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  1. (This is actually a true story. It was 1983, and I was an introverted, sky, skinny kid from the East End of Louisville, the 'burbs back then. I was deeply closeted and naive, and ready to be taken advantage of. This incident began a 10 month journey into sex and hard drugs that ended with me, a gay kid from the burbs, learning how to take cock, deep throat and yes, fuck pussy to the point where I got a black junkie pregnant. It was the best summer of my life, and brought me a wonderful daughter that I never thou a guy like me could ever have.) --------------------------------------------- I was barely nineteen and had been fucked only once, by a white guy who was 30. I met him in at Blue Movies in downtown Louisville, and we went back to his place, smoked a J and he topped me. He was so small i didn't even know he had cum until he went soft. So this is what I had fantasized about ever since I saw Freddie Mercury eating grapes on the back cover of the first Queen album? It wasn't anything like I had read in "First Hand" or "Inches," my favorite wack-mags. I was sorely disappointed and wondered if I was straight after all. A few weeks later I was back in the bookstore looking to do it again, and hopefully have a better experience. I had tried dating girls over the past few weeks, which made my dad very,very happy. He loaned me his sports car, gave me a wad of cash and beamed as I drove off, conflicted. A few dates, and I could not bring myself to even kiss one of them. Was I just shy, or really a fag? I didn't know. But I knew I was horny and that is what took me to the bookstore that night. In the arcade section, I saw a big black daddy, maybe 6-2 and in good shape. He must have been pushing fifty, and I was instantly attracted to this dangerous-looking giant man. I grew up in a typical upper-middle class family, went to St. X high school, and hid the fact that I was a fag from everyone except the guys who sucked me off at the bookstores. Looking back, i know my parents knew. But what made them think that talking about how "sick" it was to be gay would somehow turn me straight, instead of just make me feel unworthy and unloved and alone? He was standing outside a booth rubbing his cock through his checked polyester pants. I could just stare. He kept rubbing, and I could see his cock grow even bigger. I was mesmerized and walked toward him. I planned to go into the booth, leave the door unlocked, and wait for him to come in. Then I was going to suck my first dick. I had it all panned, but as I went to open the door, he grabbed my hand and looked down at me and said, "You think you can handle this, boy?" I said,"I don't know. I've only been fucked once." His eyes bugged a little and he said, "I live down the street, let's go." I followed him outside and walked about 12 blocks without either of us saying a word. I was getting scared. "I thought you said you lived down the street." He stopped and put his hand on my ass. "We're walking down the street, aint we?" He said, rubbing my ass and turning me on. Here I was a skinny 19 year old white kid from a good home, getting felt up at 10PM on a public street in downtown Louisville. He nodded toward the projects. "Just over there," he said. I followed him to the entrance to his place, and walked up three steps to his front door. He opened the door and we went inside. He closed the door and locked it. Now I was really scared, and my dick shrunk quickly. I looked around. The inside was one room, with a small kitchen, and a door to what was probably a bathroom. I looked at everything, planning a way to escape. It was remarkably clean, and empty except for a tv, a mattress, a lamp, and some boxes in the corner. At this point, i was scared shitless and started to try to talk my way out of it. He came over and grabbed my ass, hard. "You're not going anywhere, baby. And you're going to love this. Get them clothes off." He released my ass and I just stood there, panicked. He walked a few steps, stopped, and with his back to me, slowly, sexily, pulled his t-shirt over his head. Oh. My. God. The sexiest, darkest back I had ever seen. My cock started hardening again. He twirled his t-shirt slowly, almost like a stripper and turned around and revealed a nice, but not chiseled chest, with a few tattoos and long, dark nipples. I stared at those long nipples, and as I was standing there in a daze, he unbuttoned his pants, unzipped, and they dropped to the floor. No underwear, just a huge cock, hanging there half hard. He turned back toward the boxes again, but stopped and turned to look at me, and as he was staring at me, his cock started getting harder and harder until it was huge and standing straight out, "See how hard you got me?" He said. "So are you gonna get naked now?" It wasn't a question. I pulled my Polo t-shirt off and kicked off my topsiders. He smiled, turned and started rummaging through a shoebox. I took off the rest of my clothes and stood there, cock hard as a rock. He turned around and had a syringe, a little foil, a lighter, a spoon, and a little baggie. "You're gonna love this shit," he said. I had only smoked weed, and just that one time. But my dick was thinking for me, and I stood there and held out my arm as he tied a shoelace around my arm. He said, "Sit down or you are gonna fall down." I sat on the mattress and he busied himself with his spoon. He after a few minutes, he put the syringe into the spoon and pulled the plunger. There was a cloudy liquid in the chamber. I held out my arm, and watched him inject me. I felt a little woozy at first, but when he took the shoelace off, the entire room suddenly started spinning and I felt the most beautiful, peaceful feeling was over me. Every muscle in my body relaxed, and I swore that I could feel my soul moving around inside my body. I even felt the space between my ribs, felt them expand and contract as I breathed. "Wow," was all I could say. "wow." "You gonna learn to love my speedballs, boy, and come back for them all the time." "Whaaa," I slurred. Why can't I talk, I thought. "Yeah," he said as he moved even closer to me. "You're fucked now." I felt him pushing me backwards on the bed and pulling my legs apart. I had no muscle control. i felt completely asleep - heavy muscles, no feeling at all, anywhere, but also feeling everything at a deeper level than ever before. I saw his cock pointing at my hole, and I just moaned,"Fuuuuuck meeeee" as his face inched closer and closer to mine until it completely filled my entire line of vision.....
    4 points
  2. PART THREE I knew that Sam's comment should've made me feel uncomfortable but it didn't. Maybe it was the alcohol or just getting used to the environment itself but I was starting to feel a lot more relaxed and before I knew it, it was midnight. As we were sitting at the bar, the MC came up to us, "Hey guys, sorry about before. I want to make it up to you". We both looked a bit puzzled at him as he continued. "See, first prize isn't usually just the drink cards & a couple of sashes. I usually give the happy couple a little bit extra if you know what I mean. Here, have a great night on me." and slipped something into Sam's pocket. Sam fished into his pocket and pulled out a little plastic bag with a couple of tablets inside. Even though I'd never tried it before, I knew straight away that they were E's. "Wow," I blurted out quickly. "They don't do things by halves here do they?" "I know. Have you ever done ecstasy before?" Sam asked me "Never, what about you?" "Yeah, a handful of times." "At your age?" "Hey man, I'm in my 50s. I'm not 80!! Did you want to give it a try? I totally understand if you don't want to" "I'd never been to a gay bar before tonight either! And hey, you've protected me pretty well from harm so far so of course I trust you. Down the hatch I say" I closed my eyes and downed the rest of my drink along with the pill. There was no question I felt a little nervous having taken ecstasy for the first time but Sam was doing a great job in relaxing me. Our conversation continued to flow freely and I was starting to see Sam in a new light, thinking that I wouldn't mind catching up with again another time. Before I knew it I started feeling incredibly at ease with everything and I knew the molly was starting to take hold. Previously, if guys were giving my ass a playful pat when they came up to the bar I shifted nervously on the stool. Now, I was returning the favour and even flirting with them. I could tell it was having a similar effect on Sam as we were sitting closer together, hands "accidentally" brushing against each other's body as the barman came up to us, "Sorry guys. Bar's closing in fifteen minutes" Despite the rush, I couldn't help but feel disappointed as I knew I had about 3-4 hours of the high left but the bar was soon to close. I knew I wanted to make the most of it so I grabbed Sam by the hand, "Come on, let's dance!" Our actions on the dancefloor this time were the polar opposite from a few hours previously. We were dancing so much closer, Sam had his hands on my hips on more than a few occasions and even stroked my ass. Feeling so much bolder, I turned around and even brushed my ass against his cock once or twice. Although a few guys also brushed my ass a couple of times I only had eyes for one man. "LAST DANCE GUYS!!!!" and the unmistakeable strains of "I've Had The Time Of My Life" started up. "Oh no" moaned Sam. "Nuh uh," I replied with a smile. "There's no way you're sitting this one out" and began to grind my hips against his as I threw my arms around his neck. I looked deep into Sam's eyes, he mine and I was totally lost. I had no wife, he wasn't 25 years older than me, there wasn't a massive number of people on the dancefloor and his hardening cock pressed against me felt so natural. "Thankyou for such a wonderful night" I said with a smile, brought my face up to his and kissed him with more passion than I'd kissed anyone for a long time. No-one would have ever known given how deeply we were kissing that not only were we perfect strangers hours before but that I was a happily married straight man. I'd never felt so alive, kissing this sexy older man out on the dancefloor. There was no need to play coy now as he put both his hands on my ass and cupped my cheeks. I smiled at him only briefly because I needed his tongue back in my mouth immediately. I'd no idea where the rest of the night would lead, all I knew was that I'd never felt this way before. END OF PART THREE
    4 points
  3. Sorry for the delay guys. I'll start on chapter 5 and post it ASAP. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 4 As usual the phone rang at around 3 p.m. I didn’t even look at my cell phone screen or give my mom a chance to respond. “Hello mom. Yes, I’ll be there on time.” “I’m just checking.” “I know. I was expecting the call.” “Well, you don’t have to be rude about it.” “I’m not mom. I just knew you would be calling.” “Well, I’m glad you will be making it on time. You know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” “Yes, I know mom. I’ll be there.” “I know you don’t like when I ask this,” (Here it comes….. my mom’s opinions), “and I don’t want to pester, but your Aunt Ester and I have been wondering if you found a nice church yet.” (Thinking to myself) Well, I tricked with a priest in the rectory at St. Sebastian’s once. “No, I’m still looking, mom.” “Now whatever church you choose is really up to you, but remember, you were brought up Lutheran, and even though we weren’t fond of those Catholics, Aunt Ester became one…..well she married into it, dear, but Aunt Ester thinks you’re old enough to be safe around those priests now. So if you’re meant to be a Catholic, then so be it, but don’t be putting your fingers in that holy water, that’s so unsanitary.” “No, Mom, I wouldn’t think of putting my fingers anywhere that wasn’t sanitary.” (Thinking to myself) Unless my tongue checked it out first. “You remember Betty across the street don’t you, Isaac? You know the one with the ugly pansies in front of her house? I’m talking about flowers, dear.” “Yeah, mom.” “She told me today that her son is getting a bunch of tattoos. Betty was shocked to say the least. I don’t understand why he would want to do that.” “Well, it is his body, mom.” “Yes, but…..what do you mean It’s his body? You’re not thinking about getting any of them are you?” “No, mom, I’m not THINKING about getting any tattoos.” “Good because if God wanted you to have tattoos you would have been born that way.” “Oh, so it was divine intervention that you were born with pierced ears, mom?” “That’s different and you know it.” “How is that different, mom?” “Tattoos are defiling your temple, but earrings are just….. just a little bling.” “I’m sure God sees it that way.” “Don’t get smart with me, Isaac.” “I’ll see you tonight, mom.” My mom was going to find out about my tattoo sooner or later. Might as well be sooner and get it over with so I wore a short sleeve shirt to my parent’s house for dinner. I pulled up in front of their house and parked on the street. I started to walk toward the front door and saw my dad standing in the front window. “Walter, get the baseball bat!!! There’s a thug coming up the driveway.” Looking out the front window Walter said, “That’s Isaac’s car out front.” “Oh my God, the thugs got Isaac. Call 911!!” I opened the front door, “Hi mom. Hi dad.” “Oh for heaven’s sake, Isaac, get in here and shut the door before Betty sees you.” “It’s nice to see you too, mom.” “What is that on your arm? And what happened to your hair?” Sarcastically, “What?! You don’t like my new look?” “Well, your hair can grow back, but……but…..you told me you weren’t thinking about getting one of THEM.” “I’m not THINKING about it. I already got it.” “I suppose you think that’s funny.” “Not at all, mom. I happen to like tattoos a lot.” “Well, your father hates it.” Speaking quietly in the background, Walter said, “Actually I kind of like it.” I smirked a little. “You see, he hates it.” “Mom, I’m still the same Isaac as I was before. Actually I’m MORE myself now.” “Well, I don’t have to like it.” “No you don’t, mom, but it’s for me, not you.” During dinner my mom kept looking at me. I could tell she wanted to say something and it was only a matter of time before she couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Please tell me you’re not joining a biker gang or doing drugs, Isaac.” I chuckled, “No, mom, I’m not doing drugs or joining a gang of bikers. Dinner is good, by the way.” My dad added, “I happen to like your tattoo, Isaac. It looks well done.” My mom chimed in, “Walter!!” “Whhhhhaaaat? It looks good.” “Thanks, dad.” My mom changed the subject, “Are you seeing anyone, Isaac?” “I’ve been on a couple dates.” “You know you can bring your guy friend home.” “You mean my boyfriend.” “Well, I don’t know what to call him.” “It’s no different because I’m gay, mom. He’s by boyfriend.” “Well, your boyfriend is welcome here.” “I know. We’re not at that point, mom.” After dinner, while my mom was in the kitchen, my dad hugged me. “Don’t listen to your mom. She means well, but….. You look good, son.” “Thanks, dad.” “Take care. See you soon. I love you, Isaac.” “Yeah, I love you too. Bye, dad.” My mom hugged me goodbye and whispered in my ear, “No more tattoos.” I whispered in her ear, “It’s my body, mom. I happen to like them.” “You’re mutilating your body.” “To you I am. It’s art, mom.” “Art shmart.” “I love you too mom.” “Just take care of yourself, Isaac.” She kissed me on the cheek. “I am mom.” (If she only knew I was also chasing poz seed). “I love you, Isaac. I just want you to be happy.” “What makes you think I’m not happy?” “Nothing.” “Well then……” “I just worry about you. I’m allowed, you know.” “I’m fine mom. I’ll talk to you later.” “Bye. Call me when you get home so I know you made it alright.” “Ok. Thanks for dinner. See you later.” As much as I love my parents, I was happy to be heading home. My mom can be a bit exhausting at times, and tonight’s dinner was about as relaxing as having a root canal. When I got home I called to let my mom know I was home. I flopped onto my bed, let out a deep sigh of relief, and drifted off to sleep curled up with my pillow. Zak and I talked during the week. His laughter at the details of my event-filled evening at my parent’s brought a little too much pleasure to his world. I had to chuckle a bit, though. He did not have the pleasure of meeting my mom…….YET. If our relationship continued to progress he would experience her bubbly personality firsthand. He suggested I grow my beard long, tattoo my neck and head, and pierce my septum, then invite my mom’s neighbor, Betty and her son, to my mom’s house for lunch together. I could see from his response that Zak may enjoy goading my mom relentlessly. I invited Zak to spend the weekend with me in Milwaukee and sweetened the bait by telling him we could initiate my house with some poz breeding. He took the bait and immediately cleared his schedule for the weekend. I was excited to have him coming to Milwaukee to spend time together. By Thursday I couldn’t keep my hands out of my pants, but for all the wrong reasons. My pubic hair was growing back and my crotch was itchy as hell. I tried to look like I didn’t have crabs or something while at work, but every step I took just made me want to tear my pants off and scratch like a dog covered with fleas. I never shaved my pubic hair off before our play last weekend, and as erotic as it was having Zak take a razor to “the playground” I vowed I would never do that again. I prefer pubic hair and body hair anyway. I had no choice but to tough it out. Zak had tattoo appointments Friday night so he drove up early Saturday morning. I took him to an early lunch at my favorite restaurant in the Third Ward. We arrived early, so it was still quiet before the lunch hour crowd flooded in. Our waiter was extremely handsome with dark hair pulled into a pony tail, a neatly trimmed thick beard, tattoos covering his right arm, and a beautiful, round, fuckable ass. “Hi, I’m Jonathan. I’ll be taking care of you today.” (I thought to myself) Yeah, I’d like to be taking care of you too. Zak said, “Hi Jonathan.” I added, “I don’t remember seeing you here, and I come here fairly often.” “I’m pretty new. I just moved here about a month ago.” Zak joined in, “Oh, where abouts are you from?” “I’m from Palm Springs.” “Ouch, you moved from California to Milwaukee?” “I know, I loved Palm Springs, but I have family here.” (Again thinking to myself) That you do, and we’re sitting right in front of you. “So, can I interest either of you in a cocktail to start?” Before we could respond, Jonathan dropped his pen on the floor. I reached to pick it up at the same time he bent down and our hands met at his pen. He brushed his hand lightly against mine and oh so intentionally. My gaydar was dinging “off the chart,” and my cock was half boned in a flash. I picked up his pen and handed it to him. Jonathan looked into my eyes as he stood up, gave me a smile and wink, “Thanks a lot.” With a grin on my face, “You’re welcome.” “Uh, oh yes, cocktails?” Zak ordered a bloody mary, and I got a martini. We skimmed the menu, and the waiter shuffled off toward the bar. “Did you see what just happened?” “How could I not? That boy is family, and hot looking family at that.” “He boned up my cock that’s for sure.” “Bet you’d like to poz his ass. I bet my virus is already taking over your body as we speak. You’re probably already poz with a growing viral load. Your body just hasn’t reacted yet.” Jonathan returned a few minutes later with our drinks. “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?” Zak said, “Sorry, we were chatting not looking at the menu. I’ll shut up and focus on the menu. I need a just few more minutes, please.” “Ok, I’ll step into the men’s room for a second and be back in a bit.” Jonathan glanced over at me, before turning and disappearing down the hall toward the bathroom. “Well, what the hell are you waiting for, Zeek? Get your ass in there.” I strolled over to the men’s room and as I walked in Jonathan glanced over his shoulder at me. He was standing at the urinal with his legs slightly spread. I took the urinal next to him and didn’t say a word. He was stroking his hard shaft and looking at his cock. He didn’t flinch as my hand slowly passed into his line of vision and grasped his boned up meat. His cock throbbed in my grip, and he let out a quiet moan. I stroked his cock and led him by his hard pole into the bathroom stall and closed the door. Our lips were locked in a flash. Jonathan unzipped my jeans and pulled out my hard cock. He said, “We don’t have much time.” “Then we better get to it.” I dropped Jonathan’s pants to the floor. I grasped his ass and massaged his man cave as I turned him around. My cock found his ass crack and I pressed my shaft against his hole. “I want to fuck you.” “If you can make it quick, go for it.” I gave him no time to bring up a discussion about condoms. I bent him in over, spit in my hand and lubed up my cock then pressed my shaft head to his cunt. Jonathan spread his legs and arched his back into my hard tool. With a little force I shoved the head inside. Jonathan flinched and his ass tightened around the head of my dick. Thinking my fast entry was painful I held my cock still. With one quick thrust, he shoved my cock deep into his ass. A gasp escaped from Jonathan’s mouth. He reached behind me and grasped my ass, holding me tight against his cheeks. After taking a few deep breaths he released his grip on my ass. “Fuck me, man. Give me that cum.” “Fuck yes. I’ll load you up.” I began to thrust into him, first slowly, then hard and fast, burying my meat all the way into his gut. Knowing someone could walk in at any minute I held nothing back. There was no verbal talk, no kissing, no massaging or caressing, just all out hard fucking. I grabbed his hips and drove my tool into his hole over and over. The thought of filling his ass with what I hoped was a potent dose of charged seed brought me to the edge in no time. My cock stiffened and swelled even more. I gave him no warning as my shaft began to throb and pulse. A huge load of cum shot from my cock in rapid succession, coating his guts with my DNA. I pulled my cock from Jonathan’s ass, tucked it into my pants and zipped up my jeans. He stood up and planted a big kiss on my lips. Jonathan’s rod remained rock hard, standing at attention with precum leaking from his piss hole. He stroked his shaft a few times then stuffed his stiff rod into his pants and zipped up. “Thanks, man….that was fucking hot.” “Sorry it had to be so fast, but I loved it.” We kissed one more time then I slipped out the bathroom door. Zak glanced at me over his menu as I approached our table then stared at me after I took my seat. “Well?” I just grinned and gave him a few slow nods of yes. He smiled back at me then we both continued to browse the menu. Jonathan returned from the bathroom with a professional posture. Except for the slight bulge remaining in his jeans from his still half erect cock, he was put together neatly. “See anything you would like on the menu?” Zak couldn’t resist, “From the silly grin on my boyfriend’s face I would have to say yes.” Jonathan immediately made eye contact with Zak. Zak winked and smiled at our waiter then gave him a lusty once over with his eyes, “I’ll have what he just had with a bacon burger on the side.” Jonathan chuckled and blushed a little. Now turning slightly toward me, “And you sir?” “I guess I had my dessert before lunch, didn’t I? But, I’ll have the mushroom burger and fries.” Jonathan smiled and collected the menus, “Thank you guys. I’ll get that right in.” (Thinking to myself as I glanced at Jonathan’s ass) Think I just did that, man. “No…..Thank YOU, Jonathan.” He didn’t know just how much I meant that, but maybe he would find out in a month or so. While chowing down on our burgers Zak wanted details. I shared that Jonathan never inquired about my status and there was no discussion about condoms. “He has no idea that you’ve been taking poz cum?” “Nope, not a clue.” By the time I reached the part about me filling Jonathan’s ass with my seed, Zak had a raging hard on. “Fuck, you have me so turned on, Zeek. I want to fuck your ass so bad.” Our lunch continued with plenty of flirtatious fun with Jonathan. After finishing our meal he returned again, “Can I get you anything else, guys?” Zak suggested, “Like coffee, tea, or me? Because I’ll take the ‘ ME’ part to go.” Jonathan and I chuckled, “You guys are fun to wait on. Please do cum again.” I added, “Oh, we’ll definitely cum again.” He placed the bill in the center of the table with a brief note with his phone number, “Call me anytime for the ‘ME part to go’ guys…..thanks again for EVERYTHING.” He got a good tip. While driving back to my house Zak was still turned on by our erotic lunch. He whipped his rock hard cock out and stroked his meat. I reached over and wrapped my hand around his shaft. His rod stiffened and throbbed as I stroked his cock. I knew what was ahead for my ass and the thought of that gave me a raging hard on.
    3 points
  4. I was in a phase of experimenting with drugs. I had acquired a small amount of tina just to see what it was like. I was living alone in a big city, and had really only done Molly before. My plan was to do a bit, and jerk off or clean my apartment. I was completely unprepared for the NEED for sex that flooded through my usually shy (and not very experienced with women ) brain as I knew I would do anything to satisfy the lust that was consuming me. I went to craigslist to find a escort to fuck, but it was clear that my small cock was totally going to be useless tonight. Even though I never had a gay thought in my life before that point, I realised I could suck or be fucked by a man. And it was HOT. I didn't hesitate or think if it was a good idea... I just searched craigslist for a man who would let me suck his cock. An hour later I was in a strangers apartment sucking my first cock, and LOVING it. But it was way too quick before he shot his cum in my mouth and I was out the door still horny as fuck. I spent the next couple hours at a strip club groping hot women. I could have done that all night if i had the money. But when the money ran out i was still horny as hell. So I, completely out of the blue, and unprepared, went to a bathhouse for the first (and so far only) time. I was a fish out of water, and must have looked a mess... but I sucked a few more cocks and saw images that burned into my mind and probably permanently adjusted my sexuality. I loved sucking cock more than anything. I loved the smell, the feel, the taste. It was the most intense sexual experience of my life. I never found anyone to fuck me that night, and the next day I couldn't believe it happened and lost all interest in gay sex. But any time I get high it all floods back and I want desperately to feel another cock in my mouth and a I want to feel as many cocks as possible break in my ass. I am not only consumed by lust, but now I get consumed by how fucking filthy I can be. I want to be fucked in public, I want to be tied up, i want to suck every cock in the city. I've never gone back and now I don't live in the same city any more. But... at this point porn doesn't do it for me and I would kill for someone to finish the job and train me to be the sluttiest bottom in the city. But there just isn't time to act on it before it all passes.
    2 points
  5. Logged on to Squirt tonight and within minutes a pictureless profile had emailed me asking if he could breed my hole NOW. Normally I like a little more talk first, but I emailed him and said where and when. He replied now, he could be at my place in 30 minutes. We traded numbers, traded pics, and agreed. I cleaned out and showered. Hour later he was still not here, lost on side streets... luckily he texted me where he parked... because his phone died right after that. So I dressed warmly and walked around the neighborhood to find my breeding buddy. Thank god I found him after 10 minutes about two blocks away. I yelled at him as he crossed the street the wrong way, waved, then guided him to my place. Total straight ex-football jock, he "pulls a lot of pussy but likes a guy's ass" often. Pretty hot. Stripped down when we got in, made out a bit, sucked him until he was hard. The whole time he was talking about breeding my hairy ass, how he's seen me on squirt a lot but never had an opportunity to be in my neighborhood, so glad he emailed me tonight. We moved to the bedroom where he tried to get into my tight hole a couple ways, finally standing with me over the bed he was able to cram his thick raw dick in my hole. We went back and forth talking about breeding my tight pussy, cumming inside me, how hot his thick cockhead was... and just before he comes, he asks if I'm clean. Almost laughed out loud. Now's when you're going to ask? I told him to cum in my tight hole and a few strokes later he dumped a two day load in me. Took him to the shower and sent him on his way to his car and his cell phone charger. He promised to text me again soon.
