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  1. My accidental night…(fiction) I was driving in a snowstorm and went off the road. There was no one around anywhere, no cell service, I was freezing and totally fucked. So I decided to walk towards a small shopping center, I was not prepared so I was freezing. Nothing was open except for a video store. So I walked in and asked if I could use the phone, I called a tow truck and they said it wouldn’t be until tomorrow since there was a huge accident on the main highway that was getting cleaned up. Fuck me. I ask the guy if there are any motels around, he said no, but there is a bathhouse that rents rooms for the night. I sigh, where is it? I ask. He says it’s attached to the building but you have to walk around the side of the building. I thank him and walk over. I walk in and it smells like chlorine. I ask if there are rooms and how much? The guy at the window says, 20 bucks. I say ok. I ask if there is a dryer I could use, the guy says bring me your wet clothes and I will dry them for you. I am grateful and thank him. The place is empty. I take my key and towel and quickly hit the room and lock the door behind me. Room is simple but it will do. I stripped down and wrapped myself in the towel and climb into bed to warm up. I dozed off and woke to a knock on the door, I jump up and ask who it is… Its John from the front desk, I open the door and it’s the guy, now wrapped in a towel. Where are your clothes? I am leaving soon and want to dry them for you before I head out. I thank him again and hand him the clothes. Be right back he says. A few minutes later he returns, closes the door, and asks what happened, I tell him and he says the accident would have made me sit in the car, so maybe its divine intervention. I laugh. Come with me to the sauna, there is no one here, so its ours. I say sure, and he loosens his towel and tightens it again, I get a glimpse of his cock, impressive, about 6 inches soft. He leads the way to the sauna, feels good in here I say. We chat more and he tells me he has to get home soon but knows the roads are still closed. Thirsty he asks? I say yes, be right back, he leaves and comes back with a couple waters. I grab mine and drink half the bottle right away. I lean back and its quiet, I feel light headed from the heat, he moves close to me and says, yeah its really hot in here. I guess a few others came in since I came now and were in the room. I heard him talking to them but didn’t know what was being said. Drink up bud, its hot, then we will go to the couch room and chill. I drink the rest and he helps me walk to the room, but we never make it, I start to fade out. I wake up in a sling, shackled in, unable to move, ass wide open. I suddenly feel something sharp in my hole, I feel it shoved in hard, I moan, its ok bud, its just a booty bump to help you loosen up, with that he shoved his finger deep in my ass, I feel the scratching deep in me and then a warm feeling in my ass. That should take quick since I cleaned him out before we put him in here. He then shoves his cock deep, all 9 thick inches. I start begging to be fucked. He laughs, oh we will. I glance around and there are about 12 guys in line. Each of them were sporting a biohazard tat in the same spot. We are initiating you to the club, you will have this tattoo as well. I get fucked by these guys multiple times, I am there 8 hours and just constantly fucked. My ass is dripping. Cleaning cocks that were in me. They take me out of the sling and put me on a filthy mattress, there is a guy on his back and they order me to ride him. A hot black guy with an 11 inch cock, the other guys pick me up and impale me with his cock. The then lean me over him and he starts fucking me, another guy comes up from behind and rams his cock in my ass, ripping me open, the black guy laughs out loud, awh did that hurt bitch? And fucks me harder, as does the other guy. I am the president of this club he tells me and I might take you as my own. With that he tells the other guy to get off and he flips me onto my back and fucks me like no one ever has. Hmmm I like you, he grabs a little box, opens it and finds the biggest rock, he pulls out shoves the rock in my ass and fucks it all the way in. He pounds me and stops, he cum’s, then fucks me again. This went on for a few hours. One final huge load, I couldn’t believe his stamina. He was a beauty however. I was coming down off my high. He told me he wanted to see me later that day. So I went to his place and he had a nice little dinner waiting, but he was naked and wanted to load me up before, during and after dinner. I gleefully obliged. I became his little PNP whore, I was his, we were together. I was at the gym with him everyday and I was in his bed every night, he also lent me out to his friends. Fully charged with lots of plus sign tattoos on my ass for the amount of poz loads I have taken. Worst night changed my life, and I will never regret it.
    4 points
  2. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 11 I woke in the morning to a text from Zak. He would be arriving around 9:00 am. I looked at my clock. It was already 8:30. I couldn’t believe I slept this late. I text Zak, “See you in a bit…..I over slept.” I crawled out of bed and jumped in the shower. My morning wood fought against my strong urge to piss. Burning pain crept its way down my piss hole. A few drops of discharge oozed from my urethra before a full stream of piss let go in the shower. I aimed my cock toward my chest, drenching myself with my infected urine, and scratched my itching balls before breaking into chorus with “Sugar” blaring on my ipod. I turned off my shower and flung open the shower curtain. Zak chuckled, “Good morning, Sugar. You’re in a good mood.” “Oh, you heard that, huh?” I said with a smirk on my face. I stepped out of the shower dripping wet, grabbed Zak in my arms and planted a kiss on his lips. “Ooh….you’re all wet….sweet.” Zak dragged me to the bedroom and pushed me onto the bed on the cum stained sheets from last night’s seeding. He quickly stripped naked standing before me. Our cocks both boned up in anticipation. “It’s your turn to infect me, babe.” Zak crawled on top of me. He spit on my dick before straddling me on his knees. “Just lay back and enjoy the ride, babe.” Zak spit in his hand, lubed up his hole, then grasped the base of my shaft and lined it up with his cunt. He lowered himself onto my infected cock, and slowly impaled himself on my meat. We both groaned together. I put my hands on his hips and thrust into his cunt as Zak began to slowly ride my pole like a cowboy on an enraged bull. Zak’s cunt clamped down on my shaft. My toes curled, eyes clenched shut, and my shaft burned with pleasure. My ass tightened and cock throbbed. My piss hole oozed it’s infected goo from my inflamed testicles. “You just gave me some of your gono, didn’t you babe?” “Fuck yeah…..It’s so hot sharing my diseases with you.” Zak’s cock throbbed as he stroked his shaft. He continued to milk my pole, working me to the edge. “Oh fuck….I’m getting close, Zak. Keep that up and you’re getting all my cum.” His ass hungrily clenched around my shaft as he slammed himself onto my cock a few more times. “Fuck….you’re getting it right now, Zak.” “Fuck yes….give it to me. Infect me, babe. I want your gono. Recharge me with your poz seed.” My toes again curled. I thrust my hips forward and tightened my grip on Zak’s waist, burying my cock deep in his cunt. I let out a long moan as my cock fired off into Zak’s hole, coating his guts with my infected jizz. “FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK,” I growled, “Take my seed. I’m filling you with my babies.” “Fuck yes…..” Zak moaned with one more stroke of his hard shaft. His meat throbbed repeatedly showering my chest and face with his poz cum. Zak stayed sitting on my lap, impaled on my hard cock. “Fuck that was hot, babe.” He leaned over and kissed me passionately, “I love you, you hot pig.” “Ditto, Zak.” My cock slipped was his sloppy hole, and Zak rolled onto the bed next to me. I curled up in his arms, and he kissed my forehead. We were sharing everything. It was so intimate and erotic. Our HIV and now gono had gone full circle. I let out a small, “Oooohh,” as more discharge oozed from my piss slit against Zak’s leg. “So babe, I told you I want details. How was your date?” I rolled over onto my stomach. With a grin on my face I said, “It was an unexpected turn of events.” “You fucked, Brian?” “No……..even hotter than that.” “Well, that would be pretty hot, so I’m not sure what could be hotter.” “It turns out that Brian also has a boyfriend, and he invited him out for drinks with us so I could meet him.” “And he showed up?” “Oh yes….and when I swung my stool around from the bar to meet him, guess who was standing there?” “I take it I’ve met him.” “You’ve done more than meet him…..you shot your poz seed into him. Remember our blonde twink, Ian?” “Oh fuck!!,” Zak exclaimed laughing…. “His boyfriend is Ian?” “Uh huh……and it gets better.” “Did you out him to Brian as a chaser?” “Nope, but you should have seen his face when he saw it was me. He was a bit nervous.” “He probably nearly shit his pants,” Zak said laughing. “Yeah, his jaw dropped open, and he stuttered a bit saying hello. He was stunned. “He must have been pretty uncomfortable.” “I wanted to blow his cover so bad, but I didn’t. I played dumb and introduced myself to him. I spent the night throwing out suggestive hints and giving him evil grins.” “Brian didn’t pick up on any of it?” “No….I think he just took it as flirtatious play.” “Boy, I wish I could have been there to see it all.” “Well, there’s more. After I dropped off Brian, as soon as I got home my phone lit up with a text from guess who?” “Our blonde twink.” “Ding, ding, ding……and……Hold on.” I rolled over and grabbed my phone. “Here, I saved our conversation for you to read.” As Zak read the texts his cock boned up. “Oh my God, so you fucked him last night?” “Yep, right here on these cum stained sheets, and he wanted my gono along with my poz cum.” “Fuck….so he’s turned on by other STDs too?” “Bingo….the verbal talk was hot while fucking his ass too, and he wanted everything I could give him. He’s a little scared by it yet, but he’s all out chasing to poz now.” “And we helped to kick his chase off…..and he probably has your gono too.” “Oh, I’m pretty sure he does. And before I fucked him I asked him if he wants to poz Brian after he charges up.” “And?” (Zak was like a kid in a candy store). “He said he doesn’t know about that, but the thought turns him on……so this could be interesting.” “I think we need to stay in touch with them, babe……how about you?” “Brian and I already swapped numbers……he also told me he had a crush on me when we were kids.” “Hmmm…...” The corners of Zak’s mouth curled up with a sly grin. “What’s that look for,” I asked? “Just that maybe he’s still crushing on you……which could also be interesting.” “Well, he knows I have a boyfriend, and he seems really into Ian, so…..” Zak replied, “Well, this is awesome!!!” Over a cup of morning Jo we searched the net for the not so free, free clinic hours for STD testing. I called and made an appointment for early afternoon. We arrived at the clinic and were immediately greeted by an old, goofy, queen that if you slapped a purple gown, purple wig and makeup on her, she would be the spitting image of Dame Edna. I half expected her to address us as possums as she checked us in. She tipped her eyeglasses, peering at us from above the frames; checking us out better. A faint, “Mmmm, mmm,” came from behind the desk as we walked to the waiting room and took a seat. Upon sitting down I glanced back at “Dame Edna” to find her eyeing me up and down. She gave a wink then pushed her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose and spun around to continue whatever it was she was doing. I found myself boned up sitting in the waiting room, certainly not over “Dame Edna,” but rather at the anticipation of confirming my poz status. “I can see you’re as turned on as I am by this, babe,” Zak said. He nodded toward his crotch and crossed his legs hiding the bulge in his jeans. Seeing his boned up cock made me want to sneak off to the bathroom and fuck like rabbits at the free clinic. That would be a hoot…..swapping charged loads at the STD clinic. Our names were called a short time later. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. First Dame Edna, now this. We met with the “Nurse Ratched” look alike who after realizing we have an open, bareback, relationship, and that Zak is already poz, broke into her lecture on the importance of practicing safe sex. (Thinking to myself) Sure “Nurse Ratched” we’ll get right on that……. right after we spread a little poz seed. I think “Nurse Ratched” sensed a lack of concern on our part and frustratingly said, “Yeah…..ok……then we’ll get started on your tests.” We both supplied a urine sample for our gono test. “Nurse Ratched” then poked my finger and obtained a drop of my blood to perform my HIV test. “Ok……you guys can take a seat in the waiting room. It’ll be about 20 minutes for your HIV test to process.” While sitting in the waiting room I whispered to Zak, “This is the last 20 minutes before my poz result from ‘Nurse Ratched’.” “Nurse Ratched,” he asked chuckling? “She certainly reminds me of her,” I said. He took my hand and squeezed it in his grip and smiled. “I think it’s fucking hot, babe,” then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I again found my cock half erect. “Nurse Ratched” finally called my name, and Zak and I followed her to the back room. “Well,” she said coldly, “Your test is reactive…..meaning you’re HIV positive.” (Thinking to myself) Well duh…..I’ve been taking poz loads like crazy. I was smiling inside but my face remained emotionless. “Based on your other symptoms we are starting you both on an antibiotic. We are most certain you have gonorrhea as well. You need to follow up with your doctor for your HIV, and I highly suggest you take my advice and use protection. If you decide not to you should have no sex during your treatment period or you will just continue to reinfect each other with gonorrhea. It’s also important that you use protection when having sex with others so you don’t spread your HIV virus to anyone else.” (Thinking to myself) Oh, you’re no fun “Nurse Ratched.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see her shaking her head in frustration as we got up. We left “Nurse Ratched” and I couldn’t wait any longer. I nudged Zak and snuck into the bathroom down the hall from “Dame Edna.” We locked the door, and I grabbed Zak by his jeans at the front of his waistline and dragged him into the bathroom stall. I dropped his jeans to the floor and did the same with mine. Then I spun Zak around, bent him over the toilet, and spit on his cunt before plowing in bare. “Guess…. ‘Nurse Ratched’…. would be…. Disappointed…. with me,” I said between thrusts pounding my cock into Zak’s hole. “I’m…. a…. bad…. boy…. pumping…. my…. poz…. seed…. into…. you.” “Give me that dirty cum you bad boy,” Zak added. I fucked Zak hard and deep. My shaft again burned as my infected discharge drooled from my piss hole. I groaned in pain and moaned with pleasure, trying to contain my voice with “Dame Edna” right outside the door. I was so excited over the poz HIV test result it didn’t take long for me to fire off my dirty seed into Zak. I slipped my cock from his hole and pulled my jeans up. A fast fuck in the clinic bathroom was just what I needed. Zak was still bent over the toilet with his pants at his ankles as I zipped up and headed for the door. Zak followed, and one step into the hallway and “Dame Edna’s” eyes were glued on us. She was grinning from ear to ear. That bitch didn’t miss much did she? As we walked toward the front entrance we had to walk right past her. I glanced at her with a smirk on my face. She fanned herself with her papers as we walked by, “Seems to be a little hot in here,” she said….. “I suddenly have a craving for a cigarette too.” Zak glanced over his shoulder at her while chuckling. “I think she rather enjoyed the entertainment, don’t you, babe,” Zak asked as we walked out? Saturday night was clubbing night at Kruz Bar. We arrived just as the Saturday night event was starting; a beer bust from 9 to midnight. The event was put on by the local leather group with a flogging demonstration to kick it all off. The bar was full of hot, bearded, inked, leather men. A spot light lit up a small stage area where a blonde-haired twink stood strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross. He was a sexy little number with nothing on but a yellow jock, and one nice, round ass with slightly reddened butt cheeks. A hairy-chested, muscled, leather, daddy stood behind the twink. He was wearing leather chaps, a jock, and black boots. As he demonstrated his expert flogging technique, the whip struck the blonde across his buttocks. The leather daddy turned back toward the bar crowd, revealing a bold, biohazard tattoo protruding from his jock just below his belly button. The twink arched his back, stuck his ass out, and turned his head, glancing at the hot daddy dominating his ass. “Oh my God,” I said. “Do you see who that is tied to the cross? It’s Ian,” I exclaimed!! “Holy shit it is him, babe. That kid is full of surprises, isn’t he?” “And he looks pretty damn hot strapped to that cross in that jock,” I added. “Do you see Brian anywhere?” I scanned the bar. “I don’t see him, but let’s get a bit closer to the stage.” There was one bar table open to the side of the stage. What I was hoping for finally happened. We caught Ian’s eye. I tipped my glass in the air to him. Ian’s eyes stayed fixed on us. I could see the lust in his eyes. With each strike of the whip from the leather daddy Ian’s cock grew harder. I wasn’t sure if his arousal came from the attention of the hot daddy flogging his ass or if the sight of Zak and I boned him up. After the demonstration a rock hard Ian proudly walked past our table and winked at us then made his way through the crowd wearing just his yellow jock. Guys grasped his ass and massaged his boned up cock. He wandered into the men’s room, and Zak followed. Ian was pissing into the trough urinal when Zak approached him from behind. Zak ground his hard cock into Ian’s reddened ass cheeks. The assault startled Ian enough to momentarily stop his piss stream. Zak grasped Ian’s cock and pressed it to Ian’s abdomen. Ian reached behind and grabbed Zak’s ass, pressing Zak’s cock firmly between his ass cheeks. He leaned back into Zak’s chest and let loose with his piss stream onto his chest. Piss ran down his body soaking his cock along with his jockstrap and Zak’s hand. A cascade of piss poured across his balls, puddling on the floor and splashing Zak’s boots and pant legs. “I hear you’re all out chasing now pig,” Zak whispered into his ear. “We brought that desire deep inside you to life.” “Fuck…..I can’t resist it anymore. It’s all I think about. I want it.” “I also hear the thought of your cheating ass infecting your boyfriend bones you too.” “Fuck, yes. I’d love to poz him too.” Ian’s cock throbbed with desire. “I’m going to give you what you want and need, pig.” Zak unzipped his jeans and bent Ian over the urinal trough. His meat flopped against Ian’s back just above his ass crack. Zak let go a full stream of urine, soaking Ian’s head and back. He slid his cock head down to Ian’s hole marking his territory with his piss scent. He grasped his own shaft and soaked his cock in urine as the last few drops dripped from his piss hole. Zak rubbed the head of his cock against Ian’s piss drenched hole and cupped his wet hand over Ian’s mouth. “Smell the scent of my piss on my hand,” Zak asked? “It’s the smell of your future daddy, cause I’m about to charge your ass, pig.” Zak thrust into Ian’s cunt using only piss for lube. Ian yelped in pain, muffled by Zak’s grip across his mouth. “Feel my shaft buried deep in your hole, boy? It’s already dripping toxic precum in your twink cunt.” Ian licked piss from Zak’s fingers as Zak began to pump his poisonous meat into Ian’s hole. Zak grasped Ian’s shoulders and pounded his ass hard. Ian braced his hands against the wall at the edge of the trough and arched his back to meet each thrust of Ian’s cock. He tipped his head into the trough urinal, smelling an erotic, strong stench of man piss. Zak continued to drill his hole, and Ian clenched onto Zak’s shaft with his hungry cunt. “Oh, you want that toxic seed, don’t you? Want my DNA in your blood?.....don’t you, pig?” “Yes, give it to me.” “I’m going to change you forever, pig. Going to breed you with my demon seed.” Zak pressed Ian’s head farther into the trough. “Smell that man scent, pig? Lick it up. Taste it, pig.” Ian hung onto the edge of the urinal and lapped up piss from the bottom of the trough with his tongue. “Love it, don’t you, pig? Just like you love my toxic cock.” “Fuck, yes!!” “Here you go, fucker. Feel my cock in your cunt? I’m giving you my poison……right…..fucking…..now!!” Zak groaned, grasped Ian’s hips, and thrust deep inside. His shaft stiffened and fired off its dirty cum. “Take my AIDS babies, you pig. I know you want my DNA.” “Fuck yes!! Poz me!!” Ian’s cock erupted in the heat of the moment, spewing its thick spooge onto the front of the trough. While Zak’s meat still throbbed, he pulled out of Ian’s cunt. With Ian’s head still deep in the urinal he spit on Ian’s ass. “We’re meant to breed. Your cunt is mine now forever, pig.” Zak zipped up his jeans and walked out. Ian stood upright slowly. He was drenched and stunk of piss. His ass was red, sore, and loaded with toxic juices. His cock muscles again contracted and a drop of cum dripped from his piss hole. He whispered to himself, “Wow…..fucking hot!!” He wanted more and more…….. Over a beer, Zak and I agreed I would start my antibiotics Monday morning….one more day to swap our dirty cum. He wouldn’t start his antibiotics until his gono symptoms presented for a few days. Ian returned from the men’s room to our table. He stood beside us soaked with piss and still half erect. The bartender showed up with a round of beer for us all on Ian. “On your tab,” the bartender asked? Ian obviously had no cash on him. He barely had anything on, and man did he look hot. He put an arm over each of our shoulders and kissed us both before tipping his beer with us. “Here’s to both of you. Thank you for helping me express my true self. This feels so right.” We all took a swig from our beer. Ian was evolving into a totally, uninhibited pig. I knew Zak and I would be unloading our poz babies in his cunt again…..and soon. Pozzing was no longer a question of IF it would happen, but rather WHEN it would happen. I was certain it wouldn’t be long after taking our unmedicated poz seed. The thought of him joining the club and possibly infecting Brian made my cock rock hard. Ian slammed the last of his beer. “Time for me to get some clothes on. Brian will be here shortly, and he has no clue just how much of a pig I’m becoming.” Hearing those words only stiffened my cock even more. “Be right back guys.” Ian disappeared into the men’s room. The faint smell of piss lingered in the air. “Wow…..a lot has happened in the past 24 hours,” I said to Zak. Ian returned shortly, now fully dressed. His halo in place….. a bit tarnished, but in place. “Brian just walked in,” I said as I nodded my head toward the door. Ian waved him over to our table and kissed him on the lips. “Look who I found,” Ian said. “Hey Zeek,” he said. “Good to see you again.” (Thinking to myself) Boy are you in for a surprise, Brian. “Hi Brian. This is my boyfriend, Zak.” Shaking each other’s hand, “Hi Brian.” “Great to meet you, Zak.” As Brian stood there shaking Zak’s hand I couldn’t help but think…… little do you know that moments earlier my boyfriend’s toxic cock was buried deep in your boyfriend’s ass bare, and now Ian’s sitting in your arms with a cunt full of Zak’s poz babies. I wanted Ian to poz and then infect Brian as well. The thought made my cock twitch. I half expected to see horns sprouting from my forehead thinking these erotic, taboo thoughts. Ian excused himself to the bar and ordered another round of beer for all of us. While waiting for the bartender I watched Ian playing with his phone. