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  1. This is my first time trying to write a story, English is not my native tongue either so bear with me. I hope at least someone finds my story hot to read. First a little backstory, this is somewhat based on one of my adventures with some adjustments to make it even sexier. I grew up on the southwest coast of Sweden, which, during the summer, gets a lot of tourists from other countries. Now, when I was really small I learned there was a nudist beach about 15 minutes from my home, and when I began experimenting with sex, I found out quite early that I loved being a submissive slut. As I understood the nudist beach was one of the biggest cruising spots in the area, attracting gay men from all over Europe. I just had to visit, so one day, gathered my courage and rode my bike to beach. At this point I was of legal age and had been fucked by ten or so different guys, so I knew I loved it. Arriving at the beach, I parked my bike and walked down on a path through the woods to the beach. I had brought sandals, my swimming trunks, a t-shirt, a towel, a condom, lube and a small bag. Just before I had taken my time to shave myself really smooth and had taken a small enema to clean my ass out. My heart rate picked-up considerably when I saw the sign. "Nudist Beach Ahead." I continued past the sign, and undressed myself more quickly than I had ever done so before. There I was, entirely naked, nervous, horny and on the hunt for cock. I decided to scope the place out at first. As I had understood nothing actually happened at the beach, but rather in the zone between the dunes and the first treeline where stuff happened. I walked down on the beach, where I encountered several couples and guys who were apparently alone. Most of the men were older than I, and spoke German, or Danish or English. I have no idea how long I walked down on the beach but when I did not see anymore people I walked up towards the dunes and into the maze-like mix of tightly growing trees and dunes. The sight were blocked from all ways and I do not lie when I say it was like a maze. Suddenly I heard steps behind me, I looked back and there was a man. I looked down and realised his dick was hard and standing, Naturally I took a closer look at his dick, and thought it was about five inches, (12-13 cm). I wanted a larger cock, so I turned around and kept going. He kept walking a few steps behind me but then he was gone. I walked past two men having sex, they were both really old and they seemed busy. I decided not to disturb the, so I kept walking. I continued forward, and came to a little glade with wooden benches. As I was somewhat tired as a consequence of my lengthy hike across the sand, I spread my towel on the bench, and took a seat to rest for a few minutes. After a few minutes I heard steps. I looked back and I saw a fit guy, who looked like he was around 25, although he looked could have been as old as 35. Some people are blessed with good genes. His cock looked big, it was still soft but I understood that it had just been hard. I do not know how long he stood there, but he stared at my ass and I stared at his cock. I was the one to break the ice, the conversation went something like this. "Hey." "Hey. Nice ass." "Thanks. Nice cock." "Glad you like it. What are you here for?" "Ahh, a nice cock. Like yours." "Do you wanna taste it here?" I nodded and sat upright. The guy approached me, and held his cock out for my inspection. I took it into my mouth, sucked with pleasure, and it grew quickly in my mouth." "You know," he commented, "I actually came here looking for more then a blowjob." My inner slut screamed that it wanted his his cock inside my ass, so, after giving a bit more attention to his cock, I paused and said "I would love to get fucked," as I handed him the lube and the condom, stood-up, bent over, and presented my ass to him. I heard him open the bottle and then I felt two fingers pushed hard and deep inside me. I could not stop myself from moaning out loud. He finger-fucked me hard and deep for a little while. Then I heard him open the condom. I prepared myself for the cock. He pushed it inside deep and hard. At this point, a part from my dildo, his was the largest cock that had ever fucked me. He was also the most rough top I had encountered. He fucked me deep, hard and fast. I could feel my hole stretching, and being abused. I continually moaned. I could not understand what it was that hurt so much. The pain associated with this tryst was much worse than what I usually experienced when being fucked. Honestly, it was almost too painful. When I felt my tears welling-up in my eyes, I remarked as much to him. He replied, suggesting some sand must have gotten into my hole as his cock was hurting quite a lot to0. I heard a twig break and I looked up to see three old men watching as they jerked. The man who was nearest approached, and presented me with his cock. Naturally I sucked him without hesitation. The taste was really salty and he oozed more precum than I had ever before experienced. The other two men remained in the background, each jerking himself. I kept moaning in pain, both completely horned-up, but at the same time my ass felt unbelievably sore, almost as if it was burning. The top guy picked up the pace even more and I understood that he was about to cum, and sure enough, he moaned loudly, and grunted "Take my load you fucking fag." As I was certain he was wearing the condom, I thought he was just using dirty talk. Then quicker then quick he was gone, but it still felt like someone was fucking me as my ass still felt like it was on fire. About then the old man blew his load, which I swallowed, and he disappeared as quickly as had the top man. 'Enough is enough', I thought, and with that I picked-up my stuff when I felt something hit my leg. Looking down, a saw some red and white goo. I took a second to think and then I felt on my hole with my hand. Then, inspecting my hand, I could clearly see both a few drops of blood and cum on the fingers. I panicked, especially since I saw the condom, still unopened, tossed aside on the sand.
    4 points
  2. As the lanky teen with the cute smile shuffled past me carrying the stack of filing boxes, I kept staring at his lean body while I walked, until almost falling over a stack of shipping crates. Stopping just short of the pile, I turned and watched him disappear out the back door with them. My cock jumped in my khakis as I wondered who the new blood was. "Excuse me sir," a deep voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around and press myself against the wall as he passed me again with another stack. It puzzled me how he had managed to unload the boxes and get back inside and pass me in only a few seconds, until the back door opened and he walked back in, followed by...himself? 'Twins!' I realized as the two teen boys wiped sweat from their brows and passed me going the opposite direction to get another load. "Who are they?" I asked a co-worker as we pretended not to watch the fit teens take load after load of old tax paperwork out to the truck to be hauled away and shredded. "Marvin's grandsons," Jessica replied, covertly watching them in the reflection on her computer monitor. "He got the bossman to agree to let them come in a few days a week and intern in the accounts department with him until they go back to school in August. Their names are Mac and Mal or something like that, and they play basketball for their high school team and need some more academic stuff for their resumes if they want to get into a good school or some shit like that." Eyeing them less discretely than my co-worker, I caught a glimpse of one boy's ripped abs when he lifted his shirt to wipe his face off, and oogled the other brother's butt when he bent to get the last box, making his pants ride down exposing his hairless creamy ass cheeks and crack. Fantasies of a basketball boy sandwich with me in the middle were floating around my head, causing my hard on to leak into my briefs. I was so lost in my imaginary world that I didn't realize they had caught me watching them and were coming over to say hello, until they were suddenly at my desk. "Hey I'm Mark," the one in the blue bball shorts and black tee said, before pointing to the brother in white plaid shorts and a green tee and adding, "and this is my bro, Mike. You must be Peter. My granddad said you were the computer genius around these parts." I nodded and tried not to check out their bulging boy packages while they asked me some technical questions. Answering as quickly as I could, I hoped they didn't notice my voice cracking or how desperate I was to keep my lap concealed under the keyboard drawer on my desk. Finally they seemed happy with the facts I'd provided and made some joke about me seeing them around, maybe twice. I laughed a little too hard but they just smiled and returned to the re-org work they'd been busy with before they came over. Once the coast was clear I ducked into the bathroom and jerked a huge load all over the sink and mirror, with visions of these teen gods doing the same. -- The rest of the week went by uneventfully, with me spending twice as much time in the bathroom as any of the other employees, spanking my meat to images of the twins I'd managed to find on their facebook pages. As it turned out, they were all too happy to friend the just-out-of-college, tech-savvy young computer tech when I sent the request, and that made me happy once I found out they were aspiring models and had dozen, perhaps hundreds of photos of the two of them in tuxedos, work-out gear, shirtless and even in matching red speedos. My sixth sense had been right, their dicks were well above average, at least according to the photos where they could be seen through the speedo fabric. When Friday arrived I was ready to get the hell out of there and go find some young buff bball boy to substitute for the hot new interns, and I even decided to take it further than usual, texting my guy and setting it up so I could drop by and pick up some tina on my way to the club. When I got to his place I was eager to get back out and find some ass to pound, but my dealer convinced me to stop in and smoke with him first, even offering to load the first bowl himself. Never one to turn down free drugs, I agreed and plopped down on the couch next to him and told him about the hot new guys at my work. "That's awesome bro!" he coughed as he said it, obviously turned on at the idea of twinteens as well. "Wish I could see them. Where do you work so I can sneak past one night at closing and check them out?" Uncomfortable with the idea of my dealer knowing where I made a living, I offered instead to show him a photo of the twins, but I made sure it was only a shirtless pic since I felt kinda possessive about their asses and dicks after a week of coveting them. "DAMN MAN, I know this dude!" My dealer yelled, causing me to cough as I smoked. "I know one of them anyway. This kid stops by once in awhile to buy some shit for him and his girl. Always thought he was hot, but now that there's two of him, I want him twice as bad!" "What's the name of the kid who buys from you?" I demanded. "Dunno. I always call him doc cause he only gave me his initials when we met: M.D." He said, swiping through more of my photos. Could have been Mike or Mark from the initials, but I was desperate for more info that might lead me to discover which one did drugs, so that I might blackmail him into doing me too. "In fact, doc said he'd be stopping by around 8 if you want to stick around and see him." As intriguing as the prospect of him coming in and my catching him in the act of buying might be, I knew I had a lot more to lose in this situation than he did, so I made sure my guy wasn't going to snitch on me and got out of the house by 7:45. Inside my car I began to pull away but stopped myself at the end of the block. I needed to be sure my dealer was telling the truth, so I pulled around the block, and parked under a tree a few houses down, with a perfect view of the front door. By 8:10 I was ready to call it quits when a familiar grey sedan turned the corner and pulled up in front of the house. It idled for a moment before the engine cut out and the driver's door opened. My breath caught in my throat as all 6'6" of boyish ball player stood up out of the car and began walking up the path. With no idea which guy of the two I was seeing, all I could do was fondle myself and picture one of them sucking smoke from a pipe while I pounded my 8 and a half inch dick deep into his athletic ass. Minutes passed before he returned to the car and I used my phone to snap a few photos of the boy so I had a record of what he was wearing as he slid behind the wheel and drove off. Turning around and heading home, I signed onto facebook as soon as I reached my garage and tried messaging both boys to see which one was out in the car and which one was being good and staying away from drugs. Neither one responded and both had similar statuses, reading 'out with the crew tonight, c u at the spot' and 'cruisin with da buds 2nite.' After 20 minutes it became clear that the twins were too busy with their friends to check my message on fb, so I got on my phone and used a hookup app to find some sexy bottom bitch who wasn't too far from me.it took about the amount of time for me to shower and change my sheets before the guy appeared on my front stoop. 6'2", almost as blonde as the bball twins, with a more classically handsome face, more muscle mass and hard inside his shorts, I pulled him inside and had my cock inside him as soon as I could get his shorts off. Disappointed that he wasn't one of the boys, I took comfort in his perfect body and well-trained sexual prowess, fucking him 4 times over the next few hours, with a few periodic breaks for some bowls to be smoked and a shower after round 3. When he left around 4am, I was still hyped up on tina and in no mood to quit partying, so I picked up my phone and started cruising again when it buzzed, alerting me to a new fb message. It was Mark, who I'd discovered was the quieter of the twins, seeming happy to let his 'big' bro (older by 6 minutes according to Mike) take the lead in most situations. 'Hey dude, where u at 2nite?' Mark's reply read. Assuming it had been posted a lot earlier, I almost ignored it until I saw the time stamp and realized he'd only written it an hour ago, around 3:20. 'My place,' I typed in, debating whether to embellish my evening to make myself seem cooler or just include some details of what I had been up to and possible cross a line that I shouldn't. Unable to decide, I kept it vague, ending the reply with 'buzzed from a crazy night.' Unsure if he would respond or if he was awake still, I almost giggled when my phone alerted me that he responded only a minute later. 'Nice! me2. Went out w/ friendz and got hi' it read. Without knowing what he was high on, I still admired his bravery admitting that he was on something, since I not only knew his grandfather but also had the ability to get him fired from his internship. The same thought must have hit him when another message quickly followed:'u cool? pls don't tell.' Laughing, I decided to ease his stress level and responded: 'no worries bro, im no snitch. been known to try stuff when I was young 2. could get wild sometimes.' 'i knew u were cool...and ur not old enuf 2 say 'when I was young.' When was that? last week?' his response made me laugh. Guess my vague answer didn't put him off the scent like I thought. When I didn't answer his last question he added another: 'what did u get in2 when u smoked?' Again I paused before responding and wondered what I should say. If he was the brother I'd seen at my guy's place earlier, this might be my chance to have him join me for some bowls and eventually lure him into letting me suck him or watch him with his girl. If this was the other brother, I could be revealing hard drug use to a teenager who might be stupid enough to tell someone at the office or he might hate the fact his brother does drugs like that and decide to get me in trouble with my boss or even with the cops as some bizarre lesson. 'u first' I typed into the messenger and waited for his response. I'd already told him I wouldn't snitch, so I hoped he would confess to me, but I wasn't too surprised when all he said in return was 'all sorts of things :)' 'Same here' was my reply. After that we chatted inanely for awhile, finally reaching a point where we'd run out of things to share, and a long silence occurred. Taking to my hookup app, I almost didn't notice the notification in the corner when, about 20 minutes later, he sent another message reading 'every1 here is 2 hi, no fun :(' Seeing the opportunity to find out which one I'd seen before, I asked him who he was with, since my dealer said his customer always bought for himself and his girlfriend. If he said his girl, it could be either of them, but if he was with friends, chances are it was Mike I'd seen before. Totally catching me off gaurd, Mark responded 'my bro and sum buds.' Shit! If they were together, I had no way of knowing which one I saw earlier. Then it his me, if they were together, they were probably both smoking the tina! Typing quickly, I asked him if he'd taken any photos of his antics from earlier. When he said yeah and asked why, I asked him to send me a pic of his buds and his bro, making up some excuse about possibly knowing some of the guys he hangs with and wanting to see a pic to be sure. He was quiet enough that I figured he was probably thinking it was a bad idea, so I decided to sweeten the pot adding 'u send me a pic of ur friends tonight, and I'll send u a pic of my friend 2nite.' 'ok! u send first' came back quickly. Mark must have deduced from our conversation, specifically some remarks I made about 'needing 2 shower' and 'wandering round my place in da buff,' that I had been screwing earlier in the evening. Unable to convince myself to be sane and say no, I found a picture I'd taken of the bottom face down with his thong-clad ass in the air, and cropped it so all you could see what his lower back and ass. Somewhat sure that it looked round enough to be a girl's butt, I sent him the photo and prayed he wouldn't figure out who he was seeing. Almost immediately a response came back with only one word in all caps: 'HOT!' Bells sounded alerting me that I had a picture message, and my hands shook as I opened the file entitled 'less exciting photo than 1 u sent me.' As it loaded, I began to make out some boyish faces, and surprisingly, some girls as well. It hadn't occurred to me that some of Mark's buds might be girls, but at least I could be semi-confident that none of them were his girlfriend from the label he'd given. His brother was standing behind a girl in the photo and hugging her to his chest blocking the outfit he was wearing, defeating my plan to find out if he was the guy I'd seen at the house. Undaunted I asked for another pic and Mark eagerly responded that he'd be happy to...as long as I understood it was quid pro quo. Digging through my new pics, I found one of the blonde bottom mouthing my junk through my briefs and cropped and edited it until only his mouth and nose could be seen drooling on my cotton-encased hard-on. zooming in as close as possible to see if I could make out any blonde stubble on his chin, I felt secure that Mark would be fooled again and sent the photo. This response took longer and I began to worry that I might have shown too much when my phone ding-a-ling-ed again and another message came through entitled 'couple hours later.' In this message, Mark had included a few photos of his buddies and brother stripped down to their boxers or panties respectively and taking shots in a hot tub on the same porch where the last one was taken. I scrolled through all of them and was disappointed that there was no way to tell which guy was which in the photos (even though all the ripped teen torsos and see-through undies did have me stroking pretty seriously). 'want more?' I wrote, while simultaneously searching my phone to see if any of the rest of mine could be re-done to hide the sex of my partner. I was considering sending one where I had my cock head forcing its way into the sweet smooth asshole of the boy, when Mark told me that he was all out of photos, but really wanted to see more of me and the 'bitch I'd fucked yesterday.' Crest fallen, I went to correct him on the date and discovered it was almost 8am and the boy had arrived at my place nearly 11 hours before and a whole day earlier. making some excuse about needing sleep, I ended the chat session and jerked off to a photo of Mike and Mark standing up in the hot tub, boxer-briefs clinging to their long, flaccid dicks and fuzzy thighs, giving enough definition to show me that they were both cut. My load was gigantic. -- Saturday I spent doing chores and hooking up with a guy from my gym after my work out. As I bred him in a shower stall that afternoon, some young guy was unabashedly watching us and pounding away at his average size uncut dick. Closing my eyes I imagined the hole on my cock belonged to Mike and his brother was the guy enjoying the show. Gym guy commented as we got dressed that his ass hadn't been fucked that well in years, and the voyeur snuck me his number on the back of a gym brochure before an older man, probably his father, yelled for him to stop fucking around and get changed so they could leave. Through out the day and the following night, I exchanged texts with Mark and strung him along just enough with vague details about my hookup in the afternoon to get him to continue to hound me for more information and unwilling reveal more about how far he'd gone and what he had planned. From what I gathered, he lost his virginity to a girl from his swim team when he was a freshman in high school while her best friend took his brother's v-card. After that he'd had one steady girlfriend for awhile who put out regularly but she moved away. My cock spewed more semen as he told me how he and his bro shared a girl down the block for awhile until she figured out they were both fucking her and ended it by kicking Mike in the junk and telling him to "share that with your brother too!" The LOL in my response was honest, but didn't include the CUM the story made me shoot. Finally I got around to asking if he had a girlfriend, to which he replied 'no.' Part of me was glad he wasn't with some girl but the other part knew that meant it must have been his brother I'd seen at the dealer's house the night before. Still I figured he might have enjoyed some of the goodies, so I decided to press on with our friendship. I went to bed early that night (early being around 11pm), and dreamt of Mark in bed with me, sucking my cock, then turning into Mike (don't ask how I knew the difference) and taking his turn on my dick. For some reason I felt guilty when Mike was doing it, but when I went to push him off, he turned back into Mark and finished the job. I awoke the next morning at 7 with cum in my tighty whiteys and a lot of questions in my mind. As I took my morning piss, I was happy to find messages from Mark and Mike, who had apparently been brought up to speed on my conversation with his brother. Each had sent me questions about my own sexual experiences, and after I'd failed to respond for a few hours, it turned into more of a drunken contest to see who could send me more explicit descriptions of things they'd done attached to photos of the girls from the stories (all pg-13 rated or under) until around 2 am when Mike stopped texting and both of them went quiet. Then at 5:13am, a message from Mark had arrived saying 'wana knw wut I wan2 try?' followed by 'beign w/ a guy.' Sitting stunned I moved forward in the conversation as Mark slowly admitted to wondering what dudes felt like and asking if I'd ever done anything with a guy. The last text was from mere minutes before I'd woken up and all it said was 'Mikw nad I messd round ocne.' Translating from the language of drunk I almost had a stroke realizing it said Mike and I messed around once. Hands shaking, I typed back carefully 'oh yeah, what did u guys do?' The minutes seemed like hours and I'd almost given up hope that he was awake and still drunk enough to tell me, when the bells went off. 'jus jerkd each ohter offf and stuf.' was his response. My heart jumped while I asked what stuff meant. His shyness returned with 'u know, stuff. nothnig gay.' Not wanting to push my luck, I left it up to my imagination and began stroking to their hot tub pic when another bell went off and he asked me again if I'd ever done anything with a guy. Horny as fuck and thinking I might still be asleep, I responded with the same shot of the bottom in the thong that I'd sent the day before, followed by another shot of the same guy on his back, with his cock clearly visible through the thong, and finally one more photo of me and the thong-wearing bottom in the mirror opposite my bed, his legs over my shoulders, my cock in his ass, and his head thrown back in pleasure. Once I was sure my face couldn't be seen in the picture, I hit send and waited. 5 minutes passed, then 10, then 20, 25, 30, 40. My mind was spinning as I wondered if I was about to get fired for sending fuckpix to the teen grandson of the head of accounting, but a bell went off instead. Opening the text on my phone, I scrolled through five pictures. One: a blurry pic of Mark in a bathroom mirror, holding his phone and wearing a black polo and baggy jeans, sagging enough to reveal the waist band of a pair of red and black undies. Two: another slightly less blurry pic of Mark in the mirror, now shirtless, flexing his chest and arms. Three: Mark holding his phone in front of him and taking a downward shot, this time with his pants out of the photo, and a hand shoved down his undies. four: Mirror again, undies pulled down to midthigh, facing away and flexing his back muscles, while clenching his butt enough to make the white buns taut and round. Five: A shot straight down his torso with his big, hard cock pointing out and up in his left hand, with a drop of precum peaking out of the head. After I finished looking at them, I got another text asking me simply 'what do u thnik?' 'U got me hard man.' I responded, stroking slowly hoping I might get more photos if I didn't cum at that very moment. 'Prove it.' came his response, and without a second thought, I walked into the bathroom, dropped my undies to the floor and took a shot of my impressive pecs, abs, dick, balls and thighs in the mirror. Pressing send so fast I couldn't be sure my face was entirely hidden, I decided I didn't care as long as it meant the possibility of more pics of Mark today, tomorrow or somewhere down the road. Instead I received a message that demanded another photo of my hard cock(or drunkenly written: my hard cokc). Snapping a few photos of my left hand stroking it while my right hand conveniently aimed the camera so my head was concealed, I sent a group all at once. The next text was short and to the point: 'make it come.' Unable to deny the quiet teen,I threw one foot up on the toilet next to me, switched over to video mode on my camera and began stroking for all I was worth. Seconds later a huge load rained from my thick, red, angry mushroom head, smearing streaks down the mirror as it sprung forth. As I lowered myself to the floor and caught my breath, I paused to wonder if I was better to deny the view of this explicit video from the inexperienced eyes on the opposite end of the conversation. The pervert who lusted over his co-worker's grandsons won out in the end though, and I ended up sending the video with a subject that referred to both the video's contents and my intentions for the boy: 'i'm coming for you.' -- Pulling into the work parking lot the next morning, I was a little unhappy to see the grey sedan already parked by the employee entrance. Most of the company wouldn't be in until after 9, so I'd hoped my 8:15 arrival would allow me the chance to watch out the window and see which of the twins drove the grey sedan. Most likely it was a shared vehicle or they at least carpooled for work purposes, so the entire idea was probably moot. Still, I had an uncommon obsession with needing to know which boy was the druggie if only one was into that stuff. After I thought I'd deduced it was Mike since Mark had no girlfriend, I saw Mike's relationship status on facebook was set to 'single' for months now, so it was a toss up who my dealer had been selling to, or if he was even being told the truth in the first place. Most likely whoever 'Doc' was, he made up the girlfriend after my dealer made eyes at the boy, figuring it would keep the gay drug dealer from making a move. Lost in thought over the entire scenario, I almost ran smack into one of the boys as I rounded the corner to go into my desk area. Apologizing and wondering if this was the boy who sent me his naked photos, he told me it was no sweat, and asked if I hadn't responded Saturday night because I was too busy getting more of the same from the night before. Revealing himself as Mike by being unaware of the nude picture exchange, I just smiled and told him I had fun and moved past him and got to work. Keeping an eye out for Mark, I began to get more and more nervous that I'd gone too far when 9 turned into 9:30 and the whole office was at work with still no sign of the quieter twin. Finally the boys' grandfather called down into the filing basement for Mark to "stop dilly dallying and get up here." Mark appeared soon after, scanning the office with his eyes until they came to rest on me, at which point they darted away, and so did he. Obviously I wasn't the only one who was nervous about what had gone down, so I decided to text Mark and let him know it was cool. me(9:48a): sorry if i freaked u out yesterday morning. we cool? Mark(9:56a):yeah me(10:04a): u ok? Mark (10:21a): yeah, cant talk now With his curt tone and short answers I figured Mark was now a lost cause. Just another sexy text memory to get me off when I'm alone and high, I guess. When he texted me at lunch and apologized for his abrupt response earlier, I was so happy to hear from him that I almost stopped him in the hall as he passed me. The embarrassed look on his face and inability to look me in the eye kept me from acknowledging him, even when his brother started up a conversation that afternoon, with him only a few feet away. We chatted about our crazy weekends in hushed tones and I enjoyed seeing Mark's brow form a dewy layer when I told him how many sexts I'd received the last few days. Mike practically demanded that I show him some, but somehow his forceful tone did nothing but make me want to say no. Still I considered showing him one from gymguy describing my amazing fuck skills, just to see if I could give Mark a heart attack and pretend it was one from him. Knowing better, I told both boys to get back to work and reminded them that it wouldn't be professional to share that stuff at work. Mark let out a sigh of relief as they walked away, and I sent him a text promising to keep his secret before returning to my own, rather large stack of work. Over the next few days I barely saw Mark and Mike, but began texting with them more and more. With Mike it was always puns about the positions and lude acts accountants did with the files, usually culminating in him sending me a selfie where he had some paper in his fly or was humping a filing cabinet. Mark's texts were more lowkey, often poking fun at the shitty work he was doing or how many of the older executives were practically illiterate when it came to tasks like opening their email or sending a text message. Eventually they started referencing the sex stuff we'd discussed the weekend prior, never going far enough for him to admit to seeing me cum on video though. By Thursday the three of us were eating lunch together and stealing moments in the halls to exchange good natured barbs, so I figured I had worked my way back into Mark's good graces. It was time to mention the sexting and see if he would freak again. me: thanks 4 the coke at lunch, ill get u next time mark: no sweat. better you drink a soda than thirst for the cum of sumyungguy! me: lol that thirst is never satisfied *slurp* mark: gross dude me: you didn't think it was gross sunday morning me:? mark: about sunday...I was really fucking drunk and high and didn't know what the fuck I was saying. I never should have hit that bowl, that stuff was way too strong for me, and I feel really awful for texting u all that gross shit. me: it wasn't gross man. I enjoyed it, which u could probably tell. But if u wanna drop it, its cool. Just wondering what u were smoking that got u so fckd up? mark: something stronger than the shit I usually smoke. It was awesome but I lost control. I decided to test the waters and see if I could get him to admit what it was with a little admission of my own. me: yeah tina does that to me sometimes too. me: :/ me:? Mark: I don't know, I've never smoked tina. Just weed. Fuck. I'd admitted my worst habit and now the hot dude who works with me had me jerking on video AND admitting to drug use in text form. I was screwed for sure...until... Mark: Mike does tina sometimes. He even fucked his ex on it in front of me once. got me to film a little. (pic attached) The photo attachment included three shots. One: Mike taking a hit off a bubble. Two: Mike fingering a naked girl while she hit the same bubble. Three: Mike getting head from the girl while he hit the bubble. Me:shit dude thats hot! u shoulda joined them. Mark: Ew dude, thats my bro! Anyway I don't do hard drugs like that. Mike likes it tho. Said it made him hornier than fuck. Me: I can tell Mark:...Whats it like? Me: exactly like mike said, plus a hundred times better. Mark: cool Me: u never been tempted to try it. Mark: not really. seems like a waste unless u know ur gonna get some. Me: yeah, ur right. u should try it sometime tho. Mark: maybe. my ex will be in town this weekend, but ill probably just fuck her sober me:cool, back to work, ttyl Mark: ttyl man I snuck into the bathroom and barely had my cock out of my pants before I shot all over the tile floor and my pants and shoes. I didn't even get the door locked but luckily I was one of the last people in the building. Sneaking out the side door I ran to my car and drove home to jerk off again to the hot photos of the teen smoking and getting sucked. -- coming up: Friday
    3 points
  3. Your English is better than most English-speakers, so don't worry. The sand is why I don't like fucking on a beach. But you really shouldn't have turned down the man with the smaller cock. Every cock should be served and worshipped.
