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  1. 'Sub male wanted for full time slave. Must willing to submit to ABSOLUTELY anything this Master will require, want and demand. Status, age, ethnicity, looks, are unimportant. Must be completely submissive and have no other commitments and willing to relocate permanently' He read the message again. He already knew it by heart but, it still excited him. He'd responded to the ad almost five weeks ago and had a reply within just a few hours. The Master had asked many questions about him. Was he HIV positive or have any STDs? No. Was he a total submissive? Yes. Did he have anyone that would miss him, family or friends he was close to? No. How old was he? 22. What was his weight? 11 stone. How tall was he? 5ft 10". What experience of BDSM and CBT did he have? Very little, just getting his arse smacked really. Was he cut? No. There were numerous other questions but, he'd forgotten most of them except; I would modify you, you understand that you would have no choice on what I would do to you once you submit to me and once you give yourself to me, it is forever, no going back? Yes, I understand. This last statement made his cock, already semi hard jump to attention. Fully erect it began to leak precum. Now he stood at the entrance to a farmhouse somewhere in the middle of nowhere. It had taken most of a day to get here. A bus, a train, a taxi and an hour walk. He was shaking, partly with the cold but mostly in nervous anticipation. His cock was leaking again. This place really was in the middle of nowhere. He been instructed by the Master where be dropped by the taxi, presumably so nobody would know where he'd gone if anyone ever looked for him. Not that they would. He'd only really been casually acquainted with a few work colleagues but, he told them he was going travelling so didn't have any forwarding address. He approached the farm house and as instructed entered through the unlocked front door and closed it behind him. He undressed, also and previously instructed. The house was large, with large rooms and high ceilings. It was pleasantly warm on his bare skin. A large wooden door was slightly ajar and now, completely naked, he pushed open the door and entered a large lounge. A tall man stood with his back to an open fire. "You actually came boy, I'm surprised. A few have said they were willing but have never arrived. Turn around, let me look at you" He had been told prior to coming that he was longer to use his given name. He was to forget that name and his life before as it would now be irrelevant. He would be called "Boy" or, when referred to as "It" He turned around letting his new master peruse his body. He felt very self conscious, embarrassed, nervous and even a little afraid. The Master stepped closer, to within a few inches of him. The Master looked slightly overweight. He had very short cropped hair and a short neat beard. He reached a hand forward and cupped it under his chin, staring into his eyes and observing his features. He ran a hand down to the boys crutch, cupping his testicles and caressing them gently before making and approving grunt. "Turn round and bend over" This made the boys cock jerk which was noticed by the Master. "Have to do something about that" He said, which made the boys cock jump even more enthusiastically. "Pull you cheeks apart" The boy did as he was told. Another approving grunt. After the inspection he was shown to a bedroom with an en suite bathroom and told to clean himself properly inside and out. There was a douch attached to a shower hose specifically for the purpose. The douch was small in diameter and he was able to easily slide it inside himself to achieve the required result. Next he used the soap to cleanse his exterior. As instructed he had already removed all hair from his body and head before arrival. He loved the clean feeling of being devoid of any hair. It felt very sexy and even more naked than with hair. After showering he dried himself and went back into the bedroom. The Master was waiting for him with an envelope in his hand. He handed it to the boy. "You must read it properly and fully understand its contents before signing it. Take your time as once you sign it, it's understood that you are bound by it. If there is anything you don't understand speak to me. The boy wasn't expecting a contract, which this obviously was but he nodded his head and said "Yes Sir" There was nothing in the paperwork that they hadn't already discussed. It was very detailed but easily understood. The only thing he was unsure of was whether to sign it in his former, given name. When asked, the Master had said yes and that it was the last time that name would ever be used. He signed it. The Master took the letter and the boy to follow him. They went into an adjacent room and Master placed the envelope in an old steel safe. He turned "Your mine now. You may come regret that, infact I guarantee you will at times but, so be it. You have sealed your destiny now. Come let's start your indoctrination. He was led into yet another room. In the middle of the room was a wooden bench. It was about eight feet in length and five feet across. In the centre of the bench was a hole. Around the room were various slings leather straps, whips and other sex toys. "On the bench face face down. Put your cock and balls through the hole" The boy did as he was told convinced the Master would perform some sexual act on him that would make cum. He hadn't masterbated for almost a week in anticipation of what was to come today. The Master tied the boys hands to two leather straps on each side of the bench and his legs, at the ankles to the bottom corners of the bench so that his legs were spread far apart, almost painfully at full stretch. His fully erect cock, which was hanging through the hole, was then secured to the underside of the bench, very tightly with another strap. Something was then secured around his scrotum above his testicles. It was very tight. He could feel the master doing something else with the item securing his scrotum but didn't know what. Suddenly it was clear what he'd been doing as a very heavy weight was released and his scrotum and testicles were stretched to, what felt like, their limit. The boy cried out as the heavy weight swung to and frow taking his balls with it. "I'm going to fuck you now boy. Going to consummate our relationship. When I give you my seed you will be mine forever. You will be pregnant and carry my babies, my poz babies. They will infect every cell in your body and you will become part of me" The boys cock was dripping copious amounts of precum now. He was so turned on. This is what he had wanted so badly. "Yes Sir please Sir, make me yours" "Remember what we said boy, no lube to make sure I impregnate you" "Yes Sir" The Master removed all his clothes. For first time the boy saw his Masters huge engorged cock. It was at least 10 inched long and thick, thicker than he'd taken before. He was very hairy. A complete opposite of his own smooth shaven, slim torso. The boys balls ached from heavy weights that seemed to be tearing from his body but he feared the pain of being fucked by this cock, without lube, as much as having his balls torn from him. He could feel the master position himself behind him now. His hairy body on his own smooth back. His cock head being pressed against his hole. Without any mercy the Master forced himself inside the boy, tearing at his sphincter and soft internal flesh of his hole. In 22 years the boy had never felt such pain. The Master fucked him hard, having no regard for pain he was causing. The boy had felt so full of cock. As painful as it was he didn't want it to stop. More than anything in the world he wanted this man's sperm, his poz sperm inside him. As the Master continued to fuck him his arse became more accustomed to his girth. After about 15 minutes of violent fucking the Master cried out as he pumped a huge load of thick poz cum into the boy "Now your mine, forever" The Master withdrew his cock from the boys arse and presented it to the boys mouth to cleaned. The boy noticed blood on the shaft as he took it greedily into his mouth. His Masters sperm would be swimming in his hole now. Finding the fissures and abrasions caused by the vigorous fucking. Swimming and forcing their way into his bloodstream and circulating around his body, eventually infiltrating and corrupting every cell in his body. ****To be continued *****
    7 points
  2. I went to a techno festival with a friend for a weekend in the summer. My boyfriend, with whom I've been monogamous for two years, didn't want to come along. The festival was impressive. You could hear good techno sound and feel the bass everywhere on the festival and camping site. We got on well with our tent neighbours and there was a lot of alcohol. On Saturday evening we went to the festival site. On the way there, I took MDMA to really party. When I arrived in front of the main stage, I could feel the effects: I started dancing and also got ... very horny. For fun, I downloaded Grindr and looked to see which guys were also at the festival. In my excitement, I wrote to several guys. I actually just wanted to chat suggestively and maybe get some dick pics. When the effects of the MDNA fully kicked in around 0:30am, I wanted to do more than just chat. Maybe wank together or something similar. I particularly liked one guy at Grindr. We arranged to meet at 2 a.m. at my tent, which was conveniently located near two main roads on the campsite. On the way to my tent, I realised that the effects of the MDMA were wearing off. I began to have doubts: should I really cheat on my boyfriend? When I arrived at the tent, I opened Grinder and pondered: should I say no to the guy or not? After all, I don't have any lube or condoms .... I looked at our neighbour's tent. I looked around and, in a knee-jerk reaction, went to our neighbour's tent without thinking. I opened the tent and reached for the bag of cocaine hidden under the front of a jumper. I quickly closed the tent door and disappeared into my own tent. I quickly rolled up a banknote and pulled the white powder through both nostrils. I realised how warm I was getting and how ... horny I was becoming agein. I looked at my watch: "Fuck, it's already 2:07!" I quickly crawled out of my tent, stood up and the Grindr guy was already waiting on the corner! I waved him over. In the twilight of the camping lights, he arrived grinning and we hid in the tent. When he undressed, I realised how the cocaine was kicking in with full force. He looked at me and asked: "Have you taken anything?". "Yes, cocaine... maybe a little too much" I replied. He grinned, said "very good boy...!" and took off my trousers and boxer shorts. He lifted my legs and started to lick my hole vigorously. Every time he stuck his entire tongue into my hole, I started to moan. I closed my eyes briefly and enjoyed the way he worked my hole with his big tongue. When I felt his tongue in my mouth and he began to moan softly, I opened my eyes. He had that diabolical grin again. My hands slid down his back to his sexy, tight arse. I enjoyed the way he penetrated my hole with his "tongue"... When my hands reached his arse, I noticed that it was constantly moving back and forth. In my cocaine high, I suddenly realised that it wasn't his tongue but his cock in my hole that was fucking me! "Fuck! You're fucking me right now!" I moaned at him, seeing his face only slightly blurred by the effects of the cocaine. "Oh yes! Are you enjoying my cock in your cunt?". I moaned and couldn't get a straight sentence out... I just stammered: "Ehm... Fuck... Fuck, that's hot... but fuck..." After a short time he grabbed my hair, pulled my head towards him and said: "I'm going now to fuck your fucking cunt from behind!". While he pulled his cock out, I wanted to suck him off. I grabbed his hard cock and realised that there was no condom on it. While I had his cock in my hand, I looked at him in horror and asked: "Fuck! Did you just fuck me without a condom? I have a boyfriend!". He replied annoyed: "Calm down! Didn't you like it? Come on, lie down on your stomach and I'll lick you again...". I was pissed off, but incredibly horny due to the cocaine. I agreed. He turned round and pulled poppers out of his bag on the floor. He gave it to me: "Take a few puffs! Then I'll lick your arse some more...". I opened the bottle and took a few puffs. The high kicked in immediately. Meanwhile, I noticed how he pushed his cock into me and started to fuck me hard. He bent over with his body and I felt his breath on my ear. He turned my head towards him and rammed his bare cock really deep inside me. I moaned loudly. "Tell me, how does my bare cock feel in your wet hole?" he asked. I was so horny that I could only answer: "Fucking goog. Fuck me. Fuck me bare. I don't care about anything right now. Just fuck me hard and cum inside me!!!". He bent up and started to fuck me hard. After few minutes he moaned loudly and a few seconds later he started laughing. I noticed how he pulled his cock out of my hole: "What's going on?" I asked. "I'm ready," he replied as he got dressed. My horniness abruptly diminished. I sat down and asked: "Ehm... did you come inside me?". "Yes," he grinned and put his shoes on and added: "It's leaking out of your hole, boy...". "Ehm... Okay... Tell me, how often do you fuck bareback? Are you healthy?" I replied. He opened the tent door, turned round and said: "I only ever fuck bareback. That's all you need to know!". Then he left. I wanted to run after him, but I was still naked. So I picked up my phone, opened Grindr and wanted to confront him. As soon as I'd written the first word, the chat disappeared. He had blocked me! Now I was sitting there: alone in the tent, overwhelmed and scared. My thoughts were running round and round: "What will you say to your boyfriend? What if he's infected me with something?". I spot the white bag of cocaine and thought to myself: Fuck it. Lets take a few more puffs. So I took another hit of cocaine, which made me extremely horny again. I started playing with my cock. With my right hand I slid down to my hole, where I realised that the sperm was flowing out. I took it on my finger and put it in my mouth. "Fuck that's hot... and it tastes good" I moaned quietly to myself. I reached for my phone and opened Grindr. I thought to myself: if anything, I want to be fucked properly today. Luckely, I quickly found a guy in his early 40s who had an XL cock and was a few tents away in his campervan. We arranged to meet up. I put on my clothes, took another line of cocaine and literally ran to the guy. Once there, everything happened quickly. He closed the door and took off his clothes. I knew from his profile that he was married to a man. While he undressed, I pressed my boxer shorts hard against my hole to wipe away the last traces and evidence of the past guy. We started kissing and I felt his big hard cock against my legs. "Fuck you are hot! Come fuck me" I whispered in his ear. He turned round and put on a condom. Then he turned me on my back, spit on his cock and slowly pushed it inside me. He started to fuck me slowly, but faster and faster. "Boy... you're incredibly hot and you have a delicious hole!" he moaned and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I grabbed his head and replied: "Oh fuck... I love your big cock! I would love to have you bare inside me". "Oh fuck yes. To fuck your beautiful cunt with my bare cock... That would be awesome! ", he replied, moaning and ramming his cock into me really hard all the way. While he fucks me in an alternating rhythm, he leans forward slightly: "Fuck boy... If I knew you, I'd fuck you right now without a rubber!". "Wow, yes, that would be so incredibly hot," I reply, pulling his face back to mine. "Do you often fuck bareback?" he asks me. I put my hands on his arse, grab it and push his arse against my pelvis. As he groans loudly, I look deep into his eyes and say: "No, I'm in a committed, monogamous relationship. I only fuck bareback with a boyfriend". He grins at me: "In a monogamous relationship?! You do realise that you have my cock in your hot hole right now?". I grinned back. Suddenly he stops. He slowly straightens up and slowly pulls his cock out of my hole, while he asks and says thoughtfully:"mhhhh... I understand. I'm married and only fuck bareback with my husband...". He looks down briefly, spits on his cock and slowly pushes it back in my hole. I moan loudly. "Do you want poppers?". "Oh, Yes!", I reply. He bends down and takes out the bottle next to the head bar. He opens the lid and slides the bottle under my nose. "If you only fuck bareback with your boyfriend and I only fuck bareback with my husband, then everything would be safe, wouldn't it?" As I sniff the poppers and give him the bottle back, I reply: "Yes. Everything's safe!". He sniffs hard on the poppers several times. While he puts the bottle away, he plays with his cock and rolls his eyes - the poppers kick in for me too. He looks at me, takes my hand and guides it to his hard, thick and big cock. "If you want to fuck bare, then take off the condom now...". My pulse increases, my cock gets really hard. I put my hand around his cock and pull the rubber off. He leans forward. I feel his rubberfree glans at my hole entrance. "You're really safe?" he asks me, "Yes, trust me!". And then... I realise how his glans penetrates my hole unprotected with rhythmic strokes. I close my eyes and burst with horniness. "Fuck, this is unbelievably hot!" I scream at him. "Fuck yes man! You have such a hot, wet cunt!" he replies and starts to fuck me really hard with his hammer with his eyes closed. I bend up a little to see his cock as he fucks my hole without a condom. It feels indescribable. The cocaine. The effect of the poppers. His big bareback cock. But the thing that really makes me explode is the knowledge and the fact that "my naughty cunt" is bulging with the cum of a guy I don't know. A guy who only ever fucks bareback. A guy who has blocked me on Grindr. A guy who probably isn't healthy. And now I'm getting fucked bareback by a married man who thinks I'm safe. As I watch his bare cock fucking my hole, I almost faint. The whole situation is so hot that I can hardly stand it. I mentally imagine what it looks like in my hole right now: My arse full of most probably highly contagious cum from a complete stranger, which is being massaged deeper and deeper into my bowels by a naive guy with his unprotected cock. At the same time, he pushes and rubs the highly contagious cum on his unprotected cock. I love the mental image of his glans of his uncut cock being wrapped in cum as he thrusts. And when he pulls his cock back, the whole cum is enclosed by his foreskin until the glans is exposed again during the next thrust... I mean: I really love it when I see an big uncut cock and the entire glans is full of cum and it spreads between the glans and foreskin. But the idea that it's someone else's sperm that the guy doesn't even know about. Not knowing that it's most likely poz sperm. Directly in my hole - wow, I can't have a cock in me as deep as I'm horny with this. Suddenly he punches me in the face. I look at him. "Fuck boy, were are you? I'm about to cum! Where should I cum?". "Fuck... hot... splash your load deep into my hole!". As soon as I've said that, I notice his cock twitching hard. With a loud moan he thunders his cock into me to the hilt and collapses on top of me. He starts to laugh and mumbles "Boy... You and youre hole are fucking awesome!". Meanwhile, I put my hand on my cock to make myself come. He leans up again and pulls his cock out of my hole. He looks down: "Wow... there's a lot coming out. I didn't realise I had such plump balls...". "hehe... yeah, me too!" I reply with a grin, "please push your dock in again slowly so that you massage your cum into my hole". He then grabs his cock with his hand, took it up with the leaking cum and pushes it into me. I take another quick poppers sniffs and shortly afterwards I come explosively as I feel his cock inside me - and once again - as I imagine how with every movement of his cock inside me, stranger, anonymous and highly contagious sperm is massaged between his glans and his foreskin. Later, while I wipe my sperm off my stomach and he wipes his cock with a cloth, he asks me for my number. I reply that we can continue writing on Grindr. I quickly put my clothes on and am about to leave when he grabs my hand. He looks at me and says that we should stay in touch, if only in case there was something about the bareback sex. I kiss him and agree. When I get to my tent, I open Grindr and block him. 13 weeks after the festival, I receive my HIV-positive test result. In the meantime, I had active and passive unprotected sex with my boyfriend several times. But that's another story ... 😉
    6 points
  3. So for many years now , I had been noticing my sisters oldest son , who lives in Australia, checking me out. He would watch me piss and one time he walked right into the pool house while I was completely nude, and he just stared at my cock. I responded with “you see anything you like, nigel?’ I never acted on it because he was family and underage but last summer..he was back in Canada, and now 22. I took him to meet my best buddy in montreal who proceeded to get us both trashed. And as he was swirling out, I had to sudden urge to pounce on him, pull off his shorts and start pushing myself into him. as I got balls deep. He said, I know you have aids
 you gave it to my one friend the last time you came to Australia.. I wished you had done me. I responded with”well you’re getting it now
 better late than never.” i shot four toxic loads into him and just under two weeks later, the day before he went back to Australia, he got sick. I told him don’t worrry, that’s just fuck flu. “What do I do” he asked. To which I responded “well when you have the flu, that means your viral load is super high, and that would be a good time to shoot one back into me” he grinned and fucked me like a wild dog. So proud that he was shooting his toxic jizz into another guy for the first time. he now wants to come back to Canada on a work visa and stay with me for two years
    5 points
  4. Was doing some traveling over the holiday today and had a four hour layover in Denver. As I was waiting for lounge access I logged onto to Sniffies. First profile I see is this hot 6’ stud with just a pic of an 8” thick bbc. I message him and he asks if I wanna suck. I do so he tells me to go to this very private bathroom upstairs. The bathroom only has two stalls and where the toilet covers are the metal completely lifts up so it’s pretty much a GH. I wait for him and he wastes no time whipping his massive cock out and shoving it down my throat. I suck his perfect cock for about 20 minutes til he shoots a load down my throat. I then get a message that my access to the lounge is ready so I get up and make my way. So glad I found a great bathroom for cruising, and can’t wait for another long layover in Denver.
