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  1. OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BETTER, YOUNG ENOUGH TO DO IT ANYWAY PART I: INVINCIBLE BEGINNING At some point all teenage boys reach a moment in which they are transformed from a normal kid into a super powered, unstoppable force…or at least something deludes them into believe that about themselves. Once it has occurred, these kids will take on daring, and even foolish risks, with no fear that they might face consequences for their actions. Most boys probably couldn’t tell you when that moment was, but Chris could pinpoint exactly when and where and what he was doing (and who) when he lost his sense of self preservation and became a daredevil willing to try anything and always looking for the next adventure to prove he was all he believed himself to be. The night in question was during his sophomore year, only hours after he’d been told he’d be starting pitcher for his varsity baseball team the next season. So excited he could barely see straight, he texted some buds and made plans to meet them behind the diamond that night to celebrate. After three or so beers that had been purchased by someone’s older sister, Chris found himself doing handstands on the top row of the bleachers. This brave and idiotic act of show-off-ery was made possible by his alcohol intake and the appearance of some girls from his English class, but soon he’d feel strong enough to do such things without anything clouding his judgement. As it turned out, the handstand were sufficiently impressive to get one of the girls to come over to him and ask what else he could do. Not even an hour passed before they’d both gotten drunk enough to climb in the back of his dad’s truck and start fucking while all their friends were only a few feet away. Drunk and loud, their moans gave away what they were up to, and drew the other girl and the boys to come over and watch. Pretty soon a chant started encouraging Chris to go faster and harder. Now Chris would remember that this went on for at least a half hour and his girl orgasmed 3 times before he finally whipped his dick out and shot copious streams of jizz across her pussy, stomach and tits. The truth was more like five minutes, one (possibly fake) orgasm, and his cock slipping out at the last second, missing her tits or cunt, and instead coating the insides of her thighs and calves. While she retrieved her panties from his radio antenna, one of his buddies secretly took a photo of the cum covering her legs and showed it to Chris. It was right then that he became a myth to his buddies and any shred of self-preservation was gone. He was convinced he could do anything, having seduced the hottie with his athletic prowess, fucked her royally with an audience cheering him on, and a photo to prove it was all as awesome as he thought it was. That night when he got home and went into his bathroom to shower off the sweat, cum and pussy juice, he stripped nude and admired himself in the mirror. For months he’d been working his ass off to get his biceps bigger, his abs tighter and his legs stronger to help his game. Smirking, he suddenly saw the resulting body in a new light, as if it was imbued with mystical properties. Another foolish teen was born that night, and no one would be able to break him of his delusions of grandeur for quite some time. Over the next year he was cock of the walk, ruling the school as only buff, tall, handsome teen varsity jocks can. He even managed to make honor role first semester, which got him an offer to join an Honors track in the spring. With nothing to fear, he accepted without a second thought, and continued to spend his time perfecting his physique and juggling three girls. Once baseball season started in February, Chris was starting to realize that his honors classes might not have been the best idea. Midterms would be right around the same time as the first game, and so far Chris was barely finding the time to study enough for a ‘C’ average between practice and his workouts. Still he figured it would all work out just fine even when his teachers began pointing out that he was getting dangerously close to dropping below a ‘C’ which would keep him off the list for academic eligibility. Finally his coach pulled him aside after practice one night and mentioned some rumors that Chris might be off the team if he didn’t get his grades back up, and some fear kicked in. The next weekend, Chris cancelled his dates and spent the whole weekend studying and writing papers. During the week he began doing homework at lunch and between classes, and even used study hall for its intended purpose. His grades began to pick up, but now the coach was riding him for not playing as well. Friday’s practice was worst of the week, and Chris found himself barely able to focus with all the stuff he was freaking out about. Too wired to go home, he decided to drive over to his family’s athletic club and get in some time on his arms and try to figure out what he was doing wrong. An hour passed while Chris worked different weight machines to pump up his arms, but he was still distracted by all the work he had to do. So much so he accidentally loaded 20 lbs more than his top weight, and almost killed himself on the first press. Out of nowhere appeared a tall toned white guy covered in tattoos who jumped in to spot him and helped get the weight readjusted. Chris sat up to thank the guy, and found out he was one of the personal trainers at the club, Freddy. They chatted as the lifted and walked into the locker room together as Chris explained that with all he had to get done, there just wasn’t enough time during the week to do it and be well rested and ready for practice. “What if I could make the weekend longer?” Freddy asked, lowering his voice and leaning in closer. Chris asked what he meant and found out that Freddy had some stuff at his house that would allow Chris to stay up all night Friday and Saturday, get his work done for the week, and not make him groggy afterwards. Chris agreed without asking anything about what the stuff was or what it did. He was so excited about the idea of being able to get everything done that he didn’t notice Freddy checking him out as they showered. Inside Freddy’s apartment, Chris was offered a drink, but declined in favor of getting the stuff he needed to help study. He figured on the short drive over that it was probably caffine pills like truckers use, but he wasn’t sure if he could take those since technically the school could check for drugs at any point, even though they always did it Friday after school. He tried to hide his shock when Freddy returned to the living room in nothing but a pair of baggy bball shorts and a cap, with a small glass piper and lighter in one hand and a tiny bag of something resembling the rocks Chris grew in chemistry class the year before. Chris watched as Freddy explained that the stuff in the bag was called ‘Tina’ and was used to fight fatigue, as well as a few other things. Chris inquired as to why he needed the pipe and when Freddy started to show him, Chris objected quickly. “I don’t do drugs man, can’t risk it.” He said, losing some of his posture unconsciously from the disappointment of realizing there was no miracle way to stay up without chancing an ‘f’ on a piss test. “If any of this shit is detectable on a UA, then I would be fucked if it was still in my piss by Friday.” “No sweat man,” Freddy responded while loading some of the rocks into the glass bowl. “This stuff burns clean and is out of your system in 2, 3 days tops. Plus it won’t show on any UA for sports enhancing drugs or opiates.” Assuming that meant that the ‘tina’ wasn’t a drug, Chris spirits rose, but he remained wary, asking if there were any side effects or if it was addictive. “It can be addictive if you aren’t able to handle it properly,” Freddy said as he measured some of his baggie into an even smaller bag. “but you’re a big dude and you don’t look like one of those pussy bitches who can’t drink or smoke without ending up strung out on the side of the road somewhere. As for side effects, it just hypes you up and gets you running on overdrive, which can sometimes make you really thirsty or horny, kinda like a really good work out but with no fatigue after.” Chris’ sense of invulnerability over-rode all the ‘don’t do drugs’ lectures he’d heard over and over again in school and scouts, convincing him he could handle it in small doses. After all, no one was ever hooked after just one hit right? Wrong. Freddy asked him if he wanted to try it out, but Chris hesitated for one more second as he tried to decide if he was really willing to do this to get his stuff done. “Up to you man,” Freddy shrugged and pocketed the baggie and went to take a hit off the pipe himself. “I just need to know if you want this or if I should save it for the college chic I got on her way here. She loves smoking this and riding any cock in the room, so maybe I should save it for her anyway.” The idea that some girl could handle it and he was hesitating made Chris realize that it was time to man up. There was also the image of some co-ed tits bouncing as a girl rode his dick that had him wondering if he could use this as an excuse to hang around take a turn. He stopped Freddy and said he was ready to try it. Since he’d never seen a pipe like this before, Freddy offered to help him by lighting it for his first few hits. Instructing him to wait to inhale until Freddy gave him the signal, Chris sat as close to Freddy as he could. The tattoo’d taller, older guy held the pipe to Chris’ lips and flicked the lighter until it lit under the clear glass bowl. Crackling could be heard as Chris noticed the crystals melting and smoke beginning to billow in the round enclosure. From the weed pipes he’d smoked, Chris assumed the hole on top was a carb, but didn’t say anything since Freddy left it uncovered. Once some whisps of clean white smoke began to seep from the hole, Freddy said “now.” Inhaling deep into his lungs, Chris was surprised that he wasn’t tasting the smoke like he had when he’d smoked pot before. ‘must be due this being a cleaner burning substance or something,’ he thought, until he began to exhale and coughed really hard. Freddy laughed and asked if he was okay and Chris nodded. Taking another hit, Freddy handed Chris the bowl and told him to try it that time while Freddy retrieved water for the two of them. Chris had an easier time on that hit and wondered how long it would take to kick in. Just as Freddy came back with the waters, Chris got his answer in the form of a huge head rush and a wave of heat flowing over him. Now he understood why Freddy had stripped to his shorts. They continued passing back and forth the pipe while Freddy listened to him drone on and on about how amazing he felt. Once the bowl was finished, Freddy told Chris to strip down to his boxers if he was too warm, which Chris went ahead and did, with all the confidence of a boy his age. He didn’t even worry about getting hard when the extremely sexy 22 yr old girl showed up and smoked with them. By the time they’d smoked another bowl, Chris was concerned that he wasn’t getting hard, but kept his mouth shut since he was enjoying the 22yr old fingering her pussy and Sucking Freddy’s large dick. Within minutes of starting, her cunt got slippery, then sloppy and finally she creamed all over the couch cushion when Chris worked up the courage to reach over and stroke her pussy lips. Still, Chris couldn’t get any response from his dick. When the girl left, he asked Freddy, and he explained that it was a common side effect and if he decided to come back for more “study helpers” the next night, that Freddy would toss in a Viagra just in case. Confused, but wired, Chris left the apartment and went home, where he spent the next 6 hours pounding out a term paper, two research papers, and a set of flash cards for his midterms that week. Around 7 am, he was fading and went into his pocket for some more tina. Immediately he realized he had no pipe and no lighter. Whipping out his phone, he texted Freddy and prayed he was awake. By 8, Chris was back at Freddy’s door, and was greeted by the tattoo’d dealer’s naked body, semi-hard cock, and a nasty gangbang video playing on the tv. He was so distracted by his need for a pipe that it took him a minute to realize there was another guy there, around Freddy’s age, but shorter, around Chris’ height, and very muscly. He stammered and tried not to stare as the two men absent mindedly jerked their rods while he told them what he needed. The buff shorter guy laughed and told him to go buy one at the Mexican market on the corner, but Freddy stopped him and said he would give him one as part what he owed for the tina. Chris asked what he meant, and Freddy explained that tina was not free, and told him the bag he’d left with earlier was worth $30, and he’d toss in the Viagra he’d promised, a pipe and a lighter for another $10. All the money from Chris’ wallet added up to $38, and the change from his car got him another $1.57 closer, which Freddy graciously accepted on the condition that “next time you bring the cash before I give you the goods.” All Saturday, through the afternoon and evening, Chris was working at full speed, sneaking into the bathroom and locking the door periodically, in order to be sure he could take a few puffs without his parents catching him. As promised, the tina was life-changing, allowing Chris to stay focus and on task all day so he was done with all his work by midnight. With that, he booted up his laptop and hunted through some porn online so he could celebrate. Try as he might, even his favorite videos did nothing to help him become erect. Frustrated, he fished the little blue pill out of his pocket and gulped it down. He wondered if Freddy and the other guy had taken one, since they seemed to have no issues getting hard when he was there. Suddenly he realized he had no idea why the two of them were stroking together with no sign of a female anywhere and no mention of any coming over. A brief thought that they were fags crossed his mind, but he dismissed it as quickly as it arrived, reminding himself that Freddy fed his dick to the college girl right in front of him the night they met. Perhaps they were jerk off buddies like he and his friend Nick had been in middle school. It seemed weird that they’d continued as adults, but he forgot all about it when he looked down and found his own dick was now fully hard. Assuming it was from the slutty blonde getting a facial on the computer screen, he began to stroke and think of all the girls he’d been blowing off the last few weeks. One hand on his cock, he reached with his other hand for his phone and texted the girl who lived closest and asked if she wanted to come over. Imagining her taking a hit from his pipe before letting him use her slit, he felt his balls tightening already. Pausing to take another hit off his new pipe, he prayed for a pussy. Mere moments passed before the girl he’d texted sent a response saying: just got home from party. Come over and letz fuck. The sex was better than he ever could have imagined, even with a half-asleep drunk girl who didn’t want to do anything other than missionary. When he pulled out and shot his load on her pussy lips, she smiled and rolled over. She was out before his breathing returned to normal, and he was already figuring out how he was going to make $30 bucks that week to get more tina. PART II: UNSTOPPABLE ADDICTION Nine weeks had come and gone since that first night partying, and Chris had spent every weekend high as a kite. His grades were safely in the ‘B’ range and his performance on the team had never been better. He’d even managed to lose the baby fat around his waist with the help of the drugs, giving him an even more enviable form. In that time, he’d run through all his birthday money, he allowance, his gas money, and had even taken to selling some of his comic books from when he was younger, all to support his new habit. What began as a $30 bag and the occasional puff through the day was now $100 a weekend and a constant intake of meth. Days he spent at home locked in his room behind a combo lock he installed himself, nights he snuck over to Freddy’s apartment and smoked and jerked and hung out naked, occasionally enjoying a left over girl from Freddy’s customers. Recently Freddy was kicking him out more and more often, which required Chris to schedule hook ups with girls and friends at bizarre hours. He was loving every drugged minute of it, and had become totally okay with spending hours in the buff with Freddy and random friends and customers he had over now and then. Finals came just in time for the money to run out, and Chris was panicked when he asked Freddy what to do. “You remember the guy you met the first weekend we hung out?” Chris nodded. “Well he has mentioned you a few times since then and I bet he’d be down to spot you some cash if you’d be down to let him suck you off.” “Seriously? He’s a fag? Seemed so…normal. I dunno man. I’m not into gay shit. I just really need this for one more week.” Chris was already aching for a puff when Freddy explained that he could pretend it was a girl and keep his eyes closed the whole time. Glancing over to the coffee table, Chris saw Freddy’s pipe laying out and his eyes glazed at the thought of being high again. He nodded okay. No sooner had Freddy gotten off the phone with the guy and told Chris to use his shower really quickly. Chris was now including some extra cleansing of his balls, ass and hole when he showered, since the tina had a tendency to make him empty his bowels. He’d just finished verifying there was nothing left inside him and getting washed when Freddy knocked and told him the guy was there, stripping nude and eagerly dropping to his knees in front of the chair where Freddy directed Chris to sit. The dude wasted no time and immediately began to suck as best he could, but it was no use since Chris was only thinking about getting high. Freddy suggested they smoke a bowl and gave Chris a Viagra to help him out. Once the smoke hit his lungs, Chris felt the high he needed and was able to turn his attention to the tv screen where an asain girl was taking two black dicks in either end. It turned out that the man was an excellent cock sucker, so good that Chris forgot who was doing it and grabbed his hair and started pounding his dick down the man’s throat and saying things like “take my fucking cock” and “I’m gonna feed you my cum bitch!” Sure enough, the next stroke was all it took for Chris to shoot load after load down the throat of a man he barely knew. As the euphoria wore off, he looked down and was disgusted to see the masculine face as it licked his shaft and balls. He pushed the man off and hurriedly got dressed, only pausing before leaving to get the tina he needed. PART III: INESCAPABLE OUTCOME Finals and the end of the baseball season went off with no problems, and Chris decided he was going to stop smoking now that he no longer needed to do it for his grades. Friday came and he was doing okay until he received a video message on his phone from Freddy. The clip was the college girl he’d met at Freddy’s apartment, and she was taking a hit from Freddy’s pipe totally nude. Never in his life had he wanted something so badly, and he couldn’t figure out if he wanted the pipe or the girl more. Since classes ended with finals, Chris rushed the last half of the last essay on his lit final, before tossing it on the teacher’s desk on his way out the door. On the way to Freddy’s apartment, he called the dealer and explained that he was still broke, but Freddy told him not to worry about it, because he had a friend coming over that was willing to share. When the other guy finally arrived, Chris had the co-ed on her back on the couch, with her legs over his shoulders and his cock ramming her pussy as hard as he could. He told Freddy how impressed he was by his own staying power since he’d been inside her for at least 20 minutes by then with no sign of cumming, and Freddy just laughed. “That’s because the pepsi I gave you to wash down the Viagra had some g in it,” Freddy mentioned like it was nothing. Chris looked concerned. “Don’t sweat it bro. G is ghb, all of us have some in our drinks. It is just like taking a couple shots.” Once the other guy started stripping, the girl declared that she needed a break and they all sat around and smoked a large bowl. Chris was so hard he was practically humming when his female fuck-partner got a text and apologized, explaining that her roommate was locked out and she needed to go give her the keys to their room. Promising to be back soon as she got dressed, she stopped only to stroke Chris’ cock a few times, before slipping on her shoes on her way out the door. “FUCK!” Chris shouted when she left. “I really need to fuck her! I am so fucking horny man!” “Chill Chris,” Freddy advised him, handing him a freshly loaded bowl. “Why don’t we each do another shot of G so we can calm down a little and by the time the bitch gets back, you’ll be ready for round two.” They all agreed and Freddy dashed into the kitchen to get the g. “I’m Steve, by the way,” the other man spoke up, sitting across the sofa from Chris, in only a jockstrap and his sneakers. “Guess I forgot to introduce myself before sucking you off last week.” “No worries,” Chris responded, awkwardly. “I’m Chris.” Freddy returned with three small shot glasses each filled about half full. Chris said they were wimps if that’s all it took, but both guys chuckled and told him to wait and see how he felt once he drank it. Sliding it back, he gagged at the god-awful flavor and almost threw up, eliciting more laughs from the other guys. Assuming they didn’t choke because they were used to it, it didn’t occur to him that it was actually because their glasses had water in them instead. Within minutes Chris’ vision was getting blurry and he felt himself start to fade into a state of semi-awareness. He remembered thinking he should be worried when Freddy moved to Steve’s side and the two of them started whispering back and forth, but he couldn’t seem to find the energy or will power to question them. As the tv became too difficult to make out, Steve got up and went out on the balcony to make a phone call. “How about we move into the guest bedroom so we can watch porn on the big screen?” Freddy suggested once Steve was out of ear shot. The high school boy agreed amicably and stood up too quickly, falling right back on his butt. Luckily the high from the pipe and the g was making him easy going, so he just laughed and let Freddy help him up. Inside the bedroom, he tried to object as Freddy stripped them both naked and placed Chris next to him in bed, but every time he opened his mouth, Freddy would stick the pipe in front of him and feed him another hit off of it. He soon forgot to protest when the tv began playing a very hot porn featuring a girl who looked a lot like the college girl from earlier, getting plowed in her ass by a tall tattoo covered tan guy who Chris swore looked almost identical to Freddy. Reaching for his cock, Chris discovered Freddy was already playing with it. “I’m nat a fig brew.” Chris slurred. “What?” Freddy asked, sliding his other hand between Chris’ legs to stroke and tickle the balls and asshole. “I’m…not a fag. Bro.” Chris struggled to focus, making his word come slower and more clearly. “Who said you were Chris?” Freddy replied before bending down and engulfing his buddies cock with his mouth. Chris moaned and tried to push Freddy away, but once he felt the dealer’s lips against his pelvis, he moaned and relaxed enough that moments later, he was passed out. Looking up at the nude, ripped teen boy in the bed, Freddy let the stiff post-pubescent cock fall from his mouth, which curled into a smile. Hopping up, he leaned out the door and motioned to Steve, who ended his call, came back inside and climbed onto the bed next to Chris’ head. Together they readjusted Chris until his ass was at the foot of the bed and Steve was kneeling over his head, pinning the boy’s arms beneath his muscular thighs. Freddy chuckled quietly as he applied some lube to his fingers and work one, then two and finally a third one into the teen’s tight virgin ass. As the third one slipped in, Chris began to stir and Steve tensed his legs to keep the boy’s arms still. Withdrawing from the boyhole, Freddy was pleasantly surprised to find Chris’ ass as clean inside as it was outside. Showing Steve, the two of them made some quiet jokes about what a good little slut they’d found, doucheing before they used ‘her.’ “Time for a little wake up call,” Freddy whispered, pulling out a syringe with no needle, a small cup of water and some of his tina. He put a large crystal of the drug into the syringe then reinserted the plunger and used it to suck up some water. Not enough to make a mess, but enough to dissolve the rock with a little shaking and swirling. Once neither one could see the crystal, Freddy lubed the syringe and slowly slid it in the ass where he had just had his fingers. As soon as it was in as far as it could go, freddy pushed down on the plunger and emptied the liquid into Chris’ ass. “Baby’s first booty bump,” Steve said, laughing. The two men watched as the drugs took effect, reviving the boy slowly. Five minutes passed before they figured it was in his blood stream, then Freddy pulled out the syringe and leaned down over the teen’s body. Lifting the boy’s legs over his forearms, he moved his erect cock in until the lubed head was pressed against the virgin cunt. “Open your eyes ball boy,” the dealer said softly but in a commanding tone. Chris was dreaming that his math teacher was on her knees sucking his balls while his French teacher ate his ass with her bright red lips, and he wasn’t happy to respond to the male voice demanding he awaken, but he did anyway. Fluttering eyelids gave way to one and then two pupils, followed by some blinking before Chris finally became fully awake and looked up puzzled. For a few seconds, it didn’t register what was happening to him, until he managed to look a little further down his chest and caught sight of a tattooed torso between his thighs. Dawning on the fact that it was a set of male abs and pecs bent over him, his eyes shot wide open and he began to struggle. Steve and Freddy laughed at the feeble attempt to escape, since the boy was still on enough g that all he could really do was shake his head back and forth and wiggle his hips. “Get off of me mother fucker!” Spat the teen trying to gather enough strength to get an arm free. “what the fuck are you doing?” “Nothing much,” Freddy said, beginning to add pressure to the hole with his large, leaking cock. “I just want you to be awake when I make you a man.” “Fuck you queer!” Came the reply from the baseball boy, which did nothing but anger his rapists. Freddy dropped a thigh and smacked the teen’s face. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but with enough to force to shut the boy up and make him tremble slightly. “The only queer here,” The dealer said, sneering at his victim and lifting the leg back over his arm. “Is you bitch. I knew from the moment you smoked the very first bowl with me that you were a no-good faggot cock-sucking whore, and now I’m gonna prove it. Hold onto your panties.” Suddenly Freddy reared back and slammed his hips and cock forward, pushing half his engorged dick past the boy’s tight outer sphincter. Chris screamed like an 11yo falling off his bike, and slammed his eyes shut. Freddy motioned to Steve, who reached back on the bed and picked up Freddy’s discarded jockstrap, shoving it in the boy’s mouth. Freddy reared back again, withdrawing until only the head was still in the boy’s butt, and slammed forward a second time, until ¾ of his cock was inside. Another scream, muffled by the jock, came shooting out of the teen’s throat, as well as some sobs and tears. Pulling out again, the third slam saw the huge tattooed man’s meat make it all the way in, pushing past a second sphincter and causing one pitiful cry from the boy before he passed out. Minutes later the boy returned to consciousness, but somehow he was no longer in pain from the dick in his ass. Instead the sharp knife stabbing his insides had transformed into a warm ache and something else, something suspiciously like…pleasure. He heard moaning and grunting as he opened his eyes again and found Freddy ramming his ass full speed. With each driving thrust, the dealer added another guttural sound of pleasure, explaining the grunts he heard, but Steve was no longer kneeling over him, so where were the moans coming from? Shame filled the boy’s head when it dawned on him that he was the one moaning, from the pleasure of having his ass reamed. With no Steve above him, his arms were free to fight. Raising them, Chris expected them to push against his rapist, but as the cock inside him slid in and out of his no-longer virginal asshole, it rubbed something that caused tiny orgasms to shoot through the teen’s body, and made his arms reach out and pull the dealer’s hips against him harder. “Look who’s up,” Freddy said, bending down and kissing the teen. “And it looks like he’s enjoying himself.” Chris kept his mouth shut at first, which frustrated his fucker. Freddy slammed the boy especially hard, making Chris’ mouth pop open in a yelp, allowing the taller man’s tongue to slip inside the boy’s mouth and rape that as well. Once their tongues began wrestling, every last ounce of resistance faded from the youngster, and he became a willing participant as Freddy proceeded to fuck him on his belly, on his side, doggy style and finally on his back again when he was getting close to finishing. “You want me to cum in you bitch?” Freddy asked, his forehead resting against the boy’s. “Please don’t” Chris whimpered, part of him wanting the man to go ahead anyway. “Then I’ll stop fucking you.” Freddy threatened, pulling almost the whole way out of the boy. Chris cried out, hating the empty feeling and throwing his hands out to pull the man back into his ass. “That’s what I thought,” the tattooed top said laughing, resuming his full force fuck into the teen. “So I’ll ask you again. You want me to cum in you bitch? Want me to cum in you now and again tomorrow and again every day from now on until you’re nothing but a used up cunt full of sperm and shame? Tell me what you want!!” “I want…” Chris stopped himself, but Freddy slammed as hard and deep into him as he could, forcing the boy to continue. “I want you to cum in me.” “Good cause here…I…CUM!” Chris felt the cock inside him swell as his rapist slammed a dozen more times harder and deeper than he had yet and suddenly he could just tell that the man was cumming. The tight tattooed abs rubbing his own teen cock and the stiff giant cock in his hole, stimulating him in places he’d never felt before, joined together to make the teen shoot 1, 2, 3,…a dozen shots of thick, ropy boyjizz against the two male chests. Both men breathed hard and fast as they emptied their balls together, until both were finished and Freddy collapsed onto Chris, making out with the teen as their sweat and cum rolled off of them onto the bedspread. “hot damn.” Steve said, stepping out of the shadows with a camera in his hand. Chris’ gut dropped as he realized the two men had just taped, possibly even broadcasted his rape. “This oughta be enough to make sure you come back for more.” Chris felt the shame stream back into his mind as he stood in the shower, washing himself with boiling hot water. Tears fell from his eyes as he realized Steve was right. He had no choice now. If he didn’t want the men to release the tape or show his parents or get him kicked out of school, he’d have to do what they said, when they said. His feeling of being invincible was over, replaced by a mix of fear, resignation and excitement. Drying off, he walked back into the guest room and laid down without a fight. Steve started moving between the boy’s legs and lubed up his own cock for round two, and Chris knew there was nothing he could do but take the man’s cock, and any other cock they wanted him to take. He was theirs now.
