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  1. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 12 While Ian was thinking devious thoughts over Sunday brunch, Zak and I showered and were discussing plans for lunch when my phone rang. “Hi mom.” “Oh, Isaac, you’re home.” “Actually, I am home…..remember this is a cell phone so I can be anywhere and get the phone call?” “I was going to leave a message on your answering machine, but I’m glad you’re home.” “Mom…..” I was going to try to explain again that my phone is portable, but I decided it was a losing battle. “Yes, Isaac?” “Nothing….How are you mom?” “I’m fine…..Your father is fine too. Anything new Isaac?” (Thinking to myself) Let’s see…..I have gono. I just had the fuck flu after taking my boyfriend’s poz seed repeatedly. I have a new biohazard tattoo. I have a hot poz boyfriend that I just infected with gono. I just tested poz at the free clinic. I’m fucking Betty’s son’s boyfriend to poz him so he can poz Betty’s son. I was just a total slut at the baths and got fucked by Zak’s daddy. I have a waiter friend that Zak and I are trying to gift. I’m doing every taboo thing except fucking the dog across the street from me. “Nope, nothing much, mom….Enjoying my weekend.” “If you’re not doing anything, we haven’t seen you for dinner in a few weeks. Why don’t you come over tonight. Your father would love to see you.” “I have company this weekend, mom.” “Oh, anyone I should know about?” “Just my boyfriend, that’s all.” Zak gave me a funny grin and whispered, “JUST your boyfriend.” I chuckled and motioned to Zak, “Shhhh.” (Here it comes……) “Oh, Brian is there with you? I knew you two would be good together.” “No, mom, Brian is not my boyfriend. I told you I already have a boyfriend.” “Oh, well, boy you switch boyfriends fast. What happened to Brian?” “Mom, Brian was never my boyfriend.” “Well why did you let me set you up on a date with him if you already have a boyfriend?” I wanted to scream…… “Like I had a choice in the matter, and I did tell you I have a boyfriend.” “Well, what was so wrong with Brian?” “Nothing was wrong with Brian. He’s a nice guy.” “So you went on a date with him?” “Kind of…..we had drinks and caught up…..” “Well, I hope your boyfriend doesn’t find out you snuck around on a date with someone else.” “Mom!!..... You need to stop playing matchmaker….that’s all.” “Why?” “Because, now you set me up on a date when I already have a boyfriend, and you set me up with a guy who already has a boyfriend too.” Sounding depressed, “Well, I just want you to be happy, Isaac.” “Mom, I told you…… I am happy. I’m happy with Zak.” “Who is Zak?” “Zak is my boyfriend.” “Oh, so Zak is there now? Well, why don’t you bring him to dinner tonight? Your father would love to meet him.” I whispered to Zak, “Mom wants us to come over for dinner tonight.” Zak glanced at his tattoos, rubbed his long beard, smirked and quickly nodded and mouthed, “YES.” With an uncertain quirky look toward Zak, I replied, “Ok, mom…..he’d love to meet you both.” With excitement in her voice, “Oh that’s great, Isaac!! Now don’t be late, you know how your father likes to have dinner on time.” (Thinking to myself) Am I ever late for dinner, mom? “Don’t worry we’ll be there on time, mom.” Ian took another bite of Amaretto French toast and thought to himself…..Why do I find chasing poz cum so hot? My ass is loaded with charged seed, and all I can think about is taking more. I can’t get enough of it. I want to poz so badly. This is so fucking erotic….. it feels so right being a cum pig. (He uncrossed his legs and shifted in his chair before crossing his legs once again. The sensations in his cum filled hole made his cunt pucker around the butt plug and caused his cock to twitch several times in his pants). Brian took another sip of his Mimosa and interrupted, “Earth to Ian…..” Ian’s glazed-over look vanished, and he reached for another sip of his bloody mary. “You were miles away. Are you alright?” He smiled and sighed, “Yeah, couldn’t be better.” Brian chowed down his Smoked Salmon Benedict, “MMMM, this is so good…… So, last night was pretty wild, huh?” Thinking he may have somehow been caught cheating Ian asked, “What do you mean?” “Well, all those tattooed, leather men at Kruz.” “Oh….. that, yeah….. some awesome eye candy.” “And I hear before I got there they had a flogging demo…..bet that was interesting.” “I’m sure it was…..uh….. quite stimulating.” (Ian’s cock again stiffened a bit more). “Did you get there in time to see it?” “I was quite close to the action, yes.” “So, is that something you could get into?” Ian was a little surprised at his question. “Oh, I think I’d shock you.” “Oooh,” Brian teased, “I’ll take that as a yes.” “You seem excited by that.” “Well, maybe I would shock you a bit myself.” “Oooh, frisky…….Bring it on, but be careful…..you may get a whole lot more than you bargained for.” “I can’t wait to find out.” Ian thought to himself…..Maybe Brian’s a bit more of a pig than I originally thought….this could be fun. Zak and I pulled up in front of my parent’s house. This would be interesting. Not only was this my first time bringing a guy home, but also a guy with a long beard and full of tattoos. “So this is it, huh, babe? The place where you grew up.” “Yeah, this is it…..nothing special, but it was home. Just remember, take my mom with a grain of salt. She can be opinionated and kind of set in her ways.” “I know. She’s a character. I’ll go easy on her. It’ll be fine, babe.” I put my arm around Zak and walked toward the front door. He wore jeans and a cut off t-shirt. We stopped on the front porch, and while kissing Zak the door opened. Startled, I said, “Oh……Hi mom…… Mom, this is Zak.” Zak was on his best behavior. “Hi, Mrs. Alberts.” “Call me Edith.” “Ok, Edith.” “Well, don’t just stand there on the porch…..come on in. Dinner is ready.” Zak walked into the house and was immediately greeted by my dad. As I walked past my mom, she whispered, “You didn’t tell me he was like that.” “Like what, mom? Gay? That’s why I was kissing him.” My mom hit me on the shoulder with the dish towel in her hand and followed me into the house. Zak sat across from me at the dinner table. My mom emerged from kitchen with mashed potatoes and gravy and set them on the table. She turned to go back into the kitchen and stopped in her tracks. She stood behind Zak and reluctantly placed her hands on his shoulders and said, “So, Zak, um…..” I looked at my mom corner-eyed and thought to myself here we go….. She continued, “You may want to tuck your beard away……it may dangle in your gravy.” She pulled Zak’s beard over his shoulder. “There you go,” and she disappeared into the kitchen only to reappear with a dead bird on a serving platter. Zak looked surprised, but just sat and grinned at me. My dad added, “You know, I remember Winky Schmalling had a beard like yours back in ‘58 or ‘59. He got it caught in some farm equipment. Then he had one eye. His name was Joe, but we always called him Winky after that.” Zak chuckled a little, “Well, I hear farm equipment is more beard-friendly these days, but I’m not a farmer.” My mom chimed in, “So, do you have a job, Zak?” “Mom!! Of course he has a job.” My mom finished adding, “....I only asked because I hear old Mr. Harper down at the garage is looking for help tinkering with those cars like he does. He hires your kind down there,” pointing to his beard and tattoos. “Oh….. I don’t mean the gay thing. I don’t think the guys down there would go for that.” “What’s that supposed to mean, mom?” “Nothing….I’m just making conversation, Isaac.” “It’s ok, Zeek. No, Edith, I’m not looking for a job.” Sitting down at the table my mom tucked her napkin neatly onto her lap. “So, what DO you do, Zak?” “I’m a tattoo artist.” “Oh, you’re not at that shop on Forest Home are you? You know the one on the news that had the dirty needles?” My dad butted in, “Edith, that shop closed down over 6 years ago.” My mom said, “It’s just like those dirty Chinese restaurants. They get shut down and then the same people reopen the restaurant three blocks away and change the name from Ching’s to Chang’s.” “Mom that’s ridiculous, and you know it!!! And stop sounding so prejudiced.” “No, I have my own shop in Chicago, Edith, and it’s very clean.” “Zak did all my tattoos,” I said. (Thinking to myself) Including my biohazard tattoo. My dad added, “Oh, so you did Isaac’s tattoos. Nice work.” My mom said, “Nice work? It looks like the inside of a demon’s church.” Looking at Zak, she added, “No offense, I’m just not crazy about the desecration of your temple thing.” “Well, thanks anyway, Walter,” Zak replied. “I think Isaac’s sleeve turned out quite nice.” My mom said, “I don’t understand people wanting to mutilate their bodies that way.” “That’s your perspective, mom. Just because you don’t like them, doesn’t make it wrong.” Zak said, “Tattoos can be very therapeutic, Edith.” “So can taking a stiff shot of Brandy, but you don’t see me doing that,” she replied. “Edith, I give some people tattoos that have meaning behind them. It could be in memory of someone or resolution to a tragic event in their life or something, and it’s very healing.” “That’s sweet, but just because I love something doesn’t mean I want it on my flesh or my temple so it were.” My dad added, “Well, you love our mailman, Herb. Maybe he’ll pose for you.” “Yeah, I bet you would like to wake up seeing his face next to you every morning.” “Well, you do have a point there,” my dad mumbled. “Edith, see this tattoo.” Zak was pointing to a tattoo on his arm of a girl with a halo. “This is a tattoo for my sister who died in a car accident when she was 7.” “How sweet,” my mom said. “Please pass the chicken, Isaac.” My dad interjected, “Oh, Zak, do you have other brothers and sisters?” “I have a brother.” “Oh, is he normal,” my mom inquired? “Mom!! You mean we’re abnormal?” “You know what I mean, Issac. Is he regular?” “So now we’re irregular?” “No, you know what I mean.” “It’s gay or straight, mom. Not normal or abnormal and regular or irregular.” “Yes, I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t mean anything by that.” “Mom, the more you say, the worse it gets.” “Well, anyway, your dinner is good, Edith. And my brother is straight. He’s married with kids.” “Thank you, Zak. And there’s nothing wrong with being gay. You just miss out on having children is all.” “Well, gay people can still have children, Edith.” “And some of us don’t want to have children….whether straight or gay, mom.” “I know, Isaac. I just wish I would have some grandkids……that’s all.” My mom sipped her coffee then continued eating her chicken dinner. As we were getting ready to leave my dad shook Zak’s hand and pulled him into a hug. He whispered something to Zak then said, “I’m glad we met the man in my son’s life.” He then hugged me as well. Zak said, “Edith, thank you again for dinner. Zeek, I’ll be outside by the car.” My mom turned to me and gave me a hug. “Well, that went pretty well, huh?” “Pretty well? After that I’ll be lucky to still have a boyfriend tomorrow. Thanks, mom.” “Oh don’t be ridiculous. He loved my chicken.” We left my parent’s home in silence. After a few blocks driving I said, “I’m sorry for all that, Zak. Now you know my mother. She can be a little much.” “Don’t worry about it. I have thick skin, babe.” “So what did my dad say to you when he gave you a hug?” “Oh…..just that your mom has some quirky ideas at times, and that her bark is worse than her bite.” “Well, she does mean well, but her mouth is going to get her in trouble one of these days. She comes across as prejudice, but I know she isn’t. Her thinking is a bit……. old fashioned at times.” “I actually kind of like her, babe. She is set in her ways, but she just wants what’s best for you.” He chuckled and added, “Like my poz cock shoved deep in your ass.” I laughed as I glanced over at Zak and rubbed my hand on his thigh. He locked his hand into mine and held on. While we “enjoyed” our dinner with my parents, Ian was ready to find out a little bit more about Brian’s pig side. They arrived at Ian’s apartment. Ian led Brian to his bedroom. Brian was always into safe sex when they played, but that was about to change. Ian decided he wasn’t going to give Brian a choice. It was time to push the boundaries a bit. Ian was always more on the submissive side, but his new found taste for poz cum fueled his desire to dominate Brian. He pulled his shirt off over his head. His cock throbbed rock hard while his ass puckered tightly around the butt plug holding the toxic babies in his cunt. Ian made out with Brian and rubbed Brian’s throbbing cock through his jeans. He pulled his tongue from Brian’s mouth. “Time to see just how far you’re willing to go.” Ian stripped Brian of his shirt, and dropped Brian’s jeans to the floor. The head of Brian’s hard cock protruded from the edge of his jockstrap. “I see last night’s event inspired you. Nice jock, pig. Now kneel on the edge of the bed.” Ian fumbled around in his walk-in closet and returned with lube and his favorite suit tie. He approached Brian from behind and secured the tie around his head to blindfold him. Ian then unzipped his own jeans, dropped them to his ankles, and kicked them aside. He pushed Brian onto his hands and knees on the bed and lubed up his cunt with a squirt of J-lube. Ian worked his fingers into Brian’s hole, scraping the edges of Brian’s cunt, priming him for the impending assault. Brian groaned and his cock throbbed. He thrust his ass onto Ian’s fingers, and helped work them inside. “Are you ready to open that hole up?” “Fuck, yes,” Brian replied. Ian reached behind and pulled the butt plug from his cum filled ass. Poisonous seed dripped from his cunt and the cum-slick toy. He slipped two fingers into his sloppy cunt and removed them drenched in poz semen. He first smeared the virus-laced slime on Brian’s hole. He then worked the head of the wet plug into Brian’s cunt, sharing some of the toxic seed he carried in him all afternoon. He shoved the plug deeper into Brian, pushing the DNA into his hole as it opened him up. His cunt engulfed the plug and puckered around the base. The sight made Ian’s cock stiffen and throb. His boyfriend just got a small taste of the virus he longed to infect him with. Ian repeatedly pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt and shoved it back in, smearing the poz cum across his tightly stretched cunt lips. With the butt plug removed from Brian’s gaping hole, Ian squat down behind Brian and buried his tongue into Brian’s cunt. He cupped his hand below his own hole and squirt more poz seed into it. He grabbed the lube bottle, and instead of lube, dripped poz seed onto Brian’s open cunt, then worked it in with his fingers and pushed the plug back in. Brian’s cunt sealed tightly around the plug, unknowingly working the toxic seed into his gut. Ian reached under Brian and stroked Brian’s cock with his cum-slick fingers. Brian’s cock throbbed against Ian’s grip. “You like that, don’t you, pig,” Ian asked? “Fuck, yes. That feels so good.” Brian worked his hips, feeling the sensations of the plug buried in his ass. Ian bit Brian’s ass lightly, then cracked him on the ass with a cupped hand. “Time to fuck you, pig, and you’re going to take it all.” “Fuck, yes….I want your cock in me.” Ian reached for a condom and tore the package open so Brian would hear. He then dropped the condom to the bedroom floor. He pulled the toy from Brian’s cunt. “Ready for my cock, pig?” “Fuck I want to feel you inside me.” “Are you sure?” Brian buried his face into the bed, “Yes, please fuck me.” Ian rubbed the head of his shaft across Brian’s slick cunt lips then applied pressure. The head of his cock opened Brian’s used hole and quickly slid in. With one quick thrust of his hips Ian plowed all the way into Brian’s hole. Brian gasped in agony as Ian tore across his intestinal walls. Ian pictured the virus working into the lining of Brian’s intestines with each plunge of his cock inside. Brian began to meet Ian’s thrusts as the pain turned to pure pleasure. “You like that dick buried in your cunt, don’t you, pig?” “Feels so fucking good.” Ian already felt a stir in his balls. “Fuck, I’m getting close. You like that bare cock in your hole?” Brian was shocked, “Bare cock?” Ian gave him no chance to back out. “Take my cum, pig.” He slammed his cock deep into Brian’s gut and fired off his seed, hoping he was already poz himself. Brian’s cock reacted to those words as a huge load of semen shot from his shaft onto the bed. Ian pulled his cock from Brian’s cunt and slammed the butt plug back inside. “Keep that seed in your hole all night, pig.” Ian pulled Brian to his feet, keeping him blindfolded, and led him to the bathroom. He shoved him onto the toilet. “I’m not finished with you yet, pig.” Ian stood a few feet from Brian and pissed all over his face before drenching his body in urine. Brian licked his lips as piss dripped from his face….tasting Ian’s urine. Ian lapped up the piss from Brian’s chin and slid his tongue up to Brian’s lips then buried it in Brian’s throat. After a long, passionate kiss he lined up his meat to Brian’s face. “Open your mouth and clean off my cock.” Brian obliged and sucked Ian’s dick clean before Ian removed Brian’s blindfold. Brian said, “Holy Fuck….what got into you?” “You wanted to see my pig side. You got a taste of it.” (Thinking to himself) And a bit of toxic seed in the mix. “Damn, that was hot. So you like fucking raw?” “I love it….the only way to play for me.” “Ok, I want more of that,” Brian added. “Oh, you’ll get more…..believe me, you will.” Zak returned home to Chicago, and I started my antibiotics. He waited until later in the week to start his meds after he experienced symptoms of his gono for a few days. Work kept me busy in an otherwise uneventful week until Thursday. My test results were in. My HIV viral load was 500,000 and my CD4 count was in the middle 400 range. My gonorrhea test results were not in yet, but we already pretty much knew I had it, and the antibiotics seemed to be doing the trick. Then Thursday evening I received an interesting text………
    9 points
  2. Part 1. As I slowly regained consciousness, the first thing I felt was pain--excruciating pain, deep in my stomach and my asshole--that shot through my body in waves. Next came the ripe, musky smell of sweat, followed by the sounds of men having sex. I opened my eyes. Everything around me was dark and blurry, but I could make out a huge shadowy figure looming over me. I instinctively knew that everything I was feeling--the pain, the smells, the sounds--was coming from this enormous man, and I realized that I was being raped. I tried to scream, but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried to push him away, but I couldn't move my arms and legs. I realized then that I was paralyzed. The only part of my body I could control were my eyes. All I could do was watch in horror as this brutal beast tore apart my insides with every stroke of his burning hot cock. "Aha!" he suddenly snarled, noticing my eyes were open. His face then took on a frightening cruelty and viciousness, and he punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me and causing my anal sphincter to tighten around his cock. He started thrusting into me even harder, shouting at me in a coarse, guttural language I didn't understand. And then, as if out of nowhere, I heard a familiar voice. "He's calling you a dirty whore... a worthless faggot," the voice hissed, "He says he's ripping you open... and when he's done... no one will ever want you... you filthy cunt!" I knew that voice. I tried in vain to turn my head, to see where it was coming from. "Don't bother trying to move, Allen," the hate-filled voice continued, "We've pumped you so full of drugs you won't be able to move for at least another hour, while Ibrahim the Beast here rips your asshole to pieces." "And you're going to love every minute of it, you nasty little cunt" hissed Will's voice, "aren't you, little brother?" --- Six months earlier --- I was born and raised in San Francisco as the fourth, unplanned child of ex-hippies, who were almost 50 by the time I was born. My parents called me their "miracle baby," and pampered me so much that by the time I turned 16, everyone called me "Her Highness" behind my back. It didn't help that even as a junior in high school, I still looked like a girl: 5'5", 120lbs, blond curly hair, and soft, nearly hairless ivory-white skin. Everyone but my parents thought I was a spoiled, whiny little princess, but I never got teased or bullied growing up because they all respected and feared my older brothers--Jack, Neal and Will--who were already in their late 20s by the time I was born. Like so many children of liberal baby-boomers, my brothers rebelled by becoming conservative. Against our parents' wishes, they joined the Catholic Church, played high school football, registered as Republicans and, when the First Gulf War broke out in 1990, enlisted in the U.S. Army. They came back from their tours in Kuwait as tough, hardened men who rarely ever smiled. Jack, the eldest, became a math teacher and football coach at our high school. Jack was the only brother to get married, but his 4-year, childless marriage to a fellow schoolteacher ended in divorce when I was about 2 years old. Neal, the second oldest, joined the San Francisco Police Department and quickly rose through the ranks to become captain. Neal had plenty of live-in girlfriends over the years, but never got married. Will, the third son, initially followed Neal's footsteps into the SFPD, but later joined the FBI; after 9/11, he left the FBI for a secretive job at Homeland Security that had him constantly traveling around the world. Unlike me, my brothers were also incredible specimens of manhood. I had clearly inherited my mother's genes, with my willowy frame and pale, delicate features, but my brothers took after my father, whose ancestors were from Lebanon and Syria--they weren't tall (about 5'10") but they were all built like brick shithouses, with black, curly hair covering nearly every inch of their muscular, burly bodies, and while I'd never seen them naked, I couldn't help but notice the flashlight-sized bulges in their pants. I grew up admiring my brothers from afar. They had all left home by the time I was born, and while they dutifully protected me from the bullies at school or in the neighborhood, they otherwise kept a polite distance. That all changed about a year ago, a few months after I turned 16. Our parents, who had patiently put up with my childish, selfish behavior for so many years, were tragically killed in a car accident. Since I was still a minor, it was decided that my brothers (who were in their early 40s at the time) would act as my co-guardians until I turned 18. Since Will was still traveling a lot for work, I was to spend half the year living with Jack and the other half with Neal. While our parents' death was devastating for everyone, I took it especially hard. I decided that I didn't want to be the good little "princess" any more, and started acting out--sneaking out at night and hanging with the "street kids" in our neighborhood. Most of these kids were gay runaways who made a living on the streets hustling or selling drugs, and I found myself being drawn to the danger, the excitement, and the hot sex that their lives promised. --- Meeting Antoine --- I was especially drawn to Antoine, a tall, skinny 23-year old black guy from Houston who was the unofficial leader of the local street gang. He supplied the rest of the kids with drugs (to use or sell), escorted for a bunch of white guys who couldn't get enough of his big, black cock, and made enough money to rent his own apartment near the Castro. I first met Antoine at a sex party in his apartment. I was invited by two street kids I used to hang out (and fool around) with sometimes--Manuel, a short but muscular 20-year old Salvadoran with visible gang tattoos, and Luis, a scrawny but tough-looking 18-year old Mexican from Fresno. There were four other guys at the party when we arrived--four big, black thugs. One of them, the tallest and best-looking of the group, got up and walked over. "Hi, I'm Antoine," he said, flashing a big smile and immediately putting me at ease, "and you must be Allen. I've heard a lot about you." He was tall--almost a foot taller than me--and strong, and when he draped his arm around my shoulders and walked me over to meet the rest of the guests, I felt safe and protected for the first time since my parents had died. "That there is Omar," he said, pointing to a 30s-ish dark-skinned man sitting on the couch with his shirt off, showing off a sinewy, heavily-muscled chest. "He's a good ni#$a to know; if he likes you he'll hook you up with anything you need and everything you want." Omar leaned back on the couch, looked me up and down, and smiled. "Nothing not to like so far," he said. "And those two motherfuckers fucking around with my party supplies," Antoine said, pointing to a couple of light-skinned thugs with matching face tattoos, "don't like it when I give out out their names to white boys they don't know, so you can just call them Master X and Master Y for now." The Masters, as I later came to know them, were bent over the coffee table measuring out white crystals into small plastic bags, and didn't look up. Antoine turned to me and asked, "so Manuel and Luis tell me you like to party, yeah?" I smiled and nodded sheepishly. I'd smoked weed before, but the Latino boys had recently introduced me to molly and poppers, which I absolutely loved. The fact that Manuel and Luis had then "taken advantage" of me by spit-roasting me only made it hotter. Antoine laughed, grabbed my right hand and brought it down to his crotch, where I could feel a huge cock starting to uncoil like a snake. "Baby, look what you're doing to me already," he said. "We are gonna have some fun tonight!" Antoine then turned to Manuel and Luis and told them to give me some weed and molly, then take me into the bathroom to get ready. Half an hour later, freshly partied up, cleaned out, and hurriedly spit-roasted again by Manuel and Luis, I walked back into the living room wearing nothing but a jockstrap. The lights were turned down, and the TV was playing black-on-white porn. Antoine, Omar, and the Masters had taken off their clothes and were sitting around the coffee table blowing thick, white clouds. Antoine looked up and called us over. "Allen baby, why don't you come here and suck my dick," he said with a devilish smile, then ordered Manuel and Luis to start servicing Omar and the Masters. I walked over to Antoine, eyeing the uncut brown snake resting on his lap. As I got down on my knees, his enormous cock grew even bigger, lengthening to about 12 inches in length and about 7 inches around. As I reached out and carefully raised his cock to my mouth, a line of clear pre-cum stretched from his lap to the gorgeous reddish head peeking out of his foreskin. I leaned over, stuck out my tongue, and gingerly licked the pre-cum from the tip. Antoine shuddered, and sank deeper into the couch, closing his eyes and moaning. I slowly pulled his foreskin back and started licking the creamy cheese underneath, taking my time to savor the taste. As I started to wrap my lips around his cockhead, Antoine pulled my head back up. "Hey baby," he said, "if you're going to take all of my dick we're gonna have to get you ready." He grabbed a bong from the coffee table and started heating it in front of my mouth. Looking down at the white wisps circling the bowl, I felt unsure of what I was doing for the first time that evening. "I'm sorry," I said sheepishly, "it's just, I've never done Tina before." "Oh baby," said Antoine with his beautiful smile, "there's nothing to worry about. Nobody here is going to hurt you; this'll just make it more fun for everyone." I looked down at his cock, which was starting to wilt. "It's not that I don't trust you," I said, "it's just, I'm worried about getting addicted." "Who said anything about getting addicted?" Antoine said loudly, the first hint of a frown on his face. In an even louder voice he continued, "Baby, with me, Omar and the Masters in the room you don't have to worry about nothing! We're all here to make sure you have a great time, right?" he said, looking over at his other guests. They all looked up and nodded. Antoine turned back to me and said, "All you got to do, baby, is relax, stop thinking so much, and just do what I tell you, okay?" I nodded and took his cock back in my mouth, determined not to disappoint this big, strong, beautiful, amazing black man. As I began licking his shaft like an ice cream cone, however, out of the corner of my eye I saw several pairs of feet approaching. Everything that followed happened so quickly that I didn't have time to react. Antoine suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me off his dick while the other guests grabbed my arms and legs; Antoine then leapt to his feet and ordered the others to turn me over and hold me down. As I lay on the floor struggling to break free, I suddenly felt a sharp, unbearable pain in my balls that made me shriek out loud--but only for a second, as Antoine quickly shoved a damp, rank athletic sock in my mouth to muffle my screams. Antoine was now on top of me, one hand covering my mouth and the other gripping my balls. "Allen baby, you just gotta calm down a bit," he said in a calm, soothing voice, "the pain will go away as soon as you stop struggling. I don't want to hurt you unless I have to, and I won't have to hurt you if you'll just calm down and listen to me." He leaned in and whispered into my ear, "Shhh, baby, that's right, just calm down and shush for a moment and I'll make the pain go away." And once I stopped struggling, he gently kissed my cheek, and whispered, "That's a good boy, Allen, that's it. You're such a good boy." Antoine and the other guests gradually loosened their grips until there was no pain left, as Antoine had promised. He then turned to Manuel and Louis and told them to get the first slam ready. "We wanted to ease you in at first, baby, but since you've been acting like such a bitch tonight, we have no other choice but to start you off with a slam," he told me as Omar tightened a leather strap around my arm. "It's going to be a bit intense at first, baby, and you'll probably have trouble breathing for a couple seconds until you start coughing. But then you'll feel the most intense rush you've ever felt in your entire life, and everything we do to you will start feeling so good, baby, you won't ever want us to stop!" "Now close your eyes for me, baby, for just five seconds," he said, gently biting my neck at the same time I felt a small pinch in my arm. "Now count to five with me... one... two... three... four..." Before we got to five, however, I felt Omar loosening the leather strap around my arm, and I suddenly understood why people call it slamming. As Antoine had predicted, after a few seconds of feelings like I couldn't breathe, followed by a short coughing fit, wave after wave of searing hot pleasure, unlike anything I'd ever felt before, slammed into me like a ton of bricks and started radiating through my body, and the room around me felt brighter, as if my brain had abruptly reset my eyes' brightness level to maximum. And then, just as quickly, my senses start coming back down to earth. The waves of pleasure and joy were replaced by a ravenous, insatiable hunger for sex--I suddenly found myself wanting a never-ending stream of humongous horse cocks shoved up my ass and crammed down my throat, unleashing rivers of ni#%a cum into every orifice of my body. I started jacking off with my right hand, then spread my legs and raised my knees so my left hand could reach my asshole. "Oh god, fuck me, Antoine!" I gasped, desperately finger-fucking my pussy, "please, please fuck me! Fuck me over and over again; and pass my nasty used cunt around!" "Yeah, baby?" Antoine teased, "you wanna get raped, is that it? You want your sweet little boypussy gangraped by ni#$a cocks?" He swatted my fingers out of my asshole and shoved his entire 12-inch cock up my chute in one monstrous stroke. I screamed out in pain, but Antoine just covered my mouth with his mitt-sized hands and shouted, "Shut the fuck up, you filthy little whore! This is what you were begging for, so this is what you're going to get!" --- To be continued ---
    4 points
  3. The Fort was a pub in East London, which was a sleazy, dark old victorian building which held boots-only days on Wednesdays and Saturdays. It was the kind of place no one admitted to going to, but a lot of people did, and you could fuck wherever you wanted, even at the bar, and few people used condoms. The regulars were pretty sleazy too, mostly trolls and one or two young guys like myself drawn to the danger like moths to a flame. Sadly, its gone now, torn down for housing. I had only been there once or twice and on each occasion had come away with a couple of loads in my arse, but I was still neg. Part 1 One Wednesday I went in, paid my fee, and was given a locker key. It was gone 2.30 so the owner had turned the lights down and the music up loud. I could see naked men walking around in the gloom as I headed to the bar for a drink. Someone caressed my arse, and I turned to see a middle aged guy, lean and olive skinned, veins standing out on his wasted thighs and a bulging belly above a long, thick cock with a cock ring around the base. I gave him a timid smile. "Hi." He smiled back "Nice arse," He replied with a slight Italian accent. Something about him mesmerized me, which he seemed to recognise as he guided me over to some chairs. He made me lift my legs and probed my hole with his finger. I was dry and a bit nervous. "Push it out," he ordered, "push it onto my finger." I lowered my legs. "I need some lube" I made to get up to get some when he said "Sure, but no condoms, okay?" He held my gaze and I shivered with excitement and revulsion. I returned to the chair with some sachets of lube. He lifted my legs again, tore one open and smeared the cool lube onto my arsehole. His finger slid in easily and he encouraged me to push my hole open. "They like it like this," he said, "puffy and open pussy, eh?" With his other hand, he smeared lube on his cock and began to jack it off as his finger slid in and out of me. "Are.. are you..y'know, poz?" I asked, my cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He laughed. "Sure!" He said." 20 years and without meds." His finger slid deliciously in and out of me as he encouraged me to open myself until my pussy was gaping and wet. I saw other naked men standing at the bar watching us, their erect cocks testament to the excitement of what they were watching. Suddenly his finger withdrew and he crouched over me, sliding his cock into me in a single, unexpected, delicious rush. "W..wait !..." I gasped, squirming on the hard wooden seat as his cock started to slide in and out. "Okay," he said, and slid out of me, sitting back on his chair and sipping his beer. I was breathing hard, and my hands were shaking with excitement. "How many times you been here?" he asked. "A couple." "Been barebacked?" I nodded in reply. "Well, you better get dressed and go, because if you bareback here you're gonna get knocked up sooner or later," he continued. His words shocked me. T he was right but I also recognised the hunger in me his words created. I sipped my drink, then hesitantly raised my legs. He smiled, leaned forward and thrust his disased cock into me again, sliding it slowly and lasciviously in and out of my hole. "Good." He said. " Good. When you join the club, you won't have to worry any more." He pulled out and grabbed my arm. "C'mon, let's do this right." I followed him to the darkroom at the back of the bar, my legs like jelly and my heart pounding with fear and excitement. Several trolls got off their bar stools and followed us, flabby bodies sweating with excitement. In the darkroom, I could barely see but the man guided me onto a slimey leather bench somewhere in the middle. "Kneel !" He said. I got on to the bench and knelt, resting on my forearms with my arse upraised. He came around and stood before my face, his drooling cock against my lips and I felt his hands reaching down my back, spreading my cheeks and smearing more lube in my hole. I couldn't see a thing, but my other senses seemed heightened and I could smell sweat, cum and body odour as I was surrounded by bodies in the darkness. I felt a hand on my buttock, sliding between the cheeks and seeking out my hole. The italian's hands spread my cheeks further, and suddenly a blunt, thick cock slid into me, and a hairy belly was pressed against my backside. I squealed like a stuck pig, but my friend cupped my face and kissed me in the darkness, whispering that I shouldn't worry, that it was a gift, and after I was pregnant I'd never look back. The man in me was fucking me hard, and suddenly he pushed deep into me and I felt his cock stiffen as he spurted. "Oh..no! " I gasped. But now some poppers were thrust under my nose and I felt my resistance going. The cock left me, I felt a gush of sperm over my balls and knew I had been impregnated. Before I could move, a second cock slid into my wet hole and began to fuck me, as the italian guy fed me his cock and whispered encouragement in my ear. Four or five guys had me, and they left my hole puffy, gaping and dripping. "Now it's my turn." Whispered the guy. " I'm going to give you my babies " With that, he slid around behind me, and I felt his long, firm cock slde up me. I pushed back to meet it, tears on my face, knowing I was lost even as he began to shudder and spurt inside me.....