    5 points
  5. Im a straight guy that's addicted getting my dick suck growing up I could never find a girl who just love sucking dick more than any thing else then I got older and found out about cocksuckers and it change my perspective on life now I get to enjoy good cocksucking for hour with just 1 call or text thank you cocksuckers for doing a good service to society
    4 points
  6. Back in the 90s I took a trip to NYC for a weekend to check out NYU for grad school. I didn't make a hotel reservation; thought I would pick up a room near a gay cinema called West World. I was still closeted and playing around with guys discreetly at my small tech university in Pittsburgh. I started bottoming for a big thick 10 inch hung opera student, ginger guy, big and strong. He would stick it in me and get about ten pumps in, I would squirt everywhere and push him out and get dressed and fuck off back home. He got fed up with this one day and turned me over, forced my head down and held my hands behind my back and forced his way back in. He leaned in close over top of me near like he was going to kiss my neck and whispered hostilely THIS IS HOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN FROM NOW ON... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. He didn't wait for a reply and didn't care if I said yes or no, he was grinding into me really slow and long while I screamed and he pushed my face down into the bed. Well I did understand and didn't like being told what to do but kept coming back for big dick. Safe dick. Rubbered up. I did hook up with a few friends who waited tables with me at restaurants. Always bareback and me topping even though I'm not hung. I was a short, muscled, smooth weight lifter from an Italian family with huge legs and a square jaw. I could pull a lot of guys back then, they would always say CUM ON MY BACK DUDE, CUM ON MY BACK. It was so hot. I loved fucking with guys my age plus or minus five years. Never liked daddies or bears, they kinda scared me. I sucked a lot of hot dick in the glory holes but never let a guy fuck me bare, I was too scared of getting the poz bug. Not me. Never. I hung out with guys in a fraternity and some really straight guys, the ones I really secretly desired, would stare at out the corner of my eye when I thought they were not looking. The kind of guys I would steal used jocks and socks and underwear from and secretly wear them. So when the NYC trip came up I got excited and started wanking 5 - 6 times a day fantasizing about what would happen there. I wanted to do a bunch of guys all in one night. I got turned on eating cum when a guy would jizz while I fucked him or sucked him. I loved to deepthroat medium and small dicks, just sucked deeper as they would cum right down my throat. Sometimes I would drink a little piss. When alone I would always tell myself I would eat my own cum but never could. I love cum, until I cum, and then that's it. Get it off me, don't want any smeared on me or in my mouth. Are you like that too? Well I guess I like extremes, either shoot it down my throat, let me lick it all up off the floor or your boots or chest OR none at all. So I get to NY and start walking the street in Greenwich village where I decided I would like to stay. I saw a sign on the road room to rent, it was one of those small black cardboard signs with big block red letters. I went in and was greeted by two really big Latino guys who did pest control for the building and let out a small single bed in one of the service closets. They weren't gay but it was cheap and I was happy, paid the money and got the key. Showered and put on my best whore jeans, a hot guy's underwear and socks I stole the week before but hadn't jizzed in, and headed out the door. I had a map and knew exactly where West World was so headed straight over. No time for food or drink I could do that after. My heart was pumping as I paid the entrance fee and went inside. There were some small video booths just as you went in and a couple of rooms with metal folding chairs and guys watching porn on big screens. I had never seen anything like it. All eyes were on me suddenly, it was full of bears and daddies with their cocks out wanking or fully clothed and waiting for signals from each other. One really tall skinny guy stood up and bent over a chair in front of him and a huge black guy started to fuck him bare. Wow ... this is scary, maybe not the room for me. So I went to the next room and an arm grabbed me as I walked by, a big strong hairy arm. I looked at him, steely blue eyes, big square jaw, Italian type like me but wow .. hairy and muscular in a more mature way. Where you going boy? he asked me ... why don't you sit down here? First time here is it? ... He was a typical pushy New Yorker who knew what he wanted and decided to take it. He pulled me closer and said here .. sit down here next to me. There was a Chinese guy wanking two or three seats away. I got scared. What was happening here, was I going to be SAFE would I get what I wanted or would they get what THEY wanted. Bare sex with strangers in NYC. I would get pozzed for sure. But my eyes met his and like a snake charmer he was able to keep me right where he wanted me. I listend to his voice, I was really hooked and would do what he wanted me to do. Within limits of course. So I sat down. He pulled out a big thick monster, not shaved, and smelling like man cock. Not soap but not dirty, just like a man's cock having been in his trousers all day, know what I mean? Man cock. It was thick and darker in colour than mine and throbbing. Then the Chinese guy moved over next to me and took off my pants. I let him, and he started sucking me! NY Italian guy pushed my mouth on his dick and said Go on boy, suck mine while he sucks you, then I'll take you to a booth. I really loved it, the smell and being under his spell, his control. He had real power over me, his cock was the master that could command me, his big physique housed the thing I worship. Cock and cum. I WANT YOUR CUM I told him and then the Chinese guy really started going to town on me. I had never had a guy suck me off to completion until then. I started to squirm and move away, started to push the Chinese guy away but it felt SO NICE as the waves of pleasure started to build up. The Italian guy noticed and told me that's it, move your hips into it, let him suck it all out of you boy and I exploded. He swallowed everything and then it all closed down. I wanted to get out of there and fast. It was all happening too fast. I sheepishly said Thank You and they both chuckled as I pulled up my trousers. Italian guy said come on, I want to show you a private movie in a booth. He was getting ready to fuck me bare and I knew it, but I had already cum. I said I wanted to use the toilet first and would meet him in the lobby. Instead I went to the lobby, grabbed my jacket and RAN down the street. I ran for my life because I knew a pozzing was waiting for me otherwise. I must have run about 3 blocks when a big green Range Rover beeped the horn and I looked over and it was Italian guy ... he rolled down the window and said CAUGHT YOU!
    4 points
  7. Just left. i was in Virginia for a week, just got back yesterday, so it had been 8 days, was so glad He called. He loves when i kiss and lick Him all over, so vocal, fuels my lust. When He fucks, He puts His hands on me in a way, holds me in a way that makes me feel possessed, captive... feels incredible and He pounds me hard. After i was trying to describe how it feels, how awesome, and He told me He holds me "like His bitch." Didn't say it in a forceful or mean way, more matter of fact... nailed it. Literally.
    4 points
  8. Went to dinner last night with friends and forgot I had Sniffies going. Got messaged by a guy nearby who wanted to fuck after I was done. Neither of us could host and so we swapped in the stairway of a parking garage. Good looking white boy of 19, home from college pumped two loads in him, took both his loads too.
    3 points
  9. After reading the first few messages on this thread a week ago I had an idea to run an experiment. You see, I live in Gran Canaria, and at any given time of the year, day or night, there is a constant flow of gay men coming in from all corners of the world with jsut one thing in mind: sex. I am in my late 50's and I have a friend who's in his late 20's . We are fuckbuddies and good friends otherwise. And I told him about my experiment: we would both go on apps, advertising who we really are, with no fake or photoshopped photos - just the way we are. At 27, my friend is a very good looking young man, vers, with a decent 8" dick and an ass that won't quit. We both advertised ourselves as bottoms, and on the grindr and scruff hunt off we went. Three hours later, my friend had about 40 something chats open. I had two. Four hours later, I had a decent fuck, and so did he. We then went to the clubs. A few hours later I had seven nice thick loads in my guts. My friend has three. I was fucked about 17 times, my friend had about 30 men fucking him. Conclusion: age on app, counts for nothing when it comes to real time hook-up. Lots of chats, lots of promises, many "I'll get dressed now" and never to be heard about, or "send me our location" and then vanishing in thin air. People on app who are serious about hook-ups are very few; many are on the app just to check if some Arabian prince with a 10" dick has messaged them. Age in a club does count, but not as much as one would think. Reasonably shaped older men with the right attitutde will find sex almost as as easy as a handsome 20's hunk. As our experiment went, my friend got almost twice as many fucks as I did, but I squeezed more loads than he did. We both agreed at the end of the night that apps are still a great waste of time and a wonderful way to collect some random dick or ass pics, whilst the clubs are the place to go for real time meets and action. I am sure that some people on apps are very nice and they are the ones keeping the hope of hooking up alive. Naturally, if you are "the only gay in the village", the app is your best friend. Also, if you are in Middle East or some other place where being gay is a big no-no, of course, the apps will be your ultimate local guide and friend (if you can weed out the local police that is). Otherwise, my friends, head for the local gay meeting point, marked by the big fallen tree, or by the nearest truck stop marked by the scent of fresh cum LOL Happy fucks my freinds! (on apps or otherwise)
    3 points
  10. I’d been drinking, and in my inebriated mind decided to walk home rather than wait for a night bus. After checking a couple of apps, I was feeling a bit horny even if I had no mind to do anything about it. It was then when I noticed the illuminated sign for the sauna. I’d passed it many times before and knew it had something of a reputation for its theme nights where one night it’s Daddies/ Bois or no towels or whatever. I decided that I would pop in for a bit, freshen up in the shower and maybe get sucked off. Job done. Once I’m buzzed in I realise that I’m actually doing this, and so check in for a towel, give reception my email for some reason for their mailing list, and head into the changing area, clumsily undress and then head into the main part of the sauna. After doing the rounds – and discovering there’s even a sling area, which stank of piss – I settled into a wood cabin that seemed fairly quiet bar the two older daddy types, mid-50s, looked like regulars but were in hot shape, gently feasting off each other’s bodies, teasing each zone and clearly been there a while. I settled down on a bench to the side and vaguely watched them. One of them reached over under my towel and put his hand on my stiffening cock and smiled “What have we here?” He leaned over further and began nibbling on my cock. Fuck. I hadn’t quite budgeted for this, but my horniness seemingly had me pinned to the spot as his mouth started to suck. His mate slid over and handed me some poppers. I felt obliged to really. It seemed rude not to. Although the minute I whiffed a few snorts my head felt like the wiring had come lose and all that now mattered was this hairy dad feeding on me. His mate leant into kiss me and again and suddenly I’d never wanted this stranger more. I felt the cocksucker’s fingers probe my hole, somewhat looking confused that it was dry and tight, but almost instantaneously the evidence of a sick grin replacing it. “Slow night brother?” It took me a moment to realise he was talking to me. “Uh
 not really. Just a bit drunk and horny” I replied. “Hehe, nice. Drunk and horny on a PozBro night. I get you” “Wait, what? I thought that was Tuesdays...” “No mate. Been Thursdays for the last four months. Every other week we let in non-members and chasers” “Really? Ah okay. Bit of a mistake. I’ll leave you guys to it then” as I went to get up, the popper daddy pulled me backed into a kiss. I was beginning to feel strange, and realise these fuckers had me in their web. I could hear the door being locked and started to feel panicked “Not so fast bro
 Hey Steve I think we’ve got ourselves a newbie!” I kept struggling as Steve pulled out the poppers again. Fuuuuck. What was in them? They were making me react the way they wanted. My body betraying my frantic mind. Half terrified, half horny. Jesus. I could only hope to get out of this alive. “I think you’re right Glen. Luckily for him we’re on a recruitment drive. I think we should showcase a few of the membership benefits while he’s here.” Glen was starting to tease my hole with his tongue. Oh boy, not felt anything like that before. I had begun to bliss out with the intoxication, feeling reasonably good despite the fact I was naked, horny, off my face in a locked room with two poz fuckers talking about recruiting me. Holy shit. I found myself turning my face to Steve’s cock. Man, what a fucking amazing poz tool, I thought. Thoughts that evaporated as I begun to suck down on it. Meanwhile Glen had been probing my hole, and I’d been slowly aware of letting him begin to probe me further. I wasn’t quite understanding my behavior, but everything felt so good and right and I figured I could risk this. They must be bluffing, I thought, there is no way someone would be so toxic that it would take immediately
 That’s how I looked at it. Surely every guy doesn’t get pozzed instantly
 That said, Glen was still pursuing my hole. I noticed him spit on his cock. I hoped there’d be lube but it was unlikely I was to get a smooth ride. These two fuckers know too much as it is. “That’s one tight hole there. Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro”. Oh fuck.
    3 points
  11. 3 points
  12. had a girl in my teens that loved sucking cock. She was really good and just loved cum. I couldn’t see her without her asking for my load. But, then I met someone else and got married. She never sucked, didn’t like it at all. This was such an issue for me during my 20s and 30s being married to a woman that wouldn’t suck my cock. Well, I craved it and found an older fella that was very willing to suck me anytime I wanted. That went on for a while and I was really appreciative. Now that I’m in my 40s, I’ve now become that cocksucker. I love helping young men and have embraced the fact that now it’s my job to serve in this role.
    3 points
  13. Part 7 We stepped inside and were greeted by a thin nude man. He looked about middle aged and gaunt. I could see all his musculature through his skin. He looked generally unhealthy. But he did have a decent sized cock. As I was guided in by grandpa I was wondering why he unzipped my underwear. My dick and ass exposed seemed like a bit of a risky temptation for any shady types. There were a lot of guys in the place. Probably more or less of a dozen. Almost all of them were as thin as the door man. Some of them were chubby bears, some had body types like grandpa. Almost everyone was naked. The majority of them gathered around the center of the room in a circle surrounding something. “Let’s see what the commotion is shall we?” Grandpa guided me to the center towards the men in a circle. As I looked through some of them I could see a guy getting fucked on all fours while sucking another guy. Many others were stroking their cocks watching the scene. Some of them looked at me and I was feeling nervous at there glances. “Now that’s a good bottom, taking all those poz cocks raw. Wouldn’t you say Kenny?” Grandpa was rubbing my exposed ass. “Shouldn’t he be using protection?” Grandpa laughed, some other men near me rolled their eyes. I knew what kind of party this was but still. Grandpa started fingering my hole as more of the men were getting closer around us. The intrusion of his finger made me jump a bit. I tried to act casual while the others stared at the guy in the middle of the room getting relentlessly fucked by several sickly looking men. Grandpa was watching the show as well, his fingering me being only an afterthought. I didn’t want to gain anyone’s attention even though I could feel some eyes were looking at me. I couldn’t help but look around. Observing all the different types of men that were here. The oldest looked like a man in his 80s, he was short and chubby, his dick was thin but long. He had that typical tired grandpa vibe about him. In his case he could be my great grandpa. when I looked at him, his eyes met me and I quickly looked away. I didn’t want to signal to him I was interested or anything. I just stood there and played with my dick a little, while grandpa explored my ass with his finger. The men fucking the guy in the center of the room were grunting, I could see there movements hastening, it didn’t take long for them to reach orgasm and shoot their what I would assume poz loads inside of him. The sex looked pretty hot, but I definitely didn’t want to participate in it. “Hi there Mr. Lewis, who is this young boy you have with you?“ I heard a gravelly voice ask. It was the 80-year-old man from across the room, shit he came over here. “This is my grandson Kenny. I’m just showing him the ropes.“ Grandpa took his finger out of my ass and gave it a slap as he smiled towards the elderly man. “No kidding? Do you play with him?“ He was stroking his very erect thin cock that looked to be about eight or 9 inches long uncut with long saggy foreskin, his balls had a mess of grey and white hair sprinkled on them. “More or less. I’ve been teaching him what it’s like to get fucked. His ass is quite divine.” Grandpa started pushing on my back. “Bending over this chair boy. Let old Harmon here get a look at your beautiful bubble butt.“ I couldn’t help but do as I was told. There was a chair in front of me and I propped my hands on it, my ass up in the air. “Grandpa, are you sure this is OK?“ He used his thumbs to spread my cheeks apart, my ass hole on display. “Of course. Harmon here just wants to take a peek. Isn’t that right Harmon?” “Yes. I’d love to see inside of him. How about you spread his hole open more?“ Harmon walked up behind me. Grandpa stuck two fingers in my ass and started stretching me open. It hurt a little but I could feel myself opening up. “There, isn’t that a lovely wet cave he has?” Grandpa giggled, proud of showing me off like some sort of toy. “Oh yes. I can see inside of him nicely.“ Harmon stepped forward and put a hand on my ass, he was still stroking his cock as he got closer. “I think I’m going to spunk soon. Do you mind if I kiss his cave with my tip?“ “A few little love taps won’t hurt.” Harmon started slapping his dick on my ass, sliding up and down my crack, I could feel his foreskin glide over my hole as he rubbed it up and down. Then he positioned the tip directly at my opening, his foreskin kissing my hole almost like a suction cup. “Grandpa, isn’t this a bit much?“ He was still spreading my ass open for Harmon. “Don’t worry. I’m here. Nothing bad will happen to you. Just be a good boy and keep that ass up so my friend can see.” “Yes, his ass feels hot and slick. It’s going to make my sausage ooze in the moment.” Harmon kept stroking his dick at my entrance. Grandpa studiously holding my ass open. Then somebody else walked up to us. “Mr. Lewis is that you? Long time no see.“ I didn’t know who it was. They were out of my peripheral. Grandpa Lewis turned his head away and started engaging in small talk with the stranger. He was no longer looking at me and Harmon, but he still had his hands on my ass. I could hear Harmon grunting as he rubbed his shaft. Harmons hips started to move in once grandpa Lewis’s gaze was away. I could feel his cock head emerging from out of his foreskin as it dug inside of me. It slipped inside of me easily along with several inches of this shaft. Both of his hands were on my hips as he started to fuck me raw. I was too afraid to say anything. I was waiting for grandpa to look back and stop what Harmon was doing. “Oh yeah, that ass feels better then my own son’s boy.“ He then started slamming into me balls deep. His thrusting hurt, his thin cock felt like it was stabbing me on the inside. His hips smacking my ass, but his hips also smacked grandpa‘s hands as well. “What’s this? Oh Harmon. You silly old goat. Get that dirty thing out of there. You have a higher viral load then I do. He ain’t ready for that. He’s still neg” Harmon continued fucking me. “Just a moment. I’m getting close. I just need to dump my spunk in him and you can have him back.” “Nope. No more let’s get you out of there.” “How about a few more seconds? Just a bit? Maybe 20 or 30 or a minute?” “Ugh, fine you desperate old fart. You get 30 seconds but then pull out.” Harmon went to town drilling into me, moaning the entire time. “Grandpa he can’t!” I protested. “It’s only a little while. Harmon here doesn’t get much action. He’s older then what a lot of the other guys like. Just let him feel ya a few seconds longer.” “Yeah
 oof oh fuck. A few seconds is all I’ll need, oh shit.” Harmon was getting really excited. Grandpa was studiously watching Harmon fuck my ass. A few guys in the room were watching us and jacking off. Harmon started to increase his pace. His hips slapping into me as I could feel his dagger jab my guts. His cock felt hard as a rock and my insides could barely take his harsh thrusts. “Oh fuck that’s good! Oh fuck! Oh it’s coming!” “And that’s time! Come on time to pull out.” Grandpa instructed. “A few more seconds! Oh! Oh!” “Perhaps. Are you cuming?” “Yes! Fuck I’m cuming now! AAAGH!!” Harmon arched his back and slammed balls deep. I felt his cock burry deep in me. Deep into the upper parts of my intestines, deeper than what it felt like it should have done. ”OOOOoooooh