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to find a text message. “Hey Zak. I’m standing the bar with an ass full of your boyfriend’s poz cum, and it’s turning me on so much. I want you both to fuck me right here and right now. I need your seed. Poz my fucking ass.” I replied, “You got it, pig. Come home with us tonight. We’ll fill you up with our demon seed.” My phone again lit up with one word. “Yes!!!!!!!!” We ended up staying with Brian and Ian until bar close. On our way home I received a text from Ian. “Are we still on or tonight? I’ll sneak away from Brian for a bit.” Zak took my phone and replied, “This is Zak!! Come on over, pig. Walk right in….we’ll be waiting upstairs naked.” 15 minutes later I heard my front door open and close. Zak was on my bed lying on his back, legs spread with hard cock down my throat. I heard footsteps on the stairs and the bedroom door creaked open. “Get your twink ass in here and get those clothes off, pig,” Zak said. Ian stripped naked. His cock already boned. We led him to the bathroom and pushed him to his knees. Ian stroked his hard shaft while Zak and I stood over him a few feet away. We aimed our cocks and urine flew from our piss holes, soaking Ian from head to toe. He opened his mouth. We aimed our stream into his mouth and he drank our piss while caressing his drenched chest and abdomen. He began to piss on himself hitting his face, and lapping it up with his tongue. We all emptied our bladders, leaving Ian kneeling in a puddle, completely soaked and dripping piss. “That’s it, pig,” Zak said. “Mark our territory first then fuck the hell out of you with our poz meat.” We pulled Ian to his feet wet and stinking of piss and pushed him onto the bed. “You’re going to have one wrecked cunt dripping blood and toxic seed tonight, pig.” We tied Ian to the bed on his belly with one hand free and tossed him a bottle of poppers. “Take a whiff pig…..you’re going to need it,” Zak commanded. Ian obeyed and was soon flying high. Zak buried his fingers into Ian’s cunt and worked his ass raw. Ian squirmed on the bed, rubbing his boned up cock on the mattress. When Zak pulled his fingers from Ian’s hole he buried his tongue in Ian’s cunt. “That’s it, pig, the faint taste of blood. You’re primed for our demon seed.” I mounted Ian’s cunt, thrusting in balls deep with only spit for lube. I withdrew then buried deep into his gut again. The gono was flowing, and that familiar sensation of discharge burned down my shaft into Ian’s cunt. I continued to thrust into Ian with the full length of my cock each time. “Fuckin pig, your bleeding cunt is open to take all our dirty seed,” I said. “Give it to him. Infect his ass,” Zak added. When the sun came up Zak and I had pumped 3 loads each into Ian’s cunt. As promised a mix of blood and cum oozed from Ian’s fully loaded hole as Zak pulled out of him for the last time. Ian had shot two loads of jizz himself during the night. The three of us collapsed on the bed naked and exhausted and drifted off to sleep in a tangle of flesh. I woke several hours later with a piss hard on and Ian curled up in my arms. I tried to slip out of bed without waking Ian or Zak so I could relieve the pressure from my full bladder, but I startled Ian and he woke up. “Where are you going,” he mumbled half awake? “I have to piss like a race horse.” “Come back here,” he said. I stood at the edge of the bed, and Ian gently grasped my cock at the base. He held the head of my dick in his mouth, and I let go with a full stream of piss. It was difficult, but I managed to pause every little bit while Ian gulped down my strong, morning dew. He drank every last drop like a good pig. “Now get back in bed,” he whispered. I curled up with Ian, and he spooned me with his hard cock pressed between my ass cheeks. Zak rolled over and spooned Ian with his meat buried into Ian’s ass crack. We all drifted off to sleep with Ian between us. This felt so good, the three of us in bed together. A few hours later I woke to Zak pounding his hard meat into Ian’s hungry cunt. My cock quickly boned up. Ian was begging for our poz loads, and we were all too happy to oblige. Zak was already close to firing off another load into Ian. “Oh Fuck!!!....you horny pig. Here comes my poz cum. Take my DNA. FFFUUUCCCKKK!!” Ian arched his back into Zak’s meat. Zak’s body jerked as his cock erupted shooting another load of toxic cum in Ian’s cunt. Zak pulled out and I immediately mounted Ian. I fucked his hole with deep, slow plunges with the full length of my shaft. “Fuck, your hole is so fucking sweet. You’re so full of our poz cum. It feels like velvet on my shaft. I’m going to unload more toxic cum in you, you hot pig. Feel my shaft stretching your hole open. Feel our demon seed in your body…..taking over….infecting you……fuck yyyeeesss!!” Ian slowly squirmed on the bed, working his hard shaft against the sheets and pumping my cock with his ass. “Fuck…..make love to my ass….fucking poz me up.” I worked our seed into his guts in a passionate exchange before firing off my dirty cum deep in his hole. Ian could hardly contain all the venom in his ass. It already was leaking from his tender hole. We slipped a butt plug into his cunt to keep our poison where it belonged and let it do its job. Ian showered up then rushed out the door. He was meeting Brian for Sunday brunch. Ian sat at the restaurant looking across the table at Brian. His hole puckered around the butt plug buried deep in his hole, and the thought of all our dirty cum in his cunt boned his cock. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations as his cock throbbed. He again glanced at Brian with a slight grin on his face……maybe he would be planting some of his own seed into his boyfriend later today……. More to cum, guys………
    3 points
  3. Well, it's official. The other day, I posted about taking my first KNOWN poz dick...and I finally did! I literally ALWAYS go bareback and (of course) I've taken anonymous cock, but this milestone is for me being hiv neg and PURPOSELY, KNOWINGLY taking poz cock and cum. I met up with my 46 y/o white TOTAL top jock daddy breeder Friday night for what he called a "pre-breed" session. We planned on meeting this coming Saturday for him to pump in an entire week's worth of nut up my cunt, but he couldn't wait and asked to meet sooner, so he could drain his balls of the 4 day load he had, before building up the week's worth for the main event. Well, long story short, I met for the pre-breed and he pumped in one huge load. He fell asleep still inside me, for about an hour or so, before his dick finally detached from my hole. He had asked me to stay the night with him and I finally did, for the first time. My hole was NOT wiped or emptied out after the first load and I woke up to him humping and grinding into me from behind. He needed to release again and slid into my sloppy ass again. But he had to force himself into my hole this time, because it was so wrecked, raw, and sore from thew few hours before. Eventually, he forced my hole to take a 2nd load from him. We rested and cuddled a bit more, but his horny dick just wouldn't leave him alone. He tried to resist stroking his horny penis, but I encouraged him to keep going. I wrapped my lips around and sucked and tongued his cock head good and he jerked a THIRD load right down my throat. In all, I ended up with 3 poz loads pumped in both ends, in less than 10 hours! And that wasn't even the main event! My hole is so sore, as I write this, and now I have a new memory and milestone accomplished!
    3 points
  4. Every bug chaser remembers the first time they made that fateful decision to knowingly take a poz load, and I'm no exception. It was quite a few years ago now, back when gay.com was still a good way to meet guys for hookups. I had been chatting with this one guy for quite some time, on and off. I still remember his profile name: Big N8R. His name was (you guessed it) Nate. And Nate had an 8 incher with a PA, so you can pretty much figure out why I kept talking to him. The only wrench? Big N8R was HIV positive. We flirted back and forth whenever we saw each other on, but I could never pull the trigger. I mean, he was definitely cute (rough looking, scruffy goatee, full sleeve tats) and had a big ol' cock, but he was poz and I didn't know if I was ready for that. Plus Nate made it very clear that he was all about fucking bareback and he didn't like to pull out. Well, one night I was online and had basically been cruising to get my ass fucked all day-- no takers. This left me exceedingly horny and exceedingly frustrated. A dangerous combo, as all you bug chasers know. Add to that I'd had a couple beers so... It was about 1 am and I was itching to get fucked. Some morbid fuckers might say I was "dying" for it. Anyway, Nate's online, so you can figure out what happened next: Me: Dude, I'm so horny! I really need dick tonight! Nate: I'd love to help you out, but you know my deal Me: Yeah, I know. And I think I'm ready for it Nate: Um, really? Do you know what you are asking for? Me: I've fantasized about your cock in me for a long time-- I think it's time we fucked. Nate: Ok. Just so we're clear-- I'm Poz. And I fuck bare. And I don't like to pull out. Me: Yeah. Um, if I asked you to pull out-- would you? Nate: well.... for you? Yeah. But I don't make a habit out of it. and I don't think you'll want me to Me: I really want to try this Nate: You sure? point of no return you know.... Me: Yes. And I texted him my address. He was at my door in 15 minutes, and naked beside my bed in one. First off, let me just say I picked a doozy for my first poz experience. Nate was 6'2", decently in shape (like you could almost see a six pack), tattoos everywhere including full sleeves, and that COCK! His pics didn't do it justice. It was every bit 8 inches, slightly arced downward, and one of those that is big to begin with but the middle is even fatter. And at the tip gleamed a huge PA. Turns out he had a 2 gauge in. Holy fuck. Secondly, let me just say I was nervous as fuck. You bug chasers can relate to this. I was standing on the edge of a precipice and just like Nate said-- point of no return. I knew I was about to "knowingly" take an HIV positive load in my ass. From a cock with a PA. The chances of infection would be high. The danger of the situation was intoxicating, but the implications were daunting. My stomach was in chaotic knots while I looked at his stiffening cock. My body was in a war with itself. My ass wanted that cock. My stomach was conflicted. My mind was screaming not to do this as it was too risky. And my cock was thickening at the sight of him. You can guess which side won in the end. Nate said, "You ready?" And I told him I was really nervous about the whole thing. He told me to just relax and that he really would pull out or stop any time if I asked him to. And with that, I dropped to my knees and started trying to suck his cock. I don't like trying to suck cocks with PAs as the metal clinks against my teeth and it's really jarring. So we only did this for awhile as I was very clumsy at it. Plus he didn't need any motivation for the main event as he was already drooling precum. Nate hoisted me up by my armpits and pushed me back onto the bed. "You don't need to suck me anymore cuz I'm just here for this sweet ass." He pushed my legs high and dove his tongue into my crack. And damn he knew what he was doing! Within 5 minutes he had be begging for that cock. I was on my back at the edge of my bed (it was a taller bed-- perfect height for a top standing and fucking me while I reclined) and he grabbed the gun oil. He lubed that big cock of his while staring into my eyes. "Last chance," he said. At this point I just grabbed behind my knees and opened my ass for him as a reply. The entry was excruciating. I had only been fucked by a guy with a PA once before, and it was a much smaller gauge. Feeling all that cool metal at my hole made my pucker seize up, and Nate basically had to force his cock inside me. "Fuck you're tight! Just relax, baby. You're gonna need to relax to take the fucking I'm about to throw. Oh, and by the way? It takes me forever to cum." I will say that Nate wasn't really out to hurt me-- at least at the beginning. He worked his cock in slowly (once that head and PA got past my ring) and bottomed out inside and left it there for a minute or two so I could get used to his size. He rocked gently side to side, helping me open up. And little by little, I did. He started slowly withdrawing and then pushing back inside. I could feel the PA shifting and moving inside me with every slow thrust. In my mind, I knew it was dragging across my intestines, possibly doing damage and putting microtears in the lining where the infection could enter my bloodstream. This made my stomach knot even more, but again, the sexy danger of it all gave me a raging boner which acted as a handle for Nate. "Looks like someone's enjoying this cock," he said with a smirk. "Oh my god! My ass is so FULL! I've never had this much cock in me-- And that PA! I can feel it moving inside me-- it's incredible. Don't stop fucking me, Please?" I begged. That's when Nate knew he had his victim. The more Nate fucked, the more into it I got. The idea of his cock being positive was fading into the background as the intensity of the fuck filled all of my present thoughts. I became a bottom machine on a mission-- to take his cock and load. Before long I was grabbing the edge of the bed and bucking my ass into his cock to force him as deeply into me as he could go. His PA was breaching my second ring at this point and the pleasure/pain was indescribable. You know, that painful punch deep in your guts but once the cock goes inside it's like the gates of heaven open up and choirs of angels are singing. True to his word, it took Nate a long time to cum. He probably fucked me for an hour solid-- and I was almost swallowing my tongue with the pleasure. By the end, he had my ankles in his hands and was completely withdrawing his cock and ramming it all the way back in to the hilt. Again and again and again. The PA just ripping past my sphincter like it was tissue paper. My poor neighbors! I know I was getting loud, but I didn't care. I was speaking in tongues and begging for him to cum. And begging for him to never stop fucking me. And begging for more and harder and deeper and whatever else I could beg for. I remember Nate finally looking down at me and into my eyes, and he got this almost quizzical look on his face... and then he rammed all the way inside me, as deep as he could go and he held it there. He froze in place, body tensed, not breathing. And then I felt the throb. His cock head was throbbing out that poz load deep into my guts-- well up into my abused second ring. Nate just kept looking into my eyes as his cock shot jet after jet of dick poison into me. I found I wasn't breathing or moving either. I was just as frozen as he was-- letting him plant this toxic seed inside my guts. When his orgasm subsided, we finally came back to ourselves. He was still buried in me, and he grabbed my precum leaking cock and he started to jack me off-- slowly. He timed the strokes on my dick with slow, short strokes of his cock in my ass. I was already near the edge, so it only took an agonizing minute before I felt my load boil out of my nuts and shoot all over my belly. He scooped up my neg load and ate it greedily. And then he ever-so-slowly pulled his softening cock out of my clenched hole. The PA was the last to pop out, and it was like my hole didn't want to let it go. We still hadn't spoken a word at this point, and we both crawled up onto my bed and lay side by side. Finally he broke the silence. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah, I think so. Um, you didn't warn me when you were going to cum so I could have had you pull out...." "Would you have asked me to?" he inquired. "No. But if I had, would you have pulled out?" I asked back. "Honestly? No. It would have been like stopping an avalanche." We lay in silence a while longer. Then he got up and began to get dressed. "So that was your first poz load, huh? How are you feeling?" "Ok. A bit conflicted now that its over. But also turned on. And ashamed. And I feel stupid. And exhilarated. Lots of things." "Yeah," he said as he was at the door and ready to go, "Everyone remembers their first charged load."
    2 points
  5. i dont know why i did it. when i read his profile he seemed hot, right? and it said his HIV was undectable. so i thought it was safe. he was super fine. looked like one of those swimmers from the olympics. and he was packing a huge dick. i never did nothing with a poz dude before. maybe because i drank some, thats maybe why i said he could come hang. when he got to my place, he told me that his doctor changed his meds and that his virol (sp?) load might be super high. i wish he told me that before i was already turned on and had a boner. he had a big boner. his huge boner made mine look so small. but i didnt care. i guessed i was just going to suck his dick. he put his big dick into my mouth and it felt so good. but i kept getting more turned on. he kept asking me like "do you want me to fuck you?" and i did but i was afraid so i said i don't know. he told me to lie on my stomach and i dont know why i did. next thing i know his tongue is in my butt and it felt so good. i didnt want him to stop. "if i fuck you now, you might get aids. are you okay with that?" he asked me. i told him i didn't want aids. then, i felt him try to put his dick in me. "hey" i said, "i dont want aids!" but he was already pushing it inside me. i know he herd me. it was feeling good now though. and then he just told me, "im gonna fuck your ass good." it felt so good, all i could do was just say "ok." he started fucking me! i had an hiv dude fucking my ass! this was crazy. i told him "maybe should stop. i dont want aids." and all he said was, "does it feel good?" so i said "yes, it feels great!" he started fucking me even more deeper. it felt wonderful. "i really like that!" i said real loud like. "oh, you dont care about aids anymore now?" he asked. i guess i was just so horny and it was feeling so good now so i told him "i dont care! fuck your aids into me!" i didnt think he could fuck me any harder and deeper, but he did. it kinda hurt sometimes but more than that it felt awsome!!!! "you are liking my aids dick in you now huh?" he asked. all i could do was like clench my teeth and moan bc the pain and good feeling was so much. the pain started going away and my dick was so hard it was gonna bust. all i could think was that i was getting aids but it was a hot fuck. this guy might have aids and i like him fucking me ! my orgism was getting to close. "im about to cum . you want it?" he asked me as he slammed dick into me. "YES! I want aids!!!" was all i could yell. it felt amazingly! he fucked me even more quickly and i felt wet inside. it made me cum bc it felt all so good and wet ! "You're getting aids" he whispered into my ear as he slowed down. i felt his dick jerk as he came inside me. i came too. it was insane! he left kinda quickly after that. i texted him "thanks for aids cum! i loved it" i hope i hear back from him soon. i had no idea getting a hiv dude to fuck me would be so hott!