    3 points
  4. I secured the boy's feet in the sling, tightened the straps around his wrists and shoved a hard lump of tina into his tight sphincter, roughly massaging it into the heat of his pulsing ass. He said he was a top, no questions , and as my single digit explored his hole I believed him. The boy was fixed tightly around my invasion, I could feel the pressure around my knuckle as he pushed hard against the burning drugs melting into his system. "Nice, lad" I said, keeping my finger dancing along his prostate, watching the expression of clean cut, boy next door 19 year old struggle against the sensations of pain and pleasure. He broke into pearls of sweat that dripped off his tight abs onto the concrete beneath him. "Uh...Uh" he moaned as I twisted the last remnants of the rock deeper and deeper into him "Oh fuck" he cried, shaking in the sling. I smirked as the crystal vanished and the boy visibly started to relax, I kept my finger in his warm cunt, leant over his jock boy frame, and kissed him hard brushing his damp mop of dark hair across his brow. "Oh Fuck..." He moaned into my mouth as I drew my finger out his quivering pussy. His twink cock was rock hard, a silver stream of precum pooling under his abs. I stood back up, scooped up the entire pre load and fed it to him off my fingers. It'd been a good night in the end. I looked down at my broken little top, slurping his own cum off my digits and couldn't help a broad grin. The hottest twink in the club - mine to abuse for as long as I wanted. Only I hadn't wanted him, I'd wanted his cute-as-fuck, shy little jock friend. I'd tried every trick in the book to get him where the hot twink now found himself. I pushed my fingers further down the kid's throat, taking out a little frustration. Twink; jock; chem; "There, there" I soothed, drawing them out as he gagged and coughed. "You gotta get used to it, you want to please me don't you? You want to get me off, right?" I asked He looked at me with fawning eyes. "Yes...God, I want to get you off...I want to make you cum" "Who said anything about cum boy" I said laughing, gently running my hand down and up his tight, taught little six pack. He looked at me quizzically as I left him hanging for a moment to find my playkit in the darkness of the room. There was something about the one that got away, something that made a predator like me...well, angry. I hadn't lost a chase in a while and that little jock had got to me, got under my skin and into my head. Seeing his pert little drunk muscle ass disappear into a taxi had seriously angered me...and now, I was going to take my frustration out on his friend...luckily, he was one of those clean cut, athletic little swimmer types that'd usually get my blood boiling to breed. Tonight my blood was boiling to destroy. A few more drinks, a bit of G and the kid was pressed against my hard chest, gibbering about being a top and not really up for much more than 'fooling around'. Fortunately, the Tina laced joint we shared in the parking lot changed his mind, suddenly he was amped, pliable to my suggestion... "I've never been to a sex club" he giggled. A shit tonne of reassurance, another laced joint and the kid gamely got up in the sling. I'd rimmed him, nigh on treated him like a fucking king till he was so relaxed, so high on drugs and sex he barely noticed as I secured him. "Wha...whats that?" He said as I returned, applying a tourniquet to his little, bulging arm. "This kid" I said, prepping his vein "is heaven, hell and every fucking thing in between and it'll blow your fucking mind" "Uh...I...don't know" he said "Kid" I said, pausing..."That's not gonna work for me...you wanna have the best night of your life? You wanna have sex as though your life depended on cumming, as though there was nothing else on earth but cock and men and muscle and pecs and boiling, life affirming jizz?" He sighed, "Oh Fuck yeah..." He sighed I plunged the needle into him, slamming him into the stratosphere...he'd thank me again in a few hours. It hit him violently, I soothed as he coughed, spat, gagged ...rubbing him as he struggled for breath. As he breathed deep,I heard him growl... "Oh...fucking hell...I feel...Oh Fuck" I laughed as he struggled in the sling "Please, he said...Oh...Fuck, I need to touch myself...holy shit..." I shook my head, grabbing his rock hard dick myself and gently jacking it for him "Feel good?" I said He mumbled something as he smiled broadly, eyes rolling backward. "Dont stop" he said breathlessly, so I did. I was king now. I walked around to my playkit, grabbed a small plug and found myself at the entrance to his perfect little hole. He continued to struggle to break free of the sling to touch his leaking cock. I spat on the plug and gently pressed it against his hole. A bit of pressure and the boy took the whole fucking thing, sucked to the hilt. He moaned, his dick pumped a fresh pool of pre cum onto his abs. "Perfect" I said, "keeping it cumming kid" I laughed, scooping it up, tugging out the plug and coating it in his semen. "Here it comes" I shoved it back in, grabbed the rest of my toys and hunkered down to push the kid's limits. A plug, a dildo, all lube free save for a good few doses of boy pre seamen. The minutes flew by, as I sucked out a good sized dildo from his ass I was ready to fuck...but, not him, not yet...first I needed to vent a bit more, I wanted to revel in his worn out pussy, not break him in for others. I shoved a plug in him, kissed him, grabbed my towel, opened the door and left. I took the key to his restraints with me, no one would take my prize that way. The club was thumping with sex and, as I turned back to the sling room I saw one by one, as men entered, enticed by the perfectly displayed offering therein. I couldn't help but watch as a massive daddy type, reached the blissed out kid first, pulled out the plug and inserted a few fingers. My view vanished as men began to pour in from..."see ya soon boy" I said, dropping my towel and entering the club proper, letting my dick guide me into the thick of the heaving, sweaty pool of men.
    3 points
  5. This morning I was up early and just cruising the dating sites. Got a message from a British guy on Gayromeo who was in town for business. He had to go to the office in the afternoon for a meeting but free until then. Asked if I wanted a fuck. Hey?..... Met him in his hotel around 10am. Amazing guy with a massive dick. Over three hours he pumped three loads in me. Massive dick. I asked if I could take a pic of his dick. Was OK as long as I did not include his face. Wish he was into filming the session but he wasn't. Made me cum handsfree while fucking me. Here the pic of his dick. He promised to be in touch again when he would be back.
    3 points
  6. So, I was in Phoenix over the weekend and did the cheap motel cumdump thing. Here was my ad: 27 Ave Indian School Hotel Cumdump - m4m - 45 45 yo white dude taking loads at cheap motel. Need to get off? I don't care about your age, looks, whatever. Guy #1: Bear - rimmed me good, fucked me OK,dumped his load and said he'd be back later. Guy #2: Older African American gentleman - asked about protection and I said no...banged away...dropped his load and left. Guy #3: Young African American guy - 10.5 (real) inches...two hours of fucking and he didn't come. He kept making sure the curtains and door were open... he let in Guy #4: Never saw his Face....was busy sucking Guy #3 I was getting sore from Guy #3's massive dick and I had to get to an appointment, so he jerked off with just his tip in my hole (wish mine was big enough to do something like that!) and added to the mix. After I got back from my appointment, Guy # 1 comes back and hoovers my ass to get all the cum he can before fucking me again. Later, I got the following response from Guy #5: On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:45 PM -0700, #5 wrote: "I have a load I would love to give your hole " He included a cock pic. On Mar 28, 2015, at 11:46 PM, "I" wrote: "229 (the room #)" On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 11:53 PM -0700, #5 wrote: "You ddf? And Do I just walk in drop my pants fuck your hole? And you goys lots of cum in your ass already? ;)" On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:00 AM, I wrote: "Works for me!" I'm on my knees, ass to the door, when #5 comes in and pops his cock right in. He talks dirty about all the cum in my ass. Asks me if I want his and pops a load. I look over my shoulder as he's getting dressed and see that he's a cute, hot, teenager, (hopefully legal!!). I see him drive off in (mommie's??) car. Then, this starts: On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:13 AM -0700, #5 wrote: "You're not HIV positive are you?" On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:14 AM, I wrote: "Nosir...boring businessman...haven't done this in two years." On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:18 AM -0700, #5 wrote: "How many people have came inside you tonight? And why do you do this?" On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 12:18 AM -0700, I wrote:"Um..5 or 6...and I'm on "prep". And why do I like anon sex? That's a hard one....just something different every once in a while..." I then spent an hour or two trying to get the African American guy down the hall who kept playing with his bulge and seemed to be outside smoking a lot of cigarettes...no dice.. though... Guy #6, was another guy who messaged me that he was also in the motel...wanted safe, so he just jerked off on my ass and left.... 3 of the cocks attached:
    2 points
  7. Spent 1 night in California last night. Posted ads on BBRt, CL and A4A. Well in no time, I had cummers showing up at my hotel door. I left the door ajar, turned the lights down low, slipped on my blindfold and lubed up my hole and they filtered in 1 by 1. In a 4 hour period, I took 17 loads. They just kept cumming and cumming and some of them even returned for a repeat session. One guy that wanted me to see him was a big muscular black guy with a HUGE cock who totally wrecked my hole. He went for a good 45 minutes. I had so much cum in my hole by the end of the night. Hope to do it again sometime soon and try and break the 17 record. Best night ever!!
    2 points
  8. I have been barebacking for years. And not sure if i have taken a poz load or not. Well last night i took my first known poz load. Thank you again. The guy and his partner came to my room at a hotel and the three of us played together. i sucked there cocks while the other fisted my ass. After they had both fisted the poz guy fucked me and then gave me my first poz anal load, what a feeling.
    2 points
  9. It sounded like a great 30th birthday present from my partner Bill—a professional massage followed by some hot love making. I was down with that! Bill and I ate an early supper out at our favorite neighborhood dive and I had time for a relaxing shower before the masseuse arrived at 8. I took the liberty of getting clean and ready for some deep dicking by Bill after I was all relaxed from my massage. Jon advertized in the local GLBT rag with at least a few dozen competitors. Bill chose him because he listed his qualifications and training and didn’t feature a scantily dressed photo. I laughed at this and said what if I wanted a DEEP massage and Bill promised he would take care of that afterwards. I’ll admit it—I was horny! Jon showed up on time and set up his table in the back study of our house. Bill said he was going to watch some TV upstairs and he kissed me and told me to enjoy my birthday present. Jon said he could massage me naked or with underwear on—what ever my comfort level was. I hadn’t had a professional massage and told him I wanted the works. He smirked and winked while he said, “but, of course!” As my upper thighs were sore from working out at the gym, I asked if I could start on my back. Certainly he said as he turned on a CD with soft music on his little boom box and adjusted the lights low so I could be totally relaxed. Jon was good! He covered my naughty bits with a towel when he was working elsewhere and he quickly had me relaxed and very pliable. I guess massage can be hard work because I noticed he slipped out of his sweat pants to gym shorts and took off his short sleeve shirt to reveal a wife beater and an amazing chest—heck, the whole package was mighty nice! I tried to not pay attention to him as I turned over to my stomach. He worked my back over very well and I got so relaxed my right arm slide off the table. He changed position and stood on my right side—my arm was lightly in contact with his sizzling body. My head was within the opening in the table so it could remain lined up and not turned one way or the other. All I could see was the floor but my awareness seemed to spike. There was something in that simple connection between his body and my arm and his strong hands kneading me that made me feel very alive. He started working the small of my back and pressed against my arm a little closer. I was aware that my dick was reacting to this and a sigh slipped out. He reached down to grab my hand and place it back on the table. I missed the contact immediately, but his hands started working my ass and that caught my attention. I love my ass massaged by Bill, but Jon was like a bread maker working stiff dough. Whether it was right or not, I spread the legs to give him easier access. I was so in tune with this feeling of bliss. I could hear Jon’s steady breathing over the soft music. My own breathing was deep and I was in heaven. A soft moan slipped out of my mouth as he made me more pliant than I had ever been. He worked one leg and then the other—my ass still exposed and legs spread. When he worked the point where my legs connected with my ass, I could feel precum dripping out of me and I sighed and spread my legs a bit more. Jon’s slick oiled hands worked me like no one had before. It wasn’t exactly sexual, but I was harder than a rock and was started to pant a bit. He poured a bit more oil in his hands and was now working between my cheeks. When his fingers finally strayed against my hole I gasped out loud. Was this a massage or a seduction? I was monogamous with Bill, but I was so fucking turned on and relaxed that I couldn’t make a move to stop whatever Jon wanted. It was pretty obvious that I was enjoying this special attention. My ass clenched and relaxed in time with Jon’s ministrations. Jon said he was getting rather warm and I could hear him pulling off his shirt and perhaps slipping his shorts off. I wasn’t sure. All I knew is that I was so turned on! Jon’s next move surprised me. I felt his 5 o’clock scruff against my right ass cheek. He was just rubbing up and down my cheeks and I instinctively flexed my free hand against him. He was naked! He grabbed my hand and led it to what felt like a log between his legs. I groaned as I squeezed it and he now started licking my crack. I thrust against him and started milking his mighty tool as he started eating my hole. I was now moaning and was disappointed when he broke the connection. That disappointment quickly faded as I felt him climb on the table and he grabbed my ass cheeks hard and started tongue fucking and finger fucking me. My ass was as spread as it could be and I was scooting up a bit with my ass to give him better access. He moved up further and I could feel his dick against my ass. I was a bit nervous now. I hadn’t cheated on Bill before and taking an unknown man’s dick bare was not safe! As he slid his drooling shaft up and down my crack, he reached under and pinched my nipples. I moaned anew and he started nibbling and talking in my ear. He told me that he wanted to give me the ultimate birthday present. I didn’t say a word, just felt him pressing against my slightly open hole. He kept talking and said that Bill thought a deep massage would spice up his and my sex life. I finally told him I didn’t want to get caught and this wasn’t very safe. He laughed and said he wouldn’t fall off the table and hurt himself. He then said he only topped and I had nothing to worry about. He asked if I was poz and I said no pretty sharply. He said “perfect” and started pulling me up into the doggy position. I was shaking my head no even as he was lining up to penetrate me. I moaned no as he started pressing in earnest. It felt SO good to feel that thick head pop through my first ring. He stopped and continued to tweak my nipples and talk dirty to me. He told me he knew I wanted this and he was going to take me and give me what I really needed for my birthday. I groan and pushed back against him—together we worked to achieve total penetration. I liked hearing Jon’s gruff voice as he quietly spoke and got my even more turned on by his dirty talk. He asked me who was bigger—him or Bill. “You are.” I admitted. Who did I want fucking me? “You, Jon” “When we are done, I want you to shower and then fuck Bill with your hot hole—make sure he eats your ass first. I am going to make your hole really slick for Bill to enjoy—that will spice up your sex life and make me really happy that you shared this fuck with your partner.” Jon instructed. “Your ass is going to be so open and slippery from my fuck and my seed deep in you, boy! You want that, don’t you? You want to be a hole for me to breed? A receptacle for sperm? I moaned and admitted that I did. The pounding started going in overdrive! He was quietly cursing and tell me that he was going to own my ass and mark it as his own. I hadn’t read anything about pozzing talk at this point in my life so it was just a super turn on to hear that he wanted me so bad. I didn’t know what I was asking for when he started telling me what he wanted to hear from me. I was so hard as he pounded me that I begged for his seed, for him to breed my ass and make it his. “This is so hot, boy! Your partner paid to have you massaged but you are getting bred as well! 2 for 1, boy! All, right, fag boy, here comes your birthday gift—I am breeding you…now!!!” Jon rammed in as deep as he could and I could feel him jerking and spurting within me. The feeling made me shoot then and there. “Nothing finer than a boy shooting his load when he is finally bred right!” Jon sighed. He stayed in me sliding in and out as he worked his load into my receptive hole. Jon told me to keep his load in my ass so it would feel amazing for Bill later. I complied. Bill and I had great sex that night. He ate my ass and told me how relaxed and silky it was after my massage. I was hard from thinking about what he was doing and whose load he was tasting. Jon was right, Bill liked fucking my hole after Jon had bred it. A few months later I got sicker than a dog. A sense of dread filled me and later I tested poz. I couldn't find Jon's ad anymore and I had no way to contact him. I knew exactly what Jon had meant by his words! I had been bred for my birthday!
    1 point
  10. Brad is totally my type: tall, lean, and having a basketball player's build, has reddish-brown hair and the most sexy light brown eyes. He's 6' 6", 190 pounds and 26 years old. He is simply one of the sexiest guys I've ever known, he has a gorgeous eight inch cock and a great set of balls. I was very happy with him, and had been with him for six months when he found out that he was poz. I was negative, and during those six months when we had sex, Brad had never cum in me ... although I asked for him to. I thought it was quirky at first that he wouldn't shoot inside me, but just let it go, although I knew ex had done IV drugs and they had plenty of bareback sex.) When he told me he was poz, he said he would understand if I broke it off with him, feeling I deserved a less-challenging relationship. I wouldn't hear of it. Three months later we moved in together into a West Hollywood apartment and had sex all the time - always bareback. Brad's doctor suggested he attend a gay men's poz support group where he could talk about being poz with guys who could understand. That's where he met Justin, who was also in a poz-neg relationship. Justin and I are surprisingly similar in build, 6 foot tall, 185 pounds, 28 years old and light brown hair. They both had the same HIV doctor and had met once before in the doctor's office, although just in passing. Since the beach is a long drive, Brad and I regularly went to a bathhouse, North Hollywood Spa that has an outdoor sun deck. We'd lay out to get some sun and then go inside to have some fun, always together. It worked for us in our new relationship, so why not? Being around other hot naked guys just got us even more horny for each other. Shortly after Brad joined the poz support group, we ran into Justin on Santa Monica Blvd, and he told me he thought it was cool that I was OK with Brad being poz ... and that his neg partner wouldn't touch him at all because of it. I said "You're a hottie! I can't imagine any man not wanting to be naked with you!" OK, so sometimes my 'edit mode' doesn't work well, and I guess the cat was out of the bag. Justin was hot and now he and Brad knew I thought as much. Justin wanted to know how Brad fucked my neg ass without him pozzing me, so Brad explained he would pull out of my ass right when he was starting to cum and then shoot on my abs. That way we were able to avoid condoms and also avoid having me seroconvert. Then Brad apparently had a brain storm 'cause he said "Rob and I are going to lay out naked at the tubs on Saturday," adding "would you like to join us?" Justin was up for it as his boyfriend was out of town for work, so we arranged for Justin to meet at our place and then we'd head out together. Justin had never been to a bathhouse before, so we got him checked in and inside. I got a big room for us to throw our stuff into, with the thought we'd strip down and then head to the sun deck. That's when Brad and I first saw Justin's cock. Holy Fuck, it was huge and he was sporting a Prince Albert. His nipples were also pierced, which I also found hot. I definitely wanted his cock in a big way. While I knew the poz support group’s rules said Brad and Justin were not supposed to play around with each other, I had the distinct feeling that rule would be broken before we went home that day. Brad and I chose to lay naked, and Justin wore a Speedo as he wanted a tan line. Brad and Justin lay next to each other, and my lounge chair was in front of their's, which, as long as I was on my stomach, made it really convenient for me to stare at Justin's basket. The Speedo barely contained his pierced poz cock. I wanted it. So did Brad. I had a spritz bottle, so after a little bit, I misted water on me to cool off. I then to be a dickhead, adjusted the stream to a jet and squirted Brad directly in the balls. That got his attention! His cock started getting hard, so I continued doing it. Justin laughed at what I was doing, so I squirted his Speedo as well, then worked the stream up to his nips. My cock was hard. Brad's cock was hard, and Justin's cock was filling out his Speedo even more. "Let's take a break inside and cool off," I suggested, wanting to be naked with these two studs. The three of us showered off downstairs and then headed to the room, "Just for a couple minutes." But no sooner had the door behind us, than we lost our towels, and we were three guys in heat, making out and feeling each other up, our cocks drooling precum like crazy. We were horny and needed to get off. In no time, the three of us were on the bed and ravaging each other. I was on my back with Brad sucking my cock, while Justin sucked Brad's cock. It wasn't too long before it was time to switch-up. "I gotta get a taste of my first pierced cock," Brad said. I said "Don't get him off, because I want some too." Justin wasn't used to three-ways, and this was his first since he converted to being poz, and he certainly wasn't used to a neg guy being so hot for his poz cock. Brad switched places and laid on his back and Justin crawled up to straddle Brad and fed him his cock. This was a great opportunity for me to get Brad's cock up my hole and to feel up Justin while he got his cock sucked by Brad. Justin blocked Brad's view, so Brad was surprised when I lubed up his bare cock and lowered myself onto him. I moaned at how hot Brad's cock felt up my ass ... and what a hot view I had of Justin's butt and hot body. He turned around to see what I was up to behind him, and was surprised I was taking Brad's cock right there. It was erotic as hell to watch Brad suck on another poz cock, and I certainly enjoyed having his cock up my ass. Unfortunately, Brad's gag reflex had a problem with the ring in Justin's cock, so he had to back off it and just suck on the tip. Seeing what was going on, I said, "Let's switch positions ... I'll be able to take his big dick with no problem." Brad and Justin just looked at me and laughed as Brad remarked "My boyfriend the slut! Give the man what he wants." Justin took Brad's place on his back, I bent over to suck Justin's cock and Brad fucked me doggy style. Everyone was happy until Brad pulled out saying, "I'm getting too close. I don't want to cum yet." Justin said, "Yeah, I want to have a turn with Rob too." I moved off his cock and stood next to Justin who then reached over to my loose lubed butt and gave it a grab. I turned a little to give him easier access to my hole and he slid a finger up inside me. Brad and Justin got a little quiet and for a couple moments Brad and Justin looked at each other's eyes, and gave each other a slight nod. Brad said, "Yeah, Justin ... it's Rob's turn." Brad slid back on the bed to give us some space and watched while Justin worked my already-lubed hole with one finger, and then two fingers, and as he did so, Justin turned to Brad saying "Rob's ass feels amazing. No wonder you told me you love fucking him." Brad said, "Go ahead and give him a couple more fingers, he loosens right up." At that point I was bent over the bed just enjoying the amazing treatment Justin was giving my asshole. I was totally relaxed having him do what he wanted and Brad was playing with his cock watching Justin. Justin slid his four fingers out of my ass and slid his pierced poz cock inside me. Wow, he felt great. I love my boyfriend's eight inch cock but Justin's seven inch, fat cock was a whole different kind of great. "Yeah, fuck me," I urged Justin. Brad meanwhile was jacking his cock, taking in the scene, his cock rock hard. Clearly he was totally into watching me be get plowed by his poz friend. Justin bent over and whispered in my ear, "You get off on my hot poz cock, don't you?" Brad didn't notice Justin's question, but it had me rock hard. I didn't say anything at first, so Justin asked more loudly "You want that, huh?" Brad looked up at both of us and smiled when I answered "Yeah, fuck me ... give it to me! But first let me change positions!" We all started laughing and they both made room for me to get on my back with my legs in the air. Justin said, "Let me take a couple minutes ... Brad, you get back inside him." Justin pulled out of me and noticed a little redness on his cock. He realized his Prince Albert piercing was rubbing my asshole raw from the friction. We looked at each other and he was about to say something about it. I gazed into his eyes and slowly shook my head and whispered, "Don't say anything." Once his cock was inside me, Brad said, "Oh yeah, Rob has such a hot hole. God I love fucking his ass." "Yeah, I want this ... fuck me, Brad," I urged. As Brad fucked me, Justin kissed me, quietly saying "Rob, I'm going to help you get what you want." Brad looked at Justin saying "We're probably okay fucking him, since we're both undetectable." A strange look crossed Justin's face, which led Brad to ask "What's that look for?" In a slightly dull tone Justin answered "My doctor didn't like my blood panels, so he took me off my HIV meds two weeks ago. I thought I told you." Justin continued, "But don't worry about me. Fuck Rob's hot hole and shoot inside him!" There wasn't much room behind Brad and the wall, and Justin had a plan. He got off the bed and stood next to Brad, lightly tweaking his nipples. That drove Brad crazy and filled him with lust. Justin then moved behind Brad as he was fucking me and tweaked his nipples. Brad muttered "Oh, fuck, I'm getting close!" I grabbed Brad’s hips to pull his cock into my ass, and Justin lodged himself against the wall so that Brad couldn’t back away as Brad yelled, "Shit! I'm cumming ... fuck, I'm shooting." I was also shooting, but unlike Brad's load, my cum load blew all over my chest. It was likely the biggest load I've ever had. Fuck that was hot. After all this time with Brad, I finally got him to cum inside me - and I wanted it really bad. Poz cum just made it hotter. Brad's cum had nowhere to go, but inside my ravaged hole. And he was freaking out softly saying, almost to himself, "Oh my god, I came in you! Fuck! I don't want to poz you." "Hang on, honey, it'll be okay. A lot of guys don't get pozzed the first time they're bred! Come here...." Brad's cock was still in my hole and I pulled him towards me and kissed him many times, murmuring "Don't worry." He moved off me and laid down on the bed and Justin was there with a slight smirk. We both knew what he did for me, and I was grateful. "Can I get a hand here?" Justin asked. In the excitement, Brad and I hadn't helped Justin get off, and his cock needed to blow a load. "Yeah, I think I can help you out," I replied, turning to Brad and asking "Okay with you? I think it's Justin's turn." Brad looked at both of us and slowly nodded yes. I pulled Justin down to make out with him, and I could feel his poz cock grazing my thighs and balls. I reached down and aimed his cock inside my hole, easing his pierced poz cock inside me, my boyfriend's poz load the only lube. I announced with genuine excitement "Fuck, this is amazingly hot." Justin grinned as he slid in and out of my wrecked hole and asked "You really like this. Fuck, man, I never thought I'd ever get inside your hole." "Hell, yeah, man, this is amazing." In a slightly louder tone Justin asked "You want me to cum in you?" Mischievously I replied "Ask Brad if you can." Justin replied in a voice loud enough for the guys in the adjoining rooms could hear "It's not Brad's hole I'm breeding. Do you want my poz cum?" There was only one possible reply for me: "Fuck yeah, dude. Shoot your hot poz load into my ass!” Just then every muscle in Justin's body tensed up as a prelude to his hot load. He pounded my hole even harder, as if to force his virus into my body. Justin yelled, "You're such a cum slut, take my poz load." I could feel his cock unloading in my guts. The spasms triggered another orgasm for me. I was in heaven, as was Justin who collapsed on top of me, with his cock still lodged inside my hole. We hugged and kissed. Brad looked a little shell-shocked at what just took place. We all stretched out on the bed and wrapped our arms around each other just to hold on. I wasn't sure what was going through Brad's head, so when everyone caught their breath, I said, "That was amazing. I've wanted that for a long time. Thank you." Brad looked at me with a puzzled look. He said, "I had no idea ... you never talked to me about it or asked me for it." I asked, "Would you have bred me if I asked you to?" Just then, I felt Brad's cock start to get hard against my thigh. Brad said, "Justin and I hoped you would be okay with us just fucking you, but now, you'll have a lot more of our cum from now on." The three of us smiled, relieved about how the afternoon turned out. Brad got off the bed, his big poz hard on, pointing in my direction. I got up on all fours, and pointed my ass in his direction and my mouth on Justin's cock. Justin's cock was slightly funky, but I didn't care. It was my turn, and I got what I wanted.