.. beautiful ass
 beautiful hungry ass
” “That’s my queue. Let’s get you out before your tip starts spewing.” Grandpa put his hands on Harmons hips and started guiding him out of me. Harmon resisted a bit. Keeping his cock firmly planted in me. “Come on, I can see your old balls pulsing as we speak. Out you silly old goat.” Grandpa pulled and got his cock to slowly slide out. As his cock slid out of me his foreskin was the last to exit, a trail of clear pre stringing between his cock and my hole. “Oh nuts. Guess I’ll just have to shoot it in one of the others.” Harmon walked off to find another hole to breed. My ass still hurt from his harsh stabbing. “That was a close one there Kenny boy. But at least Harmon there could enjoy your ass a little.” I stood up, as my cheeks closed I could feel Harmons goo sticky between them. “Grandpa he almost came in me!” “But he didn’t. Fallow me, I need to take a piss.” Grandpa led me by the hand weaving between the questionable men, some of them copped a few fields of my dick and ass as we passed. We entered a bathroom together where he positioned me between him and the toilet. “OK Kenny, I want you to get on your knees. This next lesson I want you to drink all of grandpa‘s piss.“ “What!? Why? I don’t think I can do that!” He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me to my knees, he pointed his cock in my face. “Do you want to keep learning about gay life don’t you?“ “Well yeah I do, but this?“ He was waving his cock around, one hand on my face, the other on his dick rubbing it against my lips. “Then you need to know what it’s like to be a toilet for other men. You will be drinking plenty of piss from others. Perhaps you’ll drink a few loads from the guys here.” “But I don’t think I want to.“ As I opened my mouth to reply grandpa stuck his cock in my mouth. “Here’s the deal Kenny boy. I’m going to piss in your mouth and you’re going to drink it. Or if you don’t want to drink it I will have you switch places with the guy getting fucked in the middle of the room. What’s it going to be? My piss in your belly or poz cum from a dozen dirty men? I thought about my options. There’s no way I was going to get gangbanged like that. In comparison drinking some piss it didn’t seem so bad. I brought my hands up around grandpa‘s waist and started sucking his cock. “Good boy. Now you just relax and let grandpa fill you up.“ He put his hands on his hips and relaxed his body. He was looking at me and concentrating. There was about a minute of silence between the two of us with nothing happening. I was on my knees with my grandpa‘s cock in my mouth waiting for a torrent of urine to shoot out that I would have to do my best to drink. I knew that any second it was gonna come. The suspense was agonizing. Then I could taste it, grandpa started to squirt a few streams of piss into my mouth. It was salty and tart. I tried my best to swallow it, but then the stream burst fast. “Ahhhhhh
 that’s nice.“ I was frantically trying to swallow as much as I could. Grandpa‘s piss was filling my mouth and shooting down my throat at high speed, some of it ran down my chin. I didn’t have a chance to breathe as I kept drinking the yellow flow. “Yeah that’s a good boy. You look so beautiful drinking your grandpa’s piss. I think I should have you do this every day.“ Eventually the stream calmed down and came to a stop. I swallowed the last mouth full and grandpa shook out the last few drops. My stomach felt full and my head was a little dizzy from the lack of air. Grandpa grabbed a towel to wipe off my face a little. I was still on my knees regathering myself. “You did well Kenny boy. I’m so proud of you. Now I need to go have a chat with my friend from earlier, how about you stay in here for a minute. You’ve seen how easy it is for these nasty men to slip up in you. i’ll be back soon.” Grandpa left me in the bathroom. I stood up and got to the sink, looking in the mirror. I looked at myself, half naked, wearing slutty underwear with my dick and ass exposed, just freshly swelled an older man’s piss and earlier had an old guy slipped his cock in me. I started to think about how I got to this point. I had come along way in just a few days. I was learning so much so fast. Being at this party was scary but there was some excitement in it too. I washed my face in the sink. Covering my face with my hands trying to get myself into a good headspace. Then I felt hands on my ass. It must have been grandpa. Was he back already? His dick was poking my ass. “You’re Mr. Lewis’s boy aren’t you?“ I looked in the mirror and behind me was the sickly skeletal man who answered the door from when we first came in. He was behind me holding my hips. “Uh, yes sir. I’m his grandson Kenny.“ I was getting a little freaked out. I tried not to show it. I was alone in the bathroom with this strange man at a poz party. My ass was exposed and he was behind me aiming his cock towards me. “Did I hear that right earlier? From when Harmon was fucking you? You’re neg?” He was rocking his hips back-and-forth, the tip of his cock massaging my slippery hole. “Yes sir. Grandpa wanted to show me what a poz party looked like. I am kind of new to the gay scene.” “That’s nice of him to bring you here. But you can’t be neg anymore, right? After Harmon fucked you and I’m sure Mr. Lewis has already bread your hole multiple times.“ “No, Mr. Herman pulled out and went to fuck somebody else. Grandpa has been inside me but he hasn’t shot inside me yet.“ “Yet? So I have access to a still virgin boy pussy?“ he was starting to push against my ass. “Yes sir, but I don’t want to get fucked here. I’m just observing. Yeah don’t think grandpa would like me doing this in here.” “This can be our little secret. You can’t come to a poz party without some poz come inside you. I’ll just slip in and blow off my load. How about that?“ “I don’t think so. Maybe I should leave.“ “Hmm, how about I just jack off and blow my load all over your ass cheeks? Good compromise?“ “Um
 I guess so
” “Good, get on the floor. And bring that ass up.“ I did as instructed. I was on my knees, facedown on the floor of the bathroom, my ass was up in the air and the man squatted above me stroking his cock, and rubbing my ass. “Spread your cheeks apart. Let me see that hole.” I spread my ass cheeks apart. He was cock slapping me. I could heal his tip tapping against my ring. “Stick a couple of fingers in there. Spread it open. I want to see inside of you.“ I stuck my two index fingers in my ass and tried my best to spread my whole open for him. There was resistance but I felt like I was able to get it open some ways. “That’s good, I can see down inside of you. You’re a good little slut aren’t you?“ I didn’t know how to respond to that, I just wanted him to get off and be done with it. He put a hand on my back and slid his shaft up and down my spread open asshole. I could feel his hand bump me as he was jacking off. He then positioned the tip of his cock at my opening, and was applying pressure. “Fuck yeah I’m going to blow my load all over your ass boy.“ “Yes sir please shoot your load.“ Good, he was going to finish up and I couldn’t get out of there and find grandpa. “You’re ready boy? Are you ready for my poz cum?” “Yes sir
” “Fuck here it comes!” I could feel the motions of his hand vigorously stroking his cock as he was getting ready to ejaculate. The tip of his cock still poking my hole as he was winding up to spurt. “Shit! AAH! YEAH!” I felt his cock blast it’s sperm. My ass was getting covered with it. Stream after stream of hot white sticky lava trenching my asshole and running down my taint, covering my balls. “Oh fuck yeah. Look at all of that. It’s all pooling on that slut hole of yours.” The man then grabbed my ass and squished my cheeks together. I could feel the cum gush out from between my cheeks. I stood up and wandered to the door. I wanted to leave. “Thanks. That was fun. Next time you should let me shoot it inside you.“ I left without saying a word. I tried looking for grandpa amongst the party. The lights darkened and few ambient sources gave little visibility. It seemed like they were setting the mood for more intense play. It was hard to find grandpa around. He was shorter than most so wherever he was he wasn’t visible through the crowd. I weaved between body after body wandering around the apartment. I felt a few hands touching me as I wandered. Cum was still dripping down my ass. I felt a couple hands trying to reach between my cheeks and enter my ass, but I walked away and kept the search. I tried fiddling with my zipper to close myself up so I wouldn’t get any more intruders. I zipped myself down covering my dick up and tried reaching behind me to cover up my ass as I was walking but I was interrupted as a bunch of guys on the floor in front of me were fucking one another blocking my path. one of them was a chubby middle-aged bear on his hands and knees sucking another guys cock. I stopped to try to find a way around them. That’s when I felt a pair of hands on my hips. The guy behind me didn’t say a word. I was trying to walk away but the crowd around me was closing in and I was having a hard time looking for an opening. The stranger behind me then took his cock and started slipping it between my ass cheeks. With the forceful thrust he jammed his cock deep up in my ass and started fucking me standing up. The initial intrusion startled me a bit making me freeze up a little. He got seven or eight thrusts in me before I pulled away and got on my hands and knees. I decided that I would try to crawl underneath the chubby bear sucking cock since underneath him seem to be the only way to get through. The bear was caressing me as I was shimmying under his belly. His hands were pulling down my underwear. He stopped sucking the guy in front of him and as I was almost on the other side, the bear swung his leg over and laid his bodyweight down on top of me. I felt him plunge his short but very thick cock in me and grab my shoulders. He began fucking me and I heard the loud slaps of his belly and hips smacking into my body. His large weight pinning me down. He was grunting like an animal as he was hammering away. I couldn’t move. My hole was getting assaulted. His fat cock going in and out of me sounded like wet sloppy plunging. I could feel myself getting stretched by him. He must have been as thick as a soda can. As he was going to work on me I was trying to think about how to get out of the situation. But I couldn’t move. The chubby bear was having his way, thoroughly enjoying my ass. I felt like he fucked me for about 10 or 15 minutes. Then he changed positions. He got up on his knees and pulled my ass up and started jamming his cock in and out of me hard and fast. I tried taking the opportunity of the new position to get away but he was holding me tight at the hips. As he was fucking me he eventually came to a sudden halt and thrusted his hips forward hard and deep. After a few seconds his grip loosened up and I took that as my opportunity to crawl away, his short fat cock popping out of me with a squelching sound. I crawled through the bodies. My underwear were gone at that point. Grunts and moans filled the dark room. The smell of body sweat and sex was everywhere. Another guy grabbed me as I crawled and positioned over me. Before I could get away he plunged his cock in me too. He was longer then the bear but not as thick. He swung his leg over and stepped on my face. Fucking me with his dirty foot smearing me. It stank and was sweaty. He thrusting was frantic and clumsy. His foot rubbing all over my mouth nose and face. With out any other optioned I stuck my tongue out and started licking his foot. Hoping that would turn his attention towards foot play instead of fucking. I think I was right. As I sucked his toes he stopped fucking. He let me lick his foot for a moment then pulled his cock out and walked away. I tried to find some place to go where I could get away from the party. I couldn’t see grandpa but then again I couldn’t see anything very clearly. Just body shapes. At one point I found a door in a hall. It must have been a bedroom or something, I figured I could wait there. The door was locked so I couldn’t get in. But there was a hole in the door a couple feet off the ground. It looked big enough for me to squeeze through. I tried crawling through but it was tight. I made it halfway but my hips were stuck. Inside the bedroom was as dark as the rest of the apartment with only a few dim lights around the room giving vague ambient lighting. Not enough to see anything clearly. There were bodies in here too. It seemed almost as full as the main room. I contemplated wither to try and squeeze all the way in or get out and head for another part of the apartment, but then I felt another cock penetrate me. Someone was fucking me with my ass sticking out of the door hole. I tried pulling myself in the room but another guy shoved his cock in my mouth. I couldn’t see who it was but it was an average sized cock. The guy on the other side of the door kept fucking me as I was getting mouth fucked. I couldn’t concentrate on blowing him since the ass pounding was harsh. The guy in front of me gave up and resorted to just jacking off and blew a load in my hair, I could feel it run down my forehead. The guy fucking me eventually stopped but as soon as he left my ass another cock replaced it. This cock was long and thinner, stabbing my guts. His fucking was slow and steady. Someone else grabbed one of my feet and I felt something warm and wet rubbing on it. As it ran up my sole and over my heel, I could feel his balls with my toes. He was fucking my foot. On the other side I felt some one lift my other foot and started sucking my toes. I had to admit that having my feet worked over by two guys was hot but this situation was not ideal. One guy licking my foot, another fucking my other foot and a cock in my ass. In the room there were two other guys jacking off over me. I guess I had to expect more cum loads to the face. But a third guy who was tall and fat walked over. He turned around and put his ass in my face. A couple of the other guys pushed my face in there and I had no choice but to lick his ass. His hole was big and wet. He was clearly fucked fresh. I stuck my tongue in there and worked his hole around. It was very cummy. I rimmed him for a good bit of time when I felt him start pushing. Among the party noises I could make out him grunting. His hole pushed toward my mouth and a burst of cum filled my mouth. This man was feeding me his cum loads straight from his ass! I did my best to swallow it but then he pushed again and another gush of cum came out. My mouth filled again with strong flavored cum and I swallowed it again. I thought that would be enough but his ass wouldn’t stop. It was gushing another load. Holy shit how many guys fucked this man?! I swallowed the cum and he filled my mouth again. I must have drank five or six mouths full of ass cum from this guy. Eventually he ran out and I licked his as clean. He seemed satisfied and left. The other guys around me shot their loads on my back and face. Meanwhile on the other side of the door there was a different cock in me. I hadn’t even noticed the change. From the long cock to this cock. I couldn’t tell how long he had been fucking me but he pulled out of me and started fingering me. He put two fingers in, then three. Then he tried putting four fingers in. He was pushing in hard and my ass was hurting bad from it. At that point I knew what he was trying to do. I didn’t want to get fisted! I put my hands on the door and pulled my ass through as hard as I could. I was successful and my ass popped through the door hole and the man’s fingers left me. I was all the way in the room now. My feet were wet and slimy with slobber and cum. I had cum dripping down my head and my belly was full of grandpa’s piss and several loads of ass cum. What the hell have I gotten myself into? I looked through the dark and between the bodies I could so someone familiar, it was an older short man. That had to be grandpa. My ass hurt too much to stand so I crawled over to him. I saw his feet and started kissing them hoping that would get his attention. Grandpa raised his foot and let me suck his toes. The flavor was definitely him. ‘That’s right grandpa, it’s me.’ I though to myself. He must have recognized me because he walked behind me and grabbed my hips to help me up. Finally I could get out of here. But then I felt my ass get poked with a familiar giant mushroom cockhead. ‘Oh shit he doesn’t see it’s me!’ Grandpa then slammed his cock in me balls deep. It hurt so bad getting that monster cock so deep so fast. His fucking was different. It was bestial, unrestrained. I could feel my insides getting torn apart by his battering ram. I opened my mouth to say something when another cock went in my mouth. It was long and thin and had sagging forskin. It was Harmon. Harmon was throat fucking me. I was being spit roasted by my grandpa and someone who could possibly be old enough to be his dad as well. The two of them fucked both my holes without mercy. Grandpa slammed away like he was at an Olympic event. Harmon jamming his cock down my throat. Poking it into my esophagus. I didn’t know how long I could take it. But then Harmon pulled out. I coughed, trying to catch my breath. My throat was sore and I wasn’t able to speak in that moment. Harmon walked around and said something to grandpa. Was that it? Did they finally recognize me? No, not yet. Grandpa pulled me onto his lap as he sat on the floor. Harmon got in front of me and sat with his legs wrapped around grandpa. The two of them positioned their cocks together and guided my ass down on the booth of them. I was getting double penetrated! Both their tips pressed against me and my body was being lowered down. My ass opened up and swallowed both of them. I was lowered down and I felt them slip up into me and they moved my body making me ride them up and down. Harmon in front of me stuck his tongue in my mouth and was making out with me, his spit taste like cum and feet. More specifically grandpas feet. I was surprised that I could recognize his flavor on Harmon’s mouth. He must have given grandpa foot service before I came. Harman explored my mouth with his tongue as grandpa bounced me up and down on both of their cocks. Normally two at once would be too much but beer can bear definitely helped loosen me up. Someone came over to grandpa and had his suck their cock. He must have really enjoyed it because his attention was off of me and onto the man he was sucking. Grandpa pulled out of me and started giving robin his head to the stranger. I was left sitting in Harmons lap. He was still kissing me and throwing his tongue in me. Arman positioned me on my back on the floor and lifted my legs over his shoulders. He was now sucking me quickly like he did last time. In this position with my legs spread I could feel his cock sinking deep into me, deeper than last time. It was painful and I don’t think my guts were supposed to get sucked that deep but he plowed away regardless. He was looking me in the eye as he was plapping away. I think he knew who I was. He’s leading close to me as he continued his drilling, nearly fooling me and a half. He licked my ear a little as he whispered to me. “I’m glad I could have your ass again. You are a good boy for spreading your ass for me. I’m going to make you my slave boy. How about you come home with me? I’ll be your grandpa. And I will do things to you that he would never dare try.” His fucking continued. “No, I have a grandpa. I want him to do those things to me.” I could barely think with his harsh assault on my insides. “Well I’m going to sneak you out of this party with me. Tie you up in my bedroom. You would like that wouldn’t you? Being a sex slave to this dirty old man?” I couldn’t say anything. My body felt completely at the mercy of his cock drilling into me. Then his fucking stopped. Harmon got up and took me by the hand. “Come now while he is preoccupied. You’re coming with me.” Arman was guiding me out of the bedroom. Opening the door with the hole in it and then out into the hallway. He was wheezing me between last phone bodies left and right looking for the door. Holy shit I thought to myself, what’s happening? Is he really taking me to his place? What sort of things would he want to do to me? Would grandpa know where I was? we were by the front door of the apartment now, Herman was getting ready to exit with me when he stopped and turn towards me. He grabbed me by the head and pulled me in for another kiss with tongue. I could hear guys around his grunting and moaning still it sounded like some of them were fairly close. As Carmen made out with me he ran his hands down my back and grab my ass cheeks and spread them apart. “Hey you there. Are you blowing a load? Here dump it in this.“ What? Who is he talking to? Then suddenly somebody came up behind me and slammed his cock up my ass to the hilt, he thrust in me three or four times then granted loudly in my ear. He lunged his hips forward pressing me into harming and held that position for a moment then relaxed and let out a sigh. He stepped back and pulled out. “I’m going to be giving you a lot more than that Kenny. I promise you, he won’t be recognizable when I’m finished.“ Armen open the door to the hallway and pointed me in the direction of the exit. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to go back and find grandpa. I felt my body freeze up in fear. Armin went behind me and forcefully jammed his cock up in my ass again and started fucking me standing up. Every thrust of his cause me to take another step forward closer into the darkness of the hallway and away from the party. When we got out in the hall Harmon was still thrusting his cock into my ass as he reached for the door to shut it behind us. That’s when I realized what was happening. I was being taken by this horny elderly predator, going to his apartment to do God knows what. I looked behind me to see back into the party, the dim ambient lighting was barely visible but then went totally black as Harmon shut the door. He kept fucking my ass making me walk towards his place. He opened the door and fucked me in side the threshold and shut it behind him.