    2 points
  6. I arrived at 9,30pm, stripped off by the lockers and went to the sofa in the porn room, sat next to a hairy dad with a towel on and started feeling him. He was fucking me soon after and by 10pm another dad with thick cock was up my ass swapping round. Both held off cumming as it was too soon but i could feel my ass was gaping and lubed with precum. Then had a look on top floor with the fetish gear and the youngest lad in his 20s had me bent over the cage while pounding me with his average dick but tons of energy. I know a lot of guys were round and watching but shy for joining in. So I knew they would be up for it when I went in the darkroom. I made sure they saw me go in and sure enough 3 of them followed and I just faced the wall for them to pound one after the other. I think they all came. Then had a wander round and saw a guy I hadn't seen for like 10 years and went in private room for an hour. He nearly came twice and I could see if I let him go he would find another hole so I made sure on the third fuck that he was extra turned on. He was surprised i was taking it raw now and I said things have changed so he knew I am poz and that turned him on. he also loved my gaped ass and prelubed so got his cream in the end. Had a little break to see who was newly arrived and show off my body at the bar. Went back upstairs and one of the new dads followed me to the fetish room. We went on the bondage bed though he was lying down, I just sat on top and got his dick in me and he shot in my after 10mins. Then I went back to the darkroom and the cute lad was coming through the curtain. I brushed his towel and we went in for half an hour of kissing sucking and raw fucking both ways when I loaded his ass. Another short break at the bar about midnight and i went back to the porn area where 2 gym guys were but a bit of attitude. I went to the darkroom making sure my towel slipped down and they followed me they had 8 and 9 inch fat dicks and were going to fuck me whether I said yes or no so I had nearly an hour fucking from them swapping round and I was telling them I want more, harder and big loads in me. They both delivered and that's when cum was running down my legs. The cute fit lad came in towards the end and I stayed to fuck with him some more. I fucked him again while he was jacking off and I caught his seed in my hand. There was another dad feeling my ass the same time so I rubbed the lad's cum on the dad's dick and he fucked me for 5 min before he exploded up me. As I was going back to the porn lounge to see if anyone else wanted to cum as it was getting late this tall lovely gym guy felt my ass and pulled me into a private room. I hadn't seen him all evening so didn't know anything about him. We had kiss as he was feeling my ass and I could sense his surprise when he felt the cum round my ass and legs. I could feel a bulge under his towel and as i took that off it was my surprise as he had an enormous cock 10inches and like a third leg. I could hardly suck it but made sure he was still feeling my hole, he couldn't wait turned me round and rammed up my hungry cum hole. Fuck i've not been stretched like that for years and glad he wasn't the first as I doubt I could manage him. He asked if i was ok and I said god yes i am a whore and want his load to round off my night. Soon he was panting and thrusting me into the side of the bed so I knew he was close. His orgasm lasted for 2 mins and I could feel my hole taking gallons of his cream. Well that makes me cum big time and I shot onto the bed. I sure was a pig i licked it up and tasted his cum as it ran down my legs. Then a last drink at the bar with the last two party guys and back to hotel to sleep though I was so slutty I had to jack off again to get to sleep.
    2 points
  7. Here I was taking this man’s cock raw, Hell he has been fucking me for almost 5 months now. The feel of a raw cock as it fucks me makes me horny and lust after more cock. This is, after all, why I'm here. Hell, it’s not as if I don’t get fucked raw or fuck ass raw on a regular basis, but there was something more about this man pounding into my hole, making my hole twitch and open up, that gets me more excited. As he always does. At 24 years of age I was desired by older men. Hell, even the younger ones wanted me. My 5’11” height, 185 pound body, tight from running and going to the gym was in good shape at least for now. I keep my chest shaved because that’s how I like it, even though hairy chests are hot in my book. As the pig in me became ever more pronounced I started pumping my nips to make them into fat erasers, ready to be pulled, sucked and chewed on. I had seen a site online with men that had hot bodies and big puffy nips like I was starting to develop and thought Why not? I never knew working my nips could add so much pleasure to the sex. I guess my brain is simply wired for this. How did I get here? I always knew I was gay. I regularly jerked-off in high school fantasizing about my phys-ed teacher, but my first actual sexual experience occurred when I went off to college. I was working at the local restaurant chain when one of the regulars asked if I wanted to hang out with him and he ended up being my first, but, that is a story for another day. My first raw cock was spur of the moment and afterwards I was scared shitless. I had let the guy cum in my ass. Would I get HIV? Was the guy sick? I worried about it until I realized I was boned-up, thinking about what I had done. I had taken raw cock and loved it. After that I never asked tops to use rubbers, and when I fucked a guy I only wore one if the guy asked. The long and short was that if my partner didn't ask we didn't use them, and within a year of this I found I was no longer using them at all. In fact, wouldn't hook up with anyone who wanted to use them. Back to the present, I dropped my shirt and pants, got up on his bed, presented my ass doggy style. I always went commando, so I was ready for this man to fuck me with his nine inch uncut cock. His body was still in good shape and his tattoos made me want him even more. Did I mention I could never get enough and needed him to fuck me and share another of his loads with me? By share I mean plant it deep inside of my ass. As he shoved his cock into my body, he grunted, remarking with annoyance to find there was a load already in my ass as as he liked to be my first of the day. He never liked it when we used any lube although, if it was cum, he would allow it. He pounded me hard from the get go, just to remind me that he was in charge. As always. My ass was pulsating around his cock, milking it, and my slutty inner ego took over wanting, all but demanding that he shoot his load into me. With luck I would get another out of him later. I wanted him to cum in me planting his seed deep into my hole. As he fucked me my thoughts wandered for a few seconds. It wasn't that I was becoming a pig. I was a pig. And a nasty one at that. I couldn't fuck or get fucked enough. Anything the other guy (or guys) wanted to try with me I was happy to go along. I was taking plenty of loads up my ass and was even using a plug to keep the loads up there. I started working my ass and it was able to stay tight, even as I accommodated any sized or shaped cock. And yeah, I enjoyed sucking the guy clean afterwards, tasting my ass juices and his seed. But how still did I allow it to go this far? When Steve spoke it brought me back to the present, asking "You okay?" My response to him was simply "Fuck me harder.” He flipped me onto my back and began piston-fucking, which caused me to moan even louder. I could feel my ass getting slick with his precum. He was a big cummer and I usually left with some of it leaking out of me. He fucked me like this for about another five minutes. He was never one to last too long, and true to form he asked "Where do you want this hot load?" with a special emphasis on the word hot. "Blow your load in my ass! Share your DNA with me!" Then he asked the question he often asked when fucking me, "What do you want from me?" "I need you to POZ me, and mark me as the true pig I am" was my reply. Chuckling, he replied "I think that's just what we're gonna do." His veiny cock was thrusting longer and deeper now, his breathing increasingly labored. I knew he was about to blow his load. And cum in me he did. As always, he filled my hole with a huge load which combined with the remains of the load I had taken earlier. I clenched down to keep his seed in my ass so I would be lubed for the next guy that day. Steve never liked for me to linger so I pulled up my pants and quickly left. As I walked down the hall I opened the door to Eric’s room. He was already undressed and sporting a boner for me. He told me he heard us next door and knew he would be next. At one time he must have been a real looker of a man but HIV and AIDS takes a toll on men especially the men of this ward. Eric was very thin now and had a bloated stomach. Soon he would be bed ridden but I promised him I would let him fuck me until he couldn't any longer. He also promised as he has a very highly potent cum and he was going to make sure that my ass was bred with it. In fact all of the men of this ward wanted to make sure I shared their loads until I had all of their strains in me. This ward was an HIV ward and all of the men in it were infected and sick. How did I become this bottom pig? In fact you may say at this point a chaser, since I was more than willing to take their loads. In fact I needed to, but that's a story for another day.
    1 point
  8. To begin with, this is just a story. Nothing you read here has happened. Yet. Paul was horny. Very horny and was looking to get fucked. He posted his usual ad on all the relevant hookup sites, sat back and waited. After a couple of minutes a few replies came in, one of which immediately caught his attention. The headline : You gonna get fucked. The content was of a nicely sized uncut dick attached to a good looking reasonably in-shape guy. Paul hit the reply button saying: Yeah. But are you going to be the one to fuck me? Paul also attached a photograph of his ass. Within minutes the reply came back: Give me your address. Paul complied without hesitation, providing his address. The reply came back within seconds: I'll be there in 5 minutes. Be naked. Ass up. Damn. Paul jumped up and immediately did a quick clean up, closed blinds to make for a dark room and hurried down the hallway which connected the bedroom with the outer door, which he unlocked, and then returning to the bedroom, climbed-up on the bed and waited.
    1 point
  9. The next few entries are going to cover my very recent trip to Berlin. I stayed in Schoneberg for 5 night, I'm typing this as I've just got back my ass and cock are still tender and the memories are still fresh. I fly in to Berlin during the day and get to my apartment in less than an hour, it's a nice apartment with a great price, at first I couldn't believe it but I booked through ebab(a breedingzone user's suggestion) the week before I flew to Berlin I looked through both recon and bbrt to make up a top-do fucklist, I can now say that I never met one person from that list. I decided to take it easy for the first night so I looked at some of the tamer gay restaurants and bars in schoneberg. I came across one place that had a few people scattered throughout the bar, I sit up at the bar and politely ask "Sprechen Sie Englisch?" "A liddle?" the barman replies, he is very slim twinkish type who through some conversation, learned that he was from Prague and a singer, I casually asked him about the places in the surrounding area. "Well Toms is good for drinking and sex downstairs, there's New Action, next to that is the Bull, but don't go there, it's nasty. Everyone has AIDS" I can't get across tone in text form but if you could hear the disgust in his voice when he mentioned The Bull and his facial expression it might make you as uncomfortable as I was. Here's a guy who has no idea who he is talking to in Berlin, in the gay area and he says something like that to a stranger. One of his many favourite songs come on the radio and he begins to clap dance and wave his arms about while singing alone, putting on his own little show for the uninterested patrons, who seem like they've seen it all before. I finish my drink, and leave. I walk down to Cafe Heile Welt and head inside, it's a swank fancy bar, chilled out and full of guys and girls. The bar is full but there are some seats close by. As I sip on my third beer, I look around to see what kind of folk drinks here, seems to be the kind of folk who just out of the office, not exactly people I relate to. Then some older Italian gentleman at the bar raises his glass to toast me, I raise mine in return. We start talking, and he offers me a drink. After a while he leans in and start kissing, then he works his way to my neck(which I love) I grab at his crotch and he has a fat piece, he tell me to follow him to the toilet. He gets up and leaves. I get up after him, and as I walk in he is pissing into the urinal. He looks surprised that I followed him, maybe I misheard him. He shakes the last few drops of piss from his dick, it's a nice size, and looks semi-erect. He gives me a look and then looks down at his cock. I squat down and start sucking, I can taste the few drops of beer that leak out of his slit onto my tongue, and swallow him down to the balls, he pushes my head into his groin so hard that he stumbles back a little when my weight leans forward, he pulls his cock out, the only thing connecting us is the thick string of spit from my lips to his dick. "Would you like to finish your drink and come to mine?" "Yes please" I answer. I wasnt exactly searching for sex on the first night, but hey, I was ready for it. "Do you have poppers?" "I can get some" We walk up the street and he runs into a bar called Schuene to get poppers. I wait outside, as the door swings back open I can see from a glance that the place is a lot sleazier that the bars Ive seen so far. What lay ahead? I wondered. We get back to his nice apartment, and strip off and kiss, I suck his cock some more, as it grows I realise exactly what I'm in for. Oh dear. He puts me in the doggy position, a position I've never been most comfortable being fucked in for some reason, always makes me feel like I need to pee, but I go with it. Luckily he applies lube first, then slowly pushes it in, which catches my breath. Prior to this I hadn't been fucked for a month or two. It slid in and stayed deep for a while until my ass adjusted to it's girth, then he begins to fuck. Before long my legs are over my head and he's drilling my stretched hole. No mention of a condom and I didn't even go to the Bull, so much for that barman's skewed sense of how sex works. I moan in pleasure, "Do you want poppers?" I had totally forgotten about the poppers, was having too much fun. I take a deep hit from the freshly opened bottle, woah these are strong. I feel the thumping of my heart rate increasing. He starts to drive down harder, I feel his balls slapping my ass. So hot! I grip his hips and pull him into me, and deep and hard as I can. He spins me over onto my stomach, slams his cock into me all the way, wraps one arm around my neck and opens the poppers. Holding them under my nose as he grinds away inside me. The strength of the poppers is making me foggy and I begin to fade. He slams harder and faster as I go limp, my hole finally gives away and takes his pounding with no resistance. He moans, groans, and grunts and shoots ones right up into my guts. I pass out with exhaustion and popper rush. I feel tingling in my legs and come to. He pushes his fingers up into my hole, and then his knuckles really working his cum up in there. I turn around and kiss him then squeeze the last few drops of cum from his cock into my mouth. We sleep, go for brunch the next day and exchange numbers... By the time I got back to my apartment it was nearly evening, which meant it was time to get ready for a night out on the town. I wanted to check out TOM's, so I get ready and head out at about 10PM. I enter the club, there is a bar to my right and coat check to my left, there are a handful of people sitting at the bar and one of two guys on the benches opposite. I perch myself on the barstool and grab a beer. One or two overly confident scantily dressed guys pace the bar area cruising for someone to take downstairs into the darkroom. Two Arabs sitting next to me at the bar strike up a conversation with me. They are both thin and approx early thirties. One guy takes a shine to me and tells me all about himself, I'm not too interested and try to look for some other dudes while being polite. He tells me his fetish is feet and guys stomping food and making him(as a slave) eat it from the sole of their shoe. "To each his own" I thought. It's a relatively safe fetish compared to some of the activities I've gotten up too. "Can I lick your feet please?" he asks me. "Aaah it's not really my thing, I'm more bottom" at this point I'm ready to check out another section of the bar. He keeps pleading with me to just try it, then his friend also asks. There is only so many times I can say no, so I tell him just a few minutes. His face lights up. "Ok let me take you to the dark rooms". The dark rooms in Tom's are, well, dark. A pitch black maze, with audible groans and slapping and rutting going on. This gets me hard immediately. I have no interest in the guy I'm with or the kink he's into, but my imagination is running wild with the thoughts of sex I could be having. He leads me into a seated area and I take a seat. He then squats down and grabs my right foot and takes a large lick of the sole of my boot. God only knows what I've been stepping in down here, this guy is doing something I simply couldn't. But he's really getting into it, I push my left foot against his crotch to feel a hard lump. He then pulls off my boot and smells inside, all the while pushing my other foot harder against his dick. He then presses my (white) socked foot against his face and breathes in deep, just like he is taking a hit of poppers. I start to get into it, and I'm becoming aroused. He opens up wide and swallows all of my toes, pushes on my heel to get my foot deep in his mouth and makes himself gag on my foot. The idea of wet socks for the rest of the night is loosing appeal to me. So I tell him to take them off, he does this with pleasure. I then get the most awesome tongue bath I've every had, never experienced this before but woah, it's a hot feeling. After drenching both my feet in his saliva, I'm feeling horny as fuck. So I grab his head and bury it in my crotch, grinding on his mouth and nose and just generally humping his face. Before things can get interesting, his friend finds him and complains he's bored. At this point both men start arguing in a very camp annoying way. "Fuck this" I think, I'm going to The Bull. The Bull is a 5 minute walk from TOM's, I buy a bottle of Rush from behind the bar and make my way down. I get there and it seems from the outside like a very nondescript bar. My heart starts to thump, it's a similar feeling to that I got before I entered my first gay bar in New York. How far I've come since those days, what a difference a year makes, huh? I build up the courage and enter the bar. It's a small bar, dive like, with different porn playing on each TV all bareback, all raunchy. I check my coat in and buy an energy drink. I've had enough beer and need my energy up. There was about 3 people at the bar, so I went straight ahead to the back room. It had an area where people slept, I later learned this bar stays open 24/7 so people can nap off the alcohol or whatever other chemicals were coursing through their veins. There was a fuck bench, a sling, and a benched area all around with guys sitting jerking off. I walk around the backroom advertising myself to those who look like tops. One older muscled guy see's me and calls me over, he is sitting down playing with his soft cock, fully nude. I stand in front of him and he pulls up my t-shirt and kisses my stomach. Then forces me down to his crotch and slowly positions my face in between his balls and inner thigh. I begin to kiss him. Then move to his balls, they are nicely scented low hangers, I swallow both and look up to see his face, he nods in approval then pushes his soft cock in with both balls, so his genitals are resting deep in my mouth. I fondle everything with my tongue, and feel his cock swelling, I then work his cock. He likes me swallowing it deep, which I love also. When I eventually come up for air I get a whack across the face, and he pushes my head back down on to his cock and thrusts like hell. His dick is still only semi-erect so it's easy to take down my throat, it feels nice as it's large but soft. I come up for air and met with another hard smack across the face. He speaks something in German, "Ich spreche kein deutsch" I tell him, "You like?" he asks in a deep manly voice. I nod "yes". He turns me around so I'm facing away from him, then bends me over. He pushes his semi-hard cock against my hole, I try to push out to allow him to enter me, it bends against my hole then eventually pops in. He begins to fuck his soft dick into me deep and rough. He is quite aggressive, I start to wonder if it's because of his lack of erection. His eyes seem a little spaced, I wouldn't be surprised if he had taken something. This seems like the kind of place, plus at this stage it's early morning, and all the freaks are out He pulls out and makes me suck him again. I do my very best to make him grow inside my mouth but it isn't happening. I feel two hands take me from behind as I'm working this soft cock. The person takes off all my clothes, then penetrates me with two fingers. The cock in my mouth is swelling again. He flips me around, and jams it in again, there is a large black guy in front of me wagging his cock. I swallow it down like a good boy. I try to concentrate on both giving good head and squeezing his friends cock with my hole. I get a few hard spankings from both guys as I do my thing. I take a huff from my bottle of rush. I start to realise the sleaziness of the situation, it drives me wild, I love being used, and think of the mentality of the tops using me. It turns me on further. The white guy pulls out and his cock is still only semi erect. He shoves my head down to take care of it. I then feel the black dude at my back door, his dick really hurts going in, I take another large hit, I feel his dick press against my bladder, it's uncomfortable. I'm taken away from the sitting soft German by the large black guy. He throws me in the sling. Then enters me slow. I take another hit, I feel pretty high. He grunts and groans as his dick slams against my insides. I feel like my inner organs are being shifted around, I really want him to stop but don't want to pussy out. "This is what you wanted" I tell myself, "This is why you came to Berlin, so take it!" As I'm being skewered by this big black man he sticks his fingers in my mouth and grips my jaw, like a handle, and fires off like he's about to cum. He cums, groans and collapses on top of me. He pats me on the face to indicate a job well down. As his dick leaves my holes I feel some of the cum seep out and down my back, between me and the sling. I reach under to feel some and smell it, it's a strong cummy smell. As the black guy leaves a filthy looking skinhead parks himself right at my hole at the base of the sling. He slaps my open hole with his fat cock, it's not as large as the black guys, which makes me happy, as I get a break. This guy looks fucked, jaw is gurning, glassy eyes, piercings on his face, tattoos, very sleazy, very hot. He has a large metal cock ring at the base of his cock and balls. He slides his dick in with ease. It makes me tingle, I take another hit of poppers. My heart thumps in sync with the loud dance music(I guess that's why they play it) without hesitation he penetrates me deep, pushes against my ass hard, I feel the metal ring enter me, it's so fucking hot. He fucks away, balls slapping, he's dripping sweat on me, this guy is high and loving being inside my ass, and I'm loving it too. He pulls me into him, and we make-out, he tongues me deep. He grips both hands around my throat and squeezes. I get tunnel vision, sound becomes distorted. I wake up in the sling. The skinhead is fucking me like crazy whilst pushing down hard on my stomach, I feel the stinging pain that I have to pee. He's trying to get me to piss myself. But I simply can't. I ask him to stop, he does. "Would you like to go to my apartment?" he asks me in a strong German accent. I accept the invite. I pick up my clothes from the dirty floor, and get dressed, we head out into the daylight, it's blinding, the skinhead is dressed entirely in leather, he looks like a comic book character. I'm very turned on. He brings me back to his place. The more I'm with him, the more I notice how incredibly high he is. We get back to his and I strip off, he throws me on his couch and pushes my legs behind my head. He enters me dry, no lube, no prep. Slowly pushing himself deeper into me until it reached the cold metal of his cock ring. After some fucking, he takes his dick out, and presses both of his large smooth balls against my hole, he tries sitting down so they will go in. I push out hard to open my hole, some more of the black guy's cum pours out "Oh yaaah geile!" his balls slide into my ass. The feeling is incredible, it brings me directly back to new york during the meth binge. Only I'm not on meth, and I don't want to be either, I've achieve that level of horniness without the use of drugs. He fucks me for an hour or so more, as deep and as hard as possible, my hole has totally submitted it just craves cock hard fast deep. We both collapse on the couch in a sweaty pile. "Did you cum?" I ask, expecting the answer to be no on the count of the drugs. He smiles, "Three times". Hell yeah. Just what I needed to hear. I'm tingling and exhausted, I fall asleep for a few hours and wake up covered by a blanket with him sitting next to me watching TV. What a nice dude, for such a sleaze ball(like myself lol) He gives me his PlanetRomeo handle and I get stepping, it's a surprisingly short walk back to my apartment, I'm spent. I get into the shower and push out a healthy load of cum. I'm on cloud 9, I've decided I need to be here. This was a nice introduction to The Bull but the best was yet to come. "Ich liebe Berlin!"
