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  1. My apologies everyone for being absent for so long. My job is taking off and consuming more of my time (a good thing financially) and I've had some family challenges (my elderly parents are well, elderly and needing more attention). I have seen your messages and they have helped motivate me to continue with this story. Its going to be a bit of a slow burn but this chapter marks a major milestone in Jason's journey. Usual disclaimers apply (see chapter 1). Freshman Project: Jason (Part 3) Jason sat waiting at the table of the coffee house, slowly sipping his iced mocha frap. It was 4:10pm on Thursday and he was becoming increasingly resigned to having been stood up by Blake. He told himself he would give it five more minutes before trying to salvage some dignity by leaving. He looked down again at his phone and checked the time for the twentieth time in the last fifteen minutes. “I’m so sorry Jason,” said a nearly breathless voice from above him. Jason looked up saw Blake standing there, wearing a sweat soaked tank top and thin nylon workout shorts. Blake flashed his smile and Jason immediately forgot all about being made to wait, “Our team’s time in the weight room got bumped back so I didn’t get out of there till four. I tried to find a way to contact you today but apparently you didn’t sign in at the meeting, so I didn’t have your email or phone number.” “Huh, sign in? I didn’t know there was a sign in. Oh well no worries about being late, I wasn’t concerned,” lied Jason. “Cool, we should exchange numbers just in case something like this happens again,” said Blake as he sat down in the chair across the table from Jason. He noticed Jason was dressed up a bit more than the last time that he had seen him.. He had a nice button up shirt that framed his skinny body well and a pair of tight skinny jeans that looked like it was the first time they had been worn. Blake figured they were a purchase made after he got to school as he couldn’t image the boy wearing them back in Alabama around his religious family. Blake reached out and took a hold of one of Jason’s hands, prying it off the drink which he was clutching with both hands. Jason reacted by looking directly at Blake, something he tended to avoid doing that often. Blake smiled and said, “I hope I’m not being too forward, but do you want to go over to my apartment, its just a couple blocks off campus, and talk there? I know I said we would talk more here first, but I think I need a shower and I’m too jacked up from an energy drink I had before my workout to want any coffee.” While Blake was talking he gently ran his thumb over the back of Jason’s hand. Jason resisted the urge to immediately say yes, he did not want to appear too eager; he did not want Blake to think he was a slut, as if a virgin could be a slut. So he counted to three in his head before answering, “Yeah, I guess that would be fine, I could see you not wanting to sit there all sweaty.” The matter agreed to, Jason quickly downed the rest of his drink, giving himself brain freeze. He tried to act cool, but there really isn’t any way to do that while a chunk of ice is trapped where your sinuses meet the back of your throat. Blake licked his lips and said, “You look really cute when you are making faces, I bet you look amazing when you have your O face.” Jason blushed. He wondered if Blake was teasing him or flirting with him. He forced himself to laugh as he heard Blake laughing. Jason followed Blake to his apartment. In the ten minute walk they talked about Blake being on the swim team. He wasn’t a star and he wasn’t attending on scholarship. The school was limited to the equivalent of about ten full time scholarships and Blake wasn’t good enough to receive one. Still he enjoyed swimming and liked competing even if he was not getting to the podium that often. The season was just about to start and they had their first meet during the coming weekend. Currently they had practice every morning starting at six and then either alternated in the afternoon between another swim practice and time in the weight room. Today they were scheduled for the weight room but the football team was late getting out of there. The school’s football was in the top twenty-five and got whatever resources they wanted, while the other sports took got the football and basketball teams’ crumbs. Blake explained that he was paying for college through student loans, but was doing pretty well with his side hustle so it was manageable. Jason asked what his side hustle was but Blake just gave him a non-responsive answer, “Just a lot of different things to make a buck.” Jason did not press any further on the subject. When they got to the apartment, Blake plopped down on the couch saying he was exhausted from his workout and needed to sit down for a bit, asking if Jason minded that he postponed the shower. “Um, no, that’s fine. You don’t stink or anything,” said Jason again regretting that he did not shut up after the first sentence. “Good to know,” said Blake with a smirk. He patted the seat next to him on the couch with one hand as he grabbed the remote with the other, “You ever seen the series Heartstopper?” Jason sat down on Blake’s left, making sure he was close but not touching, “No, what’s it about?” “Oh you sheltered little gayby. It’s British. It’s about a gay boy that has a crush on a jock. I think it’s right up your ally,” said Blake as he turned on the TV. He reached his left arm around and set it on the back of the couch behind Jason, making sure the boy got a good whiff of his sweaty pit. After they finished the first episode, Blake got up and grabbed his weed pipe and a bag of Indica. He sat down next to Jason, closing the gap so that their sides were now in contact. “Do you, uh, partake?” asked Blake as set the pipe and weed down on the coffee table. “Um, I don’t know. Won’t you get in trouble with the swim team, I heard at orientation that anyone participating in athletics were subject to drug tests,” answered Jason. “They stopped testing for pot when it became legal in the state. They just don’t mention that to the students cause they don’t want to encourage it,” laughed Blake. “Oh, I just never thought about it. It wasn’t really available at my school, unless you were willing to hang around with the, uh, bad kids since it’s illegal in Alabama,” said Jason. “Bad kids? What made them bad?” asked Blake. “Uh, yeah, I don’t know. I guess that’s just my dad talking. I’ve never smoked marijuana before but I’m willing to give it a try if you promise not to make fun of me,” said Jason. Blake told him the basics of how to smoke it and after Jason’s first sputtering and coughing hit, offered to teach Jason how to shotgun a hit, keeping his lips just millimeters away from the naïve boy’s lips. Once they were both good and stoned, they resumed watching TV, but this time Blake was more aggressive and wrapped his arm around Jason and pulled him against him. Jason relaxed into Blake and leaned his head against the swimmer’s muscular chest. While Blake was all shaved and had a boyish look to him, his sweaty musk was all man. The weed was hitting Jason hard and making him want to lie down, he turned himself sideways and pulled his legs up onto the couch. Blake turned and look over at him. “If you want we can go watch this on my bed, I have a TV in there, it would probably be more comfortable.” “Sure, but I don’t know if I have the energy to walk over there right now, I’m really stoned I guess,” said Jason. “No worries, I got you,” said Blake. He got up, pulling himself out from under Jason, who collapsed onto the couch. Blake reached over and hooked his arms under Jason’s shoulders and knees, then lifted the smaller boy up and carried him into the his bedroom and gently tossed him onto his king size bed. He piled the pillows up at the head of the bed then climbed in next to Jason. He started the show back up on the bedroom TV then asked, “You don’t mind if I take my shirt off do you?” “Uh, no go ahead,” said Jason. He openly ogled Blake as the young man stripped off his tight tank top. He was too busy staring at Blake’s chest to realize what Blake was doing when the older boy reached over and grabbed the bottom of Jason’s shirt. “I think we’d both be more comfortable with your shirt off as well,” said Blake as he pulled Jason’s shirt off. Jason was too stoned to let his shyness stop Blake. After they were both bare chested, they resumed their cuddling as they watched the show. Jason was now on Blake’s right side. Blake slowly maneuvered it so his Jason was curled up against his side with Jason’s head on his chest and the boy’s leg over his. He stretched his arm down Jason’s back and let his hand rest on top of his ass. They watched the teens in the series developing their relationship while occasionally sharing another shotgun of weed from the pipe and baggie of weed that Blake had stashed in his nightstand. Blake kept rubbing his hand along Jason back from just under the shoulders to all the way to the bottom of the twink’s bubble butt. Jason being high, was enjoying the touch and without even thinking about it was rubbing his hand up and down Blake’s torso, every now and then going lower to brush against the growing bulge in Blake’s workout shorts. When Jason’s hand was down near his shorts and brushing against his semi-hard cock, Blake grabbed the boy’s hand with his left hand and moved the inexperienced boy’s hand directly on top of his cock, “Go ahead, feel it.” Jason ran his hand over Blake’s cock feeling it getting harder through the soft nylon shorts. The bulge grew without really lengthening all that much. Blake shifted on the bed and pulled his shorts down, revealing a white jockstrap that was struggling to contain his cock. As soon as he resumed his position laying on his back, Jason’s right hand was back rubbing and gently exploring the bulging pouch of Blake’s jock. Meanwhile Blake slipped his hand under the back of Jason’s jeans and underwear, running his finger along the virgin boy’s crack. “Go on boy, I know you want to smell it,” said Blake, his usual relaxed surfer boy voice suddenly having a more commanding tone. He grabbed Jason’s hair with his left hand and pulled the boy’s head down to his crotch. He held the boy’s head against his sweat, piss, and cum stained jock. He had made sure to jack a load into the jock before he left to the weight room that afternoon. Jason could not help himself, he was no longer in control of himself; the drugs and Blake’s commanding presence had taken over. He buried his nose in the jock pouch, feeling the hard cock under the knit fabric. He took a deep breath through his nose, taking in Blake’s intoxicating scent. “Mmmmm,” he moaned. “Yeah, your going to be a good boy for me aren’t you Jason,” said Blake as he ran his right middle finger over Jason’s asshole while using his left hand to press the boy’s face against his jockstrap covered cock. “Yes Blake,” said Jason. He was harder then he had ever been before. “Boy, when we are in private you will call me Sir or Master. If you want this cock, if you want me to release it from my jockstrap and let you suck it, you need to agree to be mine this year. You want this cock in your mouth don’t you boy?” growled Blake. Jason’s mind was all over the place. The combination of the potent smell of Blake’s manliness and the strong weed had him barely able to form a coherent thought. He just knew that he was harder than he had ever been in his life and he wanted more. He wanted, no needed to see Blake’s cock and have it in his mouth. He needed to taste Blake’s cock and his cum. “Yes,” he whispered. “Yes, what?” said Blake firmly. Jason’s response was barely audible, “Yes Master.” When the boy chose Master instead of Sir in that moment, Blake knew that Jason was his. Now he needed to make sure Jason knew it as well, “What was that Boy, I couldn’t hear you?” “Yes Master,” said Jason slightly louder. “Louder bitch,” Blake commanded. “YES MASTER,” yelled Jason.
    12 points
  2. 8 points
  3. The naked Mediterranean Cruise became a yearly event for us. David always volunteered his ass for the captain’s opening demonstration to set the tone of the excursion. The rest of the year David was sexually very conservative. But for that holiday he let loose in every way. Mostly David topped me, and despite my barebacking promiscuity he was content to play raw with me and he bred me often. Once in a blue moon he would want me to top him, and this was almost always with me wearing a condom. The only times he would let me raw fuck him were those rare times I brought home a clear STD report and had refrained from sex with others between the blood test and getting the results. When I made this effort, he rewarded me with the chance to breed him. The next day, if he wanted to bottom (rarely), I would need to suit up. I didn’t blame him because it was a rare day that my ass wasn’t getting filled by strangers. About ten months ago I had outstanding sex with a mid-thirty’s cub. Not only was he cute as a button with his dimpled cheek smile and mischievous big brown eyes, but he had the dirtiest mouth for none stop sex talk. Flip fucking with him was so natural. I rarely repeated with my tricks but sex with him from the first time just screamed for more. We had met in the bathhouse but began meeting up every other day at his place for the first month. When he learned I was poz he wondered if I had knocked anybody up. I was hesitant at first, but he was very persistent and pried out of me every detail of my early stealthing adventures. He loved these stories, and he was soon pressuring me to go off meds so that I could infect him. I adamantly refused. I was seeing him so often that I told David about my cub friend Stew. I reassured David that Stew was not coming between us. David had me invite Stew for dinner. To say they did not hit it off is putting it mildly. From moment one they hated each other. David told me I had every right to enjoy my friends, I just needed to know that he would not be a friend of Stew’s. Stew and my fucks continued at Stew’s place. That was until one week David had to go away on a work trip. I was a little uncomfortable, but Stew practically moved in for the week and we fucked morning, noon and night. Three months later was my annual sex excursion to the clothing optional hotel in Palm Springs. As with my first time there I always went alone in homage to my childhood friend Peter. The pool boy, I now knew his name, Tim, had advanced to general manager. He had forgiven me for stealth pozing him and we always had a great sex reunion during my annual two week stay. This time he had taken on a lover; a gorgeous young muscular black bar tender with the stereotypical black man’s huge penis. I was frequently invited into their bedroom where, as you can imagine, I was often riding that huge raw black dick. Ben, the black lover, also loved to get fucked so Tim and I often bred him. Ben loved to feltch out my load and snowball it into my mouth. I was a bit surprised that it had the sweetness of the old days when I had been toxic, but I really didn't give this much thought. The new pool boy and the cleaning boy were also frequent recipients of my medicated poz load. As usual I had a great time both at the hotel and on my frequent hikes in the dessert. Early in my stay Stew sent me an email tell me that he was fighting a bad flu bug. I emailed back saying I hoped he felt better soon and then thought nothing of it. The night I got home David had a surprise for me. We had a bottle of expensive wine with dinner, talked a lot about our upcoming Mediterranean Cruise and as we went to bed, he asked me to fuck him. I was happy to oblige and suited up my medicated undetectable cock. David was uncharacteristically amorous and talkative during our fuck. He’d been reading up about undetectable = untransmitable. He talked about how much he liked getting bred on the cruise. He hinted that he thought it would be hot if he let me breed him. This talk turned me on even more than his body usually did. At some point when we were changing positions for me to lie on my back, he looked at me with an impish grin, winked at me and proceeded to remove the condom. When he moved to sit on my raw cock I asked; “Are you sur? This is not like on the cruise. I’ve not been tested for STD’s and just had unprotected sex with more than a dozen men. We know I’m undetectable, but we don’t know what I might have picked up.” He looked me square in the eye and said; “Makes this fuckin hot then doesn’t it. Tell me if you don’t want me to ride you raw. Tell me you don’t want to put your naked dick in my ass. Tell me you don’t want to breed your lovers vulnerable guts.” “Fuck David, when you put it like that. I don’t know what’s gotten into my man, but fuck yeah, just sit on down.” He did. It was always amazing to be in him raw and his brazen attitude only turned me on more. He rode me until I could barely hold back. “I’m close, are you sure you want my questionable sperm?” “Cum in me.” I was already spewing. It took me a week to get to the clinic and get tested. I had blown three more loads into my lover. It was like we were honeymooners with his openness to taking my undetectable yet questionable loads. In the middle of that week, I got a panicked phone call from my fuck buddy, former pool boy, Tim in Palm Springs. Three of his staff appeared to be in the throws of ‘the fuck flu’. Ben his lover, the new pool boy and the cleaner. All of whom I had liberally fucked and bred on my recent visit. The other two had taken several loads from other guests in the weeks before their illness. Ben claimed that other than Tim I was the only person to have painted his guts. I didn’t say anything to Tim but I thought to myself, Ben must be lying. What I did ask Tim was; “If they were taking loads from strangers, why were they not on Prep?” “That’s the most bizarre part of this.” Tim responded. “They all are. And none had even missed taking one dose.” “What the fuck!” “I know, bizarre, right? Anyway I just called to let you know and suggest maybe you should consider getting tested. You know, just in case.” “Yeah I was planning on going, I just hadn’t got around to it. I hope they feel better soon. Thank God for good meds these days. I’m sorry for them, but we know they are likely going to be ok.” “Yeah. Thanks bud, let’s stay in touch.” I was a bit shaken by Tim’s call, but it still took me a couple days to get to the clinic. As I left the clinic my cell phone rang. It was one of David’s work mates. David had taken suddenly and violently ill in a meeting. They had called an ambulance, and he was in the emergency department. ‘Could I get there as quickly as possible?’. I called an Uber and was at the hospital within the half hour. David had slipped into a comma and had been rushed to the ICU. I was flabbergasted and could hardly hear the questions I was being asked. They wanted to know about any recent travels we had been on. I mentioned my trip to California. Thankfully his workmate had stayed around to later remind me David had been to Africa on a work trip. I gapped on this in my stressed state. The medical staff asked about our sexual practices. I told them we barebacked. Mostly David topped me. Yes, he always came in my ass. But I assured them, ‘I’ve been undetectable for years’. They wondered if anything had changed recently. I blanched, every drop of blood draining from my face. I shamefully admitted that I had been breeding David recently. “Oh fuck, did I give him a powerful STD? Is this my fault?” Rappid HIV tests were added to the growing list of diagnostic blood samples taken from David. Despite my protestations that I had been undetectable for many years they also gave me one. I almost fainted when they told me the results. We both tested positive for HIV. My counts were indeed very detectable, David’s counts were through the roof! I was dumbfounded! I racked my brain, but I was sure I hadn’t missed a single dose. They gave me some kind of pill I was so deeply distraught. They were tempted to admit me to the psych ward until David’s work mate promised to take me home and stay with me until I was calm and safe. I could barely stand to look at David with all those tubes and monitor wires. I wept as I kissed him before being escorted away from his bed. Once we got home David’s work mate made me a cup of tea. I sat slouched on the couch. Through my tear saturated eyes, I made out an envelope on the coffee table with my name on it. I opened the envelope and took out the letter, but I couldn’t make out the hand writing. I asked David’s workmate to read it to me when he brought the tea. He read a bit in silence. It was his turn to turn white as a ghost. He cautioned me, ‘did I really want him to read something so personal?’ I begged him to read it out loud.” “Dear Amazing Fuck Buddy” Stew never bothered to learn my name. That’s all he ever called me, even in front of David. No wonder David hated him. I knew this letter was from Stew. “Thanks for the last few months, it’s been a fucking blast! Thanks especially for the gift of pozing me!!! I know as you read this you are thinking; ‘What the fuck, I’m undetectable.” But here’s the thing. You aren’t. Remember I had the flu when you were in California? It wasn’t just the flu. It was the fuck flu. And you gave it to me. How do I know that? Because when you refused to go off meds to ‘gift’ me I took matters into my own hands. I kept flushing your HIV meds down the toilet and replaced them with a placebo. You’ve been shooting toxic cum for over a month now. I made sure to not let any other guy breed me so that I could be sure I was infected with your strain. It is so fuckin hot to me knowing this. I have something precious from you that I’ll carry for the rest of my life. I wish I knew how many other unsuspecting guys you have pozed since becoming toxic again. With so many fags on Prep, I’m sure it’s not nearly as many as I might have hoped with my little scheme but I suspect with your frequency of play there would be a few. How I wish David was taking your cum. I’d love to know you and I were responsible for that little prig getting knocked up. Don’t bother trying to find or get in touch with me. I’ve left town without a trace for you or the police to follow. My only regret is that you will switch back to the real HIV drugs as fast as you can. You’ll keep denying us chasers what we most deeply crave.” It was signed; “Your evil fuck buddy Stew (yeah, that’s not my real name)” I had never heard or seen his last name, real or made up. And his apartment was a sublet condo. The out-of-town owner had never seen ‘Stew’ nor checked to see if his fake references even existed. There indeed was no way to track him and no way that charges could be pressed. With all the stress I was under it took me a few days to remember Tim’s call. At first, I was too afraid to call him with the truth of my toxicity but eventually my conscience caught up with me. I could barely get the words out through my tears; “Tim, something terrible has happened.” I proceeded to tell him what the man I knew as Stew had done to me. I knew I couldn’t poz guys on Prep, but David had never been on it. At this point I crumbled into weeping. Eventually he syphered my devastation at having infected David and that David was still in a coma. He shared his shock and condolences and assured me we could continue our talk the next day when I might be a little more composed. I knocked myself out with tranquilizers, slept fitfully, and called Tim after my visit to David’s bedside the next day. I could hardly believe Tim’s story of what had happened to his lover Ben and his staff, the pool and cleaning boys. Tim had an affair end very badly. The guy worked as a pharmacy assistant at the drug store that all three of the young men got their Prep through. He had been able to substitute their Prep subscriptions with a totally useless prescription. Turned out none of them had been on Prep for the two weeks before my visit. Chances were that I had unsuspectingly knocked all three of them up. The insanely jealous pharmacy assistant had not been anywhere near as smart as ‘Stew’. He had been quickly apprehended after the three victimized young men’s ‘Prep prescriptions’ had been checked and found to be not Prep at all. I got off the phone feeling like a steamship had just hit me and knocked me to the bottom of the ocean. In my hazy thinking I began to obsess about how many other guys I had recently bred. How many of the guys that had raw fucked me might have had nicks on their dicks? With my racing mind I began to hyperventilate. It would take a few more days before I would get my slow HIV results from my regular blood work. Sure enough I was not only HIV positive, no surprise, I had been for many years, but I was also detectable. “Stew’, whatever his real name was indeed had managed to make me toxic again. At the same time David’s more thurow test also came back. It turned out his rapid test had been in error. He was negative for HIV. He was positive for a very rare virus that he had picked up on his work trip. The medical staff had not told me that this is what they fully expected as they had never had a new seroconversion go into a coma. They were now able to get him on the best meds and he was out of the coma, and even though weak, back home very soon. I got back on my antiretrovirals as quickly as possible, but needless to say, this deeply sobering experience had slowed down my libido considerably. That is until three months later when my childhood friend and HIV father Peter came to me in a dream. After he vigorously pumped his load into my ass and had gathered his breath back he said; “Ok my promiscuous friend. You’ve taken a long enough break. It’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get that marvelous hungry ass of yours out there again.” And as you know, having read this long complex story, I have always listened to my childhood friend Peter and followed his instructions. As I wrote this last chapter I have five anonymous loads mixing together in my guts. David told me as I left this morning; "Fuck night. And I’m looking forward to you pumping your load into me, unlike our most usual rolls. Let's use the cum mix you bring home as lube." You might be wondering. Yes he has gone on PreP. Once in a blue moon he comes home with an anonymous load or two of his own to surprise me. That is of course until our annual clothing optional cruise during which both our holes are wet, stretched, and sloppy every day. The End
    8 points
  4. Birthday treat to myself. Turned the ex into a POZ t pig
    6 points
  5. My partner is away this weekend and we both got super horny FaceTiming each other, I was using the fuck machine to his orders getting pounded by some large toys. While he watched me he decided to invite a few of our fuck group to come and load me up without my knowledge I didn't know about it till he told me a min before the first guy was at the door, he unlicked the door for him remotely (god bless technology) and announced on the HomePod that I was waiting upstairs. he got up, got me off the fuck machine and slammed his dick in, I was already opened up and lubed that he didn't have any resistance shoving his 10" all the way in. while I was being pounded my partner kept on inviting more and more to come and let them in all while he was watching me getting railed and giving instructions to the tops to pound me harder and harder. It was so hot being controlled like that! by then I think I took about 20 plus loads from 11 guys that came over and my hole got completely wrecked by them, double penetrating me and having a dick in my mouth. Best part was when my partner asked the guys in the room he wants to see them fist my cunt and they all cheered. I was on my back and one by one they fisted me, some slow and deep, some punch fucking my puffy hole lips. then another round of fucking to load me up before shoving a huge plug to keep all the loads up my cunt for my partner till he arrives back in a few hours. Can't wait for him to pull the plug out and have his way with my hole.
