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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2016 in Posts

  1. It has taken a (very) long time, but finally made some progress on a follow up to https://breeding.zone/topic/33786-the-decline-and-fall-of-michael-christian/Apologies again for the very long delay... and I hope you enjoy. Anyway, here is Part 1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey man, sorry. I didn’t realise it was occupied.” A stranger stood at the toilet but looked over his shoulder at Calvin… was he smirking? Calvin needed to pee but it could wait. The real reason he was in the bathroom was to get away from the guy who had been (all but) clinging to him since he arrived at the party. The clingy guy had introduced himself as Tommy. He was tall, thin, and very flamboyantly gay. Not that Calvin had a problem with that, but Tommy had clearly had a few drinks too many. He refused to listen when Calvin said he was straight, so Calvin escaped to the bathroom. And now he had walked in on someone else in the toilet. Could this night get any more awkward? He started to back out of the bathroom and close the door. STOP. The stranger’s lips did not move but the word seemed to reverberate inside Calvin’s head. Like someone shouting, loudly, in a tunnel. There was an odd sensation just behind his eyes. A tingling. Calvin stopped. He stood in the door as if waiting for something. He wasn’t sure what that was, or even what it could be. “There’s room enough for two.” The stranger smiled but that smile never touched his eyes. Come in and close the door. The voice in his head was not as loud, just a normal speaking voice. But the tingling persisted. If anything, stronger than before. You are relaxed. There is nothing strange about what is happening. The voice was just a whisper now. But that sensation, the tingling behind his eyes, continued. It felt buried now, however, as if had burrowed somewhere deep inside his head. As Calvin stepped back in the bathroom and closed the door, he thought he should be worried. Like there was something terribly wrong. But he couldn’t think of what that might be. There was something odd about the stranger yet Calvin couldn’t quite put a finger on it. There was something almost… vague…or nondescript… about him. He was neither short not tall. Average build. Calvin couldn’t even tell how old he was. He could be 22 or 42. It just seemed impossible to tell. “I’m… Sebastian.” The stranger said. His extended his hand that had been holding his dick a moment ago. “You can call me Seb.” “Calvin. Calvin Watts.” Calvin shook Seb’s hand, trying not to think about where the hand had just been. “Nice to meet you. So do you know Mark and Mary?” “Not really, I just moved into the building and they invited me to the party.” “Can’t say I know them very well either.” Seb replied without more detail. “So how old are you, Calvin?” “I’m 18. You?” “I’m… a little bit older than that. Are you in college?” “Yes. I’m attending State, and studying Pre-Med and Chemistry. I want to get into medical research when I graduate.” Calvin wondered why he was kept speaking, answering questions that had never even been asked. He should be freaked out, of at least annoyed, but he felt eager to offer information. It made no sense. “You must have a high IQ.” “Well, when my Dad had me tested, my IQ was rated at 152.” “Very impressive. I bet you are doing very well in your classes, aren’t you? “ Calvin wanted to say that he was expecting to be on the Dean’s list this quarter and that he (and his father) would be very disappointed if he didn’t graduate summa cum laude in a few years. But Seb didn’t give him time to respond and the thought just slipped away. “Isn’t it unusual for a first year student to live off campus?” “My parents didn’t want me to live in the dorm. Too much partying going on. Or so my Dad says. So they rented an apartment for me.” “Do you have a girlfriend?” Seb paused a raised an eyebrow. “Or a boyfriend?” “Um… I don’t have a girlfriend, and I’m not gay.” Calvin wondered if he should be offended that the stranger had even asked… but somehow just couldn’t work up the energy. “You need to pee, don’t you Calvin?” “Um. Yeah.” “You should pull your dick out then, shouldn’t you?” That tingling again. And the perception of a voice inside his head but so quiet now he couldn’t even hear it. His hands moved before he even realised what they were doing, unzipping his fly, pulling out his dick, and aiming it at the toilet. His bladder, however, refused to pee, so he just stood there with this stranger. Both of the men standing there with his cock out. For a minute Calvin wondered if someone had put something in his drink and this was a surreal hallucination. But, no. This was real. Somehow he knew. “Good boy, Calvin.” A sense of happiness swept across Calvin at the words. His heart beat slightly faster in excitement. He wondered why he would feel this way. But, again, the thought slipped away. “It’s rather amusing. Your father thought he was preparing you for life. But his overprotective and controlling nature has sheltered you. You never even developed those defences that most humans have.” The words seemed to bypass Calvin as if his mind was shut down while Seb spoke. After a moment he blinked to see Seb looking at his crotch. “You have a nice cock.” Calvin blushed, unsure how to reply. “Do you like my cock, Calvin?” Calvin had never really looked at another guy’s cock before. Well, maybe in the locker room. But that was really just to see how it compared to his own. Now he found his eyes pulled down to Seb’s crotch. And he stared, suddenly fascinated by it. The other man’s cock was long and thick. The foreskin wrapped around the bulbous cock head and the whole things seemed so… perfect. Calvin was circumcised and his own cock suddenly felt awkward and clunky. “It’s…. It’s... beautiful.” Calvin finally managed. He licked his lips as he stared. “Why don’t you touch it?” Calvin’s hand reached out, tentatively. “That’s right, wrap your fingers around it. Stroke it. Gently. That’s my good boy.” Calvin felt his own dick starting to swell and rise. He was getting hard. But he was straight. Wasn’t he? It felt so fuzzy now. “I’m going to put my hand on your dick now. Is that ok, Calvin?” “Yes, sir.” Seb’s fingers caressed Calvin’s dick. The fingers moved softly. Gently. But Calvin’s whole body convulsed in pleasure. “You like that, don’t you?” “Yeah.” “I’m going to suck you now, Calvin.” “Ok…. I’ve never had a blow job before.” “A blow job? What a quaint way to describe it.” Seb shifted to his knees and Calvin could feel the warm breath rippling across the sensitive skin of his dick. The shaft flexed in anticipation. Some part of his mind tried to scream out. To put a stop to this. He wasn’t gay. But Calvin just couldn’t concentrate and the thought faded away. But Seb paused. “I could stop now, Calvin. I could stop, walk out, and you would be yourself again in a few minutes. Do you want me to stop? To step away now, without sucking your cock?” “No… please don’t stop.” Calvin felt desperate. It suddenly didn’t matter if he was gay or straight. He just wanted the other man’s mouth around his cock. “Are you sure? If I continue, there is a price. There is always a price. And you will never be the same.” “Please… please suck me. I want it so bad. I need it.” Calvin whimpered. Why was he so desperate? “As you wish.” The stranger smiled again. It was a smile that sent a chill down Calvin’s spine. The kind of smile that a cat wears when playing with a mouse. Then Seb’s lips enveloped Calvin’s cock. Calvin’s moaned as the sensation of the warm mouth enveloped his cock and spread quickly throughout his body. His hands wrapped around Seb’s head in a desperate attempt to maintain some control. Seb’s lips were locked on Calvin’s shaft. His mouth slid up and down the length, maintaining a tight suction. Calvin imagined he could feel the suction all the way from his skull to his toes. As if the pressure Seb was exerting would swallow him whole. It was almost painful… but somehow incredibly erotic. “Oh fuck,” Calvin groaned. He was getting his dick sucked for the first time… by a guy. This was so bizarre. But good. Oh so very good. “That is so amazing.” Calvin’s hips started moving, thrusting his cock further into Seb’s mouth. His dick was slowly swelling. His balls were slowly starting their rise. But… something else. A strange sensation throughout his body. Pulling. Stretching. As if the suction on his cock was siphoning something out of him. His head felt fuzzy. Unfocused. He had a slight headache and his vision seemed to be blurring. His body felt weak. ‘Oh fuck’, Calvin thought, asking himself ‘Am I having an aneur… and an….’. Strange. He couldn’t think of the word. He should know that word. A brain… thingy. A problem in the brain. He should know the word. Why couldn’t he think of it? Don’t worry. Relax. Let it flow away. The voice was back. And the tingling, which had never gone away, seemed stronger again now. At that information, that knowledge. It’s all such a burden. Surrender it. Life will be so much easier if you just don’t have to think so much anymore. Lay down your burden. Calvin was afraid. Terrified. Something was being taken from him. But he couldn’t figure out what it was. He had to resist. But his head was so fuzzy. Why couldn’t he think? Do you feel it? Your intelligence dropping lower. And lower. Doesn’t it feel good to let it go? Now you can enjoy other things. More important things. More immediate things. Think about how good your cock feels. Doesn’t your cock feel so good now? His cock did feel amazing. Seb’s expert lips, tongue, and mouth were bringing him closer and closer to cumming. This was fucking amazing. He had never felt this good sitting in a classroom. The suction was so strong. Especially in his head. Everything was being pulled into his dick. His dick that was buried deep in Seb’s throat now. Fuck that felt good. Yes. He could let go. It would feel so good to just let go. No! He shouldn’t. God help him, he knew he shouldn’t. He was losing something. Something important. If only he could understand what it was.… But his cock felt amazing. He needed to cum. To unload. To release. He wanted his body to tense up in anticipation — like it was doing now. He wanted to feel his dick throb —like it was doing now. He wanted to feel his nuts pull up — like they were doing now. He wanted this more than anything! Yes… Calvin succumbed to the voice in his head. He surrendered to the pressure. Stopped fighting it. And he came. It seemed to last forever. His eyes rolled back into his head and blast after blast fired into Seb’s throat. And Seb swallowed it all. But eventually the 18 year old’s muscles relaxed. His pecker grew soft and slipped from Seb’s mouth. Seb stood and gently pushed the young man down on the toilet seat. He peered into Calvin’s eyes and into his mind and soul. The mind was so quiet. So dull. So stupid. Lazy, unfocused, undisciplined. “Ah, my poor boy. You had such a high opinion of yourself and your mind. But you were just a tasty morsel. A delicious treat for a summer evening.” “Huh?” Calvin just looked up at the man above him. “Whatcha talking bout?” “I don’t think you need to worry about a high IQ anymore.” Seb laughed. “I’m afraid that I may have gotten carried away. You are well below ‘normal’ now. Well below.” “You ain’t making sense, man.” Seb frowned and looked down at Calvin. He really hadn’t intended to consume so much of the young man. “You know, since I took so much from you, it seems only fair that I give you something back. Would you like that?” “Your gonna give me somethin?” Calvin couldn’t really understand that this guy was babblin’ about… but fuck it. If he wanted to give him something, he sure as fuck wouldn’t refuse. Seb’s put his hand on Calvin’s head and pulled him towards his own hard cock. “What the fuck?” Calvin protested. “I aint no fag…” But his protest was cut off as Seb’s cock slipped into his mouth. Calvin tried to get it out. But no matter what he did, the prick was pushing into his mouth. And then he noticed the taste. ‘Fuck, that tasted good,’ he thought, his tongue swirling around the sliding shaft. He wanted that taste. More! Seb, however, was impatient. He had more important matters to attend and this distraction had already wasted too much time. Within moments, his hips were pressed against Calvin’s face. The entire shaft inserted. That was good enough. He let his orgasm flow. His seed erupting into the wretch before him. Calvin slurping it down like a man who had found an oasis in a barren desert. It wasn’t really semen, of course. Semen was such a mortal concept. But Calvin perceived the fluids as such. Seb slipped his cock from Calvin’s mouth and looked into his eyes a final time. Yes. There it was: the craving. A ravenous hunger for something Calvin couldn’t even put words to yet. And he had even given a bit of the young man’s intelligence back. Not much, of course. Just enough so he could function in society. And just enough so he could understand what he had lost, what had been taken away, it was so much more fun when they understood the price. Calvin sat on the toilet in shock. It was still so hard to think. For a moment there, he had been lost completely. He felt better now but he knew something was still missing. He could feel a cavity where something had been pulled away. And there was something else. Some other sensation he was just barely aware of. But he couldn’t put words to it. What the hell had Seb done to him? “Yes. That will do.” Seb mused. “You feel it missing now, don’t you? All that information, your mind racing miles ahead of everyone around you, all that potential? Gone. You will have to spend the rest of your life wondering what you would have accomplished. Cure cancer? Find new treatments to better the lives of our fellow ‘humans’? You will never know but it will haunt you. All of that given up just to get your dick sucked. Your dreams, your plans for a career? Dead now. But don’t worry, I very much suspect you will find a new career soon enough. I wish I could stay to watch, but I think not. It's time to move on." Calvin wanted to scream To yell. To cry. What the fuck had he done? But it was so hard to think now. He felt hollow. Empty. Incomplete. It took him a moment to realise he was alone in the bathroom. Seb was simply not there anymore. He was alone… for about a minute. And then the door opened. “Oh there you are, handsome.” It was Tommy, the gay guy from earlier. “I thought you got lost.” Tommy’s eyes swept over Calvin’s disheveled face and hair, and at the cum splatters on the floor. And Calvin’s dick still hanging out of his jeans. “Well, you have been busy, haven’t you? You dirty slut.” The word ‘slut’ sounded like a compliment from Tommy’s lips. Calvin was sure he could smell Tommy. His sweat. His musk. And it made his lust even stronger. His thoughts even weaker. Calvin’s eyes trailed down Tommy’s tall, lean, beautiful body. To the sizeable bulge in his crotch. He could see the outline of other man’s cock quite clearly. Tommy’s tight pants made sure of that. And that cock was quite big. He was so horny. No. Horny didn’t describe it. He was fucking ravenous. He wanted what was in the other man’s trousers. He wanted to explore that budge. He wanted to feel Tommy in his throat and, god help him, in his ass. He wanted Tommy’s cum inside him. He needed it. “Oh fuck.” Calvin didn’t even realise he was speaking out loud. “I’m gay.” “Yeah, I kind of guessed that.” Tommy slurred. Calvin’s dick was straining in his jeans. What Seb had taken, his intelligence or whatever, didn’t seem as important right now. He needed to sate his hunger. “I wanna taste you. I want to suck you. And I want you to fuck me. I’ve never been fucked. Please.” Tommy raised an eyebrow. “Well, lucky for you, someone convinced me to explore my top side recently. But are you sure about this? It’s going to hurt a bit… especially if it’s your first time.” < To Be Continued… > >
    9 points
  2. TAXI DRIVER **This happened about a month or so ago. I read another post about a taxi driver and that reminded me that I haven’t posted this encounter on here (I did on another site at the time)** Certain things can combine to form a situation that you really didn’t anticipate. One night after drinks with friends and seeing no prospects for the evening, I hopped into a cab to head home. I was tipsy and horny and flying solo. I didn’t really talk to the driver, mainly concentrating on staying awake until I got home. I’m sure if I’d met someone at the bar I would have been wired and up for some all night fuck fun. Since I was going home alone, all I could think about was my bed. As we got closer to my street the taxi driver asked me something, but being so spaced out I had give my head a shake and ask him to repeat himself. He asked me if I had someone waiting for me at home. I said that it was probably just my roommates, though I suddenly could tell he meant something other than just going home to an empty house. He pulled the car off to the side at the end of my block and switched it off. Turning around I actually got a good look at him for the first time. Not great looking, but not bad, either. His accent was thick, Turkish I think. “You want some company?” he asked me. Even though I didn’t find him all that attractive, I immediately felt a stirring in my pants, and my butt hole convulsed. I had already gone through the trouble of cleaning before going out tonight just in case, and clearly my ass was telling me to do something about it. I glanced up the street and could see that my housemates were definitely home (the lights were on in their rooms), so there was no way I was bringing a strange taxi driver home. My sluttiness is something that is for my knowledge, not theirs. So, I told him my house was out of the question. He kind of lunged over the seat at me and jammed a HUGE tongue into my mouth. He tasted of cigarettes and smelled a little of sweat. And it was turning me on even more (even though I did quit smoking years ago). So I kissed him back, tongues duelling, lots of heavy breathing, and he made very masculine growling noises in the back of his throat that were a fucking turn-on. When we broke the kiss he sat back down in his seat, turned the engine back on and pulled away only to pull into a dark alley behind a closed business. From there he climbed over the seat (I don’t live in a city where they have a wall of plexi glass between you) and was next to me in a flash. His hands were strong as they grabbed at me, pulling me in for another kiss while he took a handful of butt in each hand. I used my free hands to roam and check out what he had going on downstairs. He was rocking a cock that reminded me of his tongue -big and thick. As soon as I got a good feel of his cock, he pulled his mouth from mine and said, “Can I fuck you?” “Fuck yeah!” I told him. So there I was, quite drunk, in the back seat of a car with a swarthy man, about to let him fuck me in a dark alley. I do love feeling like a whore and this was doing it for me. While he opened his pants, I managed to work mine down to my ankles and then pull them completely off. Then I just climbed into his lap. He looked at me funny in the eyes. “No condom?” He didn’t seem upset by it, but curious why a guy like me would let a stranger like him enter me without protection. “You need one?” I asked. “No,” he said kind of breathy. He seemed extra excited now that he was going to fuck me bare. He grabbed my ass in his big hands and pulled me closer while he lined his big fat cock up with my hole, and as he kissed me again, he slowly lowered me onto his meat. I had douched but hadn’t lubed, but luckily he was leaking plenty for the both of us. His dick head nudged at my opening a few times to smear some wetness on me, and then he began to rut his hips up to jam more and more of his shaft into my ass. Once I took the big fat head in easily, I knew that I could just take the whole thing. Sometimes my ass surprises me and I can feel it just open up all on it’s own when I’m extra horny. I was probably lubing myself from the inside, too. On his next push up, I pushed down and sat entirely onto his whopper of a dick. Fuck, did I feel full, and damn that was a nice dick! As I sat there for a moment to appreciate the feel of it filling me, I almost laughed when I thought how its always the less attractive men who have the most beautiful cocks. At least that’s been my experience, anyway. Most of the good-looking men I’ve been with had small to average size -nothing wrong with that, either, I’m just saying . . . He seemed thrilled that he was all the way in me so fast, and he went back to growling again while he rutted his hips more, trying to get as much of him into my greedy fuck hole as possible. This wasn’t meant to be a lengthy session, so I got to work, riding that fat dick hard. Fuck, that thing felt so good slamming up into me. He had good staying power because we went on for at least 10 or 15 minutes and he showed no signs of getting close to cumming. I kind of wished that we were in bed for a good night of it -he could really give me a ride if this was how he fucked. He stopped and held me down for a moment and started looking around outside the car. This made me nervous because I thought someone might have found us. The last thing I wanted was to get busted. When I asked him, he said he was just checking if it was all dark around us, and then he lifted me off of his dick and got out of the car, dragging me along with him. He bent me over the trunk and entered me again, grabbing my hips and slamming me hard and deep. Now this was what my ass had been needing! This guy could fuck!! He was bordering on rough/abusive which I like, so it worked for me. Gripping me tight, the only sounds we could hear were the smack, smack, smack of our skin colliding and the odd grunt that we just couldn’t stifle. It was probably 5 minutes of that slam fucking and then he stopped, holding his dick in me, breathing hard. I looked back at him, wondering if he was cumming and I couldn’t feel it. “Did you cum?” I asked him. He smiled a very big smile. “Can I cum in you?” he marvelled. “Go for it, fill me up!” I told him. He instantly went back to slam fucking me for another couple of minutes and then started to growl as I felt his cock explode inside my ass. Damn! He shot so hard it triggered me and my dick started hosing down his license plate! I gritted my teeth to keep from yelling and cursing as my balls emptied on his car, and his emptied into me. His load was definitely proportionate to the size of his big dick and balls. I could really feel his load spraying my insides. Fuck it was heaven!! When he finished, he slowly eased his cock out of my well-fucked hole. As usual, I clamped my hole as tight as I could so I didn’t lose a drop of his precious seed. He pulled his pants back on, handed me mine, thanked me and took off. He didn’t ask me to pay him. I’m not sure which one of us got the tip. It was a good night for both of us.