    1 point
  10. My Dad and I used to fuck around. Yeah, my real Dad. But I thought we had moved past it, until he fucked me again over Christmas this year. It all started when I was younger and Mom went back to work full time In the evenings. Evidently this put a real crimp in my father's sex life, and so I ended up filling in. I mean, I had heard my parents having sex. A lot. My room was right next to theirs and sometimes they weren't quiet. You see, when I was growing-up, my family was very hippie liberal. Lots of nudity. Sex was discussed from an early age. I took occasional baths with my father, or sat and kept him company while he bathed. I also knew about his porn collection and would often sneak viewings of it after school. There were a lot of Playboy magazines, but also some real hard core stuff. Anyway, when Mom went back to work, Dad started masturbating in the evenings. I know as much because I could hear the porn videos and the faint squeaking of his bed. He also almost never closed his door all the way. Being curious, and a bit twisted I guess, I started sneaking out into the hallway and watching him. It was strangely erotic watching my own father masturbate and shoot his load. Erotic, but also shameful. I knew it was wrong, but I still got hard. Eventually he caught me spying. I figured he was going to go apeshit, but all he did was call me into his bedroom. "You might as well get comfortable and have a wank too," he told me. That's how it started. Every night we would watch porn and jack off together. But then one night he put his hands behind his head and told me he was tired and I should jack him off. And I did. His cock was heavy and thick in my hand. He came quickly and it ran down my hand. I was excited by and ashamed of what I had just done. But I didn't stop. Soon after it was "You know, I could sure go for a blowjob like in the videos." And again, I gave him what he wanted. I had already experimented by having given blowjobs to my cousin and my best friend and a couple of other guys, so I was good at it. Apparently my Dad noticed my skill and appreciated the fact. I still remember the first time I blew him and being rewarded with a mouthful of his saltiness, and the compliment "Damn, you're good at that!" After that I was his cock sucker. We rarely talked-- just got naked, watched the porn, and I would blow him. The whole time I was fairly conflicted about the arrangement. Here I was, horny, getting sex almost every night (when I didn't have late school functions or excessive homework). But the sex was with my Dad. Within a year or two, we transitioned to fucking. I don't really remember what prompted the change, but one night just as I was getting into sucking him he pulled me off saying "I wanna try something different tonight." With the porn playing, Dad had me get on all fours. He got out a tube of KY, smeared some on my hole, some more on his cock, and then started to push his dick into me. It hurt. A lot. It took a few tries and a lot more KY, but he managed to get all the way inside me. "Damn you are TIGHT!" I remember him saying. And then he started humping me. For me, this was a lot different than the blowjobs. Sucking Dad's dick was much less of a transgression in my eyes. I was just helping him masturbate with my mouth or something. But now I was being fucked, and that just seemed wrong. It was uncomfortable. It was degrading. It was something that a wife (my Mom) should be for-- not me. I was suddenly ashamed and embarassed that I was in my parents' bed, letting my Dad have his way with my ass. I zoned out watching the big-titted woman on the video getting butt fucked as well. I remember wondering of she actually enjoyed it or not. Then Dad tensed up, an I knew he was cumming inside my ass. I also noticed that the fucking left me rock hard. While my father cleaned up, I jacked off, full of hot shame. We fucked a lot after that, not a lot of talking. And always from behind. Eventually I moved out of my parents' house. After that, divorces, jobs, his new girlfriends and marriages kept me safe from any repeat sessions. Until this past Christmas. He came to visit me for a couple days, alone. His newest girlfriend had to work so she couldn't make the trip. To be honest, the thought of us having sex again hadn't really even crossed my mind. I had come to terms with what we had done, and realized that he was probably responsible for my fetish for older 'daddies', but that was it. Besides, my Dad was around 60 by this time. Well, evidently the men in my family are always horny bastards. We had been drinking and watching football games when it was time for bed. I got him set up in his room and retired to mine. It felt like I had just fallen asleep when suddenly I felt him. It really startled me! "Dad, what the fuck are you doing?" I exclaimed. "I think you know" he said. And I did. I could already feel his erection pressing against my ass. Dad wanted sex, and as much as my adult self was repulsed by the idea (and truth be told, with him, at least at that moment), I knew I would relent. I would again give up my ass to Dad, even after all this time. I pulled off my boxers and started digging in my night stand for the necessary stuff. I lubed up my ass, then reached back and lubed up my father's cock. It was thick and heavy in my hand. And familiar. So much like my own cock now. I assumed the position, and took a hit of poppers. "Son, are those drugs?" he asked. "No, Dad, they're just poppers. They help me relax." Hrmph was all he said as he thrust into me. So many thoughts and feelings swirled in my mind while Dad used my ass for his pleasure. I was ashamed for what I was doing, of what I was allowing him to do, and also ashamed that my cock was hard and that the sensation of Dad's cock sliding in and out of me was such a turn on. It didn't take him long before he was wheezing and squirting his load into me, donating his sperm and his DNA as he had done decades earlier in creating me. When he was done, he pulled out and slunk back to his room for the night. And I was left to jack off in hot shame, turned on like the bottom cum whore that I am. The bottom cum whore that Dad had made.
    1 point
  11. After a couple of months on PreP, I decided to fulfill a fantasy and go to a Cumunion event. There is one in Augusta GA, only 2 hours from me and I made a reservation this past weekend. I found myself with the guts to get in a sling, put on my hood to blind me, and offer my hole to anyone and everyone. After 2 guys fucked me very well, but uneventfully, a third guy was felt between my legs. He rubbed his raw cock against my hole to lube it some and pushed forward hard. It hurt, in a good way, and he went right to fucking me, no pausing to let me get used to it. I adjusted as best I could, and settled back to enjoy his thick cock using my hole. He was the first one to be verbal, telling me to take his cock, and complimenting me on how good my ass felt. I'm ahead of myself because before I went to the party, I posted a couple of ads that anyone was welcome to use the guy in the sling with the hood, and that I was negative and on PreP. The guy fucked me perfectly, deep and a little rough. I wanted to make him cum because I could feel he didn't have a condom on and started tightening up my hole on every withdraw. I could tell that he felt the difference because he started fucking me harder. I could hear others nearby and knowing they were watching made it that much hotter. Without warning he said. "Are you the guy on PreP?" I answered "yes Sir", and just as I did he said, "You better hope it's working." and immediatly went balls deep in me and held his cock there as I felt it jerking and emptying his cum into me. I realized instantly what he meant and knew I was taking my first known positive load. I used my legs to hold him inside me, letting him know I wanted every drop of his seed in me.
    1 point
  12. A FB recently told me that I had great legs, and would make a hot CD ...... from the shoulders down, that is. I am masculine, and like masculine men. Nothing turns me off more than an effeminate man. Don't take offense, that's just a preference. I like men, and I like my men to be manly. But when Steve said that, I was intrigued even though I laughed it off. A few weeks later, when I was at the drug store, I bought a pair of thigh-high stockings. I was a little twisted up at the time, and I blamed it on the fact that my head was so high in the clouds. When I got home, I did a quick half-shave on my legs, pulled on the stockings, and went to my mirror. Not bad. Probably would look better after a smoke, so I took a few hits, put on a tank top, and looked in the mirror again.....and I did look better. Over the next few weeks, I added to my collection: a few undies, a black lace cami, more stockings. I had never considered going CD, but I was enjoying it. I grabbed a hotel, got my goodies, and put up an ad on CL. Within minutes, I had a slew of responsesl I set them up one by one, and by the time the night was done, I had taken over 25 loads. Amazing. I dont CD often, but when I do, I can be sure of plenty of breeding, Last week, I was in Bowling Green and put up my ad - and got 12 breedings. Not bad for a small town. I will never be passable, but you can put a pillow over my head and go to town if you are in the area. My pics are in my gallery.
    1 point
  13. TRUE STORY. (My first story) This all happened within the last six hours. About a week ago, I met a guy on Grindr, and I arranged to meet him. I was quite surprised as I'm not really into younger guys. He is 22 years old, 155 cms (about 5'5") tall, slim build, completly smooth and a nice seven inch uncut cock. He told me that he is a bottom and willing to try anything, although he was safe sex only. I'm fisting bottom/vers, and enjoy bondage, piss, toy, and fist action. Giving him directions, I met him at the railway station, and as soon as he got into my car, he started sucking my cock (7" cut with a P.A), giving me an excellent blowjob. After a short drive, we arrived at my house. Stepping into the house in darkness, I told him to strip, which he did without wasting time. I then placed a hood over his head and handcuffed him from behind, ordering him to get down onto his knees and suck my cock. Bending him over and tasting his young sweet pussy, I was so hard I almost came. I love the taste of young pussy. I then replaced the hood with a leather hood which left only his mouth exposed, and had him continue sucking my cock. I had to stop him as I was close to cumming and I didn't want to blow my load down his throat, as I had other plans. I locked his cock into a cock cage, with the weight stretching his balls. Getting onto all fours, I told him, "I'm just going to open you. I'll just put the head of my cock in. I wont cum in you." I slid my cock in half way and pulled out. I need to have his hole, so I pushed all the way in, fucking him so fucking hard, feeling my balls slamming against his arse. I stopped. He turned and kissed me. Fuck, he loved kissing. I stood up and, as he was a good cocksucker, had him clean my cock. I needed a piss, so we got into the shower where I gave him all my saved-up beer piss, which he drank like a piss boi should. For a young pussy with limited experience, he was amazing. As the night went on, I put nipple clamps on him, keeping his cock secured in a cock cage. His mouth sucked my cock like there was no tomorrow. Using Crisco and clove oil, we next worked on stretching his hole to accommodate my fist, working his hole for about sixty minutes, but even after all the works, I could barely get my medium sized fist into his hungry young pussy. I thought to myself "I've gotta eat that hole," so I had him sit on my face and 'push' out, and got to enjoy the taste a freshly worked, fucked and fisted hole.......OINK OINK. I ended up fucking him and, not once, but twice, dumped a load into his young sweet pussy. Again, he turned and kissed me, his tongue searching for the back of my throat. Eventually I sucked him off and swallowed a fucking huge hot sweet load of young pussy cum. He told me he'll be back for more. - This is a true story.
    1 point
  14. I hardly take drugs and find fuck dates with guys who a wired just weird and off putting. Raw sex is natural sex and I don't need chemicals for that
    1 point
  15. I agree - if there has to be a condom, I want to see if full and dangling when the top pulls out! Even better if he's still boned!
    1 point
  16. Saturn1, I do get what you mean. I do prefer to see real cum trickling out of a freshly bred hole, but with condom porn clips I have seen it is exciting to me to see the top cum inside and then pull out with the cum in the dangling tip.
    1 point
  17. Will power will only carry you so far when base drives are involved. The amount of "tip" tends to become more in repeat sessions and usually lingers longer too. Non sexual frustrations adversely effect will power too. The frustration may just be a matter of having "one of those days." Consider: He wants it raw and the bottom has indicated he can have it that way. Getting off will help him forget all of the bullshit he has had to put of with lately, which he really wants to do. Under the circumstances, that God damn piece of latex is yet another annoyance. Not only will it keep him from getting the most out of the experience, he has to go dig around and find one, try to get the fucking thing open while he has lube on fingers, or be careful not to cut the rubber if uses a knife or scissors. By then his hard-on will have dwindled making it harder to get the fucking thing on. By then he will have started to worry about looking incompetent to the bottom he wants to impress. For fucksake he might get more out of jerking off! But he has enjoyed the bottom the last two times they have been together and doesn't want to send him away disappointed. He's good company and after such a shit day, he could use the human contact. So he'll suit up and plow him. But he's going to do that "just the tip" thing first while dreaming of sliding in bare because it will make him good and hard and more likely to stay that way while fetching and fumbling with the fucking rubber. The bottom's ass looks even more inviting than usual for some reason. Feels more inviting than usual too. Nothing is said but plenty is communicated. The top senses that the bottom somehow intuitively knows his frustration and is empathizing with him. Without words he seems to be saying: "I get it bud. It's alright. You don't have to wear one if you don't want too. I don't take cock in my ass much, raw or wrapped, but I can tell you're a good man and I want to help you out. I know it would make your week to fuck a raw hole. I want to be able to make that happen for you. I want you to feel good and I know that few things in the world feel better than sliding your au-natural cock into a warm wet manhole!" The nonverbal interaction reminds the top of why he loves sex with men. There is something about the mutual understanding that comes from having the same parts and drives that seems to free men from judgement when they are with their own kind that makes him feel connected to some sort universal brotherhood. No time to manscape during a busy week - instead of thinking of him as some kind of lazy slob, another man would think nothing of a little natural growth on a man with a demanding schedule. Not getting a chance to shower before hooking up - we all get a little a sweaty and musky sometimes, no big deal. Yellow stain in a pair of tighty-whiteys - what guy hasn't gotten in a hurry and forgot to shake? Or worse, had to sit through the most boring three hour presentation imaginable with a week’s worth of cum weighing down his balls and a fucking dripping hard-on that won't quit and that you can't do anything about. Can't even give it a good squeeze. Case in point though, the man underneath him, without speaking a word, seem to be telling him it was alright. Using a condom might be the civilized thing to do, but men have animal urges that can difficult to override at times. Every once in a while, they get the better of you. What man, at some point in his life, hasn't lost the ability to resist the natural urge to slide bare into a warm wet cumhole and deposit his sperm deep inside it as evolution intended? Sensing that his new friend understands that and doesn’t think of him as some perverted swine for wanting to do what nature had hardwired his balls to do is oddly affirming. That kind of assurance is something a man can only get from another man and he appreciates it on a deep, personal level. Unfortunately, it also makes him want to give in to the primal need to push past the ring his cock is nestled at the entry of. The bottom has his own battle to contend with. Though he would love to feel that cock inside him bare, he senses the top's reluctance and doesn’t want to coax him in to doing something that might fuck with head later. He has developed an admiration for the man who has the tip of his hard cock right inside his outer ring and senses that a deeper bond could easily develop between them and he does not want to jeopardize the possibilities. However, that same admiration and attraction makes want to take his cock raw even more. He wants more than anything to make his buddy feel good in the best possible way. Give him an outlet for all that pent up repressed masculine desire. Without even making the conscious decision to do so, the bottom rotates his hips just enough that half of the top's cock slides inside him. Caught by surprise, the top's body reacts on instinct and he drives forward, sinking the rest of his sex starved rod into that oh so sweet hot spot between his man's legs. Feeling the top shiver slightly and groan from the intense pleasure he feels cranks up the bottom's desire to feel the top's stiff throbbing prick enter him over and over again. Now he doesn’t just want the raw cock inside him, he want the man's seed, his very essence, too. Another deep groan from the top makes his skin tingle, his balls tighten, and his own cock starts to drip. Brief moment to adjustment and he gives him a full but slow penetrative stroke and holds still. Feeling his new man’s uncovered cock nestled against his prostate gives him a floating feeling in his balls and ass. Looking over his shoulder he sees the struggle written all over his stud’s face. He has enough strength to keep himself from thrusting again, but not enough will power to pull out. “You’re clean right?” he inquires. “Yeah,” the top answers after delivering another full stroke. “Just let get a few strokes in” he says sounding almost like he’s pleading in a subtle way. That hairy little pink hole feels like warm silk wrapped around his cock. Top’s subtle plea melts the bottom’s heart and weakens his resolve to ask him top not to cum in his ass as he was planning to do just in case. He understands that this powerful man is at his mercy. To deny him the few minutes of unrestrained pleasure that he badly wanted, had practically begged for, seemed like an inhuman option. A few strokes later and the top flatly mentions, “I guess I better go get that condom.” However, he continues to slide in and out of the unbelievably hot asshole that’s giving him so much pleasure. The two men’s eyes meet. This time the top’s plea is silent but obvious. “Please tell me I can finish riding you bare just this one time. Come on man. Don’t make beg.” “Keep fucking me” is all he needs to hear!
    1 point
  18. I love seeing bareback where the top stops and you can see the contractions in his taint as he fills up his bottom. Anyone got a few links to those.