    2 points
  6. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 5 We arrived at my house. While Zak chased me to the front door I stripped off my shirt and dropped it on the front porch. I flung the door open and ran toward the staircase with my hard cock begging to burst from my jeans. Zak caught up to me at the stair landing. He grabbed my ankle on my way up the steps, causing me to catch myself as I fell to the stairs. I laughed and turned over onto my back as he crawled up the stairs on top of me. He grinned, “You can’t get away from me, hot man.” I put my arm around his neck and pulled Zak’s lips to mine. As he rested his body on top of me I felt his boned up shaft press against mine. “Like I didn’t want to be caught.” The trail of clothes contnued. I pulled Zak’s shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. The pants were next. After I unzipped his jeans and worked them off his sweet ass, Zak stood up and kicked them to the floor at the base of the stairs. I remained on the steps leaning back on my elbows. He stood before me naked and hard then slowly made his way up the steps, straddling my body. He towered over me with his monster meat dancing straight out at attention and balls dangling above my face. Poison drooled from the monster’s mouth. I reached up to his chest and slid my hand down his abdomen to his cock. I grasped his shaft working more precum from his piss hole and down his Prince Albert jewelry. Strings of toxic juice dripped from his jewelry and met my tongue on the way to his death stick. I ran my tongue across his PA ring, to his gaping urethra, lapping up all his sweet nectar. I licked the head of his beast then slipped his shaft past my lips and down my throat while massaging his low hanging balls. He groaned with pleasure as I continued to devour his cock. Zak pulled his dick from my mouth and straddled my body on his knees. He unzipped my jeans and crawled down a few steps before standing up. Zak grabbed my pants leg and tugged to slip my jeans off, but they didn’t budge because I held onto the waistline. I started to laugh. “Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” Grinning, “Yep!!” He yanked harder. I grabbed the handrail to brace myself but still slid down a step or two as my jeans let loose and tore off my body with one swift swoop. My hard rod slapped against my abdomen with a smack. Zak whipped my jeans to the floor with a grin on his face. “Turn over and get on your knees. Get ready to take my poz cock, pig.” Zak smacked me on the ass with his open palm then positioned behind me. He spit on my hole and in his hand and lubed both up. With one swift jab he tore open my hole with the head of his mighty tool. “Woah, Zak!! You mean business.” He showed no mercy and plowed into my ass with the full length of his shaft. “Take my poz meat, bitch.” The more he talked dirty to me, the harder and more turned on I got. “Fuck, yes….give it to me.” As he rammed into me again, “If you’re not poz yet, you will be after today. I’m going to tear you up.” “It feels so fucking good. Fuck me!!” “You like my poz dick in you, don’t you bitch?” “I love it. Poz my ass.” “I can’t hear you bitch. You want it?” “Yes!! I want your DNA in me.” Zak continually pounded into my prostate, pushing me closer to the edge. He again cracked his hand on my ass then grabbed my hips and rammed in me harder and harder. “I’m going to wreck that hole till you bleed, bitch. You’re getting my babies right into your blood.” Zak was relentless. I could feel his PA stretching and tearing my hole up. “Fuck, yes, bitch. That’s what I wanted to see. Look at this, bitch.” Zak pulled out of my ass. I turned my head to see his meat pulsing and throbbing, coated with streaks of red blood. He again slammed his two fingers into my ass and pulled them out with red juice on them (a mixture of poz precum and blood). “Taste my virus in your blood.” I stuck out my tongue and he slid his fingers into my mouth. I sucked and licked them clean swallowing every bit down my throat. “Fuck, that is so fucking hot. Ready for my poz load, bitch?” “Yes, give it to me.” “What do you want, pig?” “I want your poz cum in me!!” “Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “Beg for it, bitch. Beg for me to convert your ass.” “Fuck, please, give me your poz cum. Please charge me up.” Zak increased his force of his thrusts and again grasped my hips. “You loved fucking that waiter, didn’t you, bitch?” “Fuck yes. I loved breeding him.” “Giving him your seed to convert him.” “Yes, I want to infect guys.” “Fuck!! Share my virus. Poz those bareback pigs.” “Yes!!” “Fuck, here comes my poison, bitch.” “Oh Fuck, yes. Give it to me.” Zak thrust into me balls deep, and his cock began to pulse. Each throb made my ass pucker tight around his death stick. I reached for my cock, and just touching the shaft of my rod pushed me over the edge. My cock erupted. As my rod sprayed semen onto the stairs I felt Zak’s jizz coat my bloody guts. My ass was full of toxic seed. Zak pulled out from my hole, and bloody jizz leaked from my wrecked ass. Zak quickly lapped up his spooge then shared it with me in a deep, passionate kiss. Zak laid on the steps next to me, sweaty and panting. I remained on my hands and knees, puffing, and grinning from ear to ear. Being with Zak was exhilarating. He looked into my eyes, and with a serious look on his face reached up to me and caressed my cheek with a gentle touch of his hand. “I know we just met, Zeek, but I know how I feel about you. I want to be with you, two pig partners.” “You mean two poz, pig, partners.” “Yes, two poz, pig, partners.” I leaned over and gently kissed his lips and buried my tongue in his mouth. “I’d love that.” Zak and I showered together, lathering each other up, and boning each other up. I sucked his hard dick, deep throating him and tasting his sweet nectar that I loved. He pulled his cock from my mouth. “Open up, Zeek.” His cock pointed upward in front of my face. I stuck my tongue out to meet a stream of piss shooting from his shaft hole. He filled my mouth with urine, and I gulped it all down my throat. Zak grasped his dick and aimed it at my head, spraying piss all over my face. I lapped it from my lips as it drenched my stache. He continued to spray piss all over my body. I loved seeing it shoot from his dick hole, and again took his stream down my throat. The last few shots of piss ran down my throat, and I again took the full length of his massive meat into my mouth. Zak pulled me to my feet and made out with me while the hot water pounded against our bodies. That evening we cruised the club scene looking for fellow pigs to stealth fuck. I was pretty confident that Zak’s virus was in my system, and that I could very well be poz or pozzing very soon. Either way, the thought of us converting a negative pig together had my dick rock hard sitting at the bar. We scoped out the potential victims, and noticed a cute, trim, blonde haired twink sitting alone at the other end of the bar. He had a nice, scruffy, beard covering his face, and something about blondes and redheads gets me boned, not to mention the thought of our dicks in his twink ass bare. Zak and I motioned for the bartender and bought our twink a drink. The bartender pointed us out, and the twink raised his glass and smiled to thank us. We did the same and motioned for him to come join us. He picked up his drink and made his way to our end of the bar. As he approached us he put out his hand for the customary handshake. “Hi, thanks for the drink guys, I’m Ian.” “Zak and Zeek.” We each took his hand to shake it. A solid handshake, a good sign (I think you can tell a lot about an individual from a handshake). For starters this told me he was confident, and sure of himself. “Different names you don’t hear all the time… nice. Are you two partners?” I looked at Zak, and before I could say a word he blurted out, “Yes, we are.” “You two look good together. Nice ink too, guys. I love tattoos.” “Have any ink, Ian?” “No, but I’d like to. I just can’t make up my mind what to get.” (Thinking to myself) I know what you can get…..a biohazard tattoo after we poz your sweet ass. “Well, Zak here is a tattoo artist. He’s doing my sleeve.” “Awesome!! You do beautiful work, Zak.” Then Zak added, “If you decide you want some ink, I’d be happy to schedule a consultation with you.” “Oh, are you here in Milwaukee?” “No, I’m in Chicago, but I can pack up my equipment and head up here to see Zeek and do some ink work for you.” “Oh, so you live in Milwaukee, Zeek?” “Yep, we’re doing the long distance thing for now. We just met not too long ago.” “Cool.” He raised his glass again, “Well here’s to you two. A handsome couple.” “Thanks, Ian.” “I’ll be right back guys. I have to piss like crazy.” Ian turned and made a bee line for the men’s room. “Sweet, look at that ass, Zak.” “I’d love to tag team that.” “Well, what are you waiting for, Zak?” “Be right back.” Zak was off his bar stool in a flash and heading for the men’s bathroom. Zak walked into the dimly lit men’s room, took a spot next to Ian at the urinal, and whipped out his dong. The urinal was a long trough…..quite the cruisy scene. “Well, your cock is as beautiful as your ass, Ian.” Ian started to piss. “Fuck, are you ever hung, and inked too, so hot.” That’s all it took, and Ian’s cock started to bone up. Zak reached over and put his hand into Ian’s piss stream then licked his fingers. “MMMM, sweet.” Ian stopped pissing and looked at Zak. Ian was now fully erect, “You like piss too?” Zak grasped Ian’s shaft and turned Ian toward him. He got down on his knees and put the head of Ian’s cock in his mouth. “You want my piss?” Zak only nodded yes since his mouth was quite full. “Fuck, here it comes.” Ian let go a full stream of piss. Zak didn’t lose a drop and guzzled all of Ian’s piss from the tap. Zak came up for air, “God, I love piss.” Zak put Ian’s cock back in his mouth and started to deep throat his boned up meat. After a few minutes of sucking a guy stumbled into the bathroom and interrupted the play. “Oh, excuse me guys, sorry.” The guy awkwardly fumbled his way out of the bathroom and let the door close. Zak and Ian laughed. “Guess we should take this to Zeek’s place. Are you game?” “Absolutely!!” Zak and Ian returned to the bar with obvious boned up cocks bulging in their jeans. “I see you two got a little friendlier in there.” “Ian’s game. He’s going to join us.” “Sweet.” I reached for Ian’s package and grasped his hard dick while planting a long, wet kiss on his lips. “Damn, and an awesome kisser too.” We slammed our drinks, and the three of us left the bar. As we walked out the door my cock was already rock hard at the anticipation of filling Ian’s ass with toxic seed. Ian followed us home, and we made sure to not lose him in route. We both whipped our dicks out on the way home. Both our piss holes were already oozing precum as we stroked each other’s shafts. “Fuck, this is our first time tag teaming, Zeek.” “This is going to be so hot.” We offered Ian something to drink, but after one sip of our beer, the bottles sat on the coffee table. Zak grabbed Ian’s crotch, “Now where were we? Oh yeah.” Ian chuckled and unzipped his pants. Zak pulled Ian’s dick out and got on his knees. He held the tip of Ian’s cock in his mouth and downed Ian’s pissed. He saved the last mouthful and locked lips with me, sharing the Ian’s piss with me. I pulled Ian’s shirt off, and dropped mine to the floor, then began to make out with him on the sofa. Zak pulled his shirt off and added it to the pile on the floor. He knelt in front of Ian, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them from his trim body. Ian’s cock was fully erect, a good 8 inches, and leaking his nectar onto his abdomen. Zak wrapped his hand around the base of Ian’s shaft and licked up his sweet juice before slipping the full length of his meat across his tongue and down his throat. I unbuttoned my jeans and worked them to my ankles, and flipped them to the side. Ian stroked my throbbing meat while our lips remained locked, our tongues dancing together. Zak continued to deep throat Ian’s cock, and Ian grabbed Zak by the back of the head burying his dick even further into Zak’s mouth. Zak had unzipped his jeans letting his hard, poisonous monster out to stroke, but kept them buttoned to conceal his biohazard ink. After a few minutes he licked his finger and began working it between Ian’s legs massaging his tight hole. Ian quickly responded, lifting his legs and spreading his cheeks. Zak buried his face in Ian’s ass and licked and probed his hole, working his tongue inside. While Zak rimmed Ian, I engulfed Ian’s cock into my mouth. I could taste his sweet nectar on my tongue as it leaked from his piss hole. Zak worked a few fingers into Ian’s hole, teasing his cunt to open up then buried his tongue in Ian’s ass. Ian moaned and squirmed with pleasure as we worked his cock and massaged his sweet hole. “Fuck, you guys are so fucking hot. I love it.” I pulled Ian’s cock from my mouth, “There’s a lot more where that came from.” I nudged Zak, “Come on guys, let’s take this to the bedroom.” I led the guys down the hall to my bed. My cock was fully erect, anxious to seed our blonde twink. Zak wrapped his arms around Ian’s chest from behind, kissed him on neck, and ground his cock between his ass cheeks. He whispered into his ear, “Get on the bed on all fours. I want to fuck your ass.” Ian crawled on the bed with his ass at the edge for easy access. Zak knelt at the edge of the bed and again buried his tongue in Ian’s ass. He licked and fucked Ian with his tongue, lubing his cunt for his toxic cock. Ian arched his back and groaned with pleasure. I slipped onto the bed on my knees in front of Ian; my cock leaking its juices that I hoped was charged. Ian grasped my dick directing it toward his mouth. He licked the full length of my shaft then engulfed my cock down his throat to the base. Chills shot through my body. I grabbed our blonde twink by the head and slowly fucked his throat, making him gag from the tonsil probe. Zak fingered and rimmed Ian’s man hole, loosening him up. His hole puckered around Zak’s fingers, and Ian pushed against Zak’s hand, working his fingers deeper inside. Ian began to rock back and forth on Zak’s fingers. He was primed and ready to seed. “That’s it, boy. Open up. You’re ready for my cock.” Ian flipped my cock from his mouth, “Do you have condoms?” We prepared ahead of time for this. “Sure do.” I reached for my nightstand drawer and tossed a jacket to Zak then flipped a bottle of lube on the bed next to Zak. Zak stood at the edge of the bed behind Ian with his toxic precum dripping from his PA ring. Ian was mesmerized with the flames of ink down Zak’s shaft, “Fuck, yes, what a hot cock.” (Thinking to myself) Yeah, one hot, POZ cock. Zak tore the package open with his teeth and stretched the condom over his PA ring onto his cock head. Ian continued sucking my pole. Zak looked at me and grinned. He slipped the condom off his cock, unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to his ankles. Zak lubed up his shaft. He lined up the head of his monster to Ian’s cunt and pressed firmly against his hole. My shaft stiffened in Ian’s mouth at the sight of Zak’s biohazard tattoo and poisonous cock about to plow our unknowing, blonde twink. “Relax that cunt, boy. Let me in.” Zak grasped Ian by the hips and slowly worked the mouth of his monster into his manhole, drooling the first bit of toxic juice in his cunt. Ian gasped and groaned as Zak thrust farther inside, tearing his ass open. My cock flipped from Ian’s mouth, “Fuck it hurts.” “I’m about half way in, boy. Just relax, and let my shaft slide on in.” “Yes sir.” Zak again pushed on, further opening Ian up, then buried his cock balls deep inside his neg host. Ian tensed up in pain, “Fuck!!” “Damn, you’re so tight, boy. Feels incredible.” “Fuck, give me a sec. Hold on.” Ian slowly relaxed then began to ride Zak’s tool. “Fuck, so fucking hot,” as Zak began to thrust in and out of Ian. “God your cock feels good in me.” Ian’s hole begged for cock, and Zak pounded his ass hard and rough. He again devoured my cock in his mouth, working my pole, drinking up my precum. I pulled my cock from Ian’s mouth, “Suck my balls, boy.” “Yes sir.” Ian licked, then slipped both my balls into his mouth. My cock stiffened as I stroked my throbbing shaft. Ian sucked my balls for a bit then spit them out and stuck his tongue out at the head of my dick. I slapped my cock across his tongue then again fucked his face. Zak continued to plow our twink’s ass. “Fuck, boy, you’re going to push me over the edge. You have one sweet cunt.” “Fuck, shoot your load, Zak.” Zak asked, “You want me to cum, boy?” I nearly shot down Ian’s throat, knowing he was about to take a toxic load of jizz. I pulled my throbbing cock out of his mouth to save my cum for his sloppy hole. “Yes, fuck…..cum inside me.” “Are you sure?” “Fuck yes….shoot your load.” “You got it!!” Zak buried his cock deep in Ian’s hole. “Here it comes, pig.” “Fuck yes.” My eyes were fixed on Zak’s cock and biohazard tattoo. I stroked my shaft slowly, edging myself so close to cumming. Zak’s meat stiffened and throbbed as he started to fill Ian’s cunt with his venom. “Oh my God, I can feel you shooting in me. Fuck, yes.” Zak’s body jerked and he moaned and panted as he loaded Ian’s guts with his poz cream. Sweat ran down Zak’s face and chest. “So fucking sweet.” Zak pulled his still hard cock from Ian’s hole. The last few drops of toxic seed oozed from his piss hole, and Zak slammed back into his victim, working his seed deeper inside. He again pulled out and poz cream leaked from our twink’s cunt down his ball sack. Ian turned his head to look at Zak, “Fuck, did you just cum in me bare?” Zak replied, “Sorry, we prefer it raw. I couldn’t resist giving you my load.” Ian noticed the tattoo on Zak’s abdomen, “You’re poz??!!” Zak said, “Guess so, pig.” “Fuck, and you just shot in me?!!” “Tell me you didn’t love it. Tell me it’s not what you really wanted.” Ian sat on the bed with a stunned look on his face. His cock throbbed rock hard standing straight up. “Look at your cock, boy. Your cock is telling you the truth.” “Fuck.” Tears ran down his cheeks trying to wrap his brain around what this meant. “I can’t say I didn’t love it, but it’s poz cum.” “And it’s the freedom to be a total pig. Tell me you don’t want that.” “I can’t. Fuck!!!” “Tell me you don’t want more poz cum.” Ian’s cock stiffened and pulsed. “I can’t. I don’t get it. I should be furious, but the thought of your poz cum in me is turning me on.” Zak grinned, “Yeah, boy, you want more poz cum, don’t you?” “Fuck……I do. Why is this such a turn on?” Zak leaned over and gave Ian a wet kiss burying his tongue in his mouth. My cock was rock hard watching Ian’s realization that he wanted this as much as we wanted to convert him. “Just go with it, Ian. You want it, just let go.” I asked, “Are you ready for another load of cum?” “Are you poz too?” “Not sure yet. Zak’s been seeding me good for about a month so you may get a poz load and you may not.” Ian’s cock stiffened hearing those words. He stroked his cock shaft. “I don’t want to resist this. It feels so good.” Ian got back on all fours, “Fuck, give it to me. I want it.” Zak grinned, “Fuck, yeah!! That’s it, go with it. Good boy!!” Zak crawled on the bed in front of Ian, and Ian licked up all his poz cream and ass juice from Zak’s meat. While Ian serviced Zak, cleaning his tool, I lubed my cock with spit and slid right into Ian’s gooey hole. My shaft glided right in all the way, working my partner’s toxic juices into Ian’s intestinal walls. Ian began to deep throat Zak’s cock, boning him up again for round two. I continued to plow Ian’s ass, “Fuck, I won’t last long. What a turn on knowing I’m working Zak’s poz seed in you. Ian mumbled with a full mouth, “Yes.” I pumped his ass a few more minutes as Zak thrust in and out of his throat slowly. It pushed me over the edge. “Here it comes, bitch. Take my cum.” I pulled out of Ian’s ass and shot the first rope of cum across his hole then slammed back in his gut shoving my seed inside. My cock continued to throb and shoot my seed in him. “Fuck, I hope you’re taking poz cum. Take it all.” I emptied my balls deep inside Ian. My cock slipped from his hole. A mixture of our seed tinged with pink oozed from his man hole. I slammed my tongue into his gaping cunt and lapped up our juices. Zak moved in behind me, “Are you ready for more of my poz cum, pig?” “Fuck yes. Fuck me.” I moved to the bed on my back and slipped under Ian to suck his boned up cock while Zak plowed into Ian’s wrecked hole. I stroked my shaft and sucked Ian’s hard cock. Zak pounded Ian’s cunt hard. “Work that seed in you, boy. We’re going to convert your ass tonight.” “Oh fuck, give me your poz load.” “You want it?” “Yes!” “Want to poz up, pig?” “Yes, give it to me.” “I’m getting close, pig. You’re going to get my toxic cum.” Ian’s dick was rock hard in my mouth. Ian exclaimed, “Oh fuck, I’m going to shoot!” His cock pulsed and began to shoot his creamy, neg, seed down my throat. “Here’s my second load, boy. Take that poz cum.” “Fuck yes. Give it to me.” Zak thrust in Ian again and let out a wild moan. “Feel me shooting in you, pig? You’re getting my virus right now.” “Oh my God!! It feels incredible!!” Ian filled my mouth with a huge load of jizz, emptying his nuts into my belly. Zak pulled his cock from Ian’s worn out hole. “Keep that seed in you boy. Welcome to the club.” Before Ian left we gave him our phone numbers. Zak hugged him, “You have a sweet ass, boy. When you’re ready for more toxic seed, or your biohazard tattoo, give us a call. Zeek will probably be highly toxic soon too.” “I will. Tonight was amazing. Thanks guys.” Ian planted a kiss on both our lips then slipped out the door. Next……chapter 6 ASAP.
    2 points
  7. I recognized him from across the bar. It was hard not to - dressed in tight faded denim shorts, a sleeveless tee, suede work boots and a construction worker's hat, he was one of the few people in the entire bar who wasn't wearing head-to-toe black leather, that's why I was fairly certain that he wouldn't recognize me. My leather harness, chaps, dark shades, and biker boots were the polar opposite of what he saw his high school history teacher wearing on a typical school day. That's right, history teacher. High school history teacher. I teach at one of the local public high schools, and while it is fairly obvious to me (and some of my co-workers...and students) that I hunt dick at night, most people see me a just a guy who is a bit out-of-time. My thick black mustache, dark eyes, dark hair, and furry chest are the epitome if the 1970's clone look, and while it might seem out of time when I'm wearing sansabelts and Aarow dress shirts, it looks pretty damn hot when I'm decked out in leather. Or denim. Or nothing at all. Like tonight. I've been looking forward to Village Night all month. The last Friday of the month is dedicated to one of the icons of the Disco era and my favorite spot, the Bar Code, transforms from a leather cruise bar with an active backroom into a late 70's cruise disco with an overstuffed backroom. The kid looked like he was barely keeping his head above water when I saw Jack and Cap on either side of him. Jack was rubbing the kid's crotch, and Cap had his hand running up the backside of his leg. They were both whispering in the kid's ear. I knew I had to intervene, or the kid would be in over his head before he knew it. I danced my way over to him, grinding on a motorcycle cop here, a construction worker or cowboy there....and within seconds was pulling Cap's hand out of the back of the kid's shorts. "This one's jailbait, boys," I said. "Word must be out that the doorman is into chicken and lets in the underage crowd so he can arrest them out later. See? Here he comes." Frank was, indeed, headed this way. The pair moved off, no doubt to look for another unsuspecting victim of their s&m-and-pozzing plan. I grabbed the kid's arm. "Come with me if you don't want to end up in the back of a police car," I said, exaggerating Frank's plans for the kid. He followed without a word, looking worried....but also a little .... Drunk? Or high? I couldn't tell. We made our way to the backroom. As expected, it was wall-to-wall fucking. Not sucking, fucking. The kid stopped cold. "This is how men get off, not boys," I said. "Don't worry, we re just in here because Frank got banned after he left his post to fuck one too many times." I led him toward the back corner. The further we got, the darker it became. The smell of mansex was almost overpowering back here. "Thanks, mister." The kid finally said something, and I knew right away that he wasn't drunk. Cap must have booted the kid when his hand was down his pants, and it was starting to come on strong,too. He was jittery, sweating, and rubbing his cock, "Damn. Fucking hot," he said to no one in particular as he watched the fucking going on around him. I was about to lose my restraint. If he keep rubbing that cock through those fucking sexy denim shorts, I was going to end up fucking him. I knew I wouldn't resist for long. He gasped and started pumping his hips when I started kneading his ass. A moan. Rubbing that cock. Kneading that ass. I moved behind him and unsnapped the shorts' buttons one by one. His hand instantly went to his cock once it was freed and started pumping, intent on cumming as quickly as possible. I held him still, nibbled on his earlobe and whispered, "Shhhh... Savor it. Don't cum yet. Look at all the fucking. Real men, macho men, bent over and taking raw dick." He tensed up when I said the word raw. I was testing him. He moaned, "Fucking hot." Passed the test with flying colors. "Flying colors." Made me remember the two tabs of X in my front pocket. I took one out and laid it on my tongue, then turned the kid around and shoved my tongue down his throat. I'm sure he noticed me shotgunning the tab into his mouth, but he didn't protest. Once it was and absorbed, I asked him, "So you party?" "Not yet, need a teacher," he said. Ambiguous, I thought. But I couldn't resist that opening. "I'm a hell of a good teacher," I said before I slid my tongue into the back of his mouth and nearly gagged him. My hands were all over him, and the X was just barely starting to kick in, making him ultra responsive to my hands. He was almost writhing as I rubbed him all over. I heard his shorts hit the floor. No underwear. I pulled his shirt over his head, felt it to make sure the pockets were empty, and threw it into the middle of the backroom orgy. I looked for his reaction, but there wasn't one - his eyes were glassy, his lips were parted, and his cock was rock hard ad he continued to grind himself on my hand I moved to his hole...it was wet. Very wet. "You been fucked tonight, son?" I asked, some surprise in my voice. "Fuck me. Fuck me, I fucking need it." I gave him a slight slap. "I asked if you've been fucked yet tonight, boy!" His eyes focused for a second. "No. Lubed just in case.." That was all I needed to hear. I started pushing my cock at his entrance. He tried to pull off and then started moving his hands as if he were digging in his pants pockets. "Need to cover up," he said. And then he looked down and laughed. "Looks like my shorts are gone," and with that he started pushing back against my raw cock. Either he wasn't a virgin, or he had some long and thick toys at home, because I slipped in with no difficulty. I wasn't incredibly well hung, 7 inches, average thickness, but I was uncut, and he was a senior in high school. It shouldn't have been that easy. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Fuck yeah," I responded. "Fuck me. Fuck me like my daddy. Hard and rough." I started slamming him, and he responded like a proper cuntboy - pushing back with every thrust, pulling away, but never letting the head out of the hole. The kid knew how to fuck, that's for sure. We pounded at each other until I was glistening with sweat, and he was positively dripping with it. Positively. "Do you want my load, boy?" "Yes, daddy. Blast it in me." "My poz load? You want me to charge you up?" Bit his ear, hard. "Yeah!" He yelled. "Give it to me! Breed me! Fucking cum in my ass. Cum in my ass!" He was yelling loudly, and I felt his hole tighten. I knew what was coming. He was. "Yeaaaah," he said. "Poz me up. Poz me. Poz me." And i did just that. I buried my bone a deep as I could and unloaded in what was easily the hardest, longest and best cum of my 34 years. Seeded him. Dropped my load in that boyhole. Bred him lime a bitch, as he continued to squeeze at my cock in rhythm, his orgasm continuing and actually getting stronger. "Poz me," he whispered one last time. Eventually we slowed down, and I held my cock in his hole. I moved it around a little bit, left and right, up and down, to make sure that the seeds were planted. I licked his ear, "You're mine now, boy. I got you marked." He shuddered. "Yeah. Marked. Pozzed. Fucking hot. Can't wait to go breeding other guys." I though to myself that this kid has either been reading Breeding Zone, or he's not really an 18 year old high school student. "Where'd you get a dirty thought like that, kid?" "Breeding Zone." "Fuck yeah," I said. I took my shades off. "At least it wasn't in third period history." He turned his head and looked at me. "Mr. Dooney," he said. "Fuck yeah. Now squeeze that cock while I pull out. Get the last of those babies before we head to my place." He squeezed, and I slowly pulled out. Odd, he wasn't able to clamp down on my cock all that hard. The kid was loose. "Who the hell wrecked your hole?" I asked. "Doorman," he said. "Fucks me at least once a week." Hot. I thought to myself that it was a perfect fuck - the hardest cum of my life, thinking that I was pozzing one of my students, but none of the guilt. If Frank was hitting that ass once a week, he was already Poz, plus a few others. I thought about one of my fuckbuds, a GP, and wondered if he'd fuck me in the exam room once I told him that I was gonna need some antibiotics. I grabbed his shorts off the floor and shoved them into his chest. "Put these one," I said, "And get ready for the night of your life." He smiled, bent over and in a few seconds, we were walking toward the exit. I noticed a cowboy holding the kid's shirt over some guy's cock, using it as a cumrag. I waited for them to finish, then took the shirt and told my boy to put it on. Minutes later, I was walking into my townhouse with an 18 year old hottie in a pair of too-small denim shorts and a cum-soaked t-shirt. Good thing it was 3 AM, or someone might have called the cops. And I was almost disappointed that they didn't, because it would have been hot to share the kid with Greg, my hot cop FB, when he got here!
    1 point
  8. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 1 I was a gay man in my early 20s with some sleazy, kinky, taboo desires. I always had that streak in me. I love cum so bareback sex made an instant connection with me, and not just any bareback sex, but totally uninhibited bareback sex. Yes, I had a fantasy involving a hot guy, lots of bareback pig play, and him shooting his seed in me. Not just any seed, but poz seed. There was also something edgy and erotic about a tattooed, bareback pig. Seeing heavily inked guys always made my cock hard, and I always wanted to be one of those guys. It just took me a while to decide what type of tattoo I wanted on my body. I researched local tattoo artists for months, but none of their work proved to be of the quality I was looking for. I decided to drive 90 minutes south and attend the annual tattoo convention in Chicago in hopes of finding an artist with a portfolio that impressed me. It was such a lustful trip for me. I also love unusual facial hair like longer goatees and beards and handlebar mustaches. Guys with piercings also turn me on. Tattoos, facial hair, and piercings seem to go hand in hand. The convention center was packed with people covered in ink with a ton of piercings and facial hair of every length and type. The continuous buzz from all the tattoo guns running could be heard throughout the place. Every booth had an artist or two working on fresh ink. I eyed the sexy men between browsing through artists’ portfolios. There was a ton of guys with no shirts on getting inked up at the various booths. Some with sexy hairy chests or a nice treasure trail disappearing into their jeans. My brain was in eye candy overload, and my cock was half erect for most of the show. I rounded the corner walking through the rows of booths and came across a very hot tattoo artist. He looked to be about 28 and was slender with a shaved head. His hair was reddish brown, with a slightly wavy goatee that must have been about a foot long. It ended in a point near his belly button. His mustache had a slight twist of small handlebars at the corners of his mouth. Full sleeves of ink extended from his t-shirt. He even had hand and neck tattoos. He was working on the back piece of a handsome little twink, and he glanced up at me as I approached his booth. He gave me a smile, and a nod of his head to say hello as he returned to his art piece. I stopped and paged through his portfolio. I kept glancing up to look at him while turning the pages. As I turned another page I glanced up to check him out again. My eyes traveled up his sexy body to his face and found him looking directly at me. He smiled at me again, and I quickly turned my eyes back to his portfolio. Sure that he noticed me checking him out, I began to blush. It was hard to keep my eyes off him, though, and I again glanced back at him. He again was looking at me too, and stopped his tattoo work. He told the twink he would be back in a minute to continue and walked toward me. He appeared to have a nice sized cock from the bulge in his jeans. Holding out his hand he said, “Howdy, I’m Zak.” “Isaac, but most people call me Zeek,” as I shook his hand. I again paged through the book of ink, “Is this your work?” “Ah, yes it is.” “Nice work, I like it.” “Well, thanks. Are you looking to get some ink done?” “Yeah, I just don’t know what I want to get yet.” “Do you have any tattoos yet?” “No, it would be my first.” “Are you from Chicago?” “No, but I’m only about 90 minutes north of here in Milwaukee.” “Cool, well, if you would like to talk about it, I can help you with design ideas.” “Awesome, I’d like that.” “Here’s my card. Give me a call, and we can set up a time to talk.” “Thank you, Zak, I’ll do that.” “Nice to meet you.” “Ditto.” With that he returned to his customer to continue his ink, which gave me the perfect opportunity to check out his ass. Just as I imagined, he had one nice butt and I found it hard to look away. When he sat down he again looked at me, and found me staring at him. Zak picked up his tattoo gun, glanced back at me, and gave me a look that set my gaydar off. A smile came across his face. I nodded, smiled back at him staring straight into his eyes then disappeared into the crowd. I wandered the convention center enjoying the hot, inked up men and all the beards and 'staches. Pure heaven for this gay man. I had to piss, and found the bathrooms were lined up with guys waiting to empty their bladders. It took a while waiting in line, but I was next to piss, and a stall opened up. I wasted no time getting into the stall. My cock felt like it could burst from holding back my piss. I closed the door to the stall and quickly unzipped my pants. The entire toilet seat was splattered with piss. I chuckled a little thinking there must be a lot of PA piercings in those pants today, otherwise just a bunch of hot pigs with a bad aim. I let out a full stream of piss, emptying my bladder. It felt good to relieve the pressure, but I quickly found myself fully erect smelling all that piss and testosterone in the air. I also loved piss play, and thoughts of lapping up all the urine from the toilet seat was hard to resist. I stroked my cock a few times, then tucked it back into pants, trying to hide my hard on the best I could. I zipped up again and quickly left the men’s room. I buried myself in the crowd, waiting for my cock to go down then continued to stroll through the packed convention booths. About a week later I came across Zak’s business card in my wallet and decided to give him a call. The phone rang a few times, “Windy City Tattoo, this is Zak.” “Ah, hi Zak, you may not remember me, but I met you at the tattoo convention last week. You told me to give you a call if I wanted to discuss tattoo options.” “Zeek!! Glad to hear from you.” “Wow, you remembered my name.” “Of course I did. So, you want to set up a time to discuss tattoo designs?” “Yeah, are you free any time this week?” “My last appointment should be done around 5:30 tomorrow. Can you get to the shop tomorrow night around 6?” “Sure. I’ll see you then.” “Awesome!! See you tomorrow.” I had a three day weekend so this was the perfect way to kick off my weekend. I left plenty early to try and beat Friday rush hour traffic heading into Chicago. I arrived early, and realized Zak’s tattoo shop was just outside the gay district on Halsted Street, so I wandered around the gay district for a bit. When I returned to Zak’s shop he was just finishing with his last tattoo appointment. He was wearing black biker boots, faded blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. I loved his fully inked sleeves and hands. His entire neck being inked was so hot too. Just the sight of him gave me a partial wood. He invited me to the back of his shop, and we sat on a sofa and discussed the style of tattoos I was looking for. His suggestion of Japanese style tattoos intrigued me. He explained the meaning behind different tattoos in Japanese culture, and I decided my first piece would be a colorful full sleeve with yin yang koi, waves, flowers and filler. Zak sat next to me, and occasionally touched my arm as he discussed options and placement. Our legs were touching as we continued to look at designs. He suggested I remove my shirt, so he could do a quick, rough sketch on my arm. He explained that he liked to just draw out the design directly on the body to get better placement than trying to use transfers. I pulled my t-shirt off, and he began touching my arm, and turning it in different directions. Then he pulled out a marker and started drawing on my skin. His touch began to turn me on, and before I knew it my cock was fully erect. I couldn't hide the bulge that formed in my jeans. It was obvious Zak also noticed my hard cock, but he kept himself focused on drawing on my arm. The sketch began to take shape, and Zak maneuvered my arm into different positions as he continued to draw on my skin. Each time he lowered my arm to my lap his hand brushed again my hard cock, and I noticed his rod was also erect extending down his jean leg. He again moved my arm to a new position and my hand came to rest on his thigh next to his cock while he continued his design. I couldn't resist it any longer, and I brushed my hand against the bulge in his jeans. His cock throbbed against my hand, and before I knew it I was rubbing his cock through his jeans. He stopped drawing on my arm and reached over and massaged my hard rod. Zak leaned over to me and began to French kiss me. Our tongues and lips were locked in a passionate exchange for a bit. Then Zak stood up and saying “I was hoping you would be interested,” as he pulled his t-shirt off over his head revealing a fully inked chest with a sunburst around his belly button that continued down and disappeared into his jeans toward his cock. “Damn, man…..wooooooof!” He pulled me to my feet. We continued to make out, our tongues twisted together in deep, erotic kissing and panting. Zak wrapped his arms around my waist, grabbed my ass with his hands, and pressed our hard cocks against one another through our jeans. We continued to kiss, grinding our bodies against one another; our cocks throbbing with excitement. I was free-balling it and could feel a wet spot forming in my jeans from precum leaking from the head of my shaft. Zak reached for my crotch, rubbing my cock through my pants before unbuttoning my jeans and dropping them to my ankles. He pushed me backward onto the couch. I landed on my ass and leaned back on the sofa in a lounged sitting position, with my cock standing at attention. Zak flipped my shoes off and pulled my jeans from my ankles. He stood up in front of me, kicked his shoes off then unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. His cock sprung to attention standing straight in the air, pulsing up and down. The shaft of his tool curved slightly to the left and upward about 8 inches long. His cock was pierced with a large prince albert, and inked with flames leading down the shaft to a black biohazard tattoo centered below his belly button. More ink led to the sunburst around his belly button. The ring to his cock piercing dangled with each pulse of his cock, and precum began to hang from the end of his jewelry. Tattoos covered a good 75% of his body. His body was an erotic piece of art that made my cock dance with excitement at the sight of this stud. “Fuck, you are so hot. I want to be covered in ink like you.” Zak pointed to his biohazard tattoo. His eyes remained locked onto mine, and a playful conversation started, “You know what this one means, don’t you?” “You’re poz?” “Are you okay with that, because I only bareback?” “Yeah,” with a smile on my face, “Are you ok that I’m neg?” “Yep.” “Do you want to cum in me?” “Uh huh.” “Are you into gifting?” “Are you into chasing?” “I could be.” “Then I could be too.” My mouth was like a magnet to his cock. I was on my knees in a flash. I wrapped my lips around the head of his rod, tasting his precum before sliding the full length of his shaft deep into my throat. His cock stiffened in my mouth, and he moaned as my tongue slid back down toward the tip of his shaft. Zak put his hands on the back of my head and slowly face fucked me with the full length of his tool, as he murmurred “That’s it, suck my poz cock. Taste my toxic precum.” As he continued to leak precum down my throat, fucking my throat with his death stick, he remarked “I’d love to do your ink work for you. Maybe I’ll even be marking you with a biohazard tattoo. Would you like that?” “Yes!!” “Want me to poz you, Zeek?” “Yes, charge my ass up, please.” Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and pulled me to my feet. He turned me around and pushed me onto my knees on the couch. “You want my poz cock in your ass?” “Yes, please fuck me. Give me your seed.” I was so turned on I felt like I could shoot my load at the anticipation of taking his charged spunk. He knelt behind me, spread my ass cheeks with a firm grip, and buried his tongue in my hole. It didn’t take long for my puckered hole to surrender as his tongue slipped past my cunt lips. His tongue lubed my hole and slowly worked inside, begging to open me up. Zak gave my ass a deep tongue bath and began to fuck me with its full length. The sensations made me horny as hell, and a strong urge to feel his bare cock buried in my ass burned within me. I moaned, “Please fuck me. I want to feel your cock deep inside me.” Zak continued to rim my ass, and worked a finger inside. He slowly advanced his finger all the way in and out of me then added another, before continuing to lick and fuck me with his tongue. My ass was wet and primed for his shaft. Zak stood behind me and spread my ass cheeks with his hands. I felt his against my cunt, then he slid his slick cock head across my hole, further lubing me with precum. He continued to rub the full length of his rod against my hole, driving me wild to be opened up wide. I felt the steel from his cock piercing fold to the side tight against his cock as he pressed the head of his dick against my hole. He slowly thrust the head of his tool, spreading my ass, and slipping inside. He spit on my hole lubing us both some more for me to take the rest of his meat inside me. I pressed my ass against his rod, and he again thrust inside me. Pain shot through my body and my hole tightened around his shaft as I tensed my body. Zak held his cock in place, “Easy, just relax…..relax.” The pain subsided and I arched my back and again pressed firmly against his cock. Zak grabbed my hips and with one abrupt thrust buried his cock balls deep into my guts. I again tightened my ass around his toxic meat, and let out a little gasp. It hurt so good, but my cock pulsed rock hard. I began to moan with pleasure. This was the first time I had a pierced dick in my hole, and it felt incredible. “You like my pierced cock in you, huh?” “Oh God…..yes!!!” I began to relentlessly pump my ass against his death stick, and Zak joined the rhythm. Tightening his grip on my hips, he pounded my ass hard with each thrust. His balls slapped against my ass with each plunge. “Ah, you’re a hungry pig for my toxic seed, aren’t you?” “Fuck, yes. Poz my faggot ass.” “Slow down, stud. You’ll get my DNA but not until I’m ready to flood your ass.” He held my hips steady, then slowed his pumping motion and continually withdrew his cock to the tip, with just the steel of his piercing remaining in my hole, then again thrust deep inside me, commenting as he did so, “Man, your hole feels awesome wrapped around my cock.” “That's good, 'cause fuck, I love your rod in me.” He continued a slow steady pace, edging himself close to shooting his load in my guts, then stopping, I could feel his cock pulsing a few times deep inside me, then Zak again began working his dick in and out of me. Each time he brought himself close to cumming then backed off. “You want my poz seed in you now?” “Yes, you feel so incredible. Load me up.” He again began to thrust in and out of my hole, but this time he slowly increased his pace, plunging in me harder and faster. “Fuck, I’m really close. You’re getting all my seed.” “You want it pig? Want my charged cum?” “Yes, give it to me.” “Yeah?” “Yes, I want to poz. Give it to me.” I again tightened my ass around his shaft, and he thrust in me one more time. “Here it comes….take my poz load.” He groaned and grunted, as his cock throbbed and pulsed deep in my hole. The sensations of his cum shooting from his death stick deep in my guts pushed me over the edge, and my cock erupted gobs of cum over and over with each throb of my shaft. With his cock still pulsing inside me, he grabbed my shoulders and shoved his cock even deeper in my ass. I couldn’t get enough of Zak’s cock. It felt amazing buried in my cunt. My balls drained themselves of all their seed. My ass was now filled with Zak’s poz juice. As he pulled his cock from my ass, cum trickled and dripped from my gaping hole. I knew he filled me with a huge load of sperm. My intestine walls were coated with his virus. Would it find its way to my bloodstream? The risk was incredibly exciting. I was hooked. There was no stopping it. I was definitely becoming a junkie for poz cum. Zak flopped on the couch next to me, panting and sweating. “Fuck that felt awesome. You have one hot ass.” Grinning and puffing, “It was very hot.” I turned and lay on the couch with my head resting on his thighs at his cock. I licked his mushroom head clean and ran my tongue down his shaft. “So……..am I hired to do your ink?” “How can I say no after a consultation like that?” We remained on the couch, naked. My head rested on Zak’s lap with his beautiful meat before my eyes. A small drop of poz spunk leaked from his piss hole and I lapped it up. We talked for a bit, getting to know each other a little better, while touching and caressing each other’s bodies. Zak told me he was born and raised in Chicago. He always had a fascination with tattoos from an early age on. He started working in a tattoo shop at 15, and after a few years became an apprentice for several years. He was lucky enough to be able to open his own shop a few years ago. Tattooing was something he loved. It was his passion, and all his tattoos had meaning in his life. I ran my hand across his biohazard tattoo. “So how long have you been poz?” “Not long, just a few years.” “Are you on meds yet?” “Ah…..no, so you got a fully charged load. Hope you’re cool with that.” My cock started to bone up. I nodded my head for him to look at my rod, “Does that answer your question?” “I guess so, you hot pig.” “Do you know who pozzed you?” “Yep,” with a slow drawn out descriptive tone, “A hairy, muscular, leather daddy with a beautiful ass and huge, uncut cock.” We both chuckled. “Did you know he was poz?” “You mean, did I chase?” “Yeah, did you want to convert?” “Fuck, yes, and it was one hot breeding.” “So why aren’t you with him?” “We weren’t looking for a relationship. We both got what we wanted from it. I was determined to get his poz load in me, and he was determined to make me work for it. It was an all-out, totally uninhibited, raunchy, verbal, poz fuck.” “It sounds like a hot breeding.” “Poz talk makes it the hottest conversion sex.” After a short pause, “So, when do you think you can get back down here to start your ink?” “Are you free next Friday in the afternoon? I could get down here by 3 or so.” “Ok….Friday at 3 it is. We’ll start your sleeve.” “Great, sounds good.” So, Zeek, what do you do up in Milwaukee?” “Well, let’s see, I like a lot of things. I graduated from college last year and just bought a home. I love doing remodeling and landscaping, so I’m redoing my house, fixing it up. I like being outdoor, hiking, biking, camping; stuff like that. I really enjoy movies, and dining out with buds.” “Cool. So what’s your degree in?” “Marketing and web design.” “Bonus!! If you’re up for it, maybe you can redesign my website for me.” “I’ll show you some of my work. If you like it, I’d love to do that for you.” “Awesome.” We stayed on the couch a bit longer and lye in each other’s arms. His naked body felt so good cuddled up against mine. “Hey, Zeek, do you have to be back in Milwaukee at a certain time? “No, I’m not on any schedule tonight. What did you have in mind?” “Want to go grab a few beers?” “Sure, that would be great.” Neither one of us moved too fast to get up. I think we both enjoyed cuddling together naked, but we reluctantly dragged our asses off the couch and slipped our clothes back on. Zak hung out in boystown at a few of the gay bars so we walked a few blocks to his favorite hang-out for a few beers. Zak introduced me to a few of his buddies that were out. We did a few shots with them then continued some one-on-one chat. “So, Zeek, what else gets you going besides ink, piercings and taking poz cock raw?” I chuckled, “Well, I’m pretty open-minded. I have a bit of a kinky streak in me.” “Oooh, kinky streak, like what? And you can’t shock me, believe me.” “Anything from toys, slings, sounds, to watersports, and more. What about you?” “There isn’t much I wouldn’t do, and everything on your list…… been there, done that. I’m a pig.” He leaned over to me and gave me a gentle nibble on my lip before planting a wet kiss on me. Standing up from his bar stool, Zak circled behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He whispered in my ear, “I have to piss if you want a taste.” He made his way to the men’s room and looked back at me with a grin. You didn’t have to tell me twice. I was off my bar stool in a flash and following him to the bathroom with my beer in hand. When I walked into the bathroom, Zak already had his pants unzipped and his pierced meat dangled at the urinal. I walked up behind him and grabbed his ass. He turned to face me and pushed me to my knees. I took his cock in my mouth, and he held me still with his hands on my shoulders. “Fuck, here it comes.” As the first drops of piss hit my tongue I must have sprung an instant boner. I loved drinking from the tap. Zak’s warm piss sprayed from his cock filling my mouth. It had just a slight bitter taste to it, but was pretty watered down from the beer. I was like a hungry pig sucking its mother’s tit, wanting every drop of piss down my throat. Zak repeatedly stopped his urine stream, giving me just enough time to gulp down all of his nectar before letting his piss flow again in my mouth. My cock throbbed over and over again. He pulled his cock from my mouth and the last few sprays and drops of piss landed on my face, stache and beard. It was as if he was marking his territory. I stood up, slammed the rest of my beer in front of him then held the bottle to my cock head. I let out a full stream of piss filling my bottle to the top. I took a swig of my own piss then Zak took the bottle from my hand and left the bathroom. When I returned to the bar, he was sitting on his bar stool drinking from my beer bottle in front of everyone. They had no idea he was actually swigging my sweet cock nectar and not beer. After tipping another beer together and an erotic farewell kiss, I left for Milwaukee. On my drive up I94 I had time to think outside the heat of the moment. Even though I had fantasized for a long time about taking a poz cock raw, that was the first time I actually went through with it. A little fear set in knowing I could possibly poz from Zak’s DNA planted deep in my hole. I debated pulling into the Oasis pit stop, heading to the bathroom and emptying his seed from inside me. Those thoughts were quickly diverted by my cock boning up over thoughts of how awesome his hard shaft felt in me, and that having his poz cum in me also turned me on. The thoughts of his hot naked, inked body danced through my head. The smell of his piss still lingered on my beard and stache. My cock again throbbed in my jeans. I never even considered myself an actual chaser, but found myself craving more of his toxic spunk. The Oasis was just ahead, but I drove on past as my car continued down I94; my cock raging hard and my ass twitching full of Zak’s charged cum. I still had some fear in me, but I knew there was no turning back. I began to accept that I wanted to charge up, and I wanted Zak to be my gifter. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 2 Unable to sleep, I got out of bed, and started my day. Today was a special day for several reasons. It was my 23rd birthday, and it was also Friday, the day of my first tattoo session with Zak. I was a little anxious and nervous, but excited to be seeing him again. I wanted to start my journey becoming a heavily inked pig, but I was not sure how much it would hurt. I turned on Netflix and watched some episodes of Miami Ink. Seeing hot Ami James and all his sexy ink just got me turned on and more determined than ever to go through with it. It was what I wanted. I decided to get dressed and cruise down to Chicago early. It was a perfect day for a drive, sunny and warm. I rolled down the windows and cranked the music. The air felt invigorating blowing across my body. I arrived in Boystown well ahead of my tattoo time with Zak, so I decided to browse the shops in the area. I came across a cool bookstore and bought a tattoo magazine. I also found an awesome pair of black biker boots, and a few t-shirts. Then I came across an adult bookstore and couldn’t resist checking out their gear. I ended up walking out with a “pig” t-shirt and a new yellow “piss pig” jock. After my little shopping spree I headed for the tattoo shop. I arrived a little early for my appointment. Zak greeted me with a hug and told me I could have a seat on the sofa while he finished up with his client. He grabbed me a bottle of water, and I sat down in the same place where just a week earlier I was taking Zak’s poz cock raw. The thought of it just gave me a major erection. I tried to find a distraction to get my boner to stop poking at my jeans. After all, Zak and his client were within eye’s shot. At least his client had his back to me. I found Zak’s portfolio sitting on the table next to the sofa. I browsed through the pages, but seeing his ink work only made my cock harder. I glanced at Zak, and he happened to look up at me. I immediately grinned back at him and stood up to show him my raging hard on through my jeans. I rubbed my crotch, and he chuckled then gave me a look that said, “Behave yourself.” I returned to the sofa and remembered an article I read several years earlier about a guy that popped wood at an inappropriate time and tried to “kill” the “snake” that had come to life in his pants by thinking about greasy dishes. (Why the hell I remember that article I have no idea). Maybe that would kill the beast in my pants. I tried to concentrate on dirty dishes, but all I could think about was stripping naked and having Zak fuck the hell out of me and unload his poz seed in my ass. My hard cock raged on. I grabbed a pillow for my lap to camouflage the bulge in my pants. After about a 15 minute wait, Zak poked his head around the corner and told me to follow him to his tattoo station. He walked to the entrance and locked the front door. “Now we’re all alone. No interruptions.” I pointed to my pants, “Good, because something is still up.” Zak laughed, “You’re becoming a cum-crazed pig. You know that don’t you?” “Yeah, and I love it.” I took a seat at his work station, and he walked up to me from behind. He put his hands on my shoulders, bent down and ran his tongue across the back of neck. He kissed my neck, nibbled my earlobe then worked his way to kissing my cheek. His tongue licked across my upper lip and he buried it into my mouth and started to make out with me, swirling his tongue with mine. Zak showed me his now hard cock bulging through his jeans, “As much as I want to tear your clothes off and fuck you right here, we won’t get anything done that way.” “And why is that a bad thing?” He again chuckled, “Let’s focus on your ink. We can play after.” “Oookkkaaayyy, ok.” “So are you ready to get started, sexy?” “Yeah, I’m ready.” “Awesome.” He grinned, “Besides, I’ll kill your hard on in no time when you feel the needle.” I chuckled and smiled at him, “You seem to be getting too much pleasure from that.” “I probably am, but there’s only one way to find out. Let’s get started. I made a few sketches for you to take a look at. If you like them I’ll use the one you want.” After looking at both designs, I had a hard time deciding between the two. Both were so cool. “Wow, I’d be happy with either design. They rock!!” “Well then, can I make a suggestion? This one is my favorite, because I think it will follow the curves of your arm the best.” “Cool. Then that’s it. It’s the one.” “Great. Get your shirt off and I’ll start the layout.” I pulled my shirt off over my head and sat down in the chair again. Zak was grinning at me. “What? What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I’m happy you are here, and allowing me to give you your first tattoo. That and you have one hot, trim body.” He pulled his chair next to mine, and took me by the hand. He positioned my arm and started the sketch. “This tattoo is going to look so cool on you, Zeek.” After about 10 minutes Zak completed the rough layout, and started to set up his ink. “Go look in the mirror and let me know if you’re happy with the layout.” I walked to the mirror and checked out the design. “It looks perfect.” “Awesome, get your sweet ass over here.” “Yes sir.” “Have a seat and get your arm up here. I’ll start out slow so you can see how it feels. We’ll work on it as long as you can. If you need a break, just let me know.” I sat in the “hot seat” again. I was nervous and excited all rolled up into one. Zak positioned my arm, “Here we go. You’re about to lose your tattoo virginity.” The familiar buzz of the tattoo gun filled the room, and my adrenaline rush kicked in. Zak rubbed a dab of aquaphor onto the first spot and the needle pierced my skin and the first line was inked in no time. I was happy to find the pain tolerable. It felt more like an annoying pinching sensation than anything. I also quickly discovered that I like to watch. I like to see the needle entering my skin watching the tattoo take shape. Guess that doesn’t come as a surprise to me, since I love visual stimulation with sex too. Seeing piss or cum shooting from a hot cock, or watching a hard piece of meat sliding in and out of a gaping ass is totally erotic. I like eye contact while getting fucked too. There definitely is a sexual side to the process of getting tattooed. The needle poked my arm again and snapped me back to reality. After about an hour and a half or so of turning my arm this way and that way, and switching to lying on the table, while Zak carved his design into my arm, the line work was finished. “How are you doing, Zeek? Need a break for a few?” “Sure. A stretch break would be good.” “How does it feel?” “It’s definitely burning a little, but it’s ok.” “Cool, we won’t finish in one session so let me know when you need to end. I’ll let you call it.” I walked over to the mirror to check out my new ink. Zak appeared behind me in the mirror, slipped his arm around my waist and kissed me gently on the neck. “It’s looking so hot on you, Zeek.” “I love it so far.” “Wait until you see the color start to fill it in. It will come to life.” Zak returned to his seat and set up the colors needed in his ink caps. After about 5 minutes, “I’m ready for you, Zeek. Let’s start shading in that sucker.” This time Zak had me lay on the table to start. He positioned my arm straight out away from my body. “Damn, Zeek, you make me want to tear those jeans off and fuck you right here.” Zak wheeled his chair to the side of the table and kissed me on the belly. I caressed the back of his head. His lips felt incredible on my skin, and his beard tickled my side. My cock certainly responded to his touch. It was already half erect. “I’d love to seed you right now.” “As hard as this is to say, Nah uh, it’s ink time. We can play soon enough.” He said, “I know, I know…..Focus.” The buzz of his tattoo gun kicked in again, and the color started on my sleeve. About 2 ½ hours later we were finished for the day. A bunch of color was completed and it was looking awesome, but my arm was also on fire. Zak cleaned up sleeve, and lightly rubbed a thin coat of aquaphor onto my skin. “That’ll cool it down, Zeek. Go check it out, man.” I walked to the mirror. “Oh my God, Zak, I love it.” He walked over to me at the mirror. “Wait till it’s finished. It’s going to look awesome.” He wrapped my arm then taped it in place then returned to his work station and began to clean it up. I continued to look at myself in the mirror, admiring my new ink. “It’s going to bleed a little and leak ink a bit, Zeek, so clean it when you get home. Put the aquaphor on it a few times a day while it heals.” “Ok….no problem.” Zak again appeared behind me in the mirror. He pulled his t-shirt off, put his arms around my waist and pulled my body tight against his. I could feel his hard cock against my ass. My dick quickly boned up. I reached back and slipped my hand between us to grab his hard dick. I rubbed his hard rod through his jeans. His cock throbbed in my hand, and Zak let out a moan of pleasure and began kissing my neck. As he whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you raw, right here and right now,” he rubbed my hard cock, and unbuttoned my pants. He reached down into my pants and stroked my meat. My jeans dropped to my ankles, and Zak began to grind his cock against my bare ass. I could feel the wetness on the head of my cock as my precum leaked from my piss hole. Zak smeared my juice onto my shaft then put his wet hand over my mouth. I stuck my tongue out and licked up my precum from his hand. Zak slipped his thumb into my mouth, and I began to suck it. While he continued to kiss my neck from behind me, he unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. I grabbed his ass and pressed his cock tight into my ass cheeks. Zak again moaned then grasped me around the waist and chest. He kept grinding his cock between my ass cheeks. “Fuck, you feel so good, Zeek. I want to feel my cock inside you. Give you what we both want. “Yes, you know I want it. Charge me up, Zak. Please fuck me.” I stepped out of my jeans and kicked them aside. I was now naked with Zak’s cock pressed hard against my ass. His precum began to lube my hole as he continued to rub his hard cock between my cheeks. He kicked his jeans off. Our bodies were both naked. The touch of Zak’s skin against my body sent chills up my spine, and I could already feel the sweat forming between us. Zak held me tightly from behind with his arm across my chest, and with a firm grip caressed my ass cheeks and rubbed his hand across my hole. My ass tightened and puckered while my cock stiffened and throbbed. Zak kissed me on my mid back, then on my side, and raised my arm above my head to bury his tongue in my arm pit. He continued to lick my pit, lapping up the scent off my body. He moved in front of me then pressed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I could taste my salty sweat on his lips and tongue. He spit in my mouth, and we continued to exchange saliva, while twisting our tongues together. With a firm grip on the back of my neck, we continued deep, erotic, French kissing for a few minutes. Then he hugged me and kissed my neck. He nibbled my ear lobe and buried his tongue in my ear while we ground our naked bodies against one another. Zak backed away from me, and snuck in one more kiss on my lips, then took me by the hand, our cocks both standing at attention and rock hard. He led me to the sofa where he first planted his seed in me the week before. He motioned to the couch, “Get on your knees, and spread those cheeks.” I eagerly obeyed. Zak knelt behind me and spread my cheeks wide with a firm grip. My puckered hole twitched with excitement, and he gave me one slap on the ass before burying his tongue into my ass. I arched my back and after continuous prodding and licking my hole opened up and his tongue slipped inside. He buried his tongue as deep as he could into my ass. The sensations sent chills through my body, and my hole begged to be filled by his cock. Zak gave one last grasp to my ass cheeks and a little massage. He stood up and then lounged back in a sitting position next to me on the sofa. His cock stood straight in the air. “Get your mouth on my cock and lube it up.” I shot onto the floor on my knees and slid the full length of his shaft down my throat. My tongue slid along his cock, and I began for work his dick in and out of my mouth. I continued to suck Zak’s cock, and it throbbed and pulsed in my mouth, spilling sweet precum down my throat. Zak grabbed the back on my head, shoving his cock deep down my throat. “Yeah, work that poz cock, swallow that charged precum.” He held his cock buried all the way in my mouth setting off my gag reflex, and making my eyes water. “Get up here and ride my cock. I want to see my meat slide all the way inside you.” I stood on the sofa, my legs straddling Zak’s, my pole standing straight up; balls dangling in front of his face. He tugged on my sack and engulfed both of my balls into his mouth. He sucked my balls, and licked them before grasping them with his hand and pulling them down to devour my cock down his throat. He sucked my rod for a few minutes, then said, “Sit on my poz cock, boy.” He spit in his hand, and as I lowered myself toward his hard shaft he smeared his spit onto my hole and lubed his cock with a few wet strokes. He directed the head of his meat toward my hole. His eyes were fixed on the head of his shaft as I squatted above his tool. I slowly lowered myself onto his cock. His PA ring and dick head pressed at my asshole, and with a quick thrust his cock head slipped inside. With a slow, steady motion my ass lips slid down the full length of his shaft. His hard cock was all the way inside me. Zak grabbed my hips and buried his cock even deeper in me. “FFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!! Feel my poz rod in you. My PA is going to tear you up.” His cock stiffened in me, and his PA stretched my hole with each pulse of his meat. Zak cupped his hands onto my ass, and spread my cheeks wide open. I began to ride is pole all the way in and out of me with slow, steady motions. He groaned each time I took his cock all the way inside me. “Fuck, yes Zak!” The sensations were driving me wild. My cock was stiff and pulsing. Zak again grabbed my waist and began to shove me down onto his cock faster and harder, thrusting his hips each time to drive his death-stick all the way inside me. I could feel his PA further stretching and working my hole raw with each slam of his cock into my hole. It felt amazing. “Damn, Zeek, I can’t hold out much longer. You want my poz load?” “Fuck, yes. Breed me. Make me your poz pig.” My ass tightened around his shaft. “Oh, fuck, yes, here it comes. I’m going to poz you up, pig.” Zak thrust inside me. I felt his cock throb over and over again. As he filled my guts with his DNA, I stroked my cock, erupting cum onto his face, and beard. He opened his mouth. My cock continued to pulse, and I shot more of my jizz across his lips onto his tongue. While my cock still throbbed, I slowly worked the length of his shaft in and out of my ass. “Fuck, yes, Zeek, work my poz babies into you.” Blood tinged cum dripped from my ass with each plunge down his cock. Then I sat on his cock until I felt it stop throbbing inside me. I pulled his dick from my ass, and it slapped against his biohazard tattoo. His meat was covered with streaks of pink tinged cum. “Fuck, yes. Look at that, Zeek. Keep my virus in you. It definitely has access to your bloodstream.” Zak scooped up his blood streaked cum from his cock and put his fingers into my mouth. I licked and sucked them clean, swallowing every drop. Blood dripped from the edge of the bandage covering my freshly inked arm. It splattered onto Zak’s biohazard tattoo and cock. He ran his fingers down his shaft through my blood, across his lips and tongue. I kissed his mouth, tasting my blood on his lips. Still puffing and panting, “Fuck, Zeek. That was so hot. I love fucking my poz cum into your ass.” “I love feeling you shoot your toxic seed in me.” We need to change your bandage. Zak removed the wrapping from my arm and walked to his station for more bandages. I enjoyed looking at his naked body. It was such a turn on to me. He returned with more supplies and reapplied the bandage to my arm. We lie naked in each other’s arms on the sofa. “When can you get back down here to see me? We can continue your ink after a few weeks too. Let this heal a bit first.” “I definitely can get here in two weeks to continue my ink.” “How about we go on a date next weekend and an ink session two weeks from tonight same time?” “Sounds perfect to me.” “You know, you could possibly be ready for a biohazard tattoo in two weeks too.” I smiled, “Fuck yes.” My cock started to bone up at that thought, and I planted a slow, passionate kiss onto Zak’s lips. “Zeek, I want you to know something. I don’t want to just poz you. I like you, and not just a little. I like you a lot. I want you to be my boyfriend, my poz pig. What do you say?” “I’d like that a lot.” We continued to make out on the sofa. Our naked bodies pressed tightly together. Before we knew it both of our cocks were fully boned up again. We began to grind our bodies together. Zak kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “Zeek, I want to give you my DNA again. Make you my poz boy……….”
    1 point
  9. As I reached the top step and turned towards my top floor condo, a paper on my neighbors’ door caught my eye. I smiled as I read the eviction notice. For the past 18 plus months, the couple in condo 314 had made enemies of every tenant on the floor, not to mention anyone who met them in the laundry room, mail room or had the distinct bad luck of living below them. So it was no great shock that in the 36 hours I had been out of town on business, they had been booted for noise, delayed payment, suspicious activity, and about a dozen other violations of the co-op agreement. It wasn’t until a few days later, while I was collecting a package, that I discovered that management had reached the end of their patience when a maintenance man witnessed the female in the couple, brandishing a knife, chasing the half-naked male across the lawn in front of the rental office. It puzzled me as to why this tussle was different from the similar arguments I’d seen a handful of times, when they explained that the half-naked male was naked on his bottom half. My laughter continued all the way back to my stairway, only stopped by the image of a sweaty shirtless 6 foot tall teen hunk coming down and walking off towards a moving van. Taking the steps two at a time, I managed to position myself in a chair at the perfect angle out my living room window to watch as the shirtless guy and some equally hunky buds made their way to and from the truck, over and over again. Upon review, I could tell the first guy I’d witnessed was closer to 25 than 18, but only when his chest hair caught some sunlight, revealing a tattoo of a crucifix on his right pectoral. His small beer gut also hinted towards adulthood, as it was probably acquired from one too many frat parties, or perhaps a habit of drinking everyday after the whistle blew at some blue collar job. Otherwise his youthful smile, round cheeks and tight bubble butt would have had me convinced he was a freshman at the university up the road. Tempting as it was to offer a hand, a glass of lemonade or a ride on my 9 inches of thick circumcised cock meat, I knew I was better to watch from the shadows and collect jerk material for later. No reason I couldn’t enjoy a bowl though, as long as I didn’t light the torch where it would reveal my voyeuristic perch. Once the bowl was finished, the Tina kicked in, and I was aching to find some hot young ass to spew full of some chemmed-up seed, driving me to leave the window and move to my computer screen. The timing was probably perfect anyway, as the sun was setting quickly and I could hear the moving truck driving away no more than 15 minutes later. Less than an hour after that, I found a 19 year old bio major sucking white smoke from the business end of my pipe, while taking all nine inches into his sweet smooth ass. It was easy to get the curious college boys to come over once they saw the photos of my 6’3” tall frame, 46” chest, 15” arms, 32” waist and previously mentioned dick. This naive twink had originally begged me to go slow, use a condom, let him suck me off instead, yadda yadda yadda; but I just kept loading more shards into the pipe and stuffing more laced lube in his pooper until he was too fucked up to say anything other than “Fuck me! Faster! Harder!” I did as he commanded, blowing not one, not two, but three heavy loads into his innocent hole before kicking his ass to the curb a few hours after his arrival. His wide eyes kept looking into mine as I threw him his clothes, slid on some basketball shorts and told him to get the fuck out, shocked that I had so quickly transformed from a passionate cum-dispensing power top to cool-headed unconcerned asshole. I watched from my doorway as his head slid down the stairwell and out of sight, looking up just in time to see my new neighbor open the door and pull the same move on some equally innocent blonde bimbo. She ran down the steps in tears when she realized someone was watching her walk of shame. I had to admire my new neighbor’s nonchalant attitude towards her used pussy and I wondered briefly if she was running fast enough to pass my own discarded boy-toy. My neighbor might have had the same thought as he smiled too, making us both laugh, and step into the hall to introduce ourselves. “Hey man, nice to meet ya, I’m Pete.” I was elated that he was in fact, the same young stud I had first spotted downstairs, and he looked just as good the second time around, if not better. He smelled of axe body spray, cum, and lube; and was covered in a fine sheen of sweat as well as brown fuzzy hair on his head, chest and legs. Bright green eyes, a straight nose and boyish smile made him look like a 15-year-old from the neck up, but his work-built chest and arms, the black and red crucifix tattoo and a packed pair of white CK boxer-briefs made him all man from the neck down. My gaze lingered a second too long on the spot of precum forming at the head of his semi-hard dick, causing him to retreat into his apartment for a pair of shorts, inviting me to join him. He didn’t close the door to his bedroom as he stripped away the white fabric, connected to his dick by a string of semen. I had to tuck my own re-hardening cock into the waist of my jockstrap when he bent over to put on a pair of board shorts with nothing under them, granting me a glimpse of his tight fuzzy hole. As he turned to come back into the living room, I pretending to be checking out his balcony view before plopping unceremoniously on his couch. Another smile crossed my face when I realized the pillow I’d sat next to was hiding a pipe like my own, as well as a sack of goodies. His face went pale when he turned to sit too and noticed my discovery, and my raised eyebrow. The perverted asshole in me knew from the look of fear on his face that I could have blackmailed him into all sorts of dirty deeds at that moment, but I laughed, grabbed the lighter, and torched the bowl, taking a HUGE hit. He exhaled at the same time I did, relieved that he was not going to get evicted or have the cops called on him. “I wondered if you were a partier, especially when I heard you going to town on some pussy for hours. That’s why I called Sheila. My dick was so hard hearing your bitch scream I decided to torch up with my fuck buddy and see if I could compete!” He took a hit as big as mine, but coughed as it came out, obviously new to partying, but hoping to seem as cool as me. “Hate to burst your bubble Pete, but my pussy was a dude. Sweet little 19 year old fuck who thought he was coming over for romance and cuddling, before I raped him, that is,” I took another hit, while Peter went from wide-eyed to laughing. “Shit dude! That is fucking hilarious! Sheila, that blonde piece of trash with the cum running down her legs, was expecting the same thing, but I told her after my second load,” He bragged. “‘I smoked you out, and filled you up, what more do you want,’ and you should have seen how she pouted and bitched on her way out of here!” “I could tell dude! And if you’d been out two minutes earlier, you would have seen what’s-his-name leaking THREE of my loads while doing the same walk of shame,” both of us laughed at our shared experience of using a high bitch on a Saturday night. We passed the pipe around for a few hours and chatted about a bunch of shit, before he decided to call it a night, and I decided to call another unsuspecting jizz bag I’d met at a club. As I used the laced lube to pound a load into a medical student who was too high and mighty to smoke my favors, I thought about Peter, and wondered if he could hear the squeals coming from the blond gym bunny I was breeding. I only came out of my fantasy of Pete joining us and eventually becoming my steady cum-dumpster, when the drugged pre-med gym boy asked me to pull out before coming. Just for that I made sure to rape him especially hard when I pumped his ass full for the second time. His pupils were the size of his anus when I shoved him into the hallway, and I swear I heard my new neighbor chuckle when pre-med asked if we could do it again. For the next three months, life went on, with me splitting days at the office and the gym, and Pete splitting them between classes to get his business grad degree and working as a stock boy for best buy. We both lived for the weekends when almost every Saturday night we sat on his or my couch, rehashing our last twelve hours of fucking. Thank God Pete had grown up with a gay uncle and seemed totally unfazed by my talk of using the local college boys, and didn’t seem to mind that I got hard whenever he told me about his latest co-ed conquest. This also gave me a chance to find out all about him, discovering his background growing up with a single mother, working construction at 14 to make cash to buy a car and save up for school, putting himself through undergrad, and eventually discovering the joys of partying when he started dating a girl who dealt. It wasn’t until one night in fall that things began to change. Pete had been laid-off by the box store for a failed UA, which meant no money for drugs once his school bills, rent and expenses were paid. I was happy to provide a random bowl to the boy now and then, but we both realized he was too comfortable when he walked in on my dick balls deep in some ass. I would have been more upset but the interruption turned on the football stud I was fucking, causing his ass to tighten. My load shot in him right as Pete’s jaw dropped. Normally you’d think a straight guy would run for the hills, but football boy lit up the pipe and motioned for Pete to take a hit, which seemed to be all the invitation he needed to stick around and smoke. I knew some of Pete’s regular pussy had dried up when he could no longer afford Tina, but it had never occurred to me he might be so hard up as to try some dude ass. Sadly, I think the football stud was too butch, so Pete only stayed to smoke the rest of the bowl, before I went back to the ass at hand, and he went back to his apartment. The rest of my fuck session, the wheels were turning in my head, wondering how I could turn all these factors to my advantage. Once I kicked the linebacker out, Pete came over and apologized profusely, at which point I made it clear that I was not a dealer, and would no longer be loading bowls for him. I waited until he looked defeated before pretending to take pity on him by saying he could always still join me for a bowl when I was loading it for a hook-up. Sure enough, my plan worked like a charm. Although all the boys I hooked up with were muscular, I knew I’d need to find a smooth one, who was more on the swimmer’s build side if I was going to keep Pete from running away as soon as the pants came off. The next weekend I invited over a slightly effeminate teenager I’d met when he and some high school friends finished swimming at my gym’s pool When he arrived, I warned him that my “hot, straight neighbor” might be joining us for some partying before he got fucked. He said that was fine, since he wasn’t even sure he was in the mood to get fucked (yeah right), and was only looking to try partying. As soon as the smooth sweet boy crossed my threshold around lunchtime, Pete was knockin’ at my door. He seemed nervous with my young guest eyeing him, until the first hit crossed his lips, becoming loose and happy. Before the first bowl was through, the prudish teen was sliding his hand down my shorts and whispering how badly he needed to see my monster dick. I loaded fat bowl number two and asked Pete if he minded us getting started. His mouth wanted to say for us to stop, but the pipe in my hands made him say “no problem.” Pete tried to keep his eyes on the bi-bareback porn on my 55” plasma, and away from the slowly undressing teen boy only three feet away, but it was no use. I could tell he was enthralled when the boy slid off his jeans and briefs, uncovering a peaches and cream colored butt. I made sure to keep the boys ass facing Pete as he sank to his knees and unzipped my shorts. Usually nothing can distract me from the first moment a new boy takes my cock into his mouth, but instead I watched Pete’s shock while the teenager popped out my beast. I tried to be discrete while I watched Pete’s reaction to me getting an inexperienced blow/hand job, but his eyes were so locked into my big throbbing cock that fire works could have been going off and he’d never have noticed. I cleared my throat, making him jump, before my eyes motioned to the pipe he’d been holding, and not smoking ever since my cock appeared. He took a hit before shakily handing me the pipe. I shot gunned into the boy’s mouth before pushing his head back down onto my cock, and then slid my other hand down his back and worked a spit-covered digit three knuckles deep up his hole. He tried to cough up my cock and wriggle away from my second finger, but I just pushed his head down further. Pete’s hand was now down his pants, stroking what seemed to be a good seven or eight inch cock, as far as his carpenter’s jeans would reveal. Reaching to the side table, I grabbed my laced lube and slathered some over my fingers before returning to the teenage hole. It must have burned when the mix of tina, lube and my three fingers pierced his hole, but he stopped complaining once the stuff kicked in. I was in hog heaven, with a blond twink swallowing most of my prick, backing his ass up, trying to swallow my hand, while Pete seemed a second away from whipping out his cock and beating it right there. I needed to push him over the edge, so I got his attention and told him to load another bowl. While he grabbed my sack and loaded bowl number three, I pulled blondie to standing, kicked his legs apart and had him straddle my waist. He thought it was time to make out, but no way was I going to miss the show across the coffee table. I pulled the boys head to the side and chewed on his neck, while I lined my cock up to his hole. Pete took a gigantic hit and almost choked to death exhaling it, but never closed his eyes as my cock forced its way into the hole perched above it. The teen cried out and tried to back off of it, but I reached out and grabbed the pipe from Pete’s hand just in time to pass it to the boy, distracting him. Pete muttered something that sounded like “fuck yeah,” as the boy took a big hit and shot gunned it to me. Once the boy set down the pipe, I gripped both of his small hands behind his back in my right hand, grabbed him by the neck with my left and punched most of my cock into his ass. I covered his mouth with mine just in time to catch his scream, which was the deciding moment for Peter. In a flash, Pete’s jeans and boxer briefs were at his knees and his right hand began to pound away at a respectable 7 and a half inch cock. I pounded the teen’s ass in rhythm with Pete, as I took in the awesome sight. Shining with sweat like the rest of him, his hard on was not too thick, cut, with a slight bend in it, topped by a perfect fat head, surrounded by trimmed pubes, except for his big sagging balls, which he had shaved smooth. Pity, I thought, once I seduced and trained him, I’d make sure he didn’t trim so I’d have something to tug on when he is bad. I thought I could have been eternally satisfied just from this glancing moment of masturbation, until he hocked a loogey into his other hand, slicked it around his middle finger, and sank it up his hole, pounding it in and out in sync with me. I locked eyes with him briefly, and mouthed “one more finger,” and like a good hypnotized slave, he added another. His face tensed up and I worried momentarily that I’d pushed too far, too fast, until I recognized that face, and glanced down just in time to see a week’s worth of cum start shooting all over his chest, neck, chin and even a drop on his lips. His fingers popped from his hole making a squish sound, while his lungs worked over time to recover from his massive release. With sweat dripping from his brown hair all the way down his pecs and mingling with his cum load, he looked exactly as I’d pictured him, only real. One drop of sweat from his nose hit his lip next to the cum, and, without thinking, his tongue snaked out and lapped up both. Upon seeing him unknowingly swallow his sperm, my balls jumped, and I pushed the teen all the way down on my dick, having briefly forgot that he was not as slutty as the football stud or some of my other regulars. He cried out loudly as he hopped off my cock, turning around and revealing his hard on to Peter. As if the spell had been broken, Peter’s eyes focused on the boy’s 5 inch almost hairless penis and revealed panic. The teenager began to bitch about it hurting and needing a break as he took a hit and smiled at Peter, who was already dressed and using the boy’s tee shirt to wipe off his cum. Stammering about homework, Peter took one last horrified look before tossing the shirt back in the room and making his escape. “That was weird, where’d he have to go?” The twink’s question made me furious, mostly because I somehow blamed him for scaring Pete away. I threw the boy over my shoulder and carried him into my bedroom, tossing him on the bed. I told him to shut his eyes, and like a fool he did so, just long enough for me to handcuff him to the headboard. I fucked his hole for four hours, all while envisioning Pete’s cum shot. I’ve never used a new hole the way I used his that afternoon, but I didn’t regret a moment of it, even when he screamed so loud I had to back hand him or when he left in tears. (He called me two days later to see if I’d do it again, so I’m pretty sure he didn’t regret it either.) I was about to jump in the shower, when I heard a knock at my door. Oh great, I thought, blondie is back to cry some more. Nothing ever surprised me more or made me happier than finding a shirtless, smiling Pete. Part 2 “So is the blond bitch gone?” Pete said, walking past me into the living room, picking up my pipe and taking a hit. “Yeah, just kicked his ass out. Figured five loads was enough in one teenager today.” I snatched up my sack and offered to load a fresh bowl. “Five? Nice! Sorry I couldn’t stick around, just had to peace-out after that.” Pete said, watching me start the fresh bowl, and licking his lips, reminding me of the cum he’d eaten off of them earlier. “No worries, just figured you freaked getting off while I fucked a dude and you fingered yourself” I tried to gauge from his smoke intake whether or not this would send him back into the awkward guilty phase he’d been in earlier, but his smooth exhale revealed nothing. “Nah man, I’ve had plenty of fingers up my ass before.” This time I coughed, choking more on his words than my smoke. “HA! I figured that’d blow your mind man. I never told you cause I figured you’d try and pull some gay shit on me, but I’ve been fingering my ass since a friend showed me a book that mentioned it when I was 14, man! And you know there is nothing better than having some bitch fiddling with your hole when you cum in her twat…or, well I guess you don’t know. But seriously, I just got weirded out cause I forgot you were fucking a dude till right that second. I’m expecting him to turn around with tits and twat, and instead I get abs and cock, it threw me.” I laughed, and suddenly all was right in the world again. Pete began coming over whenever I had company, unless the guy wasn’t into partying or something, in which case I’d tell him I was busy and he’d wait for the dude to leave. Mostly, he’d smoke a bowl, and leave as the action got started or just ignore it until we moved to the bedroom and he’d disappear across the hall. Sometimes, if the guy was feminine enough or could really suck and ride my cock, Pete would stick around, although it took months for him to get comfortable enough to start jerking in front of me again. One Friday night a top buddy of mine and I went club hopping and brought back a sweet young freshman. Smooth from his eyebrows down for swim team, and only about 5’5”, he was begging to lose his innocence with his black curly hair, full lips, and crystal blue eyes. He kept the hair in a masculine style, and dressed very manly, but it did little to hide how pretty he was. Once we got him back, my buddy admitted to slipping some g in the boy’s drink, which explained why he had gone from uptight and against everything to care-free, and into anything. Soon enough he was stripped down, and putting on a thong with the superman logo on the crotch that he found in my underwear drawer. We immediately called him Superboy, which made him giggle and start in on some story, so we kept his mouth busy with the pipe and our cocks. Usually Pete was out trolling for tail on Fridays, but around 30 mins after we got home, I received a text from him, asking if he could stop by and smoke. I figured this wouldn’t be his scene, until I looked up and realized that, in his thong, superboy looked very fem, especially with my cock in his mouth, purring around my cock as my buddy ate his pink hairless hole. I texted okay. Two minutes later, after a slight pause when he realized I wasn’t alone, Peter was perched in an arm chair, hands in his ball shorts, growing a sizable puddle of precum and sucking at the pipe. My buddy tried to get him to join us when Superboy went to use the bathroom, at which point Pete explained he was only there to look, not touch. My buddy laughed and asked him if he wanted any G then. Pete looked stumped till I explained what it was. He probably would have answered no, but my buddy knew Pete’s type, and mentioned that the three of us has had double what we’d give him. Truthfully, between Superboy, my buddy and me, we had taken double the amount Peter would get, we just didn’t specify that most of it had been unknowingly taken by Superboy. Pete, true to form, replied "Okay, I'm sure I can handle a small dose." Superboy got back just in time to see Pete make a face as he swallowed a cap full of G. At this point I’d had enough of prepping Superboy’s ass, and decided it was ready for dick. Without removing his super thong, I pulled him into my lap, pushed aside the thong strap and shoved my lubed fingers into his hole. Luckily his mouth was full of my buddy, so he couldn’t scream if he wanted to. Working quickly from two to three to four digits, I whipped them all out, before replacing them with about eight inches of my cock. Superboy flailed and tried to escape, but my buddy would have none of it, holding his arms while I began to thrust up and down, in and out of the hairless pink hole. From Pete’s angle in the arm chair, I was sure it looked exactly the same as if two 30 year old straight guys were pounding a short-haired high school girl. The illusion was further perfected by Superboy’s nipples pointing straight out from our twists and pulls, not to mention the fact his small pecs could be interchangeable with a young girl’s breasts. I wondered if I could get Pete to join in if I’d had a bra or a wig on super boy, but was surprised to glance over and find Pete fully nude, fingers in his ass, pounding away on his dick. My buddy had his back to Pete, which was probably the only thing saving Pete’s ass from getting raped. This didn’t stop Superboy’s ass from a raping though, as I was now standing upright, pounding away at his hole, all the way in and out each time. My buddy couldn’t stand it, and decided to pull Superboy off his cock just long enough to flip him around. My moan of disappointment was matched only by Superboy’s whimper, until my buddy shoved his extremely fat 7 inch dick into his hole. Superboy babbled something unintelligible just long enough for me to tell him to shut up before I had my cock deep in his unwilling throat. My eyes dared not linger on Pete, since I didn’t know if I should draw any attention to his frantic, passionate hand job, but I could see enough to know he seemed frustrated that he hadn’t shot yet. He once told me he couldn’t cum when he’d tried weed and tina together, and I figured the gina/tina combo was having the same effect. This didn’t stop his dick from pouring buckets of precum out over his fist, to the point where he was scooping it up in his other hand and using it as anal lube, which gave my balls a tingle. Now the main reason I didn’t often join my buddy in threesomes was his stamina. When I party, I like to fuck for hours, sometimes even a whole day. He was more the type to get the hottest ass he could, and fuck it savagely till he dropped his load, then bail. And that’s precisely what happened. Instead of watching for warning signs and suggesting he pull out or take a break, I was trying to discreetly watch Pete while choking Superboy till he was red in the face. So when I heard my buddy yell ‘I’m gonna fuckin cum!’ I knew I was too late. Superboy pulled away just long enough to try mumble something. “Don’t in me, no cum, Don’t cum in me!” Too late I thought as my buddy’s fingers gripped tightly into Superboy’s hips. He was balls deep shooting a thick juicy load where no man had shot before. Superboy whimpered but I shoved him back on my cock as my buddy finished cumming and slowly pulled out. Pete was suddenly aware of how naked he was, and pulled his underwear up over his leaking dick. I groaned a little when I saw that unlike his usual CK boxer briefs, he was wearing a pair of silky tighty-whiteys. The material bulged conspicuously around his hard on, but didn’t let his precum seep through as I expected. “Well boys, I’ve lubed him up for you, so get some man hole while the getting’s good.” My buddy slid on his jacket as the final layer of clothing, picked up some Tina from the table, and pushed it deep into Superboy’s ass. He reached down to get the G, before noticing Pete, who still couldn’t keep his hands off of his brief-encased stiffy. “I’m gonna leave the Gina for you boys, just in case.” He winked at me as he said this, and headed out the door. I released Superboy from my dick finally, which allowed him to slip his button down shirt over his exposed shoulders, buttoning a single button near his pectoral muscles and was surprised that he still seemed eager to keep going. “Lets smoke another bowl, but can we do it in the bedroom? It’s not comfortable getting fucked standing up.” He smiled and grabbed my dick. Pete looked worried, since the bedroom was usually his cue to leave. “You’re welcome to join us for some more,” I said, indicating the pipe and baggy I was collecting for the journey. “I dunno, if you guys want your privacy-” Pete stood nervously, while still palming his hard on. “Not even a little bit man,” Superboy knelt and began dividing the remaining Tina on the coffee table into two lines. “I’m down for whatever, whoever, whemever, I mean whenever. Fuck this stuff has my head flying.” “You guys finish those lines and I’ll get us some drinks and we’ll all meet in the bedroom.” I walked into the kitchen with the Gina, Tina, pipe and torch, quickly mixing some rum and cokes, both Pete’s and Superboy’s with a little extra Gina. I looked out into the living room as I balanced all the goodies and drinks on a tray, and witnessed Superboy refusing to move to let Pete do his line. “if you want this line, you’ll have to come get it.” Pete moved in behind Superboy, laying his full front, woody and all, against Superboy’s ass and back. I heard Pete’s loud sniff, but watched as he continued to press his weight against the tight smooth buns below him. “I’m straight dude,” Pete said, almost too quietly for me to overhear. “That’s cool, just think of me as your high-school sweat heart until I’m done with this bump.” Superboy sniffed his line, while pulling one of Pete’s hands around him, under his shirt and onto his girlish nipple. They both swayed slightly as Superboy finished the line and leaned back till they were upright and moaning quietly. Pete’s other hand dropped between them and I wondered where it was headed until I heard Superboy’s moans. “Uhhhh, yeah, finger my pussy.” Superboy and Pete held that position for a minute, making my dick throb and produce a nice thick drop of semen, which I caught in Pete’s glass before it could sag to the counter. Superboy’s hands were now working their way behind him, probably all over Pete’s cock. Finally I coughed and walked with the tray and goodies into the bedroom. As if they’d been caught robbing a bank, both boys shot to standing and began to walk in behind me, although Pete’s hand remained between Superboy’s cheeks. “Pete, can you grab the torch from in there when you come,” I said, causing Pete to finally pull out his cummy finger, and turn around, searching for a torch he wouldn’t find. Superboy joined me in the bedroom, and, as planned, I took this moment to push my plans further. “You are so fucking sexy, you are making me so hard, and I really want to see my friend Pete fuck you, would you like that?” I whispered into his ear while undoing his shirt button, and tying the shirt tales into a loose knot. This gave a hint of shadow on Superboy’s chest, which looked more and more like ladies cleavage, especially with his hard nips poking out under the material. "Fuck yes," he replied, "but he said he was straight,” whispered Superboy as I ran my fingers through his curls, making a few ringlets fall over his brow. “Don’t worry about that, just make sure you don’t hold back on screams and moans when I’m fucking you. And if you get the chance, suck his dick, but don’t let him cum, okay?” He nodded okay and climbed onto the big bed, taking the pipe and hitting it. “Oh here it is Pete, never mind.” I shouted to him, while putting in a bi porn on the 48” tv in my room, one which featured two bigger dudes fucking a slim, smooth teenage girl who looked similar to Superboy (except for Superboy’s thong-covered Tina dick). Pete came in right as the film started, stroking his cock through his tight briefs. I handed Pete the pipe and his drink, and then slid onto the bed between Superboy’s legs. I began kissing his sweet chest and pulled the shirt aside just enough to suck on one nipple. Superboy moaned, ignoring the pipe Pete was trying to hand to him. I grabbed it instead and shot gunned a huge hit to Superboy. “Why do you do that?” I looked at Peter when he asked the question? He was sitting on the bed next to me and Superboy, stroking his hard on and fingering his tight hole. I shoved a few fingers in Superboy’s ass and handed him the pipe while I answered. “It is like getting a second hit. You inhale what the other person exhales and get twice as high.” Peter looked skeptical. “If you wanna try it and see, take a shot gun from Superboy here.” Superboy was about to light up, giggled at his nickname, and smiled at Pete. Pete, looking conflicted, downed most of his rum and coke (and g) and nodded in agreement. He leaned down to Superboy’s soft lips and took the shot gun. His lips floated a half inch from Superboy’s, until I “accidentally” pushed his head down so they kissed while it happened. Pete didn’t stop kissing Superboy as he re-exhaled the smoked from his nose. Meanwhile, I had slipped Superboy’s legs over my shoulders, and began to fuck his ass. I pulled Superboy to the end of the bed with my dick still in his ass, breaking his kiss with Pete. Flipping Superboy on this stomach, with my dick still in him, I began fucking him harder while taking a big hit. To my shock, Pete sat up, finished his drink, and leaned in to shot gun with me. This time, he went in fully and our lips met as I exhaled into his sucking mouth. He exhaled back into mine while I held his head close and continued to make out with him. At this angle, Pete’s dick was close enough to Superboy’s mouth, that he easily began to suck his dick. Pete moaned as we continued to kiss, and I played with his nipples and chest hair while I fucked Superboy’s ass. Pete reached behind himself and began to finger his hole with three fingers, which gave Superboy an idea. He grabbed my hand that was on Pete’s chest, put it on Pete’s cock, and then slid his head beneath Pete’s open legs and began rimming and fingering his hole, all of which I could see in the dresser mirror behind them. This was far too hot for me, and suddenly I could feel my load surging into my urethra and out into Superboy’s ass. “Fuck I’m cumming inside him,” I said, pulling away from the kiss. Pete’s eyes widened as he looked down and grabbed my balls, feeling them pulse into Superboy’s ass. His hand on my nether regions made me cum even harder, and I pulled him back into a kiss as I stroked his cock. Finally his squeezing and Superboy’s ass was too much, so I pulled out and excused my self into the bathroom. Splashing cold water on my face, I could hear rearranging in the bedroom and I was afraid Pete might be trying to leave. I peeked-out the door and smirked as I saw Superboy forcing Pete onto his back, straddling his hard cock, and sinking it into his hole. “No, I’m straight man, we can’t do…” He trailed off, the G obviously impairing his thought process. His hips involuntarily began thrusting up into Superboy, and I walked out to join them. Pete was so high he barely noticed me taking a few big hits off the pipe in a row and shot gunning them into his mouth. He repeatedly sucked on my tongue and made out with me after each hit, becoming more and more open to my ministrations. I moved down between his legs and inserted a large crystal as far up his ass as my fingers could go, happy to see that his butt was thoroughly cleaned out, probably from his Friday night ritual of fuck prep, in case some girl fingered him. I worked my thick fingers into his hole while Superboy worked his ass up and down over the hard on. The frustration was beginning to show on Pete’s face when four of my fingers were inside him and he was still no closer to cumming. Time for the pièce de résistance in my brilliant plan. Earlier in the evening Superboy said he had an early swim practice the next morning and absolutely had to leave by 3:00 A.M. I pulled out of Pete’s ass and walked into the living room and began to collect Superboy’s clothes into a neat pile by the bathroom door, while writing a text. Returning to the bedroom, I pulled my strategically placed briefs off my clock radio, revealing that it was almost 4:00. “Hey boy, didn’t you need to leave by 4:00?” I reminded Superboy while taking a big hit and shot-gunning it into Pete’s mouth. “Fuck it. I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” Reluctantly I pulled away from Pete’s sweet lips. The little shit was going to ruin my plan. “Are you sure? I texted my buddy and he said he’d be happy to come back and give you a ride to the dorms, he lives only a few minutes away, so he should be here any minute.” The idea he might get a free ride seemed to pause his drug-filled mind. Right on time my doorbell rang, and sure enough, it was my buddy. Just like I figured, he’d had enough time away to get hard again, and seeing Pete fuck Superboy had him naked in no time. Superboy screamed a little as my buddy’s cock slid in to Superboy’s ass next to Pete’s cock, but it only took a moment for him to get used to it before he begged for more. I knew he’d be sore and ripped apart tomorrow, but if anything that only made me happier, especially seeing how hard his previously tiny cock had gotten. I focused all my attention on my buddy for the next five minutes, rimming his hole and pinching his nips. Finally he grunted and began to shoot into Superboy again, fucking him so hard he fell forward, and Pete’s cock slipped out into the cool air. Superboy kissed Pete and jerked his own cock, before spewing a small load onto Pete’s belly, which hardly fazed Peter. My buddy, as habit would predict, was ready to go. It was a good thing Superboy’s clothes were neatly stacked, otherwise he wouldn’t have been dressed in time to get the ride I promised. Before Pete could even sit up, Superboy and my Buddy were gone, supposedly to drop him off, but more likely ending up with Superboy chained to my buddy’s headboard for another load. Pete groggily sat up and sucked at the pipe I was lighting for him, eagerly exhaling into my mouth before kissing me deeply. “Damn man, I rurly wunted to cum in thet cunt, but my dick wudn’t shooooot.” Pete was the perfect mix of high and g-drunk, stroking his cock and fingering his hole as best he could in that state. “Well I might be able to get you off if you’ll let me try something Pete.” I said, before taking another hit and shot gunning it into his mouth. He wrapped an arm around my neck causing our chests to rub together. Giving in, I rolled around with him on the bed for a few moments, before repeating my offer. “Hmmm? Zure, goferit.” Pete said before kissing me again. He seemed to be really into making out now. He’d told me once it was his favorite thing to do when he was drunk and about to fuck some girl, and although I usually didn’t enjoy it very much, I was hard as a rock knowing I was one of two guys who had kissed him, and would be the first to make him cum while doing it. He whined a little as I pushed him back onto the bed, and spread his legs. I easily worked four fingers into his hole, and every time I pressed one against his prostate, it elicited a moan and some precum, which I used to lube my cock. Neither his dick or mine had ever been as large as they were now, at least to my knowledge, so I prayed I wouldn’t have to work too hard to force my fat dick inside him. Luckily, the booty bump I’d given him, combined with his g-state worked like a charm. “Oh fuck.” Was all he could mutter while I slid my entire cock, inch by inch, into his tiny hole, his knees bent over my forearms. His eyes were screwed shut, but he didn’t seem to be in any pain that I could see. His cock throbbed and leaked more precum than before, and I only paused for a quick hit and shot gun before beginning my assault. He clawed at my shoulders and made out with me like a starving whore while I worked my way from sweet gentle love making to hardcore ass breeding. I wouldn’t allow his hands near his cock, since I could feel his prostate pulsing with each thrust. Sweat began to pour off of me in buckets as I pounded away, covering us both in a sweet smelling sheen. “Open your eyes Peter, and look at the cum dump you’ve become.” I sat up, hooked Pete’s ankles over my shoulders and began my nastiest, rough fuck while Pete’s eyes locked onto my root disappearing under his balls with each stroke. He looked away, presumably in shock or disgust, only to catch a better view in the dresser mirror. “Oh fuck, yer all thuh way in.” He slurred, reaching up and jacking his dick. I glanced up and witnessed the same thing, and knew it would only take a moment for my balls to empty. Silently, I prayed I’d get him off too, but honestly, I was getting mine in the ass I’d coveted for months, so what did I care? So I sped up, and lifted my self further onto him , so he was now bent in half, getting fucked deeper than almost any boy in the bed before him, and jerking his cock only a few inches from his own mouth. “Oh shit, Erm Comma!” His indiscernible moaning meant little to me, until I felt his hole spasm, and looked down in time to catch one, two, three…in total eight streams of white jizz paint his pecs, neck, chin, lips and tongue. This started my own orgasm and I barely remained conscious while pumping my biggest (at least it felt like my biggest) load ever into his previously virgin hole. I collapsed next to him, with his legs splayed awkwardly, one under me, the other on my legs. Smiling, Peter licked the cum from his lips, and I quickly scooped more up, rubbing it on my own face. He leaned in and we made out some more, while I made him suck up every drop of cum he’d spilled. “Derit agen.” He said, half asleep a few minutes after we’d stopped kissing, now spooned with my hard on against his ass. “Excuse me jizzrag, did you say something?” I said, while jerking his dick back to hardness. His eyes lazily opened, he grabbed my cock, and sloppily tried to insert it back into his hole. “Do it Uhgen. Pleeeeeez.” Aha, do it again please. I smirked, lined up my dick with his hole and forced it back in. He whimpered and tried to roll out from under me, possibly regretting this request, but I was going to “derit agen” now, one way or another. I rolled on top of him and used his hole some more, first doggie style, then on his stomach, and finally with him bent over the side of the bed. I came twice more inside him before rolling him on to the bed and discovering a small jizz slick where he’d cum from rubbing against the bedspread while I pounded his pussy. I made him lick it up, and upon seeing his ass in the air and tongue slurping up his load, I couldn’t help fucking him full of a fourth final load as the sun rose outside my window. I smoked another bowl with him while trying to understand what he was mumbling about. “Thet wuz duh best fuck ever bruh.” He was sober enough now to stand and slide his briefs back on, before stumbling out to the living room to find the rest of his clothes. “Best ever huh? You think you want to try it again?” I said, shot gunning more smoke into his mouth. Now he pulled away once the smoke had cleared from his mouth, telling me he was aware enough to avoid kissing. “Yez, I wanna cum in that lul smooth super guy necks time ok?” He was fully dressed now, and taking a hit. I turned his mouth towards me for a shot gun, but he turned away and exhaled. The spell was broken. “I needs to get sum sleep, k? See ya lates.” He stumbled across the hall into his apartment, which he’s apparently left unlocked for the whole time. I was too wired to sleep, so instead I went into my bedroom and pulled a remote from behind the headboard. A few buttons pushed, and suddenly I was watching the view from my hidden camera, beginning when Superboy came into the bedroom. I laid back and began to jerk, loaded another bowl, and puffed while chatting with some cum-sluts online until I passed out around 9am. Chapter 3 I woke up around 1pm, blinded by the sunlight coming in my bathroom window. I got up and took a piss, showered and ate some food before I realized my tv was on and still showing the fucking from the night before. So it really had happened, I thought, when I watched as I fucked Pete’s ass for the fourth time before he got dressed and left. I rewound until right before the first time I entered his hole, and zoomed in on his hole. Thank god I’d fucked him at the angle I did that first time, because I had an almost perfect shot of his tight ass as I slid inside him. My cock jumped and some precum shot out into my jockstrap under my shorts. Suddenly it occurred to me that this video might be the only thing I’d have left of my friendship with Pete, and that was okay. I knew I’d seeded his ass and there’d be no way he could forget it with how much cum he’d be leaking today. Plus, if he decided to cry rape, I’d show him the video where he asked for it numerous times and smoked illegal substances, and I’d be off scott free. Still, the semi-decent human being inside me made wonder if he’d be okay, so I went across the hall to check. I knocked lightly, in case he was asleep, but the still unlocked door swung open slightly. Good sign he’s still passed out or unaware of what happened, I thought, until I heard moaning coming from his bedroom. Quietly I walked to his bedroom door, and peered inside. My dick jumped again when I saw Pete laying on his mattress on the floor, jerking his dick as hard as he could, with something resembling a cucumber going in and out of his ass. Another dick jump occurred when I looked at his laptop screen and saw the video he was watching: a young guy, much like Pete, balls deep in a tranny, while a 30-something body builder, somewhat like me, was balls deep in the young guy. Right as the body builder pulled out and shot on the young guys hole, before shoving his cock back in, Pete started to moan and use both hands to pound away at his dick. Nothing happened, to my disappointment, and Pete’s too. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, why can’t I fucking cum now?!?!?” He tossed the laptop on to the bed next to him and stormed across the room to his desk chair, sitting down and forcing the cucumber all the way in. He continued to pound his pud and moan for a few more minutes before his moans turned into words. “Damn it fuck my pussy-ass you son of a bitch, cum up my cunt so I can cum.” I had heard enough. Tip-toeing back to the front door, I knocked loudly before banging it open. “Hello, Pete? It’s me man, you left your door open.” I loudly walked towards his bedroom, as I heard him scramble to catch the door before I got there. “Pete? You okay man?” “Don’t come in here man! I’m, uh, I’m not dressed.” The door slammed and a lock clicked into place. I smiled and sat down, imagining him sliding the cucumber out and hiding it, along with his laptop, hunting for shorts, sweating bullets that I was this close to catching him begging for me or some imaginary faggot to breed his hole. He emerged a few minutes later to find me shirtless, smoking a fresh bowl and watching his TV. “Sup Pete? Thought you might need a bowl after all the shit that went down last night?” I smiled and handed him the bowl, which he reluctantly took. I was obvious in checking out his stiff dick through his shorts, before winking at him. He blushed and took a huge rip off the pipe. “About last night –” He inhaled again, but I moved in quickly and forced him to shot gun it into my mouth, while I palmed his dick. He froze, moaning, and puffing back into my mouth before coming to his senses and pushing me off. “Stop it dude! I wanted to tell you, last night was a mistake man. I don’t know what I was thinking, but it can’t happen again, you get me?” “That’s bullshit and you know it Pete,” I said while sliding my hand up his shorts and teasing his asshole with my finger. “You enjoyed that shit as much as anyone else there, hell you begged for me to fuck you more. So be a fucking man and at least admit you wanted it. Otherwise your slutty ass can find a new sugar daddy to support your partying.” He sat, silent and stunned while I continued to finger his hole. I held the pipe out with my other hand, offering him the opportunity to admit he wanted more of the Tina and my cock without needing to say it. Torn, he closed his eyes and reached out. Smiling, I handed him the bowl, and slid off his shorts while he took another hit. So almost nine months after we first met, bonding over our shared experiences of filling slutty holes with our cum loads, here we were. Me, reaffirmed as the best fucker in the building. Him, torn down and transformed into a cum-loving cunt, happiest when getting high and used as a cum dumpster. The rest of that day I spent using his holes all over that apartment, and by nightfall, he was finally learning how to deep-throat and take my cock balls deep without complaining. He avoided me for a couple weeks while his hole healed up, but soon enough he was spending every other night bouncing on my rod. Eventually I began letting him join me in fucking some of my regulars and even showed him how to pick up dudes in bars and online. He’d invite over some of his exes or some bitch from work or school, and fuck her till she was sore, but I had him trained well, so he’d only cum with me inside him. Once the year was up, he cancelled his lease and moved into my second bedroom, only spending time in there to study, change clothes, and sleep one off. The rest of the time we were in my room, building our reputation as the hottest top couple in the area. Every time some new college boy comes over, we use him till he needs crutches, kick him to the curb, and spend the rest of the night with my cock in his ass. I might grow tired of him at some point, but he recently introduced me to our new neighbor, a law student who’s fiancé lives across the country and doesn’t know how much he’s begun to enjoy partying and watching porn with the dudes across the hall. Tonight he’ll be joining us and Superboy for some Tina, porn and drinks. Pete told him to clean up and out in case we find some bitch to fuck who likes to eat ass. Lawyer boy loves that idea. I hope he loves getting bred too…
    1 point
  10. I was walking down an alley shortcut after leaving the place to get some fresh air. It was stinking hot, steamy and the smoldering temperatures in my city made it tough to sleep that night, so I went wandering with my camera to look for some great lighting to shoot some images. I had smoked a big bowl of my personal tina, hash and weed mixture and it had got me high and feeling creatively sleazy. That or the full moon that was shining brightly in the cloudless sky. I was downtown on the West side, great locations for some good photos. I loved the hardcore look and the way the alleys were always funky cool. I turned a corner into an alley I had never walked through before. Industrial leftovers, piles of iron and steel along the walls, steam pipes breath from wall mounted exhausts made it super cool looking and when I found the old abandoned cars and machinery I was pumped as it was the perfect place to shoot. I pulled out my Nikon with a 35-55mm lens and began to work. As if someone was reading my mind, the exhausts began pumping out more steam draping everything in awesome moonlight. I was lost in this perfect place and had been shooting images for about 20 minutes when I was surprised by a deep voice coming from the shadows near a single metal door with a dim china hat light over it. Out from the shadows walked a huge man, big, black, mature, and about 55 I guess, leather chaps over Levi jeans, black biker boots and a sleeveless wife-beater shirt. Big guns with leather and metal armbands and I could see both his nipples were pierced as his nipple rings pushed through the sweat soaked shirt. He must have been 6'6" and around 260 with big beefy muscle. Gray hair and a small leather and ringlets collar around his throat. I couldn't help to notice the massive bulge in his crotch either and I think he may have noticed my focus as he was smiling when I looked up at him. "I've been sitting here watching you since you walked down here. You really were getting into it, man" he said as he walked over nearer to me and took a seat on a pile of pallets. He had a bottle of gold Tequila in one hand and he offered it to me. "Thanks, I love tequila but it makes me super horny, er I mean, ah shit!" He laughed at me and told me not to worry, it does the same to him. I took a big pull from the bottle and handed back to him. Smooth tasting, smokey smooth. He took a sip and then asked me if I smoked. "Not cigarettes" I replied. "Good because I have some smoke here that you just might enjoy... as a matter of fact" he said as he pulled out a small black leather bag and began to assemble the contents, adding "I'm certain you are going to love it." I could see glass pipes, some plastic wrapped tube things, rubber surgical tubing, a huge bag of tina, a chunk of black hash, a couple of big bottles of poppers. "Holy fuck man, you look like you are ready for some serious partying!" "Just wait, buddy, let's see what we can do with this stuff, cool?" he asked me while I watched him load a pipe with huge shards of tina. "Smoke?" he invited, remarking "This is killer glass from some biker bros of mine. Potent shit, man." "Sure, I'll have a little taste." He handed me the pipe and held the propane lighter under it, heating it up until he said "Suck it man, suck that glass pipe white boy." Wow, this shit was good and very fucking potent. One hit and I was wobbly and then the big black Daddy said "Go ahead and take another hit, I know you going to like it." I began to wonder what he meant. "Suck it white boy, suck that glass cock and take that smoke down your throat and then shotgun it to me." Fuck yes, I thought as I sucked a huge lungful of the potent smoke holding in for a long time until he brought his mouth to mine and I started a slow exhale as he took it all down his throat and held it there. He stared at me closely now his face a few inches from mine as he looked in my eyes and then took my head in both hands and forced his tongue into my mouth and exhaled the tina smoke. Holy fuck, I was getting so fucking high from this shit and now this hot blackman was doing things to my mouth with his tongue that was turning me on in a massive way. He held my head and literally began to tongue fuck my mouth and one of his hands found my nipples and he began to work them over rough and hard until he pulled his mouth from mine and I finally got to exhale the smoke. Motherfucker, the rush of a lung-full of that smoke! My legs were loose and wobbly and he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall, against which I had to use both hands to steady myself. He reached into his bag and brought out a bottle of poppers. "Oh yeah, baby. Daddy's gonna get you high and fucked up just like you want it. Right boy?" he asked as he held the poppers under my nose. "Snort baby, snort those poppers 'cause Daddy's got something for you that you're gonna love." I snorted three big hits and then he capped the bottle and stepped back from me, the moonlight glimmering off the metal and leather he wore and the little beads of sweat that covered his bare skin. He began to slowly grind his body in front of me, grabbing his crotch and pulling on his nipple rings, his eyes growing bigger as his lust was being unleashed. The bulge in his pants was now huge. I had never seen anything like this and this gyrating hot Daddy was really turning me on. He strode in to feed me another round of popper hits and then back to his grinding, One hand pulling hard on his nipple while the other began to unzip his pants. I could see the cockring first, big and shining silver and then out came his cock. Motherfucker! It was still soft but it had to be eight inches long and fucking thick too. He walked slowly over to where he had left the pipe on the pallets and loaded the pipe again. Walking back to me one hand on his cock, the other with the pipe he placed it in my mouth and held it there as he took one of my hands and put it on his massive meat. I began to squeeze his cock and milk its thickness and feel it begin to harden, the heat of his cock was amazing. He held the lighter under the pipe and told me to suck it. "Suck it baby, suck that glass cock cause your black daddy is going to take you to places you've never been to before. You going to swallow this smoke and then you going to swallow my cock and I am going to feed you the biggest nut you have ever swallowed baby, then you going to keep sucking my cock so I can stretch that tight white ass open and fill you with more cum then you can imagine! You want it, baby. You want Daddy's cock fucking your holes and filling them with my cum. And baby, Daddy's balls are filled right up. Three weeks of hot cum and I going to pump it all inside you." His lust was massive, his eyes wide like an animal after catching his prey, now he was going to feast on it. We traded another shotgun of tina and his tongue begins to fuck my mouth hard and probing as one of his hands finds my crotch. He slowly unzips my pants dropping them to to my ankles. "No underwear boy? Hmmm, well lets see if you want it bad then." His massive paw wrapped itself around my cock and squeezed my big balls hard just the way I love it. He started to jerk me off with one hand, his tongue buried down my throat and his other hand working my nipples over, pulling them taunt, twisting them, grabbing my cheat and pulling handfuls of my pecs as he begins to groan like a lion. I was pinned to the wall, as the smoke worked me over and as the Daddy used me hard. "Keep jerking me off, boy. Milk that big black snake. Jerk it harder. You can't hurt black steel, baby." The pipe appeared again and he arched his back and started to fuck my hand with his cock. I wrapped both my hands around the shaft and jerked him off hard, working his huge balls in one hand and then rubbing the mushroom head of that magical cock until it was dripping precum like a water tap. He continued to smoke and it seemed like the smoke made his cock swell larger and thicker. I looked at him and his lust-crazed eyes were devouring me. He kept grinding his massive cock in my hands and then told me to open my mouth as he exhaled the potent cloud of tina feeding it too me then feeding me his tongue in an aggressive hot kiss. "Suck my tongue baby. Suck it into your mouth like you're going to to suck my cock. Show your Daddy how you going to suck his cock. Come on, baby, suck my tongue." Fuck yes, I thought as I wrapped my lips around his long tongue sucking it deep into my mouth and taking it like a cock, working his tongue over and then sliding my tongue in his mouth as I convinced myself that I was fuckin' hungry for some cock and cum. He pushed me away, holding me with both his paws hard against the brick wall. "It's time baby, time for you to taste some man meat. You ready to gag on some thick cock boy? 'Cause I ain't stopping sliding my cock down your throat until my balls are slapping on your chin!" The poppers appear under my nose and he stuffed his tongue in my ear and whispered, "Snort baby, snort it up cause you're about to get throat-fucked by my big black dick. Snort it, baby. Snort it up hard!" The poppers kicked-in big time and Daddy stepped back, grabbing both my nipples in his hands, pulling down roughly until I find he had put his big tool back in his pants. It's huge hard outline was in my face and he began to grind his crotch in my face. He grabbed a handful of my hair and leered down at me, kneeling in front of him, high as a fucking kite. His lust was becoming unleashed and, as he slowly unzipped his pants, he whispered "You ready boy? You ready to worship some serious black cock, boy?" I don't get to answer as he slid two, then three fingers into my mouth and as deep down my throat as he could reach. Three became four, and with that I gagged as my throat was filled with his fingers. With that he whispered "Fuck yes, lube for my cock boy. I love throat-cum when I fuck a white boy's throat. I love to make him gag. Now, suck my fucking cock boy. Suck it like you want it all down your throat.” I was on my knees, my mouth open - and then I saw his cock. It was massive. It was thick and rock hard. A cock massive in length, maybe 12.5 inches, a thick mushroom head that oozed precum. He had one of those big beer-can shaped cocks with a huge cock ring wrapped around low hanging bull balls. I looked up and saw him staring down at me with a real look of lust in his eyes as he began to slid he cock into my mouth, slowly an inch at a time and then pulling it out to slap it across my face, rub the tip over my lips and then back into my mouth again. "Yeah, baby, suck on Daddy's cock. You don't know it yet but you walked down an alley that leads to the backdoor of my party palace, my dungeon and playroom. Right now there is a full-on fuck fest going on behind that big steel door, and you're going to be the meat I throw to all the fuckin' hung tigers in there. You ever been a gang bang boy? No? Good, 'cause we're all gonna fuck your white pussy and turn you into a cum dump until all your holes are filled with cum." He was telling me this as he went deeper and deeper down my throat with that cock. He seemed to know exactly when to feed me more poppers and then more of his cock. "But before I take you in to the pit, I going to take a ride down your throat then impale you with this cock until you got my loads up your ass and filling your belly!" I cannot help but be overcome by wave after wave of sexual lust, lusting for more of his cock, lusting to taste his cum, to feel his cock shooting big blasts of hot cum up my ass. Fuck yes, I was into the cock-sucking zone and I took both his hands on put them on the back of my head. "Fuck yeah, boy, you want me to force this cock down your throat, don't you?" I could only gag in agreement as he started to slowly work that gigantic cock in my throat. I felt it when it started to open my throat up. He knew what he was doing. In between feeding me another inch of cock, he fed me poppers, and then, when his cock was fully lodged in my throat, he pulled my head to his crotch, slowly but forcefully. Holy fuck, it felt like his cock was all the way into my stomach. I couldn't breath and just let him slide his cock until I felt his balls on my chin. I forced my tongue between my stretched open lips and began tonguing his balls, he groaned and began to slid his cock from deep down my throat until just the thick head was in my mouth. "Look at me boy, I want to see your eyes while I go balls deep again. I wanna see you lusting for my cock boy. I wanna hear you begging for me to feed you my cum boy. Here it comes, boy. Oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' take my dick boy. Yeah, it's gonna go all the way down your throat. Come on suck it, slut. Suck my fuckin' cock you fucking cock pig!" I started to deep-throat every inch, taking it from the head all the way to the root, doing my best to tongue-lash his huge ball sac. Both his hands on my head he began to deep fuck my throat taking his cock all the way out until I was sucking on his hard mushroom head and then sliding it all the way deep into my throat. He stopped for a moment and began rubbing his cock all over my face and slapping my face with his monster cock. "want some precum" as he jerked his cock off in my face and told me to open my mouth while he squeezed enough precum into my mouth it was like he was cumming. then he fed me more poppers and started to really deep fuck my mouth until my throat slim dripped off my chin. But after a few more minutes of me working his beautiful cock with my mouth and throat, I felt him tugging at my waist. "If I let you do that much longer, I’ll be cumming down your throat and all over your face! Is that what you want? You want this huge load of cum all over your face and filling your mouth?" "Fuck yes, Daddy! Fuck my mouth deep. Feed me that hot load! I want to swallow all your jizz! Fuckin' feed it to me!" With that he ordered me me to suck him harder, and likewise ordered me to tug at his balls. Doing so, I could tell he was getting close, and for that matter I could feel his cock, fully-lodged in my throat, was getting harder and thicker. He groaned continuously, and then he yanked his cock from my throat, and he jerked himself, he ordered me to open my mouth. I complied just in time to swallow blast after blast of his hot, thick cum. It exploded from his cock and covered my face with the first few ropes, then he put the head in my mouth as he keep jerking the big black cock off until cum overflowed out of my mouth. Even as I swallowed his massive hot loads, his cock keep shooting until he pulled out and shot even more cum all over my face all the while slapping his cock on my tongue and lips. I swallowed it all and then he forced his cock back deep into my throat and finished cumming but told me to keep sucking him as he was still rock hard. "Fuck yes, you hot cock sucking cum slut. Just what I love. I'm gonna feed you so fuckin' much cum in all your holes. Your belly will be full and your ass dripping. Now get up here and let me get you high so I can really turn you into my cum dump slut."