    4 points
  6. Usual Disclaimers, this is a work of fiction, all characters are of legal age. Part 1 pretty much sets up the initial premise of the story as well as a few of the main characters. Feedback and suggestions welcome. Although if the story isn't your cup of tea, just please move along. Thank you. FRESHMAN PROJECT: Jason (Part 1) Jason took a deep breath, gathering up his courage, then pulled the door open and stepped inside. The lobby of the college LGBTQIA+ center was decorated in rainbow colors and the walls were covered with a mix of affirmations about being queer and safer sex messages. There were several hallways leading deeper into the building on either side of a reception desk. A butch lesbian in her mid-twenties was seated behind the desk. She looked up and gave Jason a welcoming smile, “How can I help you?” she said. “Um, well, uh,” stuttered Jason. “You here for the Gay & Bi Male Identified Discussion Group and Mingle?” she asked. “Uh, yeah,” said Jason blushing. “Welcome, it’s down the hallway to your right, second door on the right,” she said pointing to the hallway on her left,. “It’s just about to start so you better hurry, I’m Kat by the way, if you are interested in learning about volunteer opportunities come stop by after the meeting,” she said. “Uh, okay, maybe, I’m Jason,” said Jason as he forced himself to smile then proceeded to head down the indicated hallway. He found the correct door, it had a sign, “Gay/Bi Male Identified Discussion Group and Mingle, 7-9pm Every Tuesday”. He saw there was a mirror next to the door so he justified stalling a bit to make sure he looked okay. He brushed his light brown bangs off his forehead. He had always kept his hair very short at home, but let it grow about a bit before heading off to college. He guessed he was sort of attractive as there had always been girls interested in him, but he put them off saying his family did not want him dating in high school. He had blue eyes and still was not able to grow much in the way of facial hair, so he only had to shave his pale face once a week or so. The thing he hated most about himself was that he was fairly skinny and had never been able to put much muscle on his 5’7” frame. “Okay coward, it’s now or never,” he said to his reflection before turning towards the door. He still stood in front of the door for a few seconds, fighting the urge to flee. Eventually he pushed through it and opened the door. Inside there were approximately a dozen guys ranging in age from 18 to mid-20’s. Some were seated in chairs that were in a ring dominating the center of the room and a few were standing outside the ring chatting with each other. There was a table with sodas, water, and a few snacks against the far wall. Jason’s eyes were immediately drawn to a gorgeous masculine guy that was standing off to his left talking to another guy. The hunk looked like a mix between and surfer bro and a clean cut college athlete. He had wavy blond hair that framed his handsome face perfectly. His body was muscular without being thick. He appeared to be just over six feet tall and didn’t appear to have an ounce of fat on him. He was wearing a light gray t-shirt that showed off his broad shoulders and firm muscles. He wore a pair of skin tight black jeans that had a noticeable bulge in the crotch. When he laughed, his smile and bright white teeth seemed to light up the room. Jason guess he was likely in his early twenties, which would make him an upperclassman or maybe a first year grad student. He was everything Jason dreamed about when he was masturbating in the shower back home at his family’s house. The student he was talking was the complete opposite. He was either Jason’s age or maybe a year older at most. He was about the same height as Jason, 5’6” and even skinnier than Jason who only weighted about 130 pounds. He was wearing a tight pink tank and a pair of skimpy red running shorts that were stretched tight around a firm bubble butt. The outfit left a gap between the tank top and the shorts, revealing a tramp stamp tattoo on the boy’s lower back. Jason couldn’t quite make out what he said from across the room. The boy also had several piercings in his ears as well as multiple tribal design tattoos on his arms and legs. His hair was died purple on the top with the sides shaved. ‘What a fag,’ thought Jason, his internalized homophobia making him look down on the boy for being so obviously gay, which was a stark contrast to Jason’s dream guy he was talking with. Jason realized he was staring at the pair, so he quickly turned and headed to the table with the snacks and drinks, avoiding the two by heading around the other side of the circle of chairs from where they were standing. Jason said hello to several of the other students that were hanging around the snack table. He grabbed a bottle of water so he had something to keep his hands occupied and hopefully hide his nervousness. After just a couple minutes, Jason’s dream guy, broke off his conversation with the fag boy and walked into the center of the circle of chairs. “Okay everyone, it’s time to start, everyone please take a seat so we can begin. For the fresh meat, er, I mean new comers, my name is Blake and I’m the group facilitator,” he said. Jason quickly found a seat and stared at the floor. ‘Maybe I made a mistake,’ he thought. He had grown up in a conservative household, his parents were devout evangelical Christians, in a conservative southern town. He knew he was gay from a young age but had always been too scared to act on it, let alone admit it to anyone. Now he was halfway across the country at a very liberal university on the coast of California just a short drive away from San Francisco. His father had tried to convince Jason to go to Liberty University, but Jason and gotten himself accepted with a full scholarship at an elite private university. While his parents weren’t happy about it, they said that since he was an adult, he could make his own choices now. Still, Jason was struggling with the thought of actually admitting to another person, let alone a room full of people, that he was gay. “So let’s start with introductions,” instructed Blake as he took his seat. Jason noticed that he did not sit next the flamboyant twink he had been talking with, which gave Jason hope that they weren’t a couple, “I’ll go first, as I just said my name is Blake. For those that don’t know me yet, I’m a senior this year. I’m doing a double major in Psychology and Education. I’m also on the swim team and if anyone is interested in trying out let me know and I can give you the details. I identify as gay. As an ice breaker, my idea of a great evening is listening to some music and snuggling with a cute guy.” There were a couple quiet chuckles from a few of the guys and the twink Blake had been talking with rolled his eyes and said, “Oh honey.” Jason had trouble focusing on the others as they introduced themselves. He kept trying to sneak glances at Blake but it seemed every time he looked towards him, Blake turned from whoever was speaking and smiled at Jason, which made Jason blush and stare back down at his feet. “As most of you already know, my name is Aiden,” said the boy that Jason had seen talking with Blake earlier. He had a stereotypical ‘gay voice’ and very over the top mannerisms, talking a lot with his hands. “I’m a sophomore and still haven’t figured out what major is going to be…” he was saying until he was interrupted by one of the guys on the other side of the circle shouting out. “You’re majoring in dick,” said the interrupter. Several of the guys laughed. “No cross talk Roger,” scolded Blake. Turning towards Aiden, he said “Please continue Aiden.” Aiden gave a smug smile then continued, “Well anyway, I identify as a cum dump and I’d say what my idea of a perfect evening was but I got told not to be so graphic at the end of last years meetings.” Again there were a few knowing chuckles. Jason was feeling nauseous, it was a combination of knowing there were just a couple more students until it was his turn to speak and warring emotions inside of him, he was both repulsed by Aiden and jealous of him. “Hey, it’s your turn if you would like to share,” said Blake to Jason. Jason had zoned out and now he was dying of embarrassment. “Um, uh, sorry,” he stammered. “My name’s Jason, I’m a freshman. I’m from a small town in Alabama,” he said trying to not look at Blake. “Isn’t his accent precious,” injected Aiden. “Let him finish,” scolded Blake. “Yes Sir,” snapped Aiden as he dramatically straightened up in his chair and smirked at Blake. There was an awkward silence before Jason continued, “Uh, I’m still debating between Political Science as a prelude to law school or maybe History and Education. I’m not sure how I identify yet, I think I’m gay as girls never really made me feel the way inside that I do when I think about guys. I really don’t know what a perfect night would be, I’ve never been on a date before,” Jason realized he was starting to ramble and overshare out of nervousness. He fought the urge to jump up and run out of the room. He expected the other guys in the room to start laughing at him but instead he some most of them of them were just quietly nodding and giving him welcoming smiles. “Thank you Jason. Don’t worry about picking a major or an identity. There will be plenty of time for you to figure everything out. That is what college is for, it helps you find out who you really are and lets you become what you were meant to be,” said Blake. The guy next to Jason started his introduction and Jason again had trouble focusing. After all the introductions were done, Blake led a discussion about safer-sex. He explained that it was a requirement from the university that the first night’s topic for all the student groups was to go over all the safer sex resources available at the campus health clinic including STD screening and PrEP for any students that felt they were a high risk for HIV. Blake also demonstrated on a banana how to apply a condom and that university recommended them for oral and anal sex as well as using a dental dam for rimming, all of which was available to students for free and both the health clinic and the LGBTQIA+ Student Center, which everyone just called the Rainbow Center since most of them kept stumbling over all the letters. After the presentation was over Blake announced that they still had the room for another half hour if people wanted to stay and mingle some more. Jason jumped up and was about to bolt for the door when Blake quickly crossed across the circle and stopped him, “Hey Jason you got a sec?” “Uh, sure I guess,” said Jason trying to not appear as the huge mess he felt he was at the moment. “I want to say it took a lot of courage for you to come here tonight. Coming out is tough and its hard if you are doing it all by yourself. If you would like to talk sometime we can grab a coffee at the Student Union and have a bit more relaxed chat, not in front of the big crazy group like these guys. Would you be interested in that?” asked Blake. Jason gulped. This smart, amazingly handsome jock senior was offering to have a coffee with him. Jason fought his instincts which were driving him right into fight or flight mode. “Um yeah, okay,” he said. “Great, does 3pm tomorrow work with your class schedule?” asked Blake. Jason couldn’t remember if it did or not but quickly replied, “Sure.” “Perfect, it’s a date,” laughed Blake. He saw a look of panic pass over Jason’s face, so he quickly added, “Just a phrase, no pressure Jason, I’m sorry.” “Uh okay, um, well,” sputter Jason, his words failing him. Fortunately Blake bailed him out, “Okay see you tomorrow at three,” he said as he reached out and gave the shorter boy a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. They said their goodbyes and Jason finally got his wish to flee the meeting. After the new boy had left, Aiden walked over to Blake. “So, he seems interesting,” said Aiden with a smirk. “Yeah, I think I found this year’s Freshman Project already,” said Blake with a big smile. “Do you think he will be as easy to convert as I was?” asked Aiden. “Depends on which definition of convert you are talking about,” replied Blake with a laugh. “Both,” said Aiden laughing as well. “Speaking of that, I missed you this summer, you started meds yet?” asked Blake. “I missed that pussy wrecker of yours. My t-cells are holding up so far so I haven’t started any yet, want to get as many strains as I can before I have to start. I’d love a recharge of yours if you are offering,” said Aiden as he leaned into the muscular swimmer who had been his gifter last fall. “Sure come by my apartment tomorrow after 9pm, I’m sure I’ll have good load worked up after spending a few hours with that naive southern boy. You going to want to pick up any party favors for the weekend as well?” asked Blake as he reached down and gave Aiden’s ass cheek a hard squeeze. “Yes please, I’ve already got quite a few guys lined up who also missed me over the summer,” teased Aiden. “Well keep some time available for me, I’m going to need to breed that ass of yours a lot until I got Jason broken in,” said Blake. “Well then for my sake I hope our little southern belle hangs on to her virginity for as long as she can,” said Aiden. “Oh come now Aide, you know he’s going to be pregnant with my babies before the Thanksgiving break, particularly if he meets Miss Tina,” said Blake, an evil gleam in his eye.
    4 points
  7. Xmas Eve: just got back from the sauna. Was kinda quiet but sometimes that pays off... I had hopes for having fun with a guy who had a scorpion tattoo on his back just above his butt... but it wasn't to be. Instead I got cruised by a really nice rugby build guy - muscular but with soft edges. We started off upstairs in one sling and then the other, which was more comfortable for him as it was less high. We switched locations and fucked in the gym, the darkroom, and the jacuzzi-spa. I'm not quiet when getting railed, so we drew a small crowd each time. He had tons of stamina and I was glad of a short break each time we switched locations. Since it was getting close to closing time (7pm since it was xmas eve) we went upstairs to the sling again for a grand finale. After he finished (second load from him) I stayed in the sling for a while hoping others who hadn't dropped their loads already might want to do so before closing. Put the towel over my face so I couldn't see and stayed a while to see what happens. Not long before I felt probing fingers and then a cock. Decided not to peek and let things happen... it could have been any one of about five or six guys who were left. Whoever it was didn't last long, which I was grateful for as the previous guy had been unrelenting and I was a bit sore. Now I'm home and looking back it is very horny thought that I'll never know who that was. Anon can mean just not knowing who they are but not seeing them at all is a whole new level and one I plan to revisit.