    7 points
  3. Thanks y'all. This story has a long arc, so I planned quite a few chapters. It starts in 1998 and I'm operating on the premise that the BB party in Chaser is in 2012. As long as y'all still like it, I'll keep going. How It All Began (I Guess) Hi guys, I'm Zach. I'm 18, a senior in high school, 5'10", play soccer and baseball. I'm in pretty decent shape. I go to school on Long Island and live with my brother and my parents. My family is really religious (Jewish) and we go to temple all the time. I'm also gay. But I feel like my head wants to scream "gay, gay, gay, gay, gay" all the time. I'm not out. I can't be. My dad says stuff all the time about the gays not letting him get his work done because they are so gossipy and how they are always so sexual it's no wonder they have diseases. It's really kind of paralyzing. He doesn't ever care that my mom's brother died of AIDS or that my brother and I had a favorite teacher in school, Mr. Bennett who taught English, and he died of AIDS. My brother and I watched him get sicker in school over months and then one day he stopped coming. I cried and cried for a week. He was so handsome and so funny and smart. I'm going to be an English teacher when I grow up because of him. I just know it. But, damn, my dad can be such an asshole. I just really want to walk around the house sometimes or say at dinner, "I'm gay! Gay, gay, gay, gay, gay." But I don't. I'm in the closet to everyone. And of course, I'm a total fucking virgin. 18 and a virgin. Loser. Long Island has millions of people on it, but our world is small. I've grown up playing league sports - soccer and baseball - and going to local public schools, Hebrew school once a week until I was 13, and temple. It's the same group of people. I've known them my whole life. Sometimes people come and go, like my best friend 2 years ago; but mostly it's just the same people. I can't imagine coming out here. My parents would be so ashamed. Ugh. But, all that said, soccer and baseball definitely provide some sexual release. OMG! The guys arms in the baseball uniforms and the legs in soccer shorts. Drool. I've played on the same team with most of these guys since I was little, or went to Hebrew school, or......ok, you get the point. So, it feels weird that I totally perv on them and then go home and jerk off to them. I jerk off to me sucking their dicks and tasting their cum. I jerk off to feeling their bodies and them feeling mine. Eli is my favorite to jerk off too. We play soccer together. We've played together for 10 years. He is not the most popular guy. His brother is in college locally, so he hangs out with his brother's friends a lot and not really with the "group." He has tight curly light brown hair, a hairless body except for a treasure trail and some hair on his ass that I've seen in the shower. Ugh, his smile is so fucking sexy. Things changed with Eli last weekend. We had a great game the other day and Eli's brother was there. He used to play soccer with us. We beat the other team 3-2. It was close and we fought hard to keep the ball down field. We were a fucking sweaty mess when the game ended. There was Eli's brother smiling and cheering. It was great. He came over and said the parents were out of town and let's all do back to their place for pizza. Our parents, of course my dad wasn't there, all said yes and after we all got cleaned up I swear it was like a minivan caravan over to Eli's house. My mom and the other mom's stayed for a bit. Eli's brother opened a bottle of wine for them and then another. What we didn't know is that Eli's brother convinced some of the mom's to let their guys stay over and have beers and watch movies. There were about 10 of us left and Eli's brother when the mom's left. Eli told us our folks said we could stay over. I don't know when the pizza was ordered but it showed up just when our mom's were leaving and they all chipped in for the food - drunken Jewish suburban Long Island ladies looking for money in their purses and talking loudly. It's so embarrassing and so funny. I was sitting between Eli and one of the other guys and we were fucking rolling laughing. Pizza set up in the kitchen, Eli's brother opens the beer fridge. He says we could have beer as long as we stayed at the house. At first we were slow about it and then we were drinking faster. Eli loosened up and so did I. We were laughing a lot. They other guys had basically spread out in a circle in the living room and we played a stupid game of truth or dare for awhile. The most anyone did for a dare was I had to take off my shorts and shirt and stay that way the whole game and a couple of guys made other guys kiss each other. Fuck, that kissing made me hard and I had to cover myself with a pillow. Eli was the last guy to have to kiss another guy and he was told to kiss our goalie - Rich. I was so fucking jealous. I think I turned red and blushed because I felt my body get hot. After that, Eli's brother, Ian, turned on a movie. Boogie Nights. He popped some popcorn and we ate cold pizza. Eli, Rich and I (I wanted to stay close in case they kissed again) went to get more beers. Instead, Eli grabbed some whiskey and we made whiskey and cokes and went back to watch the movie. I was still in my boxers from the game. I couldn't find my clothes yet since the living room was dark. We went back and our seats on the couch were taken. So Rich laid down on the floor and Eli and I sat on the floor leaning our backs on the end of the other couch. We were drinking and our shoulders were touching. I was so crazy horny for Eli that I thought I would stop breathing. I just kept drinking my drink because I wanted to cool down but I didn't know it just made you warmer - I was thinking, "it's got ice in it. it's cold right. it should cool me off." Eli noticed I was empty and he asked if I wanted more. I said sure. He got up and put his hand on my bare shoulder as he stood. His hand felt so soft and nice. Eli came back with the drinks. It's the scene were Dirk shows the Colonel his cock. Eli hands we my drink, sits down right next to me, legs touching, arms touching and leans over and says, "That cock must be huge." I gulp my drink and say yeah. Eli puts his hand between us and I feel his fingers touching my naked thigh just below my boxers. I don't say anything. We watch the rest of the movie. Guys are falling asleep. Ian comes over to Eli, who moves is hand a bit for the first time, and says most of the guys are passed out down here. If there are guys awake once it's over, put them in the family room and the spare bedroom. If you need more space, I can take one of the guys in my room; but you shouldn't. Ian then says to me, "You should feel free to stay in Eli's room." I think Eli and I must've totally blushed. I was a little drunk and I stammered something like, no need. Ian said, "dude you're our guest, no worries." Then, Ian went to bed. We had one more drink and then we finished the movie and with that hot scene seeing Dirk's cock at the end I got hard. Eli, his hand back on my thigh and boxer shorts now, noticed. He smiled. He sent me to clean up in the kitchen a bit and he got the guys all sorted out. He came back in the kitchen as i was throwing out the plates and he said, "Ready for bed?" I said yes and he took my hand and we went upstairs and shut his door. He pulled me to him and kissed me. It was my first kiss from a guy ever. I was so into it. I almost cried. He felt so right. His hands were all over me and I was a bit stunned into inaction. He took off his shirt and put my hands on him. I rubbed my hands all over his shoulders and back and I kissed his neck and chest. As I lowered myself to kiss his chest, he put is hands on my shoulders and pushed me gently down to my knees. I looked up at him and he slid my hands down to the waistband of his shorts. I felt is rock hard cock. I looked Eli in the eyes, hesitated, and pulled is shorts and briefs off. It was Eli's cock. He said, kiss it. I did. He said, open your mouth. I did. He asked me if I wanted to suck his cock. I said yes. He sat on his bed, spread his legs and i slid my hands over is naked thighs and I literally moaned out loud and I took is cock in my mouth. I didn't really know what I was doing so I tried to blow it at first and he said, no suck it. I changed up and started sucking his cock. This is what I always wanted. I was sucking Eli's cock. It tasted salty and sweaty and like him. I kept at it for a few minutes and he said, "I'm cumming." I didn't stop sucking. I felt him blast in my mouth. I loved it. I kept sucking as I swallowed his load. I wanted it all. He had to push me off and said, "Hey it's sensitive after I cum." He stood me up and slid off my boxers and said turn around. I did. He said you have an amazing ass. I said thanks. He pulled me into bed and played with and stroked my cock and sometimes my ass. We talked about it being my first time. He kissed me and said I was good at it. He asked if I wanted to try something else. I asked what he was thinking and he said fucking. I said, I'm not ready. I've never done that. He kept stroking me and he kissed me a lot. He said, "I guarantee that you will cum if I fuck you." His cock was rock hard again. I was stroking him some. I was scared. He looked at me and kissed me hard. I let him roll me on my back and he reached over to the nightstand for some vaseline. He opened the jar, put some on my dick and on his dick. We stroked together and kissed. Then he pushed my legs open and I spread them. He put some more vaseline on his fingers and started to play with my ass. He kept saying how great an ass I have. The first finger hurt and I lost some of my erection. He stroked and kissed me more as he eased his finger in and out of me. One and then two. I winced at two and he said, "Let me know when two feels good with no pain Zach." In a few minutes, I told him there was no more pain. He added a more vaseline and put a third finger in my ass. I winced again, but then tought of something. Health class! We need water based lube. I asked if vaseline was water based. I said, "We need to use water based lube with condoms." He smirked and said, "Don't worry. We will. I'm just opening you up using this stuff because it works better. The water lube isn't as good for your first time." He was fingering me and stroking me and it made sense. I was stroking is lubed cock. He said, "Tell me wen you want my cock inside you." After a few minutes, I did. I wanted his cock so much. He said, "Do you have a condom?" I said, "Yes! Don't you!" He said, "My mom found my stash this morning before she left and took them. She said we need to have a talk when my parents are back." I said, "That sucks. I have one in my wallet." We both looked at each other, realizing that my shorts were somewhere else in the house. "Fuck!" we said in unison. He pulled his fingers out of my ass and laid on his back. My ass felt empty. We kissed and I knew he was disappointed. So was I. He was more distant now. Not even really touching me for the first time in hours. It felt so lonely there next to him, not talking or touching. I had just done so much and I wanted to do more. I looked at him. He was looking away from me and stroking his cock. I took some more vaseline and started stroking his cock for him. He stopped and looked at me. I got up and straddled him. Our cocks were touching. I started to kiss him again. I never wanted this feeling to go away. He was playing with my ass again and pulled me up his body some so he could finger me. He did and it felt so good having his fingers inside me again. Now there was one or two from both hands. I winced every once in awhile because it was awkward and he was stretching my asshole from both sides. I reached behind me because his cock had slid below me as he was fingering me. I stroked his cock as he fingered me. I put his cock on my ass cheeks as is fingers played with my ass. Eventually I was rubbing his cock on my ass crack and he was stroking my cock. I looked at him and kissed him a lot. Then I rose up and put his uncovered cock on my virgin ass. I sat down and his cock pushed past my first ring. I almost screamed in pain. But I had to hold it because the house was full of our friends. He added more vaseline and I lowered my ass slowly down his uncovered cock. I felt his hair on my ass. I was all the way down. He cock was inside me. I was in a lot of pain. I told him. He said, "The pain will go away, just wait." I kissed him and he stroked me. I started to move to ride his cock. I knew we should be using condoms, but I just wanted him. I didn't care at that point. I started riding more and more until I could hear the bed squeaking, him moaning and me moaning. I was rock hard and loving his cock in me. I loved him. I loved how he made me feel - sexy, wanted, desired, happy. I was getting close. He said he was going to cum. I went to get off his cock. He said, "Let me cum in your ass." I knew it wasn't safe to do that. But I kept riding his uncovered cock. I wanted him so much. He came inside me. I was in heaven. I felt him cum and it spurt in my ass. I kissed him to keep the noise down. I came when he kissed me back and shot all over his abs. I rested that way laying on him for a while, his cock in me, his cum inside me, and I was so happy. In a bit I got off him and we cleaned up and fell asleep in is bed. I was hooked. That felt so amazing.
    5 points
  4. Predators and prey (Part 6) Both hunks undressed and grinned at each other. “My name is Darren” said one. He was in his thirties and was quite athletic. “I am Tom” the other one replied. They were shaking hands and continued taking off their clothes. They tried to catch Michael’s attention by kicking him into his side, but the twink was somehow in a world of his own. Kneeling down Tom started slapping Mike’s face a bit, to force him back into reality. “Wake up cunt” he said. “It’s time to show you the joy of being double-fucked” Darren said and laughed evilly. Double fucked? The words lingered in his ears. His ass was on fire already and although he liked, being manhandled roughly, he felt exhausted already. “Can I go home now?” he asked instead with a tiny voice. No one replied, instead the guys started pinching his nipples. “Please…. ?” he sniffed. The guys didn’t seem to care. “You can’t go home now. We haven’t used your pussy yet and you need to be used…. you know that, right?” Michael had the feeling, he couldn’t take another cock. “What do you think? Should we sit him down onto your cock and I will force my entry from behind?” one stud asked his partner in crime. “The easiest way to go I guess. Let me lay down next to him and you help him lower himself down on my cunt basher.” the other replied. “Come on baby. Get up…. yeah…. give me your hand. We will help you…..” the blonde male told Michael who accepted the helping hand and was held up by the two fuckers. Michael stood up. It took a while, because he felt so wobbly. “Man. This guy is definitely not a virgin anymore” detected the black haired hunk. Michael was bleeding out of his cunt. The blood mixed with some cum he had already taken. Mike’s t-shirt was still nearby and so it was used to clean up his used hole. They wiped Mike’s ass with it. The student tried to step off the mattress but was held back by the two horny machos. “Where are you going Tinkerbell?” Tom chuckled. Michael was disoriented. They pulled him back while Darren was laying himself down and jacking his big cock to keep it nice and hard. He had a ten incher and he was looking forward to stick it into their little plaything. Tom turned Michael around and pushed him down onto Darren waiting spear. Michael bent his knees and straddled his legs above the raving guy. Tom continued jacking Darren’s cock and helped aiming it to the right angle to meet Mike’s well used snatch. Michael froze in place and let out a pathetic cry and his whole body shuddered. Both guys cheered while Darren entered the abused ass easily. Michael tried to defend himself and pushed away from the invading cock but Tom started increase the pressure on his shoulders and pushed him back down again. “No…. no no no no nooooo” he wailed, but both guys showed no mercy. “All the way down…. Don’t fight it cunt…. that is what you came for, now open your hole for us.” Tom whispered to Mike. The twink had not the strength to get up so fast and so his body accepted the next dick entering his ass cunt and he felt totally stuffed. Tom positioned himself behind the unaware twink. At first Michael felt only the fierce stabbing of Darren’s dick up is pussy but now it felt like something bigger was trying to gain access to his asshole. Tom’s dick was rocking hard but he had problems entering the twink’s body. He pushed his loins harder against Mike’s sphincter. Michael groaned pitfully as Tom’s cock was slowly digging into his rectum. “Relax boy…. relax your hole and let me in….” Tom demanded. But for Michael it was not possible to relax, while enduring such pain. It felt like his intestine would be ripped apart. Suddenly Mike’s head shot up and he let out a piercing scream. Tom’s cock had entered him. Holding is hands on his shoulders he pulled Mike’s body back and forced more of his cock in the 18 year old slut. “Gl glglgl gl…..” Mike blabbered unintelligible. “He is so tight” Tom moaned. Both guys started to find a steady rhythm. They did not seem to care, that Michael was probably damaged during the fuck. They simply enjoyed the tightness and the forceful act. Both guys fucked Michael as hard as they could. They wanted to double their pleasure and double his pain. While Tom was not the one who could hold back much longer, he signaled to his fuck buddy that he might shoot his load up Michael’s fuck tube. Since Darren did not complain he doubled his effort in pushing his cock almost all the way into Michael. While Tom reached his climax almost, Darren started working on Mike’s nipples. He began twisting the boy’s nipples around. He pulled and pinched them hard. Michael screamed loudly to the joy of the horny audience and cramped his ass cunt violently which gave Tom a great orgasm. Tom fired his seed into the bruised young hole. He groaned loudly and after shooting several times into Michael, he pulled his softening cock out of the violated hole. He patted softly on Michaels head, like he did a good job taking him to such a powerful climax. While getting dressed up, he high fived some guys on his way out of the booth. Darren was still enjoying the fuck while Michael still howled pitifully. Getting his nipples so bruised was extremely unpleasant for him. His body sent pain signals to his brain and while his ass was almost being ruptured, he felt like he couldn’t stand the tit torture any longer. “No more…. pleeeassseeee” he begged Darren. Darren started rabbit fuck Michael’s cunthole.. “Here it comes faggot. Take my seed…. take my toxic load you fucking whore.” He erupted into Michael’s ass and enjoyed the massage Michael’s hole was still giving him due to the tit torture, he was still receiving. Darren growled and pulled Mike down to him. The boy was glad the pinching had stopped but he felt still the slow fucking motions of the Darren’s cock, still buried inside his snatch. “You fucking whore…. stupid Bitch” he grumbled. “I'm going to see you in hell you dirty cumdump….” he whispered to Michael. Michael almost froze in place. Darren pushed the twink from his body and stood up. He snatched his pants and started dressing up while glaring at the young adolescent. Michael was almost paralyzed. He was on his back. On the dirty mattress. His legs were slightly spread and he stared at Darren with a lack of understanding. “You got what you deserved, you little punk” Darren hissed and spat onto Michael face. ‘See you in hell’, were the words that lingered in his mind…..
    3 points
  5. Part 8: At the Gym Michael: Michael didn’t leave the house for the whole weekend. And it was a week and a half before he dragged himself back the gym. He body was looking…. well, not flabby exactly, just not as toned as he liked. And whatever had started on Halloween was still going on. He might as well be invisible. He hadn’t picked up someone in a bar in weeks. He and Seb had met several times now. Each time Seb’s insatiable ass milked him. Taking load after load. Until his balls were dry. Michael was always so worn out after their hookups. He always slept well. He couldn’t believe he had ever thought Seb was older than him. The other man was at least a couple years younger than Michael himself. He was truly beautiful and Michael found himself dreaming about him when they weren’t together. Michael threw his street clothes in the gym locker and pulled on his shorts and a tee. God he really didn’t want to do this. But he didn’t want to lose any more muscle either. The gym was busy so he started with the free weights. Curls first he decided. “Haven’t seen you around in a while, Christian.” A deep voice said behind him. “Hey David.” Michael grunted. He continued his workout without turning. David always called him by his last name in some false sense of intimacy. The personal trainer stepped around in front of him. His eyes surveying. “Looks like you’ve been letting yourself get a bit soft around the middle.” Michael didn’t reply. No point in encouraging the bastard. He hadn’t worked out in a few days but he wasn’t “soft in the middle”. David: David let his eyes roll over Michael Christian’s body. It was true — the other man had been slacking off his workout — even if he was mostly just trying to get under Michael’s skin. When they first met, David had thought Michael was about his age — he had been surprised to find the other man was several years older. Had they met for the first time today, however, he would have guessed Michael was at least 30. To be fair, though, he still looked pretty damn good. “Tell you what. I don’t have any clients today. Why don’t I give you a free session?” “You don’t need to do that. I’m fine. Just been too busy.” “Hey, it’s no problem at all.” Michael shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever.” From the day they had met, months ago, there had been a struggle. A tug of war. Michael was the man everyone lasted after, the man everyone wanted. And David was determined to topple him. To supplant him as the top of the tops (so to speak). It was that simple. David had always been competitive. He liked to win. And now, as always, he was determined to do so. Michael: Forty-five minutes later, Michael was drenched in sweat. David was pulling no punches on this workout and pushing him hard. He was on his third round of squats. His body ached. His legs and glutes sore. Stretched. Taut. Michael glanced at the personal trainer. The other man was not looking at his face. No. His eyes were glued firmly on Michael’s ass. After a moment, David pulled his eyes away and gave Michael a smile. No chagrin there at all. “Not bad, Christian. Let’s finish up with the bench press.” Michael wasn’t sure if David was complimenting his workout or his ass. For some reason he didn’t seem to mind David checking out his ass for once. It was nice not to just have everyone’s eyes brushing by him. They walked over to the bench and Michael stretched out while David added weight to the bar. “Let’s start with this. I’ve seen you lift more but you’ve been off your workout for awhile. We can add or take away weight if needed.” Michael nodded. He reached up to grab the bar… And his breath caught in his throat. David was positioned to spot the bar and, from this angle, Michael could see up the leg of the personal trainer’s workout shorts. The other man was not wearing underwear. His cock hung loose inside the trunks and Michael had a clear view. Michael lifted the bar and tried to look anywhere else. He was close enough that he could smell the other man. Masculine but sweet. Strong. Reassuring. He inhaled. Savouring David’s scent. The first set finished and David added more weight for the second set. Michael was struggling. Maybe David was right, maybe he was slacking off his workout too much. He needed to stay focused. The last thing he wanted was to look weak in front of David. The bastard was too cheeky already. But Michael’s eyes had a mind of their own. Admiring the personal trainer’s well formed thighs. Following the view up into the leg of the shorts. To the big cock staring back at him. A cock as big as his own. And, to Michael’s embarrassment, his own cock was getting harder the more he looked up David’s crotch. “Come on, Christian. Stay focused on the weight.” Michael tried not look at the face above him. The smile on the lips. Oh yes, David had noticed the bulge growing in Michael’s shorts. “Nine. Ten.” The trainer counted. His hands hovered on the barbell now as Michael strained harder. “Come on, give me two more.” Michael’s arms were aching. He struggled to push the weight up… but it was no good. His arm was giving under the weight. David’s reaction was almost instant. His arms bulged as he lifted the barbell back to the the rack and stepped away. His eyes focused on Michael’s. Michael rolled off the bench and picked up his towel. “That was a great workout. Thanks.” “No problem, Christian. We should workout again sometime.” The personal trainer leaned forward. Whispering. “Something more private.” “Hey man, you know we’re both tops.” David just smiled. That smile. That fucking arrogant smile. “Sure, man. Whatever you say. But you know where to find me.” He turned and walked away. Michael cursed under his breath. His arms were aching… his whole body was. David had not held back on that workout even though it was a freebie. He headed through the locker room but didn’t turn into the showers. He threw his workout gear into the locker and grabbed his towel. Just a few minutes in the steam room. That’s what he needed. Despite the thick steam, Michael could see that the small room was empty. He sat on the white bench, draped his towel around his lap, and closed his eyes. Yes. This was exactly what was needed. Steam. Heat. Quiet. He felt his aching muscles begin to relax. The door opened and Michael opened one eye enough to look. Oh fuck. The tall, lean form that entered was silhouetted by the light outside. But Michael recognised him immediately. David. There was no mistaking that body or the cocky way the younger guy stood, his towel wrapped low on his hips. David: The personal trainer hadn’t expected anyone to be in the steam room right now. Let alone Michael. Something had happened during that workout. He was sure of it. He had seen the other man staring at his crotch… and get hard as a result. But Michael Christian was a total top… wasn’t he? No. He hadn’t expected this. But he wasn’t about to let this moment pass unfulfilled. It felt like there was unfinished business now. The other man was looking at him like a deer caught in the headlights. He closed the door and sat directly opposite his rival. Michael: Michael tried to ignore the other man but again his eyes betrayed him. David’s legs were parted enough that he could see under the towel. That big dick swelling slightly in the heat. Those heavy balls hanging between the toned thighs. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. He didn’t even notice that he was licking his lips. The personal trainer adjusted himself under his towel. But then left his hand on his cock. The cock that Michael was so fascinated by. The hand slowly stroking it. Michael didn’t touch his own cock but it was getting hard again. In the back of his mind something nagged at him. He was gay, true, but he was a top. Why was he so fixated on the other man’s cock? But he was barely aware of that nagging voice. He was fixated on David’s cock. Big. Hard now. Was it slightly larger than his own? He wasn’t sure. For the first time, he wondered how it would taste. David’s eyes still locked on Michael. His hand raised, curling his fingers. Beaconing. Michael barely noticed his body slide off the bench until he was on his knees before the personal trainer. He forced his eyes to raise from the other man’s cock. Up his body. That beautifully formed body. Sweat trickling down the abs. The strong chest. Those small, pert nipples. To his face. David’s eyes drilled into him. A mixture of surprise, lust, and expectation. Michael looked back down at the other man’s crotch. At the bulge pushing at the towel. His hands were trembling as he pulled the towel away. The cock, exposed now, just inches from his face. The smell of a man, of sex, so intoxicating. He felt his back bend like he was sleepwalking. His head lowered. His lips parted. And, for the first time ever, a cock slipped into Michael Christian’s mouth. The taste filled Michael’s mouth as he wrapped his tongue around the head. Salty yet sweet. The aroma was overwhelming. Something totally new for him. Musky and masculine. Thrilling. Intoxicating. His lips wrapped around the cock. His lips sliding down the shaft. He wanted more. David: David watched his cock slide into his rival’s mouth. Stunned. Maybe he always knew this rivalry would end this way. With one of them surrendering to the other. But he had not expected today to be that day. The reality of the moment was so different than the fantasy. So much better. Michael was worshipping his dick. He had won! The rivalry was over. He had broken the great Michael Christian. He only wished someone would walk in. Someone who could spread the word about this moment. Even without a witness though, the torch had passed. Michael would always know that he, David, had won. David raised his hands. Wrapping around the head in his lap. Gripping the hair. Pulling him down. Pushing his cock deeper into the hot mouth. “So I guess your rep as a ‘total top’ is bullshit.” He couldn’t help laughing in his victory. “You’re just another cocksucker, aren’t you?” He pushed Michael’s head down further. Hitting the back of the other man’s throat. Making him gag. He laughed again. The mouth working his dick was inexperienced. Uncertain. Clumsy. But David had never enjoyed getting a blowjob more. “I asked you a question, slut. Tell me what you are.” Michael: Michael let the cock slide from his mouth. Reluctantly. Sweat was dripping from his face. The heat of the steam or just the lust that consumed him? David’s fingers were wrapped around his chin. Pulling his face up. Eye contact. Shame flooded through him. What was he doing? Why was he sucking a cock? He had never done this before. Why now? And why with David? And why was his own dick so hard? But a word formed itself in his mouth. “Yes.” “Yes what?” “Yes. I’m just a cocksucker.” And it was true. He was. He had sucked a cock. And, even more importantly, he liked it. And David knew it. Michael knew things would never be the same. Not between him and David. Or the other men who had once been able to bend around his little finger. In this room, something had changed for him. “You want it again, don’t you.” David didn’t wait for a reply. “Beg for it. Beg to suck my cock.” Michael wanted to get up, to move away. But his legs would’t move. He stayed on his knees. Kneeling before the other man. His lips moving again, as if of their own accord. “Please…” His voice was weak. Grovelling. It made him feel sick. But he didn’t stop. “…. please let me suck your cock. I want to taste it again.” “Damn. You are a cock hungry bitch aren’t you? What would your friends say if they could see you now? Begging for my cock? The great and arrogant ‘top’ Michael Christian on his knees sucking dick. There’s a first time for everything, right? Fine. Open your mouth. And you had better go all the way down this time, cocksucker.” Michael didn’t argue. He bent forward and took the cock back into his mouth. David’s hands were back on his head. Pushing him down. He fought the gag reflex. And failed. Again. And again. Saliva dripped from his mouth. Coating his chin. Mucous was dripping from his nose. But David persisted. Pushing deeper with each thrust. Like a man possessed. Michael gave up trying to control the invasion. Succumbing. Surrendering. Letting the younger man fuck his mouth. And the cock slipped past his mouth. Into his throat. He could barely breath. But he didn’t - he couldn’t - resist. “Yeah, you cocksucker. Work that dick. I’m close.” The personal trainer moaned. Another thrust. Wild. Demanding. Another. Then the hands on his head pushed him down until his face was buried in the other man’s bush. Balls deep. And the cock erupted. Firing volley after volley. Flooding his throat. Down into his stomach. Michael couldn’t breath. His face was turning red. His vision blurring. He pushed against David’s thighs. Trying to get the cock out of his throat. Struggling frantically. But the personal trainer held him in place. Desperation. His struggles fading. His arms collapsing. His body yielding… And finally David let him slide back. Let him slide the cock from his throat. Let him breath. But he kept the head of his dick in Michael’s mouth. Still dripping. Still filling Michael’s mouth with the taste of his seed. Still savouring his victory. Finally the personal trainer pushed him roughly back, off his cock, and stood. “Thanks cocksucker. Not too bad for a first time.” David glanced down. “Well…. I guess you enjoyed it as much as I did.” The floor in front of Michael was sprayed with his creamy load. He had come while sucking cock. He hadn’t even noticed. “Clean that mess up.” David ordered. “I better not hear about the cleaners having to deal with it.” And he turned and walked out without waiting for another word. Michael was still on his knees, the taste of cum in his mouth. The aroma of David’s crotch still coating his face. Without thinking, he grabbed his towel and wiped up the cum. What had just happened? Why had he done that? His breath was ragged. He needed cool air. But he waited several minutes. He didn’t want to face David again. He couldn’t. He didn’t even shower. Just threw his clothes on and raced out of the gym.
