and swiftly jammed it into mine. I squealed, both in pain and delight. “Go easy. I'm not wet enough.” Tom chuckled again saying, “We can fix that. I felt the mushy head of his dick move against my ass, drooling POZ precum. I then felt something going into my ass, much easier than the dildo. I knew it was his cock, and I didn't know if I wanted it to be or not. I clenched my eyes shut and started lapping at Bobby's ass again. I felt Tom going deeper and deeper into my ass. With each thrust, he filled me more than I had ever been filled before. I heard Kevin saying to Ryan. “Like me working that POZ load into your hole.” “Fuck yeah,” Kevin answered, adding “Looks like we're gonna have three asses leaking POZ cum before the night is out! That's gotta be some kind of a record." The frat boy grunted, as his pistoned away at the photographer's hole, “Fuck no. We've seen at least six holes full of TOXIC loads on one single night before.” That sent Kevin over the edge and he fired his own NEG load into Ryan's ass, mixing it with Tom's TOXIC seed. I could feel drops of Tom's sweat raining down on my back as he fucked the hell out of me. I heard the photographer grunt and felt his load shoot all over my back. I pulled off of Bobby's ass and looked up, seeing Bobby's chest covered in the photographer's wad. I couldn't help but lap it up and swirl my mouth over Bobby's bouncing dick. He grabbed my head and came hard down my throat. The frat boy fired off, filling the photographer's ass. Tom pistoned away, holding hard onto my hips. “There's a lot of cummy holes here tonight. The third ass is about to be full of POZ seed. Not bad for only one POZ top, right?” Everyone standing around cheered him and snapped away with their cameras as he jack-rabbited away. I could feel his cock swelling up, and then it happened. He shot at least four volleys of POZ jizz deep into my ass. Tom wiped his brow as he pulled out of my ass and flipped me onto my back. “Well done, bro. You want to join Bobby and Ryan there and see if we can break our record tonight? I've got some friends I could call....” To be continued...
    1 point
  44. I could not believe what I was seeing. My boyfriend was stripped naked on a mattress surrounded by six guys with cameras, and next to him was a POZ guy with a massive dripping cock. Our frat boy host whispered in my ear, “You okay with this?” I just nodded, certain that my boyfriend would get off on simulated sex with Tom and that I would get to fuck the hell out of him when we got home. I heard one of the guys taking photos to a friend, “Whoah! This is crazy. Think we'll get to shoot a conversion tonight?” Bobby was holding Tom's throbbing cock to his mouth. He looked at me for approval. I nodded, thinking I was letting him know I was ok with him just holding it. As soon as I nodded, Bobby opened his jaw wider and lowered his mouth onto Tom's slimy POZ cock. He managed to swallow it practically to his hairy balls. I figured it was ok for him to just blow this guy. I had read somewhere that it's hard to get POZZED just from a blowjob. The rest of the photographers were close as my boy swallowed down Tom's cock and slurped down his juices. Tom had his hands wrapped around Bobby's head, controlling him. He smiled at me and said, “Hey man. Thanks for this. We'll only take this as far as YOU want, ok?” I nodded again. Somehow I trusted him. I looked up, still nodding as I saw the frat boy host unbuckling his shorts. He must have thought I was nodding at him. He gave me a thumbs up as he shucked his underwear and freed his cock. I remembered what he had told me that sometimes orgies happened, but only when everyone was comfortable with it... For the meantime, the rest of the guys were still clothed, and snapping away. Bobby pulled off of Tom's cock and gave him a huge sloppy kiss. I could see Tom's shiny toxic precum all over Bobby's face and chin. Tom threw him back onto his shoulders and went to work on his cock, swallowing it to the root in one gulp. Bobby's eyes were closed and he threw his head back with a moan. Our frat boy host positioned his balls over Bobby's mouth and lowered them. He looked up at me and grinned. I was stupefied, frozen with lust, fear, and jealousy, as Bobby started slurping on his low hangers, his own cock disappearing down Tom's throat. Tom flipped Bobby over onto his hands and knees and started working his hole. Bobby was