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  1. This it partly a true story. Sorry English is not my first language. I was 23 first time i meet Master, I meet him on Grindr. I had only tried weed and coke. I’m 170cm and 60kg so am skinny. We met at his place and had a good time, he was smoking of a glass pipe and asked if I wanted some, but politely declined. When he was fucking me he stopped and smoked some more. At some point he gave me a shotgun and whit out thinking I took it. He did that a couple of times, and then I was hoked. We meet a couple of times after that and I gladly smoked. He texted me if I had any plans for the weekend, and I said that I didn’t. He texted back “Be at my place Friday 04:00 pm, I have a surprise for you” I was excited, I was becoming more and more of a pig every time we meet. Friday at noon I got I text from him again “when you come, just go in and get naked. In the hallway I have some gear, put it on, and wait.” So I got to his place, walked in the door and was met whit at black rubber suit, a rubber mask whit only at hole for my mouth and a collar. I put it on and find out that the suit was open for my ass and dick. When I was fully dressed I waited for 5 minutes, then I could hear someone coming towards me. “Hey slut, fuck you look sexy. Can’t wait to give you your surprise” said master. He took me in the collar and led me into another room and placed me on my back on a bed. I could hear him look my collar to a chain and my arms outstretched to some other chains. then he came up to my ear and said “today I’m gonna turn you into a real pig, and I don’t care if you like it or not” and then I could feel something getting strapped to my arm and instantly new was gonna happen. He had slammed himself last time. I tried to stop him but I couldn’t. Then I could feel the needle. “stay still, you are gonna love this pig. I’m gonna get you so fucking high, and use that sexy body of yours”. When he said that I felt the needle getting pulled out and the strap taken off my arm. Then it hit me! It felt like I couldn’t breathe, and started to cough. When I came to I noticed that my legs were at my ears and I had someone fucking me. (more to come)
    8 points
  2. Part 21 Colt rummaged around our bags as I layed face down on the dirty carpet. After all, Colt hadn't given me permission to move. He placed a couple dog bowls down next to me. In one, he placed a bunch of the scrambled eggs. In the other, he put 3 pancakes. He kept all the bacon for himself. I heard him put his food in the little microwave, and after a couple minutes he was sitting on the bed eating. "Hungry faggot?" He asked me. "Yes Sir." I replied. I was starving. "I want you to squat over the bowl of eggs." He said calmly, but with authority. I did as I was told, and it didn't take a genius to know what he was going to have me do next. "Now, push out all that cum, bitch. Your eggs need some sauce." He laughed. "And look me in the eyes while you do it." I honestly don't know why that made it extra humiliating, considering everything we've already done together. I mean, we've taken shits in front of each other for years. But the added element of shitting out not only his cum, but the three rapists cum onto the food he was going to make me eat, certainly upped the ante. I stared deeply into his emerald green eyes as I relaxed my hole and the cum started trickling out. This was followed a huge wet fart as cum and ass juice splattered into the bowl beneath me. I blushed, but Colt just gave a devilish smile and munched on bacon with a twinkle in his eye. I squeezed out more cum until there was nothing left inside me. "Let me see it pig." Colt instructed me. As I handed it to him, I could see the eggs covered with a thick layer of cum and ass juice. I guess not very much had leaked out from the rapists. Colt examined it closely before spitting in it a few times. Then, for good measure, he shot some snot out of each nostril before placing it back on the floor. It looked disgusting, which I'm sure is exactly what he wanted. "Now hand me the other bowl, bitch!" I gave him the one with the pancakes and he held it under his cock. After a few seconds, and some effort, he started pissing on top of them, moving his dick around, making sure they were well soaked. By the time he placed the bowl down next to the eggs, I could see the pancakes had soaked up all the piss they could, and there was extra. Colt just finished up his breakfast as he let me ponder the slop he was about to make me eat. When he was done, he grabbed a cup of coffee and a cigarette. "Now pig," he began, "there's a breakfast worthy of a piece of filth such as yourself. As soon as I light my smoke, you will start eating. You will have until I finish the cig to have eaten every, last, bite. And there had better not be even the tiniest speck of food left behind, or you will be very, very sorry!" He remained silent for a moment, before letting out menacing chuckle. He got off the bed and rummaged in the bags again. I could hear the slight clink of metal, and a moment later a handcuff was around my left wrist. He pulled it behind me and grabbed my right one, causing me to plant my face in the cheap motel rooms not so fresh carpet. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I wouldn't want it to be too easy for you babe." Colt sat back on the bed, grabbed his camera and sparked the lighter. As he held it up to the cigarette I used all my core strength to lift my upper body and just dove face first into the eggs. It was absolutely disgusting and I gagged a bit at first, but I started choking it down. There was no way I was going to let Colt get the best of me on this. "Look at the little piggy go." He laughed as he blew smoke on me. "Such a hungry little piggy. Snort for me piggy. Snort like the pig you are!" He demanded. I didn't even think twice, just immediately started snorting and grunting as I shoved my face in the bowl, much to Colt's delight. I rooted around like a pig in a trough, desperately trying to ingest every bit of the slimy eggs, and smearing the cum/snot/spit around my face as I did so. The entire time I did, I was grunting and snorting. I didn't even realize I was doing it. I was so lost in the act of trying to please Colt that it had become involuntary. When I thought I had gotten every bit of the egg mess, Colt reached down and grabbed my hair, lifted my head, and slammed it into the piss soaked pancakes. A new wetness covered my entire face as I became almost deranged in my desperation to complete my task to appease my Master. My cock was hard as a rock at this humiliation. The pancakes were somewhat easier to get down than the eggs were. They were so soggy I basically slurped them right up. Of course they didn't even taste like pancakes. They just tasted like piss. Colts piss. My Masters piss. Soon, they were gone and I was sucking up the liquid that was left until there was nothing left in the bowl. "Times up faggot!" Colt announced as he stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray. "Now sit up!" I sat up, breathing heavily from my exertion. I could feel stuff running down my face, dripping onto my chest and the gross carpet I was kneeling on. Colt just laughed as he continued to film me. "You make such a pretty little piggy." He taunted me. "I can't wait to send this to Sarge. He's gonna love it!" I blushed at the thought. I don't know why. I mean, Sarge knows all our secrets. But I still blushed. And my hard cock throbbed. A point not lost on Colt. "Oh yea, you like that piggy. You like being humiliated. Your cock doesn't lie. Well don't worry. There's lots more in your future." I didn't doubt him. Colt got up and uncuffed my wrists before sitting back on the bed. He grabbed a pipe and lit the torch, inhaling, then exhaling a big cloud. "Clean your face off pig. Scrape off that slime with your fingers and eat it." He ordered me. He hit the pipe again as I did as I was told, and very quickly, I had as clean of a face as I possibly could. "Now, let's see how you did." Colt picked up the pancake bowl first and examined it closely. Then he showed it to me. It was spotless. "Good job pig." He commended me. My heart swelled with pride that I had pleased him. Then he picked up the egg bowl. I trembled slightly, as that was the more difficult one. I watched Colt's face closely as he examined it. An evil smile crossed his lips as he turned it toward me. My heart sank. "Do you see what I see?" He asked. I couldn't deny it. While I had tried my best, and had gotten almost every bit, around the edges I could see some egg crumbs and streaks of cum. I dropped my head in shame. "Yes, Sir. I do." I meekly replied. "And what did I tell you?" "That there had better not be anything left, Sir." "Or what faggot?" He continued. I hesitated for a second before answering. "Or I would be punished, Sir." Colt squatted down in front of me. He lifted my chin and looked me square in the eyes. Then he took his finger and scraped it along the side of the bowl, cleaning off anything that was left there. He pushed my mouth open and stuck his finger in. I did what I knew I should, and sucked his finger. He pushed it in and out of my mouth like a tiny cock. Colt leaned into my ear and whispered, "So tell me pig. What should I do?" His tongue started entering into my ear canal, sending shivers through my entire body. I moaned. "Tell me pig." He whispered again, his hot breath flaming my desire to please him in any way possible. "Punish me, Sir." I moaned as his tongue worked its magic. Colt just leaned back and looked into my eyes and smiled. Leaning forward, he gave me a little kiss on the lips. "Good boy." He said. "But first things first. We need a shower." He proclaimed. "Get in there and face the wall, spread eagle!" I did as ordered and Colt quickly followed. I heard the unmistakable sound of clippers buzzing, then felt them on my leg. My body tingled as Colt quickly removed all the hair from my legs. Which admittedly, wasn't that much. Colt was much harrier than me. He buzzed over my ass cheeks before comanding me to arch my back and spread my buttcheeks. The clippers did their work and I let out a little sigh when he buzzed over my anus. "Turn around." He instructed. I did and Colt just laughed at my erection sticking straight out. "God damn you're a pathetic faggot!" He worked quickly and efficiently removing all the hair on and under my arms and my crotch. Of course his manipulation of my cock and balls only made me harder. He stepped back, looked me over, and decided he was satisfied. He turned on the water to warm it up, then we climbed in. Of course, I had to wash Colt. A task I was only to happy to do as it allowed me to touch and feel every inch of his magnificent body. This led to a heavy make out session. When Colt was squeaky clean, we stepped out so I could dry him off. When that was done, Colt turned the shower back on. Cold this time. "Now wash yourself, slave!" He ordered me, handing me a razor and some shaving cream. "And make sure you're perfectly smooth. My little pussy bitch needs to be as smooth as a baby!" As he stepped back into the bedroom, I gingerly stepped back in the shower and gasped as the cold water hit me. I suppose I could have turned the water to warm, but somehow, I knew Colt would have found out, and I just didn't need to piss him off further. Besides, after a few seconds, I adjusted to the temperature. But never the less, I washed myself as quickly as I could, then shaved off every trace of stubble. I returned to the bedroom to find Colt waiting on the bed, hitting the pipe. Next to him was a wooden paddle. "Let me inspect you." He said. I stood next to the bed as my Master examined every inch of my now hairless teenage flesh. He didn't say a word, but seemed satisfied with the results. "Lay face down, legs over the edge of the bed." He instructed me, matter of factly. I assumed the position, my heart pounding in my chest. "I don't need to explain why you're being punished." He continued as he got off the bed. "You know how you failed." Colt turned the volume of the tv up high before picking up the paddle. "Now, this is going to be simple. I'm going to beat your ass until I'm satisfied. You will not be restrained or gagged. But you will not move or make a sound. You will take your punishment like a man. Am I clear, slave?" "Crystal, Sir!" I replied, feeling nervous sweat form on my brow. Colt did not respond. He simply raised up the paddle, and with his strong, bull like arms, brought it down with full force. I felt some of the most intense pain I had ever felt as my ass cheeks instantly started burning. I swear my eyes bugged out of my head, and I almost choked as the scream that wanted to escape me was buried in my throat. But I didn't scream. And I didn't move a muscle. I was determined to take whatever Colt had to dish out. And dish it out he did. Over and over he beat my ass with every fiber of his being. I have no idea how many times he struck me. I lost count as my head went to another realm. All I know is my body became ridged like stone, my jaw clenched shut, and tears started streaming out of my eyes as I took short, shallow, quick breaths in and out. But he did not totally break me. Eventually Colt dropped the paddle onto the bed next to me, and I let out a small sigh of relief knowing this torment had ended. I could feel his rough hands rubbing my now oh so tender and burning flesh. It stung like bees everywhere he touched me. Then, he took my hand and stood me up. He faced me toward him, wiped my tear streaked face, and gently kissed me on the lips before pulling me into him and embracing me in his huge arms. "I love you so much babe." He whispered into me ear. And that finally broke me. I started sobbing into his neck as he cradled me in his arms. He swayed back and forth, comforting me like I was a little child. "That's a good boy." He said soothingly. "Cry for daddy. Let it out babe. Let it all out." He stroked my head as I continued to blubber. Finally, my sobs subsided and Colt released men from his strong hold. Pushing me away, he looked at me. "You're so beautiful when I hurt you." Then he kissed each of my eyes, tasting the salty tears he had created before planting a deep kiss on me. "Now, we can go on with the rest of our day."