    3 points
  14. Friday was hard to get through, knowing what I had planned. Using my tech savvy Thursday night (and the list of passwords for the company email accounts) I was able to figure out Mark's facebook password and find out that the girl who he referenced the day before was an ex of his named Shannon who was coming into town that afternoon and planned to meet him at a party across town, clear on the other end of the city where some former high school basketball star was having a huge blow out guaranteed to end with Shannon letting Mark fuck her. Thinking as quickly as I could, I spoofed a facebook profile of one of Shannon's hot friends from her school. With a little poking and prodding I managed to get Shannon to admit to her "friend" that she was way more into Mike than Mark and was only going to let Mark fuck her as a back-up if Mike wasn't interested. Emailing from Mike's account at work, I sent her a message that I (aka mike) wanted to see her and had been into her for years. Before I went to bed that night, I got Shannon to tell Mark that she was more into his brother, and was going to hook up with him instead. This was where the plan got tricky. Calling upon the spoofed profile I'd used with Shannon, I messaged Mark as if I was Shannon's friend Maggie, and told him I was coming with her for her visit but had decided not to go to the party, and hoped he would meet me to hang out one on one. Giving him a fake phone number that could receive calls and texts from an app on my phone, I told him to text me (Maggie) if he wanted to do something more fun than just go to a party. Around 10, when he finally checked his phone, he seemed confused by the random facebook message but texted the number and asked what "Maggie" had in mind. Maggie: I dunno. Shannon said u and ur bro were into partyin, that true? Mark: Yeah but I think Shannon's planning on hooking up with Mike at the party, and u said u didn't want to go Maggie: lol not that kinda partying. I meant parTying. i.e. tina Mark: not really my thing Maggie: too bad, it turns me on like mad! (attached photo of faceless topless teen tits) Mark: fucking nice! I'm still up for hanging out! Maggie: Nah, I wana find some tina and a guy to fuck me while we smoke (attached photo of faceless naked teen tits and finger in pussy) Mark: come on, I promise u a good time (attached pic of Mark's hard cock laying against his abs) Maggie: I want that in my cunt so bad Marky, but I need to party while I can, b4 going back home. think ur bro can handle both Shannon and I? I knew this might set Mark off, since he'd lost some girls to his suave brother in the past, but it had to be done to push him towards what I had in mind. I switched out of the app at that point and turned to my own texts and sent him one from my normal number. Me: hey Mark, u still gonna get some from your ex tonight? Mark: Doubt it, turns out she is more into Mike. But her hot friend is coming 2 town and might be down. (attached two pix sent to him by "Maggie") Me: nice, u should do her friend royally so she goes back and tells your ex how amazing you were. Mark: Fucking right! Just not sure I wanna do what she wants. Me: fuck it man, whatever it is, do it! She is fucking hot enough to be worth anything bro! Mark: ur right man, ttyl Turning on the app, I waited for him to respond but got nothing. Impatient, I sent a text that I knew would push him over the edge. Maggie: can u give me Mike's # so I can get him to fuck me? Mark: don't need his #. I'll get some and we can fuck at the party 2night. Maggie: Awesome, but can we do it somewhere else? I don't want Shannon to know I smoke tina. Mark: I dunno where? Maggie: My hotel? near Colfax and downing. (and conveniently only blocks from my condo). Mark: cool. what time? Maggie: Text me when u have the tina and I'll send u my room number. The rest of the day was torture, waiting for 5 o'clock to come, but finally it arrived and I texted my dealer, asking if 'doc' had set up a time to come get stuff too. My guy said yes and told me he'd be there at 8 sharp. I agreed to be there by 7:45, lying in wait. -- Showered, shaved and spotless, I was seated on my dealer's couch, smoking a bowl when a knock came at his door at 8 pm that night. This time I wasn't going anywhere. Mark came in wearing a crisp looking button-down black shirt tucked into a pair of well-fitted black pinstripe slacks, with a leather belt, jacket and combat boots to complete the look. Upon seeing me, he almost bolted, but my dealer had shut the door behind him, and it was too late. Acting as if I was just as surprised to see him, I even called him Mike at first, and waited for him to correct me...which he didn't. Panic set in as I realized that Mark might have sent his brother to get the supplies and this might be the wrong brother. If Mike was here, then Mark might be at home waiting for a text or out in the car, oblivious to what was going on. Excusing myself to the bathroom, I booted up the app and typed in a text from Maggie and set it to send on a 2 minute delay. Back in the living room, 'Doc' was now seated on the couch, so I joined him and told my dealer how we worked together, and he nodded as if he had no idea while weighing out the sack of favors. Feeling the phone in my pocket buzz to inform me that "Maggie" had sent her message, I was relieved when Mark's phone went off right next to me. This was the boy I'd been perving on, he was just playing it cool with the dealer so the guy wouldn't figure it out. Scratching my nose, my dealer recognized the signal I'd given him before Mark arrived, and made an excuse about needing to run upstairs for more baggies, leaving Mark and I alone in the living room. "So you're not Mike are you?" I asked, whispering to Mark as if I was keeping his secret. "How did you kn---no. It's me, Mark." he said, nervous as a cat in dog kennel. "Shannon's friend Maggie said she wanted to party with me, so I decided it was time to try it out." "That's cool man," my hand clasped onto his knee and squeezed, keeping it friendly but introducing some physical contact between us. "You going to pick her up and take her someplace where the two of you can party?" "Can't," Mark said, constantly looking between me and the doorway in case the dealer came back. "Mike took the car to a party down in the boonies, so I'm gonna walk over to her hotel on Colfax and downing after I finish up here." "Want me to give you a ride? I live only a few blocks from there anyway so I'm headed that direction." Mark eagerly agreed and went to text "Maggie" just as the dealer returned with the bags and finished with the sale. Mark's bag was loaded especially heavy, but I'd paid extra to make it that way. Thanking him for the goods, we went to my car, and Mark got in the passenger's side while I walked around the back and read what he'd texted. Mark: hey babe, got goodies. headed ur way. Maggie: Not ready yet. Can u hang out close for few mins? Mark: Not really. being dropped off by friend. Maggie: hang w/ ur friend until Shannon and the other girls go2 the party pls. Ill txt when u can cum fuck me. Climbing in the car I could tell Mark was unhappy with something, at which point he showed me the text Maggie just sent. Graciously I offered to let him come over to my place and chill until she was ready, to which he reluctantly agreed, emphasizing the fact he'd only be able to hang for a few minutes. On the ride over, I asked him how he was going to partake in the party favors, which got me nothing but a quizzical look. Explaining that most people preferred to smoke or shoot up with tina, I asked how he planned on doing it, and he admitted he hadn't thought about it. As we parked in my garage, I told him I had a pipe inside and would show him what to do with it. Crossing through the mud room and into my condo, I could see Mark was impressed with my place. I lived on the northern half of a duplex which had a garage and mudroom on the lowest level, leading up to the kitchen, living room, study and dining room on the main level, before going up again to the three bedrooms and two bathrooms on the top floor. Showing him into the study, I told him to go ahead and take off his jacket and boots since my a/c was on the fritz and it only got as cold as 76 in here. In actuality, I set the thermostat to 76 before I left, and locked it off so it couldn't be reset without the key. Being the good brother, he did as I asked and sat down on the plush couch in his shirt, slacks and clean white socks. Moving to the cabinets on the opposite wall, I opened a sliding door to reveal a large flatscreen tv with a frozen image of a hot young girl getting felt up by two men in their early twenties. "You can unpause it if you want," I said, retrieving a box from the shelf next to the tv and sitting on the cushion next to his. "while I show you how to load a pipe with this." "Thanks man," Mark said, starting up the gangbang porn I had in the Blu-ray, ready to go. "I'm such a retard. I can't believe I didn't think about how we were gonna smoke this. No wonder this chick wants to bang my brother and not me." "If she wants him more, she's a fucking idiot," my response was quiet so he had to move closer to hear me. Watching me load the tina into the bowl with a small straw, he seemed mesmerized as I complimented him. "You're way funnier than your brother, and it looked to me like your dick is bigger too. You just need to learn a few things about how to party before you dive in." Blushing, Mark nodded and watched as I explained what I just did. Pulling out a lighter from the box, I showed him how to heat the bottom of the bowl without burning the crystals, until finally they'd melted enough for the smoke to begin to swirl. Motioning for him to take a hit, he declined. "I'm gonna wait until I'm with Maggie so we can enjoy it together." He said, forcing me to take the first hit or risk losing the smoke. He watched intently while I took a huge inhale, and proceeded to release a thick white cloud of smoke into the air. All I could think to do was play on his lack of experience. "Suit yourself," pausing to take another hit and blow it out, I made sure to seem as casual as could be before setting the pipe on a cool, damp towel I'd prepared and hearing it sizzle. "but don't be surprised if she can tell you're a tina virgin. It never hits as easy as it looks the first time." "Really?" Mark was beginning to sweat in the warm room with his long sleeve shirt on, not to mention his fear. "Well, if you are sure I won't get too high before I meet her...okay, show me what to do." I handed him the pipe and explained once more how to properly melt and hit the tina, watching as he failed to go slow enough to get any smoke to rise. Looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes, I took pity on the poor sap and lit the pipe for him. "Wait for my signal to inhale," I said while slowing turning the pipe over the lighter until the wisps turned into curls of smoke. "now inhale and don't stop until you can't inhale anymore. Good job, keep going! Good, good, okay now exhale!" Coughing only once while a gigantic cloud unlike any I'd seen before escaped from his lips and mouth, I could tell he was excited and horrified all at once. "Again!" I said, lifting the pipe to his lips before he could argue, and reheating the pre-melted crystals for another giant hit. "This time shot gun your hit into my mouth." Doing as he was told, Mark took hit after hit, exhaling each time into my open mouth, less than an inch from his. Switching back to taking turns on the pipe, we continued to shot gun with Mark never questioning the fact that we were practically on top of each other to do so. Once the bowl was finished I could see how fucking high Mark really was, his pupils dialated to giant black pools with green and brown around the edge, his body stiff and alert, and his mouth open slightly, waiting for another hit to come. "How do you feel?" I asked, unbuttoning my own shirt so it was open all the way and untucked. "Fucking awesome man! This stuff is amazing! I feel like I'm on fire!" Mark was definitely as high as possible. Somehow my plan to make him need to get high in order to get laid, then get him to my house to try it out had worked. Time for phase 3. "That might be because it is so hot, feel free to get comfortable while I grab us some drinks." Standing, I kicked off my shoes and toed off my socks, leaving me in just my open shirt, board shorts and white briefs. Once I reached the kitchen, I felt my phone buzz and checked to see if Mark was texting Maggie as I figured he might. Sure enough, he was asking how soon he could come over, explaining that he was ready to get high and fuck her all night long. Maggie: sounds awesome stud, roommies leaving 4 party @ 10, then u can cum party w/ me. u ok 2 hang w/ ur friend till then? Mark: think so. u mind if I start smoking b4 I get there? Maggie: sure sexy, prefer it that way, but thot u weren't in2 smoking tina? Mark: I'm full of surprises (attached photo of Mark in the study with his pants open revealing his cock hard in a pair of white briefs like mine) Maggie: cant wait, cu soon I returned to the study with drinks in hand, a rum and coke for me, and a rum and coke with a dash of ghb for Mark. Not enough to knock him out, but enough to get him drunk from one or two drinks, instead of the 6-8 it would normally take a teen of his size and metabolism. Maybe he was feeling modest, or just unsure of the etiquette, but he'd refastened his pants and his shirt was only unbuttoned down to mid chest, with the sleeves rolled up. He had a real sweat going now, as did I, so I decided to kick things off by ditching my shirt and dropping my shorts so I was in nothing but my briefs as I joined him on the couch. "Damn man, you're ripped! I mean I know I've seen photos before," he said, blushing slightly and downing half his drink. "But you're fucking shredded man! Much more than you can tell in some crappy selfie." "Thanks man, but you got me all self conscious now," I faked modesty and put my shirt over my briefs, doing very little to hide my growing cock. "it's not fair for you to check me out without showing something too. Quid pro quo remember?" Mark laughed, finished his drink and stood up. Stripping away his shirt first, then his shorts, he was soon left in only his briefs and white socks, striking a pose or two to make me giggle. As he sat down he swayed slightly, and I realized the g was taking effect. Asking if there was anything wrong, he shook his head no, and turned his attention back to the porn while fishing something from his pockets and asking "can we load another bowl?" Smiling, I took his bag of tina from his hand and loaded another fat bowl into the glass bubble pipe, offering him the first hit this time. Salivating like a dog for his bone, Mark took the bowl and slowly lit it how I taught him. After taking a long drag from the pipe, he turned to shot gun to me, but apparently forgot to keep a little space between us, pressing his mouth into mine and exhaling before slowing letting his tongue lick my lips. Eyes popping open, he snapped backwards and began apologizing like he had severed my hand or beaten my puppy to death, but I just laughed and told him it was cool. The next few hits we didn't shot gun, instead smoking and watching the porn which had evolved into 5 guys taking turns on the hot teen girl. Checking the clock I saw that it was only 9:20, so I decided to refresh our drinks and see if Mark was getting antsy. Sneaking my phone along with me into the kitchen took some Houdini-ing but soon I was carefully measuring out another small dose of g into Mark's second rum and coke, while making myself a coke on the rocks. Downing a Viagra, I checked my phone and realized Mark wasn't texting Maggie while I was out of the room. Horny to see what he had in mind for her, I called out to him. "So you text that girl and let her know you're getting ready to pound her pussy?" I asked, stopping to readjust my cock in my undies and stroke it a little. "Just did," he lied. "She says it will be awhile longer, is it cool if I hang here till then?" "No problem." My smile was big enough that a sober man might have realized it was hiding something when I returned to the study, but Mark was high and drugged and absent-mindedly stroking his soft shrunken cock through his briefs when I sat beside him. "It's fucking weird dude," he said, peeling the elastic waist band away from his slim, smooth 8-pac to reveal his tina dick. "I'm hornier than I've ever been in my whole life, but my cock won't get hard." "That's normal dude," I said, reaching over and giving his soft dick a squeeze and a stroke, with no objections from him. "Tina can make some dudes dicks go soft, and other times it makes you harder than steel, see?" Pulling down my own briefs to my knees, my hard 8.5 inch dick sprang back against my hairy 6 pac with a 'thwack!' Hypnotized by my hard on, Mark couldn't help but reach over and squeeze and stroke me a few times before a moan escaped my lips and the spell was broken. Blushing and stammering, he turned back to the tv and gulped from his new drink. We continued to drink, smoke and stroke to the porno, me stiff and him soft, until the video started to include shots of the men stroking and sucking one another. Looking over I noticed Mark's glass was empty, he was taking another big hit from the pipe and his eyes were darting from the porn to my raging man meat. Putting my arm around him and pulling him to me, he shot gunned into my mouth and let me pull him closer for a real kiss. Now I'm no shrimp at 6'1" but his basketball body was long enough that I'd never be able to kiss him and feel his ass at the same time if he weren't so loopy that he bent like gumby as I pushed him back on the sofa. Turning his head to the porn I asked him if he liked what he saw, and he nodded yes. Before it dawned on him what that meant, I worked my way up his body and placed my erect dick at his lips. His eyes looked up at me with fear and desire, but I knew desire would win when I reached behind me, between his legs and ran my fingers over his asshole. Moaning, his mouth opened and I slid my cock inside it, feeding him 3, then 4, then 5, 6, almost 7 inches of my cock before he began to choke. Not wanting to go to fast, I only used those 7 inches for awhile while I teased his asshole and fed him my precum. "How does that feel Mark?" I said, pulling my cock away long enough for him to answer. "Good but I'm not-" leaning down, I stopped him from telling me 'I'm not gay' by kissing him hard, while maneuvering his hips so he began to flip on his stomach. "What was that mark?" kissing down his back until I reached his ass crack, I dove in with my tongue. "I'm not....uunnnnnggghhh." my tongue pressed fully against his sweet tight ass. Pleased to discover there was no dirtiness inside him, I wondered if his brother warned him to wash out before partying. Eating his ass at full speed and with lots of gusto, he writhed in pleasure beneath me, unaware that I was soaking my fingers in lube laced with tina at the same time. Kissing back up his spine, I worked a finger inside him before he cried out from the pain of penetration. "It burns! Take it out Peter!" "Sorry Mark, it'll be over in a second," speaking of second, I added a second finger and used my muscular frame to keep my drugged prey from bucking me off. When he calmed down some more, finger number three joined in, eliciting one final cry and them just whimpers and moans. "There now, the booty bump should be taking effect any second and we can get started." Sure enough, a minute or so later, Mark's breathing got heavier and he started bucking his hips back to meet my hand. As I pulled out of him, he whispered "don't" and tried to clamp his virgin ass around my fingers to keep them inside. That was my cue to give him the real thing. Turning him onto his back, I pulled his hips to the edge of the couch and knelt between his thighs on the floor, Placing his long, muscular legs over my shoulders, I looked down at the semi-delirious, semi-conscious, semi-erect teen and moved my crotch forward until I felt my thick penis penetrate his unfucked hole. Suddenly his eyes came into focus and he threw his arms up to push me off as I rammed home all 8.5 inches of circumsized 24 yr old man meat, until my pubes came to rest against his sphincter. Try as he might, my buff frame was too much for his skinny, sinewy, strong form. Maybe he'd have had a chance with less/no drugs in his system, but his altered state made him the perfect toy for my hungry hard on. Besides, his cock was only hard once I was balls deep in him, so it couldn't have been all bad. Over the next ten minutes I fucked him slow, then fast, soft, then hard, shallow then deep, until his hands stopped trying to push me away and began pulling me in to go faster, harder and deeper. Seeing the last ounce of reticence turn into desperation for more dick was all it took for me to lose it. "I'm going to cum inside you unless you tell me to stop," my hips picked up speed as I leaned in and informed him of what I had planned. His only answer came in the form of his hand taking up his cock and jerking himself off as fast as he could. Eyes locked, I saw them widen as he got close, and I nodded to show him I was getting there too. Suddenly he gasped as a huge volley of cum rocketed up and splashed against my fuzzy pecs. Catching me off guard, I looked down and caught the next one across my cheek, nose and mouth. Tasting and smelling hot, fresh boy cum sent me over the edge. My back curled and stiffened as I lost control, pistoning deeper than I had yet, and depositing shot after shot of searing hot seamen into the furthest reaches of his no-longer-virgin asshole. His load soaked us both from neck to navel while his butt swallowed each drop I could give it. Panting, I collapsed against his heaving chest and kissed him hard while we recovered. Seeing the post-coital guilt setting in, I quickly retrieved the pipe from the table beside us and forced him to take a few hits, curbing his moral dilemma long enough for my cock to reharden. As round number two began, I could tell he wasn't ready. The truth of the matter was, I didn't care. Until I figured out a way to fuck Mike's ass too, his brother would be fulfilling the needs of two desires. No two ways about it.