    3 points
  6. I hooked up at STEAMWORKS with a scruffy bottom who had a sweet, tight ass and who was hungry for fuck seed. He left the door open when he came in my room, so I knew he din't mind being watched while being fucked, which is a turn on for me. Then he suggested I take him to the fuck bench and fuck him in front of other guys. What a fucking turn on. He sucked cock while I bred him. It was hot to have guys come up and feel my balls and bare cock. Anybody else hooked on giving a bareback sex show?
    2 points
  7. Hi I'm tranny trixie. I'm from the UK and looking to have the ultimate fuck experience. I love to wear slutty pvc corsets and boots, fishnets and gloves with collar and leash. My fantasy is to be taken to a breeding party dressed and ready for a group of horny poz toxic guys to use as there cum dump. Fucked raw by all there and turned into their tranny incubator for the bugs to swim and thrive inside. Any one looking for a new toy contact me x
    2 points
  8. Hi everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster, but I wanted to share the experience of my first time taking a raw load from someone other than my husband. On Saturday, my husband invited a dude he met on Grindr over. We've played around with other guys before, but never anything bareback/raw. Before the dude arrived, I smoked a bowl and got poppered up, while my husband blindfolded me and restrained me to the bed. When the top arrived, my husband let him in the bedroom and told him to have his way with me -- leaving me totally blindfolded, restrained, and alone with a stranger. I never ended up seeing what the guy looked like, but his dick was nice and thick -- and he manhandled me like a very dominant top, fucking me in a few different positions before dumping his raw load in me. He never said a word -- just entered the room, unzipped his pants, fucked and filled me, and left. All I have to remember him by is the load he dumped in me, and the sweat that fell from his body while he raped my hole and filled me with his seed. After the top left, my husband entered and fucked me raw; I spent the rest of the night leaking two loads. Best Saturday yet. :-)
    2 points
  9. Here we can share hot deepthroat videos, do any of you like this type of videos? This one is really hot but i cant find the complete video or the studio if you know please tell me http://deepthroat-my-cock-and-i-breed-u.tumblr.com/post/146995754806/good-boy-thats-the-way-i-love-to-fuck-a
    2 points
  10. Hope you got his business card!
    2 points
  11. Yummy! wish you were in the States...I'd love to arrange a hot and nasty breeding party for you!! <3
    2 points
  12. Quick note: My work schedule, always in flux, continues to be unpredictable. Will now be on the road for the next two days.... will be back late Wednesday and will push to get the last few chapters ready and posted. Just four "chapters" left, so I expect the story should be wrapped up by the end of the weekend at the very latest. Ok... onward! Part 10: Four Letter Word Scott Michael was calling but Scott ignored his phone. He was nearly at Viktor’s house and Scott didn’t feel like talking to Michael right now. He had dreamt about Viktor all night. The model’s body wrapped around his. Holding him. That smooth chest pressed against his back. Lips caressing his neck. Warm breath on his ear. Hard cock pressing against his ass. Had he ever disliked the Romanian? The thought seemed so alien to him now. Scott glanced at his reflection in a car window as he walked by. He had come from work and was still in his suit, although he had pulled off his tie. He thought his dark hair and ‘not quite shaven’ look made his blue-grey eyes stand out even more. He had always felt his eyes were his best feature. He rang the bell and Viktor opened the door. The model was bare chested. His nipples just starting to harden in the cold air. His chest smooth and hairless except for the treasure trail leading down from his bellybutton. The model wore a pair of old jeans — worn in all the right places to highlight his crotch. If anything, however, the gorgeous model looked even more pale, more ill, than the day before. “You should be laying down. You look like you are still not feeling well.” Scott chided with a smile as put the bag of groceries in the kitchen. “I picked up a few things for you. More cold & flu medicine, some juice, bottled water, and a little treat. The store had some Christmas chocolates so I picked up a few.” Viktor started to speak but Scott cut him off. “I know, I know… you don’t normally eat chocolate. But you aren’t feeling well and need a little treat. I also picked up some groceries and thought I could make you some chicken noodle soup for dinner.” “Scott you are being so kind. You don’t need to do all this.” “Nonsense. I want to do it.” Viktor: Guilt washed over the young model. He liked this new Scott, He was so much sweeter than the old Scott. But he knew that — if he had not tricked the other man into the ritual and the bargain — Scott would never be doing this. Scott was just a puppet being toyed with by forces he didn’t even know existed. I’m hardly an innocent. He thought. I’ve used guys just as much as Michael has. But this this is something different, something new. To knowingly infect someone with HIV, potentially with AIDS itself, just feels evil. Can I bring myself to do it? But then again, Viktor admitted, he wasn’t going to force Scott to do anything. Even if Zburător — Sebastian he corrected himself — had done something to lead Scott to this point, Scott surely still had his freedom to choose. There must be something in him that had always found Viktor attractive, right? And, despite still feeling ill, it wasn’t exactly going to be a chore for Viktor either. Scott might be just a few years older, but he was a very attractive man. If the other man hadn’t gone out of his way to be such a prick over the last six months, Viktor might have even made a pass at him before this. He was getting ahead of himself though. He didn’t have a plan as such. Look good. Be good company. See what happened. And, if an opportunity presented itself, he would complete his bargain with Zburător. Scott: Scott sat on the couch next to Viktor. The dishes were washed, the kitchen was clean, and the model had seemed to enjoy the soup. Scott was running out of excuses to stay. But he didn’t want to leave. “Thank you, Scott. That was very good.” The Romanian said. He had put on a white t-shirt for dinner but it was tight enough that it showed his chest off to good advantage. The couch wasn’t small but the two men found themselves sitting close together. Their legs gently touching. Scott put his hand on Viktor’s knee and, like he had done the night before, found himself leaving it there. Viktor didn’t complain. He stretched a little and then rested his arm on the back of the couch. Behind Scott’s shoulders. His legs spread ever so slightly. One leg touching up against Scott’s leg. Scott heart beat a little faster. And allowed his body to lean into Viktor’s a bit more. The arm around shoulders moved a little closer. Scott let his head rest against Viktor. He raised his other arm to the white clad chest. Feeling the muscles through the t-shirt. Tracing the nipples with his fingers. Waiting for Viktor to stop him. But Viktor said nothing. He didn’t push Scott away. He did nothing except, perhaps, for holding Scott just a little closer to him. Scott’s lips replaced his fingers on Viktor’s nipples. Caressing them. He couldn’t see Viktor from this angle, he was afraid to look, but he could feel warm breath on his neck as the other man looked down at him. Emboldened, the hand on the model’s knee moved slowly up his thigh. Resting on the satisfying hardness waiting for him there. The palm pressed gently against that hardness. Felt it throb in response. Fingers fumbling with the jeans, opening them. Sliding inside, desperate to touch their prize. Wrapping around the hard shaft. Stroking. Lips kissing their way down. Feeling the well-developed abs. Lower. Sliding off the couch to kneel before the beautiful man. Thrilled when Viktor lifted enough to allow him to slide the jeans down. Lowering his face to the crotch, barely covered now with only a pair of briefs. Revelling in the tastes and smells of masculinity. “Scott…” “Please… “ Voice pleading. “Please don’t tell me to stop.” Silence. Lips dragged along the shape of the hardness through the briefs. Fingers curling around the waistband. Pulling them down. The manhood, free now, as beautiful as the man himself. Basking in the sight of it. Eight fantastic inches. Thick. Hard as a metal bar. Foreskin drawn back but still covering the head. Perfection. The cock slid between his lips, the salty tang of precum just increasing the craving. Deeper. Back of the mouth. Deeper. Into his throat. Saliva dripping down his chin. Scott unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it to the side. Viktor: Watching as Scott worked his dick, Viktor felt a thrill. He had been an object of lust before but he had never felt as in control of another man as he did right now. Power. Authority. Domination. Like a drug that overwhelmed his senses. Scott was clearly very experienced but seemed lost in his lust. And Viktor himself was nearly as unbridled. He wanted Scott as much as the other man wanted him. And not just lust. Something much more real that that. Was this Zburător’s doing? He wasn’t sure. And he couldn't make himself care. Scott’s mouth was amazing but Viktor needed more. They both did. He needed Scott to be his. Completely. Scott: Viktor gently pushed him off his cock. Scott looked up at the Romanian like a child that lost its candy. He wanted that dick. He couldn’t explain it. He just needed it. Why was Viktor taking it away? But the model stood from his seat on the couch and leaned forward. Kissed him. And Scott felt himself melt into the kiss. Tongues intertwining. Viktor’s hands under his arms. Lifting him. Hands exploring Scott’s body. Chest. Nipples. Abs. Cock. Gently stoking while Scott rested his head on on his friend’s shoulder. His breath heavy. Those hands sliding to Scott’s back. And down. Gripping his ass through his slacks. No words. No discussion. No argument. The Romanian knew what he wanted. He knew Scott would give it to him. And he was right. Viktor took his hand and led him towards the bedroom. Undressing him. Pausing only to touch. To caress. To stroke. And they were both naked. A gentle guiding push and Scott was on laying on the bed. Face down. Victor’s mouth and tongue working his hole. The only sounds the working of Viktor’s tongue, their breathing, and Scott’s moans. “Scottie.” The Romanian cooed as he slipped forward to rest on Scott’s back. “I have to tell you something.” He paused, as if waiting, but Scott said nothing. “I’m positive, Scottie, I’ve got HIV.” Scott’s breath caught in his chest. But still he could stay nothing. “I want to be inside of you so bad, to fuck you, to make you mine. But I don’t want to hurt you.” Scott could breath. He wanted this as well. He wanted that cock deep inside him. But he was terrified. He was on the edge of a precipice. Ahead of him was the void. But behind him, if he turned away, was a lifetime of regret. He couldn’t face that. Scott’s legs parted. Opening the way. And Viktor’s cock, hard and ready pressed deep into Scott’s crack. Lips kissing Scott’s shoulders and neck. The uncut cock touching Scott’s hole. Viktor pushing his cock forward. Scott pushing his ass back into the fuck. And Scott’s hole opened. Willingly accepted Viktor’s hard dick. Precum and Scott’s own saliva the only lube. Scott winced a bit in discomfort but this felt so right. So natural. “I’m inside you, Scottie. You feel so wonderful.” Scott found his voice. “So do you, baby. You feel perfect inside me.” Words lost again. Just motion. Viktor’s gentle thrusts. Scott’s eager ass raising to meet them. Two bodies locked together. Becoming one. Something neither man had ever really felt before. Something emotional, almost spiritual, that made the physical sensation even more breathtaking. The thrusts growing harder as the two bodies bucked together. Falling quickly into a natural rhythm. Scott’s neck turned to kiss Viktor’s lips. Viktor with one arm wrapped under Scott and around his chest. As if to hold them together… as if Scott would ever let them move apart. Viktor: Body aching, muscles tight, but Viktor didn’t care. His body coated with sweat, both his and Scottie’s. His breath ragged. His ballsack drawing up. The telltale signs. He pulled his lips away from Scott’s mouth. “I’m close… I’m going to cum…. do you want me to pull out?” Scott: Fear. The last moment to stop. To step away from that void, that abyss, to return to safer ground. But… no. “Please, don’t stop. I love you, Viktor. I want it… please… cum inside me.” And he meant it. With all his heart. “Here is comes, Scottie. I’ll always be part of you.” And Viktor’s body convulsed above him. Filling him with seed. With cum. With HIV positive cum. Viktor: They were linked now. His DNA was in Scott’s body. His virus. Viktor’s body gave way, his muscles relaxing in the afterglow, his weight resting on Scott’s back. “I love you too, Scottie.” Viktor whispered. He wondered when he had come to love the other man. But it was true. He had meant to seduce the other man but had seduced himself as well. “Will you always be mine?” “Always.” Scott sighed. And they both drifted off into a deep sleep as Viktor held Scott tight in his arms.
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  13. Part 9: Interlude - The Flu Scott Scott wasn’t sure why he was standing outside Viktor’s door even as he reached out and knocked. I’m just worried, he told himself. Viktor had barely been around since Halloween. And not just from their group… Scott hadn’t even seen the model around the bars. Scott found himself worrying about the other man. For days he had felt he should come by to check on him. And those feelings had finally won out. The door opened. The Romanian was wearing an old t-shirt and gym shorts. Scott’s eyes roamed the other man’s body. A strange shiver ran up and down his spine. It was like he was seeing Viktor for the very first time. “Scott? I am surprised to see you here.” The sound of Viktor’s accent was strangely comforting. “Just haven’t heard from you in awhile so wanted to make sure you are ok.” “Yes. I think I have the flu.” Viktor did look pale and Scott felt a twinge of concern. “Can I come in?” “If you like.” Viktor said hesitantly. Stepping back to let Scott enter. Scott wasn’t sure why he had wanted to come inside. The words had slipped out of his mouth without thinking. Viktor: Viktor sat on the sofa and gestured for Scott to sit in the chair. He was genuinely surprised to see the other man here. Including Halloween night, Scott had only been in his apartment a handful of times. Yes, Halloween night and the so-call seance. That is what had set this whole sequence of events in motion. Viktor was sick but he knew he didn’t have the flu. He was seroconverting. He had been expecting this for weeks. He had gone online and read about the disease. He had been sleeping with men for years but like many gay men didn’t really know much about it beyond the headlines. He had learned that not everyone who seroconverts gets the fuck flu…. but Viktor had somehow known he would. So, consciously or otherwise, he had withdrawn from Michael and his circle of friends. Never far though. Watching them from the outside. Waiting for Zburător - Sebastian he corrected himself - to make his move. He hadn’t seen the creature since Halloween. But he had watched as something happened to Michael. He had only seen him a few times since that night but every time he had, Michael looked more tired. Just a little less perfect. A bit less overwhelming. Older. “Earth to Viktor… “ Viktor shook himself out of his thoughts. Scott had moved to the couch to sit next to him. “Sorry, Scott. My mind was elsewhere.” “I was just noticing that you framed the picture that Tommy took on Halloween.” “Yes. It reminds me of that night.” Scott put his hand on Viktor’s knee. Just a comforting touch. But didn’t take his hand away. So, the model thought to himself, Michael and I aren’t the only ones who have changed. Scott: Scott wasn’t sure why his hand was on Viktor’s knee. But it felt… right… somehow. And he didn’t want to move it. He gave the other man a smile and was pleased to see him smile back. Those thick full lips. Those sultry brown eyes. The small pattern of moles on his cheek. God! The Romanian was beautiful. He was sure he had never seen a beautiful man. Scott had always thought so…. hadn’t he? Scott felt himself lean in, his lips longing to connect with Viktor’s. But he stopped. What would Viktor think if Scott did kiss him? Would the model let him? Let’s be honest, he told himself. I’ve been a complete prick. And Viktor certainly didn’t deserve the way he had been treated. Scott felt ashamed. He put his hand on the other man’s forehead. “You have a fever… you're burning up. Have you taken anything?” “Not yet, no.” “Let me check and see if you have anything in your medicine cabinet.” Viktor: The Romanian’s eyes followed Scott as he left the room. He had been so focused on Michael that he had almost forgotten that his bargain had included Scott as well. ‘Take his hatred and replace it with lust. Give him to me. To satisfy my desires.’ He had said, or near enough, and it looked like ‘Sebastian’ had been true to his word. But Viktor had not imagined he would start to feel for Scott as well. Surely this was something the demon had done. He remembered every rudeness he had endured from Scott. It was painful. He wanted to hurt Scott back. But things had changed since Halloween. He had gotten so much more than he bargained for. He would have to think this through carefully. Scott came back into the room with a glass of water, a couple pills, and a damp cloth. After Viktor swallowed the pills, he allowed the other man to guide him to stretching out on the sofa and put the damp cloth his forehead. “You’re almost out of the cold & flu pills. I have to go now but is it ok if I drop by again tomorrow? I’ll bring you some more then.” “If you like.” “Cool. I’ll see you tomorrow. You have my number… please call me if you need anything.” Viktor moved to stand and walk Scott to the door but the other man insisted he stay on the sofa. So Viktor just watched as him leave. Scott gave him one last smile and closed the door behind him. “Well.” A voice said. “Isn’t that sweet.” Viktor jumped up, the damp cloth falling to the floor. Zburător stood just a few feet away. “Sebastian.” The creature said as if it read Viktor’s mind. “You really must learn to call me Sebastian.” Viktor sat back down on the couch, saying nothing but his eyes watching the intruder warily. He was sure the demon looked… younger. More vibrant. “So, my little friend, how are you feeling?” “You know how i’m feeling. My body shifts between fever and chills. I ache. I am nauseated. You brought this on me.” Sebastian laughed. “No, pretty one. You brought this on yourself. This was your choice, you made the bargain of your own free will.” The creature moved closer. “I have been keeping my side of the bargain. You asked me to take away the dominance of Michael Christian. And that is well underway. He will be broken soon. It is nearly done.” Sebastian tilted to his head in the direction of the door that Scott had left out of moments earlier. ““And as for that jealous fool… well, you can see the progress there. Do you agree that I am keeping my word?” Viktor nodded. “Yes. And you have done something to me... made me love him back. Why?" "Because it amuses me. Our bargain did not preclude such a development. And speaking of our bargain, it is time for your second payment." “What do you want of me? You have already given me this disease." “You flatter me. I just helped. Made sure the virus took hold. And now you will pass it on.” “Pass it on?” “Yes. When your new admirer comes back tomorrow, you will seduce him. It won’t take much as you can tell. You will breed him. Fill him with your seed. And you will infect him with the disease. The virus is rampant in you. It probably won’t take long… but you will continue to see him and to fuck him until it is done.” “I … I can’t do that!” Sebastian laughed again. “You made a bargain: any price I asked. This is the price. And you don’t want to know the price of breaking your bargain.” “Please.. I beg you, don’t make me do this. For the love of God…” “Trust me. God has nothing to do with this.” Zburător vanished but his laugher rang in Viktor’s ears.