    3 points
  4. Friday was hard to get through, knowing what I had planned. Using my tech savvy Thursday night (and the list of passwords for the company email accounts) I was able to figure out Mark's facebook password and find out that the girl who he referenced the day before was an ex of his named Shannon who was coming into town that afternoon and planned to meet him at a party across town, clear on the other end of the city where some former high school basketball star was having a huge blow out guaranteed to end with Shannon letting Mark fuck her. Thinking as quickly as I could, I spoofed a facebook profile of one of Shannon's hot friends from her school. With a little poking and prodding I managed to get Shannon to admit to her "friend" that she was way more into Mike than Mark and was only going to let Mark fuck her as a back-up if Mike wasn't interested. Emailing from Mike's account at work, I sent her a message that I (aka mike) wanted to see her and had been into her for years. Before I went to bed that night, I got Shannon to tell Mark that she was more into his brother, and was going to hook up with him instead. This was where the plan got tricky. Calling upon the spoofed profile I'd used with Shannon, I messaged Mark as if I was Shannon's friend Maggie, and told him I was coming with her for her visit but had decided not to go to the party, and hoped he would meet me to hang out one on one. Giving him a fake phone number that could receive calls and texts from an app on my phone, I told him to text me (Maggie) if he wanted to do something more fun than just go to a party. Around 10, when he finally checked his phone, he seemed confused by the random facebook message but texted the number and asked what "Maggie" had in mind. Maggie: I dunno. Shannon said u and ur bro were into partyin, that true? Mark: Yeah but I think Shannon's planning on hooking up with Mike at the party, and u said u didn't want to go Maggie: lol not that kinda partying. I meant parTying. i.e. tina Mark: not really my thing Maggie: too bad, it turns me on like mad! (attached photo of faceless topless teen tits) Mark: fucking nice! I'm still up for hanging out! Maggie: Nah, I wana find some tina and a guy to fuck me while we smoke (attached photo of faceless naked teen tits and finger in pussy) Mark: come on, I promise u a good time (attached pic of Mark's hard cock laying against his abs) Maggie: I want that in my cunt so bad Marky, but I need to party while I can, b4 going back home. think ur bro can handle both Shannon and I? I knew this might set Mark off, since he'd lost some girls to his suave brother in the past, but it had to be done to push him towards what I had in mind. I switched out of the app at that point and turned to my own texts and sent him one from my normal number. Me: hey Mark, u still gonna get some from your ex tonight? Mark: Doubt it, turns out she is more into Mike. But her hot friend is coming 2 town and might be down. (attached two pix sent to him by "Maggie") Me: nice, u should do her friend royally so she goes back and tells your ex how amazing you were. Mark: Fucking right! Just not sure I wanna do what she wants. Me: fuck it man, whatever it is, do it! She is fucking hot enough to be worth anything bro! Mark: ur right man, ttyl Turning on the app, I waited for him to respond but got nothing. Impatient, I sent a text that I knew would push him over the edge. Maggie: can u give me Mike's # so I can get him to fuck me? Mark: don't need his #. I'll get some and we can fuck at the party 2night. Maggie: Awesome, but can we do it somewhere else? I don't want Shannon to know I smoke tina. Mark: I dunno where? Maggie: My hotel? near Colfax and downing. (and conveniently only blocks from my condo). Mark: cool. what time? Maggie: Text me when u have the tina and I'll send u my room number. The rest of the day was torture, waiting for 5 o'clock to come, but finally it arrived and I texted my dealer, asking if 'doc' had set up a time to come get stuff too. My guy said yes and told me he'd be there at 8 sharp. I agreed to be there by 7:45, lying in wait. -- Showered, shaved and spotless, I was seated on my dealer's couch, smoking a bowl when a knock came at his door at 8 pm that night. This time I wasn't going anywhere. Mark came in wearing a crisp looking button-down black shirt tucked into a pair of well-fitted black pinstripe slacks, with a leather belt, jacket and combat boots to complete the look. Upon seeing me, he almost bolted, but my dealer had shut the door behind him, and it was too late. Acting as if I was just as surprised to see him, I even called him Mike at first, and waited for him to correct me...which he didn't. Panic set in as I realized that Mark might have sent his brother to get the supplies and this might be the wrong brother. If Mike was here, then Mark might be at home waiting for a text or out in the car, oblivious to what was going on. Excusing myself to the bathroom, I booted up the app and typed in a text from Maggie and set it to send on a 2 minute delay. Back in the living room, 'Doc' was now seated on the couch, so I joined him and told my dealer how we worked together, and he nodded as if he had no idea while weighing out the sack of favors. Feeling the phone in my pocket buzz to inform me that "Maggie" had sent her message, I was relieved when Mark's phone went off right next to me. This was the boy I'd been perving on, he was just playing it cool with the dealer so the guy wouldn't figure it out. Scratching my nose, my dealer recognized the signal I'd given him before Mark arrived, and made an excuse about needing to run upstairs for more baggies, leaving Mark and I alone in the living room. "So you're not Mike are you?" I asked, whispering to Mark as if I was keeping his secret. "How did you kn---no. It's me, Mark." he said, nervous as a cat in dog kennel. "Shannon's friend Maggie said she wanted to party with me, so I decided it was time to try it out." "That's cool man," my hand clasped onto his knee and squeezed, keeping it friendly but introducing some physical contact between us. "You going to pick her up and take her someplace where the two of you can party?" "Can't," Mark said, constantly looking between me and the doorway in case the dealer came back. "Mike took the car to a party down in the boonies, so I'm gonna walk over to her hotel on Colfax and downing after I finish up here." "Want me to give you a ride? I live only a few blocks from there anyway so I'm headed that direction." Mark eagerly agreed and went to text "Maggie" just as the dealer returned with the bags and finished with the sale. Mark's bag was loaded especially heavy, but I'd paid extra to make it that way. Thanking him for the goods, we went to my car, and Mark got in the passenger's side while I walked around the back and read what he'd texted. Mark: hey babe, got goodies. headed ur way. Maggie: Not ready yet. Can u hang out close for few mins? Mark: Not really. being dropped off by friend. Maggie: hang w/ ur friend until Shannon and the other girls go2 the party pls. Ill txt when u can cum fuck me. Climbing in the car I could tell Mark was unhappy with something, at which point he showed me the text Maggie just sent. Graciously I offered to let him come over to my place and chill until she was ready, to which he reluctantly agreed, emphasizing the fact he'd only be able to hang for a few minutes. On the ride over, I asked him how he was going to partake in the party favors, which got me nothing but a quizzical look. Explaining that most people preferred to smoke or shoot up with tina, I asked how he planned on doing it, and he admitted he hadn't thought about it. As we parked in my garage, I told him I had a pipe inside and would show him what to do with it. Crossing through the mud room and into my condo, I could see Mark was impressed with my place. I lived on the northern half of a duplex which had a garage and mudroom on the lowest level, leading up to the kitchen, living room, study and dining room on the main level, before going up again to the three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the top floor. Showing him into the study, I told him to go ahead and take off his jacket and boots since my a/c was on the fritz and it only got as cold as 76 in here. In actuality, I set the thermostat to 76 before I left, and locked it off so it couldn't be reset without the key. Being the good brother, he did as I asked and sat down on the plush couch in his shirt, slacks and clean white socks. Moving to the cabinets on the opposite wall, I opened a sliding door to reveal a large flatscreen tv with a frozen image of a hot young girl getting felt up by two men in their early twenties. "You can unpause it if you want," I said, retrieving a box from the shelf next to the tv and sitting on the cushion next to his. "while I show you how to load a pipe with this." "Thanks man," Mark said, starting up the gangbang porn I had in the Blu-ray, ready to go. "I'm such a retard. I can't believe I didn't think about how we were gonna smoke this. No wonder this chick wants to bang my brother and not me." "If she wants him more, she's a fucking idiot," my response was quiet so he had to move closer to hear me. Watching me load the tina into the bowl with a small straw, he seemed mesmerized as I complimented him. "You're way funnier than your brother, and it looked to me like your dick is bigger too. You just need to learn a few things about how to party before you dive in." Blushing, Mark nodded and watched as I explained what I just did. Pulling out a lighter from the box, I showed him how to heat the bottom of the bowl without burning the crystals, until finally they'd melted enough for the smoke to begin to swirl. Motioning for him to take a hit, he declined. "I'm gonna wait until I'm with Maggie so we can enjoy it together." He said, forcing me to take the first hit or risk losing the smoke. He watched intently while I took a huge inhale, and proceeded to release a thick white cloud of smoke into the air. All I could think to do was play on his lack of experience. "Suit yourself," pausing to take another hit and blow it out, I made sure to seem as casual as could be before setting the pipe on a cool, damp towel I'd prepared and hearing it sizzle. "but don't be surprised if she can tell you're a tina virgin. It never hits as easy as it looks the first time." "Really?" Mark was beginning to sweat in the warm room with his long sleeve shirt on, not to mention his fear. "Well, if you are sure I won't get too high before I meet her...okay, show me what to do." I handed him the pipe and explained once more how to properly melt and hit the tina, watching as he failed to go slow enough to get any smoke to rise. Looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes, I took pity on the poor sap and lit the pipe for him. "Wait for my signal to inhale," I said while slowing turning the pipe over the lighter until the wisps turned into curls of smoke. "now inhale and don't stop until you can't inhale anymore. Good job, keep going! Good, good, okay now exhale!" Coughing only once while a gigantic cloud unlike any I'd seen before escaped from his lips and mouth, I could tell he was excited and horrified all at once. "Again!" I said, lifting the pipe to his lips before he could argue, and reheating the pre-melted crystals for another giant hit. "This time shot gun your hit into my mouth." Doing as he was told, Mark took hit after hit, exhaling each time into my open mouth, less than an inch from his. Switching back to taking turns on the pipe, we continued to shot gun with Mark never questioning the fact that we were practically on top of each other to do so. Once the bowl was finished I could see how fucking high Mark really was, his pupils dialated to giant black pools with green and brown around the edge, his body stiff and alert, and his mouth open slightly, waiting for another hit to come. "How do you feel?" I asked, unbuttoning my own shirt so it was open all the way and untucked. "Fucking awesome man! This stuff is amazing! I feel like I'm on fire!" Mark was definitely as high as possible. Somehow my plan to make him need to get high in order to get laid, then get him to my house to try it out had worked. Time for phase 3. "That might be because it is so hot, feel free to get comfortable while I grab us some drinks." Standing, I kicked off my shoes and toed off my socks, leaving me in just my open shirt, board shorts and white briefs. Once I reached the kitchen, I felt my phone buzz and checked to see if Mark was texting Maggie as I figured he might. Sure enough, he was asking how soon he could come over, explaining that he was ready to get high and fuck her all night long. Maggie: sounds awesome stud, roommies leaving 4 party @ 10, then u can cum party w/ me. u ok 2 hang w/ ur friend till then? Mark: think so. u mind if I start smoking b4 I get there? Maggie: sure sexy, prefer it that way, but thot u weren't in2 smoking tina? Mark: I'm full of surprises (attached photo of Mark in the study with his pants open revealing his cock hard in a pair of white briefs like mine) Maggie: cant wait, cu soon I returned to the study with drinks in hand, a rum and coke for me, and a rum and coke with a dash of ghb for Mark. Not enough to knock him out, but enough to get him drunk from one or two drinks, instead of the 6-8 it would normally take a teen of his size and metabolism. Maybe he was feeling modest, or just unsure of the etiquette, but he'd refastened his pants and his shirt was only unbuttoned down to mid chest, with the sleeves rolled up. He had a real sweat going now, as did I, so I decided to kick things off by ditching my shirt and dropping my shorts so I was in nothing but my briefs as I joined him on the couch. "Damn man, you're ripped! I mean I know I've seen photos before," he said, blushing slightly and downing half his drink. "But you're fucking shredded man! Much more than you can tell in some crappy selfie." "Thanks man, but you got me all self conscious now," I faked modesty and put my shirt over my briefs, doing very little to hide my growing cock. "it's not fair for you to check me out without showing something too. Quid pro quo remember?" Mark laughed, finished his drink and stood up. Stripping away his shirt first, then his shorts, he was soon left in only his briefs and white socks, striking a pose or two to make me giggle. As he sat down he swayed slightly, and I realized the g was taking effect. Asking if there was anything wrong, he shook his head no, and turned his attention back to the porn while fishing something from his pockets and asking "can we load another bowl?" Smiling, I took his bag of tina from his hand and loaded another fat bowl into the glass bubble pipe, offering him the first hit this time. Salivating like a dog for his bone, Mark took the bowl and slowly lit it how I taught him. After taking a long drag from the pipe, he turned to shot gun to me, but apparently forgot to keep a little space between us, pressing his mouth into mine and exhaling before slowing letting his tongue lick my lips. Eyes popping open, he snapped backwards and began apologizing like he had severed my hand or beaten my puppy to death, but I just laughed and told him it was cool. The next few hits we didn't shot gun, instead smoking and watching the porn which had evolved into 5 guys taking turns on the hot teen girl. Checking the clock I saw that it was only 9:20, so I decided to refresh our drinks and see if Mark was getting antsy. Sneaking my phone along with me into the kitchen took some Houdini-ing but soon I was carefully measuring out another small dose of g into Mark's second rum and coke, while making myself a coke on the rocks. Downing a Viagra, I checked my phone and realized Mark wasn't texting Maggie while I was out of the room. Horny to see what he had in mind for her, I called out to him. "So you text that girl and let her know you're getting ready to pound her pussy?" I asked, stopping to readjust my cock in my undies and stroke it a little. "Just did," he lied. "She says it will be awhile longer, is it cool if I hang here till then?" "No problem." My smile was big enough that a sober man might have realized it was hiding something when I returned to the study, but Mark was high and drugged and absent-mindedly stroking his soft shrunken cock through his briefs when I sat beside him. "It's fucking weird dude," he said, peeling the elastic waist band away from his slim, smooth 8-pac to reveal his tina dick. "I'm hornier than I've ever been in my whole life, but my cock won't get hard." "That's normal dude," I said, reaching over and giving his soft dick a squeeze and a stroke, with no objections from him. "Tina can make some dudes dicks go soft, and other times it makes you harder than steel, see?" Pulling down my own briefs to my knees, my hard 8.5 inch dick sprang back against my hairy 6 pac with a 'thwack!' Hypnotized by my hard on, Mark couldn't help but reach over and squeeze and stroke me a few times before a moan escaped my lips and the spell was broken. Blushing and stammering, he turned back to the tv and gulped from his new drink. We continued to drink, smoke and stroke to the porno, me stiff and him soft, until the video started to include shots of the men stroking and sucking one another. Looking over I noticed Mark's glass was empty, he was taking another big hit from the pipe and his eyes were darting from the porn to my raging man meat. Putting my arm around him and pulling him to me, he shot gunned into my mouth and let me pull him closer for a real kiss. Now I'm no shrimp at 6'1" but his basketball body was long enough that I'd never be able to kiss him and feel his ass at the same time if he weren't so loopy that he bent like gumby as I pushed him back on the sofa. Turning his head to the porn I asked him if he liked what he saw, and he nodded yes. Before it dawned on him what that meant, I worked my way up his body and placed my erect dick at his lips. His eyes looked up at me with fear and desire, but I knew desire would win when I reached behind me, between his legs and ran my fingers over his asshole. Moaning, his mouth opened and I slid my cock inside it, feeding him 3, then 4, then 5, 6, almost 7 inches of my cock before he began to choke. Not wanting to go to fast, I only used those 7 inches for awhile while I teased his asshole and fed him my precum. "How does that feel Mark?" I said, pulling my cock away long enough for him to answer. "Good but I'm not-" leaning down, I stopped him from telling me 'I'm not gay' by kissing him hard, while maneuvering his hips so he began to flip on his stomach. "What was that mark?" kissing down his back until I reached his ass crack, I dove in with my tongue. "I'm not....uunnnnnggghhh." my tongue pressed fully against his sweet tight ass. Pleased to discover there was no dirtiness inside him, I wondered if his brother warned him to wash out before partying. Eating his ass at full speed and with lots of gusto, he writhed in pleasure beneath me, unaware that I was soaking my fingers in lube laced with tina at the same time. Kissing back up his spine, I worked a finger inside him before he cried out from the pain of penetration. "It burns! Take it out Peter!" "Sorry Mark, it'll be over in a second," speaking of second, I added a second finger and used my muscular frame to keep my drugged prey from bucking me off. When he calmed down some more, finger number three joined in, eliciting one final cry and them just whimpers and moans. "There now, the booty bump should be taking effect any second and we can get started." Sure enough, a minute or so later, Mark's breathing got heavier and he started bucking his hips back to meet my hand. As I pulled out of him, he whispered "don't" and tried to clamp his virgin ass around my fingers to keep them inside. That was my cue to give him the real thing. Turning him onto his back, I pulled his hips to the edge of the couch and knelt between his thighs on the floor, Placing his long, muscular legs over my shoulders, I looked down at the semi-delirious, semi-conscious, semi-erect teen and moved my crotch forward until I felt my thick penis penetrate his unfucked hole. Suddenly his eyes came into focus and he threw his arms up to push me off as I rammed home all 8.5 inches of circumsized 24 yr old man meat, until my pubes came to rest against his sphincter. Try as he might, my buff frame was too much for his skinny, sinewy, strong form. Maybe he'd have had a chance with less/no drugs in his system, but his altered state made him the perfect toy for my hungry hard on. Besides, his cock was only hard once I was balls deep in him, so it couldn't have been all bad. Over the next ten minutes I fucked him slow, then fast, soft, then hard, shallow then deep, until his hands stopped trying to push me away and began pulling me in to go faster, harder and deeper. Seeing the last ounce of reticence turn into desperation for more dick was all it took for me to lose it. "I'm going to cum inside you unless you tell me to stop," my hips picked up speed as I leaned in and informed him of what I had planned. His only answer came in the form of his hand taking up his cock and jerking himself off as fast as he could. Eyes locked, I saw them widen as he got close, and I nodded to show him I was getting there too. Suddenly he gasped as a huge volley of cum rocketed up and splashed against my fuzzy pecs. Catching me off guard, I looked down and caught the next one across my cheek, nose and mouth. Tasting and smelling hot, fresh boy cum sent me over the edge. My back curled and stiffened as I lost control, pistoning deeper than I had yet, and depositing shot after shot of searing hot seamen into the furthest reaches of his no-longer-virgin asshole. His load soaked us both from neck to navel while his butt swallowed each drop I could give it. Panting, I collapsed against his heaving chest and kissed him hard while we recovered. Seeing the post-coital guilt setting in, I quickly retrieved the pipe from the table beside us and forced him to take a few hits, curbing his moral dilemma long enough for my cock to reharden. As round number two began, I could tell he wasn't ready. The truth of the matter was, I didn't care. Until I figured out a way to fuck Mike's ass too, his brother would be fulfilling the needs of two desires. No two ways about it.
