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  1. I was really horny and the ad was really simple: "Clean guy hosting. Hard cock needs to be sucked." Online porn was certainly easy, and as far as I was concerned, only natural, but responding to an advertisement on Craigslist fell in the category of 'crazy'. Or, so I kept telling myself that, even as I typed my reply, bitting my lower lip hard enough to hurt, and then hit ‘Send’. My reply matched the simplicity of the poster's advertisement: “Very horny, or I would not even think of doing this. >>lol<< Where are you?” With a bunch of homework and chores waiting for me, naturally all I did was stare at the computer screen until the response came in. “3950 Huskings Lane. Hurry!” This is too fucking stupid, I thought to myself as I scurried around throwing on my sweats and grabbing my keys, typing my reply as I was about to walk out the door: “On my way. I'm about ten minutes away!” I knew right where Husking Lane was, so I didn’t bother with the GPS. It was the road that split the good part of town from the bad part. Most of Huskings was on my side, but as luck would have it, 3950 was at the end of the opposite side. My heart pounded in my throat and I looked wildly in all directions as I slowed and turned right without signaling. Feeling extremely conspicuous in my mother’s Escalade, I parked as out of sight as possible across the street from the battered looking little house. Me and the shiny new Cadillac stood out like bright white thumbs. The black dude who tapped on my window looked like a Webster’s Dictionary illustration for the word ‘thug’. He gestured for me to follow him. Without saying so much as a word got out of the car, I locked the doors, stuck the ignition key in my zipper pocket and, on somewhat rubbery legs, followed him. The street seemed to be deserted. By the time he got to the broken fence on the side of the little house, I was no more than a foot behind him. As he slipped between the two hanging halves of the fence, he gave me a very serious look, held one finger to his dark lips to signal quiet, and said, “Yo.” I nodded and followed him silently, convinced I was about to be eaten alive by a pack of junkyard dogs. He didn’t go into the house, but instead stopped in what looked like a really junky old workshop that may have once been a garage. Entering, I saw a single mattress on the floor covered by what looked to be a brand new blue blanket. It still had a Walmart price tag hanging from one corner. Stripping off his shirt to reveal a very muscular torso in the dimly lit room, he gestured to a tattoo on his shoulder that read, 'T'. I nodded my understanding. T continued to get naked. He didn’t seem to care what my name was, but his pointed finger at my clothes and gestured to the location where he had tossed his jeans and hoody. Clearly he wanted me to strip, which I did at the speed of summer lightening. T’s ebony penis was way more than twice as long and thick as my pale organ, but it was no less erect. He silently put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me down onto the mattress. Leaning against me, he pressed his face up to my ear and whispered, “Suck dis dick.” I guess I was expecting some sort of conversation or—something, so I must have seemed a little hesitant. T, however, knew how to get me to focus. Taking hold of the base of his cock, T gave himself a couple slow, deliberate pumps. A large drop of clear fluid instantly appeared from the slit. When he put his other hand on the back of my head and pulled, I heard him hiss softly, “Go on. Open that pretty mouth, Whiteboy. That’s jam right outta my black nuts! You knows you wanna taste it. My nuts about ready to bus’!” Now, admittedly I was scared. It was, after all, a gloomy room and this big black thug hadn’t said barely a word to me, but my mouth was watering and his urgent need was obvious. I leaned closer, and barely had time to register the amazing sensation of hot, wet, black cock flesh against my lips when T thrust forward and his cock pushed between my wet lips and began a furious assault on my mouth. PART TWO. "Oh fuck yeah!” T cried out as I gagged. His thick meaty dick meat went from being tantalizingly close to my lips to aggressively pumping in and out of my totally inexperienced throat—and from what seemed like a million miles away, the sound of a dog howling broke the heavy silence. Even though I immediately started sucking, I also gagged really loud. “Motherfucker! What the fuck?!” A voice roared from inside the house. T gripped my head and ordered, “Shhhh!” Oh my god, I thought to myself. I have a black thug’s enormous cock halfway down my throat and He tells Me to be quiet, like HE’S AFRAID!? “What the fuck you doin’ T-bone? That fucking mutt woke me up again, boy!” “Nuttin’ daddy!” T hollered back. Then he kind of suppressed a groan and giggle at the same time, because he was telling the truth! Even though we were frozen in place, that big black cock in my mouth was pulsing with life and a steady flow of his overflowing ball juice was trickling down my throat. It tasted incredible, like sweet and bitter in a really good way. It really drove me half crazy knowing I was gulping hot wet liquid right from his balls. The texture was thick and syrupy and I tried hard not to gag as I swallowed in self-defense. I was totally scared, but I had never been more horny in my life. A door I hadn’t noticed swung open with a crash against the far wall. A larger version of T stood on the top step. With my mouth full of black swollen penis, I’m sure I looked like a total little slut. I sucked slower, and T’s dick slid sideways in my mouth like he was showing me he noticed. It was like we were in on something together, and he was talking to me. I raised my head back up the length of his dick and let my tongue slide up to the huge head. T adjusted his angle enough so the tip of my tongue was right in the slit. “Uhnnn.” I moaned. “Well, looky here! Is that the little cocksucker that answered my ad, boy? I told you to bring him right inside!” “Yes daddy. I was just tryin’ him real quick!” “Urrggg?” They were having a nice little chat about me like I wasn’t involved, except that T didn't pause in pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. I noticed the noises of my slurping were louder than ever. “Hmmm.” The bigger black man squatted down beside where T was face-fucking me, and just watched. I was embarrassed and tried to avert my eyes, but every time I looked back he was looking right in them, then back at my meat-filled mouth, then back up in my watering hazel eyes again. Then he He brought his strong looking dark hand to my mouth, and while looking me right in the eyes, he ran a finger to my lips. I shook with excitement when his fingertip slipped up the side of his son’s dick and slipped into my mouth. My tongue was wet with drool and dick juice and I went to work on his fingertip. “Mmmhm. Yup. Another skinny 'n' scared little white boy, sucking like there’s no tomorrow. Nice. You go on and finish, T-bone. I’ma let you go first this time.” To me, however, he said “You enjoy yourself, boy, but my dick is the one you came here to get wet. I’m next.” “Mmmmhmmmph... ummmph!” I was trying to answer but T helped me express my eagerness by pumping his dick deep for just a second. Then he pulled his meat all the way out. My mouth stayed open and felt empty. T’s father stood upright, his massive bulge was inches from my face. “You heard my daddy, boy.” T said, suddenly all loud and bossy. “Get busy. Ain’t gotta be quiet now.” As his father watched, the sexy black boy put his dripping dick up to my lips and said, “Get to it." PART THREE "MMmmmmpphhh!! Urrrgglglllllmmpphhhhhhhhh!” I protested, but all three of us knew I was lying, and that I was right where I wanted to be. “Hear him, Daddy? He likes bein’ loud jus’ like us! Hot little cocksucker jus’ beggin’ to eat black nut! He been gulpin’ lotsa pre-cum, but he ain’t ate real black nut yet. You gonna like dis one! Yeah boy. Slobber and drool on T’s big ol’ tool!” T was pumping his cock hard and fast in and out of my mouth and I was doing my best to get enough air to keep from passing out—or from dying. I was completely aware that his big bad Daddy was stroking hard, and I was expected to provide him with the same service any second. Fuck yeah. I definitely would. “I got my camera phone, T-bone. Turn that little slut so’s I can git some good pics when you nut.” T roughly re-positioned ,e, grunting as he did so, “Take the pics, Daddy! Maybe my spunk’ll shoot out his nose! Uhhhnnn!!!!! Imma…bout to….uhhnnnnutttt!!!!” Oh my god. To this day I still can’t believe that wild encounter happened less than ten miles from my parents’ house. Spots were already dancing around in my eyes because they were watering and I was oxygen starved. The flashes from the camera were like a strobe and that of course terrified me—but at the moment all I could focus on was the taste and texture of T’s hot spunk as it flooded my slutty mouth. “Mmmmmmmmmmm!” I grunted, even as I noted T's pre-cum trickle never actually stopped, it just turned to very thick sperm and erupted with five times the volume in thick creamy spurts! I counted four ropes of cum as I gulped them and swallowed as the world spun. I groaned and gobbled hot sperm in drooling delight and shock at my own wanton behavior. “Look at him eatin’ it, Daddy!” When T finally pulled his cock from my mouth, I gasped in a huge breath of air. “Oh damn…” I coughed and burped. I was very much aware that I was naked and had drool and warm semen all over my face and chest. T's Daddy just laughed and about then I got my first really look at him. He was a larger version of his son. More tattoos. A bigger belly and an even more impossibly impressive cock. His balls, however, dwarfed the pair by which I drained and had all but been drowned by a few moments earlier. “You ain’t gonna run away, is you boy? You lookin’ scared. Nobody stoppin’ you.” “Maybe a little, mister,” I admitted, scurrying closer to the bigger man, "but I guess I’m just a lot more horny. I definitely can’t believe what I just did, and even more, really can’t believe you watched me blow your son." However, my discomfort didn't prevent me from leaning forward towards him, brazenly opening my mouth wide, and wrapping my lips right around his really big black cock. “Mmm! Good boy! You know what you want!” “Uhmmmmmm!” I agreed. “T!” the older man hollered to his son. T, who was standing right beside me, reached down and lightly felt-up my ass. He seemed content to take on a secondary role to his father. Maybe it was because so much of his spunk was already down my throat. “Yeah? Whassup?” “Go on and git this hot little slutty whiteboy up in that sling. Pull his legs back wide and tie ‘em tight but comfy. Then go on an’ git that camera. He done real good wit the feeding, so far. Let’s see how he does wit' the breeding." Holy moly! I pulled my mouth off his fat cock and sputtered my objections, “Mister! I’m not a bottom! I just like to suck dick, that’s all! And I never ever sucked a black dick before today, never sucked two guys together…I…I.…” “Boy, let T get you up in that sling, wif yo’ legs way back. Then I git my cock down deep in yer little cum gulping throat and let T give yo little hole a good tongue massage, okay? Then you tell me what you wants. Deal?” “Uh… I guess that’ll be okay, sir.” PART FOUR T took me by the elbow, remarking "Daddy and me, we call this fucked up ol’ playhouse our breeding, shed. C’mon, boy.” I hesitated, but just long enough to drop to my knees to quickly lap a big gooey droplet of pre-cum off of his father’s big black dick. “What? Is my Daddy's pre-cum so good?” T asked. Both father and son chuckled at my expense. In any event, in a few minutes later I was laying in a type of hammock. My wrists were in loose padded handcuffs that were fastened to the cables on the end where my head was sort of dangling, my legs were pulled far apart, and secured to the cables at the far end of the hammock. T was quite considerate when he tied each ankle, asking me just to make sure I was comfortable. When I replied yes, T explained “You lookin hot as fuck, little bitch! You got me an’ Daddy both wantin’ you. And we both already know you a hot little cum eatin’ cocksucker! Damn, I need to taste that pale little ass!” I had never felt more exposed or more vulnerable. The feeling of helplessness had my stomach doing flips and when T’s tongue touched my little hole, I actually closed my eyes tight and let out a little squeal of pleasure. When I opened my eyes T’s Daddy was standing right over my head. His balls were heavy when he let them settle onto my face. “Lick ‘em, boy. Lick these nuts. They heavy I know, cuz they fulla that good creamy black dick spunk I might let you eat.” I went right to work licking and kissing and really trying to suck that big man’s balls, while, at the same time, T was driving my virgin boy hole wild with his tongue. “Oh, fuck that feels good!” I cried out. My groans of pleasure were instantly muffled when those balls dangling over my willing mouth were replaced by a huge thick cock in my throat. “Ummmmppppppppphhhhh! MMMmmmmmmm!! URRGGGGLLLLL” “Breathe through your nose, little bitch. Now swallow down my cock and…yeah, just like that…mmmmm. Do that again…. Yeah boy, swallow…swallow….yeah, work those throat muscles. Mmmm.” I could hear T taking pictures as his father worked his fat cock deeper and deeper into my throat. “Keep your eyes open, and look toward the camera, slut!” I did what I was told, and I sucked and licked every curve and vein of that black cock, trying to memorize every contour and trying burn the memory of this surreal experience into my brain. “Damn, whiteboy. You fuckin’ hot! C’mon T-bone. Get back on this end before I bust too fast! Give this boy sumpin’ to suck on while I get a look at that cherry hole!” Just that quick, the two men switched positions. The older man was definitely in charge of my education. I held my mouth wide open until T’s got close enough to obey his Dad, who remarked almost to himself, “Yeah, T-bone. Work that slut’s throat good! You suck him good now, boy! Swallow that cock like I just taught you! Now here! Feel my big ol’ cock head pressing on your tight little hole?! Push down on it! Do it!” “UmmmPHHHH!” I squealed. “Take you cock outta that boy’s mouth, T-bone! Whatchoo sayin’, white boy?” “Ummmm…” I groaned. “Fffffff….. Uhhnnnnn…… Fffff…Ummm.” “Tell me! Whatchoo wantin’ boy?” T tilted my head up so I could see his father. The older man was giving me a very serious look, and in his hand he was gripping the tip of his dripping cock which was pressing firmly against my cherry hole. “Fuck me, mister! Please! I think I can take it. I think so. Maybe. I played with a cucumber a couple of times. My ass really wants to feel your cock!” “That’s all ya had to say, slut. You..can…scream if…it…helps. UHHH, yeah, boy! Look down here at my big dick gettin' inside you!” I looked down and couldn't believe what I was seeing. T looked down at me and started jacking his cock right over my face, his balls virtually practically bouncing in excitement. “Ohh… Sir, it’s…so….uuhhhhnnnnnnnn… your big…black…cock…it’s… inside me! Ohhhh….uuuhhhhhhhh!” “I’m gonna nut again, whiteboy!” T yelled, the camera no longer in sight. “My daddy don’t take long to breed a horned up little cherry boy like you, and his nuts are huge! Time for feeding and breeding, slut! Open. Your. Mouth!!!” “He’s right, boy! Eat his spunk. I’m…getting…deep…deeper…..” “Ohh! Oh fuck! Ohhh…. Fuck yeah…. T, your…daddy…is…fucking…me….his big cock…. Uhhnn….you should…fff…fffeed me again!” Just then T growled and said, “We’re keepin’ this fuckin’ whiteboy slut, daddy! Unnnggghh! Cuming again, slut!! Yeah, eat eat eat!!!!!” I greedily started gulping more rich sperm as it pulsed ropey strands into my mouth and all over my face as I said, “Mmmm! Oh, yeah… I can’t believe how good it tastes….” Gobbling T’s sperm like I would never eat again, I was delirious with the feel of the bigger, older man fucking my tight virgin ass. “You doin’ really good. I’m fucking you for real now, boy…..slow… deep…strokes…in and out. Yeah, yeah. I'm ‘bout to flood your hole with…my….Aaaaeeeiiiirrrggghh! Yeah! Seeding you, boy! You gettin bred and fed! And we’re just gettin’ started! Oh yeah….feel how much better my cock feels up in you with all that creamy spunk, boy?” “Fuck yes, mister! Feels…so…good…please…please…don’t…. please….don’t….stop! Uhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.” “We just getting started, boy. My big black cock is all cummy now, and I’m fucking my seed deeper into you. You know you’re MY bitch, now, right boy? I’ll let my son use you and whoever else I want to." “Unnnnhh! Yes sir...." “That’s good, boy. Who’s my bitch?” “Oh, I’m your bitch sir. I’m definitely your little bitch!”