    6 points
  2. Halloween: the night when all the freaks come out, and I decided, as I usually did, to join them. Usually I go as the sexy pizza boy or shirtless lumberjack. I get a lot of grabs and looks from the boys at the bars, all in the name of harmless sexy fun. However, this year I decided to go as the Dark Knight Batman: a little dark, totally anonymous with the face mask, and I get to let my inner nerd out. I also decided that since I'm 26, I don't have to be treated like an object at every costume party, at least this year. I live with my parents close to the local college which my younger brother attends, now 21 and in his junior year. He is almost always out at parties or bars, he just sleeps here. Sometimes. Anyhow, since around here Halloween gets very noisy and disruptive, my parents went on a weekend get away, leaving the house in my care. On the big night, I prepared myself for the festivities, dressing in flattering torso armor, armored tights, half mask, utility belt, phone, keys, cash, my ID, and a couple condoms and couple lube packets- after all, a superhero is prepared for all forms of combat. A couple of my boys wanted to meet up at the local leather bar rather than our normal hangout. Since Halloween is a Saturday this year, the bars are going to be packed. The leather bar usually has fewer people, but it has surprisingly good music and a small dance floor. Drinks are cheap, too, so I'm looking forward to the party, and to get fully in the mood, I made myself a couple of vodka tonics, and down them just before I left the house to await an Uber at the end of the driveway. As I stood there, I could feel the vodka kicking in, I must have poured them stronger than I thought, it's going to be some night! The driver could tell I was drunk by the time we got close to the bar. There was utility truck and a small crowd, so he had to drop me off down the street. I stepped out, thanked him, to which he replied, "Looks like you're going to have a lot of fun! Stay safe!" I laughed. I felt sexy, I was solidly buzzed, I loved how the tights clung to me. I still had my runner's body from college. I was giving myself a hardon, and I chucked: the plastic codpiece let me sport full mast and no one was the wiser. As I approached the bar building, I heard a guy beckon, "What's got 'ya grinning, Batman?" I turned and looked, and saw a beautiful specimen in a snake-scale body suit and had a cobra half-mask with open hood around his neck standing the entrance to the alley leading behind the bar. "Whoa..." I stuttered, "y-you do." I suddenly gained my composure and pretended to play cool. I glanced down and saw an unsupported bulge in the spandex pants and I licked my lips. "Hot costume. Looks like you're a very big snake!" I stepped closer to him and he stepped closer to me. "You're too kind!" he said, pretending to be bashful, placing a hand on my chest. "But you see, I'm cold blooded. I grow a little as things heat up." "Really?" I stepped closer and started to lean in. "Sounds like we need to heat you up and get you all stretched out. You must be all cramped up." I could feel my heart begin to race. I'm never this quick and obvious, but the vodka and my concealed erection were speaking on my behalf, and it's working. The cobra guy suddenly puts a hand behind my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. Our masks just barely let us kiss. I lean in entirely into his body, minding my codpiece and moved to the side slightly, allowing his slowly growing cock to press firmly against my thigh. A couple guys whistled as they passed behind us, one even grabbed my ass, pushing me into Cobra a little more. I felt a cold spot soak through my tights: a precummer, sweet. We continued to make out for a minute and I had to have him. It was clear for the moment, both of us looked around, grinned devilishly and Cobra grabbed my hand and pulled me deeper into the alley. Barely turning the corner, we continued to make out with abandon. My hand ran down his body suit and to my relief, found the waist of his tights. I grabbed his bottom lip with my teeth and felt around with my other hand to find the waist at his other hip. He laughed as I pulled on his lip and started to lower his tights. His cock sprang out as soon as it was free from the spandex. It was a nice seven and a half inches, thicker than my own, uncut with loose foreskin. I was a little jealous- I remember as kids my parents explaining they changed their minds about circumcision when I saw my brother's peeper was different than mine. Ever since, I had foreskin envy. Seeing that uncut beauty, I immediately dropped to my knees. One of the plastic knee pads jabbed under my kneecap and made me jump and readjust. It's ironic that these armored tights hurt. "Are you okay, Batman?" "Yea-" I gulped as I slid my mouth as far down that cock as I could go, pulling that supple foreskin with my lips. I felt my Snake's body shudder as the head of his cock hit the back of my throat. I wrapped my tongue around as much of the shaft as I could and started to swallow all my drool and all his precum that started gushing out. "Oh, God!" he yelped. It sounded like he was holding back tears. He gasped slightly every time I slid down his cock, brushing my tongue and lips across his foreskin. It sounded like he never felt a real blowjob before. I'm glad I was giving it to him. He took a deep breath and came down from his small piece of heaven, placed his hand under my chin to gesture me to look up. When I made eye contact with him with his dick still in my mouth, he started talking, "It's been a couple weeks since I've been able to sink that fang you're sucking on into something tasty, and I'm starving. Can I take a bite?" I nodded. All this character talk would normally be cheesy, but it made me even hotter. I slowly stood up, letting his dick pop out of my mouth in one smooth motion. I reached into my utility belt and found the lube packets and set them on the lid of a trashcan next to us. I reached back into the pouch, trying to feel for the condoms when I felt Cobra's hand unsnapped my belt and pulled my own tights down. I stuttered, "wait a-" when I felt his hands bend me over and his tongue slide in me. Getting rimmed while drunk is amazing, I instantly relaxed and moaned as his spit started to invade me. I put my hands on the wall in front of me, pushing my hole on his tongue. I felt him stand up and felt an equally wet cockhead against my hole, and I instinctively pushed back and wiggled to help get his rod into me. He was a little thicker than I was ready for so I stood still for a second. Cobra knew why I stopped for a second and I felt him squeeze another lube packet onto his partly-inserted dick. I took a deep breath and he took that opportunity to slide the rest of the way in. I grunted and moaned when he hit me balls deep. He impaled me breathless. He was the perfect size to stretch me to capacity without pain. He held there for about twenty seconds. I felt his cock twitch in me, buried to the hilt. He was sharing this heavenly moment with me. His cock pulsed in me again, and my prostate tingled, causing me to involuntarily shudder. He inhaled rather forcefully and whimpered, "Damn..." as pulled his dick out slightly and pressed firmly back in. This brought me back down to Earth and awakened a cock frenzy I never felt before. I slid back and forth, almost letting Cobra's cock slip out of me slamming my full body weight back onto his dick. He grabbed my hips tightly and took control back from me. "Damn, this is the finest meal I've ever sunk my fang into!" He exclaimed as he gave my ass a slap. His breath heaved. "I recently charged up, been waiting almost a month for prey like you to try my potent venom on!" "Oh ye-yeah!" I grunted. "This feels too good, this is perfect!" as I succumbed to being my Cobra's meal. My hole started pulsing around his dick as he sent me into an anal orgasm and I moaned uncontrollably. Five minutes of constant solid pounding, I felt Cobra's body begin to shake, I knew he was close. He leaned over and spoke in my ear, "My fang is in you. It's toxic. It's about to shoot. Can I shoot my poison in you?!" By the tone of desperation in his voice I knew he had only a couple seconds before cumming. I clumsily nodded with my Batman mask teetering on my head, I pulled my ass as apart as I could and surrendered my hole. He tightened his grip on my hips and started full-force slamming into my ass. After the tenth thrust, he pulled my hips into him and held me there, neither of us could breathe. Five seconds later his cock started flexing in me and a torrent of cum was unleashed. His cockhead swelled with each jet which actually hurt. His dick went from the perfect size to swelling into something I could not fully handle. My hole disagreed and tightened and pulsed to match the spurting of his dick in me. We were startled by the sound of clapping. Two guys deeper in the alley watched the show without either of us noticing. They were a shorter muscle-built Latino and a taller black man. The Latino had his dick out and was fully hard. He was probably stroking for a few minutes as we unknowingly put on a show. Cobra laughed which made his dick throb in me. Being stimulated and embarrassed, I could only blush and look down. "Can't let any of that POZ load go to waste!" The Latino proclaimed as he started to walk up. "Nope! Go for it!" Cobra agreed as he pulled out of my hole, volunteering it. The Latino's cock was already underneath Cobra's dick to catch any cum that might leak out. I felt an ooze forming when I felt Latino's dick pressed against my hole. "That monster of yours and my load, this piece of meat has no chance!" I started to panic and pull away when the black man stepped up and pushed me down. I started replaying everything. I thought it was character talk, not him trying to poz me. I couldn't find the condoms in the utility belt then forgot about them. Latino started to push in. His cock was thicker than Cobra's. "Wow, that's one wet mess in there, he must've cum a bucket!" Latino just kept pressing in farther. I stiffened up. "Relax dude, he already filled you up, I'm just going to make sure it stays in there." Latino wasn't even as deep as Cobra was in me as I felt impossibly full- all of that really was cum. Latino chuckled, "Now for the fun part!" He pushed firmly but slowly into my hole. "Lee, for my next trick, I'm going to pop this boy's 2nd ring cherry!" He commented to his black companion. I heard a cell phone bloop as Cobra somehow produced his iPhone. "Damn, I wanted to watch this, but I gotta go!" Cobra tucked his cock back in his tights and straightened his costume. "Make me proud!" He laughed as he hurriedly marched out of the alley. "Yessir!" replied Latino. He pressed deeper into me and the pressure was getting intense. Lee was holding me down and Latino kept driving into me. My ass flexed and twitched on the inside, I felt a gush deep in me... My hole clenched Latino's cock again and I felt another gush. I now knew what he meant by popping my 2nd ring cherry. Latino moaned each time my ass clenched which made him push harder. Then he hit a spot and couldn't go deeper. It hurt. Latino spoke up, "There's that 2nd ring! I felt that other dude's load squeeze in there so it's nice and lubed up, but I gotta push the rest in. It's gonna hurt at first, but once my nine and a half is balls deep, you'll want to marry me." Latino could feel me panicking, my legs were shaking and Lee wasn't letting me up. "It's okay, take a couple deep breaths." I followed his instructions, knowing I had no choice. He felt me relax, "There you go, baby, this isn't bad. This sounds a little complicated, but grip my cock and push out when I tell you. Now breathe... Grip and push!" Latino leaned his whole body into me, my inside muscles started throbbing. I started yelping and Lee had to muffle me. All the pressure gave way and I felt Latino's pubes starting to scratch against me. I groaned involuntarily as my second ring was learning to relax around this thick cock which was now fully impaled in me. I somehow got fully hard and was on the edge of an orgasm. Latino grunted, "You're damn tight! God!" He started thrusting deep in me, "I can't hold back!" Within seconds Latino started to cum. The load shot deeper in me than anything has ever gone in me. His cock flexing in my second hole started to make me cum. His dick hurt but felt incredible. I shot a spurt onto the ground. Lee was able to catch some of it and fed it to Latino. Latino was coming down from his orgasm and snorted in laughter, "Sweet like a virgin!" Latino started to pull out- I shuddered as he extracted from the second ring and let out a gentle moan as each inch tugged out of me. He had two inches left in me and he commanded, "Tighten that hole!" To which I complied. He suddenly jerked the final two inches out to a 'pop' like a wine bottle being opened. I sighed in relief. "Good to the last drop?" Lee teased Latino. "Always!" as Latino slapped my exposed battered hole. "Cool. It's my turn, yo!" Lee unzipped and let out his seven inches. Latino moved to my shoulders and Lee moved behind me and slid all the way in me. I offered no resistance, my hole had no resistance left, Lee was able to pump into my hole at will. Bending over me and whispering in my ear, "I love a worn out hole. I only fuck sluts like you." Lee continued his pace for another minute and unceremoniously ejaculated in me. "Last deposit of the night!" And pulled out. Lee zipped up and patted Latino on the shoulder. "Time for drinks!" They walked down the alley laughing, leaving me with my armor tights at my knees, already forgotten. I pulled up my tights, sat on a crate next to the trash can and took off the Batman mask. I'm amazed it stayed on the whole time, it nearly fell off a couple times. I looked down at the ground. Two wrapped condoms. They must have fallen out as I was looking in my utility belt. My utility belt... Some superhero I was... I couldn't even work that right. I opened one of the pouches on the belt and found my phone. A couple text messages were sent about ten minutes ago- friends wondering where I was, saying the dance floor was amazing tonight. I texted back, "Srry. Feeling Sick. Staying home." I sat there for ten more minutes and recollected myself. I stood up, put my Batman mask back on and walked out of the alley. A taxi was chilling just down from the bar entry. I walked over, hopped in and ordered him home. The cab driver said, "Great costume- done partying already?!" "Yeah. Kinda not feeling well." "Aww. That's too bad. We'll get you home quick and you can get to rest." The rest of the cab ride was silent. I tossed him a twenty, almost double the fare and hopped out without a word. I got in the door, stripped my costume off as I started climbing the stairs, threw it in my room and walked naked to the bathroom, where a cool shower greeted and comforted me. I dried off, put on a pair of boxers and went back downstairs to watch TV in the living room. I woke up about an hour later to the front door unlocking. My brother came in the door and carrying a couple bags. I got up to greet him, "Rick, I'm surprised you're home tonight. I thought you would crash at one of your bud's." Rick put his bags down next to the living room stairs. "Yeah, but I gotta come home sometime, this is where I keep my clean underwear." We laughed. I glanced at him- tank top and basketball shorts. He's usually commando in those so yep, home is where your undies are. "Thought you'd be out with your boys at one of your gay bars. No Slutty Starbucks Barista this year?" Rick asked. "Nah, got dressed, went out, started to feel sick, came back. I started prepartying, didn't sit well." "That sucks." "Did you go out?" I asked Rick. "Yeah. A few of us got in costume, went around some of the Houses. I'm not as wasted as I should be!" Rick peeled off his tank top and threw it on top of one of the bags. "Tomorrow's laundry. Gonna turn in, absolutely drained, you know." He looked at me with a naughty glint. "Oh, really- deets then bed!" "Just some bar skank, met passing in front of a bar, wandered into a back alley, didn't get a name... Costumes and all made it one of the hottest hookups ever. Like I said- drai-ained! K, night!" Proud of his account, Rick promptly ran up the stairs and abruptly closed his bedroom door, shaking the handrail, knocking over one of his laundry bags, spilling its contents. A cobra mask rolled out. ~fin~
    3 points
  3. (the picture at the bottom is the actual guy from this story!!!) INTENSE INTENSIVE PART I: INTRO TO PROPER DICTION 101 The height of the building in front of me was almost as intimidating as the prospect of actually going inside and living in it for the next year, but I knew eventually I would have to pick my jaw up off the pavement, stop staring up at my new dorm like a tourist, and make my way inside. It wasn’t as if I’d never seen a skyscraper before. Being from Denver I’d spent my life in a major metropolis, so I was hardly some country hick. Still the 30-some story building near the Brooklyn shore was almost twice as tall as any place in the small town where I’d been going to college, and the people in this dorm would be a lot more interesting than anyone you might meet at a state school in Colorado. Gripping my bag firmly in my right hand, and my admissions folder in my left, I took a deep breath and shouldered my way through the crowd of teens and 20-somethings until I had worked a path into the lobby and made it up to the sign in desk. Handing my folder to the disinterested man behind it, I looked around at the place I’d be living for the next year. HUGE was the only word I could think once I’d taken in the expansive marble floor leading past the desk another 50 feet, before opening onto a set of doors that led to either a computer lab, an industrial size kitchen and a set of elevators. Behind me was the entrance, some pay phones, a bulletin board and a set of stairs that disappear down a short hallway with some doors off of it. Probably building management offices, but I didn’t want to ask and seem like an idiot on my first day. “Well?” The desk clerk asked, obviously waiting for an answer to some question I hadn’t heard. I looked at him without a clue. “I said, how old are you and what group were you put into?” That was my chance to look at him like he was an idiot, but this was before I was used to the NY attitude, so I simply smiled and pointed to the next page in the folder I’d handed him and waited for him to turn it over and realize he had the answers in his hand. Something on the paper in front of him made his eyes bug a little, and his posture improve greatly, not to mention his attitude. “Sorry man,” He said, standing and motioning for another lackey to take over at the desk. “I didn’t think any of the advanced class was arriving until tomorrow. I’ve been dealing with snotty high school brats all week and I’m ready to fucking snap.” ‘Advanced class?’ I wondered while he picked up my luggage, and walked me to the bank of elevators. I had no idea what he was referring to, but I wasn’t going to object when he moved us in front of a line of 20 or 25 fellow students waiting for an elevator, and answered their complaints by shouting out “Sorry newbies, he’s a JMS talent winner.” This somehow not only silenced their groans and shouts but caused them all to push forward to try and see me as the elevator doors shut. “What did you call me?” I asked as he pushed the button for the 34th floor and we began to rise. “Don’t be a dick,” He responded, leaning against the railing, which caused his tight polo to ride up and reveal his tight abs and elastic waistband of his briefs above his sagging jeans. “You know each of those kids is dying to meet one of the four peeps who won a Janice M. Sysco Talent Scholarship. You must be hot shit since you beat out all the other auditioners for one of those slots.” “All the other…”My voice trailed of as I wondered what he meant. I had decided to audition on a whim this past spring when one of my acting professors told me there would be some people in town from a film school in New York. Mostly I just wanted to attend their master classes and see if I could get in, so I was pleasantly surprised when one of the people behind the table in the auditions told me she wanted me to attend a year-long film intensive and could offer me a talent scholarship. I figured the scholarship was offered to any student old enough to meet the pre-reguisite requirements, and would probably be a pittance until I received my admissions letter explaining that, should I decide to attend, I’d have my entire tuition and housing completely covered with a weekly stipend for food and transportation. Up until that offer came through I assumed I’d have to turn it down, since I could barely afford to put myself through state school, even with academic and talent scholarships. Once I realized it would actually save me a ton of cash to go, I couldn’t say no. No one ever told me this was a special scholarship, or how rare and coveted one was. “…rumor that your rooming with the other guy who got one.” My mind snapped back to the present as the elevator door opened and I realized my companion had continued talking while I spaced out. “The two girls who won it are just down the hall from you, but only one of them is in your group. The other one is only 15 or 16 from what I hear, and she’s starting at the bottom. Here we are.” Opening the door with a key from his pocket, he walked inside and held it open for me. Once I passed the threshold I took a look at the room. Not too shabby, it had a big square closet right by the door, and directly across from that was the entrance to a bathroom with one small sink, a full bathtub, a toilet and some towel rods. The room itself was long and rectangular, with two full size beds and two windows, one with the shade pulled down and the other looking out on a blank brick wall and the roof of another wing of the building. This was the window with the air conditioning unit in it, and it was directly over the radiant heater. “Want some advice?” the desk guy said as I tossed my bag onto the bed by the shade covered window. I nodded the affirmative. “Take the bed by the ac and heater. It’s the only way you won’t cook at night till September and won’t freeze after that. Trust me the novelty of the view wears off when you are miserably hot or cold.” “What view?” I laughed, moving my stuff to the other bed and looking over the small desk and chest of drawers opposite them. “This one.” With that my tour guide tugged at the ring at the bottom of the shade and it snapped up onto its roll, revealing a spectacular sight. Walking over to him, I heard myself say ‘wow’ as I took in the view starting at downtown Manhattan and working across the island and two bridges. “That is an amazing view,” I said unable to look away. “It’s better from back here,” the deskman added. Turning to see what he meant I realized he was sitting on the desk on the far wall checking me out. He smiled and squeezed the bulge in his jeans as he added “unless you don’t go for that.” “I can appreciate the sights,” feigning confidence, I walked towards him while I said it. He hoped off the desk and met me by the foot of the bed and we began kissing and undressing each other. In no time he was deep throating my 8 inch cock while I fingered his ass. He was pretty hot, and took my cock up his ass like a champ when I proceeded to ream him against the chest of drawers that would eventually become my roommates. He asked if I had a rubber before I shoved it in and I just laughed and went balls deep. Having just turned 21 a week before, and attending college where I did, I’d only fucked around with a handful of guys before this, but I decided when I got accepted that if I was going to school in NY, then I was going to use the year in the big apple to discover if I was really a homo or bi or just a sexually confused str8 boy who could go back in 11 and a half months and finally settle down with my girlfriend of 3 years. As I shot load after load of cum all over this college boy’s ass, I already knew I wouldn’t be going back to pussy again, but I wasn’t ready to admit that just yet. PART II: SOCIOLOGY AND HUMAN INTERACTION 201 The next few days went by fast, with a half-dozen different orientation seminars scheduled and almost no time between sessions for anything but a granola bar or piss in the disgusting bathroom across from the ballrooms on the third floor where we were meeting. By the third morning I wondered if I was never getting a roommate, but alas it wasn’t so. Returning from the morning session to shower before heading back for the afternoon, I found a giant dufflebag strewn across the other bed in the room, some books spilling from a backpack on the second desk and the door to the bathroom was locked while the shower ran. My mysterious roomie must have arrived shortly before my appearance here in the room, and since I had little time before I needed to head back, I wasn’t able to snoop as much as I’d have liked. Instead I made sure all my valuables (aka a 3000 year old laptop and some bi porn dvds) were hidden in my dresser and locked the door behind me. On the third floor, I walked over to the desk clerk, (who I now knew as Rick after another fuck session in the stairwell the night before), and asked him what the next session was. Whether or not he could tell how excited I was when he told me we were finally being put into our leveled class groups, I don’t know. I can tell you he seemed a little jealous when they began the separation with an announcement for everyone in the level 1 intensive class (my group) to go ahead and head into the smallest ballroom and for everyone else to head into the biggest and await instructions. As the first person in the tiny room, I had a moment of awe at finding only 14 chairs in the room, all set in a small semi-circle facing one chair with a stack of papers on it and a silk cape tossed over the back. I made no effort to disguise the fact I was reading the papers when a well-dressed woman came in a back door and strode confidently to the seat. Normally, I’d have made some lame attempt to pretend that I wasn’t looking at them or sat down with a shy smile, but I was catching on with how things worked around here. “Hi, I’m Peter Hayward,” I thrust my hand out and shook hers with ease, making eye contact and smiling. We continued chatting as the other group members made their way in and took seats in the circle. “I know who you are Peter,” she said with a smile in her voice. “The question is do you know who I am.” “You’re…you were the woman who offered me the scholarship when I auditioned last spring.” My stomach was in knots at the realization, but I wasn’t going to wimp out now. “So that makes you Mrs. Sysco I presume.” “You presume perfectly,” She responded and motioned for me to take one of the two empty seats. “but my chosen 4 get to call me Janice.” She turned from me to the rest of the class and kept going as if they couldn’t hear what she’d just said to me. “Welcome to the Level 1 intensive class. For those of you who don’t know who I am, now is your last chance to learn.” She sat in her chair with ease and command, and only paused as the door flew open and the last member of the group came in. Everyone gave the tall boyish lanky guy a glare that would roast weenies as he apologetically made his way to the chair slightly behind mine. “As I was saying, I am Janice M. Sysco, but you may refer to me as Ms Sysco. Some of you know me from the auditions, others from my reputation, and a few from the rare opportunity you may have had to have me direct you at the master classes.” Suddenly I realized I had been one of two kids from my school who’d volunteered to have my monologue reworked during the master class that spring. The girl from my scene study group had her monologue reworked for 20 minutes before she broke down and began to cry. She was seated only four seats away from me now and looked terrified. I, on the other hand, had allowed her and her colleagues to rip me down to the studs and rebuild my performance from the ground up, and an hour later I still only responded with “Thank you” and “Certainly” when they’d attack a choice I’d made or belittle something in my performance. Janice went on to explain that almost all of us had been rudely and viciously degraded during our auditions, and the two of us who’d handled ourselves like pros were the two college age recipients of her personal talent scholarship. She directed the two of us to stand, and I looked over as I rose to see standing a gorgeous blonde almost as tall as I am with a hot rack and fantastic butt. We shared a smile and a nod of both mutual respect and awareness that each was the other’s biggest threat. “I also give two scholarships to high school students who perform exceptionally well at their audition, but sadly I am unable to be as ruthless with them since their parents often attend,” She continued and pointed for us to be seated. “Still each of these students shows such amazing potential they also receive my scholarship, and for the first time in many years, I decided to allow the male of the high school winners to be in the top level class. Please stand up Jeffrey.” The guy who arrived late stood up slowly and with some awkwardness. Turning to check out my other competition I was both relieved and turned on. Relieved because the look on his face told me that he was likely to run screaming home to Florida (where I’d discover he was from) or go completely catatonic at any moment. On the flip side, I was hard as a rock looking up and down the fit, tall frame of the most strikingly handsome young man I’d ever seen. He was skinnier than I’d normally get into, but his wide shoulders, chiseled jaw, cut cheek bones, wild golden hair and sharp blue eyes were enough to almost make me sweat. When he realized how frightened he looked, he laughed a little and relaxed, showing a smile that could soften steel. I had a hard time focusing on the rest of Janice’s introduction and the tapes of each of our auditions while I pondered if the hottie sitting just inches from me was also my new roommate. His hair looked damp, but so did many of the group, since it was august in New York and the ac wasn’t working In the hall outside the ballroom. When we packed up to leave I tried desperately to see what the room number on his folder said, but I was stopped by the girl who’d won the other college scholarship. “So you must be Peter,” she said, forcing her hand into mine and leaning just close enough for her tits to brush my pecs. “I’m Jenna Marks, from Dallas. Former Miss Teen Texas and graddaughter of –“ a very well known Hollywood director. “So are we gonna be friends or competition, cause you’re too cute to be my enemy. At least too cute for a Colorado boy.” “I’m always up for new friends, and you’re too cute not to be my friend,” I smiled and shook her hand tightly. “Even if you weren’t cute enough to go all the way to becoming Miss Teen USA.” Her jaw dropped and I thought she might slap me, until she began laughing and linked an arm in mine. From then on we were best buds according to her, and eventually me. We chatted all the way up to my dorm room and I was very pleasantly surprised when I came in to find the high school hottie laying on the other bed, with a new laptop open and earbuds in his ears. He hopped up to introduce himself and after some quick hellos, he dashed out the door with his computer to ‘meet some friends from school.’ Within an hour Jenna and I had discussed everything from her famous family to my total ignorance of what I had won to who we’d already screwed. She correctly guessed I’d screwed the desk boy Rick, and when I asked her how, she just shrugged. “One thing I can recognize is a homo with a heart-o-gold,” she said kicking off her high heels and pawing through Jeffrey’s stuff. “Meet enough closeted movie stars and you’ll be able to do the same.” Jenna stopped pawing through the bag when a knock came at the door and one of our classmates asked if we wanted to go with the whole group to get dinner. Unable to think of a reason why not, we joined the entire level 1 group, minus my roommate who nobody could find. After a good meal with everyone, and a few bottles of wine, we became fast friends and ended the night with a game of strip poker in somebody’s room. I left before I lost my briefs, but decided not to put on anything before making my way down the hall to the elevator. As I passed a door, I saw my roommate sitting on the floor next to a hot high school girl, who was all cuddled up to him and listening as he explained how he was ‘in over his head’ and ‘might just go home.’ I snuck to the elevator and got in, hoping I’d get a chance to see Jeff naked before he left. Back in the room, I took the opportunity to finish the snooping job Jenna had started and fingered through his bag and drawers. Mostly there was nothing to find, until I saw something sticking out from under his bed. There was his laptop and a small zip up toiletry case. I pushed the computer to the side and unzipped the bag. Nothing but the usual shaving kit, contact solution and a spare set of glasses. On the outside zipper I felt a bulge, and after pulling it back I got instantly hard when I pulled out a green silk pair of thong type underwear. Peering in further, I found some crudely printed photos of Jeff in the underwear, posing and flexing in front of a mirror. He had almost no muscle mass to flex, but his arms and butt were hot and the size of his cock in the posing strap was impressive. Hearing someone walking down the hall, I shoved the stuff back in the case, zipped it up and shoved it beneath the bed. The bedding was just being readjusted back to cover the pile when a knock came at the door. Answering, I was pleasantly surprised to see Rick and another hot young guy standing there in nothing but pajama bottoms. “Sorry sir,” Rick said rather seriously. “My colleague and I got a complaint that someone on your floor was wandering the dorm in only their underwear and possibly concealing a weapon.” “What weapon?” I said ushering them inside. “This one.” The hot muscle jock said, squeezing my bulge as he walked past. “Might need to do a strip search.” I let him continue to feel up my dick as he and Rick slid their pajama pants to the floor and we made our way to the bed. Asking if I liked to party, I assumed they meant alcohol and nodded yes while we all made out. Rick produced a small cloth bag from the pants pocket of his pajama bottoms and took out a glass pipe and a bag of crystal from it. Going to school in a small town means you have three means of entertainment: drinking, vandalism, and drugs. I’d never personally smoked meth, but I’d seen it done a few times so I knew what this was. Nervous, I made some excuse about my roommate being back any minute and said we shouldn’t do it. Muscle boy just smiled and took the doorstop and shoved it under the edge of the door to the hall. This way no one could get in without us moving it. Out of ideas, I watched as first Rick, then his friend took hits, and after trying to beg off, I gave in as muscle boy shotgunned a huge hit into my mouth. Flight and fireworks were all I felt as we smoked, slowly transforming to passion and impatience. By the time we smoked a big bowl, I had Rick bent over the desk and went to breeding his ass while muscle boy fed him his cock, before they switched places. Hours later the sun was coming up and I was coming up…muscle boy’s tight ass. It was my third load for the night and my first for muscle boy. We all got dressed and agreed to meet later that day for a late Sunday lunch and I let them out, just as Jeff came around the corner and came face to face with my two fuck buddies. I blushed when he followed them down the hall with his eyes and I realized he could see my cum leaking into the butt of their pajama pants. He didn’t say anything when I moved aside to let him in, and we made small talk while he stepped into the large closet to get changed into a new set of clothing. Finally he came around the corner and I asked him if one of us needed to switch rooms. “No way Peter,” Jeff said, almost too quickly. “I missed all the orientation and already seem to be on Janice’s bad side. I am gonna need your help to figure out which subways to take into the city to get to our classes, which rooms we’ll be in, which teachers teach which subjects, all that shit! Who you do…stuff with is no business of mine.” “Thanks Jeff,” I replied, laughing at him calling fucking ‘stuff.’ “Looks like you were doing some stuff with that blonde hottie from your high school last night too.” He asked how I knew about his blonde buddy and I told him what I’d seen the night before, but he said they’d been dating on and off for awhile and she wouldn’t take it any further. I figured the pictures must have been for her and maybe he’d only accepted the scholarship her to be near her, but decided instead to ignore it at just chat about what he’d need to know for class. PART III: THE DANGERS OF DRUG USE 301 For a few months after that first week, life was pretty simple. Weekdays began with a 6:42 ride into manhattan by Subway, followed by 10 hours of soul-crushing classes split up by a 23 minute lunch hour and then a 5:33 ride back to the dorm in Brooklyn where our class would meet for dinner at the shitty pub down the street, go over classwork while we ate, then retire to the dorm for 4 or 5 hours of homework, and then a short workout at the gym on the 12th floor, and bed by 11 or 12. Jeff was there for everything but the workout, choosing instead to get up at the butt crack of dawn and work out before going to class. A few nights when I got back from the gym early I’d caught Jeff jerking but he was always under his covers with the lights off watching something on his laptop, so I never had a chance to see his cock or what he was jerking to. Weekends were the only time we could let off steam, and it usually involved Jenna and I getting a group of our friends from the class or maybe some of the hot guys I’d been screwing or one of the hottER guys she’d been screwing to go with us to dinner and a club Friday night. We never got back to the dorm before dawn, and often ended up going home with some strange from the club. I scored about as often as Jenna, but very rarely did I get as hot of guys. I did snag a few hotties she was done with though, getting to suck off the hottest model ever born on the subway back to Brooklyn after Jenna broke it off with him before hopping in a cab with a tall black dude, and taking an ass fucking from a gorgeous, muscle bound bouncer from one of the clubs after he found Jenna sucking off his boss in the backroom in exchange for some blow. Saturdays were more in flux, depending on if Rick or his muscly friend (Alan) had their room to themselves. If one of us got a room alone, the other two were invited up and we’d get high as fuck and then fuck all day and night, sometimes not even stopping before we had to shower and go to class. Those were some rough Mondays. We tried to hook up a few times in my room over the first two months, but Jeff would always ‘happen’ to come back before anything could start. If it wasn’t for the doorstop under the door, we’d have been caught smoking and fucking a lot! Finally around October Jeff told me we was spending Saturday with the girl downstairs and I was able to invite Rick to my room (Alan was out of town). In honor of the occasion, Rick brought some extra goodies including some extacy and ghb for us to take later. We’d just finished a bowl and I was about to shove my cock into Rick’s ass when we heard a key in the lock. Realizing none of us had blocked the door, we threw a towel over the drugs and covered our junk as Jeff walked in. “Sorry guys!” Jeff said, obviously checking out what we were doing before remembering what was going on when he heard a female voice call out ‘get back here asshole!’ Slamming the door and locking the deadbolt, he ducked down so he wouldn’t block the light from the peephole as someone started banging on the door. “Get out here chicken shit!” The girl continued. “I know you’re in there Jeffrey! Get your ass out here and face me you mother fucker! I worked my ass off to get into this program to be here with you! I waited almost a year for you to make a move and fuck me, and the night, the FUCKING NIGHT you say we finally get to fuck, you break up with me?!!?!? Come out here and face me like a man you pussy!” Jeff looked mortified, and I was tired of this bitch reaming my friend so I motioned for Jeff to go hide behind my bed and made my way, naked, to the door. “What the fuck do you want?” I yelled in my most intimidating voice, as I opened the door. My fierce tone caused a lot of cracked-open doors to slam shut. “I don’t know who the fuck you think is in here, but Jeff hasn’t been here all day and all you’re doing is interrupting an ass fucking session.” Her face froze in terror as Rick pulled back the door to reveal his own nude body. “Now unless you want to get fucked in the ass too, go yell somewhere else, got it?!?!” and with that I slammed the door in her face and watched through the peephole as she slunk back down the hall and began looking for Jeff again. We all shared a laugh as Rick and I pulled on our briefs, and after some apologies from both sides about embarrassing situations, Jeff asked if we wouldn’t mind him hanging with him that night. My hard on objected but our friendship won out, so Rick and I took showers, called Jenna and met some of our friends at a club in midtown. Three hours later, Rick and I had slipped into the bathroom twice to smoke and fuck and wanted to leave, so we started to look for jeff. We found him in a booth with a black man who easily had 3 or 4 inches on Jeff’s 6’4” frame, with the black man running a hand up and down Jeff’s thigh while he massaged Jeff’s shoulder with the other hand. When we approached and asked Jeff how he was doing, the black man tried telling us to move on, the ‘bitch’ was his. Rick told the man that the ‘bitch’ was in high school and the son of a cop (a lie) and the black guy hightailed it towards the exit. Without the black guy up against him, we realized Jeff could barely stay upright. The black dude must have rufied Jeff’s coke, because it took Rick, Jenna and I to get jeff up and out onto the street. The fresh air helped a lot, but our whole group took turns with an arm under him, walking the 16 blocks to the subway. By the time we got back to the dorm, Rick and I agreed to take Jeff back to the room. Minutes later Jeff was passed out in his bed and Rick and I decided he was out enough for us to play. With only the light from my ancient laptop playing a porn dvd, I was balls deep in Rick’s ass, while we passed the pipe back and forth. Pretty soon I was getting close and Rick started to jerk to join me. His elbow knocked the edge of the laptop and it turned just enough to cast some light over to Jeff’s bed. At Jeff’s waist level, the covers were tented and I would guess by the look of it, he was jerking off as fast as his drugged lil mind could go. It was too dark to see if he was looking at Rick and I so I reached down and retrieved my phone from next to me, and, as inconspicuously as possible, turned on the night vision camera and turned it toward Jeff. From the angle I was at, I couldn’t see what it was recording, but it hardly mattered as I began to breed Rick and he shot all over the floor. Rick collapsed in my bed and I excused myself to the bathroom. Once the light was on and the door was closed, I checked my videos and was disappointed to see I didn’t get a good angle on Jeff’s face. About a minute into the video it finally caught him just as I came, and sure enough Jeff was looking right at us as he jerked his cock. Returning to the bedroom, both Jeff and rick were passed out in the respective beds so I joined rick and wondered what that meant as I too drifted off/ PART IV: HISTORY OF ESPIONAGE 401 Over the next few weeks Jeff was always around. He never wanted to leave my side except for our separate gym schedules. It got to where I hadn’t met with Rick or Alan or anyone of my fuckbuds for almost a month and finally I decided enough was enough. I was going to tell Jeff I was spending the weekend out of town and find some strange. Friday morning I was awake early, pondering how and when to inform Jeff of my plans, when Jeff’s alarm went off and he got up to head to the gym. Before he went, he turned on his computer and checked his email, as he often did, then stepped into the closet and got change into his gym clothes. When he returned from the closet, he forgot to close his laptop on his desk and left for the gym. Curious about what he was always checking on his laptop, I crawled out of bed, went to the door, put the doorstop under it and went to the computer As it turned out the password wasn’t required if he didn’t close it, so one swipe across the thumbpad and the screen came up. There on his internet browser was his email. I almost closed It before remembering that it might give away what I was doing. Instead I started reading the subjects of some of the emails and was amazed when they seemed to be a correspondence between Jeff and an older woman telling each other to do sexual stuff. I read further and further back until the woman asked Jeff to send her photos. At first there were just shirtless pics, but then some of the posing strap shots came up and finally on shot with Jeff nude. He was soft in the photo, but his cock was thick, hung low and cut. He barely had any pubic hair and that was the only other than his pits and head I could see. I whipped out my cock and stroked. Jeff asked for pics in response and I almost skipped them but decided I wanted to see what he liked. The first pic loaded and I almost came right then. The emails weren’t from a woman, they were from a man. A hot, toned man with a large dick who seemed to be wearing the same posing strap as Jeff. Reading on I discovered Jeff had been given the undies by the man, who was actually the wrestling coach at Jeff’s school. From what I could tell, Jeff and the man hadn’t done anything…yet, despite the coach obviously wanting to. Opening Jeff’s other programs I came upon a video player and opened the last file. It was a video of the man masturbating on a picture of Jeff’s face. The second video was a video of the man receiving a bj from another guy and then I clicked on the third video. This was a video of me. Me naked. Laying in bed. Jerking off with my finger in my ass. The video was taken from the closet. About a minute into the video the camera panned down and there was Jeff’s hard cock. He was jerking off while watching me jerk off. I clicked another and it was more of the same, only this time I was getting head from Alan while the two of us smoked a bowl. The next video was the coach smoking from a pipe and jerking off. The last video was Jeff in the green silky posing strap, stroking his cock and saying things like “I want to try getting high and having you fuck me like my roommate fucks the guy downstairs” and “I can’t wait to take my first hit of meth and get your bare dick in my virgin hole coach.” As soon as I heard him say that, I shot my load all over my chest, even up onto my chin. It was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, until two seconds later when Jeff pulled a small pink vibrator out from under his mattress, sucked on it for a second, then pushed it into his ass and shot his own load all over the place. I rewound the video and shot again watching that part over and over. Remembering where I was I quickly got up, and closed everything on his computer. I left the internet window open but shut the screen so it would go to sleep. As I pulled the door stop from under the door, I heard jeff walking up and fiddling with his keys. I ran as quietly as possible to my bed and almost tossed the covers over me, when a light dawned. Instead I stroked my cock back to hardness and positioned myself like the covers had slid to just below my balls. The door opened just as I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. Listening for his footsteps I heard Jeff come in and drop his gymbag on the bed. I waited and stayed “asleep” as he quietly inched his way over until he was standing over my sleeping form. Sensing he was close I willed myself not to flinch as I felt his hand brush my semi-hard cock. His fingers ran up my body, through my two cum loads and I heard him scoop up a little and lick it off his finger. My cock involuntarily jumped hearing him moan. I felt his hand wrap around my cock again and start to stroke it. Not able to help myself, I humped his hand and moaned “Jeff.” He jumped away, as I predicted but I stayed ‘asleep’ and took the opportunity to roll to my side and move my arm over my eyes. Squinting from under my arm, I watching him grope his hard cock through his shorts before sliding them down, revealing the fact that he was wearing MY jockstrap! He began stroking his dick in ernest, just as my alarm ruined the moment by going off. Both of us jumped and Jeff dashed into the bathroom and slammed the door. I heard the shower running as I got up and wiped myself off with a pair of his boxers. PART V: ADVANCED CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN THE HUMAN BODY That night I was supposed to go out with Jenna and the crew but I feigned illness and Jeff being Jeff, he told everyone he’d hang out and take care of me. Once they left I told him I had a confession to make. He went white as a ghost, probably assuming I was going to tell him I knew what he’d been up to. Instead I confessed that Rick was supposed to come over later and we were going to get high and fuck around. Jeff didn’t get the hint, so I continued to tell him I didn’t think Rick would be okay with Jeff being there and maybe he should find someplace to be once Rick arrived. Jeff’s shoulders dropped and he said he understood. As he got up to leave, I stopped him. “Look Rick won’t be here until after his desk shift is done, so you can hang till then if you want, the only thing is…” “What?” jeff asked, returning to his seat on his bed. “Well I already got the drugs from Rick and I was gonna get high before he arrives,” I feigned trepidation, as if I was afraid of what I had to say next. “And the thing is, the stuff we smoke…it isn’t just weed…it’s something…better.” “So?” Jeff leaned back trying to seem super calm about the whole idea, but obviously hyped up by the way his knees were bouncing. “So once I get started I’m gonna wanna get showered up and cleaned out and was probably gonna take some pix of myself and send them to rick,” I said quietly. “Whats the big deal?” Jeff was practically buzzing with sexual energy while pretending not to care. “Pictures of me…naked.” I said while reaching under my pillow and pulling out the pipe I’d already loaded and a lighter. “I’d feel too weird doing all that with someone here who was stone cold sober. So you can stay if you wanna join me for a bowl or if you can find some booze or something. Cool?” The wheels in Jeff’s head were turning. Like me at that age, the idea of doing drugs was cool to fantasize about, but when it came down to actually drinking or smoking, it was terrifying. “Can’t I stay for a little while and leave before you take the photos?” Jeff asked as I shook my head no, then held the pipe to the light, pretending to check to see how much was in it while really making sure he saw that it was full. “I don’t know where I can get booze tonight. Everyone is out partying.” “That’s up to you to deal with, but I don’t do this shit unless the people I’m with are on something too,” I held the pipe close to my mouth and picked up the lighter again, staring at my roommate. “So do you wanna join me or what?” I almost didn’t believe it when Jeff nodded yes. Smiling I asked if he wanted me to go first, which got another nod. Lighting the lighter, I held the flame to the bowl and we both watched as the crystals melted and popped, before a cloud started swirling inside it. Bringing it to my lips I sucked it in carefully and took a HUGE hit from it before blowing it out causing Jeff to say “Holy shit Peter.” “Your turn,” I said, and motioned for him to take the pipe. After a minute of him fumbling with it, I decided to take the initiative and took it back. “You just hold the flame to it like this, and don’t inhale until you see a little smoke start to swirl…right…now.” Jeff put his lips against the pipe and inhaled a medium sized hit from the pipe. As he sucked in the smoked I adjust the way I was holding the pipe so my fingers were up against his lips. When he pulled back and exhaled. I patted him on the back and moved over so I was sitting next to him on his bed. On my next hit, I told him I was going to blow the smoke into his mouth and he was to inhale while I did. I took another huge hit and went to blow it into his mouth, surprising him by pulling his face to mine until our lips almost touched while we shotgunned. When he exhaled it, he coughed a little and his eyes widened a little. When he exhaled the next time, I sucked in his smoke, and ‘accidentally’ brushed my lips across his. After my next hit I pressed my lips to his with full force and almost tongued him before realizing his hand was shaking. Not wanting to scare him off, I told him I was going to change into something to take the photo for rick and he could watch one of the porns from under my bed while I got ready. Stepping into the bathroom, I stripped off my polo and jeans and pulled on the jockstrap that Jeff had been wearing that morning. When I stepped back in the room, Jeff was taking another big hit from the pipe and just started a film called “Cream lovers gangbang 6” in which a hot redhead get gangbanged by a bunch of college frat looking dudes, all of whom eventually cum on her pussy, ass, and tits. “Good choice bro,” I said, startling Jeff almost making him drop the pipe. “What do you think? Will Rick like it?” I spun around in my jock before reaching down and stroking my dick a little. Jeff just nodded while I picked up my phone and took some (purposefully) awful photos with my phone “Shit man,” I plopped down next to Jeff. “These won’t turn him on at all. Can you take a couple for me?” “Uh….sure. yeah.” Jeff was sweating as he began taking photos of me in various poses on the bed and against the wall. I took the phone and looked at the pictures he’d taken and complimented him on how good they looked. Jeff was sweating hard now, partially from the tina, and in part due to the fact I’d turned up the heat when we got back from class and then unscrewed the temperature control and told jeff it was missing. “Fuck you look hot bro, do you need to take off your shirt?” “Fuck yeah Pete, it is brutally hot in here.” Off came the shirt, revealing the slim but extremely toned body of my teenage roommate. His boxers and pants sat so low on his hips that a few of his barely there pubes were peaking out, but I pretended not to notice instead complimenting him on how good he was looking. “All those mornings in the gym are paying off man, you are getting ripped!” I said, running my fingers down from his pecs to his abs. His body tensed and he sucked in a breath so I told him to hit the pipe again. “and then maybe I should get a couple shot of you man.” “What!?!?” He said almost choking on the smoke. “Yeah bro take some hot pics and make the cunt downstairs resent ever breaking up with you,” I added, knowing full well it was Jeff who broke it off with her and not the other way around. “What do you say?” “Hell, why not?” He said, taking another big hit then hopping on the bed and making a bunch of Adonis poses. As if the fates were on my side, he kept having to readjust his pants between photos and almost tripped getting up. “Damn dude these are hot, but not when you trip all over your pants man,” I said showing him the blurry shots from when he was pulling up his pants. “Don’t you have anything sexier you can wear? Or anything tighter?” “No.” Jeff wasn’t going to admit to the posing strap without some work. “Nothing huh? Maybe I have something…” I said bending over and exposing my bubble butt and hot hole to Jeff. “Shit everything in here is too big for you. There must be something for you to wear…” “There might be one thing…” Jeff said so softly I barely heard. Smiling, I stood up, but put on my best acting face before turning to him and asking what it was. “Promise not to laugh?” I crossed my heart and held up my fingers. Jeff sank to his knees, pulled his toiletry bag from under his bag and pulled out the green silky posing strap. “Damn dude, that is hot. Will you try it on?” I said, groping myself and handing the pipe to Jeff. He took a huge hit and nodded yes. He moved towards the closet but I stopped him. “You can put it on here, it is just us bros here.” “Okay,” and with that he slid his jeans and boxers down until his semi-hard big cut cock popped out. Stepping into the strap, I leaned back and hit the record button on my computer so it began filming the action in the room. “How do I look?” “Amazing Jeff,” I said, honestly. “Hotter than any dude I’ve ever seen. Now lie on the bed and pose for me.” I took twenty or thirty photos while opening stroking my hardening cock. Jeff wasn’t getting hard (probably due to a mix of nerves and meth) so I wasn’t too surprised when he made some comments about “never having any trouble before.” “I know a trick that will get you hard, turn over.” He did as he was told once I handed him the pipe. While he hit it, I leaned in and pulled the strap to the side and began eating Jeff’s ass. He moaned his approval as I retrieved the lube laced with tina from under the bed and began fingering his hole. “It burns a little,” he complained, pulling away a little. I moved until my weight was on his legs and ass so he couldn’t go anywhere. He might have been 4 inches taller than me, but I was easily 40 pounds heavier than him, and it was all muscle. “Just for a second, it feels amazing once I get another finger in there.” He tried to say no as my second finger broke through, but bit his lip instead. “Shot gun a hit to me.” I said, leaning in close to his face. He did as I asked and I held the smoke in my lungs until I got close to his hole and then exhaled. This made him shudder and relax enough for a third finger to join in. He was so busy moaning and riding my fingers he never noticed me slide my cock out the left side of my jockstrap, or lubing it up. Suddenly my fingers pulled away and my cockhead took their place. Catching his eye in the reflection in the window over looking the city, he instantly knew what was about to happen and buck back to get away. Instead it only pushed his ass open and my cockhead popped inside, eliciting a scream from his lanky form. My hand clamped over his mouth as I proceeded to inch my way inside him until my hips were firmly planted against his butt. “Don’t act like this isn’t what you wanted Jeff,” I whispered in his ear as I slowly began to pull in and out of him. “I saw the vids on your laptop. I know you’ve been watching me and now it’s time for payback little boy.” He nodded okay and I began to fuck him. He never relaxed entirely during the first fuck, but a few minutes passed and I could feel his ass contract as his cock shot cum into the pouch of the posing strap. Never one to stop when my partner was done, I kept fucking until I could feel my own load building. I didn’t warn Jeff at all, I just rammed his ass as hard as I could and bred him so deep he’d been shitting my cum for a week. PART VI: PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION TEST That night we fucked another five times, with him cumming twice. I thought at first that he’d run scarred but after a week of silence he surprised me by letting me walk in on him sucking Alan and Rick off the following Friday. We all bred him that night and once they’d left, Jeff climbed on top of my exhausted, tweaked body and bred me without mercy. Almost every from then on I would fuck Jeff before we went to bed and he’d feed me his load the next morning. Weekends I took him downtown and found some older men to get us high and screw around with both of us. By Christmas break, he was an expert at taking my cock, so I was sad to be apart for two weeks while we went to our respective homes but I couldn’t wait to hear what happened with the coach. Especially since I sent him the video of Jeff’s first time and had been emailing with him ever since. That coach is one dirty faggot…and so am I.
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  4. “You take loads in your ass?” At 21 years old, I was a bar fly. Countless nights I would drink too much and lose things. Several times I would leave something at a bar such as credit cards, keys, shoes, shirt, underwear, etc. This night, it happened to be my credit card. vAfter calling the bar to confirm they had it, I decided to work in some exercise. The bar was only two miles away, so I decided to run to the bar and back. Since it was a gay bar, I dressed in my best workout gear. After all, one never knows. About halfway to the bar, I noticed a car that had just been driving in the opposite direction stopped about 100 feet in front of me. I saw the window roll down and a man turned his head towards me. I stopped running and took out my headphones. He was probably 45, good looking, and a nice tight body—I could tell he worked out. “Need a ride?” he asked. I briefly hesitated and examined the situation. He was a clean cut looking guy driving a newer car and seemed like he didn’t have good intentions. “Sure!” I said. He flashed a mischievous grin at me and I walked over to the passenger side door. I hopped in and he scanned me from head to toe. “Where you headed?” he asked. “To Level.v I left my credit card there last night,” I replied. “OK.” “Thanks,” I said. “I appreciate you stopping to give me a lift,” I continued, hoping to strike up a conversation. “I was actually headed in the other direction, but I decided to turn around when I saw you running. Looked like you would probably like to cool off,” he said as if to justify stopping to pick up a stranger on the street. I was confused by what he was saying. Was I mistaken? Was it possible his offer was, in fact, not flirtatious? Just as I started to become a bit confused and even a bit worried, he continued, “You were looking really hot,” he said. While he could have only been talking about body temperature, he was looking down at my legs, so I knew it wasn’t that definition of hot. Then, out of the blue, he asked “You take loads in that ass?” My hole started twitching. For a brief second, I thought I had just imagined he said it, but as I looked over at him, I saw his eyes were fixed on my ass even though I was comfortably seated his the passenger seat. Without skipping a beat, I eagerly replied, “Hell yeah!” He nodded with approval. “Nice.” Just then we had reached the bar. I ran into grab my card and ran back to the car. “Got it!” I said. “Great!” As he turned the car around, he asked, “Where do you live?” I gave him my address and he replied “Oh! That’s close. Do you mind if I swing by my place first? We live close by each other,” he commented. “Sure, that’s fine. I’m still just glad I got to catch a ride.” He smiled. Once we got to his house, he turned off the car. I took the hint and got out with him as it was way too hot to spend even a second in a car where the AC wasn't operating at maximum. He pointed towards his house, “That’s my place.” I started walking towards his porch and as soon as I started up the stairs, I heard him say, “Mmmm. It was so hot watching that bubble butt of yours move while you ran.” “Really?” I asked just as I stopped at his front door. He unlocked the door and opened it for me, motioning me to go in first. “Hell yeah. It would be even hotter to watch it move while its wrapped around my bare cock.” "Where’s your bedroom?” I asked eagerly. “Down the hall.” I made my way down the hall and didn’t waste any time. I ripped off my clothes and got on my hands and knees on the bed. He, on the other hand, took nothing off. He picked up a bottle of lube, unzipped his fly, and pulled-out his cock, lubed himself, and slowly started to slide inside me. We hadn't exchanged a single word since we entered the bedroom until I felt his balls against my ass as he bottomed out inside me, and he commented “Fuck you feel good.” I reached behind me to grab his cock just to be sure, running my fingers up his shaft until they met my hole. Sure enough, he was barebacking me. “Don’t worry baby, I didn’t suit up. There is nothing between my cock and your guts, and won't be until I load you up.” That pushed me over the edge. As I started cumming, my ass clenched around his raw dick and he started breathing heavily, grunting “Oh yeah baby, take this load. Fuuuuuuuuck!” He bottomed out inside me and I felt his cock pulsate inside me as he filled my ass up. I was in heaven! “Mmmm. I love slutty young boys like you.” “What do you mean?” I asked, not sure if I should be offended or flattered. “All I have to say is ‘load’ and ‘ass’ in the same sentence and you’re ready to take my dick. I’ve known you for 20 minutes, you haven’t asked my name, age, or even my fuckin' status but you’re ready to let my raw cock dump an unknown load up in your guts.” He was right. I briefly considered what I had done, and knew, of course, that indeed I had no idea who the fuck this guy was who had just bred me. God, I was such a slut. And proud of it!
    3 points
  5. 2. The next day I called into work and slept late, exhausted from the punishing fuck I had received the day before. When I got up around noon there I had several texts waiting for me. All were from Mark. The first one told me to remember not to take the plug out of my hole, the second instructed me not to shower today, and the third said not to cum until while I was waiting for him. The last proved to be the most difficult, the constant feeling fullness made my cock hard and precum dripped continuously from my cock. I longed for release, but, and I was a little surprised by this myself, I longed for Mark’s cock more. At quarter till four I pulled on some clothes, again opting to go without underpants, and walked over to Mark’s. The door was not propped open this time so I rang the buzzer for three, there was only one apartment per floor in this building, and waited. After a moment the buzzer sounded and I hurried through the door and up the stairs. When I got to the third floor I was greeted not by Mark but by the boy from yesterday still dressed only in his slightly yellowed dirty jockstrap. He smiled at me and introduced himself as Tony. He led me into the apartment and as he walked away from me I noticed that he has a large butt plug in his hole too although not as large as mine. Tony explained that Mark sometimes like to plug his boys for fun to get them extra horny but normally after he had broken in your hole the plugs were a bit smaller, though not by much he added with a grin. “So where’s Mark?” I asked as Tony lead me into the living room. “He’s still at work, won’t be home for another hour,” he said matter of factly, “but you’re here early to get ready. I’ll show you around, get you a jock, we’ll talk about the rules and then I’m to dump a load in your cunt to get you ready for Mark to breed you again.” “You’re gonna fuck me?” I said, sounding a little more surprised then I probably should have. “Yeah, I was a top before I became Mark’s boy, plus it’s part of the training, being able to take any cock Mark wants you to any time. Don’t worry I’m no where near as big as him.” I took another look at Tony sizing him up a little differently now. I took in his youthful but handsome face, the long lean body, the dark spattering of hair that cropped up on his well defined pecs and swirled down into the bulging jock. He probably wasn’t that much smaller the Mark I guessed by the size of his bulge. My hole twitched around the thick base of the plug still lodged in my hole thinking about getting fucked by Tony. “Ok,” Tony said, bringing my mind back to the conversation at hand, “first the tour.” He showed me the kitchen, the bathroom, the little balcony, the guest bedroom/office, and then lastly the master bedroom. Here he had me strip out of my clothes and pulled out of a drawer a new bike jock and handed it to me. “You’re gonna wear that all the time till Mark tells you not to, and don’t wash it.” “Alright,” I replied, my heart was pounding in my chest. I looked again at the yellow colour of Tony’s jock and wondered how long it work take mine to look like his. I wanted to be Mark’s boy as long as Tony had been. “I’ve been with Mark for three years,” Tony said, answering my unspoken question, “and there are two others who don’t live here that he’s had for a year and a year and a half. He was very impressed with you by the way, most boys cry when he tells them he’s just POZed them, the last boy he took spent a full minute crying before he looked in the camera and admitted what he really wanted. You spent less then ten seconds.” “Thanks, I think,” I said as I pull the jock on. “Damn you look good in that,” Tony said his eyes glinting. “What time is it?” “4:30,” I replied looking at the clock next to the bed. “Perfect, right on time, you ready to get fucked again?” He grabbed the growing pouch of his jock. “Fuck yes.” “Good, back to the living room, you’re not ready to get fucked in here yet.” Tony led me back to the living room where he quickly grabbed me and kissed me, before shoving me to my knees just as Mark had done the day before. He fished out his cock from the jock, pushing the musky pouch aside and allowing his seven inch long wonderfully thick cock to spring free. I didn’t have to be told what to do I opened my mouth and swallowed his cock tasting stale sweat on his skin. Tony groaned and grabbing onto my head began to face fuck me. I choked and gagged as his cock pushed into my throat repeatedly, long ropes of throat juice began to form between my mouth and his cock and my eyes watered. After almost five full minutes Tony pulled out of my mouth and pushed me away knocking me to the ground. “Jesus, you really are a born bottom. Most guy take training before they can handle getting face fucked like that. Mark is right about you.” He smiled and got down on the floor to kiss me. “Lets get that plug out of your cunt and my cock inside you, what do you say?” “Yes please fuck me,” was all I could reply. Tony flipped me over so I was on all fours my ass facing towards him, my head pointed towards the hallway that led to the front door, I suspected this positioning was probably deliberate. I felt a tugging at the plug in m hole and braced myself a little knowing that when the flared base popped out of my hole it would probably hurt after having the plug in for so long. “Fuck your ass lips look amazing stretching around that plug,” Tony said appreciatively, “Your cunt is gonna feel so good wrapped around my cock.” And I knew that his cock would feel amazing fucking my hole, far better then this hunk of plastic. Knowing that the only way to get his cock in me faster was to get the plug out I started to push back on it trying to expel it from my hole. “You want to get fucked don’t you?” “Yes, take it out and breed me please.” “Natural born bottom,” Tony said as he took hold of the plug and while I pushed out he pulled and after a long tense moment my ass gave way and the plug came flying out of my hole. I felt my hole gape open, suddenly empty and unable to close. I felt cold air inside my guts and without being told knew that my hole was a big wet sloppy mess. “I can see some of Mark’s cum still in there, God that’s fucking hot,” Tony said setting the plug aside. “You ready boy?” “Always.” Tony laughed and without preamble pushed his cock inside of my ruined hole. My hole was so loose from being plugged for so long that Tony didn’t have to wait for me to get used to his fat cock he just went right to pounding my hole. In fact it wasn’t until about ten minutes in that my hole closed enough around his cock for me to start really feeling how hard he was fucking me. I groaned and whimpered as he used my wrecked hole mercilessly. Part of my thought I should be bothered or ashamed of having him used my hole as it was but the rest of me found it so arousing that I didn’t care. I ground my hole back on his cock as if begging for him to put more inside of me. After ten minutes or so of relentless pounding Tony pulled out and smacking one of my ass cheeks said, “roll over I want to look you in the eye when I breed your ruined cunt.” Dutifully I flipped over onto my back and grabbed my knees hugging them to my chest. Tony sank his cock back into my hole in one long slow motion, his eyes rolling back in pleasure as he did. Then he bent low over me and began to hammer away at my hole. Wet slopping sound reverberated through out the room and he fucked me. It was another ten minutes though before he started to buck wildly and growled in a deep voice, “Take my fucking load bitch.” Just as with Mark I could feel every spurt of Tony’s cock inside of me and I relished the feeling. This was my new release, while my cock remained hard I was less interested in getting off myself then feeling another load get shot in my hole. Tony shook with the force of his orgasm, waves crashing over his body as his cock twitched inside of my hole. Slowly his breathing returned to normal and he opened his eyes again, his face glistening with sweat. He looked up, past where I could see and said, “his cunt is loose and freshly loaded Sir, just how you wanted it.” “Good job boy,” came Mark’s voice from out of my field of vision, “Now pull out of his cunt and let me get to work.”
    3 points
  6. I can't believe what just happened. I mean, yeah, I barebacked as a general rule, but I always asked guys their status and only took neg seed. Who would lie about that anyway?? Besides he was so young and innocent and we were only going to meet for coffee. I guess you want some more details. I'm your average guy, kinda husky, but pull it off well. At 37 I'm that perfect age where young college guys look at me as a daddy but older guys look at me as someone who can be a successful son. He was 22. We met on an app for bears and their admirers. 5'7", 140, cute as a button and charming as fuck. We hit it off right away, chatted about everything including the fact that he was in an open relationship with a man more than twice his age. It just sucked he wasn't in my local area. So of course as fate would have it, I needed to travel for work one Saturday. Just a one off thing, home that night, but a trip that would bring me within 30 miles of my crush. I quickly told him and he squeaked in delight as we made plans to meet at a local coffee house. His bf would drop him off, but he asked if I would bring him home as the bf worked the night shift. The conversation was flowing as easily in person as it was online. He was as charming and my gosh that smile! I didn't realize that three hours had passed as quickly as it did. We piled into my car and drive the 10 minutes back to his place. Being a gentleman, I walked him to the door. As he opened it, I turned to say goodnight when he grabbed my shirt and yanked me inside. He pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees. I didn't think it possible to get someone's pants off as quickly as he did, but less than 30 seconds after the door closed I was fully hard and 7" deep in his throat. After two minutes he finally came up for air and kissed me. "I just had to taste it," he said, flashing that smile. "What happened to just friends," I asked. He looked directly in my eyes as he unbuckled his pants. "We can be friends tomorrow. Tonight I'm cumming deep inside you." There was no more to say. He took my hand and led me upstairs. When we got to the bedroom, we undressed the rest of the way and he gently, but firmly guided me onto the bed on my stomach. After a stinging slap on my right cheek, he voraciously dove tongue first into my hole. The sheer sensation of this eager twink rimming me was unbelievable as he loosened my entryway while giving that perfect little extra sensation of being eaten out by someone with a well groomed goatee. After 10 minutes of that treatment, I audibly whimpered disappointment when he unlatched from my back side. He chuckled mildly, "Don't worry, it won't be empty long." He reached for the lube that was already out on the nightstand and prepared the 8" log swinging between his legs. The pain was intense as he pushed forward. Normally it's easier for me if a guy pokes at it and eventually the head pops in, but this was his show and as much as he had made me feel good in foreplay, I knew I was there strictly to be a cum receptacle. He stopped to let me adjust only when I felt his hips on me. "You ready," he asked. All I could do was nod into the pillow. With my tacit acceptance, he started his assault on my insides. The kid was good, hitting all the right places. My moans only encouraged him as he went nonstop for eight minutes before I heard him change his breathing. "I'm not pulling out," he said. 10 seconds later I could feel the first shot of his DNA lining my ass, followed by six more volleys. He collapsed on top of me as I felt his orgasm subside. It was my turn to show him what I could do as I flexed my ass. He jerked as I milked the final drops of his orgasm out of him. He laid there for a few minutes, getting soft. I was about to ask if I could get up, when he started to stir a bit. The movement allowed him to reharden as he began to fuck me again, slower and in more of a lovemaking way. We continued this for a solid 15 minutes before the telltale change in his breathing happened. I looked back at him and he just nodded as he deposited another load in his new sperm bank. After a minute he pulled out and kissed me tenderly. The lad was too too to be true. As we gathered our things, I noted a picture on the dresser. It was my stud, posed, crouched on his knees with eight men, four on each side, naked, surrounding him. I asked him what that scene was. "Oh, that was my conversion party," he casually remarked. "Jeffrey, my daddy, set it up for me. This was actually my first post diagnosis fuck. Just got past the flu earlier this week. Doc gave me some meds, but I haven't started them yet." I quickly became enraged, "You told me you were neg, asshole!" "I was when we first talked and we discussed it," he fired back. "That was a week after we chatted the first time. Best birthday present of my life." So there it was. I had two highly toxic loads beginning to penetrate my system. As I came to grips with that fact, another thought came into my head. What was I going to tell my husband?
    2 points
  7. A CUM-FILLED NIGHT AT SLAMMER Once or twice a month or so, I head on over to the Slammer sexclub in Los Angeles. Got a hankering for beefy masculine men? Like ‘em hairy? This is the place! Condoms are “encouraged” by the staff, but I don’t recall the last time I used them. A Saturday night here can be filled with cum and debauchery. There’s no shortage of men eager to fuck, get fucked, cum and get their holes filled with cum. And, with a look at the men there, there’s no doubt that the vast majority are spewing toxic seed. You know the look: lean, veiny, muscular with fat in just the right places to let you know they have the virus of life flowing through their veins. With any luck, I’ll get a few strains in my guts as well. On this particular Saturday night, I arrived a bit earlier than I usually do, shortly before 10 pm. It’s usually 11 or so when the action picks up, and the peak lasts until 2 am or so. As expected, it started out slow. I stripped down to my gym shorts with the band of my white Classic Bike #10 jockstrap hanging out the top. I headed on over to the gloryhole trough and found a couple of big daddy cocks worth sucking. One of the men had a thick cut cock with a huge ball sack, heavy with cum. I glanced at him, and pulled out my cock and started stroking my eight inches. That got his attention, and we made eye contact, as he walked up and stuck his big daddy dick through a hole. I took a hit of poppers and went to town. His thick cock filled my mouth to overflowing; I truly struggled with his girth, and took every pleasure in doing so! I rarely gag, but even his heft had me struggling. But repeated hits of poppers got me quite in the piggy mood, and I dug in my tongue into his piss slit, licking up every drop of precum I could. He brought his face to the hole, and stuck out his tongue, which I eagerly started sucking on, deepthroating his tongue just as I had been doing with his cock. We both took hits of poppers and passionately made out through the glory hole. After the intensity of the popper hit wore off, he asked to take me to a private booth, and I eagerly complied. We went to a booth that had a big bench for us to lay on. We quickly stripped off the little clothing we were wearing, so he was completely naked, except for boots and socks, and with me wearing nothing other than my shoes, socks and a jockstrap. ] We swapped a good deal of spit before he got me on my back and spread my legs, digging his tongue into my hairy fuckhole. He was an ass eater extraordinare! Clearly he loved to eat ass. He tongue-fucked my hole, loosening it up for what I hoped would be his cock. My cock was leaking a ton of poz precum, and he probably feared he was getting me too close, because he then came up and started making out with me. “Wanna get fucked?” he asked. “Please fuck me, fuck my poz fuckhole!” I breathed out. “You’re a pig, aren’t you? You’re a poz scumbag? You want me to recharge your hole, you pig?” Man, this guy knew exactly what got me off! “Please plow your cock into my ass and fill my hole with your toxic cum! Give me your strain!” With that, I took a hit of poppers as he lubed up my hole and his cock, and he plowed deep in me! Rarely has a cock filled me so full! Pleasure clearly won out over pain, and I was in pig heaven. His big hairy nut sack bounced against my ass as he plowed his big cock in and out of my hole. He occasionally spat in my mouth as well, interrupted only by groans from me, heavy breathing from both of us, and an occasional “pig” or “poz pig” or “toxic cum” from either or both of us. It was still early in the evening and I was hoping that all this talk wasn’t for show and that he would give me his load. And he didn’t disappoint. After about 15 minutes of him plowing my hole, he asked me: “Ready for my load?” “Give me your strain,” I grunted, taking a hit of poppers so he could really plow away. And plow away he did. Within a couple minutes, his cock was pumping gobs of charged cum deep into my guts. Naturally my hole savored every drop. His pace slowed, and after the intensity of his orgasm passed, he took a few more strokes in my ass before slowly withdrawing his cock. My hole was loose and sloppy, just the way I like it for a night of cum-filled debauchery ahead. I put my shorts back on and after exchanging pleasantries, we parted ways and I resumed walking the halls of The Slammer. The crowd was streaming in, and, considering scarcely 30 minutes had passed since I entered the place, there were still quite a few new faces. I had the feeling this would be a good night. I walked by the open sling, and there was an obviously old poz pig lying there, his skinny white ass in the air, ready for any cock. 'Ah, a vintage strain', I thought. I started making out with him, and this attracted other men to approach us and to run their hands over his body and mine. Another guy joined us in making out, and soon we were a swirl of three tongues, aggressively swapping spit amidst heavy breathing and groaning. The old guy in the sling whispered to me, “Fuck me.” I usually like to get a few loads in my ass before I top, but this guy was too hot for me to pass up. I approached his ass, and fingered him a bit. He was loose and wet! Mmmm, a cummy hole! I couldn’t resist! I took a few tentative licks at his hole, not knowing how clean he was, and I was delighted to find that this guy knew how to clean out! He ass started to give up some of his fresh-tasting cum in that hole, and I slurped away at his pig hole. After a few minutes of tongue-fucking his hole, I teased his hole with the head of my leaking cock, and then plowed my cock deep into his ass. What a loose hole he had, and my cock was covered with who knows how many loads. His hole started leaking some more, and I couldn’t resist but to get back down and dive in with my tongue. Fortunately his ass lips were so loose I could get in there quite deeply. Eventually I went back to fucking him some more, but didn’t take any hits of poppers (although he did). A hit would’ve sent me over the edge, and I wasn’t quite ready to give this guy my load yet. As I was fucking him, another dude approached me from the side and started manhandling my muscular chest. He was muscular, goateed, and looked to be in his mid-20s. He started making out with me as I plowed away at the older guy. Meanwhile, my wasted bottom pig was getting his mouth fucked by some monster dick as I continued to fuck his hole. The young bud said "I wanna fuck you." "Go ahead," I replied. The young guy whispered that he’d prefer me in a private room, but I told him that if he wanted to fuck me, he should stick his dick in me right now. He fingered my hole to get it ready for his cock, and I could feel my prior fuck’s cum leaking out. My newfound young friend didn’t even use any lube; he pulled out his cock from his jeans and started to fuck away at my hole while I continued to fuck the old guy. Once again I was in pig heaven. Sweet. It was only a few minutes before he filled my hole with his cum. I was hoping he’d go a bit longer, but a load is a load. He gave me a nervous “thank you” and then put away his cock and pulled up his jeans and was on his way. I continued to fuck my older friend, and as I started to make out with him, he said to me: “I want your cum in me!” I told him I wasn’t ready yet, but that I’d give him some cum anyways. I pulled out of his ass, scooped up a bit of cum from my own hole, lubed up my cock with this cum, then plowed back in. I told him he had a mix of two more loads in his ass now, and that put a big smile on his face! After another five minutes of plowing his hole, I told him I needed to take a break. I honestly did. His loose sloppy hole had me quite close to cumming, and I wasn’t quite ready to breed a hole quite yet. I browsed the halls a bit more, and noted that the place was really filling up! Oh, there were so many men I wanted to breed and be bred by! Young guys, older men, beefy men, skinny men, poz men and men who wanted to be poz. So much masculinity and raw energy in that one area! I walked over to a pitch black room in back. It’s was spilling over with near-naked men. Honestly, you can’t see a foot in front of you, and can barely make out shadows. As I sorta pushed my way in, hand upon hand started running over me, feeling my chest, cupping my jockstrap pouch, grabbing my asscheeks. A few guys started to finger my hole as I tried to make my way in. Once in the thick of it, I felt my way to the bench and bent over, ready to take on whoever anonymous guy wanted to fuck me. They could barely see me, and I could barely see them. All the men around me only knew that I was a greedy fuckhole ready for cum. A guy started to finger my hole. Feeling it loose and wet, he took his cock and placed it right at my hole as I was taking a hit of poppers. As my high started to hit me, he slowly eased his bare dick in my hole. And it was a big one! Not huge, but thick. Slowly, he started pistoning in and out. With my popper high peaking, I started to back my ass up on his cock aggressively to let him know I was ready for a pounding. And pound away he did! It was a few minutes before I felt him let out a loud groan as he unloaded his cock in my ass. Soon, another guy replaced his cock. And then another. Not all the men came, but most did, and I had cum leaking down my leg. I think I took about 5-7 more loads, but honestly, I lost count. As I tried to extricate myself from the room, the bottom next to me grabbed on and followed me out. As we entered the hallway, he said hi and said he was jealous of the all cock I got in me. He asked me how many loads I had and I answered “about 10”. He told me he had 6 and was aiming for 20. “You’re just my type of pig.” He was young, maybe mid-20s, but a seasoned bottom. As he turned around and walked ahead of me, I saw what I love to see: a biohazard tatt on his lower back. I grabbed his ass as we continued to walk, and told him I wanted to load him up. I usually give two loads on an average night, and this poz pig was one I wanted to recharge! I led him to the sling, and he jumped right in like a pro. I started to finger his ass and found some cum leaking out. Not one to let cum go to waste, I started to lick his hole and slurped up the cum as it leaked out. I swallowed some, but then took a nice mouthful back up to him as we shared the loads, swapping spit and cum back and forth, our tongues wrestling inside each other’s mouths. As we snowballed, I placed my cock at his hole and pulled out my poppers, offered him a hit, which he gladly accepted, and I took a hit as well as I slowly fucked his ass, picking-up my pace, knowing that I wouldn’t last long anyway the cumsloppy mess that was his hole, and I asked him if he wanted my charged load. “Fuckin’ recharge my ass, man!” he urged, and with those words, I started coating his insides with my poz cum. I came for what felt like forever, and he loved it. As I came off my climax, I made out with him for a few more minutes as one guy right next to me started to scoop up the cum leaking from my buddy’s ass and started to massage it into my hole. Does that mean I was just instantly bred by six more loads?! Yup, pig heaven. With that load, I decided to end the night. I hate being one of the desperate bottom whores left at the end of the night, who are eager for a load but end up laying in the sling at the end of the night without any takers. I decided to leave on a high note. So, with who knows how many loads in my ass and strains of HIV being absorbed through my guts, I decided to head back home.