    1 point
  11. I've been meaning to write this story out for awhile, it might be similar to a lot of stories already on here, but I wanted to put my personal spin on it. Bear with me, this is just the first part of this fiction, more will follow. Revenge I waited until Joey got in the shower before I grabbed his phone from the bedside table. My boyfriend had been hiding something from me and I was determined to find out what that was. He had been sidestepping questions and overall I got this feeling like he wasn't where he said he was when I texted him. I looked at the pass code lock on his phone and typed in his combination, having seen him enter it when we snuggled on the couch. For someone with something to hide, he could have made it harder to snoop through his phone. I swiped through his screens and cringed at how many random games and one-time use apps there were with no organization or folders. Among all that, I found he still had Grindr on his phone. I thought about whether or not I had ever heard that telltale yone go off while we were together and I couldn't remember ever hearing any sound, it was always on vibrate. I opened the app and went to his recent messages and while there weren't any new ones I saw that he was messaging someone as recent as this morning. I read through the thread and saw that they had hooked up that day while I was at work. I was livid as I read more and read through the other messages to find he was hooking up with guys at least twice a week and it seemed like a different guy each week. I suppose I should have taken it as some sort of consolation that he was using condoms because he always demanded them - even with me, but I just couldn't get over the fact that he lied about being monogamous for the year and a half we were together. I thought about how I might have been alright with having an open relationship if we had simply discussed it. We could have brought in a third guy or had an orgy. I started to get hard thinking about that and had to shake my head to focus on the problem. I looked at Joey's profile: discreet, masc/ddf safe and NEG only, no flakes. I shook my head and closed the app, making sure to put his phone right where I found it. Joey was still in the shower, but I didn't want to risk getting caught snooping. I thought about what I'd discovered and briefly considered confronting him about it, but I didn't feel like that would be enough. I thought about cheating myself to get even, but I would have to sleep with a man every night for month just to come close to his number. Thinking about going behind Joey's back made me hard again, just as he came out of the bathroom. "Hey baby, " he said as he strut over to me nude and steaming from his shower. Joey was sexy, 5'8" tall, white, and thick like a wrestler. He crawled across the bed to my 6' athletic latin frame. I admit I was getting a little chubby and thought maybe that was why he cheated and it made me angry. "Looks like you could use a hand," he growled softly as his hand stroked the outline of my uncut cock in my sweats. I briefly considered pushing him away, but I didn't want to come up with some lame excuse to cover up my newfound knowledge. Without a word, I pulled down my sweats and let my 7 inch cock stand to attention. I reached over to his head and pulled down, giving the signal for head. He licked at my skin covered head and slowly went down until I hit the back of his throat. There was still an inch to go so without warning I thrust in and out, forcing him to take more. He gagged and tried to push back but I held on tight and kept up the pressure until he coughed and sputtered for air. I let him up just a bit to catch his breath, but didn't let go of his head. Before he could sit up and yell at me, I pushed my dick back in his mouth and face fucked him. Being more prepared, he relaxed his throat enough for me to slap my balls against his lips. I thrust in and few more times and felt my cum rising. I pulled out and slapped my dick on his face and moved to stand up before I came. "Damn baby, that was hot" he managed to say after getting his breath. "Where did that come from?" "I had a stressful day," I lied. I moved behind him and rubbed his hole with my finger. The same hole someone was fucking that morning. "I was thinking, can I finally fuck you raw tonight?" "Andy, you know how I feel about that," he replied. "I know we've been exclusive but I just don't feel right yet." I didn't feel right about him lying right to my face just then, but I didn't say anything. I just walked over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom so I could fuck my frustration out on him. I lubed up my cock and slid into his waiting hole, realizing how much I wanted to bareback him. I thought about my cum leaking out of his hole and it made me rock hard, but I knew he wouldn't dare let anyone fuck him raw, not even me. I grabbed his nips and squeezed them as I thrust my dick all the way into him. He bucked up and squealed like a pig. I'd never been that rough with him before. "Fuck, baby that hurt" he cried. I smacked his ass in response and slid almost all the way out and back in again. His moan told me he was more prepared this time. Little slut, I thought. Of course he would get be used to my dick now. Getting fucked earlier today loosened him up. I started thinking of that guy he messaged fucking him raw and that sent a wave of pleasure through me. I wanted to see Joey flooded with cum, even if it wasn't mine. He was so worried about HIV and I thought about how it would be his just desserts if he were pozzed when cheating on me. That last thought of Joey filled with poz cum sent me over the edge. I thrust into him as hard as I could, four angry thrusts until I came. I pulled out and slid the condom off, tying off one end and putting it in the trash. Joey panted as he pushed himself up off the bed. It seemed he had cum on the sheets, the sticky substance showing on his stomach. "Wow, that was the best fuck we've had" he said. I smiled at him and nodded. It was true. I hadn't cum like that in a year, and what set it off was the thought of pozzing him.
    1 point
  12. The music is loud… some techno shit… not good not bad… I try to look like I belong in this place… I do not know the language but who cares… I am not here for the talking. In fact the more anonymous the better… I am a traveler. I am staying in this city for three nights and I intend to make the best of it… The moment I arrived I went to the hotel, jumped in the shower, cleaned inside- out, wore my worn out fuck jeans, no under wear, took my poppers in hand… and here I am in a bar at the center of the gay neighbourhood drinking my beer and gathering my strength to go downstairs where I know is the darkroom… I am not invisible… I am tall 6.3 black hair, moustache, with the confidence of an Alpha Top … Well I used to .. in my old days… Alas… not any more… now I know what I am … I am a cumdump… the men who like to breed a real man cunt, sure they have a good time with me… but again some not… no big deal… that’s is life… and I am OK with it… I usually smile, I say “I do not fuck… I like to get fucked and I only do bareback…” And when I say it I smile so no hurt feelings… And most of the guys are Ok with that. So life goes on… And the path of my life brought me here in this seedy leather bar. I see people look at me try to figure out what is the story behind my Mediterranean poker face… But none approaches and I approach no one either. Second beer… The bartender takes the tip with the smile. Europeans do not tip bartenders. “The fun is downstairs” he said in English. “I know” was my answer. No more talk… I went back to my corner. A man around his 50’s was standing opposite of me. Tall maybe a bit taller than me… Beard… Stocky… Nordic… In leather. Intense eyes. He is drinking his beer slowly. Looking at me… I took the challenge and I returned back the glance with the same intensity. His eyes showed nothing. He was good… A silent hunter. That is OK with me… I can wait… I won’t make the first move. If there is any kind of invitation it has to be from his part. That is the rules of the game. And I was right. He approaches me first. “Boy I need to piss… come downstairs… Now!!!” Yeap, he read me right. I followed him downstairs… he took a turn right to one of the booths… waited in the open door. I came closer. He kissed me… He knew how to kiss… Not soft not hard, but with dominance… I felt the taste of the beer. He took my hand and put it at his open fly… Damn… uncut and thick … the way I like it… Not soft but not hard either… He didn’t touch my cock at all… put his hand under trying to find my hole… He found the target easily…. “I’d love to piss in your hole…” “Go for it…” was my answer…. “Let’s find the sling”… We went thru the dark corridors… Men in the basement were walking back and forth from one wall to the other like ghosts… Hunting… for the next pray… for the next cock… for the next ass… I read their minds… They knew I was his… and with his walk in front of me he left no doubts … I was his… There was the sling… unoccupied… Didn’t take me long to take my trousers off… put it on the sling and lay on it… Took his lube… spread it around my hole then all over his thick tool… I was hard… but he stil hadn’t touch my cock.. I was not given permission to touch it either … Took my poppers out….. Nice buzz… He took his too… and then I felt his cockhead pressing my spinster… “Ready boy?” I loved the way he pushed it in… It hurt a bit but it was a nice kind of pain. My eyes locked in his… “Here it comes…” he said and then I felt it… Warm piss in my hole… And his eyes still there locked in mine. And yes a slight smile. There was another buzz … Damn chem piss…. My favourite kind…. “I love chem piss… “ I heard my self whispering while he still kept steel in my ass… “You like slamming boy?” he asked. “I love slamming Sir, but I cannot handle the needle myself… “ I said… “Good… I love slamming my boys…. Do you want to be my boy for tonight BOY?” How sweet of him… he was still pissing in my ass and slowly started to slide his thick cock inside my sloppy ass… He looked like he cared.. “Yes, Sir.... I can be anything you want me to be…” was all I said. And I meant it. “Do you want to be my slam whore for tonight boy?” So strange hearing a man calling me “Boy”… and somehow I felt a kind of peace in me… “Yes, Sir! I trust you…” He started fucking me faster… “You like my dick?” he asked. “Love your dick Sir” I answered back and I meant it. “Do you like my piss in you?” soft voice… taunting me.. teasing me… “Yes, Sir although I make a mess”… “No worries… we are not done yet… I will deliver the deed first... and then some more… we are not in a hurry… Are you in a hurry?” he was fucking me slowly… but not in the way to breed… just the way to feel my wetness inside me… and take the pleasure I was giving him… “No Sir, I am not in a hurry… I am your boy for tonight…” He smiled… nice teeth…. I liked that he was not afraid to smile… Most Tops don’t smile… I guess part of the mask… I don’t complain. I wear my masks as well… but this time I was Ok… I felt safe being a cumdump in a sleazy bar offering my ass to a complete stranger, talking English in an equal heavy accent as mine… And I meant it... I was his boy for tonight… That was clear in my mind… “You know what I want right now?” he asked again with his smooth whisper… “What?” “ A nice slam!” “Here?” “Yessssss while I am fucking you… Do you trust me?” My logic said no… but fuck logic… I took another big sniff from the poppers and instead of an answered I offered him my arm… “Good boy… “ was all he said… From one of his pockets he took one point… without taking his cock off from my ass he found the vein and I felt a small prick… He was good… I knew I was in good hands… I saw how he registered the point, the slight draw back of the blood entering the needle and then he pushed it all in… “There you go boy… fly away…” I heard my self coughing a bit… and then the buzz came like a wave… an electric wave … like flying… I felt like a leaf… ready to surrender on the wind… yes I was moving but it was the motions of the fucking… “Yes… be my slam whore”…. And the fucking became more intense…. He started to speak in his own language… Norwegian maybe? I didn’t care… I was lost in space… I felt poppers in my nostrils… He ordered me to breathe… And then he took four big snorts… The real fucking started…. He was close… “Look at me whore” he demanded… I looked at him … he was so beautiful… and like an invisible mirror I saw I was beautiful in his eyes, as well… I was where I was born to be… In a sleazy bar getting fucked and slammed by a stranger…. “Ready for my poz load, Boy? Beg for my Poz load…. “ “Give me your Poz load” I said. “Louder!!!!” He screamed… “GIVE ME YOUR POZ LOAD” I heard my voice screaming… That was all he wanted to hear…. And he gave it to me… With a bark … Like a wolf… like a tortured demon, he unleased in full force his seed deep in me… The noise of the sling was our only music... and then there was nothing else but our breaths… the ship finally came to port after a fight with the storm… I felt his hands on my lips… I sucked his fingers… tasted his cum and piss and my ass juice… nice… then I felt his hand on my hair… gentle touch… so unexpected... so out of place... so right... “Thank you” he said… “Thank you “ I answered back… “Let’s get some water… We are not done yet… “ Then I knew he was a man of his words… I was his Boy for the night… And the night was not done yet…
    1 point
  13. I'm turning 50 this year, which is all good, but I have had the chance to look back and although I don't have a lot of regrets there are a few times where I know I missed out on a good opportunity. Since this is a site about bareback breeding, one of those regrets took place when I was a freshman at Drake University in Des Moines, IA. I had only officially came out of the closet over the previous summer and I was having a good time going to the clubs (drinking age was lower then), and also going to parties. It was at one of those parties where I got fucked for the 2nd time. However, what happened after I got fucked (it was in the basement of the house while the party was going on), I still remember an opportunity that to this day I regret. I was upstairs, hanging out for just a few more minutes and getting ready to go, when I had several guys try to talk me into staying and going into one of the bedrooms. They were older (30s and 40s), and they really tried HARD to get me to stay. I was this skinny little blond twink and I think one of them knew that I had just got fucked, and one of them came right out and said, a little drunkenly, "I love to FUCK blondes!" However, this was still all way too new and I had already been told that the party would turn into a sex party and I just didn't feel like I had the nerve to do anything like that. I had tried to slip out, but these guys were really, really persistent. They came right out and told me how they wanted to gang-bang me and basically fuck me into the next century. And me, in my little twink mind, just said, no way. I got really nervous and basically just bolted out of there. One of my friends stayed and he had a friend who I didn't know so well and I heard the next week from my friend how the same guys who were trying to get me to go into one of the bedrooms took this other young kid into the room and basically raped him. My friend said they could year him yelling, screaming, telling the guys to STOP, STOP, etc., but eventually this kid just got swallowed up and per my friend there were other guys who went into the room and just took turns on this kid. And it has haunted me ever since that I could have been that kid. When I first started having the idea that maybe I missed out on something I thought it was really, really wrong to even have that kind of idea in my head. But now, damn if I don't regret not staying. My friend told me that when he looked in the room that the kid was on the bed, face down, and there were over 10 guys in the room and they were just taking turns - one after the other - just fucking him. The kid wasn't passed out and my friend said that he just looked exhausted. That could have been me! Now I have certainly made up for it and although I don't keep count I'm sure I've been fucked at least a couple thousand times and I have done some of the kinkiest and wildest stuff you can imagine... but still. Anyway, long story to a short question: Do any of you have situations that you look back on and regret that you didn't take the chance or the opportunity to do something?
    1 point
  14. Chapter 1 - Prologue I never meant this to happen. I really didn't. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit. My name is Stephen. I won’t bore you with too many details but I’m a 31 year old gay man. I am also a very sexual person. In college and beyond, I lived for my next sexual encounter. I was a regular in the local gay bars, cruised on the internet two or three times a week, and let's just say that if there were frequent flyer miles for bathhouses, I would be a diamond member. I sucked and sat on every dick I could find... condoms always optional. There is something about the thrill of anonymous sex that just really gets my juices flowing. I've got a nice (if I do so so myself) six incher, cut, but I'm an almost total bottom and getting fucked is "real sex" to me. Everything else is just foreplay or a distraction. Then three years ago, at the ripe old age of 28, I met an amazing guy and settled down.. A year later we were married in Massachusetts and I vowed I would never have sex with anyone else again. I considered myself lucky to make it through my slutty “phase” still HIV negative… despite having lost track of how many loads I had taken. Thomas, my husband, is the sweetest person I've ever met, I adore him, and would ever do anything to hurt him. Or so I thought. Thomas's cock is, to be honest, somewhat smaller than average. When he fucks me, there is always that nagging part of me that isn't really satisfied. Despite this, he is a "total top”. Even worse is that he doesn't have a very strong sex drive. For him, fucking once every couple of months is more than enough and even then he always wears a condom. He likes to cuddle, occasionally he will let me jack him a bit. That is the extent of our sex life. Meanwhile I'm so horny I'm basically climbing the walls (and giving myself carpal tunnel or whatever it's called from jacking myself off four or five times a day). I'm not trying to justify what happened. Really, I'm not. I'm just telling you.... Ok? Anyway. It was a couple months ago and I was having a crap day at work. I couldn't focus on anything but the guys walking by on the street a couple levels below. Playing the "I wonder how big his dick is" game over and over in my head with each cute guy who walked beneath my window. It was the noise from the renovation crew working on the offices one floor above me that finally interrupted my daydreams. When they started drilling right above my desk, it gave me a great excuse to get out of my office and go to the men's room to rub one out. I told my assistant Calvin that I would be back once the upstairs crew moved on and it was less noisy. He muttered a distracted "Ok Stephen" without looking up from the spreadsheet he was working on. I had found a men's room a few days earlier that, due to the staff moving around for the renovations, was always empty. So I headed there. There was an outer door and and inner door which allowed for a bit of warning if anyone did show up. I was clearly in my own little world because as I turned down the last hallway I almost walked into a guy talking on a cell phone and I hadn't even heard him. Maybe it was just because I was so horned up, but there was something about him that caught my eye. Blonde hair slightly too long and slightly unkempt. Blue eyes. About 3 inches taller than me so about 6' 1” and close to my age. The work pants and sweatshirt marked him as clearly part of the renovation team but more like a supervisor or foreman as his clothes were clean except for just a hint of sawdust or something on one sleeve. I'm no gym bunny but I try to keep fit. He was something different. I could see his arms, chest, and legs were firmly muscular without being bulky. His toned body, however, was the result of work not just working out. He was handsome not beautiful... but all the more perfect for it. But what really caught my attention though was something less tangible and harder to describe. He had a certain aura of quiet confidence and masculinity that was incredibly sexy. All of this took a second, maybe two, before I realised I was staring. He noticed me and glanced my way for half a second. In that half a second, I felt I had been weighed and measured, like he knew my thoughts, and what had exactly what had brought me to this empty part of the building. And then he turned away and back to his phone call. Even his deep voice was calm and exuded the same sense of being in control as the rest of him. I blushed and hurried into the men’s room. My dick was hard as a rock and i was breathing heavily. I don't think any guy has ever effected me like that before. I was even hornier than I had been before. I stepped to a urinal and fished out my dick and started stroking. I closed my eyes and pictured the man in the hallway outside. I could already feel my balls start to tighten, aching for release. And then I heard the outer door to the bathroom open. My eyes snapped open and I stopped stroking but my dick was hard, red, and ready to shoot. I turned my body to try and hide it while watching the door. The stranger walked in, his blue eyes meeting mine for another half second. Yet again I felt him measuring me up and assessing the situation. He knew exactly what I was doing before he entered and wasn't at all surprised.
    1 point
  15. My junior year of college I decided that I had had enough of dorm life and struck out on my own to find an apartment. My parents said that they would pay for it as long as it didn’t cost more then the dorms. Now the dorms at my university weren’t cheap but they weren’t really as expensive as the cost of an apartment, so my choices were limited. After scouring the newspaper and craigslist I found three that were within my extremely small budget and were close enough to school to not make the commute impossible, so, a couple of weeks before school started, I went on a quest to find an apartment. I suppose that I should tell you a little something about myself before we go on too far. I had just turned twenty-one, and has spent a good amount of time the year before working off the last vestiges of my slightly pudgy teen age self and now sported a thin lean build that I was rather proud of. Also in the past year, weather it was due to some hormone increase from working out or my genetics finally decided that it was that time in my development, I had grown a fairly reasonable pelt of hair across my tight pecks and my now firm round bubble butt had a healthy growth of hair across both cheeks and down my crack. What I was most proud of all though was that my cock had thickened and lengthened slightly making it now an exact seven inches long and just about six and a half around. The boys I met at parties and bent over back in their rooms or in the bathroom of the party certainly enjoyed my quickly evolving meat. August in the Midwest is unreasonably hot, so when I went began my quest, upon entering the first place I quickly shucked my button down shirt and walked wearing a wife-beater and tight jean shorts, even as I could feel the sweat still running down my back. An old woman showed me around a dingy little flat in the basement of a small three-story apartment building. It was certainly not what was advertised in the paper but I knew people always exaggerated in those things. I thanked her for her time and said that I would be in touch, praying that the other two apartments were better. The second place I was looking was about a ten minute walk away, but by the time I had gotten there my shirt was soaked through with sweat and I was sure that I stunk to high heaven. Feeling rather dejected after my first viewing I knocked on the door to apartment 1A, which through my correspondence with the poster on Craigslist I had learned was the apartment of the super. The door opened and there stood the single most attractive man I had ever seen in my life. Normally I was only attracted to guys my own age but this man destroyed all of that. He stood at about six foot three inches, which put him about six inches taller than was I. He had a broad powerful chest, thick muscle knotted arms, and a handsome bearded face that made my knees weak. He wore no shirt and his carpenter pants were slung so low on his hips that I could see the tops of his thick bush of pubes over the waistband. I stared at his strong hair covered chest admiring the dark fur that covered his whole torso for a long moment, before managing to blurt out that I was here to see the apartment. The man chuckled and said in a deep voice that resonated in my chest “I’m Chuck, the guy you emailed. Nice to meet you, guy. Sorry, what was your name again?” “Duncan,” I replied, possibly a little too quickly. “Well do you wanna see the place or just stand here in the hallway,” he said turning away from me for a moment. He grabbed a shirt from just beyond where I could see into his apartment and a set of keys off a hook before stepping forward into the hallway. I stepped back quickly allowing him to pull his own door closed before leading the way down the hallway to the stairs tugging the flannel shirt of as he walked. As we walked towards the stairs Chuck made idle conversation with me about school, asking I was studying - just filling the silence, as he lead the way up three flights of stairs and then all the way down the top floor to the last door on the right. He unlocked the door and gestured for me to go inside. It was a much nicer apartment then the last one I saw. The living room was small but had a large window that allowed sunlight to stream into the tiny space. The little kitchen was outdated but usable and the although the bedroom would fit little more then a bed and a dresser, I liked the place. Chuck showed me around and though I tried to listen I kept finding my gaze wandering to the patch of his chest that was still visible as he never buttoned the shirt he put on, or down to where his pubes were coming out over his pants wondering what the pale jeans were hiding. “So you like it kid?” “Yeah, I think it’s great.” “Good,” Chuck stopped his tour of the little apartment and turned to look at me for a long moment before smiling and saying, “But I think there’s more on your mind the just the apartment right now isn’t there?” “What?” “You can’t keep your eyes off my cock boy, I’ve seen you looking.” “Shit, I’m sorry.” I stammered embarrassed beyond belief at being caught, “I’ll go, sorry for the trouble.” “Go? What the fuck kid, no get back here.” “Okay.” “You gay, kid?” “Yeah. Is that a problem?” “Not at all, make this step a little easier.” “What?” “My last slut just graduated and I’m in need of a new one.” He grabbed at his dick through his jeans and I could see the outline now of a fat powerful cock. “So,” he said dropping his shirt on the floor, “If you’re a good boy then I’ll cut you a deal on your rent, and if you’re a really good boy then there is no rent.” He had started walking closer to me, closing the small gap between us in the tiny bedroom. I could smell him now the intoxicating scent of man wafting over me as I found myself close enough to touch his amazing chest. “You interested in that deal?” “Yes,” I breathed. Somehow feeling that if I spoke too loudly I would wake myself from the incredibly hot dream I was convinced I was having. “Kiss my chest.” I hesitated for a moment and then leaned forward and kissed one of his pink fur rimmed nipples. “Good boy. Now get on your knees.” Normally I was the one who told boys to get on their knees, but with this man all of my wishes, dreams, aspirations, wants, desires or need to be a top flew out of my head. All that I wanted was to serve this massive hulk of a man. I sank to my knees without hesitation. Chuck placed one hand on my head ruffling my hair while with the other he undid his pants allowing them to fall to the ground, his cock springing up almost hitting me in the face. Just as befit a man of his perfection he had a thick heavily veined cock that had to be at least eight maybe eight and a half inches long. The hand that rested upon my head guided me forward till his cock head pressed against my mouth and I opened wide taking as much of him inside me as I could. He grunted out his appreciation as I began to work at swallowing him substantial meat, greedily working his mushroom head past my tonsils. After bobbing back and forth and gagging several times I felt his balls come to rest on my chin for a moment before the lack of air cause my body to pull back involuntarily. I felt a powerful rush of accomplishment, I loved feeling his dark dense pubes around my nose and sensing the weight of his low hanging balls against my chin. I dove forward again swallowing his meat once more and eliciting from Chuck a sudden gasp of pleasure as his cock slid down my throat. Despite being almost a total top I had always loved sucking cock, and had gotten a good deal of practice in high school when I was fucking the captain of the football team who it turned out was a big dicked bottom who loved nothing more then to have a load blown up his hole then get his cock sucked till he came. He had been getting bred the quarter back sense our freshmen year but when he got a peak at my even then fat cock at the start of our senior year I spent the rest of the year honing my pounding skills and cocking on his knob. My hands found their way to Chuck strong ass, and I was unsurprised when I felt still more thick dense hair between my fingers as I pulled his hips closer to my face. I breather in his scent as I worshiped his dick, my own cock now hard as a rock forgotten in my shorts. “Jesus Christ kid,” Chuck gasped after a long while, “any more like that and I’m going to blow my load down your throat instead of where it belongs.” He pulled me off of his cock and tilted my head up so that I was looking at his face, losing myself in his deep blue eyes. “Strip.” I pulled my sweat soaked wife-beater off and tossed it and the button down I had tied around my waist off to the side and then after kicking off my shoes shimmied off my shorts and underpants so that I was now kneeling at the feet of this Adonis completely naked my tight swimmers body exposed for him to judge. He smiled. “Get on your hands and knees and face away from me,” were his next set of instructions. I obeyed hastily. Chuck got down on behind me and lent forward, his hand gripping my ass cheeks firmly and then I felt his rough beard on brushing against my spread ass crack just before his wet warm tongue found my hole. I moaned loudly and arched my back pushing my ass back at Chuck’s invading tongue. “What a hungry hole! When did you last get fucked, boy?” “Back in high school like three years ago,” I answered truthfully. I hadn’t gotten fucked since the quarterback of the football team took out his revenge on my ass for stealing his bottom bitch away. “You haven’t had sex in three years?” “No, it’s just that I’m normally a top.” “Well shit then, you’re tight hole is in need of a good plowing.” He dove back in, his tongue swirling around my hole occasionally pressing against my still resistant sphincter. Waves of pleasure crashed over me causing my body to slowly relax to melt into him, and I felt my hole slowly opening for him. Chuck sensed my hole relaxing as well and he redoubled his efforts to slip his tongue inside my almost virginal hole. After a rim job like this, I thought, I might never top again. I heard a rustling behind me and then Chuck stopped devouring my hole, though one of his hands still remained on my ass cheek spreading my crack wide. I heard several clicks and looked back to see and iPhone in chuck’s hand. “What are you doing,” I asked, not upset really just curious. For some reason I felt like this man, who I had just met, would never do anything bad to me. “Sending some pics of your sweet hole to a few guys I know close by who can help me really give your hole the plowing it needs today.” With that Chuck knocked me to the side so that I rolled over onto my back, spun me round, grabbed my ankles, and as he went back to devouring my now upturned hole stuffed his cock back down my throat.