    7 points
  3. Anyone who has stupid shit to say about Fauci is a moron, and RFK Jr is a fucking anti-vaxx crackpot. If any of you who are under 35 spout this nonsense you should sit down with some of the guys my age (59). Oh. Wait. You can't do that. Because they're ALL FUCKING DEAD. I've had it with this ridiculous anti-science bullshit. When NO ONE else would listen to us, Fauci would. HE was the one who went to bat for us (with pressure from ACTUP for sure) and got research into HIV moving. He is a true American hero. He doesn't deserve this anti-vaxx Covid bullshit to tarnish his career. He's an old man. He deserves a good retirement.
    7 points
  4. Author's Note: While I usually write my own stories, sometimes I get turned on my someone else's and decide to insert myself as a main character. Then I revise the story. This one is based on the last part of a terrific story I read here, "Pozzed on Stage." I hope the author will appreciate that he inspired me to borrow and adapt his work. Theatre Debut It all started harmlessly enough. My wife Beth and a few of her girlfriends decided to attend a live gay sex show downtown to celebrate her 35th birthday. I thought it was an odd choice but didn’t object. Then things became uncomfortable. One of them learned they could only be admitted if they were with a man (presumably gay), so they decided to invite me. The friend, a cute blonde named Peggy, said, “Beth, you always told us you thought Andy might be gay. He’ll be perfect.” They all giggled as I blushed beet red. When we arrived, the director stood at the door. As soon as he spotted me, he said, “Hey, wanna be in the show tonight? You’re really cute. Besides, it’s all simulated sex.” That set Peggy off. “Oh, go ahead, Andy. You’ll fit right in.” The others joined her in encouraging me, even Beth, though she had a funny expression on her face. I wondered whether she had planned this in advance. The next thing I knew the director led me, Beth, and Peggy into the dressing room while their other friends found front-row center seats. There were a half-dozen other men there, all shedding their clothes and donning leather gear and thongs, strapping on cock rings, and oiling their bodies. They were all gorgeous and well-built. I began to strip, too. The director handed me a studded leather cock ring, a black leather dog collar with a silver buckle, and a black jock strap. I found myself getting turned on and felt my cock stiffening. Peggy noticed and teased me. “Andy, look how excited you are. I guess you’re really in your element, aren’t you?” I didn’t say anything but my mouth was dry. What was happening to me? I had always thought of myself as straight. Beth decided to pile on. “You know, honey, Peggy is right. These guys are all hunks. You’re so much skinnier and smaller. I think we should make you look more like a fag.” With that, she removed her wristwatch, which I had given her. It had a thin leather band and a small round face and was very feminine. “Put this on.” I obeyed. I noticed the other men were watching me. Then she slipped off her diamond solitaire engagement ring and slid it onto my ring finger. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a tingle run up my spine. I really looked like a sissy, especially with the jewelry, and it felt so erotic that I was surprised. “Oh, that’s hot, man,” said a one of the guys, a handsome, hairy bear, wearing a leather harness, black jock strap, and black work boots. “I want you to perform with me tonight.” The director nodded his approval. “Center stage, boys.” Beth said, “Perfect! You’ll be right in front of us. I can’t wait for the show. See you soon.” She gave me a chaste peck on my cheek and left with Peggy to take their seats. The director gathered us around for final directions. My bear put his arm around my shoulder and I held his waist. He smiled at me and I felt a strong arousal, which surprised me. The director spoke to us. “The play starts with the two of you being attracted to each other and going right into bareback sex with the bear breeding his bottom. That’s you, Andy. And lose those jockstraps now. The show will be far more powerful if the audience doesn’t have to use their imaginations to get rid of the clothing. They need to see your cocks.” “But what if we get hard out there?” I protested. “You better fuckin’ get hard,” the director answered. “We want this to look believable.” The bear looked at me, slipped out of his jock, and smiled. “The show must go on.” I did the same. Squeezed by the leather ring, my cock was already rock hard. Just moments later the curtain opened and the other male couples went on stage to loud applause. My bear and I separated to enter from opposite sides when we were called. After a few moments, the director announced, “And now let’s welcome tonight’s audience volunteer performer, Andy!” I heard clapping and obscene calls. It made me feel like a pure sex object, which was a real turn-on. There were already a half dozen other men on stage fondling, sucking, and fucking each other. I was too fixed on my co-lead’s huge erection standing at attention and pointing right at me to notice if the others were simulating the sex or really doing it. My eyes met the bear’s from across the stage. We moved toward each other as if there were powerful magnets pulling us together. From the corner of my eye, I saw Beth, Peggy, and their friends seated front and center, applauding like the others. When we met at center stage, the bear turned his hairy butt to the audience while I dropped to my knees in front of him, screened by his bulk from the audience’s view. I held his thick, stiff cock and looked up into his eyes. It was the first time I had ever held another man’s dick. Something came over me at that instant. Rather than just pretending to give him a blow job, I began to lick the head of his rod. I really liked it, which surprised me. Then I took his powerful erection deep into my throat, gagging immediately. He muttered, “Game on,” grabbed my head, and started a relentless face fuck. By now the audience had caught on and they were cheering. The bear shifted his feet to half turn so the audience got a side-on view of my oral ministrations. They roared encouragement, especially Peggy and my wife’s friends. I didn’t hear Beth’s voice, but out of the corner of my eye I could see her staring intently at me. I heard Peggy say loudly, “See, see, I told you he was gay!” My next move was to stand and passionately kiss the bear co-lead. I noticed Beth’s pretty watch, which looked so perfect on my slender wrist. The stage lights caught her diamond ring, sparkling on my delicate finger. I felt so feminine and sexy! In that instant I realized there were only gay men on that stage. Whistles and cheers; the audience was wild with animalistic passion. The bear broke our kiss but held me in his embrace. He licked and bit my neck. My eyes locked with Beth’s. Her gaze was ice cold. I could only imagine what she was thinking. The bear leaned into my ear and whispered so only I could hear him. “You started this. Now we’re going to have to finish this with the same realism.” His words reverberated down my spine to the tip of my toes and made my exposed hard cock twitch. I knew what he meant. Suddenly, he pushed me down onto an ottoman, on my back, with my legs apart in the air and my hairy ass exposed. He moved me and the ottoman sideways to give the audience a better view. His face soon met my hole and he gave me my first rim job. I moaned loudly with pleasure as his tongue probed my hole. The audience was whistling and cheering. I loved doing this in front of a crowd – my inner exhibitionist had taken over. Except for one irksome detail. My brain was screaming “condom.” I asked him in a stage whisper loud enough for only him to hear over the crowd, “Do you have a condom?” “I'm stark naked here, man. Of course I don’t have a condom.” “Then turn me back so we can fake it to get through this scene.” He snarled, “No fuckin’ way, man,” spit on his hand, and lubed my hole. Then he spit again and lubed his massive cock. With his raw nob at my vulnerable hole, again in a stage whisper, he asked, “So are you going to stop this show, or must the show go on?” His eyes melted from angry to an irresistible, warm lust. I knew deep inside that I had to please my top. “Let’s do it,” I gasped. “The show must go on. Fuckin’ breed my ass.” Slowly but steadily his massive cock started to penetrate my ass. At first the pain was intense and I felt a burning sensation. Then suddenly my ass opened on its own and seemed to swallow his dick willingly. I gasped loudly as the audience applauded. I felt an incredible warmth and fullness that radiated throughout my body. The crowd seemed ready to riot, they were making so much noise, standing and cheering. I turned my head and saw Beth, Peggy, and their other girlfriends joining in the uproar. I gripped my bear’s thick forearms and noticed again my pretty jewelry. I was now totally into our performance. I said loudly, “Damn right, you know what I need, fuck me raw.” “Only way I play.” “Yeah, daddy bear, fill my ass with your big, bare cock!” “Oh, yeah, you like my risky, daddy-bear pistol up your ass, don’t you slut?” The word “risky” didn’t register on me. “Love your cock, daddy, need your cum.” “You want daddy to breed you?” “Fuck, yeah, breed my ass, daddy. Seed me!” “Are you positive?” he said loudly, so the entire audience could hear. “Yes, I’m positive, breed me now.” “So you are positive, that’s HIV-positive?” Suddenly the room became quiet as the crowd focused on what my bear and I were saying. The other male couples on stage stopped and moved toward us to watch. “What? Fuck no, I’m not poz … wait ….what … are you?” “A bit late now with my toxic dick and precum already deep inside you.” I wasn’t in a play anymore, but in real life and overcome with fear. The audience was silent now. You could have heard a pin drop. “Fuck, no, then you better pull out!” I yelled. “Pull out now!” Then Beth said in a cold voice that everyone could hear. “Don’t pull out. That’s my husband. Poz the little faggot.” The entire audience cheered and started chanting, “Poz him! Poz him! Poz him!” My bear looked at Beth and smiled. Then he leaned in and gave me the most passionate deep tongue kiss I had ever experienced. I melted and forgot what we had just been talking about, forgot that we were in front of an audience. It was just two men about to experience the ultimate intimacy. The chanting grew louder, into a roar that filled my ears. “POZ HIM! POZ HIM! POZ HIM!” I moaned deeply and my hands instinctively grabbed my top’s big hairy ass and pulled his cock in even deeper. For a moment I thought of my wife and realized she could see her dainty watch and pretty engagement ring. She knew our marriage was over and so did I. My top’s voice reverberated through me again like a spartan sword claiming, demanding me to give over my life, my all. “I’m very close. Where am I going to cum?” “In me. Breed me! I need all your beautiful cum!” I shouted so everyone in the theatre could hear. The bear bellowed and roared as his entire body tensed. I felt him buck and release as I held him deep inside my ass, my eyes locked on Beth’s. Inside me I felt a warm wetness. I never wanted it to end.