    3 points
  15. As the lanky teen with the cute smile shuffled past me carrying the stack of filing boxes, I kept staring at his lean body while I walked, until almost falling over a stack of shipping crates. Stopping just short of the pile, I turned and watched him disappear out the back door with them. My cock jumped in my khakis as I wondered who the new blood was. "Excuse me sir," a deep voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around and press myself against the wall as he passed me again with another stack. It puzzled me how he had managed to unload the boxes and get back inside and pass me in only a few seconds, until the back door opened and he walked back in, followed by...himself? 'Twins!' I realized as the two teen boys wiped sweat from their brows and passed me going the opposite direction to get another load. "Who are they?" I asked a co-worker as we pretended not to watch the fit teens take load after load of old tax paperwork out to the truck to be hauled away and shredded. "Marvin's grandsons," Jessica replied, covertly watching them in the reflection on her computer monitor. "He got the bossman to agree to let them come in a few days a week and intern in the accounts department with him until they go back to school in August. Their names are Mac and Mal or something like that, and they play basketball for their high school team and need some more academic stuff for their resumes if they want to get into a good school or some shit like that." Eyeing them less discretely than my co-worker, I caught a glimpse of one boy's ripped abs when he lifted his shirt to wipe his face off, and oogled the other brother's butt when he bent to get the last box, making his pants ride down exposing his hairless creamy ass cheeks and crack. Fantasies of a basketball boy sandwich with me in the middle were floating around my head, causing my hard on to leak into my briefs. I was so lost in my imaginary world that I didn't realize they had caught me watching them and were coming over to say hello, until they were suddenly at my desk. "Hey I'm Mark," the one in the blue bball shorts and black tee said, before pointing to the brother in white plaid shorts and a green tee and adding, "and this is my bro, Mike. You must be Peter. My granddad said you were the computer genius around these parts." I nodded and tried not to check out their bulging boy packages while they asked me some technical questions. Answering as quickly as I could, I hoped they didn't notice my voice cracking or how desperate I was to keep my lap concealed under the keyboard drawer on my desk. Finally they seemed happy with the facts I'd provided and made some joke about me seeing them around, maybe twice. I laughed a little too hard but they just smiled and returned to the re-org work they'd been busy with before they came over. Once the coast was clear I ducked into the bathroom and jerked a huge load all over the sink and mirror, with visions of these teen gods doing the same. -- The rest of the week went by uneventfully, with me spending twice as much time in the bathroom as any of the other employees, spanking my meat to images of the twins I'd managed to find on their facebook pages. As it turned out, they were all too happy to friend the just-out-of-college, tech-savvy young computer tech when I sent the request, and that made me happy once I found out they were aspiring models and had dozen, perhaps hundreds of photos of the two of them in tuxedos, work-out gear, shirtless and even in matching red speedos. My sixth sense had been right, their dicks were well above average, at least according to the photos where they could be seen through the speedo fabric. When Friday arrived I was ready to get the hell out of there and go find some young buff bball boy to substitute for the hot new interns, and I even decided to take it further than usual, texting my guy and setting it up so I could drop by and pick up some tina on my way to the club. When I got to his place I was eager to get back out and find some ass to pound, but my dealer convinced me to stop in and smoke with him first, even offering to load the first bowl himself. Never one to turn down free drugs, I agreed and plopped down on the couch next to him and told him about the hot new guys at my work. "That's awesome bro!" he coughed as he said it, obviously turned on at the idea of twinteens as well. "Wish I could see them. Where do you work so I can sneak past one night at closing and check them out?" Uncomfortable with the idea of my dealer knowing where I made a living, I offered instead to show him a photo of the twins, but I made sure it was only a shirtless pic since I felt kinda possessive about their asses and dicks after a week of coveting them. "DAMN MAN, I know this dude!" My dealer yelled, causing me to cough as I smoked. "I know one of them anyway. This kid stops by once in awhile to buy some shit for him and his girl. Always thought he was hot, but now that there's two of him, I want him twice as bad!" "What's the name of the kid who buys from you?" I demanded. "Dunno. I always call him doc cause he only gave me his initials when we met: M.D." He said, swiping through more of my photos. Could have been Mike or Mark from the initials, but I was desperate for more info that might lead me to discover which one did drugs, so that I might blackmail him into doing me too. "In fact, doc said he'd be stopping by around 8 if you want to stick around and see him." As intriguing as the prospect of him coming in and my catching him in the act of buying might be, I knew I had a lot more to lose in this situation than he did, so I made sure my guy wasn't going to snitch on me and got out of the house by 7:45. Inside my car I began to pull away but stopped myself at the end of the block. I needed to be sure my dealer was telling the truth, so I pulled around the block, and parked under a tree a few houses down, with a perfect view of the front door. By 8:10 I was ready to call it quits when a familiar grey sedan turned the corner and pulled up in front of the house. It idled for a moment before the engine cut out and the driver's door opened. My breath caught in my throat as all 6'6" of boyish ball player stood up out of the car and began walking up the path. With no idea which guy of the two I was seeing, all I could do was fondle myself and picture one of them sucking smoke from a pipe while I pounded my 8 and a half inch dick deep into his athletic ass. Minutes passed before he returned to the car and I used my phone to snap a few photos of the boy so I had a record of what he was wearing as he slid behind the wheel and drove off. Turning around and heading home, I signed onto facebook as soon as I reached my garage and tried messaging both boys to see which one was out in the car and which one was being good and staying away from drugs. Neither one responded and both had similar statuses, reading 'out with the crew tonight, c u at the spot' and 'cruisin with da buds 2nite.' After 20 minutes it became clear that the twins were too busy with their friends to check my message on fb, so I got on my phone and used a hookup app to find some sexy bottom bitch who wasn't too far from me.it took about the amount of time for me to shower and change my sheets before the guy appeared on my front stoop. 6'2", almost as blonde as the bball twins, with a more classically handsome face, more muscle mass and hard inside his shorts, I pulled him inside and had my cock inside him as soon as I could get his shorts off. Disappointed that he wasn't one of the boys, I took comfort in his perfect body and well-trained sexual prowess, fucking him 4 times over the next few hours, with a few periodic breaks for some bowls to be smoked and a shower after round 3. When he left around 4am, I was still hyped up on tina and in no mood to quit partying, so I picked up my phone and started cruising again when it buzzed, alerting me to a new fb message. It was Mark, who I'd discovered was the quieter of the twins, seeming happy to let his 'big' bro (older by 6 minutes according to Mike) take the lead in most situations. 'Hey dude, where u at 2nite?' Mark's reply read. Assuming it had been posted a lot earlier, I almost ignored it until I saw the time stamp and realized he'd only written it an hour ago, around 3:20. 'My place,' I typed in, debating whether to embellish my evening to make myself seem cooler or just include some details of what I had been up to and possible cross a line that I shouldn't. Unable to decide, I kept it vague, ending the reply with 'buzzed from a crazy night.' Unsure if he would respond or if he was awake still, I almost giggled when my phone alerted me that he responded only a minute later. 'Nice! me2. Went out w/ friendz and got hi' it read. Without knowing what he was high on, I still admired his bravery admitting that he was on something, since I not only knew his grandfather but also had the ability to get him fired from his internship. The same thought must have hit him when another message quickly followed:'u cool? pls don't tell.' Laughing, I decided to ease his stress level and responded: 'no worries bro, im no snitch. been known to try stuff when I was young 2. could get wild sometimes.' 'i knew u were cool...and ur not old enuf 2 say 'when I was young.' When was that? last week?' his response made me laugh. Guess my vague answer didn't put him off the scent like I thought. When I didn't answer his last question he added another: 'what did u get in2 when u smoked?' Again I paused before responding and wondered what I should say. If he was the brother I'd seen at my guy's place earlier, this might be my chance to have him join me for some bowls and eventually lure him into letting me suck him or watch him with his girl. If this was the other brother, I could be revealing hard drug use to a teenager who might be stupid enough to tell someone at the office or he might hate the fact his brother does drugs like that and decide to get me in trouble with my boss or even with the cops as some bizarre lesson. 'u first' I typed into the messenger and waited for his response. I'd already told him I wouldn't snitch, so I hoped he would confess to me, but I wasn't too surprised when all he said in return was 'all sorts of things :)' 'Same here' was my reply. After that we chatted inanely for awhile, finally reaching a point where we'd run out of things to share, and a long silence occurred. Taking to my hookup app, I almost didn't notice the notification in the corner when, about 20 minutes later, he sent another message reading 'every1 here is 2 hi, no fun :(' Seeing the opportunity to find out which one I'd seen before, I asked him who he was with, since my dealer said his customer always bought for himself and his girlfriend. If he said his girl, it could be either of them, but if he was with friends, chances are it was Mike I'd seen before. Totally catching me off gaurd, Mark responded 'my bro and sum buds.' Shit! If they were together, I had no way of knowing which one I saw earlier. Then it his me, if they were together, they were probably both smoking the tina! Typing quickly, I asked him if he'd taken any photos of his antics from earlier. When he said yeah and asked why, I asked him to send me a pic of his buds and his bro, making up some excuse about possibly knowing some of the guys he hangs with and wanting to see a pic to be sure. He was quiet enough that I figured he was probably thinking it was a bad idea, so I decided to sweeten the pot adding 'u send me a pic of ur friends tonight, and I'll send u a pic of my friend 2nite.' 'ok! u send first' came back quickly. Mark must have deduced from our conversation, specifically some remarks I made about 'needing 2 shower' and 'wandering round my place in da buff,' that I had been screwing earlier in the evening. Unable to convince myself to be sane and say no, I found a picture I'd taken of the bottom face down with his thong-clad ass in the air, and cropped it so all you could see what his lower back and ass. Somewhat sure that it looked round enough to be a girl's butt, I sent him the photo and prayed he wouldn't figure out who he was seeing. Almost immediately a response came back with only one word in all caps: 'HOT!' Bells sounded alerting me that I had a picture message, and my hands shook as I opened the file entitled 'less exciting photo than 1 u sent me.' As it loaded, I began to make out some boyish faces, and surprisingly, some girls as well. It hadn't occurred to me that some of Mark's buds might be girls, but at least I could be semi-confident that none of them were his girlfriend from the label he'd given. His brother was standing behind a girl in the photo and hugging her to his chest blocking the outfit he was wearing, defeating my plan to find out if he was the guy I'd seen at the house. Undaunted I asked for another pic and Mark eagerly responded that he'd be happy to...as long as I understood it was quid pro quo. Digging through my new pics, I found one of the blonde bottom mouthing my junk through my briefs and cropped and edited it until only his mouth and nose could be seen drooling on my cotton-encased hard-on. zooming in as close as possible to see if I could make out any blonde stubble on his chin, I felt secure that Mark would be fooled again and sent the photo. This response took longer and I began to worry that I might have shown too much when my phone ding-a-ling-ed again and another message came through entitled 'couple hours later.' In this message, Mark had included a few photos of his buddies and brother stripped down to their boxers or panties respectively and taking shots in a hot tub on the same porch where the last one was taken. I scrolled through all of them and was disappointed that there was no way to tell which guy was which in the photos (even though all the ripped teen torsos and see-through undies did have me stroking pretty seriously). 'want more?' I wrote, while simultaneously searching my phone to see if any of the rest of mine could be re-done to hide the sex of my partner. I was considering sending one where I had my cock head forcing its way into the sweet smooth asshole of the boy, when Mark told me that he was all out of photos, but really wanted to see more of me and the 'bitch I'd fucked yesterday.' Crest fallen, I went to correct him on the date and discovered it was almost 8am and the boy had arrived at my place nearly 11 hours before and a whole day earlier. making some excuse about needing sleep, I ended the chat session and jerked off to a photo of Mike and Mark standing up in the hot tub, boxer-briefs clinging to their long, flaccid dicks and fuzzy thighs, giving enough definition to show me that they were both cut. My load was gigantic. -- Saturday I spent doing chores and hooking up with a guy from my gym after my work out. As I bred him in a shower stall that afternoon, some young guy was unabashedly watching us and pounding away at his average size uncut dick. Closing my eyes I imagined the hole on my cock belonged to Mike and his brother was the guy enjoying the show. Gym guy commented as we got dressed that his ass hadn't been fucked that well in years, and the voyeur snuck me his number on the back of a gym brochure before an older man, probably his father, yelled for him to stop fucking around and get changed so they could leave. Through out the day and the following night, I exchanged texts with Mark and strung him along just enough with vague details about my hookup in the afternoon to get him to continue to hound me for more information and unwilling reveal more about how far he'd gone and what he had planned. From what I gathered, he lost his virginity to a girl from his swim team when he was a freshman in high school while her best friend took his brother's v-card. After that he'd had one steady girlfriend for awhile who put out regularly but she moved away. My cock spewed more semen as he told me how he and his bro shared a girl down the block for awhile until she figured out they were both fucking her and ended it by kicking Mike in the junk and telling him to "share that with your brother too!" The LOL in my response was honest, but didn't include the CUM the story made me shoot. Finally I got around to asking if he had a girlfriend, to which he replied 'no.' Part of me was glad he wasn't with some girl but the other part knew that meant it must have been his brother I'd seen at the dealer's house the night before. Still I figured he might have enjoyed some of the goodies, so I decided to press on with our friendship. I went to bed early that night (early being around 11pm), and dreamt of Mark in bed with me, sucking my cock, then turning into Mike (don't ask how I knew the difference) and taking his turn on my dick. For some reason I felt guilty when Mike was doing it, but when I went to push him off, he turned back into Mark and finished the job. I awoke the next morning at 7 with cum in my tighty whiteys and a lot of questions in my mind. As I took my morning piss, I was happy to find messages from Mark and Mike, who had apparently been brought up to speed on my conversation with his brother. Each had sent me questions about my own sexual experiences, and after I'd failed to respond for a few hours, it turned into more of a drunken contest to see who could send me more explicit descriptions of things they'd done attached to photos of the girls from the stories (all pg-13 rated or under) until around 2 am when Mike stopped texting and both of them went quiet. Then at 5:13am, a message from Mark had arrived saying 'wana knw wut I wan2 try?' followed by 'beign w/ a guy.' Sitting stunned I moved forward in the conversation as Mark slowly admitted to wondering what dudes felt like and asking if I'd ever done anything with a guy. The last text was from mere minutes before I'd woken up and all it said was 'Mikw nad I messd round ocne.' Translating from the language of drunk I almost had a stroke realizing it said Mike and I messed around once. Hands shaking, I typed back carefully 'oh yeah, what did u guys do?' The minutes seemed like hours and I'd almost given up hope that he was awake and still drunk enough to tell me, when the bells went off. 'jus jerkd each ohter offf and stuf.' was his response. My heart jumped while I asked what stuff meant. His shyness returned with 'u know, stuff. nothnig gay.' Not wanting to push my luck, I left it up to my imagination and began stroking to their hot tub pic when another bell went off and he asked me again if I'd ever done anything with a guy. Horny as fuck and thinking I might still be asleep, I responded with the same shot of the bottom in the thong that I'd sent the day before, followed by another shot of the same guy on his back, with his cock clearly visible through the thong, and finally one more photo of me and the thong-wearing bottom in the mirror opposite my bed, his legs over my shoulders, my cock in his ass, and his head thrown back in pleasure. Once I was sure my face couldn't be seen in the picture, I hit send and waited. 5 minutes passed, then 10, then 20, 25, 30, 40. My mind was spinning as I wondered if I was about to get fired for sending fuckpix to the teen grandson of the head of accounting, but a bell went off instead. Opening the text on my phone, I scrolled through five pictures. One: a blurry pic of Mark in a bathroom mirror, holding his phone and wearing a black polo and baggy jeans, sagging enough to reveal the waist band of a pair of red and black undies. Two: another slightly less blurry pic of Mark in the mirror, now shirtless, flexing his chest and arms. Three: Mark holding his phone in front of him and taking a downward shot, this time with his pants out of the photo, and a hand shoved down his undies. four: Mirror again, undies pulled down to midthigh, facing away and flexing his back muscles, while clenching his butt enough to make the white buns taut and round. Five: A shot straight down his torso with his big, hard cock pointing out and up in his left hand, with a drop of precum peaking out of the head. After I finished looking at them, I got another text asking me simply 'what do u thnik?' 'U got me hard man.' I responded, stroking slowly hoping I might get more photos if I didn't cum at that very moment. 'Prove it.' came his response, and without a second thought, I walked into the bathroom, dropped my undies to the floor and took a shot of my impressive pecs, abs, dick, balls and thighs in the mirror. Pressing send so fast I couldn't be sure my face was entirely hidden, I decided I didn't care as long as it meant the possibility of more pics of Mark today, tomorrow or somewhere down the road. Instead I received a message that demanded another photo of my hard cock(or drunkenly written: my hard cokc). Snapping a few photos of my left hand stroking it while my right hand conveniently aimed the camera so my head was concealed, I sent a group all at once. The next text was short and to the point: 'make it come.' Unable to deny the quiet teen,I threw one foot up on the toilet next to me, switched over to video mode on my camera and began stroking for all I was worth. Seconds later a huge load rained from my thick, red, angry mushroom head, smearing streaks down the mirror as it sprung forth. As I lowered myself to the floor and caught my breath, I paused to wonder if I was better to deny the view of this explicit video from the inexperienced eyes on the opposite end of the conversation. The pervert who lusted over his co-worker's grandsons won out in the end though, and I ended up sending the video with a subject that referred to both the video's contents and my intentions for the boy: 'i'm coming for you.' -- Pulling into the work parking lot the next morning, I was a little unhappy to see the grey sedan already parked by the employee entrance. Most of the company wouldn't be in until after 9, so I'd hoped my 8:15 arrival would allow me the chance to watch out the window and see which of the twins drove the grey sedan. Most likely it was a shared vehicle or they at least carpooled for work purposes, so the entire idea was probably moot. Still, I had an uncommon obsession with needing to know which boy was the druggie if only one was into that stuff. After I thought I'd deduced it was Mike since Mark had no girlfriend, I saw Mike's relationship status on facebook was set to 'single' for months now, so it was a toss up who my dealer had been selling to, or if he was even being told the truth in the first place. Most likely whoever 'Doc' was, he made up the girlfriend after my dealer made eyes at the boy, figuring it would keep the gay drug dealer from making a move. Lost in thought over the entire scenario, I almost ran smack into one of the boys as I rounded the corner to go into my desk area. Apologizing and wondering if this was the boy who sent me his naked photos, he told me it was no sweat, and asked if I hadn't responded Saturday night because I was too busy getting more of the same from the night before. Revealing himself as Mike by being unaware of the nude picture exchange, I just smiled and told him I had fun and moved past him and got to work. Keeping an eye out for Mark, I began to get more and more nervous that I'd gone too far when 9 turned into 9:30 and the whole office was at work with still no sign of the quieter twin. Finally the boys' grandfather called down into the filing basement for Mark to "stop dilly dallying and get up here." Mark appeared soon after, scanning the office with his eyes until they came to rest on me, at which point they darted away, and so did he. Obviously I wasn't the only one who was nervous about what had gone down, so I decided to text Mark and let him know it was cool. me(9:48a): sorry if i freaked u out yesterday morning. we cool? Mark(9:56a):yeah me(10:04a): u ok? Mark (10:21a): yeah, cant talk now With his curt tone and short answers I figured Mark was now a lost cause. Just another sexy text memory to get me off when I'm alone and high, I guess. When he texted me at lunch and apologized for his abrupt response earlier, I was so happy to hear from him that I almost stopped him in the hall as he passed me. The embarrassed look on his face and inability to look me in the eye kept me from acknowledging him, even when his brother started up a conversation that afternoon, with him only a few feet away. We chatted about our crazy weekends in hushed tones and I enjoyed seeing Mark's brow form a dewy layer when I told him how many sexts I'd received the last few days. Mike practically demanded that I show him some, but somehow his forceful tone did nothing but make me want to say no. Still I considered showing him one from gymguy describing my amazing fuck skills, just to see if I could give Mark a heart attack and pretend it was one from him. Knowing better, I told both boys to get back to work and reminded them that it wouldn't be professional to share that stuff at work. Mark let out a sigh of relief as they walked away, and I sent him a text promising to keep his secret before returning to my own, rather large stack of work. Over the next few days I barely saw Mark and Mike, but began texting with them more and more. With Mike it was always puns about the positions and lude acts accountants did with the files, usually culminating in him sending me a selfie where he had some paper in his fly or was humping a filing cabinet. Mark's texts were more lowkey, often poking fun at the shitty work he was doing or how many of the older executives were practically illiterate when it came to tasks like opening their email or sending a text message. Eventually they started referencing the sex stuff we'd discussed the weekend prior, never going far enough for him to admit to seeing me cum on video though. By Thursday the three of us were eating lunch together and stealing moments in the halls to exchange good natured barbs, so I figured I had worked my way back into Mark's good graces. It was time to mention the sexting and see if he would freak again. me: thanks 4 the coke at lunch, ill get u next time mark: no sweat. better you drink a soda than thirst for the cum of sumyungguy! me: lol that thirst is never satisfied *slurp* mark: gross dude me: you didn't think it was gross sunday morning me:? mark: about sunday...I was really fucking drunk and high and didn't know what the fuck I was saying. I never should have hit that bowl, that stuff was way too strong for me, and I feel really awful for texting u all that gross shit. me: it wasn't gross man. I enjoyed it, which u could probably tell. But if u wanna drop it, its cool. Just wondering what u were smoking that got u so fckd up? mark: something stronger than the shit I usually smoke. It was awesome but I lost control. I decided to test the waters and see if I could get him to admit what it was with a little admission of my own. me: yeah tina does that to me sometimes too. me: :/ me:? Mark: I don't know, I've never smoked tina. Just weed. Fuck. I'd admitted my worst habit and now the hot dude who works with me had me jerking on video AND admitting to drug use in text form. I was screwed for sure...until... Mark: Mike does tina sometimes. He even fucked his ex on it in front of me once. got me to film a little. (pic attached) The photo attachment included three shots. One: Mike taking a hit off a bubble. Two: Mike fingering a naked girl while she hit the same bubble. Three: Mike getting head from the girl while he hit the bubble. Me:shit dude thats hot! u shoulda joined them. Mark: Ew dude, thats my bro! Anyway I don't do hard drugs like that. Mike likes it tho. Said it made him hornier than fuck. Me: I can tell Mark:...Whats it like? Me: exactly like mike said, plus a hundred times better. Mark: cool Me: u never been tempted to try it. Mark: not really. seems like a waste unless u know ur gonna get some. Me: yeah, ur right. u should try it sometime tho. Mark: maybe. my ex will be in town this weekend, but ill probably just fuck her sober me:cool, back to work, ttyl Mark: ttyl man I snuck into the bathroom and barely had my cock out of my pants before I shot all over the tile floor and my pants and shoes. I didn't even get the door locked but luckily I was one of the last people in the building. Sneaking out the side door I ran to my car and drove home to jerk off again to the hot photos of the teen smoking and getting sucked. -- coming up: Friday