    7 points
  2. My boyfriend and I have always had an open relationship. We agree there is a difference between love and sex, that I could plow the neighbor boy up the street while my partner was taking his daddy’s meat upstairs and that works for us. We also have some intense role-playing when we are together, which is HOT! It was during one of these while romps of our that he revealed a fantasy to me that he wanted to fulfill. “You want some guy to tie you up, fuck you all day, and hen leave you tied up for me to untie when I get home?” I asked wanting to make sure I completely understood. I had paused briefly in my piston fucking to verify. I slowly started picking up my temp as I finished, “…and you want me to watch from work via webcam?” I buried myself in him and shot my load deep inside of his ass as he moaned yes and eagerly pumped his on cock shooting shortly after mine, his load glistening on his panting chest. “Hell yeah," I answered my own question,"...make it happen!” That was Friday night and he had been enthusiastically typing away at the computer all weekend so Monday morning I left for work with a little pep in my step wondering if I would receive an email with a video chat link in it while I pushed papers and dealt with clients and blah blah blah. I receive any such email, nor did I receive one the next day, nor the day afterwards. Not that I was particularly disappointed. Each day I had one of the office pool guys blow me at lunch. I would check for the email, and figured I would watch my boyfriend get fucked while getting blown. As it turned out, I didn’t get to watch but I still got a blow job from my co-worker. The guy is cute and a great cocksucker, so why not? It was another week before I got the email. I was not expecting it but my heart skipped a beat. Fortunately it was on a day when I wouldn’t have a lot to do so could devote pretty much the whole day to watching, and it was early around eleven a.m. and I was only here till five. I opened the link and watched the screen buffer and then the connection was made. There on the screen was my boyfriend on our bed with a rather hot stranger to me. It was an interesting set up, the webcam was Bluetooth above the bed and went through the laptop, so I could see them on the bed and see them typing to me on the laptop. It didn’t take long for them to realize that I was connected, and I received a brief explanation saying my boyfriend would be tied face down to the bed in the standard X positioning. He would be blindfolded and would wear earmuffs to prevent hearing, the deadening of the two senses were supposed to heighten the sense of touch. The top had tied my boyfriend spread eagle on the bed and went to town eating his ass. The resulting series of head thrashings and body writing that issued forth from my boyfriend sang a testimonial to the magical tongue of this stranger and his obviously superb abilities. While I could not hear what was happening I could see it on the screen and I knew there was some loud moaning going on in that room. My cock was at full salute, and my ass was beginning to tingle, which led me to wish the top's tongue was working on my hole. Damn, I thought, why had we not thought to do this earlier? If nothing else, I was fairly sure this would become a regular component of our sex play. The top continued eating my partner’s ass for about ten minutes then he stopped, stripped, and revealed yet another blessing: he was well hung and had a set of bull balls. Now I know why my partner picked him, he always did have a thing for big cocks, (which was why the two of us were such a good couple: I’m a hefty eight inches, with a nice set of juice makers, but I had nothing on this guy). At this point the top re-positioned the laptop, and took a seat on the bed at my partners head. Chad, my partner, I guess I should have introduced him by now, went to town working on that cock, and I can’t say that I blame him. I don’t particularly like sucking dick but when I come across one such as this particular cock, probably a full ten inches when erect, and sporting a nice girth, I usually find a hunger deep in my throat, and an inclination to bottom, if only for the challenge of accommodating such a tool. Anyhow, as Chad nursed the enormous cock of the stranger, the later placed the laptop on Chad's back and chatted with me. . Him: "What’s going on man? Are you enjoying the show?" Me: "Hell yeah. Looked like a hell of a tongue fucking there." Him: "Yeah, I do it good." Me: "Fuck his ass. He likes big cocks." Him: "Oh, don't worry. I’m gonna fuck his ass alright." With that the top placed the laptop off to the bed stand, and dabbed what I assumed to be poppers on a bit of it onto a cotton pad, placing it on the bed next to Chad's head, so the two of them could take a nice hit as needed, a courtesy of which I knew Chad would avail himself. As Stranger moved around the room, his huge cock just bounced around but never lost strength. He picked-up a bag of some sort, lubed his massive cock and started pushing a generous amount into Chad's ass. Wait, I thought, he's supposed to be using condoms! I pressed the button on the chat program that sent a buzz to the computer to get his attention. He was halfway in at that point and I couldn’t tell if the alarm had gone off on that end. He was sinking deeper into him bare and Chad was presumably in heaven, completely unaware he was being barebacked. The top finally bottomed-out in Chad, who's ass, as our toy collection will attest, is very accommodating, and about then the top seemed to notice the alerts. He lay across Chad's back, reached for the laptop, and with his cock still buried in Chad's ass, set the laptop on Chad's shoulders and slowly pumped in and out of him as he read my messages Me: "Hey! Wait! STOP! You need to wear a condom, dude!" Him: "Oh, I’m sorry man. I thought it was cool. He said you guys barebacked." Me: "We do bareback, with each other. Not with other people though." Him: "Oh." At this point I noticed the length of time it was taking for him to respond to my messages, and that at no point had the top stopped fucking Chad, even as I told him he needed to be wearing a condom. In fact, more than a minute had passed after he replied "Oh," and he was still fucking away, the laptop on Chad's back, just staring at the screen. Me: "Hello?" Another minute passed. Again I typed "HELLO?" Another minute passed. Finally he typed "Yeah?" Me: "Put on a condom, dude." A minute passed before he responded "Oh, yeah, sorry, man. It was the poppers." He stopped, and slowly pulled-out of Chad, and, donning a condom, in less than a minute he was suited up and hilted inside of Chad again, plowing away. The laptop was back on the bed stand and top was concerned solely with fucking Chad. Man, I thought, this guy has lasting power, and watching him was bringing out the bottom in me. I wanted him to do me exactly like he was doing Chad. Exactly, not really. I know that if Chad and I switched roles, and the incident with the condom had occurred were I was being fucked bareback, either Chad wouldn't have noticed, if he had noticed, he wouldn't have cared enough to intervene. Knowing as much didn't kill the perverse interest I felt in wanting to bottom for the guy. In fact, I suspected that were he fucking me, he would most definitely be fucking me bareback. Suddenly someone knocked at my door and I all-but jumped to my feet. In the lust of the moment I had lost myself in watching Chad and his top, so the knock shocked me back to reality. Me: "I’ll be right back," not that I think the top on my computer screen was interested. I answered the door to find Jerry, the guy who had been blowing me. I wasn't expecting him, but since he was available, it was easy to invite him to go down on me. Fortunately Jerry is sufficiently limber to slide into the well under my desk and, by adjusting the screen on my computer, I could watch Chad getting fucked by that stallion all the while I received an excellent blow job. Resuming my vicarious participating in the scene with Chad and the stallion, I saw the Stranger was sliding back into Chad, and plowing quite rapidly. And I drifted again to him doing me, and then to knowing it would be bareback. It was about five minutes later when I realized that Stranger had sent a message while I was away from computer and I hadn’t read it. Him: "I’m taking this condom off." My reply? I didn’t type anything. I was high on the ecstasy of the moment. The visual stimulation of my partner getting plowed by this hung stud. The fantasy of being the bottom in such an arrangement, coupled with the taboo eroticism of bareback sex. Adding to this was the sense of humiliation at Stranger just taking control and asserting his own desires, I, after all, was supposed to be in control. Me: "Are you barebacking him?" A long five minutes passed before his reply came: "Yes." Another five minutes passed, and he typed another message to me: "And you know what else?" Me: "What?" Him: "I'm Poz." Me: "You are?" Him: "Yup." Me: "Are you going to cum in him?" Him: "I already have. Twice." As I read his last message, my orgasm suddenly erupted violently in Jerry’s mouth. It was such a violent orgasm that it took a major effort on my part not to scream in pleasure. When I was able to regain my composure, I saw the Stranger had closed the laptop, ending the transmission. I closed my eyes, contemplating what was happening, "What's going on?" Jerry asked. I quickly filled him in on the parts of the story that he didn’t know, essentially the last part of the conversation with Stranger about cumming in him. Jerry looked at the clock and said “It’s two o:clock. What time are you heading home?” “I don’t know.” I replied as Jerry spit into his hand a mixture of saliva and my cum and wiped in on his asshole. Jerry lined up and slid down my bare cock taking me all the way into him easily. “I can’t go home yet. We have company until five..” --THE END--
    3 points
  3. There was this hottie versatile guy visiting both our profiles on gayromeo, planning a sex adventure while visiting our town, leaving blank the safe sex option (how revealing...): 46 years old, 180cm, 72kg, defined muscled body, jarhead, trimmed body hair, beautiful cock with a 0 gauge PA, nice rosebud, according to the pics he sent. Since both me, 54, 176, 69, bald, no facial hair, smooth, slim, nice thick 20cm cock, accomodating hole, and my bf, 55, 178 70, full beard, short cropped hair, hairy, athletic, gorgeous 24cm beer can cock, great fucker, eager fistee, as myself, stated we preferred long sessions, he assumed, correctly, we like to pnp, and, quite surprisingly, went straight to the matter: if we would like to have him over for a long raw session. By the look of the chat it seemed to me it was more interested in getting his hole well used – fine, by me, but I wanted some meat inside, as well. That would require some careful planning... We got ready, taking our time prepping the fun room: suspended sling, mirrors on all walls, our music mix, with a heavy bass, standing by – perfect for what we had in mind, plastic covered mattress on the floor, on cleaning our insides, putting our leather harnesses, leather jocks, metal thick cockrings, with strings around our cocks and balls, heavy metal ballrings, slipping a couple of pills, cialis and kamagra. No other chems, so far: we wanted to be aware and in control... We prepared two joints, one “plain”, the other spiked with tina (no one can blame us on not treating well our guests). Some other things were prepared, then… Not knowing the extent of his experience we took extra care on how we would have him taking G, without him noticing: we placed an opened bottle of coke, replacing a third of the content with G, dissolving a couple of viagras, and stored it in the freezer. After all, I wanted him to be open to some suggestions on fucking me, as well. And we waited, just letting some of our friends know that we would not go to the baths, later, entertaining a foreign guy. He got at our place at the appointed hour: we guessed he had arrived earlier and waited, so punctual he was... I opened the door and there he was: just like the pics he sent (always good news) with one different thing: we wore glasses, thick ones. I was glad for that, anticipating he would be without them, soon enough, so we would not notice all the equipment we had in our fun room: our devoted cams and mikes... He entered our living room, sat on the end of the couch and started small talk. We could see right then he was quite nervous, fidgeting hands, dry mouth... Dry mouth? I asked, leaving to get his coke I must say I was the only one speaking to him, in a third language, since he did not speak mine, and my bf only speaks native. I left to get it and took another closed bottle and, casually, opened it, in the corridor, in front of him, spilling some, on purpose. While “cleaning” the mess, I switched the bottles… He was so thirsty he drank the entire 33 cL almost on one gulp. Made a funny face but didn’t mention anything. G as incredible as it is, made him melt on the couch, he himself took off his glasses and smiled, getting closer to us, saying that without his glasses he could not admire our bodies so well… Since we had put the heater on, it was child’s play having him removing his clothes: military boots, which he put on, later, his jacket, revealing a thigh t-shirt that showed a leather harness, good taste…, bleached jeans, leaving a white jock, letting us know his cock was already on full extent. He was indeed a hunk and that made us quite horny and eager to start the festivities. We lit our joint, to start relaxing and getting in fuck mode and asked if he wanted some to which he said yes, immediately. We offered the other one, so he could relax, since it was understandable he would be more nervous than us. It was visible the way he started to slur his words and it was quite easy compelling him to start rimming my hole, right there, in the sofa. My bf was helping him by fingering his hole and pushing his head against my butt. I was glad it took no convincing him to get up and to start fucking my hole. His cock, although not as thick as my bf’s, was quite good and he knew how to manage it, teasing my sphincter and then pushing it all the way in, touching my second ring, the weight of his PA was great to feel inside. We easily took him to our playroom and I asked if I could place a ball ring, similar to ours, and a string to make everything bulgier. He had great balls and, with the ring, he eventually fucked my hole with them We put the music on and it was amazing the way he responded, starting humming and that defined the way we communicated from that point on: three hummers… Although altered by the chems, he showed initiative: he proposed to fist both of us, on the mattress, and we gladly accepted. The fucker was quite skilled and we were happy we took our time cleaning: he was reaching and passing, easily, our second ring. I climbed on the sling and he rimmed my hole, alternating with sucking my bf’s cock. He went on fuck me again and he was quite into it. And I was thinking he was mostly a bottom… My bf asked me if he could be in the middle and after consulting him, he happily agreed. It was great to watch the happiness on my bf’s face, since I really don’t fuck him, enough. That guy was making my bf’s fucking me even better than usual. I was so pleased by the turn of events, I proposed him to be fucked by my boyfriend. He made a quite funny face and asked to leave to get something from his pocket. We went along and the fucker presented us a bag of tina and a handful of ecstasy pills… Nervous or not, the guy had some hidden talents, after all. The three of us took the pills and he said he needed a booty bump to get fucked by my boyfriend. That request came right into our design of the night. We prepared his booty bump, not being modest in the amount – his tina, after all, and placed him on the sling. We inserted the syringe carefully into his so far tight hole and pushed the tina inside… Then he really started sweating. We waited a while and start playing with his hole: first with a metal round bar – he said the cold of the metal inside his hot hole was amazing, then we placed a vinyl anal stretcher and gazed at his perfect pink inner walls. After he asked we both pissed inside his hole and he was in heaven. He started to piss and I was to drink all of it, feeling me getting high from the chems in his system. We removed the anal stretcher and my bf started to fuck him and they both started humming the same tune. It was great to see his hole expand and welcome my bf’s tool. The way his hole came out when my bf pulled out – just like the pics he had sent, forced me to ask my bf for a break so I could rim that beautiful rosebud. Licking and fingering, putting some more tina inside, his eyes rolling back… That was when I decided to climb on the sling, letting him fuck me with his hard cock. The position was ideal to rub some alcohol in his arm, selecting a proper vein to slam the fucker. We were not modest in the amount; it was from our supply of tina from which we had prepared our rigs, before. He coughed and I could feel his cock getting its own life, inside of me. We slammed, at the same time, and that was the moment, the three of us became one. I really think we shot at the same time, but maybe it was a cascade: my bf shooting his load inside of him, he exploding inside my hole and I shooting all over his chest and face. We took a break and went to the living room, to get some rest and to chat a little. That was when he revealed he had taken two viagras, to ensure himself he would be able to fuck, since he noticed we would like to be fucked as well, the clever guy… We gulped some water, to re-hydrate and relaxed, checking our apps and pc. It turned out that some of our friends wanted to come and join the fun.
    2 points
  4. A CUM-FILLED NIGHT AT SLAMMER Once or twice a month or so, I head on over to the Slammer sexclub in Los Angeles. Got a hankering for beefy masculine men? Like ‘em hairy? This is the place! Condoms are “encouraged” by the staff, but I don’t recall the last time I used them. A Saturday night here can be filled with cum and debauchery. There’s no shortage of men eager to fuck, get fucked, cum and get their holes filled with cum. And, with a look at the men there, there’s no doubt that the vast majority are spewing toxic seed. You know the look: lean, veiny, muscular with fat in just the right places to let you know they have the virus of life flowing through their veins. With any luck, I’ll get a few strains in my guts as well. On this particular Saturday night, I arrived a bit earlier than I usually do, shortly before 10 pm. It’s usually 11 or so when the action picks up, and the peak lasts until 2 am or so. As expected, it started out slow. I stripped down to my gym shorts with the band of my white Classic Bike #10 jockstrap hanging out the top. I headed on over to the gloryhole trough and found a couple of big daddy cocks worth sucking. One of the men had a thick cut cock with a huge ball sack, heavy with cum. I glanced at him, and pulled out my cock and started stroking my eight inches. That got his attention, and we made eye contact, as he walked up and stuck his big daddy dick through a hole. I took a hit of poppers and went to town. His thick cock filled my mouth to overflowing; I truly struggled with his girth, and took every pleasure in doing so! I rarely gag, but even his heft had me struggling. But repeated hits of poppers got me quite in the piggy mood, and I dug in my tongue into his piss slit, licking up every drop of precum I could. He brought his face to the hole, and stuck out his tongue, which I eagerly started sucking on, deepthroating his tongue just as I had been doing with his cock. We both took hits of poppers and passionately made out through the glory hole. After the intensity of the popper hit wore off, he asked to take me to a private booth, and I eagerly complied. We went to a booth that had a big bench for us to lay on. We quickly stripped off the little clothing we were wearing, so he was completely naked, except for boots and socks, and with me wearing nothing other than my shoes, socks and a jockstrap. ] We swapped a good deal of spit before he got me on my back and spread my legs, digging his tongue into my hairy fuckhole. He was an ass eater extraordinare! Clearly he loved to eat ass. He tongue-fucked my hole, loosening it up for what I hoped would be his cock. My cock was leaking a ton of poz precum, and he probably feared he was getting me too close, because he then came up and started making out with me. “Wanna get fucked?” he asked. “Please fuck me, fuck my poz fuckhole!” I breathed out. “You’re a pig, aren’t you? You’re a poz scumbag? You want me to recharge your hole, you pig?” Man, this guy knew exactly what got me off! “Please plow your cock into my ass and fill my hole with your toxic cum! Give me your strain!” With that, I took a hit of poppers as he lubed up my hole and his cock, and he plowed deep in me! Rarely has a cock filled me so full! Pleasure clearly won out over pain, and I was in pig heaven. His big hairy nut sack bounced against my ass as he plowed his big cock in and out of my hole. He occasionally spat in my mouth as well, interrupted only by groans from me, heavy breathing from both of us, and an occasional “pig” or “poz pig” or “toxic cum” from either or both of us. It was still early in the evening and I was hoping that all this talk wasn’t for show and that he would give me his load. And he didn’t disappoint. After about 15 minutes of him plowing my hole, he asked me: “Ready for my load?” “Give me your strain,” I grunted, taking a hit of poppers so he could really plow away. And plow away he did. Within a couple minutes, his cock was pumping gobs of charged cum deep into my guts. Naturally my hole savored every drop. His pace slowed, and after the intensity of his orgasm passed, he took a few more strokes in my ass before slowly withdrawing his cock. My hole was loose and sloppy, just the way I like it for a night of cum-filled debauchery ahead. I put my shorts back on and after exchanging pleasantries, we parted ways and I resumed walking the halls of The Slammer. The crowd was streaming in, and, considering scarcely 30 minutes had passed since I entered the place, there were still quite a few new faces. I had the feeling this would be a good night. I walked by the open sling, and there was an obviously old poz pig lying there, his skinny white ass in the air, ready for any cock. 'Ah, a vintage strain', I thought. I started making out with him, and this attracted other men to approach us and to run their hands over his body and mine. Another guy joined us in making out, and soon we were a swirl of three tongues, aggressively swapping spit amidst heavy breathing and groaning. The old guy in the sling whispered to me, “Fuck me.” I usually like to get a few loads in my ass before I top, but this guy was too hot for me to pass up. I approached his ass, and fingered him a bit. He was loose and wet! Mmmm, a cummy hole! I couldn’t resist! I took a few tentative licks at his hole, not knowing how clean he was, and I was delighted to find that this guy knew how to clean out! He ass started to give up some of his fresh-tasting cum in that hole, and I slurped away at his pig hole. After a few minutes of tongue-fucking his hole, I teased his hole with the head of my leaking cock, and then plowed my cock deep into his ass. What a loose hole he had, and my cock was covered with who knows how many loads. His hole started leaking some more, and I couldn’t resist but to get back down and dive in with my tongue. Fortunately his ass lips were so loose I could get in there quite deeply. Eventually I went back to fucking him some more, but didn’t take any hits of poppers (although he did). A hit would’ve sent me over the edge, and I wasn’t quite ready to give this guy my load yet. As I was fucking him, another dude approached me from the side and started manhandling my muscular chest. He was muscular, goateed, and looked to be in his mid-20s. He started making out with me as I plowed away at the older guy. Meanwhile, my wasted bottom pig was getting his mouth fucked by some monster dick as I continued to fuck his hole. The young bud said "I wanna fuck you." "Go ahead," I replied. The young guy whispered that he’d prefer me in a private room, but I told him that if he wanted to fuck me, he should stick his dick in me right now. He fingered my hole to get it ready for his cock, and I could feel my prior fuck’s cum leaking out. My newfound young friend didn’t even use any lube; he pulled out his cock from his jeans and started to fuck away at my hole while I continued to fuck the old guy. Once again I was in pig heaven. Sweet. It was only a few minutes before he filled my hole with his cum. I was hoping he’d go a bit longer, but a load is a load. He gave me a nervous “thank you” and then put away his cock and pulled up his jeans and was on his way. I continued to fuck my older friend, and as I started to make out with him, he said to me: “I want your cum in me!” I told him I wasn’t ready yet, but that I’d give him some cum anyways. I pulled out of his ass, scooped up a bit of cum from my own hole, lubed up my cock with this cum, then plowed back in. I told him he had a mix of two more loads in his ass now, and that put a big smile on his face! After another five minutes of plowing his hole, I told him I needed to take a break. I honestly did. His loose sloppy hole had me quite close to cumming, and I wasn’t quite ready to breed a hole quite yet. I browsed the halls a bit more, and noted that the place was really filling up! Oh, there were so many men I wanted to breed and be bred by! Young guys, older men, beefy men, skinny men, poz men and men who wanted to be poz. So much masculinity and raw energy in that one area! I walked over to a pitch black room in back. It’s was spilling over with near-naked men. Honestly, you can’t see a foot in front of you, and can barely make out shadows. As I sorta pushed my way in, hand upon hand started running over me, feeling my chest, cupping my jockstrap pouch, grabbing my asscheeks. A few guys started to finger my hole as I tried to make my way in. Once in the thick of it, I felt my way to the bench and bent over, ready to take on whoever anonymous guy wanted to fuck me. They could barely see me, and I could barely see them. All the men around me only knew that I was a greedy fuckhole ready for cum. A guy started to finger my hole. Feeling it loose and wet, he took his cock and placed it right at my hole as I was taking a hit of poppers. As my high started to hit me, he slowly eased his bare dick in my hole. And it was a big one! Not huge, but thick. Slowly, he started pistoning in and out. With my popper high peaking, I started to back my ass up on his cock aggressively to let him know I was ready for a pounding. And pound away he did! It was a few minutes before I felt him let out a loud groan as he unloaded his cock in my ass. Soon, another guy replaced his cock. And then another. Not all the men came, but most did, and I had cum leaking down my leg. I think I took about 5-7 more loads, but honestly, I lost count. As I tried to extricate myself from the room, the bottom next to me grabbed on and followed me out. As we entered the hallway, he said hi and said he was jealous of the all cock I got in me. He asked me how many loads I had and I answered “about 10”. He told me he had 6 and was aiming for 20. “You’re just my type of pig.” He was young, maybe mid-20s, but a seasoned bottom. As he turned around and walked ahead of me, I saw what I love to see: a biohazard tatt on his lower back. I grabbed his ass as we continued to walk, and told him I wanted to load him up. I usually give two loads on an average night, and this poz pig was one I wanted to recharge! I led him to the sling, and he jumped right in like a pro. I started to finger his ass and found some cum leaking out. Not one to let cum go to waste, I started to lick his hole and slurped up the cum as it leaked out. I swallowed some, but then took a nice mouthful back up to him as we shared the loads, swapping spit and cum back and forth, our tongues wrestling inside each other’s mouths. As we snowballed, I placed my cock at his hole and pulled out my poppers, offered him a hit, which he gladly accepted, and I took a hit as well as I slowly fucked his ass, picking-up my pace, knowing that I wouldn’t last long anyway the cumsloppy mess that was his hole, and I asked him if he wanted my charged load. “Fuckin’ recharge my ass, man!” he urged, and with those words, I started coating his insides with my poz cum. I came for what felt like forever, and he loved it. As I came off my climax, I made out with him for a few more minutes as one guy right next to me started to scoop up the cum leaking from my buddy’s ass and started to massage it into my hole. Does that mean I was just instantly bred by six more loads?! Yup, pig heaven. With that load, I decided to end the night. I hate being one of the desperate bottom whores left at the end of the night, who are eager for a load but end up laying in the sling at the end of the night without any takers. I decided to leave on a high note. So, with who knows how many loads in my ass and strains of HIV being absorbed through my guts, I decided to head back home.