    4 points
  8. I've already got most of part 4 finished and will post it before the New Year.
    4 points
  9. 'Sub male wanted for full time slave. Must willing to submit to ABSOLUTELY anything this Master will require, want and demand. Status, age, ethnicity, looks, are unimportant. Must be completely submissive and have no other commitments and willing to relocate permanently' He read the message again. He already knew it by heart but, it still excited him. He'd responded to the ad almost five weeks ago and had a reply within just a few hours. The Master had asked many questions about him. Was he HIV positive or have any STDs? No. Was he a total submissive? Yes. Did he have anyone that would miss him, family or friends he was close to? No. How old was he? 22. What was his weight? 11 stone. How tall was he? 5ft 10". What experience of BDSM and CBT did he have? Very little, just getting his arse smacked really. Was he cut? No. There were numerous other questions but, he'd forgotten most of them except; I would modify you, you understand that you would have no choice on what I would do to you once you submit to me and once you give yourself to me, it is forever, no going back? Yes, I understand. This last statement made his cock, already semi hard jump to attention. Fully erect it began to leak precum. Now he stood at the entrance to a farmhouse somewhere in the middle of nowhere. It had taken most of a day to get here. A bus, a train, a taxi and an hour walk. He was shaking, partly with the cold but mostly in nervous anticipation. His cock was leaking again. This place really was in the middle of nowhere. He been instructed by the Master where be dropped by the taxi, presumably so nobody would know where he'd gone if anyone ever looked for him. Not that they would. He'd only really been casually acquainted with a few work colleagues but, he told them he was going travelling so didn't have any forwarding address. He approached the farm house and as instructed entered through the unlocked front door and closed it behind him. He undressed, also and previously instructed. The house was large, with large rooms and high ceilings. It was pleasantly warm on his bare skin. A large wooden door was slightly ajar and now, completely naked, he pushed open the door and entered a large lounge. A tall man stood with his back to an open fire. "You actually came boy, I'm surprised. A few have said they were willing but have never arrived. Turn around, let me look at you" He had been told prior to coming that he was longer to use his given name. He was to forget that name and his life before as it would now be irrelevant. He would be called "Boy" or, when referred to as "It" He turned around letting his new master peruse his body. He felt very self conscious, embarrassed, nervous and even a little afraid. The Master stepped closer, to within a few inches of him. The Master looked slightly overweight. He had very short cropped hair and a short neat beard. He reached a hand forward and cupped it under his chin, staring into his eyes and observing his features. He ran a hand down to the boys crutch, cupping his testicles and caressing them gently before making and approving grunt. "Turn round and bend over" This made the boys cock jerk which was noticed by the Master. "Have to do something about that" He said, which made the boys cock jump even more enthusiastically. "Pull you cheeks apart" The boy did as he was told. Another approving grunt. After the inspection he was shown to a bedroom with an en suite bathroom and told to clean himself properly inside and out. There was a douch attached to a shower hose specifically for the purpose. The douch was small in diameter and he was able to easily slide it inside himself to achieve the required result. Next he used the soap to cleanse his exterior. As instructed he had already removed all hair from his body and head before arrival. He loved the clean feeling of being devoid of any hair. It felt very sexy and even more naked than with hair. After showering he dried himself and went back into the bedroom. The Master was waiting for him with an envelope in his hand. He handed it to the boy. "You must read it properly and fully understand its contents before signing it. Take your time as once you sign it, it's understood that you are bound by it. If there is anything you don't understand speak to me. The boy wasn't expecting a contract, which this obviously was but he nodded his head and said "Yes Sir" There was nothing in the paperwork that they hadn't already discussed. It was very detailed but easily understood. The only thing he was unsure of was whether to sign it in his former, given name. When asked, the Master had said yes and that it was the last time that name would ever be used. He signed it. The Master took the letter and the boy to follow him. They went into an adjacent room and Master placed the envelope in an old steel safe. He turned "Your mine now. You may come regret that, infact I guarantee you will at times but, so be it. You have sealed your destiny now. Come let's start your indoctrination. He was led into yet another room. In the middle of the room was a wooden bench. It was about eight feet in length and five feet across. In the centre of the bench was a hole. Around the room were various slings leather straps, whips and other sex toys. "On the bench face face down. Put your cock and balls through the hole" The boy did as he was told convinced the Master would perform some sexual act on him that would make cum. He hadn't masterbated for almost a week in anticipation of what was to come today. The Master tied the boys hands to two leather straps on each side of the bench and his legs, at the ankles to the bottom corners of the bench so that his legs were spread far apart, almost painfully at full stretch. His fully erect cock, which was hanging through the hole, was then secured to the underside of the bench, very tightly with another strap. Something was then secured around his scrotum above his testicles. It was very tight. He could feel the master doing something else with the item securing his scrotum but didn't know what. Suddenly it was clear what he'd been doing as a very heavy weight was released and his scrotum and testicles were stretched to, what felt like, their limit. The boy cried out as the heavy weight swung to and frow taking his balls with it. "I'm going to fuck you now boy. Going to consummate our relationship. When I give you my seed you will be mine forever. You will be pregnant and carry my babies, my poz babies. They will infect every cell in your body and you will become part of me" The boys cock was dripping copious amounts of precum now. He was so turned on. This is what he had wanted so badly. "Yes Sir please Sir, make me yours" "Remember what we said boy, no lube to make sure I impregnate you" "Yes Sir" The Master removed all his clothes. For first time the boy saw his Masters huge engorged cock. It was at least 10 inched long and thick, thicker than he'd taken before. He was very hairy. A complete opposite of his own smooth shaven, slim torso. The boys balls ached from heavy weights that seemed to be tearing from his body but he feared the pain of being fucked by this cock, without lube, as much as having his balls torn from him. He could feel the master position himself behind him now. His hairy body on his own smooth back. His cock head being pressed against his hole. Without any mercy the Master forced himself inside the boy, tearing at his sphincter and soft internal flesh of his hole. In 22 years the boy had never felt such pain. The Master fucked him hard, having no regard for pain he was causing. The boy had felt so full of cock. As painful as it was he didn't want it to stop. More than anything in the world he wanted this man's sperm, his poz sperm inside him. As the Master continued to fuck him his arse became more accustomed to his girth. After about 15 minutes of violent fucking the Master cried out as he pumped a huge load of thick poz cum into the boy "Now your mine, forever" The Master withdrew his cock from the boys arse and presented it to the boys mouth to cleaned. The boy noticed blood on the shaft as he took it greedily into his mouth. His Masters sperm would be swimming in his hole now. Finding the fissures and abrasions caused by the vigorous fucking. Swimming and forcing their way into his bloodstream and circulating around his body, eventually infiltrating and corrupting every cell in his body. ****To be continued *****
    3 points
  10. I get it. Many holes are tight when we start playing. But I want him to loosen up. I’m not a fan of tight holes. I’d rather have a loose sloppy hole that talks back to me while I fuck it.
    3 points
  11. You are so fucking hot! I love being fucked and used by smooth asian tops! oink! Slide your cock in my hole and let's see what happens!
    3 points
  12. Last night, Slammer. Oddly, the darkroom was almost empty. While I did get there a bit earlier than usual, it still surprised me. The orgy room was going full bore, so I sat on bench close to a guy I wanted to fuck, but he was the center of attention for other guys too. He did notice me, sitting there, but there were 2 other guys right in his face. So, just got my Cock out, and inched closer - bit by bit - caressed his ass - he grabbed my Cock - all the "prenuptials", and started to move away, but looked back. So, I followed him to a booth, and the kid tried really hard to get me into his Hole, but - he just couldn't. I just told him to go get some other Cocks up his gut, and I'd come find him a little later. Left the booth, checked the darkroom again, and there was only 1 guy in there - not sure whether T or B. So, walked around a bit, enjoying the eye-candy, came to a corner in the aisles, and this guy was standing there in a jock, just smiling. Said hi. I said hi. Reached around, felt his Hole, as he felt up my Cock. He kicked open a door to one of the booths, and in we went. This guy sucked my Cock like it was the last one he'd every get. Bent over, I shoved it to him, and he was muttering about how it was too much. So, I did what I usually do - told him I'd open him up a bit, knelt down and started eating that Hole. He'd clearly been "opened up" by a number of other Cocks (he claimed "6 or 7"), since his Hole was full of loads, which fucks he gladly described as I started to rut. The guy also seemed to respond to filthy Breed-talk, so we started in on that while I was sucking that sweet Hole. Some other guy stuck his Cock through a gh from the adjoining booth, and this sweet boy slobbered on it, sucked it off while I was almost there myself. Pulled out, turned him around and kissed that sweet boy, enjoying the fresh load in his mouth. Turns out, his husband (I'd call him a Daddy) was off somewhere else fucking other boys, they go to Slammer together, split up, and then meet up in the bar and go home at some pre-arranged time. He wanted me to meet his Dad, but I'm not sure why. Maybe I'll run into him again tonight ... find out why he wants me to meet his Dad ....
    3 points
  13. So here is part 2 which I wrote last night. I might get another one out this weekend, but then the pace will likely slow down as I have to work during the week. Freshman Project: Jason (Part 2) Jason met Blake at the coffee shop in the student center on Wednesday. Their conversation started out a little awkward but Blake used his psychology training to slowly get Jason to open up to him and tell him about his strict religious upbringing that he always internally rebelled against but outwardly complied with. Blake also got Jason to share that while his parents had let him come to school here, they had in effect cut him off, only being willing to cover a small part of the food and lodging expenses that had not been covered by his scholarships. Jason had gotten a part time job working in the food service department at the dorms so he could get a little bit of spending money. As a large percentage of the school were from wealthy families, Jason was embarrassed by having to cook their meals, at least he worked in the back and didn’t have to serve the food. Blake filed that information away for later, perhaps a financial incentive could be used to help motivate Jason. Blake also was able to coax Jason’s work and class schedule out of him by expressing a fear that Jason might be taking on too much. Finally he learned that Jason was in the freshman dorms and was in a shared unit. His roommate was a computer science major and spent most of his time in the room or the dorm lounge on his laptop coding. Blake shared little bits about his history as well. When Jason asked about his first time, Blake just let him know that he was having sex with his classmates since middle school, but who and what he considered his first real time was with his high school swimming coach, a man named Mark Malone. Jason had never been in the closet, so he had been openly flirting with the man all throughout high school with no luck, but after he turned eighteen and graduated, his now ex-coach had invited him to spend the weekend at his house the week after school let out. That weekend was a beginning of a summer of learning about himself as the coach gave Blake the education he desired. Blake learned what being a pig and having gay sex could really be like. What Blake failed to mention is that Mark had introduced him to crystal and by the end of the weekend had Blake begging for load after charged load from his former coach. Jason had both hoped and feared that Blake might invite him back to his apartment which was just a couple blocks off campus. So he had mixed feelings when Blake said his goodbyes without making the offer. As Blake was getting ready to get up, Jason mustered up his courage and said, “You know at the group how all the guys shared what they thought would be a perfect evening, well I really liked yours the best, I hope someday I can find a guy that might let me spend the evening cuddling with him as we just chill, you know.” Blake pretended to look shocked, “Really? It just seems that most guys want to hook up, fuck, and move on. I hope I’m not being too forward, but since you don’t have class until ten on Friday, would you be interested getting coffee again Thursday at four, I remember you mentioning Thursdays was one of your nights off, and then if you think it feels right, we can go to my place and just chill, listen to music or watch a movie, no sex I promise, but maybe some light cuddling if it seems we’d both be into it. Don’t worry your cherry will not be on the menu, I’m not going to pressure you to do anything you don’t want to do.” Jason blushed, there was so much he wanted to do but was too afraid to let anyone know. “Um, yeah, I think I can do that. Coffee on Thursday and then your place but only if we both want, I don’t want to impose on you. I’m sure you got a lot of guys wanting to spend time with you.” He instantly regretted saying that last part. Blake laughed, “You’d be surprised actually. Apparently I seem to intimidate a lot of our classmates and they think I’m out of their league. I haven’t dated more than about one guy from school a year. They usually don’t last over the summer though.” Jason took that opportunity to bring up Aiden, “So did you date Aiden?” Blake gave a wry smile. “You’re sharp, you picked up on that?” “Yeah, it just seemed the easy way you had talking with him at the group that there was something familiar between you too,” said Jason, finding it easier to talk to Blake as the conversation went on. He finally asked what he really wanted to ask, “He’s really flamboyant and well I guess just I don’t know how to say it other than really gay. Is that your type?” Blake paused a moment to let Jason think he was giving the question a lot of thought, “I don’t really have a set type, except that I tend to like guys that know what they want and are comfortable accepting themselves.” Jason couldn’t hide the disappointment on his face since he clearly knew that wasn’t him, “Oh.” “Hey wait a second there, don’t take that the wrong way, I’m not saying you aren’t my type or that you are my type, I wouldn’t do that to you while you are still trying to figure out who you are. Hell when I first met Aiden he was a lot like you. He may have even been worse, he was an army brat that didn’t have a father so much as a drill sergeant. He even showed up at college with a crew cut,” said Blake with a chuckle. Jason quietly asked, “So you made him that, uh, gay?” Blake shook his head and said, “No, I just gave him the opportunity to be whoever he wanted to be and accepted him for it. Ultimately it is why we broke up, he realized he did not want to be tied down...with a boyfriend. He actually does like to be tied down if you know what I mean.” Blake and Jason both laughed. “Yeah, I had the internet down in hicksville, I know what you mean,” said Jason. “Okay well I gotta head out, I hope to see you tomorrow,” said Blake. “Uh yeah, see you tomorrow at four,” replied Jason. As Blake got up from his chair and headed out, Jason noticed a large outline down the leg of Blake’s pants. Once again Jason’s stomach was in knots with a mix of fear and desire. 'Did I make him hard?" wondered Jason then smiled at the prospect that Blake might be into him in that way. *** Blake left the coffee house and headed to his apartment. He jumped in the shower and rinsed off, turning the water to cold before he hoped out to help him get himself under control. Jason’s mix of innocence and barely concealed desire was such an aphrodisiac. He didn’t bother getting dressed after he dried off since Aiden would there soon. While he waited, he went into his ‘office’, just the second bedroom of the two bedroom apartment, and took out a small amount meth, just enough for a little high to enhance the sex he and Aiden would be having, but not enough that he would be up all night. He then put the rest of his hard drugs into his time locked safe and set the timer for eight the next morning. He knew from experience that if he and Aiden had a largely unlimited access to his supply, the two would be not be able to stop, and since he did not have any customer appointments lined up he could lock his supply up from himself for the night. Next he took a blue chew then grabbed a canned vodka and juice drink out of the fridge to wash the taste out of his mouth. He drank, smoked a bowl of weed, and watched some youtube videos on his TV while he waited for Aiden to show up. It was only about fifteen minutes later when the intercom buzzed. Blake buzzed Aiden through the front gate, opened his apartment door, then sat back down on the couch, switching the TV to some porn, specifically the video he made when he fucked Aiden after slamming him for the first time. Aiden entered the apartment, closed the door, then immediately stripped down to just a jock strap. He went over and knelt between Blake’s smooth muscular legs, putting his hands behind his back, his head bowed, and his eyes focused on Blake’s thick uncut cock, which was around five inches long in its resting state. Once Aiden was settled, Blake reached down and cupped his chin, tilting his head up slightly. “Open,” he commanded. Aiden obeyed and opened his mouth, keeping his eyes lowered. He saw Blake’s cock twitch slightly a second before he heard, then felt Blake’s spit spray into his mouth and across his lips and chin. Blake let go of the boy’s chin, “Suck it faggot, suck my cock, convince me you still deserve my Daddy's gift. Let me see how much practice you got over the summer serving the men we rented you out to.” “Yes Master,” purred Aiden. He leaned down and not using his hands he worked Blake’s cock into his mouth and down his throat. It was easy since Blake was not yet fully hard. Slowly Blake’s cock started to harden to its full nine and half inch glory. Blake was expecting Aiden to start gagging since even at the end of last year he was still struggling with the girthy monster. When Blake’s cock came to full hardness, Aiden went all the way down on it and pressed his nose and lips into the swimmer’s shaved pubis. “Oh fuck boy, I see you finally mastered deep throating over the summer. You have finally become the cock whore you always really wanted to be, now let’s see how good you have really become,” said Blake. He took his hands and grabbed the sides of boy’s head and held his head to his crotch as he stood up off the coach. Aiden kept his Master's cock sheathed in his throat as they adjusted position. Blake then began skull fucking the boy. Aiden did an admirable job, getting just enough air in on the out strokes and only occasionally did he have to choke back vomit as Blake’s cock bottomed out in his throat. Finally after a couple minutes, Blake stopped with his cock fully impaled in the twink’s throat. His cock was too far down Aiden’s throat for Aiden to be able to breath through his nose so he just did his best to not panic and pull off. Blake watched the boy’s face turning red and then before Aiden passed out Blake released him. Aiden pulled off and fell to his side as he coughed and spit up a mix of pre-cum and saliva. His were watering and snot flowed out his nose. “Fuck you look sexy,” said Blake. He reached down and grabbed the long purple hair that grew out of the top of nineteen year old’s head. He pulled the boy’s face to his as he sat back down on the coach. They two lovers kissed passionately. Blake licked and sucked his boy’s slimy face clean, keeping it in his mouth, than feeding the snot, tears, and spit back Aiden. “Go ahead and hit the pipe, only one bowl each tonight, I got class in the morning,” said Blake as he motioned over to the table where he had laid out the glass pipe and the limited supply of tina. “Okay,” said Aiden with a hint of disappointment slipping through, “It’s probably for the best as I’ll be fucked up all Friday night and Saturday, so don’t need to be tweaking for four days straight.” He picked the pipe and torch up off the table then returned to the couch, resuming his original position between Blake’s legs. The college students took turns hitting the pipe and shotgunning the smoke back and forth until they were both flying high feeling the euphoria. The generic viagra had kicked in and Blake’s cock stayed relatively hard. Aiden’s smaller cock was barely making a bump in the pouch of his jock strap. When they had smoked through the tina, Blake grabbed the bottle of lube that was next to him on the couch and lubed up his cock, getting it back to full hardness in the process. “Climb up here and ride my cock facing me,” ordered Blake. Aiden quickly followed the command and straddled the swimmer’s legs, gently lowering himself onto Blake’s cock. “I see you came prepared, good boy,” said Blake as he felt his cock sliding into Aiden’s already lubed up and loosened ass. “My Intro to African Lit professor bred me during his office hours. There’s lube and two of his loads up there already Sir,” said Aiden. He knew one of Blake’s major turn on’s was to fuck a cum filled boy cunt. “Oh fuck, good boy, you're going to get at least two loads tonight to make sure you get a good recharge of Daddy’s strain. Blake had taken precautions to make sure he didn’t get another strain after he got knocked up by Coach Malone. When he left for college Coach had ordered him to find a freshman to pass on his babies to and that after he had done that, he could go on meds and be the piggy little slut boy Coach had shown him he was destined to be. The first year he had turned out his roommate, Charlie. Charlie, had been a closeted gay boy that had said he was straight when the two of them started exchanging emails after getting the room assignments. Charlie had indicated that he was open to having a gay roommate on his housing preference form. Once they were living together, Charlie could not keep his eyes off his openly gay swimmer roommate. Blake rarely wore a shirt in the room and often wore just a pair of bikini briefs in the evening when the two of them were alone in the room. He asked Charlie several times to let him know if it bothered him, but Charlie said it didn’t, that he played a lot of sports in high school and was used to the hanging out with guys that were naked or almost naked in the locker rooms so it wasn’t a problem. It only took about two weeks before Charlie was between Blake’s legs worshiping his roommate’s cock. But Charlie’s is a story for another time, as is Ian’s, the freshman that was Blake’s freshman project during his sophomore year. Blake grabbed Aiden’s hips and started thrusting hard up into the chemmed up slut that was bouncing up and down on his lap. “Slut, you ready to get a fresh load of toxic cum?” he growled. “Yes Master, give me your Daddy’s babies, I need them, give it to me, breed me,” panted Aiden. “I can’t wait until you make that snobby little shit Jason our brother.” “Soon baby, soon,” said Blake as he shot his first load on the night into Aiden’s sloppy cunt.