    1 point
  16. So this is a fantasy that's run through my mind so many times I thought I'd share it with you guys. Now I have a real big thing for American men, and I mean big. Nice big American raw cock is something I crave. The wind and the rain are whipping around the house, spring seems so far away. The tv is on but I'm not really paying attention, my eyes are pinned to my laptop, watching my chat buddy from Palm Springs slamming some guy, they're getting off knowing I'm watching and hell am I getting hard watching them. This isn't the first time I've watched Pete slip a needle into a guys vein, straining to watch that flash of blood then the slow push of the plunger, Tina slowly but firmly entering the guys blood, then the cough and the rush. I've seen several times how the bottoms always turn into hungry little whores for Petes cock. There it was, a really clear shot of the flash, wanking my cock hard, wishing it were my arm on the screen, watching as Pete slams me for the first time. From the angle of the shot I can see Petes cock is rock hard, long and straight, the cut head of his cock probably wet with precum. Next thing I know the tornequete is off the guys arm and he's jumping on his host. Pete moves him over to the bed and in one move has him on his back and he's slipping his cock between his lips. Pete likes to get sucked first to make his cock nice and wet, no need for lube when he takes the guys arse. I watch them suck and fuck for a while, think they've forgotten I'm watching, they're both flying. Eventually I can't hold back any longer I can feel the cum boiling deep inside and as I watch Petes raw cock sliding in and out of the bottom guy I let loose a loud groan and a huge load of spunk spurts all over my furry belly. Spent I shut down the laptop and drift off to sleep, dreaming that one day I will meet my american daddy and he will own not just my hole, but my entire body. We'd fuck for days in the California sunshine. A couple of days later my phone buzzes, it's a message from Pete. "So did you enjoy the show the other day". "Fuck yeah, did you have a good night?" "Shit, yeAh was ok, nothing too special, wasn't my hot little Brit boy worshipping my cock". How my hole twitches when he says things like that, and he knows it, he knows how to push my buttons. "Well mate I wish it were me, why are we so fucking far apart". My finger automatically reaches for my hole, teasing it gently. "You could be here, your arm strapped up, a full rig waiting to fill you with lust, you know I have several friends who would love to meet you. I've shown them all the pics of your furry body and hot ass, some are even impressed by your uncut cock but most just want your hole lol" I spit on my finger and shove it deep in my arse, the thought of those American guys wanting me gets me so wound up. Pete knows all my fantasies. "You know I'd be there if I could mate, and you know I'd do anything for you." "I know you would but I know it costs shit loads to get here from England. We'll have to work something out, I need to get you flying and make you the centre of attention for my buds" "Oh fuck I want that so much, you know I'd let anyone fuck me that you choose, would love you to get me real fucked up and whore me out, and I wanna feel your cut cock rubbing my insides as the Tina makes me beg for more" "Hey man, miss Tina is plentiful in this town, you'd make very good friends with her, I might even teach you to slam yourself. What would you say if I told you I could make it happen?" What did he mean? He knows I don't have the sort of cash to get me there. "Oh yeah how you gonna do that? Lol" "Well I haven't really told you all that much about my background. I've been quite lucky in my life and let's just say I'm a man of means" "What do you mean?" "I could fly you out here for a hot week, if I did tho I would own you for the whole week, you would be here to serve my needs, and those of my buddies, I'd treat you well but you would be here for my pleasure" "Yeah yeah, don't tease, you know how much I wanna get fucked up with you. Besides not sure I'd be comfortable with you paying like that anyway". The fantasy is hot but I know that's all it will ever be. Well long story short, two weeks later I'm landing at PSP and Petes mate Steve is waiting for me as arranged to drive me round for a while showing me the sights while Pete gets back from his business trip to San Diego. This guy is obviously lean and with lovely strong looking hairy arms. Pulling into a secluded little spot outside of town I suddenly notice the little bag full of T down by the gear lever. "Pete wants you nice and relaxed, and as I'm his friend you need to do as you're told. Drop ya shorts for me and spread those legs......" Wanna hear more ?
    1 point
  17. This is about my getting a definite re-charge. It took place at my favorite of all places: Man’s Country bath house in Chicago. There is nothing like MC. It’s my home away from home for this dick and cum addict bottom. I’ve got a favorite room which I try to get every visit. This trip was no different and the Dick Gods were with me. I’d snorted and smoked some tina before going to MC. I got to my room, stripped, and put on my chaps, boots, black jock, and harness. I lubed my ass and put out my supplies of lube, poppers, ethyl, and a couple of dildos for in between play. I spent the night as usual of walking a little but mostly in my room on my stomach. On occasion, I’d even see a guy in his room that was mutually interested, and I’d go in. I’d suck him hard, and he’d end up fucking his load in my ass. But, as I said, most of the time I was in my room on my stomach. The men walking by would look in and periodically one of them would walk by the room a couple of times before entering. I’d end up getting fucked and taking a load. I’d spent about 5 hours and taken several loads of cum in my ass when I happened to look at the door just as a tall Black man passed by. He looked at me and stopped long enough for each of us to assess the other. I nodded, and he returned the nod but moved on. Well, I needed something in my ass right then. I turned over on my back to decide. I took one of my dildos, licked the head of it, and shoved it in my ass. Yes, the door stayed open. Hell, I have no problem being watched as I get fucked or while I’m using one of my dildos. I am an exhibitionist and a voyeur. After getting my ass stimulated for a bit, I removed the dildo, licked off the juices, and put it away. I still had enough cum residue in my ass to use as lube. However, I did add a drop of lube to the outside as it was really dry. No sooner finished with that and the last of the gawkers (but no takers) moved on, then the tall Black guy walked by again. He was over 6 feet tall and weighed probably 240 or so as a guess. Girthy is what I call the type. His head was shaved but had a beard and ‘stache as I had. That might have made a connection for us. He looked in my room and smiled but kept going. Damn nice looking man. He came back by my room. This time he moved into the doorway filling it almost completely. He said, “What’s up?” I told him, “What is up is my need to get fucked and filled with another load of cum.” With that, he grinned widely. “You looking to be bred good then,” he said. “All the way breeding.” “Who you looking for to breed you?” he asked. “Any man with a hard dick or a soft dick I can suck and get hard,” I responded. With that, he came in the room and shut the door. He turned to face me as I had begun to get off the bed and stand on the floor. He unhitched his towel and hung it on a hook. I never took my eyes off his face. He placed his big hands on my shoulders and began pushing me downward. I knelt obediently, and he said, “Suck it hard.” I moved forward with great anticipation because I now saw his dick. It was thick with a vein that looked like it was ready to pop on the top of his dick and despite the low lighting it could still be seen. I was not sure if I could get his dick in my mouth let alone suck it. His dick had to be about three quarters the size of a soda can and at least 9 inches long—soft. It was unfortunately cut but it was here in front of me, and I was going to be using his big black cut thick long dick just as surely as he was going to use it for his pleasure in my ass. I reached my hand up to push his dick upward to meet my mouth. It was a tight fit but his dick did go in my mouth. I began sucking on his dick wetting it with my saliva. As much as I tried, I could not get all of his dick in my mouth. I sucked and rolled my tongue around his dick as best that I could while he stood there looking down at me. He let me suck away but then he seemed to pull out of my mouth and re-positioned himself and pushed his dick further into my mouth than it had been. It was much easier sucking but I still could not take all of his dick. I missed the opportunity to go all the way to his pubes. He began fucking my mouth and held my head still with his big hands placed on either side of my head. He face fucked me for quite awhile, and I loved every stroke he made. His dick then began to truly fill my mouth to the max. This was a pro of a man. He sensed that I had just about reached my limit and withdrew his dick and chuckled. “You did good. A lot better than most guys.” Even after he had withdrawn his dick, it continued to grow and soon was sticking out from his body with that big vein on top looking to be even bigger now. His dick had a slight upwards angle. The mushroom head glistened with my spit, and the piss slit stood ready to discharge his gooey load of cum. I was beginning to get heady from the thought of that huge black dick going into my ass; but take it I was determined to do. This man was going to breed me good and hard. He told me to get up and to bend over the edge of the bed. I did. “Lube?” he asked. I pointed to the bottle of lube. “You sure you want me to breed you?” he asked. “Yes; definitely.” I said. “Once I start, man, I’m not stopping,” he told me. “Just make sure I’m good and ready to take a breeding from you. Make my ass good and ready for all of you.” I told him. “You got poppers for yourself? You’re going to need them,” he told me. I reached over from where I was bent over the edge of the bed and retrieved my ethyl can and bandana. I was ready. “You got spray. Good. Better than poppers. You’re going to need it. I’ll tell you when to hit and when I do, take the biggest mothafuckin hits you’ve ever done.” With that, nothing more was said. He went to work on my ass. I felt a thick calloused finger jam into my ass. Oh, yes; this was going to be a breeding from Hell . . . and I was sure I'd love it. He worked his finger around inside finally beginning to fuck me with it. He did that maybe a half a minute and then inserted a second calloused finger in my ass. This rough edged finger fucking of his was only the beginning stage for him. He fucked with those two fingers for several minutes until he was satisfied. I was almost at the point of taking a hit but didn’t. He had shoved his fingers all the way inside my ass as far as he could reach. I wiggled around trying to accept more of them. I then felt him beginning to turn his fingers trying to rotate them and then pulling them out of my ass. As he pulled out, I could feel his nails scraping and tearing. He pulled almost all the way out and then shoved them back inside where he rotated slightly his fingers and began scraping and tearing my insides again. This he repeated several times until he had scraped 360 degrees on my insides. Round two came immediately after completing his initial scraping runs. He finally withdrew his fingers and said, “Take a look. You’re ready.” I looked at the fingers he was holding in front of my face, and they were tinged with blood. I was ready; my ass was ready; he was ready. He said, “I’m going to pop your kunt good.” I knew he was. I heard him say to spray my bandana and did so. He told me to spray more, and I did. “Now, exhale and take that big hit; take several big hits,” he said. I exhaled quickly and as I did so I felt his hands pulling my ass cheeks apart wide and the mushroom head of his big black dick line up with my hole. In an instant I shoved the bandana in my mouth and inhaled as quickly as possible. I quickly exhaled through my nose and as soon as possible again inhaled through the bandana in my mouth. I did a third though the last was not as deep as the first two as I was very wobbly. In the two fast inhales of air, I had inhaled a huge amount of the ethyl into my lungs getting some air but mostly the ethyl; the third I wasn't sure how much of the spray I got. I could feel it hitting my system and began to go limp as I continued to inhale more and more of the ethyl. I had to get as much into me as possible. With the start of about the fourth bit of inhaling this big Black man with his big black huge veined dick rammed that black dick all the way into my ass as I was slipping into unconsciousness. The pain I could tell was excruciating but was off in a distance somewhere—it wasn’t here with me now. With the T I had done hours earlier and now the huge amount of ethyl, I held my own. I bounced back and forth in passing out totally and yet being pulled back to reality from the pain. I then became aware that he was pounding my ass with full strokes of his massive thick black dick that was splitting my ass open while his full entry thrusting was hitting me on the inside and creating a very well used area as a bumper. As I began to rouse more, I felt him shove his big black dick all the way inside me and lean over taking the bandana from my mouth and the ethyl spray can from my hand. He heavily sprayed the bandana again, shoved it in my mouth, and said, “Breathe deeper this time, man or I’m going to kill you.” I exhaled as much as I could still being in somewhat of a stupor and then inhaled even harder than before. This hit me real good. My head hit the mattress and my arms were totally useless as I felt my whole body go blank. I was in such a place of unknowing and unawareness. I did finally begin to recover and felt my body being shaken by something. It kept shaking me. Was I caught in a wind storm? No, it was hitting me; something was hitting me in the same place. My head began to clear more. I finally began to stir and felt my bandana being removed from my mouth. Then I slowly roused myself to reality and found myself face down on my bed with my ass being fucked by a Black man I had only just met. His big veined thick long black dick was invading my ass and pushing my endurance to the limits yet I knew I would never tell him to stop . . . not that he would. I continued to become alert as he continued to thrust his black dick in and out of my ass stretching it open to new limits and hitting new depths inside me. I knew this was a man who knew not only how to fuck but how to breed an ass and fill it full of his glorious wonderful poison which I lusted to take. As I began moving about, he began a torrent of name calling and telling me what he was doing to me. “I’m fucking your kunt you white bitch. You are mine now. You are going to open your kunt to my black dick every time I see you. I won’t even ask; you’ll just offer it up to me. You’re nothing but a white bitch kunt for men like me to breed and fill with our poz loads. You’re going to take my black dick and every black dick or every dick I tell you to take up your kunt and ride them until they nut in your hole. You’re going to get a mix of the best poz strains I can find.” I slowly as if in a trance reached my hands out to the wall facing me placing them firmly there. I then began meeting his forward thrusts with almost equal thrusts backwards so that his invasion of my ass with his thrusts hit my insides even harder. Surely, I would be bruised from the pounding I was taking. The pain of such fucking had changed now to utter ecstasy of taking his dick the full length while he stretched my hole as wide as his dick had swelled. He slammed into me as I impaled myself onto his dick for a very long time. Each of us had begun to sweat. I could feel the sweat on my own body and the sweat from his body dripping onto my body mixing with my sweat. I was definitely being fucked in a way that had avoided me for a long time. This was how I needed to take dick and cum: hard, driven, deep, purposeful. But with all that fucking and we each had definitely met another man who enjoyed fucking the same way there reaches the point where all the ball slamming he did against my ass I knew we were reaching the end of the fuck. His grip on my hips became tighter. His thrusts came even harder and deeper. I let go of the wall and reached behind me attempting to pull my ass cheeks as open as possible so that he could drive deep in me as possible. He moved his hands down from my hips placing each of his hands on my cheeks with the heel of his palm inside the crack of my ass. He pulled my cheeks open wide and began to drive deeper and harder still. I clamped my sphincter around his big black wonderful hard dick every time he pulled out of my ass. I was going to milk every poison sperm out of his dick and into my white kunt. He spit out at me, “Take my fucking dirty load you white kunt bitch. I’m filling your white kunt with all my poison. You are MINE now.” With that he shoved his black hard dick all the way in my white kunt and began to spasm unleashing salvo after salvo of his hot thick creamy poison DNA into my bloody white bred kunt. He held his dick inside me as each wave of his cum shot through his dick and into me but then would occasionally pull half out to ram into my kunt once again. I kept milking his dick but after several minutes he slowly began to pull out of my ass. I clamped down on his dick to drain any late arrivals. He stepped back from me, I stood up barely but knelt dutifully and with gratitude if not reverence took his dick gently into my mouth and sucked on it until he was clean. The taste was superb. He was still hard but ever so slowly softening. Still, he had a beautiful black dick which did wonderful things to my ass. He pulled me to my feet and shoved his tongue down my throat in total surprise to me. Had I not just left his dick I’d have sworn he had just shoved his dick back in my mouth. He pulled away and said, “Man, you know how I love to fuck and can take it. What are you doing the rest of the night?” “I’m going to get fucked by as many men as possible but none that will fuck me like I just got fucked . . . and bred. And, if no other men want to fuck, I’ve always got my dildos.” “What dildos?” he asked. “I’ve got two black ones to keep me company at slow times.” I turned and reached to the backside of the bed shoving my hand under the mattress removing one and then the other. One is a biggy with balls while the other is an average size and a simple stop slip of latex to keep it from being sucked into an ass. Eyeing them, my Black breeder took the bigger one. “Get on your back with your ass at the edge,” he said. I did so. I soon felt the head of the big black dildo pushing against my ass. He continued to push, and with one steady speed, he shoved that big dildo all the way in. He began twisting it and fucking my ass. “I’m making sure you’re going to get a good breeding from me.” Once satisfied, he withdrew the big black dildo taking the smaller one and put it to my mouth. I opened my mouth, and he inserted it where I sucked on it. He removed it and shoved it all the way inside my ass. “Good. Now, none of that poison will come out easily.” He pulled me up off the bed and smiled and said, “You like getting fucked by Black men, don’t you?” “I get fucked by any man, but, yes, Black men know how to fuck the best. And, a very rare few Black men REALLY know how to fuck and breed a white kunt like mine.” “How long you here for?” he asked. “A couple more hours maybe. It depends on how things go.” “I want some more of that white piece of kunt. I think I deserve it, don’t you?” I laughed shaking my head in total agreement. “Any time you want in my kunt, it’s yours.” “I’ve got a couple of more hours myself. I’ll be back for a nightcap before I leave. You have fun until then; just don’t leave without my fucking you again though.” I smiled and said, “You’ve got another E-ticket to ride my kunt before we leave here.” With that, he draped his towel around his waist, opened the door, and left. From the three guys standing outside my door, there must have been a convention in town. I wondered what it could be. I smiled and nodded at the three and returned to my bed. Settling down on the mattress remembering the superb fucking and breeding I had just received. My sweat covered body began to cool down evaporating the sweat. It’s such a rarity to find a man like this one had been who really knows how to mix verbal with the right temperament of fucking a whore’s hole such as mine and has the equipment to make the fuck into a super memorable event. And, event it was. I took the corner of the sheet and wiped my head and face removing the last vestige of sweat. I had no sooner put my head back on my pillow when I heard a voice at the door, “Man, you must be a helluva fuck. I know dat dude who jus lef. Bet dat was a hot fuck to watch.” I turned and smiled saying, “He’s a helluva fucking breeder. You interested in breeding my white kunt?” “Might be.” “Well, when you know, stop by and let me know.” I don’t spend idle time talking any man into fucking me. He either has a load in him ready to get out or he doesn’t. This guy stood there a moment or two but finally came in the room shutting the door behind him. “You sho yo’ up to ‘notha fuck?” he asked. “I’m always ready for a fuck . . . even if I’m not. Any man or men, any dick, any piss, any cum, any time, any where, no questions asked is my mantra.” I slipped off the bed as he removed his towel. He was my height (5’ 10”), Black, had a kinky fur covered chest, clean shaven, and very close-cut head of hair. I hung his towel on the hook and sank to my knees. His dick was a nice size probably about 7 inches and cut. I sucked his dick into my mouth and began going up and down on the full length giving the entire length my attention. I swirled my tongue around the shaft much to his delight. I could feel his dick growing more and more. As soon as his dick got fully erect, I sucked on it a couple of more minutes and then stood up. I turned and bent over the edge of the bed. As I did I remembered the dildo. I reached back and pulled it out and put it to the side. “Man, yo had dat in ya? How come?” I told him so that none of the cum would leak out of me. I bent over the edge of the bed again and felt him line up his black dick with my white kunt. I could feel him moving the head of his dick around until it was below my hole. “Man, push some of that cum out.” I began to squeeze until I felt the liquid running down from my ass and stopped. “Yeah, yo a fuckin’ ho for cum. I’m gonna nut in you good.” I started to reach for my ethyl when he plunged full length. Oh, yes, some minor pain but I had just had a helluva fuck that made me ready for this black dick. This man plowed my hole from all angles. He was just as determined though and drove in me deep. “Man yo gotta have a gallon in you.” I was content to have it in me; he could guess the quantity as far as I was concerned. I just wanted to add his load to my mix. This man fucked with a determination and before long I heard him gasping for air and began feeling him tightening his grip on my hips. He then reached down grabbed my cheeks pulling them wide open and drove all the way in me as hard and as far as he could go. He then reached up grabbing my shoulders and pushed his dick harder still in my ass. I could feel his dick throbbing and bobbing in my ass knowing that he was depositing another good load of cum from another black man. He relaxed his grip, raised up, and pulled out. His dick was replaced by him shoving the small black dildo into my ass. He smacked my ass twice, laughed, put his towel around his waist, and left. I got up straightened up the sheet a bit and climbed back into the bed settling myself. I looked at my watch. I had a couple of hours left. I laid there hearing men pass by. I decided to go for a walk and probably my last one for the night. I got up off the bed, put my right foot up on the edge, and reached around to pull out the black dildo. As I did, a tall white guy with long hair and hairy chest walked by. He stopped and looked. “Just keeping the home fires ready,” I said. He laughed and moved on. I swallowed the dildo licking it clean then put it next to the big one, tested my ass with my fingers and found them very wet. I knew though going for a walk I needed to be sure I had some lube just in case. I added a small amount just for test feels. Upstairs I went and twice around it looking for a dick to fuck me. Then, back to first floor to get to The Pit. On my first walk around, some nice lookers but nothing that grabbed my attention or that gave me any indication of interest. Back around I went only to walk past a room whose door was previously closed. Now, it was open and in it was the white guy who had watched me remove the black dildo. I stopped. He smiled at me in his dimly lit room. I stepped in and closed it behind me. He stood up. He was a bit taller about 6 feet. Sandy blond hair, blue or green eyes, smooth chest, and from the looks he lifted weights. “You’re the dude upstairs who gets barebacked, aren’t you?” “Yes.” I said. “You interested?” “Sure. I need to get going though.” Not to stand in any man’s way, I turned around and bent over. “No, I need you to lay flat on the bed and me on top.” I climbed on the bed and lay down spreading my legs. He climbed on tossing his towel at our feet. I could sense he was jacking his dick. He knelt on the bed behind me jacking until I reached back and pulled my cheeks apart. That was what he needed to see—he was a visual stimulus man. Not long after that, he began to settle down on top of me. I felt his dick hit the outside of my hole on the first try. He then sank slowly into me filling my kunt with a dick that could have been the twin of the black guy earlier. He was stretching my ass completely wide open and was pushing inward fully. He wasn’t as long but he did have about the same girth on him. He settled his dick in my ass and laid totally on top of me crushing me into the bed. Whatever it takes to get fucked and take a load of cum. He began pistoning in and out of my ass slowly. He had put his left arm around my throat raising my head upwards. The right hand had slipped beneath me, and he began squeezing my pierced right nipple harder and harder. As he began twisting and squeezing my nipple he picked up the speed on his fucking. This man liked to destroy nipples as he fucked. It became obvious that my nipples were directly now wired to his dick and balls. In no time, he was squeezing my nipple as if he was going to twist it off while choking me with his other arm. When I was about to protest, he began slamming his dick into my ass until one final thrust which sent his body into tremors and shaking. He was shooting his load in my kunt. One more load for the night. He eased off my nipple and my throat but took a little to recover from shooting his load of cum. Finally, pushing himself up off me, he stood up as did I. “Thanks,” he said. I nodded and left to return to my room. On my way back, I passed a short black man who slapped my ass as we passed. I turned back to look at him and said, “Only if you mean it.” I kept walking. When I got to my room, I heard a voice say, “I mean it.” We both went in. “You the barebacker I heard about?” he asked. “I suppose so. I bareback,” I said. “I mean with Black men.” “Yes.” “I heard you take on any black man.” “As long as it’s bareback, yes.” “Let me see your ass.” I bent over the edge of the bed. He turned up the light and began looking at my ass. “How many loads of cum have you taken?” “For tonight, at least a dozen.” With that, he drove his tongue into my ass deep. This small-framed Black man had a huge tongue and knew how to use it. He fucked me with his tongue for a few minutes rising finally tossing his towel onto the bed beside me. I heard him spit and then felt him moving closer lining his black dick up to my hole. He drove all the way in and began immediately pumping my hole. Not a bad dick. Not huge but not a Wee Willy Winky like mine either. He fucked me for awhile and then stopped to move his dick to the left and right. His technique which I’ve had done before. Whatever it takes to get a man off and get his load in my ass I always say. He continued to fuck me and waggle his dick inside me. He then asked, “You ready for this load?” “Yes.” He pounded my ass hard. He made no sounds other than his skin hitting my ass and the sound of his dick slopping in and out of my kunt. The entire time he kept fucking. He stopped and slowly began pulling his dick out. As soon as his dick was out, he shoved his fingers up in me as far as they would go. He began scraping the insides with his nails. “That ought to bug you good.” With that comment, he was out the door. Oh, well. Some men don’t know to stick around and wait for proper thanks. It was getting close to my departure time. I thought about going for a walk to find my Black breeder but decided against it. He knew where I was. I started to change putting in my bag my leather and other gear. I was pulling the sheet off the bed when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there stood my Black breeder. He entered the room and shut the door. I noticed he was dressed and had his linens with him. I said, “I thought you might have left without saying good-bye. I’ve got to check out now.” “I’m leaving with you. Get your stuff and let’s go. I’m taking you home with me. I’m going to breed your ass all night and tomorrow as well. I’ve got a lot planned out for your white kunt. You’re going to be my bitch, and I’m going to teach you what that means.” “You drive? I didn’t.” he asked. “No. I’ll get us a cab though,” I said. Outside, I stepped to the curb looking up and down the street. Finally sighting one headed to The Loop, I put my hand up, and he pulled over. We crossed the street and got in. He gave the address, and the driver pulled out. We arrived what felt like hours later but realistically in about 20 minutes. I paid the driver who went on his way. I followed him into a small house where he closed and locked the door behind us. “Bring your things with you.” I followed him toward the back to a bedroom. “Drop them in the corner there and strip. You don’t need clothes on, and they will only get in my way. You get fucked any more?” “Yes; I got fucked and took three more loads of cum after you. None delivered like you did though.” It was no lie and not intended to be a suck up to him. I had removed all my clothes by then as had he. I walked toward him. “Yeah, that’s good. I like a kunt who loves to get fucked and bred a lot mixing all those loads together. Here’s the deal. I can breed you some more and you leave here or you can become my white kunt bitch. At any rate, you’ll still get bred by me but it will have some perks with it.” “I dig using white men like you. You real guys know what being a whore is about. You’ve been around and are addicts to being fucked and bred. You don’t care who it is, what size a dick is, or if it shoots dirty or clean. I dig breeding your ass just the way I did tonight and that’s how I breed every time with a white kunt bitch like you. You don’t want it that way every time, now’s the time to say so. I also dig on sharing your white kunt with all my buds and any other man I think might tear your ass up. I make any off you is mine. Your pay is getting your white kunt fucked and bred good. When not with me, you can get fucked all you want. But, when with me, I say who fucks you and who doesn’t. Don’t even ask about someone fucking you and no one goes in your kunt without my okay. You understand?” I looked at him closely and for some time considering his words. I knew what I was going to answer but didn't want to seem too eager. “Yes, I totally understand,” I said. “Good. You dress me and undress me. You bathe me. You clean my house. You take my piss and drink it or take it up your ass. What I do to you is use you. You belong to me. You got it?” “Yes, I understand,” I repeated. “Now, last thing. I enjoy beating and doing some sadistic things to my white kunts. Come with me.” We left the bedroom and went to a set of steps leading to a basement. Down we went with him turning on lights as we went. We arrived finally at a door where he stopped turning to me and saying, “If this shit isn’t going to work for you, tell me upfront. I know what I like and get it my way.” With that, he opened the door turning on the lights to what I can only describe as a terrible place of torture and pain inducing scenes. Jackpot, man! Though not often given the opportunity to indulge in this side of me, when the chance arose, it was never turned down. I surveyed this room with all the instruments, devices, toys, and other items of torture as if I had just had the best Christmas, and it wasn’t even December. I walked slowly around the room taking in everything that I saw. I turned to him and said, “Sir, may I speak bluntly?” He nodded assent. I looked directly at him, then, bowing my head slightly I knelt on the floor. “Sir, I have certain limits. I do not participate in activities involving minors, females, scat, gun play, cbt, shaving, fire, condoms, cologne, breakables, punching or beating to abuse, permanent alterations, or items that will render my ass incapable of being used. I have a mass on my right testicle as a result of a major injury in childhood. I can and do wrap my ball sac in a leather band or wrap a rope around it multiple times to push my balls downward. Done that way I can take a parachute and some weight on them.” Total honesty to his face. He moved slowly about the room. I knelt there knowing that this could go either way. Finally, he said, “But, you’d become a white kunt bitch owned by me when we are together with me breeding you and choosing who I let breed you also?” I weighed my thoughts carefully before speaking. I needed to be sure that I said precisely the right thing as this was a unique man and opportunity. I spoke slowly saying, “Sir, you would own me as a white kunt bitch. I will clean your house, bathe you, dress you, undress you, willingly accept you breeding me as you did earlier, willingly accept only those you approve to breed me when we are together, and willingly accept your sadistic play as long as the limits I outlined are respected.” This time he weighed my words as he continued to walk around the room. He stopped turning to me and said, “You will not wear any leather items until you earn the right.” I told him that my biker boots were all the footwear that I had. I wore only them and had no other shoes. He agreed to them. He walked across the room to me, pulled me upright, then guided me to a St. Andrew’s cross. He fastened my wrists and ankles to the cross. I was going to get my first sample of his work. He walked across the room, and I heard him selecting some items. He returned soon. He leaned into my ear and said, “Imagine this with all my might. Imagine this when I am angry or displeased. You better not let this drop out of my kunt bitch.” I felt his hand prying open my cheeks and soon felt an unlubed dildo being rammed into my ass full length. At least it wasn’t that thick. I sucked on that dildo with my ass with great determination not knowing what else to expect. I soon found out. I felt the multiple strands of a flogger hit my ass making me jump in surprise. He continued to strike my legs, arms, back, and ass moving from one area to another. No blow was with much force but the multiple strikes and the not knowing which area was going to be hit next kept my mind racing while trying to focus on not dropping the dildo he had shoved in my ass. I could feel with each strike the dildo sliding out a little as a result of my body jerking and my sphincter not closing completely because of all the cocks that had fucked me through the night. I continued to focus harder on sucking on that dildo with my ass while the flogging continued. Shortly, it stopped. I was heightened to sensitivity and breathing heavily while my body glistened in a new round of sweat. I began letting down my expectation of being hit. Then, I heard the flogger cutting through the air once more and braced for its impact. It struck solidly on my back tensing me once again and an immediate reaction of clamping my ass cheeks together as I felt the dildo slide outward. I held that dildo in my ass with my sphincter clamped down on it until all of a sudden what part of it was not in my ass returned to the inside of me and then immediately all of that dildo was yanked out causing my ass to feel totally empty while my sphincter clamped down onto nothing. There was a beautiful pain about being emptied that way. “Kunt, you are going to do me great.” I was released from my bindings and followed my owner upstairs and back to the bedroom. He went into the bathroom having me to follow him. He told me to piss into the toilet which I did. I didn’t realize how full of water I was. He then had me to get in the tub with him and told me to take his dick in my mouth. “I’m going to piss and replenish your bladder. Learn to drink my piss and not lose any.” He began to piss slowly and I greedily drank. The water came faster and I had to drink faster. I kept pace with his flow with only a few dribbles coming out of the corners of my mouth. “Good. Now, we go to bed.” We left the bathroom and got into bed. I realized how tired I was and coming off the T I had snorted and smoked. I started to move closer to him when he sat up and tossed the covers back. He felt around the bed finding my hand and took it to his dick where I found he was rock hard. Without hesitating I started to scoot down to suck his beautiful huge black dick when he twisted me around and began rising up on his knees. I finally realized he wanted me face down. As I moved into that position, I also spread my legs. His massive black huge veined dick found its target soon enough, and he plunged once more into my, no, his kunt. It did after all belong to him now. He fucked me almost as hard as he had at Man’s Country. The only thing making it easier was the soft mattress he had on his bed compared to the bath house mattress which is next to nothing. I could feel the entire length of his dick slam into my ass as the opening spread wide to accept his glistening black dick. As he fucked me more, I became aware that he had plunged into my ass without the aid of any lube. What was lubricating his dick were all the loads of cum that I had taken at Man’s Country including his own load of cum. He continued to pummel my ass with his dick saying nothing but using all of his energy to ram his black cut thick dick into his kunt and to breed once more the kunt that now belonged to him. He fucked for a good while until he began gasping for breath and pounding into my ass harder and harder. He slammed forward into my ass and held his dick there unleashing all too soon for me his sperm once more. I savored every ounce of his tainted DNA entering my ass. He lay on top of me for several minutes regaining his composure. With regret for me, he soon pulled his wonderful black dick out of my ass and got out of bed. I heard him across the room searching for something. He returned to the bed shortly and found my ass. He shoved his big middle finger in and began scratching me with his nail. I adjusted to allow easy access. He continued silently finally pulling his finger out with the deed done. I then felt something hard at the entrance of my ass and then a big shove. He had found my small black dildo and was using it as a butt plug. He shoved his middle finger in my mouth, and I obediently sucked it clean just as a white kunt bitch should do. He then turned my back to him with my neck resting on his arm and fell asleep.