    6 points
  5. Chapter 2 – My Ass Gets Worked Over In Chapter 1, I describe meeting up with Ian and Nate, friends of one of my buddies. We got together for the first time and have been getting to know each other. We started in the hot tub and have now progressed from their bedroom to the sling room. There’s been lots of clouds and some G. I’m in the sling, and Ian has just inserted his hairy paw into my ass. Ian spent a good bit of time opening my entrance. He would put in his hand, not quite all the way to the wrist, and twist it around, letting his knuckles drag across the muscles of my sphincter. He was working to get me well opened for the night. It was exhilarating to feel his hand working in and out of my ass, turning all around to open me up. Next, Nate applied more lube to Ian’s forearm while he was using his knuckles to open me up. I knew that this meant that he was about to go for a deeper insertion, and I was ready for it. While he was sliding his hand in deeper, I pushed downward from the sling to open my ass and take him as deeply as possible. I quickly felt his fingers at my second sphincter. He probed around there and teased it open. His fingers passed through into my colon. I love it when a guy gets in me this deep. It seemed like a good time to hit the poppers, so I grabbed the bottle and snorted a quick hit in one nostril, then a longer one in the other, which I held in. Once the rush hit, I turned into a total ass pig. I was bucking around on his hand, and Ian was massaging the inside of my ass, making me feel some amazing sensations. Knowing that a guy is inside my colon is exciting, and I wanted to enjoy this feeling for as long as possible. Nate was in the chair, stroking his hard cock. I noticed that and motioned for him to bring that up to me. He fired up the torch again before I took it in my mouth and had me take two big hits. I blew the last one out on his cock before sucking it into my mouth. It’s always great when a guy stays hard while partying. My cock shrivels to a tiny T dick. But Nate’s was hard and dripping out some precum, which I eagerly swallowed. I glanced down at Ian, who was still between my legs, working his hand in my ass, and he smiled up at me as I sucked on his husband’s dick. Ian told Nate he wanted to switch places, so Nate pulled out of my mouth, and I got up from the stool. I could see that Ian’s cock was plumped up but not fully hard. That’s fine with me, too, since it’s still tasty. Nate lubed up his hands and shoved them into my eager ass. He had smaller hands than Ian, but it still felt amazing. Before feeding me his dick, Ian took a few hits off the pipe and shared some with Nate too. With his hand inside me, Nate blew a huge cloud over my asshole. Even though it doesn’t get anyone high, it’s a great visual. He was inside me just past his wrist and was flexing his hand into a fist inside my ass. Ian had come up next to the head of the sling, and I swallowed his cock. The minute Ian’s cock was in my mouth, he pumped out a big load of precum, which I happily swallowed. Nate was working his way deeper into my ass, and I was enjoying the tasty treat coming from Ian’s dick. Working his cock got it harder, but it never got as hard as Ian’s. Again, that was fine with me. Nate was delving deeply into my ass, and I lost focus on Ian’s cock. He pulled it out and sat down to watch Nate fist my ass. “We got a good one,” he said to Nate. Nate nodded and kept working his hand inside my ass. “He’s a great bottom.” “Hey guys, I also like to top,” I replied. They both nodded and assured me I would also get that chance. Ian had skipped using the toy on my ass, preferring to go in with his hand. But Nate picked it up in his free hand and waved it in front of me. “Think you can take it?” I nodded my assent. I found out later that the toy was a Square Peg Blunger. It’s pretty long and has a series of progressively larger bumps on it. Nate took his hand out of me to lube up the toy. As he did, he was giving me all sorts of sexy looks, teasing me with his eyes. Ian was rubbing the outside of my hole, occasionally dipping a finger or two in, but he was waiting for the toy to enter. Once it was well-lubed, Nate placed the toy at my opening. He inserted just a little bit, letting me feel how soft and squishy the dildo was. I moved down in the sling on one of his small insertions to take more of the toy inside me. It went in easily, and then there was the first bump. Nate worked that bump against my hole before slipping it inside me. The fullness it gave was amazing, and the toy was rubbing against my prostate. Getting the second bump in was going to be a bigger challenge. I was enjoying the toy and kept scooting my ass down a little bit in the sling, taking more of the toy inside me each time. Not only is the second bump bigger than the first, but taking it requires the first bump to go deeper into my hole. Nate looked up and said, “Almost there.” I grabbed the poppers and did a deep inhale. When I let it out, he pushed, and my ass swallowed the second bump. Fuck, it felt amazing! The stretch at my hole from the bigger bump was intense, but I could also feel the first bump deep in my ass. Nate twisted the toy around, letting it rub all over inside me. Then he pulled it out so the second bump came out before shoving it back inside. This was amazing. As the bump left my ass, my muscles for a brief respite, but then were expanded by the full insertion again. Nate really knew how to use this toy to bring me maximum pleasure. He pulled the dildo all the way out, then stood up and lined up his cock at my hole. With the expansion from the Blunger, he slid in easily. No matter what goes in my ass, a cock is a long-time favorite. Nate said that he liked the looseness wrapping around his cock. He fucked me for a while before pulling out, saying that he needed a break. At that point, I suggested that I could fist one of them. Ian said that sounded like a good plan, and he was ready to go. Before I got out of the sling, Ian picked up a good-sized Egg plug, lubed it up, and shoved it in my ass. “We’re not gonna lose that stretch,” he said. Then, he helped me out of the sling, and he hopped into it. I sat down on the stool, feeling the plug work its way deeper into me, and started to lube up my hands.
    6 points
  6. I’m Jason, a gay 21yr old twink. 180cm, 75kg, shaggy blonde hair and completely free of facial hair, smooth body except for a triangle of pubic hair, a snail trail up to my navel and armpit hair. I’m cut, around 9” long when hard, and 6” around the hard shaft. I’ve found the little blue pill increases that rock hard size by ½ an inch on both counts. I love my cock being played with while I bottom. Whether its hard, semi hard or soft, still feels fucking amazing…I prefer to bottom. But I have been known to top. I had long had a fascination with gay pnp and had been reading stories and watching videos since I was about 16 years old. I was a virgin until I was 18, and by then, even though a virgin I was already pretty sure of what I wanted sexually. My preference was for other hung twinks, and also jocks. But I was open to all, except for guys who don’t know what ‘good personal hygiene’ means! To me, the only thing that should taste like cheese, is…. cheese! I began my sexual encounters using gay hook up sites, such as BBRT and Squirt, NKP, Grindr, Scruff etc. I soon realised that I wasn’t your average twink, as most of the ones I hooked up with ended up being airheads. But the odd one was like me, focused on great sex and wanting to push limits. Jocks were quite a bit better, but I began to find that the bears and daddies were like gold. I am not stupid, and quickly realised that a lot of these older bear/daddy types were willing to do pretty much whatever with a hot young guy who was serious about having long wild sex sessions. Of course, that meant that some of my wildest fantasies could be achieved with these guys. And of course, I also had by now, several twink and jock type fuck buddies who were not flakes so I was in a good place. I was particularly horny this particular night and was keen to get wild. I had not yet experienced pnp sex but knew deep inside that I wasn’t interested in puffing as much as getting straight to the point. Yup, a slam and getting totally wild. I wanted a long wild session with like-minded guys. Guys who where addicted to owning a slutty hole for many hours, even days. Because this had been the object of my fantasies since watching and searching out everything about gay pnp, I was primed. I decided, right then and there, that this did not have to happen tonight. If it did, that would be like some kind of miracle. I had already worked out that most hookups don’t happen as planned, and that a lot of guys on these hook up sites would talk for hours then when you put the hard word on them to actually hook up, all of a sudden it was now too late as they have work in the morning…or. the budgie is sick, or I have to feed the goldfish…WTF, you know what I mean, weak lame ass excuses! So I’m thinking, I want to set the stage for my ultimate hook up, or at least one of my many fantasies, can play out at least close to, if not BETTER than the actual movie playing in my mind. I’m thinking group, sling, toys, hung tops, fist…and then that little voice kicks in, “Hey buddy, you have only been fucked a few times! What makes you think you can progress from that to being gang fucked, toyed and even fisted’? Straight away the other little evil cheeky voice kicks in and says ‘A BIG FAT TINA SLAM- that’s what!” And the first voice meekly replies, Oh…yup, fair comment…” and that voice retires for the weekend! So how do I start? I think for a few seconds, then think, OF COURSE, a ‘Quick-Connect ad on BBRT!’ I get straight on it. I am sitting at my gaming desk, stark naked with a raging hard-on, slowly jerking my cock every now and again as I focus on placing an ad. I know I have to word the ad carefully, as no mention of drugs is allowed. I begin to type. “Inexperienced hung bottom verse twink, can host or travel, seeking top verse guys to help me go from mild to wild in seconds. Seeking a long session with hung top verse guys who are open to anything, so long as the chemistry is right…DM me if keen” . I was oozing precum as I typed. I read then re-read what I had written, my cock twitched and more precum oozed out of my piss/cum slit. This was it, now or never. I clicked submit before I could change my mind. I suddenly thought, if anyone replies, I am not really ready! I quickly got up and went to the bathroom and got the douche hose running so the water was warm and reasonably fast. I inserted it in to my already hungry hole and felt the pleasure of my hole filling with water, and the pressure As bead of cum oozed out of my cock as I squatted in the shower recess. I felt so full and pushed out, evacuating my bowels of the influx of water as well as the rest of the contents, feeling so horny as I washed it all away. I repeated the process about 5 times over, till everything was crystal clear, then got out and dried off. I went back to my room and looked at the screen on my PC. There were 20 new messages! I rubbed some lube on my hungry hole, and pushed my fingering. Then I grabbed a medium sized butt plug and inserted it. It went straight in. I then sat down to read the messages which had come through as I was douching. I opened the email tab. At a quick glance, 7 were from the same profile. The profile name was ‘IDAREYOU’, which made me leak more precum and my hole clench around the butt plug and then involuntarily relax. I opened the first email from him. It read…’I specialize in transforming bottom verse sluts into total sluts in heat, not just willing, but begging to be fucked and used. No mild, all wild. Intense but sane long sessions.’ Straight away I checked his profile. He was a 57 year old bear type, with a huge cut thick cock. His face was clean-shaven, as were his balls. He was 173cm, 90kg and quite hairy. And his face was hot, kind of a chiselled ex-surfer kind of look. And one pic he had his tongue out, provocatively indicating he was not afraid to eat ass. At this point cum just began oozing out of my cock. It had never been this hard and throbbing ever before. And usually after I cum, its all over. But this just made me even more horny. It was about 7pm, so the night was still very young and I was by no means tired. In fact, I was now hornier for some real heavy wild play than I had ever been. I then opened his next email. “Best you come here boy. I have a dungeon specially for wild play”…that’s all it said. Even more cum oozed out of my solid cock! I could hardly contain myself. This sounded exactly like what I was looking for. I opened the next email. “I am only interested in slamming and long wild fun”… well, you can guess what happened. It seemed like there was a tap on my cock that was stuck in the on position, cum flowing freely. So now the fourth message. “I only fuck bareback.” This produced more cum. So now to his 5th email. “Sorry slut. I meant WE only fuck bareback”… Email number 6. “You need to be prepared to have your hole totally and completely owned’” Well, I didn’t really fully comprehend what that meant, but I knew I desired everything so far that he had said, and in my mind, also accepted what he was wanting to do. Then I opened his 7th email. “OK you little twink slut. Get this. There are 6 of us here partying, all tops and top verse. We would love to be the ones to give you your first slam (of several, BOY) and we are willing to do so as a gift to you from us. But you need to respond within the next 10 minutes.” I looked at the message and saw it was sent 9 minutes ago as I was I in the shower! I quickly replied with a “Yes please!”, and clicked send. I then sent a better response. “Hello Sir, sorry I was in the I shower. You sound amazing. Everything you mentioned is exactly what I have been looking for. Is your offer still open, and if so where are you?” I hit send, then hit email, sent, and saw he had read it instantly. I waited a few seconds and there was a reply. Ok boy, well done. I was beginning to think you were one of those twinks who is all talk and had probably jerked off just from talking about it and it was all over. I’m at 110 Riley on the Westside. Can you get here? I gasped! He was literally 3 doors down from me! I quickly replied. Sir, my name is Jason, what is yours? And I can literally be there in 2 minutes. So is it cool if I come over, and will you really slam me and own my hole with your mates? I’m quickly pulling out the butt plug and checking where my clothes are. Ping. He replies. Hey Jason, I’m Chad. Yes you little slut, you will be slammed, and your hole will be well and truly owned…and much more. Come now boy, I will be waiting at the door. The outside front porch light is on. I quickly replied. I will be there in one minute Sir. I threw on my baseball shorts and a Tee, grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I shut the door behind me and my heart was racing in my chest. It was a warm night, and I walked out to the sidewalk and turned left, and could see the light on out front 3 doors down. It was the old Parker place, but old Mr Parker passed and the place sold up about a week before. I walked down, walked in the gate and up the 3 stairs and knocked on the door. The door opened just enough for me to go inside. Chad said come in boy. I slid sideways inside, and the door was closed behind me. The entryway was dimly lit, with a dull red light globe. I could hear muffled moaning sounds, of porn playing. I turned and saw Chad, his cock was jutting out in front of him. He was hotter than his pics, and he said take off all your clothes and follow me boy! I wasted no time, stripped naked and followed him down a hallway to a doorway leading to the basement. This was where the moaning noises were coming from. He ushered me down the stairs, and unfolding before me was a large fully mirrored room…including the ceiling. There was a sex sling and a fisting bench, and a couple of large beds. Two huge flat screen tv’s were playing gay group bareback porn. But more breathtaking were the 5 other guys there. W twink/jock types, and 3 stocky to solid beefy bear types. What I couldn’t believe was the meat they were all packing! They were all hard, and not one of them was under 8 inches. Chad introduced me to the guys…Mike, Pete, David, Brad and Chris. Chris was packing a solid 10 inch curved 6.5 inch thick weapon, and I think I literally drooled. Chad then said we are not going to waste any time boy. We are all keen as fuck to wreck your boy hole and completely own you for hours. So put your clothes here, and then go and lay back in the sling. I will get a slam ready for you. So is this your first.? I said Yes Sir. In my head, all I could think about was the story I had recently read online. It was about a guy’s first gay pnp gangbang, by author ‘Ben Dover’ and also one about a huge toy initiation. Not that I am encouraging you to do an online search so you will see what I mean…although that many chems they give the dude who is getting his first gangbang in that series is somewhat far-fetched but HOT AS FUCK…anyways I digress, back to the hot as fuck real-time situation happing with Chad and his mates…. He smiled, great. You are going to start with a .25, a quarter of a gram. Chris, tell him what to expect. By this time I was laying back in the sling. Chris and the rest of the guys came over. As Chris started talking, the other guys were putting my ankles in the leather stirrups and caressing my body. Chris said you will feel a bit of a sharp prick like when you get a blood test, then see some blood in the syringe. Then as soon as Chad slams you, he will pull the syringe out and I will give you a tissue which you will press on the site and raise your arm, this helps stop it bleeding and reduce bruising. Next you will suddenly feel you need to cough. And just go with it , try to relax and then you will feel a wave of pleasure…after that, don’t worry. We will take things from there and make this the best night of your life. Don’t try to struggle, just do the opposite and relax because you are ours now boy. Also I will hold bottle to your nose, it is poppers. Just take a big sniff in each nostril and hold it till I tell you to breathe out. Ok boy Yes Sir. Chad made his way over with the syringe. A elastic band was put around my upper arm, and my inner elbow was wiped with an alcohol swab. Hold still boy, Chad said. He slid the needle in as I watched, and he drew the plunger back and I saw my blood enter the barrel of the syringe. Are you ready boy? I replied Yes Sir. He pressed the plunger in and then removed the needle. Chris gave me a tissue to press against the site, and I raised my arm. Shall I continue?