    3 points
  14. Had a long drive for work yesterday so decided to pop into the sauna on route. It was supposed to be naked day but not many were wandering around naked. I thought I would start having a steam and see if I could get lucky, so went straight to the dark room part. As soon as I walked in the hands started grabbing a gruff voice asked if I had just arrived? I replied yes and with that a few more hands started to touch me I was quickly bent over and I heard the lube packet being ripped open, felt it smeared over my hole and then the ramrod cock of a stranger slid in. I gripped it tight and was called a filthy slut. He fucked hard and fast and soon dumped his load. He was very vocal about how good it felt. For me that was a bonus as I was then passed around the guys in the steamy dark room one guy was so polite and kept saying ‘no it’s fine u first’ as he whisper to me that he loves a loose cummy hole and he likes to feel other guys cum coating his cock. whilst being used by cock 5 a guy entered and asked if this was the guy for breeding and they all responded with a yes he’s taking any load. He also asked what my load count was and I told him 5 he said good slut there’s another 5 in line before I breed ur hole and churn the cum up n push it deep. eventually after 13 loads it was time to go get a coffee, cool off n catch my breath. Steam room defo made me sweat some! Now on the hunt for even more for the next few days
    2 points
  15. When I walked into the bar, I was in the mood to be bad. That’s why I chose the place. It wasn’t my neighborhood gay bar, where everyone knows I’m HIV positive and not taking meds right now. If I hook-up with someone there, it’s another poz man. Or, on rare occasions, I even agree to use a condom, much as I hate them. No, this was a place I go to on those rare occasions when I feel like barebacking a guy I just met. I like to make him hungry for my meat, too aroused to stop, just to see if he can think about being careful. I am well hung. I mean, I’m actually at least 8 inches when I’m hard and my dick is really thick. I love it when the bottom has that moment of hesitation before surrendering. Sometimes I tell him I’m positive before I fuck him; sometimes I wait until after I cum inside him. Usually the little faggot starts to whimper and cry. But he stays in my bed and always asks me to fuck him again. By the morning he wants my phone number for another date, LOL. Today had been a bad day at work. My boss had chewed me out for something one of my team had done, and then I had reamed out the woman in question. But I was still angry when I decided to go looking for some action. I needed a victim. It took me just one glance around the bar to spot him. He was sitting alone at the bar, looking nervous. Young, slim, very cute, checking out the other men but looking quickly back at his own drink instead of making eye contact. I was pretty sure it was his first time in a gay bar; maybe he was even cherry boy. I sidled up and sat on the stool next to him. “Eric,” I said, by way of introduction, as I rested my hand on his shoulder. I thought he would jump out of his seat. “I’m Andy,” he replied. “First time here.” He was rather effeminate, which isn’t my type, but he had thick, pouty lips. I imagined kissing them and feeling them wrapped around my cock. “I could tell,” I continued. I waved the bartender over and ordered a drink. When it arrived, I paid and suggested to Andy that we find a table so we could talk. He seemed relieved that I was taking the initiative. I knew right away that this was going to be easy. Easy, yes, but not quick. Sometimes you gotta be patient to set up a good fuck. Andy wanted to tell me how he had come to be in a gay bar. Out came his story: thought he was straight but always found guys attractive, dated women, the latest girlfriend – I think he said her name was Beth – had dumped him for a guy she said was more masculine, got into gay porn, blah, blah, blah. As he’s chattering away, waving his hands around in a very girlie way, I understood why the girlfriend thought he was a faggot. I thought, Andy, what woman wouldn’t see you as a sissy? It took two more drinks to hear his whole sad story of self-discovery. It was boring shit, but I pretended to be interested. I rubbed his back and neck, then his thigh, finally the bulge in his pants. He did likewise, and I saw his eyes widen. “Wow, you’re really big,” he said. “You know, I haven’t done this before.” Bingo! I smiled. “That’s OK. I’m glad you told me. I would be very gentle.” Then I leaned over and kissed him on those tempting lips. He didn’t try to pull away, so I drew him into an embrace and continued to kiss him, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. We sat there making out for a few minutes until I said, “Let’s go back to my place.” He didn’t hesitate. I called a car service. As we waited outside, I put my arm around his shoulder and held him close. He was so eager he practically sat in my lap on the 20-minute ride. As soon as we got into my apartment, we helped each other undress. For a moment I stared at Andy’s body – he was maybe 5’9’’ tall and thin, a real twink. I thought to myself, Your girlfriend must have enjoyed pegging you, because she certainly couldn’t have seen you as a real man. I was a good five inches taller and 75 pounds heavier. He was mesmerized by my cock, which was half-erect and already longer and thicker than his stiff dick. “You never held a man’s cock before, boy, have you?” I growled in a low voice. “No, sir,” he managed to reply. “Go ahead. You know how much you want to.” Andy gently stroked my cock with his slender fingers and began to pump gently, I hardened in his grip. The thought of how I was going to wreck his ass in a few minutes really turned me on. I pulled him close and kissed his thick, pouty lips again. He was delicious. “You have a pretty mouth, Andy. Get on your knees and show me how you can use it.” He obeyed me immediately. I felt his tongue swirl gently around the tip of my dick, then his lips parted and he drew the head into his waiting mouth. God, it was hard not to just fuck his throat! He gripped my cock near the base and pumped slowly, taking me a little deeper with each motion. I held his head in my hands and told him he was a born cocksucker, which seemed to make him more eager. Finally, I could no longer stop myself. I started to thrust into his mouth and hit his throat, forcing him to gag. “I’m sorry, Eric” he said. “I guess I’m not very good at this yet.” “No worries, boy. Just takes some practice.” He opened his mouth again to suck my dick but I stopped him. “I’ve got something else in mind.” I took Andy’s hand and led him into the bedroom. I pulled down the covers and told him to lie on his belly, his head resting on a pillow. Then I spread his butt cheeks with my hands. His pink, puckered, virgin hole was just an inch from my face. I began to lick around it, then inserted my tongue, my thick beard scratching his ass. He gasped at the sensation, then began to squirm and moan. I licked my thick forefinger and inserted it in his ass. Another gasp and more moans. My middle finger followed, stretching him, and then I began to scratch inside his asshole with my long fingernails. “Ouch!” he said, but he didn’t try to pull away. It was time to reveal my secret. “Listen, Andy, I really want to fuck you, but I want you to know I’m HIV positive. We can stop now if you want.” “Maybe you should use a condom,” he replied. “I brought some with me tonight.” “That was good thinking. But a real man doesn’t cover himself.” I resumed licking his ass, and my tongue went deeper now that I had loosened him up. I paused for a moment. “Listen, you really should feel your first cock bareback. I won’t cum inside you if you tell me not to.” It was bullshit – if he let me inside him, I knew I would seed his little faggot ass. But I really like it when a bottom can’t help himself and begs me to cum. I was pretty sure Andy would be one of those. “Well, I guess it’s OK if you pull out. You promise, right?” Not a chance, princess, I thought. But naturally I reassured him that I would respect his wishes. I could sense his hesitation as he mulled over what might happen. But I knew he was too aroused to turn back. To encourage him, I rubbed my thick cock along the crack of his ass, warming it. “OK,” he finally said. “I really want to feel you inside me. I’ve waited a long time to do this.” I applied some lube to the head of my dick and some more to his warm hole. He reached behind and held my dick, placing the tip at the opening. I pressed against him, gently at first and then with more force, but his ass resisted the intruder. “I’m sorry, Eric,” he whined. “I think you’re just to big for my first time.” “Don’t give up, boy,” I coaxed. “You don’t want to disappoint your top, do you?” He shook his head and said he was sorry. “Good!” I said, my voice casual and encouraging. I pulled him onto his hands and knees. “Now relax, Andy. What did you say your girlfriend’s name was?” “Beth. Why?” “Imagine you’re her, with her new man. You want to please him. Imagine how good his cock will feel inside you. How much you want it – no, you need it. Now push back against my cock.” He did as I instructed. Suddenly his sphincter relaxed and the head of my cock and the first couple of inches disappeared into the tightest boy pussy I’ve ever fucked. “Oh, YES!” he exclaimed. “That feels amazing! I’m so full of cock!” And he continued to push back slowly until I was entirely inside him. I rested my weight on his back and whispered, “That’s right, Andy, you and Beth have something in common. You both like to be fucked by real men.” He nodded again. I began to move in and out, very slowly at first, then a little faster. Andy was making high-pitched “Ah!” sounds. I started talking dirty to him, telling him his ass was now a cunt, how I was going to turn him into my bitch. He started to beg me to fuck him harder. I could feel the rising pressure of an orgasm building in my balls. “Lie on your belly,” I directed. My weight pressed him into the bed. I turned his head to the side and thrust my tongue deep into his mouth, a hot fuck kiss, one of my favorite parts of sex. “Do you want me to stop or should I cum inside you?” I grunted in his ear. “Tell me you want it, Andy. Tell me you want me to breed you.” I knew what the answer would be. He was too far gone, too lost in the pleasure of having my huge tool deep inside him, to think clearly about the consequences. “Cum inside me, Eric, please,” he begged. “You want me to poz you?” “Yes. Oh, God, yes. I need your cum.” I gripped his shoulders and thrust with my rocking hips, my balls slapping loudly against the faggot’s bubble buns. In a few moments, I exploded inside Andy, jets of man cum flooding his warm, moist back passage. I soared into that brief oblivion that follows male release, his body beneath me. For a few minutes we lay together. I gradually softened and slid out of him. I rolled over and drifted off to sleep. I awoke to the sound of Andy sniffling beside me. They always get weepy afterwards. Andy said, “I couldn’t help myself. I knew I shouldn’t let you fuck me. I knew I should’ve made you stop. And now I have your poz seed inside me.” He was so sweet. I decided to turn on my phony empathy voice. I told him how sorry I was, I just got carried away, I felt awful. He seemed relieved to know I cared about him. (I didn’t, of course, though I felt a tad guilty because I really didn’t give a shit.) Well, anyway, it worked. A few minutes later caresses turned into kisses, and then I maneuvered Andy onto his back and into the missionary position. He again guided my cock to the edge of his boy pussy and soon I was fucking him again. This time I jerked his dick until he shot a load onto his belly. He rubbed his delicate fingers on my abdomen and the sensation caused me to cum again. This time I didn’t bother to ask him if it was OK. He seemed very happy. In the morning, after a couple more rounds, we showered together. He got dressed and I told him the symptoms of the fuck flu. Then I called him a car. He asked if he could see me again. I lied and told him I had a steady boyfriend. He seemed disappointed but said he understood. I haven’t seen him since.
    2 points
  16. 🎁 I came down the chimney with my sack fully loaded, and look what I found by the tree. Time to unload.... 💦 💦
    2 points
  17. Happy Holidaze to all you guys ... Remember: the best way to guarantee a Happy New Year is to be fucking/getting fucked at the stroke of midnight on 12/31/23, thus ushering in the New Year PROPERLY !!! 😁
    2 points
  18. I need to get a better picture, perhaps after fucking…
    2 points
  19. The main advice I’d wish I’d taken is to accept that you are a sub bottom and do what you are told. I left too many meets halfway through because I was nervous or worried it would hurt. Older me would tell younger me to shut up and take the cock, you’ll enjoy it! Also being a 21 year old rubber and leather sub, you would have had cock in every hole if you’d just been more relaxed!
    2 points
  20. For all of us spending Xmas and Boxing Day by ourselves at home whether by choice or other reasons don’t despair. Get the the necessary comms out the way in the morning - give the dogs a good walk or the goldfish extra food and settle down naked on the sofa - linking your laptop to your super sized screen and switch on your favourite porn. If bored get lubed up and change to web cam - zoom - or your other horny telegram/skypes and have a group fuck and dirty pervy chat session. If all else fails and you’re not too far you could always cum over to cum over me!! Love a good white christmas covering Merry Cockmasssss and a breeding new year!
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Back in the 90s I took a trip to NYC for a weekend to check out NYU for grad school. I didn't make a hotel reservation; thought I would pick up a room near a gay cinema called West World. I was still closeted and playing around with guys discreetly at my small tech university in Pittsburgh. I started bottoming for a big thick 10 inch hung opera student, ginger guy, big and strong. He would stick it in me and get about ten pumps in, I would squirt everywhere and push him out and get dressed and fuck off back home. He got fed up with this one day and turned me over, forced my head down and held my hands behind my back and forced his way back in. He leaned in close over top of me near like he was going to kiss my neck and whispered hostilely THIS IS HOW ITS GOING TO HAPPEN FROM NOW ON... DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME. He didn't wait for a reply and didn't care if I said yes or no, he was grinding into me really slow and long while I screamed and he pushed my face down into the bed. Well I did understand and didn't like being told what to do but kept coming back for big dick. Safe dick. Rubbered up. I did hook up with a few friends who waited tables with me at restaurants. Always bareback and me topping even though I'm not hung. I was a short, muscled, smooth weight lifter from an Italian family with huge legs and a square jaw. I could pull a lot of guys back then, they would always say CUM ON MY BACK DUDE, CUM ON MY BACK. It was so hot. I loved fucking with guys my age plus or minus five years. Never liked daddies or bears, they kinda scared me. I sucked a lot of hot dick in the glory holes but never let a guy fuck me bare, I was too scared of getting the poz bug. Not me. Never. I hung out with guys in a fraternity and some really straight guys, the ones I really secretly desired, would stare at out the corner of my eye when I thought they were not looking. The kind of guys I would steal used jocks and socks and underwear from and secretly wear them. So when the NYC trip came up I got excited and started wanking 5 - 6 times a day fantasizing about what would happen there. I wanted to do a bunch of guys all in one night. I got turned on eating cum when a guy would jizz while I fucked him or sucked him. I loved to deepthroat medium and small dicks, just sucked deeper as they would cum right down my throat. Sometimes I would drink a little piss. When alone I would always tell myself I would eat my own cum but never could. I love cum, until I cum, and then that's it. Get it off me, don't want any smeared on me or in my mouth. Are you like that too? Well I guess I like extremes, either shoot it down my throat, let me lick it all up off the floor or your boots or chest OR none at all. So I get to NY and start walking the street in Greenwich village where I decided I would like to stay. I saw a sign on the road room to rent, it was one of those small black cardboard signs with big block red letters. I went in and was greeted by two really big Latino guys who did pest control for the building and let out a small single bed in one of the service closets. They weren't gay but it was cheap and I was happy, paid the money and got the key. Showered and put on my best whore jeans, a hot guy's underwear and socks I stole the week before but hadn't jizzed in, and headed out the door. I had a map and knew exactly where West World was so headed straight over. No time for food or drink I could do that after. My heart was pumping as I paid the entrance fee and went inside. There were some small video booths just as you went in and a couple of rooms with metal folding chairs and guys watching porn on big screens. I had never seen anything like it. All eyes were on me suddenly, it was full of bears and daddies with their cocks out wanking or fully clothed and waiting for signals from each other. One really tall skinny guy stood up and bent over a chair in front of him and a huge black guy started to fuck him bare. Wow ... this is scary, maybe not the room for me. So I went to the next room and an arm grabbed me as I walked by, a big strong hairy arm. I looked at him, steely blue eyes, big square jaw, Italian type like me but wow .. hairy and muscular in a more mature way. Where you going boy? he asked me ... why don't you sit down here? First time here is it? ... He was a typical pushy New Yorker who knew what he wanted and decided to take it. He pulled me closer and said here .. sit down here next to me. There was a Chinese guy wanking two or three seats away. I got scared. What was happening here, was I going to be SAFE would I get what I wanted or would they get what THEY wanted. Bare sex with strangers in NYC. I would get pozzed for sure. But my eyes met his and like a snake charmer he was able to keep me right where he wanted me. I listend to his voice, I was really hooked and would do what he wanted me to do. Within limits of course. So I sat down. He pulled out a big thick monster, not shaved, and smelling like man cock. Not soap but not dirty, just like a man's cock having been in his trousers all day, know what I mean? Man cock. It was thick and darker in colour than mine and throbbing. Then the Chinese guy moved over next to me and took off my pants. I let him, and he started sucking me! NY Italian guy pushed my mouth on his dick and said Go on boy, suck mine while he sucks you, then I'll take you to a booth. I really loved it, the smell and being under his spell, his control. He had real power over me, his cock was the master that could command me, his big physique housed the thing I worship. Cock and cum. I WANT YOUR CUM I told him and then the Chinese guy really started going to town on me. I had never had a guy suck me off to completion until then. I started to squirm and move away, started to push the Chinese guy away but it felt SO NICE as the waves of pleasure started to build up. The Italian guy noticed and told me that's it, move your hips into it, let him suck it all out of you boy and I exploded. He swallowed everything and then it all closed down. I wanted to get out of there and fast. It was all happening too fast. I sheepishly said Thank You and they both chuckled as I pulled up my trousers. Italian guy said come on, I want to show you a private movie in a booth. He was getting ready to fuck me bare and I knew it, but I had already cum. I said I wanted to use the toilet first and would meet him in the lobby. Instead I went to the lobby, grabbed my jacket and RAN down the street. I ran for my life because I knew a pozzing was waiting for me otherwise. I must have run about 3 blocks when a big green Range Rover beeped the horn and I looked over and it was Italian guy ... he rolled down the window and said CAUGHT YOU!
    2 points
  24. I haven't been to Madrid in a few months, but living here in Maspalomas I can offer some advice. Factory: good place to have sex. Large and many installations. Small smoking area behind the bar. Lockers and lube available. Clean toilets and anal douche. Three slings. Customers tend to be 25 to 45 with a relative even distribution of tops and bottoms. A fair number of "look at me how pretty I am" boys, standing and posing. But also a good number of men who get into action. A lot more emphasis on the looks than any other clubs. So depending how fit you are, you may score a decent number of fucks. Don't expect too many loads though. Noxon & Raddar: recently went through an expansion and very good experience. Well attended and wide variety of men, ages, shapes... Popular on Tuesdays for the Piss night. There are the Breed Sundays, but don't expect a large number of tops. Good facilities, although they can do better. Construction: probably the best on the island. Large and spacious with many customers of all ages. Love their dark areas: put your ass up in the air, you will get fucked in less than a minute. Again, fucked and loaded are two different things. Great corridors for a quick fuck or suck. Two slings. Great bartenders who will at times indulge 😉 I'd say if you are in for the loads go after 1am. You can get out with 5 to 7 loads easily. Bunker: Had their closing party two weeks ago. CruiseBar: good if you are into bears. Mostly clothed bar, so watch out for pickpockets. A hit and miss. Toms bar: small with a small dark room. go there to open up your appetite and do some watching. Although it is in a remote corner and not too many people to cruise. Never had a single fuck there. Zoo: Great if you are bottom. For some reason, there are not too many bottoms going to Zoo and so you will normally find more tops going there. very clean facilities with anal douche. more popular are the wednesdays and thursdays evening. Reds: A top's paradise. Tons of bottoms. Great staff. moderate prices. Happy hour from 20:00 to 21:00 when you get two drinks with the entry (10 euros). One sling and one very well used dark room. Five glory holes and cabins. You get fucked a lot but almost never loaded. Construction, Reds and Zoo are the ones with the most action, followed by Noxon and Factory.