    3 points
  5. Last summer, I was short on time and money, so for vacation I bought day-passes to a nearby gay resort. Known for its high sexual energy, the place has a clothing optional, pool, patio and outdoor bar. To make the most of my time, I planned to squeeze in as much fun - and fucking as possible. This would mean not being as picky, or indecisive, or cautious as I usually am. I arrived at the inn early and chose a lounge chair in a sunny spot by the pool. I kept on my t-shirt and baggy shorts and settled down with a book. As guys showed up I would sneak occasional glances as they stripped down to their swimsuits and oiled up. Within two hours the place was packed. An older pair of black muscle daddies took the two chairs on my right. One of them stared right at me as they both completely undressed, then quickly donned matching red Speedos. Their cocks were two of the biggest that I’d ever seen. I was glad that I had peeked. I mentally put them on my “yes I would” list, but since they were a couple I didn’t hold much hope. They introduced themselves as Max and Troy, but soon put on earphones to listen to music. A group of six friends, three bears, two cubs and an otter took over most of the remaining empty lounges to the left and behind me. They were loud and friendly, greeting me, Max and Troy, and everyone else that looked their way. There were too many to keep track of, and their personal interactions made it difficult to determine if any were couples. The biggest and oldest bear had extensive tattoos on his arms and was wearing a pair of white boxers. They all joked how he had lost his swimsuit in some trick’s room the day before. The otter and the other bears wore baggy swim-trunks. One of the cubs wore pale blue Speedos and had a huge package. The other cub got completely naked and had a beautiful, furry bubble-butt. They both were mentally added to my to-do list. After settling in, they continued joking and laughing. At least one of them always seemed to be talking. They were quiet only one moment: when I stood up and removed my shirt and shorts. I’m hairy and a little on the short side, but I work out, so I’m what you’d call a fit cub. I was wearing a black, mesh thong that left nothing to the imagination. I guess they liked what they saw, because I heard one of them grunt “Woof.” Max also noticed and I saw him motion to Troy so that he could check me out too. Like I said, I needed to make the most of a short vacation. The otter, who sat to my left, seemed to be the leader. He was cute with wavy brown hair and fine blonde hairs all over his body. He was also the funniest. I was trying not to listen, but after one particularly funny remark, he caught me laughing at his joke. He gave me a little wink and flashed a big smile that moved him to the top of my “yes I would” list. He extended his hand and introduced himself as Peter. We chatted a few minutes and he offered to buy me a drink. We spoke for quite a while at the bar. He was overly sure of himself and pushier than I usually like, but he was easy to talk to and we had some common interests. Before finishing our second drinks, he brought up the subject of sex. We seemed a good match. (He: total top. Me: versatile bottom.) Both of us hated condoms and both of us had last tested negative. He suggested that I join him and his friends for dinner and dancing later that night. I accepted, sure that the evening would lead to something more. When we returned to the pool, the naked cub with the beautiful butt was sitting and chatting with Max and Troy. The rest of Peter’s friends were in the pool. Judging by all the discarded swimsuits, they were skinny dipping. Peter and I stripped naked and joined them. They were standing in shallow water that came up to my nipples. It was hard to see under the surface, but I suspected some of them were jerking off. Peter introduced me and space was made for us to join the circle. But instead of shaking my hand - their hands were all over me; squeezing my butt, pinching my nipples and tugging my cock and balls. Peter pulled me close and French kissed me. Someone else slid a finger up my asshole and worked it around roughly. When I squirmed Peter said, “Just go with it babe. Don’t make a scene,” and stuck his tongue further down my throat. “All lubed and ready now boys,” someone said behind me and removed his finger. “Let’s break this cub in.” I was a little scared, but my dick was rock hard, so I didn’t protest, especially as Peter’s kissing muffled my cry as somebody jammed his giant cock up my hole. Luckily, he held it there a moment while my ass got used to the intrusion. What had started as pain quickly turned to pleasure and my whole body relaxed as the cock slowly moved back and forth in my ass. “You like that dirty dick fucking your butt?” Peter asked. “Oh, yeah,” I managed to say. Dirty? “Good. We’ve got lots more if you’re up for it.” “Yes please.” I said more turned on than I’d ever been. I was a little nervous having sex in public. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, but all eyes were distracted elsewhere. I followed their gazes. Max and Troy were spit roasting the naked cub out in the open for all to see. “I’m getting close,” a voice said behind me. “Breed him,” Peter said. The voice behind me softly moaned as the dick in my ass pumped and unloaded deeply. “That’s one,” Peter said “Next.” The spent cock slowly pulled out and another took its place. Peter worked my nips and between kissing, he talked dirty to me, almost whispering. “Fucking slut, I knew you were a dirty cum whore the second I saw you. You like taking dirty cocks, don’t you? Gonna get you all charged up before the night is done.” The cock in my ass fucked faster and faster as Peter’s talk got nastier. Without losing pace, I felt the dick spasm in my ass and heard muffled grunts in my ear. “That’s two,” Peter said. The dick in my ass softened a bit, but maintained its size. “Milk that dirty dick,” Peter told me. “Milk every fucking drop.” I squeezed my ass muscles and massaged the cock until it pulled out. Peter asked “Who’s next?” From behind, a pair of tattooed arms wrapped tightly across my chest and lifted me several inches off the pool floor. Peter reached underwater and guided the big bear’s average-size, but rock hard cock into my cum-lubed hole. Peter kissed me some more, sandwiching me tightly between their naked bodies. They both talked dirty in my ears as the big bear fucked me slowly. The cub with the big package moved in to help hold me up and rubbed his impressive cock against my leg asking “You like that Daddy-dick fucking your ass?” “Oh yes.” “You ready to receive Daddy’s gift?” “Yes please.” “Yes please… what?” He fucked faster. “Yes please Daddy, please give me your gift.” The big bear made no attempt to be quiet. He grunted and growled with each spurt of cum shot in my ass. A few curious heads turned our way, but a moment later their attention was lost as Max cried out loudly and shot his load up the naked cub’s bubble-butt. The crowd of horny men cheered and applauded. Max pulled out and high-fived a couple guys, but the show wasn’t over. The cub turned around and offered his ass to Troy. “Squeeze tight,” Daddy told me. “Don’t lose a drop.” His cock fell out as they slowly lowered me down. “Next,” Peter said. “I’m going to enjoy this,” the cub with the big package said as he positioned himself behind me. By now I was loose enough and lubed enough to take most any cock, but as the cub’s dickhead push against my hole there was resistance. A few hard pushes and the head entered with a pop that made me cry out. Peter smiled an evil grin asking, “Feels good, doesn’t it?” “Oh…” was all I managed as the fat dick inched its way in. Then, “It’s too big, too big,” I said when I thought I couldn’t take anymore. Dizzy from the pleasure, I almost missed it when Troy came in the naked cub’s ass and the crowd again cheered in approval. “I’m only half in,” the cub said. “Keep going,” Peter instructed. I can honestly say I was grateful the cub had been slowly withdrawing from my ass, and I expected to be relived when he popped-out, but instead he pushed back in again. Then almost out again and back in. Out and back, each time going just a little deeper, each time stretching my innards a bit more. After a few minutes I felt the cub pressing up against my back. “I’m balls deep,” he said. “Go for it,” Peter said. The cub began thrusting harder, but now he didn’t pull out much at all, just an inch or two. I leaned on Peter to brace myself against the increasing force. The cub fucked faster, but deep in my guts. A wave of pain and intense pleasure filled and warmed my body. I couldn’t keep from crying out and the crowd around the pool was now watching me. “I told you not to make a scene,” Peter said. “Now everybody’s going to see you take your fourth poz load.” I looked him in the eyes, but couldn’t say anything as grunts of pleasure escaped my mouth. “That’s right slut. You never did ask them their status. Nothing I like better than watching poz peckers breeding neg hole.” “I’m gonna cum,” the cub shouted. The crowd started chanting, “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” “You gonna take that dirty load?” Peter asked. “Yes!” I almost screamed. “Give me that dirty fucking load!” The crowd was stunned silent. The cub bucked and thrashed in the water as he filled my ass deep, loudly grunting with each pulse of his cock. He must have shot ten times. The crowd began to cheer and applaud before he had stopped shooting. He left his enormous cock inside me as he caught his breath. The crowd broke up and moved along. The cub that had taken Max and Troy’s loads got an oversized butt-plug out of his bag and threw it to Peter. Peter held it in front of me and said, “You wouldn’t want to lose a drop now.” “No,” I said, “I wouldn’t.” and “Thank you.” The cub pulled his giant cock slowly out of my ass. I felt empty for just a second then Peter slid the butt-plug inside me and I was full again. Peter kissed me softly. “Thank you,” I said, “For everything.”
    2 points
  6. I love to tag team bottoms with other tops but sometimes it's hard to find tops that want to do this. Sometimes they don't react at all when I contact them on hook up sites and sometimes they say they prefer 1-1 or they ask me to send more pics of myself.i always reply that I'm not the one going to get bred...when im looking for tops I glance quickly at their pics and if they r in decent shape with decent cock it's good enough for me. I have organized gangbangs and sexpartys where there is good vibe among tops but sometimes it's just plain awkward...it's fun to be egging other tops on while they fuck a bottom and when they step aside and let u take over and start egging u on. But I guess that's what makes it excites...u never know what to expect.
    2 points
  7. I'm a total exhibitionist faggot who lives for these videos being shared and commented on, these are videos of me with a big fat penis in my mouth, cock slapping in the face, feeding me poppers, and calling me a fag as I suck his big dick: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=JWfjA-G899-
    2 points
  8. It's a shame really. There are none around where I live so last time I was in a bathhouse was in Rome. Loads of horny men. As I stated in a different thread in Amsterdam one closed down but a new one opened. I too think this has to do with hookup sites and social media. But nothing really can replace the atmosphere of a sauna/bathhouse. The place just oozes sex. Sex is in the air, the sounds of guys fucking and sucking, checking up guys cruising. You may end up getting fucked by (or fuck) someone you would never think of contacting on a hook up site. Total anon. That is something social media cannot replace.
    2 points
  9. Good story for your first attempt. i enjoyed it.
    2 points
  10. We decided to take a mini-break and drank a couple glasses of water. We figured it would take our new buddy longer than anticipated to return - but maybe not because he was pretty enthusiastic to get back to sweaty, man sex. The hunger for the pipe would probably accelerate his timing, too. I mixed up some G cocktails and raised my arm to sniff my armpit. My own manscent was ripening and it turned me on. Scott and I made out and fucked and started to enjoy that warm, sweaty feeling of the G high taking off. We loaded another fat bowl and hit the pipe back and forth for a few minutes. Scott was starting to really feel good and backed his muscled ass onto my rock hard cock and started fucking himself on my dick. There's something really hot about a muscle power bottom that just takes cock when he wants/needs it. His sloppy hole was so warm and he kept squeezing the fuck out of my dick. I could tell I was leaking pre-cum because it felt so good. I shifted slightly to rearrange positions and began to feel the slightest urge to piss. I closed my eyes to concentrate and Scott knew exactly what he was about to get. He stayed really still and just whimpered a little and said "fill me up - give me your tina piss." After about 20 seconds, I could feel the piss flowing through my body and into Scott's. We both growled and I just kept pissing. Within seconds, Scott began wiggling his hole clearly getting one hell of a booty bump. He carefully rolled over on his back and we made eye contact. His pupils were enormous and I stuck my tongue down his throat with my softening cock still in his hole. My sweaty body draped over his and I gently collapsed on top of him. The musty smell of sweat, cum and piss surrounded us. I spit on his chest and right into his mouth which he loved. After a few minutes of deep passionate connection it was time for Scott to release my chem piss from his hole. I made him promise not to empty his bladder because I wanted his piss. While Scott was in the bathroom I hit the pipe a few times and decided to take a tina shard and stuck it up my ass. It burned like hell at first but slowly began to turn into a smoldering hunger. I started playing with my own hole like a true fuck pig. I had every intention of breeding our visitor but I knew I also wanted his beer can deep inside my ass. The laptop was nearby so decided to hunt for more cock online. I was fucking flying and we were still logged into BBRT and a4a. Since I was so fucked up I went right to the "Pros" ads because they have some huge cocks - and especially black dick. Some hot fuckers were online and I started unlocking our pics and chatting up a couple of them. One guy was 25, 6' 1" and 220 pounds of chocolate muscle. Packing an 11" cock and advertising $150. We'd never hired a hustler before but had fantasized about it and dirty talked it a time or two. Scott returned and saw the huge black dick on the screen and said - "fuck! i want thatt!" Obviously, both of our holes were hungry and I asked him if he wanted me to arrange it. It didn't take long to find out that he wasn't too far away .... and that he partied and barebacked and loved fucking white hole. We told him we were looking for now and wanted him to bring over that huge black cock....
    2 points
  11. He had it Cumming to Him it's been a couple months since my introduction to the pleasure of raw, chem sex. Nick and Kevin taught me how to prepare and administer my own slam, and they helped me get my own supplies. They also taught me the finer points of stealthing a unsuspecting neg ass by using Tina laced lube and sabotaged condoms. Nick even scored me an ID he lifted from a guy at the baths who kind of looked like me. Now all I needed now was a neg boy to poz. I figured I'd cruise on line and see what I could find. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw one of my classmates from school cruising. I figured that he'd be a prefect target. I didn't even have to wait, he messaged me first. We chatted back and forth about our sexuality and our experiences He admitted that he was a virgin, but wanted to change that fact. I had heard some rumors that he like to smoke pot. I figured a nicely laced joint would get him in the mood to take my raw cock. I contacted Nick and Kevin to see if they could get me some weed. I let them know of my plan and they suggested I use their apartment to get things started. Then once he was good and primed they would join in to help with my first pozing. As my chat with my classmate continued he was really stoked about smoking out with me and possibly, probably, most likely fuck. Like me he couldn't do this at home and neither could I, and that's when I suggested that we could use the apartment of some friends of mine who were out of town. He agreed and we made plans for Friday night. I made it a point to pickup the weed and prepared a laced couple joint. Friday I picked him up at his place and headed over to Nick and Kevin's place. When we got to their place we quickly fired up a joint. I made sure to let my classmate Tom hit the joint more then I did, ensuring that he got more Tina then myself. We did a couple shotguns ending in some good kissing. We progressed at his pace and soon he was sucking my cock. I made sure to move so that we both could suck each other. This gave me the chance to eat his prefect, hairless ass. As he moaned around my cock I was able to grab my Tina laced lube and stared to work his hole. I knew to be gentle at first and work up to scratching at his hole. He didn't take his mouth of my cock as I worked more lube into his hole. I got brave and slid a nice size rock of Tina inside bring sure to work it in a little harder. This time I got a response from Tom as he complained I was a little to rough. As I apologized I noticed a slight tinge of blood on my finger and knew he was ready. I moved around placing his calves on my shoulders as I positioned my cock at his hole. He was definitely was lost in the high as my cock slid inside his neg ass. I kept my eyes locked on his as he enjoyed his first fuck. I felt his heart begin to race as the booty bump I gave him was surely take effect. I could see the wheels spinning I his head as I attempted to drop my poz load quickly before he could stop me. I wasn't holding back when he asked about a condom. I began to grunt like I didn't hear him and soon enough I was flooding his ass with my cum. I kissed him quick as to attempt to hide the fact that I was pozing him.
    2 points
  12. What to do Next I was stunned at all I heard. I went home and looked up the term 'bug chasing' to discover its meaning. I now understood why I only had the flu for 3 days, I had the 'fuck flu'. I sat in my dorm room figuring out what to do next. Then I remembered the tattoo I was given and figured out its true meaning. Thank god our firm showers are singles. I couldn't imagine how I'd explain that to my dorm mates (let alone my roommate). All through the week I tried to put it out of my mind. I did my best to avoid being naked or shirtless around my roommate. As the weekend drew closer I find myself wishing that the drug trial was still going on, I could use a hit of what they were giving me. Then I thought, 'was it really a sex drug or something else. I then thought about the two roommates I meet and exchanged numbers with a couple weeks back. I asked if I could meet up and talk with them this weekend. They gave me their address (just off campus). I headed over to their place, the walk only took 10 minutes. They welcomed me with a hug and a kiss. I was really glad to see these guys and hoped they could help me figure out what to do next. They were shocked that I was duped. They asked how I was doing with the thought of being poz. I was honest that it was a big shock but what could I do know, there was no going back. They reach shared that their pozing was just as much of a shock as mine was, but they learned to embrace it and were now able to fuck bareback all the time and with meds they were very healthy. As we sat there they asked me what my plans were for the night. I was honest when I told then that deep down I wish that the drug trial was still going on, I'd really like a hit of what I was getting during that time. They smiled and let me in on a little secret, they were hoping I might party with then that night, possibly spend the weekend with them high as fuck and fucking high. They knew by my smile that that was a yes. As they pulled out supplies they gave me a Viagra (to offset the effects of the Tina). I watched intently as they prepared the needles and explained the entire process. After the points were prepared they began to undress, so I followed their lead. Once we were all naked I followed them to the bedroom. One of then put porn on as the other one told me to lay back on the bed. It was explained to me how to administer a slam. I was so eager to have that 'shot' I was so ready, ready to get high, ready to fuck. We began to mange kiss, lick and suck as we waited for the Viagra to take effect. As we worked ourselves up one of the guys slipped a cock ring on me which increased the intensity of my throbbing cock. I was told to lay back as the black roommate began to get between my legs. They told me that he loves to be inside a nice ass when he is slammed. He eased his cock inside my ass while the white roommate prepared my arm while continuing to explain the process. He fixed a piece of rubber very tightly on my arm, then wiped a prominent vein with alcohol and with nice skill he slipped the point into my arm. He explained the flash of blood I was familiar with from the 'dug trial' indicating he was I the vein, then pushed the plunger down emptying the Tina into my vein. While I was getting my skin the black guy did his own and as soon as the point was out of my arm he began to slowly fuck me. I was made to wait a couple minutes as I began to feel my arm 'go to sleep' due to the cut of blood flow. He was ready to start pounding away at my hole as the tourniquet was pulled off and my arm raised over my head. I felt the temperature jump as the other roommate did his slam before giving me his cock to suck. I could feel cum leaking from his cock as he stroked my hard cock. We switched positions over the weekend and I got my first time to top Tina. We did a few more slams and by mid day Sunday we were all spent. They had gone through their entire stash and let them know that next time I could help pay for supplies.
    2 points
  13. (OH -- It Continues........) The boy was now pounding my incredibly wet hole hard and good. The piss was being driven deep inside me. I could not believe how sinfully delightful this new experience felt. Finally this massive young NEG fuck stud’s rod was inside me. I was a brand new piss pig and feeling fulfilled - a very happy pig-slut in heaven. Truthfully, we were probably only outside and fucking for a half hour or so. Steve had suggested we return inside pointing out that we didn’t want any of the neighbors to call in a noise complaint and have Palm Springs Police find 4 tweeked-out fags fucking in the back yard smelling of piss. Great! Once again, our friendly neighborhood drug dealer proves to be the sensible/level-headed one of the group. Go figure. After rinsing off and out, I returned from the bathroom all clean but happy to know what dirty really felt like.... and I liked it. Back to the sex den I find Steve and his monster uncut cock pummeling little Nathan deep and hard. The little faggot was now an insatiable bottoming animal thanks to the booty bump prize he received for making my fantasy of becoming a public piss urinal come true. The Daddy and his bitch boy were a sweaty mess and going at it hard and rough on the couch. No, seriously: the muscle stud with the solid chest and perfect cock was 40-something, and the slutty little bug-chaser was in his 20's….. it was a hard-core, bareback, chem-filled Daddy / Boy fantasy playing out right before my eyes. Thanks in most part to the crystal meth up Nathan’s ass. I was sure they were going break something. David had grabbed his phone and was recording the scene. I snuck up behind him and gently slid my cock in his ass. I wonder if he will still be able to film with me behind and pumping every so deliberately up his ass? He can. What can I say? The stud good. Little Nathan has been vying for the title of Household Cum Dump since we started this little party of ours. Bitch, I’ve waited too long not to be the cum-dump center of THIS party of tops, and I am NOT about to give up such a prestigious title and fantasy without a fight. Which is why it only makes since to administer my own God Damn booty bump next. In my post-piss-pig / still high from the slam state, it seems like the most logical next step to take. (clearly) David see what I’m up to and approaches with his iPhone to help out. I lay on the couch and hold my legs in the air while David squats down and injects the crystal solution deep in my hole. It’s cold. I much preferred feeling the warmth of the dirty piss deep in my hole - not this cold sterile solution. But quickly the crystal begins to be absorbed into my guts and I’m feeling warm. Warmer than anything I’ve felt before. My fuck hole awakens and becomes very hungry. Just for good measures, David then shoves up a small, tiny rock deep in my hole with his finger. FUCK that burns! My ass is on Mother Fucking FIRE!!! OUCH You Son Of A Bitch!!!! FUCK ME NOW!!!!!!!! While filming my decent into the depths of being a true, happy, total bottom pig of extreme measures, David begins fucking me with his big headed tool. I’ve wrapped my legs around his tiny waist trying to get him to bang me with his fuck stick as hard as humanly possible - and then even harder than that!! But he will not. Despite my insatiable need to be pounded harder than a dirty cunt by the High School Quarter Back on prom night, David remains rhythmic. Patient. Intent. Deliberate. And Controlled. This GoGo twink stud with his fucking camera fetish and leather shoulder-harness is giving me only what I need - but withholding everything I desire. His raw cock may be fucking my ass; and that is exactly what I need. But what I want is this boy — no, this man — to empale me! Because without someone, anyone, deep inside my guts tearing me in two, I will DIE! What I want is to be abused. I want to be used. I want to be laid out like a fucking trashy bitch who is fucked 5-ways from Sunday and tossed aside like a 14 year-old boy’s CUM sock. My head is thrown back against the couch, my eyes clinched tight, begging to be banged like the trashy fuck slut that I am. But all David does is film me withering on his raw cock. His iPhone camera travels from the sweat that has emerged on my forehead, past my lips that are screaming filthy absurdities like a 2-bit trashy hooker, and down along my muscular pecs and torso. The upper-body I have worked so hard for. The body I have starved for and lusted after. Tony Horton may not fuck faggots like me bareback — but I did my Mother-Fucking BEST and forgot the rest with his God-Dam workouts so that I could throw my fairy feet to Jesus and finally get a worked-out faggot like David take every advantage of my willing and giving hole for his pleasure. David is memorized by his cinematic work. His camera lens has found it’s way to his raw cock that is sliding in and out of me so purposely but so controlled in my ass. He knows this is driving me over the top. Which gives him great pleasure to be in control and watching me, a helpless pig begging to be pounded deeper harder and Faster!!! Deeper Harder Faster!!! FUCK ME HARD AND DEEP!!!! “Will someone go ahead and fuck him already?” Ken said as he opened up the front door. SHIT! !! The couples are back. Steve pulls out of Nathan who jumps up to go greet the rest of the gang, excited that there are more boys to play with now. They exchange the most awkward of pleasantries with the boys from the bar judging Steve & Nathan’s hard cocks that are just up-front and center as they welcome the newcomers into the converted sex den. Steve ushers everyone to the kitchen island to show off all the goodies that he brought for everyone to enjoy. What a good host our friendly neighborhood drug dealer has turned out to be. My legs are still wrapped around David’s waist but he pries them apart and reluctantly pulls me up to go join the entire crew. Picking up the bag of Tina, Ryan shakes it in my face. “So this is why you were screaming to be fucked hard and fast, hummmm?” I told you he was an asshole. “Yea you little fucker, wanna get a turn and see if you can finally get the job done,” I quip back naked and flirting with my friend. I’ve decided that these bitches are going to go straight past their little E-roll, not collect $200, and go straight to the pipe which straight to fucking. “So you all are high on crystal meth right now? I can not believe you boys.” “We wanted to be dirty, nasty cum sluts!” Nathan chimed up so proud of how he was feeling. Leaning against Kyle he then seductively said, “Come on!! Be DIRTY nasty cum sluts with us!” Kyle, glancing at his boyfriend has a look in his eyes that suggests he wants to party like us. It’s the look of a true BB Bottom Slut who’s being tempted by the fond memories of himself when he was single and the local campus slut. The couple have a silent conversation between each other just with their eyes. Apparently they can figure out what each other is thinking just with a few glances. “Fine. You win. We’re on vacation - might as well throw caution to the wind and raise these bitches' heals to the ceilings.” I’ve been hanging on Ryan's shoulder this entire time grinding my cock into his thigh. “Thatta boy!” I congratulate him with a seductive whisper in his ear. “You’re in trouble,” he assures me. Chad and Jake keep to their pills and go skinny-dipping in the pool. I’ve known Chad for years and drugs just affect him in the exact opposite way they do everyone else. At a circuit party, I’ll be rolling hard and dancing all over the place meeting, litteraly, everyone at the venue - and he will find a corner and gab with 1 person all night long. So I knew that tina affected him differently than it did us and wasn’t surprised that he just wanted to roll and swim. The rest of us settle in over on the couch. The boys strip down to their underwear. Kyle has a pair of those ass-less Andrew Christian’s on so his little boy ass is all exposed and ready to go. The two shot gun a few hits to try and catch up. They can try but they can never “catch up” to us. David is seducing Kyle while I am focussed on Ryan. As he takes another big hit from the glass pipe, I grab his face and turn it to my direction to shot-gun me. Our lips lock and I begin to inhale deeply while kissing my friend. Our tongs massage each other as we pass the smoke back and forth between our lungs. I’m feeling very tender and connected to my friend right now. “What the fuck was that?” he asked as we stopped kissing but remained with our heads touching. “That was an innocent moment. Maybe my last one of the night,” I admitted. “Well I remember you being an amazing cock sucker. So why don’t you stop kissing me and get on all fours and service me, you faggot!” Hearing my friend talk nasty to me was exhilarating. I gladly obeyed and began working on his magnificent cock. It is long and perfect. Completely smooth and shaven. I gobble it happily while David squats next to me and begins eating out Kyle's ass. "Fuck yes, Sam! Suck on that cock!" The encouragement only makes me want to work harder. But I look up at my friend who is still blowing clouds and command him.... "Fuck me." Kyle and I are on the floor, our heads next to each other while the MEN take their positions to pleasure themselves up in our holes. We are a couple of willing bitches desperate to take a deep pounding.
    2 points
  14. Week 3 When I woke Monday I went and picked up my check and had my blood drawn. The guy who drew the sample told me that I didn’t look all that good. I told him that when I woke up I wasn’t feeling all that well. He suggested that I go home and climb into bed for the day. After taking my check to the bank I did as he suggested and spent the next 3 days in bed. I woke Thursday starting to feel better and was grateful since I did not want to miss the next trial session Friday night. I headed to the testing, received my shot and got fucked like I had the previous two weeks. I saw the hottie and his roommate who double fucked me the week before. Half the night I spent with them tag teaming me, fucking and seeding my hole. After we were all done we exchanged numbers as the sun came up. Week 4 The week started like normal. I picked up my check and had my weekly blood draw when I was asked if I’d like to make some extra money this final week. I was interested in more money and asked how. I was told if I consented to spending the weekend getting multiple doses of the drug. The testing would start as early as I was available Friday and would last until Sunday. My interest was definitely peaked so I asked how much more could I earn? If I was available the entire time I could make $750. I could get an extra $250 if I was willing to try multiple forms of the drug. That made a total of $1000 I would make in addition to the $750. I couldn’t resist and agreed to the weekend testing. When I arrived Friday afternoon I prepared for a long weekend of sex. I was taken to the sling again and was prepped for my shot. I didn’t say a word as I laid there as the fixed tourniquets on both my arms. The shots were administered in both arm at the same time, but the tourniquets were removed one at a time. First the right one was pulled off and I felt the drug work into my chest as I coughed out and with no warning the left one was pulled off and I felt that hit me hard. As I lay there I began to hear a ringing in my ears and had a little trouble focusing as I felt something cool being inserted into my ass. I faintly recall someone saying that I was given a suppository that would slowly melt and ass to my high. My high, I thought this was a sex enhancement drug not a drug that gets a guy high. I was trying to comprehend what was being said but all I knew was that I needed to be fucked. It didn’t take long before I was starting to get fucked. One by one each guy began to fuck me as I began to feel a slight burn in my ass and felt the feeling of the drug begin to get stronger. As the weekend continued they kept giving me one form of the drug or another. At one point I was taken out of the sling and I was laid over a bed to allow my ass to rest. As I lay there and fed a nice cock to suck I felt a stinging on my low back. I had no clue what was going on. I was then put back in the sling where the fucking resumed. I guess that it was Sunday as I began to come around. I was no longer in the testing facility. I did not recognize where I was until I saw a guy with a towel over his shoulder that read “The Boys Club”. I knew this to be the local bath house near campus. I was trying to figure out how I was now at the local bath hose when I felt a slight sting on my low back. I got up and as I wondered around I found a key around my wrist. It had a number on it that I was told was a locker where I would find my clothes. As I pulled my underwear on I felt a sting as the waist band rested on my low back. I walked over to the mirror and looked to see a tattoo half hidden by the waist band of my underwear. I lowered the band so I could see the full tattoo to find that same strange symbol I saw on some many guys who fucked me over the 4 weeks of the trial. As I was looking at the tattoo a guy walked in and asked if I liked his work. He continued that they didn’t see many guys my age who bug chased and then celebrated testing poz with a biohazard tattoo.