    5 points
  7. First cock? Weird question I’ve only ever had the one and wasn’t aware that I had the option to trade it in on the second or third!
    5 points
  8. We’ve already had one nutbag president who thought he was smarter than doctors, and look how that turned out. Now along comes Robert Kennedy wanting to be president and play doctor. His name doesn’t entitle him to anything, not even to be taken seriously. The bullshit about poppers originated the earliest days of the aids crisis. Scores of researchers and doctors determined that poppers was not a causative agent. That didn’t stop ignorant, jackassed politicians from enacting bans and other crap legislation, not in any serious attempt to fight AIDS, but rather in an effort to crack down on homosexuals and their shameless behavior. Next thing you know, Kennedy will start invoking the old 4H Club. Homosexuals, Hemophiliacs, Heroin users, and Haitians as the sources of AIDS. That, by the way, has also been debunked.
    5 points
  9. Chapter 1 - We Meet at Last I’d never met Ian and Nate. A few weeks ago, another buddy of mine had set up a group scene with them where we would fuck and fist each other all night, but something came up and it didn’t happen. This week, I checked in with my regular buddy about getting together with him that weekend. He said he was busy, but Ian and Nate had also contacted him to see if he was available for a party and play weekend. He suggested seeing if they were up for having me over instead. I sent them an email and received a positive response. They told me to plan to be there all night. Their place was remote, tucked away in trees on a nice big lot. I rang the bell when I got there and one of them, I think it was Ian, answered the door. He was wearing a black leather harness and jockstrap, which looked good on him. He welcomed me with a big hug and walked me into the living room. He told me that Nate would be out in a minute. Ian suggested a soak in their hot tub to get started. “I didn’t bring a swimsuit,” I said, fully expecting his answer, “You don’t need one.” I happily stripped off, and Ian removed his harness and jock. “Nate, we’ll be in the hot tub,” Ian shouted down the hall. “I’ll be there in a few,” replied Nate. We walked out the sliders, and Ian and I stepped into the hot tub. Once we were settled in up to our chins, he turned on the jets. We chatted a little bit, and I complimented him on the house and property. “You’ll see more of it in the morning,” he responded. I get T dick, but we hadn’t partied yet, so my cock had sprung to life when we got naked and walked out to the tub. Ian had grabbed it, and I was fondling his ass as we walked. I reached over and felt his hard cock, and he grabbed mine too. We started to make out, too. “Hey, wait for me!” Nate had come out to join us. He was naked and had drinks on a tray for us. A pipe and torch were also ready. Let me tell you about these us. We’re all in our 60s. I was the youngest, and Ian was the oldest. Guys our age have been around for a while, and we know what we like, so I was confident it would be a fun night. Both Ian and Nate had short-cropped white beards. Ian was bald and Nate had a fringe of hair around his hair. They were both marvelously hairy, with gorgeous chest pelts and nice, thick bushes. Also, they both had hairy asses, which are a favorite of mine. Ian was taller and heavier, with a thick cock that looked to be about 7.5” long. Nate’s cock was similar in length but thinner. He was uncut. As for me, I’m clean-shaven, short brown hair, hairy chest, lightly hairy ass, and a 7.5” cock. Nate stepped into the tub and slid over to me. He gave me a kiss and groped my cock as a welcome. He smiled over at Ian and said, “It’s gonna be a good night!” I agreed and nodded my head. “Let’s get this going,” said Ian. He picked up the pipe and torch, expertly melted the crystals, and took a deep hit. I may have been disappointed when he handed the pipe to Nate, but then Ian leaned over and shotgunned the hit with me. We passed the cloud back and forth while making out. When we were done, Nate handed me the pipe and torch. I filled my lungs and shared that with Nate, passing the equipment to Ian. After a short time, Nate said, “Whoa, I was hitting the pipe while you guys were making out. We need to get Ian up to speed.” Ian handed me the pipe again, and I took a deep hit, which I shotgunned with him. Then, we each took a few solo hits to get really spun. The warm, bubbling water, combined with the T and the two hot guys with me had me feeling ready for anything tonight. I instinctively spread my legs open, sliding over to sit on Nate’s lap. His cock had shrunk somewhat, but mine had shriveled to a small nub from the T. No problem since we going to get into lots of assplay tonight. Nate suggested that we go inside. He recommended we hydrate before going in and handed us each a glass from the tray. Given the color and the small amount of liquid in each glass, I knew this was less about hydration and more about getting some G into our systems. We each swallowed down the bright red liquid, and I could taste some of the bitterness of the drug in it. We got out and wrapped ourselves in the robes that were hanging nearby. We went in through a different slider leading to their bedroom. Ian pushed me down on the bed and opened my robe. He knelt between my legs and hooked them over his shoulders. “I’ve been wanting to eat your ass since you walked in the door,” he growled before diving into my hole. He certainly knew what he was doing as my hole opened to his probing tongue. He’d lick around my hole, passing his tongue over my opening. Then, he’d suck on it and work his tongue around the exterior. I gasped in pleasure when he shoved his firm tongue into my ass. He poked and prodded around inside me for a while before returning to do some more work on the exterior. “Great hole. You need to try it,” he said to Nate. So, Ian replaced Nate between my legs. First, he massaged my ass, letting his fingers drift over my hole. I shivered in delight when he did that. Then, he probed my ass with his fingers. First, just one, but quickly adding more. He quickly had two or three fingers from each hand, stretching my hole open. That is when he shoved his tongue into the gash that his fingers had opened up. He got deep inside me with his tongue, using it to moisten and arouse my ass. Ian leaned back and said, “Time for the sling.” I was fine with that idea, so I lowered my legs to the floor and stood up. That was when I felt the effects of the G in the drink. It was all good. “Leave the robe here,” Nate stated. All three robes ended up in a pile on the floor, and now we were all fully naked. Looking at these hairy studs, I knew we’d have an amazing night. They led the way to another room, where the sling was set up in the middle of the space. There was a big TV, a selection of lube and toys, a stool at the base of the sling, a few other chairs, and a bed covered in a protective sheet. Ian directed me to the sling and pushed me down into it. He helped me get my feet in the stirrups, and then they both crouched down in front of my ass. Of course, the sling had me fully exposed to their gaze. “This’ll be fun,” Nate said to Ian, who nodded his agreement. He told Ian to get some porn going and to find a toy to use on me. Ian stood up, said, “The poppers are on the table next to you,” and turned on the TV. He located some bear fisting porn and got that running. He also picked out a toy for Ian to use on me. Meanwhile, Ian was lubing up his hands. Like the rest of his body, his hands and forearm were covered in fur. I love the sensation of a hairy fist plunging in and out of my hole. Somehow, it feels better than a smooth hand. Ian began to work some lube into my ass, inserting chunks of Slam Dunk into my ass. Each new one pushed the previous chunks deeper into me. Then, he looked at Nate and said, “Feed him some clouds.” Nate fired up the torch and stuck the glass cock in my mouth when it was ready. “Just hold this one for now,” he told me. When I exhaled, he put the pipe to my mouth again. He went a few rounds, taking some hits for himself before he sat down on a chair near the stool to watch. Ian applied some more lube to his hands and looked up at me. “Ready?” I nodded, and he worked his four fingers into my ass. With the T and G flowing through me, my hole opened easily for him. “Good pig,” he snarled as he shoved his hand fully inside me.
    4 points
  10. Part 2 “Fuck fuck fuck” I was screaming, I was in pure pleasure! The man fucking me started speaking and I could hear that is was master “oh fuck yeah, you like that your little pig? You like being slammed and used your little pig boy? Fuck I’m gonna cum in you boy, you like that?” all I could say was “fuck, uh fuck yes” over and over. I don’t know how long master fucked me and calling me all dirty names. Slut, pig, meth whore, slaveboy… then I hear him “oh fuck, here it comes!! Take it boy, take my fucking in your little pig ass” And then he came, I could feel his 23cm cock cum all the way up my ass. After he cummed he stays in my ass and pulled the mask of me. It took me a second to get use to the light. Then I saw master looking down at me, and laughing. He spit in my face and said “oh fuck boy, I have wanted to slam you since the first time you were here. I have some big fucking plans for you this weekend boy, I have some friends coming over later and they are going to have some fun with you!” And then he laughed agin. (More to come, I don’t have more time to right today sadly)
    4 points
  11. Pt 2 Colton then moved off my penetrating probing tongue, and said go wash up Jonas, I will see if I can contact some of my hung mates and spice things up a bit. On your way to the shower grab a bottle of water and gulp it down, we need to stay hydrated. I didn’t hesitate and replied ‘cool’ as I headed to the bathroom. I gulped down the chilled water in seconds. This hook up was just getting better and better! I stood under the jets of hot water and just soaked up the pleasure that each little stream was giving my drug sensitised pores… I washed myself from head to toe, lathering up with the Nivea men’s body wash in the shower recess. I thoroughly rinsed off, and removed the shower rose and used the hose to fully rinse out…then some of the lube off the shelf and a conveniently placed long toy to fuck myself for a bit, then douched again for good measure. I once again stood under the jets of hot water and gave myself a really good rinse. I was squeaky clean all over, and the heat of the shower was making my veins pop out nicely. Just looking at my nice plump veins made my soft cock stir and my hole twitch involuntarily. The expectation of another slam entering my primed-up veins was getting me excited and curious as to what Colton had planned next. I towelled myself dry with the thick plush towel supplied, and loved the sensation on my skin. I was so wired that every pore on my body was lustfully excited just with the mere touch of the soft towel. Once I was fully dry, I left the towel in the bathroom area and walked back into the playroom. I grabbed and then quickly gulped down another bottle of water on my way into the playroom. Colton was nowhere to be seen. On the wall in the playroom there was a whiteboard, and he had written instructions to me on the board. It said to go over to the sling. Next to the sling is a stand with several items on it. Take the blue Viagra pill, the other pill which is MDMA, and swallow them with the drink set out for you in the glass which also contains G. Then grab the blindfold and get into the sling. Lay back and place your feet into the sling stirrups, and then attach the blindfold. I will be there momentarily. I followed all the instructions on the board to the letter. As I completed the last task of attaching the blindfold, I could hear voices approaching. The G was so good it was already starting to kick in. I began slightly squirming around in the sling, and heard Colton close now, saying see, I told you he is a pig, ripe for us to own. I heard at least two other voices chime in and say right on, and cool man… As I was going into a G haze, I felt my cock starting to grow and could hear their voices in the background. The sounded almost muffled, but I could hear every word like it was in slow motion. Colton was saying you boys slam up, and I will give Jonas here another decent hit. He took a slam first, then I gave him a .3 booty bump which I inserted on the end of a toy... getting it deep inside the slut. I’ll hit him with another .3 but in a slam. I will drop the head of the sling down a bit so you boys can have at him each end, while I film this onto livestream, cool? Both the guys said ‘Cool’ back in unison. Colton said BTW boys, yours are both .3’s, I know you are such horned up tops and I love the way you both get rock hard on a big hit. Jonas is going to get the fucking of his life…oh yeah, there’s also some nice fresh strong poppers in the inhaler mask for him if you want to tweak him up some more just hold the mask over his face whenever you want, and there’s some on a stand each side for you guys next to the bottles of lube… shall we begin the owning of this amazing slut hole?