    2 points
  5. I'm a kinky bastard, what can I say? I enjoy getting off to hot videos of neg holes getting bred by poz tops and stories of stealthers coming in and knocking-up unsuspecting neg bottom boys. I do it a lot myself, and I'm good at what I do, they never know who it was that got em...at least I thought none figured it out. I admit once I had gotten cocky so I wasn't careful, and sure enough I came across a story, and it was so fucking hot...and I realized it was about me! The boy knew he had been pozzed deep and good. Maybe you'll get off to what happened to him like I have. (Story told from Bottom's Point of View.) Looking back now, I can't tell if I was stupid, horny, or naive. One thing I can tell you is, the guy had a huge dick. I was new to the city and it was my freshman year of college. I was still just eighteen and only had a bit of experience being fucked and I always played safe like I learned in Health Class my Sophomore year in High School. I hadn't come out though so I couldn't really make the typical profile. I was sticking to things like Craigslist, maybe that's how I got set up so easily. He had a nice package, said he was on the DL. He was a hung mixed guy, couldn't tell what mixed but he had great slightly tanned looking skin, and a thick beautiful cock that curved upward just a bit. He had a remote control right next to his dick for size reference, oh god....I was already hard. I messaged him and sent a pic of my ass and face. I hoped I'd get one in return, I told him I was looking for some 'safe' and 'sane' fun, just some buzz words that I picked up to convey I was vanilla and maybe a bit inexperienced. To my surprise I didn't have to wait long to get a response and a face pic. He was way better looking than I had imagined, I thought guys who wanted to hide their face would probably require a paper bag if I wanted to get fucked by them, but that was so not the case. He asked if I was neg, and I said yes so condom only. He asked if I got into any kink like being tied up or blindfolded because it turned him on a lot. I had never tried any of that before but if he would fuck me more than once, I would go for it. He agreed and sent me his address and when to be there. It was just over an hour and so I had to move like lightning if I wanted to be ready in time. I was all nerves and butterflies as I pressed the buzzer to the apartment number he gave me, the door opened and I went up to the floor I was told the room was on. I came knocked the door '232' tentatively and it opened as I tapped the wood. I pressed my palm against it and opened the door fully. The room was dimly lit with candles and some sensual R&B jams playing lowly. He sat there shirtless, nice built chest, sweatpants hanging loosely from his hips showing his pubic hair and the very base of his dick was exposed as well. My heart was pumping hard in my chest now, was I supposed to fall to my knees and worship his dick? I wanted to at the very least. I confess I have a thing for thugs, just the idea of one getting rough and merciless with me was hot...but not sure how well I could deal with pain if there was any unexpectedly. "Come here and suck this dick," he commanded firmly. I obliged and covered the distance between me and his crotch, tugging down those sweats and sucking the ever-stiffening uncut monster cock that I was going to let drill into me. He licked a finger and slid it down my track pants and fingered my tight hole, his saliva slicked it up as he opened me. I moaned contently. "I'm gonna widen you up, that hole is too tight, I need it loose and used up," he whispered seductively. I arched my back trying to let myself open to him more, another finger made its way inside. He coaxed me up onto the bed, pulling me forcibly by my hair so I had to crawl on my hands and knees to the middle. He took my hands and pulled them up towards the corners, leather straps found their way around my wrists and were secured snugly with lightning quick precision. I could barely move my hands, there was no way I could slip out. This whole time he kept me gagged with his dick so I couldn't say much at all. He did mention restraints in the e-mail, so I was only surprised because I was so into sucking him. He moved away from me, and I tried to turn to see where he was going but a blindfold was already over my eyes and tied firmly into place. With one more fluid motion my ankles were bound to the bed to. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't move either. My track pants had been taken off as he had pulled me onto the bed and I was commando, so no underwear stood between my hole and his cock. "I brought condoms," I said, almost more like a whimper. I can't lie, I was scared, he could do anything to me now. Most of the things I imagined him doing to me, I wanted, but what if he wanted to do something else.... "Good," he said somewhere behind me. I could hear the floor boards creaking oddly, and now that I thought about it, I hadn't got to look around his place. There were rooms down the hall, could there be more than one person here? "You have a roommate?" I asked timidly. "Nope, just you and me," he assured me, I felt him press his dick against my ass lube covering it nicely. I couldn't tell if he had a condom on but it didn't feel like it. He pressed my head into a pillow with one hand before I could question and his dick shoved into me as well. I grimaced as the initial burn of his cock widening me up began. I gasped as he plunged into me. He tried to let me get used to it for a few moments but not nearly long enough, this top was impatient for my hole and he knew he could take it. I had no choice but to try and bite into the pillow and give up my ass to my dominator. The whole bed shook, I could hear the headboard knocking against the wall in rhythm with his thrusts into my captive hole. I moaned with each slap of his balls against my ass cheeks, they were so huge, I could tell he shot huge loads. Oh god, I hoped the condom wouldn't break or I'd be the one overflowing with his seed...if he was wearing a condom at all. I was nearly screaming at the top of my lungs into the pillow before he suddenly slacked off and slid out of me without a word. Had he cum? Was he about to rim me? I couldn't tell what was happening, that familiar feeling of nervousness and excitement struck again, perhaps this is why he liked the bottom to be blindfolded. Not knowing could be an aphrodisiac after all it seemed. Then, his cock slid into me once more. Yet, something was different this time. It seemed fatter somehow, his was a hung dick but it was overly-thick, this one though had way more girth to it. Did he put on a cock ring maybe? I didn't have time to ask or ponder before I was being drilled again. Tears started splashing into my pillow as the assault renewed with incredible power. My hole quivered from the force of his dick cramming into me and forcing me even wider. My top was silent not even a little dirty talk, just me moaning and grunting as his used me as much as he wanted. He gripped my hair and pulled my head back, and something was pushed under my nose. I wondered what it was and inhaled curiously, it didn't smell like much of anything but he moved it and held it under my other nostril and made me sniff deeply again. As he moved the bottle away I got the most intense feeling I had ever had. A warmth seemed to spread from the center of my chest and radiate through my whole body. My hole could barely handle his dick before but suddenly it seemed to want nothing more than to open up and get raped by his horse-hung cock. All I wanted was to let him use me as his cumdump, I wished I could have told him to rip the condom off and just blow inside me. My hole felt like a secret part of it was opening up to just him and he could violate me deeper than anyone ever had before and...he sure fucking did. I moaned like a bitch as he drilled my ass in places I couldn't imagine having been fucked in. It was like his dick found a secret compartment to stuff his meat into again and again until suddenly I felt it throbbing repeatedly while he was balls deep inside. I breathed heavily just feeling the pulses taper off after two minutes. His balls emptied every drop before he slid out of my ass. "You wanted multiple loads from me though, yeah?" he questioned. I felt him press his dick back into me, though now it felt longer again, not as thick, and it went even deeper than before. I felt the familiar bottle pressed against my nose. I inhaled, and now I knew he definitely had a friend using my ass there with him, and if I had to guess I was being the cumdump for both of them. I tried pushing out the load, to be sure it was inside me but the rush took over again and his dick was already plowing me deeply. I closed my eyes even though I couldn't see anything anyway and just relaxed and let him use me. Resisting wouldn't help now and he knew I had given in. The bed was rocking like a boat in a storm and the pounding of the headboard was like thunder with how powerful his fucking was. I screamed into the pillow in ecstasy. "Just fucking cum in me, I know you're doing it!" I begged. And that's when he shot. He pulled out so I could feel a spurt of jizz shoot across my back and then plunged balls deep into me and kept it in the entire time until he was done. A finger ran across my back gathering the load he shot and pushed it back into my hole with the rest of the loads. He unbuckled me but pinned my arms behind my back as he undid the restraints on my ankles. He walked me across the room with the blindfold on and pushed me outside the door of his place as he dropped my clothes to the floor with my shoes also outside. The door slammed shut as I was taking off the blindfold, completely naked in the building where anyone could walk by. I hurriedly got dressed, my aching hole wanting to burst with the amount of cum his balls had filled me with. I hoped I could make it home or to a bathroom before I had to let the loads out. "Ugh!" I gasped as it was too late, a huge stream of cum suddenly ran down my left leg coating my socks with jizz there was so much fucking jizz, and I knew that was only the beginning. My track pants were soaked, I could only hope they were dark enough people couldn't tell I had just been fucked in the ass and bred. I felt like such a slut. He had used me and tossed me away like tissue paper... And God was it hot. I found out I was poz two months later, but I never saw him again...that's when I thought to write this. Maybe he'll see it and get in touch someday... ((Note: For anyone who is thinking of asking -- nope, I didn't find this story somewhere else, haha I wrote it all myself, just added more to the story to include that twist. Wouldn't it be hot to read a story written by someone you gifted? ))
    2 points
  6. LOUISVILLE - Worked really hard to line up a gangbang for this sexy 23 yr old Latino boy. I've bred him before so I felt good about the little pig coming thru for me. Well, no calls and no texts today for his gangbang that was supposed to start at noon. Ironically, I got an email from the Craigslist ad I had posted from a boy claiming to be 18 that told me he wanted to be whored out sometime. I hit him up on kik like he requested and we had great conversation. He sent me his pics and I had to ask him for ID because I wasn't convinced he was really 18 When he proved he was legal we decided to go ahead and fuck today so I could whore him out another time. Let's just say that I'm 100000% not in the market to date anyone, but this boy has me reconsidering. He's gorgeous and took my cock RAW, no lube or spit. He wanted me to pound him and when I came in him he stuck his fingers in his hole and scooped some cum out and ate it. He wants me to whore him out but he also asked me out on a date. Hahahaha. I said yes to the whoring out proposition! Get ready Louisville area peeps, this one is gonna be a fun one!
    2 points
  7. I was a Steamworks Thursday night lights out party.i was laying on my stomack in my room. I felt a hand on my ass. I looked up to see a very cute hung Latin guy with a equally cute oriental guy. Both were 19 tools. I Latin guy moved so I could suck his dick. The orientali guy moved on top and all of sudden shoved his dick up my ass. He pounded for a few minutes till I heard him moan. I could feel his dick twitching as he shot. All this while I still had the Latin twinks dick in my mouth. Then the oriental guy pulled out and the Latin guy took his place.. His dick was huge and hurt going in. After a while he came too. They both left. I just lay there. Then in about an hour they returned and we did it again. After the four loads I was too tired for anything else. Sometimes you just get lucky
    2 points
  8. PART 1 My name’s Sloan. I’m 35, white, hairy, and hung. My dick is a fat, veiny hole-wrecker, and I love to show it off in public. I keep my body in the best shape possible—rock-hard six-pack, muscular chest, beefy legs. I’m really good at luring younger guys into giving up their holes. There’s something about my look, about my square jaw and intense brown eyes and high-and-tight crew cut. Something that makes me look trustworthy, wholesome. The good guy. The older brother. The mentor. But see, I’m not the good guy. In fact, I’m one evil motherfucker. My favorite hobby is seducing, chemming, and corrupting college dudes, pushing their limits, taking their fantasies to the dark side, and pozzing their sweet smooth hungry holes—pounding them raw and leaving them dripping with multiple loads of unmedicated virus. And the funny thing is this: no matter how much they protest at one time or another, no matter how much they claim that they don’t want to be barebacked and gang-bred and pimped out, they always end up hungry and begging for more of that sweet seed deep in their guts. So yeah: I guess you could say that I’ve pozzed a lot of boys, destroyed a lot of unsuspecting holes, initiated a lot of slampigs. But last weekend—well, last weekend was the hottest transformation I’ve seen yet. My favorite place to hunt for victims is about a block away from a bathhouse here in Berkeley. I watch for a certain kind of guy: 18 or 19, an undergrad just getting his first taste of freedom away from the parents, well-built, preppy. He might walk hesitantly toward the entrance, then stop to reconsider, then start walking back to his car, then decide to go into the bathhouse after all. That’s when I intercept him. I emerge from the shadows to strike up a conversation—and with any luck, change his life forever. Last weekend, I was in my usual spot. It was a warm August night, and I was wearing a pair of mesh gym shorts with no underwear, a tight wife beater to show off my hairy chest, and a ballcap. I’d taken a dick pill about 30 minutes earlier, so my cock was forming a huge tent in my shorts as I anticipated my next conquest. That’s when the boy got out of his car. He looked both ways down the street—a little lost, I guess—then spotted the bathhouse entrance. Clearly a first-timer, I thought. As he walked closer to me, I began to make out his features: short dark-brown hair, a handsomely boyish face with a nice strong jawline, a fucking adorable nose, and a pair of big, dark, expressive eyes that revealed both his anxiety and his excitement. He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a tight black tank top, so I got a pretty good look at his sweet little jock body, his muscular calves, and his deeply tanned, sinewy arms that showed evidence of some serious time at the gym. He stopped in the middle of the street. He wavered. He almost turned around and went back to his car. But he kept walking toward the entrance—and that’s when I spoke up. “Hey, buddy,” I said, stepping onto the sidewalk, my dick still at attention. That startled him. But as he squinted to look at me in the semi-darkness, his fear turned to relief. I was obviously the kind of guy he was hoping to find here. His eyes widened as they traveled the length of my body, from my face to my torso to the outline of my cock. “Hey there,” he answered in a surprisingly deep voice. “Whatcha doin’?” I looked down at my dick. “Oh, just hanging,” I said with an evil grin, giving my cock a giant twitch. He almost gasped to see it jump like that -- and then he couldn’t stop staring. I stepped back into the shadows and beckoned him to follow me. He obeyed as if in a trance, his whole body shivering as he approached. “What’s your name, buddy?” “Conrad,” he said, but he didn’t look at me. He was still staring at my dick. I made it twitch again, and this time he almost laughed in total fascination. “I’m Sloan,” I said. “How old are you, Conrad?” “I just turned 18 last week,” he replied. “I’m starting at Berkeley this fall. Most people in my class are about a year older—I skipped a grade.” “18 is a good age,” I managed to say, my mind suddenly filled with images of chemming and pozzing this perfect 18-year-old boy. My cock grew harder, and I took a tiny step closer to him. “By the way, Conrad, it’s OK to look at my dick. Really. This cock likes attention. In fact, you can even touch it if you want.” He gave me a funny look, as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. I smiled back, gripping my dick in my hand, then released it by slapping it against my thigh. Another gasp from Conrad. After a moment of hesitation, he reached down to touch the outline of my dick, his hands visibly shaking as he grabbed a handful of mesh and cock. After a moment or two of running his hand along the length of my poz shaft, he looked up at me with a dazed kind of desire. “No, no, Conrad,” I said, shaking my head. “That’s not what I meant.” I took his hand in one of my hands. With my other hand, I pulled the elastic of my shorts away from my waistline. Then I slowly guided him down my treasure trail until he could feel the touch and girth and weight of my cock. It was throbbing with heat, its surface slightly sticky from the steady stream of precum dripping from my mushroom head—as if my poz dick were drooling at the thought of devouring this beautiful, trusting boy. He grabbed onto the dick that would break him in half and poz him deep—and his eyes fluttered in total bliss. I laughed and said: “You like that dick, huh?” He nodded eagerly. I placed my hand on the small of his back and drew him closer to me. He smelled like all good 18-year-old boys should: a combination of cheap cologne, sweat, and chewing gum. I imagined what his crotch might smell like, all musky with dried cum and piss and hormones. As our faces hovered just a few inches apart, I reached my hand down the back of his shorts to feel a perfectly round jockbutt. He trembled again. I whispered in his ear: “Are you looking for a big bro tonight?” He nodded, and I drew him closer, letting him feel the heat radiating off my body. He sighed in contentment as he nuzzled my furry chest. Then I whispered in his ear again: “Do you want your big bro to fuck you, Conrad?” “Yes, please,” he said, lifting up his head to look me directly in the eyes. I smiled and mussed his hair. “Oh, poor lil’ bro,” I said. “Didn’t anybody ever fuck you before?” He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah,” he said. “Two different guys. But they were my age, and didn’t really know what they were doing. I was kinda hoping that I’d find somebody here at the bathhouse who could—um—” “Break you in?” He buried his face in my chest again, mumbling “yes,” and I ran my hands gently up and down his spine, feeling the strength of his back muscles, imagining what he would look like on all fours, back arched, ass in the air, begging for loads. My hands returned to massaging his beefy little jockbutt, and he let out a deep, shaky moan. “I would be so honored to break you in, little bro. I want to show you how a man should fuck a boy, and how a boy should surrender his hole to a man. Would you like that?” “Yes,” he said again. His arms wrapped a little tighter around my torso, and I gently pushed my cock against his body. My throbbing poz shaft thrummed next to the firm muscles of his stomach. He exhaled a long, slow breath, as if melting into me. And at that moment, I smiled to myself and thought: This boy is fucking mine. I pointed down the street. “I live about two blocks that way,” I said. “Wanna come back to my place, maybe smoke some pot, fool around a little? We can go to the bathhouse later, if you decide you’re ready for it.” “Sure,” he said, giving me the cutest fucking grin. And right at that moment, seeing his innocence and sweetness and eagerness to please, my dick twitched even harder than before, and the head of my cock released a small geyser of toxic precum. With any luck, I thought to myself, I’ll get to see that same giant grin on his face in just a few hours—right about the time he’s spreading his slammed-up jockboy hole to get pounded and knocked up by poz cock. I pointed him in the direction of my house. He walked about a half-step ahead of me, his sweet bubble butt bouncing beneath those gym shorts as my cock followed just a few inches behind. The poor kid didn’t know it yet, but he was as good as poz. I knew exactly what to do. Everything was prepared for my victim’s arrival. And within the next hour, I planned to be blasting my potent strain deep inside this sweet 18-year-old fagboy’s chemmed-up cumhole. MORE SOON…
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  9. Load number 3 in my tight cunt. The strong, hairy beast on top of me roared as his grip on my ankles tightened and he added his seed to the sperm cocktail churning around inside me. He smelled like sweat and cigarettes. Combined with the smell of piss in the gas station bathroom and chemicals in my throat, it made my head spin. He rolled up a ball of spit behind his crooked teeth and shot it at my face. It was thick and a little bubbly, like his cum. His cock inside me felt natural, like it was filling up an empty hole inside me. “Good slut!” he exclaimed, satisfied. I moaned as he slipped his cock out and I suddenly felt incomplete. He jammed two fingers into me roughly. Some of the cum leaked out of my ass and dribbled down my legs. I put on my g-string and denim cutoffs. He put ten bucks into my back pocket and kissed me. Some wads of his own spit got caught on his mustache. I normally didn’t ask for payment outside of work; hell, sometimes I would pay to get my ass creamed. But I was low on drugs, and it turns some guys on to shell out a few bucks afterwards. It reminds them of how little I’m worth. He hopped in his car, and I got back on the street, struggling to keep the loads in my ass. Almost 1AM, and the roads were empty. Everything was dark except for the street light and the neon lights at the sports bar the block down. Properly lubed up and feeling piggy, I could finally go to work. A little buzzed from my booty bump earlier that day still, every few steps felt like one, and keeping track of time was difficult. Every sound made me jump. The hot, stickiness grinding between my asscheeks and slowly trickling down my legs made the walk better. I’m 20, 5’9”, Asian, perfectly smooth, waxed all over my entire body, and fit. A lot of guys liked that. Some people told me touching me was like feeling a girl, but my pussy is tighter, and I’m sloppier, hungrier, trashier, and longer-lasting than any girl they’ve fucked before. I arrived at the basement club. Barry, the guy at the desk, knows me by now. The only reason he lets me do what I do here is because sometimes I let him fuck me. Over the course of my career, he’s pumped me with enough sperm to fill my body. “The boys are downstairs at the back of the maze,” he said. “Don’t cause any trouble, fuckin’ tweaker. Don’t want you to pass out again – I’m not taking care of you next time.” I don’t remember what life was like before I was a trashy slut anymore. No... I was always one. This is who I am. I was born and destined for this life. The maze was dark, but plenty of dicks and dirty words graffitied onto the walls stopped you from running into them. Besides, I knew where to go. I walked into the sling room. A white, flickering light swung from the ceiling, creaking as it rocked back and forth. Fourteen guys stood there, either in leather chaps and harnesses or dressed normally and rubbing their bulges through their jeans. Some of them were handsome, some of them were trolls. All of them were at least 35. Bags of white crystals, pipes, and points were being passed around the room. One of the guys was packing a giant three-foot bong with weed. Backwards hat, basketball shorts, chiseled body. He was one of the younger ones. They greeted me warmly and handed me a bottle of coke, which I assumed was spiked with GHB. I took two large gulps. Maybe it was placebo effect, but I immediately felt the room turn floaty and my body felt hot. “Yo Ricky, you sure we can fuck this kid raw?” one guy said. His voice was booming. He was wearing a ski mask and was a tall, broad-shouldered and broad-chested man. He had a gut, but you could tell he was strong and could snap me in half easily with his titanic arms. The bulge through his jeans ran down his thigh. “Hell, I think I’d break him apart. He’ll be feeling my dick in his throat when I fuck that little pussy.” “Then break him apart, John. What, ya worried about the kid? You like him or somethin’?” Ricky said. The masked man squints at me through his eyeholes, grabs my chin, and runs his tongue up my neck, over my jaw, and up my cheek. My face was still sticky from being spit on by the guy in the gas station bathroom. His other hand slides down my back and tailbone until his middle finder rubs my g-string right over my ass. The strap is now sticky, warm, and soaked with the cum oozing out of my hole. I moan as I feel his breath against my face, like a wolf about to eat his prey. “Nah,” he snarled. “I don’t feel nuthin’ for him. Hey boy. I’m gonna shred your lil’ pink cunt, and then I’m gonna knock you up with my lil’ babies.” The other men laughed. My chest fluttered. My ass had been loosened up by the past few fucks that night, but a gangbang will wreck your hole enough. I was already nervous, but his dick looked like a python. Ricky was my pimp, boss, and master. He’s Italian, tall, strong, hairy, and had dark features. He perpetually smelled of cigarettes. He’s not associated with the mob, and he doesn’t kill people... with guns anyway. Ricky’s a businessman who sells bodies, but he has his moral standards. He doesn’t kidnap boys because he knows there are boys like myself who seek him out, who willingly become his whores... and that’s what keeps him passionate about his work. The jock handed me the bong, its giant piece packed full with what looked like a small shrub. He handed me the lighter. “Torch it, man. It’s gonna be a long night for you.” “Thanks,” I said, holding the carb and putting the fire to the weed. I sucked. One... Two... let the fire go. Three feet of glass instantly filled up with a thick white smoke. As the grass burned the smoke turned so thick it had a yellowish hue. Just as I released the carb, John shoved my head down, forcing my mouth over the hole. He held it there as I inhaled until I felt the smoke basically fuck my lungs. I choked, smoke flying out the sides and through my nostrils. “Yo, suck it you little bitch! If you can’t even take that, how are you gonna take fourteen cocks?” the jock yelled. It took me four full inhales to clear the smoke. Meanwhile, John slowly unbuttoned my cutoffs from behind. They fell to the floor around my boots. His hands floated up to my chest and he grabbed my small pecs as he nibbled my ear. I passed the bong to the next guy, but my head was already spinning wildly. I coughed for a full five minutes while the men offered me more of the coke and felt me up all over my body. I felt the blood vessels in my eyes instantly constrict. Everything was slow, I was so high I could barely utter a word or respond to what anyone else was saying or doing, and my skin felt hypersensitive. The men moved in on me. Countless dirty hands (some even with rings!) and tongues slobbered and violated me. A fat finger entered me. I was so high it felt like the first thing to enter my ass all night, an incredibly new and fresh feeling. I moaned, louder than I thought. It almost startled myself, I was practically yelping with pleasure, like a virgin getting his sweet spot gently tapped for the first time. I was drowning in men’s bodies. The high was so strong, their dirty talk was only a buzz in the distance. All I could really hear was the loud heartbeat in my ears and my own moans of ecstasy. “His ass is so warm and sticky already. How many guys did he let cum inside him?” “What a sloppy piece of trash. I can’t wait to get my turn at that cunt.” “I call dibs first.” “I’ll take his mouth then. Don’t waste the meat.” A few chuckles. Some guy was now eating my ass. His face was buried between my asscheeks, his tongue wriggling furiously against my hole. I could feel his unkempt beard rub all over my ass. I was euphoric. I love my job, I thought to myself. By becoming less than human at a young age, I’ve descended into a world of drugs, cock, cum, and service, and feeling my body being pleasured, knowing that these men wanted to pleasure their cocks using my holes, knowing I was nothing more than a sloppy cum rag to wipe their dicks with, a vessel for their cum... That fulfilled all of my inner desires. “More!” I screamed. “Cock... fuck me... breed me... use me!” I moaned incoherently as they touched me. “Aw yeah, the pig wants it. Oink, oink!” one of the men snickered. “Where’s the T? Someone put that slut in the sling and wrap a tourniquet around his arm.” “Man, if this kid’s parents could see him now.” More laughter, this time louder. Ricky watched in the corner, taking his turn at the bong. The man loved to indulge, but always stayed in control, making sure his money-maker didn’t get too out of line or refuse any of the men their pleasure. Continued in Part Two.