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  14. As promised, posting the next three chapters of the story tonight. Out of town again next week (hopefully just one night that time so will need to skip a day then as well. Apologies. Now without further ado: Part 4: A Simple Mistake? Scott: Scott could not believe his luck tonight. David had been an object of lust around gym since he was hired several months ago. The twenty three year old personal trainer had immediately earned a reputation among the clientele for his hot body and big cock. He was the one of the hottest guys around Boystown. And, in Scott's estimation, second only to Michael himself. There had been hearsay of him letting a few guys suck his cock in the steam room at the gym… but Scott had always put that down as wishful thinking. Scott had seen him in the showers, however, and knew that at least the rumours about his cock were not an exaggeration. And now? Now they were in Scott’s apartment. The personal trainer was tall and towered over Scott. His hands were clamped to Scott’s butt. Kneading the ass that Scott had worked hard to develop and to maintain. Their lips locked together. They had barely made it inside the door before David had pined Scott to the wall, pressing their bodies together. The bulge in David’s jeans very noticeable as it pressed into Scott’s stomach. Scott pulled his lips away from David’s mouth to catch his breath. God! This guy was hot and his hands were everywhere. David: David took advantage of the momentary break to slip Scott’s shirt off and to unfasten Scott’s belt and jeans. Then their lips were locked together again. He ground his cock into the other man and smiled at the moan it elicited. David loved getting a guy hot and bothered. Really bring out their inner slut and they will do anything you want. And this guy was definitely there. The fact that he was Michael Christian’s best buddy was a huge bonus. There was something about Michael that brought out a competitive streak in David. And it had been there since day one. Maybe they were too much alike. But he wasn’t here to make love. He was here to fuck. To breed. And he would get his way. He always did. Scott: Scott felt his jeans slide down his thighs. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans and underwear. He stood naked in front of David but the personal trainer was still fully dressed. He took the personal trainer’s hand and let him to the bedroom. The other man said nothing. He just half smiled. Almost a smirk. ‘Fine.’ Scott thought. ‘Let him think I’m a slut. I don’t care. Just need that cock.’ Scott watched as David unbuttoned and removed his shirt. Exposing his firm and well developed chest David’s hands wrapped around Scott’s head and guided him to one of the firm nipples. Then the other. Scott found his hand moving to David’s crotch. Rubbing the hard cock waiting inside the jeans. Hands on his shoulders. Pushing him down. Scott dropped to his knees. Unfastening David’s jeans. Sliding them off. The personal trainer’s cock strained against his underwear. Demanding freedom. Scott pulled them down. Ten inches of man meat springing free and slapping him in the face. Long. Thick. Hard. For just a moment Scott wondered how this cock stacked up against Michael’s. But just for a moment. “Suck it.” David ordered. Scott opened his mouth and took the cock inside. Hands. On the back of his head. Pulling him in. Forcing the cock into his throat. Choking him. Trying to relax. Deeper. The lovely flavour. Filling his mouth. Salty. David leaned over him. Scott felt hands sliding down his back. Gripping his ass. Spreading his cheeks. Fingering his hole. His hole spasming around the teasing finger. Moaning. Raising his ass up. Letting David know he wanted it. Being pulled up. Turned around. Pushed onto the bed. Ass in the air. “Condoms and lube…” Scott gasped. “In the nightstand.” David: David turned to the nightstand and rolled his eyes. God these guys who insisted on a condom annoyed him. He fumbled in the dresser drawer but he had no intention of suiting up his dick. This hot ass was his to breed and it would be dripping his cum by the time they were done. Scott: The cold and slimy lube on Scott’s hole made his pucker spasm. A promise of pleasure to come. Fingers pulled away… and then the thick cock touched him. Demanding Scott’s surrender. Demanding entry. Scott’s breathing was laboured as he struggled to accept the invasion. This cock was big. Probably the biggest he had ever taken. And he wanted it inside. A wave of pain as the thick meat breached him. The bulbous cock head passing through his sphincter. Oh fuck! It hurt… but it felt so good! Staring at the mirror. At the reflection of this muscle god pushing forward. Pushing the dick into his ass. It was worth the pain to feel this. And then he noticed: The condom, still in its wrapper, on the nightstand. "Didn't you put on a condom?" "Nah, babe." David didn't even pause. "Don't like to use 'em... My dick slides in so much easier without."" "I don't know, maybe we should put the condom on." Hands on his hips. Pulling him back. Into the fuck. Pushing two inches deeper into him. A moan escaped somewhere from deep in Scott’s core. "Don't worry so much. I'm clean. And, be honest, doesn't it feel better?" And it did feel good. And maybe David was right. Maybe taking such a big cock would be easier bare. And he wanted to take it. “Yeah.” He whispered. David pushed forward with a little corkscrew motion. Scott moaned again. “See, you like that. Don’t you?” “Oh fuck yeah… that feels so good.” “Take it, baby. Take my cock up your tight little ass. Been watching you at the gym. Wanting to tap his ass for awhile.” “It’s yours man. Fuck me.” And David did. Pushing deeper. More of the shaft sliding in. Opening Scott’s hole. Pounding. In and out. Deeper. Deeper. Pain. Pleasure. The sensations indistinguishable. He wasn’t gentle. Scott arching his back. Raising his butt. His hole. Begging to be used. “Of fuck… I need this. You feel so good inside me.” Balls deep. Slapping against Scott’s upturned butt. Full strokes in and out. Fingers gripping his ass tighter now. “Getting close….” David moaned. “Me too.” Scott’s hand found his own dick. Stroking. “I’m so close…” Scott’s body tensing up. Face red. Biting his lip. A tremor cascading across his body. Eyes closed. Savouring the sensation of the big cock stretching his hole. Not thinking. Just feeling. Lost in the moment. An image started forming in his mind but he didn’t even notice. A familiar face just outside his awareness. And then he hit peak. “Fuck me, Viktor! Fuck me… I’m coming!” Scott cried. Cum gushed, covering the blankets beneath him. His hole spasmed around David’s cock. David: The spasming hole pushed David over the edge. His cock detonated and he pushed it deep inside. Making sure his load was deep. Slowly their cocks softened, their breathing slowed. David slipped his cock out and gave Scott’s but a little slap. “So.. who’s Victor?” “Viktor?” “Yeah.. you called me Victor.” David frowned. He felt cheated of his moment of triumph. “Isn’t that one of your friends? That’s a bit fucked up, man.” “I’m not sure what you mean…” Scott stammered. David ignored him. “Not used to being upstaged in bed…. especially by someone who isn’t even there.” Scott: Viktor? There must be some mistake, Scott told himself. Why in the hell would he call out Viktor’s name during sex? David reached for his underwear. “Anyway. That was fun.” “I… um… hope we can do it again.” David wasn’t even looking at him. “Yeah. Sure. Sometime really soon.” A few minutes later, Scott closed the door as David left. He grabbed a towel, wiped himself, then sat on the couch. Well…. That had been awkward.
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  15. Part 3: Late Night Michael: “Sorry folks…. Last call.” The DJ called out over the speakers. It was 2:45 AM and the crowd had been thinning away for at least an hour Glen and Tommy had drifted away at some point, surely back at Glen’s place fucking like rabbits. Scott had hung out a bit longer until ‘gym guy’ pulled him away. Scott had given Michael an apologetic look but had followed his trick. Viktor? He had disappeared hours ago. Michael downed his last drink and tried not to smash the glass on the bar. He could not remember the last time he had been so horny. Hours - literally hours - and his cock had not settled down. What the fuck was going on? He grabbed his coat from the coat check and headed home. He reached the park but it was late and the park seemed was so dark. Ominous. Maybe he should just a around? “Don’t be stupid.” He muttered to himself. “It’s cold.” And so he set off across the park. The cold night air was biting. Very cold for so early in the year. It was only October — November now he corrected himself — and the wind was icy cold. Biting at his face and hands. He hadn’t really dressed for this weather…. he was sure it hadn’t been like this when they left Viktor’s earlier. He pulled his coat tight around his body. Despite the cold, his cock was still hard and throbbing in his jeans. Fuck. Maybe something was wrong… should he try to get into a doctor tomorrow? Some animal scurried by this feet and Michael jumped. “Fuck.” He cursed himself. He was being ridiculous. But he picked up the pace anyway. He approached the small concrete building in the middle of the park that held the park’s toilets. The building was dark but the security lights outside came on as he approached. He needed to get out of the cold for a minute. Surely the building was empty at this time of night… ? He paused … there was someone silhouetted near the door. If this was some vagrant he didn’t want to get too close. But no. He could already see this was no vagrant. He took a couple tentative steps closer. He could just make out the man. He did a little double take. It was the man from the club earlier. The “almost hot” man that Michael had started to make eyes with but who had disappeared on him. This man clearly recognised Michael as well. He smiled as Michael approached. Michael held his eyes for a moment then stepped through the door and into the men’s room. He breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped out the wind. He could hear it howl outside but felt warmer in here. Michael stepped to the urinal and pulled out his cock. Shit! was this thing never going to go down? Still hard as a rock. His foreskin was retracted. The door opened and closed behind him. The almost hot man stepped up to the urinal next to his and fished out his own cock. They stood quietly next to each other for a moment. “Very impressive.” The almost hot man whispered. “But looks like you could use a hand… or more.” Michael glanced his way. This was not his scene. Not all all. But his cock was so hard. He hardly noticed that he was stroking it softly. The guy wasn’t that bad looking. Plus… they were alone now. No one ever needed to know. “Yeah.” His voice was horse after shouting over the music all night. “Fucking horny, man.” The almost hot man reached over and gently pushed Michael’s hand away and wrapped his own fingers around the thick and bulging shaft. A low moan escaped from Michael’s chest. The other man started slowly stroking. Michael’s eyes closed. “My name is Sebastian, but you can call me Seb.” “Mmm hmm.” Michael didn’t reply. He didn’t see the point of giving his name to a trick like this. A slut who hung out in toilets looking for cock. One not up to Michael’s standards. One that Michael would never hook up with again. The almost-hot man leaned in. Their lips touching. Their tongues met, Michael’s tongue darting into the other man’s mouth, the other man gentle and accepting. The man’s mouth was sweet, his breath hot like cinnamon. Michael felt the man unbuckle his jeans and slide them gently down to his thighs. The hard meat bounced out… free of the confining denim. Desperate for satisfaction. The almost-hot man, Seb, broke off the kiss. Michael opened his eyes. The other man was smiling. His eyes locked on Michael’s. The almost hot man knelt down slowly. Never losing eye contact. Kissing Michael’s chin. Kissing his chest through the sweaty shirt. Down his abs. Finally facing Michael’s hard cock. “Yeah man.” Michael urged. “Open up and suck that dick.” The man slowly moved forward. The head of Michael’s uncut dick touching his lips, then parting them. The lips circled Michael’s cock and welcomed him in. The tongue swirled around the sensitive head. Caressing it. Licking the piss slit, then coiling around the glans, brushing the frenulum. Back to the tip. This guy could suck cock! Michael’s eyes rolled back in his head. Seb pulled Michael’s dick out of his mouth and rang his tongue along the underside. He licked across the entire ballsack then gently opened his mouth and took one of the testicles into his warm cavity. Tongue dancing around the scrotum. Gently at first. Then, watching Michael carefully, gradually increasing pressure. Back to the tip of the cock. More play with the head. Then taking it deeper into his mouth. Sliding down the cock. Allowing it to slide across his tongue and to the back of his mouth. Backing off. Sliding back down. Backing off. Michael was in no mood for the teasing. His hands found the back of Seb’s head. On the next downstroke, he pushed deeper. His cock slid into the stranger’s throat. No complaint. Michael pushed deeper. Inch after inch of his cock pushed into the throat. Until his balls slapped against the stranger’s chin. Ten inches of man meat pushed into his throat and he was taking it effortlessly. Seb clearly had a very well controlled gag reflect. The man was moaning and the vibration brought extra pleasure. Michael wasn’t sure how long this had been going on. It felt like hours, it felt like minutes… or seconds. The stranger pulled off for a breath of air. He let the cock slide from his mouth for only a second. Then took the tip back into his mouth. Working the slit. Working the head. Then letting the cock slide back across his tongue into his throat. Deep. Balls deep. Balls slapping against his chin. Back out. To the tip. All the way back down. Michael returned his hands to the back of the stranger’s head. He couldn’t stop himself. His hips thrusting. His balls raising. His cock swelling. “Here it comes. Take it!” Seb’s hands wrapped around Michael’s butt for support. He pulled Michael. All the way inside. Crotch pressed to lips. And held him. Deep. “Oh…. fuck! Fuck!” Michael’s cock spasmed. Tremors shaking his whole body. His load firing down this almost hot man’s throat. Volley of cum. After Volley. After volley. Seb swallowed it all. Holding Michael tight. Not letting him move away. Until Michael was spent. His face was red. His breath ragged. His cock softened. His body sagging. At last content he had received every drop, he let Michael move away. Michael staggered back and leaned against the sink counter. For the first time in hours, his cock was not hard and aching. He signed with relief. “Mmmm.” Sec moaned. “That was so tasty.” “That… was.. “ Michael struggled for breath. “… the… best… blowjob… I’ve… ever… received.” The man raised an eyebrow and smiled. “You flatter me.” “No, man. I mean it. Fuck… I feel totally drained.” “Pity. Would love to feel you inside me.” The stranger winked. Michael looked at the man, still crouched on the floor. Maybe he had been wrong about the man earlier. He couldn’t see any grey hair or wrinkles now…. couldn’t be older than his early thirties. Maybe it was just the light. Michael paused, considering. “If your ass is anything like your mouth, I would love to fuck you sometime.” But his cock lay lifeless on his thigh. “But not tonight. Just don’t think I could.” Michael zipped his jeans and fastened his belt. The stranger stood. Stepped close. His lips pressed against Michael’s. His tongue parting Michael’s lips. Michael returned the kiss eagerly. Savouring the sweet taste of the man’s mouth. Not even a hint of the taste of the load he had unleashed down the man’s throat. At last the man stepped away. “You never told me your name.” “Michael.” “Nice to meet you Michael.” Seb pulled a pen from his back pocket and wrote a number on Michael’s hand. “Here’s my number. Call me when you are ready to fuck.” Michael’s hand wrapped around Seb, holding his ass tight. “You bet I will.” A final kiss and Michael staggered out of the toilet. He took a couple steps. And stopped. A man. Standing under the closest tree. Watching. His eyes glued to Michael. Michael recognised him. The freak from earlier, the sickly looking one. The one who had wanted to fuck him. The strange man grinned, knowingly, then stepped back into the shadows. And seemed to disappear. Michael hurried on through the park. Fuck. Crazy people these days. Finally he opened his apartment door and threw coat in the direction of the couch. He felt so tired. So drained. He staggered towards his bed. He just needed to lay down for a minute. He would get undressed in just a minute. Just needed to lay down first. Just … for … a … sec… And Michael Christian was fast asleep.
    2 points
  16. Part 2: Halloween Encounters Scott: The club was packed when they arrived at 11:00 PM. People were being turned away from the door but the bouncer let Michael walk by with a nod… and Scott and Viktor trailed in his wake. The rest of their little group - Greg and Tommy - were waiting when they came in. “Didn’t think you guys were going to show!” Greg shouted above the noise. Greg was no real beauty but was passably handsome in a blue collar sort of way. Scott had let Greg into the group a couple years ago during a spate of gay bashings. Always good to have someone around who looked like he could fight back. And Greg, who worked construction, definitely fit the bill. “I said you three were having a threesome to get the party started.” Tommy laughed. “Not fucking likely.” Scott said through gritted teeth, still annoyed at the wasted time on the seance, but no one heard him. If you looked in a gay dictionary for the word “twink” you would see a picture of Tommy. Tall but very thin and boyish, Tommy couldn’t be closeted if he wanted to… so instead he wore his gayness like a banner. He and Greg had dated briefly but Scott suspected he had hoped to “trade up” to Michael. Good luck. He was definitely not Michael’s type at all. “Hey guys!” Tommy said, pulling out his phone. “Everyone squeeze together. Let me get a picture.” Scott sighed and he saw Greg roll his eyes. But no one seemed to complain. Michael was only half paying attention, his eyes scanning the room. Looking for his next conquest most likely. “I’ll send you all a copy later. “ Tommy promised. Greg leaned close to Michael and Scott. “So what did keep you?” “Don’t ask.” Michael laughed. “I need a fucking drink.” He led the way to the bar and Greg bought the first round. The first round of many. Michael: Thirty minutes later and Michael found himself leaning against a column fighting with a growing sense of frustration. The music was great. The club filled with hot, sweaty, horny men. Men undulating to the music. Grinding their bodies together. He had a nice buzz from the alcohol. Tonight, however, something seemed… off. Different. Somehow. It a way he couldn’t quite put his finger on. The crowd’s eyes seemed to slide right past him. Even his friends had wandered off. Greg and Tommy were all but screwing on the dance floor. Viktor was out there as well… dancing with a different man every song. Even Scott… poor little Scott who had followed him like a puppy since they were 15… had wandered off. He was alone. Alone in a crowd of gay men. This was not something that Michael was used to… or that he liked. And worse. He was horny. He wanted to find an ass to fuck. His cock had been hard, frustratingly hard, for an hour. He had made no real effort to hide it but the even his 10 straining inches weren’t drawing a second glance. “Hey.” A voice said behind him, close enough to almost whisper in his ear but shouting to be heard over the noise. Michael turned around, startled. He hadn’t noticed or heard the man come up behind him. Was there something familiar about his face? Didn’t really matter though, this guy was nowhere near Michael’s league. He was older — at least in this mid to late 30’s. His body was thin and untoned… but with a bulging belly. His hair was mostly grey and dishevelled, his face covered with a beard, thick and unkempt. It was his face that revolted Michael the most: gaunt, skin pale, eyes sunken. He looked sick. He may have been a looker once but that had clearly faded. Not Michael’s type at all. “Fuck dude. You shouldn’t come up behind me like that.” Michael had to shout a bit over the music and noise. “Sorry buddy. You just looked lonely so I thought I could come keep you company.” “Excuse me?” Michael wanted a fuck but this guy definitely wasn’t it. “Come on, baby. I’ve got something that will put a smile on your face.” The sickly man casually groped his himself through his too-tight jeans. “You will definitely smile when I get this inside you.” Michael laughed in his face. “You are barking up the wrong tree. I don’t get fucked. I’m a top.” “Oh please… with an ass like that? Your ass was clearly made for fucking.” “Not happening. Besides. I don’t do pity fucks. Look at yourself, man. You look like a fucking corpse. I wouldn’t even let you suck my dick.” “Well fuck you, man. I was just trying to cheer you up. Go home alone and whack yourself off while looking in the mirror.” The stranger turned and disappeared into the crowd. Great. Another annoyance on an already miserable night. Michael turned back to the dance floor to see Scott approaching with a couple more drinks. Scott: “What was that?” Scott asked as he approached. “Some asshole wanted to fuck me. Can you believe that shit?” Scott laughed. “What? Didn’t he know who you were? Must be from out of town. Was he at least hot? I couldn’t really see him.” “Not hot at all. Looked kind of sick actually…. like some kind of AIDS victim. It’s strange but I’m sure I’ve seen him somewhere before.” Scott shrugged and handed Michael a drink. There didn’t seem to be much point in talking with all the noise. Viktor: There were no quiet corners in this club but Viktor retreated to the most out of the way spot he could find. He was shaking a bit. He had seen the sickly man and watched him approach Michael. It was clear that Michael had not recognised that face. But Viktor had. This was unexpected. The truth was he hadn’t known quite what to expect when he set this in motion. But he certainly had not expected this. Viktor’s eyes scanned the crowd, looking for that face. Nothing. He needed a better vantage point to look… and to keep an eye on Michael. He kept losing Michael in the crowd, even though the blond wasn’t moving. It was like the eyes just slid off him. The club had a balcony that over looked the main dance floor. It was a cruisy area, and an area where guys would go who wanted to fool around without leaving the club. Viktor had sucked and been sucked off up there before. He wasn’t interested in that tonight… but it would be the best place to keep an eye on what was going on. He took a deep breath and pushed through the crowd. Michael: Midnight came. And went. Michael had tried to make eye contact with a couple really hot guys. Nothing. He might as well be sitting home alone. His cock was so hard it felt like it would break off. He couldn’t remember being so horny. HIs mind was filled with images of bending one of these hot guys over and burying his dick in them. But not a single one of them was looking his way. Scott was nearby talking to a guy that Michael recognised as David, one of the personal trainers at the local gym in Boystown. David was tall, muscular, lean… maybe just a bit overbuilt in the chest and arms for Michael’s taste, brown hair cut very short on the sides. They had flirted a bit but David was, like Michael, a top and it had never gone anywhere. Michael’s eyes settled on Scott. His buddy did have an amazing body. For the first time in years he considered crossing the line. What would it be like to get balls deep in Scott’s hole? No. He shouldn’t… he couldn’t… fuck Scott. But that ass was looking really inviting tonight. Greg and Tommy had returned from the dance floor. They were both drunk and the atmosphere was getting the best of them. Glen’s hands caressed Tommy’s perky ass and Tommy was cuddling up to his rough looking ex. There was little doubt that they would be going home together tonight. Wouldn’t be the first time, probably wouldn’t be the last. Of Viktor, there was no sign. Michael could only assume he had gone home with someone. Shit. He had no real interest in Viktor at this point but that hot hole would feel good wrapped around his dick right now. Hell, any hot hole would feel good. Michael’s eyes panned the crowd. Fuck. Not a single pair of eyes was so much as looking his direction. Then… eye contact! The man smiled and raised a glass in salute. Michael gave the barest of smiles back. The man stood and started walking closer. The man was handsome — but at the same time somehow nondescript. Definitely on the wrong side of 30…. possibly approaching 40. Even at this distance, Michael could see grey hair on the man’s temples. On a normal night, Michael wouldn’t have given him the time of day… but this was not a normal night. The guy did have a nice body.. and he was a hell of a lot hotter than the freak who had come up behind him earlier. Michael toyed with the idea. But no. Not with Scott, Greg, and Tommy nearby… not to mention David. There was no way he was letting his friends see him hook up with someone below his usual standards. He broke eye contact and looked back towards Scott. But Scott was otherwise occupied. His chest was pressed tight against David. The personal trainer’s tongue was probing into Scott’s mouth. And Scott certainly wasn’t protesting… his eyes were closed and he had “the look”. Michael had seen that look on a lot of bottoms - and plenty of so-called versatile guys like Scott. It was almost always there, although they tried to hide it. On a night like tonight - more than a few drinks, a club practically raining in sweat, testosterone, and sex - the look would come out. Michael could almost feel Scott’s hole twitch from here. Tommy wouldn’t be the only one getting fucked tonight. He looked back towards the man who had been approaching. Gone. Disappeared back into the crowd. Shit. Viktor: Viktor watched the scene from the balcony. Couldn’t anyone else see what he could see? The man who had stepped from shadows into a crowded bar. A man from whom light itself seemed to bend away. He had seen the stranger catch Michael’s eyes. He had seen the moment between them come. And go. He had seen the man take a single step back when Michael looked away. And then he had simply been gone. And no one had noticed. Other than Michael and himself, he wasn’t sure that anyone had seen the stranger. The lights above him flickered and the room seemed a little darker. A chill ran down his spine. Something was near. Behind him. He turned. Two men stood a few steps away, leaning again the wall, watching him. Two men. The stranger who came from and returned to shadows. And the sick man. The sounds of the club seemed to go quiet. The mass of men around him slowed. Then stopped. As if time itself stood still. As if someone had hit pause on a movie. “Viktor Lupei.” The stranger said. With everything stopped, frozen, around them he spoke in a quiet voice. “You know who I am?” “Y-yes.” Viktor’s mouth felt very dry. “My Nana called you Zburător.” “I am known by many names but that is an old one. Perhaps ‘Sebastian’ would sound better in this modern age.” He paused a gestured towards the sickly looking man. “And you know my companion don’t you.” “Yes. I recognised him earlier.” “Good.” Sebastian stepped up to the balcony and looked down at Michael, frozen in time like the rest of the club. “I have set things in motion per our bargain. Now let us agree on the payment.” Viktor nodded. A bead of sweat dripping down his back, making him shiver. “Three times I will exact a price. Once to seal the bargain. The second when he who treats you with contempt is at your mercy. And the third after a heart is broken beyond hope. Those are the terms. Do you accept?” “I accept.” Viktor replied with only a moments hesitation. “Very well.” Sebastian said, not turning away from the balcony. “My companion will claim the first payment, to seal our bargain, on my behalf.” Viktor turned to the sickly man. The grungy grey hair and beard. The pallid skin. The lesion, hard and brown, on his forearm. The swollen, flabby belly. The lips, dry and swollen, formed into a lecherous smile. The sunken eyes now looked at him the way a hawk looks at it’s prey. Viktor had no doubt the payment that was demanded. “But he is sick!” The sickly man laughed. “That’s right boy. I am sick. I have AIDS. A very resistant strain.” “And…” Sebastian interrupted, “he will give it to you. I will make sure it takes. That is the first price. This is your last chance to turn back. Do you want your vengeance or is your pride worth nothing?” Viktor’s heart was racing. He could feel the pounding in his ears. He was a model for Christ’s sake. He could have any man he wanted. Well… almost any man. Was revenge against one man worth this price? He looked down from the balcony to Michael. To that beautiful man. Who had used him, fucked him, then discarded him like nothing. Who had relegated him to a mere background player. “I… I…” Viktor stammered. He paused. Calmed his breathing. “I will pay the price.” The sickly man put a hand on a shoulder and guided him to a corner. His lips found Viktor’s mouth. His tongue parted Viktor’s lips and slipped inside. The rough beard scratched at the model’s face. His breath bitter and foul. Viktor wanted to gag. The hands sliding down the Romanian’s back and cupping his ass, fondling it, squeezing it. Their bodies pressed together. Viktor could feel the sickly man’s cock - very long, very thick, very hard - straining in the other man’s jeans. The sickly man pushed Viktor back slightly. Breaking their kiss. “Drop your pants.” “What… here?