    2 points
  16. Part 1: Boarding the train to Tupelo. “Do you have the time?” Asked a young woman no older than 20, “5:20,” I said. She thanked me and went back to her book. It’s not uncommon for someone to ask for the time here on the metro. It’s almost a daily occurrence. For me I was keenly keeping track of the time, and I have to make it to Union Station by 6:30 in order to board my train that leaves for Roanoke. You see while most people are heading home from their workdays, for me I’m dreading the train ride. You see I’m planning on spending time with family for the holidays. For me going back home is not fun, and I try my damnest to not go home. However this time it was different. Something was calling me to come back home, but I didn’t know what it was. You see I grew up in the small mountain town of Tupelo, Tennessee. It’s a small town that has a few stores and a couple of fast food restaurants. It serves as a small little suburb of Bristol. Really it’s more of a pass through town for those heading up to the smokies. My hometown didn’t have a school and so I had to attend high school in nearby Bristol. I remember being a kid that was fascinated by getting away from my parents and this town. Was I a happy kid, for the most part yea. However I was never truly happy because I had to hide my sexuality from my parents and from a lot of people that I knew. Not only am I gay, but I knew from about age 12 that I wanted nothing more than cock. By the time I turned 16 I had lost my virginity and I was known as the communal hole in some circles. At 18 after my parents found out, they arranged to have me go to Georgetown University. For me it was a chance to be myself in a large city, but it was also a chance for my parents to send me as far away as possible. My mom, Peggy, was a clerk at the post office. My dad, Richard, was the town constable. There were rumors that I was getting around, and on the eve of my 18th birthday my parents confronted me. My mom was crying and in a pleading way, “David just tell me are you gay?” After that night I swore that I would only live with them until I graduated and then I could move as far away from them. They kept telling me that my lifestyle was going to cause me to get AIDS and what not. However I was so confident in myself, I knew I just needed to get out of there. So since August 12, 2009, the day I moved up to Georgetown, I hadn’t stepped foot in Tupelo. From the moment I got to Georgetown, I was practically horny all the damn time. I knew I want to get dick down every chance I could. I went to some bathhouse in the city and that place was my sex education. I knew HIV/AIDS was something that I could get but it really didn’t cross my mind as I was in probably one of the best cities in the world to monitor my sexual health. Besides I wasn’t willy nilly sleeping with every Tom and Dick out there. For several years I was in a very romantic relationship with a man 10 years older than me. He was from London, and he was gorgeous. He was 6’3, blonde hair, blue eyes, a very hairy sculptured chest, and the thickest uncut cock I’ve ever seen. Literally every time I would go down on him his precum would mix in with his pubes to give off the most intoxicating aroma. He would fuck the day lights out of me every morning and every night. I was his personal cumdump and he was the first person to teach me about using a plug to plug my hole to keep all the cum in. We were together for about 6-7 years before he finally had to return to England. You see he was a worker at the British embassy and the foreign office promoted him and he went back home. So this was not only my first holiday with out him, but it was the first holiday that I was returning home. I finally get to the train station and when I arrive my train was shown as being delayed. I looked at the train companies website and sure enough it was delayed due to a faulty road crossing. Luckily the delay was only a 45 min delay. Which was another 45 mins that postponed the enviable. Meanwhile I decided to get on Grindr to see if there was anyone attractive nearby, but then I decided to get to a piss. Now the bathrooms are prime cruising grounds. I went into one stall and load and behold I get lucky. This 7 inch cut beer can comes under the stall divider and I just went to town. I was also admiring the mixture of piss, musk, and pre on his bush. I also licked his taint and played with his balls. I obviously enjoyed sucking his magnificent dick. Finally after about 5-10 mins he shot his nice warm load down my throat. It tasted amazing and I licked every precious drop of his man batter that I could. He got up and left and I was still entranced with it. I got back up onto the toilet, and began jerking my cock off. Now I have a 6 inch thick cut cock, and I love to jerk it dry. It’s just a preference I developed over the years. I also like to finger my hole while I jerk off as well. I use some of my precum and spit to insert a couple of fingers into my hole. Once it was in there my ass juices did the rest of the work. As I jerked and fingered myself I couldn’t help but notice that I’m not the only person in the bathroom. I knew I was being watched but I didn’t let that stop me. When I cummed I took some of my load and ate it and took the rest and put it in my ass. I liked doing that so that way if I was to get fucked there would be some sort of lubricant in there. You know the natural kind. I check the time and by the time I got out of the bathroom my train had started to pull up. I boarded the train and of course I get a window seat because I like to look out. I get my laptop out and do some work and I didn’t even notice the gorgeous man sitting next to me. He was about 5’9, he had short brown hair, tanned skin, and a very nice ass. He was wearing a hoodie with some jogging pants. Let me just say he wasn’t hiding anything. He tapped me on my shoulder and asked me, “Do you happen to have an extra charging cable, I can’t seem to find mine?” “I believe I have an extra one.” I start rummaging through my things, and I finally found one. “Thanks, I owe you. If you didn’t have one I didn’t know how I would get through this trip.” So I decided to ask him, “so where are you heading?” “Tupelo, Tennessee I meeting up with some old buddies of mine from my days in Knoxville.” ”Why on earth are you going there?” ”Well my buddy Blake found this resort up in the mountains and we figured this would be a great way for our group to reunite and have some fun up in the mountains.” I was almost tempted to ask him what kind of fun he was going to be engaging in, but I chickened out. So I instead said, “It’s beautiful up there, especially this time of the year with the snow covered mountains.” ”Yea I know, and it will be great just to get away from all of this. Especially for a whole week. Where are you heading?” ”I’m heading to the same place you’re heading but unfortunately it’s to visit family. Now a mountain getaway would be better.” ”Well if you want to I can see if the guys wouldn’t mind if you came up to hang with us. Here is my number and also the place we’re staying at. But for now I’m going to listen to this podcast and take a nice nap. I want to feel energized when I get there.” “That’s very kind of you Jesse..” ”My nickname is JD. So call me that.” ”Well it’s nice to meet you. I’m David.” What I didn’t know was that interaction would change the course of my life forever.
    2 points
  17. ChicagođŸ· Cumunion does not seem dead to me. Really want to try Cumunion at Jackhammer⚒ someday. I went to Chicago Steamworks Cumunion on Monday Dec 11, 2023. BBRT had said like 50 pigs had indicated they were going. So, I was available, had extra $200, and weather was good for driving over 600 miles R/T in my old Caddy. I got there at 8pm, and all the reserved Cumunion rooms were already rented. I got a plain room. I had a BBall, not best time ever, but I got fucked & bred. Best part was sucked down 3 dudes in a row. Dropped a few loads too. Caught a nasty respiratory virus too, of course. Doc treated me for gono too.
    2 points
  18. I love this Top [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/breeders-outdoors/
    2 points
  19. I got fucked bare by a guy with one...best fuck I ever had!
    2 points
  20. Ill be at Club Ft Lauderdale between 3am-7am New Years Eve (31st into the 1st) after the Fetish Factory party.
    2 points
  21. Advertising on Grindr that you are blindfolded with the door open is sketch!
    2 points
  22. Spot on! That's me. 100% You would have had to have been with/around black men to understand that. 👍 What gets me is the fake outrage and virtue signaling with any reference to black or BBC.
    2 points
  23. In the pursuit of being a good cumdump I showed up undressed , caged and plugged , guy 1 gets my best cocksucking , guy 2 starts licking my hole , soon he declares me ready , and orders me to climb over him , my hole in view my cage making a mess , guy one plunges in in one go .. I had been working my hole so I was ready , this big 8inch rod and fat head is working my guts and hole hood , I milk the shit out of him and in about 2min he blows a giant load in me .. guy under me tells me to force it out all over his face , I do that .. he eats it all up and takes his 7inch rod and rails and creams me .. I was so full of cum and open I could not even tell he came .. as soon as he was done I pulled my pants up and left .. cum leaking out the entire time .. fuck it’s fun to do hoe shit
    2 points
  24. I would like to wish all here within the BZ family happy holidays during the festive period. However, for those that may not be with those that they love because connection(s) have been lost over time, it is just another overly commercialized wasteful day so there is no need to feel lonely or sad even if isolation might already present on a daily basis. I for one I am sure will be online so drop by if you fancy a cyber mince pie. â˜ș
    2 points
  25. I don't think there is a possible pick that won't piss off some subset of his hardcore base. There is to much variation in who they hate.
    2 points
  26. I'm very proud to say that I've kept every load ever shot in my ass inside me. I'm very careful to tighten my hole when the top pulls out so I can keep all his precious seed inside me. It's the reason I bareback in the first. It's such an honour to receive another man's cum that I wouldn't want to disrespect him by expelling it from my body.
    2 points
  27. From 2005 to 2007 is all it took....didn't become an AIDS patient, but came awfully close...last CD4 reading before I went on triple therapy was 212, viral load was 75000. 2 years....
    2 points
  28. I really get off on fucking my boy, Drew’s pre-seeded hole. We regularly group fuck with our mates and I always go up him last. There’s something primal, animal about fucking his loaded arse. The fuck I enjoy the most is when I get my buddy, Steve over to fuck him. He puts Drew on his belly, mounts him and fucks him. He makes direct eye contact with me as he’s fucking and says something like “mate, I’m pumping a fucking massive load up your boy's arse” He pulls out and tells me “go on mate, shove your cock up your lad’s arse, enjoy my sperm lubing his hole” I then mount Drew and fuck my load up his hole while Steve watches. Man it feels so horny - I gotta get Steve over tonight - I need Drew’s seeded hole on my cock.
    2 points
  29. Not only do I not expel a load, I angle my ass upward and stay that way a while after the Top has gone to allow gravity to assist in its deeper reach into my body. Nothing comes out if I can help it. Except - if he has a particular body chemistry. For a very, very small number of Tops, I seem to have an allergic reaction to their cum. If it gets on my skin, it burns, and I guess inside me it’s such an irritant that it prompts a need to expel. But this is very rare. Personally, I very much share @Phallarchist’s view as stated above - expelling a Top’s load is not something that would occur to me, to do so in his presence would be unthinkable, and to so into a toilet while he is still present would be unforgivable. For a Top to select me for cunting when he has an ocean of ass to choose from is a high honor; to choose my cunt as the vessel to hold the essence that codes his personal being is the very highest. If I am worthy of it, I will do my utmost to keep it where he put it. If I had to guess why most bottoms who expel do it, it may be because A) They’re conflicted about their sexuality and after the act feel the need to rid themselves of their ‘guilt’; B) They mistakenly believe that immediately expelling the load will reduce or remove the risk of STD exposure; or C) The idea of having someone else’s bodily fluid inside them actually squicks them out, but is an unpleasant requirement for the pleasure of bareback fucking, so they just get rid of it as quickly as they can. The above speculation supposed the bottom expels into a toilet, and is not simply pushing the load out in situ in the presence of others. The latter case I would assume to be for the erotic rush of displaying that he has been loaded, or simply for consumption.
    2 points
  30. I have tried to fuck in the new year for years. Before they moved west, a couple in Chicago (who had an open relationship) threw a great NYE party. The guest list was a "greatest hits" collection of the men they had tricked with during the year. I was invited for years. We would fuck for two hours or so before midnight and then drank champagne creatively (snow balling it back and forth or pouring it over some one's ass crack to lick up, etc.) For the second half of the party, I was almost always under the rimseat to eat out the guys each time they were bred while someone rode my cock...
    2 points
  31. Thank you for giving us a dick to suck!
    2 points
  32. On meds I quickly became undetectable and deep inside felt a great sigh of relief. For the next 15 years David and my life together continued with a great routine. Unlike many couples we had sex two or three times per week. Most of the time he barebacked me and added his cum to however many loads I had taken earlier in the day. Each week varied a great deal. Most weeks I was getting 3 to 5 loads. Every two months or so I would have a week well over 30. I rarely topped David, but when I did, he insisted I suit up my cock with a condom. I understood completely. Once in a very blue moon we hired our favorite male prostitute. David loved to pump a load into his ass as the prostitute was breeding me. Even more rare were the times David would go to the bathhouse or a sex party with me for the sole purpose of guiding raw cocks into my ass and delighting in watching a stranger or friend fuck and breed me. Then there were our annual clothing optional gay cruises in the Mediterranean. These were on a sailboat with only a dozen other guys. This was the only time David would really let loose sexually. I’m not saying he didn’t fuck one of his friends from time to time. Especially when I was out of town. But that was always safe sex. On the naked sailboat it was another story. The first year we went David was reluctant to join me. He’s never been the exhibitionist or naturist that comes so naturally to me. However, he’s always gone out of his way to give me what I want, and he knew I so wanted to experience ten naked days on a sailboat with a small group of gay men. As the captain guided the boat beyond the harbour on our first day, he called out for everyone to strip. As he explained before setting out, when he declared we were clear of port no clothes were allowed. With everyone naked men were helping each other slather on sunscreen. The captain got our attention once again, “This is a sex positive cruise guys. I like to set the tone early.” He was pumping his thick cock to full erection. It was thick as a beer can and a good 12 inches long. “I need a volunteer.” Everyone looked around nervously. David spoke up as he pushed me toward the captain; “I volunteer this slut.” “Slut is a word of endearment on my vessel. There will be no slut shaming permitted.” To David; ”Are you his partner? I thought so, come here and help me out please.” David made his way to the captain and me. “Grease his hole and my cock. 
 Thanks. Now guide my raw cock into your partner’s willing ass.” David did as instructed. I was fed poppers but his girth and length were very formidable. When he was balls deep in me he started slowly fucking me and spoke for all to hear; “Rule number one is no clothes when we are beyond port. Rule two, sex positivity. Rule three is no condoms. Ever. Everyone has been tested and they are either Undecetable or negative and everyone is STD free. Rule four; there are no tops or bottoms, everyone is versatile for the duration of this cruise. If someone wants to use your ass you are expected to give it up. It’s not a rule but when a cock is in your ass you can assume the top will not pull out. If he chooses to cum somewhere else that’s his choice, not the bottoms. Does anyone have any questions?” David raised his hand and spoke with concern in his voice; “What if I don’t think I can accommodate your huge cock?” “Good question. Come bend over beside your partner.” David hesitated but was soon manhandled by the first mate and bending beside me. The dark Mediterranean tanned thick fingers of the captain started working David’s hole as my fuck continued. One finger led to two, and eventually three before the captain spoke. “So, do you think you are ready to give my tool a try.” “No. I’m sorry but I just don’t think I can take it.” “No problem.” He called for the first mate to bring out the toy box. As my raw fuck continued the first mate started working dildos into David’s arse. He started small and every few minutes a larger one was used as David was fed poppers over and over with every bigger dildo. By the nine inch pop can thick dildo it was clear David was having a good time and enthusiastically participating pushing back as much as the toys were being pushed in. “Do you think you are ready for this now?” The captain asked. “No.” “Well let’s just give it a try.” The captain pulled out of me and lined up with David’s hole. The tip of his raw cock messaged around David tight hole. The first mate was doing his best to rim David at the same time. “Can I just try the tip.” “Okay, but not anymore than the tip.” As I watched the raw tip of the captain’s big tool penetrate David, and my lover’s eyes roll into the back of his head, I had a spontaneous hands-free orgasm. It was the hottest, sexiest turn-on I had ever witnessed. David was fed more poppers and three inches of the Captain’s massive raw cock were buried in David. “Oh fffuuuuccckkkkk , Aaaarrrrgggghhhgh!” David groaned. More poppers and half the twelve inches had disappeared. “Oh 
.. mmyyyyy 
. Fuuuuckiiiin God!” David cried. “If you 
I can 
. Pull out.” Our captain rasped. His breathing now ragged. David didn’t say a word, he just pushed back onto the captain’s massive appendage burying it in his stretched ass furry balls deep. I had my second massive orgasm. I hadn’t noticed but the first mate had positioned himself to take the first blast in his face. The next three went in his mouth and down his throat. As I slowly regained my composure, I noticed a raw cock had entered my ass. I was too preoccupied watching David take the most vigorous fucking I had ever witnessed to turn and see who was in me. The slap, slap, slap of the captains pile driving into David reverberated out over the water. My vision was then blocked as the first mates six inch erection was fed into my mouth. My spit roasting was just what I needed as I listened to the slap, slap, slapping against my hubbies ass. Then just when I thought ‘I can’t take any more’ I heard the Captain bellow “FUCKIN TAKE MY LOAD” as David screamed. In the next moment my mouth was filling with warm cum as my ass felt the convulsions that could only mean it too was getting inseminated. “Are there any other questions?” The captain asked still catching his breath. An adonis blond had his hand up. “Yeah, what’s your question?” “How quickly can you regenerate? Fuck me next please!” “Oh I will. Before this cruise is done this one-eyed wonder will see and paint the walls of every gut on this boat. But for now, you guys need to show your appreciation to our two brave volunteers. Don’t forget my ass could also use some lovin’” the captain laughed. All three of our asses and mouths were kept busy for the next two hours. At one point I was eating copious amounts of cum from David’s ass as a few guys pumped more loads into mine. With the orgy finished David and I were shown our cabin. We fell into the bed and were unconscious within seconds. I just kept dreaming of Peter fucking and breeding me, over and over and over. When I began to stir awake I had no idea how long I had been out of it. I could hear the slosh of the water as the boat cut through the sea and saw the flicker of a candle. It was now very dark out. David was sitting naked on the bench under the portal looking very pensive. He spoke when he noticed I was awake. “You know that until today I’ve never had a raw cock up my ass. Did you know this was a bareback cruise?” “Ummm 
 oh fuck 
. Did I forget to mention that?” “I’ve never had a guy cum in my ass before. I now have seven loads in me, and that doesn’t count the five loads from strangers down my throat. Other than the odd threesome you and I have had I’ve never even had sex with strangers. I’ve always waited until guys were my friends. What the fuck were you thinking?” “Oh shit. How could I have not known that about you David. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” We sat in stony silence for the next ten minutes. My mind was racing a thousand miles an hour. I finally had to say something; “Look David. Let’s get off this thing at the next port. We’ll just make our way to the closest airport and fly home. I’m so sorry. This is my scene. I didn’t even think about you. Please forgive my sorry stupid selfish ass.” Other than; “That’s a good plan”, he didn’t say anything as he stood and left our cabin. I tossed and turned for the next hour desperately trying to get back to sleep but my conscience would have no part of that. I finally got up and went in search of David. As I passed the captain’s cabin I could here the distinct sound of people having sex. I stopped and listened for a moment. Clearly it was more than two people. Then I noticed the door was open a crack. I could dimly see the captains darkly tanned bearded face and thickly haired chest over the back of the equally tanned first mate. The captain must have been getting a blow job from whoever the first mate was fucking. I forgot about my search for David. My selfish slutty sex maniac couldn’t pass up this open door to promiscuous indulgence. The door creaked as I pushed it open. The first mate turned to see me and invited me to join. My mouth went straight to his ass and was rewarded with a soup of cum from who knew how many men. The taste was ambrosia. As I was drinking my fill my hand reached under to feel the first mates raw cock pumping in and out of the willing bottom. I had a brief moment of resentment that I’d have to give this trip up because of David’s unwillingness to offer up his ass like this bottom that was moaning out his delight. I took the hard cock of the bottom into my mouth and was rewarded with one of the greatest face fucks of my life. The first mate was driving into the bottom forcing the bottom’s cock deeper and deeper down my throat. The sound was quite muffled but I could hear the captain groan his orgasm. He must have been filling the bottoms mouth. My face fuck stopped for a brief moment as I heard the first mate pumping his erect cock to orgasm with his hand. As he bellowed his release he trust deep into the bottom who pushed past my tonsils and unloaded a flood. All I could think was ‘who on this boat had that much cum left?’. I wasn’t complaining, although I would have liked a taste. It wasn’t until we had all fully untangled and I went to give the bottom a thank you kiss that I saw who the bottom had been. It was David. He very casually thanked the captain and first mate and took me by the hand leading me back to our cabin. Without a word we climbed into bed, cuddled into each other, and were soon sound asleep. In my dreams Peter, my childhood friend, kept fucking and breeding me over and over congratulating me for being so fully myself. David was not beside me when I awoke well after dawn. When I went in search of breakfast and David I found another partly open cabin door with the steady slap, slap, slap of fucking. I peaked in to find David in a sandwiched fuck. A big hairy bear doing David as David raw dogged the blond adonis. My moving in to take the adonis’ cock in my mouth took him over the edge. His ass contractions took David over the edge and soon the bear was breeding my boy. I stood to ask if anyone else needed breakfast. As we left the cabin David got very close to my ear; “We won’t need to get off at the next port. Let’s finish what you selfishly started. Maybe it’s my turn to be selfish. I dreamed last night that a Greek God ravished me on a beach. When I checked for his cum from my ass it was gold. Now let’s get breakfast. I need my energy.”