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  10. [Above: A picture of me in March 2013, immediately after taking a raw load deep in my pozzed-up cumhole.] I wasn't always a cumpig. Throughout my 20s, I was extremely careful to use condoms all the time, even in committed relationships. But when I was about 25, I discovered bareback porn, and it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen: these guys freely gave up their asses to raw tops, BEGGING for loads, celebrating cum instead of fearing it. Bareback porn felt dangerous and intense and exactly right. Soon enough, I was on the local phone chatline, talking to guys who told me all about the world of poz pigs: bugchasers, giftgivers, conversion parties. I began posting profiles on bareback hookup sites, but only as a top -- that was my compromise, my attempt to play with fire from a safe distance. But every time I had my raw dick buried in a jockpig's beautiful wide-open boybutt, I'd see the blissed-out look on his face, his muscular legs spread wide to reveal his hungry faggot cumhole. And after pounding his guts full of my DNA, I'd feel that total sense of connection as I pulled my cum-covered cock from his hole, tiny strings of jizz connecting my raw dick with his pulsing, hungry, dripping cunt. Of course, I wasn't content to live vicariously through those bottom pigs. I wanted to BE them. I finally began living the life of an unapologetic bareback pig in 2007 -- the same weekend I moved to San Francisco. It was mid-July and I was looking for a hookup online. I found a hot couple (one top, one vers); the top wanted to watch his boyfriend take raw dick. I volunteered and headed their way. When I arrived, I was happy to see that they were even hotter than their pictures. Both were in their 30s; the top, Jake, had a square jaw, wolfish eyes, and a tuft of chest hair sticking out from the neck of his T-shirt. His boyfriend, Trey, was a few years younger, clean-shaven and very preppy-looking. It was clear from their tight T-shirts that they had some seriously hot bodies under their clothes. I sat down on their couch, all of us still fully dressed. After a little bit of small talk, there was an awkward pause. Then Jake said to me, "So -- do you party?" I shook my head. "No, I've never done that." He glanced over at Trey, then back at me. "Well -- would you like to try it?" "It's no big deal either way," Trey said to me, doing his best to be as nonchalant as possible. "This stuff just makes you feel a little more horny, that's all." I shrugged. "Sure, I guess," I said. Jake flashed a little half-smile, then grabbed a pipe from a desk drawer. He put the pipe up to my lips, lit it, and told me to wait until his command. Then, when smoke began emerging from the top of the pipe, he told me to begin inhaling slowly. It was a very big hit -- he had me inhaling for a long time, and the cloud that came out of my mouth was thick and solid white -- but he registered disappointment. "That wasn't a very big one," he said. "Let's try one more." Then another. All three hits were administered under the pretense that they were too tiny to be effective. But after that third hit, I sat back, rubbed my crotch, and immediately began squirming on the sofa, feeling a strange, restless need to be naked and feel Jake's muscular, hairy body rubbing up against mine. Jake was watching me closely, nodding while he growled under his breath. "You can take your clothes off, Ben," he said, smiling that half-smile again. "Just get naked. Show off for me. You feeling good?" [Above: A picture of me taken immediately after returning from a hotel party, where I took two loads in my pighole.] I nodded. In fact, I had NEVER felt so good. As I took off my shirt and pants, Jake pulled his dick out of his pants and picked up the pipe again. His 8.5" cock was the perfect instrument for pounding another man into submission -- fat, slightly curved upward, with a mushroom head that was already dripping precum. This amazing tool, hard and glistening, bounced up and down as Jake hit the pipe. He blew the smoke into my mouth, then began running his hands all over my body. "How do your nips feel?" he asked. "They're tingling," I said. He laughed. "Yeah, they sometimes do that when you're fucked up. And how does this feel?" He ran his fingers lightly between my balls and my hole, causing me to gasp. No man's touch had ever felt this amazing. My legs immediately spread to give him easier access to a spot I never knew existed. Jake grinned again. "Nice, Ben. You ever get fucked?" "Sometimes," I said between shivering breaths, his fingers still brushing against my perineum. "Not often." "Well, you certainly look like you're in the mood for some dick," he said. "Do you want my dick inside you?" I answered with a nod. "No," he said, "Nodding isn't good enough. I asked if you wanted my dick inside you. I need to hear what you want." "I want your dick inside me," I said. "Good boy," he replied. Then a pause. "You read our profile, so you must be aware that we only fuck raw," he continued. "Did you know that?" I nodded. "I need to hear it," he said. "I know you only fuck raw." "And once I'm inside this sweet little fuckhole, I will not pull out. Period. Do you understand?" "I understand." Another pause as he continued to brush his fingers around the perimeter of my hole, my legs stretching further and further back as the Tina gave me a hunger for sex like I'd never known. "Now, unless I'm mistaken, I think your profile said that you're negative," he said. "Is that true?" A long pause. I didn't want to answer, because I was afraid that if I told him the truth, he might send me home out of concern for my health. But something about the situation -- his seductive tone, his dripping dick, his half-smile -- told me that I could be honest. "Yes, it's true," I said. "I was tested last week, and I'm still negative." "So you must be aware that the two of us are positive. Right?" "Yeah, I know you're poz." "And you still want me to fuck you?" I couldn't answer at first. All I could feel were those fingers teasing my partied-up fuckhole. "Yes," I finally said. "I still want you to fuck me." "Raw." "Yes, raw." "With our poz cocks, our poz precum, our toxic seed?" "Yes, poz." He grabbed both sides of my head, and drew me close to him so that we were looking directly into each others' eyes. "Tell me what you want, Ben. I know you've been keeping this a secret for a long time, but your secret's safe with me. And you can't get what you want until you tell me exactly what you're craving right now." "Poz seed," I choked out. I couldn't believe I was saying this, and yet I'd never been so turned on in my life. "You want poz seed blasted inside this sweet little neg fuckhole?" "Yes." "Good boy. Repeat after me: 'Please poz me, Jake.'" "Please poz me, Jake." "Louder, boy." "PLEASE POZ ME, JAKE." "Good. I'm so proud of you, Ben." He slapped my ass. "Now I think you need to go jump in the shower. You know what you're about to become? You're about to become a true bottom. Do you know what that means?" "No." "A true bottom," he said, "doesn't let fear get in the way of his top's dick. A true bottom freely surrenders his hungry fuckhole, spreads it wide for the man splitting him in half. Poz or neg, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is for the bottom to serve his top man like a good bottom should. It's all about embracing your role as a hot, muscular, hungry jockhole, existing solely to please pig tops. Is that what you want to be -- a true bottom? A bottom pig?" "Yes, please. Please make me a true bottom." At that moment, I saw his fat dick twitch, then ooze a heavy stream of precum onto the floor. Jake's half-smile was now a wide-open, evil grin. "Go shower up, boy," he said. "I can't wait to blast your insides full of my poz seed." MORE SOON...
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  11. My Conversion After high school, I left my small town for the military and never looked back. All through my sexual exploration I had fucked around with both boys and girls. I had the captain of the football team and the head cheerleader after my cock, and a nice cock it is too. I guess before I go any further I should describe myself: 5’10, #160 of muscle, blonde hair, blue eyes; a wrestler’s build; 8” of uncut cock and a nice set of low hanging balls. Basically out on my own, I kept up my bi-sexual ways when I could. Being in the military back in the early 90’s meant being closeted about fucking around with guys or you were in big trouble. But as they say, any hole in a storm; or sometimes if I was in the mood, any cock in a storm. I never worried about pregnancies with the girls, and since most of the guys I fucked around with were also military, condoms were rarely used. I never kept track of the girls I fucked; after all if they got knocked up it was their problem to deal with, at least in my mind. When I got out of the military after my four years and settled in Washington, DC, I still kept slutting around, but more and more often it was with guys and fewer girls or women caught my eye. Eventually I settled down with one of my regular fuck buddies, Dave, and over time we seemed to become a couple. We’d often find a third or more to add to our fuck fests, but it was always the two of us that stayed the night after kicking the other guy out. Then came the day, about two years after I left the military, that the one person I cared about as more than just a fuck screwed me over. Dave and I always bet on the games: football, baseball, basketball; college or pro, it didn’t matter what it was we loved to bet on just about everything. Sometimes it was for money, but mostly they were bets of a sexual nature; who would bottom, who would find the next third for us, who would wear the sexy undies. Little did I know that these bets would forever change my life. One day I lost, and Dave wanted me to bottom for Steve, a guy he knew. So Dave set it up. Steve was a big guy, not fat, just imposingly tall, thickly build, and a monster cock. The night Steve was to fuck me, we started off with a few drinks in the living room before moving things to the bedroom. Dave undressed me as I undressed Steve. Dave remained dressed, and said he just wanted to watch tonight. He had done this before, so I thought nothing of it at the time. Once Steve and I were naked, we crawled onto the bed and began to make out, both of our cocks slowly rising to attention as we kissed and our hands roamed over each other’s bodies. After a few minutes of kissing and fondling, we moved around on the bed to 69. Steve was a great cocksucker; and if the moans he made around my cock were anything to go by, along with his still growing cock, he was enjoying my skills on his cock. It seemed like only minutes, but when Steve pulled his cock out of my mouth, I noticed that we had been sucking each other off for almost half an hour. He had me lay on my back, and he went back to working my cock, then my balls and eventually pushing my legs up and enthusiastically eat-out my hole. His tongue felt great pushing into my tight hole, opening it up with his spit. After eating me out for a while, he began to add fingers into the mix, really opening my hole up for his cock. I was writhing on the bed from the pleasure of his tongue and his fingers as they worked over my hole, getting it ready for his cock. Once he had sufficiently loosened-up my hole, he moved up my body and positioned his now leaking cock at my entrance. “You want this?” Steve asked. I looked over at Dave, who gave me a nod. “Yes, slide it in me.” I told Steve. “Ok, I’m going to fuck you till I fill you up with my cum." “Go for it. Get that cock in my ass.” Ah, if only I had known at the time what he really meant, why he asked me if I wanted it. Now, Steve was a great fuck, and his cock sank deep into my hole, opening it up and going in deep. He really pounded my hole, and, although rougher than I normally took, it felt strangely wonderful and liberating to have this beast of a man fucking me with his huge cock, which was much bigger than Dave’s average-sized cock or, for that matter, my above-average cock. He lasted about 30-40 minutes, and we changed positions a couple times, but never once did his cock leave my ass. He varied the thrusts between fast rabbit-punch type thrusts and slower deeper thrusts that really opened me up. I was moaning and enjoying the fuck the entire time. When Steve finally said he was close to cumming and was going to flood my ass with his cum, Dave moved to the bed and with Steve’s final thrust Dave kissed me and rubbed my head. Steve collapsed on top of me as his cock kept firing jet after jet of his cum deep in my ass. I milked his cock to get every drop of his cum into my ass. When he finally started to pull out, Dave moved down and cleaned his cock off for him. Then Dave took a plug out of the desk drawer and inserted it into my hole. I felt nice to be full again after the emptiness I had felt after Steve pulled out of my ass. It had been an exhausting fuck, and I laid on the bed drifting in and out as Steve dressed and Dave showed him out. After locking up, Dave came in, stripped and climbed into bed with me. He snuggled up to my back, and we both fell asleep, I never even came during the entire session. About 4:00 A.M., I woke up with a raging hard-on, and my sexy boyfriend lying next to me. He was back to me, so I began to rub my cock against his ass, he moaned and pushed back against me. We had both often fucked the other in the wee hours of the morning, so I slid my cock into Dave and soon filled his ass with my spunk. Afterwards I fell back asleep, my cock gradually softening in his now cummy hole. Weeks passed, more bets were made and paid up. We fell back into our routines and I didn’t think about the night with Steve again till about a couple of months later when I got terribly sick. I was nauseous, had chills, and sometimes even had trouble getting out of bed. Dave took care of me the whole time. About a week after I got better I went to the clinic for my regular STD screenings. I am sure you have figured out by now what happened when the results came back: I was HIV positive, had been for about a month and a half. When I looked back at it, everything had been there, under a subtext, perhaps, but definitely there - had I thought to examine the facts. I was pissed! Pissed at Dave for doing it to me, at myself for letting it happen, at the world for this disease existing. When I got over to Dave’s I really laid into him about it. Even though he was slightly bigger than me, I shoved him to the floor, rolled him onto his stomach, and pulled down the back of his sweatpants exposing his ass. I pulled my rock hard cock out of my jeans and just shoved it into his ass. He screamed in pain then started crying and telling me he was sorry. "You fucked up my life and now I am going to fuck up yours you fucking bastard!” I screamed at him as I pounded away as his ass, with no prep whatsoever. I felt my death seed getting ready to get shot into the first ass knowingly since I had become positive. “Here it comes, fucker! Your first injection of my poz seed!” With that, I planted my cock deep in his ass and let shot after shot of my now toxic seed fill his ass as I rested on top of his sobbing body. I slowly pulled out, and saw on my cock a mix of ass juice, cum and the pink tinge of blood. I rolled him onto his back, and shoved my cock into his mouth, ordering him “Clean that cock up fucker! From now on, you will take my seed in your cunt till you get pozzed up too!” Once my cock was cleaned, I sat back, drained of emotion and Dave lay on the floor, his pants still bunched beneath his ass and tears streamed down his cheeks. After the hurt and anger had settled, we sat down and talked. Dave told me of how he had wanted us to become poz together and then spread it around to all our conquests. He had told Steve that I wanted to get pozzed but that I had not told him, but he had found out and wanted to give it to me as a present. Dave told me that he wanted the bug too, and that he would take every fuck I gave him till he came down with the fuck flu. Then with both of us poz, we’d start spreading our seed around and poz up every guy we could, even the ones who played 'safe only' with the same doctored condoms we used to stealth when we were neg. I kissed him, and told him to go get his ass in the bed because I was going to breed him all night and fill him so full of my toxic cum that he would be poz within a week.
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  12. Moderator's Note: This story has elements that are very graphic and violent. If that bothers you, please skip this story. Part One Jake and Ron were on their way home from college for Thanks Giving break. They had just finished a long collegiate football season and were cruising their way down a deserted Georgia back when they had a blow out. Jake was able to get his car to the side of the road and the two football jocks climbed out of the car to discover that both left side tires were flat. Jake immediately attempted to call AAA on his cell phone to discover he had no service. He told Ron to give his phone a try only to have Ron discover his phone had no bars as well. They were about to start walking when a plain white van pulled up. There were two men in the front and one asked what had happened. Jake explained the blow out and lack of cell service. The man said that this was a dead zone for cell phones as the two men from the van climbed out to check out the car’s tires. One of the men commented on how well built the two guys were. Jake was sure to boast that he and Ron were receivers on <INSERT MAJOR COLEGE NAME HERE> football team. It was apparent that these guys were in excellent shape. Both stood over 6 feet tall with lean muscular builds. The men offered to drive the two football jocks to a gas station. They quickly accepted as the 4 men walked towards the van. When the side door opened Jake and Ron were quickly subdued when two other men jumped out and a rag of chloroform was quickly forced on each face. Once their cargo was tied up and loaded into the van a young kid pulled up with a flatbed tow truck and their car was loaded up and taken away as the van sped off ahead. When they got the two jocks back to their compound they quickly stripped them naked then placed them in bed together. Just before they were to wake up they injected each jock’s cock with Caverject to get them rock hard. They woke up with a pounding headache to discover themselves naked lying upon each other in a bed. Jake pushed Ron off of him yelling out “GET OFF ME FAGGOT”. They both noticed their cocks being rock hard then heard a voice tell them…. “It’s no use to struggle or fight your situation. No one knows where you are. Right now your car is being dismantled and crushed beyond recognition and your belonging have been burned. “ The two jocks were in shock as the voice continued….. “One of you WILL fuck the other. We don’t care who fucks who, but one of you will get fucked up the ass or both of you will die. The one who gets fucked will remain here and the other will not. There is lube on the table next to the bed.” Jake and Ron looked at each other with a ‘What the fuck” look as Jake suddenly punched Ron in the jaw. He then threw him in the bed face down and grabbed the lube. Then he jumped on the bed and mounted his best friend’s ass and shoved his 9” cock balls deep. Ron Screamed out in pain as Jack set about fucking him hard and fast like he did when he fucked his girlfriend’s pussy. After a few minutes Ron’s pain quickly turned into pleasure as he began to moan with each thrust Ron made. After about 30 minutes Jake grunted out and filled Ron with his cum. As Jake pulled out of his friend’s ass he apologized for the assault telling Ron he did this to save their lives. When Ron rolled over Jake noticed he had shot his load as all over the bed. One of the men entered the room with a 45 in his hand. Jake kept saying that “I’m sorry Ron.” The man told Jake he could leave. Jake turned and started for the door as the man pulled his 45 out of the holster and BANG!
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  13. Two weeks ago a couple asked me to join them at a swinger party. They knew I was gay, but they had a girl who wanted to go, so the couple thought it better if we went as two couples. I said "Why not?" and went. I think there were maybe 20 couples at the party. The girl with whom I attended left quickly to go and fuck some guy she had just met, which left me sitting there drinking a beer when, after a while, I was approached by a couple in their 30s. They asked if I was into a threesome. The guy, Sid, he added that wanted to try man-on-man sex and he had heard I was gay. The three of us went into one the bedrooms on the second floor. Since all we were wearing were towels, we quickly stripped naked. I started to suck on Sid while his wife played with my dick. Then Sid asked if I would take it up the ass. "Sure" was my reply, and I lay on my stomach. Then Sid mentioned he had no condoms, and he asked if I would I take him raw. When again I replied "Sure", in he went. He said he would not come inside but after a while he grunted and shot his load, after which the two of them left the bedroom. About then an older woman who had been watching us from the hallway came in. I imagine she was in her late 50s but in great shape, and she explained her husband was fucking some girl in another room and she was bored. We chatted for a minute or so, and then she asked if I would please fuck her. She sucked me and then climbed on top, explaining she wanted my bare dick in her pussy, adding that she wanted me to cum inside. She was a great and active fuck, and not surprisingly it wasn't long before I came in her pussy. She then sucked me clean and left. That was it for me, but it was a great night.
    1 point
  14. “You take loads in your ass?” At 21 years old, I was a bar fly. Countless nights I would drink too much and lose things. Several times I would leave something at a bar such as credit cards, keys, shoes, shirt, underwear, etc. This night, it happened to be my credit card. vAfter calling the bar to confirm they had it, I decided to work in some exercise. The bar was only two miles away, so I decided to run to the bar and back. Since it was a gay bar, I dressed in my best workout gear. After all, one never knows. About halfway to the bar, I noticed a car that had just been driving in the opposite direction stopped about 100 feet in front of me. I saw the window roll down and a man turned his head towards me. I stopped running and took out my headphones. He was probably 45, good looking, and a nice tight body—I could tell he worked out. “Need a ride?” he asked. I briefly hesitated and examined the situation. He was a clean cut looking guy driving a newer car and seemed like he didn’t have good intentions. “Sure!” I said. He flashed a mischievous grin at me and I walked over to the passenger side door. I hopped in and he scanned me from head to toe. “Where you headed?” he asked. “To Level.v I left my credit card there last night,” I replied. “OK.” “Thanks,” I said. “I appreciate you stopping to give me a lift,” I continued, hoping to strike up a conversation. “I was actually headed in the other direction, but I decided to turn around when I saw you running. Looked like you would probably like to cool off,” he said as if to justify stopping to pick up a stranger on the street. I was confused by what he was saying. Was I mistaken? Was it possible his offer was, in fact, not flirtatious? Just as I started to become a bit confused and even a bit worried, he continued, “You were looking really hot,” he said. While he could have only been talking about body temperature, he was looking down at my legs, so I knew it wasn’t that definition of hot. Then, out of the blue, he asked “You take loads in that ass?” My hole started twitching. For a brief second, I thought I had just imagined he said it, but as I looked over at him, I saw his eyes were fixed on my ass even though I was comfortably seated his the passenger seat. Without skipping a beat, I eagerly replied, “Hell yeah!” He nodded with approval. “Nice.” Just then we had reached the bar. I ran into grab my card and ran back to the car. “Got it!” I said. “Great!” As he turned the car around, he asked, “Where do you live?” I gave him my address and he replied “Oh! That’s close. Do you mind if I swing by my place first? We live close by each other,” he commented. “Sure, that’s fine. I’m still just glad I got to catch a ride.” He smiled. Once we got to his house, he turned off the car. I took the hint and got out with him as it was way too hot to spend even a second in a car where the AC wasn't operating at maximum. He pointed towards his house, “That’s my place.” I started walking towards his porch and as soon as I started up the stairs, I heard him say, “Mmmm. It was so hot watching that bubble butt of yours move while you ran.” “Really?” I asked just as I stopped at his front door. He unlocked the door and opened it for me, motioning me to go in first. “Hell yeah. It would be even hotter to watch it move while its wrapped around my bare cock.” "Where’s your bedroom?” I asked eagerly. “Down the hall.” I made my way down the hall and didn’t waste any time. I ripped off my clothes and got on my hands and knees on the bed. He, on the other hand, took nothing off. He picked up a bottle of lube, unzipped his fly, and pulled-out his cock, lubed himself, and slowly started to slide inside me. We hadn't exchanged a single word since we entered the bedroom until I felt his balls against my ass as he bottomed out inside me, and he commented “Fuck you feel good.” I reached behind me to grab his cock just to be sure, running my fingers up his shaft until they met my hole. Sure enough, he was barebacking me. “Don’t worry baby, I didn’t suit up. There is nothing between my cock and your guts, and won't be until I load you up.” That pushed me over the edge. As I started cumming, my ass clenched around his raw dick and he started breathing heavily, grunting “Oh yeah baby, take this load. Fuuuuuuuuck!” He bottomed out inside me and I felt his cock pulsate inside me as he filled my ass up. I was in heaven! “Mmmm. I love slutty young boys like you.” “What do you mean?” I asked, not sure if I should be offended or flattered. “All I have to say is ‘load’ and ‘ass’ in the same sentence and you’re ready to take my dick. I’ve known you for 20 minutes, you haven’t asked my name, age, or even my fuckin' status but you’re ready to let my raw cock dump an unknown load up in your guts.” He was right. I briefly considered what I had done, and knew, of course, that indeed I had no idea who the fuck this guy was who had just bred me. God, I was such a slut. And proud of it!