    1 point
  18. From melbourne. Currently Thursday here. Monday have organised my conversion. With two high toxic tops. My time has come to not hide from what I am. I welcome the Sarah Palin death seed.
    1 point
  19. Met my BF at the bar after finishing some work for school. When I got there he was with these other 4 HOT looking guys, I just went up to my BF and gave him a very sexy passionate kiss. He look at me and said do you want to go to their place and have some fun. We get to their place and it’s all set up for a party. I’m first in the sling and all 4 of them pump good size loads as when I get out of the sling cum is dripping down my leg.
    1 point
  20. I saw sweat on Bill's forehead and realised he got off on watching the filthiness in his pub. Terry grinned at me, revealing broken and blackened teeth. "Sure, "He said, bending forward over the bar and pulling his arse cheeks apart. The dark crease glistened with lube and, as I watched, a drool of cum leaked from the slit. My cock was stiff as a poker by now and I shivered with lust. "Well?" Said Bill "Climb on, kiddo." I got behind the old man and positioned my cock between his buttocks. Bill craned over the bar, licking his lips in excitement as he watched me slide into Terry. It was incredible, hot, wet and smooth but also wicked and degrading to be fucking this old troll where everyone could see. Terry grunted softly with pleasure, pushing his arse back to meet me as Bill stared intently at my cock slding in and out. "Dirty sod, ain't he? "Bill breathed. " Bet you can feel a few loads up there on yer cock?" I slid in and out feeling the cum rising in my balls until, with an explosion of pleasure, the most incredible orgasm washed over me and I spurted deep inside the old man. "Oh yeah," Terry breathed " Shoot that lovely spunk up me!" I gasped and shuddered until I'd finished, then slid my cock out of him, noting the gush of sperm which dripped over his balls. "Nice one, sunshine." winked Bill, and went off to serve a customer. Terry sighed happily and sank down onto a bar stool as I stood panting next to him, my softening cock wet with cum. "Thanks," he said. "What's your name?" "Ian," I replied. "Saw you with Luigi earlier. Dirty bastard. Did he fuck you?" I nodded. "You poz?" I shook my head, and he raised an eybrow and laughed." "Blimey! You must want it bad then, you must have taken several hot loads in the darkroom." I felt relaxed talking to him, as he perched on the stool with my cum inside him without a care in the world. "You sure you want this?" He asked. I hadn't really thought directly about it, but I was so excited and turned on by being in this pigsty I could only blush and nod my head. He turned to face me, his tits sagging onto his chest and a long, thin erection standing up below his belly. "I've been poz for a long time. Not on meds any more. What the fuck? I want to have a good time and I like my cum being potent." He leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth. His slimey tongue slid into me and his breath smelled strongly of beer and tobacco. I gasped with disgust, then gave myself over to it, revelling in kissing this dirty, diseased old man., knowing I was descending into lust and degradation. He pulled back and smiled at me. "Come on then, loverboy" There was a sling to one side of the bar. He led me over to it and made my lie back. The leather was slimey with cum and lube. He lifted my feet into the stirrups and tied the belt around my abdomen, then stood back and grinned wickedly, wanking his cock in anticipation. "Well now," He said "Weren't planning on going anywhere soon were you? I've got a few friends who'd like a crack at knocking you up." He pushed some poppers into my hand. "Take a good sniff, mate. Did you think you were going to get away with coming here? You're about to get what you deserve." He disappeared and left me, legs wide and arse open to the world. I saw Bill grinning at me from the bar as I sniffed the poppers, and then a shadow fell across me and I looked up to see the sling surrounded with eager, sweating men and my heart lurched with excitement...
    1 point
  21. Hi bigloadluvr in ottawa here.... Went to central spa for blackout thurs march 26. Did my usual thing - got a room and waited. Was really quiet for the first hour or so but then got a litte busier. Went to gloryholes to see if anyone needed their dick sucked but sadly it was quiet. I headed back to my room and used a dildo on my hole for a bit before i ventured back out. I went to the dry sauna and started sucking a nice cock with my ass sticking out hoping someone would take the hint - no luck. My next stop was the dark back room. A guy was on his back stroking his cock so I dropped right down and started sucking. "Amazingly" (lol) someone took the hint and slid his nice hard cock into my hole. I really love getting fucked while i suck dick and love it even more when it's completely anomymous! The first guy fucked me for a few minutes then dumped in my ass! His cock was replaced immediately by another-this happened two more times so i got four nice loads in my ass. Sadly no one else wanted to use me so I headed back to the sauna. i started sucking another anomymous cocl but i was really wanting to be bred some more. i stopped suck and knelt down with my ass in the air. He stepped up behimd me and rammed home. OMG i love being pounded. He fucked me hard, then grabbed my hips and slammed in deep and held himself there while he unloaded in my ass. i guess we ended up with an audience because i looked back and all i saw was more guys. So i took all "cummers" which only happened to be another 5 guys. After it was obvious no one else wanted to take advantage of my "hospitality" i left and headed back to my room. i knelt on the bed with my ass up - "the universal signal for cum fuck me!" A bit of time went by before i felt someone step up behind me. i grabbed my poppers and took a good hit as he slid inside. He wasbig! My favorite thing lol. This guy proceeded to fuck me and gag me for the next 40 minutes! He was older but really hot with a really nice body! His final action was to shove me to the floor as he told me to kneel. Of course i complied with his wishes - My anonymous stud started fucking me slowly, sliding all the way in the almost pulling out. Over the next few minutes he worked up until he was finally slamming my ass. He had a tight grip on my hips as he pounded away. So sweet! then came my favorite part the last deep thrust burying his cock as far as it would go and dumping amother load in my slut hole! when he pulled out i knelt in front of him to suck him "clean"; Before he left i told him my squirt id and said whenever he needed my hole it would be ready for him.....
    1 point
  22. I never ask status, cuz I don't know mine. If a guy chooses to tell me, that's hot (especially if they are poz!), but otherwise, I just want the guy to fuck me and shoot his seed in my hole.
    1 point
  23. Part 2 My friend led me out of the darkroom to the bar and bought me a drink. I could see men looking at me and wondered which ones had bred me. The owner stood behind the bar leering at me as I ordered a beer. "newbie, eh?" He said. I felt sperm dripping from me onto my leg and thought "not so new anymore" but just nodded and flushed under his gaze. His name was Bill, and he had owned the place for about 20 years, apparently. He smiled at my companion. "Haven't see you for a while, Luigi." Luigi shrugged and downed his beer. "See you later, kiddo." He wandered off and I felt used and discarded. Bill leaned over and kissed my cheek. "never mind, love. He's a bit of a bastard." I felt movement next to me and turned to see an oldish man, about 60 or so, heavy set with drooping tits and a straggly beard. Bill said "Whats your name, kid?" I told him Ian. "Ian, this is Terry. Been coming here for 10 years and is the dirtyist sod here." The spunk dripping down my leg and the warmth of the body next to me has got me hard and Terry grinned at me. "Nice," He said. "Luigi just broke the lad in, and he's feeling a bit confused. Give him a ride and make him feel better, eh luv?"
    1 point
  24. After years of Bi-curiousity, I'm no longer curious. I always considered myself straight until about 15 years ago. My wife and I always enjoyed a very hot sex life without many limitations. In a very hot sex session I asked for to let me fuck her in the ass. She said nothing and slide my cock out of her pussy and into her already lubed ass from earlier forplay. Once I entered her ass she stopped me and said it was to painfull. She said it hurt to much how would you like it in your ass. I said i would be willing to try it. She then got up and grabbed her dildo from the night stand. We then got into a 69 position, eating each other she sucked my cock slowly, she then moved down and started rimming me. It was feeling amazing. She then started fingering my ass with first one then two fingers. She removed her fingers and then slid her dildo in my ass slowly. It was uncomfortable at first but then started feeling very good. It wasn't long before I was cumming in her mouth while she fucked my ass with her toy. What a incredible orgasm! Over the next year our sex was amazing and kinkier than ever. She always shaved her pussy which I loved, but now she asked me to shave smooth for her, fair is fair and I agreed without hesitation. It was a new feeling of total nakedness and I loved the feeling. I became a total sex addict, enjoying her taking my ass on occassions. All was great then breast cancer hit! All went well with her treatments and she survived the cancer but it totally killed our sex life. My wife had become a Nun, dont want Nun,need Nun. Over the next dozen or so years Sex had completely disappeared from our lives, leaving me totally frustrated. I began surfing porn and jerk off for relief. Then one day I found a gay porn site by mistake but it caught my interest see a man being fucked by another man. Then I thought back to the times my wife would fuck me with her dildo and how great it felt. I became curious at that point, wondering what a real cock would feel like, it had to be better than a hard piece of plastic. I found himself surfing gay porn more often and more and more curious. Living in a small town, oppurtunities are very limited to act on my curiousities. Then I found Craigslist personals. After about 4 months of reading ads I found a add that caught my interest with a picture of a smooth cock that wanted mutual oral. I contacted him and after weeks of emails we agreed to meet at his house. I arrived at his house in the middle of nowheres, he greeted me at the door with a bath robe on. I entered the livingroom and sat on the couch. without a word he dropped his robe. He stood in front totally naked and reached to unbotton my pants and I quickly got undressed. We both stood totally naked and both had smooth cocks. I without hesitation dropped before him and took his 5 inch cock in my mouth, It felt so soft and smooth but yet he was rock hard. I eagerly sucked his cock and began to deep throat him. Without warning he came in my mouth with 5-6 spirts which I swallowed. To my surprise it tasted better than I thought. But getting his nut off he panicked and got dressed and asked me to leave. I sucked my first cock, and enjoyed it but it left me hanging without satisfaction. I wanted more but it wouldnt be with him. A few months later I found another ad, MWM for MWM for mutual enjoyment. I replied to the ad and over the next few weeks we talked and found common ground. Both of our wives had medical issues leaving both shut out from sex. We agreed to meet up but had to wait until his wife went out of town. One night I recieved a email from him saying tomorrow is safe to play if you want to follow thru. He gave me his address and time to meet up at his house. The next day I was nervous but decided to go thru with it. In the back of my mind I knew I wanted to be fucked if it got there, so I showered and flushed my ass well. he met me at the door and asked if he could get my something to drink. Then said lets go up stairs and get naked I want to see that smooth cock. I followed him to the guest bedroom. he imediately undressed me and then got undressed himself. There he stood in front of me with a neatly trimmed 7 1/2 inch cock. He dropped and started sucking my cock, he was sucking my cock like no woman has ever done, It was totally enjoying it. He asked if I would mind getting into a 69 position, without a word we layed side by side sucking each other for what seemed 15 minutes. He had me on the edge a couple of times but would stop. He then reached into his night stad and grabbed a tube of lube and returned to sucking my cock and now fingering my ass slowly until He had three fingers in. He asked if it felt okay? I said it felt ammazing don't stop. He then stopped and asked if He could fuck me? I said yes but with a condom I have some in my pocket. He said he had some also. He slid the condom on and asked how I wanted it? I got on my knees and turned my ass toward him. He was so gentle, he was carefull to lube me well then slowly pushed the head in and stopped. He asked me if I was okay? I said yes it hurts a little but go ahead slowly. Once he was all the way in my ass, I found myself pushing back at him. He began to fuck me slowly and asked again if I was okay. I laid flat on the bed and raised my ass to get him as deep as possible. I then asked him to fuck me hard it feels so good. He fucked me for about 10 minutes picking up the pace I felt him getting harder, I sqeezed my ass around his cock and with a grunt he said he was cumming. I felt him pulse in my ass. then he collapsed on top of me for a min. Then he said let me take care of you now. I want to taste you in my mouth. He rolled me over and sucked my cock eagerly. I warned him that I was about to cum he just nooded his head and swallowed my load, then licked my balls and smooth shin around my cock. He then thanked me, I said no thank you and dressed and left. Driving home I knew now I was no longer curious and wanted more. A little bigger, smooth, and I had a need to feel a man cum in my ass. For the next six months I checked CL waiting on the right ad to come up. Then It popped up Older Smooth Top looking for Older Smooth bottom with a pic of a amazing smooth 8inch cock a little bigger and fatter than my first. I knew I wanted it but wasnt sure about taking it bare. I didnt let on that I wanted to be breed for the first time. He was happily married and wanted to stay that way and had his first bi encounter a year ago and wanted to do it again. After several weeks of emails we aggreed to meet but due to our schedules it made it impossible. Then My wife informed me she was going on Vacation with her girl friend, someone backed out and the ticket was already paid for. I immediately started planning. I emailed him and said I have a entire week to play! He then started talking about himself being able to last a long time and cum multiple times. This was sounding better by the moment. My wife left Sunday I invited him over Monday morning. I told him I would meet him at the door naked. He arrived at 6am. 50 years old good looking and no beer belly. I asked him in and sat on the couch while he instanly got naked. He was already hard and what a beautiful cock. I was already worried that he may be to big for me. We immediately started sucking each others cock. He them asked me if he could eat my ass before he fucked me. I wasnt going to turn that down for a second. He ate my ass for about 10 minutes fucking me with his tongue. I was in heaven! The time was right. I asked him to please fuck me? He asked me how I wanted it? I said first from behind. He grabbed the lube and started lubing my ass well. He then reached for his pocket to grab a condom. I looked at him and said "I think I want you to cum inside me, I have never had a bare cock in me and would love to feel your cum inside me" He smiled and said okay, I would love to breed you. I lubed his cock for him and turned around and got on my knees for him. He slowly pushed the head into my ass. It hurt a lot. He was waiting for me to adjust and pushed in a little more. once he was all the way in he just waited for me to say ok. After a few minutes he slowly began to slid in and out of my ass. Now it was feeling so good to have him fuck me. He fucked me for about 10 minutes and then asked me to turn over he wanted to fuck me like a woman. I was eager to feel him again. He fucked me steady for about 10 more minutes every nerve in my ass was screaming with pleasure. I then ask him to fuck me....cum inside me..I want your cum inside me..breed me with your seed. He picked up speed and fucked me harder untill I felt his cock pulse over and over. He was filling me with his cum. I cant discribe how great it felt. He pulled out slowly and them said now its time to take care of you. He pushed my legs over my head and began to eat his cum out of my ass first then began to suck my cock until I cam in his mouth. He then asked if I gave him a few minutes He would love to fuck me again before he left for work. I aggreed and just stroked his cock for awhile. once my mouth took his cock in his mouth he was hard instantly. I rolled over and laid flat on the bed and he entered me again. He fucked me for what seemed like for ever, my ass was getting sore. I asked him to cum I was getting sore. Within a minute he was filling me again with his seed. I was sore but satisfied. He cleaned up in the bathroom and got dressed. I thanked him for a great time and asked if he wanted to do it again. He said if you have a whole week I will fuck you as often as you can stand, but sooner or later He too wanted to be fucked and he wanted it bare also. In the next week he fucked me over 20 times all bare. On the last day I fucked him raw and filled him with my seed after he fucked me. We both laid there with cum leaking out of our ass's. Planning our next session now that the wifes vacation is over. I can say I am no longer curious, I love a cock in my ass and better yet cum in my ass from my new friend. More to come I hope
    1 point
  25. I lived in St. Paul, MN for 5 years before moving to Phoenix. Not the most diverse city, but I'll be damned if one of my most reliable fuck biddies was from Somalia. The first time we hooked up it was really bizarre because he was SO careful about finding a way into my building with as few people as possible seeing him. I had no idea who he was trying to hide from because I didn't even know anything about him at the time other than he wanted to fuck. After we played a few times, he opened up a bit and told me how those within his community everyone knew everyone else's business and there was a responsibility for people to literally turn anyone in if they saw anything that looked suspicious - like going into a condo unit where no other Somalis lived. In term of sex, it was fucking awesome. He had a nice big cock - not huge - but it was fucking by the numbers: suck him 'til he gets hard, get on hands and knees on bed, lube your hole and his cock (he would not put lube on himself) and then it was shove it in and start fucking HARD. Then he would talk really nasty, calling me bitch, how he wanted me to 'take it'' etc., and then he would finally come after fucking for quite a while. He always came in my ass and the thought of wearing a condom I'm sure never even entered his mind. Lastly, he shot a really big load. I'd wait until after he left and push it out while looking as myself in the mirror. All you slutty whore bottoms know that when the cum squirts out...it's a big load. A big Muslim load.