    2 points
  25. Part 2: There’s something about JD…. As the train began to roll down the tracks, I started to get really comfortable. Train rides, well for me at least, are extremely relaxing and very scenic. However there was nothing scenic about this train ride as it was cold and dreary out. The weather seemed to be in sync with how I was feeling. I try to focus on my work which the train ride luckily affords me the chance to catch up on. The world of a beat reporter doesn’t stop, especially when you are dealing with a corrupt mayor who’s taking bribes and has been known to frequent the cities bathhouses. He’s known as Aunt Fancy as he is extremely prim and proper but a total cum dump. His wife knows about his nighttime routine. In fact they’re well known in the swinging community. The reason nobody has blabbered about his nighttime exploits is that in a very sex positive city, sex scandals just aren’t popular. Now if the mayor of my hometown had been accused of that, then it would be the story of the year, no the circumstances. I mean I see why he gets his reputation, he’s charming, extremely good looking, and he has this Cary Grant way of speaking. In one swath he could be putting you down but by the end you want to rollover and take your closes off for him. As I’m working on this, I glanced over to JD. By this point in our journey he was already passed out. I happen to notice that his phone had fell out of his hand and onto the floor. For a moment the lockscreen flashed and it was a photo of him in a jockstrap with a leather harness. I looked at the phone and back at him and it peaked my curiosity. However I didn’t want to wake him up from his nap. So I placed the phone back into his lap and he just kept on sleeping. About an hour or so later we reached our first stop at Cold Harbor, and the wind and rain was still blowing at a steady pace. The screeching of the trains breaks woke up my napping train companion. He stirred asking me if we in Bristol yet, and I said no not yet. He then noticed his phone was not in the same place it was when he dozed off. He asked, “what happened to my phone?” ”It fell out of your hand and I picked up before anyone could step on it,” I said pointing to the spot near where I picked it up. “That’s very kind of you,” he said with a slight laugh and a grin. I leaned over towards him and said, “I couldn’t help but notice that your lockscreen picture is very revealing.” He quipped, “Is that a bad thing?” “No it’s not,” I said with a grin. He definitely picked up on that. The train finally began to roll again, and JD was by then wide awake. So I felt it would be a good opportunity for us to kinda get to know one another a bit more. “So JD tell me a bit about yourself?” “Well obviously my name is Jesse but everyone calls me JD. I’m 28 from Pall Mall, Kentucky. It’s a small town just on the Kentucky side of Kentucky lake. I have two sisters who are much older than me. I’m the first in my family to ever graduate from college and after college I moved to D.C. to try to make a fresh start.” “What do you do for a living?” I asked him, “Well I’m a structural engineer with the Army Corps of Engineers. I’ve been doing that job ever since I moved to town. I also do some side work on the weekends at a bar to make some extra cash. You would think that me being an engineer would be a fruitful endeavor, but again I am working for the government. So on the weekends I work at Marvin’s which is this nice little bar over in Annacosta.” “I’ve heard of Marvin’s and it’s a really fun bar, and the men that frequent it are really really good looking,” I said with a wink and smile. “Oh it is a very nice place and I have made many many friends there,” he said laughing. “So what is it you do there?” I said curiously. “Oh I’m a go go dancer. I get tipped really well and it’s enough money for me to help save and put back. Especially with all the student debt I have and what not,” he said laughing. “So you’re an engineer by day and a go go dancer by night. That’s an interesting combination, and maybe someday I might have to mosey over there to see you dance,” I said with a playful smile. He was certainly blushing when I said that and it was that moment I noticed he had to adjust himself. He then put his hand on my thigh and asked me, “Now that you know some things about me, how about yourself. Tell me about you?” ”Well my name is David. I’m 32 from Tupelo, Tennessee. I moved away from home at 18, and I work for the Capitol Journal as a reporter on their local news division and occasionally helping out on the Congressional side too.” “I have read your work and it’s really really good! Your story on Councilmen Lawrence’s bribery scandal was a masterclass,” he said enthusiastically. ”Well I’ve had many years to hone in my craft and the only way to hold your leaders to account is to expose their skeletons,” I said laughing. ”I have to ask, are you named after David from the Bible?” I wasn’t surprised he asked me this, because this is actually the most frequently asked question about myself. So I chuckled and said, “Oh I wished I was named after him, but no I’m not named after him. I’m actually named after former teen idol David Cassidy. Why, I was named after him remains a mystery to me,” I said with a smile and a laugh. ”Well at least you were named after a celebrity of sorts. I wasn’t as lucky. I was named after my father’s cousin whom my parents just liked the name. However I never really went by that, my parents always called me JD which is the abbreviation for my first and middle initials.” So I had to asked, “So what’s your middle name?” He replied, “Dickinson, my full name is Jerry Dickinson Patton, however JD Patton is much easier on the ears.” I smiled and put my hand on his thigh and said, “I agree it’s much easier on the ears.” We continued to tell stories and laugh for the remainder of the train ride to Bristol. He struck me as charming and it didn’t hurt he was good looking. I couldn’t help but every once in a while notice the bulge in his pants. I really wanted to see what that was all about, but hooking up on a train can be hot. However I was spent. Yet there was something about him that just screamed raw sex appeal. As the train pulled into the station I looked at JD and asked, “Since we’re going to be in the same town for the next few days, would you like to hangout more?” He immediately and enthusiastically said, “Yes I would love that!” He took my phone and said, “Here’s my number, and the cabin resort we’re staying at is a place called Tupelo Falls.” I thanked him and as he departed I could see his silhouette growing further a part. I then heard my phone go off. It was a text from JD saying, “I can’t wait to get to know you more, and who knows you might get to have your own private dance ;).” I started to blush right then and there, but before I could reply I heard my mom’s voice calling out for me.
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  26. Chapter 2: End of the Line “End of the line, kid.” The big, beefy trucker’s voice had a deep growl but there was still the twinkle in his eye as Richard grabbed his backpack and opened the door. One last grope from that big paw, squeezing his ass, and Richard slid out the door and jumped down, thanking his host and closing the door. It had been a fun and eye-opening way of crossing the country from Nowheresville in the Great Lakes region to the booming metropolis of Los Angeles. It was the culmination of a process that he been playing out ever since that fateful Christmas party had changed his life for good. Life at home had never been the same after that night. His father, after the initial shock, seemed prepared to accept this new aspect of his son’s personality. His mother was another matter altogether. She had shifted her ground again and again, trying all kinds of tactics on him -- to no avail. “How could you do this to me and my sister – carrying on like that right at a family Christmas party in my own home???” Fountains of tears accompanied that one. “It’s just a phase you’re going through. You’ll get over it and live a nice, normal life.” This in a tone much like marching orders. “To think that my own son, my nephew, and my brother, would all decide that they want to be perverts and do things like – well, whatever weird, sick, dirty things you were doing up there.” Indignation mixed and mingled uneasily with sheer nosy curiosity in that speech. She’d also taken to dropping broad hints about mental health, seeing the doctor, and maybe trying one of these “new therapies” where they “fix people like you who’ve gone off track.” She’d stolen his condoms, and then replaced them by slipping pamphlets about horrible diseases into his pockets after doing the laundry. One was even a classic old 1980s Christian leaflet about the new “gay plague,” AIDS. Despite his lack of practical experience, Richard knew a thing or two more up-to-date than his mother, and he wondered where she’d found that museum piece. He also laughed with more than a hint of irony at her stupidity in taking the condoms away if she was really worried about him contracting HIV. Richard was unusually patient for a teenager, a characteristic he’d inherited from his father, and he was prepared to play a long game and wait out his mother’s persistent attempts to remake him. Next, she gave him the silent treatment. For weeks on end, she said just as little to her son as she could get away with. When he spoke, she acted as if she hadn’t heard him. Nor was Richard’s father getting much more out of her – at least, he wasn’t getting any kind of positivity. All her care and love and attention was now being lavished on her “girls,” her two little West Highland terrier pups. She talked a blue streak to them, cuddling them, showering them with all the full blast of her maternal devotion, while her husband and son remained frozen out. Richard simply carried on with school work and his intramural sports, not to mention joining the cheering section for the water polo team’s games, hung out with his friends in evenings and weekends, and did his best to ignore everything negative that his mother threw at him. Not altogether to Richard’s surprise, it was his father who ran out of patience first. When he remonstrated with his wife and suggested that she back off and let her son live his own life, she had fired right back, accusing him of being a closet fag lover himself, and telling him that she at least knew what was right and she wasn’t going to let these rotten-to-the-core queers take over the planet or corrupt her son, thank you very much. And with that, the war was on. The battles raged far into the night, night after night, for well over two weeks. Richard had never heard his parents fighting as bitterly as this before. Their war of words served only to harden the resolve that was forming in his head. Finally, one evening in late May, he snapped. He pulled together a few things, tossed them into his backpack, and then went down to his parents as they argued in the living room. His mother’s mouth closed with a rat-trap snap and a click of the teeth. His father looked for an instant, and then spotted the backpack and looked somewhat harder. “Where are you off to at this hour?” “I’m leaving.” “And?” “I’m leaving and I’m not coming back. Ever.” “You’re not serious, son.” “I am. What is there left for me in this house? My mother hates the person I am, and my father fights with her nonstop about it. At least, if I’m out of the picture, then maybe you two can get your act together and save what’s left of your marriage.” His mother actually spoke directly to him, for the first time in almost two months. “You’ve got some nerve, talking to your own mother and father like that….” “You’ve talked enough, Mom. Now, you listen to me, and listen carefully. Your son, Richard, is gay. G. A. Y. Gay. It’s not a choice. It’s not something that was done to him. It’s a fact. I knew it long before that Christmas party. It’s a fact, and it’s not changing. All your struggles to try to change me “back,” as you think of it, have led only to you losing me – and it’s your fault, no one else’s fault but yours.” Then he turned to his father. “Thank you, Dad – for trying. I don’t hold you to blame for what’s happened.” His father stood up and hugged Richard one last time. His mother sat in shock, her mouth hanging open, as he walked to the door and opened it. “Goodbye.” As he stepped through, his mother called out, “Richard!” in a beseeching tone. He kept on going. Behind him, the fight erupted again as she broke out at his father. “Well, don’t just stand there, Carl, go and get him and bring him back!” “For what? So you can keep on harassing him? No. He’s got a right to live his life in his way. I don’t like this choice that he’s made, but he’ll live with it. Face the facts, Martie. You’ve made a royal mess of this, you’ve driven your only child out of the house, and with that, you’ve lost – completely. And you’ll have to live with it, just as Richard will.” Predictably, she cried. Richard kept right on walking as the strident voices and over-dramatic sobs faded on the night air behind him. A half hour later, out on the highway, his thumb got results and a passing driver picked him up to drive him to the big city. Nowheresville wasn’t really the big time, of course – actually a small city of some 15,000 people, about thirty miles from the little village of East Mudhole where he’d grown up. No, those weren’t the communities’ real names, but they were the labels Richard always hung on those regrettable facts of his past whenever he was asked in later years. At first, street life wasn’t too bad. He’d gotten to know some of the other street people and met some of the charity workers who went about, helping as they could. He was lucky, too, that the weather had warmed up early and was staying warm. Unlike some of the street kids, he wasn’t nursing an addiction, and that made it easier to keep a small cash flow in his pocket at all times. From some of the other street folk he’d learned about the truck stop at the edge of the city, just off the Interstate. He’d gotten in the habit of heading over to the truck stop for a shower and a go at the cheap and generous buffet every week or so. It was a workable life, but in a few more months the year was wearing on and the weather was cooling down again. Soon the snow squalls would begin to fly. How he was going to survive then, he couldn’t imagine. All he knew was that he’d be damned before he’d slink back home with his tail between his legs. His visits to the truck stop gave him ample scope to check out the variety of truckers passing through. Some were pretty nondescript, but some were the kind of big, husky older guys who really revved his motor. He knew what he wanted, but he hadn’t managed to figure out how to land it. That all changed the night he asked a big-muscled redheaded trucker if he had any spare change, and the guy had offered to buy him a meal and let him share the truck’s sleeper for the night. When the trucker took him inside for a shower and some food first, “before we go to sleep,” he’d asked Richard the big question. “How old are you, kid?” Richard had instinctively rolled and flexed his butt. “Does it matter?” “Well...” “I’ll be eighteen in less than a month. Is that close enough?” “It’ll do.” Three of the five shower cubicles were free, but the big guy pulled Richard with him into the first one he came to. Richard got his first lesson in sucking dick in that shower. The man’s tool was a decent size, not gigantic, but uncut and tasty. The big redhead had been patient with Richard’s teeth once Richard told him that he was a total virgin, every way you could imagine. The trucker’s dick jumped with excitement when he heard that, and he carefully explained and demonstrated the fundamentals to Richard. After he’d blown a load down the kid’s throat (and it didn’t take long), they finished cleaning themselves, dried off, got dressed, and then went through to the buffet and got some food. While they were standing in the buffet line, Richard was getting thoroughly used to the taste of the cum in his mouth. During that meal, Mitch had gotten to know a thing or two about this young blond guy and realized that he wasn’t really a typical street kid at all but a man who needed to get off the streets. By the time they’d finished their meal, Mitch had figured out that what Richard needed most of all was to get to a big city where there’d be some decent gay life to fit himself into. He told Richard that he was on a weird, multi-stop itinerary across the country -- and it would take a week, but they would end up in Los Angeles. “Can I come? I mean, come with you to L.A.?” Mitch chuckled at the way Richard emphasized the pun. An hour later, they were in the truck’s cramped bunk together. It was a little too crowded to make ass-eating easy, but Mitch kept wetting his fingers and then pushing and flexing them into Richard’s hole to loosen it up. As he played with Richard’s ass, his voice kept rumbling quietly into Richard’s ear. “Relax, kid, just relax – let your muscles go slack. Just enjoy the feeling.” And Richard was enjoying the feeling of those fingers twisting and flexing inside him. But he also loved the feeling of this big muscular man spooning his body, kissing his shoulder and his ear, and rubbing his big tool up against the plump ass cheeks. At last, Mitch said, “Okay, think you’re ready now.” He extracted his hand, placed the blunt tip of his cockhead against Richard’s hole, and began to push. It was a struggle. Richard wanted it, he wanted to feel Mitch deep inside him, but his virgin hole had other ideas. It took a minute or so, and then Mitch leaned harder – and the head popped inside. Just as he did that, he also clamped his hand over Richard’s mouth. Good thing, too. The sudden flash of pain caused Richard to yell aloud, although only a muffled “MMMMPHH!” came through Mitch’s big meaty paw. Mitch held his cock steady there, just inside the ring, as he growled to “Relax, boy. Breathe. Breathe deep. And hang on. No way for the first time not to hurt.” In a few minutes, Richard’s hole finally began to loosen, and Mitch slid a bit farther in. It took a while longer, but eventually he was able to tell Richard, “It’s all the way in you, now. You’ve taken the whole length of your first man cock.” In a few more minutes, Mitch – still waiting patiently – felt Richard’s hole begin to actually work on his dick, to flex around it, to start chewing on it a bit. It was all the signal he needed. “Okay, kid, time to fuck ass.” With that, he started sliding out until only the head was clenched inside Richard’s tight ring, and then slide back in, all the way down into his body again. Each slide after that got a little easier and a little smoother. Richard began moaning as this man’s big cock slowly opened up his hole and taught him how a man’s cock could send his ass to heaven and back, over and over. “Oh, god!” Richard finally spoke. “It hurts, but it’s so damn good. Keep going!” “Okay, but I’m not stopping until I’m done.” With that, Mitch really notched up the speed of his plowing into Richard’s butt. After a minute, he grasped Richard’s shoulders and then rolled until he was lying on top of Richard’s back, his hard body moulded to the younger guy’s back and butt, and his cock still deep inside that hot boy butt and moving faster and faster. The slapping sounds of hips against ass echoed in the cubicle, and Richard began chanting as Mitch’s fucking headed for fever pitch. “Oh, fuck, yeah. Don’t stop. Fucking drill me open. Give me all that cock. Give it to me.” And Mitch growled into his ear in reply, “I’m gonna cum. You want me to cum inside you?” “Fuck, yeah. I want it all. Fucking shoot your cum into my ass.” That was all it took. Mitch let out a guttural cry as he slammed deep into Richard, holding it there while his cock flexed like a mad thing and flooded Richard’s ass with his sperm. Richard could feel his hole warming up and knew why it was happening. His first ass load, and from this awesome muscle hunk of a trucker. He felt happier than a pig in shit, knowing that Mitch’s seed was swimming around inside him. At last, Mitch began to go soft and slowly eased out of Richard’s no-longer-virgin ass. His cockhead came out with an audible “pop”. Richard moaned as he felt the sperm slowly leaking out of his hole. At last, the muscle tightened up, and Richard then reached back and swiped the cum off his ass and taint, bringing it up to his mouth to taste it. The taste made him even more horny, and he reached down to his own rigid cock, jerked it rapidly a dozen times, and spurted out a big load of cum. That soon found its way into his mouth as well, and he had now learned that cum from different guys doesn’t all taste the same. “Wow. What a day!” Mitch chuckled as Richard sighed in contentment. He wrapped his arm around the young blond, pulling him back into his chest and then caressing his body gently while kissing his ear and neck. Then, when he heard Richard’s breathing go slow and steady, he pulled the covers up over both of them and let himself fall asleep. In the morning, they filled up at the breakfast buffet and then climbed back into the big rig and hit the road. Once the doors were closed, Richard slid his jeans and briefs off and sat in the passenger seat, naked from the waist down. Mitch didn’t complain. Whenever the traffic got lighter, he was happy to slide his big paw over and start playing with Richard’s cock or fingering his ass. When Richard wanted to return the favour and suck Mitch’s cock while he was driving, Mitch stopped him. “Definitely not safe,” he growled. “Years ago I rolled a rig when a hitchhiker did that to me and I lost control.” Instead, Richard gave him a quick blowjob in the restroom at a truck stop when they took a lunch break. Mitch fucked and bred Richard half a dozen more times during that multi-stop cross-country drive. The best one, for both of them, was the night that Mitch booked into a motel outside Albuquerque. “Always nice to get a long relaxing shower and a good night’s sleep in a real bed,” he said laconically. Once they’d both cleaned up, and turned down the covers, Richard quickly found that he had to agree. There was so much more freedom to move in a proper bedroom than in the tiny little doghouse behind the truck cab. They enjoyed another long shower together. After drying themselves off, they turned down the covers and lay down together on the king-sized bed. Mitch had his arms around Richard, embracing and stroking him as they kissed each other for several minutes. For the moment, they ignored their duelling cocks, both rock-hard. Richard couldn’t help thinking that it felt as if Mitch was making love to him, but he knew that was ludicrous. There was no way Mitch was falling in love. That’s when Richard realized how lucky he’d been. This whole initiation into the world of man-to-man sex had come to him at the hands of a man who cared enough to make sure it was a good experience for his novice partner. Just as Richard realized that, Mitch moved down and started tonguing and sucking on Richard’s cock, playing with the head between his lips and tongue, and then swallowing it down into his throat. After a minute or so, he swung his body around so that his cock was staring Richard right in the face. Richard got the message right away and began to copy everything Mitch was doing to his tool – and just like that, he found himself in his first 69, realizing for the first time why it was called that. The sensations of the two guys sucking each other at the same time were incredible, of course, but Richard really wanted to try to experience Mitch’s cock in a whole different way inside his ass. He reared up, swivelled around, and began to position himself so that he could sit down on Mitch’s erection. Mitch tossed him a bottle of lube, and he prepared his hole, then slowly pressed it down onto that uncut meat. His hole now popped open easily, and Mitch entered him as he sat on down, slowly taking that entire cock deep inside his body. He sat there, swivelling around on this man’s cock, feeling it stirring all parts of his hole into life. Then Mitch urged him on. “Ride me now, boy!” Richard began sliding up and down on top of Mitch’s cock, pulling up until the head was only just trapped inside