    4 points
  12. another hot one of him gettin sucked by jayson park
    4 points
  13. This. All of this. I have high blood pressure (thanks genetics) and have been on medications for it (two per day) for years (I'm not even 60). I also take daily medication for gout since I don't want that bitch again, attacking my foot. And now I'm taking medication for an essential tremor (my hand shakes, particularly when I'm eating...thanks AGAIN genetics). Take the fucking medication, ya'll. Get the regular diagnostic tests. I'm alive because I was tested for prostate cancer over the years and they caught it early, 5 years ago. I'm pissed off that when I come, not much comes out....I love cum, even my own, but I'm here.
    4 points
  14. Moderator's note: Discussion of the book referenced by the original poster is OK. Discussion of practical health strategies is OK. Promotion of denialism is NOT. BZ policy forbids promotion of conspiracy theories and demonstrably false statements. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_denialism
    4 points
  15. I slowly opened my eyes…it was early on Saturday morning. I was laying buck naked on my queen size bed, with a raging hard on and feeling horny as hell. I remember I had been dreaming about trying my first group sex fun as a total hungry and slutty bottom, and in my dream, I had been given my first ever slam of meth. Sure, I had read about it…hell…I had even watched a lot of videos showing guys being slammed then getting really horny. Sadly, so many of the videos seemed to stop as the guy was rushing and did not continue to show what happened next. I am sure that the ensuing fun would have been nothing short of wild. That is why I really liked reading the PnP stories online. Sure, I love the graphics of porn, but also when reading something my imagination lets me get very graphic and imaginative. I guess that’s why when I read stories by author ‘Ben Dover’, I was completely hooked! I also LOVE reading the stories on NKP and find that site a major turn-on! So, this particular morning, I got up and sat in front of my computer, stroking my hard-on and seeing precum glistening at the end of my mushroom type head on my 9x6 cut cock and opened up NKP. I was desperately hoping to find a hook-up to experience the same kind of fucking and play that I had read on that Amazon story. When I opened NKP there were a lot of guys online, and one immediately caught my eye. He described himself as an ‘angry top’ but said he was not so much angry, just more into totally owning a hot bottom hole and spending many hours exploring, rimming and fucking a hungry hole. I had my ‘role/position’ listed as just that…’hungry hole’. Well, that would be a great match, me craving and desiring…no full-on lusting after a guy who would basically worship my hole the way I want to also take care of his needs! His profile said he was into rimming, fucking, toys, fisting, slamming and pretty much anything goes. The part which really made me hard after reading all that, was his comment that aid he loves to train newbies! As I was reading all this, I got so horny that I involuntarily blew my load…a huge load, stream after stream of white-hot sticky cum, making a hell of a mess. I grabbed a towel and cleaned up as much as I could, left his profile open and headed for the shower. As I was washing myself all over, I also douched and stayed semi hard as all I could think about was the guy on NKP and how hard and horny his profile made me feel. I got out of the shower and dried off in front of the mirror. I am not too shabby. I am about to turn 40, I would probably be described as an ‘otter’ as I have chest and leg hair, and a little hair covering my butt. I keep my nut sac cleanshaven as it heightens pleasure, and I have reasonable abs and would be classed as toned. I am 173cm tall, so about 5’8” and weigh in at around 75kg, so about 165lbs. I have light brown/blondish hair and blue eyes, and olive skin with a little tan. As I dry off my mind drift back to the open NKP profile on my computer and my cock begins to once again get hard. I fully dry off and head to the kitchen, grab myself a hot coffee and head back to my computer…my cock standing to attention the entire time. When I sit at my desk I swallow as I see new mail, and it is from the hot guy I have been looking at! I opened the message, and it said hey Mr, how is your morning? Being a little coy, but not overly shy, I responded with hi, I am horny as hell…how are you? And within a minute there was a reply, yes, same! Are you interested in playing today at all? I gulped. I took a little time to process his reply and had a few mouthfuls of my coffee to take time to collect my thoughts as to how I would respond. I replied back, I am very keen, and I love what your profile says you are into but am a complete novice when it comes to most of ‘what you like’ to do. I really like the way you say you like to train newbies. I have not partied, nor been fisted etc but it does intrigue me. And to be honest it really turns me on. He replied pretty well straight away and asked me if I know what it meant to be slammed. I quickly gulped another mouthful of coffee and replied yes, I knew and am nervously keen to try it. He then replied that when you slam, it makes you really horny for many hours, and you may even want another one. He then asked me if I was free all day and through to tomorrow night, as he would love to be my first and to train me in what it I like to be slammed and then have my hole worked over. He then mentioned he has a sling, and also a large assortment of toys. I went to take another gulp of coffee, but it was all gone. I read his reply again and said to him that I was all washed out and ready to play, and that his reply made me feel so horny. I told him I was actually free till Tuesday, as I had a long weekend off work. Whereabouts was he? He replied with his address and said I could come right over, and he would take things slow and if there was anything I wasn’t happy about to just tell him. Something about his manner put me at ease somewhat, and my cock was rock hard and once again oozing precum. He lived only about 15 minutes away, so I replied and said that I could be there in 15 minutes if that was ok. I immediately got a reply, for sure, see you soon…just park in the driveway. I quickly replied ok I am on my way, then I shut down my computer, threw on some board shorts and a singlet, grabbed my phone and keys and headed out the door. I was definitely nervous about what was about to happen, but that was reduced by my throbbing cock trying to bust out of my shorts! I had noticed that his profile said he was undetectable, as was I so I had no issues with playing bareback. In fact it is the only way I play. Before I knew it I was at his house, a nice place set back slightly from the road with a couple of trees out the front and nice manicured gardens. I did as he suggested and parked in the driveway. I got out of the car and repositioned my till hard cock in my shorts, trying hard to conceal my excitement. I locked the car and walked up to the front door, which was slightly ajar. I knocked and called out hello and heard him answer saying come on in and close the door behind you. I did so, and as I turned around, I saw him come around the corner, totally naked with a beautiful thick long hard cock, and he was wearing a black leather harness. He was every bit as hot in person as his profile pic. Hi I am Colton….I said hey man I am Jonas. Wow you are hot! And he said I think you are too, but would be a lot hotter naked! I took his cue and immediately stripped off, releasing my throbbing cock from the constraints of my shorts. He whistled….nice! Grab your things and follow me. I did so and walked around the corner and into his playroom. He showed me where to put my clothes then said before we do anything I HAVE to taste your hole…he told me to bend over and spread my cheeks and instantly his tongue was exploring my clean, pink pucker. I already sensed then that this was going to be a great time! After a couple of minutes he said you need to get in the sling, but first just suck me for a few minutes. I dropped to my knees and took his hard cock in my mouth, savouring the clean taste, and how warm his throbbing cock was as I then took him all the way down my throat. As I was sucking him, he said shortly we will get you into the sling, then I will prep you for your first slam. We need to slam straight away as it will make us super horny and piggy for many hours. I nodded as I continued to suck him balls deep. After a couple of minutes, and me tasting his salty and delicious precum, he slowly pushed my off his swollen cock and told me to get into the sling. I walked over to it, and he held it as I lay back in it. I looked up and saw there was a full-length mirror above the sling, so I could literally watch myself being used! He helped me put my ankles in the stirrup, which made my legs spread wide and up and back, and he said to slightly lift myself and slide my ass just off the edge of the sling so he could have full access to my hole. All of this made the precum ooze from my hard engorged throbbing cock and drip down in a long thread. He did not miss a trick and engulfed my cock with his hot wet mouth, slurping off all the precum. I nearly came right there and then! He then stood up and walked around to my right arm. He said I am going to put this band on your arm then look for a vein. He did so and found one straight away and swabbed it with an alcohol swab. Next, I will insert the needle then draw the plunger back to make sure I am in your vein, it should flash red. Once that happens, I will remove the band and press the contents into your vein, and then remove the needle and give you a tissue to press against the site. Then hold your arm up, this reduces bruising. As he proceeded to do all as he discussed, inserting the needle and getting the flash etc, he said that right about when I lift my arm, it should hit and I may feel I need to cough, and it may feel hard to breathe, try to not fight it but try and relax and breathe through it and then I will feel amazing. As he finished telling me that I was raising my arm up with the tissue as he had instructed. I still didn’t feel anything. All of a sudden, I got like a chemical type taste in the back of my throat which made cough, and then I felt tightness of breath and focused on what Colton had said, and relaxed my breathing. I felt a warmth hit me, and waves of intense pleasure course through my entire body. My cock felt incredible, and I looked down and was amazed to see that it had shrunk, just like I had read about, and yet cum was spurting from my soft cock. I was vaguely aware of Colton coughing, as he too slammed straight away. The next thing I felt was lube being smeared on my hole and Colton’s hard thick cock pressing into me. This only heightened the waves and ripples of pleasure and more cum spurted and oozed out of my soft cock as he fucked me balls deep. I was taking all of him straight away, and the way he was grunting I could tell that he too was going to cum and must be feeling as amazing as I was! He moaned and blew stream after stream of cum in my guts, and I was moaning and poking out my tongue, eyes wide and riding these ripples of intense bliss taking over my body. He pulled out and immediately dropped down and inserted his tongue deep in my hole and began an intense and focused devouring of my now loosened and super hungry hole. I had never felt a rimming so intense! His cock was still hard as a rock, and every now and then he would stand up and fuck me balls deep again then drop back down and slurp on my hole. The entire time my hole was just craving more and more, and his twirling tongue exploring deep inside just added to my desire for more, something bigger. He sensed this as I was pushing my hole out onto his tongue to try and get more. He stood up and grabbed a big toy. He asked me if I wanted more and all I could do was moan and nod. He lubed up the big toy which had a bulbous head on it, and put it at the entrance of my hole. With one hand he held some poppers to my nose and I instinctively snorted, the biggest longest snort I think I had ever done. He told me to hold it in as he took a hit then put the bottle down. Exhale slut! I did as I was told and the rush hit me! My hole became everything to me…all I could feel was ripples and waves of pleasure as I heard Colton tell me to take deep breaths and relax. Somehow in my fog of pleasure I complied, and felt my hole just open up. He felt it and applied pressure to the big toy as it began sliding into my hungry fuck tunnel. The more he ushed, ever so slowly, my hole rippled with more pleasure and I could feel the walls of my velvety tunnel open up even more and welcome this big invader deeper into me. I felt it slide through my ring and into beyond, and then Colton began pulling it back out. Once again I was feeling immense waves of pleasure. The poppers high was great, and it also heightened the rush and the ensuing high from the slam. Colton kept encouraging me, saying you good pig, wow what a hungry slut, deep breaths and relax you pig….I now knew what the term being in pig heaven meant. Every few minutes I felt another wave as the Tina was coursing through my body, and each time my body just relaxed and rode the wave. Colton was fully reading my body and took every advantage, making my hole loosen up by the minute. As he fucked me with precision and being relentless with the toy, he said you have now experienced your first slam, now time for your first booty bump which will keep you flying for a few hours until I slam you again. He slowly pulled the toy out, and then he put more lube on it and then coated it in 3 points of crushed up Tina. Then he slid it all the way back into my hungry hole. Instantly I felt a burning sensation, and it increased. I said to him it was really burning, and he leaned down and took my soft cock in his mouth which instantly distracted me. Then I felt the burning begin to subside and then an insatiable hunger start to build from deep withing my hole. I then started to get more waves of pleasure take over my body and my hole was now so hungry. Colton removed the toy, then held the poppers under my nose again and told me to take big hits. He gave me four, then lubed up his hand. The poppers rush hit and magnified the tina rush and waves of pleasure which were still rippling through me. Colton pressed his hand against my hungry craving and now quite sloppy hole. I arched my back in the sling, trying to get his hand into my insatiable fuck chute. He pressed more, and I felt the walls of my hole accommodate his hand and begin to relax with more waves of pleasure as I felt him slide deep into my very being. I was staring into his eyes, moaning and my tongue was just hanging out and as he went deeper all I could do was whimper and nod. The pleasure was so intense that cum was just constantly oozing from my cock. The booty bump on top of the slam, combined with the poppers had given me the ability to become a far hungrier slutty pig bottom than I had ever imagined. Colton then slowly withdrew his fist, and pulled it right out. He chuckled at the look on my face which showed him that I needed my hole to take more. He said to me we have all day and night, we can pace ourselves. Besides I think I need your tongue to explore my hole now. With that he helped me out of the sling and laid me on my back on the bed. He then climbed on top of me in a 69 position and lowered his hole onto my tongue. A hole never looked so good and I buried my tongue deep in his waiting hole. I then lifted my legs up and he pinned them back and buried his tongue deep in me. We feverishly ate out each other for about an hour, slurping, probing, twirling the tips of our tongues around in each other…then while I continued my onslaught of his hole with my tongue he started to work a toy back into my hole. He said we need to keep you nice and loose so we can open you up even more. Have you ever been tag-team fucked Jonas? I heard him and responded by moaning and burying my tongue even deeper into his now also loosened hole. He chuckled and said I guess that means you would like that…I removed my tongue for a second to reply yes please…almost yelling in excitement. I would love cum oozing out my hole and then more fucked into me!