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  26. 1 point
  27. Looking for my first breeding by a top! I wanna ride him till I feel it and I want others to watch me lose my cherry
    1 point
  28. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 11 I woke in the morning to a text from Zak. He would be arriving around 9:00 am. I looked at my clock. It was already 8:30. I couldn’t believe I slept this late. I text Zak, “See you in a bit…..I over slept.” I crawled out of bed and jumped in the shower. My morning wood fought against my strong urge to piss. Burning pain crept its way down my piss hole. A few drops of discharge oozed from my urethra before a full stream of piss let go in the shower. I aimed my cock toward my chest, drenching myself with my infected urine, and scratched my itching balls before breaking into chorus with “Sugar” blaring on my ipod. I turned off my shower and flung open the shower curtain. Zak chuckled, “Good morning, Sugar. You’re in a good mood.” “Oh, you heard that, huh?” I said with a smirk on my face. I stepped out of the shower dripping wet, grabbed Zak in my arms and planted a kiss on his lips. “Ooh….you’re all wet….sweet.” Zak dragged me to the bedroom and pushed me onto the bed on the cum stained sheets from last night’s seeding. He quickly stripped naked standing before me. Our cocks both boned up in anticipation. “It’s your turn to infect me, babe.” Zak crawled on top of me. He spit on my dick before straddling me on his knees. “Just lay back and enjoy the ride, babe.” Zak spit in his hand, lubed up his hole, then grasped the base of my shaft and lined it up with his cunt. He lowered himself onto my infected cock, and slowly impaled himself on my meat. We both groaned together. I put my hands on his hips and thrust into his cunt as Zak began to slowly ride my pole like a cowboy on an enraged bull. Zak’s cunt clamped down on my shaft. My toes curled, eyes clenched shut, and my shaft burned with pleasure. My ass tightened and cock throbbed. My piss hole oozed it’s infected goo from my inflamed testicles. “You just gave me some of your gono, didn’t you babe?” “Fuck yeah…..It’s so hot sharing my diseases with you.” Zak’s cock throbbed as he stroked his shaft. He continued to milk my pole, working me to the edge. “Oh fuck….I’m getting close, Zak. Keep that up and you’re getting all my cum.” His ass hungrily clenched around my shaft as he slammed himself onto my cock a few more times. “Fuck….you’re getting it right now, Zak.” “Fuck yes….give it to me. Infect me, babe. I want your gono. Recharge me with your poz seed.” My toes again curled. I thrust my hips forward and tightened my grip on Zak’s waist, burying my cock deep in his cunt. I let out a long moan as my cock fired off into Zak’s hole, coating his guts with my infected jizz. “FFFUUUUCCCKKKKK,” I growled, “Take my seed. I’m filling you with my babies.” “Fuck yes…..” Zak moaned with one more stroke of his hard shaft. His meat throbbed repeatedly showering my chest and face with his poz cum. Zak stayed sitting on my lap, impaled on my hard cock. “Fuck that was hot, babe.” He leaned over and kissed me passionately, “I love you, you hot pig.” “Ditto, Zak.” My cock slipped was his sloppy hole, and Zak rolled onto the bed next to me. I curled up in his arms, and he kissed my forehead. We were sharing everything. It was so intimate and erotic. Our HIV and now gono had gone full circle. I let out a small, “Oooohh,” as more discharge oozed from my piss slit against Zak’s leg. “So babe, I told you I want details. How was your date?” I rolled over onto my stomach. With a grin on my face I said, “It was an unexpected turn of events.” “You fucked, Brian?” “No……..even hotter than that.” “Well, that would be pretty hot, so I’m not sure what could be hotter.” “It turns out that Brian also has a boyfriend, and he invited him out for drinks with us so I could meet him.” “And he showed up?” “Oh yes….and when I swung my stool around from the bar to meet him, guess who was standing there?” “I take it I’ve met him.” “You’ve done more than meet him…..you shot your poz seed into him. Remember our blonde twink, Ian?” “Oh fuck!!,” Zak exclaimed laughing…. “His boyfriend is Ian?” “Uh huh……and it gets better.” “Did you out him to Brian as a chaser?” “Nope, but you should have seen his face when he saw it was me. He was a bit nervous.” “He probably nearly shit his pants,” Zak said laughing. “Yeah, his jaw dropped open, and he stuttered a bit saying hello. He was stunned. “He must have been pretty uncomfortable.” “I wanted to blow his cover so bad, but I didn’t. I played dumb and introduced myself to him. I spent the night throwing out suggestive hints and giving him evil grins.” “Brian didn’t pick up on any of it?” “No….I think he just took it as flirtatious play.” “Boy, I wish I could have been there to see it all.” “Well, there’s more. After I dropped off Brian, as soon as I got home my phone lit up with a text from guess who?” “Our blonde twink.” “Ding, ding, ding……and……Hold on.” I rolled over and grabbed my phone. “Here, I saved our conversation for you to read.” As Zak read the texts his cock boned up. “Oh my God, so you fucked him last night?” “Yep, right here on these cum stained sheets, and he wanted my gono along with my poz cum.” “Fuck….so he’s turned on by other STDs too?” “Bingo….the verbal talk was hot while fucking his ass too, and he wanted everything I could give him. He’s a little scared by it yet, but he’s all out chasing to poz now.” “And we helped to kick his chase off…..and he probably has your gono too.” “Oh, I’m pretty sure he does. And before I fucked him I asked him if he wants to poz Brian after he charges up.” “And?” (Zak was like a kid in a candy store). “He said he doesn’t know about that, but the thought turns him on……so this could be interesting.” “I think we need to stay in touch with them, babe……how about you?” “Brian and I already swapped numbers……he also told me he had a crush on me when we were kids.” “Hmmm…...” The corners of Zak’s mouth curled up with a sly grin. “What’s that look for,” I asked? “Just that maybe he’s still crushing on you……which could also be interesting.” “Well, he knows I have a boyfriend, and he seems really into Ian, so…..” Zak replied, “Well, this is awesome!!!” Over a cup of morning Jo we searched the net for the not so free, free clinic hours for STD testing. I called and made an appointment for early afternoon. We arrived at the clinic and were immediately greeted by an old, goofy, queen that if you slapped a purple gown, purple wig and makeup on her, she would be the spitting image of Dame Edna. I half expected her to address us as possums as she checked us in. She tipped her eyeglasses, peering at us from above the frames; checking us out better. A faint, “Mmmm, mmm,” came from behind the desk as we walked to the waiting room and took a seat. Upon sitting down I glanced back at “Dame Edna” to find her eyeing me up and down. She gave a wink then pushed her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose and spun around to continue whatever it was she was doing. I found myself boned up sitting in the waiting room, certainly not over “Dame Edna,” but rather at the anticipation of confirming my poz status. “I can see you’re as turned on as I am by this, babe,” Zak said. He nodded toward his crotch and crossed his legs hiding the bulge in his jeans. Seeing his boned up cock made me want to sneak off to the bathroom and fuck like rabbits at the free clinic. That would be a hoot…..swapping charged loads at the STD clinic. Our names were called a short time later. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. First Dame Edna, now this. We met with the “Nurse Ratched” look alike who after realizing we have an open, bareback, relationship, and that Zak is already poz, broke into her lecture on the importance of practicing safe sex. (Thinking to myself) Sure “Nurse Ratched” we’ll get right on that……. right after we spread a little poz seed. I think “Nurse Ratched” sensed a lack of concern on our part and frustratingly said, “Yeah…..ok……then we’ll get started on your tests.” We both supplied a urine sample for our gono test. “Nurse Ratched” then poked my finger and obtained a drop of my blood to perform my HIV test. “Ok……you guys can take a seat in the waiting room. It’ll be about 20 minutes for your HIV test to process.” While sitting in the waiting room I whispered to Zak, “This is the last 20 minutes before my poz result from ‘Nurse Ratched’.” “Nurse Ratched,” he asked chuckling? “She certainly reminds me of her,” I said. He took my hand and squeezed it in his grip and smiled. “I think it’s fucking hot, babe,” then he leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I again found my cock half erect. “Nurse Ratched” finally called my name, and Zak and I followed her to the back room. “Well,” she said coldly, “Your test is reactive…..meaning you’re HIV positive.” (Thinking to myself) Well duh…..I’ve been taking poz loads like crazy. I was smiling inside but my face remained emotionless. “Based on your other symptoms we are starting you both on an antibiotic. We are most certain you have gonorrhea as well. You need to follow up with your doctor for your HIV, and I highly suggest you take my advice and use protection. If you decide not to you should have no sex during your treatment period or you will just continue to reinfect each other with gonorrhea. It’s also important that you use protection when having sex with others so you don’t spread your HIV virus to anyone else.” (Thinking to myself) Oh, you’re no fun “Nurse Ratched.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see her shaking her head in frustration as we got up. We left “Nurse Ratched” and I couldn’t wait any longer. I nudged Zak and snuck into the bathroom down the hall from “Dame Edna.” We locked the door, and I grabbed Zak by his jeans at the front of his waistline and dragged him into the bathroom stall. I dropped his jeans to the floor and did the same with mine. Then I spun Zak around, bent him over the toilet, and spit on his cunt before plowing in bare. “Guess…. ‘Nurse Ratched’…. would be…. Disappointed…. with me,” I said between thrusts pounding my cock into Zak’s hole. “I’m…. a…. bad…. boy…. pumping…. my…. poz…. seed…. into…. you.” “Give me that dirty cum you bad boy,” Zak added. I fucked Zak hard and deep. My shaft again burned as my infected discharge drooled from my piss hole. I groaned in pain and moaned with pleasure, trying to contain my voice with “Dame Edna” right outside the door. I was so excited over the poz HIV test result it didn’t take long for me to fire off my dirty seed into Zak. I slipped my cock from his hole and pulled my jeans up. A fast fuck in the clinic bathroom was just what I needed. Zak was still bent over the toilet with his pants at his ankles as I zipped up and headed for the door. Zak followed, and one step into the hallway and “Dame Edna’s” eyes were glued on us. She was grinning from ear to ear. That bitch didn’t miss much did she? As we walked toward the front entrance we had to walk right past her. I glanced at her with a smirk on my face. She fanned herself with her papers as we walked by, “Seems to be a little hot in here,” she said….. “I suddenly have a craving for a cigarette too.” Zak glanced over his shoulder at her while chuckling. “I think she rather enjoyed the entertainment, don’t you, babe,” Zak asked as we walked out? Saturday night was clubbing night at Kruz Bar. We arrived just as the Saturday night event was starting; a beer bust from 9 to midnight. The event was put on by the local leather group with a flogging demonstration to kick it all off. The bar was full of hot, bearded, inked, leather men. A spot light lit up a small stage area where a blonde-haired twink stood strapped to a St. Andrew’s Cross. He was a sexy little number with nothing on but a yellow jock, and one nice, round ass with slightly reddened butt cheeks. A hairy-chested, muscled, leather, daddy stood behind the twink. He was wearing leather chaps, a jock, and black boots. As he demonstrated his expert flogging technique, the whip struck the blonde across his buttocks. The leather daddy turned back toward the bar crowd, revealing a bold, biohazard tattoo protruding from his jock just below his belly button. The twink arched his back, stuck his ass out, and turned his head, glancing at the hot daddy dominating his ass. “Oh my God,” I said. “Do you see who that is tied to the cross? It’s Ian,” I exclaimed!! “Holy shit it is him, babe. That kid is full of surprises, isn’t he?” “And he looks pretty damn hot strapped to that cross in that jock,” I added. “Do you see Brian anywhere?” I scanned the bar. “I don’t see him, but let’s get a bit closer to the stage.” There was one bar table open to the side of the stage. What I was hoping for finally happened. We caught Ian’s eye. I tipped my glass in the air to him. Ian’s eyes stayed fixed on us. I could see the lust in his eyes. With each strike of the whip from the leather daddy Ian’s cock grew harder. I wasn’t sure if his arousal came from the attention of the hot daddy flogging his ass or if the sight of Zak and I boned him up. After the demonstration a rock hard Ian proudly walked past our table and winked at us then made his way through the crowd wearing just his yellow jock. Guys grasped his ass and massaged his boned up cock. He wandered into the men’s room, and Zak followed. Ian was pissing into the trough urinal when Zak approached him from behind. Zak ground his hard cock into Ian’s reddened ass cheeks. The assault startled Ian enough to momentarily stop his piss stream. Zak grasped Ian’s cock and pressed it to Ian’s abdomen. Ian reached behind and grabbed Zak’s ass, pressing Zak’s cock firmly between his ass cheeks. He leaned back into Zak’s chest and let loose with his piss stream onto his chest. Piss ran down his body soaking his cock along with his jockstrap and Zak’s hand. A cascade of piss poured across his balls, puddling on the floor and splashing Zak’s boots and pant legs. “I hear you’re all out chasing now pig,” Zak whispered into his ear. “We brought that desire deep inside you to life.” “Fuck…..I can’t resist it anymore. It’s all I think about. I want it.” “I also hear the thought of your cheating ass infecting your boyfriend bones you too.” “Fuck, yes. I’d love to poz him too.” Ian’s cock throbbed with desire. “I’m going to give you what you want and need, pig.” Zak unzipped his jeans and bent Ian over the urinal trough. His meat flopped against Ian’s back just above his ass crack. Zak let go a full stream of urine, soaking Ian’s head and back. He slid his cock head down to Ian’s hole marking his territory with his piss scent. He grasped his own shaft and soaked his cock in urine as the last few drops dripped from his piss hole. Zak rubbed the head of his cock against Ian’s piss drenched hole and cupped his wet hand over Ian’s mouth. “Smell the scent of my piss on my hand,” Zak asked? “It’s the smell of your future daddy, cause I’m about to charge your ass, pig.” Zak thrust into Ian’s cunt using only piss for lube. Ian yelped in pain, muffled by Zak’s grip across his mouth. “Feel my shaft buried deep in your hole, boy? It’s already dripping toxic precum in your twink cunt.” Ian licked piss from Zak’s fingers as Zak began to pump his poisonous meat into Ian’s hole. Zak grasped Ian’s shoulders and pounded his ass hard. Ian braced his hands against the wall at the edge of the trough and arched his back to meet each thrust of Ian’s cock. He tipped his head into the trough urinal, smelling an erotic, strong stench of man piss. Zak continued to drill his hole, and Ian clenched onto Zak’s shaft with his hungry cunt. “Oh, you want that toxic seed, don’t you? Want my DNA in your blood?.....don’t you, pig?” “Yes, give it to me.” “I’m going to change you forever, pig. Going to breed you with my demon seed.” Zak pressed Ian’s head farther into the trough. “Smell that man scent, pig? Lick it up. Taste it, pig.” Ian hung onto the edge of the urinal and lapped up piss from the bottom of the trough with his tongue. “Love it, don’t you, pig? Just like you love my toxic cock.” “Fuck, yes!!” “Here you go, fucker. Feel my cock in your cunt? I’m giving you my poison……right…..fucking…..now!!” Zak groaned, grasped Ian’s hips, and thrust deep inside. His shaft stiffened and fired off its dirty cum. “Take my AIDS babies, you pig. I know you want my DNA.” “Fuck yes!! Poz me!!” Ian’s cock erupted in the heat of the moment, spewing its thick spooge onto the front of the trough. While Zak’s meat still throbbed, he pulled out of Ian’s cunt. With Ian’s head still deep in the urinal he spit on Ian’s ass. “We’re meant to breed. Your cunt is mine now forever, pig.” Zak zipped up his jeans and walked out. Ian stood upright slowly. He was drenched and stunk of piss. His ass was red, sore, and loaded with toxic juices. His cock muscles again contracted and a drop of cum dripped from his piss hole. He whispered to himself, “Wow…..fucking hot!!” He wanted more and more…….. Over a beer, Zak and I agreed I would start my antibiotics Monday morning….one more day to swap our dirty cum. He wouldn’t start his antibiotics until his gono symptoms presented for a few days. Ian returned from the men’s room to our table. He stood beside us soaked with piss and still half erect. The bartender showed up with a round of beer for us all on Ian. “On your tab,” the bartender asked? Ian obviously had no cash on him. He barely had anything on, and man did he look hot. He put an arm over each of our shoulders and kissed us both before tipping his beer with us. “Here’s to both of you. Thank you for helping me express my true self. This feels so right.” We all took a swig from our beer. Ian was evolving into a totally, uninhibited pig. I knew Zak and I would be unloading our poz babies in his cunt again…..and soon. Pozzing was no longer a question of IF it would happen, but rather WHEN it would happen. I was certain it wouldn’t be long after taking our unmedicated poz seed. The thought of him joining the club and possibly infecting Brian made my cock rock hard. Ian slammed the last of his beer. “Time for me to get some clothes on. Brian will be here shortly, and he has no clue just how much of a pig I’m becoming.” Hearing those words only stiffened my cock even more. “Be right back guys.” Ian disappeared into the men’s room. The faint smell of piss lingered in the air. “Wow…..a lot has happened in the past 24 hours,” I said to Zak. Ian returned shortly, now fully dressed. His halo in place….. a bit tarnished, but in place. “Brian just walked in,” I said as I nodded my head toward the door. Ian waved him over to our table and kissed him on the lips. “Look who I found,” Ian said. “Hey Zeek,” he said. “Good to see you again.” (Thinking to myself) Boy are you in for a surprise, Brian. “Hi Brian. This is my boyfriend, Zak.” Shaking each other’s hand, “Hi Brian.” “Great to meet you, Zak.” As Brian stood there shaking Zak’s hand I couldn’t help but think…… little do you know that moments earlier my boyfriend’s toxic cock was buried deep in your boyfriend’s ass bare, and now Ian’s sitting in your arms with a cunt full of Zak’s poz babies. I wanted Ian to poz and then infect Brian as well. The thought made my cock twitch. I half expected to see horns sprouting from my forehead thinking these erotic, taboo thoughts. Ian excused himself to the bar and ordered another round of beer for all of us. While waiting for the bartender I watched Ian playing with his phone. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out to find a text message. “Hey Zak. I’m standing the bar with an ass full of your boyfriend’s poz cum, and it’s turning me on so much. I want you both to fuck me right here and right now. I need your seed. Poz my fucking ass.” I replied, “You got it, pig. Come home with us tonight. We’ll fill you up with our demon seed.” My phone again lit up with one word. “Yes!!!!!!!!” We ended up staying with Brian and Ian until bar close. On our way home I received a text from Ian. “Are we still on or tonight? I’ll sneak away from Brian for a bit.” Zak took my phone and replied, “This is Zak!! Come on over, pig. Walk right in….we’ll be waiting upstairs naked.” 15 minutes later I heard my front door open and close. Zak was on my bed lying on his back, legs spread with hard cock down my throat. I heard footsteps on the stairs and the bedroom door creaked open. “Get your twink ass in here and get those clothes off, pig,” Zak said. Ian stripped naked. His cock already boned. We led him to the bathroom and pushed him to his knees. Ian stroked his hard shaft while Zak and I stood over him a few feet away. We aimed our cocks and urine flew from our piss holes, soaking Ian from head to toe. He opened his mouth. We aimed our stream into his mouth and he drank our piss while caressing his drenched chest and abdomen. He began to piss on himself hitting his face, and lapping it up with his tongue. We all emptied our bladders, leaving Ian kneeling in a puddle, completely soaked and dripping piss. “That’s it, pig,” Zak said. “Mark our territory first then fuck the hell out of you with our poz meat.” We pulled Ian to his feet wet and stinking of piss and pushed him onto the bed. “You’re going to have one wrecked cunt dripping blood and toxic seed tonight, pig.” We tied Ian to the bed on his belly with one hand free and tossed him a bottle of poppers. “Take a whiff pig…..you’re going to need it,” Zak commanded. Ian obeyed and was soon flying high. Zak buried his fingers into Ian’s cunt and worked his ass raw. Ian squirmed on the bed, rubbing his boned up cock on the mattress. When Zak pulled his fingers from Ian’s hole he buried his tongue in Ian’s cunt. “That’s it, pig, the faint taste of blood. You’re primed for our demon seed.” I mounted Ian’s cunt, thrusting in balls deep with only spit for lube. I withdrew then buried deep into his gut again. The gono was flowing, and that familiar sensation of discharge burned down my shaft into Ian’s cunt. I continued to thrust into Ian with the full length of my cock each time. “Fuckin pig, your bleeding cunt is open to take all our dirty seed,” I said. “Give it to him. Infect his ass,” Zak added. When the sun came up Zak and I had pumped 3 loads each into Ian’s cunt. As promised a mix of blood and cum oozed from Ian’s fully loaded hole as Zak pulled out of him for the last time. Ian had shot two loads of jizz himself during the night. The three of us collapsed on the bed naked and exhausted and drifted off to sleep in a tangle of flesh. I woke several hours later with a piss hard on and Ian curled up in my arms. I tried to slip out of bed without waking Ian or Zak so I could relieve the pressure from my full bladder, but I startled Ian and he woke up. “Where are you going,” he mumbled half awake? “I have to piss like a race horse.” “Come back here,” he said. I stood at the edge of the bed, and Ian gently grasped my cock at the base. He held the head of my dick in his mouth, and I let go with a full stream of piss. It was difficult, but I managed to pause every little bit while Ian gulped down my strong, morning dew. He drank every last drop like a good pig. “Now get back in bed,” he whispered. I curled up with Ian, and he spooned me with his hard cock pressed between my ass cheeks. Zak rolled over and spooned Ian with his meat buried into Ian’s ass crack. We all drifted off to sleep with Ian between us. This felt so good, the three of us in bed together. A few hours later I woke to Zak pounding his hard meat into Ian’s hungry cunt. My cock quickly boned up. Ian was begging for our poz loads, and we were all too happy to oblige. Zak was already close to firing off another load into Ian. “Oh Fuck!!!....you horny pig. Here comes my poz cum. Take my DNA. FFFUUUCCCKKK!!” Ian arched his back into Zak’s meat. Zak’s body jerked as his cock erupted shooting another load of toxic cum in Ian’s cunt. Zak pulled out and I immediately mounted Ian. I fucked his hole with deep, slow plunges with the full length of my shaft. “Fuck, your hole is so fucking sweet. You’re so full of our poz cum. It feels like velvet on my shaft. I’m going to unload more toxic cum in you, you hot pig. Feel my shaft stretching your hole open. Feel our demon seed in your body…..taking over….infecting you……fuck yyyeeesss!!” Ian slowly squirmed on the bed, working his hard shaft against the sheets and pumping my cock with his ass. “Fuck…..make love to my ass….fucking poz me up.” I worked our seed into his guts in a passionate exchange before firing off my dirty cum deep in his hole. Ian could hardly contain all the venom in his ass. It already was leaking from his tender hole. We slipped a butt plug into his cunt to keep our poison where it belonged and let it do its job. Ian showered up then rushed out the door. He was meeting Brian for Sunday brunch. Ian sat at the restaurant looking across the table at Brian. His hole puckered around the butt plug buried deep in his hole, and the thought of all our dirty cum in his cunt boned his cock. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations as his cock throbbed. He again glanced at Brian with a slight grin on his face……maybe he would be planting some of his own seed into his boyfriend later today……. More to cum, guys………
    1 point
  29. Whorepig, your double entendres are killing me!! LOL. TigerMilner, you are a hottie. Even hotter now that you quit. I stopped 15 years ago, two weeks prior to Easter. I was a four pack a-day smoker. I smoked the last one in the pack/carton and have never had another one since. However, since diagnosis, and recovery, I have found an appreciation for the natural herb coloquially refered to as '420'.
    1 point
  30. Fuckin HOT!! I remember my biggest load night. I was in a sling in NYC and took 58 loads up my cunt. It was oozing out so much, but not wasted, what dripped out was scooped up and fed to me. A night I will ALWAYS treasure!
    1 point
  31. After a year of very slutty antics, I found out I'm poz. After a few days of panic, I'm now .... Excited at all the spunk cumming my way.
    1 point
  32. Part 4 The rest of the day was spent soaking in the pool and laying in the sun chatting. I didn't take the tail out all day, after a light dinner Pete gave me a Valium and tucked me up in bed telling me I had a big day tomorrow. I must have slept heavily as I didn't hear Pete come to bed, when I woke early he was laying naked beside me sound asleep. I looked at the clock and it was really early so I got up, did what I needed to in the bathroom and slipped the tail back in my arse, Pete still being asleep I headed outside to the pool. Stretching out naked on a sun lounger I reflected on where I was and what was in store for me, lazily I stroked my cock, not trying to cum but just enjoying the feeling of it in my hand and the sensations my hand gave it. My thoughts were disturbed by an bronzed naked man cleaning the pool, I don't know how long he'd been there but he seemed to be paying more attention to my cock than the pool, proved by his hardness bouncing around in front of him. My eyes were fixed on his cock when suddenly a voice whispered in my ear "you like Ian's cock?" "Yeah, fucking nice". "Wanna suck it a little?" I replied by nodding my head and Pete beckoned him over. "My friend here would like to suck your cock Ian". He smiled and stepped forward, sitting up I went straight down on it as far as I could. "Good boy, enjoy it but not too much". His cock must have been about 8" and a thickness that was enough to fill my mouth. It tasted of chlorine, I guess Ian likes a dip in the pools he cleans. Pete was rubbing the back of my head and pushing me further down, I gagged a little but he just pushed a little harder. I could tell he was getting close to cumming, his body stiffened and he began breathing heavily, I increased my sucking frantically sliding his cock in and out of my mouth determined to get that salty taste on my tongue. Pete pulled me away telling Ian that was enough for now, throughly disappointed I did note that he said for now. The rest of the day was spent by the pool, staying hydrated, and desperately trying to get Pete to fuck me again, but no I was told that was for later. In the late afternoon we had a bite to eat before Pete told me to go shower and clean myself out thoroughly "I want you clean boy, your hole is gonna get some use tonight" it twitched a little at the thought. Spending some time in the shower I washed myself inside and out, taking some time on my insides. As I headed out of the bedroom I heard men's voices down the hall, I figured as is already been told to stay naked then I should do just that and headed to the living room with no clothes on. Pete was stood chatting to two guys "ah here's the guest of honour. Martin this is Simon and Stuart, they're gonna join us tonight". I walked over and smiled, they were both tall and lean, Simon had short dark hair, Stuart slightly longer silver hair, both had chiseled looks, with just the right amount of stubble. Pete suggested we head out to the hot tub, we all agreed and the other three men removed their clothes before we all went outside and slipped into the warm water, me between the two visitors. Chatting for a while a could feel there legs against mine, hands roaming under the water, I got my first feel of both their cocks, simon was a nice size and uncut, Stuart slightly smaller and circumcised. Pete was watching and I could tell he knew what was going on under the water. "Boy, I promised you as much Tina as you could take didn't I?" I nodded in agreement. "Well now is time for you to take your first slam." Oh fuck, I've only been slammed four times before across three sessions, I'd been craving that rush again, longing for it. Pete moved in front of me and told me to hop up on the side, he was directly in front of me as the other two jumped up beside me. Stuart reached down and pulled up a tray covered with a cloth, he removed the cloth to reveal six syringes, I could see each of them were full of a clear liquid, the stuff I wanted in my veins so much. He placed the tray beside him, reached down and picked up a leather strap. Quickly the leather strap was tightly buckled around my bicep, Stuart turned a little to face me and pulled my arm out so the back of my hand lay against his naked thigh Pete held both my legs and told me to clench and unclench my fist which I dutifully did as Stuart looked for a vein. I watched as he picked up the rig laying across the top of two more, obviously separate for me, and with his teeth he removed the cap. I was still pumping my fist as he brought the needle to my skin, he spent some time aiming it and then with a sharp jab he pierced my skin. I watched as he moved the tip of the pin around a little looking for the vein. He pulled the plunger back and there it was, that flash of blood spurting in, "oh fuck" I knew what was coming. Stuart just held the rig in place when I heard Pete, "this is gonna be a big slam boy, I know you've never had one like this, it's gonna make you cough, maybe feel like you can't catch your breath, don't panic just ride it, we're here with you. You ready?" Unable to take my eyes of the syringe in my arm, the clear liquid now red at one end, I just nodded. Pete told Stuart to go for it and I watched as he gently pushed the plunger down, I watched as the black rubber seal in the clear tube got closer to the end, I could feel a tingle as the liquid entered my arm but I knew what was coming would be far more intense. After what seemed like minutes the plunger hit home, quickly the strap was off my arm, and then it hit me, hit me like a train. Just as the shit hit my brain I coughed, I coughed hard, I had a funny taste at the back of my throat and yeah I felt like I couldn't breath, shit had they given me too much. I gasped for air but after two breaths my lungs relaxed, miss Tina was filling my whole body now, the rush was like nothing else, it was as if I'd been waiting my whole life for this moment. The rush just got stronger and stronger, I was on fire. I was suddenly aware of the puppy tail plug in my arse, the tail between my legs, I was also aware of me just saying "oh fuck" over and over again. Pete wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into the water and stood me in front of Stuart. I watched as Stuart picked a rig from the other end of the tray and repeated the process with his own arm. I couldn't take my eyes off the syringe, turns me on so much to watch a guy slam me but also to watch a guy do himself. A little cough and he was there, in my world. Pete slid me across to stand in front of simon and I watched again, Stuart dropped into the water and stood behind me rubbing my cock and tweaking the plug in my arse. Another cough and simon was in the water too standing to one side of me rubbing my arse cheeks. Now I'm stood in front of Pete watching as he prepped his hit, the blood shot into the syringe with such force and I let out another "fuck". Resting his fingers under the rig he took my hand and told me to push the plunger in, very slowly. My hands were shaking from the rush but somehow I managed it, and slowly I pushed. All in and the needle came out and I saw Petes face light up and he grinned. I could sense Petes cock guiding me down so I bent over and sucked it into my mouth, the Tina made me want it so bad, all 3 cocks inside me at once was what I wanted. His cock was rock hard and I could feel it stretching my mouth as I bobbed up and down. I felt one of the other guys playing with my tail when suddenly it was yanked from my arse and then I felt something hard pushing at my hole, I didn't miss a stroke on Petes cock as I felt the one behind me slowly push into me, I swear I felt every vein as that raw shaft slowly slid in. I let out such a moan but kept Pete in my mouth. I didn't know which one was fucking me but then a pair of hands spread my arse cheeks for the other and I drove back onto that hard rod. Whoever it was pounded me hard now forcing me onto Petes cock, I looked up and saw him watched me get fucked, I could tell he was happy and that made me happy too. I heard a voice say "my turn" and then my hole was empty, movement behind me told me they were swapping over, fuck nothing like one cock after the other I thought, and there it was pushing against me, I pushed back hard and it popped inside me. I was getting fucked frantically now, my hole body shoved forward with each thrust. I noticed simon climbing up on the side, right beside Pete and he was playing with his cock, I looked up at his face and he motioned down to his cock so I replaced my mouth with my hand on Pete and swallowed Simons cock down as far as I could go. "Shit I'm gonna blow" came from behind me, I began groaning loudly on the cock in my gob as my arse got truly fucked, the seed started pumping deep inside me, my mind was racing with the thought of it, cum deep in my guts coating my insides, each spurt from the end of the cock filling me a little more. The fucking slowed and Stuart collapsed on my back "fucking good boy, very fucking nice". I released the cock from my mouth and looked up at Pete, "good lad, you're doing well". Let's take this inside shall we". Then I felt my tail being plugged back into my hole and they carefully lifted me out of the tub........
    1 point
  33. Part 3 As we pull up outside the house the front door opens and he steps out into the sunshine. Wearing shorts and a tee shirt he has an air of confidence about him as he walks to the car. His hair cut short barely revealing the salt and pepper hues, his body firm and trim. His shorts reveal the outline of his cock swinging as he walks. I decide there and then I made the right decision. With some nervousness I open the car door and stepped out into the heat. Pete walks over and without a word wrapped his arms around me and gave me a lovely bear hug. "It's so good that you're here, sorry I couldn't be at the airport to pick you up, I hope Steve took care of you?" "Oh yeah he took great care of me". He nodded and winked. "Come into the house, let's get you settled in" I told him I'd get my stuff from the car. "Don't worry, Steve will bring your bags in and unpack for you. Steve is my personal assistant, if you need anything and I'm not around you can ask him for anything and he will sort it for you, and I mean anything" Once we're inside the cool air of the house Pete grabs me and kisses me with a passion I haven't experienced in a long time, his tongue explored my mouth, I could feel his hardon pressing against me, I nearly dropped to my knees right there. He reaches round and with both hands grabs my arse and continues to kiss me. He pulls away from me "You must need to freshen up, come on". He steps away so I follow him through into a huge living room, tastefully furnished and airy. Down into a long corridor lit by a glass roof, it should be so hot but the air con manages to keep the house silently cool. Turning left we enter a bedroom with little furnishing other then a big bed, a cupboard and bed side tables. Off the bedroom is a huge bathroom. I see my toiletries have all been unpacked for me already, a little odd but I guess it's something I'm just not used to. Pete reaches in around the frosted glass wall of the shower and presses a button and multiple jets spray water in ever direction. "There you go, take your time, no rush. When you're finished come and find me and we'll have a dip in the pool". Giving me another deep kiss he leaves the room. Quickly I get my clothes off and step into the shower, the warm water soaks my hairy body quickly and feels so good after the long journey. I notice the douche nozzle hanging in one corner above the open drain, not knowing what's next I decide to make use of it. I turn around and back into the corner, checking the water coming from the nozzle I find its a perfect temperature so I aim it at my hole and slide it inside, the pressure builds so I pull it out and squat over the drain and let the water out. Repeating the process a few times I decide I'm clean and push the last drops of water out. Seeing my shower gel on the tiled shelf I start to soap myself up and enjoy the experience. I soap myself up again paying special attention to my cock and arse, the earlier booty bump making me enjoy it more than normal. Without warning I feel a hand run along my arse crack grazing over my hole, I shudder and let out a little moan. Strong arms wrap around me from behind and a voice whispers in my ear "I couldn't wait" His hand reaches back down to my soapy arse and slips a finger inside me, his hard cock pressed against me. "Hold on". He steps away and switches off the shower, disappears for a moment and comes back with a pipe, obviously packed with Tina, he sparks up the lighter, and hands me the pipe. I put it to my lips and he holds the flame under the bowl, as the smokes starts to creep out the top "breath in deeply and hold it until I tell you boy". The smoke fills my lungs and I hold it there. "Ok boy, let it out". A big white cloud surrounds us both before fading away. Three more hits like that and my buzz is getting higher. Pete firmly turns me around so I'm facing the wall and reaches between my checks again, every time he touches my hole it's like an electric shock. Taking a handful of gel he soaps my arse up again and caresses it so gently. I put my hands up against the wall in front of me and start to moan and then I start to beg, I need to feel Pete inside me. The Tina has really hit now, my whole body is alive with the stuff. Pete gently spreads my legs with his foot and I have that sensation that my hole is now exposed, "please fuck me" I sob. "Ok boy, as you ask so nicely". He wraps one arm around my neck and I feel the other hand go down to his cock, using one finger to guide it to my hole he rests the head at the opening, very gently he pushes his cock against my hole, the soapy suds let the head of his cock slip in easily and the head passes into me. Oh fuck, at last I have him in me, I've waited so long and now he's finally in my cunt. I want him to give me all of it but he just holds it there, his arm firmly around my neck, his other hand playing with my soft cock. "You want more ?, tell me how much you want it boy, persuade me to give you more" "Oh please, fuck me. I've wanted you for so long, please don't make me wait anymore. Please.........I want your cock so much.........I need you inside me..........please I'm begging you" "Good boy". And with that he slams the rest of his cock deep into my guts, pushing hard against my cheeks, almost knocking me off balance, even tho he's already all the way in he gives another hard shove that's make me almost cry out. My brain is on fire, all I can think of is the naked head of his cock rubbing my insides. You see bareback fucking isn't just a choice for me, it's a fetish, an utter obsession and that obsession is heightened even more when I'm on t. The thought of those little drops of precum oozing straight into my arse drives me crazy, skin on skin nothing between us, just as nature intended. Slowly and steadily he grinds in and out, sometimes all the way out sometimes just a little. The sensations in my hole are electrifying, I'm vaguely aware of us both making animalistic noises, but most of my mind is on his raw cock and my hole which not an hour before was taking shards of crystal, one thing I did know, I wanted more of both. I reach round with one hand to try and touch his cock, to touch a cock that's fucking me blows my mind, to feel it naked as it fucks into me, to feel the skin, every curve and contour slipping through my fingers into my arse. Pete pulls all the way out and the head slips between my fingers, I grip it at the entrance to my world and he pushes back inside. He repeats this for ages, getting the sensation of both my hand and my arse, I grip it even tighter. "I've been saving this load for two weeks boy, I'm not gonna last long, you want it ?" "Oh fuck yes please daddy, give me your spunk, make you yours" "You've been mine a long time, ever since I started manipulating you to come here, I've had this planned for months". With that he pulled my hand away and starts fucking me harder. Resting my head against the wall I reach back with both hands and spread my cheeks for him so he can get even deeper. I'm moaning like a fucking whore and then I hear Pete start to moan louder, his pace quickens and I'm sure I can actually feel his cock get harder. He's almost screaming as he slams into me and I beg him to cum, his cock starts to spew inside me, filling my guts with two weeks worth of spunk. He doesn't lose his pace at all, I know his cum is filling me up and being churned up and pushed deeper with each thrust. He begins to slow and finally he pulls his cock out, my hole suddenly feels incredibly empty and I sob a little as his cock finally leaves me. "Feel empty boy? I've got something for that". He pulls away and slips something inside me which makes the empty feeling a little less. He leads me from the shower and as I stand in front of the mirror I notice a black rubber tail poking out between my butt cheeks, I've give it a little flick and he smiles a wicked grin at me.