him, and then sitting right down on it again. Up. Down. Up. Down. Mitch moaned loudly as Richard had now gained a bit of control over the way his muscles stroked a big cock in his hole. But now Mitch wanted more control, and he pulled out from under Richard, then scrambled to his feet and pushed Richard down onto the bed. Rolling the boy over onto his back, he grasped Richard’s legs and lifted them straight up into the air, his feet resting up against Mitch’s shoulders and his whole weight supported on his own shoulders, with his hips well up in the air. Mitch straddled him, and then thrust in, straight down into Richard’s hole as Richard gasped from the suddenness of the entry. Down. Up. Down. Up. It was like the reverse of the previous action, but now the fucking motions were a lot more forceful, and Richard realized that Mitch was getting close. He began to urge Mitch on. “Fuck me, man! I want you to give it me hard and fill me up with your load!” “Oh, yeah! Gonna fucking pound your sweet ass and pour my seed into you.” True to his word, Mitch speeded up his piston motions even more, pounding straight down into Richard’s hole until Richard could barely take any more. But then the pumping got more irregular, Mitch’s breath came in harsh gasps, and Richard knew that he was about to get bred again! “Yeah! Give it now! Give me that hot load! Fuck me!” Mitch groaned aloud, slammed down into Richard, and held it there as his load pulsed and pumped into the boyhole under him. When he pulled out, he bent down and planted his mouth over Richard’s ass, sucking forcefully to draw his own cum up and out of the hole and into his mouth. At last he calmed down and pulled away, slapping Richard’s ass lightly as a signal that he could relax. Richard flopped down onto the bed, gasping for air, and Mitch fell beside him, then kissed him in a snowball, sharing his own cum with his boytoy. Richard fell away, spread-eagled on his back, and finally gasped out, “Wow! What a fuck! I feel like I could sleep for a week after that!” “Is that what you think, kid? I didn’t pay for a motel room to just get one turn at your ass. Ever hear of sloppy seconds?” Richard shook his head. “Well, I sucked most of my load out of you, but some of it’s still in there and it’s a great feeling to go back inside an ass – or a woman’s pussy, for that matter – when someone’s sperm is still swimming around in there. And that’s what I’m going to do.” Richard groaned. “I don’t know if I can take any more tonight.” “Sure you can. And you’ll thank me later because, where you’re headed for, there are all kinds of hot guys who aren’t letting you go with just one fuck. Better practise now while you can!” They both laughed at that, but Mitch evidently meant business. After a quiet intermission of some twenty minutes, with the two fondling and stroking each other, Mitch’s cock began to fill for another round. Richard eagerly dived down to suck it into full erection, finding that his protests had evaporated, and he couldn’t wait to get Mitch back inside his body again. This time, Mitch pushed Richard down on his back, lifting his legs in the air on either side of his own body. He let Richard rest his legs on his own back while he bent down and ate ass again, getting the hot boyhole cooled off and ready for more action. When Richard’s hole was ready, Mitch slid forward, easing the younger guy’s legs back over his shoulders, and then slid easily into his ass. This brought him face to face with Richard, and they began kissing each other again, as Mitch moved slowly and smoothly in and out of Richard’s ass. It was Richard’s first time in the missionary position. After a few minutes of this slow and gentle fucking and kissing, Mitch reared up and began to pound deeper into Richard, deeper and harder, slamming down against Richard’s upturned hips with repeated loud slaps. Richard was moaning and crying, not in pain but in ecstasy, as Mitch moved even faster, drawing closer to the moment of truth. “Fuck, yeah! Breed me!” That exclamation pulled the trigger and Mitch erupted forcefully into Richard’s body, the sperm squeezing out of the hole around his cock while he was still spurting. Richard groaned loudly, grabbed his own cock and began jerking it furiously, being reward after twenty seconds with a fountain of cum that sprayed all over his face and body. Finally, Mitch’s strength gave out and he pulled gently free from Richard’s sweaty body, then lay down alongside him. They put their arms around each other, stroking each other gently as they drifted slowly into a profound sleep of satisfaction and exhaustion. On the final morning of the long trip, approaching Los Angeles at last, both of them were silent while they entered the outskirts of the big, sprawling metropolis. As they’d rolled through the city towards the main railway station, Mitch had worked a hand under Richard’s exposed butt, teasing the now-experienced hole with his finger. “Damn. I’m going to miss that sweet little ass, kid. But this is it. You have to get out before I go into the terminal. And after I get this rig unloaded, I gotta head back home to the wife and kids.” “Hey, Mitch. Thanks for everything.” “No probs, kid. Pull your pants up before you get out. Good luck to you.” “And to you.” Just as Richard said that, the big rig slowed to a halt. And Mitch growled, “End of the line, kid.” Richard hopped down. He was surprised at how heavy his backpack felt – and then remembered that Mitch had taken him to a thrift store in Tucson and bought some clothes for him. Nothing fancy, but enough to go on with for a while. He’d also slipped some twenties into Richard’s pocket, “just to help you get started.” Now what? He hauled out a bit of paper on which he’d written a name and an address. Mitch had searched it out on a computer at the motel where they’d stayed in New Mexico. He knew it wasn’t far, but he had to figure out which way to go. He went into the station, found a big wall map of the city, and located the right street for his destination – a social help agency for LGBTQ street kids. That was him. He’d gotten a short interview with a worker at the agency and was given some useful leads on jobs that he could land at the age of 17. Then she directed him to a queer-friendly hostel where he could stay for a while. When he opened his backpack that night in the hostel, he’d found a note tucked between the new shirts. Hey, kid, it’s been fun. Glad to help you out. When you get a chance, pay it forward. He’d landed a job right away, as a dishwasher in a small café not far from the main drag of WeHo. Richard impressed the owner with his energy and bright, smiling demeanour and soon the youngster found himself reassigned to be a busboy out front. That suited Richard just fine. It was a great way to meet people. The kind of people he wanted to meet. Men people. Now that he was in the front of the café, he had a chance to meet some of his co-workers. The one who caught his eye quickest was the bartender, Terry. Like Richard, he had a big flop of hair over his forehead and sparkling blue eyes – although his hair was light brown to Richard’s pure blond. Unlike Richard, he was tall and lean, and had a strong air of assurance about him – the air of a man who knew himself and his place in the world. What intrigued Richard most about Terry was his habit of coming out from behind the bar to chat up three or four of the regular customers. Always the same handful, and they were all guys who arrived alone and left alone. All of them looked to be in their forties or fifties. Between those visitors, Richard used to watch Terry and indulge in daydreams about the decent-sized lump in the front of his tight black pants. He knew that it wasn’t just his imagination when that lump would get bigger after he’d had one of his little private talks with one of his favourite customers. Richard was intrigued. Terry was sexy in his own right, but it looked as if he had a thing for older guys. Just as Richard did. Sooner or later, it had to happen. After about a week and a half, Roxana (the regular evening server) had to leave early, and Terry and Richard were the only ones left to clean up and close. Once the last customers had left, they locked the door and got down to work. That is to say, Richard got down to work, dropping to his knees and fishing out Terry’s cock to suck, while Terry got right down to business with asking questions and figuring out what made this kid tick. Over the next half hour, Richard’s story slowly emerged in pieces, between slurps on Terry’s meat, with the rest coming out after Terry had finished fucking him and cumming inside his hole. Richard was learning some more about how to relax his muscles and accept the intruder – the hard way, because Terry was both longer and thicker than Mitch. Terry was a masterful fucker, and that was the night that Richard discovered the value of his prostate when a top knew how to hit it. It was also the first time he found himself cumming while being fucked, and hands free at that. After Terry finished breeding him, he laid out his entire story in a more coherent way, beginning with the home life which he couldn’t wait to escape, and ending with his current situation – living in the hostel, eating small and terrible meals, his best food of the day always being his break meal at the café, and the slow but steady way he was running through his emergency reserve of money from his savings account and Mitch’s gift of some twenty-dollar bills. Terry had an answer for him. “Listen, kid, you have to smarten up fast or you’ll be forced to leave the city. Nothing’s cheap here, and nothing comes cheap or easy in this town – except ass. You’ve got a cute one going on back there, but you have to make it work for you instead of just letting it hang around all day waiting for you to sit on it and make it feel needed.” “You mean becoming a whore?” “Right away, kid, get something straight. It’s called an escort. And no, that’s not what I mean. You’d end up in the clutches of some gangster pimp for sure, and those guys play for keeps. No, I mean that you need to get yourself a daddy.” “Fuck that. I just shook free from my parents three months ago, I don’t need another one.” “Oh, for fuck’s sake! That’s not what I meant! I mean we need to get you connected with an older man who will pay the bills and give you a decent place to live, away from that bare-bones hostel. You just have to become his boy and give him sex whenever he wants. It’s a fair trade-off, as long as you get one who treats you decently.” Richard’s head was spinning a bit at the idea, but he could see the obvious benefit of becoming a kept boy. His wallet could see it even more clearly. “So, Terry, is that the story with you and those guys you’re always talking to whenever they come in?” “Yeah, it is – or it has been. I’ve lived with each of them at one time or another. There are other guys like them around here – too old to compete for the younger guys on their looks, but pretty well off and willing to flash some bills around to make it happen. The bonus is that they’re mostly a lot more experienced in bed than the young hotshots. You get a good one, you can be sure you’re gonna have a good time between the sheets. The easiest ones to land are the ones who want hot, young stud dick in their holes. That’s what happens when I see those guys. They want me to fuck them and breed them, and that’s what I do. Play your cards right, you’re on your way in no time.” “What cards?” “Good point. You’ve really got nothing except your looks. Apart from a week with one trucker, you’re a total novice. So let’s talk about what you have got. By the way, how old are you?” “Turned eighteen last month.” “And how big is your dick when it’s hard?” “I don’t know, I’ve never measured it.” “Let’s find out.” With that, Terry expertly fastened his hand onto Richard’s bulge and began to knead it and stroke it. He guessed, rightly, that novice Richard would spring to a full erection in almost no time flat. When it was poking straight ahead in his uniform pants, he said, “Okay, drop trou. We’re gonna measure you.” Terry whipped out a small ruler which he kept behind the bar for those odd moments in life when you find that you need a ruler and can’t remember where you last put it. “Six and a half inches. It’s decent but nothing to raise any eyebrows around WeHo. Didn’t you tell me that your trucker buddy only fucked you? In that case, we need to find you a top daddy. I can think of a couple.” “So how do I meet them?” “Leave that to me. One of my friends is organizing a big daddy party in a couple of weeks. He usually gets a couple of dozen guys there. I’ll bring you along and introduce you. You’re on your own then to use your natural charm – and you do have it when you try -- and see who you can get to know.” “Do I wear anything?” “Smart question. Almost nothing, once you get inside. They’ll have a room to put your clothes. Let’s see, we need to get you one of those flashy briefs with the back missing, so your naked ass is hanging out. That’s the best way to signal what you’re looking for. And then get yourself a spot at the table – he puts out a long table and the bottoms all line up there, then bend over and lie on it so their asses are showing at table height. And then all the tops take turns trying them on for size.” Richard was feeling very nervous now, at the thought of being caught in an orgy with an unlimited number of unknown men trying to fuck him. But he figured, what the hell, he was sure he could enjoy himself. “Anything else I should do to get ready?” “Several things. First, unless you’ve got a real thing for getting HIV-positive right away, we get you onto PreP ASAP. I’ll get you an appointment with my doctor and get one of my guys to foot the bill. Then we get you a butt plug as well as the seatless briefs. Use it every day for a week before the party, just to get used to the stretch. Use lube with it too. Next, I’m taking you to my gym for the next two weeks so you can build up your glutes – your ass muscles. One of my buddies will buy a trial membership for you. Finally, I teach you how to clean yourself properly – inside and out.” “You’re putting yourself to a lot of trouble to help me.” “Kid, I’m three years, almost four years, older than you. Think I haven’t been there too? You’re wrong. Just doing what I wish someone had done for me when I first landed in town. Oh, one last thing, Richard. You need to sound more boyish. From now on, call yourself Ricky.” “Okay, I’m Ricky.” With that, Terry rolled away the bucket and cleaning supplies into the closet and started turning out the lights. He set the alarm, and then they walked out into the street and locked the door. Terry slapped Ricky on the ass, and said, “Meet me here at one o’clock tomorrow afternoon for your first gym session on these beauties.” As Terry walked away, Ricky watched him go, thinking that his whole life was about to get turned upside down and inside out yet again. It seemed like such a weird idea, sort of like selling his body to the highest bidder – but then, wasn’t that pretty much what he’d done for a week with Mitch? Not that he’d demanded money, or set a price on their fun, but Mitch had certainly rewarded him generously with meals and bed, with clothes and cash, and most importantly, with a ride to the west coast. Okay, then, he thought to himself, I guess I’ve already been a kept boytoy so I may as well do it again. And as he thought that, he murmured to himself “End of the line” under his breath.
    2 points
  27. I love this Top [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/breeders-outdoors/
    2 points
  28. After reading the first few messages on this thread a week ago I had an idea to run an experiment. You see, I live in Gran Canaria, and at any given time of the year, day or night, there is a constant flow of gay men coming in from all corners of the world with jsut one thing in mind: sex. I am in my late 50's and I have a friend who's in his late 20's . We are fuckbuddies and good friends otherwise. And I told him about my experiment: we would both go on apps, advertising who we really are, with no fake or photoshopped photos - just the way we are. At 27, my friend is a very good looking young man, vers, with a decent 8" dick and an ass that won't quit. We both advertised ourselves as bottoms, and on the grindr and scruff hunt off we went. Three hours later, my friend had about 40 something chats open. I had two. Four hours later, I had a decent fuck, and so did he. We then went to the clubs. A few hours later I had seven nice thick loads in my guts. My friend has three. I was fucked about 17 times, my friend had about 30 men fucking him. Conclusion: age on app, counts for nothing when it comes to real time hook-up. Lots of chats, lots of promises, many "I'll get dressed now" and never to be heard about, or "send me our location" and then vanishing in thin air. People on app who are serious about hook-ups are very few; many are on the app just to check if some Arabian prince with a 10" dick has messaged them. Age in a club does count, but not as much as one would think. Reasonably shaped older men with the right attitutde will find sex almost as as easy as a handsome 20's hunk. As our experiment went, my friend got almost twice as many fucks as I did, but I squeezed more loads than he did. We both agreed at the end of the night that apps are still a great waste of time and a wonderful way to collect some random dick or ass pics, whilst the clubs are the place to go for real time meets and action. I am sure that some people on apps are very nice and they are the ones keeping the hope of hooking up alive. Naturally, if you are "the only gay in the village", the app is your best friend. Also, if you are in Middle East or some other place where being gay is a big no-no, of course, the apps will be your ultimate local guide and friend (if you can weed out the local police that is). Otherwise, my friends, head for the local gay meeting point, marked by the big fallen tree, or by the nearest truck stop marked by the scent of fresh cum LOL Happy fucks my freinds! (on apps or otherwise)
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. The problem is, he doesn't merely "think" he knows what the deity wants, he "knows" what the deity wants. In the US, we enjoy what's known as freedom of religion', meaning that no one gets to tell others how (or whether) to "believe". That issue is completely, 100% personal. There are many different belief-systems in the US, and all are welcome to either participate or decline to "believe". Thus, the angle/lens/belief system someone like Johnson views issues through is applicable only to him, (and possibly others with similar beliefs). He does not get to force his beliefs - whether religious, political, cultural - upon anyone else, just as we don't force ours on him. The Speaker of the House of Representative's first and only duty is to serve the Nation, inclusive of all citizens, regardless of their cultural/spiritual beliefs.
    1 point
  31. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/dirty-sperm/ dirty and hot!
    1 point
  32. Thanks for coming back to this I really enjoy your writing
    1 point
  33. Mr. Wilson should still get that bedroom fuck in. Then, it could be hot to see that quarterback get a reputation among old trolls for being easy to knock up. It just takes some beer and a little teasing.
    1 point
  34. Sometimes it's a necessity. I shoot huge loads and some guys can't hold it all in.
    1 point
  35. Went to dinner last night with friends and forgot I had Sniffies going. Got messaged by a guy nearby who wanted to fuck after I was done. Neither of us could host and so we swapped in the stairway of a parking garage. Good looking white boy of 19, home from college pumped two loads in him, took both his loads too.
    1 point
  36. Actually, that's not felching. Felching is when someone (often the top, but not necessarily) sucks the semen from the bottom's ass after the fuck is over. Simply expelling it, whether to the toilet or a towel or whatever, is not felching.
    1 point
  37. I woke up several times Friday night really horny thinking about getting fucked. When I got up the wife was going to be gone till early afternoon, so I decided to clean up and be ready to take some cock. I was thing of the local ABS, vs driving 3 hours to Chicago Steam Works. Steam Works won out. As I drove up there the anticipation of being around so many naked men had my dick dripping most of the way up there. I got there around 5:15, checked in and went to my room got undressed and started walking around. (This was the time first I've been there sense the pandemic.) I lubed up and wearing my jock strap I got up in the sling, covered my face with a towel and waited for about 5 minutes when I felt someone fingering me, and then working their cock in me. After a few minutes they pulled out and left. I got talking to someone who said I would a lot better on the fuck bench for anonymous cock. So I went to the first floor bench, covered my face, and within minutes I felt a hard cock rubbing on my hole, I handed him my lube then felt his cock entering me, then pounding me hard. I was very vocal letting him and everyone around to breed me. After about ten minutes he grunted and give my first load on the evening. He then walked around, lifted the towel and had me clean his cock off as another cock entered my ass and left another load of man seed. After that nothing happened for a few minutes and I could feel cum running out my ass so I got up and started to walk again. I wasn't far from the bench when this stocky asked me to go to his room so we could have some privacy. we got in the room and started making out and he was real hard and wanting me leaning over the bed. He fucked me for over 45 minutes in different positions and him never cumming, he said he could hours, so for me I needed a break. I went to the walls to suck on multiple cocks and let my ass recover from the hard pounding it took. I then went to the 3rd floor and was watching another guy get fucked on the bench when a young guy in his 20's started playing with my ass, we started making out and guided me into one of those standup rooms and started fucking me for a few minutes and left another load in me.. I just couldn't get enough and needed more, so I went over to the bench, covered my head and received 3 more cocks in me. I couldn't tell if the first two guys cum, but the last guy did and said he loved how sloppy my hole was. After that I went back to my room and took a Viagra to try to get hard so I could breed someone. I went back to the wall to suck some cock for a while when I felt someone rubbing my ass, I looked around and it was the guy who just a half hour earlier left the last load in me, he wanted more and told how turned on he was with my ass, I never thought my ass was that great, but wasn't going to argue, I had taken my jock off by then because it was soaked with cum and lube. I followed him to the 1st floor bench where he again had his way with me. When I got up after that, cum was again dripping down my leg, he was going to give me his number so I could call him the next I go up there, but I lost track of him. It was now after 11:00 and the placed was packed with a lot of bottoms looking for loads, I was able to get hard enough to fuck one guy, but couldn't stay hard to finish. I walked around a while them left around 1am. It was a long drive home, but the memory's are worth it.
    1 point
  38. Hello. I’m a 44 yo engineer exec and have been getting blown or topping guys off and on for 20 years. Not many mind you. I had a couple of FWBs. Early on it was just because I had a high need for sex and couldn’t get enough from my wife. I took a long break from hooking up. My wife is not interested much in intimacy or fucking so I’ve been craving attention and giving attention. I’m not as good as I used to be, have some ED at times, and I’ve been hunting a younger man to fuck me. I’ve been wanting to try bottoming so I’ve been reading a lot of the hot posts here. I’ve found a young stud and we have hit it off so he may take my ass soon enough. I’ve enjoyed sucking him and letting him cum in my mouth. I’m excited about this new chapter for sure. thanks everyone for your posts, kinks, and thoughts on this forum!