    1 point
  19. Part 2 I expected Derek to avoid me for awhile, maybe quit working in the office, perhaps even pack up and move out. After his disappearing act that night, nothing would have surprised me except for what happened. The next afternoon, only a few minutes after his usually scheduled shift was to begin, in walked Derek, apologizing for his tardiness, explaining that he got no sleep last night, barely made it to his classes and was so fucking horny after last night that he didn’t hear a single thing any of his professors had said. I laughed and explained that it was the tina that made him so wired and horny. “That shit is awesome!” He said as he stripped off his jacket and backpack. “Not to mention those fucking hot girls you had over. That was the most amazing night ever!” Not quite believing my ears, I asked him how he felt about everything that went down, and he surprised me again by repeating all of his favorite moments, conveniently leaving out anything involving me and him. So he’d decided to ignore that part eh? Well that was fine with me. Denial would keep him from admitting what I was doing to him until it was too late. By the next time I saw him, he’d had a couple days to cool off, and seemed more embarrassed by what had gone on. So much so that he almost begged out of using the office for his jerk session that weekend until I told him I’d sent the link to his paysite to Lana and Lois and they both wanted to watch. Reluctantly he agreed, but his performance that night was his hottest yet, possibly because of the videos I kept sending him of Lana’s face between Lois’ legs. He never knew I was behind the camera, assuming the girl were filming it all themselves. He kept trying to get them to agree to another bang session, but backed down when they insisted they’d only do it with more tina. While I could tell he was itching for more of the same fun, he resigned himself to jerking on his pay site a few more times that weekend and once during the week. My plan was too successful suddenly, as Derek made so much during his frustrated jerk sessions that he didn’t need to do any for almost a month, only popping back on after he got an email requesting a private show from Lana. When I (under Lana’s screenname) asked him when we could party again, he explained that he couldn’t risk his grades by getting high and missing any classes, especially with finals approaching. It was a conundrum for sure, until I realized that finals would be followed by summer break. The next day when Derek showed for work, I asked him what he had planned for the holidays, to which he shrugged and told me he usually spent most of the 10 weeks off as a counselor, helping high/middle schoolers improve their game. Telling him how much fun it sounded like, I asked him where he planned to live after he got back, and he laughed, and responed “well here, of course.” “Oh so you wanted to renew your lease?” I asked him, trying to sound unaware of his desire to stay in the apartment. He nodded yes, playing right into my hands. “Damn I wish you’d told me that a few months back. I wanted to do some refreshing of some of the apartments that will be unused for the summer, and I ordered the fixtures and carpet at stuff weeks ago and I got stuff for your apartment too. I should also mention that I was planning to raise the rent a few hundred a month, maybe even double it.” “Shit, pardon my french, but where will I find a place to stay this late in the game?” Derek’s voice got worried. “Everyone who is coming back for next year has already signed leases and tied down any place I could afford.” “I’m sorry Derek,” I lied. “Maybe if you get a good-enough paying summer job you can save up enough to live there again. How much does the camp pay?” “Almost nothing, just room, board and a little extra for our travel. Besides, I’d need a miracle to save up enough for tuition and double the rent.” Derek was frantic, almost in tears. “Please Mr. E, isn’t there some way I can stay in that apartment at the same rent? Or something I can do to work it down to where I can afford it.” “Well, I was going to hire a couple guys to help me with the cosmetic stuff,” I offered, hoping Derek couldn’t hear the smirk in my voice. “If you want, you could work for me this summer, painting the apartments, ripping old cabinets and carpeting, installing new lights in the hallways and bedrooms, etc. That way I only have to hire professionals for the plumbing, electrical stuff, but it’d mean missing out on your camp.” “Not a problem sir,” Derek jumped at the chance to save himself from returning to working 2 jobs on top of a full time class load. “But where will I stay while we rip up my place and they redo it?” “Well if it isn’t too odd for you, you are welcome to bunk in my second bedroom,” my voice almost gave me away as I explained my idea, but Derek didn’t catch on. “It wouldn’t be all summer, and once we were finished in your apartment, you’d be free to move back in there, with all new cabinets, bath fixtures and appliances. Between the discount I’d give you for helping out, the money you’ll make, and some extra cash from your online shows, you should have enough saved to stay there until you graduate and cover you tuition for at least a semester or two.” “Are you sure it isn’t too much of an imposition sir?” Derek asked, always so polite in spite of his obvious doubts about staying with me. “Not at all Derek,” I put my arm around him and led him down to my apartment to show him the room. “The other room is so far from mine that it’s practically a separate place. Besides I’d prefer giving you the money as opposed to some guy off the street.” After seeing how nice my second bedroom was, with its attached bath, walk-in closet and balcony over-looking the pool, Derek couldn’t help himself and agreed to move in the next Friday after his last final. The week flew by, with me busying myself with the instillation of cameras all over my apartment and “Lana” constantly emailing Derek to see if he’d be able to get together after finals before she went on vacation with her “parents.” In actuality Lana and Lois were booked by an older gentleman friend of mine to spend a few weeks on his yacht getting high and gang-banged the entire time. Still, I knew she’d be free for one last night of partying so I called her up as soon as Derek agreed to meet up with her that Friday after he finished moving in. From my laptop in my private office, I watched every hidden camera angle of Derek’s muscular body as he hauled his final loads into his temporary digs, before texting Lana to go ahead and give Derek some bad news. I watched the screen as he answered and got a disappointed look on his face at something she said. “Well isn’t there anywhere else we can do it?” He asked her, listening to her respond before talking again. “No we can’t do it here. I am staying with Mr. E while we remodel my place, and I’d feel bad asking him if I could have you over on my first night.” More listening. “No please don’t ask him, I—Lana I’m not sure he’d--- No, please, I- Hello? Lana?” My phone buzzed with a text from Lana, telling me he’d fallen for it and thought she was asking me if she could stop by and play at that very moment. I watched as he paced on camera and finally tossed himself on the bed. His phone buzzed a moment later and he seemed happy at the response. Jumping up, he unearthed a towel from his bags and stripped naked, making his way into the bathroom to shower. My cock stiffened knowing he had just seen a text from Lana explaining that I was cool with it, and Lois was actually planning to come by after her last final too, so they’d be welcome to join the two of us for some partying. Whether he was reluctant to party again or not, he certainly showed no sign of it while stroking his stiff, soapy meat in my shower, working his way to a nice big load. Derek walked out of the bathroom just as I knocked on his bedroom door and told him to come out and join me for a drink before the girls arrived. Moments later he appeared in my living room wearing a loose pair of board shorts and a tee shirt, and took a drink from my hand. He might have sipped on the strong drink if I hadn’t turned off the air, and shut the windows. Instead he gulped while pretending to ignore the porn I had playing on my huge flat screen. Taking a seat on the opposite end of the couch from me, I asked him if he’d gotten settled and we chatted for awhile before Derek’s phone buzzed, right on cue. “Lana says Lois’ car broke down on campus and she has to wait with her for the tow truck so their gonna be kinda late,” Derek read, swallowing the last of his drink. “guess it’s just us for awhile.” “No problem,” I said as I refilled Derek’s glass. “just means I don’t have to be so uncomfortable.” With that I unbuttoned my shirt and peeled it off, leaving me in only my own khaki shorts and sandals. Derek was sweating now and obviously considering joining me. I almost told him to join me, when he made up his mind, set down his glass and stood to remove his shirt. It was obvious all he was wearing now were the shorts, which rode low as he sat back down. “Fuck it is hot in here,” I said, trying to make him more comfortable about his choice. It worked, getting him to spread him legs and lean back a little. “Guess we should get this party started.” “Um, I’m good thanks.” Derek said as I pulled out my pipe and a baggie of tina. “You sure bro?” I continued loading the bowl, ignoring his protest. “You know Lana will want to smoke when she gets here and I’d hate for you to embarrass yourself like last time.” “What do you mean?” Derek said, taking another gulp from his glass. “Just thought you’d want to seem like you could handle yourself this time, and show Lana you weren’t a stick in the mud is all,” My round about way of saying he was boring her. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this but she told me after you left that she thought you were a virgin, or maybe even… never mind.” “What?” His eyes grew wide and he pulled at the cuff of his shorts. “Tell me what she said.” “She… she wondered if you were kinda…gay.” I spit it out like I was disgusted by the thought. “The way you freaked whenever we came in contact and wouldn’t smoke around me, she thought you might be insecure about your sexuality. It didn’t help that you couldn’t light the pipe without my help. Lois even mentioned something about it when they were leaving the next morning.” “I’m no virgin and I’m definitely not queer,” Derek almost shouted, finishing his second drink and refilling it himself. “I just never smoked before.” “Want me to show you how so you can hit it for real when they arrive?” Derek nodded the affirmative and I motioned for him to come back to the couch, patting the seat next to me. Only inches from his sweet-smelling sweaty torso, I got hard watching him light the torch, and slowly melt the crystals, while my eyes drifted down to the head of his cock peaking from his shorts, which had ridden up when he sat. Once the bowl clouded over, I told him to put the pipe to his lips and slowly inhale. He breathed in a medium size puff before coughing and almost dropping the bowl. I grabbed it from him and laughed, which only made him mad. “Just show me how you do it okay?” He barked, before catching himself. “I mean… please.” Lighting the torch I took a perfect giant hit and blew it towards the tv. Handing him the pipe I lit it for him this time and coached him on how hard to inhale and how long. That time the hit was bigger and he only coughed once. Taking the pipe again, I suggested he take a shotgun from me, and reminded him to act like it was nothing so the girls didn’t think he was freaked by another guy. The logic was backwards but he fell for it as I slowly pressed my lips to his and filled his lungs with crystal clouds. I encouraged him to do the same for me, and he thrilled me by pressing his lips harder to mine that time, not pulling away when it ended in a small kiss. Not wanting to press my luck, I said he was doing well and we smoked without shotgunning, so I could check how big his clouds were. We finished the first bowl quickly and I loaded another, bigger bowl immediately, subtly implying that he was lucky I felt generous that night. We were thoroughly tweaked when Lana and Lois arrived, and all our inhibitions were gone. We spent the next few hours taking turns smoking and tagging the girls, Derek purposefully making sure that each of them saw him hit the pipe and shot gun with me a few times. Before I knew it, both of us had cum in our respective ‘date’ and Derek was so hot he ran off to hop in the shower. While they were gone, I slipped Lois the bag I owed her for that night and the girls got dressed and left. “Where’d they go?” Derek lamented reappearing from his bathroom in nothing but a pair of briefs, his hard cock pushing out the waist band. “They needed to pack for their trips and told me to tell you they might stop back by in a couple hours on their way to the airport.” I handed him the pipe as he sat next to me and we smoked and watched porn. Pretty soon we were both jerking off, me in the open, him through the fly of his calvins. “What’s that around you dick?” Derek nodded to the cock ring and ball separator I had put on earlier. I showed him the apparatus and asked if he wanted to try one on. He smiled and said yes, but was stymied when I thrust my hard on towards him and told him to get it off me and put it on himself. He blushed and looked up at me like I was nuts until I got frustrated. “Jesus Derek it is a dick not a rocket launcher,” I said, grabbing his hand and placing it on the snaps at the base of the ring. “Fucking sack up and help me get it off already.” He jumped into action, pulling and twisting the device in attempt to release my meat from it, before finally taking my cock in one hand, and pulling it off with the other. Feeling his hand stroke my slick dick accidentally as he pulled it free, I almost covered him in a cum load right then, but I knew the liquor was all but gone from his system by then and he might tweak out if I didn’t plan this next part just right. Holding in my load, I sat back down and watched amused as he tried to figure out how to put the ring on his own manhood. “Damn you’re helpless,” I said as I reached out, pulled him to standing in front of me, and ripped down his undies. Taking the ring from his hand I manipulated his cock and balls into it with as many “inadvertent” strokes as I could get away with. His dick was leaking like mad and I was happy his eyes were glued shut so I could open my mouth and catch a big glob of his juice on my tongue right as it dripped off his head. Smacking his ass, I told him he was done and pushed him back into his seat. He sat stunned for a moment, while I complimented him on how good he looked in it. “Really?” He asked me, finally gaining enough control to take his cock again and play with it. “Doesn’t it look kinda…gay?” “No way bro, lots of guys wear them, just look at the tv,” I said, pointing out a few of the porn stars waiting to gang bang the girl on the screen. “Most straight porn stars wear rings and fancy undies and even use toys in their butts once in awhile. It’s only gay if you wish it was a dick up there.” We both laughed at that and returned to stroking. When I was sure Derek could see me doing it, I took some lube from the table, covered my middle finger in it and worked it up into my hole. A few minutes later I added another before saying ‘fuck it!’ and pulling out my bag from next to the couch and dumping out a couple small vibrating plugs on the table. Taking the smallest one, I lubed it up, turned it on and pushed it slowly into my hole, all while Derek sat staring at my performance. “Try one,” I encourage him while jerking my dick. “I saw when Lana stuck her finger in your ass before” as I had told her to “and I know that you came in her only a few minutes later, so I know you liked it. Just try one dude.” “No way man,” Derek demurred. “Most I have ever had up there is a finger, and even then only when some girl caught me off guard.” “well then try a finger when you’re prepared,” I said, handing him a bottle of lube laced with tina. “This stuff is warming lube to help relax you and I promise no one will ever know. Go ahead…unless you’re worried about liking it so much you turn into a fag.” We laughed and he snatched the lube, squeezing out twice what he needed onto his middle and pointer fingers. As if he was dared, he threw his legs back so I could see and pushed them into his hole until they were all the way in, smiling at me like nothing was wrong. Still I could tell the burning from the laced lube had him rethinking his decision, so I complimented him. “Damn man, you must have balls of steel to take two fingers your first time,” stroking his ego with my admiration stopped him from pulling them out. “I bet that burns like a bitch right now, but with your tolerance for pain you could probably take a third finger once the sting wears off in a minute.” Sure enough a few minutes later, once he’d readjusted so he was facing the tv again, I watched as he added a third finger to his whole. When that seemed alright, I saw him begin to thrust them in and out, and could tell that was counteracting the tina-dick he was fighting. When his eyes drifted to the plugs on the table, I excused myself to the bathroom for a piss and instead ran to the bedroom to watch on my laptop as he grabbed the smaller of the two plugs I’d left on the table and worked it into his hole. Pounding away at his ass and stroking his dick he was still too high to get off. I walked back in just as he removed the smaller plug and was sitting on the bigger one. This fat rubber dong was more penis shaped than the last two but still ambiguous enough to keep him from feeling gay. Right as he managed to sit all the way down, I announced my presence with an offer to load one last free bowl. “What do you mean ‘last free bowl?’” He inquired, pretending he was just sitting on the table, not giving away the fact that 6 inches of black rubber were now inside him, stretching out his sphincter. “This shit is expensive man,” I said before shot-gunning a hit into his mouth. “I can’t keep smoking you out without you paying for any of it now can I? I am happy to provide sometimes, but how will I make money at it if I give it all away.” “Make money…so you sell this stuff?” Derek’s eyes were focused on the pipe that I held just out of reach. “Is that a problem?” He shook his head no. “Good then you can buy some for the next bowl.” “How do I do that?” Derek said, his dick now totally soft. “Well do you have any cash right now?” I asked, pulling out my phone. “Cause I can call my supplier and get some but I’ll either need to get some cash from you or take it from my sales and deduct it from what I was gonna pay you this week.” “I have like 20 bucks, what will that get me?” Derek asked, his cock shriveled to almost nothing, but his ass still hungry for the plug. “Almost nothing,” I kept lying to get him where I needed him to be. “but I will pull some of what I was gonna pay you and we can figure that out later. In the mean time, have another drink and I’ll get my dude to stop over with some for you.” Within 30 mins, Derek was hard again and working the plug in his hole, unaware that I’d slipped from g and a crushed tab of Viagra into his glass. He was so into stroking his cock that he didn’t realize I had company until I walked in with Matt, one of the boys who sold for me. “This is Matt,” I introduced them while Derek tried futilely to cover his hard on. “He is my supplier. Here’s your money Matty.” I handed Matt a folded up stack of $100 bills that he’d handed to me only moments before when we met out in the hall. Matt knew I didn’t want Derek to know that I was the real head of the operation, so he agreed to pretend to be my supplier. He also didn’t mind checking out the straight boy on my couch. Matt may have looked straight at almost 6’5”, with ripped muscular arms and pecs, tanned skin and some gang tats on his body, but really he was a bottom through and through, who sold to half the thugs in the county and occasionally let them get some for free if they would breed him with their thick black dicks. “Thanks bro, here’s your goods.” He handed me a small bag. “You can have some more if you let me jack off your boy here.” “Sorry bro, he’s straight like me,” I said, motioning for Derek to sit down since he had almost bolted when Matt suggested taking him into hand. “But you can watch me jerk it for a little extra if you want.” “Sounds good man,” Matt said, following me down the hall to my room. Once we shut the door, I wasted no time spinning matt around, bending him over my dresser, whipping out my stiff cock and reaming his hole bare. I shot deep inside in a few minutes which made him shoot all over the wood. “So I thought you said you didn’t fuck the help?” Matt whispered while pulling his pants up. “This guy must have you going fucking nuts to make you go to all this trouble and break your own rule. I hope he plays hard to get cause I would love to have you fuck me like that all the time.” I laughed and we traded the money again and I handed him a much bigger bag of goods, actually worth the amount he was paying me. We walked back out past Derek, who tossed a throw pillow over his crotch as Matt left, and I thanked Matt at the door for the help. Returning to the room, Derek asked me if I really let Matt watch me jerk off for party goods and I told him yes, before tossing him the small bag of goodies I owed him. “If you want I can give him your number,” I said as Derek frantically tried to load a bowl. “He might give you some freebies if you let him watch you do a show online.” “Yeah right man, I make 300-400 a session doing one of those,” Derek said as he fumbled to hit the pipe. “That’s about what that baggy in your hands cost,” I said pointing to the $40 or 50 worth he held in his hands. “He’d probably front you a bag half that size for a simple jack off video.” Derek hit the pipe and we smoke in silence, with him stroking his meat and his mind pondering the idea of selling jerk off videos for drugs. Finally the combo of the plug, his strokes and the tina was getting to him and he shot all over his chest, up onto his neck and even hitting his cheek. As he collapsed back onto the couch and caught his breath, I asked again if I could give Matt his number, and he nodded yes. Part 3 Over the next few days Derek and I worked side by side ripping up carpet, tearing out cabinets and removing old hollow core doors from the apartments. At night, we declined from partying for a day or two after both of us “ran out” of favors. But by Wednesday, Lana was sending Derek shots of her masturbating and sexy emails (per my instruction) and asked him to send some back of him smoking and jerking off. Coincidentally only a few minutes after Derek told lana he didn’t have the cash to buy any more tina, “Matt” texted him and asked if he’d consider jerking off in exchange for more. Watching the video stream from his room, I stroked my cock as Derek gave in and agreed, sending Matt (aka me on a burner phone) the link to a live site. Sneaking upstairs into the office, Derek was almost silent, not realizing I was aware of his actions the whole time. That night I watched and instructed Derek in every move of his hand and thrust of his fingers into his tight hole until he splashed cum all over himself. By the time he’d cleaned up and got back to the apartment, I was sitting in the living room with a fresh baggie from “Matt” for him. We stayed up all night that night, smoking and jerking, Derek sending photos of himself puffing and pounding his pud to Lana, who sent them right back to me. By the next morning we’d smoked it all and Derek had ridden the 6 inch plug to orgasm twice. This time it only took two days before Derek texted “Matt” and wanted to trade again. “Matt” suggested this time that he deliver the sack first and Derek make a home movie jerking off and playing with his ass, so Matt could watch it later. Derek agreed and while he went out for a swim, Matt must have stopped by because I was waiting in the living room with another sack of favors. This time we matched bowls, and I showed Derek how to use the video camera feature on my phone to make a video. Derek excused himself to his room