    1 point
  15. LOUISVILLE - Today I whored out the twink that no-showed me yesterday. He's 23 5'6" 125# Latino. He got here about 3 minutes before the first top arrived. Usually I like to be the first load in but today I wasn't! He started taking this guys cock right away. As he was getting fucked a 2nd top arrived. They both bred him before the first top went for load number 2. When I finally got to breed the boy I was load 4. Another top came that was sexier than the other 2 and I got to watch him breed the boy while I was getting my cock sucked by the whore. I slid in right after the cutie bred him but I had to send him to the shower to clean again (GRRRRRR...... bottom boys..... learn how to clean ---- I can say that because I take loads too!) So he came back for Part II of the gangbang and took 3 more loads before he had to quit on the final top cause he was sore. So he got 7 or 8 loads and had more tops enroute I had to cancel on. All-in-all, a great day! Man his hole was cummy!
    1 point
  16. I've been piss fucked by two guys at the same time, would love to take a whole lot more than that though! These guys took turns to fill my hole with hot piss, making me hold it in until I sprayed it out everywhere. Eventually they both came deep inside me, I pushed their cum out into my hand and swallowed it whilst they continued to shower me with piss. It was one of my hottest play sessions ever, would be even better with ten times as many guys!
    1 point
  17. After 2 weeks of no shows and fall throughs i finally got bred last night! This was a guy who had blocked me on A4A because i wouldnt walk 30 mins to his house when it was sub zero. Saw him online, after failed hook ups on on bbrt, squirt and sd so signed up on a4a with another name, hit him up and organised to go to his place 1 hr latter. He really was 9"+ as advertised! We 69, took hi a little to get hard enough to fuck, but i worked hard and was soon gagging on his really fat cock. "OK get on all fours" was all i was waiting to hear. He slapped some lube on my ass, he was huge, and the first push went balls deep. i was in ecstasy, not had a cock that big in a long long time. He fucked me in that position for 10 minutes or so then flipped me over. He had my toes on the bed over my head and really started pounding my ass. He slowed after a few minutes then lifted one of my legs and started sucking my foot while giving me long slow strokes. "So you want my seed?" "Yes please, breed me." He really started pounding and grunting, he was hitting my sigmoid and it was agony. He blew his poz load ( did i mention he advertises as "POZ and BB only"?) as deep as i have ever taken a load. He made one last hard thrust and sighed. Without pulling out he grabbed my cock and jerked me off so hard i am still red and raw this morning. I blew on my chest and he pulled out and started slapping his softening cock on me. i think he probably planted his seed around 10:30pm central. Dont know if he is toxic or not, didnt ask, the only mention was when arranging the hook up he said "U know I am poz right?" The first sign of his seed was when i fingered my ass this morning and it was still stringy and smelt and tasted of cum. i can not believe how much i squeezed out this morning, must have been one of the biggest loads i have had in a long time.
    1 point
  18. Big fantasy of mine is it be choked while being fucked. Feeling his hands squeeze has he pounds my hole.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Really hot. Hope there is more.
    1 point
  21. Definitely Afro descent cock. It's something about his scent, his touch... The kiss, the hugs. Black men are more sensual.
    1 point
  22. Very fucking hot and would love that happening to me.
    1 point
  23. 4. Tell him how much you loved seeding his hole last time and that if he comes over, he's gonna be taking another load. There's plenty of great ass out there that's hungry for seed.
    1 point
  24. I've played with cheaters(and been in awkward situations) but never cheated. In a relationship now and have no desire to have sex with anyone but my boyfriend. If I did we'd discus it. I guess for some the idea of breaking that trust is a turn on, not for me.
    1 point
  25. Have actually had about 4 guys with huge cocks do me before and seldom hurt, but have had a couple that were about 7.5 to 8" that did. All in how they go in, how hard they pound and the angle. I have never used poppers, even when beng fisted before too.
    1 point
  26. Friday through Saturday went on a total piggy binge. Had my black cub FB over on Friday night - pounded me hard and gave me a nice big load that I could feel trying to squeeze past his dick. Made sure it all stayed in. About 30 mins later he was rock hard again and slid back in my cummy hole and gave me another load. Texted my white jock buddy that loves fucking cummy ass that I had a few loads in. Luckily, he was free and was over in about an hour. He ate my ass out and loved how cummy it was. Pushed a little out for him to taste which drove him crazy. He fucked me harder than he's ever fucked me and added a load to the mix. Daddy came over later that night - fucked me for almost an hour and added his DNA. Fell asleep and at about 6AM I could feel his dick pressing up against my hole. He fucked me on my side and shot again. After he left - jumped on BBRT and found a guy who had fucked me a few times. Told him I was overflowing and he came over and pounded two more loads into me. All in all - about 7 loads in total. Not bad for less than 24 hours! I was a happy cumdump.
    1 point
  27. 3:45 meet a friend at a bookstore. I'm there early so check out whose there. Older guy sticks his cock thru the glory hole and I suck him. He wants to suck me, but I'm only interested in draining his balls down my throat. The guy on the other side of his booth is trying to get the guy to suck him. The guy invites me into his booth to suck the other guys fat uncut cock, I go over and work him over. He doesn't cum and leaves. I swallow the guy in my booth and take his load. He leaves and a guy I've played with before sticks his cock through and I suck him off. My friend texts and cancelled. I'm the only guy there and a hot blond comes in and we go into the same booth and start sucking each other. A guy is watching thru the glory hole. I invite him over and we suck each other in a hot 3 way. I drain the new guys balls and he takes off as the hot blond feeds me his load. A buddy has been watching and as it's just the two of us he sucks a load out of my balls. It's 4:30 and I'm on the way home to a restful night.
    1 point
  28. Chapter IV. My boy and Blake had been taking loads in the middle of the dance floor, each having taken several loads both in his ass and in his mouth, so both were leaking seed from both ends. Blake had lost his shorts and was completely nude. My boy was in a jock strap which had been completely stretched out by the many, many guys who had felt compelled to yank the elastic band while using my boy's ass. Not that I was doing much better: I had taken at least ten loads and my ass was loose and slack. My boy leaned forward to where I was sitting and spread my legs wide, exposing my wrecked hole, framed by my own stretched-out jock. He reached around and scooped a handful of cream out of his ass and smeared in onto and into me. His jaw dropped when he realized he could get three fingers into me without any struggle. Billy stood him up and told him we had a plan, and a way to get some really toxic seed. Blake raised his eyebrows, knowing that Billy was ready for some really unmedicated dick. The three of us left arm in arm, me and my boy in his worn-out jock strap, Blake naked, and Billy in his little speedos. By boy gently rested his head on my shoulder as we followed Blake and Billy away from the noise and lights of the party. We walked down the beach away and then turned into the bushes. We were barefoot, so every branch and bush hurt our feet and started scraping up our legs. After ten minutes, we were on the edge of a clearing, lit only by moonlight and a few glowing cigarettes on the edge of the bushes. Blake smiled, turned my boy against a tree advising “Let the guys know what you’re offering. Talk dirty, and you’ll get dirty dick.” My boy was pressed into the tree as Blake dipped his drooling POZ cock into my boy’s loosened dripping hole. It was too dark to see much, but I could hear globs of cum sloshing around, and then blobs of seed splashing onto the sand. “Give me that POZ cock, sir. Fill me up and set me free!” Blake had been fucking all night, and was not in a hurry to cum, so when a round-bellied man appeared behind him and grunted “How many loads he got up there?” Blake withdrew, turning to me for an answer. I cleared my throat. “Too many to count. Me too.” “You both taking dirty seed?,” he asked. Billy nudged me, but I stumbled on my reply, so Billy took the lead, answering “Yes, sir, all three of us are.” “Then get out of the way,” the bear said, pushing Blake aside. “That guy couldn’t POZ a puppy!” The bear was naked and pushed my boy forward. My boy arched his back, and braced himself against the tree, moaning as the bear slid into him only to jackhammer away. Another guy, muscled, and wearing a harness and sunglasses appeared behind Billy. “Why the sunglasses?,” Blake asked. “No one knows I’m POZ and not on meds. I have a high-powered job." He didn’t ask for approval, but slipped his bare dick into Billy’s ass. I felt a body behind me and assumed the position, leaning between Billy and my boy’s shoulders for support. The guy behind me took my hand and rubbed it up and down over his muscled torso, moving my hand onto his dick. “No rubber man,” he growled at me. “And I’m packing a really viral load…” He didn’t ask me if I wanted it, he just slammed into me, lubed with the seed of so many men. The guys all finished inside of us, and pulled out, leaving us gasping for breath and hungry for more dirty dick. We didn’t have to wait long until our holes were full again. And again and again and again. These guys weren’t gentle with us. We were merely holes to be filled with toxic cum. As the night wore on, the men kept coming and cumming. At one point the three of us were laying side by side in the sand, asses up, with a series of guys each of whom was taking his turn with each of us. We were covered in sweat and sand, with toxic cum leaking from all of our holes. As the sun came up in the Rack, we saw how filthy and used we were. Blake and Tom appeared with a thermos of coffee and three buttplugs. Our jocks were nowhere to be seen, and we had to walk back along the beach, cum-soaked, until we could bathe in the ocean. Tom gently inserted the plugs into each of us before allowing us to bathe. He didn’t want the salt water rinsing out any of our hard night’s work. The End.
    1 point
  29. That last slap HURT LIKE HELL!!! I cursed at him silently under my breath. But at the same time I was loving his unexpected assaults that seemed deliberate and paced. I don't think he was being forceful without reason. It dawned on me suddenly that I was so spun that his slaps were jolts back to reality. My mind was racing as fast as my heart. I wanted him to hit me again when I realized this and was about to whimper a request when the better part in my mind said to let go and let him control the situation. And as my mind raced off in this tangent, my head cleared up, the sting on my face from his double hits fading off quickly, replaced by the sensation of getting fucked. I was still kneeling on the chair, ass up with Harrison behind me. I blinked rapidly trying to gain focus, turning my head around to see Harrison's form blurring and sharpening, then blurring again until he came into focus. Beads of sweat formed on the top of his bald head, the edge of his scalp tinted in that sickening green haze from the fluorescent lighting overhead. The sweat trailed down his handsome face, settling on his beard, collecting into thicker pools of more sweat, dropping onto my ass as he pummeled me, the sweat running down my crack, settling into my hungry hole adding to what little lubrication was being used. This was all happening or I was imagining it in my current state. I shook my head to get some clarity as Harrison fucked me HARD. "Oh fukkk," Harrison groaned again. He pushed in and out, harder, faster, repeating the rhythm that everything before felt like some demented foreplay. I could only moan, my face slick with my own sweat, pressed against the seat, sliding forward and back on the worn leather. I had to turn away, close my eyes and enjoy the ride. At last, I was getting fucked. Harrison fucked with a great rhythm. He was one of those FFuck buddies I always looked forward to seeing. His long thick cock would slide in slow and take its time, as if examining the space it was entering. And once he was completely inside he would rock back and forth only slightly so that his shaft would pull out beyond my inner second ring. When his cock was past that point he would stop about an inch or so away from it. And then, gently, push back in. Then repeat over and over. My inner ring would dilate and contract at the welcome invasion. It was like some unseen magical massage. I was so spun from his father's constant feeding of Tina from earlier that my hole was more than relaxed and inviting. And yet, there was a slight resistance that I must have subconsciously been providing, but just a bit that Harrison could enjoy the little friction. He loved to fuck like this, this second ring tease, as he adjusted his rhythm from slow and gentle to fast and hard, pounding with such force it was hard to keep up with him as I would moan and grunt. And then he would unexpectedly pull out so fast it would take my breath away, the speed and volume of his shaft exiting my hungry hole. He would pause for a few eternal seconds as he knew its effect on me. I was breathing uncontrollably now, almost whimpering, catching my breath from the earlier action and longing for his cock to return. Instead, he pushed his head along my open hole, rubbing his head along the entrance. But he only did his for mere moments before he entered me completely. It was like the son following the father and his earlier cock head tease at the entrance of my hole except Harrison concentrated on my inner ring. Clearly my heightened state and sensitivity was only making this more exaggerated in my mind. I imagined his shaft inside me like a probe, pushing and pulling into a soft, moist tunnel. All the drugs were making me hallucinate to a certain level that visualizing the fuck as it was occurring seemed so natural to me. Sweat continued to trickle down my face, lubricating my cheek as it slid on the chair, my movements driven by Harrrison's thrusts. My face itched. My senses were so heightened the itch got stronger but I didn't have the energy to move or shift my arms to scratch myself. And as that thought passed inside my head, the itch jumped from my face to my left shoulder blade, annoying me in its sharpness and position, now even more unreachable. Harrison continued to fuck me, the long shaft pulling away from my inner ring, pausing for a millisecond before it would predictably thrust back inside me. I groaned in a combination of ecstasy and sharp pain, as the magnified itch now jumped to the back of my neck, the points of burning sharpness now flaring all over me as if sparks were dancing on a fire, erupting from one place to the next. I wanted so hard to stretch my arms, to scratch at myself but all I could concentrate on was the fucking. I groaned some more. The barber circled around me. I heard his footsteps faintly in the distance as if it were across the shop, on the other side of the avenue. Clearly my mind was playing tricks on my perception as I felt his presence in front of me as he grabbed my very short hair, pulling on it hard, grabbing with that large hand, so violently that my eyes blinked open suddenly. I looked at him questioning and silent, my eyes dazed, staring at him. Saliva drooled out of my mouth in slow motion as a thread of it dripped onto the leather of the chair, mixing with my sweat, glistening. My eyes shifted to the pool of my body's secretions on the seat, the highlights reflecting the sickening green sheen of the fluorescent lighting above. And as if on cue, the light overhead snapped again. Harrison continued to fuck me, so lost into his own pleasure that he barely noticed his father coming in between us, his left hand firmly grabbing my ass, the other hand positioning itself, palm-side-down, pushing hard between us with such force that Harrison fell back suddenly, his cock sliding out of my hole so fast it almost hurt from the speed and the unexpected emptiness. He caught his balance as he fell back, his hard cock bouncing up and down. The itch returned, like wildfire, spreading all over my back, neck and face. My heart raced along. "Get the fuck up Boy," the barber commanded. "You're a tucking mess." He stepped away from me, moving towards the corner. Harrison stepped forward and helped me slowly off the chair, as I stood up, trying to gain my balance and composure, facing the mirror across from us. I was a mess. My face and upper body had hundreds of black, tiny scratches, randomly scattered on my upper body. I blinked and my focus came back, the scratches glistening when my chest expanded and retracted from my fast-paced breathing. The scratches were all my trimmed hairs, stuck on my body from the earlier fucking on the floor with the barber. The heat and my constant sweating made my body like a magnet. The hairs were all over me. "Get your sweet ass over here," he commanded, as he stood by the shampoo sink station on the corner. Harrison helped me over with one hand, the other hand grabbing things from the counter. I stepped forward slowly, my balance was still off from all the drugs, the overwhelming sensations, everything. The barber had turned on the water as it poured down the central faucet on an old stained sink. He grabbed a small face towel from a shelf nearby and soaked it under the faucet and twisted it hard, squeezing the water out of it. He kept the water running as steam floated above, dissipating in the haze of the stiff air in the shop. "Come here," he motioned. I stepped cautiously again, not knowing if he would get unexpectedly violent again. I was now at the chair in front of the sink and turned my body around slowly, about to descend on the seat, when I felt that firm hand on my back. "NO," the hand was applying hard pressure on me that I could not move. "I didn't say you could sit. Stay there. Keep standing and stay still." My breathing became rapid again that all I could do was close my eyes. WACK!!! The slap was familiar and yet new. It wasn't his hand but the towel, moist and HOT. My sensations went into overdrive as the sudden burn of the the moist terry cloth texture slid along my upper back, the weight of the water that hadn't been squeezed out of the scratchy towel made it drop quickly down the center of my back, towards the top of my ass, a streak of fire and heat drawing behind its sudden descent. I gasped, eyes still closed, the burn of the towel mixing with my inner heat that had been building and building inside me and in my hole. He caught the towel before it could fall on the floor and ran it under the faucet again, squeezing the excess water out of it. This time he didn't hit me with it as I felt him place the hot towel on my back, the sudden heat now welcome and soothing as he firmly rubbed it all along my back, cleaning me, wiping away the hundreds of little sharp clipped hairs. He repeated this over and over that the moist roughness of the terry cloth material felt like a million tiny fingers scratching away the burning itch from before. I could only exhale in relief, opening my eyes, focus coming back as I saw Harrison fidgeting by the counter beside me. "Now you can sit," he held the chair as I carefully sat down, looking up at him for reassurance and some silent guidance as I realized the back of the chair was much lower than normal so that my upper body was at a 30° incline when I sat down. The back of my neck touched the cold porcelain of the sink and despite the heat and humidity of the shop, the sudden frigid sensation made me jump a little, almost like the earlier sensation when the sharp razor blade made contact with my sensitive skin around my asshole. His large hand caught me as I jumped up an inch or two and he firmly pushed me down, back on the chair, the back of my neck making contact with the cold, wet surface again. He grabbed the towel, moist and steaming, and placed it on my chest. The suddenness of the heat made me gasp as I swear my heart jumped. But it lasted a mere second as he firmly rubbed the hot towel on my chest and lower torso, cleaning me, wiping the trimmed hairs and the sweat from last few hours. My breathing started to pace back to normal as whatever pleasurable tension seemed to melt away. I stared straight up at the ceiling noticing the darkness seemed to gather at this corner. I saw his face loom overhead, a look of fondness mixed with disdain stared back at me. I felt the hot water now at the top of my head as his large hand appeared in the foreground, getting larger and larger as it approached, falling out of focus as I closed my eyes, the heat of the water, cupped by his hand, now pouring on my forehead. I felt Harrison grab my legs and lift them from the floor, spreading them wide as he rested my thighs on the arms of the chair. My ass was now exposed as I suddenly felt his cock enter me with such force that my head fell further back on the sink, hot water splashing on my face. The barber's large hand now poured the water on my head so I couldn't open my eyes. He washed away what hairs were on my cheeks, nose, my entire face. I felt a sudden burning inside me and realized Harrison had coated his cock with more Tina, providing a special delivery booty bump. He pushed in deep coating my inner tunnel then pulled out at the entrance of the second ring and gyrated his hips clockwise and counter-clockwise, making sure to coat my insides thoroughly. The heat inside me started to build quickly, that familiar burn magnifying that I realized he gave me a large amount of crystal with his feeding. It was slightly scary as I felt so drugged up already. It was also quite beautiful as that familiar wave started taking over me, wiping away whatever minor apprehension I was holding inside me, my legs spreading more, silently offering an invitation. My head relaxed, descending further into the sink. I could feel the water around the back of my head, a pool of warm water accumulating in the bowl. My eyes were still closed, now favoring the comfort of the warm water around my head and the other heat emanating from my hungry manhole. My head lowered another inch that I could feel water entering my ears. I could only hear the echo of the water from the faucet splashing around my head, the sound dulled and softened as if audio could blur. I felt the weight of my head increase as if my mass had suddenly doubled, my head sinking further under the water, warm liquid now entering my nostrils. His firm hand scooped me up from the back of my head and lifted me above the water's surface. I blinked my eyes open suddenly, coughing uncontrollably as I had taken water in through my nose. I blinked rapidly again, seeing his face, large and over me, the earlier look now replaced with silent lust and momentary concern. "Now open your mouth, and take several deep big breaths," he instructed. The brown bottle of poppers appeared, open and held by his other hand. He tilted my head up at an angle for me to do as he instructed. I looked into his eyes, blinked again, the heat of the water around my wet head comforting me, the heat in my hole taking over me. I sucked on the tip of the bottle without my lips touching the glass. "Do more," he instructed. I breathed in deep several times and closed my eyes. A second elapsed. My head descended, now weightless, back into the water, liquid filling my ears as I felt his firm hand guide me, control me, its strength now mixed with flowing water, making his hand soothing, relaxing. His other hand, now free, touched the bridge of my nose and pinched it tight as my entire head was now under the surface of the water. The sink was now filled with the warm soothing water and all I could hear was that blur I was imagining in my head. The sound of the water cascading from the faucet, splashing on the collected pool in the basin of the sink was creating what sounded like soft, rounded echoes. It was only magnified in my heightened state. I had taken deep breaths as he had instructed so being immersed completely under the water's surface was not alarming. On the contrary, it was soothing. It didn't hurt that the massive booty bump had now taken effect, rising from between my legs, climbing up my torso and washing over the rest of my upper body in the same way small tides of hot water washed over my sunken face. I breathed slowly and methodically, the poppers hits now adding an extra layer of sensation. I was breathing in and out of my throat, recycling what oxygen I had inhaled with the large hits of poppers, reusing the chemically-infused air that I could sense my head getting lighter and lighter. In between my legs the thrusting got heavier and more rapid, harder, more violent. I could feel my head rocking back and forth, the back of my neck sliding against the wet porcelain of the sink, the top of my head banging against the other edge. Hot water splashed all around me, hitting me on the neck and upper chest, sudden shock waves of liquid heat so hot it felt like a volcano exploding lava around me. And I was finally getting fucked. No more cockhead tease. No more inner ring massage. This was the real thing. Harrison fucked hard and rapid, random in his rhythm that my hole could not anticipate the next move. And everything felt so open and relaxed as if I were backfloating on the Pacific Ocean, warm waves washing over me. I felt my head sink further into the water, moving slightly from side to side and back and forth as Harrison continued to fuck me hard. My neck relaxed even more so my head titled further back that I could feel my chin rise from the water's surface. The sensation on my hole was nothing but pleasure, a vessel to receive what was entering it without restriction. His cock fucked me furiously as I lost sense of time, riding it and the waves I was floating on. And somehow in these long, eternal seconds I was still breathing from my earlier inhale. But then that oxygen ran its course and I instinctively felt the need to breathe. The barber's firm hands were still keeping my head under the water, the weightlessness now quickly fading as I tried to push up to the surface for air. He sensed my sudden anxiety and kept his firm hand pinching on my nostrils in place, pushing my head down with force so I could not get to the surface of the water. My eyes instinctively opened, blinking rapidly, stung by the heat of the water, a sudden panic taking over me. I closed my eyes in defense and tried to force my head up in vain. His hand was too strong. And in between my legs, another force, hard and continuous was causing a contrasting situation. Harrison's furious fucking was mixing with my heightening panic that the pleasure seemed to be folding into a strange sense of pain. And yet, I was enjoying this new evolving ache that was beyond my measure. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I could swear I heard it under the water, muted and softened in that strange echo. I tried to move my arms in protest but even that was in vain as Harrison held me down while he continued to fuck me hard with abandon. An all too familiar blackness suddenly surrounded me. My head and body now seemed weightless, sinking. The echo of the sounds under water seemed distant now, fading off beyond reach, like a vanishing whisper, muted by unseen shadows. F A L L I N G . Oh no. Not this again...