    2 points
  15. 1. As I left my apartment building to get some coffee, he was standing at the entrance. He was listening to the phone ringing, but there was seemingly no answer. The only reason I noticed him was to admire the thick arm muscles and the subtle tattoos against his rich black skin. His tight t-shirt showed off his pecs and hard nipples, but it seemed thin in the brisk morning air. He had a small duffel bag sitting on the ground. I didn't bother shutting the gate as I walked away. I noticed he made no attempt to sneak in behind me. Fifteen minutes later I came back with with my coffee. He was gone, and I almost forgot about him. I climbed the steps up to my apartment, depressed by the grey, foggy morning. I doubted there would be any sun today. As I turned into my hallway, I noticed that there was a person hanging out, leaning against the railing. It was the same black man I had seen earlier at the front gate. He was hanging out near my apartment. Getting closer, I saw he had dropped his bag right by my door. "Can I help you?" I asked him. "Does Javier still live here?" he asked me, pointing to my apartment. "No. I live here," I said. "Fuck. I had been looking for Javi. How long you been here?" "About 4 months," I said. I had moved in recently, and still wasn't entirely unpacked. "You know where Javi moved to?" "No idea, sorry." "Damn. Spent all night on the bus getting here. Fucking need a hot shower bro," he said. I looked him over more carefully. He was about six six tall, and pretty much all muscle. Although it was hard to see between in the grey lighting of morning and his black skin, tattoos ran up and down both of his arms. There was a bit of stubble on his face, and his hair was cropped closely. Standing up over me, he was a little menacing. At only five eight, I knew there would be no contest between the two of us. "Well, I suppose you could come in and take a shower. Wish I could help you with with where your friend Javier moved to," I said. "Thanks, bro," he said. He grabbed his duffel bag as I unlocked the door. I let him go in first. "I'm Matt," I said, as he walked in. "Where did you come in from?" "I'm Eli, man. I came from the west side of the state," he said. He was being a bit evasive about where he had come from. I realized he was probably coming from the state penitentiary. He dropped his duffel bag by the door, and looked around the small apartment. "Done it up nice, bro. Much nicer than when Javi was here." I shut the door behind us. I should have been scared, alone with a big black thug, but my cock was twitching more than I cared to admit. "Thanks," I said. I grabbed a towel out of the closet. He had obviously been here before, because he headed straight to the bathroom. Even before he got to the bathroom he had already pulled off his shirt. His chest was impressively muscled, and there were more tattoos, across his chest, and over his washboard abs. I had tried not to stare, but I noticed that around his navel, there was a red biohazard symbol. He tossed the shirt into a corner, grabbed the towel from me, and walked into the bathroom. He was still wearing his grey sweat pants and an old pair of sneakers. He closed the door and a few moments later, I heard the shower start running. I picked up the shirt from the ground; even just holding it in my hands, I could smell the sweat and grime on it. From the size of the duffel bag and the condition of the t-shirt, I guessed he didn't have much in the way of clothing. It was clear that anything I might have wouldn't fit him. I put the shirt on a chair in the living room, and started to sip my coffee while Eli showered. He didn't take long in shower. I had barely started on my coffee when the water was turned off. Eli shuffled around a bit in the bathroom, I guessed he was drying himself off. Soon, he opened the door, and walked out into the living room. He had slung the towel over his shoulder, and was otherwise totally naked. I didn't bother trying to hide my staring at him. His legs were just as well-defined as his chest and arms, and handing between them was a fat yet still limp cock and two huge, low-hanging balls. I tried to focus on his face, but I found myself constantly glancing back at his cock and thick bush. He at least pretended not to notice me staring. "Thanks bro. I needed that. Not had that hot of a shower in a long, long time." "So, what were your plans for the day?" I asked. He had turned around, looking for his duffel bag. His ass was two perfectly balanced black globes, just as hard and perfect as the rest of his body. I wanted to kneel down, spread his muscular cheeks and worship his hole. "Fuck bro, I don't know. Was hoping I could crash with Javi for a bit. And try to have some fun today. It's been too long since I've had the chance." He found where he had left the duffel, and knelt down. As he rummaged through it, his low-hanging balls were swinging heavily between his legs. I guessed they were full of accumulated jizz. I wanted nothing more than to be the one to drain them for him. "What kind of fun are you up for?" I asked. "I don't care bro. Just kick back, have a good time. Javi was always good for a wild party." He found what he had been looking for, and he turned around. He had a threadbare pair of underwear and a small book. "Damn, I wish I knew where he went. Hope his cell is still the same." "Like what you see, bro?" he asked, not yet putting on the underwear. "Yeah," I said, a little embarrassed that he had noticed. "That's cool bro. Maybe we can have our own party," he said. His hand dropped down to his groin, and he started to rub his cock a bit. "I can borrow your phone? Wanna see if I can get a hold of Javi." I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. "Here you go." He took it from me, and started to page through his address book. He let the underwear drop to the ground. "Yo, bro. Gotta be honest. You got any party favors?" he asked me, as he stopped searching through his book. He dialed the phone. "What do you like?" I asked. "I've got some pot and other things." Eli's face brightened up when I mentioned "other things." "Bro, I'd love to smoke some meth, if you've got it." He was slouched back on one of the chairs facing me, his legs spread wide. It was still difficult for me not to stare at his cock. Even half-hard it was massive; a good seven inches long and nearly beer-can thick. I had no idea if I was going to be able to do anything with it, or even if I was going to get to play with our partying. "Yeah, I do," I said. I hadn't even used up my last baggie and had just bought two more grams the previous day. "Well, damn, bro. Share your wealth, and I'll share mine," he said. He shook his cock at me, indicating exactly the wealth he had to share. He held the phone up to his ear and I thought I could hear the sound of ringing. "Right on, man," I said. The ringing had stopped and I heard a muffled answer. "Yo, Javi, my man. This is Eli," he said into the phone. He clicked the volume down a bit, and I couldn't hear the other man any longer. A pause, then "Yeah. I got out yesterday. Got here this morning." I went into the bedroom, and found my pipe, torch, and the full bag of favors. In the living room, Eli was still talking. "Hanging out in your old apartment, actually. Cool guy here now." I rummaged through my bed stand, and found a few tablets of Viagra. "Yeah, totally. We're just getting the party started. You should come over." Supplies in hand, I came back to the living room. Eli had moved to the couch, where I had been sitting. I put the supplies down on the coffee table. "Awesome bro. See you in thirty then," he said, putting the phone down. He looked towards me. I tied to meet his eyes, but was still distracted by the massive tool between his legs. "Javi is coming over in a bit bro. We'll have fun today." He grabbed his cock, playing with it a bit. "Not as big as me. But he's not bad at all and definitely knows how to use it." I wasn't sure about having two strangers in my place, much less two strangers high on crystal meth, but my cock was starting to think for me. "Found a Viagra, if you want that as well?" I said. "You think you can handle me fucking you on V?" he asked, laughing. I stared at his cock. I knew this was going to be a day like I had dreamed of, and I didn't want anything to mess up the party. "I know I can." I said. "Well, get me something to drink. You got any beer bro?" I went into the kitchen, and brought him a cold can of beer. He took the viagra and washed it down. "Just a sec," I said, and went back into the bedroom. I found some poppers and lube, and brought those out. "Right on, bro. This is just what I needed," he said. "The pipe loaded?" he asked. I shook my head no. I sat down on the couch next to him and got a big chunk of crystal out of the baggie. I put it in the pipe. The bowl still looked a little empty to me, so I added two smaller shards. I took the torch and lit it. I melted the shards in the bowl. As I prepared the pipe, Eli watched. He grabbed the lube off the table and poured a little on his cock. When the first thin wisp of smoke curled out of the pipe, I handed it to him, to let him have the pleasure of the first hit. He took the pipe, one hand holding it as his other hand continued to slowly stroke his cock. He held the pipe in his mouth as I held the torch under it. The crystals crackled and smoked in the intense heat of the torch. He emptied the bowl several times, pulling a strong hit. After the fourth or fifth pull, he indicated he was good. I let the torch go out, and he pulled the pipe out of his mouth. He held it for a few seconds. Then, he blew out a thick white cloud right into my face. "Your turn," he said, as the smoke slowly dissipated in the room. I took the pipe and started to heat it up. As I let it melt and smoke, he took another swig of the beer. "You got any porn?" he asked. "Helps me get in the mood." I just nodded, as I took my first drag from the pipe. I felt the drug fill my lungs, my heart pounding in anticipation of the incipient high. I did a proper hit, and held it long, then blew out a thick cloud. I handed the pipe and torch to Eli for him to go again. "What kind of porn are you into?" I asked, right before he took another hit from the glass pipe. "Anything, bro. Gay. Straight. Black. White. I don't care. The freakier, the better." I got up and pulled out something I had downloaded a few months ago. It was a bunch of short gay flicks, mostly hung black guys fucking white guys. It was also bareback, which gave me a moment's pause. I worried it might set the mood for the rest of the day. I didn't know how to bring up condoms for Eli, if one would even fit him. As I put it on, Eli took another hit from the pipe. I came back to the couch just as he was exhaling the hit. He handed the pipe back to me. I put it in my mouth as he lit the torch under it. "Big hit this time, Matt. Gotta get you in the zone, bro." I sucked on the pipe, getting nice thick hits of the meth. Even when I motioned that I had had enough, he kept the torch under the pipe. "Just a bit more, bro," he said. "You're gonna need it for what I have planned for you." I tried to keep on inhaling the smoke as best I could, even as my lungs felt like they were bursting. Finally, he pulled the torch away, grabbing the pipe from my mouth. "Hold it, Matt, until I say so" he said. He stuck the pipe in his mouth and started to do his own hit. I was about to exhale, but he indicated for me to hold it a bit longer. It wasn't until he had taken all of his hit that he motioned me to breath out. Just as I was finished emptying my lungs, he leaned in towards me, making it clear I was going to get his hit. We started to kiss, and he shot-gunned his hit to me. It was far bigger than the one I just did, and he made sure our lips were locked long enough for it to get absorbed. Finally, he broke off the kiss, and let me breath the hit out. I was a little surprised a macho thug type like him would kiss, but I didn't protest the unexpected intimacy. I could feel my body tingle, as the tina started to take effect. I was definitely getting horny and wanting to do more than just kiss and share hits of the meth. I turned my attention to the TV. On screen, a white guy was on his knees, trying to swallow a huge black cock. I looked at Eli's cock, and realized that his shaft was even bigger than the one in the video. "You like it, bro?" he asked; I couldn't tell if he meant his dark cock, or the white guy struggling to swallow the black cock on screen. "Yeah, I do," answering for both. "Why don't you get more comfortable. You gotta get naked like me, man," he said. I did as I was told, throwing my shirt into a corner, then stepping out of my jeans and underwear. My cock was only semi-hard and seemed tiny in comparison to his. "Nice bod, bro," Eli said, running his free hand over my hairy chest and taut stomach. "Not sure how my cock's gonna fit in you. But don't worry, we'll make sure it does." "Hot movie," Eli continued. "Why don't you get down on your knees, and show my cock some love, just like that white boy." I pushed the coffee table back a bit, and knelt down in front of him. Up close his manhood seemed even bigger than I first realized. I had no idea how I was going to take it in my mouth, much less in my ass. "Just relax, and work slowly. I know you'll be able to take it," he said, almost reading my mind. I grabbed the bottle of poppers and did a hit. As they took effect, his cock no longer seemed like an insurmountable obstacle. I knew I could take it, and further, I knew he would love every second of it. I took his warm cockhead into my mouth, savoring the small drop of pre-cum at its tip. I started to work my way down his shaft, slowly taking more and more of his cock into my mouth. It wasn't an easy or fast process, but it more than satisfied my sudden need for dick. Eli was enjoying it as well. He spread his legs wide, giving me better access to his cock and balls. He leaned back, not caring about anything but the pleasure of the blowjob. After a few minutes of effort, I had barely gotten more than a third of his cock into my mouth. But, it didn't seem to bother him. He was moaning in pleasure, letting me know how good it felt for him. He grabbed the pipe, and lit the torch. I glanced up at him just in time to see him slowly melting the drug in the glass bowl. Right before the smoke began to leak out the top, he looked down at me and said, "Don't stop sucking, bro. It feels fucking great." He put the pipe to his lips and did another long hit. I was glad I had loaded up the bowl, since it he was enjoying big hits. I was feeling like I was almost in the zone, and needed only one more hit before I was completely at his mercy, ready to be used like the cocksucker I was. He pushed out his hit, covering the two of us in a thick white fog. Eli was getting too much pleasure from my oral service, so I knew he wasn't going to offer me a hit off the pipe. Instead, I settled for another hit from the poppers, and did my best to swallow another agonizing inch of his cock. His cockhead started to hit the back of my throat, and I did my best to suppress my gag. But, with my mouth already stretched as wide as possible and his fat cock pressed against my throat, it was hard to do. Even with the poppers, I had to pull off and catch my breath. "Damn bro. Most guys can barely take my head. That was fucking amazing," he said, clearly impressed. "Take a breather," he said, "Catch your breath." grabbing my arms and pulling me up on to the couch. I relaxed for a moment. My hand dropped down to my crotch, seeking out my dick. My cock was still half-hard. The crystal hadn't yet reached it and left it limp and lifeless. It was leaking precum. Eli reached across, and grabbed my cock. "Not bad, man," he said, impressed by its current size. He stroked my cock a few times, but then worked his hand down, grabbing my balls and starting to finger and explore my hole. "You're a tight ass, bro. Literally. Gonna have fun fucking you." He pulled his fingers out long enough to put a drop or two of lube on them. He pushed back into me, getting a little deeper. Even his fingers were big, and I acutely felt the intrusion into my hole. "You ok, man?" he asked. "Or do you need another hit?" He left it ambiguous enough that I didn't know if he meant poppers or crystal. "Yeah. Just a lot bigger than I'm used to," I said. I tried to shift my weight around, giving him easier access to my butt and also trying to relax as much as possible. He didn't stop, but pushed into me further; I could feel his second knuckle slide into my hole. He wiggled his finger inside of me. It sent a shock of pleasure running through my body and I moaned involuntarily. But then, suddenly, he pulled out. I felt empty, like something important had slid out from my body. "Pick out a nice big shard from your stash, man," he said. "You're not in the zone yet." I got off the sofa and down on my knees again. I looked through what was left in in the bag. There was one decent-sized piece of meth left. The rest of it was all small bits or dust. I fished the big one out of the bag, and put it on the coffee table. I grabbed the pipe, but he stopped me. He leaned over and took a look at it was I wondered what he had planned. "Nice, bro. Now, just bend over the table and relax." He paused for a second. "You may want these," he said, handing me the poppers. I took them, and did a huff from the bottle. He carefully picked up the shard of meth. With his free hand, he spread apart my ass cheeks, exposing my hole. I realized he was going to stick the crystal up my ass, not bothering with the ritual of a booty bump. I had heard this was almost as intense as slamming. Terrified of what I'd do flying high, nevertheless, I did another huff of poppers, forcing myself to relax. His finger pushed into my hole, guiding the sharp rock into me. I could feel it scraping up against my tight moist hole, slowly starting to dissolve and enter my bloodstream. He pushed his finger in all the way, first one knuckle, then a second knuckle, and finally the base of his finger. "There, Matt," he said. "Just relax, and let it melt, bro." I took another huff from the poppers as he slid his finger out of my hole. I could feel the shard of tina that he had left behind. I knew it had already started to dissolve, the drug going straight to my brain. I wondered what I would let him do over the next few hours. As his fingertip slipped out of my hole, he gently massaged it, making it close up. "That bump should last you for a good while," he said.
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  16. I was walking down an alley shortcut after leaving the place to get some fresh air. It was stinking hot, steamy and the smoldering temperatures in my city made it tough to sleep that night, so I went wandering with my camera to look for some great lighting to shoot some images. I had smoked a big bowl of my personal tina, hash and weed mixture and it had got me high and feeling creatively sleazy. That or the full moon that was shining brightly in the cloudless sky. I was downtown on the West side, great locations for some good photos. I loved the hardcore look and the way the alleys were always funky cool. I turned a corner into an alley I had never walked through before. Industrial leftovers, piles of iron and steel along the walls, steam pipes breath from wall mounted exhausts made it super cool looking and when I found the old abandoned cars and machinery I was pumped as it was the perfect place to shoot. I pulled out my Nikon with a 35-55mm lens and began to work. As if someone was reading my mind, the exhausts began pumping out more steam draping everything in awesome moonlight. I was lost in this perfect place and had been shooting images for about 20 minutes when I was surprised by a deep voice coming from the shadows near a single metal door with a dim china hat light over it. Out from the shadows walked a huge man, big, black, mature, and about 55 I guess, leather chaps over Levi jeans, black biker boots and a sleeveless wife-beater shirt. Big guns with leather and metal armbands and I could see both his nipples were pierced as his nipple rings pushed through the sweat soaked shirt. He must have been 6'6" and around 260 with big beefy muscle. Gray hair and a small leather and ringlets collar around his throat. I couldn't help to notice the massive bulge in his crotch either and I think he may have noticed my focus as he was smiling when I looked up at him. "I've been sitting here watching you since you walked down here. You really were getting into it, man" he said as he walked over nearer to me and took a seat on a pile of pallets. He had a bottle of gold Tequila in one hand and he offered it to me. "Thanks, I love tequila but it makes me super horny, er I mean, ah shit!" He laughed at me and told me not to worry, it does the same to him. I took a big pull from the bottle and handed back to him. Smooth tasting, smokey smooth. He took a sip and then asked me if I smoked. "Not cigarettes" I replied. "Good because I have some smoke here that you just might enjoy... as a matter of fact" he said as he pulled out a small black leather bag and began to assemble the contents, adding "I'm certain you are going to love it." I could see glass pipes, some plastic wrapped tube things, rubber surgical tubing, a huge bag of tina, a chunk of black hash, a couple of big bottles of poppers. "Holy fuck man, you look like you are ready for some serious partying!" "Just wait, buddy, let's see what we can do with this stuff, cool?" he asked me while I watched him load a pipe with huge shards of tina. "Smoke?" he invited, remarking "This is killer glass from some biker bros of mine. Potent shit, man." "Sure, I'll have a little taste." He handed me the pipe and held the propane lighter under it, heating it up until he said "Suck it man, suck that glass pipe white boy." Wow, this shit was good and very fucking potent. One hit and I was wobbly and then the big black Daddy said "Go ahead and take another hit, I know you going to like it." I began to wonder what he meant. "Suck it white boy, suck that glass cock and take that smoke down your throat and then shotgun it to me." Fuck yes, I thought as I sucked a huge lungful of the potent smoke holding in for a long time until he brought his mouth to mine and I started a slow exhale as he took it all down his throat and held it there. He stared at me closely now his face a few inches from mine as he looked in my eyes and then took my head in both hands and forced his tongue into my mouth and exhaled the tina smoke. Holy fuck, I was getting so fucking high from this shit and now this hot blackman was doing things to my mouth with his tongue that was turning me on in a massive way. He held my head and literally began to tongue fuck my mouth and one of his hands found my nipples and he began to work them over rough and hard until he pulled his mouth from mine and I finally got to exhale the smoke. Motherfucker, the rush of a lung-full of that smoke! My legs were loose and wobbly and he grabbed me and pushed me up against the wall, against which I had to use both hands to steady myself. He reached into his bag and brought out a bottle of poppers. "Oh yeah, baby. Daddy's gonna get you high and fucked up just like you want it. Right boy?" he asked as he held the poppers under my nose. "Snort baby, snort those poppers 'cause Daddy's got something for you that you're gonna love." I snorted three big hits and then he capped the bottle and stepped back from me, the moonlight glimmering off the metal and leather he wore and the little beads of sweat that covered his bare skin. He began to slowly grind his body in front of me, grabbing his crotch and pulling on his nipple rings, his eyes growing bigger as his lust was being unleashed. The bulge in his pants was now huge. I had never seen anything like this and this gyrating hot Daddy was really turning me on. He strode in to feed me another round of popper hits and then back to his grinding, One hand pulling hard on his nipple while the other began to unzip his pants. I could see the cockring first, big and shining silver and then out came his cock. Motherfucker! It was still soft but it had to be eight inches long and fucking thick too. He walked slowly over to where he had left the pipe on the pallets and loaded the pipe again. Walking back to me one hand on his cock, the other with the pipe he placed it in my mouth and held it there as he took one of my hands and put it on his massive meat. I began to squeeze his cock and milk its thickness and feel it begin to harden, the heat of his cock was amazing. He held the lighter under the pipe and told me to suck it. "Suck it baby, suck that glass cock cause your black daddy is going to take you to places you've never been to before. You going to swallow this smoke and then you going to swallow my cock and I am going to feed you the biggest nut you have ever swallowed baby, then you going to keep sucking my cock so I can stretch that tight white ass open and fill you with more cum then you can imagine! You want it, baby. You want Daddy's cock fucking your holes and filling them with my cum. And baby, Daddy's balls are filled right up. Three weeks of hot cum and I going to pump it all inside you." His lust was massive, his eyes wide like an animal after catching his prey, now he was going to feast on it. We traded another shotgun of tina and his tongue begins to fuck my mouth hard and probing as one of his hands finds my crotch. He slowly unzips my pants dropping them to to my ankles. "No underwear boy? Hmmm, well lets see if you want it bad then." His massive paw wrapped itself around my cock and squeezed my big balls hard just the way I love it. He started to jerk me off with one hand, his tongue buried down my throat and his other hand working my nipples over, pulling them taunt, twisting them, grabbing my cheat and pulling handfuls of my pecs as he begins to groan like a lion. I was pinned to the wall, as the smoke worked me over and as the Daddy used me hard. "Keep jerking me off, boy. Milk that big black snake. Jerk it harder. You can't hurt black steel, baby." The pipe appeared again and he arched his back and started to fuck my hand with his cock. I wrapped both my hands around the shaft and jerked him off hard, working his huge balls in one hand and then rubbing the mushroom head of that magical cock until it was dripping precum like a water tap. He continued to smoke and it seemed like the smoke made his cock swell larger and thicker. I looked at him and his lust-crazed eyes were devouring me. He kept grinding his massive cock in my hands and then told me to open my mouth as he exhaled the potent cloud of tina feeding it too me then feeding me his tongue in an aggressive hot kiss. "Suck my tongue baby. Suck it into your mouth like you're going to to suck my cock. Show your Daddy how you going to suck his cock. Come on, baby, suck my tongue." Fuck yes, I thought as I wrapped my lips around his long tongue sucking it deep into my mouth and taking it like a cock, working his tongue over and then sliding my tongue in his mouth as I convinced myself that I was fuckin' hungry for some cock and cum. He pushed me away, holding me with both his paws hard against the brick wall. "It's time baby, time for you to taste some man meat. You ready to gag on some thick cock boy? 'Cause I ain't stopping sliding my cock down your throat until my balls are slapping on your chin!" The poppers appear under my nose and he stuffed his tongue in my ear and whispered, "Snort baby, snort it up cause you're about to get throat-fucked by my big black dick. Snort it, baby. Snort it up hard!" The poppers kicked-in big time and Daddy stepped back, grabbing both my nipples in his hands, pulling down roughly until I find he had put his big tool back in his pants. It's huge hard outline was in my face and he began to grind his crotch in my face. He grabbed a handful of my hair and leered down at me, kneeling in front of him, high as a fucking kite. His lust was becoming unleashed and, as he slowly unzipped his pants, he whispered "You ready boy? You ready to worship some serious black cock, boy?" I don't get to answer as he slid two, then three fingers into my mouth and as deep down my throat as he could reach. Three became four, and with that I gagged as my throat was filled with his fingers. With that he whispered "Fuck yes, lube for my cock boy. I love throat-cum when I fuck a white boy's throat. I love to make him gag. Now, suck my fucking cock boy. Suck it like you want it all down your throat.” I was on my knees, my mouth open - and then I saw his cock. It was massive. It was thick and rock hard. A cock massive in length, maybe 12.5 inches, a thick mushroom head that oozed precum. He had one of those big beer-can shaped cocks with a huge cock ring wrapped around low hanging bull balls. I looked up and saw him staring down at me with a real look of lust in his eyes as he began to slid he cock into my mouth, slowly an inch at a time and then pulling it out to slap it across my face, rub the tip over my lips and then back into my mouth again. "Yeah, baby, suck on Daddy's cock. You don't know it yet but you walked down an alley that leads to the backdoor of my party palace, my dungeon and playroom. Right now there is a full-on fuck fest going on behind that big steel door, and you're going to be the meat I throw to all the fuckin' hung tigers in there. You ever been a gang bang boy? No? Good, 'cause we're all gonna fuck your white pussy and turn you into a cum dump until all your holes are filled with cum." He was telling me this as he went deeper and deeper down my throat with that cock. He seemed to know exactly when to feed me more poppers and then more of his cock. "But before I take you in to the pit, I going to take a ride down your throat then impale you with this cock until you got my loads up your ass and filling your belly!" I cannot help but be overcome by wave after wave of sexual lust, lusting for more of his cock, lusting to taste his cum, to feel his cock shooting big blasts of hot cum up my ass. Fuck yes, I was into the cock-sucking zone and I took both his hands on put them on the back of my head. "Fuck yeah, boy, you want me to force this cock down your throat, don't you?" I could only gag in agreement as he started to slowly work that gigantic cock in my throat. I felt it when it started to open my throat up. He knew what he was doing. In between feeding me another inch of cock, he fed me poppers, and then, when his cock was fully lodged in my throat, he pulled my head to his crotch, slowly but forcefully. Holy fuck, it felt like his cock was all the way into my stomach. I couldn't breath and just let him slide his cock until I felt his balls on my chin. I forced my tongue between my stretched open lips and began tonguing his balls, he groaned and began to slid his cock from deep down my throat until just the thick head was in my mouth. "Look at me boy, I want to see your eyes while I go balls deep again. I wanna see you lusting for my cock boy. I wanna hear you begging for me to feed you my cum boy. Here it comes, boy. Oh fuck yeah. Fuckin' take my dick boy. Yeah, it's gonna go all the way down your throat. Come on suck it, slut. Suck my fuckin' cock you fucking cock pig!" I started to deep-throat every inch, taking it from the head all the way to the root, doing my best to tongue-lash his huge ball sac. Both his hands on my head he began to deep fuck my throat taking his cock all the way out until I was sucking on his hard mushroom head and then sliding it all the way deep into my throat. He stopped for a moment and began rubbing his cock all over my face and slapping my face with his monster cock. "want some precum" as he jerked his cock off in my face and told me to open my mouth while he squeezed enough precum into my mouth it was like he was cumming. then he fed me more poppers and started to really deep fuck my mouth until my throat slim dripped off my chin. But after a few more minutes of me working his beautiful cock with my mouth and throat, I felt him tugging at my waist. "If I let you do that much longer, I’ll be cumming down your throat and all over your face! Is that what you want? You want this huge load of cum all over your face and filling your mouth?" "Fuck yes, Daddy! Fuck my mouth deep. Feed me that hot load! I want to swallow all your jizz! Fuckin' feed it to me!" With that he ordered me me to suck him harder, and likewise ordered me to tug at his balls. Doing so, I could tell he was getting close, and for that matter I could feel his cock, fully-lodged in my throat, was getting harder and thicker. He groaned continuously, and then he yanked his cock from my throat, and he jerked himself, he ordered me to open my mouth. I complied just in time to swallow blast after blast of his hot, thick cum. It exploded from his cock and covered my face with the first few ropes, then he put the head in my mouth as he keep jerking the big black cock off until cum overflowed out of my mouth. Even as I swallowed his massive hot loads, his cock keep shooting until he pulled out and shot even more cum all over my face all the while slapping his cock on my tongue and lips. I swallowed it all and then he forced his cock back deep into my throat and finished cumming but told me to keep sucking him as he was still rock hard. "Fuck yes, you hot cock sucking cum slut. Just what I love. I'm gonna feed you so fuckin' much cum in all your holes. Your belly will be full and your ass dripping. Now get up here and let me get you high so I can really turn you into my cum dump slut."