this time and made a nasty video, riding his fingers and the 6 inch plug while wearing the cock ring, before shooting all over his bedspread. The next day I gave Derek his first payment, minus the 300 I supposedly paid for his first sack. He handed it right back and asked me to get him more favors and went out and found a girl at a bar, brought her back and had me film him while he fucked her all over the apartment and even took her down to the pool for a midnight ass fuck. After his newest sack ran out, she pretended to get a call and high-tailed it out the door. Broke, higher than fuck and hard, he texted “Matt” who told him this time if he wanted to get more favors, he’d have to get Mr. E to jerk off with him, and they’d have to stroke each other. I returned to the living room just as Derek read the text and got very upset. I asked him what was the matter. “He wants us to spank it together,” Derek said, blushing hard. “Otherwise he won’t give me anymore favors.” “I dunno Derek,” I feigned discomfort. “I don’t think I am down to do that without a chick here. Seems kinda gay.” “Yeah Mr. E, you’re right,” Derek responded. “Guess we can’t win them all.” Derek went back to room and tried for the next two hours to jerk off while watching old porn on his shitty computer but finally passed out still hard, never getting to cum. A few days passed and Derek kept texting and asking for more favors, asking if there was anything else he could do to get more, but “Matt” held firm. Finally after an especially rough day ripping out the old vanity in one of the bigger apartments, Derek received a text from Lana telling him she’d be back that weekend and wanted to get high and let him fuck her all weekend long. It took less than a minute for him to approach me and ask if I had any favors to share. “Nah sorry Derek,” I said, lying through my teeth while feeling the large bag of favors in my pockets. “Then will you front me my paycheck?” Derek asked hopefully. “I know I am not supposed to get another one from you for a few weeks but I really need to get more favors before Lana gets back in town.” “I wish I could Derek,” Lying again. “But until the next rent due date I am running low on funds, what with paying the contractor, plumber and electrician this week.” “Then please Mr. E, Sir,” He swallowed, gathering up his courage. “Please make the jerk off video with me. I know it seems kinda screwed up, pardon the language, but if you want you can just lay back and I’ll jerk you off and we can negotiate with Matt and get some favors for this weekend.” “I don’t think I can Derek,” I was already hard at the prospect. ”It’s too gay.” “It’s only gay if we like it,” Derek said, smiling. “Please Mr. E. I really, really need to smoke. Please.” “Alright Derek, I will do it for you. But you’d better make sure we get the stuff first and make sure Matt doesn’t want anything extra.” “Will do sir!” Derek ran back to his room and texted my burner. The deal was done. “Matt” would drop off some goodies while Derek worked out, and then he and I would make a jerk off video. A few hours later Derek returned from the work out room, sweaty and shirtless, his shorts hanging so low I could see the base of his cock as he dashed into his room to shower up. When he returned wearing tighty-whiteys and socks, I handed him a drink laced with a serious dose of ghb and Viagra, before pulling out the large bag of goodies and telling him I set up the camera in my bedroom so we’d be more comfortable. He reluctantly hopped onto the bed and his hands shook when I handed him the pipe, so I offered to light it for him. The glow of the torch hit his face and I could tell the ghb was taking effect, but there was something else I hadn’t expected. His eyes seemed full of fear, like he might run off before he was fully drugged. He opened his mouth to say something and I told him to inhale, just like the first night we got high together. As his lungs filled with smoke, I leaned in closer, until he started to exhale, and for the first time in weeks, he shotgunned the smoke into my mouth. This time I kissed him softly as the smoke passed to me. With the infusion of Tina in his system, the fear started to leave his eyes, and I handed him his cup and told him to finish it. Doing as he was told, I stood up and stripped off my tee shirt and shorts, my hard, dripping 8 inch cock springing out and hitting my tight fuzzy belly. “Finished,” He said, setting the cup on the bedside table. As he turned back towards me, I took advantage of his distracted mind and moved in so my cock brushed across his chest as I moved in to sit down. He flinched and tried to move away before realizing he was between my body and the wall on the bed and there was nowhere to go. I grabbed the remote and started the porn on my bedroom tv, and we both watched, our bodies stretched out with our shoulders and heads propped up on the pillows, as a lithe teen blonde took four men into bed and began sucking their cocks and fingering her pussy. Derek tried not to be too obvious as he fished out his hardening dick and stroked it, before remembering he was supposed to be jerking mine. He looked over at me in the darkened room and gingerly placed his fingers over my pulsing shaft. Mimicking his actions, but with more confidence, I too fingered his dick, but took it firm in my hand and began to stroke. “UUUUHNNN, fuck yes Mr. E.” Derek moaned, before stopping himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.” “It’s okay Derek,” I whispered in his ear, using my other hand to press take his fingers and close them around my cock. “Now we better get to business if we want more favors.” We stroked each other hard now, both of us working the other, while moaning and grunting. After a few minutes I told Derek that Matt offered us twice as much tina if one of us would suck the other one in the video. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?” my lips almost pressed to his ear as I said it. He didn’t respond but closed his eyes, the ghb was now totally in control of him. I took my hand away from his cock and reached over and picked up the pipe, pressing it to his mouth. Lighting it, he inhaled as soon as I whispered “go.” Eyes still closed, I waited until he finished inhaling, then rolled over on top of him and French kissed him, sucking the clouds from his lungs and into mine. With his arms pinned under my knees on either side of him, I sat up a little and took another hit and blew it back into him. This time when I pulled away, he sat up a little, chasing my lips as if he wanted more. I smiled the smile of a victorious man and sank down to his crotch level, releasing him from my body weight and asked again. “Would you like me to suck you Derek?” Without waiting for his answered I swallowed his cock almost to the base, eliciting a moan and causing both of his hands to grab my hair and try to force me deeper. I deep throated him for a few minutes while my hands snuck under the blanket and brought out the laced lube. He gasped as my thick middle digit pierced his hole and burrowed deep into him. Something resembling the words “my butt’s burning” escaped his mouth but I only added more fingers until three were inside him. Thicker than his own fingers, three of mine were easily as thick as the plug he was now used to, but the plug didn’t spread and stretch the hole like my fingers were. A whimper and some leg action to push away from me told me Derek was trying to make an escape and I chortled at how pitiful his attempt was due to his drugged state of mind. Still I wasn’t a total ass, so I ripped my fingers from his hole, bringing him to a small scream, before, climbing back up his chest, re-pinning his arms beneath my thighs and slapping my cock against his mouth. His glassy eyes opened wide and he tried to turn his head, but I’d have none of that. “Your turn, Derek.” I said, sliding my cock head between his lips. “Come on now, I am doing this because you asked me to, so take my dick in your mouth, and no teeth.” “GmHpphrrmm” came out around my dick, and I freed it for a second to hear his final thoughts on the matter. “Getuff me, youkint dothiz. I dunt wantuh sukeur dick.” “Look at me Derek, Look at me!” I took my dick away, swung my hand down and smacked him just hard enough to bring him to full attention for a moment. His eyes met mine as I smiled and leaned closer. “You asked me to make this video with you, you practically begged. You even offered to do all the work just so you could get a fix. So now you’re going to do what you need to do to earn your baggy and you can relax and accept it and maybe have an okay time or you can fight me and try to get away and end up torn open and used like an old paper bag. It is up to you, but make no mistake. You will take my cock in your mouth and suck my dick and anything else I tell you to do or I will kick your ass to the curb, cut off your supply of goodies, and send the video of you smoking, stroking and stuffing your slutty ass to the dean, your parents and all of your old teammates. You’ll be kicked out of school, disowned, shunned, and you’re still going to end up sucking dick, mine or some other dealer’s. Now open wide if we understand one another.” “Fuck you faggot.” Derek said, on the verge of tears. Slamming the lids shut, he swallowed hard and opened his mouth. I straightened up again and moved my dick onto his virgin tongue, forcing it back into his throat. He gagged at first but I explained that he’d need to breathe through his nose when he could as I pushed it further and cut off his air supply. Thrashing and bucking his eyes popped open but he avoided using his teeth and did his best to take what I gave him. When he began to get the hang of it I reached back, took a large crystal from the bedside table and speared it up into Derek’s boyhole, eliciting a squeal from around my dick. I plugged it up with the same plug he’d been so fond of only days before, and gave his shriveled tina dick and jiggle as I returned my attention to throat fucking the fight out of him for another 5 minutes or so. Sufficiently satisfied that he’d gotten me to full mast and provided enough snot and slobber, I withdrew all the way and climbed off of him. Curling up, he coughed and whimpered, scooting himself towards the head of the bed and mumbling something like wudyaduduma as he went. “What did I do to you?” He nodded and reached to remove the plug, but my hand was faster and I pinned his wrist and shook my head in disapproval. “You’ll want that where it is for now, trust me. As for what I did, I gave you exactly what you wanted, the high of your life. Your drink was spiked with ghb, aka the date rape drug, and you downed it so fast I am amazed you didn’t pass out. What you should be asking is what do I have planned for you. That one is much more interesting, but I think I should show you instead of telling you.” I grabbed Derek’s toned legs and twisted until he had no choice but to flip onto his stomach. Pulling him by the ankles, I worked him toward me until his knees were off the mattress, before separating them with my own legs and climbing up between his toned smooth thighs. Reaching out I plucked the butt plug from its home in one foul swoop. Bucking in protest, I caught sight of Derek’s face in the mirror in my headboard and knew that he’d finally figured out what was coming. His hands shot out in front of him, wildly grasping the bedspread in hopes of pulling himself to safety, but without any traction from his legs, he was out of luck. Inching closer, my hands reached out to where the lube had been concealed and retrieved a steady cam remote. With the press of a button the TV screen switched over to a live feed from all the many cameras hidden around the bedroom and I scrolled through them until I found the one I wanted: a hidden camera in the alarm clock, angled just right to see Derek’s face. Animal instinct and primal fear were evident in his face, suggesting he’d given up the urge to fight and was now relying on flight to save him. Setting down the remote and spreading his ass cheeks with one hand, I clasped the other to his neck, immobilizing his movement just slightly, and turning the look on his face into a look of defeat. “No.” was the last coherent word I made out from him that night, when my massive cock head slid up against his sphincter and pressed in. Derek lost his ability to process language when the pressure got higher and my butt cheeks clenched, drawing my dick forward until it burst into Derek’s virgin hole. Adrenaline and pain combined to make his body seize forward, but only until it bounced against the mattress and sprung back, causing my cock to go further. Taking his ensuing screech as an invitation, I sunk my staff all the way in until my body was pressed tight to his own. Sobs rocked his chest when I felt my cock pierce a third pulsing ring, so the boy who’d done nothing but respect and obey me from day one was in pain and I was causing it. It was clear to me that I had to pull myself off, beg his forgiveness and fix what I’d done, but all of that was forgotten when I started to pull out and his asshole grasped my helmet and squeezed enticingly. I sunk back deeper still into his hole, and he gasped, then sobbed again. With all my will power I managed to pull out almost half way before a different muscle gripped and wouldn’t let me out. Accordingly I slammed back in again, followed by a bigger gasp and quieter sobs. Finally I speedily reared back until I was almost free, this time his outer hole closing tight, locking my bulbous cockhead inside. Not one to argue with physiology I figured that whatever his mind had to tell itself about hating what was happening, his butt was not about to let it stop. Pumping slowly at first then faster, I worked myself up until I was truly fucking the former virgin beneath my roaring form. Glancing up I saw that Derek’s face was no longer contorted in pain as it had been upon my initial entry, but the tv now showed it to be conflicted, upset but intrigued. Scooting back until my feet touched the ground, while pulling his semi-conscious form along, I repositioned myself and spun him around until he was on his back, my cock never leaving his bowels. Sure enough, he was as hard as I was, maybe harder and pulsing along with no help from his or my hand. Arms limp above him and tear streaked head rolling from side to side I resumed my pounding, now faster and deeper with his legs over my forearms. He suddenly came to life and moved his arms to my chest to push me away. Beating against my hairy pecs with all the strength his drugged body could muster, he moaned and sucked in breath, until his eyes popped open, his abs tightened and his ass milked me like nothing I’d ever felt. Unable to speak, I shot my gaze deep into his and grunted to warn that he was about to receive my sperm. Almost as if he understood me, he nodded once, then his hands, which had been fighting me off, reached out and grabbed my hips and my neck, pulling me in deeper on each thrust. Before I could impregnate my straight victim, his neck arched, his chest puffed up and his untouched cock began to shoot all over both of us, soaking my furry chin, chest and abs, as well as his smooth lips, nose, adam’s apple, and down to his belly button. This was exactly what I had hoped for the first day we met, except for one final thing. Then suddenly it was complete. My uretha swelled and opened as I shot stream after stream of hot meth-laced semen so deep in his ass that it might still be there. Counting when I watched the video later, it looks from the outside like I shot at least 12 hard shots and another 15 or so medium sized spurts before my balls gave out and I collapsed onto Derek’s delirious body. When I came to a few minutes later, Derek was also just regaining consciousness and mumbling. When both of our eyes focused and he realized it was really happening, he shook his head for a second, then closed his eyes, turned his head away from me, and squeezed my cock with his hole. “More huh?” I asked, my hoarse voice full of lust. His hands reached down and squeezed my ass cheeks then fell to his sides. His will was broken and his ass was mine. I shot another load in him before I ever pulled out, and managed another two loads, one in his throat and one both on his asshole and inside it, before the drugs completely wore off. He came once more, in the shower, while crying, after I dumped him there once I was done. When he was sober enough to get out, he locked himself in his room with his party favors, the plug I left inside him to keep my loads in, and a copy of the video we’d just made. Over the next few hours he smoked the last of the tina and tried not to freak out. Watching via the hidden cams, I saw as he texted Lana, receiving no response, before struggling and finally taking his phone and texting someone else. Hearing a buzz I looked over and saw “Matt’s” phone had a new message. It said: ‘have vid u requested. should b worth 2x what u gave me or more. If u like it enuf I can make sequel.’ Attached was a clip from the video of me sucking Derek’s dick and another clip of me pounding his hole Typing furiously I responded: ‘If ur willing 2 do that, maybe we can work it out so u never have 2 pay. I have friends 4 u 2 meet and service.’ Watching the camera, I saw him start to work the plug in his ass. Reading the response, he took a deep breath and typed back: ‘Whatever u want but I need more stuf asap. I want 2 be so hi I dont remember what I did 2day.’ My smile widened and I picked up the pipe and a bottle of g off the table before responding: ’ever been 2 rest stop on hwy 85? Its worth 3x as much if I can c u with other guys there.’ ‘just tell me when n where 2 go. I need 2 get hi now.’ The end of part 3
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  20. I always practice with a bit dildo just to stay in practice
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  21. I finished my Saturday at Liquid at Ybor City. I wasn't planning on anything happening since I was with a friend, but as I went to buy a few more drinks I accidentally bounced into a hot black guy, about 5'10", toned, and hung. He was shirtless and not wearing much. Can't recall what else happened but next thing I find myself back against a corner wall making out and stroking his thick dick (I think it was 8"). I remember telling him I want to taste his dick, so we went to his car (ugh what a trek ... busy busy in the area). We get in the back seat of his car, and then he takes his hard dick out which I swallow to the pubes. I wanted to tate his load, but he flipped me on my stomach before busting his load. He rimmed me for a few minutes which made my hole nice and loose. He spat on my hole and slowly pushed his raw dick in my hole. Once he got it all in, he fucked me hard and rough for only about five minutes and then unloaded a huge load deep in my ass. I don't do ATM often, and wasn't in the mood for it, but he flipped me on my back and ordered me to suck his dick clean. So I did. After a few minutes of oral he pulled out, put his little amount of clothes back on, and kicked me out of his car. Omg I wanted more! So I only got 1 load.
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  22. Was out in Seattle for a few days, got on BBRT and there was a guy 800ft from where I was staying. Sent him a message, he wanted to fuck, so we met up at the street corner. Neither of us could use our places so we went off into the woods and i leaned against a tree. He ate my ass a bit, pushed in his cock, fucked me til he blew, and we parted ways. No idea what his status was.
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  23. Part 2: no more poz dicks! Remember that hiv dude? I let him fuck me. It felt super but then I regreted it quickly after that. I mean he's very hot and his dick felt so good. But I need to make smarter choices. I know I dont always make the smart choices but I try. Troy (the hiv guy) kept texting me wanting to bred me some more. So I told him I dont want any more poz dicks to fuck me. But he kept perssisting on to fuck me. He asked me if I enjoyed it the last time. I was honest and said "I really liked it!!!" when I texted him. But i also told him I was scared, right? Troy told me that I was gonna get hiv anyway because I liked sex with poz guys. I guess that was true. Nobody's dick ever felt better in my butthole. Man, I really wanted to feel him cum in my butt again. Like now! I tryed to ignore all his texts. I guess I gave in, though last night. He kept sending me sexy texts like "you want to beg for my aids cum again?" and i told him to stop sending those. "please stop. you're giving me a boner!" I sent back, he explaned to me that I got a boner because i wanted to get fucked by him. that was kinda true. He offred to come over and just suck my dick and thats all he would do if thats all i wanted. That sounded like a good idea. I needed my boner to go away. I had so many boners thinking about troy since then. Maybe this would help, right? Neway, he came over and he sucked my dick. I had an hiv dude sucking my dick! Damn, it felt great. "you want me to fuck your ass again?" he asked me. Damn, why did he ask me that? i told him "please dont ask me that when i have a boner." and he just kept saying things like, "u know u want it. i'll fuck my aids cum into you again and you will love it." then he sucked my dick some more. why did he put those thoughts in my head? my boner was so tight and i looked down and saw that big dick as he sucked on me. i wanted it. suddenly, i just said, "yeah! fuck me again!" he spinned me around so quickly and pushed me up against the wall right away. then i felt his tongue in my butthole again. "that feels great!" i said. i knew i should tell him to stop but that dick would feel so good. i couldnt decide what to do!
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  24. Damn that was hot!! I want my ass fucked the same way!
    1 point
  25. I doubt a lot of guys are on prep. I don't know if insurance covers it. I think Truvada is the only drug and I think it costs $1000 for a month. The safest guys are undetectable. They can't pass it on, and they can't get it because they already have it. where if someone says they are negative, they might be lying or not know they are poz.
    1 point
  26. I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. I don't necessarily equate something being "taboo" with something being "wrong". It might just mean it's something out of the ordinary, or different, than what someone is used to. A lot of people didn't grow up around a lot of blacks, they didn't lose their virginity or date anybody black until a certain age, and the extent of their exposure is the media, porn, etc. So when they finally hook-up/date somebody outside of their race, it is a bit taboo just because it's new and different. Personally, I only knew a handful of blacks growing up. It wasn't until I joined the military that I was around a good amount of blacks and I quickly realized they were cool as hell. I actually enjoyed hanging out with the black guys in my fleet over the white guys. The way they talked and joked and how they acted was different than what I was used to. Maybe that was part of why I was drawn to them, but it was different. This was before I discovered this part of myself, but I sometimes wonder about getting a black guy in bed with me. It would be fun just because it would be different. "Taboo", even.
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  27. I agree with BBPaulZA, what did he think was gonna happen,,lol You let a guy fuck you bare? I said it in another thread, if your dick gets into my ass bare, I want/expect your cum in my ass. I'm actually afraid if I pulled the, "Please don't cum in me!" gag while being fucked bare, the guy would actually think I'm serious and pull out. Scary thought.
    1 point
  28. Same here - I love bareback but do not do drugs of any kind
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  29. I love CUM, Giving and getting, but have no interest in drugs at all. there are those of us out there that Bareback but don't do drugs.
    1 point
  30. 28 years old white sub cumdump will be visiting Dallas from April 6-13 staying at La Quinta Inn in the Uptown area. Would love to set up a group or gangbang if possible. Is anybody interested?