| “That’s right.” The sickly man whispered. “Right here. in public.” Viktor looked around. The crowd was still silent, unmoving, oblivious, frozen in time. He loosed his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Slid them down over his thighs. His uncut cock hung limp over his ball sack. “Turn around.” The sickly man ordered. “Oh yeah… that is a pretty ass, boy. I’m going to enjoy wrecking it.” A hard slap on Viktor’s butt brought a gasp. The sickly man chuckled then roughly pushed Viktor’s shoulders forward. Bending him over, raising his ass into position. The Romanian’s cheeks parted slightly, giving a tantalising glimpse of his hole. A finger poked at the opening. Impatient. Pushing inside. Sharp nails. Digging. Scratching. A second finger. A third. Finally the fingers slipped away. “Brace yourself against the wall. Keep that position until I tell you otherwise.” VIktor obeyed. The sickly man made a hacking sound in his throat and Viktor felt a gob of spit land on his hole. “That’s your lube.” Viktor felt the hard dick pressing against his hole. He took a deep breath, relaxing his body. His sphincter. The sickly man slammed forward without further warning. His big head ripping through Viktor’s puckered hole. A single unyielding thrust. Pushing half of his shaft inside the model’s body. Viktor screamed. He loved getting fucked. But not like this. Oh fuck! This hurt. The cock forced it’s way deeper. Inch by inch. Hard, merciless thrusts. Stretching the hole. Preparing it for its breeding. Balls deep. All the way out. Slamming all the way back inside. This was not making love. Or even sex. This was fucking. Raw primal fucking fuelled by hate and contempt. Viktor became aware of sounds. Music. Voices. Quiet at first but growing. Movement. The men around him stirring. Slow motion at first. But then more and more normally. Oh fuck! Everyone would see him! Sebastian stood next to him. A smile on his lips. Cruel. Mocking. Viktor dropped his head hiding his face. “Shit… look at that dude getting fucked!” He heard someone shout, as if over load music although the music still sounded faint and distant. “That guy looks sick. Is he wearing a condom?” “What a fucking slut.” “I know him! He’s a model… I took some headshots for him.“ And then the music was back to normal… too loud to hear the voices. A crowd was forming around them. Hands touching him. Fingers around his chin. Pulling his head up to see his face. Phones out around him. Snapping pictures. Recording videos. The crowd was surrounding them. Making sure security couldn’t see what was going on, couldn’t stop it. Some of the guys had pulled out their own dicks. Stroking as they watched his breeding. The thrusting in his ass was speeding up. The big cock in his hole swelling. The sick man’s hands on his hips. He couldn’t hear the man but he was sure the man was grunting. Swearing. And then he felt it. He felt the dick in his ass spasm. Erupt. Flood his ass. With cum. With toxic cum. It filled his hole. The cock in his hole still hard. Still moving. Not done. Thrusting again now. Faster. Cum dripped from Viktor’s hole, dripping down his legs. The sickly man was no more patient the second time. The thrusting, if anything, more insistent. Pushing that toxic seed deeper. Working it into the Viktor’s ass. Into the cuts from the fingers and the tears from the first brutal fuck. Viktor’s hole on fire. Like all the skin inside his chute had been ripped off. Pain radiating up his spine. Despite himself, the Romanian’s cock had grown hard. Throbbing as it bounced between his thighs. He wanted to stroke himself but had to keep both hands on the wall to keep himself supported. His body tightening. Clenching. His fingers clawing at the wall… …And then his cock convulsed. A wave of pleasure cutting across the pain. Mingling with it. Cum flying from his cock as it bounced. Slimy cum everywhere. The convulsing model’s body was too much for the sickly man. His fingers dug into Viktor’s hips as if trying to break them. His cock again swelling. Erupting. Flooding. Seeding. Breeding. The thrusting slowed. Stopped. The gaunt body sank onto Viktor’s back, holding him in place. Sweat dripped from the pale, wasted chest. Quickly coating Viktor’s back. The smell of the man filling Viktor’s senses. Viktor felt fingernails caressing his butt, drawing lines up onto his back and spine. He turned around. Zburător - Sebastian he corrected himself - stood at his side staring intently. Staring as if he could see through VIktor’s aching body. As if watching something happening inside. Or guiding it. Then Sebastian smiled triumphantly. He spoke in Viktor’s ear. He didn't shout or raise his voice but it carried even over the loud noise of the club. “It is done. His virus has entered your blood. Even now it is taking hold, infecting it’s first cells, changing them to produce replicas of itself. The first payment has been made. It is begun, but now I have other business to attend to.” Then he was gone. The sickly man’s cock softened and slid away. Viktor felt cum dripping from his well used hole. The sickly man gave him a final glance. The face so familiar and yet so alien. Cold. Humourless. Triumphant. And then he disappeared into the crowd. Viktor stood. Pulling his jeans up and fastening them. They were damp from dripping cum and blood. He tried not to look at the crowd around him. All watching him. Their eyes full of contempt and pity. If he could have done so, Viktor would have wept. But instead he felt nothing. Numb. Emotionless. Empty.
    2 points
  17. Part 1: A Seance for Halloween Viktor: “Oh come on. What are you two afraid of?” Viktor laughed. Scott was scowling but Viktor found the expression almost comical on that pretty face. But he looked to Michael for a decision. He always did. Scott’s dark hair was arrayed playfully above his seductive blue-grey eyes. His square jaw covered with stubble that was always just over a one day growth… but never a beard. Tonight he wore a grey t-shirt with a couple buttons at the collar. Buttons that had been carefully left unfastened allowing a tantalising glimpse of his muscular chest. Yes. Scott was a handsome man… strange then that he had set himself firmly in Michael Christian’s orbit. To be near Michael was to be in his shadow. His entourage. Looking at Michael your eyes never knew where to land. His blond hair cascading over his forehead led you to his eyes. Blue eyes. Blue like a clear sky just before dusk. Smooth kissable lips. Cheekbones you would swear you could swing from and an angular jaw that guided your eyes down to his chest. His body relentless perfection. Tall, strong, tanned, toned. But no one part overpowering the rest. Everything in balance. He was 28 years old but was often mistaken for younger. And his cock. Oh fuck yes! His cock. Michael had a truly impressive member. 10 inches, uncut, and thick. A cock that Michael, a total top who wouldn’t even suck a dick, enjoyed using and using often. Michael had fucked every beautiful man who had measured up to his high standards. Except Scott of course. Viktor liked to tease Scott about it. How big the cock was. How great it felt inside his ass. Not that Viktor had felt it in awhile. Viktor had given himself completely to Michael. And Michael had used him until he grew bored then moved on. And that, perhaps, was what had led to this night. Michael sighed. “Fine. Whatever.” “Excellent. It is Halloween. We must have seance!” Viktor’s Romanian accent was strong, off putting to some, but he liked how it set him apart. It had brought him some resentment and persecution from time to time… but it made him exotic to others. He even played it up when it suited him. Like now. He lit the three candles he had waiting on his small round coffee table. He had made the candles himself. Just the way he had been taught. While he was lighting the candles he carefully pricked his finger on the sewing needle he had tucked under one of the candles. He made sure he stood in a way that the other two men could not see what he was doing and dropped a single drop of blood into the flame on each candle. Nana had always said that black magic need blood to target properly. A precise process to obtain the precise result he wanted. He turned of the lights; the room fell dark except for the three candles. He gestured for Michael and Scott to join him on the floor. The three men each sat facing each other around the small coffee table with the three candles in the middle. “We must to hold hands.” Viktor said. Scott: Scott sighed. He really didn’t want to hold Viktor’s hand but took it. Best just to get this over with. It was Halloween and Scott just wanted to get to the club: a club where friends were waiting and - more importantly - a club that was surely already pulsing with sweaty muscular men grinding away with each other under the influence of massive amounts of alcohol. No one would be wearing costumes, it wasn’t that kind of club. In fact, the guys would be wearing as little as possible. Scott had never liked Viktor. But then, to be fair, he never liked any of Michael’s tricks. Viktor had caught Michael’s eye in a club six months ago and Michael had fucked him a few times. That should have been the end of it… but Viktor had somehow managed to worm his way into their small group of friends despite Scott’s best efforts. ‘The trick that won’t go away’ as Scott called him. It wasn’t that Viktor was ugly. Far from it. You didn’t get attention from Michael Christian by being ugly. A model, Viktor had the lean build of a swimmer. His hair was just long enough to be unruly without being truly unkempt. His lips full and wide. His face smooth — perhaps a touch androgynous — the small scattering of moles on his left cheek only emphasised the allure. He carried himself in such a way that, when you first met him, you might think him naive. Until you looked in his eyes. Viktor’s eyes were not quite amber, not quite brown. But were piercing, cold, and calculating. There was nothing innocent in those eyes. Scott had thought about his reaction to Viktor. No. It wasn’t his looks. Scott didn’t like Viktor because he guarded their little circle of friends jealously. Or, truth be told, he guarded Michael jealously. Viktor had latched on to Michael but for Michael it had only been sex. After the novelty wore off, he had grown bored. He had long since moved on in the seemingly endless succession of beautiful men who tumbled into his bed. Not that Scott had ever been one of those men. He and Michael had never “hooked up”. Michael always said he didn’t want to ruin their friendship. The only glimpse of Michael’s infamous cock was sneaking glances in the showers at the gym. Michael: Michael hid a smile and watched Scott take Viktor’s hand reluctantly. Part of the reason he let Viktor hang around was to watch him annoy Scott. Michael liked Scott. He was a great guy and probably his best friend… but it was so fun to watch Scott get frustrated. He knew that Scott wanted him, idealised him. Yet he had always resisted. Sure, Scott was a hot piece of ass. But a hot piece of ass that wouldn’t want to be just a one night stand. Michael really did value Scott’s friendship but he didn’t love him. He would never be able to give Scott what he really wanted. Fucking him would kill their friendship. So he kept his friend close. But always at arm’s distance. Viktor had closed his eyes and was chanting. “Spirits of the underworld. Hear my voice. …” He continued on and on but Michael wasn’t really paying too much attention. Nothing was happening, of course. This kind of thing was just a bunch of superstition. A collection of old wives tales and fairy tales used to keep children in line. Michael had thought it might be fun (after all, it was Halloween) but he was starting to regret his decision. After a few minutes, Viktor opened his eyes. “I think is better if I do in Romanian. I can do just like my Nana taught me.” He didn’t wait for a reply. He simply closed his eyes and resumed his chanting, this time in Romanian. Michael listed to the unknown language rolling off Viktor’s tongue and wondered absently what he was saying. Viktor: Viktor began the ceremony for real now. This was, of course, not a mere seance. But he had no intention for the other two men to know that. Despite having spent so much time with his Nana, watching her and learning the old ways, he was nervous. He had never done anything like what he was about to do. He wasn’t sure Nana would have approved. ”Spiritele din lumea interlopa, auzi glasul meu. Deschis de văl între lumi, alaturi de noi aici.” (Spirits of the underworld, hear my voice. Open the veil between worlds, join us here.) “Deschideţi porţile iadului. Trimite-mi care zboara, cunoscut ca Zburător.” (Open the gates of hell. Send me He Who Flies, known as Zburător.) He continued for several minutes, rambling on. Nothing was happening. He was sure he was doing this right…. what was wrong? Michael: Michael shivered. The room had gradually grown darker, colder. Odd. He hadn’t seen Viktor turn down the heat. He was feeling a little light headed. He wondered if Viktor had put some sort of drug in the candles that they were breathing in as the candles burned. He wouldn’t put it past the dumbass. He wondered again what Viktor was droning on about. This had long since lost its appeal. Viktor: Viktor’s voice raised slightly. He was pleading now. He knew he was out of his depth but this had to work… he had studied and prepared for this night for so long. “Da-mi un semn ca esti aici.” (Give me a sign that you are here.) He felt something and his breath caught in his chest. He had been touched between the shoulder blades by a finger. A finger as cold as ice. Oh fuck. It had worked. He wasn’t sure if he should be relieved or terrified. Both. “Am fost nedreptățit. Acest om mi- a folosit și aruncat pe mine deoparte.” (I have been wronged. This man has used me and then thrown me aside.) He tilted his head slightly, almost imperceptibly, to Michael. “Ajutoare mă în obținerea răzbunare mea. Luați departe ceea ce el comori mai presus de toate: Predominanța. Vointa. Rezolva.” (Aid me in my revenge. Take away what he treasures over all: Dominance. Will. Resolve.) “Celălalt mă tratează cu dispreț. La departe ura lui și înlocuiți-l cu pofta. Dă -mi-l. Pentru a satisface dorințele mele.” (The other treats me with contempt. Take his hatred and replace it with lust. Give him to me. To satisfy my desires.) He nodded slightly towards Scott. “Știu că există un cost. Voi plăti costul de bunăvoie. Vei face cum am întrebat? Dă-mi un semn.” (I know there is a cost. I will pay it willingly. Will you do as I have asked? Give me a sign.) Viktor felt the icy touch on his back move. It slowly traced down his spine coming to rest just above his buttocks. He felt cold air on his ear, cold like death. A whisper so quiet no one else could hear. “Este dat.” (It is given.) Viktor smiled. “Contractul a fost făcut.” (The contract is made.) Scott: Scott was trying not to cough. The smoke from these candles was getting to him. Making his throat burn. Viktor’s eyes were still closed but he said, in english. “Repeat after me….The contract is made.” Contract? What contract? Scott looked to Michael but his friend just shrugged. Eager to end this nonsense, however, they repeated the phrase. “The contract is made.” Scott could see that Michael was out of patience. Excellent. He would put a fast stop to this now and they could get to the club. “Ok… we go to club now.” Viktor smiled and was already standing up. Scott stood up. “Wait. That was it? What a fucking waste of time.” Viktor just smiled. “Time will tell. Time will tell.”
    2 points
  18. I’d been blowing clouds with a daddy I would hook up with. He would have me come over and there would be a pipe loaded and ready for me when I arrived. “Sit, hit this until you finish it.” He’d say. And for the next twenty to thirty minutes I’d watch porn as I hit the pipe. When I was done, he’d fill it again. “Ok, lemme know when this is done.” And so I’d continue. By the time I was done I’d be flying and he’d be ready. He’d fill it again, move to the bed and take his clothes off. “Get between my legs and suck my meat, boy.” He nonchalantly order. And I’d take my clothes off, leaving on my jock, and I’d begin to suck he thick daddy dick. He was southern, white trashy / redneck sort of guy. Nice enough, with a great cock between his legs. I’d suck his dick for hours, and he’d feed me the pipe. He loved getting me higher and higher and having my spun mouth work over his dick. At some point in the night, after hours of me nursing his meat, he’d tell me to grease up my hole, turn around and sit down on his dick. And I would gladly oblige. One night, about midway into the session he received a text. And then sent another, and received another. “Hey, I need to go get some more shit. I have a friend staying in the other room. You are going to entertain him until I get back. Go over, knock on the door and he’ll let you in. When I get back, you can continue. Without hesitating I stood up and walked out of the room. I knocked on the door, it slid open, dark except the glow of a cell phone on a nightstand. And I walked in. A figure, taller than me, muscular, quietly said “Hey there.” and shut the door behind me. I moved toward the bed and he followed. He was naked and hard. “Is your hole open yet?” He asked. “Haven’t been fucked today yet” I responded. He reached over and lubed up his finger. “Lay down.” He told me. I laid on the bed and he guided my legs in the air. Lubing my ass and pushing in with his finger. “Not too tight. Good.” He pushed me further back and climbed on top of me. He handed me a bottle of poppers. “Hit these deep a few times, let me know when you are done with them.” He said. I hit them deep and hard, and immediately my skin and head buzzed and I felt light as a feather. I could feel him lubing up my hole more, and then he pushed my legs all the way back by my ears and placed a pillow under my ass. Then I felt his cock head on my hole and it pressed in. My hole was eager and I just wanted it to be filled with something big and thick. I still couldn’t make out his face really, but his body was firm, long and muscular. His dick with thick and just long enough. He slid all the way in. And I started to move a little for position. He grabbed my neck and said, “Do not move. Your job is to lay there, silently and take it. You move and I stop. You make a sound and I stop. If you need poppers, just tough your nose. Otherwise don’t move. Got it?” I was so turned on. “Yes.” I quietly responded. “Good. You are a bottom. My whore. Just a hole. And I want to get off. So shut up.” And he proceeded to fuck me deep and hard. I didn’t dare move. He handed me the poppers and and I inhaled deeply. About twenty minutes later he blew his load into my hole. It was still completely dark, I still hadn’t seen his face really. And when he was done shooting his load he pulled out. “Thanks. I think our bud is back.” And he walked to the door, slid it open while staying in the dark and ushered me into the hall. I went back to the daddy’s room. He was laying in the bed, porn on, dick out, pipe loaded. I went right back to sucking his meat. “How was my friend?” He asked. “Great.” I mumbled as I worked his cock with my mouth. “You just made me $40.” He said. “Daddy’s little whore.” My dick got rock hard. And I sucked him until he came. He fell asleep almost as soon as he came, and I quietly dressed and slipped out into the pre-dawn cool air of the street. I wasn’t nearly done. So I drove to a local sex club, parked and went in. This place was a sleazy hole, no private rooms, just lockers. And it had a few slings, some glory holes and a second level lofted with various spots to fuck and suck. I stripped down to my jock and sneakers, locked my locker, grabbed a cigarette and ran to the little smoking room towards the back. It was fairly quiet, no one doing anything, a guy was on the computers scrolling through profiles online, and another guy was already in the smoking room. Wearing jeans, a leather harness, and boots. He was smoking a cigarette. I sat down, he offered me a light. A few mins in, he pulled a pipe from his jeans and torched the bowl, and blew a big cloud. He offered me a hit, and I took it. We started chatting. He asked about my night, and without sparing much detail I told him what had happened so far. He smiled. “Woof!” He snarled. “Want to get fucked more?” He asked. And I nodded. He stood, pulled out a bag, and then found a small but nice size rock. “Bend over bud, lets get this deep in there.” And I turned around showed him my ass, and he pushed the rock deep inside. I turned around and sat back down. He pulled out his phone and started typing. “I have a few buddies who might be close by who would love a go on your ass. Let’s see what we can get going.” And he hit send on his phone. “Ok, go get that hole in a sling. I’ll be right there.” I walked out of the room and found a sling I liked toward the front. I slid up into it, and noticed a few more guys had come into the club. One big bear, younger, and fully clothed. An older guy, about 65, tall, lanky, with his dick hanging out of his jeans and a leather vest. And a third guy, about 40, long hair, long beard, kinda looked dirty and homeless. The all took note of the me hopping into the sling. My friend from the smoking room came out and handed me his poppers. “They are heading over now.” He said. I hit the poppers and he stuck a finger in my ass. The other three circled closer to the sling. He looked up and said to the dirty looking one, “Want his ass?” And with that he gave me to the dude. I never saw his dick, but felt it go in. He pushed all the way deep, and it felt amazing. My new smoking friend moved toward my head, gave me a hit of poppers. Looked quickly around, pulled out his pipe and lit if for me and I inhaled deep as the homeless guy plowed into my ass. “Your hole is mine tonight, and I’m going to keep it full.” My new buddy announced. As soon as the homeless guy blew his load in my hole, he motioned for the lanky older guy to take his place. This guy had been quiet so far watching, but as soon as his dick entered my ass it nearly doubled in size and he tore into my hole hard. It hurt from time to time, and my bud would make sure the poppers were at the ready. This went on for at least a half hour, and I noticed a few others had joined us. The old man finally busted his nut and pulled out. He leaned in and whispered to me “I love a good fucking whore. what locker is yours, I’ll slip me number into it. Call me as soon as you are done with here tonight, and I’ll keep you busy later.” I gave him my locker number and off he went. “My friends are here.” My smoking bud said with a smile, handing me the poppers again. “I also had them text their friends.” And before I had finished the hit of poppers, another dick was in my ass.