    1 point
  17. I can't believe what just happened. I mean, yeah, I barebacked as a general rule, but I always asked guys their status and only took neg seed. Who would lie about that anyway?? Besides he was so young and innocent and we were only going to meet for coffee. I guess you want some more details. I'm your average guy, kinda husky, but pull it off well. At 37 I'm that perfect age where young college guys look at me as a daddy but older guys look at me as someone who can be a successful son. He was 22. We met on an app for bears and their admirers. 5'7", 140, cute as a button and charming as fuck. We hit it off right away, chatted about everything including the fact that he was in an open relationship with a man more than twice his age. It just sucked he wasn't in my local area. So of course as fate would have it, I needed to travel for work one Saturday. Just a one off thing, home that night, but a trip that would bring me within 30 miles of my crush. I quickly told him and he squeaked in delight as we made plans to meet at a local coffee house. His bf would drop him off, but he asked if I would bring him home as the bf worked the night shift. The conversation was flowing as easily in person as it was online. He was as charming and my gosh that smile! I didn't realize that three hours had passed as quickly as it did. We piled into my car and drive the 10 minutes back to his place. Being a gentleman, I walked him to the door. As he opened it, I turned to say goodnight when he grabbed my shirt and yanked me inside. He pushed me against the wall and dropped to his knees. I didn't think it possible to get someone's pants off as quickly as he did, but less than 30 seconds after the door closed I was fully hard and 7" deep in his throat. After two minutes he finally came up for air and kissed me. "I just had to taste it," he said, flashing that smile. "What happened to just friends," I asked. He looked directly in my eyes as he unbuckled his pants. "We can be friends tomorrow. Tonight I'm cumming deep inside you." There was no more to say. He took my hand and led me upstairs. When we got to the bedroom, we undressed the rest of the way and he gently, but firmly guided me onto the bed on my stomach. After a stinging slap on my right cheek, he voraciously dove tongue first into my hole. The sheer sensation of this eager twink rimming me was unbelievable as he loosened my entryway while giving that perfect little extra sensation of being eaten out by someone with a well groomed goatee. After 10 minutes of that treatment, I audibly whimpered disappointment when he unlatched from my back side. He chuckled mildly, "Don't worry, it won't be empty long." He reached for the lube that was already out on the nightstand and prepared the 8" log swinging between his legs. The pain was intense as he pushed forward. Normally it's easier for me if a guy pokes at it and eventually the head pops in, but this was his show and as much as he had made me feel good in foreplay, I knew I was there strictly to be a cum receptacle. He stopped to let me adjust only when I felt his hips on me. "You ready," he asked. All I could do was nod into the pillow. With my tacit acceptance, he started his assault on my insides. The kid was good, hitting all the right places. My moans only encouraged him as he went nonstop for eight minutes before I heard him change his breathing. "I'm not pulling out," he said. 10 seconds later I could feel the first shot of his DNA lining my ass, followed by six more volleys. He collapsed on top of me as I felt his orgasm subside. It was my turn to show him what I could do as I flexed my ass. He jerked as I milked the final drops of his orgasm out of him. He laid there for a few minutes, getting soft. I was about to ask if I could get up, when he started to stir a bit. The movement allowed him to reharden as he began to fuck me again, slower and in more of a lovemaking way. We continued this for a solid 15 minutes before the telltale change in his breathing happened. I looked back at him and he just nodded as he deposited another load in his new sperm bank. After a minute he pulled out and kissed me tenderly. The lad was too too to be true. As we gathered our things, I noted a picture on the dresser. It was my stud, posed, crouched on his knees with eight men, four on each side, naked, surrounding him. I asked him what that scene was. "Oh, that was my conversion party," he casually remarked. "Jeffrey, my daddy, set it up for me. This was actually my first post diagnosis fuck. Just got past the flu earlier this week. Doc gave me some meds, but I haven't started them yet." I quickly became enraged, "You told me you were neg, asshole!" "I was when we first talked and we discussed it," he fired back. "That was a week after we chatted the first time. Best birthday present of my life." So there it was. I had two highly toxic loads beginning to penetrate my system. As I came to grips with that fact, another thought came into my head. What was I going to tell my husband?
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  18. I had been horny all week not able to get out and play with any of my regular fuck buddies my hole was hungry. I was idly cruising squirt waiting to see if one of my regular fuck buds showed up, no luck. I was about to give up and log off when a chat request popped up. I didn't recognise the user name, but the pic looked intriguing, and older daddy type in reasonable shape. "Hey you looking to play?" Indeed I was, the horniness was driving at this point, "Yeah mate, you can host?". A few seconds passed before the response "Yeah, here's my address be here in half an hour" And with that I quickly put on my come fuck me out fit, a tight jock strap, tight little white footy shorts and a dark singlet. I jumped in the car and drove over, with that nervous mix of anticipation and excitement, my hole twitching at the thought of some hot cock. I arrived at a fairly average house on a quiet street, no activity nearby, I realised all of sudden how late it had gotten, had to be close to midnight. Not that i cared, there was a slight chill in the air and I could hear some music coming from inside the house as I approached the door. I knocked, and heard some activity inside. The door opened to the guy from the pics he looked even better in person, he was wearing nothing but a towel and a smile "Hey mate come on in", I slipped passed and felt him admiring my tight arse in my shorts. I was in the living room, a big screen TV was playing a bareback porno, a guy on screen was getting it good and deep. This made my cock start to stir and strain against my jock, in the middle of the room between the lounge and the tv was a massage table. As I was taking this in my host had closed the door and dropped his towel. "I thought you might like a massage to help you relax". I was admiring his cock, had to be 8 inches and was only half hard at best. "That would be awesome mate", I replied and started to shed my clothes, I didn't need much encouragement at this point, and my cock was becoming uncomfortable in my jock. As I bent over to drop my shorts, he came up behind me cupping one of my cheeks in his hand, a finger ever so slightly working towards my hole. "Very nice mate" "Thanks" I don't get too many complaints I cheekily replied, "Bet you don't, if you don't mind I'm gonna give that some special attention when you're on the table, I have a special oil that will get you nice and slippery". As I got onto the table and positioned my head on the cut out, I said "Sounds good mate, been a while so I'll be a little tight". As I positioned my self I heard him getting his equipment together, then at the massage table head opening a cup with a straw appeared, "Gotta keep your fluids up mate" I took a big sip without even asking what it was, it was water but there was something else I didn't recognise. As I finished the contents of the cup I started to feel very relaxed and warm, I'd never done anything stronger than vodka and at first thought maybe there had been some in the drink. Then I felt his hands spreading warm oil all over my back, and as promised extra attention on my arse. He was kneading and spreading my meaty cheeks and I felt extra oil dripping on my hole. I was really enjoying the attention, and my cock was harder than it had ever been, a pool of pre cum between my stomach and the table. Then I felt something I will always remember, a sharp pain in my arse "Hey whats that", "Don't worry mate, just the special oil it burns at first but soon you won't notice it". He kept working a finger in and out of my hole running it all around the rim, and he was right the burning started to subside and it was replaced with a warm feeling and then a hunger, my hole started to open up and I then I heard this low guttural moaning, I thought it was the porn movie, but no it was me I was moaning for more. I felt him press more of his "special oil" into my hole, and this time he had two maybe three fingers inside me, I couldn't really tell but the other thing that was happening was I was raising my arse up to meet the strokes of his fingers. "Oh yeah I think this cunts ready for some cock", all I would do was moan in agreement "mmmhhhhh" "You gonna take my charged load in your cunt mate?", his charged load? what was he talking about?, all I wanted was his cock inside my hole right now! He was now on top of me, rubbing his cock against the opening of my cunt, teasing my hungry hole. "Your profile says you only play safe, but you don't want that tonight do you". He was right but at this moment all I wanted was cock raw and deep in me "I don't care fucking put it in me" I managed to slur out, "I can fuck you raw?", "yeah mate, fucking breed my hole I want your load" - I'd seen enough bareback porn to know the lingo. That was all he needed to hear, in one swift movement he positioned the head of his cock at my hole and buried it balls deep inside me, normally that would have hurt like hell, but instead I felt I finally had I what I needed, a big fat cock inside me. He started to pump me and all I wanted was this cock inside me forever. It felt amazing, sliding so effortlessly in and out coating my insides in pre cum. He pulled out without warning, "Hey", He slapped my arse hard, "Don't worry mate, we just need to relocate" He helped guide me off the table into a room at the back of the house, inside it was lit by only a soft blue glow, the walls lined with mirrors, and on one wall a tv showing an angle on the sling in the middle of the room, he helped put me into it and strapped my wrists and arms in place, then he disappeared for a moment I admired the view of my open arse in the mirrors it felt so empty and I could watch it pulsing hungry for cock. After what seemed like an eternity he reentered the room holding a needle and a rubber strap, "This is gonna make you feel even better mate", in my already partially chemmed up state, from the "special oil" I wasn't able to fight back, especially strapped into the sling, as he swabbed a vein on my arm, and applied the strap I mumbled some half hearted objection "nah mate I don't do needles". "It's okay mate, this will be worth it", and then he stuck the needle in my arm, a little blood appeared and then he depressed the plunger, I felt a slight warming in my arm, then he released the strap and I felt it hit me almost immediately, a head rush and several sharp coughs, then all I wanted was cock, as much cock as I could get. "How you feel mate", "Fuck me, give me that fucking cock" He smiled positioned himself at my arse and slid inside me, it felt more awesome than before even, he started working into me hard and fast. The sling swinging me in rhythm with his thrusts getting me impaled longer and deeper. And then he started "You gonna take my charged load boy, you gonna take Daddy's toxic seed in your cunt?!" "Yes fucking breed me, give me that load, I want that fucking load". And then I felt it the warm rush of toxic cum bathing my insides, he pulled out and shoved a butt plug inside me to hold the cum, didn't want to waste any. I was still horny, and wanted more, little did I know I would get it and then some. More to come....
    1 point
  19. Friday night I was really horny, so I texted a regular fuck bud of mine, a youngish black guy with a great cock, who lived on the north side of Houston . I arrived at his place and before, his long fat nine inch cock was buried balls deep in my cunt. This guy always throws me a good fuck. He's slightly dominant, putting me into different positions so he can really work and open my hole before shoving his BBC deep, and filling me with his big nutt. I always leave satisfied...and horny for more. As soon as we were done, I headed over to check out a nearby video store, which is tucked into a nearly abandoned strip center behind a bar that recently closed. Unfortunately, when the bar went so did a lot of the traffic at the ABS, so the last few times I've stopped at the ABS, it has been dead. This time I was pleasantly surprised to see a number of cars in the parking lot. Figuring my chances were good, I paid the fee and went in the back. It's basically a big room, open in the center with the booths on opposite walls. As I made my first pass through, a black dude practically jumped out of his booth to get my attention. However, I played it coy, and walked to the opposite end and back before leaning against the wall a couple feet from his booth. He motioned me over so I joined him. His nice fat, eight and a half inch cock was poking through the zipper of his shorts and pretty soon I was devouring it. He undid his pants and dropped them to the floor, so I followed his example, undid mine, and went back to sucking his cock. Before long, he reached toward my ass. 'JACKPOT', I thought as I kept at his dick. Sure enough, he motioned that he wanted to fuck, so I stood up, he angled behind me, bent me forward, and slid that fat BBC up my cum-slicked hole. Considering we were in a rather cramped booth, he threw a surprisingly good fuck. After a while, though, I couldn't stay in the standing position anymore, so we ended up with me on my knees on the floor and him drilling me semi-doggy style until he whispered "I'm cumming" and shoved in one last time and busted. After a few seconds he pulled out, so I took his cock in my mouth and cleaned him off. I hung around there a little longer hoping one of the other guys wanted to play, but no one bit, so I left to sit in my car for a while, flipping between a4a, bbrts, grindr and scruff looking for some more nutt. Surprisingly, I found a black top on bbrts. He was staying in a motel a few miles away so I headed that direction. His cock wasn't as nice as the first two, but hey a black cock is a black cock. Pretty soon he was buried balls deep and before long he added his seed to my well-fucked cumhole. By this time it was 2:00 AM, so I headed home, completely satisfied.
    1 point
  20. I had always been curious about PNP. My first experience with chems came after a long day with benzos. It was a Friday night and I was home alone. I had been surfing porn for quite a while and decided to surf the casual encounters when I stumbled across an advertisement from two guys looking to PNP. The proposal sounded interesting, on spontaneously I sent a quick e-mail knowing full well I might never hear back from them. To my surprise, a couple minutes later I heard a "Ding." We exchanged a few emails and I was on my way to their house. I wasn't sure what I was getting into, but was horner then all hell and trembling with excitement. You see, prior to that night I had only consumed alcohol, smoked a small amount of pot and taken prescription drugs, and the last had been only in prescribed dosages, and that specific night I swallowed a few relaxers and gulped-down a couple of beers. I entered the house and introduced myself to my host and his friend. I explained that I had never partied like this before, and for that matter, I was mostly straight and had only ever gotten head from guys before. They made no big deal of it and we walked back to the bedroom, where gay porn was playing on the two televisions. My libido began to rise, and the anticipation of getting head from one or both of the guys was leading me on wards. One of my hosts instructed me to get comfortable which I took to mean to strip, but I chose to leave my boxer shorts - at least for the present. I climbed into bed between my two hosts, tense, to be sure, but the guys made an effort to reassure me everything would be fine. I had a great view of both televisions, and was happy to accept the offer of poppers "Just to relax." I took a few deep breathes and instantly my cock began to twitch, oozing out a little precum, my head began to pulsate, my butt began to dilate and a warm sensation overcame me. One of my hosts offered me a cock ring from a selection that was in a tray on the dresser. I had never worn a cock ring before but figured "What the hell?" My host assisted me in donning the cock ring, firmly strapping my cock and balls in a leather cock ring. My cock began to engorge, and I admit the addition of the cock ring made me feel particularly kinky. I did another hit of poppers and started to stroke my cock, which quickly rose to full erection. The accessory made it look extra large and engorged, and my balls began to swell as they filled with cum. Naturally we all did more poppers when then one of guys reached into a night table for a glass pipe. I had never seen such a pipe. One of the guys loaded it, and his buddy lit the bottom. 'This will be very different then smoking pot', I thought. Once it was going, I was presented the pipe for the first drag. I took a couple deep inhalations, and held them in as I did with pot, passing the pipe to the next guy. One of the guys told me not to hold it for too long, so I exhaled. I didn't initially feel anything, so was happy to take a couple additional hits off the pipe, whereupon one of the guys reloaded the pipe and leaned into me, and kissed me, shotgunning the smoke into my lungs. We traded the smoke back and forth repeatedly, taking one hit after another. Then all at once I knew it was kicking-in: a warm rush came over me and I found myself staring deeply at the porn on the television. The next thing I knew the two guys began touching my body all over, and I can honestly say it felt great. My cock sprang back to life as one of the guys began to give me head. Soon I was rock hard, even while wearing the leather strapped cock ring. I asked for the poppers and took several deep hits. I was swimming in bliss. There were a variety of sex toys scattered across the bed, including a dildo so big I couldn't imagine anyone could get it in his ass. The next thing I knew the guy giving me head was lining up his fingers and drilling my asshole. I usually didn't enjoy anyone playing with my ass, but that night my hole seemed to be eager and open-up to accommodate whatever came its way. The guy giving me head paused in his oral attentions to ask if I'd like to party some more. I said "Sure" without any hesitation. He reached into his bag with a lubed up finger and when he withdrew his finger it was covered with crystal powder. His friend asked if I wanted some Maximum Impact and handed me a sock. I inhaled a couple of times and was promptly sent to the next dimension. Sensing I was ready, his buddy inserted his crystal-covered finger into my eager hole. It burned, and was a bit rough going in, but he continued to massage my asshole with his finger and soon enough my ass was craving more. I found myself turning my attention to the other guy, eagerly stroking his cock while he inhaled the Maximum Impact soaked rag. I switched from stroking his cock to going down on him - hard. His buddy stopped sucking me, which allowed me to I feverishly pleasure his buddy's cock. Next thing I knew I was on my knees trying to suck both cocks, as my asshole throbbed with eager anticipation. It demanded to be filled. I grabbed one of the smaller toys, lubed it, and slid it right in. To this day I marvel how easily it slid in. I resumed sucking cock as the guys fed me poppers and as they played with the toy in my ass. The experience was so hot I distinctly remember thinking I couldn't believe how easily I had made the jump from a border-line fag to pig. One of the guys turned over to show me his ass. I instantly began tonguing his sweet asshole, as his friend reloaded the glass pipe, lit it, and handed it to me just for a break. I happily accepted it, and puffed away. After another hit of poppers my head was spinning. I lay back on my back and soon enough one of the guys was sucking my cock as I orally gratified his buddy. Then we formed a cock-sucking triangle, with some ass play also involved. Not bothering to ask this time, one of the guy proceeded to shove a huge clump of crystal into my eager ass. This time my ass asked for more stimulation and I grabbed the largest dildo on the bed, handed it to whichever guy was in the best position, and gestured for him to slide it into my ass - which, I'm proud to say, I was able to accommodate without any difficulty. I honestly marvel at what I accomplished, but what is there to say? My ass swallowed it whole - with ease. I had become a professional bottom cock sucking ass slut. My motto could have been "More poppers please and then a couple more inches." We played almost until sun rise. I had done things I had never even imagined doing. My hosts recommended I have a nice hot bath when I got home, which I did, but I was still horny and eager to party some more.
    1 point
  21. “You take loads in your ass?” At 21 years old, I was a bar fly. Countless nights I would drink too much and lose things. Several times I would leave something at a bar such as credit cards, keys, shoes, shirt, underwear, etc. This night, it happened to be my credit card. vAfter calling the bar to confirm they had it, I decided to work in some exercise. The bar was only two miles away, so I decided to run to the bar and back. Since it was a gay bar, I dressed in my best workout gear. After all, one never knows. About halfway to the bar, I noticed a car that had just been driving in the opposite direction stopped about 100 feet in front of me. I saw the window roll down and a man turned his head towards me. I stopped running and took out my headphones. He was probably 45, good looking, and a nice tight body—I could tell he worked out. “Need a ride?” he asked. I briefly hesitated and examined the situation. He was a clean cut looking guy driving a newer car and seemed like he didn’t have good intentions. “Sure!” I said. He flashed a mischievous grin at me and I walked over to the passenger side door. I hopped in and he scanned me from head to toe. “Where you headed?” he asked. “To Level.v I left my credit card there last night,” I replied. “OK.” “Thanks,” I said. “I appreciate you stopping to give me a lift,” I continued, hoping to strike up a conversation. “I was actually headed in the other direction, but I decided to turn around when I saw you running. Looked like you would probably like to cool off,” he said as if to justify stopping to pick up a stranger on the street. I was confused by what he was saying. Was I mistaken? Was it possible his offer was, in fact, not flirtatious? Just as I started to become a bit confused and even a bit worried, he continued, “You were looking really hot,” he said. While he could have only been talking about body temperature, he was looking down at my legs, so I knew it wasn’t that definition of hot. Then, out of the blue, he asked “You take loads in that ass?” My hole started twitching. For a brief second, I thought I had just imagined he said it, but as I looked over at him, I saw his eyes were fixed on my ass even though I was comfortably seated his the passenger seat. Without skipping a beat, I eagerly replied, “Hell yeah!” He nodded with approval. “Nice.” Just then we had reached the bar. I ran into grab my card and ran back to the car. “Got it!” I said. “Great!” As he turned the car around, he asked, “Where do you live?” I gave him my address and he replied “Oh! That’s close. Do you mind if I swing by my place first? We live close by each other,” he commented. “Sure, that’s fine. I’m still just glad I got to catch a ride.” He smiled. Once we got to his house, he turned off the car. I took the hint and got out with him as it was way too hot to spend even a second in a car where the AC wasn't operating at maximum. He pointed towards his house, “That’s my place.” I started walking towards his porch and as soon as I started up the stairs, I heard him say, “Mmmm. It was so hot watching that bubble butt of yours move while you ran.” “Really?” I asked just as I stopped at his front door. He unlocked the door and opened it for me, motioning me to go in first. “Hell yeah. It would be even hotter to watch it move while its wrapped around my bare cock.” "Where’s your bedroom?” I asked eagerly. “Down the hall.” I made my way down the hall and didn’t waste any time. I ripped off my clothes and got on my hands and knees on the bed. He, on the other hand, took nothing off. He picked up a bottle of lube, unzipped his fly, and pulled-out his cock, lubed himself, and slowly started to slide inside me. We hadn't exchanged a single word since we entered the bedroom until I felt his balls against my ass as he bottomed out inside me, and he commented “Fuck you feel good.” I reached behind me to grab his cock just to be sure, running my fingers up his shaft until they met my hole. Sure enough, he was barebacking me. “Don’t worry baby, I didn’t suit up. There is nothing between my cock and your guts, and won't be until I load you up.” That pushed me over the edge. As I started cumming, my ass clenched around his raw dick and he started breathing heavily, grunting “Oh yeah baby, take this load. Fuuuuuuuuck!” He bottomed out inside me and I felt his cock pulsate inside me as he filled my ass up. I was in heaven! “Mmmm. I love slutty young boys like you.” “What do you mean?” I asked, not sure if I should be offended or flattered. “All I have to say is ‘load’ and ‘ass’ in the same sentence and you’re ready to take my dick. I’ve known you for 20 minutes, you haven’t asked my name, age, or even my fuckin' status but you’re ready to let my raw cock dump an unknown load up in your guts.” He was right. I briefly considered what I had done, and knew, of course, that indeed I had no idea who the fuck this guy was who had just bred me. God, I was such a slut. And proud of it!