    2 points
  8. Hey guys. Thanks for checking out my new blog. I've been posting on various threads on Breeding Zone for a few years and thought it was about time I got organised and kept everything in one place. This is my adventures in cum gluttony, written asap after they've happened. I've just returned from 6 days in Sitges, Spain, about 30mins along the coast by train west of Barcelona and widely seen as the gay capitol of Europe - although Berlin might have something to say about that. Following a 3am start to get to the airport the first night was a lazy one, eating and sleep. I was keen to get started taking cock so after a siesta and dinner me and the bf have a drink at El Horno and I pop upstairs to the darkroom in XXL opposite to see what was going on. Everyone was outside drinking in the street so it was quiet inside but there were 2 guys watching porn just outside the little maze of dark cubicles and corridors. I go and in and get my cock out and start wanking to get hard. One guy follows me in and I start sucking him, the other guy wanders in and watches us and jerks his cock. As it hardens the cock in my mouth grows thick and my asshole starts twitching in anticipation. Clubs in Spain, as in Berlin, don't provide lube so I pull my trousers and pants down to expose my hole and let both guys know it's their's for the taking, I lube it with spit. The guy I'm sucking is rock solid now so I turn round and push my hole onto his thick bell-end coated with my spit. I feel him slip in and he starts pumping away. He keeps it deep inside, constant little strokes, no pulling out all the way and shoving it back in with this one. I start sucking the other guy, he's got a smaller cock that tastes a bit of soap, which is unfortunate. The guy in my ass starts groaning and I look over my shoulder and say yeah, go for it, to indicate I want him to finish off inside me. The guy in my mouth obviously isn't into breeding and zips up and leaves, his loss. The strokes in my ass get longer and the guy pushes even deeper in me and lets out a low, gutteral sigh and I feel his cock pulsating as the jizz floods my guts. Fuck yeah. I leave him inside while the last of his nob juice enters me then turn round and suck his cock clean. Cheers I say, I'm here all week, he says something in Spanish, zips up and walks out while I savour the taste of the seed off his cock. I go back outside and tell the bf I've got something for him to suck out later. Urgh, no thanks, he replies and says he's going back to the apartment if I'm gonna be in the darkroom all night. He doesn't like to know the details of my ass whoring and is tired from an early start. I won't be long I say. I get another drink from the bar and go back outside, eyeing up guys as they go inside to the toilet or the darkroom, they're next to each other upstairs so you never know which. A group of guys keep looking over and laughing, I assume one of them is the guy who just dumped in me, I smile at the them thinking I wonder which of you is next. I need a piss so head for the toilets. There are more guys watching porn now, one guy sitting naked on a bar stool stroking his cock, mmmm. The urinals are even more cruisy than the darkroom. There are 6 guys wanking or pissing, glancing at each others cocks. The toilets smell of piss and poppers and I can feel my cock getting hard inside my pants. I take my place at the urinal, piss as well as I can with a hard on then pull my trousers down to expose my ass. The guys either side of me have a good look and one starts feeling my ass. I stick my finger up and get it coated with the fresh load swimming around inside and let him smell my cum coated finger. He licks it off and smiles and we go into the darkroom together. It's busier inside now, lots of sucking going on but no one offering their ass around as far as I can see. We both get our cocks out and I start sucking the guy. I pull my trousers and pants down and point my ass towards the corner where most of the guys have congregated for their wank and suck session. A guy quickly comes up behind me and gets his cock inside, I don't look around but continue sucking the cock in my mouth. The guy in my ass is pounding away and before I know it the cock in my mouth is spurting warm cum down the back of my throat. It's a lovely, tasty, creamy load and I savour and swallow it all down. The guy in my ass slows his pounding and I can feel he's gone soft. I turn around and suck his cock and can taste cum on it. Is it coated with the seed already in my ass or has he just dumped another big load of babies inside my cumhole? Unfortunately he can't tell me as he speaks no English and I speak no Spanish, he zips up and leaves. Back outside it seems to be thinning out. I've heard the place to go is on the beach by the wall up against the promenade. There are a few guys on benches clearly after some fun and others chatting in groups. I walk along and give them the eye, rubbing my cock and making it as obvious as possible that I'm interested, find some steps down to the beach and sit on a bench on the sand. A guy I eyed up walks down and stands at the bottom of the stairs staring at me so I start rubbing my cock. He walks the other way and stands by the wall so I follow. He's hard already so I offer him my ass. He's got a lovely thick cock, not massively long but good girth and a nice stretcher for my mouth and ass. He gets out poppers, thank god there are some people with poppers here as the bars don't seem to sell them, we both have sniff and he enters my cum dripping ass. Can I cum in you he says. Fuck yeah you better I reply. He fucks gently going in deep, using all my ass to pleasure his cock. He carries on for a good 10mins savouring my warm hole. Every so often other guys walking along the promenade look down over the wall and watch me whoring my ass to this hairy muscle guy. I smile at them and hopefully let them know they can be next if they like what they see. Just as gently as he's been fucking me he dumps his seed inside, no big stokes or violent spasms, he just coats my ass walls with his slime in a relaxed, controlled ejaculation. I suck his cock clean and we chat as he walks back to the guy I assume is his bf sitting on the bench opposite. He's Latvian but lives in Barcelona and is going back in the morning. I thank him for his load and wander back along the front. I go back down to the beach and hang around but guys seems to have gone home now. There are a few lads on benches who I'd happily suck off or give them my ass but they don't seem interested so I make my way home. Not bad for a quiet first night and a Wednesday. Result: 2 possibly 3 ass loads and 1 in my gob. Next days write up to follow shortly - I get 19 ass loads in 6 days in total :-)
    2 points
  9. Hey, so ummmm, I was at a party this past weekend at my cousin's. From what I can remember, it was pretty good, but I ended up passing out in her spare bedroom. Honestly, all I can really remember was walking down the hall, reaching for the door knob and crashing on the bed. The next day I woke up with a slight hang over. I went to the restroom and found I had cum in my ass! Seriously, I have no idea who it could have been. I certainly didn't feel anyone fucking me that night. I KIIIINDA have an idea, but not sure. In any event, it was a lot of cum. I just hope it was the guy I think it may have been!
    2 points
  10. The purpose of a bottom is to satisfy real men and worship their cocks and take their cum. I feel like I can't even cum with my cock anymore, I can only cum with my sperm-craving cunt.
    2 points
  11. Fuckkk, so hot man! A slut after my own heart. BBC rules.
    2 points
  12. LOUISVILLE - Had a blast from a few years past come back into my life again last night. He's now 21, 5'6" and 140#. Blonde hair, smooth twink body. He wanted to get high and take loads. I agreed to whore him out. It was kinda late for the sleepy town of Louisville on a Monday night but 2 guys came over and added their loads on top of mine. I had also used a cum cube on him so he probably had 20-25 loads in him but only 3 were injected via cock into his ass.
    2 points
  13. I was on Asspig and chatting with a couple I knew who hosted occassionally when another guy IM'd me. He was at the couple's place and invited me to come over. Work had been really crazy late as of late and I needed a release, so I cleaned up and headed out. I had never actually met up with these guys, so it was a pleasant surprise to enter the loft and find the couple as hot as their pics: two fucking leather pigs with a sling in the bedroom. Right after introductions I met their friend J, a hot Italian leather man. In no time we were smoking T and I was in the sling. They had been partying for awhile and our hosts were kind of spent, I only got shortly fucked and fisted, when J suggested I go home with him. No problema. We said our farewell and headed to the PATH to WTC to his place on the LES. On the way he was making jokes about maybe scoring some China and such, maybe fuck some homeless or ex con. I usually don't party much so I let it slide. We got to his studio and drink some Grade with G to get mellow and get naked. He put on a harness, steel cockring and big rubber boots and we settled in to smoking, feeling each other and talking. My inhibitions were definitely low at this point when he asked "do you want to slam with me?" Well I never had and he gave me the rundown on what to expect. We played and smoked for awhile and I finally gave in. He showed me my own clean needle, said he would do me and laid me back on the pillows to relax. He mixed me a small dose, I intensely watched him mix one for himself; he would do me then quickly himself. I lay back and watched him tie a belt on my upper arm, he found a vein and slowly inserted the slam, pulling back then plunging in. He whipped off the belt and HOLY SHIT, my whole body became electric and after only one cough and a few deep breaths I wanted nothing but dick! He lay next to me and I watched him slam. We were both flying and I told him I wanted his big uncut dick in me. He laughed and said I could have all the ex con dick I wanted, he had been out for six months and needed ass bad. Let's just say he fucked me for nine hours. I did a second slam and after getting whipped and taking his chem piss, it took me two days to recover. At least we were only on webcam and I had the sense to not go and get whored-out like he wanted to. Looking forward to another session like that!
    2 points
  14. It is amazing how alive you can feel when worshipping death and disease via an AIDS cock.
    2 points
  15. Tricked and Set-up (Part II) He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach. I turned my head to look back at Rod and again he kissed me, deep and passionately as his tongue began to probe my mouth. I was still a little stunned at what had just happened as I felt Rod flex his still hard dick in my ass a couple times. “Looks like my little bitch liked getting his ass fucked full of my poz cum.” That statement had me thinking. With all the fucking and partying my girl and I did, we never used condoms. I knew the risk and figured I might get pozzed at some point in the future, but admittedly I never thought it would happen as a consequence of my being fucked up the ass with full of poz cum. I answered back, “I guess I did like getting fucked.” “Good, cause were not done yet bro. You ever slammed meth before?” I kind of knew what slamming was but never knew how to do it. I figured I would go with the flow and try another first with Rod. I nodded no in answer his question. “Alright, let’s get naked and head to the bedroom.” Rod pulled his still hard cock from my ass and a good amount of cum dribbled out along with it and down my legs. I stepped out of my jeans and tossed my shirt a side and followed Rod back to his bedroom where he told me to sit down as he prepped a rig for us. I sat down and watched as he fished out a syringe and filled it with some meth. He then filled it with water and I watched as the met dissolved. He then took a belt and placed it around his arm and hit a prominent vein. I watched as he drew back a little bit of blood then shot about a third of the contents into his arm before he drew back some more blood into the syringe. He took off the belt and let out a cough and said a loud ‘FUCK’ as I watched the drug take effect. “Now it’s your turn.” I asked Rod, “Are you going to use the same needle on me that you just used on yourself?” “I only have on point and we have to share. Besides you already have my DNA swimming inside you, what’s a little poz blood.” Rod placed his bet tightly around my arm. He found a prominent vein in my arm. Then he took the bloody syringe and stuck it in the vein he found and pushed the entire contests into my arm. When he let the belt go I felt warmth rush through my body and I coughed very hard three times. “FUCK! That’s fucking amazing bro. I should have tried this before now.” “Feeling great, ain’t you bro?” “I feel fantastic!” I looked over to see Rod’s cock was leaking precum was rigid like steel. I grabbed for my dick and felt a shriveled up little nothing. I was confused why Rod got so damn hard and I was so soft and small. Rod must have known what I was thinking 'cause he said “I knew you were a bottom bitch.” All I could respond with was, “Huh?” “Look at your dick now bro. I knew you were a bottom the second I saw you with your girlfriend. I figured she was fucking you up the ass with a strap on, but to know I took your cherry and was able to bring your true self out.” His words cut through me and made me think. Was I really a bottom that needed to be fucked? Would I be able to fuck my girl the next time we were together or would I want Rod inside me from now on? I knew the way I was feeling I needed his cock inside me right then and there. “Maybe you have because I need to be fucked, I need you inside me.” Rod pushed me to my knees and I knew what he wanted. I opened my mouth and took the head of his cock into my mouth and began to suck. Rod placed his hands on the back of my head and guided me as I learned how to suck my first cock. With Rod’s help it didn’t take me long to learn how to suck cock like a pro (as he put it). I was lapping up his precum and it tasted delicious. But my cock was still soft and small. I don’t know how long I had been sucking on Rod’s cock when he said, “Time to get fucked my bitch.” I stood up and Rod kissed me as he maneuvered me on my back on the bed. He crawled up between my legs as he lifted my legs up to his shoulders. His cock poked at my hole as he leaned in for a kiss and his cock began to slide inside me as his tongue began to enter my mouth. It felt incredible to have his cock back inside me. As he went deeper so did his tongue into my mouth. Our kiss became more intense then any I’ve ever had with any girl especially my own. We stopped kissing as he bottomed out balls deep inside me. He just lay still inside me as he looked into my eyes. Rod then pulled out a little and thrust back in. He did this for a few minutes before he told me to wrap my legs around his waist so that he could start fucking me like any of the girls I’d fucked before. I did as he told me and soon enough Rod was starting to power-fuck me. It felt incredible as I felt his cock slid in and out of my hole and I can only hope I serviced the various women I'd fucked half as competently. Before I knew what was happening my cock began to thicken. I could feel it growing on my stomach. I wanted to touch it but Rod told me to leave it alone. He would prove to me that I was made for being fucked by a real man, meaning, of course, Rod himself. He looked straight into my eyes as I felt his dick begin to expand and spasm a little. He let a small moan escape his lips as he leaned in and whispered to me that he was seeding my hole with another poz load of cum before he licked my ear lobe and tongued my ear. I knew Rod had great stamina and could cum multiple times. But now I was on the receiving end of his power tool. Suddenly Rod began to power fuck my ass. He was plowing me hard, fast and deep. I could feel his massive balls bounce off of my ass as he worked away at my hole. I felt my cock reach its full length and width. But it did not seem like it wanted to stop there. My cock felt like it was getting harder and harder. I thought it was about to burst when I head Rod begin to grunt and groan. I looked into Rod’s eyes as he pounded into my hole. I knew what was cumming (Rod) and I knew I wanted every drop inside me. He let out a louder moan as I felt his dick spasm inside me. As the sweat was starting to collect on his forehead he said, there’s load number three. I continued to feel my cock throb and Rod was not letting up. If anything he was pounding me harder and harder. I felt my cock leaking precum like I had never leaked before. It almost felt like I was pissing. Rod was looking me in the eyes as he began to pant and grunt. The sweat was dripping off his face and onto mine. Ever so often a drop would fall into my open mouth allowing me to taste his masculinity. I felt his cock getting harder and larger. My cock was throbbing uncontrollably as he pounded into me. I felt like my cock was gong t explode. Just as Rod slammed into me harder and harder and grunted with each thrust I felt my cock begin to spasm. As my orgasms started my ass clamped down on Rods hard tool deep inside me and he began to dup his fourth load inside me. His cock was so far inside me it felt like he was past my internal sphincter. We were both panting heavily as Rod began to kiss me with a passion I had never felt before.
    2 points
  16. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 1 I was a gay man in my early 20s with some sleazy, kinky, taboo desires. I always had that streak in me. I love cum so bareback sex made an instant connection with me, and not just any bareback sex, but totally uninhibited bareback sex. Yes, I had a fantasy involving a hot guy, lots of bareback pig play, and him shooting his seed in me. Not just any seed, but poz seed. There was also something edgy and erotic about a tattooed, bareback pig. Seeing heavily inked guys always made my cock hard, and I always wanted to be one of those guys. It just took me a while to decide what type of tattoo I wanted on my body. I researched local tattoo artists for months, but none of their work proved to be of the quality I was looking for. I decided to drive 90 minutes south and attend the annual tattoo convention in Chicago in hopes of finding an artist with a portfolio that impressed me. It was such a lustful trip for me. I also love unusual facial hair like longer goatees and beards and handlebar mustaches. Guys with piercings also turn me on. Tattoos, facial hair, and piercings seem to go hand in hand. The convention center was packed with people covered in ink with a ton of piercings and facial hair of every length and type. The continuous buzz from all the tattoo guns running could be heard throughout the place. Every booth had an artist or two working on fresh ink. I eyed the sexy men between browsing through artists’ portfolios. There was a ton of guys with no shirts on getting inked up at the various booths. Some with sexy hairy chests or a nice treasure trail disappearing into their jeans. My brain was in eye candy overload, and my cock was half erect for most of the show. I rounded the corner walking through the rows of booths and came across a very hot tattoo artist. He looked to be about 28 and was slender with a shaved head. His hair was reddish brown, with a slightly wavy goatee that must have been about a foot long. It ended in a point near his belly button. His mustache had a slight twist of small handlebars at the corners of his mouth. Full sleeves of ink extended from his t-shirt. He even had hand and neck tattoos. He was working on the back piece of a handsome little twink, and he glanced up at me as I approached his booth. He gave me a smile, and a nod of his head to say hello as he returned to his art piece. I stopped and paged through his portfolio. I kept glancing up to look at him while turning the pages. As I turned another page I glanced up to check him out again. My eyes traveled up his sexy body to his face and found him looking directly at me. He smiled at me again, and I quickly turned my eyes back to his portfolio. Sure that he noticed me checking him out, I began to blush. It was hard to keep my eyes off him, though, and I again glanced back at him. He again was looking at me too, and stopped his tattoo work. He told the twink he would be back in a minute to continue and walked toward me. He appeared to have a nice sized cock from the bulge in his jeans. Holding out his hand he said, “Howdy, I’m Zak.” “Isaac, but most people call me Zeek,” as I shook his hand. I again paged through the book of ink, “Is this your work?” “Ah, yes it is.” “Nice work, I like it.” “Well, thanks. Are you looking to get some ink done?” “Yeah, I just don’t know what I want to get yet.” “Do you have any tattoos yet?” “No, it would be my first.” “Are you from Chicago?” “No, but I’m only about 90 minutes north of here in Milwaukee.” “Cool, well, if you would like to talk about it, I can help you with design ideas.” “Awesome, I’d like that.” “Here’s my card. Give me a call, and we can set up a time to talk.” “Thank you, Zak, I’ll do that.” “Nice to meet you.” “Ditto.” With that he returned to his customer to continue his ink, which gave me the perfect opportunity to check out his ass. Just as I imagined, he had one nice butt and I found it hard to look away. When he sat down he again looked at me, and found me staring at him. Zak picked up his tattoo gun, glanced back at me, and gave me a look that set my gaydar off. A smile came across his face. I nodded, smiled back at him staring straight into his eyes then disappeared into the crowd. I wandered the convention center enjoying the hot, inked up men and all the beards and 'staches. Pure heaven for this gay man. I had to piss, and found the bathrooms were lined up with guys waiting to empty their bladders. It took a while waiting in line, but I was next to piss, and a stall opened up. I wasted no time getting into the stall. My cock felt like it could burst from holding back my piss. I closed the door to the stall and quickly unzipped my pants. The entire toilet seat was splattered with piss. I chuckled a little thinking there must be a lot of PA piercings in those pants today, otherwise just a bunch of hot pigs with a bad aim. I let out a full stream of piss, emptying my bladder. It felt good to relieve the pressure, but I quickly found myself fully erect smelling all that piss and testosterone in the air. I also loved piss play, and thoughts of lapping up all the urine from the toilet seat was hard to resist. I stroked my cock a few times, then tucked it back into pants, trying to hide my hard on the best I could. I zipped up again and quickly left the men’s room. I buried myself in the crowd, waiting for my cock to go down then continued to stroll through the packed convention booths. About a week later I came across Zak’s business card in my wallet and decided to give him a call. The phone rang a few times, “Windy City Tattoo, this is Zak.” “Ah, hi Zak, you may not remember me, but I met you at the tattoo convention last week. You told me to give you a call if I wanted to discuss tattoo options.” “Zeek!! Glad to hear from you.” “Wow, you remembered my name.” “Of course I did. So, you want to set up a time to discuss tattoo designs?” “Yeah, are you free any time this week?” “My last appointment should be done around 5:30 tomorrow. Can you get to the shop tomorrow night around 6?” “Sure. I’ll see you then.” “Awesome!! See you tomorrow.” I had a three day weekend so this was the perfect way to kick off my weekend. I left plenty early to try and beat Friday rush hour traffic heading into Chicago. I arrived early, and realized Zak’s tattoo shop was just outside the gay district on Halsted Street, so I wandered around the gay district for a bit. When I returned to Zak’s shop he was just finishing with his last tattoo appointment. He was wearing black biker boots, faded blue jeans, and a white t-shirt. I loved his fully inked sleeves and hands. His entire neck being inked was so hot too. Just the sight of him gave me a partial wood. He invited me to the back of his shop, and we sat on a sofa and discussed the style of tattoos I was looking for. His suggestion of Japanese style tattoos intrigued me. He explained the meaning behind different tattoos in Japanese culture, and I decided my first piece would be a colorful full sleeve with yin yang koi, waves, flowers and filler. Zak sat next to me, and occasionally touched my arm as he discussed options and placement. Our legs were touching as we continued to look at designs. He suggested I remove my shirt, so he could do a quick, rough sketch on my arm. He explained that he liked to just draw out the design directly on the body to get better placement than trying to use transfers. I pulled my t-shirt off, and he began touching my arm, and turning it in different directions. Then he pulled out a marker and started drawing on my skin. His touch began to turn me on, and before I knew it my cock was fully erect. I couldn't hide the bulge that formed in my jeans. It was obvious Zak also noticed my hard cock, but he kept himself focused on drawing on my arm. The sketch began to take shape, and Zak maneuvered my arm into different positions as he continued to draw on my skin. Each time he lowered my arm to my lap his hand brushed again my hard cock, and I noticed his rod was also erect extending down his jean leg. He again moved my arm to a new position and my hand came to rest on his thigh next to his cock while he continued his design. I couldn't resist it any longer, and I brushed my hand against the bulge in his jeans. His cock throbbed against my hand, and before I knew it I was rubbing his cock through his jeans. He stopped drawing on my arm and reached over and massaged my hard rod. Zak leaned over to me and began to French kiss me. Our tongues and lips were locked in a passionate exchange for a bit. Then Zak stood up and saying “I was hoping you would be interested,” as he pulled his t-shirt off over his head revealing a fully inked chest with a sunburst around his belly button that continued down and disappeared into his jeans toward his cock. “Damn, man…..wooooooof!” He pulled me to my feet. We continued to make out, our tongues twisted together in deep, erotic kissing and panting. Zak wrapped his arms around my waist, grabbed my ass with his hands, and pressed our hard cocks against one another through our jeans. We continued to kiss, grinding our bodies against one another; our cocks throbbing with excitement. I was free-balling it and could feel a wet spot forming in my jeans from precum leaking from the head of my shaft. Zak reached for my crotch, rubbing my cock through my pants before unbuttoning my jeans and dropping them to my ankles. He pushed me backward onto the couch. I landed on my ass and leaned back on the sofa in a lounged sitting position, with my cock standing at attention. Zak flipped my shoes off and pulled my jeans from my ankles. He stood up in front of me, kicked his shoes off then unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. His cock sprung to attention standing straight in the air, pulsing up and down. The shaft of his tool curved slightly to the left and upward about 8 inches long. His cock was pierced with a large prince albert, and inked with flames leading down the shaft to a black biohazard tattoo centered below his belly button. More ink led to the sunburst around his belly button. The ring to his cock piercing dangled with each pulse of his cock, and precum began to hang from the end of his jewelry. Tattoos covered a good 75% of his body. His body was an erotic piece of art that made my cock dance with excitement at the sight of this stud. “Fuck, you are so hot. I want to be covered in ink like you.” Zak pointed to his biohazard tattoo. His eyes remained locked onto mine, and a playful conversation started, “You know what this one means, don’t you?” “You’re poz?” “Are you okay with that, because I only bareback?” “Yeah,” with a smile on my face, “Are you ok that I’m neg?” “Yep.” “Do you want to cum in me?” “Uh huh.” “Are you into gifting?” “Are you into chasing?” “I could be.” “Then I could be too.” My mouth was like a magnet to his cock. I was on my knees in a flash. I wrapped my lips around the head of his rod, tasting his precum before sliding the full length of his shaft deep into my throat. His cock stiffened in my mouth, and he moaned as my tongue slid back down toward the tip of his shaft. Zak put his hands on the back of my head and slowly face fucked me with the full length of his tool, as he murmurred “That’s it, suck my poz cock. Taste my toxic precum.” As he continued to leak precum down my throat, fucking my throat with his death stick, he remarked “I’d love to do your ink work for you. Maybe I’ll even be marking you with a biohazard tattoo. Would you like that?” “Yes!!” “Want me to poz you, Zeek?” “Yes, charge my ass up, please.” Zak pulled his cock from my mouth and pulled me to my feet. He turned me around and pushed me onto my knees on the couch. “You want my poz cock in your ass?” “Yes, please fuck me. Give me your seed.” I was so turned on I felt like I could shoot my load at the anticipation of taking his charged spunk. He knelt behind me, spread my ass cheeks with a firm grip, and buried his tongue in my hole. It didn’t take long for my puckered hole to surrender as his tongue slipped past my cunt lips. His tongue lubed my hole and slowly worked inside, begging to open me up. Zak gave my ass a deep tongue bath and began to fuck me with its full length. The sensations made me horny as hell, and a strong urge to feel his bare cock buried in my ass burned within me. I moaned, “Please fuck me. I want to feel your cock deep inside me.” Zak continued to rim my ass, and worked a finger inside. He slowly advanced his finger all the way in and out of me then added another, before continuing to lick and fuck me with his tongue. My ass was wet and primed for his shaft. Zak stood behind me and spread my ass cheeks with his hands. I felt his against my cunt, then he slid his slick cock head across my hole, further lubing me with precum. He continued to rub the full length of his rod against my hole, driving me wild to be opened up wide. I felt the steel from his cock piercing fold to the side tight against his cock as he pressed the head of his dick against my hole. He slowly thrust the head of his tool, spreading my ass, and slipping inside. He spit on my hole lubing us both some more for me to take the rest of his meat inside me. I pressed my ass against his rod, and he again thrust inside me. Pain shot through my body and my hole tightened around his shaft as I tensed my body. Zak held his cock in place, “Easy, just relax…..relax.” The pain subsided and I arched my back and again pressed firmly against his cock. Zak grabbed my hips and with one abrupt thrust buried his cock balls deep into my guts. I again tightened my ass around his toxic meat, and let out a little gasp. It hurt so good, but my cock pulsed rock hard. I began to moan with pleasure. This was the first time I had a pierced dick in my hole, and it felt incredible. “You like my pierced cock in you, huh?” “Oh God…..yes!!!” I began to relentlessly pump my ass against his death stick, and Zak joined the rhythm. Tightening his grip on my hips, he pounded my ass hard with each thrust. His balls slapped against my ass with each plunge. “Ah, you’re a hungry pig for my toxic seed, aren’t you?” “Fuck, yes. Poz my faggot ass.” “Slow down, stud. You’ll get my DNA but not until I’m ready to flood your ass.” He held my hips steady, then slowed his pumping motion and continually withdrew his cock to the tip, with just the steel of his piercing remaining in my hole, then again thrust deep inside me, commenting as he did so, “Man, your hole feels awesome wrapped around my cock.” “That's good, 'cause fuck, I love your rod in me.” He continued a slow steady pace, edging himself close to shooting his load in my guts, then stopping, I could feel his cock pulsing a few times deep inside me, then Zak again began working his dick in and out of me. Each time he brought himself close to cumming then backed off. “You want my poz seed in you now?” “Yes, you feel so incredible. Load me up.” He again began to thrust in and out of my hole, but this time he slowly increased his pace, plunging in me harder and faster. “Fuck, I’m really close. You’re getting all my seed.” “You want it pig? Want my charged cum?” “Yes, give it to me.” “Yeah?” “Yes, I want to poz. Give it to me.” I again tightened my ass around his shaft, and he thrust in me one more time. “Here it comes….take my poz load.” He groaned and grunted, as his cock throbbed and pulsed deep in my hole. The sensations of his cum shooting from his death stick deep in my guts pushed me over the edge, and my cock erupted gobs of cum over and over with each throb of my shaft. With his cock still pulsing inside me, he grabbed my shoulders and shoved his cock even deeper in my ass. I couldn’t get enough of Zak’s cock. It felt amazing buried in my cunt. My balls drained themselves of all their seed. My ass was now filled with Zak’s poz juice. As he pulled his cock from my ass, cum trickled and dripped from my gaping hole. I knew he filled me with a huge load of sperm. My intestine walls were coated with his virus. Would it find its way to my bloodstream? The risk was incredibly exciting. I was hooked. There was no stopping it. I was definitely becoming a junkie for poz cum. Zak flopped on the couch next to me, panting and sweating. “Fuck that felt awesome. You have one hot ass.” Grinning and puffing, “It was very hot.” I turned and lay on the couch with my head resting on his thighs at his cock. I licked his mushroom head clean and ran my tongue down his shaft. “So……..am I hired to do your ink?” “How can I say no after a consultation like that?” We remained on the couch, naked. My head rested on Zak’s lap with his beautiful meat before my eyes. A small drop of poz spunk leaked from his piss hole and I lapped it up. We talked for a bit, getting to know each other a little better, while touching and caressing each other’s bodies. Zak told me he was born and raised in Chicago. He always had a fascination with tattoos from an early age on. He started working in a tattoo shop at 15, and after a few years became an apprentice for several years. He was lucky enough to be able to open his own shop a few years ago. Tattooing was something he loved. It was his passion, and all his tattoos had meaning in his life. I ran my hand across his biohazard tattoo. “So how long have you been poz?” “Not long, just a few years.” “Are you on meds yet?” “Ah…..no, so you got a fully charged load. Hope you’re cool with that.” My cock started to bone up. I nodded my head for him to look at my rod, “Does that answer your question?” “I guess so, you hot pig.” “Do you know who pozzed you?” “Yep,” with a slow drawn out descriptive tone, “A hairy, muscular, leather daddy with a beautiful ass and huge, uncut cock.” We both chuckled. “Did you know he was poz?” “You mean, did I chase?” “Yeah, did you want to convert?” “Fuck, yes, and it was one hot breeding.” “So why aren’t you with him?” “We weren’t looking for a relationship. We both got what we wanted from it. I was determined to get his poz load in me, and he was determined to make me work for it. It was an all-out, totally uninhibited, raunchy, verbal, poz fuck.” “It sounds like a hot breeding.” “Poz talk makes it the hottest conversion sex.” After a short pause, “So, when do you think you can get back down here to start your ink?” “Are you free next Friday in the afternoon? I could get down here by 3 or so.” “Ok….Friday at 3 it is. We’ll start your sleeve.” “Great, sounds good.” So, Zeek, what do you do up in Milwaukee?” “Well, let’s see, I like a lot of things. I graduated from college last year and just bought a home. I love doing remodeling and landscaping, so I’m redoing my house, fixing it up. I like being outdoor, hiking, biking, camping; stuff like that. I really enjoy movies, and dining out with buds.” “Cool. So what’s your degree in?” “Marketing and web design.” “Bonus!! If you’re up for it, maybe you can redesign my website for me.” “I’ll show you some of my work. If you like it, I’d love to do that for you.” “Awesome.” We stayed on the couch a bit longer and lye in each other’s arms. His naked body felt so good cuddled up against mine. “Hey, Zeek, do you have to be back in Milwaukee at a certain time? “No, I’m not on any schedule tonight. What did you have in mind?” “Want to go grab a few beers?” “Sure, that would be great.” Neither one of us moved too fast to get up. I think we both enjoyed cuddling together naked, but we reluctantly dragged our asses off the couch and slipped our clothes back on. Zak hung out in boystown at a few of the gay bars so we walked a few blocks to his favorite hang-out for a few beers. Zak introduced me to a few of his buddies that were out. We did a few shots with them then continued some one-on-one chat. “So, Zeek, what else gets you going besides ink, piercings and taking poz cock raw?” I chuckled, “Well, I’m pretty open-minded. I have a bit of a kinky streak in me.” “Oooh, kinky streak, like what? And you can’t shock me, believe me.” “Anything from toys, slings, sounds, to watersports, and more. What about you?” “There isn’t much I wouldn’t do, and everything on your list…… been there, done that. I’m a pig.” He leaned over to me and gave me a gentle nibble on my lip before planting a wet kiss on me. Standing up from his bar stool, Zak circled behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. He whispered in my ear, “I have to piss if you want a taste.” He made his way to the men’s room and looked back at me with a grin. You didn’t have to tell me twice. I was off my bar stool in a flash and following him to the bathroom with my beer in hand. When I walked into the bathroom, Zak already had his pants unzipped and his pierced meat dangled at the urinal. I walked up behind him and grabbed his ass. He turned to face me and pushed me to my knees. I took his cock in my mouth, and he held me still with his hands on my shoulders. “Fuck, here it comes.” As the first drops of piss hit my tongue I must have sprung an instant boner. I loved drinking from the tap. Zak’s warm piss sprayed from his cock filling my mouth. It had just a slight bitter taste to it, but was pretty watered down from the beer. I was like a hungry pig sucking its mother’s tit, wanting every drop of piss down my throat. Zak repeatedly stopped his urine stream, giving me just enough time to gulp down all of his nectar before letting his piss flow again in my mouth. My cock throbbed over and over again. He pulled his cock from my mouth and the last few sprays and drops of piss landed on my face, stache and beard. It was as if he was marking his territory. I stood up, slammed the rest of my beer in front of him then held the bottle to my cock head. I let out a full stream of piss filling my bottle to the top. I took a swig of my own piss then Zak took the bottle from my hand and left the bathroom. When I returned to the bar, he was sitting on his bar stool drinking from my beer bottle in front of everyone. They had no idea