supporting himself with his hands as the frat boy slid his slimy cock in and out of my boyfriend's mouth. Tom started by spreading Bobby's asscheeks apart and then working in a finger or two. I wanted to make sure he wasn't tearing up Bobby's hole so I leaned in close and took a few photos. I asked Tom, “You're not going to fuck him, are you?” “Naw man. Not unless he asks me to...” Whew... “Hey guys,” Tom asked, “does someone want to bring me the toys? Maybe I can take care of his hole without POZZING him...” Bobby groaned something, but since his mouth was full of the frat boy's thick cock, no one understood it. Someone handed Tom a leather doctor's bag full of dildos. He started to wipe his precum all over one of them to lube it up, and I shook my head no. He frowned and got a bottle of KY out and squirted it all over Bobby's ass. He worked a 4” butt plug into Bobby's ass, and then a 6”, and an 8”. I had never seen his hole so opened-up. The frat boy groaned, “I'm gonna blow! I'm NEG. Can I cum in him?!?” I nodded, thinking he was going to cum in Bobby's mouth, but instead, he spun Bobby around, pulled out the 8” dildo, and slid into his bare hole. He thrusted all the way in as Bobby thrashed in a mix of pain and pleasure. “Yeah, slut. Take my cum!!!” His hips slammed against my boyfriend's ass over and over as he emptied his load into Bobby's guts. He pulled out slowly as the guys kept clicking their cameras. My boy laid down with his ass hanging over the edge of the mattress and spread his cheeks. The frat boy's load was dripping out. Tom hopped up saying, “Hey guys! I can pose like it's my load dripping out! It would look just like he's been POZZED!!!” He lined up his cock against Bobby's cummy ass and jerked it a bit. The guys were practically salivating as they snapped away. With so much lube on his ass from the dildo fucking and the frat boy's load, it was easy for Tom to slide his raw POZ dick up and down Bobby's crack. Bobby was squirming all over, trying to turn his head around to see this POZ cock teasing his hole. Tom started jerking his cock, lining it up with Bobby's asshole. He grinned at me, “How about just the head, man? Help a bro out. Promise I won't cum in him... And it will make for some super hot pics” I nodded, unbelievably turned on as my stomach tied itself into knots. Tom grabbed his dick and worked it deeper into the crack, thrusting his hips back and forwards. It really did look like they were fucking. He worked the tip of his mushroom head between Bobby's jiggling cheeks as Bobby pushed back against him. I'm sure the head popped in a few times. It took a lot of self-restraint for him to not just sink it in, and from the way Bobby was squealing, I am sure he would not have stopped him. My mouth had gone dry and the only sounds I could hear were the clicking of the cameras and the sweaty sound of skin on skin as Tom sunk the tip of his POZ cock into my boy's bare ass. Bobby turned his head over to me, his eyes darting to Tom's. “How about just a few inches. Not fucking or anything, just so we can get some stills where it looks like he's pounding my hole. Maybe Tom can pose so it looks like he's even breeding me!” Again, I nodded. Tom sunk his horse cock very slowly into my boyfriend. He threw his head back. He was shaking a little and I could tell he was trying so hard not to fuck Bobby's brains out. “I gotta pull out man. It's been so long since a guy let me fuck him. I'm gonna shoot!” With that, Bobby pushed back against Tom's groin and fucked himself on Tom's dick a few times and then lunged forward as he shot his own load, without even touching his cock. Tom grabbed his tool and jerked it a few times, sending volley after volley of molten cum across my boy's back and ass. Bobby spread his cheeks wide as Tom kept cumming and cumming. His winking asshole must have caught a few droplets, and the guys crowded in to get close-ups. Bobby's fingers spread his ass wide as Tom's toxic load seeped down his cheeks and closer and closer to his ass. He wooshed his fingers around in the toxic puddle around his hole getting them slick with poison. Then, he sunk his cummy fingers into his ass, holding still as the guys kept their cameras clicking. I was so dizzy I felt like I was about to pass out. Bobby rolled over onto his back and kept working his cummy fingers and out of his stretched-out hole as I fainted. To be continued...