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  19. This story is a combination of true events, furnished with extra details and embellished to make it hotter for all of you. So, enjoy, and be sure and let me know what you think; I would be happy to add more adventures! It was a Friday night. Payday, so you know where I was heading After work I made my way down to see my dealer, a big burly black man by the name of Clarence. I loved going to see Clarence, because Clarence had a thing for submissive little sissies like me! I made sure I had all my sissy gear I would need for the long weekend ahead as I knew visits to my dealer's house frequently lasted much longer than a few hours. But I was ready and willing. It had been a few weeks since I'd been able to score any Tina, due to my having spent too much of my previous paycheck on a sexy new outfit and a wonderful new silicon dildo. But now I was all Dressed up in my heels, corset, matching pink bra with my fake titties in, some sexy Pink panties and Pink yoga pants that showed off the nice round bubble butt Clarence loved so much. I had done my makeup to perfection, shaved smooth all over, cleaned out and ready to get wrecked. I pulled into Clarence's Driveway and took a deep breath. Here we go... My knock at his door was greeted by a deep voice from behind it. "Who is it?: the voice Demanded. "Just a little cockslut looking for her friend Tina." I replied in my best girly voice. The door opened, and a wave of thick smoke rolled out; I could smell good weed and Crystal. My clitty started to leak into my panties. "Come on in you little slut, we were just about to get this party started!" Clarence laughed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I could see several good looking black men who I had never met before lounging on the couch. They took turns taking rips off of Clarence's Tina bong that I loved so much. several blunts were also making their way around the room. A handsome mulatto handed me a blunt and said "Careful, I sprinkled some crystals in these motherfuckers, so take it easy fi you don't want to get too fucked up. By the way, I'm Tyrone." He smiled as I took the Tina-laced blunt from him and his eyes got wide when he saw me take three deep hits and let loose a flurry of little smoke rings. "I'm here to get fucked up and take any and all cocks all night baby, so don't worry about me. There's no such thing as too fucked up." Tyrone laughed and gave me a grin that went ear to ear. "Oooh baby, we gonna have a good time with you tonight!" Clarence had come up behind me while I was talking to Tyrone, and with one swift movement, he picked me up like a rag doll and tossed me onto the bed in the corner. "let me introduce you to my boys. You seem to have met Tyrone already. These other young bucks here are Jamal, Billy, and Jake the Snake. Now I know your bitch ass is clean as a whistle, but tonight if you want these cocks, youre gonna have to join our little club." Clarence smiled at me as I lay spread on the bed, ogling the fine specimens of man meat in front of me, and I could tell by the growing bulges in their pants that they liked what they saw too. "all of my boys here are Poz, you know what that means, don't you slut?" my eyes widened and I nodded. I had told Clarence about my secret fantasy of finally letting him convert me, I just hadn't expected him to work out a party like this though. "I want you to acknowledge that once you get one of our cocks in your hole, there's no going back. By the end of this adventure, you will be our little Poz Slutboi slave. You will be bred by all of us tonight, and you will take the load of anyone I say, whenever I say. Do you accept slut?" "Yes Daddy, I want to be your fuckhole, a slave to Black Cock and Poz cum." Was my reply. Clarence smiled his evil smile and nodded to Jamal. Jamal stood up, he was shorter and stockier than Tyrone and Clarence, but I could tell from the shape in this pants that he was packing some serious Black Cock. "Does this bitch take piss?" he asked Clarence. "She does what I say man, and I say she does." "You heard the man you little whore, get on your knees." Trembling with excitement (Clarence knew I loved to take Tina piss) I dropped to my knees at Jamal's feet and opened my mouth as wide as I could. Jamal unzipped his fly and pulled out his thick uncut cock. I guessed it was about 9" long and thick as a coke can. once his cock was free, I leaned forward and took the tip in my mouth, savoring the taste of his foreskin. My tongue sliding between the sheath and head of his beautiful Black Cock as I took the tip completely into my mouth. Jamal moaned as I felt the first of his precious Tina piss start to flow into my mouth. Not wanting to waste a single drop I began to suck and swallow his golden drug laced piss as fast as I could. He had a lot to give, so it took all my skill not to let it overflow and waste any. By the time Jamal's bladder was empty my head was spinning from the massive rush I was experiencing. The guys must have been parTying for a few days prior to my arrival, because his T piss was STRONG! By this point my panties are soaked with my sissy juice and I'm begging for more. "Let's give this bitch what she wants boys!" Clarence boomed, giving the signal for Tyrone, Billy and Jake to join in the fun. Tyrone's cock was a beautiful veiny 10" fuckstick, not as thick as Jamal's, but with a fat mushroom head with yummy looking foreskin. Billy was sporting a semi-hard 9" uncut tool that dripped thick ropes of precum constantly. Clarence of course had a gorgeous 11" cock with a fat head and pronounced veins. I had taken his beautiful Black fuckstick to the hilt on many occasions, so I knew These other guys would be no problem. "I bet you're wondering how ol' Jake here got his name, huh," Clarence asked "Hes something of a freak of nature, maybe its best if you just see for yourself." Clarence gave Jake a nod, and the statuesque black god dropped his pants. My jaw must have hit the floor, because I was looking at the biggest, thickest, blackest monster cock I had ever seen. Not even my biggest toys would have prepared me for this Anaconda. Jake's massive Black tool hung 10" flaccid with thick foreskin that barely covered the bulbous cockhead I could see peeking out. His heavy low-hanging balls caught my attention, the size of small oranges and undoubtedly filled with delicious black sperm. Jake began to slowly work his shaft to its full glory, as the others gathered around me and started to rub their cocks on my face. My mouth instinctively opened as I bathed in the scent of their cocks. Tyrone took his place in front of me and shoved his now rock-hard cock in my waiting mouth. As I began to work his cockhead with my tongue, My hands found the cocks of Jamal and Billy, while Clarence ripped a hole in my yoga pants so that they could get at my fuckhole. Jake, who's Anaconda had reached full size stood off to the side, a full 14" of meat stood straight out from his muscled body, The girth of that monster I could only guess had to be at least 3 inches wide, with a head that probably exceeded that. I was glad that Clarence would keep me full of Tina and poppers for the next few days, So I relaxed and accepted my fate. I felt at home on my knees serving the cocks of my big Black Masters. Clarence told Jake to mix me up a strong booTy bump, and my clitty leaked when I felt his fingers on my hole. He spit on my boipussy and began to loosen me up with his fingers. Through my nightly solo fuck sessions with my toys at home, my hole reacted with practiced ease, opening to his advances, almost sucking at his fingers, begging for more. Jake approached with the syringe. It looked like Clarence had him mix the Tina with My favorite Cum-Lube, and he had a big load for me it looked like! Jake handed Clarence the drugs and then joined the circle of cocks around me, taking Billy's place as Billy replaced Tyrone in my mouth. Clarence pushed the syringe into my hungry pussy hole and deposited the thick gooey drug-laced lube deep inside me. "You better not lose a drop bitch," he warned "If any leaks out, I'm taking it out on your ass!" Clarence withdrew the cumtube and I clenched my hole to prevent any precious Tina from escaping. "Good girl," he said "keep in in till I say otherwise slut. that's an order." I could already feel the stimulant absorbing into my bloodstream, making me hornier than I ever thought possible. I began to moan around Billy's thick cock as I took him in my throat. It felt so good to have his balls slapping my chin as he face fucked me. the precum that perpetually flowed from his shaft tasted so good, and I tried to swallow as much as i could, but there was so much, and he was fucking my mouth violently, so some dripped from my chin and onto my fake tits, splattering onto my pink bra and making my tits all slippery. I took advantage of the extra fuck lube to work the cocks in my hands, switching from Tyrone to Jamal, and trying to fit my other hand around Jake's Impossibly huge Cock. "let me have a shot at her pussy" Tyrone said "Its about time I showed this little cocktease what this thing can do to a hungry hole like that." "Have at 'er bud" Clarence replied with a smile, " I want to see her try to fit Jake's famous hole-wrecker in her mouth." He laughed as Jake took a position in front of me while Tyrone moved around behind, and pressed his fat cockhead against my hole. My ass was twitching with anticipation, as I stretched my mouth wide to try and accept Jake's massive tool. I was barely able to fit the monstrous head of his cock into my mouth, but Clarence came around with a fresh bottle of poppers and made me take four deep hits to loosen me up. I was then able to work the first few inches in and out of my mouth, my throat beginning to stretch painfully. But I didn't care, I was just a set of holes to be fucked and filled with seed. Both my hand were now needed to work the rest of Jake's massive length, So Billy and Jamal stood back and began to load more crystal into Clarence's big bong. A single drop of the previously inserted booTy bump dribbled down my smooth sissy balls. Tyrone scooped up the leak with his cock and began to rub his head against my hole. "Looks like we got a leak here Clarence, Want me to teach this slut a lesson?" Clarence looked me in the eyes and spoke two words to Tyrone witch made me certain I was in for one wild ride. "Wreck her." Tyrone needed no further instructions, and thrust his thick veined fuckstick into my pre-lubed and hungry boipussy, sliding in balls deep with one stroke. I let out a muffled moan of ecstasy around Jake's monster cock, as Tyrone slowly began to withdraw his cock, till I felt his thick head pop out and my hole gaped. Tyrone's cockhead was a good deal thicker than his shaft, so it made the most delicious feeling as it popped in and out of my dripping sluthole, scooping up cumlube that bubbled up from my hungry ass. As he began to get into his fuck-groove, his cockhead rubbed my P spot in such a way that my little clitty began to spurt little ropes of pre with each stroke, beginning to pool in my tattered yoga pants, making a big wet spot and dripping down my legs. I felt so feminine, being used by five beautiful Big Black Cocks! Clarence could see that I was having trouble handling Jake's tool, so he mercifully told him to swap places with Jamal so he could hit the bong. As he pulled his massive black snake from my throat I gasped and quickly began moaning with pleasure from the hard Fucking I was receiving on the other end. As Jamal began his assault on my helpless throat, I felt Tyrone's pace begin to increase. "Are you ready for your first load of the night bitch?" Tyrone grunted, his strokes getting harder and shorter, betraying how close he was to shooting his hot seed in me. Jamal removed his fuckstick from my mouth just long enough for me to say "Please breed me Daddy! Give me that Black Seed!" That was all Tyrone needed, as he thrust once more balls deep into my hole, Hist fat cockhead pushing past my second ring of muscle to reach a full 10" inside of me. I could feel his cock thicken and twitch as he began to pump his hot Toxic load into my hole. "Take my Toxic sperm you whore!" he shouted as his balls emptied out into me. I could almost feel the Poz sperm working it's way into my guts, converting me, making me a worthless cum dump for these Black Gods of Cock. "Who wants next?" Tyrone panted, his cock, still hard stayed lodged deep in my hole, keeping his load secure. Billy stepped forward, dripping fuckstick throbbing in his hand. "Yo, let me at that hole bro, I wanna know if her ass is as good as her mouth." "Aight, but first things first, I gotta piss now, and since I'm already balls deep in this ho, why not empty out right here!" I felt a burning deep inside me as Tyrone let loose a torrent of Chem Piss into my pussy. I began to feel full and his Toxic T piss tingled In my ass as my head began to spin. I was barely able to concentrate on Jamal's cock in my mouth. Now drained of Poz seed and piss, Tyrone pulled his cock from my sloppy hole, the huge uncut head popping from my hole with a wet sound. Clarence had come up with a cup to catch any cum and piss that were sure to flow from my well-fucked ass, when Tyrone's cock popped free, I squirted a good deal of his piss and cum into the cup. "Let's save that for later" Clarence said, and poured the mixture into a large jar he had on the table. My boipussy ached to be filled again, and I moaned and begged for someone to fuck me. Billy took up his place, and lined up his dripping shaft with the gaping cunt I had developed. "I hope you're ready bitch, Cuz I'm not stoppin' 'till I breed that whore cunt of yours!" I felt Billy's thick shaft penetrate my pussy, and my mind went blank, I was just a pussy to be fucked, and I loved it! The piss and cum Tyrone had left in me squished around Billy's shaft as he pounded me, his own Toxic precum mixing with the other fluids that had been pumped into me, every stroke of his cock made delicious wet slurping noises, and I began to feel that one cock wasn't enough now. "please double fuck me Daddy, I need to feel two of your big Black Cocks inside me at once!" I begged Clarence, "Stretch my pussy to the limit!" Together, the boys moved me to the bed and I straddled Billy, taking his shaft in one smooth stroke, and Clarence positioned himself above me and lined his cock up with my hole. I moaned while Jamal fed me more poppers and shotgunned Tina smoke into my mouth. Clarence began to push his fat uncut tool in alongside Billy's Cock. It was good that Billy pumped out so much precum, As my hole was sloppy with it, and Clarence easily got his mushroom cap in alongside the dripping shaft in my hole. As I felt him begin to piston his 11" monster into me Billy also started to pump in and out. Soon the sound of hard sloppy fucking and lewd moans filled the room. Two cocks in my ass, and I still wanted more. Seeing that I was ready for them, Jamal and Jake took up positions on each side and I took turns taking their cocks in my mouth and stroking their huge black shafts. The tightness of my boipussy was causing Clarence and Billy to sweat, Their fucking increasing to a frenzied pace. I saw the warning signs and felt their cocks twitch and spasm together, both releasing torrents of Toxic Poz Jizz into my fertile cunt. When I felt the explosion of their combined orgasms in my guts, my clitty began to flow. Girlcum squirting from my clitty with each stoke or their cocks as they worked their loads into the walls of my boipussy. Spent for the moment, Clarence and Billy withdrew their cocks and Tyrone was there to catch the Seed that tried to leak out of my now stretched and ruined asscunt. This was added to the jizz jar on the table. Feeling empty again, I knew I had to have Jamal next, I'd been eyeing his fat shaft all night. "Come on big boy, I need your cum in me now" I moaned seductively to Jamal, giving his cockhead a long lick and a kiss as I looked up into his eyes. "Oh, I'm gonna wreck that pussy bitch, You're gonna need a good stretching to get you ready for my boy Jake! Hes been itching to see how much of his Bitch Destroyer you can get up into you." Jamal Gave me a slap on the ass and moved around to get his cock in place. Clarence and Billy were laying back on the couch passing another Tina blunt, and Tyrone was mixing me up another big booTy bump. "You're gonna need it for ol' Jake the Snake here, And just so you know, hes been off his meds for a while now, so my homie is Toxic as fuck by now!" The thought of Jake's monster shaft Wrecking me all night in a drug-fueled fuck haze really got me going, and I backed myself onto Jamal's Big Black Cock. The double fucking had loosened me up enough to take Jamal's Coke can thickness without too much trouble, and I was bouncing up and down on his shaft in no time. I could feel every vein and contour of his cock as I took his full length with each stroke, His hips bucking in time with my pace so that his cum-filled balls slapped my ass with a hypnotic rhythm. Clarence blew smoke in my mouth before Jake stuffed it with his impossibly large cock, and Billy held a bottle of poppers to each nostril so I was forced to take hits till he removed them. After six or seven hits my vision began to get foggy and I had no control of my body. I was a ragdoll in the hands of these Black Beasts, just a toy to be used and filled with Poz Seed. "I'm ready for round two" Tyrone declared, his 10" fuckstick now returned to its full throbbing glory "I wonder if the bitch can take three at a time" Clarence said, more to himself than anyone in particular, but Billy seemed to relish the thought. "My dick's ready to go again, why not see what the can take. Gotta get her ready for Jake too, So It's probably a good idea." I was pretty much unconscious from the pleasure overload I was receiving at this point, so I couldn't have objected, even if I wanted to. Jamal scooted down to the edge of the bed, with me still impaled on his shaft. Tyrone got up on the bed and slid in easily. Now, Billy stood in position and began to push his cock into my already overstuffed pussy. With an audible pop that send shivers down my spine Billy's fuckstick slid in next to those of Tyrone and Jamal. I let out my loudest moan yet and felt my clitty start to flow again. I figured I must have been dry by now, but I guess I was wrong As the three Monster cocks began to pump in and out of my stretched and ruined hole I could feel my P spot Working overtime, sissy juice spurted from my clitty all over Jamal's Stomach and I squealed with pure pleasure. Clarence had moved around to dangle his semi-hard Blacksnake in front of my face, teasing me. "I figured you could use some refreshment slut" he said as he began to piss into my waiting mouth. Not wanting to spill any, I latched onto his cockhead and started sucking and swallowing his Toxic Chem Piss. I managed to swallow every last drop, and now I was truly feeling the rush now. All done pissing, Clarence wiped his cock off all over my face and gave me a few good slaps with it for good measure, then returned with the poppers. The feeling of three Big Black Cocks pounding my boipussy was only enhanced my my Tina rush and the poppers that Clarence fed me, my hole getting sloppier and sloppier by the minute. "Aw shit, I'm gonna but in this bitch's Hole soon!" Gasped Jamal "You ready for this Pox nut bitch?" "Mmmmmfffffff!" was all I could manage with Jake's huge cockhead stuffing my mouth, but Jamal (correctly) Interpreted it to mean "Yes Daddy, Fill me with your Toxic Sperm!" "Here it comes slut!" Jamal grunted with each stroke, and with one final push, lodged his cock balls deep and unloaded his poison all over the cocks of Tyrone and Billy as they continued to piston into my ass. The added lubrication of Jamal's load caused the others to quicken their pace, and soon they both added their second load each into my now abused and broken cunt. Clarence was quick to catch the tidal wave of sperm that burst forth when the boys pulled out, and now, the jar was getting full. I lay exhausted on the bed, my destroyed boipussy twitching, feeling so empty and still hungry for more. "Well boys,it looks like its time for big Jake to have his way with this little skank" Clarence said to the gang, "think she's ready?" Jake stood up, all 14" of glorious uncut cock throbbing and dripping, the syringe with my next booTy bump in his hands. "Ready or not, here I come..." To be continued!!! Hey guys, If you liked my story and want to hear more installments of my Sissy adventures, let me know. Be sure to let me know any if there are any ideas you would like to share, situations or fantasies I can weave into my story. Anyway, enjoy, and let me know if you want more!!!
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  20. I met up with a guy who likes to use me. He tried my arms to the bed, lifted up my legs to fuck me, but weirdly he got out a condom and put it on, even though in the past he had generally fucked me bareback. But before he entered my ass, he reached into a draw in the bedside cabinet and pulled out an obviously used rubber, which obviously contained a large load of cum. He cut a small slit in it the head of the condom, and poured some cum onto his fingers, which he then immediately slid into my ass. After finger fucking me for a bit he lined up his covered cock, poured more of the spunk over his cock and fucked me. As he did so, he leaned forward and whispered in my ear that he found that rubber at a cruising area which he frequents. He added he didn't know who's cum it was. I panicked a bit, but then he grabbed my cock and started to wank me and continued doing until I shot, at which point he pulled out and shot his load all over my face. Part of me is worried, but another part is completely turned on by the whole experience!
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  21. Lots of barebacking on Saturday afternoons, all day Wednesday and Sunday. Took several loads Saturday afternoon.
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  22. Hello boys and men of Latin America. I have 26 years, I am versatile and POZ. I am Brazilian. I would like to have contacts with men from all over Latin America, I am fluent in Portuguese and Spanish. Short dirty sex, pig, pervert. Want to meet men for online friendships and know personally and have lots of sex. Travel 1 time per year by Brazil and Latin countries. I await contacts for friendships and bitching hardcore
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  23. There is a guy into whom I keep running at the local bath house. He's a seriously hot dude in his forties, scruff, ripped, hairy chest - just my type - and so handsome I can't help staring at him, but he obviously doesn't have eyes for me, and I accept that. This afternoon, though, we were both in the dark sauna, and there was a third guy, pretty young, in his 20s, and clearly a newbie. He was sitting tight in a corner, hugging the wall, towel securely around his waist, purposely not making eye contact. Definitely cute, zero body fat, dark hair. At first the object of my (unrequited) affection sat near me, then moved a bit away when a guy passed through the room. However, when the guy left, enough light fell on the college boy to reveal him. With that, the stud moved around the bench to get closer to the college guy. I guess the decent thing for me to have done would be to leave them in peace, but as I said, I had a serious crush on the older guy, and I was curious about his designs on the kid. The kid was either terrified or frozen in place, but he didn't bolt when the hunky dude reached over and brushed his muscular thigh. Eventually they were making out, and then all of a sudden, the stud essentially lifted him off the bench, stood him up, spun and him around to face the wall. I watched him kick his feet apart, so the kid was basically skewered against the wall, and using spit for lube, the stud just took the kid. No cries, no whimper, just a low moan was all I could hear. The kid must have opened up, because pretty soon I could hear the stud banging him, drilling his cute jock ass. Then, almost as suddenly as it began, the stud pulled out, patted the kid's ass, picked up his towel, and left. Not a word, not a peck on the back of his gorgeous neck, not even a grunt. I'm sure it was not just in my imagination that he had just deeply bred the kid. I imagine it was the kid's first bareback fuck and he was too scared to object. Of course I'm envious and really wish it had been me, and I'm sure I'll always make eyes at the stud when I run into him at the baths. Although it wasn't me, it was totally hot to see him seduce, subvert, and wreck, a shy college boy who looked like the proverbial deer in the headlights. He's probably walking a little funny and wondering about that thin stream of wetness running down the inside of his thigh. Lucky bastard.
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  24. Hot story bud! Don't have a Raptor and have never been lucky enough to find 3 young marines looking to drop loads but I do have a heavily modified and very off road capable standard F-150 4X4 that has seen it's share of hot off-road sex over the years. Love getting deep on the woods and bending over the tailgate to take raw cock and cum deep in my ass.
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  25. At the risk of bumping an old story up on the list, just wanted to mention for anyone who enjoyed this story that I've finally (almost a year later) been able to progress a follow-up (not quite a sequel) to it. Look for "There Is Always A Price" in the story queue. Part 1 is up now which sets the stage for the story and (re-) introduces Zburator (still using the name Sebastian / Seb) and Tommy. (Although Tommy will play a larger role starting in part 2.). Hope to get Part 2 to a satisfactory state and get it posted within a few days. (Side note: the site is treating this as a quote and I'm not sure how to get it to plain text. Apologies.)
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  26. Club Rain on Friday and Rush on Sunday.
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  27. Love this film,just watching his face as he takes the three guys at party is so hot always makes me shoot,be great to read story based on film
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  28. You can also catch "common" creatures several times to get an upgrade. Good news for those who like to get caught several times.