he was actually swigging my sweet cock nectar and not beer. After tipping another beer together and an erotic farewell kiss, I left for Milwaukee. On my drive up I94 I had time to think outside the heat of the moment. Even though I had fantasized for a long time about taking a poz cock raw, that was the first time I actually went through with it. A little fear set in knowing I could possibly poz from Zak’s DNA planted deep in my hole. I debated pulling into the Oasis pit stop, heading to the bathroom and emptying his seed from inside me. Those thoughts were quickly diverted by my cock boning up over thoughts of how awesome his hard shaft felt in me, and that having his poz cum in me also turned me on. The thoughts of his hot naked, inked body danced through my head. The smell of his piss still lingered on my beard and stache. My cock again throbbed in my jeans. I never even considered myself an actual chaser, but found myself craving more of his toxic spunk. The Oasis was just ahead, but I drove on past as my car continued down I94; my cock raging hard and my ass twitching full of Zak’s charged cum. I still had some fear in me, but I knew there was no turning back. I began to accept that I wanted to charge up, and I wanted Zak to be my gifter. The Tattoo Artist: Chapter 2 Unable to sleep, I got out of bed, and started my day. Today was a special day for several reasons. It was my 23rd birthday, and it was also Friday, the day of my first tattoo session with Zak. I was a little anxious and nervous, but excited to be seeing him again. I wanted to start my journey becoming a heavily inked pig, but I was not sure how much it would hurt. I turned on Netflix and watched some episodes of Miami Ink. Seeing hot Ami James and all his sexy ink just got me turned on and more determined than ever to go through with it. It was what I wanted. I decided to get dressed and cruise down to Chicago early. It was a perfect day for a drive, sunny and warm. I rolled down the windows and cranked the music. The air felt invigorating blowing across my body. I arrived in Boystown well ahead of my tattoo time with Zak, so I decided to browse the shops in the area. I came across a cool bookstore and bought a tattoo magazine. I also found an awesome pair of black biker boots, and a few t-shirts. Then I came across an adult bookstore and couldn’t resist checking out their gear. I ended up walking out with a “pig” t-shirt and a new yellow “piss pig” jock. After my little shopping spree I headed for the tattoo shop. I arrived a little early for my appointment. Zak greeted me with a hug and told me I could have a seat on the sofa while he finished up with his client. He grabbed me a bottle of water, and I sat down in the same place where just a week earlier I was taking Zak’s poz cock raw. The thought of it just gave me a major erection. I tried to find a distraction to get my boner to stop poking at my jeans. After all, Zak and his client were within eye’s shot. At least his client had his back to me. I found Zak’s portfolio sitting on the table next to the sofa. I browsed through the pages, but seeing his ink work only made my cock harder. I glanced at Zak, and he happened to look up at me. I immediately grinned back at him and stood up to show him my raging hard on through my jeans. I rubbed my crotch, and he chuckled then gave me a look that said, “Behave yourself.” I returned to the sofa and remembered an article I read several years earlier about a guy that popped wood at an inappropriate time and tried to “kill” the “snake” that had come to life in his pants by thinking about greasy dishes. (Why the hell I remember that article I have no idea). Maybe that would kill the beast in my pants. I tried to concentrate on dirty dishes, but all I could think about was stripping naked and having Zak fuck the hell out of me and unload his poz seed in my ass. My hard cock raged on. I grabbed a pillow for my lap to camouflage the bulge in my pants. After about a 15 minute wait, Zak poked his head around the corner and told me to follow him to his tattoo station. He walked to the entrance and locked the front door. “Now we’re all alone. No interruptions.” I pointed to my pants, “Good, because something is still up.” Zak laughed, “You’re becoming a cum-crazed pig. You know that don’t you?” “Yeah, and I love it.” I took a seat at his work station, and he walked up to me from behind. He put his hands on my shoulders, bent down and ran his tongue across the back of neck. He kissed my neck, nibbled my earlobe then worked his way to kissing my cheek. His tongue licked across my upper lip and he buried it into my mouth and started to make out with me, swirling his tongue with mine. Zak showed me his now hard cock bulging through his jeans, “As much as I want to tear your clothes off and fuck you right here, we won’t get anything done that way.” “And why is that a bad thing?” He again chuckled, “Let’s focus on your ink. We can play after.” “Oookkkaaayyy, ok.” “So are you ready to get started, sexy?” “Yeah, I’m ready.” “Awesome.” He grinned, “Besides, I’ll kill your hard on in no time when you feel the needle.” I chuckled and smiled at him, “You seem to be getting too much pleasure from that.” “I probably am, but there’s only one way to find out. Let’s get started. I made a few sketches for you to take a look at. If you like them I’ll use the one you want.” After looking at both designs, I had a hard time deciding between the two. Both were so cool. “Wow, I’d be happy with either design. They rock!!” “Well then, can I make a suggestion? This one is my favorite, because I think it will follow the curves of your arm the best.” “Cool. Then that’s it. It’s the one.” “Great. Get your shirt off and I’ll start the layout.” I pulled my shirt off over my head and sat down in the chair again. Zak was grinning at me. “What? What’s wrong?” “Nothing, I’m happy you are here, and allowing me to give you your first tattoo. That and you have one hot, trim body.” He pulled his chair next to mine, and took me by the hand. He positioned my arm and started the sketch. “This tattoo is going to look so cool on you, Zeek.” After about 10 minutes Zak completed the rough layout, and started to set up his ink. “Go look in the mirror and let me know if you’re happy with the layout.” I walked to the mirror and checked out the design. “It looks perfect.” “Awesome, get your sweet ass over here.” “Yes sir.” “Have a seat and get your arm up here. I’ll start out slow so you can see how it feels. We’ll work on it as long as you can. If you need a break, just let me know.” I sat in the “hot seat” again. I was nervous and excited all rolled up into one. Zak positioned my arm, “Here we go. You’re about to lose your tattoo virginity.” The familiar buzz of the tattoo gun filled the room, and my adrenaline rush kicked in. Zak rubbed a dab of aquaphor onto the first spot and the needle pierced my skin and the first line was inked in no time. I was happy to find the pain tolerable. It felt more like an annoying pinching sensation than anything. I also quickly discovered that I like to watch. I like to see the needle entering my skin watching the tattoo take shape. Guess that doesn’t come as a surprise to me, since I love visual stimulation with sex too. Seeing piss or cum shooting from a hot cock, or watching a hard piece of meat sliding in and out of a gaping ass is totally erotic. I like eye contact while getting fucked too. There definitely is a sexual side to the process of getting tattooed. The needle poked my arm again and snapped me back to reality. After about an hour and a half or so of turning my arm this way and that way, and switching to lying on the table, while Zak carved his design into my arm, the line work was finished. “How are you doing, Zeek? Need a break for a few?” “Sure. A stretch break would be good.” “How does it feel?” “It’s definitely burning a little, but it’s ok.” “Cool, we won’t finish in one session so let me know when you need to end. I’ll let you call it.” I walked over to the mirror to check out my new ink. Zak appeared behind me in the mirror, slipped his arm around my waist and kissed me gently on the neck. “It’s looking so hot on you, Zeek.” “I love it so far.” “Wait until you see the color start to fill it in. It will come to life.” Zak returned to his seat and set up the colors needed in his ink caps. After about 5 minutes, “I’m ready for you, Zeek. Let’s start shading in that sucker.” This time Zak had me lay on the table to start. He positioned my arm straight out away from my body. “Damn, Zeek, you make me want to tear those jeans off and fuck you right here.” Zak wheeled his chair to the side of the table and kissed me on the belly. I caressed the back of his head. His lips felt incredible on my skin, and his beard tickled my side. My cock certainly responded to his touch. It was already half erect. “I’d love to seed you right now.” “As hard as this is to say, Nah uh, it’s ink time. We can play soon enough.” He said, “I know, I know…..Focus.” The buzz of his tattoo gun kicked in again, and the color started on my sleeve. About 2 ½ hours later we were finished for the day. A bunch of color was completed and it was looking awesome, but my arm was also on fire. Zak cleaned up sleeve, and lightly rubbed a thin coat of aquaphor onto my skin. “That’ll cool it down, Zeek. Go check it out, man.” I walked to the mirror. “Oh my God, Zak, I love it.” He walked over to me at the mirror. “Wait till it’s finished. It’s going to look awesome.” He wrapped my arm then taped it in place then returned to his work station and began to clean it up. I continued to look at myself in the mirror, admiring my new ink. “It’s going to bleed a little and leak ink a bit, Zeek, so clean it when you get home. Put the aquaphor on it a few times a day while it heals.” “Ok….no problem.” Zak again appeared behind me in the mirror. He pulled his t-shirt off, put his arms around my waist and pulled my body tight against his. I could feel his hard cock against my ass. My dick quickly boned up. I reached back and slipped my hand between us to grab his hard dick. I rubbed his hard rod through his jeans. His cock throbbed in my hand, and Zak let out a moan of pleasure and began kissing my neck. As he whispered in my ear, “I want to fuck you raw, right here and right now,” he rubbed my hard cock, and unbuttoned my pants. He reached down into my pants and stroked my meat. My jeans dropped to my ankles, and Zak began to grind his cock against my bare ass. I could feel the wetness on the head of my cock as my precum leaked from my piss hole. Zak smeared my juice onto my shaft then put his wet hand over my mouth. I stuck my tongue out and licked up my precum from his hand. Zak slipped his thumb into my mouth, and I began to suck it. While he continued to kiss my neck from behind me, he unbuttoned his jeans and dropped them to the floor. I grabbed his ass and pressed his cock tight into my ass cheeks. Zak again moaned then grasped me around the waist and chest. He kept grinding his cock between my ass cheeks. “Fuck, you feel so good, Zeek. I want to feel my cock inside you. Give you what we both want. “Yes, you know I want it. Charge me up, Zak. Please fuck me.” I stepped out of my jeans and kicked them aside. I was now naked with Zak’s cock pressed hard against my ass. His precum began to lube my hole as he continued to rub his hard cock between my cheeks. He kicked his jeans off. Our bodies were both naked. The touch of Zak’s skin against my body sent chills up my spine, and I could already feel the sweat forming between us. Zak held me tightly from behind with his arm across my chest, and with a firm grip caressed my ass cheeks and rubbed his hand across my hole. My ass tightened and puckered while my cock stiffened and throbbed. Zak kissed me on my mid back, then on my side, and raised my arm above my head to bury his tongue in my arm pit. He continued to lick my pit, lapping up the scent off my body. He moved in front of me then pressed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I could taste my salty sweat on his lips and tongue. He spit in my mouth, and we continued to exchange saliva, while twisting our tongues together. With a firm grip on the back of my neck, we continued deep, erotic, French kissing for a few minutes. Then he hugged me and kissed my neck. He nibbled my ear lobe and buried his tongue in my ear while we ground our naked bodies against one another. Zak backed away from me, and snuck in one more kiss on my lips, then took me by the hand, our cocks both standing at attention and rock hard. He led me to the sofa where he first planted his seed in me the week before. He motioned to the couch, “Get on your knees, and spread those cheeks.” I eagerly obeyed. Zak knelt behind me and spread my cheeks wide with a firm grip. My puckered hole twitched with excitement, and he gave me one slap on the ass before burying his tongue into my ass. I arched my back and after continuous prodding and licking my hole opened up and his tongue slipped inside. He buried his tongue as deep as he could into my ass. The sensations sent chills through my body, and my hole begged to be filled by his cock. Zak gave one last grasp to my ass cheeks and a little massage. He stood up and then lounged back in a sitting position next to me on the sofa. His cock stood straight in the air. “Get your mouth on my cock and lube it up.” I shot onto the floor on my knees and slid the full length of his shaft down my throat. My tongue slid along his cock, and I began for work his dick in and out of my mouth. I continued to suck Zak’s cock, and it throbbed and pulsed in my mouth, spilling sweet precum down my throat. Zak grabbed the back on my head, shoving his cock deep down my throat. “Yeah, work that poz cock, swallow that charged precum.” He held his cock buried all the way in my mouth setting off my gag reflex, and making my eyes water. “Get up here and ride my cock. I want to see my meat slide all the way inside you.” I stood on the sofa, my legs straddling Zak’s, my pole standing straight up; balls dangling in front of his face. He tugged on my sack and engulfed both of my balls into his mouth. He sucked my balls, and licked them before grasping them with his hand and pulling them down to devour my cock down his throat. He sucked my rod for a few minutes, then said, “Sit on my poz cock, boy.” He spit in his hand, and as I lowered myself toward his hard shaft he smeared his spit onto my hole and lubed his cock with a few wet strokes. He directed the head of his meat toward my hole. His eyes were fixed on the head of his shaft as I squatted above his tool. I slowly lowered myself onto his cock. His PA ring and dick head pressed at my asshole, and with a quick thrust his cock head slipped inside. With a slow, steady motion my ass lips slid down the full length of his shaft. His hard cock was all the way inside me. Zak grabbed my hips and buried his cock even deeper in me. “FFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!! Feel my poz rod in you. My PA is going to tear you up.” His cock stiffened in me, and his PA stretched my hole with each pulse of his meat. Zak cupped his hands onto my ass, and spread my cheeks wide open. I began to ride is pole all the way in and out of me with slow, steady motions. He groaned each time I took his cock all the way inside me. “Fuck, yes Zak!” The sensations were driving me wild. My cock was stiff and pulsing. Zak again grabbed my waist and began to shove me down onto his cock faster and harder, thrusting his hips each time to drive his death-stick all the way inside me. I could feel his PA further stretching and working my hole raw with each slam of his cock into my hole. It felt amazing. “Damn, Zeek, I can’t hold out much longer. You want my poz load?” “Fuck, yes. Breed me. Make me your poz pig.” My ass tightened around his shaft. “Oh, fuck, yes, here it comes. I’m going to poz you up, pig.” Zak thrust inside me. I felt his cock throb over and over again. As he filled my guts with his DNA, I stroked my cock, erupting cum onto his face, and beard. He opened his mouth. My cock continued to pulse, and I shot more of my jizz across his lips onto his tongue. While my cock still throbbed, I slowly worked the length of his shaft in and out of my ass. “Fuck, yes, Zeek, work my poz babies into you.” Blood tinged cum dripped from my ass with each plunge down his cock. Then I sat on his cock until I felt it stop throbbing inside me. I pulled his dick from my ass, and it slapped against his biohazard tattoo. His meat was covered with streaks of pink tinged cum. “Fuck, yes. Look at that, Zeek. Keep my virus in you. It definitely has access to your bloodstream.” Zak scooped up his blood streaked cum from his cock and put his fingers into my mouth. I licked and sucked them clean, swallowing every drop. Blood dripped from the edge of the bandage covering my freshly inked arm. It splattered onto Zak’s biohazard tattoo and cock. He ran his fingers down his shaft through my blood, across his lips and tongue. I kissed his mouth, tasting my blood on his lips. Still puffing and panting, “Fuck, Zeek. That was so hot. I love fucking my poz cum into your ass.” “I love feeling you shoot your toxic seed in me.” We need to change your bandage. Zak removed the wrapping from my arm and walked to his station for more bandages. I enjoyed looking at his naked body. It was such a turn on to me. He returned with more supplies and reapplied the bandage to my arm. We lie naked in each other’s arms on the sofa. “When can you get back down here to see me? We can continue your ink after a few weeks too. Let this heal a bit first.” “I definitely can get here in two weeks to continue my ink.” “How about we go on a date next weekend and an ink session two weeks from tonight same time?” “Sounds perfect to me.” “You know, you could possibly be ready for a biohazard tattoo in two weeks too.” I smiled, “Fuck yes.” My cock started to bone up at that thought, and I planted a slow, passionate kiss onto Zak’s lips. “Zeek, I want you to know something. I don’t want to just poz you. I like you, and not just a little. I like you a lot. I want you to be my boyfriend, my poz pig. What do you say?” “I’d like that a lot.” We continued to make out on the sofa. Our naked bodies pressed tightly together. Before we knew it both of our cocks were fully boned up again. We began to grind our bodies together. Zak kissed my neck and whispered in my ear, “Zeek, I want to give you my DNA again. Make you my poz boy……….”
    1 point
  17. PART I In the summer of my senior year in high school, I had just turned 18, I suddenly started looking less like a boy and more like a man. I gained 20 pounds of muscle, jumping two full weight classes on the wrestling team. My chest became muscular and defined almost overnight. My boyish stomach developed into six distinct muscles that flexed and tightened on demand. In addition, my ass wasn’t flat anymore - it was a genuine bubble butt, a jockboy muscle ass. Even my dick seemed to get fatter and longer. Girls started noticing me. And something else started happening, also: when I walked around town, the occasional man would shoot hungry glances at me, devouring me with his eyes. The truth is, I wanted to be devoured, and every night, when I quietly jacked my dick under the covers, I’d think about my wrestling coach, Mr. Pitt. He was in his late 30s, with jet-black hair and dark, playful, wolfish eyes. He always had a thick layer of scruff on his square jaw, and his torso was just fucking perfect: I’d never seen him with his shirt off, but he definitely had a hairy chest, and his hard pecs were always visible under his tight-fitting polo shirt. From the moment I met the guy, I jacked off almost every night wondering what his cock looked like, imagining what it would be like to touch that chest, that hair, those nips. The assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Strickland, was every bit as hot. A former college wrestler now in his mid-20s, he was a dirty-blond, green-eyed Midwestern jock dude with a massive bulge in his crotch. One time I happened to see him playing basketball shirtless, and I just stopped and stared: his schlong bounced up and down in his loose gym shorts, and his muscled chest was covered with a sexy layer of dark-blond fur. Coach Pitt and Coach Strickland—the brown-haired dude and the blond guy. They were like the Hardy Boys, all grown up, strutting around the halls of our high school with their dress pants stretched tight around their cocks. At the beginning of my senior year, Coach Pitt started paying a lot more attention to me. He made me team captain. He and I would often demonstrate wrestling moves together, and sometimes his hand would linger on my ass after he’d pinned me to the mat. And like all team captains at our school, I was responsible for helping him clean up the equipment after practice - which meant that I got to the locker room 30 minutes late every night, after all my teammates were gone. Then I’d shower by myself, get dressed, and head home. But something funny happened about a week before Christmas: after my shower, I was toweling off in front of my locker, bending over the bench to grab my briefs. And I swear I felt someone staring at me. I turned back toward Coach Pitt’s office, but he was concentrating on some paperwork at his desk. I began slipping my briefs up my calves and thighs, snapping the elastic around my butt, and again I sensed someone was watching - but when I looked up, Coach Pitt wasn’t looking at all. I figured my mind was just playing tricks on me. The next night was even weirder. After I got dressed, I walked past Coach Pitt’s office. His office was composed of two rooms: the front room facing the lockers, and a back room suited for physical therapy and private meetings. The door to the backroom was just barely open, and through the crack I could see Coach watching something on a computer. His back was turned to me, but as I looked closer, I could see that it was porn. And not just any porn - it was gay porn. From what I could tell, Coach Pitt had both of his hands on his cock, jacking like crazy to a scene where some dude was pounding a tight muscle hole. But then he suddenly froze in place, as if he could sense me watching. He tilted his head to the side, listening. And before he could turn around, I ducked out of the locker room and into the night. The next day was the last day of school before Christmas break. As I showered up, Coach Pitt poked his head into the shower room. “Hey, buddy,” he said. I looked over at him. He was only wearing a towel loosely draped around his hips. I stared at his perfect hairy chest, his taut abs, the dense thicket of hair just above his cock bulge. His body was even hotter than I’d imagined in all my jack-off fantasies. A few moments passed before I realized that I was staring. Startled, I looked toward the wall. “Didn’t mean to scare you, Lance,” Coach said, cracking a devilish grin. “Do you mind if I shower in here? The shower in my office is on the fritz.” I shrugged, trying not to reveal my excitement. “Cool,” I managed to croak. He swaggered to the opposite wall and turned on a showerhead. Meanwhile, my cock, no longer a boy’s little dick, but a man’s cock, fat and veiny, began to throb and grow. Then I heard his voice “You’re looking really great these days, Lance.” I turned around to look at him, and saw something I hadn’t even dared to see in my dreams. Coach Pitt stood under a full stream of water, his eyes closed, his face turned upward into the shower, shampoo streaming down his torso, down his abs. As my eyes descended down his body along with the water and the suds, I saw that everything was cascading around his giant cock. He was completely hard. His beautiful dick extended a full nine inches from his abs - a man’s cock, that made me feel like a boy all over again. Panicked, I turned back to stare at the wall. My dick was also now totally hard. I wasn’t sure what to do. Then Coach Pitt spoke. “Hey, Lance? Everything okay?” After a moment’s hesitation, I rotated my torso to face him, trying to hide my giant boner. He was still standing underneath the water, but now his legs were shoulder-width apart, his hands tweaking his nips, his hard cock visibly twitching. And there was a big ol’ grin on his handsome, scruffy face. I stared openly. I didn’t want to say anything. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake myself up. “You have the cutest fuckin’ butt, dude,” he said, reaching down to yank on his dick. “I’ve jacked my cock so many times thinking about your little jock ass.” He paused, then smiled. “You like my dick, huh? I knew you were a little cockhound the moment I saw you at your first practice back in freshman year.” I kept staring. He let out a low chuckle, then gripped his cock with his hand, the muscles in his forearm tensing as he began jerking off in front of me. “You wanna touch my dick, Lance?” he asked. “It’s cool, buddy. Just say it. You wanna touch Coach’s cock, huh?” I nodded. “What was that, boy?” “Yes, Coach, I want to touch your dick.” His smile got even bigger. “Good boy,” he said. “You smoke weed?” “Yes, Coach.” “C’mon, then,” he said. “Let’s go to my office. Hang out. Have a little fun. Cool?” “Yeah, OK,” I said, my body shaking with excitement. I followed him through the front office and into the back office. He closed and locked the door, then turned to face me. He brushed his hand against my chest, then reached around to the small of my back, drawing me closer to him. I could feel the heat of his breath. “Actually,” he said, “wanna try something even more fun than pot?” “Sure, yeah,” I answered. At that point I would have done anything - absolutely anything - to keep this dream from ending. He walked over to a desk drawer, opened it, and removed a glass pipe. “You’ll like this, buddy,” he said. All I could do was nod. I couldn’t believe I was standing in Coach Pitt’s office, the two of us in nothing but towels. “Here: put it to your mouth. I’ll light it. Wait. Just wait for it. You’ll see a little wisp of smoke coming out of this hole here, and then you start inhaling. Now. Start. Good boy. There you go. Keep inhaling. Good.” I blew out a cloud of white smoke. “Do it again,” he said. I obeyed. And a third time. And a fourth. Then he took the pipe and lit it for himself, blowing the smoke into my mouth, then kissed me, his beard rough against my lips. He growled, asking “How ya doing, buddy?” I wasn’t sure how to answer that. My head was buzzing. My cock was unbelievably hard. And something in my butt - well, it almost ached. Like the beginning of a hunger pang I’d never felt before. Coach Pitt dropped his towel, then removed mine. He stepped closer, rubbed his nips against mine, his cock against my stomach. Then he kissed me as his hands wandered down to my jock butt, each hand on an asscheek, spreading my hole. I arched my back just a little bit, and my ass spread wider. He grinned. “That smoke made your hole hungry, huh?” I nodded, and he laughed again. “I’ve got a confession, boy,” he said. “My office shower’s actually working. I just wanted an excuse to get naked with the hottest little stud on my wrestling team.” He leaned in to kiss me again, and this time I kissed him back, hungrily. He growled as his fingers hovered over my hole. “You ever take a man’s cock in this sweet little cunt?” I shook my head. He pulled me closer, grinding his abs against mine. “You gonna give up your smooth, pink, tight virgin ass to Coach? Let Coach dick you deep, slap his balls against your ass, pound you like the sweet hungry fagboy you are?” “Yes, Coach.” “Yes Coach what?” “Please fuck me, Coach. I want your dick inside me so fucking bad.” “Thatta boy," he said, then paused. He lowered his voice. "You gonna make Coach wear a rubber?” I didn't answer right away. Everyone's supposed to use rubbers, right? But then Coach slipped his hand back around my butt and spread my fuck hole with two fingers. “Your Coach fucks the way men are supposed to fuck. Raw. Natural. I want to feel the skin of my fat cock head splitting your little jock butt wide open. I want to feel the heat and hunger of your virgin hole against my bare dick. And you’ll let me do that, won’t you? Because you’re Coach’s good boy. Right, Lance?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me the way you want.” “That’s what I like to hear. A true bottom boy surrenders his hole to raw dick. That right?” “Yes, Coach. Fuck me raw.” “And I won’t pull out until I’ve pounded my boy’s hole full of seed.” I don’t know why, but with those words I almost shot my load without even touching myself. Coach saw my eyes get big, and he grinned. “See? You know, and somehow you’ve always known, that a man’s cum is what you need in this sweet little butt. I want to train my boy to spread his boy hole for cock. Beg for seed like a good bottom. The best bottom.” “The best bottom,” I murmured, nodding. “Let’s get you cleaned out, boy. I’ll show you how to get your ass ready for Coach.” With that he took me back to his private shower and pointed to a little red plastic bulb. “This has some liquid in it already,” he said to me. “It’s a homemade recipe to help my boy get ready for dick.” He reached down, spread my pink hole a little bit, and inserted the tip of the douche. Then he gave a hard squeeze. “Clench your butt, Lance. Keep it up in there.” At first I didn’t feel anything, but then my head began to tingle, and my dick twitched, and I felt a warmth and a deep, dark hunger radiating out from my guts. My butt seemed to pulse with a need to be touched, licked, fingered, fucked, filled. Coach Pitt smiled. “You feel that?” I nodded. “That, boy, is what it’s like to douche with your Coach’s slam piss. You don’t know what slam piss is, but you will. Enjoy the ride. Just enjoy it. But keep your hole nice and tight. Nice and tight for Coach. Good boy.” He turned me around, cautioning me “Keep that hole tight,” as he rubbed his cock up against my crack, adding “You’ve got some fur on this hole, boy.” I nodded. Just a few months earlier I’d started to get hair around my ass, and just a little bit on my chest. “Listen,” he said. “I love a furry hole on a man. But a boy like you? A boy getting his cherry popped? That boy needs a smooth fuckin’ pussy. You OK with me shaving your boy hole, Lance?” “Yes, please.” “Yes, please what?” “Yes please, Coach.” While his chem piss continued to radiate waves of pleasure all over my body, Coach smeared shaving cream on my ass. Then I felt the brush of a razor against my hole, and as he shaved me, I swear I could feel every hair surrendering to his blade. “There you go, buddy,” he said, slapping my ass. “Now go release that special brew that Coach squirted up your hole, then come back and I’ll fill you with the rest.” After a second dose of slam piss flooded my guts, Coach handed me the little bulb and told me to finish up. “And then you know what happens?” he asked. I smiled eagerly, responding “You fuck me, Coach?” “Not quite yet. First we’re driving back to my place, and we’re gonna hang out with Coach Strickland. He’s dying to see your boy hole. Would you like that?” “Fuck YEAH.” “Such a good boy. You want both of your coaches to pound you full of their seed, huh?” “Fuck YES. Please, Coach.” He paused. Then he drew me closer to him, kissed me, and brushed his beautiful dick across my abs. I could feel the pulse of his cock, so full of blood. I looked down at his massive, swinging balls, so full of cum. Then I heard his voice again. “I want to hear you say, ‘Please knock me up, Coach.’” “Please knock me up, Coach.” “Good. Now: ‘Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.’” “Wreck my boy hole, Coach. Please.” “Good boy. And finally: ‘Make me yours forever.’” “Make me yours forever.” “Very good, boy. Now go clean up. We’re gonna make this the fuck of your life.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  18. Several weeks ago I set up a party via A4A, yep a raw, bareback party. However this party was for negs only. So as the replies came back I told everyone that when you arrive I would administer an HIV test to make sure that no POZ guys tried to sneak in and ruin the fun. When all was said and done a total of nine guys showed up and as promised I gave each a swab and if they came up neg they were in. Well of course two of the guys who showed up tested poz and I told them that I was sorry but they could not take part. One took it in stride the other was kinda pissed but in the end he too left. It was a shame though, he was fucking hot: a 35 white guy, built like a tank, with an impressive tool to boot. In any event, this brought the party down to eight participants, including myself. Now mind you I just moved to the town a few months ago so I thought the party would be a great way of meeting some hot boys, and hot they were! Of the seven who were allowed to stay one was a 30 year old Latino top, Pedro, a white couple, Mike and Steven, 32, and 34 respectively, both of whom liked to play around. One was a sweet young black twink boy, Jordan. When I swabbed him I actually had to ask for an ID. Turned out he was 22. My remaining guests were an 27 year old Asian top Mark, with a monster 9.5. I never knew an Asian could pack a cock that size. The next in the line up was Jack, a white 35 year old married guy, who loved to play around when his wife and son were out of town. Finally my last guest was a 25 year old named Bobby. This kid must have been born into the royal family he was such a queen. Once all the intros were done and the tests completed proving all participants were negative, I put-out the beer, poppers and lube, turned on the music and the night started. Thanks the maker for three day weekends. Pedro went straight for the couple, Mike and Steven, while Mark unleashed his monster tool on Jordan. Mark didn't play around with any four play at all, he simply pushed Jordan down on the couch and ripped off his shorts. The kid's legs were so far bent over his head I was going to check to make sure his neck didn't break. I guess Mark knew what he was doing because Jordan seemed to be happy with Mark's attention. When Mark started I didn't see him use any lube, he just smiled at me and plowed Jordan's hole. I tried to comfort Jordan by holding a bottle of poppers under his nose. I am not sure if it helped or not. When I stood up I looked at Mark go and I was pissed I wasn't getting plowed like that. While this was going on I spied that Jack and Boby were holding up in a courner of the house, lip locked and rolling on the floor like a newlywed couple. Jack must have been from Ohio or something because he was corn fed. When he started to finger Bobby's hole, the queen was purring like a cat in heat. Jack lifted Bobby's legs up in the air and used loads of lube. (I can't imagine why Jack bothered with the lube, 'cause Bobby's back side looked like a truck could drive out.) As all were having a awesome time, except for me, I walked up behind Mark who was still plowing the hell out of Jordan. I slipped my finger into Mark's sweet ass. The kid jumped in surprise, and quickly turned saying he was a top only. I told him that my rules were everyone had to get fucked at least once and I said if I fucked him, he didn't have to worry about getting tagged. so while he was pounding Jordan I was able to move in. Using my finger I slowly entered his hole. I could tell Mark was not happy as he kept telling me I was ripping him up. Little did he know, that was exactly what I was doing. Before he could put up any resistance I shoved my cock in him with the same force he used on Jordan. Mark let out a yell as his ass was spread apart. This kid never got topped so I made the most of it. Fuck it hurt, but I bent him over Jordan and next thing I knew Jordan was getting bred by the biggest load of cum he had ever taken. The force of Mark's thrust into Jordan made my cock explode at the same time. After which I pulled out. Mark asked why I pulled out, I simply told him, once you bust your nut it hurts like hell getting fucked so I did not want to cause him anymore pain. He said thanks, and thanked me for not shooting in his ass. I said no problem as I let my index finger probe in his hole. As he walked away to start his next conquest I looked at my finger and sure enough, it was red. As the night passed I managed to dump my load in a total of four guys that night. Not bad as I managed to tag Mark, Pedro and the couple. Now they were fun. They each wanted to get double-dicked so I told them that while each fucked the other I would fuck them too. It was a real turn-on with my cock sharing each guy's butt, knowing that my seed not only covered their lover's cock but that each guy's lover's cock was ramming my seed further down his partner's ass. Eventually the party ended and everyone left the house, except Jack. I approached him to see if he was ok. He said party was one of the best times he had ever had, that he had been plowed by Mark twice and that his ass was all beat up. I told him that if he wanted he could stay the night. After a moment he agreed and gathered up his clothing. As we walked up the stairs his eye keept looking at the packets of swabs I had on the table by the door. When we walked into the bedroom he dropped his clothing on the floor near the bed, and his wallet, watch and cell phone on the night table. Then he climbed into bed and lay on his stomach. He turned his head to me and just looked up. Sensing an oncoming question, I quickly rolled on to his back and started to make out with him. At first he said "Stop my ass really hurts" but I shushed him, saying told him I would go easy, as I began to rim his ass, all the time thinking to myself 'Damn Mark really fucked his cunt up'. Not surprisingly, as I started to rim Jack, he turned into a big old pussy, his ass rising in the air. I asked him if he wanted to get fucked one last time before the night was done. He just moaned and that was all I needed for my cock to get hard. As I entered his hot, torn-up hole, Jack said, "I been thinking. When we all showed-up you made us all take an HIV test." "Yeah," I said "to make sure you were all neg." Jack replied "Yeah, I got that. You showed us each of our swabs, but I don't remember seeing your results." As he said that his cell phone rang. Handing him his cell phone, I asked him who it was: "My wife" he replied. Better answer it, I commented, adding that I wouldn't make a sound, although I slowly continued to fuck his hole. While she was talking to him I could over hear her say that she came home early, I whispered into his ear "No you didn't see my results because mine would have turned up POZ." His face turned pale white as I had him pinned under me, he couldn't scream and he didn't' move. I told him that his ass was really fucked-up and that if I bust in him he most likely be pozzed. As his wife chatted away, I quietly gave him a choice: "Tell your wife that you missed her and you will see her soon I would pull out without busting, but if you tell here you love her and you'll be home in an hour or two, I will bust my nut in your wrecked hole." He signed off the conversation with his wife saying "Love you, honey, I'll be home in an hour or two." With that I whispered "Welcome to the brotherhood" blowing the biggest nut in my life into his hole. Afterwards I told him "Go home and fuck your wife before your cum turns to poison" but after looking at the sheets I concluded he had already had blown his last negative load. Still shell shocked he dressed and went home.