    3 points
  16. I've been soo horny lately, I've been bouncing on and riding my dildo nightly until I have a hands free orgasm. I was teasing my slutty hole and getting ready for my nightly bounce. When I got a notification on Grindr a sexy chubby daddy with a gorgeous cock. He was very aggressive and told me he wanted to eat and play with my bubble butt. His dirty talk made me hard and he was very close by. I made my way to his place he told me to message him when I got there. I did, and I got instructions. Daddy was taking charge and had ordered me to a guest bedroom naked. I quickly stripped and got on all fours waiting ass up. Daddy walked into the room shutting the door behind him. He walked over I instantly felt his big cock poke my ass. He started grabbing it and shaking it with his hands. There was a towel with lube on the bed when I had gotten there I could hear him opening the lube it was cold against my tight hole. He fingered my ass while stroking his big hard cock. He slid into me pushing his cock all the way in. I leaned forward trying to escape for a moment. He pulled my hips and began fucking me hard. It felt amazing his cock was hitting the perfect spot I moaned with pleasure as he smacked my ass and called me a fag. He continued to pound me hard letting out a grunt seeding my slutty ass filling me up. He fucked me for a few more minutes pushing his load in deep before pulling out and leaving. Daddy can cum again anytime
    3 points
  17. A gangbang for every five pounds gained certainly makes for a great incentive! You should be the first to load me up stud!
    3 points
  18. Jarrod. Finally got up got dressed and snuck out of Hatcher’s house. He went to his place. Showered and tried to figure out what to do next. He decided to sleep off the rest of what he drank and smoked. A few days later Hatcher saw Jarrod and went to talk to him. “Jarrod, what happened the other day is in the past.” “I was surprised when you came on to me.” Making it seem that Jarrod made the first move. Jarrod looking puzzled. “I came on to you?” “Yes you did.” Hatcher answered. “Between drinking, the smoking and you being very upset about your breakup, it makes sense.” “I was comforting you.” “Next thing I know we’re naked and I’m inside of you.” “Which surprised us both.” “I’m sorry if I hurt or upset you in anyway.” “It was my fault.” “I guess I must have led you on.” “I apologize.” Jarrod said. ”Why don’t you come over later?” “I’ll fix us dinner.” “And we’ll forget about what happened.” Hatcher offered. Jarrod agreed. Later that night. Jarrod showed up around 730PM Hatcher gave him a drink. And lit up the pipe. Both smoke and drank. Had dinner. Then Jarrod being a lightweight when it came to drinking felt dizzy and high. Hatcher once again started massaging the young man. Getting him to take off his shirt and pants. Got Jarrod into his bed and started rubbing his back and ass. Hatcher stopped to take off his clothes. Turned on the cameras to record his fucking of the straight guy. Hatcher felt Jarrod’s dick getting hard. Turned him on his back and started sucking him. “You like that?” Hatcher asked. Jarrod “yes” he whispered. Hatcher stopped sucking. Went over to Jarrod. Placed his dick by the young man’s mouth who try to resist. But Hatcher held the young man’s head towards his dick and forced it into Jarrod’s mouth. Who had no choice but to start sucking. He now knew that Hatcher had lied to him but couldn’t fight him off because he was too weak to do so. Hatcher removed his dick from Jarrod’s mouth and went over and slowly started fucking him. “Oh” Jarrod moaned. Hatcher smiled an evil smile and kept fucking him. Hatcher decided to finish off inside him doggie style. “Oh fuck!” “I’m going to cum!” With that he shot deep inside the young man’s ass. Hatcher got up stopped the live stream. “Don’t get up.” “I’ll be back in a second.” Then left. Jarrod went to get up realizing his clothes were in the living room knew he was in no condition to fight with Hatcher. Hatcher came back. But he wasn’t alone. He had a few friends who wanted to fuck Jarrod. Three men who were in there 50’s and wanted a piece of that straight ass. Unfortunately for Jarrod to get out of there he would have to take their loads and it was recorded that he couldn’t say that he was forced into it. Jarrod at that point knew he had no choice and started sucking, jerking and taking dicks in his ass while still smoking “T” before, during and after.
    3 points
  19. Well said, @Sfmike64! RFK Jr is just maintaining the overall family crackpotism (and boy oh boy, there's more than a Century's worth of unsavoury stuff that I could list - but it would turn into a "TLDR"). To put things into perspective, in terms of people met in history, the late Queen Elizabeth II probably met the most ever. Fauci has saved - or helped to save - DOZENS more times the people that even she met.
    3 points
  20. Chapter 3 – They Both Get a Turn Chapters 1 and 2 describe my meeting with Ian and Nate. So far, we’ve smoked some T, drank some G, and they have used fists and toys on my ass. Now, I’m sitting on a big butt plug, getting ready to fist Ian. While I was working some Slam Dunk into Ian’s ass, Nate came over with the pipe. Once again, he melted down some product and stuck the pipe in my mouth. I took a deep hit, which I held while Nate took his own hit and shared it with Ian. We did a few rounds like this, even getting to the point where I shotgunned a hit to Nate, who then shotgunned it to Ian. By now, we were all well spun. As this was happening, I was lubing up Ian’s hole with some Slam Dunk. His hole was opening nicely for me. I had a few fingers from each hand inside him, spreading the lube a little deeper and giving me an awesome view. My hands were well coated with the grease, and I added some JLube to them as well. He was ready for more, so I slowly inserted my hand into his ass. Once it was in past the wrist, his ass pulled even more inside, getting me in about halfway up my forearm. It was obvious that he was as well skilled a bottom as he was a top. I twisted my hand around and flexed my fingers out to open his deeper chambers. Ian was clearly enjoying my efforts and reached over for the poppers. I knew that he would be even more uninhibited once those hit. After a few deep snorts, Ian reached back and spread his ass open. It was already well spread in the sling, but he pulled it open even more. He also moved down just a bit so that my hand had a different sensation in his ass. He started to ride my hand, moving the sling back and forth. I let him control the depth while he was flying; I was just a fist that he was riding. I did twist my hand around as he drove it in and out of his deeper areas and clenched my hand into a fist to really expand his ass. He slowed his motions, so I picked up on the in and out movements, using my fisted hand to stroke his inner walls. Then, I pulled my fist back out of his hole. I let it rest against his opening, applying a slight amount of pressure. Between the pushing that I was doing and the counterweight from his body in the sling, my fist sunk into his ass. Ian groaned in pleasure when my fist entered his ass. I kept it at the opening and turned it left and right to let his ass muscles feel a good stretch. His hole was pulsing on my hand, telling me that he was enjoying the sensations. I was also slowly driving my fist further into his ass, passing over his prostate, which caused his cock to twitch and dribble out some precum. Nate was there to lick that up. He shared some with me in a deep kiss. Once my fist was deep inside Ian, I started a good back-and-forth motion. I’d let my fist come out a few times before sinking it back into his hole. He was really having a great time. On one of the insertions, I switched over to my other larger fist. It took Ian a little longer to have his ass devour that fist, but he got it in. I slid deep within his ass, filling him even more than before. Ian decided that he had enough, so he had me pull out. Luckily, Nate was ready for to bottom. They traded places in the sling, and Ian shotgunned a few hits off the pipe with Nate. I spent the time they were smoking, getting Nate’s hairy hole filled with lube. While Ian’s hole had a nice amount of hair around it, Nate’s hole was almost lost in a forest of hair. His whole ass was covered in fur that got denser as it got to his hole. Seeing all that hair getting matted down with the lube made me really hot, and I was squirming around on the butt plug in my ass as I prepped his for my arm. Nate was very ready for my hand, so he needed no additional stretching beyond what I had done while applying the lube. My hand slid easily into his ass. I stopped it before he got to my wrist to let him feel all the bumps of my knuckles on his opening. After taking a hit of poppers, he flexed his ass muscles around while I rotated my hand just inside his hole. Then, he slid down on the sling to take my hand deeper into his ass. Since he wanted it deep, I worked my hand further into his ass. I felt the bend of his second sphincter and teased that open with my fingers. Nate did some more poppers and moved his body all around in the sling, letting my hands feel the walls of his colon. The sensations he was experiencing must have been amazing. When the poppers wore off, he asked me to pull back out. I slid my hand all the way out of his ass, and then he asked me to push in with my fist after he had done some poppers. I let him do several deep hits off the brown bottle while I slowly massaged his hole. Once he motioned that he was ready, I placed my fisted hand at his hole. The weight of his body on the sling, combined with gentle pressure from me, allowed his ass to consume my fist. Nate then asked me to do that repeatedly. Fuck, yeah! I pulled my fist out, then shoved it right back in again. I alternated hands, letting him feel the greater stretch from my bigger fist. Nate was moaning in ecstasy as I punch-fisted his hairy hole. I felt Nate’s hole tightening up, signaling the end of the session. My fist went in deep, and I twisted it around inside him, flexing my fingers out and back. But all good things must come to an end, and it was obvious that Nate was ready for a break. I slowly withdrew from his ass and then helped him out of the sling. When I stood up to assist him, I was reminded of the plug in my ass. With all the excitement, it had fallen off my radar but was back in my circle of awareness. The three of us walked over to the bed and stretched out on it. I reached back to make sure that the plug was well seated in my ass. Ian noticed, and he grabbed the plug, twirling it around inside my ass. “This pig needs more ass work,” he snarled. I couldn’t agree more.