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  29. From what I've gathered about this game, a big goal is to catch "rare" creatures. That might be bad news for the sluts on this site, who are very commonly caught. LOL!
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  30. I LOVE rimming a hot bubble butt and also prefer a looser fuck hole, so I rim almost every bottom I'm gonna fuck. I've got my own rim chair and will pretty much make out with a guy's ass lips once I get him nice and opened up. Nothing makes my cock harder getting ready to fuck him. This is assuming he's squeaky clean, which I can tell as I'm approaching!! 2 weeks ago I hooked up with a hot 26yo black guy with a typical BBA (big black ass). All the basic foreplay, then had him get on all 4s to rim him before I was about to sink into his hole. His hole was clean as a whistle but tight as fuck - I tried fingering him first, but he was so fucking tight, I wasn't sure how I was gonna get my cock in there, and he was wincing at my finger...ugh....some guys hate fingers I know, so I tried pushing my cockhead in hoping he'd open up for that. He was squeezing me so tight, and I couldn't push in, and was starting to lose my hardon. I told him to get up, I laid down on my back on the bed and told him to straddle my face and smother my face with his bubble ass - he complied and we were both moaning in no time. I had my tongue a couple inches up his hole getting him all slicked up, ad he'd bend down to suck my cock at the same time. About 5 minutes of this actually had me a little too close to cumming and I knew his hole was wet and ready at that point. I came up for air and told him to get back in position, and this time I sunk in balls deep in one push He felt so fucking good I had to keep pulling out or I'd cum. Kept losing a little bit of cum each time I'd pull out actually, which lubed him up a little bit more I kept going down on his ass in doggy position and eating him out some more any time I was getting too close, but that was just making my cock even hornier to get back inside! His hole was so fucking clean I couldn't get enough. I really wasn't sure if he was into ATM, but I hope to find out the next time - he was certainly clean enough for it!! I finally took one last suck and chew of that ass cunt, then stood up and let him know this was it and he was about to get bred - so fucking hot how he want from that TOO TIGHT vice grip to that perfect wet sucking cum hole! Like a few others said - it does depend what's attached to that hole = those big muscular black globes smothering me were definitely icing on the cake!!
    1 point
  31. The end of the story: Chapter 3. After So I woke up with a slightly sore ass, but enjoyed the feeling. I had slept late, but the house was silent. It turns out the family was at church. I was glad they didn’t wake me up. I got up and headed to the bathroom and got ready for a much needed shower. That’s when I noticed the marks on my ass. Looking in the mirror I counted seven hash marks like someone had been keeping score. I then remembered they had been using a marker on me- each guy who fucked me had left a mark. I also finally realized my hole was leaking. What the hell? I went back to the bedroom and looked at the sheets. There was definitely a stain where I had been sleeping. I bent down to look closer and smelled the familiar scent of cum. Those guys had been fucking me bare! I was stunned. But somehow I was also turned on. After all, I had been fantasizing about taking raw cock for a while now. But I had always thought that if I actually took that plunge it would be a much more gradual thing, and that I would have some control over it. I grabbed the sheets off the bed and hurried back to the bathroom for a shower. I tried to wash off the marks on my ass, but they didn’t come off. The cum washed off, though. I quickly got dressed and started a load of laundry with those sheets. I was dressed and folding the laundry when my family finally got home after church and lunch. My mind was racing- do I contact the guy who took me home- the guy I had thought of as Sir? Could I find his place again? What would I say to him? I don’t know why, but I had an impulse to take a picture of my ass. I had to leave the next day to start my trip back home, so packing and visiting with family distracted me. I ended up leaving the next morning without really thinking about it again. It was mostly easy to put it all out of my mind. Work got very busy, one friend was going through a crappy break-up, another friend ended up in the hospital from a car accident, life generally got in the way. But sometimes at night the dungeon and all those men I never even really saw came back to mind. Why had I been so careless and stupid? Why was I getting hard when I remembered what happened even though I felt angry and scared at the same time? Other times I just refused to think about it. But after a while it hit me. I got sick. Not horribly sick, more like the flu. And then I remembered reading about “fuck flu” being a sign of being positive. Damn. So I got tested. Sure enough the result came back positive. I went through every emotion about it you can imagine before coming to terms with it. As time passed I could look back and see what had happened. I was sure the man who picked me up at the bar had seen my profiles- all of them most likely. He must have recognized me from the normal ones with my face pics, and also made the connection with the darker, more anonymous ones. He had seen me as a chaser before I had admitted it to myself. I had wanted it, or had at least subconsciously known it would happen if I acted on my fantasies. And it would not have been long before I did in fact act on them. His actions had only brought the inevitable result faster. I ended up hooking up with other poz men. I found a great freedom in barebacking. My status became part of my inner identity and I even felt some pride in it. The marks left by that permanent marker eventually wore off, of course. But I remembered I had taken a picture. I found it on my phone and stared at it for a while. Some of the poz guys I had become buddies with had gotten tattoos that indicated their status- scorpions, biohazard symbols. Those weren’t really for me, but this mark was more personal, and it felt right. I took my picture to a local tattoo artist and those hash marks really did become permanent. Three years later I was back visiting my family again. I went back to that same bar. Was I looking for that guy? Probably. I had changed in many ways. I was positive, but I had not yet gone on any kind of meds. I still felt very healthy, in fact I was more healthy since I had also started working out. I had adopted a more scruffy appearance. I looked and felt like a man, not the 30 year old boy who had been in that bar before. It was leather night at the bar, and I had come wearing boots, cap, and chaps. They had a clothing check, so I decided to take off my jeans and t-shirt and wear just the chaps. I think I looked pretty hot. I looked in the mirror in the restroom and said, “Yeah, I’d fuck me.” That was another change since becoming poz. I was less bottom boy and more versatile man. I left the restroom and that’s when I saw him. He looked the same, even wearing those same sunglasses. He was looking the other way when I walked over to him. I said hi. He turned toward me and nodded in response. “You look really hot,” I said. He smiled and said, “You’re a hot fucker yourself, man. What’s up? Have I seen you here before?” “Maybe,” I said. “So you like what you see?” He chuckled- now I was certain it was him. I would never forget that laugh. “Of course- what’s not to like?” I smiled. “You should see my tattoo,” I said. “Oh yeah?” He took a drink from his beer as I turned around to show him the marks on my ass. He just stared at it, then I saw the light come on in his mind as he figured it out. “Fuck, man, the last time I saw something like that is was from a marker ink, not tattoo ink.” I looked him right in the eye for what seemed like minutes. I could tell his mind was racing. He must have been wondering what I was doing there, why I had showed him my tattoo, was I angry, was I going to start trouble? I admit I enjoyed it. In fact I enjoyed it so much a smile began to break out on my face. “You changed my life,” I said. “You gave me what I wanted before I admitted it to myself.” I stepped up to him and put my arms around him. I felt him sigh as his arms folded around me. We ended up talking most of the night. He told me it had all started with dungeon parties. He and some friends had all tested positive and they had begun to find guys out there chasing the bug. One thing lead to another, and it turned into pozzing parties, always pozzing someone they had identified as a real chaser. I was the second guy they had gangbanged in that way. I was the only one who got the permanent marker. There had only been two others after me, both had actively sought them out. They realized a rumor had spread, and many of the guys had been scared off. He himself had been fully disclosing and only fucking bare with other poz guys. Yes, I did learn his name, and yes I did go back with him to his dungeon where we both got a recharge from each other. His ass was hot and tight and I left the biggest load of my life up in there. I have a new job now back in my home town. I didn’t move back in with my parents, though. I moved in with Sir. Dungeon parties have started back up with some hot bdsm scenes. And I have recently found a few guys online looking for a hot poz couple to breed them. I have shown their profiles to Sir. He chuckled with an evil glint behind those sunglasses. The end
    1 point
  32. Thanks for your remarks and encouragment guys! Chapter 2. During Here I was in a stranger's basement dungeon room, restrained face down with a butt plug up my ass, eagerly awaiting what would come next. Maybe I should have been scared, but I wasn't. I felt his hands on my back, moving from my shoulders down toward my ass. He would give my ass a good firm squeeze or a sharp little swat each time. "You look really good, boy" "Thank you Sir." "You seem very relaxed and comfortable- that's good for now," he said with that sexy chuckle of his. "I need to get comfortable too," he said. His hands left my body, and it sounded like he was taking off his boots and the rest of his clothes. He was now standing right behind me. I felt the heat of his body, and it seemed I could feel his warm, growing cock brush up against my as and the backs of my thighs. Then I felt himwiggle the butt plug a bit. I moaned. He then started tapping on it, which sent wonderful vibrations in my hole and all through my body. I moaned a bit louder. I felt him pull on the plug slightly, then push it back in. He did this a few times. It felt awesome! He went back to the tapping and laughed softly as he saw me shudder in delight. He pressed his body down on my back and I felt his breath on my ear. "Mmmmmm, you're such a good boy," he whispered in my ear. "What shall we do next, I wonder. Oh yeah, I think I know." I could feel his hot hard cock pressing on the crack of my ass. He rubbed it slowly up and down. "I think I know what you want," he whispered. "I think I know exactly what you want. Do you know what you want? What you want deep inside?" My own cock was as hard as it has ever been, and all I could do was moan again. He stood upright, and my body missed the warmth of his. He pulled at the plug again, but this time he kept pulling and it slowly came out of my hole. I thought he started to push it back in, but it felt different. Then I knew he had replaced it with his cock. "I think this is what you want, boy. But that really doesn't matter, does it?" Just the head of his cock was in. "What really matters is what I want, right boy?" My hole was craving to be filled by his dick, and I tried to push back against him to get more in. But he just held it there. "You want this, boy? You want my cock?" I moaned. "You want my cock, boy? Do you? Tell me you want it." I mumbled a feeble yes in reply. "I couldn't hear you," he said a bit louder and more insistently. "Yes Sir. I want your cock," I said. "Good boy." he pressed his cock just a bit further in. It felt big. It felt hot. It felt wonderful. "A good boy gets the reward he really wants," he said as he pressed even more into my hole. "What a sweet, tight boy-hole," he sighed, as he pressed in all the way. At least it felt like all the way. He kept it there, and leaned down onto my back again. "Open up, let daddy in all the way," he whispered in my ear again. I pushed back against him and opened up my hole as much as I could. I felt him pushing in even more and felt his pubes against my hole and his balls against mine. "That's the way. Good boy," he hissed in my ear. His body against my back, his breath and lips on my ear, his thick cock filling me, it was all making my head spin. He remained pressed against me like that, and started to slowly pull his cock back, and just as slowly push back into me. He pulled back almost all the way out, then back in. His cock must have been eight inches long. He kept up these long slow strokes. This was the most satisfying fucking I had ever received, I felt his hand close to my face. "Here, boy- inhale." I smelled the familiar scent of poppers and took a deep whiff. He held them up to my other nostril and I inhaled again. I felt my hole open ever wider. "That's it, boy. You really do want this, don't you?" "Yes, Sir!" I immediately responded. Again he chuckled. He stood upright and started to fuck me harder and faster. I was pushing back against each thrust. My whole world at that moment revolved around his big hard cock reaming out my hole. I could hear his breathing getting harder as he fucked harder with each thrust. He finally yelled out "Oh fuuuck!" and pushed all the way in and stayed there. "Oh fuck boy! Take it boy!" He yelled. He pulled back halfway and jabbed back in a couple of times. The he pulled out. His breathing was still heavy, but he seemed to recover. I know I was smiling. There was a sudden but soft rap on the door. I was pointed away from it and couldn't see anything. I heard Sir say "I think someone heard us," and he chuckled again as I heard him walk over and open the door. "Good timing guys, I just had my turn," he said to someone I couldn't see. I heard other voices saying "Nice" "Sweet ass" "Awesome" "Who's next?" I couldn't tell how many voices. "What's going on?" I asked. I heard Sir's voice as he came closer to me. "Relax, boy. These are just good friends of mine who came for a little fun. I'll see they treat you right. You won't get anything you don't want." By the time he finished he was in front of me. I could see his chest dripping with sweat and his still mostly hard cock. It was just as big as it had felt in my ass. He crouched down in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. He was looking me in the eyes, still wearing those sunglasses, and smiling reassuringly. He leaned in and kissed me and said to me, "Relax, sweet boy. Just think of this as fulfilling a fantasy you may not have admitted to yourself that you have had for a while." He leaned in very close to my ear and whispered, "I won't let them do anything you don't want. I won't let them hurt you. Well, not any more than I already hurt you, my sweet boy." His words relaxed me again, and I managed to say "OK, I trust you, Sir." "Good boy," he said, and kissed me again. He stood up and went over to his friends. "This is the first one to show I went first." I smelled a sharp odor, a familiar odor, but it wasn't the poppers from before. I then felt something press against my left ass cheek and move down a couple of inches. The I heard a quiet snap and realized he had just made a mark on my ass with a marker. "Each guy leaves a mark when you finish. Make sure you finish." Another voice said, "I'll go next." I felt a pair of hands on my ass as a cock pushed in. Sir had fucked me so well and so deeply that there was no resistance at all. He came and crouched down in front of me again, kissing my lips and ears and neck and stroking my arms and shoulders. He kept this up as the new guy fucked me. After he finished fucking me, he left a mark beside the first one. The it was someone else's turn. I was so blissed out and loving the attention from my Sir that I lost count of how many cocks were inside me, one after the other. It was all a blur then, but later I remember things I had heard them saying: "What a sweet ass this little piggy has!" "Fuck he still feels tight!" "He's the best one yet!" And after the fourth of fifth one was done and he was making his mark, one of them said, "This is permanent, right?" There was laughter. "Fucking right it's permanent," someone else said. My Sir whispered into my ear so only I could hear, "Yes, it's permanent. So you will never forget." And he kissed me long and deep. He didn't untie me from the bench until they had all thanked him and left. I never saw a single one of them. He helped me stand up and held me tight. "You OK?" he asked. I didn't answer. He started rubbing my arms and legs. He put his arm around my shoulder. We found my clothes, and he led me upstairs. " think you need a good hot shower," and he showed me the bathroom. He started the water for me and found me a towel. After I got out, he asked me if I was OK to drive home or if I needed to crash. I said I wanted to drive home. I knew my family would expect to see me in the morning. It was almost the end of my visit with them. He told me the few turns to make to get back to the main drag. I found my way home and crashed and slept like a log. I woke up with a slightly sore ass, but sore in a really good way. I couldn't believe what had happened the night before- a hot dungeon session followed by a hot gang bang. It was something right out of porn! Chapter 3 coming soon...
    1 point
  33. What's up. New guy here I've been wanting to be bred for a long time but my opportunities to do so are few and far between what with kids and family taking up my time. Today seemed like a good day since everyone else went to a wedding 3 hours away. I got on grindr and within an hr I had a guy come by to find me ass up on the bed waiting for him. He proceeded to fuck me and cum deep in me. After he left I was missing being fucked so a few hours later I had another guy come by to add a second load in there. I tried to find more but no one else seemed interested. I woke up wanting to be bred and I ended up with two loads. Can't wait for more.
    1 point
  34. From two years ago but hot By: andreseg http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/trio-a-pelo-con-el-xtuber-bareback-threesome-with-xtuber-22543892 trio a pelo con el xtuber // bareback threesome with xtuber We met again with the hot xtuber from the last video and we added a big hairy top to the show. We fucked making a chain (I'm the one in the middle) and then we dou***** the xtuber (his ass is not only delicious but cozy and is very well trained). Both our cums went right into his ass (you can see proof of that)
    1 point
  35. Fuckin hot bro ! Lucky you I luv gettin anon fucked n loaded thru Glory Holes I just back up n take any/all cocks n loads offered ! I lock down on there cocks n they aint gettin away until I got there babys deep up me cum hungry hole
    1 point
  36. Yeah dudes this is so fuckin hot not knowin whose cum is bein forced up me cum hungry hole is just such a fuckin turn on for me
    1 point
  37. There is a college boi here in town who is POZ, not on meds, and has a HVL. He's versatile and had bred me probably a dozen times and I'm still neg. He plans to stay off meds as long as he can so he can knock up as many other bois as possible. For some reason, no one ever thinks a 19yo twink could possibly be poz.
    1 point
  38. I think the answer is "don't cum". Get yourself in chastity if that would help.
    1 point
  39. The day I tested poz I was so turned on. I went to the bathhouse and unloaded in 3 or 4 cumdumps.
    1 point
  40. That piss video he did in bed with his buddy Dillon that's everywhere on the web - fuck, I think I've shot as much cum to that as he did piss. Goddam sweet.
    1 point
  41. What you describe, "only want to be bred when horny" and "WTF did I just cum to" is pretty normal behavior. Most men go into a bit of a very low energy period for a few seconds after orgasm, but it doesn't have to be a downer. That you can work on it.
    1 point
  42. doubt means don't, I always say. sounds to me like your mind isn't ready for what your body wants. take your time, don't stress about it, and don't let anybody talk you into playing raw if you don't want to. you might also need a 'Netflix and chill' buddy, someone you could talk to about it, and proceed slowly in a mutually affectionate, pressure-free way. then eventually, you might work your way up to taking an OraQuick together, and seeing if that makes you more comfortable. maybe you top him bare, and that might make you ready to receive. or not.