    1 point
  11. My parents divorced when I was seven, and outside of cards on my birthday and the holidays, I didn’t hear from Dad. My mother only said that the divorce happened because Dad found someone else but she never went into more details, leaving me to think Dad left us for another woman. When my mother passed away when I was 20, my Father came to the funeral and re-introduced himself to me. Having not seen him in 13 years, it was scary to see how much we both looked like each other. While he was late 40’s and showing signs of graying, we were both 6’ 4’’. He was about 260 pounds with a bit of a beer belly while I was about 235. He suggested when things settled down for me we should meet for coffee and catch up. A couple of weeks later we met at a local coffee house, and Dad said that he lived about an hour away out on a farm with his partner, Sam, and Sam's son, James. Dad explained that while married to Mom, he realized he preferred being with men, and once he met Sam, he couldn’t stay with my mother any longer. He added my Mother hadn't wanted him to be part of my life as she was afraid that I would turn out to be like him. Obviously it was very shocking to hear all of this at one time especially with my Mother gone, other than my Father, I was alone in the world. In any event, Dad said he wanted to be part of my life again - if I was willing to let him in. Over the next few weeks, we got together a couple of times, and increasingly I felt comfortable with him, eventually asking him why he decided he preferred men. "Well, I've found that with the right guy, the attraction and sex is so much better than being with a woman," and adding "James has recently come out to us, and we're very happy to support him as he comes to understand himself." Dad also mentioned that given that he and Sam are so open about their relationship, it didn't seem at all surprising that James had come out to them. Meanwhile, when I wasn't with Dad, or working, or with my buddies, I started to watch first bisexual and then gay porn, just to see what it was about. While I thought I was straight, the sight of two guys fucking intrigued me, so as discretely as I could I asked Dad about what he and Sam did. "We take turns fucking each other," Dad replied, adding "since we're partnered, we always fuck bare, as we both feel sex should be bare between people who love each other." More for me to mull over. A few weeks later Dad suggested I come out to his place for the weekend to meet Sam and James, describing Sam as being in his early 40’s, about 5’ 9”, 235 pounds, and that James, although only 20, was a spitting image of his father. I accepted his invitation, and on the selected Friday night, I arrived at Dad’s place shortly after 8:00 P.M. Sam, wearing a t-shirt and a pair of loose-fitting shorts, answered the door and immediately pulled me into a tight hug. I was startled when I realized I could feel his hardening cock against my body. I also felt one of his hands reach for my ass, but I blew it off as an accident. "I'm very glad I've finally gotten to meet you," Sam said, "...welcome to our family." After a few more pleasantries, Sam said my Father and James were in the basement rec room watching a movie, and suggested we go down to meet them. With that, Sam led me through the house, gesturing for me to precede him down the staircase. Arriving at the foot of the staircase, I saw Dad and James, but I also saw the movie on the TV screen, and my attention was riveted on the video: the movie Dad and James were watching was not the usual movie but instead was hardcore bareback gay porn, and moreover, Dad and James, who had been making out, were wearing only thongs. As I stared at the unexpected scene before me, Sam came up behind me, now naked, his 8” cock fully erect, and whispered in my ear "Do you like what you are seeing?" Although I might have been speechless, Sam knew what to do: he reached for my cock and quietly remarked "Yeah, it looks like you do like it." Next thing I knew Sam assisted me in stripping off my shirt and pants, leaving me with only my boxers, and, as he caressed my cock, he began kissing me, initially tentatively, but with increasing passion as his tongue snaked itself into my mouth, even as we gradually worked our way across the room to the sofa where Dad and James were still making out. Then, extracting himself from James' grasp, Dad stood-up and gave me a warm kiss, the first we had exchanged since I was a toddler, but unlike those early kisses, this kiss was deep, long and intense. Then, looking deeply into my eyes, Dad said simply "You're home now," as he then resumed kissing me, even as Sam and James began playing with my cock and my ass, licking and caressing both, leaving my ass in particular, very slick. James then began exploring my ass, inserting first one, then two fingers into my body. I could feel his unexpectedly sharp nails abrade my hole, but I was too distracted by Dad and Sam to pay Sam much attention, but I was fully aware when Dad said "Now it's time for you to truly become part of the family," a phrase that didn't have any additional meaning to me, after all he and Sam had said pretty much the same thing scarcely ten minutes earlier, but I went along with Dad's instructions as he positioned me on my knees and he pushed my head down onto Sam’s cock. It was the first time I had ever had a cock in my mouth and Sam's very salty precum struck me as delicious, so I did my best to suck and lick my first cock, noticing as I did so, a bio-hazard tattoo on Sam’s stomach, but before I could ask about it, Dad slid his cock into my ass. I was very tight being an anal virgin but my dad slowly worked his cock deep inside of me and then slowly started fucking me. As he was fucking me bare he started talking about breeding me and making me part of the family like Sam and James were. He said that my mother was right to keep us apart but now that she was gone, he would truly make me his son again. After about 20 minutes of him pounding my ass, he finally grunted as he shot his cum deep inside of me. As he finally pulled out, James then replaced him in fucking me. As my dad and Sam started kissing each other I noticed the same bio-hazard tattoo on my dad. My dad said that the tattoos meant that they were both poz, as was James. My dad had decided if I came to visit that he would make me part of the family and this was their plan, and that when James had been working his fingers into my ass, he had made sure his sharp finger nails cut-up the inside of my ass, with the intention of ensuring that not only would they all fuck me, but that I would like convert. James worked me over and then he slowly maneuvered me so he was laying down and fucking me in a position that allowed Sam and Dad to see James' cock when it slid out of my hole: it was covered in pinkish cum. Sam immediately to James' position, and and continued the assault on my ass. Sam wasted no time in telling me that wanted me in the family, and would love to show me how to fuck like a man as he had shown my father back when. Sam was merciless in his pounding of my hole, which steadily leaked cum. Then, when I didn’t think I could take any more, Sam blew his load in my ass. I passed out from all the fucking. To be continued….
    1 point
  12. Tricked and Set-up (Part I) My name is Danny. I'm 18, 5'8", 125 pounds, thin and lean with a runner's build. My girlfriend and I were big partiers. We would spend every weekend smoking meth, fucking each other (and whoever else was around). One particular weekend we were partying with this guy, Rod, who really loved to tag team my girl’s pussy with me. He was 22, 6'2", 180 pounds, a hot fucker, lean body with a big dick (about 10” long). We just loved breeding her cunt. After that weekend we became good friends and began to hang out. One weekend my girl said she had to go out of town for a few weeks to visit her parents who lived on the other side of the country. That left Rod and me alone to party and troll for pussy, oh, and we got along well 'cause Rod had a great supply to good shit to smoke. This weekend we decided to hang at his place and smoke a little as he called girls he knew to see if we could get some pussy to breed. As he called he offered me some G. I had never done G and thought, ‘What the fuck’ and drank it down. After a good hour of smoking and him calling we were no were closer to getting laid. We kept smoking and chatted as we got to know each other better. In our conversation he asked me if I ever had a booty bump. I told him that I hadn’t and was curious as to what it was and the effect it would have on me. When he told me it involved sticking a nice size shard of meth up my ass I was not enthusiastic at that prospect, but he said it was a better high then smoking. This had me very curious. Rod told me to drop my pants and he’d give me my very first booty bump. Although I thought it a little weird to have a guy play with my ass, I guess the meth and G gave me the courage 'cause I found myself dropping my pants and boxers, and, on Rod's direction, leaning over the arm of the couch. When I had assumed the position, he lubed up a finger and started rubbing my hole. At first it felt a little strange when I felt his finger slowly push into my hole. He then pulled out and told me he was going to stick the meth. This time he stuck two fingers in my hole along with some meth. He told me I should feel the burn as the meth melts which I did. It felt a little strange as he worked his fingers in deeper until he hit something deep inside me that it sent a shock through my cock and I began to get hard, very hard. A small, involuntary grunt escaped my lips as this happened. Then I felt him slid in a third finger as he worked my hole good. Another grunt escaped my mouth as I felt him begin to work three fingers in and out of my hole for a few minutes. Then as quickly as he had them in me they were gone. He asked me, “How are you doing there bro?” As I began to feel the meth work on me and my hard cock throbbed between my legs I told him, “I’m doing fucking fantastic.” He asked me, “Want a little more meth bro?” “Yes, fuck yes!” Rod placed a hand on my upper back, pinning me to the couch as I felt something hard and large begin to press into my ass. I looked over my shoulder to see Rod guiding his cock to my hole. I attempted to move, but couldn’t and with the meth working in my hole I don’t know if I wanted him too stop. As his cock slid into my hole I felt no pain. I felt a burn from the meth he had place on the tip of his dick as he slowly slid his 10” cock into my ass. I felt his balls snug up against mine and as he bottomed out deep inside me, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Now you’re gona know what it’s like to be a bred like a bitch.” Those words cut through me as he began to fuck my virgin ass. In my mind I was screaming 'No, please stop', but my body kept asking for more. Every time he slammed into me I would let out a moan of pleasure. Rod clearly knew exactly what he was doing to me. As Rod used my hole he told me, “I knew the second I saw your tight ass I would be pumping you full of my cum. How does it feel to know that the same cock that bred your girl's pussy is gonna breed your ass?” All I could think was that the situation he described was weird beyond words, but at the same time my cock was so hard with that thought I thought it was going to break off, so I wasn't about to object. Rod leaned down and began to kiss my neck and lick my ear. I made the mistake (or did I do it on purpose) of turning my head to meet his as he kissed me while he had his cock balls deep inside me and we grinding it in hard. He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach.
    1 point
  13. The Couple in my life… (part 1) I met this couple online and I was chatting with one of them, true bear, fur all over, hung, beard, stocky, gorgeous. We chatted off and on for several months when he asked if I wanted to meet, of course I said yes without hesitation. They were looking for a third but he wanted to meet me alone first to get to know me before introducing me to his partner, who was a bit older but just as sexy and hot. I met him after work one evening at a local coffee place. I got there first, he walked in and he was so much hotter than in pics. We talked for a few hours and he had to take off because he had an early morning but told me he wanted to meet up again. So we made plans to meet at his office the next day and then go back to his place to have dinner and hang out, his partner was away for the week so it was cool. I met him at his office and he told me to follow him. We arrived at his house and I made sure I had my condoms packed in my wallet just in case the night went where I wanted it. He gave me a tour and there was one room he skipped over. I didn’t think much of it and then he said it was just an empty bedroom for storage. We went back downstairs and he started to prep dinner and poured some wine for us. This led to opening another bottle, and another. We were both pretty lit by the time dinner was ready. Just before dinner was ready he came over and asked what I was into, I explained I am open to anything and a bottom. He got a big grin on his face, leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a few minutes, he pulled away and said, this will be fun. He then served up dinner and we continued talking. He asked if I was sub and replied, I can be. Then he asked if I liked enhancements, I asked what kind, he said, poppers, pot, meth, coke, I replied that I loved poppers, pot does nothing for me and I have never tried meth or coke. Are you open to trying he asked, I replied, sure. He got a big grin and said, awesome! Let’s move to the couch…. We get on the couch and start making out hard. He asks me do I like bareback and say no, I have condoms with me. He says ok and make out some more and then he tells me to get upstairs… I reply with a yes sir… He orders me to strip down then to strip him, his body is amazing, and I rub it and kiss it all over. He tells me to get on the bed on all fours and walks out of the room. He comes back and quickly slips a hood on my head. I try to fight and he just holds me down. He whispers in my ear, remember you told me you were sub, now your mine…. I just replied, yes sir. He starts to finger my hole hard, it feels like it’s getting cut up. He pulls his fingers out and shoves them in my mouth to clean them off. I oblige. Then I feel something hard against my hole, it scratches as it gets pushed in, he says, this should relax you some. I asked what the fuck are you giving me, he just leaned in and says shhhhh, its ok. Then tells me to get up on my feet. I can’t see a thing so I carefully get up and stand there; he takes my arm and starts to lead me somewhere. I allow him and don’t ask where we are going, I hear a door creak open and it’s very warm in the room and smells weird. The floor is rubbery and he leads me into the room and then turns me around and tells me to sit up into what’s behind me. I have trouble to he helps me and its cold and feels like its hanging, like a swing. He helps me adjust in the seat and then grabs my arm and I feel him handcuff it to something, and then grabs the other and does the same, then my feet are lifted and locked in place. Good boy he replies. He pulls off the hood and there is a mirror above me, I look around and see that I am in a sling. I am feeling kinda high now and getting very horny. He turns on the other lights and I see all kinds of things, dildos, whips, flogs, the room is a dungeon, this is the room he didn’t show me earlier. He walks over and kisses me, I get a full view of his cock, so not what he said, it’s bigger! And has a 000 gauge piercing. He pulls off the kiss and asks where are my condoms, I reply they were in my pants pocket, and I brought the magnums. He walks into the other room and comes back with my pants and reaches in and pulls out the sleeve of 5 condoms. He looks and me and says, were you expecting to use all these? I chuckle and say, not all of them… he laughs back and says, I’m not going to use any of them.. I look at him puzzled. He walks over to a drawer, pulls out a scissor and cuts all the condoms in half, I don’t use condoms remember, he replies. You want to be our boy then you do it the way we want. You actually will be mine to start, hence why you are here alone with me. He says, I am going to mark you as mine. Mark me? I reply, yes, I am going to fuck you all night and poz you up! I reply no way and start to squirm. Don’t worry boy, you are already on your way. Your hole is nice and raw and I plan on fucking you and dropping my loads in you all night. With that he takes a rag, dumps some poppers into it and wraps the rag around my nose, holding it in place with a ball gag in my mouth. My head starts too spin and he then puts a belt around my arm and pulls out a syringe. I see it’s filled with liquid. He wraps a rubber strap around his arm, injects some of the liquid and pulls some blood out, gives me a wink and says welcome to the family and finds a vein in my arm and inserts the needle, I watch him pull some blood, mixing his and mine together and then jams the contents into my arm. Welcome to the club baby. He pulls the needle out and releases the belt, I feel an instant rush and start to cough and I feel like I’m going to pass out. He walks around and is down by my ass, and says, you ready boy? I just start begging to be fucked. He says, good boy and rams his cock all the way in.. He starts to fuck me hard and keeps say, daddy loves my boys ass… within a few minutes he shoots a huge load in my hole. I beg for more, he just keeps fucking me, he dropped 4 loads in me in an hour. He pulls out, walks over to my head and kisses me. How is boy feeling he asks, I reply, I want more. Fuck me more I beg. He laughs, in time baby. He grabs the strap, hits me full force across my ass, and then wraps it around my arm again. He says, this will help you rest a bit, and then you will be ready for more. He gets another syringe and finds a vein and injects all the contents. He leans in and kisses me and says, get some rest baby boy, you will have a long night. He walks to the wall, getting a big butt plug and shoves it into my ass. I don’t want anything leaking out while your resting, winks and walks out. I look up and see the mirror and see myself laying there. In my haze, I look around and see cameras on the walls, I pass out. More to come……
    1 point
  14. I met this really hot black top through a friend before. I went to meet my friend at his loft and when I got there the party was wrapping up so I left with my friend shortly. But the impression of black boy's cock on my mind lasted a long time. Out of blue, I get a call from an unidentified number. Normally I wouldn't have picked it up but for some reason, I picked it up. To my surprise it was this black man. He introduced himself as Malik. He told me that he thought I was cute when he saw me last time and wanted to know if I would be interested in playing with him. I nearly jumped with glee. When I got to his loft, he told me to come in and get undressed. Then he gave me the hit from the pipe as he led me into his bedroom. In his bedroom, he had couple of his friends hanging out all naked. They were all very well hung although semi-hard. One white man and two black men. As we got on the bed and started to touch each others' body, I stated to feel aroused and from the feel of their hard cock pressing onto my body, I could tell they were getting hotter too. Then Malik asked me if I ever got slammed before and I told him no. He started to whisper into my ears how he would take a good care of you if I took a slam that night. He kept on sweet talking into my ears until I told him I would do the slam with him. His white friend said he's a nurse so I don't have to worry about the needle injection. Malik started to kiss me and make out with me while holding my arm down and put so his friend could tie a rubber band around and inject me with the slam. He continue to talk and kiss me with our bodies totally rubbing agaiinst each others. Few minutes after the slam, I started to feel so hot under his body. Everytime Malik touched me or talked to me, I got so turned on that I started to moan. Malik lifted my butt off and gradually guided me down on to his cock til his balls were touching my ass. I was in heaven and kept on moaning with pleasure. His friends came over and started to face fuck my throat and I was loving it. The harder they pounded into my face, the better I was feeling. They fucked my face so hard that my nose started to bleed. They stopped and asked me if I was okay and I said I am loving everything so please don't stop. These two kept on slapping their cocks on me and face fucking me while Malik's cock was deeply rooted in me. After half an hour or so, Malik just held me down and turned me around to be on my knees and started to piss inside me. It was feeling really really hot all the way in my stomach but it was getting me really really high as well. After he pissed for what seemed like hours, he kissed me all over and told me I was so good to him and he loved me etc. I was in heaven. Then he started to fuck me faster and faster til he was going in and out of me so hard and so deep that I couldn't even breath. His buddies were looking him fucking me like an animal and helped Malik to move me around and hold my body in position to be fucked deep and hard by Malik. Malik's piss was flowing out of my ass as he fucking half-raped my ass. Then he went balls deep into my hole again and lifted me up with his fiend's help. Carried me down to the basement where he had set up a whole dungeon. There was a slim white twink boy in the middle of the room with a blind fold and when he heard our steps, he started to beg for their cocks. Malik and his friends put me on the sling. I was rolling high and I looked up to the ceiling mirror as my body was bound and suspended in the air waiting for more cocks. Malik fucked me first on the sling. It was so hot that my body was moving at its own pace as Malik fucked into me. Malik's big huge hard cock felt so good in my ass. And when I looked up I could see his black cock stretching my lighter skin as his cock pulled in and out of me. His friends must have been taking care of the other twinky boy cuz I heard alot of moan and dirty talk and slapping noise. But all these didn't matter as all I was thinking about the cock that's fucking me so hard and deep that it was about to rip me in half. Malik startted to talk dirty to me and slapped me around and for some reason, I was getting hard whenever he gave me pain. I was turning into a true slut that truly loved being used and abused. When Malik pulled his cock out of me, I felt so empty so I begged him to fuck me more. Then I was asnwered by other men who just folllowed Malik's example and used my hole for cock fucking while he gave a bit of abuse. I felt the pain all over and didn't think I could take it any more.... then Malik came by my side and whispered before he started to kiss me again. I felt so good again. His friends didn't slow down their fucking or punishment. Even Malik layed few slapps on my body. But when Malik was around, my body loved even the pain he caused me. Throughout the night, this white twink bottom and me got fucked by almost 15 men. Their cum, piss and sweat coated our bodies from head to toe.. and deep inside. When we were done and washed up and got dressed in our jocks, collar and boots, I found out it was more than 24 hrs. later from my first slam. I have been fucked and hurt by men for more than 24 hrs. It made me feel like such a whore. Then when Malik came next to me and told me to come with him, I forgot all about the guilt. In the bathroom, Malik made me drink his piss and started to fuck me all over the place, on the sink, over the tub, and onto the tiled floor, etc. When we came out of the bathroom, the white boy was getting fucked by two men in front of a big screen TV that was playing the tape of me taking some serious cocks and pains from the tops while Malik stayed around me and helped them. Malik looked at me and told me that this was going to be the hottest porn he will ever have. I was flattered by it. Then few seconds later, I thought about Malik's cock and started to get horny again. My mouth statted to water and my ass started to twitch. I whispered to Malik that I need him again. He laughed and came over to me with his hard on. Malik then started the second half of my slamming fuck until the next morning. By the time I left Malik's apt, my body was sore but my ass still wanted more .