    2 points
  21. I always prelube my cunt and strip down to just a jockstrap or assless singlet. When I lived in Atlanta I had a reputation as a cumdump slut at the bars and sex clubs. It was known that I would take all cocks and loads. I would generally hang out in the darkrooms either bent over spreading my ass open or get on the fuck bench or hop in the sling.
    2 points
  22. Had two my first time. 8.5 cut and thick and 7 cut and thick. I learned real quick 😈
    2 points
  23. @Sfmike64 - this site REALLY needs a "hug" react.
    2 points
  24. Bout 7-8 was my first raw cock
    2 points
  25. Joint soreness can be one of a number of other things (compensation for other injuries, degenerative wear and tear, osteoarthritis, hyperextension, or even COVID). It's no wonder that @Njn0mc dismissed it as a sign of syphilis.
    2 points
  26. First guy rawdogged me and I thought that’s how it was. No man has ever asked to use one and the all unload inside if you let them.
    2 points
  27. My suggestion? Block him. Doesn't sound like anything good can come of it. There are tons and tons of great men out there - why get involved with a relative (!!!) that's got nothing going for him other than maaaaybe a good fuck?
    2 points
  28. OK - I had a husband who thought very little of the 'Big Pharma' 'scare tactics' and point blank refused to take any statins, ANYTHING because he was being poisoned and he would die the moment he took one pill. This is ridiculous. Guess what? He died at 73, which he could have easily avoided with medication and some exercise, and I am alive! And as for HIV being "that unique virus that makes you sick only after antibodies, and sometimes only 60 years after you contract it" - I got progressively sick only after a month of seroconversion, starting with razor blades in my throat and esophagus, rashes all over my mouth and a splitting headache every day. I saw my viral load get into the 100 thousand before tritherapy. CD4 went down to 212, as low as one could go before becoming an AIDS patient. 60 years? Try 24 months....
    2 points
  29. you seem to forget that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS died in the 1980s and '90s because of AIDS, and many, many more of us are alive today because of the work of Dr. Fauci. Before triple therapy, and its evolution into Prep, there was a very real fear of becoming HIV+ because there was a very real chance of dying from AIDS. I am alive because Dr. Fauci, Dr. David Ho, etc., did the slogging, thankless research all those years ago. Nanana - you can call them grifters, and stuff, but I am thankful that I am alive.
    2 points
  30. Doc Murphy’s Therapy 3 I remember dreaming of men surrounding the bed... Their voices barely speaking above a whisper. I struggled to make out the words... Turning from side to side, I saw each booted muscled god geared in the shiniest of black leather. Tightly strapped leather harnesses accentuated their muscled pecs with rings through their prominently thick tits, making my mouth water... On my right, the men wore jockstraps... their full pouches so tight that I could see the subtlest of differences of their cocks... cut, uncut, pierced or not, it was more than obvious. While on my left, the men’s strong legs were enveloped in chaps... their muscles clearly defined as if the hide was painted on... their hard cocks and full sacs set off by a heavy chrome cockring. The room was filled with a distinctive scent of musk and leather as the sweaty tangled mass of flesh grew before my eyes... an orgy of every possible combination of lustful desire. The dream was so vivid... the men’s grunts and groans began to grow louder and fill the room. Seeing one of them escape the pile, I moaned, recognizing the young god approaching with tightly cropped red hair and green eyes. “Shit, Bry!” I called out, seeing my best friend transformed into the most incredible leather fantasy. His harness circled over his broad shoulders and under the thick muscled pecs. My eyes couldn’t stay off the twin slabs of muscle covered in reddish-brown fur showcasing a set of heavy rings piercing his thick erect tits poking through the fur. Below them, a trail of fur ran over the ridged stack of abs. His thick thighs bulged in the tightest leather chaps, drawing attention to the exposed dripping hard cock and sac. With every step of his boots, his muscles rippled at the slightest movement as he made his way to me. “Fuck Sam,” he smiled with a lustful gaze, pulling the covers off to reveal my shaved body... Staring at wetness of the sheets at below my cunt, he growled. “I hear you’ve been a good boy.” Still trying to understand how he could be in my room, I asked “How...?” “Never mind, bro...,” he said, interrupting me and pointing to the writhing heap of men in the room. “You need to serve.” Looking at the men, wave after wave of desire came over me... “Yeh, Bry...I do.” I growled, getting down on my knees as Bry’s leaking cock throbbed before my eyes. Licking my lips and wanting to taste that cock again, I reached up to his thick muscled thighs and leaned in, opening my mouth take it in... Suddenly, a sound woke me up... It was Mike, carrying a tray of food and juice into the room. “Sorry, Sam... didn’t mean to wake you. Doc told me you spent the night ‘cause it was getting late and asked me to just drop this off.” As I lay there, the images of Bry and the other men began to flood back into my mind. It took a minute to get into the moment before realizing I was sporting the beginnings of a hardon. But for some reason, it didn’t bother me, and it wasn’t definitely a problem for Mike... “Looks like it was a good dream.” he smiled, noticing my growing cock before putting the tray down next to the bed. “Thanks, Mike,” I said, drinking some of the juice and remembering last night. “Yeh, it was getting late by the time my session was over.” “Yeah, Doc doesn’t like to break up a session if it’s going really well...” he chuckled, looking me over... “Well, for some patients at least, he’ll keep it going as long as necessary. When that happens, I just head to my room and work on my thesis.” “Cool,” I said, remembering how he looked last night in his gear... my cock started stiffening. “Yeah, very cool... and so fucking smooth,” he groaned, sitting down on the bed next to me and rubbing my abs and shaved crotch before leaning in. Without a word, he brought his lips to mine... It was like last night never happened. He reached down and ran his fingers over my puckering cunt, causing me to groan in surprise. Kissing me deep and hard, his tongue invaded my mouth. “I thought...” I moaned, taking a breath as a finger entered me. “What? I’m a bottom cause I let Doc fuck me...” he laughed, feeling the remnants of cum in my cunt. “Don’t worry... I’m not jealous. It’s part of our arrangement while I finish my grad work. That's all there is to it... nothing else.” “Nothing else,” I groaned, feeling a second and third finger go in. “Damn... Doc must’ve worked your cunt over last night.” he growled, feeling my still loose cunt. “Yeh... he did,” was all I could say as he continued fingering me. “Did ya like it, Sam? Being filled with Doc’s cock or was it something else?” he grunted, stripping and pulling my thighs apart to expose my cunt. “Shit, yeh!” I moaned, seeing that hard pierced cock again... The next thing I felt was his warm wet tongue licking my cunt before it spread my cuntlips and pushed inside. “Goddamn!” I moaned, feeling him digging deep inside me. "Sweet fucking tasty cunt, bro" he said, coming up for air. “How’s that feel?” “Fuck yeh... fuck my cunt!” “That’s right, bro... what you have there is a cunt... Don’t ever forget it.” he told me, teasing me with his cock. I nodded, remembering my therapy... “Cunt...” Putting my legs over his shoulders, he shoved his rigid cock into me without warning, sending a wave of passion over me. “Say it, bro... tell me what you want.” “Fucking fill, me!” I gasped, feeling the ring hit my prostate as he began to rock in and out of me. He didn’t waste any time ramming his cock into me... “Fucker... gonna take my time with you,” he growled, slowing down and holding his cock deep in my cunt. He kept on edging... fucking me til he was close, then would pause, waiting for the sensation to pass... only to start again until I was begging for his load. “Fuck man... give me your load, bro! I need it!” I cried out, grabbing his hips and pulling him in all the way to the root. He began ramming me hard until he stiffened and let out a heavy roar, unloading a volley of cum inside me. I could feel each throbbing pulse of his cock. Bending down, still impaled inside of me, he kissed me. “Fucking hot cunt...” he smiled, pulling his still hard cock out and sitting back. I scrambled to clean it... sucking and tonguing his cock until I had done my duty. “Good boy...” he growled, his warm wet tongue licking my cunt before it spread my cuntlips and invaded. “Give it to me.” With little pushes of my cunt, the load dripped out onto his open mouth until I had released most of it... Then, he crawled up and fed it to me. Kissing, our darting tongues exchanged the load until we both gulped down the contents and fell on the bed in a sweaty jumble. “Fuck, Sam... That was hot. I never imagined that you’d be this good when you came into the office that day. I figured you were just some messed up kid needing therapy.” he laughed, exploring my smooth body with his hands. “You surprised me when you showed up here like this. What made you do it?” Knowing what I knew about him, I smiled. “Don’t know... I guess I just felt like it.” “Yeah, I know what you mean,” he chuckled, taking hold of my smooth pecs and rubbing his fingers over them. “I did the same thing when I first got here. But it’s a bitch to keep up... so I got it permanently removed. Doc has a buddy who does it and hooked me up.” “Yeh?” I groaned, imagining being permanently hairless as he went down to lick my pecs. Then, licking my left tit, Mike sucked it in and bit down... “Goddamn!” I moaned, panting at the pain he was inflicting. He stayed on my tit, chewing on it... tasting the sweat dripping off my pec. Releasing it with a kiss, he moved to the right one and I began to growl in heat as he repeated the torture now turning to pleasure. Reaching for my swollen cock, he began to stroke it as he alternated on my tits before moving down my abs. By now, my tits were aching and standing at attention, causing my cock to go rock hard. “Yeah,” Mike growled, exploring my shaved body with his mouth... “When did you do it?” “Yesterday, right before coming over.” I sighed, feeling his lips and tongue sliding over my skin. “You missed a spot, right here. I’ll let Doc know... so you can get that taken care of.” he chuckled, licking between my thigh and crotch before taking my cock in his mouth. “Fuck, yeh!” I cried out, feeling his tongue dig into my piss slit. He started licking and wrapping his tongue around the mushroom head... flicking at it and lapping the dribbling precum. Slowly sliding down, he started sucking on my leaking cock... keeping his eyes locked on mine with one hand on my shaft and the other holding tightly onto my sac. His hand began to pull it away from my body as he held my balls tightly in a fist. “Aw fuck! Harder!” I cried out... realizing at that moment the extent of my therapy. My begging for pain urged him on and his pace quickened. I thrust my hips up to meet him. The sensations of his mouth were overwhelming... I needed to cum. I was close... Grabbing the back of Mike’s head with both hands, I began forcing his mouth up and down my cock, faster and faster. I could feel myself slowly going over the edge. Then, as he released his grip, my body shook with lust, releasing an explosion of cum. “Fuck yeh, bro! Fucking love, this shit!” We remained like that... me on my back with him still latched on my cock... sweat running down our bodies until sound of Doc’s voice shook us out of the moment. Doc stood at the entrance to the room, but I couldn’t make out what he said. My mind must have blocked it out... but the moment Mike heard the words, he sat up, releasing my cock. Turning to Doc, he nodded and dropped to his knees on the floor next to him. “Good boy,” he chuckled, rubbing Mike’s sweaty shoulder. “I was wondering what was taking you so long,” I quickly apologized... “Doc... I’m sorry. I guess I fucked up.” “No problem, Sam. So... you’ve now experienced both Mikes.” Leaving the dazed Mike on the floor, he wandered over to me. “How’s it feel?” he asked, feeling my freshly fucked cunt. “Damn, Doc,” I smiled, seeing his growing bulge... “So good!” “Good to hear, boy.” He looked back to Mike kneeling obediently on the floor before noticing my chewed-up tits. Pulling his wet finger from my cunt, he rubbed the slime around my swollen tits and gripped them tightly with his fingernails. “Fuck, yeh!” I shuddered. “Harder!” With his cock now tenting