    1 point
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  46. drank a dudes piss and he barebacked me on the deck of the barracks in palm springs, as i was leaving that night i looked at the porn they were showing and it was the same guy fucking ass that fucked me! i dont know what his name is and dont really care, all i know is he was one hung black dude and hole ripped apart!
    1 point
  47. There is definately something to be said for this. You can agree that a bloke is welcome to 'force' you without consequence, that you won't have a safeword or don't need to know what to expect. It's incredibly horny - and you have the saftey of no prosecution or major consequence. but with all the risk and excitement!
    1 point
  48. Losing my Virginity in so Many Ways! (Part 2) I had just been fucked for the first time. On top of it all it was a raw, bareback breeding by a poz stud who got me high. I was feeling invincible and looking forward to more while Brandon kissed me deeply as he kept his hard cock deep inside me massaging in his newly deposited load. When he broke his kiss so we both could get some air he let me know that there was plenty more to come. Brandon went on to tell me that he had a bunch of friends coming over to have a bareback party. He holds these monthly. There’s plenty of sex and drugs to last through the weekend. He knew I would enjoy myself as I had already done with him. He planned on keeping me very high and by the end of the weekend I’d be a poz, cum, tweaker. He wasted very little time by fucking another load into me as I could feel the high I had start to fade. This gave me the chance to realize what I had done and hoped I could head home to ponder my fate. But luck was not with me as he dropped another ecstasy and a couple Viagra in my mouth with some g laced water. This was followed by another slam. I could tell this slam was much stronger then the one before by the amount of ringing I had in my ears and the way I felt very hot. I was back in that place where I did not care what I did or had done to me. It was at this point that I had all the hair shaved off my body including my head. I was smooth from the tip of my head to my toes. It was a real turn on getting shaved down and I couldn’t wait to get fucked again. After Brandon was done shaving me down, he fucked another load into me. He finished just as the buzzer for his apartment sounded. “Looks like its party time.” I was left in the sling, still restrained as Brandon left to let who ever was at the door in the apartment. Next thing I heard several voices and a “No fucking way?” from some strange voice and another guy said “How’d you get him over here?” How did I end up here, I met a hot stud I wanted to have sex with for my first time and never ready his profile that listed him as HIV+ and a meth user. Now I was high on the shit and wanting to get fucked. Brandon walked in and said “Here’s the little bitch, high as a kite and ready for more. This is Adam a freshman over at the university. Adam this here is Jose and Miguel. There are ready to fuck you.” These two latin studs undressed as Brandon released my restraints. This could be my chance to escape, but did I want to be fucked by these guys. I was helped out of the sling and was a little unsteady on my feet so escape was no option even if I wanted too run. As they helped me over to the bed I noticed Miguel was lying on his back with a massive cock pointing straight up. It had to be over 10” long. They positioned me over his cock and sat me down on it. It popped in so easily and I slid all the way down to the base. Miguel began to fuck into me and it felt amazing. As I got fucked from below Miguel pulled me in for a kiss. It was at that moment I felt someone grab my arm and another slam was injected into me. At the same time I felt a hand on my back and could tell someone was behind me. I was still locked in the kiss with Miguel when I felt another cock forcing it way into my hole. The slam made me relax to the point of being able to accept a Jose cock along with the first. It felt amazing. I could only moan out in pain and pleasure as I was double fucked. The two kept plowing me good. First Miguel would cum, then a few minutes later Jose would shoot. They traded off like that for a long time as more and more people began to arrive at Brandon’s. A small crowd began to gather around us as the party got into full swing. When I looked up I saw that there was Brandon in the sling getting fucked as others were in different stages of fucking. I couldn’t imagine that something like this would go one with guys freely fucking other guys bareback and breeding each other. Finally Jose pulled out and I was allowed to lie down as Miguel pulled out of me. I am not sure who everyone was but some