    1 point
  15. Getting My Poz Freak On What the hell did I get my 30 year old ass into this time? Here I was strapped in a sling in leather restraints in my black boots and jockstrap, horny as hell for pig play. A handsome, leather, bearded, muscled daddy-type was preparing a rig to slam into my arm. I woke this morning with a morning wood, horny and looking to cruise. I logged onto my favorite gay site and browsed the profiles. One headline caught my eye. It read, “Dominant Leather BB Pig!” His stats read: “Age: 45” “Height: 6’2” “Weight: 155 – 160 Lbs.” “Position: Versatile/Top” “Build: Muscular” “Body Hair: Hairy” “Cock: Large/Uncut” “HIV Status: Unanswered” “Drink: Socially” “Drugs: Yes” “Smoke: Yes” His description read, “Masculine man here, intense, and likes to go with the flow. Looking to smoke, slam, and perv out with like-minded pigs. Let’s get twisted and breed.” My cock sprung to attention. I unlocked my private pics and sent him a message that read, “Hi, hot profile. Pig boy here looking to expand my limits and do some serious piggin.” He replied, “Hot pics, boy! DOM, BB, pig, daddy here. Love to get you in my sling, get twisted and breed that hole. You like cum and piss? Want to parTy?” I replied, “Yes, I want your cum and piss. Let’s parTy.” “I only BB. You cool with that, boy?” “Yes!!” “Come on over, boy. The sling is up and ready.” He sent me his address and we set up a time to meet. I jumped in the shower and prepared for an afternoon of pig play, then slipped into my dirty jock stinking of piss, got into my boots and headed to his house. I knocked on his door. When he opened the door there stood one rugged looking, hot man in a leather jock and boots. The twists of his curly beard hairs ended around his nipples. He was muscular, with a hairy chest, and treasure trail that disappeared into his jock. I looked into those dark brown eyes and must have sprouted an instant boner. This guy was so fucking hot!! “Damn boy, get that sweet ass in here, and get those clothes off. Let’s get to piggin’.” I stripped down to my jock and boots, and he led me to his play room. He had leather gear hanging from the walls, a bench full of dildos and toys, and pics of hot naked men on the walls. There was a sling hanging in the middle of the room, and the moans of sex could be heard from the porn playing on a big screen tv. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode right out of my chest. What an erotic play space too. He pulled me to him and slipped his tongue down my throat as he kissed me with the most erotic, passionate kiss I ever had. I was putty in his arms. “Woof….you’re going to be fun!!” He grabbed my ass with a firm grip, and turned and walked to his wall of gear. He returned with a collar in hand, and strapped it tightly around my neck; then locked it in place with a pad lock. “That’s better, boy, now let’s get your ass in the sling and play.” I flipped myself into the sling, and he put my feet into the leather stirrups, then went back to his wall of gear and returned with leather wrist restraints. My cock was rock hard. With each throb my rod stood at attention and again dropped to my belly. He wrapped his hand around my cock and stroked the full length of my shaft, working precum to the end of my piss hole. With one finger he wiped up the precum from the head of my cock and made me lick it up. He then strapped the restraints around my wrists and secured them to the sling chains. “Now we’re ready to get started, boy. Trust me you’re going to love this as much as me.” He turned back to me again and pulled out a syringe. “You like to slam, boy, when you parTy?” I told him I smoked T in the past, but never slammed before. “It’s amazing, boy. You’ll crave to be an even bigger pig after slamming.” Smoking T made me a big pig, but I was totally excited after hearing how much more intense a slam would be. My cock throbbed hard at the thought of the pig play ahead, and my first slam. I was almost shaking I was so excited. He finished preparing the rig and turned and placed it on the table next to the sling along with a tourniquet. He then grabbed a catheter and lube and placed them on the table next to the rig. “From the looks of your cock all boned up, I think you’re ready for the ride, huh, boy?” “F….U….C….K, Yes!!” “I’m going to breed you good, boy. You ready to take my cum too?” “Yes, I want your cum and piss. Please!!” He chuckled and grinned, “Are you sure, boy?” “Yes, give it to me!!” “Are you poz or neg, boy?” “Neg, why?” He put the tourniquet on my arm, then grinned again, “Welcome to the club, boy. I’m going to poz your ass tonight.” My eyes widened and jaw dropped as I gasped, “You’re poz?!!!!!” He just grinned again, grabbed his already hard cock, and nodded yes. I struggled to get free from the restraints, “No!! Untie me!! Let me out of here!!” “You’re saying no, boy, but your cock is saying yes!!” I looked down and my cock was raging hard and pulsing. He turned his back to me, “Let’s just seal the deal, huh boy??!!” “Just untie me, please.” He grabbed a belt from his table and tightened it around his arm. When he turned back to me he had an empty syringe in his hand. He looked into my eyes. “You’re going to love this, boy!!” My cock again throbbed, saying yes, but my head was telling me no. He extended his veiny arm for me to see, then pulled the cap from the needle with his teeth, and lined the needle up with his vein. I watched him slowly poke the needle into his arm, into his vein, and he drew back half a syringe of blood. I again struggled to get free, as he wiped my now protruding arm vein with an alcohol swab. It was an easy find. He grasped my arm firmly to hold me still. All I could do was watch in terror and excitement. My heart was beating fast. He lined up the needle to my vein, and with a slow jab I felt the needle poke into my arm. He drew back on the plunger, mixing our blood together in the syringe. “Here is comes, boy!! And I’m not on meds, so I’m highly toxic. This is your conversion!!” His cock was rock hard. Precum oozed from the head of his shaft and dripped from his PA ring. (More toxic juice). I watched as he slowly injected his poisonous blood into my arm vein. “There’s no turning back. You’re mine!!” My cock again throbbed, and I stopped struggling. It was too late, but at the same time, it was so erotic. His toxic blood was now shooting through my body, and I found it turning me on, not off. “Fuck……yes!!!” “I knew you wanted it, boy. I want to give you all of me.” I let go of all the desires that burned in me for so long, “Yes….breed me. Poz me.” He again wiped my arm with an alcohol swab then pulled the cap from the rig with the T. He lined the needle up to another vein in my arm and grasped my arm. “I wanted you fully sober for my blood, and your cock tells me you are as excited about it as I am. Now let’s go for a ride.” He again slowly poked the needle into my arm, and drew back on the plunger. My blood flashed back into the syringe. “I’m in, boy.” I watched as he slowly emptied the syringe into my vein. He popped the tourniquet from my arm, and pulled the needle out. Blood trickled from my arm, and he wiped it with his finger then licked it up as my body felt the rush. My neck felt hot!! My heart raced!! Tingly sensations filled my body, and my cock again throbbed with excitement. My hole begged for attention. I wanted all his piss and cum. “FUCK!! It feels amazing!! What a rush!!” I felt an erotic sensation throughout my body. I wanted to be a total pig with this man. I wanted all his toxic cum in me. “Fuck me. Fill me with your poz cum.” “Easy boy, you’ll get all of my DNA and more. We’re going have a great time!!” He again tightened the belt on his arm, cleaned off his forearm with alcohol and picked up another rig of T. “You watching, boy?” He walked to the side of the sling so his extended, veiny arm was in clear sight. I watched intensely as he again popped the cap from the syringe with his teeth and aligned the needle to a protruding vein in his arm. With a slow advance he slid the needle into his vein and drew back on the syringe. His toxic blood shot into the syringe, and he slowly injected the blood and T mixture into his arm. He removed the empty syringe from his arm, and blood trickled down his arm from the injection site. He dropped the belt to the floor and put his arm to my mouth for me to lick up his blood. It was all so hot!!! He closed his eyes and grinned, “Fuck, yes!!! I’m going to enjoy pozzing you tonight, boy!!” His cock was rock hard with more precum leaking from its piss slit onto his PA ring. He walked toward the table next to me and opened the lube and catheter package. After lubing the tip of the catheter he grasped my hard cock and lined the tip of it with my piss hole. I felt the catheter spread my piss slit open, and he slowly advanced the tubing down my urethra. My cock again throbbed rock hard, and as the catheter reached my bladder urine shot from the end of the tubing onto my belly. He quickly clamped the tubing off, then leaned over and smeared my piss all over my chest and abdomen. The smell of piss filled the air. It was so erotic. Then without delay he stood up again and aimed his hard shaft up in the air. A piss stream shot from the end of his cock, dripping from his PA ring as he sprayed his piss all over my cock, body and face. I opened my mouth and he filled it with his piss. The taste was strong and salty as I gulped down mouthful after mouthful of his golden urine. Piss dripped from my stache and beard and teased my nostrils. I loved the smell of piss. Even walking into a men’s bathroom and smelling piss made my cock rock hard. My cock again throbbed and danced with each pulse as he soaked me with his scent. The last of his piss dripped and splashed from his PA ring to his legs and the floor. He again smeared piss all over my soaked body with his hand. He then leaned over and licked piss from my chest, running his tongue up my chest and across my lips as he buried his tongue deep into my mouth. I could taste his piss on his tongue as he again French kissed me. His tongue was buried deep in my mouth with his lips pressed firmly to mine. This man brought out every animalistic desire in me, and I craved for more. The catheter tubing stuck out from the head of my boned up cock, and he reached down and unclamped it. My piss started to spray out onto my belly, and he took the end into his mouth and drank every last drop of my piss then again clamped the tubing. He leaned over and again kissed me with a mouthful of my piss and fed me my piss while again slipping his tongue deep into my mouth French kissing me. Fuck, I was in heaven. “Now let’s work that ass of yours, huh boy? You want that ass opened up to take my poz seed?” “Fuck, yes, I want all your fluids in me. Charge me up!” He reached for his toys and lubed up a dildo that was about 8 inches long. It was smaller at the head, but widened as it reached the base. “Let’s stretch that ass open, boy.” He point at the base of the dildo, “This is 6.5 inches around.” My ass was begging to be used. He took the head of dildo and pressed against my hole. My ass quickly engulfed the head of the dildo with ease. I was flying high, and with just a little pressure I watched in the mirror above the sling as my hole took the full length of the dildo. I moaned with pleasure and tightened my ass around the toy as he worked the dildo in and out of my hole. “Fuck, yes…..work my hole.” “You like that, boy?” “God, yes….I love it!!” “Let’s step it up a bit. I want to open you up wide, get my fist in you before giving you my poz load.” He grabbed an even bigger dildo. “I’m going to wreck that hole, boy.” “Yes!! Give it to me.” He again lubed up the dildo and my ass engulfed the head with ease. “This one is 9 inches with a 7 inch base. I’m going to have that ass gaping when I’m done.” He worked the dildo in and out of my hole until my ass stretched tightly around the base of the dildo. I took the full length in me and he again began to work my ass harder and faster; each time slamming into my prostate, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. After stretching my hole wide open he removed the dildo. My ass was gaping open, and he took a large butt plug and lubed it up. “Here boy, this will wreck your hole for my fist.” He pressed the head of the butt plug to my open hole and applied pressure. My hole stretched even wider, and I watched in the mirror as the butt plug began to disappear into my guts. I thought my hole would tear open, but with one final pop, my hole wrapped around the butt plug and pulled the last of the wide, bulbous base inside. “Now keep that in you for a bit, boy. Feel good?” “oh….yes!!” “Are you thirsty again, boy?” He once again unclamped the catheter sticking out of the head of my cock and soaked me with my piss, only to lick it up and smear it on my body. The smell of piss teased my nostrils and made my cock throb rock hard. “I have more of my toxic fluid to give you, boy; time to point again.” My body was full of erotic, tingly sensations, and I craved to be a total sleazy pig for him. “Are you watching, boy? I like you to see me inject you with my poison.” “Fuck, yes….give it to me. I want your poz blood in me.” He took the same syringe he used earlier, and the thought of some of my blood entering his body made my rock hard cock stiffen even more. I watched him tighten the belt around his arm again, then clean a spot on the protruding veins of his rugged looking arm. He lined the needle up to his vein, and I watched the tip slowly poke into his arm. He advanced the needle into his vein and pulled back on the plunger, filling the syringe half-full with his blood. “The site of you slamming me with your blood turns me on so much!!! Give me your virus!!” He pulled the needle from his arm, put the tourniquet onto my arm, and cleaned off a spot on my forearm. I again watched him take the syringe and line it up to my arm vein. He grasped my arm to steady my vein, and then poked the needle into my arm. Seeing our blood mix together as he drew back on the plunger was hot. He then made sure my eyes were fixed on the syringe as he emptied another dose of his blood into my veins. Something stirred in me so erotic, so sensual. He was sharing every part of himself with me. He nudged toward the syringe, “Are you watchin, boy?” He again pulled back on the plunger filling the syringe with blood. The needle slipped from my arm and a trickle of his poisonous blood ran from my arm. He again lined up the needle to his arm and advanced into his vein. After getting a blood flashback, mixing our blood again in the syringe, he slowly injected my blood into his vein. He leaned over and again French kissed me with his tongue twisting with mine. At the same time, he pulled the butt plug from my ass, and worked three fingers into my gaping hole. “I want to feel my fist inside you, boy. Your hole is ready, and the sensations will feel incredible.” He lubed up his fist and arm, and began to finger my hole with three of his fingers, working them in and out; twisting is fingers around the rim of my hole. Then a fourth finger slipped inside with his hand cupped; and soon his thumb entered. He again twisted and worked his hand in and out. I was still flying high from the T. He worked his hand deeper and deeper into my hole, until his knuckle was ready to slip in. With a quick thrust, he opened me up and in popped his hand to the wrist. The feeling was total pleasure, sending tingling sensations throughout my body. He again worked his fingers farther into me, slowing searching and guiding their way in as he opened me up. He slowly withdrew his hand past my inner ring, and again opened it up, repeating back and forth, before fully withdrawing his fist from my gaping hole. “Your hole is wide open, boy!!” He slammed his fist into my hole more forcefully, and burning pain quickly turned to pleasure again as he repeatedly pushed his fist into me to his wrist and withdrew it again. I watched in the mirror as my hole squeezed tightly around his fist. He continued to work his fist in and out of me. As he pulled out for the last time my hole remained open. My ass lips were swollen and hung open and I noticed a trickle of blood dripping from my hole. “Fuck, boy, you’re ready for my poz seed now,” as he licked up the blood dripping from my ass lips. He then unclamped the catheter one more time and as piss started to spray from the end of the catheter tubing, he soaked my abdomen and slowly pulled the tubing out of my cock. Piss sprayed onto my chest and face as the end of the catheter slipped from my piss hole. I began to piss on myself and into my mouth, and he opened his mouth to lap up the piss from my tap. I emptied my bladder onto both of us. Piss dripped from his stache and beard onto my cock. He licked piss from my abdomen, then rubbed my soaked body, smearing my piss all over my chest, abdomen, and cock. He then engulfed my hard cock into his mouth, tasting my piss one more time. He stood up and stroked his raging hard, poz shaft twice, then with one quick thrust slammed his cock into my ass balls deep. He worked his death stick in and out of my hole ramming in harder and harder. When he pulled his cock out, it was tinged with ass juice and blood. My cock was rock hard watching him seed me, knowing he was leaking his poz precum into my wrecked hole. “You want my poz cum now, boy?” “Yes, give it to me.” “Beg for it!! Beg for me to poz your hole.” “Please, please give me your poz seed, sir. Charge me up!!” He again slammed his cock into my ass, and thrust in and out harder and faster, burying deep in me with his balls slapping my ass. “I’m working my poz precum into your bloody hole, boy. My virus will definitely get in to convert you.” “Yes, give me your cum!! I want every drop of your poison.” “Fuck, are you ready for it, cause I’m very close to seeding you?” My cock was pulsing with excitement, and he pushed me over the edge as I started to shoot my cum across my abdomen and chest. “Fuckin, hot, boy….here it comes!! “ He thrust in me one more time, and buried into my ass. I felt his cock throbbing and pulsing, filling my ass with all his toxic cum. His body jerked with each shot of cum from his cock. “Fuck yeah, boy. Take my poz seed.” “Fuck yes….I want all your DNA.” He held his cock deep in my ass until I felt his pulsing shaft stop throbbing. He then started to slowly plunge his cock in and out of my hole, working his poison deep in my guts. When he pulled out, his cock was tinged pink with poz cum and blood. His cum leaked from my hole, and he walked over to the side of the sling. “Clean my cock off, boy. Lick up that seed and blood.” I engulfed his cock into my mouth, and sucked every drop of blood and cum from his shaft. I then licked the head of his cock clean. “Fuck, that was amazing!!” “There’s no way you are not charged up now, boy. You’ll be seroconverting in no time. You’re mine, boy!!” Over the next two weeks, we swapped blood, and he seeded my ass with his charged cum 7 more times. And he was right, a week or so later I was seroconverting. I didn’t get all the classic flu-like symptoms so many guys get. I had a lot of night sweats, headaches, odd looking abdominal rashes, was very fatigued, and ran a fever. Knowing I was pozzing excited him and boned me up too. To celebrate we again swapped blood, but now we were swapping poz blood in our slams. We also swapped toxic seed, recharging my hole. After 5 years, we still pig and slam together, but now have converted 10 more chasers wanting our diseases. We continue to take all the toxic seed and blood we can get. My dad acquired gonorrhea, and he gladly gave it to me. We both had syphilis as well. We share all of our diseases with each other. Guess we are now in a daddy/son relationship, since he asked me to move in with him and continue exploring our twisted, taboo desires together. I of course said, "Yes!!"
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  16. Pass the Bottom My boy and I are both pretty versatile, but lately, he's been getting more into topping. Now, I like to get fucked every now and then, but not as often as he's been interested in topping, so we decided to open our relationship up a bit and find other guys for him to fuck. We've always played bare with each other and only felt it natural to let him fuck other guys raw too. We've placed a few ads online and hooked up with some hot guys for some pretty steamy times. Sometimes I'd fuck the guy after he pulled out, sloshing around in the bottom's hole, already well-lubed and well-fucked. Maybe we hooked up with six or seven different guys, but one, Tom, was really special. In fact Tom was absolutely adorable. He was no taller than 5' 6” and had a tight little swimmer's body. He kept his strawberry blond hair close cropped, which butched him up a bit. I loved watching my boy plow his raw hole. Tom would bounce up and down on my boy's pole with his head thrown back. He could ride for as long as we could give it to him. Hot. After a really hot three-way, we were piled on our bed with Tom's legs spread wide and his hole loose and cummy with both of our deposits. He asked if we'd be interested in joining him and some fuckbuds for a party. We said sure and he sent our email addresses to Dylan, the guy putting the fuck party together. We got an email from Dylan a few hours later. Here's what he wrote: Dudes, We're a group of guys who like to fuck bare and like to share. We lost two tops and Tom says you guys would fit right in. Condoms provided but not necessary. Frankly, few guys wear them. The bottoms prefer to take their tops' loads home in them. Cum play... We were boned just thinking about it and made sure to clear our schedules. The next Saturday night, we arrived at a fancy house in a really expensive neighborhood. Dylan answered. He was fucking hot. Must have been over six foot tall. Wide shoulders, trim waist, and washboard abs pressed against a tight black muscle-t. He had red hair and big green eyes. Without knowing if he was a top or a bottom, I knew my boy and I would have fun with him either way. Dylan escorted us down to the basement where there were a few guys waiting. He introduced us around and we chatted up the guys. Dylan told us that we could discuss our favorite positions, top or bottom, and fetishes, but no one was the mention status. “Status?” I asked. “POZ or NEG, man. It brings the mood down if we know who we're playing with. Besides, isn't it more exciting not knowing?” Fuck, I thought. This might be more intense than we had planned, but from the growing bone in my boy's shorts, I knew he wanted to stay. I figured since we were both invited there as tops, the risk was really low anyway. My boy and I shook a few hands and groped a few hardening cocks as we mingled. Tom was there with another top friend of his, Andy, who wore a leather cap, was really skinny, and was in his 40s. When the last two guys arrived, Dylan grouped us into a circle. There were eight of us altogether, but it would up being five tops and three bottoms, not including Dylan himself. Dylan asked for a volunteer to switch sides and bottom. My boy's hand shot up in the air immediately without even asking me what I thought. I was a bit taken aback, especially since he had been so into topping lately. Dylan had him and the other three bottoms stand in a circle as he had the tops gather four chairs, plus one for him into a circle around them. “We're gonna start tonight with a round of PASS THE BOTTOM.” “Fuck yeah!” one of the guys shouted. Dylan continued, “Here's how it works. While I play some music, you tops will have about twenty seconds with a bottom in your lap before you have to pass him to the next top. If you don't have a bottom in your lap when the music stops, you loose an article of clothing. If you wind up with your date on your lap when the music stops, you get to remove an article of your bottom's clothing. And remember, there are condoms in the bowl if any of you are chicken...” I did a head count and realized that the numbers were off because the rest of the couples had been invited top/bottom. The rules seemed pretty simple. Dylan sat down to my left and clicked his phone to start the music and the bottoms picked a top and started grinding in his lap. A hot skinny black guy started first with me. He sat down with his back to me and ground his tight ass against my crotch. I reached around and tweaked his nipples. He got up, and the next round, I was without a bottom. I looked two guys to my right to see my boy writhing on the lap of a really big beefy bald guy. The guy had his hand snaked into my boy's shorts and must have been working his nuts or his ass. The top next to me was a lean gym bunny. He had both hands down the back of the black boy's shorts. Then, came the switch. Tom wound up on my lap and straddled me, sticking his tongue into my mouth as he ground against my crotch. A middle-aged guy with a bit of a gut sat down on me next. He sat down so hard that he practically knocked the wind out of me. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my head then grabbed my hand and shoved it down the back of his shorts. He whispered into my ear, “I've had my eye on you, stud. Like what you feel down there?” My fingers found his loose ass all greased up and ready for fucking. I grunted, “YEAH!” and he hopped up. Just after he pulled off to sit on the next guy, Dylan stopped the music. My boy was in Dylan's lap and I was alone. I pulled my shirt over my head as the guys clapped and Dylan restarted the music. My boy plopped down on top of me, grinding away. I reached my hand into his crotch and could feel a puddle of precum there already, moistening the basket of his jockstrap. “Gotta make the next round faster! I want to end up in your lap so I can loose some clothes!” Instantly, the skinny black guy was back on my lap. He worked my nipples hard with his fingers and slipped his tongue in my mouth. He was a great kisser. I grabbed his bubble butt with both hands and helped him dry hump my crotch. Tom skipped over Dylan and was next in my lap. “Having fun, so far?,” he teased as he sat down on my lap. He reached behind himself and started unbuckling my jeans. “Is that against the rules?,” I asked. “The rules are gonna go to shit in a few minutes... Looks like your boy's having a nice time too.” I peeked over Tom's shoulder and saw my boy on his knees in front of Andy. My boy was working down his tight jeans and Andy was forcing my boy's face into his swollen crotch against his briefs. Another switch brought the guy with the guy into my lap again, and then my boy. I'd never seen him so wild. He was fingering his own hole with his hands in his shorts when the music stopped. I yanked his shorts to the floor and he stepped out of them, leaving his ass exposed and beautifully framed with his jockstrap. So far, he was the only bottom with his hole exposed. I knew things were about to get interesting. As we passed the bottoms around again, I saw that some pants had been unbuttoned and some shorts pushed down, but all of the tops seemed to still have their underwear on. As much fun as I was having with those bottoms dry humping my underwear clad dick, I was equally turned on stealing glimpses of my boy's bare hole rubbing against five big hard underwear-clad precummy dicks. The bottoms were passed around three times before the music stopped. While the skinny black guy was wriggling on my lap, Tom wound up on Andy's lap. With Andy's jeans at his ankles, his cock was straining to pop out of his briefs. Tom helped him poke his dick through the slit as he pulled off his own shorts revealing that he wasn't wearing underwear. Before the music started, Tom aimed Andy's dick at his hole and sat right down it with a loud gasp. Dylan restarted the music and pulled Tom down in his lap. I didn't have a bottom, so I looked to one side and saw my boy pulling the bald guys shorts up and freeing his drooling massive cock. He was slipping his asshole over the hard cock smearing the bald's guys precum all over his hole. I jerked my head to the left as I saw Dylan sink his cock into Tom's hole. I couldn't help but pull my underwear down and fist my cock. When they switched, Tom sank right down onto my dick as the guy with the gut shucked down his shorts and took Dylan's bare cock. My boy was bouncing up and down on Andy's tool with his head thrown back in ecstasy. By now the rules were out the window and all bottoms were getting barefucked. Dylan kept the music playing and the bottoms kept moving from guy to guy. I was amazed at how silky and tight Tom's hole was compared to the loose wet sloppy cunt on the guy with the gut. We kept passing each bottom after a few strokes in their hole. Dylan yelled, “Round and round and round they go. Who gets a TOX load, nobody knows!!!” I realized that at least one of the top must have been POZ. I wondered if my boy wanted to take my load or someone else's. When he came by I asked him as I grabbed his ass, raising it onto my dick. “You want my load, or you want one that might be charged?” “I can get your load whenever I want it. I wonder whose I'll get!” With that he winked at me and pulled off of my dick and mounted the gym bunny to my right. I knew I was getting close and thankfully I only had a few strokes in each bottom's ass before they were passed. I loved knowing that I was mixing my precum with each top in all of those asses. The gym bunny was the first to cum, with Tom on his lap. He held Tom's shoulders down and shot his load deep with strong thrusts, raising his muscled ass off of the chair. “I'm taking his load!!!!!!!!,” Tom shouted. That send Andy over the edge and he came hard in the black guy's ass. Those guys pulled their chairs out of the circle leaving me, the bald guy, and Dylan, passing around my boy and gut-heavy guy with the loose hole. We passed them around between us about three times before Dylan lost his load deep up my boy's raw, used ass. The bald guy was balls deep in the guy with the gut and exclaimed, “Help me out over here. He's so loose I can barely feel a thing!” I hopped out of my chair and slid into that sloppy stretched-out hole right alongside the bald guy's thick tool. Finally, I could feel some friction. The bald guy fired off first and I followed suit coating the sloppy cunt with my load. Dylan started applauding and the guys all joined in. My boy had his arms wrapped around Andy and Dylan. “So, can we talk status now?,” he asked. Dylan and Andy smiled at each other and they pulled their shirts over their heads. Andy had a red biohazard tattoo over his left pec and Dylan had a black one around his navel. The gym bunny and the bald guy took off their shirts too, but no tattoos. “Just 'cause we're not marked doesn't mean we're not carrying charged loads!,” grunted the bald guy. Tom smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders saying, “I think me, you, and your boy might be the only guys here who are still NEG.” My boy was weak at the knees, and not from shock, but from elation. “I guess I'm going to get it sooner or later. Anyone want to go for round two and make it happen tonight?” The tops all shouted, “Hell yeah!”, “Fuck yes!” I knew he wanted to be the center of attention. As each guy who wanted to fucked him, I cradled his head and kissed him. Dylan pulled out just before he was ready to cum and slipped behind me. As the bald guy bred my boy, I took my first and only cock of the night. Dylan filled my hole with his toxic spunk before pulling out. All in all, I only took one POZ load compared to my boy's four!
    1 point
  17. I had met him on BBRTS a year earlier. He lived about two hours away, but there weren't many men where I lived, and his profile piqued my interest. It said he was 30, versatile, and it provided two photographs of a sexy dude with a nice cock in bed. HIV status: ask me. I contacted him with my bugchasing profile. He was interested, but said he didn’t know his status, adding that he preferred not to know so that he wasn't culpable of pozzing guys. We talked off and on for a few months trading fantasies. A re-occurring fantasy of his was that of fucking drunk college boys from the large school in his town and pozzing their asses with unmedicated cum. At the time I was mostly just fantasizing. I had taken an undetectable poz load once or twice a year earlier, and honestly wasn’t sure about this guy, but I knew I wasn’t going to drive two hours to find out if he was legit. And if he was poz and unmedicated, I wasn’t ready for that either. I lost track of him after about a while. A year later I spot him online again and by chance I would be driving near his town, so I contacted him. This time he didn’t hesitate to tell me he had recently been confirmed as POZ, and was still unmedicated. The last bloodwork had shown a viral load of 97,000. He mentioned he had been thinking of calling me, and so I found we ended-up talking about what he wanted to to do me. His voice was masculine and projected a cocky jock attitude. He told me to call him when I hit the road for my trip. A few weeks later, I was ready to drive. I called him after a few minutes on the road. He wanted to meet at a bookstore right off the highway. It wouldn’t add a minute to my trip. I was losing excuses to avoid his toxic load at the last minute, like on-the-fence chasers like me do sometimes. We talked for a few minutes then he said something that clinched it. He wanted to talk to me the entire way until I was at the bookstore, when I was 30 minutes away he would head towards it to meet. We perved for 30 minutes, my cock out and dripping precum as I drove. He wanted me inside a booth with a jock on ready to be pozzed. My heart pounded and I edged my cock as he told me about his latest escapades fucking his raw load into college boys. His favorite thing to do was fuck safe sex only bottoms. He bites the tip off of the condoms he uses, with his cock penetrating skin on skin while the ring and base of the condom remain in place. He relishes in the times the bottoms reach back to make sure there is a condom, feeling the latex ring and relaxing their holes to receive his death seed thinking they are safe from harm. I oozed precum as he told me of the many safe-sex boys to find themselves drunk, questioning if he came in their ass after being slammed full of his cock and cum. He assured them it was just extra lube he had used so his cock wouldn’t hurt them, and reminding them they saw and felt the condom. I was at the exit for the book store, so I telephoned him, saying I was pulling off the highway, and would be there shortly. He replied saying he was five minutes from the book store. We hung up as I parked. I was shaking with excitement as I tucked my cock into my waistband and went inside the metal building where I paid the admission fee and entered the video area. The video booth area was cleaner than any I had seen before. They looked brand new. There weren’t any gloryholes, and unfortunately, I was alone. I had asked him to be verbal so that others could know I was getting poz fucked. Maybe next time. I picked a booth and stripped my shirt and pants off, leaving me standing in a jock, athletic socks, and tennis shoes. He texted saying he was entering the store. The cracked booth door pulled open, he stepped in and closed it behind him. My dick was dripping precum all over the floor in a way it never had before. I dropped to my knees and pulled out his cock. It was about seven inches, decently thick, cut, with a big head. I licked his precum before deep-throating and working his cock. All the while complementing my skill at sucking his cock, he talked to me like the faggot slut I was, telling me I was going to submit to his toxic cock and get his AIDS strain I stood up and turned my hole towards his direction. I bent over and braced against the wall of the booth. He plunged his cock into my ass rough. His dirty talk was beautiful. Nonstop poz domination, telling me how I would succumb to and get sick from his unmedicated toxic poz seed. I ached for it and rocked my ass against him to take his cock deeper. He ground my ass like this for what seemed like 15 or 20 minutes, roughly handling my neg jock body, slamming me against the wall, tightening his hand around my neck as he made me beg for AIDS. He made me promise to stay off meds and pass it to college studs who will fall for my hot jock body, all while impaling me with his raw cock. He was ramping up to blowing his load of cum, and it was all I could to do hold my load in and wait for him to climax. I had been gripping my cock still the entire time, on the brink from the first penetration. As he grunted with the release of the first rope of toxic cum into my gut I pulled down on my cock, putting pressure on the skin on the head and shot all over the booth wall. His pace slowed and he continued to grind his cock in and out of my hole for another minute or so.. My post cum regret was quickly sinking in. Fucking idiot fag slut, taking unmedicated poz seed on purpose. This always happens. But this time was the shortest yet. I hurried out of the booth, but by the time I made it to my car I was hard. A minute after driving away I found myself texting him, making plans for my next seeding.
    1 point
  18. Spent 1 night in California last night. Posted ads on BBRt, CL and A4A. Well in no time, I had cummers showing up at my hotel door. I left the door ajar, turned the lights down low, slipped on my blindfold and lubed up my hole and they filtered in 1 by 1. In a 4 hour period, I took 17 loads. They just kept cumming and cumming and some of them even returned for a repeat session. One guy that wanted me to see him was a big muscular black guy with a HUGE cock who totally wrecked my hole. He went for a good 45 minutes. I had so much cum in my hole by the end of the night. Hope to do it again sometime soon and try and break the 17 record. Best night ever!!
    1 point
  19. Nothing can seem to get me down, not even RAID. I recently caught myself a hot nasty case of the best bugs imaginable, and I'd love to share the wealthy, I swear I haven't had pussy that nasty since Michelle. Sweet god, not even Peggy was that nasty, and that bitch had tits that swung like a pendulum. Anyway who wants to get a delicious taste of my hot poz. If you are ever interested on getting sucked off, or getting fisted, Call me @ 813 672 3888.
    1 point
  20. The Turkish cab driver texted to see if I was free and if I wanted sex.love the bluntness of these guys it's really animalistic. He said he had two people to bring with him if that was ok . cool by me. I was ready anyway; always am.he arrived with two real hairy foreign looking guys and introduced one of them as his brother??? And the other bloke was I believe Algerian.i was spit roasted fucked hard and the Algerian bloke had a very Can thick dick which surprised me by sliding in me so easily.i was fucked and took all their loads so greedily. One thing that is similar with the Pakistanis and Turkish is non of them are interested or touch my cock.its just my hole they want which suits me just fine.i asked if he was really his brother he said Yes yes.if that's true that made me hornier.
    1 point
  21. I worked my way out from underneath the large, black man, as the girl came over and shook him roughly. He barely stirred in his sleep. "He gonna be out for a while. You must have done it up big," she said matter of factly. I, meanwhile, was turning a new shade of crimson, and was picking mu my clothes and getting dressed as quickly as I could. "I need to go," was all I could think to say. She just shrugged and said, "If you say so," she walked out the door, and I followed a few seonds later. I looked around, but she had literally disappeared - there was no one out, only cars driving down Fourth. I hightailed it back to 4th and main - a long trek. Had I really followed him all that distance? I breathed a sigh o f relief when Imsaw my car. I unlocked it, started up, and sped back toward the 'burbs. As I walked in, my dad was just leaving for work. He gave me a wink on his way out, and put his hands up to his chest to mimick a set of large breasts. I smiled weakly and ran up to my room. In the shower, I started feeling funny - a little dizy, a little sick to my stomach. I shook it off when I realized that his two huge loads were involuntarily seeping out of my hole. I felt like a slut, and loved it! I knew right then, without a doubt, that I loved sex with me. I was, as my dad would say with derision so often, a "fag." But at that moment, with cum dripping onto the shower floor, I could care less.. I got a man of with my hole - no, my pussy, as he callled it. I have a pussy, and it makes huge black men cum. I got hard, jacked off, and sat on my bed, thinking about where I could get more guys to fuck me. *** *** *** Fast-forward three days and 11 hours. I am back in the bookstore with my ass pressed up against a hole in the wall. An unknown dick is pumping in an out of my wet hole, sloshing around a load from the last cock. The bookstore is a can't-miss hookup. I have been fucked four times, and each one was as diferent as the last. But none were as good as my black daddy. I had not sen him since that morning I ran out of his place, buttoning my pants on the way out the door. The man on the other side of the wall groaned and shot his load. I milked his cock with my hole, and he eventually slid out and left the booth. I buttoned up,my Brittanica jeans and peeked out the door for a glimpse of my latest fuck a short, dumpy white guy, middle aged, was waddling out of the peeps. He left a nice load in me. Too bad for his wife, i got it instead. And then, just like last time, there he was. Standing outside of a booth, rubbing his crotch and staring right through me. I felt cold inside, then my ass twitched and my dick started to inflate again. He ran a hand all the way down the length of his cock, bulging through that same pair of checked pants. It was onscenely huge. Had i really taken that whole thing. "Hey, bboy," he said. "You back again?" I walked over to him, my pussy went with fresh cum. "I haven't been able to think about anything but you laying on top of my." "You got a fine pussy. Suck the cum right out of a man's dick." Despite the roughness and crudity, I was proud, and more than a little turned on. " I can do it again," I said. He turned and walked into the movie theater. I knew what that meant by nnow,, so I followed close behind. Once we got inside, i dropped to my kneews. In seconds, his cock was down my throat. "Damn, baby," he said. "You got a pussy in your yeah, eat dat dick."mouth, too!" I just grunted as Ii kept working his dick. Within a few minutes, I felt a new set of hands on my head, and heard another voice, thick with ghetto accent, whisper, "Yeah, boy, eat dat dick." I obliged - all the way down,and ran my tongue over his heavy balls. He moaned. "Damn!" Said the new guy. "I want some of that!" "Five bucks," said my man. What?! I was being sold? Instead of shock or shame, I felt hugely flattered. "Fuck dat," said the new guy as he backed off. My man responded, "That's another five." The new guy stopped in his tracks. He moved closer, looking me over as I kept throating that giant cock. "Yeah, but not here." "Let's go," my man said as he pulled his dick from my throat. "Come on, girl," he said. I followed. What else could I do? I knew I wanted those cocks to fuck me. In the back of my mind, I was also hoping that he'd have more of whatever was in that needle.