    1 point
  22. Just thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss. Noticed when I was in Europe last year there seemed to be big differences in the way Bathhouses were run in different countries I went too. In Edinburgh for instance, the bathhouses closed early. I went on a Saturday night at 2000pm and both bathhouses were closing. This also seemed to happen in Paris abit. In Berlin the bathhouses have to be seen to be believed, amazing. But in one there seemed to be hundreds of people, but more parading than sex. In Munich when I asked if they had any poppers , they quite firmly told me they were illegal and when I spoke to guys there they said they hardly saw them. But in Berlin they were relatively easy to get, but expensive. Just wondered what other people s experience have been around the world.
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  23. Got bred by a fat Asian cock last night, after many months of not bottoming. He opened me up slowly but fucked me mercilessly after he got in; there was definitely some blood too. I felt at least 6 pumps of sperm inside my Asian hole. Looking for more, now I'm hooked.
    1 point
  24. I did this to a friend once. We were out one night and he did something that pissed me off. When we got back to his place, I hinted that I wanted to fuck. He was not in the mood. We were lying on the floor. I got on top of him and tried to kiss him. He gave me a weak kiss. Then I lightly punched him in the face (not enough to hurt.) I pulled down his underwear and put his legs over my shoulder. I put my dick on asshole and told him that I'm going to fuck the shit out of him. I could see the fear in his eyes since he knew that he had not prepared. I pushed my dick inside of him all the way and held it there for a minute. I laid completely on top of him and got close to his ear and told him how much he had pissed me off earlier. I then started to fuck him real hard until he made loud grunts from pain. I kept a tight grip on the back of his neck while stayed completely on top of him with my head next to his as I kept fucking him. I could tell he wanted it to be over. Even though he had not prepared, he did not shit on me. At that point, I would not have cared anyway. I just wanted to tear that ass up. I could feel that I was going to cum but I did not tell him. I came in his ass and kept my dick inside of him after my orgasm passed. My dick was still hard my heart was still beating fast. I still had a tight grip on the back of his neck and told him that I was going to piss inside of him. He said please don't. I said shut the fuck up, and I started pissing in him. It was a lot more than I thought that I had in me. I knew the pressure was building up in him, so after I finished pissing in him, I pulled out to let him go to the bathroom. I stayed on the bed and could hear him on the toilet letting it all out. It was a combination of cumfarts and pissfarts. He didn't talk to me for the rest of the night.
    1 point
  25. I haven't been to Lazy Bear in years. The times I did go though, it was a lot of fun.
    1 point
  26. He had it Cumming to Him As we laid there my hard cock still buried inside Tom, I reached for my pipe, took a nice hit and blew it in Tom's open mouth. I gave him a couple shotguns before I fucked another load inside waiting for the next step of our plan. After my third load inside Tom's soon to be poz ass I heard Nick and Kevin cumming through the bedroom door. I placed my full weight on Tom keeping him pinned beneath me which wasn't difficult since he was a skinny guy. Nick put the tourniquet on Tom's arm while Kevin took care of me and I let Tom know yup keep still so neither of us gets hurt. He asked me what was going on, I looked him I the eye and told him it something he was going to really enjoy. Our slam were administers almost simultaneously. I felt Tom's ass spam around my cock as I began to cough as I saw him change from a boy to a cum dump pig like Nick and Kevin had dive to me a couple months back. I pounded another load in Tom before I let Nick and Kevin have their turns. While Nick began to fuck Tom I fed Tom my cock leaving me in position to take Kevin's cock. As Nick pounded away at Tom's ass, Kevin simply edged himself inside my ass. The three of us had a big from knowing that Tom would soon be one of us, and (hopefully with the right guidance) he'd be spreading our shared DNA. As things moved on to Saturday Tom was a willing participant. During a break I took Tom into the bathroom to 'freshen up'. We jumped I the shower and Tim asked me what it was we had given him. I told him that he got a slam of Tina and asked if he liked it too which he replied with a fuck yes as he got on his knees and sucked my cock. Tom worked hard on my cock and soon enough I was blowing my load and Tom was swallowing. Since I had cum several times already it wasn't that large of a load and was probably ready to swallow. We climbed out of the shower to find a couple more guys in the bedroom. I recognized them from the baths where I had met Nick and Kevin. They had slams fixed up for everyone and a bit to my surprise Tom hoped on the bed and said he was ready for his slam. I did the honors and allied the tourniquet and explained what I was doing, just as Nick and Kevin had done with me when they taught me how to slam. I told Tom that I'd teach him a lot over the summer, enough that would get him 'gifting' unsuspecting guys from school......boy did I have plans. As I emptied the slam and removed the tourniquet I heard Tom cough out very hard. I knew that he was getting a strong slam. Nick showed me my slam and I knew it was just as strong as Tom's had received. Nick asked me if I wanted him to administer my slam knowing how fucked up I was going to get after. I agreed and he fixed up my arm. He told me that the guys he invited over have wanted my ass since they saw me I the baths. I looked at Tom as Kevin began fucking him then back at Nick as he was sticking the point in my vein. Nick pulled the needle from my arm, put pressure over the injection site and raised my arm overhead as he pulled the tourniquet from my arm. I felt this hard, this was the biggest Siam I'd ever had I the short time I've been slamming. I hard a ringing in my ears and couldn't focus as I felt my heart beating like it was going to jump out of my chest. I felt someone fingering my hole and felt the familiar burn of a booty bump. One of the new guys began to feed me his cock as the other began to fuck me. Man, was did that fuck feel incredible. For a while I barely noticed Tom who was getting fucked by Nick and Kevin who were taking turns I his ass. As the events progressed they positioned Tom and I so that we could suck each other's limp Tina dicks. Although neither of us were getting hard I definitely knew I was precumming as I felt Tom's dick leaking into my mouth. After we took a little break for fluids Kevin and one of the new guys were laying on their backs with hard cocks pointing to the sky. They got Tom to mount Kevin as I mounted their friend. As we just laid their I saw Nick climb up behind Tom and felt their other friend climb up behind me as Kevin gave Tom another slam and the guy I was riding gave me mine. As the tourniquet was removed I felt the friend behind me start to insert his cock along side his friends as I coughed out. This slam was no where near the one earlier, and as I rode the rush I heard Tom cough out and imagined he was getting Nick's cock shoved in along side Kevin's cock. I felt the two cocks working inside me and it felt amazing to have my ass do full. I could hear Tom moaning and knew he was definitely enjoying himself. We fucked in all kinds of positions until late Sunday afternoon. As I gave Tom a ride home we talked about what had happened. He seem to know that no condoms were used and didn't seem to care since he had just had an incredible time. I asked him if he was worried that we all fucked bare. He admitted that he was at first but the realized that it was too late to worry. As I asked him if we fuck I the future would he want to use a condom he told me he liked not having to 'fuck around' with a condom, stopping to put one on and loose the sensation of a great fuck. I then asked if he was worried if he got something from while there over the past couple days he replied asking me if he needed to worry?
    1 point
  27. Thanks for continuing the story HungrawAtl. It just keeps getting hotter, nastier and better! Already looking forward to the next part!
    1 point
  28. huge fucken fantasy for me!! Even though I have been a total cock/cum pig for a while just the thought of a real serious rape gets me rock hard and leaking every time. I've answered a few CL ads secretly hoping he is a decoy and there is a gang of rough guys waiting to rape me. Not talking about rough gang bangs here either (although, never say no to one!) but serious brutal rape where I am totally overpowered and forced to take anything/everything in any/every hole. anyone know if there is an online community?
    1 point
  29. By: culazodechaval http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=l8xl1-G402-&cl=1#.VXUzBnkw_IU D`guerre and rocco , in madrid
    1 point
  30. since i am in 24/7 chastity, anal masturbation is my only form of masturbation.
    1 point
  31. Thank you so much 1981virginia. That is awesome writing. It's so great to read about guys who know what they are getting and beg for it!
    1 point
  32. I was on Asspig and chatting with a couple I knew who hosted occassionally when another guy IM'd me. He was at the couple's place and invited me to come over. Work had been really crazy late as of late and I needed a release, so I cleaned up and headed out. I had never actually met up with these guys, so it was a pleasant surprise to enter the loft and find the couple as hot as their pics: two fucking leather pigs with a sling in the bedroom. Right after introductions I met their friend J, a hot Italian leather man. In no time we were smoking T and I was in the sling. They had been partying for awhile and our hosts were kind of spent, I only got shortly fucked and fisted, when J suggested I go home with him. No problema. We said our farewell and headed to the PATH to WTC to his place on the LES. On the way he was making jokes about maybe scoring some China and such, maybe fuck some homeless or ex con. I usually don't party much so I let it slide. We got to his studio and drink some Grade with G to get mellow and get naked. He put on a harness, steel cockring and big rubber boots and we settled in to smoking, feeling each other and talking. My inhibitions were definitely low at this point when he asked "do you want to slam with me?" Well I never had and he gave me the rundown on what to expect. We played and smoked for awhile and I finally gave in. He showed me my own clean needle, said he would do me and laid me back on the pillows to relax. He mixed me a small dose, I intensely watched him mix one for himself; he would do me then quickly himself. I lay back and watched him tie a belt on my upper arm, he found a vein and slowly inserted the slam, pulling back then plunging in. He whipped off the belt and HOLY SHIT, my whole body became electric and after only one cough and a few deep breaths I wanted nothing but dick! He lay next to me and I watched him slam. We were both flying and I told him I wanted his big uncut dick in me. He laughed and said I could have all the ex con dick I wanted, he had been out for six months and needed ass bad. Let's just say he fucked me for nine hours. I did a second slam and after getting whipped and taking his chem piss, it took me two days to recover. At least we were only on webcam and I had the sense to not go and get whored-out like he wanted to. Looking forward to another session like that!
    1 point
  33. hot story...well don't tell him and do him
    1 point
  34. Part 3 As I walked down the hill with the black guy's load up my arse, I knew, at some level, I should be worried, but I wasn't. Instead I felt incredibly turned on, even satisfied with myself. In fact, all the way home on the train I had a hard on that just would not go down. As soon as I got in to my flat I dropped my pants and began to wank, fingering my spunky hole and remembering how good it had felt, bending over the toilet and being fucked, pretending I didn't want him to come up my unprotected arse but hoping that he would.... I began to take more chances - I was cruising in bars and in the open air and, although I was still practicing safe sex, I was leaving it to chance a lot - if the other guy mentioned condoms I was happy to use them, if he didn't I wasn't that bothered. I was still more wary of being fucked without a condom than I was of fucking and my next few bare experiences were as a top. I fucked a couple of lads I met in bars and then one night I fucked a fit young blond lad on Hampstead Heath and shot my load up his slim, tight arse. When I pulled out he stood up and we kissed for a while. Then he indicated that he wanted me to fuck me. I hesitated, but only for a moment. I pulled my pants down, bent over and let him lube me up. Seconds later I was being fucked bareback and a little while after that he was groaning and I was taking a load of cum deep in my arse. One night a few weeks later I was in Glasgow visiting family and late on Friday night I went out cruising in Kelvingrove park, one of my old haunts as a student. It was quite quiet but after a while I came across a group scene. A lad of about eighteen or nineteen, who I assumed was a student, was bent over sucking one guy while being fucked form behind by another. I joined the group of guys around him and pulled-out my cock and stroked myself. After a while the guy fucking the student shot his load and pulled out, removing the condom from his cock. When he left things got much more interesting. There were three of us now - an older guy, a tall mid twenties guy and me. The mid twenties guy stepped up and pushed his bare cock up the student, who didn't even look round. I was really turned on now as I watched them fuck without a condom but the older guy made a comment about "not wanting to catch AIDS" and walked off in disgust. None of us paid any attention and soon we were joined by another guy who joined us in taking turns bare fucking the student until all three of shot our loads up his arse. I knew my behaviour was becoming more risky and over the next few months I took a few more loads up me - a couple on Hampstead Heath, one in the dark room at the Central Station and one from a lad I used to work with one night when his boyfriend was away. It was then that I met the guy who was to become my partner for the next ten years. When we met we talked about safe sex and I said I always played safe but admitted my record was not 100%. He was the same and so we agreed we would continue to use condoms and get tested. We both tested negative but continued to use condoms throughout our relationship - somehow it just seemed natural. So began one of the safest of all my safe sex periods which lasted for about eight years. I was glad we did keep using condoms with each other because it meant that I wasn't putting him at risk when I later started cheating..... I occasionally had sex with other guys from time to time during my relationship, but I always played safe. During the last couple of years of the relationship we started drifting apart. We were both working hard and his work took him away for a few days at a time. When he was away I began to do some exploring - going cruising on Hampstead Heath and visiting a few clubs. It was now 2005 I was surprised to see how much barebacking was going on. I continued to play safe but was becoming increasingly tempted by all the bare sex going on around me. In the spring I started having sex with a guy on my team at work when we used to work late. Dan was a high flyer, having attended one of the top universities and was clearly on his way up. He was in his mid twenties, blond, fit and lived with his girlfriend in an upmarket part of London. I was quite surprised when he told me he was bi and indicated that he liked getting his cock sucked. Of course I took him up on his invitation. The first few times we played around, he just pulled his trousers and pants down to his knees and I sucked him off until he came in my mouth. Then one night he asked if I would lick his arse and a few weeks later he asked me to fuck him. We fucked a few times, always with a condom. One evening he was bent over the desk, his pants and trousers down at his knees and I was fucking him from behind. I was desperately horny as I hadn't come for at least a week. Dan's hole was tight as always and I was close to coming. I began to fuck him faster and before long I was shooting what felt like a massive load up him. When I pulled out I realised that the condom had split - it was completely wrecked. Dan hadn't noticed and I decided not to say anything. I wrapped what was left of the condom in a tissue and got rid of it. I never said what had happened and he never referred to it. We only fucked a few times after that and then he got a job with another company and left. But the knowledge that I had shot a massive load right up Daniel's arse really turned me on and I began to fantasise that he had asked me to fuck him without a condom and I imagined him pulling his cheeks apart as I fucked him and begging me to fuck him bareback and shoot my load up him and send him back to his girlfriend with a big load of cum in his arse..... In June that year me and my partner went to Ibiza for a week with some friends. By now I was feeling bored and restless. I was tired of always doing the right thing and ready to rebel. We spent most afternoons on the gay beach at Es Cavalllet and Joe, one of my partner's friends, who was single, would frequently wander about in the late afternoon. I knew from what he said that he was going cruising in the dunes behind the beach. One day when he was gone I said to my partner that I was going for a walk along the beach. He barely looked up and I headed off along the beach, doubling back when out of sight and made my way to the cruising ground. I knew I would have to be careful not to be spotted by Joe but I was horny and I wanted some action. It was quite busy and soon I was in the bushes sucking off a German lad. He came in my mouth and I swallowed his load. A little later I was walking towards a little clearing when I saw three guys coming towards me and I realised that one of them was Joe. I ducked out of sight and waited for them to pass but they didn't. I moved forward cautiously and looked through the bushes into the clearing. The two guys had their shorts and pants down and Joe was down on his knees sucking first one cock and then the other. I was really turned on as I watched Joe sucking cock. I had always thought he was an attractive guy - small and stocky which is a look I always go for. I could see Joe was wanking as he sucked the two lads off and after a while he stood up. One of the other guys got down and I had a good view now of Joe's arse as he pulled his shorts down to let the guy suck him. They continued sucking each other for a while and then they all stood up and the taller of the two guys pulled something out his pocket and handed it to Joe. I could see that it was a sachet of lube and as I watched, Joe took it and rubbed some on his arse. He then bent over against a tree and the tall guy stood behind him and I watched as they began to fuck. Joe's pants and shorts were at his ankles as the guy fucked him and I was almost certain he wasn't wearing a condom. After a while he pulled out and the other guy took his place. I was really turned on as I watched them bareback Joe and wanked myself as they took turns fucking Joe until each of the two guys blew his load in Joe's arse. I was back at the beach by the time Joe returned and the fact that I knew he had two loads up his arse really turned me on. That night we all went clubbing at the Anfora, which was very popular at that time. It was easy for me to wander off from time to time and whilst my partner and the others were on the dance floor I made my way to the dark room. It was still quite early but it was quite busy in there. After a while I noticed a tall lad standing on the fringes watching the action. I had seen him drinking at the bar earlier on and I recognised him as one of a party of young lads from Manchester that I had seen around the town during the week. He was swaying a little bit and I realised he had probably had quite a few drinks. As I watched, he was joined by three other guys and soon his trousers and pants were down and he was bent over sucking on one guy as the other two played with his arse. Soon one of them was behind him fucking him up the arse. After a while he pulled out and the other guy took over - even from where I was standing I could tell they were barebacking him and I could see that he didn't care. By now I'd had enough of watching - I wanted some raw action for myself. I moved closer and watched as they took turns fucking him and soon I had joined them and he was sucking my cock as the third guy took his turn up his arse I knew at least one of the guys had come and then the second pulled out and disappeared. I watched the third guy fuck him and come and then it was my turn. I could feel the cum running down the lad's legs as I pushed my cock up his arse and began to fuck. He was sucking on someone else now and I fucked him hard until I shot a massive load right up him. I thought I had better get back before I was missed and left the dark room, noticing as I did that the Manchester lad was now being fucked by yet another guy. No one had noticed my absence and later on I returned to the dark room. It was packed by now and before long I was bent over sucking a cock. I felt hands round my waist and then my trousers were unbuttoned and pulled down together with my pants. I could have resisted but I didn't and before long I felt a cock pushing at my arse. I reached round and felt the cock that was about to enter me. It was lubed but there was no condom. I bent forward and felt the cock push right up me. I stayed bent over and was fucked bareback by three guys, one after the other. I enjoyed every minute of it , the loud music, the smell of aftershave and the sex going on all around me and by the time I re joined the others I had taken two loads up my arse and two in my mouth. The next day I went cruising in the dunes at the beach and I ran in to the taller of the two lads who had fucked Joe the day before. I cruised him and he followed me into the bushes. Soon I was sucking his cock and after a while I offered him my arse. He nodded and I lubed my self up and bent over - no mention of a condom - and before long I was taking another load up my arse. A few days later I was on the plane home, even as I knew I had crossed an important line. Final part to follow
    1 point
  35. That last slap HURT LIKE HELL!!! I cursed at him silently under my breath. But at the same time I was loving his unexpected assaults that seemed deliberate and paced. I don't think he was being forceful without reason. It dawned on me suddenly that I was so spun that his slaps were jolts back to reality. My mind was racing as fast as my heart. I wanted him to hit me again when I realized this and was about to whimper a request when the better part in my mind said to let go and let him control the situation. And as my mind raced off in this tangent, my head cleared up, the sting on my face from his double hits fading off quickly, replaced by the sensation of getting fucked. I was still kneeling on the chair, ass up with Harrison behind me. I blinked rapidly trying to gain focus, turning my head around to see Harrison's form blurring and sharpening, then blurring again until he came into focus. Beads of sweat formed on the top of his bald head, the edge of his scalp tinted in that sickening green haze from the fluorescent lighting overhead. The sweat trailed down his handsome face, settling on his beard, collecting into thicker pools of more sweat, dropping onto my ass as he pummeled me, the sweat running down my crack, settling into my hungry hole adding to what little lubrication was being used. This was all happening or I was imagining it in my current state. I shook my head to get some clarity as Harrison fucked me HARD. "Oh fukkk," Harrison groaned again. He pushed in and out, harder, faster, repeating the rhythm that everything before felt like some demented foreplay. I could only moan, my face slick with my own sweat, pressed against the seat, sliding forward and back on the worn leather. I had to turn away, close my eyes and enjoy the ride. At last, I was getting fucked. Harrison fucked with a great rhythm. He was one of those FFuck buddies I always looked forward to seeing. His long thick cock would slide in slow and take its time, as if examining the space it was entering. And once he was completely inside he would rock back and forth only slightly so that his shaft would pull out beyond my inner second ring. When his cock was past that point he would stop about an inch or so away from it. And then, gently, push back in. Then repeat over and over. My inner ring would dilate and contract at the welcome invasion. It was like some unseen magical massage. I was so spun from his father's constant feeding of Tina from earlier that my hole was more than relaxed and inviting. And yet, there was a slight resistance that I must have subconsciously been providing, but just a bit that Harrison could enjoy the little friction. He loved to fuck like this, this second ring tease, as he adjusted his rhythm from slow and gentle to fast and hard, pounding with such force it was hard to keep up with him as I would moan and grunt. And then he would unexpectedly pull out so fast it would take my breath away, the speed and volume of his shaft exiting my hungry hole. He would pause for a few eternal seconds as he knew its effect on me. I was breathing uncontrollably now, almost whimpering, catching my breath from the earlier action and longing for his cock to return. Instead, he pushed his head along my open hole, rubbing his head along the entrance. But he only did his for mere moments before he entered me completely. It was like the son following the father and his earlier cock head tease at the entrance of my hole except Harrison concentrated on my inner ring. Clearly my heightened state and sensitivity was only making this more exaggerated in my mind. I imagined his shaft inside me like a probe, pushing and pulling into a soft, moist tunnel. All the drugs were making me hallucinate to a certain level that visualizing the fuck as it was occurring seemed so natural to me. Sweat continued to trickle down my face, lubricating my cheek as it slid on the chair, my movements driven by Harrrison's thrusts. My face itched. My senses were so heightened the itch got stronger but I didn't have the energy to move or shift my arms to scratch myself. And as that thought passed inside my head, the itch jumped from my face to my left shoulder blade, annoying me in its sharpness and position, now even more unreachable. Harrison continued to fuck me, the long shaft pulling away from my inner ring, pausing for a millisecond before it would predictably thrust back inside me. I groaned in a combination of ecstasy and sharp pain, as the magnified itch now jumped to the back of my neck, the points of burning sharpness now flaring all over me as if sparks were dancing on a fire, erupting from one place to the next. I wanted so hard to stretch my arms, to scratch at myself but all I could concentrate on was the fucking. I groaned some more. The barber circled around me. I heard his footsteps faintly in the distance as if it were across the shop, on the other side of the avenue. Clearly my mind was playing tricks on my perception as I felt his presence in front of me as he grabbed my very short hair, pulling on it hard, grabbing with that large hand, so violently that my eyes blinked open suddenly. I looked at him questioning and silent, my eyes dazed, staring at him. Saliva drooled out of my mouth in slow motion as a thread of it dripped onto the leather of the chair, mixing with my sweat, glistening. My eyes shifted to the pool of my body's secretions on the seat, the highlights reflecting the sickening green sheen of the fluorescent lighting above. And as if on cue, the light overhead snapped again. Harrison continued to fuck me, so lost into his own pleasure that he barely noticed his father coming in between us, his left hand firmly grabbing my ass, the other hand positioning itself, palm-side-down, pushing hard between us with such force that Harrison fell back suddenly, his cock sliding out of my hole so fast it almost hurt from the speed and the unexpected emptiness. He caught his balance as he fell back, his hard cock bouncing up and down. The itch returned, like wildfire, spreading all over my back, neck and face. My heart raced along. "Get the fuck up Boy," the barber commanded. "You're a tucking mess." He stepped away from me, moving towards the corner. Harrison stepped forward and helped me slowly off the chair, as I stood up, trying to gain my balance and composure, facing the mirror across from us. I was a mess. My face and upper body had hundreds of black, tiny scratches, randomly scattered on my upper body. I blinked and my focus came back, the scratches glistening when my chest expanded and retracted from my fast-paced breathing. The scratches were all my trimmed hairs, stuck on my body from the earlier fucking on the floor with the barber. The heat and my constant sweating made my body like a magnet. The hairs were all over me. "Get your sweet ass over here," he commanded, as he stood by the shampoo sink station on the corner. Harrison helped me over with one hand, the other hand grabbing things from the counter. I stepped forward slowly, my balance was still off from all the drugs, the overwhelming sensations, everything. The barber had turned on the water as it poured down the central faucet on an old stained sink. He grabbed a small face towel from a shelf nearby and soaked it under the faucet and twisted it hard, squeezing the water out of it. He kept the water running as steam floated above, dissipating in the haze of the stiff air in the shop. "Come here," he motioned. I stepped cautiously again, not knowing if he would get unexpectedly violent again. I was now at the chair in front of the sink and turned my body around slowly, about to descend on the seat, when I felt that firm hand on my back. "NO," the hand was applying hard pressure on me that I could not move. "I didn't say you could sit. Stay there. Keep standing and stay still." My breathing became rapid again that all I could do was close my eyes. WACK!!! The slap was familiar and yet new. It wasn't his hand but the towel, moist and HOT. My sensations went into overdrive as the sudden burn of the the moist terry cloth texture slid along my upper back, the weight of the water that hadn't been squeezed out of the scratchy towel made it drop quickly down the center of my back, towards the top of my ass, a streak of fire and heat drawing behind its sudden descent. I gasped, eyes still closed, the burn of the towel mixing with my inner heat that had been building and building inside me and in my hole. He caught the towel before it could fall on the floor and ran it under the faucet again, squeezing the excess water out of it. This time he didn't hit me with it as I felt him place the hot towel on my back, the sudden heat now welcome and soothing as he firmly rubbed it all along my back, cleaning me, wiping away the hundreds of little sharp clipped hairs. He repeated this over and over that the moist roughness of the terry cloth material felt like a million tiny fingers scratching away the burning itch from before. I could only exhale in relief, opening my eyes, focus coming back as I saw Harrison fidgeting by the counter beside me. "Now you can sit," he held the chair as I carefully sat down, looking up at him for reassurance and some silent guidance as I realized the back of the chair was much lower than normal so that my upper body was at a 30° incline when I sat down. The back of my neck touched the cold porcelain of the sink and despite the heat and humidity of the shop, the sudden frigid sensation made me jump a little, almost like the earlier sensation when the sharp razor blade made contact with my sensitive skin around my asshole. His large hand caught me as I jumped up an inch or two and he firmly pushed me down, back on the chair, the back of my neck making contact with the cold, wet surface again. He grabbed the towel, moist and steaming, and placed it on my chest. The suddenness of the heat made me gasp as I swear my heart jumped. But it lasted a mere second as he firmly rubbed the hot towel on my chest and lower torso, cleaning me, wiping the trimmed hairs and the sweat from last few hours. My breathing started to pace back to normal as whatever pleasurable tension seemed to melt away. I stared straight up at the ceiling noticing the darkness seemed to gather at this corner. I saw his face loom overhead, a look of fondness mixed with disdain stared back at me. I felt the hot water now at the top of my head as his large hand appeared in the foreground, getting larger and larger as it approached, falling out of focus as I closed my eyes, the heat of the water, cupped by his hand, now pouring on my forehead. I felt Harrison grab my legs and lift them from the floor, spreading them wide as he rested my thighs on the arms of the chair. My ass was now exposed as I suddenly felt his cock enter me with such force that my head fell further back on the sink, hot water splashing on my face. The barber's large hand now poured the water on my head so I couldn't open my eyes. He washed away what hairs were on my cheeks, nose, my entire face. I felt a sudden burning inside me and realized Harrison had coated his cock with more Tina, providing a special delivery booty bump. He pushed in deep coating my inner tunnel then pulled out at the entrance of the second ring and gyrated his hips clockwise and counter-clockwise, making sure to coat my insides thoroughly. The heat inside me started to build quickly, that familiar burn magnifying that I realized he gave me a large amount of crystal with his feeding. It was slightly scary as I felt so drugged up already. It was also quite beautiful as that familiar wave started taking over me, wiping away whatever minor apprehension I was holding inside me, my legs spreading more, silently offering an invitation. My head relaxed, descending further into the sink. I could feel the water around the back of my head, a pool of warm water accumulating in the bowl. My eyes were still closed, now favoring the comfort of the warm water around my head and the other heat emanating from my hungry manhole. My head lowered another inch that I could feel water entering my ears. I could only hear the echo of the water from the faucet splashing around my head, the sound dulled and softened as if audio could blur. I felt the weight of my head increase as if my mass had suddenly doubled, my head sinking further under the water, warm liquid now entering my nostrils. His firm hand scooped me up from the back of my head and lifted me above the water's surface. I blinked my eyes open suddenly, coughing uncontrollably as I had taken water in through my nose. I blinked rapidly again, seeing his face, large and over me, the earlier look now replaced with silent lust and momentary concern. "Now open your mouth, and take several deep big breaths," he instructed. The brown bottle of poppers appeared, open and held by his other hand. He tilted my head up at an angle for me to do as he instructed. I looked into his eyes, blinked again, the heat of the water around my wet head comforting me, the heat in my hole taking over me. I sucked on the tip of the bottle without my lips touching the glass. "Do more," he instructed. I breathed in deep several times and closed my eyes. A second elapsed. My head descended, now weightless, back into the water, liquid filling my ears as I felt his firm hand guide me, control me, its strength now mixed with flowing water, making his hand soothing, relaxing. His other hand, now free, touched the bridge of my nose and pinched it tight as my entire head was now under the surface of the water. The sink was now filled with the warm soothing water and all I could hear was that blur I was imagining in my head. The sound of the water cascading from the faucet, splashing on the collected pool in the basin of the sink was creating what sounded like soft, rounded echoes. It was only magnified in my heightened state. I had taken deep breaths as he had instructed so being immersed completely under the water's surface was not alarming. On the contrary, it was soothing. It didn't hurt that the massive booty bump had now taken effect, rising from between my legs, climbing up my torso and washing over the rest of my upper body in the same way small tides of hot water washed over my sunken face. I breathed slowly and methodically, the poppers hits now adding an extra layer of sensation. I was breathing in and out of my throat, recycling what oxygen I had inhaled with the large hits of poppers, reusing the chemically-infused air that I could sense my head getting lighter and lighter. In between my legs the thrusting got heavier and more rapid, harder, more violent. I could feel my head rocking back and forth, the back of my neck sliding against the wet porcelain of the sink, the top of my head banging against the other edge. Hot water splashed all around me, hitting me on the neck and upper chest, sudden shock waves of liquid heat so hot it felt like a volcano exploding lava around me. And I was finally getting fucked. No more cockhead tease. No more inner ring massage. This was the real thing. Harrison fucked hard and rapid, random in his rhythm that my hole could not anticipate the next move. And everything felt so open and relaxed as if I were backfloating on the Pacific Ocean, warm waves washing over me. I felt my head sink further into the water, moving slightly from side to side and back and forth as Harrison continued to fuck me hard. My neck relaxed even more so my head titled further back that I could feel my chin rise from the water's surface. The sensation on my hole was nothing but pleasure, a vessel to receive what was entering it without restriction. His cock fucked me furiously as I lost sense of time, riding it and the waves I was floating on. And somehow in these long, eternal seconds I was still breathing from my earlier inhale. But then that oxygen ran its course and I instinctively felt the need to breathe. The barber's firm hands were still keeping my head under the water, the weightlessness now quickly fading as I tried to push up to the surface for air. He sensed my sudden anxiety and kept his firm hand pinching on my nostrils in place, pushing my head down with force so I could not get to the surface of the water. My eyes instinctively opened, blinking rapidly, stung by the heat of the water, a sudden panic taking over me. I closed my eyes in defense and tried to force my head up in vain. His hand was too strong. And in between my legs, another force, hard and continuous was causing a contrasting situation. Harrison's furious fucking was mixing with my heightening panic that the pleasure seemed to be folding into a strange sense of pain. And yet, I was enjoying this new evolving ache that was beyond my measure. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster and I could swear I heard it under the water, muted and softened in that strange echo. I tried to move my arms in protest but even that was in vain as Harrison held me down while he continued to fuck me hard with abandon. An all too familiar blackness suddenly surrounded me. My head and body now seemed weightless, sinking. The echo of the sounds under water seemed distant now, fading off beyond reach, like a vanishing whisper, muted by unseen shadows. F A L L I N G . Oh no. Not this again...