muscular hunk grabbed me from behind and mounted my ass. By this point my ass was so loose I was able to accommodate anyone without problems. I have to say that as the party went on, Brandon took care of me. He always made sure I drank gatorade, he kept me well lubed with ecstasy and meth and kept me hard as a rock with Viagra. I have no idea how many times I was fucked or how many loads I had taken. One thing I knew is that I was feeling great with every slam I got. As the party began to break up and people left I was back in the sling. Brandon was now sitting on a stool between my legs with the crisco as one of his friends prepared to give me another slam. I felt Brandon work my hole with 3, then 4 fingers. As he applied more and more Crisco I could feel my hole opening up. Then I felt pressure as Brandon slid his thumb in next to his fingers. He was trying to get his entire fist in my cunt. As Brandon began to apply pressure he nodded and his friend gave me another slam. I felt this amazing sensation in my ass as Brandon slipped his fist inside me. My cock was still hard from all the Viagra I had be given and I felt the sudden urge to cum. Brandon working his fist deeper inside me as he leaned in and began to suck on my cock. I felt like I was going to shoot, but ended up pissing instead. Brandon didn’t seem phased by my piss and drank it down as he continued to suck my cock. The more he pushed into my hole, the more he sucked ,the better it all felt. With little warning I began the strongest orgasms I had ever had. I felt like I was going to shoot my entire life’s supply of cum. At the same time I felt like I was having an orgasm in my ass too. Brandon commented that he felt my hole sucking his arm in deeper. He was over half way to his elbow and I could feel his hand stretching me inside. The orgasms I was having ended and Brandon began to slowly pull his fist from my hole. Before I knew what was going on Brandon and I were the only ones left in the apartment. I was kept so high I had no clue as to the time or the day. Brandon came over to me and gave me a big kiss. He told me what a good little pig I was and he wanted to see me again. I couldn’t resist him. We continued seeing each other. A few weeks after we met I came down with the flu I and asked Brandon if he thought I should go to the doctor? He told me to wait and see if I get any worse. He came over to my dorm, picked me up and took me back to his apartment to take care for me for the 3 days I was sick. Once I was better he said, “Let’s go to the clinic.” “Why go to the clinic now, I am feeling great.” “We should go to the free clinic so you can get an HIV test.” In the short time we had begun to see each other I had forgotten about taking all that poz cum. Now I had to face the consequences of my actions. Brandon drove me over to the free clinic where I had an HIV test performed. Brandon went with me when I had to return a week later to get my results. Brandon could tell I was nervous as we sat in the room waiting for the counselor to come into and give me my results. Brandon held my hand the entire time, right through the counselor telling me I was HIV+. Not once did he leave my side. He made me feel that I was not alone. We drove back to his place in silence. Walked up the stairs and into his apartment without saying a word. Once inside the door, he grabbed me and kissed me. We made out passionately as we slowly undressed each other. He led me to his bedroom and we continued to kiss and before long we positioned ourselves for 69. He made sure to get my cock nice and wet as he deep throated me. Then without a word he pushed me on my back and mounted my hard cock. He looked down at me and simply said, “Now it’s your turn to recharge me” as I fucked him for all my might. This being my first time as a top I didn’t last long, but I gave him a huge load of cum deep inside his hole. We held each other for the entire night. I fucked him throughout the night and deposited every load I could inside him. This happened 2 years ago and we have been together ever since.
    1 point
  49. I've always had fantasy about getting raped and being abused and used without my consent and my bf and fb,s set up a role play session which was hot but not quite what I wanted as I knew everyone. So my bf set up a scene with 4 guys from our gym without me knowing about. These guys kidnapped me outside the gym and took to this place and fucked and used and abused me real rough. I was frightened the whole time I was with them as far as I was concerned it was real and terrifying. My bf finally rescued me and told me what he did at first I was really pissed at him but realised I actually enjoyed it 2 of the guys are now regular fb's.
    1 point
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