    1 point
  39. PART 3: Ty begins to play with the dildo inside of me, as he pulls it out completely, and forces back in repeatedly, a continuous motion that only made the waves of pleasure return and amplify across my hips and I also had the urge to gyrate again, he continued doing this to me and did not stop, he only increased a steady pace. the waves of pleasure only grew stronger deep inside of me and started spreading across my smooth ass, and thighs. The sensation was on the way to expand across my whole body and I started to lose complete control of my facial and emotional reaction. I started to feel a glowing, fuzzy and tingly warmth as well, and the growing sensations seemingly merged into a sensation of pure ecstasy would begin to make me slowly melt from the sheer pleasure. Now completely seduced by Ty and was now completely prepared to obey him, all while I’m forced to suck deep down on his cock. James and Darrell start to play on the couch right next to me, everything is feeling so intense, i couldn’t hold a straight face anymore and I began to physically moan and had the urge to express myself verbally and loudly, “ Oh GOD, I wan’t MORE!! UUUGGHHHH,” “ I LOVE IT!!!!,” “PLEASE SIR, I NEED THIS”, “this is your ass!!!! SIR POUND MY BOY PUSSY PLEASE”, I must have said dozen other things. James never talked to me up to that point, but he gets up, while Darrell goes back to check his phone, and stuffs his cock into my mouth, almost like he wanted to quickly take my mouth for a test ride. Tyrone moves to the rear of the sofa, where he takes my ass for himself. he is much different when fucking my ass, he fucks in rather animalistic fashion, I feel too much pleasure from this, and even my toes and fingers became so sensitive to every touch, nearly tingling with pure energy, the waves of pleasure finally crashing over my body, Ty does not slow his speed at fucking me only goes faster, but every pounding he gives with his downward curving penis was hitting straight at my prostate, I was sure i had started to nearly cum at a point, I just had never felt it get so strong before. The waves of pleasure were making my body weaker, my legs started to shake from how good it felt, I was close to collapsing onto the floor if Ty hadn’t kept pounding me back up with my ass up on the sofa. He was relentless with my ass. My cock had become flaccid and remained useless in its cage. I had never been so soft and yet on the verge of an orgasm, not a normal orgasm, a never ending anal orgasm that once reaching its climax, it would only grows stronger. My eyes nearly rolled into the back of my head, as he pounded me incredibly fast, but while I was on the verge of completely melting down, he stopped immediately, I hear loud grunts from Ty, he was smacking his body as deep as possible into me to release his load, and I felt a warm gushy feeling from my ass, my first raw load I had ever taken, I felt like a complete slut. He finally came, and his cum flooded my ass. I felt so incredibly desired, but the guilty feeling quickly returned to me, as if getting fucked raw should not have felt so good to me. I was feeling everything, I was a completely wired bottom cumslut, and knowing now there was cum inside of me only made me want MORE. Ty dismounted me and left to start recovering from him having unloaded, I was in a state of bliss again, but I still needed cock, so I kept sucking James and giving him my attention. James was now in control of me, he asked me to lie down on the sofa seating on my back, with my head on the edge of the sofa. I understood and moved into position. “Lift your legs all the way up and Keep your ass open for me.” I did so, I noticed how my since I had waxed my hole body, arms, legs, and any private hair, I was completely smooth, and my thighs, covered in lube from the action, shined and glistened with the dim lighting. he handed me a dildo, but this time it was larger than the first one, about 9 inches long and 2.25 inches wide or so along the whole length, I had never had something so girthed inside of me, and it made fall deeper into my seduced, nervous feeling. I tried to push it in but it was too thick, James saw me struggle and ended up trying to guide it deep into my tight hole instead, I writhed in a moment of pain but got accustomed to it fast, my hole was super hungry for more. He had a hard time pushing it in so he took it out, got a handful of lube, lathered the dildo, and stuck the rest of the glob of lube into my hole and inserted back into me. Even though I was tight I couldn’t resist the thick dildo forcing its way down into me. The pain I had from the penetrating dildo was now morphed into a painful, but even more pleasant feeling. While he finished guiding the dildo into me, he left it deep in me and he asked me to bring my legs back down so the dildo is stuck between my ass cheeks and sofa. I was now in that same vulnerable position again. “Where is your key?” James asks me, referring to my chastity. “ it’s on the table. “Darrel can you get it?” Darrell quickly finds and returns with the key, but also leather cuffs he snatched from his duffel bag. “The fag is gunna love this” Darrel mentions. James take the cuffs, pushes my body to sit upright, cuffs my hands behind my back, and has me lay back down on the sofa. Now my hands are completely restrained, I didn’t even complain about getting cuffed, it felt like the right thing to do a the time. He then uses the key to unlock the chastity. I start to feel very nervous, none of them had seen my cock yet, the cage did make it appear larger, but once removed, it revealed a completely smooth- waxed, tiny, flaccid cock no longer than 2 inches. “Oh, so you were born a faggot? Right little boy?” “Yes I am, I was born to be a little faggot,” I replied. “When hard i barely reach 4 inches, much smaller than most people, and when flaccid, i look tiny.” James comments, “well, it’s a sign your only meant to serve men with large cock, you should NOT be cumming from your own cock at all, you little whore.” I only felt more anxious, and I felt I couldn’t do much but accept what they were telling me, and internalize it for the moment. Even my body looked like that of someone that should be dominated, and now I was unable to use my hands to defend from anything that happened to but I still wanted it to happen! I was feeling very twisted up to this point, and every suggestion felt like a great idea! To finally become that slut boy I had dreamed about, James uses my mouth more like a holster for his cock while he inspects my body, leaving it inside of me almost like he was using me to warm his cock up. He briefly goes to suck my own cock, but the large bump keeps me completely soft, although getting sucked felt amazing!!!! I see darrell taking out metal chains and secures 4 lengths of chain to the ceiling, he then takes out a large leather sling, attaching it to the chains. Being twisted, along with the brief sucking I was provided, gave me the urge to start humping the air, and helped the dildo underneath me move around and give me a slow and steady stream of sexual energy. James gets deeper with his cock in my mouth, he tells me “open wide” and force stuffs his balls into my mouth along with his cock, taking his cock and balls completely all at once, I was surprised I could do this. He easily stuffs my own cock and balls into his mouth. I could not get hard but I was peaking in terms of the pleasure I felt, it was a bit much and I had moments I felt I was on the verge of blacking out, only brought back by the intense pleasure I felt. The Sling was ready, so I get moved onto the sling, my cuffs are split apart at the center, and they cuff my arms up, one to each chain, and place my legs on these stirrups that have cuffs on the end as well, they make sure to cuff my arms and legs high up so I remained immobile. at this point my arms and legs are all cuffed up and I’m completely vulnerable on the sling, I could not escape anything they were about to do, but at that point I didn’t want to espace either, I wanted what was about to happen to me. Where the sling was, there was a long mirror on the ceiling where I could see everything they were about to do to me. I looked super hot, i naturally have a femme body, with larger than normal ass, hips and legs. Even better I was completely waxed smooth the day before, so bieng restrained like that made me look super attractive and boyish. James moves over to my head and has me suck him, tilting my head all the way back on the sling, I was viewing everything upside down, and James stuffed his cock, and balls inside me like before. Darrell not wasting much time, brings over a bottle of lube and lathers my whole body up with it, he stuffs his cock inside my still rather tight asshole as he massages my whole Body. It was a sensation overload, he clearly enjoyed touching, and I loved being touched all over, it was probably his most favorite thing: to fondle a restrained piece of meat. I was now bieng spit roasted on the sling between Darrell and James, something that only ever happened in a wet dream is now a reality for me. I feel darrell thrust rather quickly for a few seconds and takes a pause, he came as well and it hadn’t even taken Darrell two minutes from starting use of my hole to giving me his load deep in me. I hear another buzz from Darrel’s phone, Darrel dismounts me and cleans up with a towel, grabs his phone and his robe to go back down to the lobby. More people I assume. Ty still getting composed from previously cumming, was finishing a cigar and gets back up to join me and James in the sling. James pauses as well but brings my head back up so I can view myself from the ceiling mirror, The sling accentuates the curves on my body perfectly, i now looked even better as my whole body looked wet from the lube completely lathered on me. “Look how good and sexy that is” James tells me, Referring to my body in the mirror. I hadn’t realized how sexy I actually looked , but now arms and legs cuffed to the sling I look like a meal for any hungry top. Oh how innocent I was just a few hours before, now taking part in the wildest sex scene I’ve been at. Tyrone takes position on my ass, his cock now for some reason is as hard as a rock. “ what did you do? Did you take viagra?” I ask, “ no, it’s trimix” he replies,” im going to wear your tight ass down, bitch boy”. “Yes! Please take my ass,” I reply. James shuts me up by tilting my head backwards again, receiving James and Ty’s cock in both of my holes. Ty, now with trimix, is as hard as he can be, plunges deep into my hole and retracts all the way back, i felt a sharp pain again, this time it felt different, it felt like a burning sensation I had felt only one other time, and that was the mild burning sensation from when Darrel placed the booty bump in me. I could not say a thing either as I was occupied with James cock but being trapped between them while Ty loaded shards up my hole I was not something I wanted to complain about, I actually invited it knowing I would get more pleasure from it. I wanted to be a complete submissive cumdump, I preferred just letting the bump happen and thanking Ty for it later. I’m now getting spit roasted again, this time with Ty and James, the new bump I had received had officially turned me into a complete whore, everything that was happening to me, it was a toe curling experience, I had moments of nearly blacking out from the sensory overload( and forgetting to take breaths) . James with his caring yet forceful nature now face fucking me with his hands wrapped completely around my throat, and Ty with his aggressive animalistic pounding, long and deep thrusts both combined to only make me want to take things deeper. I was a twisted spitroasted cumdump and I didn’t want it to end. I hear the entrance door open, it’s two more guys with Darrell, “ HOLY SHIT look at THAT SLUT!!!” I hear one of the guys entering blurt out. “FUCK YEAH” I hear one of them say, the New guests had arrived, and the first thing they see is a completely cuffed, sweaty, slutty bottom boy on the sling, spit roasted by much, much more dominant and older men. I see the door shut, and they all start to approach closer, I realize it’s only been about 2 hours since this all started, I can not believe the night is just starting….. if I could only imagine how it would end for me……
    1 point
  40. I can only speak for Lab, Bull, Tom’s and Prinzknecht. You won’t have a problem getting into any of them. Deffo do the Lab on Thursday and Friday. The door is only open for 2 hours (21:00 till 23:00 on Thursday, 22:00 till 00.00 on Friday, I think)- get there early, ideally before the doors open, and be prepared to queue, especially on the Friday: to 2-4-1 nights are very popular). The Sunday afternoon session there is also pretty good. The other three are just regular bars with dark(ish) back rooms where guys fuck, and it’s unlikely you’ll have to queue for any of them. Best time for the Bull seems to be late, ie: after midnight. It’s the sleaziest of the three and definitely my favourite. Tom’s and Prinzknecht are similar- not sure what the best times are for those, though I imagine it’s probably the same as the Bull. New Action is a leather bar, and I’ve never felt suitably attired to enter. Not sure if you’re into saunas, but if you are, then the Boiler on Sunday afternoon is probably your best bet. Having said that, it’s the only place in Berlin where I’ve experienced any attitude: a lot of the guys who go are stunning, but they know it, and seem to spend most of their time posing for each other. Have fun!
    1 point
  41. That's a very good point and I agree entirely. Too many younger guys using apps are fixated about age with profiles stating an age range, for example, of 'between 18 and 39'. So, if I'm 40 years old it would appear I don't stand a cat in hell's chance of connecting. Better to meet face to face in clubs, bars or saunas.
    1 point
  42. I never thought of condoms after catching two guys in a park on the walking trail having sex (one on his knees sucking the other); when they saw me, I left that day at 13 yrs old with a load in my belly and a load in my fuck chute! I am sure the poppers and I found out later in life probably helped me take them, no beg them to take me.
    1 point
  43. Spent most of Sunday at Sauna Sauna in Chesire (UK). Very vers, so fucked plenty of holes and took plenty of dick, all raw. I bred some random in the sling room, straight after another guy did. Another followed me in after, there was a queue. After some recovery time, bred an anon in one of the rooms. Towards the end of the afternoon, I went into one of the larger group rooms, I ended up taking loads off 3 guys, one after another. Could feel seed running down my thigh as I walked away. Stopped by a rough looking stocky bloke who I'd seen through the day. He stood out 'cause his jock had a really wide waist band. He pushed me down, so I started throating him, a nice dick. I dragged his jock down a bit.....saw the top of a biohazard tat. He tried to pull it back up but I made eye contact and started licking, kissing the tatt. He relaxed. Blew him some more then stood up and bent over, pushing my ass onto that dick. He took the hint, he was up me a second later, bare., jock pulled down, ink on show. 3 or 4 guys watching. He leans forward, says "you want my load" into my ear, I reply, "give me that poz cum". Next second I feel that dick flexing and a warmth in my guts. Don't know if he was U+ or not but I know what I'm hoping for, One of the watchers fucked and loaded me straight after that too.
    1 point
  44. Part 1 “Why are you doing this?” he asked me. “Doing what?” as I rolled my eyes for the ‘n’ time as we were having this conversation. Again. “Doing stuff with the old trolls?” he retorqued. “Why not?” replying with a question. “They are men, with cocks, balls and asses like you and me” “You are 20 and they are what, hundred years old?” “So? A nice cock in my ass has no age” I replied, proud of my wisdom. “Yeah, can they still even get hard?”, he mockingly replied. “Most of them yes and unlike many guys our age, they know how to use a cock to please a guy. It’s not just a big-bang macho-type fuck you. They really appreciate the time I gave them, and they return it well. If they can’t get hard, well I let them nurse my cock as long as they want, lick my balls until they are smooth and shiny, and I can fuck them if they feel like it, giving them a nice special hot sauce load deep in their asses. And then, continue to fuck them until I whip my cum in a creamy coating all over my dick and fed it back to them like a nice dessert to a sugar-starving diabetic. It is a win-win situation.” “Well, most of them have a flabby stomach, they are old man with denture, wrinkled and have grey hair.” He said in disdainful voice. “Like we will one day” I replied in an amused voice. “Ever had a toothless man sucking on your cock? Probably not. And, when was the last time you suck my cock for 3 consecutive hours? Edging me an entire afternoon to slowly catch my cum in your mouth like it was the last nectar on earth? Rimming, licking and tonguing my sweaty arse after my Sunday morning run? “Huh… never” he said hesitantly. “That’s my point. When we are together, we have amazing sex. And I mean it. This, well, it is another sex dimension. I like older men for what we bring to each other. Like you do with those muscled gym rat.” The day had been really warm in Montreal. It was still early afternoon as my boyfriend and I walked in the bathhouse. It would be like most Fridays, where we could catch 2 or 3 straight guys each, right off work, stopping by to drop a load in our hungry mouth or asses before returning to their girlfriend or family. Few of them were regulars. There were a lot of tourists from Ontario this week again, so we might get lucky and get an extra fuck or two before the night start. I would spend the rest of the night until way after dawn the following day, seeking senior men. As I like to take my time, they fitted the bill. My boyfriend was more the gangbang-type, even more if they had a little muscle on them and a big muscle down there. *** “Full. Completely” repeated the punk at the reception, as he playfully pull on his nose ring while the other hand, what I presumably assumed by the light movement of his arm, was down in the front of his pants. “Impossible, you must be joking” my boyfriend replied incredulously. “I know, it’s crazy. No more rooms or lockers available. We’re full.” he said, openly feeling himself in front of us. “I am already hard thinking at what might happen tonight with all these people”. Four guys entered behind us, making a line in the small entrance. “You must let us enter. We’ve been coming here every week for the last 2 years” my boyfriend added. “No can do. It’s full” he said apologetically. His last remark perks up some interests from the guys behind us, and they started paying attention to our conversation. “I have an idea. We will strip here and put our clothes in my bag, and you keep it behind the counter” I said. “Whoa, whoa… I can’t…” his voice got lost in the guys cheering’s. No sooner said, the 4 guys started to strip right there. I nudged my boyfriend and not wanting to be the last, we got naked in less time than an orgasm last. “Holy shit” the punk exclaimed, extending his head over the counter to take a [banned word] on us and the other guys. “You can’t be naked here! Fucking hell! Get in through the door here and hand me your bags before you get arrested!” Another round of cheers and laughs were heard from the guys. I turned my head to get another look at the naked guys. The one closer to me had a tattoo covered-body, ear and nipples pierced, a long and thin soft cock armed with a two-headed PA, like a bullhorn-shape, nested in a semi-retracted foreskin. Yummy. When I looked back, his babyface was smiling back. He leaned in to fully kiss me on the lips, but last second, he pushed his tongue forcefully in my mouth. The kiss lasted only few seconds, but like the song says: “With all these sick thoughts in my head I'm going evil in the brain”, I returned the sloppy kiss. I broke out and got closer, putting my mouth to his ear: “Hmmm… Nice piercings by the way” as I gave a thug at his warm cock.