    1 point
  22. Great night at a dungeon party! After getting there and stripping down, I walked around to get a general overview of the shenanigans. I walked into the prison room and there was a hot cocksucker blowing a bear. I stood next to the bear, and as the cocksucker looked up, realized it was someone I know on a casual basis. He proceeded to give me mind blowing head, then stood up, turned around, and presented his ass to me. I shoved my cock in and began to fuck. IHis hole was smooth and silky. I held off as long as I could, but he got the six day load I'd been saving up. I decided to take a break and walk around. I relaxed for a while, and then headed to the medical room. There was a guy taking it doggy style and when his fucker saw me, he pulled out and told me to take a turn. His ass felt great, since he told me there were at least two loads in there. I fucked him for a while, then went to get some water. As I was getting the water, I walked u to the man I bred first and thanked him for taking my load. He told me he'd wanted it for a long time. We kiss, hug, rub for a while, then break apart. As I break away, a VERY aggressive, pocket bottom come up to me and started rubbing and kissing on me. He led me to a chair because he wanted to suck my cock. He was fantastic at it, but really wanted me to fuck him. I turned him around, rimmed him for a while, then stuck my cock in. He was so tight that it hurt, so I had to pull out and lube up. Then, his ass was awesome. I pounded away for a while, but wasn't able to breed him, so I moved on to other pastures. Back to the medical room with three hot daddies pulling a train. I was rock hard watching them, and so was another daddy watching. He bent over the table in front of me, and seeing my opportunity, slid into his hot hole. He was nice and wet, so he probably had a few loads in him. After about five minutes, I couldn't hold off and added my load to his collection
    1 point
  23. I thought pozzing was my biggest turn on.... I blew some clouds earlier and it reached deep down into my dirtiest parts. I WANT AN AIDS LOAD!!!! Getting poz loads is so filthy and I love it; but I want to get spun and have someone make my dick truly toxic! I want to beg and moan and pray for that AIDS load. I want them worshipping my toxic cock while it infects me, taking a strain from every load they've ever taken. Them have them beg to be bred by my now deadly dick. FUCK! I want to be tatted, and pierced, and roided, and have an AIDS daddy give me everything and more.
    1 point
  24. Hey Brad- I try to get a room at the Residence Inn by Marriott, on 14th and K street, I think. It is at Thomas Circle area, and there is a 24 hr CVS next door, but most important, the gay bar Green Lantern is right across the street, down the alley, from the hotel, so you can score and head back to the room, play and return for more. And if you are connecting off hook up sites, guys can drop in the hotel and go to the room, breed your hole, head over to the Green Lantern, have a drink and get their 2nd cumming and drop back in for round 2, maybe even dragging a buddy along for extra sloppy seconds
    1 point
  25. I applaud you tell us a story of sex gone bad. It's a reality all have to deal with. Life is not porn.
    1 point
  26. Yesterday, I woke up horny with a strong preference for getting fucked by a poz black cock. I posted an ad on BBRT saying such and then noticed that a poz black guy I had played with a couple of weeks ago was online. I messaged him and asked if he anted to use my ass all day, as he likes to take his time, party a little, fuck a lot before giving you his toxic cum. He responded by saying yes. After a quick stop to pick up some poppers I made it to his house about 10:30. He greeted me at the door, I stripped and made myself comfortable on his couch, while he got a bowl ready. He took a hit of T and then gave me one. It went straight to my horny neg ass! I immediately went over to him and started to suck on his 81/2 inch long and thick dick, getting it ready for him to fuck my "boi pussy." As I sucked him, his cock got harder, he took another hit, gave me one, started rubbing my ass and talking dirty to me. He then finished strippong down and ordered me to the fuck chair where he was going to breed me. After another hit and a hit of the poppers, my ass was screaming for his fat black poz cock. He didn't disappoint, he slid his cock in filling my hole and the deep craving I had for cock because of the T. He fucked me for about 40 minutes telling me how he was going to poz my pussy. As I was bent over the chair, I was being edged on by the interracial porn playing on the TV, his dirty talk and being able to see his black cock fuck my hole in the full length mirror next to the chair. We continued into the. afternoon, taking breaks, smoking a little more T, with me sucking his cock to get it hard each time. Finally around 7 - I started sucking his dick, he gave me a big hit of T and ordered me back to the chair. I assumed my doggie style position and waited for his big poz cock. Instead of the cock he began to eat my "pussy" telling me he wanted it nice and wet for the breeding I was bout to get. His tongue was fantastic and my pre-cum was dripping like a river. He finally got up, gave me another hit of the T, I took my poppers and he entered me with that beautiful poz cock - telling me he was going to convert me. He fucked me for about twenty minutes, all the way telling me how he loved my white pussy and how he was going to poz it with his black "nigger" cum. Finally I felt his dick spasm and could fill his poz cum coating my well used hole. Pure heaven. I hope it takes. He gave me one final dry fuck before I had to leave - but I'm seeing him Tuesday on my day off for another session.
    1 point
  27. When I woke up, I was on the basement floor with dried cum on my ass, legs and mouth. As I started to stir, Sam came downstairs and noticed I was awake. He then took me into the bathroom to shower and get cleaned up. As I started to shower and wash my body, Sam joined me in the shower with his hard cock and pushed me under the shower head and then pushed his cock into me. As he slowly fucked me in the shower he was using his hands to soap up the rest of my body including my rock hard cock. He was slowly rubbing my cock as he was fucking my ass and as I began to shoot ropes of cum against the shower wall, he was shooting ropes of cum inside of me. After the shower we dried off and went into the kitchen where my dad was. Dad says that I should know what happened between him and my mother. He begins to explain what happened. Before he left us he explained, how he and my mother hadn’t had sex in months and one night after work he went into a new bar by the office. He didn’t realize at the time it was a leather bar as it was only about 5:45 at night and the place was mainly empty. He said that he was drinking jack daniels and Sam noticed him and started talking to him and buying him more drinks. Sam realized that my dad didn’t know what type of bar he was in or that my dad was gay at the time but Sam decided to change both of those things that night. So has he continued to buy my dad drinks to get him drunk he slowly got closer to my dad. After a few drinks my dad felt the need to take a piss and Sam told the bartender to save their spots as Sam showed my dad to the bathroom. When they got to the bathroom, my dad saw two guys making out in one of the open stalls wearing only leather jock straps. My dad stood there in shock at the scene before him and slowly Sam walked up behind him and asked if it excited him. My dad said he had never seen anything like it before. The two guys noticed my dad and Sam watching them and they motioned for them to come over. My dad was stunned but Sam knew these two guys and as he nodded he pushed my dad over to them. The two guys then proceeded to give my dad his first man on man kiss and as the two leather clad men alternated kissing my dad, Sam slowly undid my dad’s suit pants and they fell to the floor. Dad was was only wearing a jock and Sam took full advantage and slowly started to lube my dad’s ass as the guys slowly started working on his cock. Before my dad knew it Sam had put his bare cock into my dad and slowing took his anal cherry. After Sam deposited his load in my dad, the two leather clad guys did the same. After an hour my dad and Sam finally made it back to their chairs to close out the tab. Sam took my dad back to his apartment near the bar as my dad was in no condition to drive. Once back in the apartment Sam proceeded to fuck my dad all night. When my dad woke the next morning he was being spooned by Sam with Sam’s semi-hard cock still inside my dad’s ass. My dad asked what happened and Sam proceeded to tell him that my dad was his best fuck in years. My dad said he wasn’t gay but before he could finish the sentence Sam started kissing him and fondling my dad’s cock to hardness. Before he knew it, my dad gave in to the temptation and proceeded to fuck Sam for the first time. When my dad blew his load into Sam’s ass he knew that he was no longer straight and preferred fucking a tight ass over my mother. Sam and my dad continued to flip fuck the rest of the day until they realized how much they fit each other. My dad started spending his time outside of work with Sam fucking each other and playing with others. All of their sex was bare as my dad said it should be and one of their sessions at that leather bar left a lasting result on my dad. He and Sam were cruised by a couple of leather bears and the four of them ended up at Sam’s place flip fucking all night and into the next day. What the leather bears left Sam and my dad was the gift that keeps on giving and a few weeks later both of them got the fuck flu. Once the doctor confirmed my dad had HIV, my mom threw him out of the home and left my dad homeless. Sam said he and my dad should move in together as they had a shared connection now. to be continued (next time I learn how James got involved and what's next for me)
    1 point
  28. feeling horny at work i decided to go to a cruisy park. it was nice and dark when i got to the park. So i walked down to the woodsy part as i walked in i noticed a decent looking guy smoking a cig. walked in a lil deeper and before i knew it the guy was right by me. i started stroking my cock and he came over and started sucking me off, when he came up i went down on him. Got his cock nice wet and hard, i stood up and guided his cock into my cunt a few minutes later i felt him bucking and then shove it in me deep and held it there for a second. he pulled out and i could feel cum oozing out my hole a lil. i zipped up and walked away content:)
    1 point
  29. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 3 Zak rolled me onto my back and straddled my body with his ass resting on my thighs. He grasped our hard cocks together in his hand, stroking and rubbing our shafts together with each slow thrust of his hips. The verbal talk started. The words used didn’t change so much, but this time Zak’s poz talk had more emotion behind it; a gentler edge. It wasn’t just the heat of the moment. A release of his emotions from the heart, something I was experiencing as well. The intimacy made both of our cocks bone up even more as he continued to stroke our shafts together. “I’m going to make poz love to you, Zeek.” “Fuck, yes. I want all of you. Give me your charged cock. Breed me.” “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” “Yes, please make love to my hole. Seed me again.” “You want that connection with me forever?” “Yes, I want that with you. Poz me. Please do it.” Zak lightly caressed my abdomen and chest, then gently stroked my face and lower lip while looking directly into my eyes. His touch sent a wave of chills through my body. I loved seeing this side of him as much as I loved his pig side. He lay on top of me. Our sweaty bodies and hard dicks pressed tightly together. Zak made out with me, grinding our bodies and cocks together. “I’m going to slide my cock in you, oh so slowly. Give you more poz seed, babe.” He spread my legs, slipped his arms under my knees, and bent my legs over his shoulders. He spit in his hand and lubed up his cock, then pressed the head of his dick to my hole. My ass opened easily, and as he slid the full length of his shaft into my cunt, cum dripped from my ass. His cock glided easily against the cum-drenched walls of my man hole, working his first toxic load deep inside me. A warm, tingly sensation overcame me. My heart beat faster. Zak eyes continued to pierce into my soul. His cock massaged my prostate with each stroke of his death stick. This was no longer fucking. This was intense love making….sharing his body and virus with me, making us one. “Zeek, you feel incredible. I want you to charge up from me so much. I want to share every part of me with you.” “Make me yours, babe. I want your DNA inside me.” My senses were so heightened. I could feel every inch of Zak’s cock penetrating me. It was very intimate and erotic. He continued to pump his cock in and out of me. I repeatedly tightened my ass around his shaft with each pulse of my hard cock. His meat stiffened and throbbed repeatedly in my hole. I wanted to milk every drop of cum from his balls. Welcome his virus into my body. “Fuck, babe, I won’t last long. This feels so amazing.” “Give me your cum. I want it all in me.” Zak leaned over and made out with me. His kisses were warm and deliberate. His tongue swirled with mine as he made love to my hole with slow, deep penetrations from his tool. After a few minutes he turned his head to the side. Our sweaty cheeks were pressed together. He caressed my face with his cheek then whispered in my ear, “Fuck, yes. Here it cums, babe. You’re going to get all my poz seed.” Zak pressed his lips to mine with one long, passionate kiss and plunged his manhood balls deep inside me. I felt his cock begin to pulse once again. Jizz shot from his rod with each throb, adding to his previous load and my blood. He whispered between deep breaths, “I want you so much. Take my charged load, babe. You’re mine, Zeek.” “Fuck, yes. You feel so good. Convert me. Make me your poz pig.” Sweat dripped from his nose onto my cheek. Emotions and our poz talk overcame me. My ass tightened around Zak’s shaft, and he groaned with pleasure. My hole milked ever drop of his toxic cum into my guts, while my cock erupted over and over, shooting creamy white semen onto my abdomen. Zak again pressed his lips to mine like he couldn’t get close enough to me, couldn’t bury his cock inside me deep enough. He held his cock deep in me. My ass pressed tight against him, both of us panting from our intense dance together. Our deep breathing began to relax. His cock slipped from my cum-filled hole, and my ass puckered several times, working his semen further inside me. I wanted his seed to stay in me all night. This felt so right. We lied in each other’s arms and drifted off to sleep for a bit. I woke to Zak getting up from the sofa. “I’ll be right back, babe. I have to piss.” He started to walk toward the bathroom, and I grabbed his hand to stop him. “Uh ah, get back here. I want every drop.” I slid off the couch to the floor. The tiled floor felt cold on my knees, but the chill just made it even more erotic. Zak stood in front of me, his inked cock dangling in front of my lips. I looked directly at his biohazard tattoo and slipped his cock into my mouth. He held my head still with a firm grip on the top of my head. My eyes wandered from his biohazard ink up his body to his eyes, looking directly down into mine. His cock twitched a few times in my mouth, and he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. A few drops of sweet nectar dripped onto my tongue before a full stream of warm piss filled my mouth. My dick boned up immediately. Zak continued to empty his bladder down my throat, pausing just long enough for me to gulp down each mouthful. His piss tasted strong, but so sweet. It was intoxicating, and I devoured every drop. I think in that very moment I surrendered myself to him totally. I was his pig boy and wanted to continue to be his in every way. I swallowed the last of his sweet piss then Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and wiped his piss hole across my lips. “God, I enjoy feeding you my piss too. From the looks of it you like being my urinal too, don’t you?” My cock stiffened as I licked my lips, “You know I do.” Zak stroked the top of my head for a bit, “I love being a cum and piss pig as much as you do, Zeek. I want you to use me any way you like. I want all of it with you.” “I want to experience that with you too. Really explore our pig sides together.” “Good boy. Let’s work on pozzing your ass up then start swapping all our fluids.” There was a pause of silence interrupted by a long, loud growl from my stomach followed by a burp. We both laughed. “Woah, dude. You must be starving. It’s getting late. If you’re cool with it, why don’t you come home with me? We can stop for carry out and you can crash at my place. I’d love to wake up in the morning curled up with you in my bed. We can grab breakfast together. Spend the day together tomorrow if you like.” The corners of my mouth curled up with a grin, “I’d love to. I am pretty hungry too and not looking forward to the drive home tonight.” “Then it’s settled. Let’s get dressed and get out of here.” We flipped our clothes on and made our way to Zak’s apartment. We ordered the proverbial Chinese food delivery in the little white cartons that you see all too often in the movies. It made for a cozy night on Zak’s living room sofa, feeding samples of each other’s food to one another. Our frisky late night dinner led to some playful banter. By morning a trail of clothes strewn here and there lead to the bedroom. I woke curled up naked next to Zak; our legs intertwined beneath the sheets. His body felt warm against my skin, and I gazed at him sleeping for a minute. The sheet draped gently across his waist just exposing the top edges of his biohazard tattoo. I touched his thigh with my hand and lightly ran my fingers up his leg, across his cock and biohazard tattoo to his abdomen. I slowly caressed his belly, gently circling the sunburst tattoo around his belly button with my finger tip. Zak yawned, opened his eyes, and stretched. Good morning, handsome. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him so my head rested on his chest. “I hope you slept well, because I slept like a baby with you beside me. I could get used to this.” I turned over and rested my chin on Zak’s chest, “It does feel good being next to you in bed, and yeah, I slept pretty damn well. I even had an odd but quite erotic dream about pozzing, and you marking my body all over with biohazard tattoos, even places like my hands so I couldn’t hide my poz status to anyone.” We both chuckled. “Maybe I had that dream because my ass is still loaded with your charged seed from last night and that is so hot.” Zak looked at me and grinned, “Don’t worry, sexy man, you’ll be charged up in no time. My virus is probably already in your system. Your body just hasn’t reacted to it yet. Or you could be one of those guys that doesn’t show symptoms and you’re already charged up.” He rolled me over in bed and laid on top of me, “If that’s the case you need to start seeding me too, swap our poz loads.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips then rolled out of bed. He flipped the sheets off me, “Time to get up, babe. The weekend’s a wastin’.” I chased Zak down the hall to the kitchen, and we both hung out together naked. I made coffee and he whipped up some eggs and bacon. Then we sat across from each other at his dining room table. I slid my foot onto his chair, and played with his cock and balls with my toes. Zak’s cock began to bone up. We ate our breakfast looking at each other playfully with grins on our faces. “You better watch it or you’ll find your ass back in that bed taking more poz cum.” “And this is a bad thing, how?” We chuckled a bit and finished our breakfast. “So, what would you like to do today?” “How about hanging out in boystown, shop around a bit. A leisure day.” “I’m game. We could maybe hit a movie later and tip a few at a bar if you like.” “Sure, play it by ear.” This man was too good to be true. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, but in the back of my mind I hoped the feelings I was developing for him were mutual. I was falling for Zak, and there was no stopping my heart. “Ok, Zeek, let’s get in the shower.” “I need to clean my tattoo.” “I’ll wrap it up for you for the day after our shower. After it’s done weeping ink, you can start to leave it open to air.” He got up from the table and peeled the bandage from my arm. Ink was weeping from my tattoo yet. “Lookin damn good, babe. Now get.” I got up and took a few steps toward the bathroom. Zak couldn’t resist the opportunity and gave me a quick crack on the ass with his hand. “Oooh,……… Baby!!” I chuckled and ran toward the bathroom. Zak wasted no time chasing me down the hall. He caught me at the bathroom doorway and pulled me into his arms. His lips pressed to mine, and our cocks were boned up in no time. “See what you do to me every time?” “Well, you have the same effect on me.” We stroked each other’s cocks then Zak turned on the shower, and stepped in. “Are you joining me?” “I’ll be right there. I sat on the toilet. Sorry, babe, I’m losing your seed.” “That’s ok, I’ll be plowing your ass soon enough. I’m glad you have no problem jumping on the toilet while I’m in the bathroom. Doesn’t bother me one bit.” “Glad you said that, because it doesn’t bother me either.” I finished up on the toilet, “Zeek, don’t……Yow!!” Too late…..I flushed the toilet before Zak could stop me. “Damn, that’s cold.” “Serves you right for cracking my ass like that.” “You loved it, and you know it.” “Yeah, guess I did.” I stepped into the shower. It was a rather large walk-in stall with double jets. “Sweet!!” “Isn’t it awesome? Great for showering together.” “It’s big enough for a small orgy.” Zak tipped his head down, closed his eyes, and let the hot water pound on the back of his neck and head. I stood back from him, and took aim. I let out a full stream of piss hitting him on the chest, beard, abdomen, and cock. His eyes flew open, and he immediately dropped to his knees. His rod began to grow as I soaked his face with piss. Zak opened his mouth and filled it full of my piss. He swallowed a bunch and let the rest run down his beard and body. His cock was now fully erect and pulsing as I continued to piss on his face. He tipped his head forward to soak his entire head. The last few squirts of piss shot from my cock, “Damn, babe, that was so hot.” “Glad you enjoyed it.” “Enjoyed it!!?? Fuck, I loved it!!” I cleaned my tattoo, and we soaped each other up. Our shower play was just a teaser, a taste of more to come. We redressed my arm, slipped on our jeans and t-shirts and made our way to boystown. The afternoon was spent walking through the gay district browsing stores like GayMart, and the gear at the Ram adult bookstore. GayMart was most entertaining with cards and novelties. I couldn’t resist stocking up on a few cards. One had a hot naked stud on the cover with a beautiful cock. The outside of the card read, “For your Birthday, let’s play hide and seek…..If you find me, I’ll let you blow me.” The inside read, “….and if you can’t find me, look behind the couch.”…….LOL. The other card had a drag queen on the front with a bitchy expression on her face. The front read, “Honey, another birthday and you still look fabulous!!” The inside of the card had just one word….. “Pity!!” After horsing around all afternoon, we ate an early dinner and decided to check out the movies at the theater. I don’t think it mattered what we saw. We ordered a bottled water and got a small bucket of popcorn then took two seats toward the back of the theater. We had our privacy, just what I was hoping for. Zak held the popcorn bucket in his lap while we both munched away. Every time I reached in for more popcorn I thought of the old story I’ve heard about a guy tearing the bottom of the popcorn container open and slipping his hard cock through the hole. Even though I didn’t think it was going to happen, the anticipation that Zak’s cock COULD be waiting for me boned up sticking through the bottom of the popcorn bucket just made my dick hard. I glanced over at Zak and he looked back at me. I had a sly grin on my face. When he reached for more popcorn I purposely did the same. I took his hand in mine and pressed it firmly against my hard rod. My cock stiffened even more at the touch of his hand through my jeans. After putting the popcorn bucket on the floor Zak took my hand and rubbed it against the hard bulge in his jeans. He returned his hand to my crotch, and we sat there nonchalantly stroking each other. Our shafts were begging to be released from our jeans to start fucking on the spot. Zak grasped my chin with his hand and turned my head toward his. We began kissing and making out in the theater, oblivious to the scene playing out on the screen causing all the laughter in the theater. When it finally finished we both knew where we were heading. We raced to Zak’s apartment like two teenagers about to get our rocks off together for the first time. The door to his apartment flung open and he pinned me against the wall next to the entrance. He kicked the front door closed, and began stripping off my clothes and kissing me at the same time. When the last of our clothes hit the floor, he pinned me against the wall again and made out with me. We ground our cocks together, our lips pressed firmly together with Zak’s tongue buried deep in my mouth. He led me to the bedroom. After stretching a towel across the bed, Zak said, “Lie down on the bed!” I quickly obliged. “No, on your back.” I rolled over and laid back on the pillows. “This is going to be fun.” Zak showed me a wrist restraint, “Give me your wrist, babe.” I did as I was told as my cock throbbed, standing at attention. Zak strapped it onto my arm then secured it to the corner bedpost. He proceeded to strap my other wrist and ankles in a similar manner so I was spread eagle on the bed. “Wait till you see this.” Zak disappeared from the bedroom and returned with shaving cream, a razor and clipper. He crawled onto the bed and straddled my body. My hard shaft spread his ass cheeks open as he worked my cock across his hole. His dick and PA danced in front of my face, pointing straight up. A small amount of precum dripped from the head of his cock, making my mouth water to lap it up. “I can’t wait to feel your rod shooting POZ seed inside me, Zeek.” “The thought of that turns me on too. I’m sure it won’t be long the way you’ve been planting your poz cum in me.” I felt the cold steel of the clipper blade slide across my chest, “Ever been shaved, babe?” “No.” Again his cock pulsed in front of me. It made my cock throb against his hole. “Well you’re going to today, and there’s no way to resist.” Zak raised himself to his knees and dangled his cock in front of my lips. “Lick up that poz precum, babe. We don’t want any going to waste.” I quickly obeyed. The tip of my tongue brushed across his piss hole and circled his jewelry. As I pulled away a string of precum connected my tongue to Zak’s cock head then broke free and tangled from my tongue. I lapped it up and let the sweet taste of my man’s juice slide down my throat. Zak crawled off the bed. He dipped his fingers into a container of white creamy lube called “Shaft.” He grasped my hard rod and stroked the full length, lubing it up. With a firm grip around my shaft he pointed my cock straight up and sprayed shaving cream on my pubic hair. While he slowly stroked my meat I watched as I felt the razor touch my skin at the base of my cock. My rod stiffened in his grip. He stroked the razor across my pubic hair. “Feel that against your skin, Zeek? I’m going to shave all your pubic hair off.” He continued to stroke my hard meat. I watched as he shaved every bit of pubic hair with each stroke of the razor. By the time he finished my hard cock was leaking a ton of precum. He stroked my cock while he cleaned up my smooth pubic area then washed the lube from my cock. Zak again straddled me and sat down, perfectly fitting my hard shaft between his ass cheeks like a glove. He held the clipper in front of me and flipped the switch on before giving me a wink of his eye and a grin. He ran his fingers through my hair and caressed the top of my head. The clipper carved a path across scalp, taking off the first row of hair. While continually rubbing the top of my head Zak shaved off the majority of my hair. He also worked my stiff cock between his cheeks with each pass of the clipper. I could tell he kept just a little stubble for hair length, and I loved the prickly feel as he ran his hands “against the grain” across my head. Between the sensations from my throbbing shaft, aching balls, and the eroticism of being shaved while restrained, I was in heaven. The clipper stopped buzzing and Zak released me from my restraints. “Roll over sexy. We need to finish shaving the back of your head.” He again straddled my torso sitting down with our ass cheeks together. After shaving the rest of my head he massaged my scalp. The pillow was covered with strands of my dark hair, but we didn’t care. I rolled onto my back again and began to make out with Zak. He reached down between us and stroked my cock then slid down my body kissing and licking me from my belly button to my stiff rod. He slipped my cock into his mouth and worked the full length of my meat down his throat. I ran my fingers across his shaved head as he sucked me long and deep over and over. I tipped my head back, and let out a moan as I fucked his face with my tool. He removed my dick from his mouth. With his hand grasping the base of my shaft he licked the head of my meat. “Sweet precum, babe.” Zak again greased up my cock with “Shaft” lube. He straddled my hips, grabbed my shaft by the base, and aimed my cock for his hole. He pressed the head of my cock to his cunt and worked it inside. “I know we’re working on pozzing your ass, but I want to feel you shoot what may be your last neg load deep in my gut.” “Fuck, Zak. I’ll give you every drop.” Zak plunged the full length of my cock into his gut. My cock throbbed. My ass tightened. I buried my head into the pillow, thrust my hips forward as hard and I could, and moaned from the sensations shooting through my body. “Oh…..GOD!” This was my first time fucking Zak, and his cunt felt so incredible wrapped around my dick. My eyes opened wide and I picked my head up off the pillow looking directly into Zak’s eyes. He continued to ride my cock. “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck……I LOVE being inside you.” This was pure ecstasy. Zak’s cock was leaking precum, and dripping onto my belly button. He was driving me wild. With my dick still inside him, I flipped him onto his back. I grabbed his ankles and rammed my cock in him hard and deep. He took the full length of my cock with each thrust. Zak stroked his shaft while I tore up his ass like a vicious animal. “Fuck, I’m going to cum, Zak.” “Give me all that neg seed from your balls. Fill me up, babe.” My body jerked. I moaned and groaned, and my cock throbbed and erupted with each pulse, coating the walls of my man’s hole with my jizz. “Fuck yes, I feel you unloading in me, babe……oh fuck.” Zak’s ass tightened around my shaft, causing my body to again jerk from the sensations. I buried my cock deeper inside him, and while stroking his cock he shot a huge poz load all over his beard and belly. “That was incredible, Zak.” My cock slipped from his hole and his ankles dropped to the bed. I ran my tongue through his beard and down his belly, hungrily lapping up all his poz cum then sharing it with him in a deep, wet kiss. We lie on the bed beside one another, our sweaty bodies touching. “Oh my God, Zak, I love being with you so much.” “Ditto, Babe.” After a long pause….. “Damn, Zeek, you’re a little animal.” I chuckled, “You drive me wild, Zak.” Zak curled up in my arms, “So how long can you stay tomorrow?” I’ll have to head home by around noon. I’m having dinner with my parent’s tomorrow at their house. “I was hoping you could stay until at least dinner time, but I understand. Your family time is important.” “What about your family? Are you close with your parents?” “Ah, the family. Well, I have not seen my parents since I was 18. The day I told them I’m gay is the day they kicked me out of the house.” “That really sucks, Zak. Maybe they will come around.” “I’m not holding my breath, babe. They’re extremely religious. They believe if I had more faith in God, that I could become straight, and……blah, blah, blah.” “I don’t understand how a parent can just disown their kid like that.” “I’m not losing any sleep over it. I think I came through it all just fine. I’ve worked hard to get to where I am now.” “It had to be difficult for you. I give you a lot of credit.” “No, it wasn’t easy, but I’m ok. What about you, do your parents know you’re gay?” “Oh, yeah. They may have their own opinions, but in the end they just want me to be happy.” We stayed curled up in bed for the night, turned on the tv, and eventually the tv watched us sleep. In the morning I woke to Zak’s hard cock lubed and grinding against my hole. My morning wood was raging hard. Zak pressed the head of his cock to my hole, and with an arch of my back he slipped inside. “I can’t let you go home without your ass fully loaded with my toxic cum, babe.” “Fuck, yes, you know I want it. Give it to me.” I got on all fours, and Zak fucked me oh so right, long and hard, doggy style. I reached for his greased up cock, feeling his shaft at the lips of my cunt as he plunged the full length into my hungry hole. I stroked my meat while he tore up my hole. “Beg for my toxic cum, Zeek!!” “Fuck, give it to me. Please give me you poz seed.” “You want it?” “Fuck, yes!!” “Yeah?” “Give it to me. Poz me up. Please charge my hole.” “Fuck, fuck…..here it cums, babe. Take my DNA.” My cock stiffened, and as it pulsed and shot a huge load of cum onto the bed, I felt Zak’s poz load hit my intestine walls. His cock continued to throb inside me, reloading my cunt with his charged semen. He pulled his still hard shaft from my hole and flopped on the bed next to me. He pulled me into his arms and held me tight. Zak kissed me on the forehead, “I’m going to miss you this week, Zeek. I enjoy having you here with me.” “Ditto, Zak….very much so.” After a late breakfast together, and a quick shower, it was time for me to head home. The weekend together was perfect, but passed by too quickly. “Come here, Zeek.” Zak gave me a long hug followed by a sensuous kiss. “I’ll talk to you during the week to make plans for next weekend.” “Sounds good.” “Safe trip. Let me know when you’re home, babe.” I walked down the hall and pushed the button to the elevator. The doors opened and I stepped in. I turned to see Zak standing in the doorway. He waved and yelled to me with a grin on his face, “Nice ass, babe.” I chuckled and waved back. The doors closed, and I was on my way. Tonight’s dinner would be interesting to say the least. I could hardly wait to hear the comments from my mom about my new “look”……
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  30. @bbbearlover1 I wouldn't know, never had a black guy breed me. Always wanted to but just never happened yet
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  31. I was overnighting in San Antonio, TX when I got the urge to go online and check out the local guys. One particular Mexican guy caught my attention. We talked on A4A and he came by my hotel room after a brief convo. I usually chat for a bit to get a sense of who I'm inviting over to my room, but this guy was young (22), muscular, smooth, short (5'4"), uncut and HUNG! (7.5 thick!) Pretty much everything I'm not! Well, maybe except the hung part lol! So I had no idea what to expect aside from him telling me he loved furry bear cubs. As soon as he walked in my room I knew I'd been right to invite him over. He put down his gear, said "Hey" and came right over to me sitting on the bed and we started making out... SERIUOS making out. He climbed on top of me laying me down on the bed and I could feel his cock was already rock hard in his jeans. We got undressed and started trading blowjobs. He got back on top of me and worked his tongue down between my legs, lifting my legs and going for my hole. I obliged and rolled my hips up grabbing my ankles. Damn that boy could rim! I actually felt his tongue sliding in and out of my hole, slowly, making sure I could feel it! Some guys just dart in and out so fast it feels like a dog lapping at the water dish LOL! Anyway, I flipped over onto my stomach as he continued to rim me like there's no tomorrow, hoping he'd get the hint I wanted that thick, uncut cock. Instead, he plopped down on the bed beside me and I started sucking him again. Online his profile said "Safe Sex Only" and I noticed when he put his stuff down there was a condom so I figured I wasn't getting his load tonight... but I went for it anyway! I got his cock really wet and slick then slowly worked my mouth up to his and started deep kissing as my ass worked its way up to the tip of his dick. I just started by gently riding him as his cock brushed my hole with every stroke. Then I sat up straight with my thighs on either side of his chest and lowered myself onto the tip of his cock... There was no objection... I slid down further... He wasn't stopping me... Now the head was pushing its way past my sphincter muscles... His eyes started to roll into the back of his head and he began to moan really deep - then I knew I had him! I sat completely down on his pelvis and I could feel his cock stretching my insides - it was amazing! I rode him for a few minutes then got up onto my feet and squatted down on him as he began to thrust upward and fuck me in earnest. After a few more minutes, he pulled out and got off the bed walking to the edge. He motioned for me to lie on the edge so we could fuck missionary. That lasted all of 5 minutes, 22 years old remember, before he was getting close. He actually asked "You want me to pull out?" Yeah right! I said I wanted his load deep. So he pushed all the way in and ground his hips into my ass as he pulled my cheeks apart. He was moving his hips in this circular grinding motion that was hitting ALL my spots... I mean I wasn't even touching my cock and was precumming like a leaky faucet. He said he was cumming and sure enough I felt his dick pulsing deep within me as he blasted his young, Mexican DNA into my guts. He pulled out and immediately headed for the shower. When he was done, we exchanged pleasantries as he got dressed and gathered his things (including the unused condom). I got the sense he regretted fucking, basically a stranger, raw and breeding them. Oh well, I got EXACTLY what I wanted: a hot load of manseed deep in my hole that's still inside as I write this. I will DEFINITELY message him when I'm in San Antonio again!