    1 point
  31. Fraternity Life Let me start off by telling you a little about myself. My name is Chase Davenport, I'm 18, a former high school jock in great shape at 6' with a tight body, bond hair, blue eyes and a girlfriend who's still back home I high school. I'm a freshman at a prominent university where I was selected to pledge a very exclusive fraternity. They don't hold a formal rush, but instead will send a invitation to select individuals. The cool thing about this fraternity it's that there were no annual dues. Do you can imagine my surprise when I received an invitation to become their newest member. I didn't hesitate and responded with a yes before I learned that in becoming a member I would be required to move into the frat house and they didn't charge to live in the house. That actually was not an issue for me and the next weekend I moved my things into the house. It was an extremely hot day for the end of summer and after I had gotten settled into my room I needed a shower. The showers at the frat house were your typical locker room showers, a big open tiled area with two rows of shower heads I either side. I had just turned off the water and was dying off when a large group of the fraternity brothers piled into the bathroom. Before I know it i was picked up and carried down to the basement. I heard the guys say it was time to initiate my ass into the frat. When we got the basement where I could hear a few of the brothers commenting on 'How cool it was going to be to break my ass and throat in' as I was held down. With all the bodies in the way I couldn't see what was going on as I felt something tight being place on my upper arm followed by a cool sensation and then a pinch. Suddenly the guys holding me down let up and whatever was tight on my arm was removed. I began to uncontrollably cough as I felt my heart beginning to race. It felt like my skin was on fire and I had a strange feeling of horniness I had never felt before. Suddenly the hand that were holding me down were gone as I could now see the fraternity brothers standing around me quickly losing their clothes off as a couple of the guys helped me to my knees. I thought I heard someone instruct those helping me up 'make sure he's in the middle of the room so all the camera have a good view of the action.' Next thing I knew the fraternity president was standing before me with his cock in hand pointing it directly towards my mouth. I was then told that to open up, it's time to lean how to suck cock. As I hesitated I could hear sometime say that they expected to earn a bundle I this initiation video. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder as I I urged to let the cock before me in my mouth. As the hard cock slid into my mouth I began to feel a strong urge for sex, sex if any kind. It felt strange to be sucking a cock but it felt strange in a good way. It felt natural to me as numerous hands began to roam all over my body. The hands felt incredible as a couple of them pinched my nipples a couple times. The cock in my mouth began to go deeper and deeper till it was hitting the back of my throat almost gagging me with every bob of my head down. Then, without warring I felt a hand on the back of my head as the cock was divided into my throat. As my head was released so I could get a breath as sometime whispered into my ear that if I breathe through my nose as I take the cock into my mouth then it will be easier taking deeper. As I followed those instructions I began to feel the cock in my mouth getting harder. I felt the hand back on my head as I could hear the fraternity president's breathing getting deeper and faster. I knew from personal experience what was about to happen and had no was to avoid the inevitable. I was then told to swallow every drop as I felt the president's cock start to pulse as my mouth began to fill with his cum. To my surprise it didn't taste that bad, actual I kind of liked it, kind of sweet and salty all in one. He came so much I struggled to swallow it all as he pulled out letting tbs last couple spurts hit my face and the little bit I could swallow dribble down my chin. As I was trying to recover I was moved to a bench and place on all fours as another brother took the president's place at my head. Instead of giving me his cock he bent down, licked the cum from my face and then kissed me shoving his tongue setup into my mouth. By now I was lost in ask the sensations and kissed him back as I felt someone starting to lick my ass. I couldn't resist and began to moan as the kiss ended and I had another cock to suck. This time I began to suck this brother's cock with enthusiasm while moaning as my ass was not just being licked, it felt like the guy was digging his tongue inside my hole. I kept stuck in the cock in my mouth as I felt the licking suddenly stop as the cock was pulled from my mouth and I was urged to look over my shoulder as I saw a stud standing behind me with what I guessed was a 9" cock. The stud lowered it towards my hole as I felt the tip partying against the entrance as he applied steady pressure as the stud had a good group on my hips. As I felt the head start to poke inside me I expected to feel sharp pains, but it wasn't painful at all as the stud working his cock inside me slowly pulled it out, looking down at me. I was feeling a emptiness even though he only had a small portion of his cock inside me, after the tongue and now the cock that was removed had me feeling empty inside, I felt like I needed something stuck inside me and the only thing that was being offered was his cock. I looked at him and asked him to stick his cock back inside me. He looked at me like he didn't hear me do I repeated what I had said a little louder if he would stick his cock back inside me and finally added fuck me, pleases fuck me! Once I said that he slid his cock inside me balls deep I one thrust. Now I felt a little bit of pain but that was lost as someone place a rag in my mouth and told me to breath I deep through my mouth a couple times. After the rag was removed a bottle was placed under my nose and as the stud began fucking me I felt a warmth rush over my body and the little but if pain I was feeling was gone. Now I just felt a pleasure I could not describe as I wondered if this was he my girlfriend felt when I fucked her. While I was fucked in the ass I was given a cock to suck. The stud fucking me muddy of had tremendous stamina since I had sucked about 6 cocks and swallow just as many loads. I'm that time it felt as if he was going to cum as I could feel his cock thickened and thought his breathing quickened. When he finally pulled out I thought I felt a good amount of something leaking from my well used hole. I lost track of time as one after another each brother fucked me while I sucked someone's cock. I was given a break to get something to drink and to stretch my legs. After the break I was allowed to lay back on a mattress that was now positioned in that middle of the room. As I lay there I was able to see one of the brothers holding a syringe in one hand while another brother placed a piece of rubber very tightly on my left bicep. The brother with the syringe wiped my arm with something that felt real cool (my guess was it was alcohol). I watched as he found a his vein and stuck the needle in, he pulled the plunge back a bit getting a little but if my blood I the barrel then pushed the plunge down. He pulled the needle from my arm, held pressure over the site where he had stuck me and raised my arm over my head as he pulled the tubing off. Like before I began to cough very hard but this time it felt much stronger than the first time. As I laid there feeling the sensations I had before I was surrounded by a couple of the brothers. We began to make out as I kissed one the other would suck my cock. Then I'd start to kiss another one of the brothers and someone else began to suck my cock. It felt amazing having a warm mouth in my cock but I wasn't getting hard. This went on until I started to eat some more cum....load after load. I began to realize that I was beginning to enjoy sucking cock and swallowing a guy's cum. I was then positioned flat on my back as the guys lined up for second round of fucking me. When it was all over I could not recall how many times I was fucked, how many loads I had swallowed our what day it was. The guys helped me back to the showers from where they had grabbed me to begin with as they helped me clean up before putting me to bed. When I finally woke up I realized it was Tuesday and I had missed days off classes. One of the younger brothers came into my room with a tray of food and a large glass of liquids for me to eat and drink. Without me saying a word he knew what was running through my mind as he assured me not to worry about classes that the brothers had me covered. He was so sweet and angelic looking I could resist kissing him. He reached down to feel my growing cock and without a spoken word he moved down to my crotch and began sucking. I couldn't hold back and shot my load down his throat. Like usual I was still hard and ready for more and he helped teach me how to eat ass getting his hole nice and wet with my spit as he liberally lubed my cock with his saliva. He the pushed me on my back and mounted me sliding all the way down on my dick. He rode me trying to milk another load from my balls. What he didn't know is that it takes me a long take to cum for the second time. After he began to grow tired I threw him on his back and really began to fuck him. One thing I noticed while I was sliding in and out of his tight hole was how much better his ass felt compared to my girl's cunt. I began to think, 'Was I going gay?' As I thought this I could feel the guy I was fucking starting to work his ass muscles. I couldn't hold back any longer as I began to breath heavier and corks feel my balls boil as I let loose with the strongest orgasm I ever had. I was going to love frat life.
    1 point
  32. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 10 I felt roped into something I didn’t want to be doing, and before I knew it, it was Friday, date night. By the afternoon I wasn’t feeling much like meeting Brian, not because I didn’t want to go on the date with him. That was a given. It was because I was pretty certain the symptoms of my gono were kicking in. My ass was itching along with my balls, and it burned when I pissed. I didn’t have a discharge yet, but I was certain that would be along shortly. I wondered if I was going to start a sore throat too. The AIDS daddy was right about one thing….it was sweet to me. I realize most people would think I’m a bit twisted for being turned on by HIV and other STDs, but everyone has their fetishes, so more power to them I always say. Mine are just a bit on the taboo side. I couldn’t deny my turn ons and didn’t want to. I found myself boned up that I now had gono on top of HIV. I wondered if my HIV would mutate or if the AIDS daddy being full-blown would hit my immune system hard enough take me to AIDS status as well. The thought just made my cock even stiffer. Anyway, I felt like canceling my date, but I didn’t have Brian’s phone number, and thinking I’d probably cancel my date, even if my mom had it, I’m sure she would not give it to me. I text Zak. “I’ll be heading to my “date” in a few hours. I have a little added bonus too.” “Yeah? Flowers for your new boo?” “Yeah right….my heart is all pitter patter….” “Crabs?” “You wish, bitch!!” “A hump back?” “Do I need to bitch slap you?” “Ooh….I love when you take charge, babe.” “I’ll charge your ass up, bitch, cause I’m sure I have gono. I have some burning when I piss and my balls and ass are itchy. No discharge…..YET.” “Fuck….wish I was there. You need to share that with me, babe.” “I knew you would want it. LOL.” “I’ll be there tomorrow. We’ll take care of it this weekend, but you’re not starting antibiotics before giving me your seed.” “You got it.” “Well, if you decide to knock up Brian, he’ll be getting a little bonus.” “It’s a hot thought, but knocking up my mom’s neighbor?....I’m not going there.” “Well, play it by ear, and I want details, babe.” “LOL….I figured….see you tomorrow.” Being a prompt guy I reluctantly arrived for my “date” about 10 minutes early. Brian greeted me at the door and stepped outside to chat with me. “Hey, Isaac…..” I interrupted, “You can call me Zeek, Brian.” “Ok…..Zeek…….Um…..I guess it’s best to just say it. I already have a boyfriend.” I started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” “I have a boyfriend too.” He chuckled, “So how did this happen?” “I’ll tell you how…..we have two meddling mothers with selective hearing who don’t know the meaning of the word ‘no’.” “I didn’t even know you’re gay, Zeek. Not until my mom found out from your mom last week. Then suddenly we’re compatible simply because we’re both gay.” “Yeah, gotta love ‘em,” I said sarcastically. “You know I thought about canceling our date, but I didn’t know how to reach you. My boyfriend encouraged me to go anyway.” I again chuckled, “Well, same thing with my boyfriend.” After a pause of silence looking at each other awkwardly, we both laughed; relieved that we were both on the same page. “So, want to keep our moms guessing and go have a drink,” Brian asked? “Sure…I think they deserve a little pay back.” “Mind if I invite my boyfriend to join us? You can meet him.” “Not at all…..see if he’s free.” “What about yours? Think he could join us?.....A little double date so to speak?” “No, not tonight. He lives in Chicago.” “Well, maybe I can meet him another time.” “Sure….. So, is This is It Bar ok with you?” “That’s fine…..my boyfriend and I hang out there sometimes. One of the bartenders is cute too. I’ll message him and see if he can join us.” “Cool….sounds good.” Within a minute Brian’s phone lit up. “Well, that was fast,” I said. “Yeah, he’s a bit curious....(after checking his message) Ok, he’ll meet us there. Ready to go?” “Yep.” Brian and I sat at the bar tipping our beer when his boyfriend approached from behind me. “Ah, there he is.” Brian tapped my arm. “Zeek, this is my boyfriend, Ian. Ian, this is Zeek.” I turned around to see the blonde twink that Zak and I bred a few weeks ago. Ian’s jaw dropped open and his eyes widened with fear. I played dumb, extended my hand and introduced myself, “Pleased to meet you, Ian.” He shook my hand, “Ah, H-Hi,” he stuttered….. “N-Nice to meet you.” I asked, “Would you like a drink, Ian?” He paused still holding onto my hand. “Are you alright, Ian? You look dumb founded,” Brian asked. Ian let go of my hand and grinned, “Ah, I’m fine. It’s just been a busy day.” He put his arm around Brian as if to reinforce once more that he was Brian’s boyfriend. “I’ll have a beer too,” he replied. I flagged down the bartender and bought Ian a beer. It was obvious that Brian had no clue that his boyfriend was cheating on him, and that he loved being bred Zak’s and my poz cum. Ian inquired, “So you two just met today?” “Well, we grew up across the street from each other. We hung out a little when we were young, but not a lot,” I replied. “Yeah, I didn’t even know Zeek was gay until our moms tried to set us up.” “So, find out anything interesting about each other,” Ian nervously inquired? “No, nothing much; just that we both have boyfriends now,” I said. “We mainly reminisced about our younger days growing up across from each other,” Brian added. “Oh, so you have a boyfriend too,” Ian “naively” asked? (Thinking to myself)….Yeah you remember him, don’t you. He planted his poz seed in you when we both fucked you a few weeks ago. But I just smiled and said, “Yeah, his name’s Zak.” Brian burst in and tapped my arm, “You know, I actually had a little crush on you, Zeek.” “You did?” I replied as my cock twitched at the thought of pozzing his ass too. “Yeah, it was when I was about 7, but I didn’t put two and two together that I’m gay until my teens.” “I had no idea,” I said. “It’s kind of why I distanced myself from you. I figured you were straight.” “That was about the time I was figuring out that I’m gay. I kind of figured you were straight too, so I just let it go.” “Boy did our gaydar suck.” We all laughed. “Wow…you two could have been each other’s first if you had stayed buds a little longer,” Ian said. “Yeah, probably, but I’m certainly no virgin anymore,” Brian said. I looked at Brian and grinned. “Ah, yeah….I’d say that’s long gone for me too.” “Been around the block a time or two, huh?” Ian added teasingly. “Ah, something like that….I’ll let your imagination run a bit wild with that,” I replied then gave Ian a corner eyed evil grin. After a few more drinks we were flirting and teasing each other quite a bit. I could tell Ian was in deep thought a little on the nervous side knowing I know his partner and also know he enjoyed taking our poz loads a few weeks ago. I teasingly added, “Hey, Ian, What kinky thoughts are going through that head of yours?” “Who, me?” he replied in an innocent tone. “Yes, you,” Brian said. “If you only knew,” he replied then chuckled. “I can imagine,” I flirtatiously added. Brian said, “Ooh, we can explore that later tonight.” “There you go, Ian. Let it out. Brian wants it……live on the wild side,” I said. I knew what thoughts were going through Ian’s head. I could tell by the twitching cock in his pants too. Ian excused himself to the bathroom. I assume to calm down his boned up cock over the poz thoughts dancing through his brain. Boy, If Brian only knew his boyfriend was turning into a chaser. I no sooner got home from dropping off Brian and my phone lit up. It was a text message. “Zeek, this is Ian.” “Hey Ian…..I see you kept my number.” “Yeah, I couldn’t toss your it out. That night with you and Zak scared me, but turned me on so much.” “I understand totally.” “Are you going to tell, Brian?” “Don’t worry, Ian. That’s your business. I find it hot that you’re cheating on Brian and turning into a chaser.” “This scares me.” “But you want more poz cum, don’t you?” “Yeah, I do. It’s such a turn on. I tried to resist it.” “That desire never goes away, Ian. You can try to resist it or give in and let your desires run wild.” “I don’t think I can resist it anymore. I don’t think I want to either.” “It only grows stronger, Ian….believe me. You’ll want it more and more.” “How long have you been chasing?” “Not long…..I still chase poz, but I’m not neg anymore.” “You’re poz too?” “Yeah, you may have gotten a charged load from me that night after all. I got the fuck flu about a week later. I just have to go test to confirm it.” “Oh fuck!! I’m rock hard now.” “Figured that would turn you on.” “I’d love to take your load.” “Well, you’d be getting an added bonus if you do.” “What do you mean?” “Zak and I had a little celebration of my conversion at the bath house. Think I have gonorrhea so you may want to wait.” “Oh Fuck!!” “Fuck what?” “My cock is throbbing.” “Bones you too, huh?” “YES!! My cock is rock hard.” “Do you want my load?” “Yes!!” “Do you remember where I live?” “Yes!!” “Come on over.” 30 minutes later my doorbell rang. I opened the door already boned up. “Hi……come on in.” Ian was obviously fully erect from the bulge in his pants. He walked past me, and I closed the door. “Are you sure you want this?” “Yeah, I’m sure.” “You know you will probably poz if you aren’t already infected?” “I know. I don’t care.” “What about Brian? Do you want to poz him after you charge up?” “I don’t know. The thought turns me on, but…..” “Are you scared?” “Yes, but I’m so turned on.” Ian’s cock again throbbed in his jeans a few times. I walked up to him and rubbed my hand against his hard cock. Ian closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. “I’m going to fuck you and give you my toxic load.” Ian’s cock throbbed against my grip. “Fuck, yes!!” I pulled my t-shirt off over my head, and dropped my jeans to the floor. I was going commando, so I kicked my jeans to the side and stood before Ian naked and rock hard. Poz precum already slicked the head of my cock. “Oh my God. You got a biohazard too.” “Get your clothes off so I can breed that hot ass.” Ian stripped naked then knelt before me and lapped up the toxic juice from my glans. He then slid my cock all the way into his mouth. I grabbed him by the back of the head. My cock throbbed and drooled sweet nectar down his throat as I slowly fucked his face. “Fuck….you want that poison, don’t you, pig?.....that’s it……lick it all up. Feel it sliding down your throat. You’re just like me, pig. You want me to infect you with my HIV and my gono, don’t you?” Ian mumbled with my cock buried in his throat, “Yes.” I pulled my cock from his mouth and noticed a small amount of discharge leaking from my piss hole. “See that, pig? That’s my gono sliding down your throat….you’re probably already infected with it. Now you need my poz seed in your ass.” “Fuckin sweet.” I pulled Ian to his feet and led him by the hand to my bedroom. “Get on the bed on all fours, pig.” I tossed him a bottle of poppers, and he anxiously put the bottle to his nostrils and inhaled deeply. I spit on Ian’s ass and again on my cock. As I lubed up my shaft with a few strokes of my hand I felt a burning through my piss hole and more gono oozed out. I wiped the gono from the head of my cock onto Ian’s puckered hole then pressed my shaft into his cunt. His hole resisted my prodding so I thrust harder and tore him open. His cunt lips engulfed my poisonous cock head along with my gono discharge. Ian shreaked in pain. “Just relax, pig. Take another hit. Feel the head of my shaft inside you? My toxic cock!!” He inhaled again….taking a deep hit, then flying high. I grabbed Ian’s hips and again thrust into him. He again tensed up in pain, milking more discharge from my venomous snake. My piss hole burned as my cock throbbed. “That’s it….take my diseases, pig. I’m almost all the way in.” I slammed into Ian’s cunt again with one swift thrust. “Fuck yes…You got it all, pig. I’m buried balls deep in your cunt.” Ian’s cunt again puckered around my rod. “Fuck that hurts so good,” he said while exhaling. “Enjoy the ride. Time to sew my demon seed into your gut.” I slowly withdrew my shaft keeping the tip of my cock buried inside. I again spit on my pole and felt his cunt wrapped tightly around my shaft as every inch slid into his tight cunt. “Oh my God….You feel so good. It’s like a velvet on my toxic meat.” I continually thrust all the way into Ian. He buried his head into the mattress then threw his head back and began meeting my thrusts, fucking himself on my tool. “Fuck, you want my babies in you, don’t you? My virus and gono are definitely in you. Feel my rod working my diseases into your gut?” “Fuck, I want this so much.” “I’m going to poz you, pig. I’m going to fire my HIV into your gut and infect you. You’re mine forever, pig. You’ll be poz in no time.” “Fuck, give it to me. Cum in me. I want to poz.” “You want to fuck your boyfriend, don’t you? Infect him too….give him my DNA and poz him.” “Oh, fuck, yes.” “I’m going to unload in you now, pig. Knock you up with my demon seed.” I began to thrust into Ian hard, and began to moan. My cock throbbed in his cunt. “There’s no turning back, pig. Feel me shooting in you? You’re getting all my toxic seed right now.” My body jerked, and I groaned from the burning discomfort down my piss hole as my gono and dirty cum fired off into his hole. “Yes….you’re getting all of me. Take it, pig…..Every bit of my DNA.” Ian stroked his shaft a few times…..it was all it took. “Oh fuck…..I’m going to shoot,” and he spewed his load across my bed sheets. I kept my cock buried in Ian’s cunt until it stopped throbbing then slid my shaft from his hole. Ian squat down on the bed and licked up his semen from my sheets. I worked my fingers into Ian’s cunt and massaged his guts with my fingernails. “Feel me scraping your cunt? Let my demon seed course through your blood.” I worked my babies into his gut with my fingers then flopped on the bed next to him. He curled up against me, pressing his sweaty body into mine. “Oh my God…. This is so fucking hot.” “Any fears, cause you will poz? You definitely have my gono too.” “I’m a little scared, but I can’t resist this anymore.” Ian lay in my arms panting. “Just let go and go with it….. enjoy the ride. If this turns you on that much you’re going to love my HIV and gono.” Ian dosed off in my arms for about 30 minutes then jumped awake. He quickly checked his phone. Brian was texting him while he was taking my toxic load. “Fuck, I better go,” he said. “Brian’s wondering where I am. I told him I fell asleep.” “Well, you did, you little pig….after you took my poz cum.” Ian’s cock again began to get hard as he pulled his jeans on. He gave me a kiss and pulled his t-shirt over his head. “Thanks again,” Ian said as he turned the doorknob “I have to get home.” “Let me know when you want more seed, pig.” He turned and grinned then slipped out the door. A minute later my phone lit up. “That was fucking hot….thanks again, Zeek. I want more.” “Anytime, pig….just let me know.” I crawled back into bed naked, stroking my cock. Boy did I have hot details for Zak. More to cum guys.....