    1 point
  36. Once in awhile I get to blow this married guy. He's not much to look at. Sort of redneckish and skinny but that cock. Damn, its about 8 or 9" long, not very thick but it had this ENORMOUS flared mushroom head on it. He has little tiny balls but I swear his loads will almost drown you. So he texted me this morning asking to "see a property". I'm a Realtor and I show him vacant properties sometimes. We made a date. I booked the showing and we wound up at a pretty damned nice house in a good neighborhood. Inside we looked it over, made some small talk and I groped his crotch. We wound up on the stairs with him sitting on the top stair and me down a couple between his legs sucking that bad boy for all I was worth. He kept stopping me, making me hold off getting him off. I asked him if he fucked his wife much and he said once or twice a week, but it was easier for him to cum from getting sucked off or jerking it. I offered up my ass letting him know I had douched out earlier in the day. He was a little hesitant but the bounce in his dick told me he liked the idea. I said, if you don't like it we can stop and I will suck you off. So I dropped trou, got on my knees and he behind me. He pulled open my hole and spit on it and rubbed it around poking into my ass a little. I was so turned on I pushed back on his finger and he moved it around. I spat in my hand and reached behind me and lubed his cock and guided it to my ass. "Take it slow man please. My hole is tight" i said. He did and pushed in and let me control the action. That big assed head was a killer but when it popped in I pushed back on him all the way and he groaned and I was afraid he would shoot right then. I clamped down on his cock and he moaned again and just started muttering "So good.. so good.. oh fuck... so good" and he started slowly pulling it out and pushing it back in. Went on for a few minutes and he said, "Man I want that ass" and he started fucking me like he was boning a prom date. He fucked me and pulled on my hair. talked some shit that I had never heard come out of his mouth before and when he unloaded I SWEAR TO GOD I could feel it hitting y walls inside. He got eve more turned on and started wet sloppy ling cocking my hole and he threw another load not 4 or 5 minutes later. I have NEVER gotten two out of this guy before. never. He said he was so glad I offered it up and that he wondered if I have time tomorrow for another showing. You bet your long cock I do. Fucking married men is so hot to me. I love when they get all caught up in the act and get so turned on they can't contain themselves. Makes me feel great. I still have those two loads slopping around in my hole and I am not going to give them up easily.
    1 point
  37. Met a trashy white trailer park type Boi at a park around 4am he wanted 420 and he would give me fuck me. Said that he was 26, 5'4", 126lbs, 6 pack abs, and 7" uncut. He was fucking hot! Smelled a little musky, mmmm! Trimmed pubes, smooth and clean asshole, nice low hangers. I knelt down in front of him and he dropped his basketball shorts which did nothing to hide his hard on. He was free balling! Played with his foreskin with my tongue and kinda edged him. I also was playing with his hole not entering it but lightly using my spit, he sap that he wanted me to rimm him,so I obliged. Tasty! He said your turn, leaned me over the park picnic table spit on my asshole, sticking his fingers in me, rubbing his dick that was drooling with precum on my hole on slid it in and he lasted for about 5 minutes. He came a huge load into my ass and I could feel it running down my leg as he kept fucking me and then came again! He pulled out and caught some of his cum that followed his dick out of my ass and turned me around and forced me to my knees and! Made me lick his cum off his hand and stuck his dick in my mouth telling me to clean up his dick.....
    1 point
  38. I had such an amazing weekend my cock is still trying to recover.I live in a college town and this weekend was graduation weekend. That means more ass than you can imagine. Friday night I was checking BBRT when I noticed a message from a hot ver. bottom. He simply said in his email "Here for brother's graduation and looking to take a load in my ass" I responded how hot his ass was and that was all either of us needed. He told me the hotel that he was staying at and said that he would prefer an anon scene where I walked in and found him naked on all fours. he didn't want me to fully strip. Just get my cock out, fuck his ass, breed him and go. No complaints from me! I get to his hotel room and he was ass up in a dark room...he had a hot smooth assmy cock was rock hard with anticipation. I pull it out rub some lube on it and slide it in! I pump his ass for about 15 minutes with him moaning like a fucking bitch in heat. Finally he can tell I am getting close and tells me to pump my load into him and leave him sloppy for the next guy. That was all I needed! I inject stream after stream of seed into his ass. And as agreed I pull out and leave his room. Saturday was just as easy to get laid. I was out to dinner with a buddy when I see this hot 45 yo muscle bear on SCRUFF. I message him and say "Hot pic" He says thanks but says he is going to bed soon. I said "Too bad...look like fun". A few minutes later he messages me asking if I have a cock pic. I send him a pic and that was all the encouragement he needed to forget about going to bed early and invite me over to his room. No discussion about condoms just that he wanted my 8 inches buried in his ass. I finish as fast as I can and leave my friend. I head to his hotel which was just across the highway. WHen I arrive at his room he answers the door in nothing but a a t-shirt. No pants or underwear. We waste no time in getting naked and a before I know it this muscle bear god is on his knees sucking my cock. He slobbers on my knob for about 10 minutes before I tell him that I need to fuck. And in true slut form he grabs the lube rubs it on my cock. Again nothing about condoms was EVER talked about. He lays on his back and I enter his ass. I can feel how tight this ass was and I was in heaven. Over the course of the next hour and a half we fuck like animals!!! I ended up pumping three loads into his hole. We exchange numbers and as i am leaving his hotel I get a message on SCRUFF he tells me that he has never been bred like that. Then the next text made me chuckle. He says that he forgot to ask my status and I tell him I am poz. He responds good and that he as hoping that was the case. Then informs me that when he flies back to Atlanta in the morning he is going to make sure he has his bf use my poz seed as lube!! GOD I LOVE pigs like that!!!
    1 point
  39. In many ways, I wonder if the fact that I want to be raped means that I can't really be raped? It's sort of a consent in advance. But love the idea of it happening in an unexpected time and way. Having all choice in what happens to me taken away for the short period of time. Being roughed up a bit and rip/stripped then forced into an ass up position taking any and all cocks. Being tied up, especially to a fuck bench, and/or drugged up (roofies, especially) as part of it would make it even more of a fantasy come true.
    1 point
  40. To me it is a rough fuck. I do not find rosebuds or prolapse attractive.
    1 point
  41. Part one of this story And part two Master led slut and I to his car. He handed us blindfolds. "Put these on. You don't get to see where we're going. This is an exclusive gathering of true sex pigs. Whore is the entertainment. Slut is my special guest. They normally don't allow spectators, but since I'm bringing Whore, Slut's allowed to watch and learn." We drove for about half an hour. Had I not been, well, so fucking high and horny, maybe I could have guessed where me went. But all I could think of was what was in store for me. My cock was throbbing. Master sensed it, too. "You bitches are horned up, right?" "Yes, sir!" I responded. "Want to touch your cocks?" "Yes, sir!" I said again, and slut did, too. "Forget it. Whore needs to do his show, and slut needs to watch and learn. Maybe after you can get relief." "Master owns our cocks, slut," I advised. "But he rewards us for being good whores by getting us high and letting us play with our selves. You think you can handle that? You only play with your cock if master says?" "If it pleases him." "Damn right. All we care about is pleasing him. We know we're just toys to him, but we love it. Right?" "Just meth whores, doing anything to serve him and earn more hits." Master laughed. "You two really know your places. But you're about to see what it really means to be a chem whore, some dirty pig who'll do anything to get high, and do anything when he's high. Whore, you ready for it?" "Holy fuck, yes." "Slut, you want to see what you're training for?" "If master thinks I deserve it." "You don't deserve anything. Everything a whore like you gets is a favor, a reward. You're here so you can see what I want you to do after you've learned more." "Thank you sir, I hope I can serve you as well as whore does." Master stopped the car. "We're here. Take off your blindfolds; no need to walk across the yard and fall." I took it off. Holy shit, we were at some kind of mansion. "This is why you were blindfolded. Our host... if I told you who he was, you'd know the name. He stays masked. You might see faces you recognize here, but a whore doesn't talk about who he serves, right?" "No, sir," we both responded. "Slut, get out of the car. I need to talk to whore alone." Slut did, and whore spoke to me. Not in his giving orders voice, in his everyday voice. "Okay, man, drop the master/slave for a minute, we're just friends now. I'm telling you right now, you're gonna get used rough and hard. This is wilder by far than anything you've done. 100 percent full meth whore. You sure you want this? If you back out, I'll tell them you lost your nerve, we'll go home. These guys will be pissed as hell at me, but you're enough of a friend I'm gonna give you the chance. You sure you want this?" I thought about it. I remembered how vanilla I used to be, and how much I had changed. I thought how much I loved getting high, and losing my inhibitions. I thought about how incredibly hot I found it to serve a man sexually, And I wondered if I wanted to go even further, asked if I'd hate myself later. I made up my mind. "Will Master keep me high?" "Dirty little meth whore," he said. "And proud of it." "Let's go." We went into the house. He led me into the basement, and I found a large room, with maybe two dozen guys in there. Some in leather, some naked. Some were stroking their own cock, some were stroking another guys. Some sucking was going on, too. Pipes were being passed, too. I was surprised to see faces I knew. The guy who did the weather on channel six was there, in assless chaps. I watched him take a huge hit, and thought "I'll never hear him say 'mostly cloudy' again and not laugh." There was a guy who was on city council, a couple of CEO's from good sized businesses and... fuck. One guy from work. Not someone I work with myself, but I know I've seen him in the building. But I remembered he's naked and smoking meth at some pig party. What's he gonna do, tell HR what he was doing when he saw me? A man in a full face mask -- I guess the host -- spoke. "Our guests of honor our here. Would you care to introduce your slaves?" Master pointed to me, "This one I call whore, because that's all he is. He's going to serve all of you tonight. Slut here is just beginning his training. He's watching. Right now, he's mine, so don't touch him. He's going to watch and learn. Right, slut?" "Yes sir, I want to learn to please you." "Whore, what do you want?" "The pipe. I'm just a meth whore. I'll do anything to get high and I'll do anything when I am high." The men all laughed. Master looked around the room. "I think he deserves a hit just for knowing his place." Our host handed him a pipe. "This is very potent. I paid twice my normal cost, because I wanted the best for this esteemed group of men who love sex." Master took a hit for himself first. "Ooooooo... fuck! You're not kidding, this is amazing stuff, I should make whore earn it, but I want him to be really high. C'mere, whore, take a big hit, and get ready to fly." He handed me the pipe and lit the torch. I put the pipe in my mouth, and he held the torch to it. I saw the vapor being to swirl, and I began to inhale. "Take as much as you can, and hold it in as long as you can. Fuck the cloud, just get high." I did. It was incredibly strong. Even before I exhaled, I was higher than I've ever been, I finally exhaled, only tiny whisps of a cloud. And I wanted nothing but cock. I dropped to my knees, ready to suck any of the cocks in the room. Master laughed. "First, you're still dressed. Get naked, like a whore should be." I did. "Second, did you think you'd be on your knees? Show him where he's spending the night." Someone flipped a switch on the wall, and I heard a motor above me. And I watched the sling descend. "Get in," Master said, as it reached the floor. I laid down on my stomach, some of the other men put the padded cuffs on my wrists and ankles. "You;ll be here for hours, whore. The padding will make it easier." I heard the motors again and I was lifted off the floor till I was about waist high, of course. Master spoke again. "Now, whore... a pig like you doesn't care whose attached to it, all you want is cock, right?" "Yes sir." "So you don't get to see anything. Where's the mask?" Someone passed him something black. "The nose is open so you can breathe. The mouth is open so you can... have stuff in it. The ears are open so you can hear orders. The eyes are sealed, because the point is you don't get to see who you're pleasing now. You like that?' Holy fuck did I. I was higher by far than I'd ever been, completely overwhelmed by a massive meth high. "Yes. Whatever master says. Anything. Just let me..." "Have some cock?" I nodded, and the world went black as the mask covered my eyes. I felt my cock swelling, dangling below me. Master addressed the room. "Shall we let our host use him first?" The applause indicated approval. I felt someone move between my legs, and I gasped with delight as I finally felt a cock in my ass. Master's forceful, intense fucking was something I had grown to like, and this guy was just as forceful. My moans let him know I loved it. Master spoke again. "He can please more than one pig at once. He's got two hands and a mouth. C'mon, use him. He's here for your pleasure." It didn't take long till I had a cock in each hand and one in my mouth. It was overwhelming to me, to be used like that, just a toy for a room full of sex pigs. I felt dirty, I felt sleazy, and I loved it. The cocks started switching around. Nobody came at first; someone said they didn't want to shoot early. I had two cocks in my mouth a couple of times, another two in my ass at least once (I was hoping they'd come at the same time, but I knew that wasn't likely). I'm pretty sure the neck of a beer bottle went in there, once, too. I got spanked, I got pissed on, I had my nipples twisted, I got fisted. I managed to rim an ass blindfolded -- aiming wasn't easy, but I did it. I loved every second of it. They rewarded me with the pipe, keeping me higher than I've ever been. They started giving me their loads. Some in my mouth, a few shot across my hands, but most shot in my ass. After several loads were left in my rear, I heard someone ask Master if he could suck them out of me. Master told him, "do what you want. he exists to serve." I'd only been rimmed a couple of times before then, and never had loads sucked out. It felt amazing. I kept at it for hours. Even high, I was feeling exhausted after what must have been several hours. I took one last load in my ass, and I felt the sling lower me to the floor. I felt the mask leave my face. I blinked, getting used to the light, but could see Master. "Whore, you did great. You served your role with distinction. And I can tell you loved every minute of it." I almost said, "well, maybe not the beer bottle", but was too pleased that I was such a good whore. Master started opening the cuffs on my wrists and ankles, then he called slut over. "Do you want to be in that sling, slut?" "Yes, sir!" "Are you ready to work for it, to earn it?" "Yes, sir!" "Good slut." Master helped me get up off the floor. I could see there was less than half the original crowd remaining. "Some went off for two or threesomes, a few went home. The rest of these guys, they just liked watching you." He thought for a minute, then whispered to slut. Slut nodded, and Master spoke to the room. "Want to see slut reward whore for his work?" They applauded. Master told me, "go, sit in that chair. Spread your legs." I did, slut knelt down. He started stroking me, and was damn good at it. "Does he deserve a hit, whore?" Master asked. "If you let me have one first, master." Master handed me the pipe, and I had another hit. I blew the cloud onto slut, knowing it was a fetish for him like me. I asked him, "have you had any of this tonight?" "A little. Master said I'd have to earn a taste of something that potent. Just a tiny hit, hours ago, and I still feel great." "Master, he has earned it, right?" He nodded. I hate it for him, and watched him inhale. I swear, his eyes bugged out as it hit him. "Blow it on my cock, slut." He did, a huge cloud. I didn't have to tell him what to do next. He was like me, as soon as the pipe leaves his mouth, he wants to replace it with cock. Like before, what he lacked in skill he made up for in enthusiasm. He had to work at it -- I was exhausted and had tina dick -- but eventually my moans made it clear I was about to shoot. "Don't come in his mouth. He's not earned that." I pulled out, unsure what to do. Was master going to make me hold off? I thought that wouldn't be a master slave thing; that would be him being a jerk... Then he surprised the hell out of me when he knelt down. "One time only, whore. But you deserve this, and if anyone owns your load, it's me." And he put his mouth on my swollen cock and sucked me. And was damn good. I had been close already, and quickly shot a massive load. Master stood, reached for a tissue, and spat out my cum. "You didn't think you had earned me swallowing your load, did you? I've never even sucked one of my toys before now." I stood up, and started to walk to my clothes, still piled on the floor, when one of the men still there said, "can we watch the slut play with his cock?" "Why the fuck not? He's the only one here who's not gotten to cum tonight. Slut, you've got fifteen minutes. If you shoot by then, great. If not, you save your load till we play again next week. Get to it." He got into the chair I was just in and started yanking his cock. And what a cock -- eight inches, thick, and it looked rock hard. I found myself hoping master would order him to fuck me. He was stroking furiously, moaning, loving being high and aroused. I looked at master. "May I help him, sir? Let me show your friends what he likes." "Go on, sure." I walked up to him. "We've learned some things he likes. This drives him wild." I grabbed both of his nipples and twisted, hard. He screamed with raw sexual delight, and I told the crowd, "he likes pain, and we're going to explore more. But here's what else he likes." "Open your mouth and close your eyes, slut." He did, and I picked up the pipe. I could tell he heard the lighter click and new what it meant, since I saw him stroke faster. I took another huge hit myself, then bent down and exhaled into his mouth. He let the cloud out, and gasped "thank you! I love it! I love being high!" I almost laughed. It took a young party boi to say that. But I just encouraged him: "I can tell. You'll love this, too." And I put my mouth on his cock and went to work, His entire body was shaking he was so aroused, and he shot into my mouth in seconds. And his load was as huge as his cock -- I half expected him to look like a deflated balloon from shooting so much. Things wound down after that. We got dressed and master drove us back to his place. He told us not to bother with the blindfolds, since we were both too spent to pay attention to where we were, Which was right, but he told me later the secrecy was just to make it more erotic. I told him it worked. I went back to my own home soon after we arrived at master's place. I spent several hours doing nothing, really. Master gave me a small supply to take home and I smoked a little, but nothing much. I looked at my cabinet of cleaning supplies, and joked to myself, "how come meth never makes me want to clean like in those stupid commercials?" When I finally came down enough to sleep, I was in bed, recollecting. Six months before, I was so vanilla sexually you could have sold me at a Baskin-Robbins. The kinkiest I had ever been was rimming one guy, and a threesome with a couple I was friends with. But I was introduced to miss Tina, and she showed me I had kinky, piggy submissive side deep within me, and I loved that it was there. And even after all the wild sexual adventures I had, it still makes me really fucking hot to know that underneath my nerdy, shy self, there's a meth whore who loves to get fucking high and let men use him. Sometimes, my logical, rational side says "it's all phony, you know. you're letting a chemical think for you." And my libido says, "yeah, so what. it's fun," And as I was finally falling asleep, I remembered the guy from work at the party. I wondered what would happen when we ran into each other. Could be interesting.... I've got an epilogue of sorts in mind, too. Maybe next weekend. I need to smoke now.