    2 points
  33. Hooked up with this latino hottie boy last night. He couldn't host and neither could I, wound up fucking in his car. we were kissing and jerking like crazy and he admitted he wanted me to fuck him. Was kind of shocked as he had a REALLY big cock. Got him in position, and he wanted me to jerk him off, so I did and used his cum to lube up his ass and my cock. Love that he wanted me raw, didn't ask any questions, plunged in him and didn't stop until I blasted my first load in him and kept pumping and put the second one in too. He was super verbal the whole time, admitting he had a GF, shouldn't be letting me do this, but also telling me how good my cock felt and how bad he wanted my loads. After I loaded him he flipped me down and did the spit and stick, loading my ass.
    2 points
  34. I'd tell the 18 year old me not to be afraid of being attracted to men, not to be afraid about being open about my sexuality, and not to feel that I had to conform to the heterosexual stereotype which I always knew didn't fit me. In short I'd advise me to be honest with myself and others about myself. And I'd tell myself to seize the day, so that over 40 years later I wouldn't be quite so full of regrets about the sex I'd missed out on.
    2 points
  35. Mike grinned as he fished out his cock from his biohazard rubber. “That’s it lad, you know exactly what you want, I’m just going to make sure it’s my strain you carry. The seed that will infect you. I’m going to incubate that bugson hole. Soon, you’ll want nothing but me” He had that right. I was in heat. Lusting. Harder than ever. I felt him push up against my sore hole. The PA tickling the edges, going past them, gliding easily into me thanks to the cum of all the others. It felt powerful, more like a ritual I would get used to, hell even carry out myself once I’m one of them
 Fuck. I’m thinking like I’m a pozbrother already. Pushing its way further into me, as if he wanted all of him, every drop to saturate and alter me. “You like that, yeah? Good. You’re just a life support system for a toxic cock. Your principles, ethics, feelings and loyalties – they’re all up for being reconfigured.” Shit, he could sweet talk. “Tell your bugdad how you feel, pig” “I feel whole bugdaddy. I feel right. It’s as if this was my destiny all along. To be your bugson.” It was just coming out now. Dark thoughts I’d never dreamt of vocalizing had no choice but to be aired now during this moment. The idea of me, 42, being claimed as a son by a man of a similar age seemed perverted, but that was small fry to what was on the menu right now. His toxic cock was starting to pump me, my hole clamping down as if to milk him quicker. I knew this was it. My insides felt shredded and sore, but I know that this was the answer to any ailment right now. Mike pulled out and looked down “Ah, pink cummy blood goo. You’re well on your way.” And rammed his meat back into me. The gasp as it wrecked me anew turned him on more, if anything. His thrusts quickened as did his breathing. The assault on me was an introduction to trusting him with my life. Trusting him to use his powers to change that. Trusting him to claim me. “No way back now, pig. Like you had any chance
 argh!” Oh wow. I’d taken a fair bit of cum but this bastard fast tracked through that. It was as if the entire sauna had worked together in my recruitment. All I could say now was
 “Thank you bugdaddy. Thank you for gifting this boy.” He reached over and began snogging me then gently whispered “Welcome to your new life, pig” and my cock must have poked into his stomach as he sensed my, what, relief? Jubilation? “I can guarantee that you’re now en route to becoming a pozpig. No pig I know, or should I say bred, has ever avoided it. Your cock seems to agree too. Perfect. Daddy is going to rebuild you into the toxic pig you deserve to be” “Yes daddy, thank you” A haze came over my mind. Dazed from what just happened. Feeling myself beginning to be rewritten and transformed. “I like your rubber, daddy. Very hot” “That’s good to hear, pig, because the plans I have for you involve you wearing a lot of it. You’ve definitely earned your biohazard now.” Bloody hell. That’s a sentence you don’t hear in polite society. “When did you last cum, pig?” I had to think. Actually, no, I’d not cum at all throughout the evening. Hard as a rock and precumming like a bastard, but no actual cumming. “Earlier, Sir. Possibly last night” “Ah, so that cock has yet to cum its last neg load, eh?” he said, as he began to stroke. “I think we both know that I should have the honour of taking the last of your innocence then hehehe” He was right. This mad, twisted logic what it was, made it seem like common sense. Almost courtesy. “Um, yes bugda
 Oh” He was on it. Worshipping his new son’s soon-to-be-toxic cock. Hurrying the process. It didn’t take long, but my word I don’t think I’ve ever cum so much and so hard in my life. In the afterglow, he tenderly stroked me as if I was a newborn. Our lips locked together and I tasted myself. Or should it be the last remnants of me. It was the first time I think I’ve tasted my own cum, and by the looks of it, not the last. “Lick your lips. He’s gone now. Mr innocent. I own you as of right now. You’re my bugson in mind and in body” He was right. I know that now. My Bugdaddy is always right.
    2 points
  36. I hopped up into the sling and maneuvered into position. I knew I had no choice now really. If I didn’t, these guys would’ve certainly made sure I was comfortable enough for them at least. “Strap him in.” Bloody hell. Steve took on a master of ceremonies tone to those within earshot. Almost to alert anyone else lurking about the sauna. “Gentlemen! We have an unexpected new recruit among our number this evening. Greg and I have already dosed Dan here with a couple of loads. So it’s over now to you, the panel so-to-speak, to help out with round two of the hiring process.” A shiver ran down my spine. “Brian, here, our most recent successful acquisition. I propose you begin proceedings!” Brian wasted no time, his fingers slipping into my now cummy hole, and his cock following immediately afterward. Jeez. I may have been new to the scene, but I was somewhat surprised how quickly I was acclamated to poz play. Brian was quite a vigorous lover, and I have the feeling his bollocks had been boiling after having been in the sling for god knows how long before I made my appearance. He piston-fucked me like some ravenous animal. I had no choice but to cave in as Greg shoved poppers under my nose again and causing me to groan increasingly loudly, honestly oblivious to the fact that I was strapped down in a sling, surrounded by poz men, all of whom were beating his cocks - hard, all awaiting his turn on me. A couple of guys, in fact, doused me with a load of piss. Before that night I’d been strictly one-on-one, but in the last hour I’d been fucked by three men. I didn't know how many more there will be or how long this would last. I was a lamb being led to slaughter. An offering. Undergoing recruitment. The final rewiring of my brain had seemingly kicked in. Fuck
    2 points
  37. We began to untangle and Glen unlocked the room. I knew deep down that I could have run there and then, but my body had other ideas as Steve helped me to my feet and the three of us left and headed to the sling area. The piss smell was starting to subside and I noticed three guys pissing over the sling occupant. “Ah, that’s Brian. He’s a new convert. The last time he was here was his first. Like you, he didn’t realise the true nature of the evening, but now he’s a fully paid-up member. He’s being baptised by his new brothers. It’s something of a ritual for each new cumdump” What the fuck? These pigs were next level. I’d never in my wildest dreams witnessed such depravity. Yet despite my better judgement, I was getting hard at this. Fucksake. I should sober up this instant and run. I could hear Brian moaning, and encouraging these guys to piss over him. Like it was something that he needed too, finally wash away all those years of not letting himself be himself. Am I envying him? Was I turned on because in some way I knew that could be me one day? Glen went to the head of the sling and snogged Brian like they’d been lovers forever. Tenderly he stroked Brian’s head and asked him how he was feeling. Brian, for his part was reveling in his piss bath, but knew that he’d been in there long enough. Glen started to unstrap Brian from the sling, as Brian seemed to sense what was going on. “We’ve got a new member to welcome and recruit, dear boy, I trust you’ll help us pass on your knowledge” Brian grinned sadistically and said “It would be my pleasure, brother” and got out of the pissy sling. Steve grabbed my wrist, as if he sensed that I was going to make a run for it. I knew I could, but something tells me the night may go awry if I tried to escape. I just had to mentally accept that this was the road I was on now. These men were going to make into one of them. Whether the toxic cum in me already was starting to rewire me, or what, I can only accept now that this was my recruitment, and as Brian, Steve, Glen and a couple of others started to surround me, this glimpse of my future wasn’t terrifying me.
    2 points
  38. As Glen shot into my hole, I had to admit that the feeling of cum in me was starting to turn me on. I laid there, cradled by the pair of them like something they needed to feed and feed off. The grim realisations can hold off for an hour or two, right now I’m starting to understand why guys chase and become cum addicted. The seed deposits soak in to you. Creating a stronger deeper connection with who you’re with. That moment feels like it could last forever. You bond. Perhaps I needed to be shown that, I needed that urge to be forced upon me. So I could see for myself. It was as if the toxic cum decided on me regardless and had begun its takeover, its rewiring. Like I said, I was starting to understand. “How you feeling now Dan. Happy you’ve begun a new life?” That freaked me out. I was drunk and stumbled into a sauna on the wrong evening and now here I was being assimilated into the poz brotherhood. Wait
 I’d read that phrase before and now I’m thinking it? I need to get out of here before it’s too late. Steve shoved the poppers under my nose again “It’s time you tasted my cock Dan. It’s been in you already, so nice to complete the circle". I started to play with my own cock, now harder than ever. Glen brushed my hand aside and began to lick my cockhead. The connection was beginning to overwhelm my senses. No wonder they called it a brotherhood. Being like this was something far closer and more erotic than just lovers. Glen was muttering encouragement to me as I sucked him off. “Oh mate. You’re doing very well. I think we should take this elsewhere. What do you think Steve?” Steve removed his mouth from my cock “Fuck yes, maybe see if the sling is free” “Good idea. It usually isn’t free but we can get Dan to the front of the queue. What’s the point of running a night like this if we don’t get first dibs? The others will understand the need to fast track Dan. Maybe one or two of them can pitch in with the next round of recruitment” "There’s another round? What the fuck is this? I saw the sling area earlier and there were a handful of guys hanging around it, all taking it in turns on some poor guy they’d ballgagged. There was no way I was going to get involved in
" “Sniff, Dan. You’re going to love it
 eventually.” Oh man.
    2 points
  39. I struggled as those words sank into my head: ‘Good thing you have us here to help you realise what a pleasure centre you can be. So much potential for you as a pozbro’ – fucking hell. I need to get out of here now. However I’ve been sucking on a poz cock, and there’s another one targeting my hole. “That’s right bro. Let us in” Glen said as his precum started to drip over my hole and started to make his way in. Fuck it hurt, but a good hurt. Everything screaming at me to wake up out of this nightmare. These two toxic men have me pinned down, with no escape. “What’s your name, pig? Good to know which new members to keep an eye on” “Huh? Um, yeah, it’s Dan” “Hey Dan, hot body you have there. We rarely see guys your age – I’m thinking 40? - still neg here, so you have to understand our excitement.” “Yeah but
 I don’t want to join. I just want to go home. Please
 let me go and I’ll leave you to it” “Too late bro. You’ve got toxic precum in your mouth and around your pighole now, and those poppers are helping us to see what your prospects are and what you REALLY want” “Seriously, don’t do this. I don’t want to become a poz
” It was then when Glen rammed his cock further into me at the same time as Steve shoved his cock into my throat. The pain of gagging subsided as I got used to my plight. I’m being spit-roasted by two toxic fuckers and somehow calming down into their strokes and rhythm against my best wishes. I could hear Glen and Steve muttering encouragement to each other “Yeah, that’s the stuff. He’s adapting nicely”, “That’s right lad, accept your fate. Let these daddies incubate you and start you off right”. My mind was slowing down. The feelings of fear and panic put on the backburner, as I was reveling in my new glimpses of pigginess. Betraying my sensible side and belonging right in the moment. For the next few minutes I was part of a scene I’d longed for but always felt I’d know when to get out of it. My energy, my whole being basically acting as a life support to a cock. Hey
 this isn’t quite as terrifying as I feared. Then I was jolted out of it as Steve roared and blew his load in my hole. My addled mind wondering why come I denied myself that cum, that hole usage all this time? A sense of calm flowed across me. Enlightenment. “Oh Steve, I think you’ve hooked him now” Glen then pulled out of my mouth and replaced Steve at my hole, and then set about adding his blend to the mix. “Two unmedicated poz loads. I bet you didn’t expect your evening to end up quite so exciting, hey Dan? You’re going to become one of us mate, and I can tell that you’re starting to come around to the idea.” Dear God help me.
    2 points
  40. thanks for the link. Glad TIM included a couple of FF scenes. I completely agree about Pigs at the Hoist. The fact it was filmed in a sex club I frequented adds to it further. I would love to take part in a group reconstruction of that film, pool balls and all. I'd have to take Virgo's place as he gets in most of the action - hot pig
    1 point
  41. Make sure someone knows where you are, what room number you are in, and when you plan on starting and finishing. This should be someone who has no plans to attend, but rather a buddy or roommate who will look out for you to make sure you arrive home safely. Even if you don't, it might not be bad to mention in the ad that you have a friend nearby, though he will not be in the room with you. If you plant the idea in a person's mind that hey, his best friend might be next door if things go haywire, it might make a criminal think twice before hurting or robbing you. Remember, this is fantasy. So why not create the fantasy that your screams will be heard by a friend. Think about that......
    1 point
  42. One of my earliest fuckbuds didn't seem to have a problem with it. We fucked each other with our BWC and BBC at least 4 times a week my last semester of college and used those terms almost every time. We certainly expanded each other's hole-rizons and learned to be in demand tops.
    1 point
  43. I've hooked up with them as a three way and separately since. When we did our first three way his BF was stone cold...no reaction. I was like "DAMN!" about that. We had a good time and it was funny, when we hooked up again just him and me he was "damn...why didn't you warn me!" they have an open relationship, but he wasn't aware his BF fucks around as much as he does.
    1 point
  44. The encounter is a true story of my first time visiting Slammer, a raunchy sex club in Los Angeles. My name is Josh. I’m 28 y/o, 5’9, 145 lbs, with a smooth and nicely toned body from regular hours spent at the gym. All in all I’m a decently attractive guy who had been introduced to partying back in 2014, and ever since then my sex life has never been the same. I tend to have binge episodes where I don’t have sex for months, only to have my sexual appetite and tension build up to the point of exploding, resulting in a night or two or weekend of sexual frenzy. I had not had sex for over 2 months and I was really feeling horny. There was a top fuck buddy of mine that I had played with regularly. His name is Mark, he’s about late 40’s, fit and friendly white guy. He lived in downtown Los Angeles, had his own apartment, and he was always generous with his favors. In the past he had hosted me many times for some fun long sessions, and with my building horniness reaching a peak I messaged him asking what he was doing. After waiting a short while, he responded saying he could be free after 7 PM and that I should come over. At this point my hunger and anticipation had built to a climax and I prepared for the long night ahead by showering, putting on a black jockstrap under khaki shorts and a black tank top that fit just right to show off my lean body. I also put my laptop and chargers into a bag and drove the 20 minutes over to his place. When I got to Mark’s place he let me into his apartment and greeted me in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, barefoot, having just showered. He stood just slightly shorter than me, white-gray hair sparsely covering his toned pecs down to his lightly muscled stomach. He led me to the bedroom where there was a nice clean queen size bed with pillows, a closet with sliding door mirrors, and a TV facing the bedroom. I put down my belongings and immediately took off my tank top. “So can I offer you anything to drink or anything
?” He asked me, looking at my smooth body and smiling. I knew the game. He knew what I wanted and I didn’t hesitate to ask: “Could you smoke with me a little bit while I get comfortable?” I smiled bashfully as I asked – and when he heard my question his smile widened into a big grin. “I’d be happy to oblige. In the mean time while I get ready, why don’t you go ahead and pick out a movie.” Mark motioned to the DVD collection on the TV stand, and left me to go rummage in the closet for his supplies. His movie collection was extensive and I saw many of my favorite Treasure Island Media films as well as other bareback porn films. I chose one and popped it into the DVD and started it, just as he returned to me holding a little glass bong. Mark looked me in the eyes as he lit the torch and started to heat up the crystals inside. I watched intently as little wisps of smoke began to rise from the small hole in the bowl, at which Mark looked at me and nodded for me to go ahead. He held the bong pipe to my lips as I slowly and steadily began to inhale; slowly and steadily I heard the light bubbling as I inhaled, seeing the white smoke pass through the bong, through the pipe, and feeling it entering my lungs. I focused on keeping the bubbling at just the right amount, not too much and not too little. I had so much sexual frustration built up over my dry spell that when he started to pull the torch away from the bowl I motioned for him to keep going. A look of surprise and pleasure came on his face as he continued to heat the crystals, resulting in a huge hit. After holding in that first huge hit, I blew out the first initial cloud and it engulfed us, and I quickly went back to the pipe and inhaled whatever was still left burning. Almost instantly I felt the rush, a sense of clarity and an acuity that could only come with the crystal. I also became even hornier. “Wow, what an impressive lung capacity. Now about that drink, why don’t you keep smoking while I go prepare you some Gatorade with G. How much do you take again?” “1.5 mL usually but give me 2 this time. I want you to really party me up and make me submissive.” He nodded, smiling, and headed to the kitchen. I didn’t smoke like he had told me to, but instead, slipped off my shorts and stood facing his mirrored closet door admiring my smooth muscled body wearing only the black jockstrap. I looked really hot like that and the Tina was making me feel extremely sexy and horny. Mark returned with two small glasses, one for him and one for me, smiling as he took a moment to observe my new state of undress. He handed me the glass and said cheers, and we downed the drinks. He then motioned to hand him the pipe and the torch, and he began to take a nice big hit of his own; at the end of his inhale he motioned me to lean forward and he shotgunned his hit into my mouth, which I took in completely. He put one of his other hands around the curve of my smooth ass, giving it a slight squeeze, before nodding to me and lighting the pipe again, holding it out to me. Again he gave me a huge hit, making me inhale lightly and steadily until my lungs were filled with that white smoke. “Good boy” he murmured after I blew out the massive cloud. “You want me to really party up your hole, Josh?” Mark asked me, smiling at me. I nodded yes, feeling the high of the tina starting to take hold of me and unleash the submissive bottom I am inside. “Okay, why don’t you go ahead and get on the bed, on all fours. I’m going to prepare you a nice big booty bump to really teach your hole its purpose.” I got on the bed on all fours, facing away from him, with my back arched, as I heard him rummage with his supplies. Soon enough he had a needleless syringe ready with Tina. “Is that water with Tina?” “It’s about 0.3 grams of Tina dissolved in my spit. Now face forward and let me open you up.” I faced forward as I began to feel his tongue against my hole, probing. He spat once, twice, three times in succession. I love when a top spits on my hole, making it nice and wet. He ate out my ass, taking breaks only to tell me what a sweet tight smooth hole I had. After my ass felt nice and wet from his spit, he told me that he was going to bump me, and I felt the syringe being inserted into my ass with ease. “Are you ready?” He asked me. I nodded, and felt him push the liquid into my hole; a mildly burning sensation immediately followed, and he withdrew the syringe. “Now just hold that position for a little bit.” I stayed in that position, head down, ass up, with the booty bump slowly absorbing into my system. He came back with a moist towel to wipe my hole with, before he continued rimming my hole. With his tongue, he again made it nice and wet, and suddenly, it all hit me. The booty bump was the key to the locked room where I kept my submissive slutty bottom side hidden, and suddenly that door was opened. I felt so good, his tongue against my hole, his hands squeezing and grabbing my ass. I wanted him in me and I spread my knees even farther on the bed, reaching back to spread my cheeks as far as I could, and I exclaimed “oh God I can feel the booty bump and the G. I want you inside me.” With that, Mark turned me over onto my back and put a cylindrical pillow under my ass, elevating it. He handed me a bottle of poppers and said “those are brand new poppers so they should be especially strong.” He then ate out my ass some more as he looked straight into my eyes, my feet in the air, my hands holding them back as I looked at this guy who had his tongue in my ass, making me feel all sorts of pleasure. But I was too horny and high to be satisfied with a mere rim job. I needed his big white cock in my hole and I needed it bad. “Please, spit on my hole and fuck me raw with your spit as lube.” Mark smiled at that comment and stood up, slipping his cock out from the Bike white jockstrap he was wearing. “Well, since you asked so nicely
” he replied as he positioned his hard cock against my hole, sliding it up and down. I immediately unscrewed the cap of the poppers bottle and alternated 2 hits each nostril, - big hits, big inhales that created a beautiful sound of air passing over the bottle opening, and I held my breath to keep it all in after the last hit. I capped the bottle and then resumed holding my legs back, looked straight up into Mark’s eyes and said “please fuck me with your big white cock.” As I exhaled I could feel him begin his push in- the warmth from the poppers hit me and immediately I felt the wonderful lightheadedness and relaxed and openness feeling. It mixed with the G and the T I had taken and I was fully realized – I was now the slutty submissive bottom that I was meant to be. I looked up, taking it all in as he stared back into my eyes as he pushed his big 7” thick cock into me. With only his spit as lube, he managed to get it all in, and the feeling of fullness was more pleasurable than anything in the world. I responded by pulling my legs back more, further exposing my hole, and I looked up and with the high of the poppers and G and T enabling me, I said “please fuck me Sir.”