    1 point
  34. My latin man came back to the computer all smiles. "So what do you think? Hot right?" "That was beyond anything I thought it would be," I said truthfully. "I loved every second of it." "I thought you would," he said and laughed. "I got a really good closeup you have to check out. I seeded him deep, but let some out near the end to get a shot of the cum leaking out of his ass." "Hot. Well here's my number, maybe you can send it to me." "Alright I'll see what I can do," he said with a smirk. "I'm gonna get cleaned up. I'll hit you up later." With that he disconnected and I closed my laptop. I moved it to the bedside table and laid back too exhausted to move and soon I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning with a hard on and sleepily grabbed my dick to give it a good squeeze. It throbbed and my thoughts began rushing to the scene from last night. I pictured Joey's ass loaded with poz cum and thought of myself kneeling behind him and eating his ass, sucking the cum out. I moaned as I kept picturing the poz latino's cock sliding in and out of Joey's hole, unloading more cream in an endless cycle with me leaning in to eat his ass again and when I thought of swallowing that cum from the source my orgasm hit me with a crash as I exploded again, cum hitting my face and chest. I came to and scooped up some cum and licked it off my fingers. It tasted salty and I smiled. I wiped the rest off with my cum rag and looked over at my phone to check the time when I noticed a text. >hey stud, it's Carlos. I just watched that vid this morning and it's hot as fuck. Too long to send to you though. wanna come over later and watch it? My heart beat faster as I thought about it. I really did want to see the close up, but I didn't know about meeting the man who pozzed my boyfriend. I left the message unanswered as I got up to shower. It couldn't hurt to meet him, it's not like he was going to stealth me like he did Joey when I knew he was poz. I worked up the courage to text him back saying I was free all day and he responded with his address telling me to meet him in around 2. I also saw a message from Joey saying he wanted to have lunch together, but I told him I was having lunch with a friend. Two could play shady. I spent the rest of the morning grooming and cleaning the bed sheets and was on my way over to meet Carlos in person so quickly I was there by 1:30. He answered his door in the same boxer briefs I saw last night looking hotter than he did on screen. "Hey there stud," he greeted me and moved aside for me to walk in. He moved in for a peck on the lips and I didn't hesitate to reciprocate. "Nice to meet you," I said awkwardly. I had no idea why I was so nervous. We sat down on his couch in front of his laptop. "Great to meet you. Man, I saved up a lot of cum before yesterday and was looking to unload when you told me about your boyfriend. I know I came a lot. I used a lot of lube hoping he would think that was it." He was leaning back on the couch and rubbed his crotch when he said that and my eyes went down to his briefs. "You gotta see this," he said and woke up the screen on his laptop where the video was loaded. He must have had a good camera on his phone because the clarity was great. It started with his dick already in Joey. He pulled out and I saw the condom and watched as his hand pulled on the latex briefly before his head burst through in all its glory. "Get comfy," he said pulling on my shirt and I peeled it off getting off my pants in the process. I wasn't wearing any underwear and sat my bare ass down on his couch. He lifted himself off the couch to whip off those briefs and my eyes caught his uncut dick flopping out, already hard with the skin still bunched at the head. He moved a little closer to me so our legs were touching and leaned back again. I took that as a cue to sit back and relax, too. We watched as he fucked Joey with a frenzy. I stroked my dick and looked over at Carlos's body and cock, his hand stroking the shaft, his skin loosening a bit to let the head peak through before getting covered again. I felt Carlos's hand touch my leg and drift over to my cock, giving it again few tugs before moving to grab my hand and pulling it over to his body. I stroked his furry chest and moved my hand down to his cock, mimicking his hand motions, with a thumb brushing his tip and swirling. His hand went back to my own uncut cock and did the same thing. Our eyes went back to the screen as his thrusts got slower and deeper. We watched as his cock pulled out, the broken condom bunched up at the base of his cock. I moaned when I saw his cum leaking from Joey's bottom and both our hand motions got quicker as we watched him scoop that leaking cum back to Joey's hole with his dick and pushing it back in. There were a few more thrusts and the video was over. I looked over at Carlos and said breathily, "Damn that was hotter than I could have imagined." He had a seductive look in his eye and pursed his lips slightly, making them more plump. "I know, it got me real horny." My hand was still stroking his cock and I had very brief thoughts about stopping, but they quickly evaporated under his touch. I moved in closer and we kissed, his tongue meeting mine in glorious harmony. His hand moved off my cock and up my body to touch me while my hands did the same. He positioned himself to lay on the couch and I leaned over him, moving from his lips to his neck, then up to his ear where I felt him shudder as my teeth slightly nibbled while I sucked and licked like crazy, our hard cocks grinding into each other's bodies. He moved his hands to my shoulders and I moved down to work on his nipple, biting lightly and suckling. He raised his arm to make room for my head and my nose caught his scent. It drove me wild and I moved my nose in to take deep whiffs, my tongue reaching out to taste his salty sweat. He moaned in pleasure as I took my time, switching to the other pit when I had made sure I got as much as I could. I moved down further along his sexy body and passed his dick, kissing and licking his thighs and his balls, which were also salty before grabbing his cock. I could smell his ripeness and it drove me wild. I had never tasted someone so natural. I pulled his skin down his rock hard cock and didn't stop to admire, opting just to lick all around the head with my tongue. It was tart, like nothing I had ever tasted before. My tongue tasted every inch of him before I moved to swallow him. I took him all the way to the back of my throat where he began thrusting to get in deeper. I relaxed my throat and sure enough he broke through. He grabbed my head and held it, slamming his dick in and out. I gagged and he pushed all the way in and held it there as my body convulsed trying to get air. He released me before I could lose consciousness and I pulled off gasping for air. I looked in his eyes and saw a burning desire. When I caught my breath and went back on his cock, I was more prepared as he continued mercilessly for a moment. He was short on breath but managed to choke out a warning that he was cumming. I thought about backing off, but his arms were now wrapped around the back of my head and his thighs were pressing on the sides of my head as his cock slid down my throat. If I pushed off him, I might stop him but I gave in quickly wanting the pleasure of swallowing his cum. He unloaded the first few shots down my throat, buy pulled out a bit to finish right on my tongue so I could get a taste. My own orgasm came with that taste, splashing the couch and my leg. I kept nursing his cock for and bit before letting it go and sitting back up. "Wow, you're good," he praised. "Seriously the best head I've ever gotten." I couldn't help smiling and then laughing. We sat there for a bit catching our breath. "Sorry about the couch," I said. "Don't worry, it happens. Wanna shower?" We both climbed in his shower and began soaping each other up. His hands roamed my body as we kissed some more, and I felt his hand work my crack and felt him work a finger in my hole. He fingered me for a minute while we kissed and he pulled out, moving on to cleaning me again. When we got dried and I dressed, he put the same briefs on and went back to the living room. He moved back in to kiss me and I couldn't help kissing back. "Well, I hope I'll see you again soon," he said. His eyes showed sincerity and I smiled. "Yeah, that would definitely be fun." "Let me know how things go with that boy of yours, especially if he gets the flu" My thoughts drifted to Joey and I smiled. "I will definitely let you know what happens." With that I kissed him again a few more times and he let me out. I drove home, thinking that the deed was done, wondering where to go from here.
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  35. After several agonizing minutes, I saw them both back on screen. Joey wasted no time and went in for a kiss while grabbing the latin man's dick through his boxers. Poz latin grabbed Joey's shirt and pulled it off. He pushed him onto the bed and quickly yanked on Joey's pant legs to pull off his unhooked jeans. He wasn't even wearing any underwear. My poz latin man crawled between Joey's legs and kissed his thighs, eliciting seductive looks with lip biting from Joey. I watched with fascination as my poz latin moved from the thighs to Joey's dick, licking first the balls and then sucking to full erection. He moved to kiss up Joey's chest and nipple and even moved to his armpits. He pulled back and made a face and I heard him say "deodorant". Joey smiled awkwardly and the poz latin smiled back and pulled both Joey's legs up on his shoulders leaning in for a kiss, which put Joey's ass in the right position for him to grind his dick on. He had to have gotten hard and I heard their moans for a couple of minutes as I stroked my own cock wondering if Joey would let him in raw. As I had expected, Joey pushed on my latin man's chest and said, "wait, I have a condom in my jeans." As he got up to grab it from the floor, my man grabbed a bottle of lube from the desk. Standing on his knees on the bed, he watched as Joey crawled back on with condom in hand. He sucked his dick for a bit, though it was more like he was being skull fucked. Joey removed the condom and handed it to my poz latin, then flipped around to face the other way. I watched as the latin squirted some lube on his hand and rubbed it briefly on his cock before wiping his hand on Joey's ass. He put the condom on, making a show of it and smiling at the camera. Joey looked back to see him squirting lube on his covered dick and then moving to finger lube into Joey's hole. "Ow," he cried as my latino's fingers dug in. I saw him pull his fingers out and wipe his hands on a hand towel on the table. I watched him line his cock up behind Joey and then push in. Gasps escaped Joey's mouth as my latin man didn't stop until he bottomed out. He didn't wait for Joey to get used to his dick, just started thrusting into him. I saw him add more lube and then run his hands down Joey's back to his shoulders, pushing them down while Joey lifted his ass up, letting him enter more. "Fuck yeah, like that, you feel so tight. I bet you love this thick dick ripping you apart." Joey could do more than groan in reply. His head flopped over to face the camera and I could see his eyes scrunched up. He was in pain, I could tell. Yet he was loving the torture. The latin leaned back and grabbed his phone from the table. He fucked more and aimed his phone at the action and pulled all the way out. I watched as he pulled the condom tighter on his dick and saw it give. He pulled the latex back up to his head and added more lube before going back in, all one handed as his phone recorded the action up close. His thrusts this time looked more purposeful. Or maybe that was just me. I looked at Joey's face again and he still had his eyes shut, though he seemed to be enjoying it more. I watched as my poz latin built up to a frenzy before it looked like he finally came. His last few thrusts being deep and hard. He was still recording as he pulled out, still hard, the condom bunched up at the base of his dick. He rubbed Joey's ass and back as he aimed the phone at Joey's hole. He fingered it and smiled, pleased by his work. I saw Joey's eyes open and my heart skipped a beat at being caught, but they closed once more when he aimed his dick back in and thrust once or twice and pulled out again. He put his phone down under the pillow and then entered him again, this time reaching under Joey with both hands to bring him up to a kneeling position, his back pressed against the poz man's chest. He reached down to Joey's dick with one hand and rubbed Joey's chest with the other as he thrust into him, fucking him while jerking him off. Joey's load came quick, shooting high. his deep breathing and moans were warning enough that they sat back on their feet and leaned back so the cum could shoot high and onto Joey's chest and face. As that all happened, my poz latin looked right at the camera and winked. That set me off and I came all over my chest, the first spurt hitting my chin. I cleaned up with a hand towel as I watched him push Joey face down on the bed again. He pulled out completely and reached under the pillow and pulled out what looked like like a used condom that was tied off. He held it to his own cock as he peeled off the broken one and then hid the broken one back under his pillow. "Fuck that was amazing man," he said. Joey looked up at him and nodded, hardly able to say a word. He watched as the poz latin threw the full condom in the trash can and then lay his head back down. After Joey caught his breath, he cleaned up and went on his way.
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  36. After putting away my laptop, I went to bed and woke up the next morning around noon. I didn't have work and so I lay there a bit longer thinking about what I had done. Joey had no idea what was coming. That got me hard thinking about the cock in that picture again. I looked over to find Joey had already gotten up. I heard the tv on and figured he was watching a show so I tiptoed to the door and peaked out. He was on his phone and was quickly typing out a message. I wasn't sure what it was, but I know what I hoped. I went back to bed after grabbing my laptop and brought up BBRT again. There were a few messages from random guys, but I saw one from the poz latin and brought it up. >well it seems he's very interested. He wants to meet tonight at 6. You were right about his insisting on condoms. I've got a camera set up so you can watch it go down. Here's my Skype... >awesome, I can't wait for you to poz his cheating ass with your toxic cum. I'd love to watch your hot body shove that thick cock in his hole. I could feel the excitement rising again. I wanted to make Joey pay for his indiscretions in a way that gave me as much excitement as he got from his countless tricks. >fuck yeah bud. I'm gonna give him a fuck he's never gonna forget. You're gonna love watching my thick dick slide in him. Alright, gotta go, I'll log onto Skype tonight so you can connect to the camera before he gets here. I shut down my laptop and walked out to see Joey still typing away. His smirk told me all I needed to know. "Good morning," I said. "Afternoon babe," he smiled at me. "You looked so peacful sleeping after last night I wanted to let you sleep in." "Thanks. Any plans tonight?" I asked. "Just gotta help my mom out with something. What about you?" "I think I'm gonna chill at home. I have errands to run all day today so I'll probably relax and watch some tv. " "I'm gonna head over to my place and get my laundry done before I have to be at my mom's," he said and came over to plant a kiss on my cheek. "Okay, I'm going to go brush my teeth and get ready for my day. Say hi to your mom for me," I said almost enjoying the web of lies. As he got ready to leave, I went about my daily routine. After washing my face, my coffee was ready and he was gone. I sat down at the computer again sipping my drink. I pulled up BBRT again, as there wasn't anything else I could think of except tonight. Ignoring messages from people I didn't care for, I ended up the guy's profile again looking at his pictures. I thought about what it would be like to taste his cock. It occurred to me it would be just like sucking any other uncut cock, but I then wondered if it would be soapy and clean or more naturally musky. In my daze I saw a new message from him and opened it. >on again? Can't stop thinking about it, can you? In just a few short hours your boy is gonna get knocked up with my babies. You can probably back out still if you want... I thought about what he said, but it was too far gone. I wanted this to happen. >no, I can't stop thinking about it. And no, I'm not going to back out. He's gonna get his pleasure, and I'm going to get some this time too. >i like the way you think. You should get some pleasure out of this. Alright, I just gotta replenish my lube bottle with baby oil. Let's connect on Skype before the main event ;] My cock was throbbing. Part of me told me I was evil, but I didn't really care. I was just too caught up in all of it. The next several hours were hard to fill. The time was moving by so slowly and I wasn't able to focus on TV. I spent my time watching bareback videos wondering if that would be what it looked like. By the time 5:45 came around, I had already shot my load but felt so horny I was ready to burst. I logged into Skype and connected with the latin man. When his cam came on I grinned. I saw his pictures, but still didn't expect him to look athletic and hot considering he was toxic by his own definition. My cam was on too, so he could see me sitting naked on my bed. "Hey there stud. Looks like you're ready for a show," his voice came through very manly. "You have no idea. I'm nervous," I confessed. "You have nothing to be nervous about. I'm the one doing the deed here," he laughed. "And he's not even going to know." I smiled at that knowing Joey was clueless. I had a good view of the bed, looking from the side. "Showtime. He just texted that he's downstairs. You can turn off your cam, but I'm going to cover you up with porn anyway." I watched as he clicked with the mouse anyway few times. I cut my feed and turned up the volume as I noticed he left the sound of the porn off. Probably so I could better hear Joey's moans. He went off camera for several minutes after throwing on some boxer briefs that left nothing to the imagination.
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  37. After we came up from the dark basement I asked from my Norwegian friend his permission to go to the bathroom where I emptied my ass from the chem piss and the cum Then cleaned myself a bit. I was still buzzing from the earlier slam… in a good way… He was waiting for me at the same spot where we first met with two bottles of beer. He had bought the drinks… How nice of him. “Drink… it is not water but it is good enough” he said. “Beer is just fine….Thank you ” “Your name?” he asked. I told him. He didn’t say his… “You will call me Sir”. “Yes sir” it is all that I said. “You live here?” “No Sir, I am here for three days… I am a sex tourist… I travel for only one reason… to get fucked…” “So was it any worth spending your money in hotels and plane tickets so far?” “No major complaints Sir… in fact you were my first for tonight and the best…” “You want more cocks?” “I am a cumdump Sir, I want cum… From you, from others… from anyone… But I really like your company… In fact I like everything on you Sir… And I guess I am too bold to say this but I guess it is the Tina that talks … and the beer”. I felt my face blushing… “You are too smart for a cumdump….” he said and drank some more of his beer… “Is that a problem Sir?” I started feel uneasy… “No, it is good, as long as you know your place, you show me respect… and you talk less… Are you still thirsty?” he saw my empty now bottle… “Yes, Sir… I know my place and yes, Sir I am still thirsty…” “Kneel!” I looked him in the eye… Blue and grey eyes… Devils’ eyes… Mephistopheles’s kind of eyes… That was a test or what… The time has stopped… I knew my place… I kneeled… My mouth on the height of his zipper… He took his heavy thick uncut cock out and put in my mouth… I tasted my ass juices and piss… and some soap somewhere behind the foreskin… My mouth was full… I felt his piss down my throat… Damn I was thirsty indeed…. Didn’t care about the men watching me… My whole “me” was in the right spot… I wouldn’t change it for anything. Kneeling in front this Viking giant, drinking his nectar, submitting my will to his needs. What a view… Him standing above me…. I felt the envy of the other patrons… In fact I felt proud. Proud to be his whore… I felt the last of his drops. I was ready to stand up when I felt his hand on my shoulder… Two more pair of feet in front of me… Another cock… A black one this time… A 60 year old leather man… Big bush of mustache… and a cock in hand… Soft… but at least an 8 incher… “Drink” My Viking ordered… And I did… I drank and drank… until he was done… I felt a tap on my head…. He said something that it had to be close to the “Good boy”… and before having time to re-adjust my knees… another cock was in front of my lips… Another man… another cock… 45 chubby black hair… hairy and with the thickest cock I ever saw…. I took my man’s silent permission… He nodded his head encouraging me drink… this time the taste of the piss was bitter… I was not to complain… I was in piss fag’s heaven… And once again I didn’t let any drop get wasted… Yes… Sir, was proud of me… He helped me get up… And then he kissed…. I felt his tongue entering my mouth… He tasted the other men’s piss … and kissing me he was telling me in his own way that it is Ok to be a piss fag… a whore… and a slam cumdump… because that was exactly what he wanted me to be… “Thank you Sir” I said…. He looked at me … these Blue and Grey eyes again… and somehow the whole energy changed… my eyes became watery… tears watery… Not many times I find someone to allow me to see the real depth of his eyes… He did… and then I knew that I was so transparent… I could see my loneliness, my strength, my Erebus…. the deepest dark in me… so deep that it was almost comfortable… Nothing better to embrace the darkness and find a pair of Blue and Grey eyes to say to you that sometimes there is tenderness in the shadows… “It is time for your second slam… Go down to the sling.. make your self comfortable… I am going to fix the point and I will be down in a few minutes… Spread your legs and take this…” He gave me his blue handkerchief. “This time I want you blindfolded… Now go… “ And I went… Shadows of men wandering back and forth back and forth… My kind of men… My tribe… I took my jeans off… Kept my leather vest… Took my poppers out from my sock and I laid on the sling.. Put the blindfold like I was told to… and I waited…. When you do not see… when you feel exposed and offering your hole to men that you do not see or care how they look like… when you are becoming the whore your are destined to be… a cum hole … a nothing… a true cumdump… then and only then you feel the real strength… the reason behind all this hunger… then and only then you become invincible… I heard footsteps they stopped… someone felt my hole… there was some lube spread… and then a finger… It burnt…. A booty bump… and then a cock head… not my Viking’s cockhead… It was a slow fucking… More steps… Another cock… this time a cut cock… placed in my mouth… two cocks in two holes…. No faces… no talk… Sound of poppers… the man I was sucking gave me some… and then continued fucking my throat…. I was start losing my self… Nice… and then more steps… I recognized his walk… Next to me… he took my arm… a tourniquet around … he found the vein easily.. a wet cotton… and then a prick… How smooth his push of Tina in my bloodstream… took the tourniquet off and then bam…. The cough came… it was stronger this time…. I started to float… “Thank you “ it is all I said…. And I went back to the cock sucking… The man who was fucking me started to speed up…. And he gave it to me… with a howling…. And stayed till he found his breath… and then went… My Viking put his finger in my cummy hole and gave it to me to taste it… the man I was sucking took his place… More poppers… for him and for me… It didn’t last long… He came hard… and then came back to my mouth to clean him… I did… What a tasty cock… and then left… I heard the sound of the tourniquet… My Vikkng was ready to slam himself…. I heard all of his preparations. I felt his concentration in the dark… He put his cock in me… and then he pushed the point… took it off and coughed… How nice to feel your man in your ass the moment he is losing himself… He started to fuck… yes… That was a real fuck… sliding in my already cummy ass… I was his slam whore… That was all what I was… I was a cumdump the last level of a whore… But at that very moment I knew I was the strongest of all…. I was the chosen one… He was fucking me for at least an hour… he came in me twice… and pissed in me once more… I was hearing steps coming and go… some of them put their cocks in my ass… a couple of them pissed on me… But the never claimed my ass from him…. They knew that something specially was happening between me and Him… And the hunters know to respect when something extraordinary happens…. When we went back to the bar we were both with the smile… One more round of beers… I bought them this time… Not much talk… Just happy and comfortable… his finger in my cummy hole while he was drinking his beer… I knew things were coming to an end… The dawn was close… He read my mind…. “You are not going anywhere” he said… “You are coming with me… “ “To Where?” I asked… My place to fix some more points and then to the sauna…. “Yes Sir”… “Mephistopheles is still horny” he said and smiled… Damn … these Blue and Grey eyes… how I could resist…. I went to take my coat and off the Bar we went… Almost morning…
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  38. EPILOGUE I broke up with Jake as soon as he returned. I didn’t tell him why, and didn’t confront him about the investigator he had hired. It was enough that I was embarking on this path for myself, I didn’t need to make things any messier with him than was necessary. I hoped we could remain friends. I got sick a few weeks later, and was never as happy to nurse a flu as I was with that one. A week after that, I was cruising online and saw a photo on a profile that looked familiar. As I clicked on it, I knew I recognized the tattoos and the body of the man in the picture - it was the PI! I looked at his profile, and saw that he was really into fantasy and role play, loved detailed scenes. I hadn't taken him for that type of guy. I chatted him up. Me: Hey. Those tats are familiar - saw them between my legs a few weeks ago. Just now getting over that nasty flu. Him: Sweet, buddy. How’s the boyfriend? Me: Oh, I broke it off with him. I knew I needed something else. I didn’t tell him about our encounter, or even that I knew he had hired you. Him: Oh good thinking, because he would have been very confused. My: Confused? Why? Him: Because he has no idea who I am. He never hired me. I just saw you online at all the same sites I like to go to. I'm a bit of a hacker, you see, and I knew what you needed more than you knew yourself. So I made it happen. I fulfilled every one of your fantasies, Joey. END
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  39. “Joey, I know there’s another site you have been visiting more and more lately. I know what’s in your heart right now. And I want to show you something.” He lifted up his tshirt. Fuck, how had I still not noticed he was wearing a shirt? That cock was doing so much for me I didn’t realize it was still on. As he pulled the hem of his shirt higher, some ink emerged on his stomach. As he raised it slowly, I started to make it out. The familiar biohazard tattoo was revealed before my eyes on the sexiest man I’d ever seen, and his bare cock was buried deep in my ass. My hole involuntarily twitched and I felt him throb inside me. He continued to raise his shirt, revealing a scorpion tattoo on his right pec. He must have seen the flash of fear in my eyes, even while I was unable to take my eyes off the ink on his incredible body. “Tell me what you want, Joey.” I didn't think, I simply reacted. I reached down and placed my hand on his stomach. I traced the outline of the biohazard tattoo. I caressed it, my dick leaked on my belly as I studied its form, and recognized the consequences of what I was about to do. I looked over at the mirror, and saw myself with my legs spread, a beefy hunk between them, fucking me in the bed I share with my lover. I looked in my own eyes, and I recognized the hunger, the need. I knew there was no fighting it. I didn’t want to fight it. In that moment, I knew. I knew it was who I was. Who I am. “I want you to breed me. I want you to fuck my ass with your bare dick until you shoot your toxic load into my guts. I hope my ass is so wrecked from what you’ve done to me so far that your disease immediately seeps into my system and converts me. I want you to POZ me. PLEASE POZ ME!!” And with that, he pulled almost all the way out and then thrust back in violently, making me scream with pain and pleasure. I was grabbing at his ass, pulling him as deeply into me as I could, so insane with lust. My hand never left his belly, as I stroked and gave his tattoo the special place in this moment that it deserved. I touched it, stroked it, brought my fingers to my lips and kissed them before placing them back on his tattoo. My fetish. My fantasy. Now my reality. I wanted nothing more than to feel him shoot his cum inside me so deep, for it to invade every cell in my body. I wanted him to be in me, forever. He pounded and grunted and fucked me like I’ve never been fucked before, until he told me he was ready to shoot. “Please. PLEASE! Shoot it in me. Give me your cum. Give me your disease! I want you to infect me! I want you to change me, to impact the rest of my life.” I squeezed my hole for all it was worth, desperately needing to milk his death seed, to feel the transfer of the bug from his body to mine. And with that, I felt a warmth spread inside me, deeper than it ever had with Jake. Physically deeper, yes. But also a knowledge that something had fundamentally changed for me. I had finally realized the fantasy I had held for so long. And in that moment, it was clear to me that I was a new man, one who could finally follow his dreams and be honest about his true nature. The man unloading ropes and ropes of toxic seed into my bowels was altering my life forever. And I loved him for it. I would never be the same.