    1 point
  42. Fucking Justin Justin and I quickly went from sitting and kissing on his bed to me laying on top of him as we kissed and our hardening cocks ground against each other through our clothes. I reached down between us a pulled his shirt up. I broke the kiss to slide his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor. Justin responded and pulled my shirt off and it quickly joined his on the floor. My eyes wandered over Justin’s torso, admiring his smooth torso. His hands played over my chest and down my abs, fingers following my happy trail to the button of my shorts. His fingers fumbled with the button and zipper, but soon had them undone. I lifted my crotch off his, and he slid my shorts down my legs. I kicked off my shorts, then resting my weight on my knees, I undid his jeans. Justin lifted up his hips and I slid his jeans and boxers down in one swift motion. His cock was rock hard and nestled in his bushy brown pubes were two nicely sized balls. I licked his nipples and slowly worked my way down his torso till I was inhaling the musky smell from his cock and balls. I licked his cock before taking both his nuts into my mouth and giving them a good tonguing. As I licked his balls, I slid his jeans and boxers off and tossed them to the floor. With his legs now free, I spread them slightly and worked my way down to his near virgin pucker. He went wild as my tongue worked around his hole, and then slowly into him. Justin was soon moaning from my tongue fucking his hole, and he grabbed his ankles, spreading his legs wide to give me easier access to his now spit soaked hole. While I continued to fuck him with my tongue, I began to add a finger into the mix. He really loved it, and was begging me to never stop. My other hand reached down and pulled my cock out of the pouch of my jockstrap. Now that his hole was lubed up with my spit and loosened from my fingers, it was time to slide my dripping toxic cock into that neg hole. As I moved up, I spent a few minutes on his cock, sucking and licking his 6 cut inches and making him moan again from my oral skills. With a pop, his cock fell out of my mouth and I moved up his body, kissing his stomach and nipples before I kissed him on the mouth as my cock lined up with his hole. “Can I be the first to fuck you raw?” I asked him as the head of my cock pressed against his entrance. “Please,” Justin said “Help me become a cumslut like you.” My cock pulsed at the idea, and the head easily slid in. I went back to kissing him as I slowly worked all 7 inches into his hole, the first bare cock he had ever taken. As my balls hit his ass, Justin moaned into my mouth. I slowly began to slide in and out of his hole, each stroke there was less resistance as my precum and his ass juices provided lubrication for the fuck. Once I felt he was ready, I really began to fuck him, pounding in and out of his hole, sometimes sliding all the way out to punch back in. “Fuck Tom, This is the best sex I have ever had! You feel so good inside me, if this is how it feels all the time bare, then I am never going back to condoms. FUCK!” Justin said as I rose up to really pound on his hole. “Bare feels the best, and you will know for sure when Ryan and Dave fuck us later.” I replied. “I’d rather just stay here with your cock in me all day.” “But we both need some Daddy dick to really sate us both. I’m getting close, want me to shoot it in you, give you some cum lube for them?” “Yea, fill me up with your cum Tom, shoot it all in me!” I began to thrust deep into Justin as his hand moved to his cock and began to jack himself off. A few minutes later, I pushed as deep into him as I could and unloaded my toxic cum deep into his ass. As my cock fired volley after volley of tainted seed into his no longer virgin to HIV ass, Justin moaned and shot a huge load of neg cum all over his face and chest. I leaned down and began to lick his seed off his face and swallowed most of what I licked up. After I licked the last few remnants of his load off his body, and my cock popped out of his ass, I kissed him and fed him some of his own cum, snowballing the seed as our tongues encircled each other. We lay there on his bed for a few more minutes, kissing and savoring the afterglow of a great sex session. Then it was time to get dressed and “see” if Ryan and Dave wanted to meet up. As we dressed, I convinced Justin to go commando since he didn’t have a jock. I told him he should get one as they are quite hot to get fucked in, as he would see when I was getting fucked. About 4, I contacted Dad through the app again. He gave me the address, and Justin and I were on our way to meet them for the “First” time and get some more cum in our asses, or at least more cum in his and get some sweet daddy fucking for me.
    1 point
  43. I layed in the sling strapped in unable to move even if I wanted to, in the monitor I could see the butt plug filling my hole. I was in a fog of after sex glow, my cock was rock hard pre cum coating my stomach. My hole felt full, but the butt plug was no substitute for the real thing. I heard voices from the other room, and then in walked my new friend, and another older guy. He was in his late 40's good shape with a smooth chest, and swinging between his legs was the biggest cock I'd ever seen in real life. It had to be 8 inches soft. He came over to the sling and stood between my legs, the other guy stood behind my head and reached out and tweaked my nipples, an electric surge running through them to my cock at just the touch, my arse clamping on the butt plug, I let out another long involunatry moan, "Jesus mate, he is a horny one" the guy between my legs started working the big fat butt plug in and out of my sloppy cunt. "Yeah you gonna fuck my hole?" the sensation of the butt plug popping in and out of my hole was amazing but no substitute for cock. He pulled the butt plug out of my hole and brought it to my mouth, I opened up and he shoved it in, I licked clean the mix of cum and my arse juice, not to mention the "special oil", while I was doing this I hadn't noticed my arm being strapped and another slam being administered, I felt it though, the sting, the warmth, then the rush as I coughed I felt the dude between my legs slide his cock all the way inside me. "Oh fuck yeah, fucking fill my cunt" I had no idea where these words were coming from, but I'd never been this horny before and all I wanted was to get slammed by his big fat cock all night long. As he started to really pound into me old mate behind me started pulling back on the sling, so each thrust would be met by my whole body slamming down onto the cock inside me, "Fuck yeah Mikey this is one hungry hole, you want my babies in your cunt don't you boy?", "Fuck Yeah, fuck my hole, fucking fill me up". He didn't need much more encouragement, and with one final deep thrust I felt spurt after spurt of hot cum unloading inside me, he must have saved up his load for a week or more, cause when he pulled out a river of cum rushed out of my hole, which was now too open to hold it in. Mikey moved from his position behind me, and as the big dicked stud moved out of the way, he knelt at my arse and started licking the cum from my hole, "oh god yeah, eat my hole" His warm tongue probing my worked over hole felt so good and I was still flying from the second the slam, I wished my hands were free so I could stroke my cock. As Mikey finished eating me out a new larger butt plug was worked inside me. They both then left the room, leaving me strapped in the sling, buzzing on chems, and ready for my next cock.
    1 point
  44. Week 2 I started off the week dropping by for my next set of blood work and to pick up my first check. I took the $500 check straight to the bank and waited all week for Friday to come. I thought back to last Friday and how it was the best sex of my life. My classes for Friday were canceled and I was able to head to the testing site early. The staff didn’t seem surprised to see me back early and let me get ready as the men gathered in the play rooms. Since I was early and a few guys had already arrived in the play area I was informed of an idea that they had for me to try. I was asked if I had sex in a sling. I had seen a few videos of guys getting fucked in slings and they always looked like they enjoyed it so much. I let them know that I had never had sex in a sling and wanted to try getting fucked in a sling. They took me to a special play room and had me climb into the sling. Once I was settled in I was ready for my shot. For the second week in a row I was memorized as they applied the piece of rubber to my upper arm, wiped a prominent vein, then stuck the needle in, drew back a little getting a flash of blood indicating that they were in the vein. With no warning the rubber tourniquet was removed and I felt the drug work on my body as I coughed out hard. I was really feeling the drug this week as they open the door to the room and the few men in the play area began to enter. The first guy stepped up and applied lube to my eager hole. As he slipped in a finger I felt a slight burn as he lubed my hole. I asked about the burn and was told that it was probably the lube and that I’d get used to it quickly. The guy lubing my hole was right and as I started to suck the cocks that were presented to me the burning faded and my hole became hungrier as he removed his fingers from my hole. I began begging for someone to fuck me. As I went back to sucking cock I felt a hard cock drive inside me in one stroke. I let a moan escape around the cock in my mouth as the guy inside my ass began to long dick me like a stud. The guy fucking me took his time as he used my ass and boy did it feel good to have a nice hard cock inside my hole. I thought he was going to cum inside me several times only to have him keep long dicking me. Finally when he began to grunt and groan I felt his cock spasm. He looked down at me, smiled and pulled out. It felt like a gallon of cum began to drip from my ass as another cock quickly was shoved inside. As the new guy between my legs began to pound away the guy who had just fucked me moved up next to me and leaned in to kiss me. As he began to pull away he told me to enjoy the 4 loads of jiz he shot inside my great ass. It didn’t take the guy fucking me long to cum as he was replaced by another guy between my spread legs. After a few hours in the sling I was ready to stretch my legs as a couple guys helped me down. While In the sling I was fucked by over a half dozen guys and took nearly a dozen loads. I felt cum running down my thighs as I walked around and noticed that there were more college guys getting fucked. I wondered around only to discover to find the first guy who fucked me that night lying on his back with hard cock pointing up. It was the first good look at that cock to see that it had to be nearly 9” long. It had to be the largest cock I had ever taken inside my ass. As I approached I noticed that he was lying there with his eyes closed. I climbed on the bed trying not to disturb him and position myself over his hard cock. His eyes opened as I began to lower myself down onto his magnificent cock. A smile came to his face as he asked if I remembered him from last week. I had to be honest and let him know that I was fucked by so many guys last week I did not remember him. He reminded me of when he fucked me, and that he didn’t cum since he had fucked so many of the other guys there that he was shooting blanks. He went on to tell me that he is usually good for many loads but that there were so many hot asses to fuck he ran out of cum. He figured that he’d keep from cumming all week as to have a nice reserve built up in his balls. As I began to ride his cock he pulled me down for a nice kiss. As our tongues began to duel I felt a hand on my back and felt a cock begin to work in alongside the one already inside my hole. I felt a slight burn as the cock made its way inside. As the burning faded the two cocks began to feel great as I looked over my shoulder to see a black guy behind me. The guy I had mounted told me that the guy joining us was his roommate and they were just waiting for a hottie like me to take the bait. I was motionless as the two cock inside began to piston in and out. This time no one held back as I felt the cocks spasm in turn emptying their load inside me. When we got up I noticed that they both had identical tattoos on their upper back between their shoulders. I still couldn’t place the symbol and asked what it meant. They looked at each other, flashed a grin and let me know that it was a reminder of their time here at school a few years back. They were sure that I’d probable get my own at sometime in the future to remind myself of the good times like tonight. I kept moving around getting fucked by who ever wanted my ass. When I started to get tired and the tops were heading home I made my way to the showers to clean up and get dressed. As I left I was reminded to stop by on Monday for my pay check and to submit to the weekly blood work.
    1 point
  45. I have a little twist on seaguy's fantasy: 1) Win lottery 2) Reserve local bathhouse for a three day private party (by invitation only) 3) Print up small business cards with date, invitation, 'must present card to enter' 4) Visit various bars 2-3 weeks before party and hand pick guests (also hand out cards to guys at the baths) 5) Arrange for huge supply of party favors, viagra, liquor, etc. 6) Arrange for 10 BB porn stars to fly in for the party. 7) Rules: no condoms, no one but person named on card allowed in, no in and out privileges (you leave, you're gone), no bitch fights, come with a clean ass 8) Leather, toys, multiple partners, public sex, group sex, cheating, pozzing, recharging - - - all encouraged! Cum one - fuck all!!!
    1 point
  46. By a strange circumstance... For the next 15 years, Dave and I fucked and converted many boys. Some wanted it, and some were too dumb to see our status or ask about condom use. Often we double teamed the guys, and made sure that we both gave them a huge load. Our favorite was when we got a guy who wanted to be double penetrated. We loved the feeling of our poz cocks rubbing against each other as we bare fucked a hole, and our loads were often deposited at the same time when we were able to DP. We had a stash of condoms that were prepped for breakage, and our 'silicon' lube was laced with baby oil to ensure breakage. Our goal in life had become to spread our seed and procreate through our disease. We had ads on all the popular hookup sites, and all clearly stated that we were poz, and preferred to fuck bareback. Sometimes it got us the ass we wanted, sometimes the guys were hesitant. Those were the ones that we either stealthed, or used the old 'just the tip' line on till we were shooting our poison deep into them and changing their lives forever. The big shock of my life came when we got a hit from a cute 18 year old freshman named Tom who had just moved to DC for college and was looking for some Daddy types to help him come out into the gay world, and give him the bug. When he unlocked his pics for us, I was stunned. It was like looking into a slightly distorted picture of me at that age. He didn’t have my light blonde hair; rather it was a dark strawberry blonde, but his features eerily looked like my younger self. We chatted, and over the course of a couple days, I discovered that he had grown up with a single mom and had never known his dad. He had come out as gay in high school, but growing up in a small town he had not known of any other gay guys. Tom really wanted to meet us, and Dave was fully up for giving him our bug; there was just something in the back of my mind that had me on edge with Tom, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. We all met at a local diner for lunch, and to chat before deciding on going any further. It was over that lunch that I finally discovered what had me on edge with Tom. We talked about his plans to study sports medicine at school, and that he in high school he had been on the wrestling team where in placed in the Nationals top three every year of high school. In fact his wrestling skills had landed him a nice college scholarship. But it was when He showed us a picture of His mom that it all clicked. I had fucked around with his mom back when I was in the military, and must have knocked her up. Tom was my son. Not only was he my son, but he was gay and was a chaser, just as I had been, although I had never admitted as much until Dave had converted me. I dropped the bomb that I had just discovered on Tom and Dave. I knew Dave well enough to know that as soon as the recently discovered truth was out, his cock was rock hard and leaking his toxic precum with the thought of us gifting my own flesh and blood with our bug. Tom, I didn’t know that well, but the look that came over his face was eerily similar to the look that was on Dave’s face. The two of them quickly finished up their lunch, and were practically dragging me back to our place. Once we were alone in our apartment, Tom pulled me to him and gave me a deep passionate kiss. “I’ve always had this fantasy,” he said “of finding my Dad and him being gay. I never imagined that he’d be this hot or that he has something else that I wanted other than being a mentor to me.” “What do you mean, Tom?” I asked. “You know. I want the bug. To be poz. My cock and hole are twitching right now with the thought of it being given to me by the same cock and cum that made it possible for me to exist.” As much as my brain wanted to rebel against the idea, my cock began to harden in my jeans and the thought of my seed, that had helped create this young man in front of us, being fucked into him and its poison finding its way into his blood and converting him began to interest me. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to give him what he wanted. “I have an even better idea,” I said, “you can call us Daddy and act like we are your Dom Dads. But we will all know the truth and enjoy the hell out of it.” “So,” Tom asked, “does this mean that you will fuck me? Give me your poison seed and convert me to be like you, Dad, poz?” “Yes, son.” “Nice! How about we start on that converting of me now.” With that out of the way, Tom grabbed both my cock and that of Dave, and began to massage them through the denim of our jeans. Both of us let out a moan, and I grabbed Tom’s hand form my crotch and began to direct him to our bedroom. Dave followed behind us, stripping his clothes off as he went leaving a trail of hastily removed clothing. Once in the bedroom, Tom began to strip, but I stopped him. I wanted to be the one to take of each article of clothing and expose the body that I had unwittingly helped create all those years ago. As I pulled off his shirt, a nice firm six-pack, a beautifully sculpted adonis belt and solid pecs were revealed. His lithe body reminded me of mine when I was his age. I still had the six-pack, but now there was a lot more fur there, not just the trail of hair that lead down from his belly button into his jeans. Tom reached over to me after I had his shirt removed and slid my tee shirt over my head. He leaned in close to me and put his head on my furry chest and a purr left his lips as he nuzzled into my pecs. We both kicked off our shoes and then at the same time reached for the button and zip of the other’s jeans. I batted Tom’s hand away and told him to wait his turn. As I undid the button and pulled the zip down, a moan came from the doorway where Dave stood naked and jacking his cock. “Stop with the tease, you two, and get naked so we can get to the fucking. I don’t think I can hold off cumming for much longer. This whole Father/Son thing has got me really close.” “Then stop playing with your cock and wait like a good boy” I said with a smile in my voice.
    1 point
  47. Part Eleven While Matthew drove back to the commune with Brian by his side the members of the commune who showed up to the camp site efficiently disposed of the camping gear, their vehicle and the girls. No one would ever know what happened to any of them. When Matthew pulled into the commune there were a few of the members waiting to assist with the new meat. The three guys were still out as they lay in the bed of the truck. Each one was carried to the common are and placed in a sling still wearing their clothes. Matthew and Brian were told “Place a ball gag in each boy’s mouth and wait till they wake then cut their clothes off each boy. You two did very well, especially Brian. If you’d like, you may take some Viagra, enjoy a slam and have some fun between you alphas while you wait.” Matthew left Brian to take care to the placing a ball gag into each boy’s mouth as he went off to get supplies for them to party and have fun while they waited for the subjects to wake up. Matthew returned naked with the necessary supplies, handed Brian Viagra and reminded him “You need to lose the clothes now” While Brian stripped out of the clothes he had worn for a brief time he commented “It feels good to be naked again” to which Matthew added “I agree, I hate wearing clot5hes as much as you do.” Once Brian was naked he joined Matthew to see that he had prepared 3 points. Matthew said “I was very proud of you at your suggestion of the camping area and helping bring in 3 good pieces of meat for the leadership. I’m giving you the choice if you want a single slam or a double. If you choose the single slam you will fuck me and if you choose the double slam I will fuck you.” Brian didn’t say a word. Knowing how he felt on Tina he chose the double slam and applied a tourniquet to his arm while Matthew did the same. They both looked for a prominent vein and wiped them with alcohol. Matthew stuck his one point in while Brian first stuck one point in and registered the flash of blood. Then he stuck the second point in near the first and registered the flash of blood. Matthew emptied his point while Brian emptied his first point. Matthew pulled his tourniquet off while Brian emptied his second point. Matthew coughed out as his cock pulsed and he began to pre-cum like crazy. When Brian finished his second point and pulled his tourniquet off he felt his first ever double slam. He coughed out very hard as he heard a ringing in his ears and felt his cock begin to leak. The two kissed while Matthew pushed Brian to his knees. Brian knew what Matthew wanted as he quickly took his leaking cock into his mouth. Matthew was so turned on by the activities from the camping areas that he quickly took control and began to fuck Brian’s mouth. He knew he’d blow his load quick and wanted Brian to take it straight down his throat. When Matthew’s cock began to thicken Brian knew he’d be getting his load soon. One of the guys began to come too just as Matthew was about to cum. Matthew could see him stir as his excitement built to a strong orgasm. Brian quickly swallowed Matthew’s cock and accepted his load with gratitude. After Matthew’s orgasm he tapped Brian on the shoulder and the two approached the guy who had woken. He tried to speak through his ball gag. Matthew let him know “You will be fine as long as you do as you’re told. If you attempt to fight you may be harmed or even killed. Do you understand what I am telling you? Shake your head yes if you understand.” The bound guy nodded that he understood the directions. Matthew and Brian kissed just before they began to cut the guy’s clothes from his body. While they worked on his clothes another one came too. Matthew left Brian to finish removing the clothing as he went over and gave the one who had just woken up the same instructions. When Brian was finished he place the clothes in a pile and went to assist Matthew with removing the clothing off of the next one. When the last one had woken up, the process was repeated. The leadership was notified that the new meat was ready. When the first leader of the commune came into the room he immediately went to the pile of clothes and retrieved their wallets. The new captives were brothers. The oldest was Dustin. He was 20, 5’10” tall, weighed 145 pounds and a runner’s build. The other two were twins Seth and Stephen. They were 18, 5’9”, 130 pounds with a thin, boney build. After inspection the leader approached Brian to let him know “You did very well my boy. I want you and Matthew to enjoy yourselves however pleases you.
    1 point
  48. Part Six It had been sometime since the brothers had been abducted. During that time Dave struggled with having all that sex with men. The only time he’d suck cock or get fucked was when he was forced. Brian was the opposite. He had accepted his role as a hole to fuck and throat to use. There was a change in the dynamic between the brothers that those who controlled him exploited. Brian was becoming more dominant over Dave. Matthew’s 21’st birthday was quickly approaching. The leaders of the commune had decided on a gift for their alpha boy. They decided to allow him to choose which of the 3 abductees he’d like to have as his own personal boy. Once he made his choice he could do with his sub as he decided. Matthew’s choice was an easy one. He didn’t want ball-less Ron or whimpy Dave. Brian was Matthew’s perfect choice since he had demonstrated skills that even the commune leaders had acknowledged. Brian was excited about his new role as Matthew took him to his private room to celebrate. Matthew had Viagra for he and Brian to take along with Tina and points. Matthew showed Brian how to prepare and administer his point. Brian was excited at the slam and private time with Matthew as they both applied their tourniquets and stuck their points in their own prominent vein. Once each registered the flash of blood the point was emptied. When the tourniquets were pulled each coughed out and they began to kiss. The rush was amazing as the two kissed then maneuvered into 69. At first Brian was caught off guard when Matthew began to suck his cock. Matthew let him know, “Remember you’re now mine and I decide what you can and can’t do and I want to suck your cock and you will fuck me.” Brian was happy to hear this news as the two began the mutual suck job. As Brian’s cock grew to its full 8” Matthew asked him “Eat my ass.” Brian moved to Matthew’s ass and began to lick his smooth hole. As Brian worked on Matthew’s hole Matthew began to moan. After nearly 5 minutes Matthew told Brian “Fuck me! Fuck me now!” Matthew lay on his back as Brian climbed on top of him and positioned his cock at Matthew’s hole. Matthew hooked his legs behind Brian’s ass and pulled him into his body causing his new boy toy’s cock to slide inside his ass. The two kissed as Brian began to fuck his new mate’s tight hole. Brian gave Matthew a good fuck before they flipped and it was Matthew’s turn to top. They spent the better part of 2 days high and fucking before they began to crash. As they were coming down Matthew gave Brian meds for his HIV and told him “Now that you’re part of the commune you have the right to meds for being poz.” Matthew and Brian took a shower and climbed into bed to recover before the weekend’s festivities the next day. Brian couldn’t help but think about his brother who was left to sleep alone with just a blanket on a bare mattress. And if he were truly poz now his older bro had to be as well and only he had the meds to keep him from getting AIDS.
    1 point
  49. Part Five After the brothers had converted they were taught the art of cock sucking. Just as when they were first taken they cooperated when Matthew had them take turns sucking each other’s cocks since they each had a nice size cock that would take work to learn how to deep throat. David began to work on Brian’s cock as Matthew gave him instructions. When Matthew felt he wasn’t taking enough of his younger brother’s cock into his mouth he would force his head down further until Brian’s cock began to easily slide into his older brother’s throat. Matthew had Dave keep sucking until Brian shot a large load of cum into his mouth. Like was done with Ron, Dave was told “You are to keep your brother’s load in your mouth and savor the flavor” as Brian got ready to suck his older brother’s cock. Once Brian was on his knees he willingly began to work his brother’s cock into his mouth as far as he could. He would hold his breath and go down as far as he could before he would gaga and work back up. While Brian had started his work on Dave’s cock Matthew told Dave “You are to swallow now.” At first Dave thought that the idea of swallowing Brian’s cum would make him throw up, but after he tasted his cum he found it not that bad. Dave had had his share of blow jobs and was discovering that Brian was doing a fairly decent job as he felt his balls begin to swell and he soon shot his load into Brian’s mouth. Brian knew to hold his brother’s cum in his mouth as he savored the flavor of Dave’s cum. Brian found that he not only liked sucking his older brother’s cock, but that he enjoyed it as his cock began to stir again as he held the delicious cum in his mouth. Brian’s growing cock was noticed by Matthew who commented “It looks like Brian likes the taste of cock and cum.” Brian was embarrassed by Matthew’s comment, but knew it was the truth. Matthew told Dave “I guess you better suck your brother’s cock since he got hard over servicing you.” Dave reluctantly switched places with his younger brother and took his growing manhood into his mouth. This time around it took Brian longer to cum giving Dave more time to experience working his younger brother’s cock into his throat. Just as Dave’s jaw began to ache Brian began to thicken signaling his eminent orgasm. Matthew pushed Dave’s head down forcing Brian’s cock into his throat. The sensation of his older brother’s throat wrapped around his cock sent him over the edge as Dave felt the cock lodge in his throat spasm as it unloaded directly into his stomach. When Brian had finished cumming Matthew let the brothers know, “You’d be a great value as a cock sucker if you can take a man’s cock into your throat and let his load shoot directly into your stomach.” Brian knew he could accomplish that with practice and work and begged Matthew “I’m willing to learn what I need to so that I can do as you described.” Matthew smiled as his cock began to stir and without saying a word motioned for Brian to get on his knees before him. Dave was stunned as his brother quickly took Matthew’s cock into his mouth and worked it deeper in until he was deep throating like an expert. As Matthew was feeling Brian work his throat around his cock he knew if this kid kept up his work he’d be filling him with his load shortly. Brian could tell Matthew was getting close as his cock began to thicken and his breathing began to grow deeper. Dave watched with amazement as his younger brother was about to be rewarded with a load deposited directly to his stomach. Brian was bobbing down onto Matthew’s cock when his head was grabbed and Matthew groaned out as his cock fired. Brian had done what Matthew had wanted, swallowed his cock allowing him to shoot his load right into his own stomach. After Matthew had recovered from a strong orgasm he let Brian know “Fuck! Thanks for the awesome suck job dude. If you keep working on your anal skills as you have on your oral ones you might get to join the commune.” Dave was a little shocked at Brian’s actions and once they were left alone he asked Brian “Are you going gay on me bro?” Brian replied “No way Dave, I’m doing as you said, whatever I need to do too survive.” Although Brian said what he said to Dave he knew he was starting to enjoy the sex he was getting.
    1 point
  50. This makes me want to do it again, to see it go into me, then feel the heat and to want to be filled at both ends! It has been to long for me, it might even feel like the first time again!
    1 point
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