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  32. Ok the Turkish guy driver from above just left my house. He just turned up at my home and asked if I needed a cab?? He called just on the off chance he could use me.This guy fucked me hard in my bed firstly on all fours and then on my back deeply and shot his load in my hole and left it in me whilst he tongued my mouth. He showered then asked me to get in and fucked me again. Had a brew chat cig.turns out he has 6 kids and likes fucking blokes;especially my tight hole. Awesome.
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  33. can't upload profile pic .. just spins on "uploading" forever.
    1 point
  34. Looking for a bottom that is single for fun. Turn ons: heavy/ really fat guys, older guys (over 50), bubble butts, twinks. White, Latino & South Asian to the front++. All races are welcome. I only travel. Not into attached guys or any top or vers men. ONLY BOTTOMS.
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  35. Staying home for vacation week- had my weekly fisting session with the hole trsainer- he managed to get both my balls into my ass, then pushed in one of those hollow butt plugs to wedge them in place- and they stayed for a bit until I shot the plug and my balls out of my hole. After the 2 hrs of use, I was ready hungry for a lot more,so I went to the sleazier tubs last night. $9 lockers; I was holding out high hopes for a night of endless cock. Instead, the place was full of 5 ft tall and 5 ft arounds- I was the youngest thing there- I am am not chicken in anyones book. Struck up a conversation with a stocky black guy in the sauna, but didn't read any vibe from him, so I headed out and found the sling and tossed my hole in it. The black guy passed by about 10 times in 2 minutes , then came in and asked if I was ready for a fuck- he dropped the towel and planted a hard 8 or 9 inch cock into the hole-I think he was waiting for the cry of go slow or not so deep- I grabbed the sling chain and pulled him to the hilt up inside me. After proclaiming me a freak and a fine hole, he fucked deep and hard and I finally got a breeding. Some very short muscled guy tried to fuck me afterwards- but his limp cock would not respond ( and from his glaze, I would guess he was on some T or something) He moved on, and I went to the steamroom to relax before leaving. A guy in the hottub followed me into the steamroom- a fast dance and I was on my knees and he was feeding me cock. Nice and hard, abnormally large/swollen balls. As I was sucking his hard cock I began to feel water in my mouth, and quickly realized he was pissing thru a hardon. I took a good long series of gulps, then made a quick rotation and offered my ass up to him-he had his cock clamped with his fingers, and shoved in, then let go with a long flow that I could feel working its way up and into my gut.Once he had emptied his bladder, he started power fucking my chute, uttering "nice" over and over. Our skin kept making sloshing sounds as he pounded my butt, and with each thrust a small shot of his piss would fire out of my hole. His pace raced, he froze, and then just as silently, he pulled out and left the streamroom. I sat down and felt the fullness of his piss in me- but thanks to the fucking he had given, none was leaking out. I finally hit the shower, and slowly, gradually, some of it flowed back out- enough that I could dress and get home before a river let loose. Needless to say, there is a CL ad up in the missed connections section today; I really hope to hook up with that man again- a 12 pack and afternoon football game-him drinking from the can, me between his legs all day drinking from the tap
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  36. I jsut recently got tested and not sure how but my blood work came neg for all std including HIV. I was mentally prepared to hear from my doc that it is positive. Anyway, i was kind of reliefed and dissapointed at the same time so decided to go to my favourate fuck spot to see if there is anyone i can breed. I checked in and got a locker. I took the locker by the poolside. The place was unusually kinda empty on a thursday. I decided to make the best of it. Took a quick rinse in the shower and jumped in the pool. Swam a little bit and drinking margaritas when i spotted my regular fuck bud changing. I knew right then the day is going to be better. He came in the pool. We swam a little a chit chatted. There was no one around so i pulled him closer and started kissing. Then i turned him around and started fingering his hole. He was already lubed up and ready to go. I asked him if he lubed up for me. He said "yes". Every time i spot this guy getting fucked i always see the tops wearing a rubber. I actually heard him say to few tops to wear rubber or he handed them or put the rubber on themselves. I am not sure why he never mentions that to me. I am glad i don't because i hate wearing that layer. I just did not bother wasting any time. I just lined up my dick which was already hard as a rock by then and slowly started to slide in. Once i was all the way in i told him that i am going to fuck him hard and do it several times today. I started to fuck him and remembering all the guys i actually fucked in this pool bare. I fucked one guy during an event while his partner was chatting with some guys in the pool only about 2 -3 feet away. As he was trying to tell me not to cum in him i was dumping my load in him. When he realized it was too late. I also bred a really hot bear from San Fransisco who claimed to be a top in person and on every personal he has online. Back to my fuck bud before i go completely off track here. I was fucking him nice and slow without making a big scene. Even thou it was almost empty we still had few guys sunbathing and the crew is doing their regular maintannace. I really wanted to cum in him but i know if i tell him he will ask me to pull out. He always les me fuck him raw but he always tells me not to cum in him. I do almost every time but most cases i cum in him and then cum again afterwards on his back so he thinks i did not breed him. I guess that one good thing about being a multiple cummer . I was playing with his nipples and his belly and fucking him. I knew i was getting closer and closer byy the second. I just couldn't hold it any longer. I started to push myself as deep as i could go and started to fill him up. I would think he could feel me pulsing in him. But he did not show any signs other than asking me to keep fucking him the way i am doing and how much he loves it. I kept fucking him until i started to get a little soft. I pulled out and turned him around and started to play with his dick. We played with each others dick for a little bit. Then i suggested we go and check out the play rooms. We got ourselves dry up a little bit and headed towards the playrooms. We checked out two but didn't like the crowd or the rooms itself. Once we went ot the 3rd room we were all over each other. That room also had a bed with a leather padded mattres. I just had him lean against the bed with his ass sticking out and asked him if he is ready for round 2. He just gave me one of those looks that pretty much told me he couldn't wait. I went on full force. Since he already had my cum in his ass from the pool fuck, i was in all the way with no issues. I started to pound him hard. We fucked for few minutes when few guys decided to come check it out. They were all jerking off as they were watching me fuck the shit out of my fuck bud. one of them came close to watch my dick go in and out. He then told me to breed his hole and cum in him. As soon as my buddy heard it he said, "no, please don't cum in me. Pull out and cum on my back like you do." I assured him that i will pull out in time and cumm on his back. I winked at the guy next to me and started to fuck him even faster. I could feel my bud clamping on my dick with his ass muscle every time i go deep in him. That was driving me crazy. I knew i wasn't going to be able to hold it much longer. I started pull out all the way and then shove it all the way in. Every time i was sliding out, my buddy started to wiggle his nice round ass and clamping on to me. That was it. I lost it and started cumming. My first shot hit his ass hole but i just drove myself in all the way dumped a good amount in him and pulled out completely. Then i shoved it back again, dumped another load kept it there for a bit and pulled it out. The guy next to me was watching the whole thing and smiling and i could tell he was close to cum also. I just pushed my buddy's head against the mattress and told him i am going to cum soon. He told me to cum on his ass. I Shoved in him all the way in one more time and asked him if he is sure he doesn't want me to fill him up. He said, "No baby. I want you to cum on my back". as he is saying that dumped my last drop of load in his ass, pulled out and signaled that guy next to me to cum on my buddy's back. As he he shooting his load on his ass my buddy was moaning on the mattress and kept saying how much he loves my cum on him. He loves the warm feeling. Now, i was spent but for some reason i was still semi hard. I took some paper towel and wiped myself off. Then i took some more and wiped his ass off. I asked him how it was and he was beeming from ear to ear. H e said that was the best fuck he got and he wants me in him one more time. How can i agree with him. I just told him to back in the garden area and find a cool spot and hang out. We found a nice secluded place in the back of the establishment. surrounded by trees. We were laying on our pool towels. we were talking and he playing with my cock. I asked him why he never let me cum in him (without telling him that i already did many many times in the last few years i have known him). He told me it was an agreement he has with his partner and also he doesn't want any deseases. He said he lets me fuck him raw but he just doesn't want my load because of that. I just smiled and said i understand. But by then he got me all hard and i also was ready for round 3. i told him i want him again. I turned him over on his belly. I climbed on top of him and i entered him once again with no issues. By then i had 2 loads in him without his knowledge. i started to pound him hard. I asked him if he wants me to slow down. He said no he doesn't. He loves the way i fuck him. I could hear him moan. Every now and and then i would stop while i am all the way in him and he would squeese his ass muscle. It was driving me crazy. I told him if he keeps it up i will end up cumming pretty soon. He just moaned and then asked to fuck him however i want him. I just took it as a clue. Started to pund him hard. Then i pushed myself as deep as i could go and held myself there. He kept squeezing me with his ass muscle. I knew i was cumming. I held him down. i started to lick earlobes and told him i am gonna cum soon. I told him how much i love fucking him. I asked him if he does as well. He answered yes. I told him that i am thankful for being able to fuck him bare. I love to feel the warm inside of him. It brings us really close. He said he loves it and he craves it when we do not hook up for months. I told him that i want him to remeber this fuck because i will make it very special. He told me he feels this every time. I replied back saying i know, so do i, but this time i want you to take my load. This time i want you to take my load. This time, i want you to squeeze every drop out of me. I am letting you take it. He first said no he can't, but he kept squeezing my dick. I knew i was about to blast. I told him, "tell me you want me to breed you. Tell me you want my cum." He hesitated for a second but kept sqeezing my cock with more force. Then he pulled my head with his hand over his face. Looked me straight in the eyes and told me, "Please fill me up. I have been craving your cum for years. I can not hold this urge any more. I want you to breed me". That was it. I think i came more than a gallon even after i came twice before not even an hour ago. I just kept on cumming and he kept on squeezing it all out. My body just collapsed on him. I was completely beat. I have to say, this was one of the best fuck in my life. I am more than sure i won't have to sneak in dumping in him. From now on i will cum in him whenever i feel like it. We recovered for a bit and then we both headed to the shower to clean up and go home. I told him to wash up but not clean out my cum from him. I told him i want you to keep it there and then have your man fuck you. I want you to tell me how that was.
    1 point
  37. Your hole sounds perfect :-) Reply Reply With Quote Thanks. Next time my boyfriend puts me down because it is loose or complains, I will tell him some guys like it like that!
    1 point
  38. It's all about muscle control. Be as loose or as tight as needed. No regrets here. Don't regret being a cum dump, don't regret being poz, don't regret my hole.
    1 point
  39. The three of us lounged around naked, watching some hot bareback porn from one of my favorite websites. The screen was showing a young twink getting banged and bred by multiple guys, all a few years older then him, and definitely more masculine. I raised my beer bottle in a mock toast to my compatriots and indicated the screen. "That's going to be us in a few short minutes!" "Hell yes!" one of my buddies exclaimed. "If this little slut is anywhere close to the pics you showed us, we're going to wreck his hole good for him. And hopefully knock him up in the process." Steve was a twisted poz fucker who got off on shoving his 9" cock into any hole that he could get it into raw. He never used condoms, and didn't care whether his bottom was poz or neg, but he took special delight in planting his unmedicated seed in an unsuspecting neg bottom, like the one on his way right now. He was lean and cut, standing about 6'2 and weighing in at just under 165, with dark hair and eyes. I met Steve on A4A where we would spend hours at night talking about all the hot neg boys we had bred, or wanted to breed. Josh, my other friend, was just as twisted, though not as vocal about it. He ran into some trouble a few years back for talking to the wrong people about pozzing neg hole, and most of sanctimonious crowd had ostracized him. He was about 5'11, and weighed in at 200 lbs, with a nice 6.5" thick cock. Myself? I weigh about 175, and sport a fat 8.5 inch uncut fucker that really tears up a hole. The three of us had been planning this since I'd seen the post on breedingzone a few days ago: "Looking for poz tops to convert my boyfriend. Visiting Phoenix next week." I immediately forwarded the ad to Steve and Josh and asked if they were in. It didn't even take an hour for them to get back to me, and we'd all be saving our loads since. I started emailing with the poster, and he sent me pics of him and his boyfriend, and telling me what all he had in mind. He didn't want his boyfriend to know we were poz until it was too late, he didn't want to be involved, he just wanted to watch, the guys needed to be young enough to not scare his boyfriend away, etc etc. So there we were, watching porn, while waiting for the two college boys to arrive. At this point I knew I wouldn't last long for my first load so I had to make an effort to keep my hand off my cock. Then the doorbell rang. I scooped up my basketball shorts and headed for the door. I opened it, and there in front of me were two of the cutest college studs I had ever seen. One looked me in the eye confidently and smiled at me, before winking and pushing the other in the door. He moved forward, but kept his eyes looking nervously at the floor. The nervous one, I surmised, was Matt, our bottom boy, and the confident one would have to be Rob. I shook both their hands and led them to the room where Josh and Steve were waiting. As we entered the room, Matt seemed to take it all in at once, the porn playing, the naked studs on the bed and their hard cocks, and he licked his lips. I looked over his head and winked at Rob before nodding at the chair in the corner. I pushed Matt toward the bed and Rob moved toward the chair to have a seat. Josh and Steve were all over Matt as soon as his knees touched the mattress, and I wasn't far behind. Before he could say anything, he was as naked as they were, swallowing Josh's cock as Steve slid between his beautiful cream colored cheeks and rimmed his nearly hairless hole. We knew immediately he was an experienced slut because he swallowed Josh's cock without a thought, and pressed his hole back onto Steve's tongue. Steve and Matt both moaned as the rim job continued, and Josh grabbed the back of Matt's head so that he could pound his cock into his throat. I stayed back on purpose, my shorts were hiding the biohazard tattoo that I didn't want Matt to see quite yet. Out of the corner of my eye I watched Rob rubbing his cock through his jeans as he watched the action on the bed. By now Steve had pulled his face out of Matt's ass and was rubbing the length of his cock up and down the crack of Matt's ass. Matt was moaning and pushing back into it, and I watched as Steve's mushroom tip caught the edge of Matt's hole, pausing there for a second before sliding back up the crack. I watch Steve do this three more times before Matt growled in frustration and reached back to grab Steve's cock and hold it in place. Without missing a beat on Josh's cock, still buried deep in his throat, Matt impaled himself on Steve's cock with nothing more than the spit on his hole and Steve's precum as lube. Everyone on the bed moaned as Steve's cock went in and time seemed to stand still for half a second as no one wanted to move yet and set off a chain reaction that would end this scene too fast. I made eye contact with Rob and raised my eyebrow, trying to remind him without words that there was now a poz cock in his boyfriend's hole. I shouldn't have worried, I saw the bulge in his pants throb and his eyes were glued to Steve's long cock stretching his boy's hole. Steve began pumping his cock into Matt as Josh continued to fuck his face. "You like that, boy? You like that big dick up your ass?" "Ugh, yeah, fuck my ass. "Yeah boy, I've got a three day load stored up in my balls, and it's all going deep into your slutty little hole, while your boyfriend and my friends watch. Then we're all going to take turns breeding you!" "Yes, please! Fuck my hole and put your cum up there, I want all of your cum, from all of you, please! Fuck me! Breed me!" I knew that Steve wouldn't last long, knowing his bare dick was in a neg hole, and I was right. Before long he was thrusting harder and faster into the young neg college slut. As his breathing got shallower, his thrust got deeper and I could see the edge of his glans almost popping out of Matt's hole on the upstroke, only to suddenly disappear as Steve buried himself to the hilt. "Do you want it, slut? Tell me you want my load. Tell me you want my babies swimming up your hole!" "Yes please, please fuck me, breed my hole! Give me your load! Give me everything!" Matt begged. If only he knew what he was begging for! Steve gave a final thrust and planted his cock deep into Matt's neg hole and let loose. The only indication that he was shooting, at least from the outside, was the flexing of his balls as they pumped their poison into Matt's unsuspecting hole. When he pulled out, his cock had a bit of cum still clinging to the tip. Matt swung around and immediately deep-throated Steve. Josh saw an opportunity and dropped down to lick and suck at Matt's hole, no doubt getting a little bit of Steve's cum in the process. Then Josh got up on his knees, and spit a mouthful of cum, saliva and ass juice onto his cock before plunging it into Matt's poor wrecked hole. Matt moaned again, and the process continued. Steve disengaged from Matt and moved over to watch Josh stir up the cum in Matt's hole and get ready to add to the load. Matt made eye contact with me, and by the pleading look in his eyes I knew what he wanted. He wanted to see the cock straining to break free of my basketball shorts. Unfortunately I knew that it wasn't time to disrobe yet, but I could rub my covered cock on his face, which I did. He wrapped his lips around my head and sucked me through the thin material of my shorts, no doubt getting a taste of the precum that had created a wet spot on my shorts. Every time he would try to pull my shorts down, I would stop him, but press my cock against his mouth so he knew what he would be getting next. Josh was largely quiet as he hammered away at Matt's hole with his bare cock, but I could see the gleam in his eyes as he watched his cock pull out the frothy mix of his precum, Steve's three-day load, and all the spit that had been deposited in Matt's ass. Without much ado he shoved in deep and let out a sigh. I couldn't let it go without verbal comment, so I asked "You breeding that hole good?" "Yeah man, adding my load to Steve's. This is going to be one wet hole for you to fuck." If there is anything I love more than breeding a hot neg hole, it's breeding a hot neg hole that's already full of poz cum. The only thing that would make this better would be some poz talk, but we'd get to that. Actually, the moment of truth wasn't far off, because after three days without cumming, the porn video warm up, and watching my two poz buds breed this hot neg hole while his boyfriend watched, I was about ready to blow off in my shorts, so I grabbed Matt and spun him around, and dropped my shorts behind his back. In one quick motion, I buried myself to the hilt in his hole. He cried out in that pleasure/painful way that told me he wanted me to continue, but it would take him a minute to get used to my length and girth. I took the opportunity while he was adjusting to grab my phone and snap a picture of my bare cock in his hole, making sure that my biohazard was visible in the photo. I quickly texted it to Rob, and then handed my phone to Matt who took a look at the photograph and blurted out "Yeah man, that's so hot, your cock in my...." I felt his hole spasm around my cock as his brain registered the rest of the pic, and I let out a moan as his ass spasms sent me over the edge. "Did you just poz me?" he asked, almost sheepishly, before looking up at Rob. Rob smiled and moved onto the bed, pulling his cock out as he did so. "Yeah baby, he just shot a poz load into your formerly neg hole. How does that feel?" Rob asked, but didn't wait for an answer. He shoved his young, hot cock into his boyfriend's mouth before making eye contact with me. "Fuck him again, make sure your poz seed takes in his hot little ass."
    1 point
  40. Experience tells that you can't rely on a good up-for-it session when just when you want it. A certain amount of patience is required, but anywhere dark usually so somewhere with a darkroom - be seen to go in and kneel on the benches when you find them in the pitch dark - depends where you will be but there are darkrooms in Chariots Shoreditch, Pleasuredrome Waterloo, E15 at Maryland Stratford (afternoon mainly, older guys mainly), and Vault 139 near Warren Street / Euston Square - Thursday 3rd Jan is usually naked night from 7pm (shoes on, but nothing else) so a potentially good place to assume the position in the dark alleys / rooms there. I expect there are others. Good luck finding what you want!
    1 point
  41. I said I was gonna give you a road description to find the fuck tree in Hampstead Heath, so here goes: If you go by the Underground, take Northern line to Hampstead. Take a right and walk uphill Heath St until Jack Straw's Castle. It's probably about half a mile.
    1 point
  42. Tricked and Set-up (Part II) He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach. I turned my head to look back at Rod and again he kissed me, deep and passionately as his tongue began to probe my mouth. I was still a little stunned at what had just happened as I felt Rod flex his still hard dick in my ass a couple times. “Looks like my little bitch liked getting his ass fucked full of my poz cum.” That statement had me thinking. With all the fucking and partying my girl and I did, we never used condoms. I knew the risk and figured I might get pozzed at some point in the future, but admittedly I never thought it would happen as a consequence of my being fucked up the ass with full of poz cum. I answered back, “I guess I did like getting fucked.” “Good, cause were not done yet bro. You ever slammed meth before?” I kind of knew what slamming was but never knew how to do it. I figured I would go with the flow and try another first with Rod. I nodded no in answer his question. “Alright, let’s get naked and head to the bedroom.” Rod pulled his still hard cock from my ass and a good amount of cum dribbled out along with it and down my legs. I stepped out of my jeans and tossed my shirt a side and followed Rod back to his bedroom where he told me to sit down as he prepped a rig for us. I sat down and watched as he fished out a syringe and filled it with some meth. He then filled it with water and I watched as the met dissolved. He then took a belt and placed it around his arm and hit a prominent vein. I watched as he drew back a little bit of blood then shot about a third of the contents into his arm before he drew back some more blood into the syringe. He took off the belt and let out a cough and said a loud ‘FUCK’ as I watched the drug take effect. “Now it’s your turn.” I asked Rod, “Are you going to use the same needle on me that you just used on yourself?” “I only have on point and we have to share. Besides you already have my DNA swimming inside you, what’s a little poz blood.” Rod placed his bet tightly around my arm. He found a prominent vein in my arm. Then he took the bloody syringe and stuck it in the vein he found and pushed the entire contests into my arm. When he let the belt go I felt warmth rush through my body and I coughed very hard three times. “FUCK! That’s fucking amazing bro. I should have tried this before now.” “Feeling great, ain’t you bro?” “I feel fantastic!” I looked over to see Rod’s cock was leaking precum was rigid like steel. I grabbed for my dick and felt a shriveled up little nothing. I was confused why Rod got so damn hard and I was so soft and small. Rod must have known what I was thinking 'cause he said “I knew you were a bottom bitch.” All I could respond with was, “Huh?” “Look at your dick now bro. I knew you were a bottom the second I saw you with your girlfriend. I figured she was fucking you up the ass with a strap on, but to know I took your cherry and was able to bring your true self out.” His words cut through me and made me think. Was I really a bottom that needed to be fucked? Would I be able to fuck my girl the next time we were together or would I want Rod inside me from now on? I knew the way I was feeling I needed his cock inside me right then and there. “Maybe you have because I need to be fucked, I need you inside me.” Rod pushed me to my knees and I knew what he wanted. I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock into my mouth and began to suck. Rod placed his hands on the back of my head and guided me as I learned how to suck my first cock. With Rod’s help it didn’t take me long to learn how to suck cock like a pro (as he put it). I was lapping up his precum and it tasted delicious. But my cock was still soft and small. I don’t know how long I had been sucking on Rod’s cock when he said, “Time to get fucked my bitch.” I stood up and Rod kissed me as he maneuvered me on my back on the bed. He crawled up between my legs as he lifted my legs up to his shoulders. His cock poked at my hole as he leaned in for a kiss and his cock began to slide inside me as his tongue began to enter my mouth. It felt incredible to have his cock back inside me. As he went deeper so did his tongue into my mouth. Our kiss became more intense then any I’ve ever had with any girl especially my own. We stopped kissing as he bottomed out balls deep inside me. He just lay still inside me as he looked into my eyes. Rod then pulled out a little and thrust back in. He did this for a few minutes before he told me to wrap my legs around his waist so that he could start fucking me like any of the girls I’d fucked before. I did as he told me and soon enough Rod was starting to power-fuck me. It felt incredible as I felt his cock slid in and out of my hole and I can only hope I serviced the various women I'd fucked half as competently. Before I knew what was happening my cock began to thicken. I could feel it growing on my stomach. I wanted to touch it but Rod told me to leave it alone. He would prove to me that I was made for being fucked by a real man, meaning, of course, Rod himself. He looked straight into my eyes as I felt his dick begin to expand and spasm a little. He let a small moan escape his lips as he leaned in and whispered to me that he was seeding my hole with another poz load of cum before he licked my ear lobe and tongued my ear. I knew Rod had great stamina and could cum multiple times. But now I was on the receiving end of his power tool. Suddenly Rod began to power fuck my ass. He was plowing me hard, fast and deep. I could feel his massive balls bounce off of my ass as he worked away at my hole. I felt my cock reach its full length and width. But it did not seem like it wanted to stop there. My cock felt like it was getting harder and harder. I thought it was about to burst when I head Rod begin to grunt and groan. I looked into Rod’s eyes as he pounded into my hole. I knew what was cumming (Rod) and I knew I wanted every drop inside me. He let out a louder moan as I felt his dick spasm inside me. As the sweat was starting to collect on his forehead he said, there’s load number three. I continued to feel my cock throb and Rod was not letting up. If anything he was pounding me harder and harder. I felt my cock leaking precum like I had never leaked before. It almost felt like I was pissing. Rod was looking me in the eyes as he began to pant and grunt. The sweat was dripping off his face and onto mine. Ever so often a drop would fall into my open mouth allowing me to taste his masculinity. I felt his cock getting harder and larger. My cock was throbbing uncontrollably as he pounded into me. I felt like my cock was gong t explode. Just as Rod slammed into me harder and harder and grunted with each thrust I felt my cock begin to spasm. As my orgasms started my ass clamped down on Rods hard tool deep inside me and he began to dup his fourth load inside me. His cock was so far inside me it felt like he was past my internal sphincter. We were both panting heavily as Rod began to kiss me with a passion I had never felt before.
    1 point
  43. HIV Induction- The Next Day All night Rocky felt the dildo inflate and stretch his hole. He felt as if he needed to take a shit. Then the dildo would deflate and the feeling would be gone. Rocky began to wonder how long he had been in the cage, had he missed work, did he still have a job and what he was going to tell Dallas when he finally came for him. Every so often he thought he heard the outer doors to the room he was in open and closed only to be left there to think some more. His arms ached and were numb from the elbow down. His knees hurt from being on them all night with no way of shifting position. He felt cramped and needed to take a piss really bad. As the meth began to wear off Rocky began to doze off for a few seconds to minutes. He would wake and think he heard the outer doors opening and closing only to doze off again. He had lost all track of time when Dallas came in the room. Not a word was spoken as Dallas inspected the teen, walking around the cage as he slowly pushed it to and fro before the pump working the dildo was turned off with the dildo fully pumped up. It was then pulled from Rocky’s ass as it came out with a ‘pop’. The cage was slowly lowered to the ground and the bar was removed allowing Rocky to lower his arms. The door was then opened and Rocky limped out on all fours. Dallas led him over to a bucket in the corner where he was told he could take a piss. Rocky was so tired and ready to crash from the meth he had in his system from the night before. Dallas led him up stairs to a bed room where Rocky would be allowed to finally sleep. Rocky quickly fell into a deep sleep. Dallas then moved him into a sleep sack and quickly secured him inside. He placed noise reducing head phones over his ears, a special gag in his mouth and covered his eyes with a blind fold that would seal out the light. Then the sack was suspended from the ceiling as the teen slept off the effects of the drugs. When Rocky woke up he was unable to move, see, hear or speak. For a moment he thought he was dead. Dallas was aware of the teen waking up and quickly spoke to him through the head phones. “You’re ok Rocky. I want you to learn to appreciate what God has given you; good looks, good health, and the ability to consciously make a choice.” Rocky felt the crotch of the sack exposed and then felt a coolness followed by a ‘pinch’ on his soft dick. Slowly his dick began to get hard as he then felt his left arm exposed and the coolness followed by a needle stick into his arm. He coughed into the gag as he felt his senses being thrown into overdrive. “You have plenty of time to think over my offer and you know what your decision should be.” Rocky was left hanging there in the sleep sack as he heard the soft sounds of the ocean filling his ears. As the special mix of drugs flowed through his body he became open to suggestions he was subliminally hearing within the ocean sounds coming from the head phones. Rocky hung in the sleep sack all day with a raging hard cock and felt as if his senses were on over load. As night time approached Rocky was lowered and removed from his sensory depriving state. Rocky never saw the light of the passing day so he had no clue how long he had been with Dallas. All Rocky knew was that he needed to be at work in the morning. He began to realize the only way out of this was to agree to do the video that Dallas wanted him to take the starring roll. “Dallas, I don’t need to think any longer about your offer. I’ll be the star of your HIV video.” “That’s great news.” Rocky was given some forms to sign before he pssed out again. HIV Induction-The production When Rocky came to he was restrained in a sling in a strange room surrounded by lights and a couple guys with cameras. He looked over and saw Dallas sitting in a director’s chair chatting with a couple guys when he noticed Rocky was awake. Suddenly Dallas called out; “Action!” A skinny guy walked out from behind Dallas with a board in his hands and yelled out; “A Rocky Pozzing, take one.” Rocky was still a little groggy as he struggled a bit to grasp what was happening to him. He ran what the skinny kid had just said over in his head, ‘A Rocky Pozzing….oh my god, are they going to poz me?’ Suddenly Rocky was approached by a muscular man with a biohazard tattoo on his left arm. This guy stepped up between Rocky's legs with an old, used tooth brush in his hand. He rubbed the tooth brush along Rocky’s crack as Rocky shook his head from side to side and begged the man not to do this. “Please don’t poz me, I beg you please don’t do this.” His please were falling on deaf ears as the muscular man began to work the tooth brush into his neg ass. Rocky felt the brush scrape the inside of his ass as the man went to work abrading and opening up his hole for what was to cum. Rocky began to think that maybe this was just an act. That’s it, it was an act and they weren’t letting Rocky in on it so his actions would be seen as being real. Rocky could tell that the tooth brush in his ass was real as it began to sting with every thrust. It began to hurt so much that Rocky couldn’t keep himself from screaming out in pain. “FUCK! You’re killing me with that man, please stop.” The man pulled the, now bloody, tooth brush from the well abraded and abused ass of the restrained Rocky. He made a point of showing it to the camera for dramatic effect before he put it down and called out; “Rocky is ready for pozzing.” From out of no where maybe a dozen muscular men surrounded Rocky when he felt something stick him in his left arm and he let out a cough, then another cough as the man between his legs shoved his cock deep into his bloody ass. Rocky screamed out in pain as the man was only using his own blood for lube. As Rocky was being fucked he noticed that all the men had a biohazard tattoo on their left shoulder. The men surrounding him were feeling him up all over…pinching his nipples, pulling on his balls. By this time Rocky was moaning when one of the men pulled Rocky’s head over so that he could get his dripping cock sucked. The guy fucking Rocky grunted out; “FUCK! I’m gona shoot! FUCK! Take my poz load!” Rocky had no time to react when the guy he was sucking left his mouth to take his turn at fucking him. The first guy who fucked him walked over to Rocky’s head, leaned in to kiss him and whispered in his ear; “You have a sweet ass. I am glad I was the one to take your poz cherry.” This was not an act, it was real. They were pozzing him and filming it. Rocky began to thrash about some more as the second guy fucked him hard and deposited his poz load. Each man deposited a load in Rocky’s ass until the last and final one took his place between Rocky’s legs. Rocky noticed that he seem to have the biggest cock of all, it looked to be over 10” long and had a spiked PA through the tip. The man looked down at him and said; “You ready boy to make sure all that poz cum inside you does the work it’s supposed to do?” Rocky was speechless. His ass was already bloody and sore. He didn’t think he could take one more fucking. The man between his legs rammed the entire length of his cock inside Rocky balls deep in one stroke. Rocky was lost in all the activity. The guy fucking him seemed to take forever to cum. The slam of Tina he was given at the start of the shoot was wearing off when the man leaned in and kissed Rocky deep and hard and whispered to him; “I’ve saved this load for you for over 2 weeks. Its gona be a big one and I have a high viral load. Welcome to the family boy.” Then he hammered home with deep long strokes as sweat poured off his body and dripped onto Rocky. Suddenly he cried out; “OH! OH! FUCK YEAH! FUUUUUUCCKKK!” Rocky was left alone in the sling as the cameras moved around him. One by one they all left leaving Rocky there alone with the skinny kid from the start of the shoot. The kid walked over and took Rocky’s semi hard cock in his mouth and slowly sucked it back to life. Before too long Rocky began to pant and moan out as he was approaching his orgasm. He cried out “FUCK!” as he had the strongest orgasm of his young life and shot the biggest load of his life down the skinny kids throat. The kid left and Rocky drifted off to sleep. Rocky woke up in the front seat of Dallas’ Hummer outside the coffee shop. He was trying to figure out if what happened was all a dream or if it really happened. He went in for work and he was right on time. As the day went on he kept wondering about what had happened the night he spent with Dallas. He looked at the coffee shop owner and thought he had seen him in his dream. He saw numerous faces come through the coffee shop of men he never met before, v but thought he knew from some where. That night when he got home he had a nice meal. His mother asked him how he enjoyed the week he spent with friend. He was puzzled since he felt as if he had only been gone for a single day. Then he headed into the bathroom to strip down to take a shower when he noticed a new biohazard tattoo on his right arm.
    1 point
  44. Although I love to fuck raw, although I love to felch my own cum out of the ass I've just bred... nothing really is as good as tasting sperm in your mouth. My first sex at 14 was sucking another boy's cock and he filled my mouth with his juice. So I've always thought that swallowing cum made for good sex. It tastes so good and you can really savour it especially if he cums in your mouth rather than down the back of your throat. Yum yum!
    1 point
  45. I like it both. With swallowing it's more like playing. You feel the spurts, taste it, play with it (kiss) and swallow... In your ass it's very intense, more animal.
    1 point
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