    1 point
  45. Part 3 A lean man, with harness and leather jockstrap, was caressing my back. Beefy had pulled out his finger and remained quiet as he saw the man approaching. An unknown man was still holding me on the bench. Now my view was blocked by the leather man’s bulge. His hand stopped at the top my ass, slowly moving it back and forth, undecided whether it would snuggle down or move up back the line of my spine. “Who is this nice fellow, knucklehead?” “A candidate for you Sir” replied beefy. The finger was inching toward my hole. I was shivering. “Ah! I see. By his reaction and the tears on his face, he doesn’t look to me as willing participant”, the man replied in a stern voice. “Oh! he his, Sir.” “Mpphfm… a… igh…” I yelled incomprehensibly in the rag. I wriggled my ass more in the attempt to dislodge the finger that was sinking dangerously toward my hole than to indicate that I was here totally against my will. “Shut up bitch” beefy interrupted me with a painful slap. “Haven’t we talked about this, knucklehead?” “Yes Sir, but look how nice he his. Perfect.” “Yes, he is perfect” the man nodded which draw a wicked smile of beefy’s face. “But” continued the man, “we don’t rape anyone, under any circumstance. Is it so hard to understand?” “Yes Sir, I mean… No Sir, sorry Sir.” An apologetic beefy said in a low voice. “I’ll deal with you later. Make sure to show your sorry ass when I asked for you” “Yes Sir” I was set free. The inside of my ass was still itching and the temptation to slip a finger in crossed my mind. I stood up to met with the leather man. His body had a great definition. It was visible the man was taking care of his body which make him attractive to me, but he looked to be over 40 which played against him. The leather, on the other side, was neither appealing nor repulsing. Leather, piercing and tattoos that was Max (my boyfriend) fetishes. “I’m John, boy.” The man said. “I would like to apologize for this regretful incident” “Euh.. Ahem… thank you for… I’m Leo…” I said regaining my wits. “Leo, is it? Come with me, boy, I would like to explain this whole misunderstanding” He moved slightly, reducing the space between us, I could smell the man, the musk, the leather, all mixed, creating a strange odor that brought some lite dizziness. “Ah, thank you, but I rather find my boyfriend” I said. “Nonsense. I insist. I don’t want rumors spreading that I condone rape. Come on, do I look like the big bad wolf ready to take your cherry?” he said in humorous tone. I wanted to say yes he did. I wanted to escape but my feet weren’t moving. I was looking in his eyes and I knew for sure he was a predator. A man that doesn’t take no for an answer. A man that always gets what he wants. “Ok” was the only thing that came from my mouth. I found myself following this man. My eyes were fixed on a small skull wrapped in a biohazard tattoo just above his well-defined ass in front of me. As he walked, I was under the impression that the skull was smiling at me. *** I had sucked a second load after a lot of efforts, but Victor (I learned his name while I tongue-washed his balls) remained hard and was coaxing me to pull a third load from him. The dick was already shinny and the piss slit was expulsing drops of clear cum. His balls were drenched with my saliva. He had such a nice dick. I did what any honest cocksucker would have done. I open my mouth and push his member down my throat. It only took few minutes before he grabbed my head and jammed his cock completely. “Oh fuck me! Urgh… fuck… Swallow…” an out of breath Victor said. “You are a horny man…” I said while standing up to stretch a little. My own cock was hard and pointing up nicely. “You have a nice one yourself” said Victor giving it a few strokes. “You want to cum?” ”Probably, but not like this. I like to cum when I fuck.” Victor kept stroking me. My hard on would need more than a handjob to spew its load. “Does is hurt?” asked Victor “What hurts?” “Getting fucked”. Victor was looking at my cock, gauging its thickness with his fingers. “The few first times, some. It depends how much you have prepared, and who fucks you and its size. After that, well, you can get some pleasure and satisfaction out of it” Victor became serious and look at me. He had removed his hand and was toying with his cock. He was going to ask to fuck me. It would be a long fuck as he just orgasmed 3 times in the last hour… and not counting on the fact that he was a buttfucking novice… “Would you do it?” he asked “Hun… do what?” I questioned back. “Well, fuck me. I am curious and I would be fair for you to cum. It is the least I can do for you, you know, returning the favor” he reply, looking for my reaction. “Are you sure, I am not sure it is a good idea…” “Why not? I trust you will take it slowly, and if someone is going to fuck me, it’s going to be you. You sucked me and swallowed my loads 4 times. I guess we’re past the stage of being strangers.” “Yeah… but…” uncertain to what to say, “not a god idea…” I repeated Victor turned around, got on all four, and from nowhere, produced a envelop of lube that you can pick at the reception for free. “Euh… where is the condom? I asked surprise by sudden change of attitude from the man. “No condoms. I want to feel it for real. It might the only time I get fucked. Go on before I change my mind.” “No really, we should use a condom, to be on the safe side…” I risked again. “Look, I never done anything of this. I have no disease, never had.” “Yeah… but…” “No but. Fuck me. Fuck me now.” The man was getting anxious again. “Ok, I will take my time to make sure it doesn’t hurt too much, but I really think it’s not a good idea”. A virgin, I thought. How does someone fuck a virgin, I asked myself? When I got fucked the first time, I had years of preparations: fingers, vegetables, then small dildos. I read a lot of stories, but in real life? And then, I always used protection when I fucked a guy. In the first year, I used to fuck raw but not anymore. I like to cum in an ass, but the condom collects everything. And with that I lubed his ass and fingered him. He took the two first fingers like a champ. I met resistance with the third one, but he did not complaint. I am not that big, but 3 fingers is the minimum required. I lined up my cock and slowly pushed against the virgin hole. “It’s not a good idea… I should get a condom…” I whispered more to myself than for him. “Urghh…” he said at the intrusion, “don’t stop”. I pushed harder and at the same time he backed his body on my cock. I was halfway in. “Oh fuck!” I said, surprise by the tightness. His hole was like a boa constrictor, trying to cut-off the air supply of its victim. Right now, it was preventing the blood to flow normally, and my cock got harder. If I didn’t have few years of practice, I would have creamed his guts right there, right now. “Arrghh…” he screamed, surprise by the thickness. My cock was like a hot spearhead, finding its way in the flesh of its victim. Right now, it was finding its way in the passage in the opposite normal flow, and his hole got tighter. If he had experienced a few fucks before, he would have purred like cat in front a bowl of milk. I fucked him for 20 minutes, enjoying my first virgin, before he asked if I was ready to cum. I had already cum once in his ass after 5 minutes with a lot of guilt and shame. But I was so excited that these feelings vanished as quick as they came. I never got soft, so I continued to fuck the man, giving him a ride that any bottom would remember. “Yeah, I am close” I answered “Go for it, cum in my ass” he said. “It’s not a good idea… I should pull out”, I was still ramming my cock in an out. His hole would be sore. It should have killed the mood, and my erection; but hearing this man, not so straight anymore, bottoming for his first time, pleading for my load in his ass, pushed me over the edge. “Uhn… Uhn… I grunted as I unloaded my second load of the day. “Wow…” was all he said. He pulled me next to him on the small bed, cuddling for a good 10 minutes, before he said that he should go back home to his wife. (\OoO/) As he got dressed, he throwed the room key on the bed next to me. “Take your time. Please, bring the key at the reception for me” he said. “Yeah… sure…” I replied distractively, still in the aftermath of what I had done. Yeah, the guy was straight, but I had assumed he was single or divorced. Now he was going back to his wife… As Victor opened the door, he turned around and asked: “Why did you thought it wasn’t a good idea to fuck me? I sure enjoyed it” he said genuinely. “Because I am positive”, I replied.
    1 point
  46. This must be the place, I thought. Number 67 was in a street of small shops all of which were closed except for the late night convenience store on the corner. Even under the streetlights, Number 67 looked a bit different: scruffy and anonymous with blacked out windows and no sign above. There were two buzzers beside the door, one marked 'Office', the other 'Cellar'. I approached the door then hesitated. Well, I was a few minutes early anyway and, to be honest, I was probably looking for reasons to delay the moment of no return. Time for one more cigarette. I had been smoking almost non-stop all day -- a mixture of nerves, excitement and anticipation. Only three cigs left now, so I went to the late night store and bought another pack. A few days earlier, a guy on BBRT had told me about the roulette parties they hold at Number 67 -- fuck roulette. I hadn't heard of that before but it sounded hot and after he mentioned it there was no way I could get it out of my mind. When I plucked up the courage to contact him again he invited me along. He wouldn't say much about what happened there, but he said if my number came up I would be pozzed by the time I left. The chances were one in three. I looked at my watch. Still time to back out, but I knew that even if I did the urge would never go away. As I strolled up and down the street to finish my smoke all the mental conflicts of the last few days suddenly seemed to be melting away. I was ready to accept whatever the wheel would choose for me. Returning to that anonymous door, I took two final drags on my cig, flicked the butt into the gutter and exhaling the last of my smoke into the night air, I pressed the buzzer marked 'Cellar'. The door gave a click and I pushed it open. A muscled guy with stubble came up the stairs to greet me, with only a towel around his waist. "Hi, I'm Ben," he said. "We talked on BBRT. You can get changed in here." He showed me to a small room where a blond guy who introduced himself as Johan was sitting. Johan looked about 25, slim and smooth, naked except for his jockstrap. "Just waiting for the third one," said Ben. "I'll be back when he arrives." I stripped off down to the leather harness which I had put on before setting out, along with my favourite cockring. As I stashed my clothes in the corner the door opened and Ben ushered another guy in. "This is Steve," he said, adding "We're all complete now." Steve, in his mid-30s, had a shaved head, tattoed arms and was wearing a rubber vest. Seeing us undressed, he quickly slipped off his jeans and pants, and tossed them on the pile with the rest. Ben came back with three pieces of paper on a clip board. "You all know the score. One of you will be pozzed tonight. You all have an equal chance, nothing has been rigged beforehand, but before you can be admitted into the cellar we need you to sign this, just to say you are agreeing to unprotected sex." Without allowing myself to think about it, I signed the form. Johan and Steve likewise signed. With that Ben led us down the steps to a room that was almost completely dark, with only a dim red bulb glowing in one corner. I could make out the shapes of men, maybe a dozen, and three slings hanging in a line the middle of the room. "OK, here are your slings. Choose whichever you want," Ben said. I took hold of the middle one and slid my ass onto it. As I positioned myself, gripping the chains holding the sling, I sensed someone behind me. I couldn't see what was going on but suddenly I felt a handcuff click around each of my wrists and then around the chains on the sling. There were more clicks on either side of me and I guessed the same was happening to Johan and Steve. "That's to make sure nobody changes his mind," Ben said with a laugh as more hands worked on our legs, tying our ankles to the other chains on the slings. "I think we're ready now", said Ben talking to the men in the room. "These are our roulette players for tonight. Have fun but remember, no fucking till the wheel decides which one will be joining the brotherhood." As he spoke, the guys gathered around us. A couple of tongues started tweaking my nipples and a bearded face nuzzled my hole. On either side I could hear murmurs of pleasure from Johan and Steve which told me they were also getting the same treatment. A jizz-coated finger found its way into my mouth while other fingers worked my ass. It must have continued like this for about 15 minutes with the guys taking turns to play with us until I felt something small and solid pushing at my hole then working its way in. "Just brushing your insides - in case you're the lucky one," an unidentified voice whispered. Johan, on my left, was sighing and moaning, obviously also getting a brushing. On my right, Steve was mostly quiet apart from muttering the occasional "Aw fuck!" "Good," said Ben. "All fully prepped. Time for roulette." He shone a torch on the ceiling to show numbers above our respective slings. The number above my sling was number two. Then he turned the torch towards a circular disk on the wall, about two feet across with a biohazard symbol in the centre. It was divided into three sections numbered one, two and three. "No need to explain what happens next," Ben said, "but to make it a bit more interesting we're not going to spin the wheel just once. We keep on spinning it until someone's number comes up for a second time." The red light in the corner went off, leaving the room in total darkness. "Here we go," Ben announced. "Spin number one." I could almost hear my heart pounding. The only thing I could see in the blackness was the glowing cigarette of a guy standing beside me -- which reminded me how much I needed a smoke. Ben flicked the torch on again. The wheel was still moving but slowing down and it came to rest on number three. Steve gasped sayng "Uh-oh, that's my number." The guy standing beside me sucked hard on his cigarette and let out a rich stream of smoke into the torchlight. "Please," I whispered to him, "Give me a drag." He smiled and placed the cigarette between my lips as the light went out for another spin. This time Johan's number came up. "Aaaaaaaaaahhhh", he said, 'though I couldn't tell if it was the sound of regret or delight. A warm hand patted my shoulder and the guy with the cigarette spoke softly in my ear. "Seems its not your lucky night." "Seems like it," I replied, partly disappointed but also secretly relieved. Darkness again as the wheel spun a third time. When the torch came on the number was mine. "Wow!" said Ben. "Still no result -- it's level pegging. Get ready for another spin. This one is going to decide it." Then he switched off his torch. To be continued
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  47. Ch.2 How long had I stood in the darkness? Time definitely plays tricks in moments like this. Aside from the nervousness that came from standing semi-naked waiting for some stranger to take advantage of me, was the strange trance like quality of the darkness. Outside sounds were muffled, and my vision was quite limited with only outside ambient light to see by. I had no conscious way of tracking the time I could only guess that I hadn't been there for too long when I heard crunching footfalls approaching from outside. I tensed and second guessed what I was doing when it was too late to move. "What have we here? Oh you dirty dirty boy!" I guessed from his voice and the way he spoke he was older but I was frozen in place. I had been caught and now were the consequences, I hoped the ones I had been seeking. I tensed a little when I felt a rough hand slide over the cheeks of my arse and softly probe between them, then I relaxed and pushed myself against that warm hand sighing. I was relieved that I had been found by someone who was clearly here for the same reasons and that let me relax into accepting this gentlemans advances. He was a gentle man. He stroked and teased and caressed my backside for a few minutes and I was almost purring from it. So when he knelt down behind me spread me wide and began to lick at my hole I moaned in absolute pleasure. Playing alone is good but nothing compares to giving up control to another. Every touch is unexpected and every sensation is heightened because of it. He was clearly very experienced with what he was doing. Alternating licks and sucks at my spread hole had me shuddering and gasping. I could barely keep still it felt so good. My hole opened up for him and he kept at it, tonguing and smacking at my sensitive flesh with his lips. "Mmmmph!" He hummed against me causing me to gasp out loud at the sudden sensation overload. I felt him lean back and away from me and then I felt his fingers press to my opening. "Does it feel good here? Is this what you want, this hole opened up wide?" As he asked me his finger, then two pressed into me. I pushed out and pressed myself onto his digits letting out a deep moan as I felt myself penetrated. He hooked his fingers as he pressed them deeper still and he scraped over my prostate causing my cock to jump and another gutteral grunt escape my lips. "Good boy. Good boy." The man crooned as he began to work his fingers in and out of me at an increased pace. "You know this is what you wanted. Why you were waiting for me." "Oh god yes!" I managed to gasp as I felt my hole spasm as he worked me open even more. I heard a shuffling and he stood behind me his hand still pumping steadily at my hole. His other hand rested on the small of my back and he stroked my skin. The only sounds were the wet noises from my now opened arsehole and my own panting as I let myself succumb to his wishes. "Feels good doesn't it boy? But it's not what you really came for is it? I know what dirty boys like you are really after!" I wasn't really listening I was too busy humping my hips in time to his pumping hand movements but I gasped and almost cried out as his fingers were all of a sudden gone from my clenching hole. It was only a second before there was another distinct pressure at my backdoor and then both his hands were on my hips and the pressure was inside me as he jammed his cock all the way in one definite drive. "Oh fuck!" This came from me through clenched teeth as the pleasure of being filled up exploded inside me but I wasn't given time to do anything more but hold on as he began fucking me. Long, deep strokes of his cock were worked in and out of me and his hips were bumped into my arsecheeks creating a slapping tempo that would be unmistakable to anyone listening. I grinned in the darkness as I pressed back onto my temporary lover thinking that this was just where I came in earlier and I imagined a long line of fuckers and fuckees swapping places for the rest of the night each interrupting the previous pairing. I was shaken from this lust fuelled reverie as I felt my fucker shift up a gear. "You dirty boy waiting for someone to fuck you." He didn't feel so gentle now as he was obviously nearing his climax, he was being driven by the need to breed and I was eager for it. "You need my cum don't you? Going to let me cum all the way inside you aren't you?" He wasn't waiting for a response, and to be honest I wasn't capable of much more than moaning like the slut he was now calling me. But he was right, I did want it. His cum, his load, his fuck juices sprayed deep inside me. I didn't ask but I offered myself and he pushed in without any thought for anything other than raw fucking. He needed to spread his seed and I offered my hole up for his use. And now he was pounding me hard and his cock was throbbing inside me and we were both grunting as his and my needs collided. Pushing all the way inside he suddenly stopped and practically collapsed across my back and his whole body convulsed as his sperm fired out coating my inner walls. I pushed and squeezed my hole around his cock, trying to milk him thouroughly, as desperate to take his cum as he was to make me take it. "Oh fuck boy, that was just what I needed. I think you did too." He slid himself from me and patted my arse. "You are going to be very popular here taking it raw like that. There's a lot who come around here who love to breed a willing hole like yours." He leaned into the my back once more and kissed the back of my neck and whispered in my ear, "and if you weren't poz before you soon will be." With that he left me standing there in the dark as his potent seed soaked into me.
    1 point
  48. The screen might wait but as Stu was just beginning to regain his composure he felt the big cock in his sore ass start to harden once more. "Tell me what you want boy, tell me in detail. " "Damn" responded Stu, "Pound my aching arse big guy. Pound me raw with your big black poz dick. Tear the rest of my ass apart. When I'm bleeding good feed my ass your highly toxic seed. Make sure it gets into my blood stream. Make sure I've just shot my last negative load man. Fuck me silly and knock me up!" And he did! Jack was transfixed watching his friend get pulverized and bred three more times. Jack was unable to leave the cum streaked computer screen. Reluctantly shutting his computer down after the video call Jack was more than horny. His disappointment with loosing the chance to convert his long time friend was almost more than he could bare. They had played and toyed with this idea for so many years. How could he accept this quarantine disappointment? To top this off, he wasn't going to get the satisfaction at a conversion party any time soon. He would need to get back on his life saving meds almost right away, no matter what. What confused him most was the question; 'why did watching his Boston friend getting pozed turn him on so fuckin much?' He desperately needed to poz someone, anyone, and he desperately needed to do it now. Yes he needed sex with a man; but, the need to share his toxic seed had overtaken him even more. Desperately thinking there was no chance, he needed to distract himself. Pulling on a loose pair of gym shorts and a baggy low cut muscle shirt he ran down the stairs of his walkup barefoot to deposit his garbage in the bin in the back parking lot. His building super stood across the lot smoking on a big stogie. It's magically intoxicating smoke drifted into Jack's nostrils. Jack had always thought this guy was the epitome of hot every time he saw him. This night the magnetic attraction was irresistible. Dressed in tight jeans that highlighted his sexy bubble butt, a wife beater white tshirt contrasting with his olive latino skin and exposing the tuft of hair on his muscular chest Jack found himself pulled across the parking lot. Stepping up to the latino hunk Jack uncharicteristicly requested a puff from the pungent stogie. The super didn't hesitate to pass it over and ask Jack if he would like some thick flesh as well. Jack was astounded this married guy with a young baby was making such an offer but decided quickly; 'what the fuck!' The super opened his jeans and his 7.5 inch beer bottle thick cock dropped out. Clearly he was traveling commando. Jack was on his knees with the growing erection in his mouth within seconds. After a brief minute the super pulled Jack to his feet and said, "I have a better idea. " He led the way into the building furnace room, closing and locking the door behind them. Jack was surprised to see a couch, coffee table and bar fridge tucked in one corner. He was not surprised to see the walls were papered with pictures of pin up girls with luscious big exposed breasts. Jack was even more surprised when the super embarrassed him and planted a deep passionate kiss complete with lots of tongue. Again Jack thought, 'what the fuck, why not?' Quickly shucking his few clothes the super was on his knees with his warm lips wrapped around Jack's cock. For a supposedly straight guy he seemed pretty well versed in cock sucking, even deep throating Jack's substantial tool. Jack wanted in on even more of the fun and motioned to the couch. Their naked bodies were soon entwined in an enthusiastic 69. Within five minutes the super moved his oral ministrations down to Jack's taint and further down into his hole. He certainly knew how to use his tongue. Jack figured lots of experience with female pussy. Following the super's lead Jack was soon eating out and tongue fucking the straight olive coloured ass. Jack found the funky taste even more erotically enticing than the earlier cigar. Both men were rudely pulled from their frantic ass play by the rattling of the furnace room door. In a split second they were nervously sitting at either end of the couch. A tense silence fell between them as they listened for the footsteps to move on down the basement hall. With a sigh of relief the super speculated their intruder must have been looking for their storage unit. Jack decided to air his curiosity, "So do you do this often?" "I've had lots of women in here, sure. In case you hadn't noticed, I love sex. " "Women sure, but what about men? Your cock sucking skills betray you. " "Well actually my wife and I had a threesome with a hot guy once. I was pretty surprised when he went down on me but thought, what the hell, you only live once. I quite enjoyed blowing him as he gave me some tips. Never been with any other guy, but this quarantine has gone on for so fuckin long. With a new baby I'm not getting any at home either. With so much time together we are actually sick of each other by the time the baby is down. " "Wow" Jack shifted to the super's end of the couch and they stroked each other's eager cocks. It was time for Jack's next surprise as the super blurted, "Let's fuck!" Jack said, "Sure!" and began to take up doggy position on the couch. Yet once again Jack was surprised to hear the super's confident voice. "No, I want you to fuck me. I sometimes finger myself when I'm jacking off. I want to try something bigger up there. "
    1 point
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