    1 point
  19. Anyone interested in trading used/dirty jocks? No sales, just trading. Details can be worked out in pvt messages. Just curious to see how many guys would be interested
    1 point
  20. My boyfriend and I have always had an open relationship. We agree there is a difference between love and sex, that I could plow the neighbor boy up the street while my partner was taking his daddy’s meat upstairs and that works for us. We also have some intense role-playing when we are together, which is HOT! It was during one of these while romps of our that he revealed a fantasy to me that he wanted to fulfill. “You want some guy to tie you up, fuck you all day, and hen leave you tied up for me to untie when I get home?” I asked wanting to make sure I completely understood. I had paused briefly in my piston fucking to verify. I slowly started picking up my temp as I finished, “…and you want me to watch from work via webcam?” I buried myself in him and shot my load deep inside of his ass as he moaned yes and eagerly pumped his on cock shooting shortly after mine, his load glistening on his panting chest. “Hell yeah," I answered my own question,"...make it happen!” That was Friday night and he had been enthusiastically typing away at the computer all weekend so Monday morning I left for work with a little pep in my step wondering if I would receive an email with a video chat link in it while I pushed papers and dealt with clients and blah blah blah. I receive any such email, nor did I receive one the next day, nor the day afterwards. Not that I was particularly disappointed. Each day I had one of the office pool guys blow me at lunch. I would check for the email, and figured I would watch my boyfriend get fucked while getting blown. As it turned out, I didn’t get to watch but I still got a blow job from my co-worker. The guy is cute and a great cocksucker, so why not? It was another week before I got the email. I was not expecting it but my heart skipped a beat. Fortunately it was on a day when I wouldn’t have a lot to do so could devote pretty much the whole day to watching, and it was early around eleven a.m. and I was only here till five. I opened the link and watched the screen buffer and then the connection was made. There on the screen was my boyfriend on our bed with a rather hot stranger to me. It was an interesting set up, the webcam was Bluetooth above the bed and went through the laptop, so I could see them on the bed and see them typing to me on the laptop. It didn’t take long for them to realize that I was connected, and I received a brief explanation saying my boyfriend would be tied face down to the bed in the standard X positioning. He would be blindfolded and would wear earmuffs to prevent hearing, the deadening of the two senses were supposed to heighten the sense of touch. The top had tied my boyfriend spread eagle on the bed and went to town eating his ass. The resulting series of head thrashings and body writing that issued forth from my boyfriend sang a testimonial to the magical tongue of this stranger and his obviously superb abilities. While I could not hear what was happening I could see it on the screen and I knew there was some loud moaning going on in that room. My cock was at full salute, and my ass was beginning to tingle, which led me to wish the top's tongue was working on my hole. Damn, I thought, why had we not thought to do this earlier? If nothing else, I was fairly sure this would become a regular component of our sex play. The top continued eating my partner’s ass for about ten minutes then he stopped, stripped, and revealed yet another blessing: he was well hung and had a set of bull balls. Now I know why my partner picked him, he always did have a thing for big cocks, (which was why the two of us were such a good couple: I’m a hefty eight inches, with a nice set of juice makers, but I had nothing on this guy). At this point the top re-positioned the laptop, and took a seat on the bed at my partners head. Chad, my partner, I guess I should have introduced him by now, went to town working on that cock, and I can’t say that I blame him. I don’t particularly like sucking dick but when I come across one such as this particular cock, probably a full ten inches when erect, and sporting a nice girth, I usually find a hunger deep in my throat, and an inclination to bottom, if only for the challenge of accommodating such a tool. Anyhow, as Chad nursed the enormous cock of the stranger, the later placed the laptop on Chad's back and chatted with me. . Him: "What’s going on man? Are you enjoying the show?" Me: "Hell yeah. Looked like a hell of a tongue fucking there." Him: "Yeah, I do it good." Me: "Fuck his ass. He likes big cocks." Him: "Oh, don't worry. I’m gonna fuck his ass alright." With that the top placed the laptop off to the bed stand, and dabbed what I assumed to be poppers on a bit of it onto a cotton pad, placing it on the bed next to Chad's head, so the two of them could take a nice hit as needed, a courtesy of which I knew Chad would avail himself. As Stranger moved around the room, his huge cock just bounced around but never lost strength. He picked-up a bag of some sort, lubed his massive cock and started pushing a generous amount into Chad's ass. Wait, I thought, he's supposed to be using condoms! I pressed the button on the chat program that sent a buzz to the computer to get his attention. He was halfway in at that point and I couldn’t tell if the alarm had gone off on that end. He was sinking deeper into him bare and Chad was presumably in heaven, completely unaware he was being barebacked. The top finally bottomed-out in Chad, who's ass, as our toy collection will attest, is very accommodating, and about then the top seemed to notice the alerts. He lay across Chad's back, reached for the laptop, and with his cock still buried in Chad's ass, set the laptop on Chad's shoulders and slowly pumped in and out of him as he read my messages Me: "Hey! Wait! STOP! You need to wear a condom, dude!" Him: "Oh, I’m sorry man. I thought it was cool. He said you guys barebacked." Me: "We do bareback, with each other. Not with other people though." Him: "Oh." At this point I noticed the length of time it was taking for him to respond to my messages, and that at no point had the top stopped fucking Chad, even as I told him he needed to be wearing a condom. In fact, more than a minute had passed after he replied "Oh," and he was still fucking away, the laptop on Chad's back, just staring at the screen. Me: "Hello?" Another minute passed. Again I typed "HELLO?" Another minute passed. Finally he typed "Yeah?" Me: "Put on a condom, dude." A minute passed before he responded "Oh, yeah, sorry, man. It was the poppers." He stopped, and slowly pulled-out of Chad, and, donning a condom, in less than a minute he was suited up and hilted inside of Chad again, plowing away. The laptop was back on the bed stand and top was concerned solely with fucking Chad. Man, I thought, this guy has lasting power, and watching him was bringing out the bottom in me. I wanted him to do me exactly like he was doing Chad. Exactly, not really. I know that if Chad and I switched roles, and the incident with the condom had occurred were I was being fucked bareback, either Chad wouldn't have noticed, if he had noticed, he wouldn't have cared enough to intervene. Knowing as much didn't kill the perverse interest I felt in wanting to bottom for the guy. In fact, I suspected that were he fucking me, he would most definitely be fucking me bareback. Suddenly someone knocked at my door and I all-but jumped to my feet. In the lust of the moment I had lost myself in watching Chad and his top, so the knock shocked me back to reality. Me: "I’ll be right back," not that I think the top on my computer screen was interested. I answered the door to find Jerry, the guy who had been blowing me. I wasn't expecting him, but since he was available, it was easy to invite him to go down on me. Fortunately Jerry is sufficiently limber to slide into the well under my desk and, by adjusting the screen on my computer, I could watch Chad getting fucked by that stallion all the while I received an excellent blow job. Resuming my vicarious participating in the scene with Chad and the stallion, I saw the Stranger was sliding back into Chad, and plowing quite rapidly. And I drifted again to him doing me, and then to knowing it would be bareback. It was about five minutes later when I realized that Stranger had sent a message while I was away from computer and I hadn’t read it. Him: "I’m taking this condom off." My reply? I didn’t type anything. I was high on the ecstasy of the moment. The visual stimulation of my partner getting plowed by this hung stud. The fantasy of being the bottom in such an arrangement, coupled with the taboo eroticism of bareback sex. Adding to this was the sense of humiliation at Stranger just taking control and asserting his own desires, I, after all, was supposed to be in control. Me: "Are you barebacking him?" A long five minutes passed before his reply came: "Yes." Another five minutes passed, and he typed another message to me: "And you know what else?" Me: "What?" Him: "I'm Poz." Me: "You are?" Him: "Yup." Me: "Are you going to cum in him?" Him: "I already have. Twice." As I read his last message, my orgasm suddenly erupted violently in Jerry’s mouth. It was such a violent orgasm that it took a major effort on my part not to scream in pleasure. When I was able to regain my composure, I saw the Stranger had closed the laptop, ending the transmission. I closed my eyes, contemplating what was happening, "What's going on?" Jerry asked. I quickly filled him in on the parts of the story that he didn’t know, essentially the last part of the conversation with Stranger about cumming in him. Jerry looked at the clock and said “It’s two o:clock. What time are you heading home?” “I don’t know.” I replied as Jerry spit into his hand a mixture of saliva and my cum and wiped in on his asshole. Jerry lined up and slid down my bare cock taking me all the way into him easily. “I can’t go home yet. We have company until five..” --THE END--
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  21. Tricked and Set-up (Part I) My name is Danny. I'm 18, 5'8", 125 pounds, thin and lean with a runner's build. My girlfriend and I were big partiers. We would spend every weekend smoking meth, fucking each other (and whoever else was around). One particular weekend we were partying with this guy, Rod, who really loved to tag team my girl’s pussy with me. He was 22, 6'2", 180 pounds, a hot fucker, lean body with a big dick (about 10” long). We just loved breeding her cunt. After that weekend we became good friends and began to hang out. One weekend my girl said she had to go out of town for a few weeks to visit her parents who lived on the other side of the country. That left Rod and me alone to party and troll for pussy, oh, and we got along well 'cause Rod had a great supply to good shit to smoke. This weekend we decided to hang at his place and smoke a little as he called girls he knew to see if we could get some pussy to breed. As he called he offered me some G. I had never done G and thought, ‘What the fuck’ and drank it down. After a good hour of smoking and him calling we were no were closer to getting laid. We kept smoking and chatted as we got to know each other better. In our conversation he asked me if I ever had a booty bump. I told him that I hadn’t and was curious as to what it was and the effect it would have on me. When he told me it involved sticking a nice size shard of meth up my ass I was not enthusiastic at that prospect, but he said it was a better high then smoking. This had me very curious. Rod told me to drop my pants and he’d give me my very first booty bump. Although I thought it a little weird to have a guy play with my ass, I guess the meth and G gave me the courage 'cause I found myself dropping my pants and boxers, and, on Rod's direction, leaning over the arm of the couch. When I had assumed the position, he lubed up a finger and started rubbing my hole. At first it felt a little strange when I felt his finger slowly push into my hole. He then pulled out and told me he was going to stick the meth. This time he stuck two fingers in my hole along with some meth. He told me I should feel the burn as the meth melts which I did. It felt a little strange as he worked his fingers in deeper until he hit something deep inside me that it sent a shock through my cock and I began to get hard, very hard. A small, involuntary grunt escaped my lips as this happened. Then I felt him slid in a third finger as he worked my hole good. Another grunt escaped my mouth as I felt him begin to work three fingers in and out of my hole for a few minutes. Then as quickly as he had them in me they were gone. He asked me, “How are you doing there bro?” As I began to feel the meth work on me and my hard cock throbbed between my legs I told him, “I’m doing fucking fantastic.” He asked me, “Want a little more meth bro?” “Yes, fuck yes!” Rod placed a hand on my upper back, pinning me to the couch as I felt something hard and large begin to press into my ass. I looked over my shoulder to see Rod guiding his cock to my hole. I attempted to move, but couldn’t and with the meth working in my hole I don’t know if I wanted him too stop. As his cock slid into my hole I felt no pain. I felt a burn from the meth he had place on the tip of his dick as he slowly slid his 10” cock into my ass. I felt his balls snug up against mine and as he bottomed out deep inside me, he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Now you’re gona know what it’s like to be a bred like a bitch.” Those words cut through me as he began to fuck my virgin ass. In my mind I was screaming 'No, please stop', but my body kept asking for more. Every time he slammed into me I would let out a moan of pleasure. Rod clearly knew exactly what he was doing to me. As Rod used my hole he told me, “I knew the second I saw your tight ass I would be pumping you full of my cum. How does it feel to know that the same cock that bred your girl's pussy is gonna breed your ass?” All I could think was that the situation he described was weird beyond words, but at the same time my cock was so hard with that thought I thought it was going to break off, so I wasn't about to object. Rod leaned down and began to kiss my neck and lick my ear. I made the mistake (or did I do it on purpose) of turning my head to meet his as he kissed me while he had his cock balls deep inside me and we grinding it in hard. He kept on pumping into me as I could feel the sweat begin to drip off his body. He began to pant a little and his thrust began to pick up speed and intensity. He shoved in hard and deep and began to groan. “TAKE MY CHARGED CUM BITCH!!” All of a sudden my cock exploded and I shot cum all over the couch and my stomach.
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  22. 1. I sat on my couch, lap top open; scrolling through Tumblr and slowly stroking my cock feeling the hunger growing inside me. It was my day off and I had started stroking nearly three hours before. Normally I just get off pretty quickly and move on, but with nothing pressing to do that day I was taking my time. Perhaps as a result of the extensive session I unexpectedly developed the deep and desperate urge to get fucked. At twenty-five I was no stranger to this feeling; I had been a bottom since I took my first cock at sixteen when my math tutor, a tall skinny college sophomore, had taught me more then just calculus. Knowing full well that this feeling would not be slaked by jerking off alone, I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through Scruff. I sent out a few woofs to some hot guys around me, and greetings to a few others, then returned to scrolling through Tumblr. A couple of guys responded quickly enough but none of them were looking to fuck right then. I felt a little discouraged but pushed on, then after about ten minutes a guy who I had not messages sent me a woof. I checked out his profile, he was a little older then I normally go for being in his mid forties but he seemed hot enough. Tall and broad with powerful muscles his profile picture showed a handsome face attached to a beefy hairy body. The hunger inside of me had grown to a ravishing desperate desire and so I message him back. Hey boy. Came his response. We exchanged a few pleasantries, names and such (his it turned out was Mark) and then he said: I’m horny as fuck and need a bottom to plow, can host in HK. 50/8. My cock throbbed and my hole twitched, he was only two blocks away from me in Hells Kitchen. I think I can help you out with that. I responded. Good, just so you know boy I only fuck raw. That’s fine, I’m only like two blocks away what’s the address I’ll head right over. And that was it, I pulled on some close, and rushed out of the door taking the two blocks to his place at a sort of a jogging run. Looking back I know that I let my horniness get the better of me; that I should have asked more questions but I didn’t. There’s no changing what I did, or what happened next, and honestly I don’t think that I would even if I could. I had received a message as I rushed over saying that the front door would be propped open a little bit, and to just come inside and take the doorstop as I did. When I got to the building I saw that the front door to the small old brick building was in fact slightly a jar. My heart thudded in my chest. Not twenty minutes had passed sense he had first messaged me and here I was already walking into this man’s building. I opened the door, took the doorstop out, pushing it over to the side, and crossing the small entryway may my way over to the narrow winding staircase that led up to this man’s third floor apartment. Taking the stairs two at a time I dashed up to the third floor and found the door to the apartment there also slightly ajar. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. I had been instructed to come in and take off my shoes and then walk into the main room of the apartment. As I opened the door I heard groaning and moans, and guessed that Mark was watching porn. I kicked off my shoes, and left them next to the door, which I closed, and then deciding to go one step further pulled my t-shirt off and left it sitting on my shoes. I walked towards the groaning sounds, assuming correctly that they would lead me to Mark. He must have a pretty good job I thought, as I walked down a rather long hallway, past a full kitchen, which suddenly opened onto a spacious and sundrenched living room. In the middle of the room, bent over a couch facing away from the windows was a boy not much older then me, his face contorted in extract as Mark, the man I had come to meet, fucked him. “Good you’re here,” Mark said, not stopping fucking the boy in front of him. I stood frozen to the spot not able to understand what was happening. Mark must have read the confusion on my face because he smiled a wide handsome smile and explained, “This is my bottom boy, he lives with me, he was just getting my cock ready for you with his hole. That’s enough boy.” He pulled out and gave the boy a smack on the ass. The boy got up from the couch and winking at me walked out of the room. Mark started to come around the cock, his cock, which I had yet to see even in pictures coming quickly into view. It was large and thick, probably just shy of nine inches long and as thick around a beer can. It suck straight out from his bushy pubes which thrust upward to join the thick fur that spread across his powerful looking abs. As attractive as he was I couldn’t quite get my head around what I had just gotten myself into. Before I could process any further he was right in front of me, the broad smile still playing across his handsome face. He looked right into my eyes, and one of his hands reach up and found my nipple. “You’re hotter then I thought you would be,” he said, tweaking my nipple, “I love a boy with some meat and fur on him.” I couldn’t help but smile despite awkwardness at the situation, I worked hard on my body going to the gym four times a week, and was also rather fond of the not unsubstantial dusting of hair that covered my chest and plunged down my abdomen into my shorts. Mark was a bit taller then me and I had to tilt my head to look into his eyes as he stepped a little closer to me. I felt his cock, slick with precum and juice from the boy he had just been fucking’s ass, press against my belly button. The smile faded from his lips and he bent his head and kissed me. I don’t know why but I was completely powerless against this man, despite the fact that I had just walked in on him fucking another boy, who was somewhere still in the apartment I found myself kissing him back. I’m still not sure if it was just how seriously horny I was that day of I Mark, even then, had some sort of hold over me, but I just gave into him. The kiss didn’t last long. Instead, he pulled away from me, his hands, which had drifted to either side of my face, slid down onto my shoulders and applied gentle pressure pushing me down. I knew what this meant and sank to my knees and opened my mouth, all thought of the hole his cock had recently been fucking gone from my mind as I came face to face with his fat powerful cock. “Suck me cock boy, show me how much you want it,” he instructed. His voice was low and soothing like how one might talk to a skittish animal. He need not have worried about my being skittish, the hunger in me had over ridden everything else, and stretching my lips wide I took his cock into my mouth. “Good boy,” he moaned as I desperately tried to swallow the entirety of his sizable cock, tasting as I did so the slightly salty taste of his last bottom’s hole. His hands came to rest on the back of my head pushing me further and further down on his cock till I chocked a little and swallowed hard. I had never had as big a cock as his in my mouth let alone pushed down my throat I felt like I couldn’t breath but I also wanted to make Mark happy. I swallowed hard again and tried to breath through my nose and his balls finally bounced off my chin. He only held me there for a moment before allowing me to spit his cock out now slick with throat juices. I looked up at his face, eyes watering, and saw that he was smiling again, my hear soared at seeing that. “You did well boy, but there’s plenty of time for cock sucking later, you want to get fucked don’t you.” I answered him in the only way that seemed appropriate, “Yes, Sir.” “Good, take off those shorts and bend over the couch.” Without hesitation I shucked my shorts, I hadn’t bothered to put on any underwear, and dashed over to the couch, only vaguely aware that I was taking up the exact same spot only recently vacated by that other boy. Mark must have been as excited as I was because he seemed to practically run to get behind me and dove into my upturned ass with a ferocity I had not been expecting. His tongue lapped greedily at my hole, pressing hard against my pucker trying to gain entry to the warm depths within. He was clearly very experienced and made short work of relaxing my hole and I soon felt his tongue press past my sphincter into my hole. I gasped and wriggled about as he probed deeper and deeper into my hole with his tongue. I expected to soon feel a spit slicked finger or two pressing against my hole but Mark had other plans. Once his tongue withdrew from my ass and he straightened up behind me, he dropped a massive glob of spit onto my hole and began to rub his cock head up and down my crack. His cock, still slick with the juices from my throat and the other bottom’s hole, slid easily along until he lined up his cock with my hole and began to apply gentle but steady pressure. I was no where near loose enough to take his cock easily and I groaned and whimpered as his broad, blunt, thick, mushroom head began to slowly force my hole open. My fingers dug into the back of the couch and I shut my eyes tight, focusing on willing my hole to relax but I never once thought about asking him to stop. Just as the pain began to over whelm me and I began to panic thinking I would never open up enough to take his massive cock, my hole gave way with a slight pop and his cock head bust into my hole along with about an inch and a half of his cock. I gasped and reared up my back cocking to rest of his hairy chest my eyes wide and staring like a startled horse. “Good job boy, the head is always the hardest part,” he said, again in the soothing tone, one hand on my back pushing me back down. As I lowered by body back down I noticed that the boy from before was back dressed only in a yellowed jockstrap that did little to hide his sizable bulge with a phone in his hand clearly recording us. “I hope you don’t mind,” Mark said in my ear, “I record every boy’s first time taking my cock.” He pressed a little more into me and I whimpered as he continued, “I like being able to go back and see their faces the first time my cock enters their hole, plus most of my boys like being able to remember what it felt like before my their holes got use to taking my cock whenever I fell like giving it to them.” As he spoke he had been slowly pressing his cock into me, occasionally pulling back a little before sliding even further into me. “You don’t mind do you?” his lips teasing my ear as he asked this question, his hands firmly on my shoulders, and with one last powerful thrust he shoved the last of his cock into me. I almost screamed my answer, “God, you’re so big, please, please fuck me!” “Look into my boy’s phone and say what you want boy. Tell my boy you want my cock. Tell him you want me to fuck you. Tell him you want my load in your boycunt.” Obediently I looked straight into the camera on the boy’s iPhone and said in as steady a voice I could muster as Mark slowly withdrew his cock from my hole, “I want Mark to fuck me, I want his cock, I want him to breed my hole.” The boy holding the phone smiled and winked at me again. “Well done boy. Your hole feels amazing around my cock, I’m going to fuck you good. Do you want that?” “Yes,” I groaned as he began to push his cock back into my hole. “If your hole finished out as well as it starts I may just keep you. I been thinking I could use another bottom boy to use regularly. As much as I like breaking in a new pussy sometimes its nice to be able to just slide into a hole that’s already used to taking my cock and is always wet with my seed.” He started to pick up the pace, still long dicking me but now sliding back in with more force then before. I started to whimper every time his cock bottomed out in my quickly loosening hole. I could tell that my ass juices were lubing up his cock along with the copious amounts of precum he seemed to be leaking, for his cock was sliding in and out of my ass easier with every thrust. I’m not sure when he started to really pound me, I had become lost in the sensations of his cock wrecking my hole; my eyes closed tight again my mouth hanging open slightly. The rest of my body seemed to drift away the only thing that mattered now was the part of me that was wrapped around Mark’s powerful thrusting cock. A low grunt burst from his lips every so often as he slammed his cock into me over and over again. I was dimly aware of powerful waves crashing through the rest of my body with every thrust, my chest being pressed into the back of the couch. Sweat sprung up all over my body and occasionally a drop would fall from Mark onto my back. The veins in his cock seemed to tug at my hole as they slid in and out of my sphincter, my mind somehow hyper aware of every sensation coming from my ass. My hole was slack around his cock and the sound of flesh smacking against flesh seemed to rebound off of every surface, when I finally noticed a change in Mark’s breathing, his pounding becoming erratic and full of desperate need. He was going to cum, I felt excited and sad at the same time, excited that I would soon feel his load coating my insides but sad that this beautiful ass destroying fuck would soon becoming to an end. “I’m going to cum,” Mark growled, slowing down for a moment to whisper in my ear, “tell the camera again what you want.” I looked up for the first time in ages at the boy still standing in front of us, a large spot of precum dampening the front of his dirty jock and said between gasps of pleasure as Mark resumed his desperate pounding of my ass, “I want your load, please breed me Sir!” “Good boy,” he said, his voice a raspy growl, as he, with his hands clamped tight on my shoulders, forced his cock as deep as it could go inside of me and began to spray his load. I had never before been aware of feeling cum hit the walls of my gut but I was this time. I felt every squirt, every drop and I reveled in it. It was a very long time before Mark stopped cuming, and before he withdrew his cock he took several steadying breaths. “I have something to tell you,” he said, his mouth suddenly next to my ear again, his sweat covered body pressed against mine, “and when I tell you remember you asked me to do everything we just did.” My mind was still to fuzzy from the euphoria of the fucking that I had just received to really think about what he was saying. “I just shot a massive POZ load up your boycunt. Your guts are now full of my POZ cum.” The word POZ snapped most of my brain out of it’s floating joy and back to the present, my breath came in quick gasps of panic. What had I done? I practically screamed in my head. Then Mark flexed his cock inside my hole and an electric shock ran through my body. My mind was blank again. “Now you have two options boy,” he flexed his cock again, “You can leave here, shit out my load as best you can and run to the clinic to try and get meds, or you can look right into that camera and say that your cunt belongs to me and you’ll you don’t give a fuck about my being POZ you just want this cock.” It should have taken me longer to make my decision, I should have thought about it, but I didn’t. I looked squarely into the camera and said, “My cunt belongs to you Sir, and I don’t care if you’re POZ I just want you to fuck me again.” “Well done boy. I’m definitely keeping you.” He pulled his cock completely from my ass and then slammed the whole thing back in again beginning another punishing pounding of my hole. He dumped two more loads in me before deciding my hole had been used enough on that day. After he pulled out the last time he told me to wait on the couch with my ass still in the air while he went and got me a present and he left the room. When he came back he was holding a large black butt plug, which he pushed into my gaping hole, the flared bottom wide enough to lock into my well used cunt. “When I’m done training your hole,” he said, patting the base of the plug, “I’ll be able to bend you over whenever I want and slide into your hole like it was made for my cock. Do you want that.” I nodded, my eyes bright with hunger for more. “Good boy, now go home and get some rest. I have work tomorrow but I want you over here at four o’clock, and don’t take the plug out. I’ll take it out tomorrow when I’m ready to use your cunt again.” He kissed me a little as he handed me my clothes and then once I was dressed quickly ushered me out the door. I found myself standing on the street, my hole stuffed with a massive plug, and my cock hard as a rock. I suddenly realized I hadn’t cum all day. That didn’t seem important now. The loads I carried in my hole were more important. I went home, and without showering or anything stripped naked and fell asleep.