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  30. I was finally on my way to Will's house for our third date. I am 18 and had been so close to jacking off so many times that day but I was pleased I resisted. The day had been endless but I knew he didn't get home from work until 6pm. I had told him I'd arrive by 7pm. I was on the bus about 10 minutes from his place when my phone buzzed with a text. My crotch throbbed with excitement when I saw it was from Will. I opened the message and he was asking if I was on my way over. He said he had two friends with him who were there to meet me. The message filled me with apprehension for several reasons. I was hoping that we would have fun as soon as I arrived but now we'd not be able to. Secondly, the idea of meeting his friends worried me. What if they didn't like me and influenced Will and he dumped me? I replied that I would be there in about 10 minutes. Arriving at his house, I rang the bell, so nervous now. Will opened the door wearing a pair of shorts and a vest. The shorts did nothing to hide the shape and size of his dick n balls and the vest showed his masculine chest. Despite my nervousness, my heart skipped a beat and I had a flashback of him on top of me fucking his cock and cum into me. Will smiled, bent over and kissed me, pushing his tongue in my mouth and feeling up my ass. He led me into the living room and introduced me to his friends, Alan and Mike. Will sat in the armchair and they were sitting on either side of the sofa. Will told me to have a seat which meant the only place to sit was in the space on the sofa between Alan and Mike. The TV was on and a porno playing where a guy about my age was getting barebacked off a group of men. As I sat, I was thinking how unlike that Alan and Mike were to Mike. Alan was about 30, he looked skinny, he had a gaunt skeletal face, and I would never have found him attractive in a 100 years. Mike was in his late 20s shaved head, average looking and dressed like a skinhead. As I walked into the room and then sat down, I noticed that Alan and Mike were staring at me as if they hadn't eaten for a month and I was the first food they had seen. Alan especially had the expression of a hawk that was following its prey. (I didn't know then of course that they were not friends of Will's but hook ups from some site and they had never met Will or each other before. The only reason they were there was to top bareback me knowing I'd only ever had Will.) The atmosphere was charged and uncomfortable. Will was clearly excited as I could see from the bulge in his shorts that he was solid and he had a wet patch. He was the only one talking, asking about my day and what I'd been up to. All I could feel was Alan staring constantly at me from the side so I pretended not to notice. The porno reached the point when when one of the tops pushed in deep and yelled “I'm shooting take my load”. That was the trigger as I immediately felt Alan's hand on my crotch and a groan from him. I reacted by saying “What the fuck you think you doing”. He quickly pulled back his hand and Will was saying Jake it's OK He likes you and I'd love to see him touch you all over.” That stunned and confused me. I had hoped Will was thinking I was his boyfriend so why would he want someone else to touch me? Will quickly went on to say that it was OK and to let Alan do what he wanted. With that, I felt both Alan and Mike's hands begin to touch me. Despite my confusion, I boned up instantly, and submitted to their hands feeling me all over. I looked over to Will and he smiled and nodded that it was all good and to go with it. He then took off his vest and shorts. Seeing his cock again made me moan and remember what it felt like in my ass. My groan further encouraged Alan and Mike and it turned into a frenzy. They both started stripping me. After Alan took my boxers off he looked at me and said “fuck yeah, short height, smooth, very thin, perfect, I can't wait to get in him”.” He put his hand through my legs and grabbed my ass. I felt his finger at my ass hole and then he groaned and said to Will “you're right he is still cherry tight”. Mike began taking off his clothes whilst Alan fingered me. He looked at Will and said “I'm going to enjoy doing that.” Mike had tattoos all over his body and had a hard cock maybe 7inches long. Apart from porn, Mike's cock was only the second one I'd seen. Although it was much smaller that Will's I still looked at his cock and thought how amazing it looked. He had low hanging balls all shaved. In fact, he was shaved everywhere, even his pits. Alan move out of the way to take his clothes off and Mike replaced his hand at my ass saying “fucking nice” when he felt my ass hole. He used some of his prelube on my ass hole and pushed in his finger. I looked over at Will who was slowly stroking his cock and smiling encouragement at me. Alan took the last of his clothes off and I thought gross, lecherous. His body was gaunt, painfully skinny and unattractive. His cock though was impressive. It was maybe 9 inches, solid and leaking like a faucet. He came over to me and told me to suck it. I was thinking fuck no way but then Will said to go ahead as he'd love to see me do it. Reluctantly, I took the head in my mouth then something came over me and and I went for it. I took him as far back in my throat as I could. Alan moaned then as he said how good it felt, I then felt something else against my mouth and realised it was Mike's cock. Will said “suck them both Jake”. Alan put poppers against my nose and after two deep sniffs I took the head of both cocks in my mouth one on each side of my face. I could hear Will saying how proud he was of me. I was thinking, I have two cocks in my mouth and just three days ago I had never even touched another guy's cock. I thought what would my ex girlfriend or straight friends think? Whilst Mike continued to face fuck me Alan went down to my dick. I felt him suck it. He was good at it but sensed I was close. He stopped and moved around to my ass. He ate my ass hole so good. I heard someone moaning and realised it was me. I had a guy eating my ass and a cock in my mouth. Alan told me to bend over so he could get at my ass better. I did so but Mike never took his cock out of my mouth. He was forcefully pulling my head onto it. I felt Alan's cock against my ass cheeks as he slid his cock against me. I then felt his dick head at my ass hole and I knew he wanted in. Will passed him some lube which he smeared on my ass and his dick. He then pushed back against my ass hole. I said “no way man, not without a condom.” I sensed all three of them hesitate whilst they didn't know how to handle my rejection of Alan's raw cock. Will came over in a second and told me he so wanted to see Alan fuck me raw. He said Alan wouldn't shoot in me, he just wanted to feel inside of me. Whilst Will was saying this I could feel the pressure on my ass from Alan's cock as he pushed. I was frozen by indecision. I knew it was risky to take it raw especially from a guy like Alan who was gross. I couldn't work out why the guy I thought was my boy friend wanted this but at the same time Alan's cock at my ass felt so good. Will held the poppers to my nose and after a few sniffs they took away my reluctance. I felt the pressure from Alan's cock as he pushed and pushed. I felt his cock head pop in and Alan said “mmmmmmmm fucking nice”. He slowly pushed in until I could feel his balls against my ass. He held it there as if savouring the feeling. He asked Will if it was true that he was only the second one to get in me. I saw Will wink and nod. Alan groaned. Will whispered in my ear that Alan's cock looked so good in my ass and to tell Alan that I wanted it. I replied by telling Alan to give me it. That started him off and he began fucking my ass. On the one hand I thought about how gross Alan was but on the other his cock felt so good in me. The verbal started building up. Alan telling me how good he felt in me, Will telling me how proud he was of me and Mike encouraging Alan to go for it. Alan continued fucking me for maybe 10 minutes whilst the three of them talked filthy about “doing me”. Will looked at Alan and nodded whilst he said to me that Alan was going to shoot in me. Will quickly said he wanted that and he would slide straight in after Alan was finished, fucking Alan's cum deeper in me. Alan's thrusts got fast and hard and in no time I heard his breathing change and he yelled as he shot in me, I felt his cock throb four times and he held still deep in me. My mind was spinning with the thought id just taken Alan's cum. After a minute he pulled out and Will got behind me and slid straight in. Will's cock, being so much longer and fatter than Alan's seemed huge. Will groaned and said how hot my ass felt covered in Alan's cum. He said he was using his cock to coat my ass walls with Alan's cum. Will fucked me like that for maybe 5 minutes then slid out without shooting. Mike got behind me a slid into my ass. He had the smallest of the three cocks but it still felt good and I was blown away by the fact that in the space of 40 or so minutes I had had three cocks in me and one load from a gross man I would have ignored any other time. As soon as Mike slid in me the verbal started again about how he was going to shoot his load in me, only the third load I'd ever taken. Will stood in front of me and told me to lick and suck Alan's cum off his cock. I must admit the thought of Alan's cum didn't do anything for me, but Will gently gently pulled my head onto his cock. Once I tasted it, I lost all reservations about Alan and really got off on the taste. I cleaned, licked and kissed Will's cock. The entire time Mike was hammering my ass , the other two were telling him “to do it”. Finally after a bit, Mike shouted to them he was about to cum and they yelled encouragement to him. His whole body shook as he unloaded in me. Will said how proud he was of me and got back behind me. He said fucking on two loads felt so good and he wasn't going to last long. He talked dirty about the two loads getting hammered into my ass walls by his dick and asked me if it felt good. I could only moan yesssssssss and at that, he shot so deep into me. He seemed to shoot for ages, holding all 10 inches in me. Without a break in the proceedings, Alan again entered me. He took his time and fucked slowly but so deeply. The encouragement from Will and Mike continued. They were telling Alan “give to it to him again”. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, bent over and taking raw cock from an fuck ugly man and it sent me over the edge and I shot. Will was underneath me licking Alan's cock each time he pulled back, so he got my load all over his chest. Mike licked my load up and the three of them kissed as a 3some swapping my cum from mouth to mouth. Will then came over and kissed me with my own load and whispered he was so proud of me. Alan and Mike both shot another load into my ass and finally Will hammered it all deep. They both enjoyed Will doing it in their loads and I must admit it felt good. As Alan and Mike left, Alan said to me “thanks” and it was only then I realised that neither of them had spoken to me once since I had arrived. They had only spoken about me to each other or Will. Will lay next to me for an hour with me on my stomach so the cum would stay in my ass. He kept telling me how proud of me he was and that he liked his boyfriend to take other guy's raw dicks and cum. He said he wanted to see me take cock off 100s of guys, even guys I'd never seen. He said I would do so soon. I was so pleased he said he was my boyfriend, I didn't give any thought to Will wanting to share ass to any raw cock. The next night Will took me to a fuck club, but that's another story.
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  31. It has been very hot. curious how it goes on
    1 point
  32. It feels great to piss in a guys mouth or hole. However I do get hard at times and it becomes difficult. Try it. I think you'll like it.
    1 point
  33. Totally agree, PozFetishPig! But sometimes not saying anything can be just as hot! Got fucked by a guy with a biohazard tattoo around his nipple a few years ago. I was still very inexperienced, turned on and freaked out by it at the same time. I traced the tattoo with my finger, looked him in the eye and asked: "Are you going to...?", when my voice trailed off. I just couldn't make myself utter those words. I knew, if I did, I'd probably lose it. So I just looked up at him questioningly. The guy didn't say a word. He just nodded his head and for the rest of the fuck his eyes never strayed from mine. Then he came inside my boyhole, and still not a word from him, he just leaned into me and pressed his lips against mine. Still one of the most intense fucks of my life!
    1 point
  34. My fantasy was finally coming true. A gay couple I had known for a few years was having a party and had agreed to have me be the party favor. I would be put on a bed in the spare bedroom, naked, and the guests would be told that if they needed relief during the party to pay me a visit. When the first guests knocked, I went to the room, put on the blindfold and got on the bed. I could hear more people coming, the music started. It seemed like it was hours but I had no idea how long because the clock that was in the room had been unplugged, probably on purpose. Without warning, I heard someone tap on the door a couple of times and it opened. I didn't move. Whoever it was shut the door behind them and I heard it lock. Guess he wanted to make sure our meeting stayed one on one. I heard him undress and then his hand was on the back of my head, pulling me towards the edge. As I eased to the side I felt his cock touch my lips. I wrapped my hand around it, opened my mouth and sucked him in deeply. It was a nice midsize cock and I could already taste precum leaking which made me suck harder. I blew him with a good rhythm until he pulled his cock out of my mouth and crawled on the bed behind me. "Ass Up" he said, and I immediately got on my knees. I heard the lube open, he smeared some on my hole and pressed his cock against it. It all happened within a few seconds which made me realize he hadn't put on a condom. I relaxed and he eased forward, slipping completely in me in one slow stroke. It hurt a little but I kept quiet. He started fucking me with nice steady deep strokes which felt incredible. I moaned without meaning to and he sped up at a little. It must have turned him on to know I was enjoying it. He kept up the pace longer than I thought he'd last until he stopped on an instroke, sighed heavily and I could tell he was cumming. I tightened up my hole around his cock to milk him dry. He shuddered a couple of times, pulled out, smacked my ass and said thanks. I was in slut heaven. I was just bred by a guy I never saw and wouldn't know it if I saw him on the street. The breeding was a surprise too. My friends had said most guys would be safe and there was a bowl of condoms on the nightstand by the lube. I trusted them because they know I'm negative, and just decided to go with it. I don't think I was alone very long before the door opened again. I heard the second guy undress and he got on the bed behind me. He never said a word. He put his hands on my hips and pulled me up so I was once again on my knees, ass in the air. I head the lube open and felt his cock touch my slick hole. He eased forward and just as his cock head popped in, I realized that he was a good bit thicker than the first guy. He held up a minute for me to get used to it. I guess he felt it when I pulled forward a little. To let him know I was ready, I pushed back against him, taking the rest of his dick in my hole. What his cock lacked in length, he made up for with girth because I felt the slight burn of being stretched good and tight. When he felt me push back, he grabbed my hips and started a steady jack hammer rhythm. He had good control and must have been in good shape because he fucked me like that for a good 15 minutes nonstop. I noticed his strokes get a little harder and thinking he was close I started moaning a little and pushing back again. That did the trick because he fucked me really hard for about 30 seconds, growled and went all the way in me. His cock was thick enough that I could feel it jerking as he pumped his cum into me. I didn't think he'd put on a condom either and reached back to check. Sure enough, I now had two loads in me. When he pulled out, my hole didn't close immediately from the thick pummeling he had given me. I clenched a few times to work it shut and keep the cum in me and got back on my stomach. The next guy had me get off the bed and suck him, which I eagerly did until he pumped the first load of the night in my throat. Over the next couple of hours, I was visited 5 or 6 more times. Swallowed 3 more loads and got fucked by two more guys who both decided to use condoms. I could hear the party winding down and was wondering if it was over when the door opened and a guy said there was one more guest that needed some attention but that a few of the guests wanted to watch. Since I love to be watched I had been a little disappointed that all of the use I'd had up to this point had been one on one. And now I was going to be a public display too, as if the night could have gotten any better. I heard a few more people walk in the room and felt the bed move as someone got on behind me. I instinctively raised my ass up. I heard a condom wrapper being fumbled with, then the lube bottle clicked open. Some lube was squirted on my already slick with lube and cum hole. Then I felt a cock head rubbing around my ass. My first impression was that this might be the thickest of the night. It felt very blunt. The head moved some lube around then pressed against my hole. I relaxed and waited but nothing happened. The pressure increased as the guy leaned forward, but still nothing. Shit, this guy must be hung like a beer can. I pushed out slightly and pushed back a little and felt my ass spreading wide around what had to be the thickest cock I'd experienced. The head had started in, but I could feel I hadn't gotten all of the width yet. I eased forward, wiggled my ass around and pushed back. The rest of the head finally popped inside and I froze. If I hadn't been blindfolded I think my vision would have blurred. The thickness had pressed against my prostate, which thankfully gave me some pleasure to mix with the pain. I didn't move, hoping my ass would relax and stretch, not knowing if the guy would stop if I had to ask him too. The guy did have some mercy. He didn't move for a good minute or so, during which my ass did relax a little. He pulled back and the head popped out. I heard and felt some more lube being applied and then the blunt tip touched me again. I pushed out hard and eased back as he eased forward and the head went in followed by an inch or two of the shaft. I froze again; actually feeling like I might cum from the pressure on my prostate. After a short pause, he eased out, and back in, each time, giving me another half inch of so, and then I realized that while I was concentrating on the width, I hadn't considered the length. I felt stuffed so full of cock I could burst and I still hadn't felt his balls touch me. On the next instroke, it felt like he hit bottom and the pain started to overcome the pleasure. He kept making slow deliberate strokes, now hitting bottom on each one and I unconsciously pulled forward. This seemed to tick him off a little because he pushed me forward the rest of the way until I was flat on my stomach. He put his arm under me and kept fucking. Going forward was a bad idea because now I couldn't pull away. All I could do was lay there and take it. The pain did ease some with the new position and after a few dozen, ever deepening strokes, I could feel his balls against my ass cheeks. I almost smiled to myself knowing I had taken it and didn't have to tap out. My hole burned and I could feel the head of his cock in my guts but figured if he didn't last too long, I'd make it. He kept fucking me in a slow, steady rhythm and my ass kept relaxing until the pain was nearly gone. Needing him to come before my hole was completely torn up, I let out a moan and lifted my ass up to meet his thrust. His rhythm never changed, but the feeling inside me did. As my hole started burning more from being stretched so wide, the pressure on my prostate kept me feeling like I might cum. I'm one of those guys that after I cum, I have to stop, which made me know I had to keep from having an orgasm at all costs. I felt his fingers run up my neck and into my hair as he gripped a fist full and used it to pull me back against him. I groaned loudly and kept raising my ass up against him, but still his rhythm never changed. I tried tightening up my ass but I was stretched so wide it didn't work. My hole was shot but still he kept fucking. My last resort to make him cum was ask. "Please give me your load" I said softly. In between asking, I kept raising my ass up to him and moaning. "Please cum in me" I begged, and still he fucked me. No change in rhythm, just an increasing soreness in my hole. I listened and the guys breathing hadn't even changed. His hand was still in my hair and his cock was still so far in me I swear I could feel it in my chest. "Take my ass Sir", I groaned, and as if my body were listening, I felt an enormous orgasm coming on. I tried to stop but felt the contractions start. I groaned loudly and my stomach was suddenly soaked with my own cum. I thought I heard a giggle as the fucking suddenly stopped. The massive cock was slowly pulled from me, one inch at the time. When the head exited, I could actually feel the cool air on the inside of me I was gaped so big. The blindfold was removed and after a few seconds of my eyes adjusting I looked back. Behind me on the bed was a female with a strap on that looked the size of a horse cock. Now it all made sense. The guy that had nearly ruined my ass, that I couldn't make cum no matter how hard I tried, wasn't a guy after all. I swallowed hard knowing she could have gone on much longer, wondering at what point I would have used my safe word. Clapping broke out from the 10 or so guests that had crowded the room to watch
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  35. Part 4 Bob told Eric and Shaun he has dreamed about sucking off a man since he was a boy but was afraid he'd get caught. As Bob told them how he would suck on carrots as he jerked off and his other fantasies Eric reloaded the pipe then had Bob take several hits in a row. While Bob smoked Eric had Shaun between his legs sucking him again. Once Bob finished the pipe Eric had him sit on his lap facing away and pulled the boy into a hug. He asked him if he liked being held and Bob told them he loved it and how Shaun held him some nights when they were younger. Eric said that they would hold him all night and he should let him and his big brother take care of him. Eric had him close his eyes and then he spread the boy's legs wide and told Shaun to get the special lube and also pointed to the drawer with the prepared bump and then Shaun started to eat his brother's hole. Bob moaned and Eric told him he was now their boy to play with. Eric said Shaun was his bottom boy and now Bob was the bottom boy for both of them. Bob just kept moaning and started tossing his head back and forth when his brother started to finger him. After Shaun could slide his finger easily he pulled out and pushed the bumb shooter into his baby brother and was excited knowing that he soon would need to get fucked. Shaun went to get their toy bag and Eric fingered the boyhole and in a couple of minutes could feel the boy's hole getting ready. As the chems took over the boy's ass Eric kept telling him how hot his hole was. Bob could feel the heat and also a need he didn't understand. When Eric removed his finger the empty feeling made Bob ask if he'd finger him more and Eric said first suck my finger. Bob opened his mouth and took the finger into his mouth and knew it was smelly but didn't care he just wanted it back in his ass. "Keep sucking my fingers. Do you want to be my boy?". Bob nodded and continued to with each question. " Do you want to be your brother's boy too?, if I have a friend over will you be his boy too?". Shaun set the bag down and Eric told to him to give himself a double bump and Eric rubbed Bob's hole and told him to watch his brother. Eric told him that the tough jock stud he knew as his brother was only one side and you're gonna watch your big brother become an insatiable bottom boy. It took less than three minutes for the massive booty bump to work. Eric pointed out how Shaun's big cock has turned into a tiny soft cocklet. He told Shaun to put a jock on and explained to Bob that a bottom should hide his useless clit and showoff his cunt. Next he had Shaun turn around on all four and show his brother his cunt. By now the chems made Shaun so hungry for cock that he was drooling so Eric told him to get on his back facing them and to show your little brother how hungry your cunt is. Eric was still rubbing the boyhole as they watched Shaun get a horse cock buried into his cunt. Watching this made his hole twitch and Bob asked if he'd finger his ass again. "Ask, your Daddy to finger your boypussy, Bobby." Bob didn't think he just said it. "Daddy, finger my boypussy" "Is little Bobby's boypussy getting hungry?" "Daddy I didn't understand it but now I do, I need something in my boypussy" Erik slid a finger into the tight cherry boyhole and started thinking of fully wrecking this pure innocent boy and thought how much his friends would love ruining a boy on his birthday and that he will beg them to ruin him. They watched Shaun for at least an hour before Eric knew he needed to stop before he popped the boy's cherry. He had Bobby suck him off again but then have Bobby a pill and soon he was knocked out. He put the boy to bed and had Shaun get dressed and took him to the local bathhouse to let Shaun get fucked and so Eric could talk with some friends about his plans for Bobby.