    1 point
  43. So I met up with a trans woman today with a fantastic 8 inch long and very thick rock hard cock... she fucked me raw and bred me no less than 3 times in in over and hour of incredible fucking.... I have RARELY been fucked harder or better. I am sore and full in the best way possible
    1 point
  44. 10 fold! Knowing my cock can pump cum that will infect, destroy and collapse a boi's body with my aids babies gets me hard and breeding non stop. Spread the bug, submit to my cum and aids waste into oblivion
    1 point
  45. Part 3 I woke up I don't know how many hours later to the feeling of hot piss being sprayed onto my sissy tits and face. Instinctively, my mouth opened to accept this gift, but I kept my eyes closed, wondering if I could guess who it was by the taste. The golden nectar that filled my mouth was extremely strong, making my head spin as I swallowed one, two, then three mouthfuls. I had tasted T-piss from each one of the guys the night before, and I had narrowed it down to either Tyrone or Clarence, so once the stream stopped i continued to hold my eyes shut tight and offered to clean the cock of the one who had woken me up in such a wonderful way. I immediately felt him push his big fat mushroom tip into my waiting mouth. Once felt the foreskin covering it with my tongue I recognized the cock as belonging to Tyrone, so I swirled my tongue around all over his cockhead before slipping it in between his foreskin and mushroom tip, literally tongue-fucking the skin covering his fat head, knowing how much uncut guys loved that move. Tyrone moaned in approval and I felt a spurt of precum ooze directly onto my tongue. Tyrone reached down and grabbed a handful of my blonde hair, still filthy from the pis and cum shower I had gotten before bed, and began to fuck my sissy mouth with a slow, steady pace, allowing me to relax my throat and take him deeper with each thrust. I am proud of my cocksucking talent, having had lots and lots of practice, so I was able to take nearly all of his veiny ten inches pretty easily. It only took a minute or two of deep-dicking before the rammed the last inch down my throat and held me there as I felt my first load of the day being squirted directly into my stomach! Once his fuckstick stopped throbbing I was getting close to passing out due to the lack of air, so when Tyrone slid his cock out I gasped for breath and collapsed back onto my cum-stained, piss soaked bed and tried to recover a little. "I was just on my way out and I couldn't resist feeding you one more load before I left" Tyrone said as he tucked his impressive tool back into his jeans. "Clarence and the others stepped out to run a few errands, but they should be back any minute now. Homeboy told me to give this to you to hold you over till he gets home." He tossed a baggie with a few fat shards of Ice onto the bed before telling me that he would be back later that night, then he was out the door and I was alone. I was already high from the piss that Tyrone had fed me, but like any true Tina whore I always wanted more, so I stretched out, and got up to look for something to smoke out of. I had forgotten the plug they had stuffed in my ass, so as I stood up I felt all the liquid still inside me and the plug pressing against my prostate, making my clitty drip again. I got my bag and slid on a fresh pair of panties, cute pink ones with lace and hearts that said "SLUT" across the ass, and grabbed my pipe. After smoking a fat bowl I realized how horny I still was, So I began to snoop around the apartment, hoping to find the big box of dildos I knew Clarence kept for his bitches. I found it in his playroom, witch I hadn't seen yet, and I stood for a minute admiring the collection of fun devices he had. There was a sling in one corner, a gyno table with stirrups and restraints, and all sort of interesting fuck-furniture arranged around the room. He even had a little booth set up, complete with gloryholes and a big screen, just like what you might see at an adult bookstore. This really got me excited, as I am known to frequent the local ABS on a regular basis, and I felt my fresh panties begin to get wet. I grabbed my stuff and the toys and took a seat inside the booth. There was a nicely padded bench and plenty of hot porn to choose from, so I popped in a movie called "Sissy BBC Breeding Sessions" and opened Clarence's toybox. He had a wonderful collection of plugs and dildos, all ranging from big to ridiculous, along with plenty of different lubes and a nice selection of poppers. I knew that I wouldn't be needing any lube with all of the slippery goo still inside me, so I picked a nice fat silicon cock with lots of raised veins and bumps, along with a strong suction cup, and slapped it onto the floor making sure it stayed put and the suction would keep it steady. I pulled my panties down around my ankles and slowly began to twist and tug at the buttplug still lodged in my hole, relaxing and gently pushing out as I wiggled it back and forth. My ass slowly started to open up, and I felt the first streams of fuck-juice start to leak out and drip down my legs. Clarence had really outdone himself when he built this little booth, as he had completely covered the inside with mirrors, including the ceiling, witch had a soft red light that added to the mood. I could see my reflection and the screen from any position, so it was incredibly hot watching my asshole open up and all those fluids start to escape. I was really hungry for a hard fuck at this point, so I gave a big push and the huge plug popped free. I knew they guys had really done a number on my the night before, but I was not prepared for what I saw when the plug came out What I can only describe as a tidal wave of cum and piss squirted out, thick and gooey, instantly filling the little room with the musky scents I had grown to love so much. I had made quite a mess on the mirrored floor, even splashing the mixture all over my heels and panties. Even after that initial wave escaped my fuckhole I knew that I still had much more inside me, so I stepped out of my panties and used them to soak up as much of my mess as I could, and began to rub them all over my body. Feeling the nasty cocktail of man juices cover my skin was making me feel insanely sexy, so I made sure to rub my now ruined panties all over my ass, legs, up along my belly and especially my sissy tits and sensitive nipples, then after re-soaking them with the last of my spilled mess, I rubbed the sticky, gooey panties all over my face before wringing the remaining slop into my mouth and then stuffing them in to act as a ball-gag. Now I was ready to go! The porn on the screen had progressed past the dull intro scene by now, and the familiar sounds of a horny sissy being pounded by fat Black Cocks filled the tiny room, and I grabbed a fresh bottle of poppers and took three long, deep hits. I held the chemicals in my lungs and felt my heart begin to pound as I lowered my asshole onto the dildo I had stuck to the floor. It was one of those neat ones that I had seen online that had a big fat cockhead and the shaft was much thicker at the top, tapering down before ending with a big set of balls, so once it was buried fully inside me it would stretch my hole deep, and every time it pulled out it would re-stretch my fucktube and rub my prostate just right! I took a few more hits from the poppers and started to fuck myself on the fat dildo as my eager hole began to swallow it deeper with every stroke, the remaining cum in my ass lubing it nicely, allowing me to take long, deep strokes of the toy. The porno on the screen was now showing a cute little sissyslut getting her cunt deeply reamed by a large group of hung Black men, each one taking turns plowing her holes, sometimes even double-fucking her. Every so often one of the guys standing off to the side stroking would step up and blow a load on her face or in her mouth, sometimes on her tits or ass too, so that as the scene progressed, the little whore would get covered with more and more sperm as the men continued to fuck her mercilessly. This only added to the intense cocklust I was feeling as I bounced with vigor on the silicon shaft, taking all 12 inches of the toy easily again and again. the rigorous anal pounding along with the poppers opening me up allowed for more of the fuck-mixture in my guts to start to squirt out every time I thrust the toy cock in, and yet still more would gush as I withdrew the shaft, the fat head and thick shaft acting as a plunger, pulling more delicious cock-slime from deep inside me. The sloppy sounds of my hole were now getting louder and another puddle began to form around the base of the dildo, the mirrored floor giving me an excellent view of my own sissy pussy as I fucked myself. Suddenly, I felt like I needed more, so I quickly scanned the open toybox a new plaything. My eye was caught by a beautiful black dildo, easily 18" long, and a little less than 3" in diameter, not quite as thick as Jake the Snake's sissy-splitter, but exceeding his length by a few inches. I reluctantly slid the other dildo from my cunt, causing a delicious slurping sound followed by a nice big squirt of slop from my gaping hole. My ass felt so empty now, but I took a moment to admire what my dealer and his friends had done to me. My once-tight little sissyhole was now a well-trained cock draining machine! My asscunt gaped wide on it's own, dripping and twitching, begging to be filled again. I spread my asscheeks and admired my new pussy in the mirrors, pushing my hole out, exposing the red, raw inner ass-flesh as I pushed the wonderfully sexy ass-rose out beyond my ruined asshole. I had gotten into watching girls prolapse their asses in some of the extreme anal porn that I watched, and it was such a turn on to see my own coming along so nicely! I could see the white-yellow goop bubbling out from the center or my rose, dripping down to collect in the ever-growing puddle between my legs. Now the empty feeling in my ass could no longer be ignored, so I scooped up some goo and lubed up the new bigger toy, stuck the suction cup to the floor and lowered myself once more into sissy bliss. I held the poppers under my nose, breathing deeply and pushing my ass out as I took the rubber cock deeper and deeper, feeling it fill me up slowly till it hit the second ring of muscle in my ass and then squeezing through it with a pop that send shivers down my spine With another deep hit and a big push I forced a couple more inches in, getting to about the same depth that Jake had reached during his furious fuck session. My cunt felt so full and my little sissy clit was pouring gurlcum constantly as I began to bounce up and down, keeping about 10 inches still inside me then I rose up, fucking my second hole as if it were the first. Feeling that fat cock popping in and out of that second ring so deep inside was absolutely incredible, stretching me deeply and making me shudder every time it slid home. My pace increased as I took another long hit from my bottle of poppers, now delving deeper than I had ever gone before into my ass. I was glad that I was lubed so deeply from all the fluid that had been soaking into my hole for the last few hours, as it made it seem easy to work 16" and then finally the whole 18" inside me. Once I felt the monster shaft bottom out and my ass lips touched the heavy balls at it's base, I completely lost control, my clitty spasmed and poured my sissy juice in a steady flowing stream, not just runny precum, but a true anal orgasm, thick streams of jizz oozing out continuously from my limp cock, waves of intense pleasure radiated out from my overstuffed asshole, my sissy instinct causuing me to moan like a cheap whore in heat. I nearly blacked out from the sheer overwhelming magnitude of the sissygasm that continued to pulse through me, my hips gyrating as I ground my tingling asslips on the wonderfully textured balls that made up the base of the huge dildo while I continued to ride the final throbs of pleasure. I knew that even the slut on screen would be jealous of the mindblowing orgasm I had just experienced, and now I was ready for more! I took the cum-soaked panties out of my mouth and wrung any remaining juices out onto my face and tits before pouring some of the liquid from my popper bottle into the crotch, allowing them to soak up the chemicals nicely, adding the strong bite of the poppers to the already overpowering musk of Black Seed and Tina piss. The panties then were balled up and stuffed back into my mouth, letting me take deep hits with every breath I took. As my mind began to numb from the drugs my vision narrowed and all I could see was the video screen, Big Black Cocks destroying the innocent white asshole of the sissy starlet, the sloppy sounds of cock slamming her cunt, the wet slapping of flesh on flesh, the stud's heavy breathing and gutteral grunts mixing with their bitch's moans and squeals of pleasure echoed though the little booth, and the rest of the house too, I'm sure I began to fuck myself on the huge dildo now, taking the full length every time I slid back down onto it, lifting up until only the head remained inside me, and then back down all the way to the balls. I clenched my hole tight on every withdraw, and pushed out against the fat shaft as it slid back in, feeling it slide easily through my second ring and beyond. I could feel every little vein on it deep inside me, ripples of orgasmic bliss continued to shoot through me as my pace slowly began to quicken. I had never imagined in my wildest dreams that something could fill me up so much, penetrate so deeply. I looked down and I could see my belly bulging from the massive rubber dong every time my asshole slapped the balls on the toy. By now, even the Tina I had smoked wasn't enough to keep up the pace I was at for too much longer, so I popped the suction cup off the floor and got onto my back on the padded bench, legs spread wide like I was about to let someone power-fuck me missionary position, and began to work the colossal fuckstick in and out by hand. My insatiable sissyhole was still able to swallow the entire length, but now I was able to really pick up the pace! I slid the whole thing in as far as it would go, and then, gripping the base with both hands, began to hammer my cunt fast and hard, trying to synchronize my toy's movements with the cocks on the screen as they plowed the helpless slut into oblivion. I could feel another massive orgasm bubbling up inside me, each thrust pushing me closer and closer to the brink of total Nirvana. I saw the Black Bull on the screen stiffen and his balls pulse and twitch as he unloaded his Seed into the lucky whore, and that was all it took to put me over the edge. My scream of pleasure, even muffled by the panties I had stuffed in my mouth, I was sure could be heard all the way down the block. My clitty got hard for the first time in ages and squirted again and again, draining every last drop of gurlcum I had left in me, spurting out all over me, dripping down my balls, spattering my stockings and even splashing all over my chest and onto my face as I rammed the toy in as hard and as deep as I could one last time. My as muscles were going wilds, clenching again and again and then trying to push out, but I held the fat rubber cock tightly in place, as my ass continued to grip it tight and then attempting to suck it in even deeper. I think I must have let myself black out shortly after that, because when I finally came to my senses there was a new scene playing, and I had let the huge black dildo slip out of my ass. It was laying on the floor in the middle of a sizable puddle of fuck-juices. I could see my asshole still gaping, the puffy red flesh of my rosebud exposed and glistening even without me pushing it out. the last of the cum from the night before slowly dribbled from the ruined mess that had once been my tight little butthole. I let myself slip off the bench onto the floor so that I could wriggle my body in the mess I had made, feeling the slippery slime soak into my skin. I lapped up a good deal of what was left after that, craving the sweet taste of cum now more than ever. Once I had the majority cleaned up, I mopped up what was left with my lacy pink bra and the matching panties, witch were now completely soaked. I found a nice plug that was shaped like a dog's cock, complete with a fat knot at the base, and eased it into my battered fuckhole,my clit giving one last feeble squirt as the knot popped in, then I slid my wet panties and cum-soaked bra back on. I decided to relax in the booth and finish the fuck-flick I had been enjoying so much, so I stretched myself out on the bench and loaded another shard into my pipe. Clarence would be home any second, and I really wanted to let him catch me in his playroom after having snooped all around his place and used his toys without permission It was just as the final scene began to get into full swing when I heard the front door open...
    1 point
  46. Part 7: Interlude - A Lazy Day Michael: Michael Christian rolled over in his bed. It was light outside. His mobile phone was buzzing. He glanced at the time. 2:00 PM. What a fucking night. His body ached. His muscles felt like jelly. He felt like someone had shoved a straw in his spine and sucked all the life out of him… in a good way. That fuck was his best workout in weeks. The phone vibrated again. Michael forced himself to look at the phone again. Text messages. About 20 of them. Most from Scott. “Where are you?”, “We’re supposed to meet at the gym at noon”, “What’s going on?”, “You ok?” And so on. Michael tossed the phone aside. He dragged himself out of bed and stumbled towards the bathroom. He twisted the tap. Cold water. He splashed his face. Then looked up. And stared into the mirror. Was that more grey hair? His face grey as well, his skin dry. Wrinkled. He had always looked younger than his age but now, if anything he looked older. He looked, in a word, like shit. “I’m just dehydrated.” He told himself. He needed some water or juice or something. He wandered out of the bathroom. Passing by the bed, he stopped... and lowered himself to the mattress. Just for a minute he told himself. He would lay down for just a minute…. And Michael drifted back off to sleep. Scott: Scott knocked on Michael’s door. Sure, he was worried… but more than anything he was just annoyed. It wasn’t like this was the first time Michael had pulled a “no show” on him but he usually texted within a couple hours with an insincere apology. It was nearly 4 PM now and they were supposed to meet at the gym at noon. He heard movement inside. Some approaching the door. Slowly. Finally the door opened. “Hey, Scott.” Michael greeted him. Scott tried not to stare at his friend as he entered the apartment. He had never seen Michael look like this. Was that grey hair at his temples? And just a hint of crows feet around his eyes? Michael was dressed only in a pair of skimpy underwear that did little to hide his cock. The cock that Scott had wanted to see for so long… Scott frowned. This wasn’t the time for that. He forced his eyes away from his friend’s highly packed shorts. “Are you ok?” “Yeah, I’m good. Just a bit tired.” Michael admitted as he stepped back to let Scott in. “Well, I’ve been worried about you.” Scott tried to hide his irritation. He knew he wasn’t succeeding. “You didn’t show up at the gym and we were supposed to meet 4 hours ago.” “Four hours ago? Fuck. Sorry… like I said just feeling tired.” Scott sighed. “Well, let me get you some juice or something.” Michael nodded. “Have orange juice in the fridge.” “Ok. Lay down on the couch. I’ll be right back.” Scott snuck one last longing glance at the bulging package. Bulging! Michael’s cock was at least half hard. Viktor had often made little comments about that dick, how it tasted, and how it felt. Scott had been avoiding the Romanian recently. Every time Viktor was around Scott felt ill at ease. That night with David, calling out Viktor’s name, haunted him. He hadn’t told anyone, of course, he would never live it down. Yet every time he thought about Viktor, he felt a certain emptiness. Longing. No. That was silly. He didn’t even like Viktor… Right? Michael: Michael watched Scott leave the room. He was glad his friend was here. He wasn’t sick. Just tired. So very tired. He had noticed Scott’s eyes wandering to his crotch of course. He smiled in spite of his misery. He adjusted his package. It seemed impossible but he was getting hard in spite of how he felt. He needed to get off. To cum again. Maybe he should stretch out a bit. Let Scott get a good view when he came back. Scott had always wanted a closer look at his cock. Maybe he should just give it to him. Let him look. Touch. Taste. Maybe he would plow his buddy’s ass. He knew Scott would go for it. ‘What does Scott’s cock look like?’ He wondered. He had seen Scott in the gym showers but that was with a soft cock… so didn’t really count. ‘How did it look hard?’ No. That wasn’t right. He didn’t care about cocks. He was a top. He liked men for their mouths and asses. Holes to be used. He was just horny, that’s all. So fucking horny. He needed a hole to fuck now like he had fucked Seb last night. Seb. “Oh, did you know that Greg and Tommy are officially back together?” Scott said, walking back in with juice. “What? Again?” Michael laughed. Michael closed his eyes. It was nice to have Scott here but he wished it was Seb. Seb sucking him. Seb riding his cock. Maybe he should call him after Scott went home?
    1 point
  47. Part 5: Interlude - Bad mornings Michael: The bright glare of the morning sun hit Michael’s face like a slap. He pulled his pillow over his face and rolled over. Just wanted to sleep. Just a bit more. He tossed and turned and tried to get comfortable. Hoping that sleep would return. But no. Sleep had slipped away in that one moment. He groaned and looked over at the clock. Ten o’clock. Lucky it was a Saturday. He wasn’t working today. It didn’t feel like he had slept at all. He sat up. Still fully dressed from when he had crashed on the bed the night before. His head throbbed and he felt a little nauseated. Just how much did he have to drink at the club, he wondered. He reluctantly crawled out of bed and wandered into the bathroom. Hauling out his cock, his pride and joy, he allowed his piss to flow into the toilet. Something about that first morning piss always felt so satisfying. He gave himself a playful stroke but decided he wasn’t in the mood for a wank and tucked his dick away. He washed his hands and then realised he had washed away the phone number the guy had written on his hand the night before. What was his name again? Sam? Steve? No… Seb, that was it. Oh well. Not like he was actually going to call him anyway, he decided. He glanced up and his reflection in the mirror. Damn. He looked like shit. His eyes red, heavy bags beneath. His eyes squinting in the harsh bathroom light that only made his headache worse. His hair a classic example of bedhead. He stopped. Looked closer. Was that? No! It couldn’t be. He couldn’t deny it though. The grey hair was all too visible despite his naturally pale blond hair. He grabbed his tweezers and pulled it out. Then another. And another. Until he was satisfied. He tossed the tweezers down in disgust and jumped in the shower. He needed to work out, get his blood moving, but he just didn’t feel like it. He took a long, hot shower instead. Letting the water run down his back. After towelling himself off, he picked up his phone and checked messages on his phone. Just an email from Tommy with the picture he had taken at the club. It was a nice picture he decided. Michael sent a text to Scott. “Coffee?” A few minutes wait before he received the reply. “Sure.” Michael got dressed and headed out the door. Scott: Scott offered Michael a little wave as his friend walked into their favourite coffee shop. “You look like I feel.” Scott smiled. “I feel worse than I look. How much did we drink last night?” “Too much. Maybe we are getting old and can’t handle our liquor anymore.” Michael grimaced. “Speak for yourself. But at least you had some fun.” Scott put on his poker face. There was no way in hell he was going to tell Michael about what happened with David. “Yeah… it was fun. How about you?” Michael shrugged, noncommittally. “Don’t know. It was just a weird night. Need to get a coffee… you want another one?” “Sure. Skinny latte.” Michael: Michael walked to the counter and ordered the drinks. The twink behind the counter gave him a friendly smile… but it was just a smile. No lingering glance, no licking his lips, no attempt at a seductive pose. Just a smile. Odd…. the twink always tried hopelessly to flirt with him. “Who cares?” he told himself, he wasn’t interested in the twink anyway. “Hey!” A voice said behind him. Michael turned. It was the guy from the park. Seb. “Oh, hey Seb.” “You remember my name. Is that a good sign?” “It must be.” Michael said noncommittally. Seb leaned forward and whispered in Michael’s ear. “Hope we get to meet up again. I think you owe me a good fuck.” Michael felt Seb slip something into his hand. “In case you lost this.” Seb smiled. Michael down at the paper… a phone number. “Yeah… yeah… that would be great.” The twink behind the coffee bar returned with two steaming cups. “Your lattes, sir.” Michael picked up the two cups. “Well… need to get back to my friend. Will give you a call sometime.” “I’m looking forward to it.” Seb said before stepping up the counter and ordering his own drink. “So. Who was that?” Scott asked as Michael sat down with the coffees. “Just some guy from the club last night.” “Not the freak who wanted to fuck you?” “Oh god, no.” Michael shuddered at the memory. There was something in the back of his mind, something he couldn’t quite put his finger on, something about the freak that had seemed so familiar. Well. Maybe if he hadn’t had quite so much to drink. Michael didn’t want to think about the freak though. As quickly as he could he changed the subject. “So. You and David, huh? Everything you were hoping for?” It was Scott’s turn to look uncomfortable and to change the subject as quickly as he could. Thinking about David made Michael think he should get to the gym. Just a bit longer he told himself.
    1 point
  48. The sweat began pouring off him, making the taught muscles in his back stretch and strain. His beautiful hole stretched to accommodate me, flushed red as I pulled an inch out then back in. Jake pulled his dick out of Tanner's mouth, coated in saliva and slime. Tanner coughed as Jake shoved the poppers back under Tanner's nose. He breathed the fumes deep, "Again" Jake commanded, gently slapping Tanner. He inhaled again, big black puppy dog eyes staring straight at Jake's cock. "Again!" Jake chided. Tanner inhaled for a third time. Jake put the bottle away, waited as the first wave of amyl hit the boy before reaching down, bringing the boys wet lips to his, passionately kissing him full of his tongue. I heard Tanner sigh. The poppers hit him hard and he lifted his body to meet the kiss, sliding further down my shaft. He sighed again, contendetly ...I pulled him fully onto my lap so that he was kneeling on my cock. "Mmmm" he moaned into Jake's mouth as I bounced into him. Grabbing his firm pecs as leverage, pinching his tight nipples causing him to buck into my lap with moans of pleasure. Jake got up and disappeared into the kitchen, saliva covered cock swinging as he left to get some supplies. I pushed Tanner forward so he was half resting on the chair and began pumping in and out of his relaxing hole, losing myself in the tight folds of his perfect ass. Free to moan, Tanner let loose. Grunting and sighing like a seasoned boy whore. I felt my dick pulse some of my fertile pre seed into him, lubing him up as I went. "Yeah..." He began to mutter "Yes" as I hit his prostate with each thrust. "Fuck" he screamed... "I'm going to fucking cum" he yelled, as I maintained momentum. "No you don't" Jake said evily, I hadn't even heard him come back in. He dropped my supply bag on the floor next to us, and quickly ducked under Tanner...flicking the boys rising balls, boiling with his seed. The pain shot through his muscle frame but wasn't enough, as my anal onslaught drove his prostate into overdrive. "I'm cumming!!" Tanner yelled again, tears running down his face overcome with the sensations his body was feeling. Jake grunted angrily, grabbed Tanner's ball sack, yanking it tight to stop the flow of teen cum from escaping up his neg boy shaft. Caught in an orgasm without release Tanner bucked furiously onto my dick, abandoned to the futile sensations emanating from his ass. His ass walls contracted as the wave of anti-pleasure washed over him, milking my poz shaft for its toxic payload. "Please" Tanner screamed as Jake tightened his grip. "I...Uh...Uh...I've got...to ...Uh...cum!" "Not yet" Jake growled as Tanner's whole frame shook from my physical onslaught. His cunt was red and puffy but, felt like warm velvet inside, slick with friction. My hips took control, I couldn't stop fucking the boy if I wanted...he'd done something I didn't think was possible...he'd taken back the dominance, fucking himself on my thick tool, commanding his pain and my pleasure. "I'm going to breed you son!" I cried "Fuck you full of my poz babies" "You want that? You want my hot poz babies in you?" The boy cried out as I felt my cock expand in his chute. "Tell him" Jake cooed, rubbing the boys sweaty back as he maintained his grip on the boy's balls all the time whispering sweet pig words in the jock's chem sensitive ear. "I want it" he breathed "What?" I yelled, "Please...Fuck me full of your poz cock, I want...Uh....Uh...I want you to poz up my jock hole....please!!" He yelled "You fucking little slut" I screamed, fucking him as if my life, or rather his life, depended on it. He cried out again as another anti-orgasm overtook him. "Poz me up!! Uhhhh!" That pushed me over the edge, my balls suddenly spewed rope after rope of my thick, white death spooge up the boy. "Fuck yes!!" I screamed, feeling my cum, bathing my dick in its warmth as I filled him up. My orgasm swept up from my toes and ended with my sixth, seventh injection of boiling cum up the boy. The boy breathed heavily, pulsing his ring around my dick... "Th...Thank you" he whimpered "Looks like the boy might be learning" Jake laughed, releasing the boy's sack from his grip. "You don't get to cum Tanner till we're sure you're good and pregnant" Jake smirked flicking the boys balls again, making sure the pain registered over and above the jock's desire for release. "How long that takes is up to you..." Jake cooed, "but, the next time you blast that jock boy seed, it'll carry some pretty potent DNA..." "Thank you!" Tanned cried through the pain and I couldn't help but smile broadly...this was going to be one hell of a conversion. I heard Jake rustling in my goody bag and began to withdraw from Tanner's pulsing anus. "Uh...uhhhh" Tanner whimpered, as my dick pulled out. My shaft was covered in pink cummy foam... "Nice" I said..."very nice" My cock head reached his sphincter and I brutally popped it out. He winced as his hole winked shut, a rivulet of my cum dribbling down his crack. As he breathed out hard his hole would open ever so gently, causing more cum to leak out. He sighed deeply, probably thinking he was done. As Jake prepared some 'treats' next to me, I swung our conquest around, planted his sweet mouth on my shaft and fucked my cock clean. We weren't nearly done.
    1 point
  49. Not a fan of bath houses but definitely love fucking bare in public, especially at the local cruise bar when I'm leaning on the bar among the crowd drinking beer and then the top just starts fucking away at my hole. Shocked the crowd when a friend fucked me like that a couple of weeks ago hehe. Haven't done it like that with tops taking turns - but that definitely sounds way hot. *quickly adds to his cumbucketlist*
    1 point
  50. I prefer to get fucked in public. Bathhouses and porn shops in the arcades. I love having guys take turns on me.
    1 point
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