    1 point
  45. I am going to be a bit of an opposite here I guess. To: Younger me- You have a wealth and value you may not even see today. Don't give away your body time and time again to people who do not care the least bit about you. If they won't give a name, a number, invite you to do non sexual things with them, or want to meet for lunch or to just catch a movie, don't give in to your sexual cravings and their sexual pressure. They are only there for the sex, they will never be a friend or available to help you, no matter how often they may have hit you up for , and expected you to be ready for, sex now. As you get older, you will discover , on reflection, how many of the sex hook ups were only because you had a place, had the poppers, and were essentially a free bathhouse for the married, partnered or closeted guys who would reach out to you. Once they cum, they will be out the door, and you will have the mess to clean up, the supplies used your expense to replenish- be it water or snacks or lube or something else. Older you can tell younger you- there will be a few good men in the mix, and smoking hot sex will be a part of your connection to them initially, but the real foundation and value of your life will be doing things with that man or men, to build solid memories, and deep friendships. Some may not last, but the few that do will stay in your head long after the carnal sweat of countless others has evaporated from your brain cells.
    1 point
  46. I seem to be on a roll lately. Some of you guys talk about going into heat. I must be in rut. I got a piece of male ass last Saturday, as detailed above, my first in quite awhile. I woke up Monday with a hard dick and thinking about getting some. Bingo! A lady I've been fucking on the side for years called and she asked me if I wanted to come over to check her plumbing. That's our code for fucking, silly I know but it is based on something that happened several years ago when I really did help her unclog a kitchen sink. But I will post about that in the straight/bi forum, or not. Yesterday I drove over to a neighboring city for a Dr. appointment. After I left the doc's office I headed to an ABS to see what I could get into. I arrived around 11:30 AM just in time for the lunch crowd. I went into one of the "buddy" booths and fed a fiver into the video machine, found the gay section and turned the volume up enough so that there would be no doubts about what I was into. There was a guy in the booth to my left and he soon slid his cock through the glory hole and I gave him a blow job until he came in my mouth. He zipped up and left the booth so I turned my attention to the booth on the right. There were two guys in there with one naked and on his knees giving the other a blow job. The guy getting sucked was obviously into leather, he had on studded fingerless gloves and leather pants pulled down under his ass. They also seemed to have some kind of S&M thing going, the leather jock was verbally abusing the submissive and pulled out of his mouth and slapped him on the side of his face and ordered him to turn around. The leather jock pushed his fat cock up his partner's ass and after a few strokes he very verbally came. The bottom licked him clean and the top then pulled him up and kissed him deeply. The bottom got dressed and they left together, obviously a couple. What a couple of disgusting pigs I thought, my cock rock hard and ready to explode just from watching them. I turned my attention back to the booth on my left and there was a guy in there jacking off. "Need some help with that" I asked through the glory hole. He stuck his cock through and after sucking him for 20-30 seconds he flooded my mouth with a nice load which I swirled around in my mouth to get the full taste. He had really powerful cum and I could feel his sperm cells numbing my mouth as they penetrated straight into my cells. He left and I watched the videos for a few minutes after inserting some more money. Another guy entered the booth on my left and after starting the video with some straight porn he started rubbing a very large bulge in his trousers. I noticed he was black and since he seemed to be ignoring me I assumed he was probably straight. Someone entered the booth on the right and soon had his cock out and through the glory hole. It took him awhile to cum he finally fired load number 3 into the back of my mouth. I turned my attention back to the black guy on my left and he had a huge cock out. He was definitely what the term BBC is all about. I stuck my finger through the hole in the universal signal for I want your dick. He fed his cock through and into my waiting mouth. He smelled and tasted sooo fucking sexy. It didn't take him long until I was swallowing a huge load. After that it was slow for about 10 minutes and then some guy entered the booth to my right. He was in a suit and tie. For some reason guys dressed formally really turn me on and I love dominating their hot asses with my working class cock. I asked him through the glory hole if he was looking for some action. He asked what I had in mind. I told him my cock in his mouth and maybe his ass, and to get his girly ass over in my booth right now. He did and carefully hung up his coat and took off his shoes and trousers, neatly folding his trousers and placing them in a chair, got to keep up appearances back in the office you know. He sucked me for awhile then I turned him around and started licking up and down his ass crack before concentrating on his pretty little pussy. He pulled out some lube and I worked some into his asshole and then lubed my cock. I was soon buried to the hilt in his ass and began stroking. One of the reasons I like sucking dick and playing around for awhile before fucking is because it gives my body time to adjust to the excitement of gay sex and I can fuck for awhile instead of cumming almost immediately. After awhile I started fucking him with hard strokes, slamming into him, and by his reaction and moans he was enjoying it. He moaned that he was going to cum and that set me off and I came soon after. We cleaned up using his white silky hanky and started getting dressed. I noticed we had attracted an audience, there was a guy watching from the booths on both sides. I drove back home with the taste of cum in my mouth and my dick still half hard while thinking about my pleasant hour and a half just spent in that den of degeneracy and perversion participating in extremely enjoyable activities that would utterly shock my wife if she knew.
    1 point
  47. I also think it doesn't help that SF never pulled back from the 80s era closing of bathhouses.
    1 point
  48. I was horny as last week, and I have been working down near the factories, high vis and boots for me, so I stopped for a walk in the park, where the tradies park up after work. I lubed up my ass, just in case. I did not see anyone at first, but I saw a dude walking away, in running or sports team clothes. I followed him a bit, then I turned back to the bushes, he turned around and followed me after a bit. I walled through the gap in the bushes, into the forrest a bit. He followed. He walked up to me an gave my hard cock a rub through my cargo work pants. He put his hand inside his track pants and played with himself a bit, he said he was cold and needed a warm up. After a couple of minutes, he got real hard and pulled his trackies down. We had a play with each others cocks. I felt his ass and he was lubed up. Fucking hot. I love it when dudes are ready to go, it gets me real hot, I wanted to rub my cock in there. His cock was super hard, so I turned around and rubbed his cock on my crack. He just ran with it and rubbed his cock up and down my ass a bit, he spent about thirty seconds finding my sweet spot and got the head in. He gave me a good reach around, stroking me nicely, I pushed back against his cock and worked it all the way in. He started thrusting, and stroking my dick at the same time, he had the perfect size cock for some quick action, really hard. He put his arms around me and really started going to town. He said "I am not going to be able to last long". I said "Hot, just keep it in man". He was panting in my ear, and put my hand back around his ass to hold him in close. If you are going to blow, it may as well be inside. He blew his load up my ass and kept his cock in for a minute. When he pulled out, I turned around and cleaned his cock up, tasted sweet. -- I was still real horny, and walked further down the park, not expecting to see anyone else, it was getting pretty cold. I saw a car drive in and park up, further away, and this dude in footy shorts jumped out of the car and walked, jogged down to where I was. A hot younger built tradie dude, I've met him before. He walked up to me and I asked him if he wanted to go for a walk. We cut through the bushes and found an, out of the way, place. He knows what I like, so we flopped our cocks out quickly and played for a minute and we were hard. I turned around and pulled down the back of my work pants and rubbed his cock in my well lubed ass. He has a thick meaty cock, and I had to bend over for him to be able to push it in. It hurt so good, stretching my hole to get it in. I pushed him out for a bit, it was too much, then pulled him back into me after a minute. He started thrusting nice and slow, while I was getting used to it. Then we heard some dude watching us from the bushes, we were not into having a spectator. We broke it off and went and found a more private place. We resumed with him getting his cock head in, and it whent in easier with the pre-stretching. He quickly was getting into full length strokes, I love it how he holds me tight and uses me hard. He is hot and I love it how he treats me that way. He pushed my trousers down to my boots, and pushed my hoodie up, so he could rub his belly on my back. I love a lot of skin to skin contact. We worked up a good fresh sweat, which is right for work wear and rugby shorts. We went at it for about five minutes until he unloaded. He is fucking hot. I told him to text me next time he is horny. -- I went into the shops to get some dinner with two loads of cum up my ass, in my dirty work clothes. I love the industrial neighbourhood where all the factory and warehouse workers go to the pubs in their overalls and high vis jackets after work. I felt real hot in my sweaty dirty work clothes. I ordered some take out food, and walked around the shops, then picked my food up. I ate my burger walking past the tradies, truckies and workies in the pubs. I went into the dirty old toilet block in the neighbourhood to squirt out the loads, fuck man, there was a flood of cum in there.
    1 point
  49. Part 8 It had been a week since the poz party. Mr. Lewis was starting to get a little concerned. He had gotten caught up in the excitement of the sex and lost track of his grandson. Since then he had been asking around his usual hook ups if anyone has seen him. No luck though. He figured that the boy would turn up at some point but he was wondering what he was up to. Or what someone was doing with him. He had missed being able to sleep using Kenny’s ass as a place to lodge his cock at night. He always had the most erotic dreams when he was balls deep in his grandsons raw ass. Some explosive erotic dreams. But the boy was still family so he needed to make more efforts to find him. He decided he would ask around a little more. He slipped on his sweats and tank top and went out in the hall. He figured maybe George heard of some thing. He headed down to his place and knocked on it. No answer. ‘I guess he isn’t there’. He wandered through the apartment building knocking on some doors asking some of his tricks and conquests. He knocked on one door, it belonged to a family man that he had pozzed a couple years ago. The guy answered. He was shocked to see Mr. Lewis there. “Oh my God, Um, what are you doing here Mr. Lewis?“ “Hey there, Dennis was it?“ “Daniel.“ “Daniel! That’s right! So Daniel I was wondering if you had seen my grandson around these parts? He has been staying with me for a while and he seems to be gallivanting off somewhere or getting into trouble.“ Daniel was looking back into his apartment and back at Mr. Lewis nervously. “No I haven’t seen him. I don’t think I’ve ever met him. I haven’t even seen you since
” Mr. Lewis pulled his cock out in front of him and swung it around. It was hard and leaking pre. “Since I bred your ass raw with your wife out of the house. he he he. Fun times.” Daniel panicked a bit and grabbed Mr. Lewis’s cock and stuffed it back into his pants. A trail of pre left on his palm. “Put that thing away. My kid is here!” He whispered angry. “Dad? Who is it?“ Daniel looked back at the teen boy in his apartment. He hadn’t seen anything but was curious to know who was at the door. “Just a neighbor Jackson. Go do your homework.” Jackson returned to his room like his dad requested. “Oh? That your son? Cute kid, how old is he?“ “He’s 17. And he doesn’t know about me playing around with other men. So I would appreciate it if you didn’t just show up here.“ Daniel was still looking towards his sons room, his back towards Mr. Lewis. In one foul swoop Mr. Lewis grabbed Daniels pants and ripped them down and swung his hips forward and forcefully jammed his cock into Daniels ass. Daniel put his hands on his mouth to stop himself from yelling. Mr. Lewis put his hands in Daniels shirt and started playing with his nipples as he started fucking him standing up in the doorway. “I understand. Obviously I’ll have to ask around elsewhere. How is your viral status? I am sure you are taking meds to stay undetectable like a good family man you are.“ Daniel‘s hands were still covering his mouth, he was in shock over what was happening. He was trying his best not to make any sounds to alert his son. “Well I can’t stay long, I’m gonna have to make this quick. I’d advise you to stop taking meds. You’ll be happier when you realize you have the power to infect other unsuspecting bottoms. And to motivate you I will recharge you with my toxic load.” The intensity of the nipple play increased and Mr. Lewis’s thrusts quickened. Daniel still couldn’t move over the intrusion in his ass. “Here it’s comes
. Oof! Uggh!” Mr. Lewis slammed forward and planted himself deep in Daniel. His cock throbbed and twitched. His balls pulsing. He shot a pretty decent sized load up inside of Daniel. Once he was satisfied he let go of Daniels nipples and pulled out his cock. As his cock head popped out of his ring a small squirt of cum shot out of Daniels ass and onto the floor. Mr. Lewis got ready to leave and Daniel was just about to close the door. But last second Mr. Lewis stopped him. “Oh yeah. When your boy does turn 18. Send him up to my place. I have a dryer on the fritz that I think he could help me fix.” Mr. Lewis licked his lips and patted his cock at Daniel. Daniel look back at him with a look of horror for just a moment then re-composed himself. He said nothing and just gently closed the door. ’Oh yeah, that boy is next for sure.’ Mr. Lewis thought to him self. He was already concocting the scenario that would lead little Jackson into his spiderweb. But he couldn’t think too much. He was still on mission to find his own kin. Mr. Lewis wandered down the hall more and walked past old Mr. Harmon‘s door. Well sure Harmon sampled his grandson‘s ass but would he have known anything? Mr. Harmon was one of those unsuspecting types. On the surface he seems like a sweet old man living alone. But Mr. Lewis knew the the darker side of him. He wasn’t alone because he was older and other guys weren’t interested. It’s the city, there’s plenty of people who are into all types, even older daddies. No, Harmon was usually alone because he couldn’t make a boyfriend last due to his extreme desires. Many of which were too much for even Mr. Lewis. Regardless he decided to ask Harmon anyway. But before he could knock on the door, it opened. George stepped out. That was interesting, George wasn’t usually into older men. But the two share many of the same kinks so he probably settled for what was available in order to skratch his perverted itch. “Hello there George old pal. Spending time with Harmon are you?” George had a satisfied look on his face. He was rubbing his belly and licking his fingers. “Yeah. I’ve been having some fun in there. Been coming here every day for the past few days now.“ “I didn’t think he was your type. But then again you have very low standards anyway.“ “Well I’ve been able to do quite a lot in here. Absolutely nothing is off-limits in his place. And I mean nothing. I think even you would be a little disgusted at everything that goes on in there.“ “Well then, I’m glad the two of you can get your rocks off. Say George. You haven’t happened to see Kenny around have you? I know I’ve asked you before but I might as well ask again.“ “Nah, haven’t seen him. The only thing in there is Harmon and his ‘toys’. His very fun toys.” George gently tapped his ass to punctuate his last sentence. “I see, well Harmon‘s new toy isn’t gonna last if the both of you are going all out on him.“ “This one will. I think Harmon is actually in love or some shit. It’s crazy how obsessed with it he is.“ “That’s lovely. I hope he can manage to keep this one and not let him getaway.“ “He won’t.” With that George hobbled back to his place waving goodbye to Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis knocked on the door and a moment later Harmon came out. He was wearing a leather harness and his cock was at full mast, dripping pre. “Hello there Harmon old boy. I hear you have a new toy you have been breaking in quite thoroughly.” Mr. Lewis put a finger to Harmons cock tip and wiped up the pre then licked it. “Oh yes Mr. Lewis. I’m just finished blowing my fifth load today. Among other things. This one sure is fun. Albeit not the most willing.“ “Of course, of course. I know how you get with your depravity. Hopefully you’re ruining his ass propper.” “‘It’. I don’t call it ‘he’. It’s an object. Just a toy, and I’ve gotten quite fond of it.” “Well I’m sure ‘it’ will eventually come around and appreciate you and all of your messed up desires. Just keep going at it with no mercy, you hear? Anyway, you remember my grandson Kenny? You fucked his ass a little at the party last week. I was wondering if you had seen him around.“ “Hmm, Kenny? No, there’s no Kenny around here. Just me and my fuck toy.” “One of these days I would like to meet it. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind me taking it for a spin.“ “Eventually. I still need to break it down psychologically. It’s a very stubborn toy. A lot of discipline is needed between play sessions. But I haven’t given it a moments rest. George has been a big help with that. He’s been here almost every day. It ain’t easy for an old man like me to break in new slave toys.“ “All right then Harmon I will leave you to it. I still got to find Kenny.“ “What would you do if you didn’t find him?“ “That would be unfortunate, but if what I had been doing scared him off then I would just make up some story to his dad about him running away or some thing. It would be a recoverable situation. But I will keep up the search for now. You get back in there and you go to town on that toy of yours. I’ll be sure to send George down your way for assistance.“ “Thank you Mr. Lewis that’s mighty kind of you.” As Mr. Lewis wandered the halls looking for Kenny, his thoughts went back to Daniels son. Then an idea came over him. ‘You know what? I think Jackson needs a tutor for his schoolwork
’ End.
    1 point
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