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  36. Part 2 Eric told Shaun that once the G kicked he would get Bob shirt and shoes off then he'd pull out a pipe and after getting Bob to blow some clouds he planned on molesting him while Shaun watched. When I get to his boypussy he told Shaun to get the bump ready and when he gets Bob ready to be fucked then we'll slam him. Shaun knew what Eric wanted to do because it's what he did to him and together they did to quite a few boys. It's as if Eric was on a mission to help all the bottom boys reach their full potential. Bob returned and hoped to keep cool. He finally got his uncut slightly thin seven inches to go down by splashing cold water on his face but seeing Eric smile at him almost made him rock hard again. He quickly sat down and almost as quickly drank the entire glass of cola which his brother refilled including some more G. Ten minutes later Eric asked Bob if he liked cola or did he not like alcohol. Bob told him that he hasn't ever had alcohol and was looking forward to his birthday so that he could. Eric told Bob to look to his left and then his right and asked if he saw his parents or a cop. Shaun then told his brother not to worry that this week he could do whatever he wanted. As Eric and Shaun started to discuss all the places they should take Bob to see he sat back and listened but mostly thought about seeing more of Eric's body and he looked at his brother and realized how hot he was too. Bob rubbed his crotch and his chest as he started thinking of their cocks. They saw the boy was relaxing and feeling good. "Since we're staying in tonight I'm getting comfortable". He then stood up and unbuttoned his shirt and watched Bob watch him. After he removed by his shirt leaving just a T-shirt covering his chest he removed his pants and loved seeing the boy's eyes bulge out. Eric wore boxer briefs that in no way his the fact that he was hung. Knowing the boy was ripe for picking he pulled his pipe out of a drawer and said to Bob that he bet he never got high yet either and then he took a hit. As Eric lit his lighter Shaun also removed his jeans and Bob nearly drooled as it was obvious that Shaun's cock was rock hard. Shaun sat back down and Eric passed him the pipe. Bob slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed them off as he watched his brother blow out a huge cloud. Eric added another shard to the pipe and started melting it as he walked to Bob. He told Bob to suck it very slowly and he put the pipe into the boy's mouth. He never asked a boy if he wanted to smoke and has never had a boy refuse it either. After having him blow his first cloud he told him that he needed to breathe deeper and had him suck on the pipe again. This time Bob blew a larger cloud but Eric told him to try again and soon the boy blew one of the largest clouds Eric ever saw a virgin blow. Eric and Shaun both hit the pipe a couple of times then Eric refilled it and gave it to Bob and told him to show us how big you can blow clouds. As Bob smoked away his inhibitions he watched Eric rub himself, then remove his shirt and rub his tits. Eric rubbed his cock through his boxer briefs and both he and Shaun watched how Bob couldn't take his eyes off of it. Shaun went to the media center and put a porn video on. This was the video Eric always used with a closet boy. It started out with just a man and woman with her blowing him but later a second guy joins and eventually the woman leaves. Five minutes later the boy was nearly moaning he was so horny and tweaked. "Shaun, do you think your little brother would like to try a shotgun?" "Yeah he's feeling so good I know he'll love it" Eric told Bob that he was going to take a hit then blow it into his mouth and they'd pass it back and forth.
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  38. Never been to a swingers party. Would love to find out how to in my area, LA - Palm Springs - SD.
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  39. Similar thing happened to me when i was slammed with T for the first time a couple of years back..I was at an old british top's apartment with 7 more men .. all bred me for two nights . ..i was given all ; GHB , poppers, meth .
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  40. Chapter III. Tom and Blake led us to the bedroom and laid us down. My boy and I wrapped around each other, fingering POZ seed out of our loose holes. What started as an innocent day trip was about to devolve into a night of toxic debauchery. I fell asleep and dozed for a bit. When I woke up, my boy was, of course, gone. I heard him whimpering as he was getting fucked. One of the twinks from the Ferry had my boy bent over the sofa and was fucking him hard. My boy moaned as this this skinny suntanned guy pounded his hole with what must have been a nine inch dick. Tom was standing beside the twink pushing the twink’s hips back and forth. “Yeah Billy. Fuck him hard. Seed him good like we seeded you.” That sent Billy over the edge and he fired off his load into my boy’s ass. Tom saw me standing there, hard, and had me kneel down. Billy withdrew his cummy cock from my boy’s ass and Tom had me suck it clean. A river of seed was trickling down my boy’s thigh. Tom introduced us to Billy, who was apparently Tom’s nephew. Tom, Blake, and their friends had all been breeding the boy since he turned eighteen, but he had yet to convert. Billy told us that he would be working the party later and lining up cock for us. Billy kissed all three of us and flitted out of the house. Blake walked into the living room with two jockstraps. “Here, cumsluts. Put these on. They are all you’ll be wearing to the party.” We hopped into our jocks as the rest of the housemates filed into the room. They hugged us and told us we would be well taken care of, and we all headed down the boardwalk to the beach. Outside, we passed dozens of hot guys wearing very little, all on their way to the party. Several people commented that they recognized the two chasers from the ads they had seen online. They were talking about us! One really burly guy walked right behind me and my boy for a bit, grabbing our asses and working his fingers into our asses. “I’ve got my eye on you, boys. And I’ll have my dick in you both before the night is out.” He winked and headed on. The party was a blow-out. There must have been three hundred guys crowded into a small area. It was body pressed against sweaty body as far as the eye could see. Blake made sure to separate me from my boy and Tom guided me over to the railing, overlooking the ocean. He pressed against my ass and I could feel him working his drooling cock up and down my crack. “Just going to warm you up for your new friends!” He eased his dick into me and it felt glorious. I was looser than I had ever been and I felt no pain. The cum I already had in me was lube enough to get him going. I arched my back so he could fuck me easier and Tom hammered away. “Don’t want to cum yet, slut. I’ve got to you find your boyfriend.” Tom pulled out of me and disappeared into the crowd. A couple of the guys around had seen Tom fucking me, and moved in closer. A tall muscled guy pulled his shorts down in the front to reveal a stubby thick six inch cut cock, balls and pubes completely shaved. He whirled me around and shoved into me. His meat was so wide that I felt my ass struggle to accommodate him. He leaned his weight against me and rasped into my ear, “You take loads from guys like that, you’ll never get the bug!” I was confused for a moment, and he continued. “You want to convert, you take seed in the Rack.” He continued as he pistoned away, “Most of us pretty boys here are all medicated.” He was breathless as he kept fucking me. “You could take every load here and not become… ONE… OF…. US!!!!” He came in me hard and his dick was replaced by another one. And another. And another. As I took bare dick after bare dick, that guy’s words kept ringing in my ears. I lost track of how many cocks I had taken after ten or so, but I kept at it until my knees went weak under me. Billy appeared every few dicks with a new friend for me. He was there when the last guy pulled out. “Thanks, fellas. Looks like this chaser is all fucked out. His boy is still going strong though. That slut is a real champ!” Several guys waiting their turn with my hole walked away as Billy helped me to lean over a chair and rest a bit. I couldn’t see my boy but I knew someone was balls deep in him. Over the roar of the guys dancing, and the cluster of guys in the middle of the deck fucking him, I could hear my boy, “Yes! Yes! Feed me that big cock! Give me that dirty cum!!!” Billy and I drifted to the edge of the party. I told him what the first guy had said about loads from POZ guys on meds. Billy said he was probably right. He’d only taken loads from Tom and Blake’s friends and they were all really healthy. He said that he had heard about guys in the Meat Rack who really wanted the bug finding what they were looking for. The really sick trolls were not exactly part of the ‘in crowd’ anymore and kept their fucking to the darkness of the woods. I started to hatch an idea. If my boy really wanted to get sick, I knew a way to help him out. Blake and my boy appeared arm in arm. Both were grinning ear to ear, faces and hair sloppy with streaks of cum from countless guys. “Anyone up for a real adventure?” To be continued…
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  41. I do cheat and I sometimes do it raw. With girls and boys. Come on what fun is it to only fuck one persin. Like eating spaghetti all the time, you wanna taste something new from time to time. Kik me @ deeyay
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  42. Tom Growing up, it was just me and Mom for most of my young life. When I was about 11 my Mom's brother, my Uncle Charlie moved in with us. He was openly gay and he woke something in me that I had not realized: that I too was gay! I was infatuated with Uncle Charlie, but he was very well behaved around his closeted young nephew. Since we lived in a small Midwestern town, I was afraid I was the only young guy who was gay, and, of course, I was perpetually horny. Then a new family moved in next to us. They had a son, Justin, who was slightly older than I, and readily we became friends. Justin and his family had moved from San Francisco to the Midwest because Justin's dad's employer had requested the move. Justin and I started spending a lot of time with each other and over time, we began to explore sex with each other, but it was not just sex that kept us as friends. Justin was the one that started me in wrestling. It was thanks to him that I became the wrestler I am today. We spent many hours together working on our wrestling moves: pins, holds, grapples, everything. Of course it helped that all our private wrestling sessions were naked, and ended with us fooling around. Mainly our arrangement was that the looser sucked-off the winner, but over time we went on to further games, for instance, Justin was the first guy to ever fuck me. We had many hot times, but like most things, it came to an end, as Justin went off to college. I was happy for him, but it left me alone and frustrated again. With my only sexual release gone, I turned to the internet. Online I not only discovered that while I had enjoyed Justin, I really liked the look and attitude of older guys. I also discovered that what Justin and I had been doing was called barebacking, raw, breeding. I started reading everything I could on it; this was when I discovered about bug chasing and gifting. The thoughts of becoming poz grew stronger and stronger in my mind. I wanted to find a poz daddy, for him to accept me, and for him make me into what I wanted to be: a receptacle for his seed, to be his poz boy and take all he gave me. Eventually I signed up for all the hookup sites and made profiles for myself where I would be going to college. I had a few hits, but most were guys my age. I would chat with them and find out all the places to go, what the area was like, all that stuff, but the guys I wanted to find and with whom I wanted to fuck around, didn't seem to notice my ad. I commented about it to one of my new online buddies, and he told me I needed better pics to attract them. I explained that I was still living at home, and couldn't take them. He offered to help me out once I went away to college. My Online Buddy was named John, and the day after Mom and Uncle Charlie dropped me off at college, I contacted him about taking the pics. He was free that evening, so I got his address and set about figuring out how to get there, and what to wear. Luckily, he was close to the Metro, so I set out a bit before, and got there just on time.
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  43. By a strange circumstance... For the next 15 years, Dave and I fucked and converted many boys. Some wanted it, and some were too dumb to see our status or ask about condom use. Often we double teamed the guys, and made sure that we both gave them a huge load. Our favorite was when we got a guy who wanted to be double penetrated. We loved the feeling of our poz cocks rubbing against each other as we bare fucked a hole, and our loads were often deposited at the same time when we were able to DP. We had a stash of condoms that were prepped for breakage, and our 'silicon' lube was laced with baby oil to ensure breakage. Our goal in life had become to spread our seed and procreate through our disease. We had ads on all the popular hookup sites, and all clearly stated that we were poz, and preferred to fuck bareback. Sometimes it got us the ass we wanted, sometimes the guys were hesitant. Those were the ones that we either stealthed, or used the old 'just the tip' line on till we were shooting our poison deep into them and changing their lives forever. The big shock of my life came when we got a hit from a cute 18 year old freshman named Tom who had just moved to DC for college and was looking for some Daddy types to help him come out into the gay world, and give him the bug. When he unlocked his pics for us, I was stunned. It was like looking into a slightly distorted picture of me at that age. He didn’t have my light blonde hair; rather it was a dark strawberry blonde, but his features eerily looked like my younger self. We chatted, and over the course of a couple days, I discovered that he had grown up with a single mom and had never known his dad. He had come out as gay in high school, but growing up in a small town he had not known of any other gay guys. Tom really wanted to meet us, and Dave was fully up for giving him our bug; there was just something in the back of my mind that had me on edge with Tom, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. We all met at a local diner for lunch, and to chat before deciding on going any further. It was over that lunch that I finally discovered what had me on edge with Tom. We talked about his plans to study sports medicine at school, and that he in high school he had been on the wrestling team where in placed in the Nationals top three every year of high school. In fact his wrestling skills had landed him a nice college scholarship. But it was when He showed us a picture of His mom that it all clicked. I had fucked around with his mom back when I was in the military, and must have knocked her up. Tom was my son. Not only was he my son, but he was gay and was a chaser, just as I had been, although I had never admitted as much until Dave had converted me. I dropped the bomb that I had just discovered on Tom and Dave. I knew Dave well enough to know that as soon as the recently discovered truth was out, his cock was rock hard and leaking his toxic precum with the thought of us gifting my own flesh and blood with our bug. Tom, I didn’t know that well, but the look that came over his face was eerily similar to the look that was on Dave’s face. The two of them quickly finished up their lunch, and were practically dragging me back to our place. Once we were alone in our apartment, Tom pulled me to him and gave me a deep passionate kiss. “I’ve always had this fantasy,” he said “of finding my Dad and him being gay. I never imagined that he’d be this hot or that he has something else that I wanted other than being a mentor to me.” “What do you mean, Tom?” I asked. “You know. I want the bug. To be poz. My cock and hole are twitching right now with the thought of it being given to me by the same cock and cum that made it possible for me to exist.” As much as my brain wanted to rebel against the idea, my cock began to harden in my jeans and the thought of my seed, that had helped create this young man in front of us, being fucked into him and its poison finding its way into his blood and converting him began to interest me. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to give him what he wanted. “I have an even better idea,” I said, “you can call us Daddy and act like we are your Dom Dads. But we will all know the truth and enjoy the hell out of it.” “So,” Tom asked, “does this mean that you will fuck me? Give me your poison seed and convert me to be like you, Dad, poz?” “Yes, son.” “Nice! How about we start on that converting of me now.” With that out of the way, Tom grabbed both my cock and that of Dave, and began to massage them through the denim of our jeans. Both of us let out a moan, and I grabbed Tom’s hand form my crotch and began to direct him to our bedroom. Dave followed behind us, stripping his clothes off as he went leaving a trail of hastily removed clothing. Once in the bedroom, Tom began to strip, but I stopped him. I wanted to be the one to take of each article of clothing and expose the body that I had unwittingly helped create all those years ago. As I pulled off his shirt, a nice firm six-pack, a beautifully sculpted adonis belt and solid pecs were revealed. His lithe body reminded me of mine when I was his age. I still had the six-pack, but now there was a lot more fur there, not just the trail of hair that lead down from his belly button into his jeans. Tom reached over to me after I had his shirt removed and slid my tee shirt over my head. He leaned in close to me and put his head on my furry chest and a purr left his lips as he nuzzled into my pecs. We both kicked off our shoes and then at the same time reached for the button and zip of the other’s jeans. I batted Tom’s hand away and told him to wait his turn. As I undid the button and pulled the zip down, a moan came from the doorway where Dave stood naked and jacking his cock. “Stop with the tease, you two, and get naked so we can get to the fucking. I don’t think I can hold off cumming for much longer. This whole Father/Son thing has got me really close.” “Then stop playing with your cock and wait like a good boy” I said with a smile in my voice.
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  44. PART 3 Conrad looked up at me and smiled. His legs were still wide open, and a pearl-size drop of cum escaped his hole. I pushed it in with my finger, and he moaned. “Sit up, boy,” I said. “Take three nice hits off the pipe for your big bro. I’m gonna get us ready for a night at the baths.” I heard the click of the lighter as I grabbed a white jockstrap from the laundry basket, giving it a quick smell and catching a whiff of cum, sweat, and piss in the fabric pouch. I threw it to Conrad. “Here, bud—wear this,” I said. “It’s only slightly used.” He nodded as a dense cloud billowed from his mouth. Meanwhile, I grabbed my playkit, threw on a T-shirt, and pulled my gym shorts over my cock—still rock-hard and glistening with fresh poz seed. The mesh fabric strained around my erection, pulling on the elastic and revealing just a little bit of the thick patch of hair above my cock. I heard the boy hit the pipe a second time, then a third, as I prepared another dose of G in the kitchen. I brought him the dose as he exhaled smoke from his nose like a regular chemwhore. “Drink up,” I said, “then put on those shorts. But leave your tank top here, OK? I want everybody to see my lil’ bro’s hot fuckin’ body.” He nodded, gulping at the G-laced soda before pulling his shorts over the jockstrap. The waistline landed about one-third of the way down his bubble butt, revealing a bright-white band of elastic. “Good boy,” I said, lighting up the pipe and sharing the smoke with him in a deep, hungry kiss. “Now let’s go feed your hot little butt.” He practically ran to the bathhouse, stopping every 50 feet or so to keep his shorts from slipping to the ground. Finally I grabbed his hand, unbuttoned the top button, and let the shorts fall. He shot a worried glance my way. “Don’t worry, bud,” I said with a triumphant grin, opening the front doors to the bathhouse. “Nobody here’s gonna complain.” My buddy Rick was on duty at the ticket window. As Conrad and I approached, he gave the kid a once-over and laughed. “Holy shit, dude,” he said to me. “This one's gonna be good.” “It already is,” I said, showing him one of my fingers slick with cum from Conrad’s hole. Rick practically licked his chops. (He was one of my regular top buddies, and he especially loved sprinkling a layer of T on his raw poz dick and sliding it inside a faggot’s wrecked, dripping cumhole.) As he secured a room for us, I glanced back at the guys standing in line. All of them craned their necks to see my boy leaning against the counter in his jockstrap. I pulled his ass apart, revealing a trickle of cum running down his leg. That earned a few grunts of piggy appreciation. Then I whispered in my lil’ bro’s ear: “Keep spreading it, boy. Be proud of your hunger.” He nodded eagerly, reaching back and showing off his smooth, knocked-up boyhole. One of the dudes in line responded with a single word: “Fuuuuuuuuuck.” “The sling room is taken,” said Rick. “But I’m pretty sure you’ll be invited there at some point.” (He gave the word “point” a little extra emphasis, followed by a wink.) “Anyway, I managed to get a deluxe room for you. Come on through and let me check your bags.” We walked through the security door, and I put my playkit on the counter. Rick opened it up. I'd packed everything I might need for a night of poz-fucking: a row of prepared points, a large dimebag full of T, a needleless syringe for administering booty bumps, and a water bong. “Looks good to me,” he said with a smirk. Then he leaned over the counter and lowered his voice. “I’m off at 6 am. You’re welcome to come by my place when you’re done here.” Rick often hosted a group at his place on Sunday mornings. It was always a good crowd—mostly because he would recruit the hottest partyboys from the bathhouse by giving them a glimpse of his big dick while “checking their bags.” I gave him a nod. “Fuck yeah,” I said. “He’ll be very ready for you by that...point.” “Point taken,” said Rick with a smirk. “Now get to work.” As Conrad and I began walking down the hallway toward our room, I put my arm around his shoulder, bringing my mouth close to his ear. “If you see anything you like, just let me know. OK, buddy?” “Yes, big bro,” he answered, causing my cock to nearly spring out of my shorts. We walked past the hot tub, where some kid sat on the edge, legs dangling in the water, his hole eagerly riding a Daddy's raw cock. The kid was clearly tweaked out of his mind, and I could hear the top muttering a steady stream of pigtalk as the kid bounced hungrily on his dick. Conrad stopped and stared. “Don’t worry, buddy,” I said. “That’s nothing compared to what you’re in for.” We turned the corner. Ahead of us, leaning against the wall, a furry guy in his mid- to late 20s stood watching the men walk by. He was wearing nothing but a towel and a camouflage ballcap. I thought to myself: this is what Conrad might look like in a few years. The dude sported a little more muscle, a spray of hair across his pecs, and a clear treasure trail leading from his abs to the towel wrapped around his waist. But that's not what really caught my attention. No: what caught my attention was the giant red-and-black biohazard tattoo just above his left nipple. And then something happened that blew my fucking mind. Conrad saw the dude standing there, let out a little whimper, and made a beeline for this total fuckin’ stranger. And without a word, he placed his tongue on the guy’s nipple...giving the biohazard tat a long, slow lick. The dude grinned, placed his hand on the back of Conrad’s head, and encouraged him to keep worshiping the mark of poz brotherhood. Then he looked over at me. “This your boy?” he said. “Fuck yeah,” I answered. “I’m Sloan. This is Conrad.” “Jason here,” he said. “But before we go any further, he needs to be clear on one thing.” “What’s that? “My tattoo isn’t gonna give him what he wants. Only one thing is gonna do that.” He pulled the towel away from his waist, and his fat uncut cock swung forward, its head grazing my lil’ bro’s abs. Conrad whimpered again. I leaned over to give Jason a long, sloppy kiss. “Come with us,” I said. “I wanna see you help my boy earn his tattoo.” Conrad broke away from his poz-worship, and the two guys followed me to the room. Once inside, the boy dropped to his knees and began noisily and shamelessly slurping on Jason’s poz cock. Fuck yeah, I thought to myself. That G is definitely kicking in. “Goddamn,” said Jason with a laugh. “You got this kid fuckin’ blitzed, huh?” I answered with a proud nod. “Nice,” Jason said, then lowered his voice. “So…how are you guys partying?” I raised my eyebrows, then gave Jason another deep kiss as Conrad kept trying to devour his cock. “Fuck, dude,” I whispered in his ear. “That’s one of my favorite fuckin’ questions.” (As most partypigs know, the only people who ask “how you’re partying” are slammers—so Jason was not only a hot poz fucker, but a slampig too.) “Oh yeah, fucker?” he said with a smirk. “You been playing darts with this boy?” “Not yet,” I answered. “But in a few minutes, he'll be getting his first fuckin’ slam.” I took Jason’s hand and guided it to Conrad’s hole. His finger made contact with the warm seed slowly dripping from my lil’ bro’s knocked-up cunt—and with that, Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head and he moaned in appreciation. “That’s poz load #1,” I said. “My load. I got this kid high and pounded his virgin cunt full of seed. And of course he’s hungry for more.” “Of course he is,” Jason said. “Listen—I’m here with my poz Daddy, the dude who knocked me up about a year ago. We’re in the sling room. We love getting negboys on their backs, slamming ‘em up for the first time, and transforming them into little poz cumhounds. You wanna join us?” I flashed him a wolfish grin, then leaned over to kiss him again. “Couldn’t have planned it better myself,” I said. “Fuckin' A. Let’s go create a slampig.” MORE SOON…
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  45. Part Eight It was decided to further torment Dave by having Brian administe a Caverject injection to the base of his cock to cause him to have an erection while the device kept his cock stuck in a position downward. Dave was just waking when Brian and Matthew walked in to administer the Caverject. Brian told his older brother “It has been decided that you are to get an injection in your cock.” Dave thought that maybe he was being given a slam as he asked Brian “Why are you doing this to me, I’m your brother.” Dave sat calmly as Brian stuck the needle into the base of his cock. Dave waited to feel what he expected to be Tina running through his system to start feeling his cock quickly trying to get hard. Brain barked an order to his brother “Get on the bed on all fours bitch!” Dave sat there trying to adjust to his hardening cock when Brian smacked him in the face and told him again “I told you to get on the bed on all fours bitch!” Dave quickly complied as he asked “Why are you doing this to me?” To which Brian replied “It was the decision of the leadership.” Dave’s cock was prevented from reaching a full hard-on by the device he was feeling extreme pain in his groin. He begged his brother “Can’t you take this thing off of me bro?” Brian gave him the news “The only way that device can be removed is if your cock is cut off.” Dave didn’t want to lose his cock and did his best to block out the discomfort the device was causing while Brian began to fuck him hard. Dave grunted in pain with every thrust as the fuck made his cock throb in the device. Brian made sure to make the fuck last as long as he could before he seeded his brother’s hole. Matthew then took his turn at fucking Dave while he continued to moan in agony. As Dave continued to feel the throbbing pain of his cock attempting to get hard as Matthew fucked him harder and harder as he felt like his cock was going to burst. It wasn’t his cock bursting that he needed to worry about but the ability for him to ever get hard again that he was going to lose. The commune leadership knew that Caverject injections would eventually cause his cock to lose the ability to get hard without chemical assistance. And with the device Dave wouldn’t want to get hard ever again. After Matthew filled Dave’s hole he was left with a painful cock while he was left alone to ponder his dilemma. As Dave tried to get comfortable he contemplated Brian’s words to have his cock cut off.