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Practice! Not got a rough dominant top to hand? Get your dildo out and fuck your throat with it, repeatedly! Swallow it down to the balls and see how long you can hold it there. Keep practising! I still gag quite often when getting vigorously throat fucked by exceptionally big cocks, but I kinda enjoy that a little ;-)
    1 point
  35. ... or find a fuck buddy that is a bit dominant. My favorite fb is scary hung, but started forcing his entire dick down my throat. In time my gag reflex disappeared.
    1 point
  36. Practice, practice, practice... using poppers while sucking can also help.. it certainly did for me. Now I can deep throat around 10" balls without any issues usually.
    1 point
  37. PART SIX Looking up at Sam as he was inside me felt absolutely amazing. I'd been wanting him ever since we'd taken the E but my feelings had only intensified after he'd fingered me. My ass was desperate for cock ever since then. I loved Sam for awakening these feelings inside me and for his massive cock but for some reason I knew I'd need more. The deeper his cock went inside me, the more I needed. The initial romance was gone, I wanted to just be an ass for his cock, any cock to use. I completely lost track of time while we were fucking, but I wanted it to last as long as possible so his cock stayed inside me. Whenever I felt he was close to cumming, I'd suggest we change positions, partially so he could "cool down", but also so I could taste my ass on his cock. It had always been a massive turn-on for me watching Jessie lick my cock clean after I'd been in her pussy and I wanted to do the same thing for my man. "Babe, please let me cum inside you" Sam pleaded with me. I couldn't help but smile cheekily back at him, "I love it when my man begs." I replied. "How do you want me?" "Get on all fours" and I eagerly got myself into position. He pulled me to the edge of the bed so he could stand up and pound my hole. As he was getting behind me, he slapped my ass a couple of times. I couldn't help but moan as he did it, it felt so good. I was so excited when I felt his big, strong hands on my hips. My hole was gonna be totally used and pounded for this man's pleasure, like any good slut's should. I clamped my ass round his duck as tight as I could while he drove his cock deep inside me. "God I love your ass babe" Sam groaned "Give me your load babe" I panted, "You know I'm your bitch". I knew I was saying it to Sam, but it didn't really matter to me who was fucking me, I'd become a total whore and needed cock and cum. I felt his cock tense up and it wasn't long before I felt that warm rush inside my ass once more. Sam pulled me back onto his cock to fill me right up again, how I loved that feeling of him being balls deep inside me as I took the last of his seed! I continued to work my ass, doing my best to milk him dry in my hole. I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I'd have to wait before I had another cock inside me. I needed more. I eased myself off his cock and started licking him clean, savouring his cum. His cock had tasted a little different this session but I enjoyed it so much I didn't care. It must have been that he'd used lube this time. "How long babe?" I asked between tonguing his cock head. "It's gonna be a while" Sam replied "You've taken a lot out of me" "Ohhhhhh..." I pouted. "I need more" "Well, the MC did give me his number when he gave me the pills. I know you didn't really like...." "YES!!!" I interrupted. "I'd love a threesome with him" Sam called him and asked if he was interested. He was almost as quick to agree as I was. We asked for his address and it turned out he only lived a couple of blocks from my place! "Let's just meet him at my place and we can fuck like crazy there." I said "But are you sure?" Sam asked. "It's not too weird?" I lay on my back scooping up and swallowing Sam's (unknown to me) tina-laced cum into my mouth as it dribbled out of me. "Not at all, what's weird about it?" END OF PART SIX
    1 point
  38. PART FOUR I was enjoying being in Sam's arms and us kissing so much that it didn't even register that the lights had been turned on. "CLOSING TIME GUYS!!" came the announcement and I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed that our time at the bar had come to an end. As I looked into Sam's eyes I asked, "Is it OK if we go back to yours tonight?" "What about your wife?" "I told you, she's away for a few days at a conference." "I was more referring to the fact that you have a wife" I rubbed his rock hard cock through his pants & whispered in his ear, "What wife?" He took my hand and we went outside and hailed a cab. Even though I was still high, being away from the security of the bar made me a little more cautious while we were in the cab. Whenever I saw the driver's eyes look away from the rear view mirror I stroked Sam's cock with a cheeky smile on my face, making sure he was staying hard the whole trip home. I couldn't help but feel proud that I was such a good cocktease on my very first time with a guy. Even though it was only about a 10 minute ride, it was torture for both of us. I wanted Sam's cock so badly, and he wanted me on his cock so badly! Even though I should've been nervous, I was beside myself with excitement when we finally got to his place. He fished in his pocket for his keys, while I couldn't help but do a little fishing myself and put my hand in his other pocket! He opened the door and I couldn't control myself, my tongue deep in his mouth and unzipping his pants to get a proper grip on his cock. Between kisses he managed to get out, "Are you sure you don't want a drink of water or anything?" "There's only one thing I want right now" I replied and pulled both his pants & briefs down in one motion. I could see a couch out of the corner of my eye and pushed him towards it, him stumbling with his pants round his ankles and shoes & socks still on. He sat down and leant forward to take them off, but I pushed him back wanting a proper look at the hard cock I'd been anticipating. It was like something I'd seen in the (many, many) porn movies I'd watched in my time. It would have been 9 or 10 inches uncut and even though I should have been intimidated I was so excited to suck my first ever cock, and that I'd have so much to work with. All I could say as I looked at it was "Wow". "That's usually what most guys say when they see it" Sam replied with a smile. I smiled too looking at the head, glistening with precum, knowing that I'd turned on my first guy so much. I started licking all round the head, lapping up & savouring the taste of both his cock and the precum leaking from it. Knowing how much I loved eye contact from Jessie when receiving a blowjob I looked deep into Sam's eyes as I started to really suck his cock, working my hand up and down his shaft. It was only then that I realised he was more or less still fully clothed, but with his pants around his ankles. It didn't worry me though as I was too busy enjoying every inch of my first ever cock, courtesy of this sexy older man. As I sucked him, Sam reached into a drawer next to the couch, pulled out a little glass bottle and started to unscrew the lid. He took a deep sniff out of the bottle in each nostril & I felt his cock get even harder (as if that was even possible!) "What are those?" I asked. "They're called poppers. A lot of guys use them to make the highs even higher" he replied between moans. I snatched them off him and inhaled them deeply. Immediately I was flying and there was only thing I could think of, wanting Sam deep inside me. I pulled my clothes off as quickly as I could until I was stark naked in front of Sam. "My god Adam, you're amazing" Sam said as he looked up at me. "I want you to fuck me Sam" I sighed as I straddled him. I coated my hand in spit and ran it up & down his cock, lubing it up as much as I could because I knew it would be a bit of work to get him inside me. "Take another hit of the poppers" Adam told me, "They'll loosen up your hole & make it a lot easier". I took a massive hit and aimed his cock at my virgin hole. My eyes widened as I felt the head of his cock inside me and moaned in a mixture of pain & pleasure. "Just gently ease your way down" Sam told me and I started to work his cock inside me, holding it as I tried to control things. Before I knew it he was halfway inside me and I already felt so full! "You're doing great baby" Sam said, looking into my eyes. I knew then that it was my job that night to do everything I could please this beautiful man. I took one more hit and sat down on his cock, feeling his balls rubbing against mine. "Ooooh yes" I moaned in delight and kissed Sam deeply. "You like being inside me, my sexy man?" "You're so tight and beautiful" he replied as I rocked on his cock. "The only thing is, you've got me so horny, I don't think I'll last very long. That's alright my man, we've got all the time in the world" and I started to ride him, taking another hit before handing them to him. He took a massive hit & seemingly within seconds screamed "OH MY GOD, I'M GONNA CUM!!!!!" Knowing what I liked when I was about to cum, I held his face in my hands and kissed him like I'd never kissed anyone before. It should've been strange to me that I was so willing to take on the female role in this situation but I just wanted to make my man happy. The moment I felt the first spurt of cum paint the inside of my ass I was so happy that this sexy guy wanted to plant his seed inside me. I rocked gently on him, milking his hard cock before it flopped out of me. I let out a little groan of disappointment "Turn around and let me look at you" Sam said. I eagerly turned round & bent over to present my ass to him as he adjusted his pants, pushing them all the way down, hands in his pockets. "Ooops, little bit of cum seeping out." He said and quickly pushed a couple of fingers inside me to get it back in while I giggled. I felt a sharp pain but just figured it was due to my ass getting fucked for the first time... END OF PART FOUR
    1 point
  39. i really love it, but i would't consider it a taboo at all. Actually, i think i'd even feel slightly racist if i did. Wish there were more Black guys in Sweden though. If i didn't have sex with white men, i would probably just have sex every 5 years or so.
    1 point
  40. I'm always naked, but have always wanted to wear a jock while I get fucked
    1 point
  41. On vacation in Hawaii and on Big Island right now. Met a dude on a phone app, then connected on A4A. He's 29, 5'9", about 165, athletic/muscled white guy with a really nice body. We already decided that he was gonna pump his load in my butt. We met up at a local bar/club for drinks first. He was so horned up and turned on since we first locked eyes and kept feeling my ass up and adjusting his dick in his pants, the entire time we walked along the streets to find a good fuck spot. He even had me walk in front of him with my ass hanging out of my pants, so he could continue getting horned up and checking out the ass he was about to fuck. We ended up walking to a dark, secluded bushy area with a bunch of volcanic rock. When we found a good spot, he had me bend over, so he could taste my hole and eat me out some. He wanted to dry fuck me, but got my hole wet first. When he finished tasting my ass, he got me down on my hands and knees, dropped his pants, and just mounted me from behind. He got inside, fucked me so good and hard, I couldn't resist moaning out loud. He pulled out and ate my hole some more, after he opened it up with his dick. We made out and he had me clean my ass off his dick, before mounting me again. He fucked me hard again and finally pumped several days of cum right in my guts, before collapsing on top of me for a bit. When he finally pulled out, I stayed on my knees and cleaned my ass and his cum off his dick, balls, and pubes. He commented on how both our mouths tasted and smelled like my ass, but that only made him want to make out more. We got dressed again, walked back down the hidden trail, onto the street, and I drove him back to the condo he was vacationing in. He kissed me goodnight and told me to get ahold of him tomorrow, so we could hang out and get some more of his nut pumped into my ass. I'm laying in bed right now, with my ass still wet and sticky, as I type this; I'm about to jack my dick, while the rest of his DNA absorbs into my body. I feel so fuckin hot right now and can't wait for this stud to mount my ass and drain his balls inside me again.
    1 point
  42. My favorite part of getting fucked bareback is getting my ass turned into a wet sloppy hole with cum slowly oozing out. This way, I have a load in me, and a loose hole that says I had a good time.
    1 point
  43. My favorite part is after he cums and he slowly slides his dick out of me or maybe it starts to soften and slips out. I dont like that its over but i just like knowing that he used me and his loads inside me and I get to feel it in me and as it leaks out of me. The whole act from start to finish is great but i just enjoy that just got used and now im done feeling.
    1 point
  44. Fuck yeah. I always moan when I all the way in that first time. My bud usually grunts too. He said he can usually feel when I have a big load for him.
    1 point
  45. Yeah just ask him whether you can sit on it for a second and start slowly riding him... That's how I turn some
    1 point
  46. Prep H is good and so is Witch Hazel, but Gay Days this weekend is going to require some hard core repairs. That calls for prescription strength Anusol suppositories, for when you really tore it up! Good stuff! Ask your doctor for some.
    1 point
  47. Don't know what ED is, but I have ordered viagra, or rather kamagra, through a website in Holland and those work for me. Have a semi boner for a day and get rock hard when aroused. I once ordered something else, which kept me boned for 2 days, but forgot where I ordered them from! Using those was a bit embarrassing as I was sporting a semi-boner the whole time for two days, showing a massive bulge in my pants for the whole time whether I liked it or not.
    1 point
  48. Guy on Grindr hits me up when I'm out of town. He's at the hotel across the street and horned up. It's early morning and he's packing to leave, only an hour or so left. While chatting he specifically tells me he's a safe only top. I don't want a condom in me so I tell him I'm only looking for oral at this point. At least I can swallow his load, he agrees to a bj. He also comments that he doesn't have any condoms so wouldn't be able to fuck anyway since he's a SAFER ONLY top. 20 minutes after getting there he's blowing his load up my hole. I guess he was just too horny for a fuck to care. Gotta play hard to get into my ass again.
    1 point
  49. Been with my partner for 9 years. We still have hot sex, but we mess around a bit, me quite a bit more than my hubby, and I mean a lot more! My partners brother is an asshole to put it lightly. He is quite a "homophobe" and has treated us not very well. He has been married for 27 years to a nasty bitch. I am not sure who I hate worse him or her. Anyhow, even though he is a jerk he is quite "doable" and I have had fantasies of sucking him off and then having him bareback my ass and loading me up with his redneck load! I never thought it could actually happen. But 3 months ago he showed up at the door unannounced. I was wondering why he was there as he knew my partner would be at work. He said he wanted to talk to me and show me something. I thought 'oh great, he's gonna call me out on how miserable our relationship has been on him!' He excused himself to the bathroom before we could chat. I waited for him on the couch, when he came in the room I my mouth fell open. His fly of his dirty jeans was open reveling the longest cock I've seen in awhile,(believe me I have seen and been fucked by a few hundred cocks in my lifetime!) His was something else, It was a fucking hot cock and quite tasty looking. He asked if I wanted it, without saying a word or hesitating even a split second. I was on my knees with my face firmly planted in front of his huge tool! I was salivating as he slapped my face with his hard on! He ordered me to lick his huge and extremely hairy low hangers. The smell of his hardworking sweaty body was really turning me on. I started to go down to lick his manly nuts when he suddenly pulled back and barked that I was a fucking fagot queer who thinks of nothing less than being a fucking slut who would not even think about giving it up to his partners brother. He asked meanly how I could submit to him while pretending to be a good partner to his brother. I did have to to respond as he grabbed my had and forced his balls into my mouth. Yeah you are a dirty homo aren't ya? Fuckhead go head and serve me! I bagged his balls gleefully as they smelled and tasted so manly! He then said "you wanna suck my cock and make me feel good don't ya you cock sucking tard! In fact you have always wanted my cock in your mouth haven't ya you no good queer?" I nodded as the head of his gorged cock entered my mouth. I greedily took the whole thing in down my throat, aided by his rough large hands shoving my head into his hairy crotch! "Ya you fucking like that, don't ya you little pussy?" I continued to suck that hard tool deep down my throat gladly gagging on it. After sucking him for what seemed like forever and him barking more insults at me, he grabbed my and drug along the floor to the bedroom, he proceeded to practically rip my clothes off and throw me on the bed. I was fucking loving it when he pulled off his jeans and took off his worn t-shirt revealing his hairy chest and manly belly. Yes Charlie liked his beer and it showed, but it fucking turned me on! He pulled my legs up over his shoulders and with a sudden thud he plowed right into my smooth hole. It hurt so good as I moaned. After several thrusts from this brute of an asshole, I was moaning with fucking pleasure beyond belief as his raw cock was plowing my hole! He was quite proud of his cock and ability's when he bragged at how good he was making him feel. He also said he was a real man and that his fagot brother couldn't possibly know how to fuck if I was so eager to let him take my body! I replied he was fucking awesome and that he was sending my body to where no one has before! He was giving me his evil smirk and letting me know how superior he was to other men and especially his brother. I evilly agreed with him telling him that he was the best fuck I have ever had. And I wasn't lying, Charlie is an awesome fucker in bed! He was sweating profusely all over me as he continued to fuck away my raw hole. He said he was surprised at how tight my shaved "pussy" was. he liked the feeling of the smoothness of it and that I must enjoy shaving it so guys could fuck it. he made me admit to what a slut I've been behind his brothers back. I said I want to get fucked and bred by many men. He then got bigger and his thrusts became faster , harder and rougher! He said that I must like it rough, I nodded with excitement and he then fucked me harder and with more force than any other man has done to me before! He start to moan and rumble and growl and then shot what felt like the biggest load I have ever had before! he kept cumming and cumming for seemed like a lifetime. I was grinning from ear to ear as he was breeding my ass and pour his dirty sweat all over my slutty bottom. When he was done he ordered me to lick his cock clean, which I did eagerly. I started stoking my cock while I was doing this and he grabbed my hands and told me no! He said he didn't want me to get off cause his pounding me should have satisfied me. I told him it did as I did have pre-cum dribbling out of my cock. I told him he made me cum and I was all wet because of him. he bragged "Well of course cause I am a real man!" After the wonderful fuck he gave me I agreed with him. The next thing I knew he grabbed me by the neck and made me swear I would never tell a soul about this, especially his brother. I swore I would never. He told me he would be calling me in a few days and he expected me to show up at his place so he could fuck me again. he then quickly dressed and took off.
    1 point
  50. I got my last load in my mouth this morning from my brother's cock.
    1 point
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