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  40. At this point of the day, all three of us were bred with poz cum, and all was right with the world. I finally was bred by my hot boyfriend, by his poz support group buddy, and by another charged guy in the bathhouse. We left the dark room and headed downstairs for a shower and a Jacuzzi. It was good to take a break with Brad and Justin for a couple minutes. Brad said, "Rik, you still have all those poz loads in you?" "Yeah," I replied, "Gonna try and hold them in for a while." Brad asked, "Are you gonna be OK if you convert to being poz?" Justin joked, "I know of a good support group, if you need it!" I laughed, "We might need to call them up and have them stop by to breed me!" Brad and Justin looked at each other and smiled. Justin said with a wink, "We need to convert your boy. I'll start calling the support group guys and get them over here!" With that, they high-fived each other. Brad leaned over and gave me a kiss and said, "I want to help you get pozzed so we can cum in each other from now on. We'll get some newly converted guys to breed you." I said, "Yeah, I want that. I want two boyfriends so we can breed each other all the time." Justin said, "I need you guys too. We need to swap strains forever!" Brad and Justin looked behind me and both smiled. Brad said quietly, "Here we go..." My back was towards the Jacuzzi steps, so I didn't see who was getting in with us, but I caught his backside as he passed by to take a seat. He was tall like Brad, probably 6'5", lean, dark hairy legs and not much of a butt (which is fine with me). He sat across from me and took my breath away. He had a sexy hairy chest and had some scruff on his face. He looked me in the eyes and said, "I hear you're neg and want to get pozzed, is that right?" He didn't make any attempt to keep it quiet, and in fact said it loud enough for the other guys in the area to hear. My face went three shades of red. This was another defining moment for me. Either I'm in or I'm out. "Yeah" I said softly. Tall, dark and handsome said, "I didn't hear what you said, say it again." "Yes." "Yes, what?" It was time to own what I want. "I'm neg and I'm taking poz cum today. I want to be pozzed." I said it loud enough for him and most of the first floor to hear. My heart was pounding like a motherfucker. Tall, dark and handsome just smiled back at me. "I like that. Have you taken any loads yet?" "A couple," I said. "I pointed to Brad and Justin.”They bred me a couple hours ago." Tall, dark and handsome said, "That's hot. I have a high viral load, so if you want some of this, I'm in 215." The then stood up and showed me his rock hard uncut 9" cock that was pointing up to one of the sexiest biohazard tattoos I've never seen. He reached over to tweak my nipples and I grabbed his poz cock and felt his low-hangers. All I could say was "Oh yeah, I need that!" With that, he walked out of the Jacuzzi, dried off and left. Justin said "Well, that was hot!" "Oh my god," said Brad. "He's smokin' hot ... And it sounds like he'll help get the job done." I said, "Let's dry off and take a walk." We dried off and got new towels again. Well, Brad and Justin got towels. They said I needed to be naked for the rest of the day. And I was OK with that. At the front desk, I noticed a magic marker laying on a clipboard. I had an idea. I asked the attendant, "Can I write something down real quick? I'll give it right back." He handed it under the window and went back to checking in people. Both Brad and Justin looked at me wondering what the fuck I was up to. I grabbed Justin and gave him a big sloppy kiss, and did the same to Justin. I presented the marker and said, "Write on me. Let guys see what we're doing." It was like instant Viagra. All three of us were rock hard at the idea. Brad turned me around and drew an arrow from my mid-back pointing down to my asshole. He handed the marker to Justin. "That's all you got? That's lame" said Justin. I felt Justin writing stuff all over my backside. I had no idea what he was doing, but my precum was oozing all over. "There, that's how you do it." Justin said, handing it back to Brad. Brad said, "Turn around" and started writing on me. They both had big smiles and were really getting into this. He wrote on my pecs, abs, down to my pubes and cock. He stood up to admire his work and Justin nodded his head in approval. They high-fived each other and then Justin gave the marker back to the attendant. Justin said, "Let's go back upstairs, we can get other guys to write oh him more if we need to." My balls were aching at this point, I really needed to blow my load, but it wasn't time yet. I don't think there was anyone in the building that didn't know my story earlier, but they sure do now. As we walked the halls, guys would give me a look and then give me a nod. There were two black guys in the hallway talking as we walked up. One of them looked at me and said, "Rik - the Neg bugchaser?" Brad answered for me and said, "Yeah, we're filling him up with charged loads ... Rik, bend over and show him your hole!" Right there in front of anyone walking by, I bent over and spread my asscheeks. Both black guys rubbed their hands over my ass. One of them slid a finger inside my hole and said to his friend, "he's loose already." He went from one finger to two fingers to four fingers very quickly. I moaned, "OH fuck yeah, that feels great! Feel my cunt!" My cock was drooling precum at both the humiliation and how slutty I was becoming. Justin said, "We're in 213 if you want more of this slut." The guy slowly pulled his fingers out of my ass, and I felt cum ooze out and run down my legs. We continued our walk, making sure guys saw us walking around with hard-ons and my freshly inked advertising written on me. When Brad saw someone in a room, or when we would pass someone in the hallway, he said "213," making sure guys knew our room number. We turned the corner and coming our direction was Dave and Bruce, two guys from 24 Hour Fitness. Brad and I have known them from the gym for a long time. I didn't plan on seeing anyone I know here today. They both stopped and stared at me, while reading what was written on my body. Dave said, "What's up with this? What are you guys doing?" Justin said, "Isn't it apparent? We're pozzing him up!" Brad reached behind me and slipped a couple fingers up my hole. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and how hot it was. I looked at them and said, "I need a charged load up my hole." Dave and Bruce just replied, "Oh!" and kept on walking. I'm not sure whose world was rocked more, theirs or mine. I suppose those gossip queens will be talking this up on Monday at the gym, since they know everyone in town. We got back to the room and I finally got a look at what my poz boyfriends wrote on me. Reading backwards I could read "poz me" "cumslut" "neg4poz" and I had no idea what Justin did on my backside. Didn't care - just glad that the two most important guys in my life are getting me gifted. I laid on the mattress on my back as we got settled. Brad left the door open and then turned to me. "Let's get you some poisoned cum" he said. Justin straddled my head and lowered his cock into my mouth. Brad raised my legs up and handed them to Justin. Brad then slid his poz cock up my cummy hole. He worked in and out slowly, not trying to cum, but trying to attract breeders. I heard Justin say, "You want to breed our boyfriend? Leave the door open and fuck him." I felt some hands feeling up my body, tweaking my nipples, feeling my abs and my cock and balls. Brad said, "He needs poz cum. Can you help him out?" "Yeah, I can charge him up" was all I heard before I felt a huge cock slam up my hole. Justin pulled out of my mouth so I could see my new breeder. He was one of the black guys we saw in the hallway, and clearly I missed seeing his huge cock when me met earlier. My new breeder said, "My buddy won't let me fuck him ... and the way your hole felt, I knew I had to poz you." Just then his buddy walked in and asked, "Can I watch?" Justin asked, "Do you want to fuck his face while your buddy breeds this cumdump?" With no hesitation, he climbed up and fed me his uncut cock. Justin took this opportunity to feel up the guy in my mouth, as I knew Brad was feeling up the guy who was in my asshole. I could hear the other guys in the room jacking their lubed cocks as they watched me get bred. It was hot knowing everyone there knew what I'm chasing. I heard the guy fucking my mouth say to Justin, "Yeah, rub your cock on my asshole ... I'm close." Justin said, "If you don't blow your load down his throat, I'm going to breed you!" Brad took Justin's cue and said to the guy fucking me, "Feel my cock against your hole? My precum is getting you all wet. I might have to breed you too!" "Breed him, Justin" "Yeah, you breed yours "Brad" Neither of my poz boyfriends had a chance to slide inside, because the nasty poz chat had the black guys all worked up. The guy fucking me yelled, "Here I go, bitch! I'm cumming up your hole!" The guy in my mouth said "Fuck! Here I go too!" Simultaneously, I got huge loads that must have been saved up for days. The guy still in my ass said, "I haven't fucked a neg guy since I converted. I love that." These hot guys creamed both of my holes. I swallowed up as much as I could, but some escaped onto my face. My asshole was leaking like crazy, but it felt amazing. Both guys pulled out and gave me a couple pats on my ass, and then they walked out. Brad and Justin sat on the bed next to me and said, "That was hot, but he needs more poz cum." They both bent down to give me a three-way kiss so the three of us could make out. I couldn't love these two more than I did right then. While we were making out, I felt a new hand rub my ass. I moaned softly and opened my legs to our new guest without looking. Brad and Justin silently checked the guy out and then returned to making out. The guy playing with my ass had three fingers up my hole and was working up to four. "Fuck that feels good" I said to Justin and Brad. "He's making my hole feel great." The boys whispered words of encouragement to relax my hole, that I need to open it up. I felt his fingers work in and out of my hole, and felt him tuck his thumb in with his other four fingers. "Yeah, open up for me," our new guest said. "I’m here to give you the fuck-flu!" It was Tall, Dark and Handsome.
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  41. Chapter 19: Yesterday And so we come to yesterday. “Do we really need to get together with this construction guy who has been working on your building?” Thomas asked. “Yeah…. Dan is a good guy. They are wrapping up the renovation project and I just wanted to thank him for everything.” Thomas shrugged but didn’t complain. Truth be told, I had been tempted to postpone the get together myself. I hadn’t been feeling well for the last day or so… like I had the flu or something. Plus I wasn’t sure what was going to happen tonight. Thomas didn’t know the real plan, of course, he just thought we were just going to treat Dan to dinner. He didn’t know that his cherry would be the dessert. I wanted Dan to fuck me again though… and this was the only way to make this happen. If I postponed our plans everything might fall apart. So I pressed ahead. We were meeting in a restaurant that Thomas really liked not too far from the gay district. It was a Sunday night so the restaurant wouldn’t be too busy. This place served great cocktails which would help get his guard down. I had been getting him hot and bothered throughout the day: playing with his nipples, sucking him, fingering and licking his ass (his new favorite sexual activity) but not actually getting him off. He was horny as fuck and that could only work in my favor… I wanted him thinking with his little head not the one on his shoulders. I let him drive so I could keep working on him as we drove to the restaurant. I started by “resting” my hand on his thigh. I slowly worked my fingers to his crotch and rubbed his little dick until it got hard. I slipped my seatbelt off my chest and bent over him, giving his crotch kisses. “Careful… I’m driving!” He said. I was careful… because I didn’t want him cumming just yet. When we arrived at the restaurant, he seemed very self conscious although i knew his hard on wasn’t really noticeable. 
Dan arrived a few minutes after we did. He was dressed casually but managed to look amazing. His rugged good looks, his self-confidence, everything about his about him was just so captivating. Thomas felt it too… he almost did a double take when Dan walked up and greeted us. He was blushing as I introduced them. Once we were seated, I ordered a round of drinks. By the time he finished his first drink, Thomas seemed more relaxed. Dan was surprisingly charming and a great story teller. Thomas was sitting pretty close to Dan and was hanging on his every word. I was surprised to feel a bit jealous… of both of them. This flu was also really getting to me. I felt warm, my body ached, my throat was sore, and I felt worn out and tired… but I reminded myself that this is what I wanted… better than I had hoped even… and I should go with the flow. After dinner and a few more drinks, Thomas excused himself to go to the bathroom while I asked our server for the check. Dan leaned over to me. “I though you said he was a top?” I shrugged. “He is… he’s never been fucked. It’s only been recently that I’ve gotten him to let me finger his ass or rim him.” “Well… I can feel his ass twitching from a foot away.” He laughed. “His inner whore is itching to get out as much as your’s was.” I gave him a smile. “It’s like I told you… I’ve been working to get him ready for you.” “And you aren’t jealous that I’m going to fuck your husband tonight?” “Well… yeah… I am. But as long as you fuck me too it’s worth it.” He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry. You’ll get my cock and POZ cum back in your ass tonight.” He paused for a moment, looking me over a bit. “How are you feeling tonight.” “I’m ok… just have a bit of the flu.” He nodded and I noticed he had a strange smile. Almost like triumph. “Don’t worry… it will pass in a couple days.” When Thomas came back, he was swaying a bit. He wasn’t passing out or anything… but he was clearly in no shape to drive. “Sweetheart… I had better drive home.” I told him. He started to protest but Dan cut him off. “Stephen’s company has me in a corporate apartment not far from here for the renovation. Why don’t you two come back for a bit? You can sober up before heading home.” Thomas agreed. Very quickly. Again, i suppressed my jealousy… all was going to plan. Dan’s place was very close… less than a 10 minute walk. It was nondescript but cozy… like most corporate apartments. He sat us on the couch and, despite the cover story of coming back to his place to sober up, poured a drink for each of us and then sat in the chair across from us. We picked up our conversation from the restaurant and sipped our cocktails. “You can turn on the TV if you like.” Dan told Thomas. Thomas picked up the remote and powered on the TV. I was watching Dan who was sitting back in his chair as if waiting for something… waiting for the final play in our little game. The screen came on and I could see it was playing some kind of home video. Two men laying naked in a bed. One guy had his face in the other’s lap and was sucking away at his dick. I didn’t recognize the cocksucker but guy being sucked was clearly Dan although much younger. “Oops. Sorry about that… “ He didn’t sound sorry at all. “That is one of my favorites and was watching it earlier.” Thomas didn’t say anything. He just sat frozen like a deer in the headlights…. the remote still in his hand but not moving to change the channel. “We can watch it if you like.” Dan said.
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  42. After I got another load from Brad, we were soaking wet and funky. Justin suggested we go get showered off, which was exactly what we needed. Although I was holding on two the three poz loads that had just been pumped into me, and I wasn't going to lose them. A good shower was exactly what the three of us needed after such a ground-breaking afternoon. We dried off and went to get new towels, throwing them in the bin and then asking for new towels. Brad got one for himself and one for Justin. When I asked for mine, Brad told the attendant that I didn't need one, and he steered me back upstairs towards the room. I asked, "What's going on?" Brad replied "Since you broke your poz cherry today, we should see if you can get some more charged loads up your hole - and we can't advertise it if you're wearing a towel." At this remark all three of us started to sprout wood. This was definitely going to be interesting. We went up to the second floor where Brad and Justin walked me around the hallways. As we passed the water fountain I paused to get a quick drink. Three guys were standing in the immediate vicinity. Justin separated my ass-cheeks inviting the guys to "Get a look at this, guys. Freshly bred butt-hole," finishing-up with a sharp slap to my ass. I was, of course, startled as hell, and in the process began to loose some of the cum I had been consciously holding back. 'Fuck', I thought, 'here I am with cum running down my legs'. Two of the guys just smiled and walked on, but the third, a guy in his 30's started stroking his cock under his towel. Brad completed the invitation saying "If you want a piece of that, stop by Room 213 and ask for Rik!" I was being pimped out by the two guys that bred me! How humiliating ... but also kinda hot! We were all still sprouting wood, so we were all getting off on this. And I still had nothing covering me. Brad said, "Come on, let's walk around." The three of us went to the multi-level video room next. Once our eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, there were around six guys watching the porn. But my two pimps were going to change their focus. Justin looked at Brad and said, "I think we need to show our slut off!" Brad smiled and said, "Great idea." "What do you guys have in mind?" I asked. Justin stepped up to me and gave me a big, French kiss saying "Let's have some fun!" With that he led me to one of the risers and had me get on my hands and knees, so my asshole was at a perfect level for his cock. Justin didn't ask Brad at this point, he just worked his pierced cock up my hole again - in front of the other guys. Brad was working his cock under his towel, enjoying Justin's perverted exhibitionism. Justin, meanwhile, was slowly fucking my ass. Clearly he wasn't looking to get off, but publicize ownership of my fuckhole - if only for the afternoon. A couple guys moved closer towards us to get a better view, which was, of course, exactly what Justin was planning. In a completely audible voice he remarked "Brad, this slut still feels good after we pozzed his hole. Stick your cock up his ass and feel for yourself." As he withdrew he asked me "Hey, Rik, how’s your hole now?" But before I could think of a clever reply Justin had fully withdrawn, stepped away, and, giving me a sharp slap, held my cheeks apart as Brad stepped forward, draped his towel over my head, and slid his poz cock up my ass. "Yeah, you'll like this freshly pozzed hole," Justin grunted. Brad fucked away for several minutes, and while so doing, Justin asked "Doesn't he feel good?" (I can only assume Justin was playing poz whore master for the audience.) "Yeah, I should have pozzed him back when I converted. This slut would have loved it," Brad commented. Crap! Did Brad really mean that? I started out that morning with my boyfriend and his friend, and now I'm their freshly pozzed towel rack and cumdump. If this wasn't humiliating enough, I started feeling several hands feeling my body. Looking down, I could see five pair of feet around me. Guys were feeling my chest, cock, ass and Brad's cock as it slowly worked my hole. I heard Brad ask "You want to fuck my slut? You've gotta big dick. He'll love it." Brad pulled out and I felt two fingers slide into my asshole. I certainly didn't know whose fingers they were - I was not in a position to explore who-was-who. Nor, to be honest, did I want or care to find out. I watched Brad's feet step away as another guy got into position. I waited to feel a new cock ... and then saw a condom wrapper fall to the floor. Justin intervened saying "Dude, this slut is deathly allergic to condoms. He can only be fucked bare." I kinda laughed at Justin's quick thinking. Nicely played, Justin. I saw the guy step back, remarking "I only fuck with condoms ... sorry." Brad replied "No problem," and with that the guy walked away. Another guy said, "I'll fuck your slut!" Brad said, "Have at it!" The new guy threw his towel over my head as well and got in position behind my hole. Justin said, "We're looking for charged loads for our slut here, you got one?" The new guy said, "Yeah, I've been poz for a while, and I'm happy to share my strain with your slut!" Brad said, "Excellent, give him your load!" The new guy slammed his cock inside my ass and I just about lost my breath. Holy shit he was big! The new guy commented "Damn, his hole is full of cum. I love messy sluts!" And with that by way of introduction he fucked my ass, surrounded by a whole group of guys, giving the impression I was the last available piece of ass on the planet. I couldn't see much of anything, especially since now a couple of smelly towels were draped over my head, but suddenly Brad slid beneath the towels, wiggling close so he could kiss me while I was getting fucked. Then I felt his legs stretch out next to my right torso. He let out a soft moan of pleasure. "Are you getting fucked?" I asked. "Yeah, Justin still hasn't had a chance to breed me with his toxic cum yet and I want it really bad. Do you feel like a bugchasing cum dump whore now?" I managed to say "Fuck yeah, and oh God, I love you!" Then he pulled my head down and started making out with me again. We were both getting bred by poz guys, and I had no idea how toxic the fuck was going to be - and didn't care. "I'm gonna cum now!" announced the guy fucking my ass. I didn't know what he looked like, and was fairly sure he hadn't actually gotten any sight of me, but it didn't matter: at that very moment he was sperming my asshole. "Fuck, you just get bred!" was his parting comment as he slowly withdrew from my ass, giving me an appreciative tap on the ass. At this point poz cum was running out of my gaping asshole and various guys in the video room were sliding their fingers in and out of my battered hole. It didn't matter how much is in my bank account or what kind of car I drove. To the men I was a piece of meat, just for their pleasure. I could tell that Justin's fuck strokes were getting harder, as Brad's body was bouncing back and forth from the fucking. Justin was going to cum soon, and Brad was going to share the virus strain that had just gone into my body. I was stroking Brad's nipples, and telling him how hot he must look getting fucked in the middle of all these guys. Justin started grunting and breathing hard and then announced "I'm cumming up your ass, dude! Here it comes!" Brad's eyes rolled in the back of his head in ecstasy. Justin was totally turned on by finally getting the sex that his neg boyfriend wasn't giving him, and he got to breed his first neg hole and the poz hole of his support group buddy. And for Brad and me, well, we had taken poz loads side-by-side from two different poz guys. And we couldn't have been happier.
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  43. PART 5 We walked into the sling room, and Grant closed the door. His uncut cock looked to be about 9.5” by 7”, dripping like a broken faucet and sporting a mean hole-wrecker of a P.A. “I’m Sloan,” I said, shaking Grant’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Sloan. And who’s the boy?” “He’s my lil’ bro, a slampig-in-training. One week past his 18th birthday, practically a virgin, and all partied up for the first time. He’s your fuckhole for the night, so call him whatever you want. His name’s not important.” Grant growled approval, then turned to Conrad. “Hey, son. Sounds like your big bro's been taking good care of you, huh?” “Yes, sir,” Conrad replied. “Yeah, boy? Tell me what your bro’s been doing for you.” “Well, sir—he’s making a man out of me,” said Conrad. “Before this, I’d only fucked around with other boys. Tonight is the first time I’ve surrendered my body, my hole—everything—to the control of a man who wants to mark me, own me, use me. And best of all, I can still feel his thick cumload dripping out of my hole.” “Is that so, boy?” Grant reached around to Conrad’s ass, pulling the boy closer to him. I heard his fingers dip into the warmth and wetness of that slopped-up boyhole. He gave another growl of appreciation. “Admit it, boy: you were looking for somebody to pin you down and fill your hungry little musclebutt with raw dick.” “That’s right, sir,” said Conrad. “My big bro knew what to do. He fed me white smoke from a little glass pipe. He just kept feeding me that smoke, and every time I exhaled a big breath full of clouds, I got hungrier. I didn’t think it was possible to feel that hungry, but that’s what I was—so fucking hungry for my big bro’s dick. I couldn't believe how amazing it felt when his bareback cock shoved into my fuckhole.” “Good boy,” said Grant, his hands slowly kneading the muscles of Conrad’s bubble butt. “And now that you’ve got a thick load of your big bro’s poz cum oozing of out your partied-up hole, are you still hungry?” “Even hungrier. Please give me more. Please poz me, Daddy.” Grant growled, pointing at the sling. “Climb up, boy.” As Conrad walked to the sling, Grant turned to me. “Nice work, son.” “Thanks, Dad.” I opened up my playkit, revealing a row of prepared points. “Would you like to do the honors? I think it’s time we got our boy slammed out of his fuckin’ mind.” “Fuck yeah -- but I've got an idea,” said Grant. “Whenever I slam, I shoot a big load of cum as soon as the tourniquet comes off my arm. Why let that load go to waste? I’ll push my dick up inside our boy’s hole, then slam myself at the same time you’re slamming him. That way, he’ll be riding his very first rush at the exact same moment my cock is shooting thick ropes of unmedicated poz cum deep inside his little fuckhole. Got it?” “Fuck, Dad—that’s fuckin’ perfect. And then what?” “And then I use my seed as lube. You know—fuck my slutty son for awhile, just working that toxic load up inside him, getting him good and pregnant. Watching his sweet little face as he takes my fat poz dick into his slammed-up hole. I usually shoot my second load after 10 or 15 minutes of massaging that first round of cum into a boy’s fuckin’ pussy. I like to leave their insides torn-up and painted thick with my fuckin’ virus by the time I pull out.” “Fuckin’ A, you evil fucker. Let's fuck this boy into the dark side.” With that, we turned toward Conrad. His feet were firmly in the stirrups, his muscular legs spread wide, his 18-year-old boyhole proudly exposed for breeding. Jason was already applying a tourniquet. I took a syringe out of my playkit and handed it to Grant, then grabbed another for Conrad. Jason cocked his head and pointed at the playkit. “How big are those hits, anyway?” “Oh—big enough,” I said with a smirk. Jason flashed an evil grin. “Fuck yeah, dude. You startin’ him with—what? A .35?” “More like a 0.4,” I said. “But before that happens, this particular needle needs to make a little detour.” I immediately found a vein in my forearm, inserted the tip, and pulled back the plunger. A scarlet swirl of my blood began filling the rig. Removing the needle from my arm, I aimed it at Conrad’s bulging veins. “You see this, boy?” I said to him, tapping the side of the needle, its contents now contaminated with red streaks of my toxic blood. “This is how we guarantee that you go home tomorrow with my virus growing inside you. Got it?” Conrad smiled and nodded, holding out his arm eagerly. “Fuck yeah—we’ll be blood brothers,” he said. “Make me your blood brother. Please.” “Of course, bro. I’m so fuckin’ proud to bring you into the brotherhood.” Needle in hand, I leaned over to admire his beautiful veins. I picked one almost at random; his time at the gym had given him a forearm full of perfect admin sites. “See bro—the tip of this needle has my poz DNA all over it,” I said. "Want it?" "Fuck yeah. Please. Stick that poz needle in me." I gave him a quick smile, then gently slid the contaminated point into his arm. “Are you ready to watch my virus invade your fuckin’ bloodstream?” He nodded as if in a trance. I drew back the plunger, and Conrad’s blood rushed into the syringe to mix with mine. I looked behind me to see that Grant, too, had a register, and that his Daddy dick was already firmly lodged in my lil' bro's hole. Turning back to Conrad, I loosened his tourniquet and flashed a wolfish little grin. “You ready, baby boy? You ready for this fat fuckin’ blood-slam?” “Yes. Do it, bro. Please.” “You’re gonna be so goddamn fucked up. I can’t wait, lil’ bro.” With that, Daddy and I looked at each other and nodded. Then we counted down: 3, 2, 1... Push. The contents of the syringe began disappearing into Conrad’s vein, slowly and steadily, while the crimson mixture of our poz and neg blood gradually merged with his bloodstream. I felt his body begin to tense as the first wave of the drug started to hit. And as I pulled the needle out of his vein, his eyes grew wide and his lungs made a scratching noise as he prepared to cough. Grant finished his slam just as Conrad’s coughing fit began. Each cough caused my lil' bro's ass to spasm around Grant's dick, and that took our Daddy over the edge: as he yelled "Fuckin' take my virus" over and over again, his fat cock pulsed repeatedly inside my lil’ bro’s stretched-out cunt, each pulse sending waves of poz cum deep inside my boy's newly slammed-up fuckhole. A moment later, Grant pulled his cock from Conrad’s hungry butt, giving both of us a glimpse of the thick spout of cum erupting from his fat mushroom head. “You wanna get pregnant, son? ‘Cuz I wanna knock your ass up.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy. I wanna give your fuckin’ poz sperm a place to grow.” Grant shoved back in. As his raw dick re-entered Conrad's hole, I watched my lil' bro undergo my favorite transformation: No longer struggling to catch his breath, no longer freaked out by the intensity of the slam, his eyes gradually lost their focus, overwhelmed by the pleasure radiating from his fuckhole. His mouth dropped open, and he let out a low, slow moan. As I watched, his body seemed to become an extension of his wrecked and dripping fuckhole—open and hungry and obsessed. “Feel that cum dripping out of your hole?” Grant said to him as he continued to nail Conrad's butt. “I’m filling you up with the fuckin’ sperm that made you, boy.” By that point, Conrad’s hole was leaking a steady stream of cum mixed with streaks of blood from Grant’s assault on his torn-up cunt. “Dad’s drawing blood,” I said, pointing to the evidence of internal damage. Grant let out a cocky little laugh. “Looks like you’re starting to bleed from your wrecked little cunt, boy. Want me to stop?” My lil’ bro shook his head fiercely, his eyes insane with desire. “Please don’t stop tearing me up, Daddy,” he said. “More poz cum, please.” “Good boy,” replied Grant. “Good fuckin’ slampig. You make your Daddy so fuckin’ proud. And you know what’s gonna happen a little later?” “What’s that, Daddy?” “We’re gonna slam you up again, and your hole’s gonna stretch like you wouldn’t believe. That’s right, boy—it’s gonna stretch until it’s a gaping, bloody punch-hole dripping cum and piss and Crisco. You want that?” “I want everything you want to give me, Daddy.” “Good boy. The next slam will reduce you to nothing but a hole. You won’t even know your fuckin’ name, boy. But that’s OK. When your sweet boyhole is stretched around my fuckin’ forearm, nobody will be calling you Conrad. They’ll give you a new name. My favorite name.” “What’s that, Daddy? What’s your favorite name?” “Slampig,” Grant replied, driving his dick deep. “And you know what, Slampig? I’m here to make sure that my son will never shoot a neg load again.” MORE SOON…
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  44. You should never rape anyone. Sorry for disagreeing, but rape is wrong. I may be slutty and love taking bare dick, but you always should get permission from the guy before you fuck him.
    1 point
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