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  46. Part Seven Matthew and Brian were woken up and told to appear before the leadership. When they met with the leadership they were told “The one called Dave has too big of a cock. There was discussion to remove everything but we feel there is a better way to torment it. We are going to permanently have its cock encased in metal. It will be able to piss but the device will prevent it from getting hard. After an extensive time in this device it should lose its ability to get hard.” Brian was instructed to apply the device that looked like a spigot you’d see on the side of a house. The one thing about the device was once it was locked on it couldn’t be removed without harming the one wearing it on his genetals. The typical weekend party was upon the commune. The difference this time around was Brian not being used as a fuck toy by the group. Matthew and Brian were in charge of getting the abductees prepared for the weekend. It was strange for Brian to escort his older brother to the play room. Dave gave his younger brother dirty looks the entire way. When they reached the slings and Brian ordered his brother to get in the sling Dave lashed out “I can’t believe they turned you gay bro, you’ve turned into such a fag.” Dave was quickly put in his place by his younger brother when he told him “If you keep this up you just may lose your balls like Ron.” Dave was shocked at his brothers come back “Dude, I’m your brother, your flesh and blood, you’d actually cut my balls off?” Brian gave a quick and simple answer “YES!” Matthew watched as Brian got his brother to quickly comply. Once both were in his own sling they were restrained before each was given a double slam. Matthew told both bound boys “The leadership has something special planned for you this weekend and they want you very fucked up.” Tourniquets were applied and 2 points were presented for each. Brian was administering Dave’s slam as he found a good vein to hit with both points. He stuck the first in and registered a flash of blood followed by the second point with another flash of blood. Slowly he emptied both simultaneously as he stared into his brother’s eyes. Once both were empty he withdrew the points and pulled the tourniquet off. Dave coughed out several times hard. As Brian watched his brother get lost in the drugs. He looked to see his brother’s cock shrivel to nothing which would allow easy application of the device. Dave wasn’t completely out of it as he watched his brother encase his cock in the metal tube like device. The tip of his cock barely reached the end as Brian locked the device in place. Dave asked “What are you doing bro?” At first Brian didn’t answer until Dave asked a second time “What are you putting on my cock?” Brian gave Dave the news “The leadership determined that your cock is too big. They discussed having it removed but thought better of that and determined it would be better to place this on you. It can’t be removed and will keep you from getting hard.” If Dave wasn’t so fucked up on Tina he probably would have cried. With Dave and Ron fucked up on Tina, Brian and Matthew were able to get them prepped by applying a generous amount of Crisco to their holes. Once each was generously lubed they placed a gas mask on each and made sure to feed them poppers and ethyl chloride as their holes were worked open with fingers and toys. Every so often they’d get a fucking from the man working their hole open. Ron’s hole opened up the easiest and the man working his slipped his fist inside. As Dave’s hole was being worked on Brian was told to prepare another generous slam for his Brother, stick it in him and wait to empty it until he was told. Brian did as he was instructed and was ready to administer the slam. He applied the tourniquet and hit the vein as he waited for the instruction to empty the point’s contents. The man working Dave’s hole had his fist almost inside but needed something to help Dave accept the fist. Matthew refreshed Dave’s gas mask as the man signaled Brian to push the plunger down. With the poppers/ethyl chloride refreshed in the gas mask and the Tina about to his Dave’s system the man felt Dave’s hole begin to give him access. When Brian pulled the tourniquet off and Dave fell deeper into the clutches of Tina he hole completely opened and the man had his fist inside Dave. For that weekend Ron and Dave had their holes stretched beyond comprehension. When the men were done they told Matthew and Brian “You can use these two hole for yourself. See what it feels like to have their holes wrapped around your fist.” Brian removed Dave’s gas mask and stepped up between his legs as Matthew did the same to Ron. Dave looked down to see his own younger brother easily stick his fist inside his own ass. Brian was enjoying the new found power he had over his brother as he fisted him. Dave was able to clearly see the device that now encase his cock and remembered what his brother told him when it was applied.
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  47. Part Five After the brothers had converted they were taught the art of cock sucking. Just as when they were first taken they cooperated when Matthew had them take turns sucking each other’s cocks since they each had a nice size cock that would take work to learn how to deep throat. David began to work on Brian’s cock as Matthew gave him instructions. When Matthew felt he wasn’t taking enough of his younger brother’s cock into his mouth he would force his head down further until Brian’s cock began to easily slide into his older brother’s throat. Matthew had Dave keep sucking until Brian shot a large load of cum into his mouth. Like was done with Ron, Dave was told “You are to keep your brother’s load in your mouth and savor the flavor” as Brian got ready to suck his older brother’s cock. Once Brian was on his knees he willingly began to work his brother’s cock into his mouth as far as he could. He would hold his breath and go down as far as he could before he would gaga and work back up. While Brian had started his work on Dave’s cock Matthew told Dave “You are to swallow now.” At first Dave thought that the idea of swallowing Brian’s cum would make him throw up, but after he tasted his cum he found it not that bad. Dave had had his share of blow jobs and was discovering that Brian was doing a fairly decent job as he felt his balls begin to swell and he soon shot his load into Brian’s mouth. Brian knew to hold his brother’s cum in his mouth as he savored the flavor of Dave’s cum. Brian found that he not only liked sucking his older brother’s cock, but that he enjoyed it as his cock began to stir again as he held the delicious cum in his mouth. Brian’s growing cock was noticed by Matthew who commented “It looks like Brian likes the taste of cock and cum.” Brian was embarrassed by Matthew’s comment, but knew it was the truth. Matthew told Dave “I guess you better suck your brother’s cock since he got hard over servicing you.” Dave reluctantly switched places with his younger brother and took his growing manhood into his mouth. This time around it took Brian longer to cum giving Dave more time to experience working his younger brother’s cock into his throat. Just as Dave’s jaw began to ache Brian began to thicken signaling his eminent orgasm. Matthew pushed Dave’s head down forcing Brian’s cock into his throat. The sensation of his older brother’s throat wrapped around his cock sent him over the edge as Dave felt the cock lodge in his throat spasm as it unloaded directly into his stomach. When Brian had finished cumming Matthew let the brothers know, “You’d be a great value as a cock sucker if you can take a man’s cock into your throat and let his load shoot directly into your stomach.” Brian knew he could accomplish that with practice and work and begged Matthew “I’m willing to learn what I need to so that I can do as you described.” Matthew smiled as his cock began to stir and without saying a word motioned for Brian to get on his knees before him. Dave was stunned as his brother quickly took Matthew’s cock into his mouth and worked it deeper in until he was deep throating like an expert. As Matthew was feeling Brian work his throat around his cock he knew if this kid kept up his work he’d be filling him with his load shortly. Brian could tell Matthew was getting close as his cock began to thicken and his breathing began to grow deeper. Dave watched with amazement as his younger brother was about to be rewarded with a load deposited directly to his stomach. Brian was bobbing down onto Matthew’s cock when his head was grabbed and Matthew groaned out as his cock fired. Brian had done what Matthew had wanted, swallowed his cock allowing him to shoot his load right into his own stomach. After Matthew had recovered from a strong orgasm he let Brian know “Fuck! Thanks for the awesome suck job dude. If you keep working on your anal skills as you have on your oral ones you might get to join the commune.” Dave was a little shocked at Brian’s actions and once they were left alone he asked Brian “Are you going gay on me bro?” Brian replied “No way Dave, I’m doing as you said, whatever I need to do too survive.” Although Brian said what he said to Dave he knew he was starting to enjoy the sex he was getting.
    1 point
  48. Rick had hardly known his dad, Frank, who had knocked up his mother when they were both 16 and they never married. When Rick was 20 he learned his dad was living in a nearby city and they reconnected. As they got to know each other, Rick was utterly shocked he found out was that his dad was gay, but certainly it made it easier for Rick to confide to his father that he too was gay. Eventually Frank (and his father's partner, Kevin), invited Rick to come stay with them. Rick asked if he could bring his BF, and naturally his father replied "No problem", so Rick and his BF Jess came out to spend the summer. When Rick and Jess arrived at Rick's father's place, Frank opened the door and Jess remarked to Rick that Rick and Frank looked very much alike like each other, and when he thought about it, Rick realized Jess was right: his dad was 36, lean and defined and Rick immediately started wondering if their cocks were also similar. Frank gave his son a bear hug and introduced himself to Jess, saying "I'm Frank and this is Kevin. Make yourselves at home." The first week went by uneventfully as they caught up with each other. During the second week when Frank and Jess had gone out to the store, Kevin and Rick were talking when there was a knock on the door and a guy delivered a package. Kevin told Rick that the package contained 'party favors', but that Frank didn't want his son to know that he and Frank partied, so Kevin asked that Rick not say anything about the package. Rick replied "That's crazy - we do as well" to which Kevin replied "Your dad would never do that in front of you....unless...." and then he started to laugh. Later Kevin told Rick and Jess his twisted plan, and Rick and Jess, being utterly twisted pigs, readily agreed to the plan. One weekend in mid-June Rick and Jess told Frank that they were going to take a weekend trip and would not be back until the following Monday. They left as planned, and shortly afterwards Frank and Kevin got out the T and started smoking to gear up for a long weekend. After about an hour Frank was flying, and Kevin took him into the bedroom and tied his hands to the bedposts, slipped a blindfold on him and said he was going to prepare a couple of slams. Frank lay there with a raging hard-on while Kevin went out of the room. Jess and Rick had crept back into the apartment and were waiting in the living room, like two hungry naked predators. They slipped in quietly while Kevin returned with the rigs. Kevin told Frank that he had a surprise for him, saying he gone online and invited two men over to play. Frank's dick started leaking with pre-cum in anticipation. Jess and Rick got on either side of Frank and tied a tourniquet around each of his arms, also tying themselves off, so they could slam right after they did Frank. Kevin followed suite. When all four guys were prep'd, Jess and Rick simultaneously stuck the needles into Frank's arms, slamming him from both sides. The rush hit Frank like a ton of bricks. He was so high he couldn't talk. At that point Rick pulled the blindfold off, and Frank looked up in his drug-induced haze to see Jess, Rick and Kevin standing over him, rigs in hand, ready to go. A portion of Frank wanted to protest, but he still couldn't speak and his dick and ass said otherwise. He watched as the three of them slowly inserted the needles into their arms and pulled back so that he could see their blood mixing with the Tina. They were putting on a fucking show for him. Then they slammed. Rick came around and stuck his dick into his father's ass and started to fuck him relentlessly. Jess slid his cock in Frank's mouth and Kevin went down on Frank's dick at the same time. As his eyes started to focus he saw that Jess had a biohazard tattoo right above his cock, and that Rick had the same. Kevin just grinned. Kevin was also poz but somehow Frank had stayed negative, thinking 'at least until now'. For several hours they all took turns raping Frank's ass, until he had three charged loads dripping out of his hole. Rick then went down between his dad's legs and felched his hole, sucking the cum out, then rising to his feet he leaned over his father, kissed him, and snow-balled the cum into Frank's hungry mouth. Rick looked at his dad, smiled broadly, and said "Happy Fathers day. Hope you like my gift." And then they were ready to go again.
    1 point
  49. PART 2 [Above: My ass in December 2012, waiting for anonymous dick to deposit a fresh strain of POZ cum.] After showering, I returned to Jake and Trey's living room. They already had a third guy there -- a very handsome dude, a little younger than me, smoking the pipe while Trey sucked his fat dick. "Hey, boy," said Jake. "Meet Beau. I told him that we had a neg hole all hopped up on Tina, and he came right over. Let's just say that he's gonna play a very important role in your pozzing tonight. You wanna tell him why, Beau?" "Sure," said Beau, right after blowing out a giant cloud of white smoke. "Around this time last year, Jake and Trey pumped me full of their sweet poz strain, and I got knocked up with the bug I'd been craving. Since then, I haven't gone on any meds, and my viral load is pretty fuckin' high. I love sharing my virus with boys like you, and especially with boys not like you -- boys who think I'm a neg total top, and trust me to destroy their perfect neg fuckholes with my poison shaft." "Trey and I are on meds," Jake explained. "So we're practically shooting blanks. But Beau here, he can do some serious damage to your immune system. Tell me, then: do you want this stud to fuck you after Trey and I have wrecked your neg hole?" "Yes. I want his unmedicated poz load," I said. Beau smiled. "I think we've got a good boy on our hands." "We definitely have a good boy on our hands," Jake replied. Then he motioned me over to the couch. "Sit down here, boy. Spread your legs. We're going to do a few things to help your cunt get even hungrier." I eagerly walked over to the couch, the Tina still making my head buzz after those first few hits almost an hour before. Jake lit up the pipe, took a giant hit, and blew it in my mouth. Then he handed the pipe and the lighter to me. "Here boy -- I'll teach you. Hold the flame right under the T," he said to me. "See that smoke coming out the top? That's when you start your slow inhale. Slow. Keep it slow. No, keep inhaling. Don't stop. Good boy." They watched me take four giant hits. Then I handed the pipe to Trey and lay back on the couch, lifting my legs to expose my hungry jockhole. "Oh, that's pretty," Beau said, smiling. "I can't wait to destroy that thing." Meanwhile, Jake was dipping his finger into a small plastic bag. He applied a little lube to my hole -- again, those fingers brushing against my cunt drove me wild -- and then he shoved into me with the finger that had been in the bag. There was a sharp pain, followed by a sudden warmth as he roughly rubbed the inside of my hole. Then my cunt relaxed, opened up, and began eagerly swallowing up that finger, then two, then three, with no pain -- just total eagerness for this man to use my butt however he wanted. Jake laughed. "Thatta boy," he said. "Jesus. I can feel this pussy getting hungrier by the second." Then he stood up, his dick looking even bigger, its curve pointing to his steady stream of precum. "You want this poz dick, boy? It's so ready to invade your neg cunt." "Fuck yes," I replied. "Please. Please give me your poz cock. I want to be just like you. I want you to mark me. Infect me. Please, please, please poz me." "You want my strain? Beau here has my strain. You like my strain, Beau?" "Fuckin' A," Beau said. "I'm so proud to carry your strain, and pass it on to every boy I can seduce with T and breed full of my virus." Jake knelt down between my legs, placing the head of his dick against the entrance to my hole. "You feel that, boy? That's my poz cock," he said. "Feel it?" "Oh fuck yeah, I feel it," I replied, squirming with total hunger for this man to transform me into a poz dickpig. "This is the point of no return, buddy. Once I'm inside, you're getting pozzed. In fact, even if I don't shoot a big wad, I'll still be dripping my precum the whole time, lubing you up with my virus. You ready?" "Yes, I'm ready." "Ready for what?" "To get pozzed. To feel your poz dick in me. To beg for your poz cum." He smiled. "You're such a good fuckin' boy." Then his fat mushroom head squeezed into my throbbing, partied-up fuckhole, and I moaned from the sense of total freedom as I surrendered my defenseless cunt to this sexy, hairy, muscular man with the studcock primed to alter me forever. "Moaning like a bitch already," he said. "We'll have you whimpering before long. Just whimpering like a cum-starved poz pig boy with a hole dripping cum and maybe a little bit of blood. Because this cunt is getting wrecked, I promise you." That's when he shoved the rest of his fat dick inside me. My hole swallowed it eagerly, and even in my pain I smiled. I had surrendered. I had taken the step. I couldn't turn back. I belonged to him. "Feels like home, boy. You were made for this. This is what your hole was meant to do." "Yes," I moaned. "This is all I ever wanted. Thank you." "Don't thank me yet. Thank me when you've got a gut full of my poz DNA." He pushed my knees back to my shoulders, squatted so that his cock was positioned directly above my wide-open hole, and began pounding. Just pounding it. Owning it. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I could almost hear the delicate tissues in my fuckhole getting shredded with this man's cock. He didn't last long. As I watched his muscular chest flex with every thrust, and his abs tighten each time his shaft drove all the way inside me, I could hear his breath grow shorter, his body beginning to shake with an intense need to release. "Tell me what you want, boy," he said. "Tell me now." "I want your poz cum, you fucking stud. Poz me." "What was that?" "I said PLEASE FUCKING POZ ME. PLEASE. PLEASE." "Fuck you, faggot. You didn't. Ever. Have. A. CHOICE." At that, his whole body went into a powerful convulsion as he plunged his cock even deeper. The muscles in his stomach spasmed repeatedly, and he grunted and growled with each pulsation of his stud-dick as he emptied a ballsac full of poz sperm inside my neg guts. Beau laughed. "Congratulations, boy," he said to me. "You are now officially a pig. Hungry for more?" "Yes, please. Please more poz seed. Please." "That's good," Beau replied. "Because that wasn't really a choice, either. But first, you're going to do what a true bottom does, and clean off the cock that just pounded your guts full of sweet poz cum." At that moment, Jake pulled out, and his dick glistened with the deathseed he'd just injected into my hole. I eagerly scrambled to the ground and wrapped my mouth around it, slurping greedily to taste this man's toxic DNA and worship his perfect boy-wrecking dick. "Jesus, he's a good boy," said Jake. As I knelt on the ground, carefully cleaning off my man's dick, I felt something slightly prickly press against the inside of my warm, wet cumhole. "Just hold still," said Trey. "I'm just rubbing the inside of your cunt with a toothbrush. Brushing some of that poz jizz up inside you, giving you little abrasions so that you can welcome more poz spunk into your bloodstream." Hearing that, I arched my back to spread my hole a little wider, allowing the toothbrush to plunge deeper inside my cum-soaked cunt. Seeing that, Jake whistled. "Jesus," he said. "I'd say we've created a pig. And trust me when I say this: this night is going to get much, much wilder. Just wait to see what fuckin' nasty surprises we have waiting for you." I glanced over at Beau, who was busy at work under the desklamp. I couldn't tell what he was doing, but it looked like he was carefully measuring T into little vials. Jake grabbed my head, turned it back in his direction, and impaled my mouth on his beautiful giftgiving cock. "Don't worry about what's next," he said to me. "Just worship my poz cock like a grateful faggot who knows his place." "Thank you," I murmured, as I plunged my hungry mouth down on his poz dick over and over again, with blood and cum oozing out of my partied-up hole. MORE SOON...
    1 point
  50. Fucking hot! If you guy is bi and you want to add a third, lemme know. I would be happy to breed you both.
    1 point
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