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  23. Two nights ago I met a big burly bear in his 40s on Scruff and we decided to meet for coffee and see if we hit it off. We met downtown and he was very sexy. Beautiful deep grey eyes, handsome face, full beard, brown curly hair receding a bit in the front. He was exactly what I want in a dominant top too - I'm a little guy at 5'7" and he's 6'2", and while he's chubby he has a really strong build. I wanted him in me the second I saw him. We decided to skip the coffee and walk back to his place. We got to his apartment and he was on me almost as soon as the door shut - kissing, nibbling at my lip, one hand holding the back of my head and the other groping my ass, running under my shirt to feel my chest fur. He somehow knew all the right buttons to push to get me turned on and horny. He pushed me down onto his bed and we rolled around kissing. He practically ripped my shirt off me and started licking and biting me all over. I've still got hickeys on my neck, back, chest and belly We undressed down to our underwear. He was wearing a pair of black briefs that could barely contain his rock hard 7" cock. A lot of guys describe cocks as rock hard but this was as close to the real deal as I've ever felt - he was somewhat thinner than average and cut really tight, so there was practically no give to the skin on his cock. I started stroking him and his cock felt like a warm fleshy dildo in my hand, it was so hard. He rolled me over and pushed me down on my stomach, and pulled down the back of my trunks so hard he ripped a hole in them. He buried his face in my ass and started tonguing my musky sweaty hole (I was clean but hadn't showered since the morning). All the while he growled over and over in his deep sexy voice "mm you are such a sweet sexy cub...I love your furry body....I Love your tight hairy hole..." Every word sent shivers all over my body. Finally he flipped me over again (I'm a husky boy so he is really strong to be able to do that!) and looked deep into my eyes, and asked "you want to get fucked tonight, don't you." I gasped out a yes. He flipped me over onto my stomach and spit on my hole. Before I could say a word he threw all his weight down on my body and pushed his cock all the way into me in one powerful thrust. My hole spasmed painfully and I yelped. He pulled out and without lifting his weight off of me growled into my ear "mmm you are so tight baby boy....I don't want to hurt you but let's get that hole ready and then I'm going to fuck you hard." He grabbed some lube and fingered my tight hole until it relaxed. My whimpers of pain turned into moans of pleasure as he worked my opening. Finally he grabbed my wrists and held me down as he thrust into me again. He pounded my ass relentlessly for the next half hour, only stopping to catch his breath or slightly change positions. Once he had me ride him, and I sank down onto his cock feeling it slide in deeper than it had been so far. But he wanted to be in control of my body completely, so he ended up back on top of me plowing me from behind, his husky furry body dripping with sweat. Finally his pace quickened and I felt his breathing get more ragged (his massive furry chest was pressed against my upper back so hard I could literally feel every breath and every beat of his heart as his entire body strained to plant his load in me). He moaned and said "this is it baby boy....I'm gonna fucking flood your guts with my cum....tell me you want it, beg for it." I pleaded with him - "mm yes please breed me! Cum inside that tight hairy hole, I want your load in my guts!" With that he let out a long moan almost like a howl and gave one final thrust, almost collapsing onto me. I couldn't feel his cock throbbing - he was a bit on the thinner side - but I felt the warm wet rush of cum deep in my hole as he unloaded. He rolled off me, glistening with sweat, and kissed me saying "that's my good boy." He gently rolled me over onto my back and said "cum for me baby boy....I wanna see the load you built up from me fucking your hole." I started stroking my 6" cock as he tugged, licked and bit my nipple. He slid his other hand down to my balls and cupped and tugged them gently. He then slid his middle finger into my sore fuckhole, massaging my prostate with his cum as lube. That sent me over the edge pretty quickly and I blew a huge two day load all over my stomach (I normally shoot far and hard but for some reason if anything at all is in my ass I just dribble). He scooped up my cum and worked it back into my hole, mixing it with his. Two days later and my hole is still sore. I held both our loads inside me as long as I could...fucking love knowing his sperm and mine are both swimming inside my guts. Definitely want to see him again.
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  24. By: speaDNAround http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=GiOKE-G201-&cl=1#.VW6wmHkw_IU Gloryhole Bareback Tag Team My buddy, Eviltwin20, and I visit a motel GH. Totally anonymous and no clue what the bottom looks like. Taking our time at the GH, getting sucked off and taking turns with his mouth. We got him to bend over and take our raw cocks. My buddy squirts a huge load all over my cock while fucking him. I used it as lube to breed the GH fucker.
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  25. So its been an interesting 24 hours. Got home from a shift at work three hours later than scheduled which was not new in the slightest, but had me convinced i was going to call out for a mental health day and some much needed screwing around. the screwing actually started just a couple hours later when i hooked up with this guy on Adam4Adam. He came by my place and instead of going to the bedroom, i suggested lets get a lil freaky and do some public sex. He agreed and we drove off to a local side street where we sepped out and at like three in the morning. i'm blowing this dude and then bent over his car for a nice 9 inches and his 4 day load. after a few hours of sleep (and four calls to work to let my boss know he wasn't gonna see me) I checked out squirt for some local cruising spots and found a bookstore with gloryholes. Since i needed some new toys anyhow, I posted i was going and wound up receiving 5 loads there. I called a black kid who had been wanting to hook up with me, a couple older dads, a young guy and a cute guy who suggested we go to his place so we could have more room to play. Well its now 3am and i just got home after hours of fucking, sucking, and fisting. my ass is a lil sore from the stretching.. (hadn't done fisting in a while) but its a happy hole after 8 loads today.
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  26. Just to reinforce bearbandit's comment, guys tested today only know they were negative 3 months ago, and if infected they are likely very infectious right now without them knowing. I usually think that if you are having this conversation with your sexual partners is a good thing, but not a super effective way to keep HIV away. Real risk reduction things you could do is avoid getting loads, but still getting fucked raw, o you being the top most of the time. Obviously PrEP would be fantastic for you but it´s not available quite yet in the UK.
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  27. So I've decided that I'm going to write a blog about my dive into the BB world. Here's the start... So I've been with my bf for 12 years and life is great, but sex is non existent. I love sex and i need it daily (three or four times if i can get it) so been looking online for horny sex. For a few years it was great and i would find a guy to meet up with and have fun regularly (almost always safe) but that was cool, they were usually quick and i tended to to bottom so the irritation of the rubbers was manageable. As time went on sessions were getting fewer and farther between but they were getting longer with hornier guys, it was great and i was getting into heavier scenes like ws (that i love) and ff (which I'm slowly getting to take a fist) but the trouble was, most of these guys didn't wear rubbers and those that did fucked so long i was getting more and more sore. I began to use saunas more and noticed that guys were wanting to bb more. This wasn't going to happen to me so i started not taking any cock that weren't rubbered, but this started to change and slowly i would want off and put the tip of my cock into a hole to cum, and i fucking loved this... the apps and the websites are getting worse and worse but there is a set of guys who are always horny and always up to meet. they're the guys that love to bb and are usually poz.... and here lies my dilemma. I want hot sex, but to get the kind of sex i want i need to bb and i need to consider all the consequences. I'm going to delve into this lifestyle... and I'm choosing to meet with undetectable guys for a while to play and see what happens. I know the risks and i know what might happen but theres a part of me that thinks should the inevitable happen sooner rather than later i think it would just make me a sex pig sooner... which I'm not bothered by. so ill blog about my meets and fucks and loads... and we will see if i make the "brotherhood" or not (i have a guys who is already desperate to poz me up) but for the time being ill be a little bit selective of the guys i play with. Im up for hearing from you guys, your advice and comments and offers.... just get in touch and let me know Take cake for now Fukkmenow
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  29. The second time I barebacked was also with a married man. In hindsight I should have known he was married, all the signs were there. Being the innocent 22 year old, I obliviously followed the will of my horny hole. We met on Planet Romeo. He seemed a nice enough guy, although incredibly discrete. He only shared pictures of his crotch, while asking for my nude and face pics. I supplied them all, eagerly awaiting his approval, and once that was met, we exchanged numbers. The winter of 2010 was rather snowy in my area, and finding time together was tough. I lived with my brother at the time, making it impossible to bring a stranger home for sex. This guy said he could sometimes host, since he lived with his brother and wife. All throughout he was very persistent, sometimes calling me during the day to talk dirty to me. Sometimes this annoyed me, especially if I was at work, but other times I got a raging hard on listening to his deep voice. Finally after some back and forth, we decided on a time to meet at his house directly. The morning of our meeting, I reached out to him to confirm the time. I asked if he had condoms and lube, but he said he had run out. He still desperately wanted to meet, but I told him that I only play safe. He asked me then to bring condoms and lube, explaining that his car was buried in snow. 'Well at least I found out ahead of time,' I thought. After buying the supplies, I made my way over to his place and parked outside. I noticed car partly covered by snow, and as I walked by, I noticed a car seat for babies in the back. Maybe that wasn't his car? I knocked on his front door and a short but handsome man in his early 30s answered. He had these sexy dark eyes and was very clean cut. I felt lucky that he wasn't some troll, but at that point my hole was hungry enough to let anyone in. We quickly made our way to the guest room while making out. Once there, we helped each other out of our clothes and explored our bodies. I remember how he pushed me onto the puffy duvet covered bed, which was a simple queen-sized mattress on the floor. He pinned me to the sheets, which were warm from the heating vents, and we made out passionately. After the usual foreplay, I retrieved the condoms and lube from my jeans. "I hope I got the right size," I said with a wink. He was a bit bigger girth-wise, something I had underestimated in the photo he sent. "That should be fine, we'll make do," he said. I watched him put the condom on hastily, and I noticed that he didn't pinch the top of the condom, but I didn't think anything of it. We assumed the missionary position and he slowly entered me, which was painful at first since my hole wasn't stretched out. Once he was finally inside me, we began fucking properly. We did missionary for a while, then switched to the side, then doggy, then finally back to missionary. I loved the full feeling of his dick inside me, and I missed it every time he had to pull out. That was when I heard a snap inside me. I could see that he heard it too from the look in his eyes, but he continued to pump away anyway. In fact he continued at an accelerating pace, and I didn't tell him to stop. I knew deep down that the condom broke, and he was going to cum inside me. My dick got harder and we kissed more deeply and passionately as before. He finally came inside, pumping all of his semen into my ass, and collapsed on top of me. I naively thought that there could be a slight chance that his dick was still wrapped up, but after he slowly pulled out, the torn condom followed, and I knew he had impregnated me. An onslaught of conflicting feelings descended on me. I felt fearful that he might have given me an STD, but I also felt so turned on, getting fucked raw by a man. As these thoughts went through my mind, I made up some excuse to leave and dressed myself. He promised that he was clean and negative, and he wanted me to stay and possibly go for a round two, but I knew I needed to go home and wash myself. During the car ride home, I felt his cum dribble out of my well worn hole into the seat of my jeans. I never felt so sexy in my life. I went home and jacked off furiously, fingering my wet hole and realizing my dream to be a bareback cum slut. More tales to come!
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  30. The latest results from the UK Proud (PrEP) trial are that it's 86% effective. The 14% represents 3 people, one of whom was probably poz when he started on Truvada but this didn't show up in tests. The other 2 guys didn't take the meds daily and so left themselves open to infection. Maybe they wanted it, maybe they were just a bit dizzy. Either way the overall results of PrEP speak for themselves. http://www.mrc.ac.uk/news-events/news/proud-study-shows-pre-exposure-prophylaxis-is-highly-protective-against-hiv-infection/
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  31. Very early this morning I bumped into my cop neighbor who came home from his night shift (in uniform!). Said he was tired but could use some relief. Sucked him off there and then on the stairway in our apartment building. Only took three minutes before he blasted a load down my throat. No chance of getting caught as the next neighbor downstairs is on vacation. Told me he could be ready for more when he had rested. An hour ago he texted me if I was up for some more fun. And he was. Dumped two loads in me which are still in my hole. First time fucked like a rabbit, slamming his cock in me. Second time nice & slow which actually made me cum too, handsfree. I love that.
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  32. The last load I took was from my Str8 Alpha Lover last night. He came over and made tender love to me for over two hours, bending and twisting and turning me every way you can think of, his "beautiful baby doll" for his pleasure. Telling me he's "going to get me pregnant", he gave me two loads so deeply delivered by his 9" thick cock that they still haven't come out (the first one was most likely our lube for the second session). My pussy literally has eaten them both up. We were going to get together this morning but couldn't because we both had Holiday plans, and there's nothing more that I love than to have some morning glory with him the very next day, more of his cum to carry and fill me up, so the desire for more left me incredibly horny all day... The last load I gave was about 45 minutes ago, to my Black Daddy bottom. He texted me this afternoon saying he was hosting and craving my big girl cock and the hot multi-loaded fucks I give him. Being incredibly horny all day thinking about my Alpha and the hot sex we had last night and knowing I had one of my favorite holes just waiting for me to fuck, I was raging hard driving over to Black Daddy. He had four loads in him already ( I love it wet n sloppy). I fucked him for an hour and a half, giving him 3 loads. He wanted his "pretty girl" to be rough tonight so I delivered a spectacular final load holding him down, cheeks spread apart, my nails digging into his mounds of ass flesh, my cock shooting volleys of cum into his slop hole... It's been a Memorial Day to remember, indeed
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  33. Invited two fuck bud friends round last night, said they could bring others. Told them I just wanted to be loaded up and my hole filled with cum. They brought two others with them. So there was my fuck buds, one is 35 slim with nice fat cock, the other 22 with an 8" cut cock, both really handsome and fit. They brought a guy I'd had before - he's in his 40's hairy and a good top and his mate who is in the army, amazing body, he is bisexual apparently. Anyway I got on all fours, my arse in the air and one by one they fucked me and came right up deep inside. Army guy went first, by the time the other three had unloaded, he was ready to fuck and cum again. My hole was absolutely dripping with cum, it was lush. The older guy smacked me hard as cum was leaking out, as he was pushing it back in he asked if I had a plug. Of course I have, I pointed to where and he got it and rammed it in. I slept with it in and the cum in me. Just let go a couple of hours ago.
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  34. its not your job to manage his risk
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  35. Exactly why lie? It was so obvious this guys hole was full of cum.... I kept fucking it out and my dick was all coated with jizz. Relationships and sex r complicated.think it has to do with upbringing as well. It's almost like he is ashamed of it or something. Like he thinks I would think less of him or something. But he has his moments that he is very slutty...one weekend we went somewhere and that there was lots of fucking involved of us and others.... He smoked some Tina on those days and he was a real greedy pig.. I loved it! But when we got home he told me he didn't want to be that way and that he didn't like it when it happened.He is honest guy who doesn't lie if he hooks up with someone when I'm not around or even when I'm around.... I don't mind. In fact I encourage it. In fact the other day he had guy over who left his hole all cummy.... I enjoyed eating him out afterwards and fucking and breeding him afterwards. In fact I was hoping he would have more guys over.... But he was done. It can be frustrating but I love the guy and he lets me do my thing with others as well so it keeps me happy.but if I would have my way there would be a lot more fucking and me looking for other tops to breed him.
    1 point
  36. So....your BF is a boring cunt? Am I reading this correctly? You posted before that you and your BF are not really getting along sexually. And that he does not want to do what you want to do?
    1 point
  37. I have been writing messages for like 6 months to a slutty 24 year old guy who lives in another town some 200km away. Well anyhow after writing for so long ages we agreed to meet at a gym there because of neither of us had any other place yesterday. Well after having eye-play for an hour at the gym I walked past him towards the lockers. Then some groping in the lockers and to the showers and to sauna. Place was mostly empty (only some few people there), so he started sucking me at the gym. Really nice younger buy who is into a lot of kinky stuff. We had to stop it once as some people came to the showers and awkwardly hide in the corner of the sauna until they left. Then once the route was clear he started sucking again and the risk of getting caught at normal gym was making me really horny. Then he stopped got up and sit down on my cock. No lube, no condoms, and his ass felt so good around my hard pole. I managed to fuck him for maybe 5 minutes before cumming into his as deep. After what felt like an eternity (really maybe 2 minutes) he got up and went to the showers again. At that time another guy came to the showers so we managed really thinly not to get caught I followed then to the showers and got dressed and went to dress up. I really still feel horny for fucking this guy bare in the sauna of a gym. It was so good not to know his status and just go with the fuck bare without condoms. I really do not want to use them anymore - prevents spontaneous fucking of slutty guys
    1 point
  38. hot! had a 13 inch black top over last night good thing for him he was strong enough to hold me down ... talk about pain... but was rewarded with a huge load
    1 point
  39. I've never knowingly been bred by a married guy. I almost had a married guy fuck me the other day at an ABS. He was stroking, and I was in a booth, showing him my pussy. I kept telling him how much he'd love it. Just to put the tip in, I sort of back out of the booth, right in front of his cock. He kept stroking and saying he was married and that I was tempting him, but he never just stuck the tip in. I told him to touch my pussy, and he just kept stroking. Suddenly he puts his cock away and leaves. But it gave me pleasure to know that I'd tempted him to fuck me raw. The seed has been planted, if not in my ass, then in his head.
    1 point
  40. Totally agree, PozFetishPig! But sometimes not saying anything can be just as hot! Got fucked by a guy with a biohazard tattoo around his nipple a few years ago. I was still very inexperienced, turned on and freaked out by it at the same time. I traced the tattoo with my finger, looked him in the eye and asked: "Are you going to...?", when my voice trailed off. I just couldn't make myself utter those words. I knew, if I did, I'd probably lose it. So I just looked up at him questioningly. The guy didn't say a word. He just nodded his head and for the rest of the fuck his eyes never strayed from mine. Then he came inside my boyhole, and still not a word from him, he just leaned into me and pressed his lips against mine. Still one of the most intense fucks of my life!
    1 point
  41. PFG? I can respond with a big fat FUCK YEAH! When it comes to dirty Poz Talk turning me on! It seems to go right into your brain and fucking stroke your deck. Right now 'bently67' "The Tatoo Artist" ! Has me most horned up for it's filthy hot Poz Talk. Serious twisted and amazing fucking going on there. ​Really I think there needs to be a Fucking Glossary for anyone out there wanting to write down a Poz Fuck Fantasy. No one should call a cock just 'cock' or cum just 'cum' when you can call it: Poz Pecker Poison Pecker Demon Dick Death Dick AIDS Cock POZ Cock. And cum? How about Death Seed Demon Seed Sarah Palin Seed Poz cum Deadly DNA Or shoot, just using words like "Toxic" "Poison" "Venom" "Disease"all fucking hot Love really loaded talking like: "Going to fucking CHARGE YOU UP!" or "My Dick is a fucking loaded Poz Gun up your ass! going fucking shoot my Death Bullets up your hole!" or the fucking good "Take my Toxic Death cum! Converting your fucking NEG hole with my charged Poz death seed!!!" Would love to find someone I could chat like that with any fucking time.
    1 point
  42. Yeah just ask him whether you can sit on it for a second and start slowly riding him... That's how I turn some
    1 point
  43. If your interested email me at northcarolinacub025@gmail. I will be happy to share with all.
    1 point
  44. would love to swap loads by mail, send me an email at 07coupe@gmail.com
    1 point
  45. PART III I stared at Coach Pitt’s cock. It twitched every few seconds, a steady stream of precum sliding into the ridges of his furry abs. He saw me staring and grinned. “You like my dick, boy?” I nodded eagerly, and my own cock twitched. He grabbed my fat piece of meat and whistled. “Goddamn, Lance—you’ve got a pretty hot cock yourself.” He kissed me again, then looked me square in the eyes. “Now, listen: I promised Coach Strickland that he could watch me destroy your virginity. But before that happens, I’d really like to see you worship my cock. You wanna worship Coach’s cock?” “Fuck yeah, Coach.” “Then get on your knees, boy.” I knelt down in front of him, inhaling the scent of his fur and his precum and his sweaty crotch. I’d only sucked a few cocks before, and hadn’t really gotten the hang of it. But I’d never touched a cock like this. As I stared at the veiny shaft glistening with precum, my hunger for Coach’s dick activated instincts I didn't know were there. I wrapped my mouth eagerly around his mushroom head and began sucking on it like his seed was the only thing keeping me alive—first swallowing a few inches, then slowly engulfing more and more of it in my mouth. I wanted to please and worship this man more than anything else in the world. “Good boy,” he growled. “That’s a very, very good boy. You know, Lance, I suspected you were probably a hungry little fag, but I had no idea what a natural pig I had on my hands. I can already tell that you’re gonna make me so proud.” I murmured with pleasure as I kept creeping my lips down the length of his cock. He moaned, and I tasted his DNA as it dripped steadily down the back of my throat. “Turn around,” he said. “I wanna munch on that sweet little jockbutt.” I spun around for him. He gently pushed down on the small of my back so that my spine arched, then he positioned my legs to expose my hole even more. “Spread it, pig,” he said, and I reached back and spread my hungry butt. “Just like that. I like to see you just totally open and vulnerable. Submissive. Proud of your role as a chemmed-up cumhole.” With that, he dove right into my wide-open butt. I gasped as he buried his face in me, and I could hear him growl and snort as he spit and chewed and tongued my tight hole. I whimpered. Then he pulled me upright, turned my head to the side, and kissed me. “Your hole tastes fuckin’ awesome,” he said to me. “When I’m fucking you, I’ll pull out from time to time and shove my cock down your throat. That way you can taste your hot little boybutt all over my raw dick. Got it?” I nodded, and he kissed me a little more. His mouth was full of the same spit that was dripping out of my fuckhole and down my leg. Then he stood up. “OK, boy,” he said with a grin. “It’s time to head to my place and get you knocked up.” He pulled me to my feet and threw me a warm-up jersey. “Just put that on. No underwear. I want you to be naked as soon as possible once we’re inside my house.” Meanwhile, he threw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, zipping it up to cover his hairy chest and abs. His hard cock formed a huge tent in his sweats, pulling the elastic band low enough that I could see his pubic hair. As we drove back to his place, he took out his phone and dialed Coach Strickland. “Hey, bud,” he said. “I’ve got the boy with me. We’ll be there in 10 minutes. You wanna get those hits ready? Oh, and by the way—Lance has something to tell you.” He handed the phone to me. “Tell him, Lance. Tell him what you want tonight.” “Hey,” I said. Strickland replied, “Hey, buddy. You got something to tell me?” I hesitated just for a moment, then plunged right in: “I wanna get fucked. I want your raw dick in my hole. I need it. So bad.” “Woof. That’s fuckin’ hot, boy. You gonna make me pull out?” “Fuck no, Coach. Cum in my butt. Please.” “Holy shit, dude. You’re such a fuckin’ good boy.” Here I paused again. I looked over at Coach Pitt, who gave me a little nod. Then I turned back to the phone and said, very quietly, “And one more thing. I want your poz cum.” A long pause. Then Strickland said: “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you, boy.” Another pause. Then I heard myself say, clearly and confidently, “I said I want you to bareback my hungry hole full of poz cum.” Strickland let out a little whoop. “Fuck yeah, you hot little pig! You wanna get inducted into the brotherhood? Wanna get converted?” “Yes please, Coach.” “Good fucking BOY,” he replied, and whooped again. Coach Pitt motioned for me to hand back the phone. “I told you this boy had potential,” he said to Strickland. “But I had no idea just how much. See you in a few.” When we pulled into the garage and closed the door, Strickland walked out to meet us wearing nothing but a pair of gym shorts. I could see the outline of his giant cock through the mesh fabric. His chest and abs were covered with a thin layer of blond fur. I stared at his dick. “Hey, little buddy,” said Strickland. “Get down on your knees and suck my dick.” I obeyed. Kneeling before this studly fucker, I greedily swallowed the giant head of his dick. He grabbed my hair and began easing more and more of his cock into my mouth. “Fuck, dude,” he said. “This fag is a natural cocksucker.” “I know,” said Coach Pitt. “I can’t wait to see how he reacts to a big raw dick in his butt.” With that, Strickland pulled me off his cock and yanked me to my feet. “C’mon inside, boy,” he said. “I’ve prepared a very special surprise for you. You’re gonna fuckin’ love it.” I followed him inside, then downstairs to a dark room that smelled like sweat and piss. Sex toys were everywhere. A sling was in the corner. And on a table near the doorway, I saw three syringes laid out in a row. “Get up in the sling,” said Strickland. “Coach Pitt will secure your hands and feet.” I did as I was told. Taking off the warm-up jersey, I climbed into the sling and put my legs into the stirrups. Coach Pitt winked at me as he secured my hands and feet. Then he grabbed a piece of rubber and tied it around my arm. “Listen, boy,” he said. “This is gonna be really intense, but just trust me. Just go with it. Coach Strickland prepared a big slam for you. That means he’s put drugs into a syringe, and we’re gonna inject it right into your bloodstream. You’ll feel an incredibly intense rush, then you’ll just want dick in your hole. Raw dick. Our dicks. And everyone else’s dicks, too.” “We’re filming this, by the way,” said Strickland, pointing to a camera in the corner. “We want to document your initiation. I don’t care if that makes you uncomfortable. Frankly, in just a few minutes, you won’t care either.” I watched as Coach Pitt secured a rubber strap to his own bicep. Then Strickland handed him a syringe and swabbed my arm with an alcohol pad. “Coach Pitt is gonna do his slam at the same time as you,” Strickland said to me. “That way he can talk you through the initial rush. I’ll slam second. And then, little buddy, we’re both gonna get you fuckin’ pregnant.” He removed the orange cap from the syringe, tapping it to remove any air bubbles. He found a good vein and inserted the needle. He looked back at Coach Pitt, who was doing the same. “Just tell me when you’re ready, Pitt,” he said. I watched as Strickland pulled the plunger back from my syringe, and it turned deep red. “I’ve got a register,” said Coach Pitt. “Fuckin’ do it.” And with that, Strickland undid the rubber strap from my bicep and began pushing down on the plunger. I watched the red liquid disappear into my vein, then felt a scratching at the back of my throat. I coughed violently as a rush of blood and chemicals went to my head. My heart began beating in double time. “Hold your arm up, boy,” said Strickland, showing me how to keep a finger over the entry point. I heard Coach Pitt exhale loudly, growl, and say “Fuck yeah” under his breath. Strickland went off to do his own slam, and Coach Pitt approached me, his giant dick bobbing in front of him, rock-hard. He, too, had his arm in the air, and his eyes were full of crazy, devilish intensity. Meanwhile, I was a little panicked. The rush was more intense than anything I’d ever felt. I couldn’t even begin to process what I was feeling. “It’s OK, boy,” said Coach Pitt, gently. “Just go with it. We gave you a REALLY big hit. Does this make you feel any better?” He ran his hands across my chest, tweaking my nips, then slowly moved his fingers down to my stomach. “Or this?” He inserted two fingers in my hole, and my eyes immediately rolled back in my head. Coach Pitt laughed. “Fuck yeah, boy,” he said. “This sweet little fuckhole’s all slammed up, and it’s ready to get fuckin’ pozzed. You want my dick, boy?” “Fuck yeah,” I said, completely blown away by the intense sensation of his fingers in my hole—it was like his fingers were everywhere on my body at once. In fact, my body felt like nothing but a hole. And all I could think was that I needed Coach’s big dick inside me, I needed his sweet fuckin’ seed, I needed his virus, I needed him to mark me, own me, use me, wreck me. “Here you go, pig,” he said, resting the head of his dick against my fuckhole. “Strickland and I are gonna fuck you raw. We’re gonna breed you full of our poz seed. Then we’ll have some buddies come over to work all that cum up inside you, blasting you full of more virus. We’ll do everything we can to get you fuckin’ converted, I promise you.” That’s when he inserted the head of his cock inside my hole. My ass radiated with hunger. My mouth dropped open and my eyes fluttered. Coach Pitt grinned his evil grin. “Want more?” I nodded emphatically. Then I felt him pushing his massive raw shaft inside me, about a half-inch, then pausing, then a half-inch more. “Goddamn,” he said. “I tell ya, Strickland, there’s nothing hotter than fucking a virgin hole that’s just been slammed for the first time. It’s this combination of crazy tightness and insane hunger. His hole is grabbing onto my cock, doing its best to devour it, and his little cunt muscles are trying to catch up. You OK, boy? You want more dick?” By this point, I was grinning stupidly as he slowly impaled me on his raw shaft. I didn’t need to answer. He could see the complete bliss on my face. My wrestling coach, my dream man, was slowly filling my hole with his dick. Surrendering to his cock, feeling him invade me and claim me, I’d found my purpose, or at least part of it. My purpose was to serve and worship men like Coach Pitt, offering my raw hole for them to pound and breed. “I’m not gonna last long,” Coach Pitt said. “This hole is fuckin’ incredible. Boy, you’re gonna get so much cum tonight—you have no idea. How’s that slam feeling?” “I didn’t think it was possible to feel this good,” I said, still grinning from the sensation of being filled by this stud’s giant dick. “I didn’t think I would ever get to see your cock, let alone feel it push inside my fuckhole.” With that, Coach pushed the rest of the way into me, his heavy balls resting against my asscrack. I looked up at him, my vision blurred by the waves of pleasure running up and down my entire body. No rubbers, no barriers—just the skin of his fat mushroom head rubbing against the skin of my hungry virgin hole. “You want my cum, don’t you?” he said, starting to thrust his dick into my jockbutt. “I so fucking want it,” I replied. He smiled. “I’m so glad I get to poz you, Lance. I’m so glad I’m the one who gets to flood your virgin hole with my virus. I’m gonna mark you. You’re gonna be mine. You wanna be mine?” “Yes, Coach,” I said. “Make me yours. All yours. Please. Poz me. Infect me. Give me your virus. Work my slammed-up hole with your raw dick until you pump a load deep. Please.” “I like to hear you beg, boy.” I heard his breath grow shallow. His thrusts went a little deeper. He was close to shooting. “I like to hear you beg for my toxic load. I fuckin’ love it. Sweet little jockboy like you with a hungry bubble butt. You want a poz load, boy?” “Fuck yeah. Poz me. Please.” “Here it comes, you little fucker. You little neg bitchboy. I’m about to blast you full of my fuckin’ poison. Fuckin’ A, Lance—sweet hungry tight virgin fuckhole. Fuck! You know what I’m doing right now, you hot little faggot? I’m. Stealing. Your. Fucking. Boyhood. Fuuuuuuck!” With that, he thrust deep, his whole body convulsing as poz cum pulsed out of his raw dick. Then another pulse. Then another. I felt a wetness and warmth began to flood my guts as Coach’s cock unleashed a ******* of infected seed into my defenseless body. Finally, after the eighth or ninth pulse, he came to a stop. His dick was still hard, still lodged in my cumhole. He looked me in the eye, grinned a huge grin, and said with a growl: “Welcome to the fuckin’ brotherhood, baby boy.” MORE SOON…
    1 point
  46. PART II When I finished up in the shower, I walked back to Coach Pitt’s office, where I found him sitting on the couch, jacking his giant dick to some homemade porn. On the computer screen there was a hot jockboy on his back, legs spread, getting piston-bred by a hung stud top. When the top pulled out, his cock glistened with a thick layer of cum, and a steady stream of seed poured out of the boy’s ripped-up fuckhole. Then I looked a little closer. Wait a second, I thought—I know this boy. “Is that Tom Goldsmith?” I asked Coach Pitt, totally shocked to see someone I knew spreading his sloppy hole for raw cock in a homemade sex tape. Tom Goldsmith was team captain the year before me. He was one year ahead and one weight class heavier. I idolized him. I’d also found myself staring at his giant swinging cock and heavy balls during every single weigh-in. “You got it,” said Coach, placing the image on pause, then turning to me, saying “I filmed this almost exactly a year ago, just after his 18th birthday. He was curious about cock, but didn’t want to get fucked, so for a few weeks, Strickland and I broke him down little by little, plying him with drugs, jacking our dicks while we watched porn together, showing him our homemade videos. He resisted for awhile, but finally he broke, and in the end, he turned into one hot, hungry, twisted fagboy cumdump.” I stared at the frozen image on the screen where I could see Tom stretching his fuckhole as widely as possible, staring intently at the raw cock that was making a beeline for his wide-open cum-soaked cunt. I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. “Listen, buddy—don’t you worry,” said Coach, motioning for me to sit down next to him. “I know this looks really intense. You don’t need to go this far. We’ll do whatever you’re comfortable doing, boy.” As I sat down, Coach’s fingers drifted down to my newly shaven hole. He placed his index finger gently against the entrance to my cunt and massaged it, causing me to let out a guttural moan. My legs spread a little wider. He dug his finger deeper. Then I gasped: “I want to be that kind of boy for you, too.” Coach inserted a second finger into my hole. “Good. I’m glad you want that, Lance,” he said, adding “It just might take some time. A true cumdump surrenders to raw cock, no questions asked. You beg for each dick to plant seed deep inside your body. Tom took 22 loads on the night we filmed this. It’s not a safe way to play.” He reached for the remote, turned up the volume on the monitor, and pressed play. Through the computer speakers I could now hear Tom saying “Yeah,” I heard the jockbottom growl. “Yeah?” replied the top man who was about to shove his raw cock inside Tom’s leaking pussy, “You want this, fag?” Tom spread his hole wider, answering “Yes please, fucker. Please fucking poz me. Shoot your virus into my guts and take my fuckin’ hole to the dark side.” With that, the top shoved in. I was mesmerized. As I stared at the screen, precum streamed out of my rock-hard dick. Coach gathered the fluid with his fingers and worked it into my fuckhole. “You like that, huh?” Coach remarked, pulling me closer to himself as he put the movie back on pause. “You like hearing Tom beg for poz cum?” “Coach, I love it.” “Good boy. I’m so glad to hear that.” I paused for a moment, terrified to say what I was thinking, but somehow I just couldn’t stop myself. Coach encouraged me, asking "What is it? You can tell me anything, Lance." My reply blurted-out: “Can I do that tonight, Coach? Please?” “Do what, Lance?” “Get my hole fucked full of poz cum.” Coach grinned, pulled me into a hug, and kissed me deep while his hands continued to massage and relax my hungry jockbutt. Then he looked deep into my eyes. “Lance, I would so love to see this pretty virgin hole get knocked up with HIV. But are you sure you’re ready?” “It scares the fuck out of me, but yeah, I want it bad.” “Then let’s get you knocked up, boy. Tonight.” “Fuck yeah. Thank you, Coach.” “No, boy—thank you. I’m so proud of you for embracing the poz pig you’re destined to be. But first, I have one more thing to show you.” He hit play again. From the monitor, I heard Coach’s voice—apparently he was the camera operator—saying, “Here, Strickland. Hold the camera. I want to give this boy another load.” The camera jostled, then steadied again. I saw Coach’s muscular chest, defined abs, and giant cock enter the frame. “You want more?” Coach asked the bottom boy, who grinned and nodded, answering “Please, Coach, pump my butt full of another load of your sweet poz cum.” I turned to look at Coach. He was watching me, grinning as he massaged my hole with two fingers. His dark eyes glinted as he nodded approval, and I nodded back. “Yes,” was all I said. Then his smile got bigger. I looked back at the monitor where I saw Coach’s fat dick enter Tom’s sloppy cumhole. Tom groaned. Then I heard Coach say to him: “Fuck yeah, you little pozzed-up slampig.” Meanwhile, Coach worked a third finger into my hole. I looked back into his eyes and he kissed me, deep and rough. “Damn,” he said with a growl, “You are somethin' else, Lance. I can’t wait to pound a poz load deep inside my boy's hungry butt.” “Please, Coach.” “Yeah, boy? Is that what you want?” “Yes. Please make me yours. Poz me up. I want everything you’ve got.” “Absolutely, you fuckin’ jockpig,” he said, pulling me close to him and pressing his dick against my partied-up fuckhole. “Tonight you become all mine.” MORE SOON...
    1 point
  47. Part 4 “Well boy, looks like it’s me and you now.” I feel Hambone’s boot kick me in the side hard enough to knock me over, and my hat off my head. “I need my boots cleaned boy.” As I’m laying there, in the puddle of piss, I look up at him “Fuck you!” “Now that’s not friendly of you, and here I thought we’d be friends.” He kicks me again. I see Jack getting out of his chair, and approach us smiling. “He giving you lip?” “Nothing I can’t handle.” Hambone replies. “We’ll let the boots go for now but you will be begging me to clean them before I’m done with you.” He grins, I see the tobacco stains on his teeth, and I’m sure he has a wad in his mouth, the others are laughing around us. “Still has some fight in him after all.” one of them says. “Not for long” Hambone says as he reaches down grabs me by the ear and pulls me to my knees. OH that fucking hurts so bad, but I don’t want to give him the satisfaction, so I bite my lip to keep from yelling. “Well” he says. When I don’t respond he grabs my head with both hands and jerks it upward. “Time to suck my cock what you waiting for?” I open my mouth, and he jabs two fingers in my mouth with one hand, while holding my head back with the other. “Don’t you dare bite.” He says. “Think your mouth is going to need a little stretching before I can fit” he puts 2 more fingers in my mouth and opens his hand stretching my mouth till I think its going to tear I want to scream, but find I can’t, and I feel like gagging. He pulls his hand out of my mouth and backhands me. I feel the blood trickling down my nose, and taste it in my mouth. “You don’t back talk to me again, understand?” I murmur “Yes, boss” Good, now open your mouth wide and keep your eyes looking at me. Hold it open till I say you can close it.” I do as he says. He spits in my mouth. It stings the open wounds inside my mouth, and I taste snuff, and beer. It’s an odd flavor to me, another man’s spit, I’ve shared mine before with guys, but never them me. He takes out a can of Copenhagen, “Do you dip boy?” I nod yes. “Good” , he pulls his wad out of his mouth and puts it between my lips and gum with his fingers. Then puts a fresh wad in his mouth. I feel like I’m going to choke and vomit at the same time as the juice runs down the back of my throat. The snuff makes me a bit light-headed. “Now suck my cock.” I start by licking the head, “I want it sucked not licked“, and he pulls my head onto his cock. He keeps pulling as it forces my mouth to stretch, it hurts so much, I feel tears running down my cheeks. “Oh, yeah, I love the way that feels, now a little more.” “AH!” It’s everything I can do to keep from throwing up. My head is spinning. I realize it’s only the head in my mouth as he slowly uses me. I hear Jack “WOW.” Through the tears in my eyes, I can see him standing there pulling his own hard cock. I hear the moans from Hambone, and think to myself, I know how that feels myself. He pulls out. “Oh, that was, I almost came, but wouldn’t want to deprive you of ridding on this bone.” “You can close your mouth now.” “Now stand, and turn around.” he commands me. It’s not easy, I stumble some, and Jack catches me. He makes sure I turn around to face him. I realize he’s handing something to Hambone, but can’t see “You’ll fucking love this” Hambone says, and I feel fingers at my hole, pushing in. Jack, holds me from front as I lift trying to get my ass away from the probing fingers. I feel them go in. “Oh, fuck” I say as he moves them in and pulls them completely out then shoves them back in again. My hole is burning, and the fingers make it feel so full. Between the snuff and whatever Hambone’s doing to me, I’m losing my sense of control over my own body, so I close my eyes to concentrate. In only a few short minutes of his fingers stuffing me, I find the pain is subsiding, and I’m trying hard not to moan. But my breathing is short and deep. “I think he’s ready” I hear Jack say, as he pushes my arms over my back. Hambone laughs. “You Ready for my cock boy?” “Yeah, you want it don’t you?” I feel a slap on my ass, “Do you want it?” As the fingers come out of my hole again, I answer him, “yes boss.” I feel him grab my arms and tie something around my wrists. Jack holds my jaw tightly, and makes me look at his face, and into his green eyes. “I think you should ask him for it nicely, don’t you?” “Well?” I feel another slap on my ass, and Hambone’s cock just rubbing against my hole. “Tell him how badly you want it boy.” Jack says as he tightens his grip making it even hard to actually speak. “Please fuck me Hambone.” I say. “ Why should I?” he asks. “you spurned me a few minutes ago, all I wanted was my boots licked.” He’s still rubbing my hole, teasing me ,it feels so good. “What will you do for me?” Hambone asks. “Please fuck me, I’ll do anything you want, please.” I can’t believe I said that. “Even lick my boots clean?” “Yes boss, yes, even that, just please fuck me now.” I feel the head start to slide in It hurts. “Please stop Please no more“, I beg. “Just like a bitch can’t make up their mind.” Hambone says, as he rams the hole length into my ass. I feel like I’m splitting, and going to pass out. “See that’s not so bad is it” as he starts rocking slowly, not giving me time to catch my breath or adjust to the sensations going thru my body. He picks up speed, as Jack holds me for him to pull out and ram it in again, and again. I feel his balls slapping against mine. Jacks own cock is still jutting out of his pants so I bend down and try to suck it to distract myself. It doesn’t work. I’m panting like a dog. I hear Jack, “ Just like a dog in heat, Fuck he wants more of my cock too.”, as he pushes my head back onto his cock. He makes me suck it. In a few minutes the pain gives way, and I start moaning. He stops and pulls out. My hole is quivering it’s so empty without his cock inside me. Jack lets me off of his cock. “Bring him over here.” I hear Hambone say. I look and he’s on the couch pulling his boots off, he has my hat. Jack holds me by my tied arms, tightly and brings me to the couch. Hambone has his pants off, he puts my hat back on my head, and pulls his shirt over his head. He’s naked. He has a decent body, many tattoos, and several scars. His chest is hairy. He lays down on the coffee table. “I want to watch him ride“. He says “Mount up cowboy.” “Lets see you make the 8 seconds.” He snickers Jack helps me get my legs over the table, and positions me over Hambone’s huge cock. The other guys circle around us to watch. They are passing another joint around. I see Magnum still using his camera. I lower myself slowly, just bending my knees enough. “Yeah, impale yourself on that thing for us.” I hear George say. Magnum moves so he can watch over Hambones head as I slowly take the whole cock in my ass. I feel so ashamed of myself, but I do want him back in me, I crave it. I feel a sting as his cock re-enters my hole. I keep going down on it, until I can’t go any further. I push myself back up. “FUCK!” He exclaims. “No woman ever took that much of me.” “Keep going bitch.” I have to arch my back to keep my balance as I go back down. Hambone hits my chest real hard with his fist. “Yeah, you like that cock don’t you Bitch.” “Tearing your own pussy up on my dick for me.” I hear Bill, “Look at how hard he is, definitely likes it.” “Fuck yourself on my pole dude, yeah do it.” Show me that you want it.” Hambone says. He grabs my hips, and starts thrusting deep inside of me. “I’m going to make you mine Bitch.” “Going to plant my seed in your ass.” As his thrusts get harder into me. I feel my own cock betraying me, I get that feeling deep in my balls. And I shoot my load all over his chest, and face. But he keeps going. I am trembling , I can’t hardly stand it. My moans are getting louder. AH SHIT! HERE IT COMES BOY!” and I feel his cock erupt it’s hot load deep within my bowels. He stays hard for a little while longer, just pumping in and out. Until finally he slides out of my hole. I feel his cum running down the side of my legs. Jack unties my hands and helps me off, and onto the floor. I feel so dirty and just kind of curl up in a ball beside the couch. The last thing I hear before I shut down, is Hambone, “Someone throw me a towel, so I can wipe the blood off.” I’m no longer aware of what’s going on around me. It’s not until I hear Magnum telling the other guys, he’ll take care of me, they can leave that I start coming back to the world. It’s daylight outside. Before I realize it he’s sitting there beside me. “You ok there?” What a damn fool question to ask, I think to myself. “I need to get you in the shower.” I feel him lifting me up and walking me but am numb to it, like I’m not really even there. “You’re one of us now.” “I know you hate me at the moment.” he says. He doesn’t know hate, when I recover I’m going to kill each of them in the most gruesome way, I think to myself, maybe skin them like a deer. “And no you aren’t going to kill me. We both know that.” “By the way, I dumped the bitch, and yes I am bi.” I’m barely aware he is talking to me. “If it weren’t for you I would have never known nobody liked her.” What do I care, I think. As he sits me in the shower and turns on the water. I suddenly realize he’s getting undressed. He does have a fine body. “That video will definitely sell, it was such a great idea.” He’s standing there facing me naked. “And of course we’ll blot the faces out, so you don’t have to worry about that. Is he some kind of nut I think to myself. “I have a confession to make.” he says lifting me back up when he gets in the shower with me. “ I did know about you being a guard.” “I know tonight didn’t go exactly like expected, but…” I interrupt in a whisper as I lean against the wall and he starts soaping down my body, “expected?” Well when I first met you I liked you, then when I saw you friended the bar, I checked you out online.” Checked me out, I think, not wanting to speak for the pain in my mouth and jaw. As I feel his hand soaping off my cock, and balls. It’s making me hard. “Let’s turn you around.” I see blood running down the drain mixed with the soap. I am starting to feel the stinging of my body as I turn slowly and the soap hit’s the abrasions on my skin. He soaps up my ass, “Ouch” I yell. “Sorry, but they really tore you up good.” “I probably should have stopped it, but then.” “Should have stopped it, yes” I say in a hushed tone. I feel his hands on my back, he’s being so gentle. The feeling of his hands caressing up and down my bruised and battered body is sending a mix of pleasure and pain throughout me. I can’t concentrate on being coherent. “I check everyone out as well as possible before we invite them to join.” The statement just barely registers from how good he’s making me feel. I‘m almost able to forget the pain, almost.. “And you are right everything is archived online.” “What?” I respond, through the pain in my mouth, not sure I heard him right the first time. “That was some hot story.” he says. “ Story?” I manage to say. “Yeah the one you wrote.” “I figured it was really a fantasy for you, especially when you bought me the beer tonight and used those exact words.” “my story?” “my story” , I whisper to myself. As he rinses me off. I feel the spray of the water, It’s funny how water can make pain go away sometimes. He helps me out of the shower. I notice we are both hard. Magnum grabs a towel and starts drying my body off, he says “I want you to know, I am going to be your sponsor for the next four months.” “my story.” I whisper again to myself, not yet grasping the words. “Nobody but us here tonight know what happened.” “But, I’ll have to explain the,” “shh” he says as he reaches my cock, he takes it in his mouth and sucks it. “AHHHH” “You already did.” he says. “It was a great idea too. Especially considering honesty is one of your faults.” He snickers. “I already posted that you had a couple of bad spills last night trying to ride., like you wrote in the story.” He helps me to his bed. I’m walking a bit bow legged, and every step is a reminder of the state of my body. I lay down on the bed on my back. “I even put in the part about you staying with me for a few days while you recovered. Which you will need from what we gave you anyway.” He climbs up between my legs and starts sucking my cock. Damn that feels so good, I think. I try to move to put my hand on his head, but am just so worn out, I lay there, breathing . He works his way up my body, kissing the bruises, and to my mouth ,and speaks “ So I thought..” This time I do raise my hand and grab the back of his head. “Shut up” I say as I pull his mouth to mine and we kiss. He pulls back up and laughs, then straddles my chest, and puts his cock to my mouth teasing me. I lift my head enough to suck it. Magnum reaches back, “Damn, you are so hard.” He says as he plays with my cock. He pulls his out of my mouth and aligns his hole with my cock, with his back facing me. I watch as my cock disappears up his hole. I feel how hot his insides are, his ass is so tight, and cute. He has a tattoo running up his back, but I really am more enthralled watching my cock as it disappears inside him. He start moving up and down on me, it only takes him a few strokes before I shoot my load in him. Damn, I’ve never cum so soon before. We roll over with my hard cock still planted inside his hole. I drift off to sleep with my arms wrapped around him holding him close to me.
    1 point
  48. How I became a Biker Bitch Part 2 “Now, I have my girlfriend's douche here for you to use” Magnum said, putting two buckets and a plastic bottle on the bar, adding "None of us like a shitty cock, and we’re civil, so we are going to give you the chance, unless you prefer....” He stopped mid-sentence as I walked over to the bar, asking "Really, couldn’t I at least do that in the bathroom?” “Nope. Right there where we can all watch you. You’re our bitch tonight.” I grabbed the buckets. One contained water, the other was empty. I took the buckets and the bottle to the middle of the floor and set the on the floor, resuming my plea “Please guys, this is really...” “Last chance” Magnum said as Jack stood-up. I could see he had pulled his cock out and, in looking around the room, I noticed only Magnum hadn't yet pulled his out. I felt utterly humiliated. Then it occurred to me that the treatment I was receiving was similar to that used at the prison to control prisoners, to break them down make them feel like they are beneath the guards. I found the turn of events difficult: once I humiliated my prisoners, now I was being humiliated. But, knowing I had to move-on, I grabbed the bottle and filled it from the one bucket of water then pushed the nozzle up into my ass. “Do it over the bucket - like you’re squatting” Hambone ordered. I complied, holding it for about a minute and let it flow out into the empty bucket. “Atta a boy” I heard Bill say, “You're a good slut.” I repeated the act several more times until the water, when expelled from my ass, seemed to be flowing cleanly. About then I saw Magnum making a drink. “You done?” he asked, with a grin. I just shook my head, not being able to look him in the eye. He responded “Answer me boy, I asked you a question. And look at me when I speak.” I looked up at him and said, almost in a whisper, “Yes, boss.” He barked in reply “I didn’t hear you. Speak up.” I repeated myself more loudly, although I still could not make eye contact, but with my head raised. “Yes, boss, I’m through.” “Good” he replied, continuing "Now, come have a drink with us before we get started.” I walked to the bar with my head hanging. Hambone slapped me on my bare ass. It stung. “Fuck” I blurted. He just snickered. Magnum hands me a drink. “Here, drink this, it’ll help you to relax.” “What is it I ask?” Just drink it. I promise we don’t want to hurt you. This will help you. We like you, and really want you to be one of us.” I take the drink, and take a sip. It’s Rum and coke, how is that going to help me I wonder. “Good now drink all of it.” he says, so I down the rest of it and sit the glass on the bar. Maybe they are through, and this is over I think to myself. “You’ll be feeling fine in a few minutes, I put something in there for you, so you won’t feel too much pain.” “ I don’t do drugs.” I say. “Ahh, yes, well you do now.” I feel a hand on my shoulder. “Magnum, please I’ll do anything, but I don’t get fucked. I’ll take a beating if that’s what you want. Just please don’t do this to me.” “You heard him.” It’s Jack behind me and he slaps my rear so hard I hit the bar. “He wants it rough.” “NO!, that’s not what I said.” as he shoves me over the bar and slams my head on it. I feel his cock at my hole. PLEASE DON’T!” I yell as he shoves the entire length in at once, without even spit for lube. I feel tears coming to my eyes as I try to catch my breath. “Oh, Damn you’re so tight.” “That feels so good.” Jack just keeps shoving in and pulling out of my ass, turning me into his punk. The guys around us are egging him on. “ Please stop, Please,” I say between pants and gasps of air. He doesn’t ignore me, unfortunately. He jerks my head up by my closely cropped hair, farther than I thought would be possible. “Once I’m in I don’t pull out until I cum.” He says, then slams my head back on the bar. I taste blood again. He moves his hand to the back of my neck and squeezes as he pushes down, making it hard to breath. He says, “FUCK YEAH, HERE IT CUMS FAGOT!” I feel him shoot, and he just keeps going for what seems like an eternity, but couldn’t have been more than a minute or two. I feel myself crying. To be continued. This is going to be a long one for me, and will take me a bit to get it all written for you. Hope I have it in the right forum.      
    1 point
  49. 2. I tried to relax, bent over the coffee table with the shard of meth dissolving in my ass. I watched the porn, trying to take my mind off my current situation. On screen, the white guy was bent over a couch, and the black guy was poking his uncut cockhead against the white boy's ass. It wasn't going to be long before I was in the same position. Eli's cock was now hard as a rock, and he wasn't going to be satisfied with just my attempts at deep throating his tool. "Get up on the couch, bro," Eli said, after a few minutes. My hole was tingling, almost burning from the bump that had melted inside of it. It wouldn't be long before I was going to be wagging my butt, begging Eli to stick his tool up there. "Nice ass. Enjoyed that view. It's gonna be a pleasure getting in there and breeding your hole a few times." I sat on the couch and draped one of my legs over Eli's massive thigh. This position kept my hole exposed to Eli. He didn't waste the opportunity, and started to finger my hole. We were both getting lost in the drug-high, feeling the tweak come on strong. "What were you doing on the west side," I finally asked. "I was in the state penn, bro," he said. "Free and clear yesterday afternoon." "For?" I asked. I hoped I wasn't going too far by asking him. "Got in a fight, and ended up punching a guy out. Got a year for it. Just think of it as a year at the gym though." With his free hand, he rubbed his chest, squeezing his massive pecs. I leaned over and nibbled on a nip. I was surprised at just how muscular he was; I kept finding new mounds of muscle to worship. Nor did he have an ounce of fat on him. "Not worried by that?" he asked. I shook my head no. All I could think about was how much I needed some cock. Any cock. And his was right there, hard and ready. "Guess it takes more to scare you," he said. I was still locked to his nip, so I just nodded in agreement. He had moved beyond just playing with my hole and was now sticking a finger up there. I had relaxed a lot since he had given me the booty bump, and his finger had slid in easily. "Still pretty tight," he said, not quite agreeing with my feeling. "Gonna have to let Javi go in first and get you opened up properly." Almost as soon as he said that, my phone rang. I had to disentangle myself from Eli: finger out of my hole, no longer licking his pecs, and my leg off his thigh. "Hi, this is Matt," I said, finally able to answer the phone. "Hey, it's Javier, Eli's bud. I'm at the front gate," the voice on the phone said. "Come on up," I said. "You know where it is." I buzzed him in, and hung up. "It's Javier," I told Eli. "You gonna meet Javi at the door like that? Totally naked?" he asked. "He'd dig that. Get him boned right up." "Why the hell not?" I said. I got up and headed to the front door, my dick swinging in the air. A few moments later, there was a knock. I opened it, and Javier was standing there. He wasn't as big as Eli, probably about six feet high, thinner, but still muscular. Instead of Eli's stubble he had a small goatee. I couldn't quite tell his race; it was a mixture of Afro-American and hispanic; maybe blatino was the best description. Like Eli, his hair was shaved short. The light drizzle had wet it down a bit though. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. "Damn. You guys didn't waste any time getting started." he said, eyeing me up. He walked in, and I shut the door behind him." "Yeah, we have," I said. He paused in the hallway and looked me over. "Turn around," he said. I did as I was told, feeling acutely naked and vulnerable. "Very nice," he said and smacked me on the ass. He took off his damp jacket and I hung it up. Then we both went into the living room. "Hey Eli. Good to see you again bro," he said. "Man, Nice to see you again too," Eli replied. "When you get out?" Javi asked. "Yesterday. Just got here this morning." "Well, welcome home. Got you a little gift." Javi pulled his wallet out from his pocket. He opened it, and took out a small bag, placing it on the coffee table. Even from the doorway, I could see it was stuffed full of tina. "Fuck, that's totally awesome. Hope you don't have to be anywhere today." Eli turned to be. "Got another V for Javi?" "Yeah, I think." I went into the bedroom, and found an extra tablet. I came back to the living room by way of the kitchen, getting Javier a beer. I handed both of them to Javi. "Right on! Gonna be a fun day," he said as he popped the blue pill and took a swig from the bottle. He turned to Eli. "You're looking good. How's everything going?" "Don't ask. Cunt of a nurse was fucking things up. Gotta see Weiss this week and get my meds right." Eli grabbed the pipe off the table. "But let's think about better things. Like getting you up to speed with us." Eli took the torch and started heating up the glass bowl. Javier sat down on the couch and took the pipe's stem in his mouth, letting Eli handle the torch. He took a long hit, and held it. Eli motioned to me "Shotgun it from him, Matt" I kneeled down in front of Javi, and took his hit. Like Eli's hits, it was big. I knew I wouldn't be able to take many more hits from either without getting way too far gone. Almost as soon as Javi had finished pushing out the hit to me, he took the pipe and torch, and started to heat the bowl again. "Gotta catch up with your guys," he said. "Good plan," said Eli. "Matt's just done a big booty bump and its barely taken effect." "Sweet," Javi said, "And you? Where are you?" As he finished speaking, he put the pipe in his mouth. I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and exhaled it. "You know me. I've been sucking on the glass cock ever since I called you. And Matt's been sucking on my cock. Take the next one as well, Matt," Eli said. Javi was puffing at the pipe hard, getting as much of the vapor as he could. Finally when he stopped, he motioned for me to lean in and take his hit. It was even bigger and stronger than the first one Javier had done. I inhaled as much of it as I could, but even so, there was dense fog that escaped. "Nice," Eli said. "You'll catch up with us soon enough." "I'm feeling a bit already," Javi said. "But this bowl is spent." Still kneeling down in front of him, I took the pipe from him. He was right. The glass bowl was almost empty. As I was examining it, Javi stood up, and pulled off his shirt, throwing it into a corner. "Use my stash," he said, indicating the bag he had put on the table. "And don't skimp on loading it up." Hands shaking from the hits I had already done, and the booty bump starting to kick in, I emptied nearly half the bag into the bowl, filling it well. Javi kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his jeans. He wasn't as muscular as Eli, but was still well-defined. Across his dark chest, there was a smattering of hair, and a bit of it was grey. It was surprisingly sexy on him. He was wearing a pair of boxers and already, there was a definite tent growing in them. He sat back on the couch. "You should have the honor of the first hit, Eli," he said. I lit the torch, and melted the mass of crystals in the bowl. As the pipe began to smoke, Eli took it from me, and started to suck down the vapor. I held the torch under it, making sure he got a good hit. As he finished, he handed the pipe to me. "Your turn, Matt," Eli said, trying not to let any of the smoke escape from his lungs. I shook my head no. I was already feeling pretty far gone, and wanted to slow down a little bit. "Don't be a pussy," Javi said. "I want to see you do a hit." I reluctantly put the pipe to my mouth, and lit the torch. As I did my hit, Eli shotgunned Javi. The two of them started to make out as they finished exchanging the cloud. Javi reached down and pushed down his boxers as they made out. His cock sprang free, sticking straight up. Not as big as Eli's, it was still a very respectable eight inches. At the base, there was a thick bush and a pair of heavy balls. As I put down the pipe, Eli broke off his kiss with Javi. "Give me your hit," he said to me. "Then take Javi's hit." I leaned over towards Eli, and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Immediately, Javi grabbed me, and I was forced to inhale his hit. It took me a moment to realize that this was the one that Eli had started. We were all sharing hits now, making sure that the drugs had maximum effectiveness. Even third hand, it was bigger and stronger than the one I just done. I being taken far further than I had ever planned. "Wow, that was weak bro," Eli said, as he blew out the hit I had shotgunned him. " You're in the big leagues now. We're going to have to get you used to what a real man does." "No kidding, man," Javi echoed. "Let's do this right. Hand me the pipe," he said to Eli. Javi grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down to his crotch. "Suck me off," he said, as he lit the torch. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth, feeling the firm warmth of his head fill my mouth. Javi was taking a long hit on the pipe, enjoying the combination of getting high and getting his cock licked to a firm erection. Eli was the biggest man I had ever encountered. Luckily, Javi wasn't as big. As his cock got harder, I realized it was going to be about nine inches long, and reasonably thick. I hoped that he was going to be the first to enter my hole, since he would help me get ready for Eli's monster. Javi finished his hit, and let the torch go out as I continued to service him. He turned to Eli, and then shotgunned the hit to the muscular black man. Once done, Javi relaxed and let the waves of pleasure wash over him. "Hot movie," he said, kicking back, watching the screen as he kept a hand on the back of my head. There was just enough pressure from Javi to let me know I shouldn't stop servicing his shaft. I kept up my efforts, trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. Eli finally letting out his hit. "Yeah, it is," he said. Noticing my efforts on Javi's, Eli asked, "How's that feel for you?" "Pretty damn good. But it would be even better if I could get into his throat." I knew it was less a request than an order. I pulled off his cock just long enough to grab the bottle of poppers and do a huff. As my attention returned to Javi's cock, Eli lit the torch again, getting ready for another hit. I ignored the sound of the torch and the faint smell of the crystal and focused on the shaft in front of me. I opened my mouth and worked my way down as far as I could. I made sure to get his shaft nice and wet. The extra lubrication would help me when I eventually had to force it deep into my throat. As Eli drew on the pipe once more, I felt Javi's cockhead hit the back of my throat. I swallowed, then forced myself to do what I knew I had to do. I could feel Javi push into my throat. The poppers were filling my mind, and all I wanted was to get as much of his man's cock in my mouth as possible. I tried not to gag. Javi needed a man to worship his cock, and I was lucky enough to be the cocksucker he had chosen. Even if it was because I was the only one there, it was still an honor to be on my knees, Javi allowing his cock to press into my throat. Once his cock entered my throat, it was surprisingly easy to take all of it. My lips soon hit the base of his cock, his balls right up against my chin. There was no response from Javi other than a low moan of pleasure. Still keeping his hand on the back of my head, Javi leaned over, and shotgunned Eli's hit. The two men stayed lip locked, enjoying a long kiss. I watched these two strong, masculine men kissing each other. But their intimacy and closeness only made them more desirable and more unattainable. They were sharing something between them that I wouldn't ever be able to understand. I knew I was just their toy for the day, something to help them relate to each other. I was providing them with the drugs they were flying on, the porn they were getting turned on by, and most importantly, the two holes they would be abusing all day. All of this, I glady gave for their pleasure. "Nice," Javi said, as they both blew out their smoke. Even though they had swapped the hit back and forth a few times, my head was still wrapped in a dense cloud of smoke. I knew they were both getting a good tweak going. I hardly knew either of them, and what I did know about the two wasn't good. But yet I was getting them high, and allowing them get me higher than I had ever been before. I knew the day, maybe even the weekend, was going to be a memorable experience for me. However, at the moment, my world was Javi's cock. I wanted it inside of me. I wanted to keep it hard, to show how much of a man Javi was, and how easily he had dominated me. At the very least, I wanted Javier to acknowledge me as a cocksucker. "Bro, you feeling good yet?" Eli asked Javi. Out of the corner of my eye, I could Eli was still stroking his massive cock. "Yeah, definitely getting there," Javi answered. "Cocksucker is doing a great job on my cock, and the favors are definitely fine." He took the pipe from Eli. "One more for me, I think," he said. "Share it with Matt, man. He needs it bad, especially after that last pussy hit he did," Eli said. "Right on." He lifted me off of his cock. "Ready for a proper hit?" he asked me. I was already missing the feeling of his cock in my throat, and I could only nod in response. To my surprise, he put the pipe in my mouth first. I had thought he was just going to shotgun his hit to me. But he held the torch under it. "You need to do a proper hit first," he said. I waited for the bowl to fill with smoke before I started to pull. I did several distinct huffs, each time making sure the bowl re-filled with the thick smoke. Each drag I thought would be my last, until I looked at Javi or Eli, and knew they wanted me to do at least one more. Finally, my lungs were full and I simply couldn't do any more. "Now, that's how a real man hits the pipe, cocksucker," Javi said, giving me a sign of his approval. I had a sudden rush of pleasure from his small acknowledgement, thinking I might just be able to share in the bond these two men had. But I quickly realized it was only the favors doing the thinking for me, making me feel more connected than I had any right to be. "Give it to me," Javier said, leaning into me. Our mouths met, and I exhaled my hit into his mouth. He didn't try to break off the kiss, but instead pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was a nice bonus, and I was glad to share the intimacy with him. He held the hit for longer than I expect, the entire time his tongue was probing and exploring my mouth. His cock had already done one round of exploration, and his tongue was even more proof how he had easily laid claim to my body and holes. Finally, he blew the hit right back into my mouth. I wasn't expecting it, but was able to inhale a good bit of it. Even so, a lot it was lost in a thick cloud around our heads. Despite being passed back and forth, it was still strong hit, at least as strong as any I had done. I knew I was going to soon regret partying so hard with these men. I wasn't sure of my choices or actions. My only guide to what to do was to make sure these men were hard, they were happy, and any of their desires were satisfied "There's another hit for you, cocksucker," Javi said. "Getting you where I want you." "Right on," Eli said. "Got any left in the pipe? You're still lagging behind me and the cocksucker." Javier took the pipe from me, and looked at it. "Still enough for at least one good hit." The bowl was warm from my hit and began to smoke quickly as he held the torch under it. Javi puffed a few times on the pipe, clearing out the bowl, and then began to suck on the glass cock in earnest. It seemed like he was on the pipe for an eternity, but my sense of time was so distorted, it was probably less than a minute. Finally, he let the torch go out, and took one last drag, emptying the bowl. "Spent?" asked Eli. Javi nodded, and I took the pipe from him in order to re-fill it. Before I could do anything, Javi grabbed me. He wanted to shotgun the hit to me. I shook my head no. I was really starting to feel the tweak, with my cock throbbing and my hole itching. Even as I started to smack my lips involuntarily, a classic sign for me of being tweaked, Javi locked onto my mouth and pushed his hit into my body. I inhaled as he wanted, and it filled me up. I held it as long as I could, as Javi explored my mouth with his tongue. Eli leaned into us, pushing Javier away. He forced his lips against mine, rubbing his thick stubble against my face. I knew what to do, and exhaled the hit into his waiting mouth. He sucked it in, fast draining my lungs. I had to break off the kiss, just to get some air in my lungs. Before I could breathe, Javi grabbed me back, and re-filled me with more of the drug. Eli and I sat there, letting the tina soak into our bloodstream and head to our brains. Finally, Eli exhaled. Only then did I feel ok in exhaling my own hit. Neither cloud was as thick as earlier ones, but they still were getting the job done. "Good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh yeah. Time to have some fun," Javi said.
    1 point
  50. Yeah man I've done that a couple times when I need Mexican dick bad and quick. Drive through Home Depot lot in the morning. A couple regular day laborers know I'm there looking for Mexican dick - meet up in the back near the dumpsters where its private/hidden just drop my pants take a couple loads and go. Big time get off on the dirtiest fuckin' looking Mexicans using my hole like a cum dump like that.
    1 point
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