his jeans, he whispered in my ear as he increased his grip on me. “Yeh, Doc...” I murmured, feeling the pain course through my body. After a couple of minutes, Doc let go and stood up. I quickly fell next to Mike, our hands behind our backs at attention. Turning to face us, he began to strip as... I could see him speaking, but I couldn’t make out the words. Gripping the bottom of his T-shirt, he pulled it up and off his torso, exposing the forest of fur on his muscled pecs. We quickly made our way to remove his shoes and socks. Mike then scrambled up to unbuckle the thick black belt around his waist. It was then I joined him as we pulled the jeans down to expose his furry legs. Slowly, we began moving our mouths up his legs... our hands massaging his powerful muscles until we met at Doc’s low hanging sac. Taking in the scent of his crotch, both of us began to moan and took one of his heavy balls in our mouths... “Fucking cuntmouths!” Our tongues darted out, tasting the hairy sweaty sac and we moved up to the base of Doc’s shaft... Up we went... our lips gently massaging the thickening shaft until our tongues met at the leaking piss slit at the tip of his engorged cockhead. Tasting the precum, our tongues began lapping it up. Feeling Doc’s hands against our heads and push our mouths against each other, our sparring tongues began to feed each other. “Goddamn cocksuckers.” he growled, holding us by the scruff of our necks. We began to worship him, sucking and worshipping his god-like cock like we had been trained... ‘Yeh, that’s the word,’ I thought...realizing at that moment it had been imbedded in us... Mike and I were meant to serve together. Before I could think about it, Doc thrust between our lips... back and forth, enjoying our attention to his powerful cock. We needed his cock... we continued... pushing him closer to release with every movement of our mouths. Feeling the overwhelming need for cock, I moved to the head and slowly swallowed his cock to the base of his shaft. I could feel Mike’s tongue flicking at the saliva dripping out of my mouth. Slowly backing off, I grabbed Mike’s head and shoved my tongue in his open mouth. Gripping my tongue with his lips, he moaned... knowing his desire for cock, I pushed his head towards Doc’s still leaking cock and he swallowed it in one fell swoop. We continued like that... sharing Doc’s now steel cock. We were nothing but a pair of cuntmouths servicing a cock... just as Doc had said. Getting close, Doc pushed us off his cock and we fell to the floor... our faces covered in spit. Walking over to the bed, he pulled out a packed pipe and torch from the nightstand and climbed onto the bed. Spreading his legs, he lit the pipe, inhaled and motioned to us. Quickly, we climbed on the bed, slid over the soft sheets and joined him on either side. Placing our mouths to his, we inhaled the large cloud escaping his handsome mouth. “Go on... have at.” he growled, passing the lit pipe to Mike. We began sharing the pipe while Doc sat back watching us take hits and blowing the thick white clouds into each other’s mouths. Taking the last hit on the now empty pipe, I exhaled into Mike, devouring him in a deep kiss as Doc’s strong hands roamed over our bodies. Instinctively, we both went for Doc’s tits. “Fuckers...” he growled, pushing our mouths onto his furry pecs. Holding both of us tightly, we began to suckle like two nursing pups, humping our bodies against Doc’s legs. Doc’s hands roamed down over our smooth muscled backs and began to explore our cunts. “Goddamn cunts...” I began moaning as the realization of what I was becoming hit me and I raised my hips, giving Doc access. But it didn’t stop there... I felt another hand now exploring my exposed cunt. It was Mike’s. “Fuck me!” I cried out, feeling fingers digging into me before latching back onto Doc’s tit. Mike immediately pounced on me and shoved his cock deeply inside me. Holding onto my shoulders, he began to piston fuck me. “Fuck, yeh!” I cried out into Doc’s pec, feeling the PA scraping against my prostate with every stroke. The sensations in my cunt took over my mind and I was lost in the moment... My mind filled again with images of the leathered gods surrounding us... watching me surrendering to my desires. Bry stood out smiling, leading another by a leash to our side. “Fuck yeah, bro... Feels good, don’t it?” Bry growled, pushing the sub onto the floor on all fours. Smiling, he moved behind the sub and kicked his legs apart to expose the willing cunt. Bry dropped... Licking the pierced taint leading to the sub’s willing cunt, Bry smiled and looked at me before shoving his cock in quickly... causing the sub to let out soft groan. I couldn’t take my eyes off them... seeing the look of rapture on the sub’s face as he took every inch of Bry’s cock. “Fuck, bro... Tell me... is yours still tight?” he growled, picking up the pace and slamming the willing sub. “Fuck yeh!” I grunted, coming back to reality as I felt Doc’s hands caressing down my back. “YEH, DO IT!” I yelled, feeling Doc’s cock pressing on my cunt while climbing onto Mike’s back. I was grabbing at the sheets, feeling Doc’s cock sliding over Mike’s shaft and pushing past my cuntlips. “OH FUUUUCK!” I hissed, instantly feeling the pain of being split open. “Relax, boy... surrender.” Doc told me, before saying something else I couldn’t understand. Instantly, a wave of pleasure overcame any pain as Doc’s cock invaded me. Mike remained still... not a sound coming from him. “Yeh...” I now moaned in pleasure, feeling Doc’s cock invading my cunt. With my therapy now kicking in, I began fucking myself on their cocks. “Good boy,” Doc grunted, slapping Mike on the ass and they began fucking me in unison. With every one of their thrusts, I moaned... feeling myself stretched to the limit, I began to lose focus. The room grew warmer and filled with the sounds of animals rutting... grunts, moans and wet slapping bodies. Bry had returned... Holding onto the moaning sub by his harness, Bry’s assault continued as the sub fucked himself on the pierced cock. The wet slapping of Bry’s thighs against the sub’s shaved ass filled the air around the circle of leathered admirers. “Fuck, Sam... Every time I fuck this cunt, I imagine it’s you... my bro... taking my cock.” With each pounding, the sub’s moans grew louder, and begged for more. Bry continued pile-driving him... stretching his cunt with an ever-increasing ferocity until he couldn’t hold back and released an explosion of cum. Instantly, the sub scrambled to Bry’s still hard cock to clean off the remnants of his load. "Inspiration...” Bry growled at me. Coming back into the moment, I felt the thrusts of my double fuck begin to slow and intensify... I knew it wouldn’t be too long for them to fill my cunt. “Fuck yeh!” I cried out, feeling the simultaneous loads unleashing in me as the fucking continued until the contents of their balls flooded my cunt. Their load now deposited, they fell on my back and pushed me fully onto the mattress. “Inspiration,” I moaned... feeling the weight of their bodies on top of me. Pulling out of me, Doc stood up and positioned himself in front of our faces... “Beautiful...” Immediately, we took his slimed cock and cleaned it... taking the remains of the loads into our mouths. Satisfied, Doc walked away as Mike pulled me up and sat back, holding me in his arms. Holding tightly onto his cock, I leaned back...our lips met. We began to devour each other as his hands explored my sweaty body. Releasing his cock, my hands roamed over his hairless muscular body, knowing that it was what I needed... to bulk up and match his body. In the back of my mind, I already knew that my appointment with Doc’s buddy was set... I would never have to worry about stubble. I moved down his beautiful pecs and made my way to his cock and took it into my mouth, tasting the residue of the double fuck. “Fuck, Sam.” Mike moaned, feeling my mouth on his softening cock. Shocked, I sat up and looked into his eyes. There was no doubt, the other Mike was there with me now. He took me in his arms, and we fell back on the bed. “Fuck, Sam... Doc must be wondering where I am.” he said, spooning me. “Naw, he probably just thinks you’re working on your thesis.” I moaned, feeling his cock against my ass. “Yeah,” he sighed... Several hours later, I woke up in the dark room with Mike still beside me... our bodies tangled in the middle of the bed. Feeling a sensation around my neck, I reached up and found my leather collar securely fastened to my neck. “Yeh...” I moaned, turning to Mike and seeing him collared, too. I knowingly grabbed the note on the nightstand and read it... ‘Downstairs’ was all it said, and I shook Mike to wake him. Slowly opening his eyes, he smiled, seeing me collared. Slowly, we made our way to the two leather bags in the center of the room and faced each other. Keeping our eyes fixed, we slipped the restraints on our wrists. Next, we placed the harnesses over our shoulders and buckled each strap tightly. I moaned as the leather again touched my smooth skin. Retrieving our jockstraps, we slid them up over our hairless bodies and adjusted our cocks. My junk now snug in the cum crusted leather pouch, I pulled out my still sweat-soaked socks and put them on. Turning to Mike, I saw him standing there looking down at the socks in his hand. “What’s happening... Sam, what the fuck are you wearing!?” he said in a state of confusion, looking up as if he was seeing me geared up for the first time. Grabbing the socks, I dropped to my knees... “Let me help you,” I moaned, kissing his feet. After placing them on him, I pulled the pair of boots out of his bag... “10-hole Rangers...” I said, motioning him to step in. Now in his boots, he stayed there in a daze, still looking down at me. I began pulling the laces through the eyelets of his right boot. It was freaking me out, but I kept on... then, I realized that with every ladder rung I added, he began to calm down. With the boot now laced up, he dropped to one knee and began to methodically lace the other without hesitation. “Fuck...what the hell was that?” I mumbled, quickly putting on my boots, lacing them up and placing an arm band around my right bicep. Grabbing the other, I stood and saw Mike taking a long hit from a full glass pipe... his cheeks tightening as he pulled the cloud into his lungs. “Fuck, yeh... gimme some, bro.” I moaned, walking over to him and placed the band on his right bicep as I caught a glimpse of the beads of sweat dripping down his smooth pit... My tongue worked its way from his bicep to worship his pit. “MMMMM,” he groaned, clamping his hand around the back of my neck to smash our mouths together... tongues lashed around in our mouths as he fed me the cloud. My body became alive again, and I surrendered. With our lips locked, we clawed at each other... our hands covering every inch of smooth muscled flesh and encased leather on our bodies. “Fucker... Welcome back...,” I grunted. “Let’s go. Doc’s waiting.”
    2 points
  31. Scale says I’ve gained muscle mass, but I can’t really tell from pics.
    2 points
  32. The bear screamed as I slammed past his sphincter. If he thought he was going to get any mercy in my hate fuck he had another think coming. I didn’t wait or hesitate a millisecond, I was pile driving his ass with my raging hard cock. He continued to cry out every time I bottomed out, but clearly the pain had turned to pleasure. This infuriated me even more. I drove into him harder and harder, the slap of my body against his ass cheeks an ever-increasing rhythm. “Fuck he’s loving this rape!” From the other actor. “Help me turn him over.” I called When he was on his back with the other two pinning his lags to his shoulders my sword disappeared down is gaping hole. I could get even deeper and his cries of pain returned. I relished this and sadistically made every instroke more powerful. Tears were streaming down his face. I had never behaved like this in my life but found myself hoarcking up a big wad of phlegm and spitting it in his face. He looked shocked, but motioned with his right hand ‘bring it on’. The other two let loose with spit as well, one hitting him on the forehead the other in his open left eye. I was ready with another wad that went directly into his gapping mouth. Wiping his eye and swallowing he burst into a massive grin followed by a deep groan as once again I slam bottomed out. Seeing the grin on his face just turned up my anger and my hands were around his throat. He held me with deep eye contact and slightly nodded his head. Was he asking for this or daring me? I didn’t care. The grip of both my hands tightened, my thumbs pressing into his Adams apple. He looked to be in great pain but his gaze held me and he continued to nod encouragement. He couldn’t breath and he was turning scarlet red. “Fuckin A man, he loves this!” The other actor again. His face turned from red to purple. His eyes bulged, but he kept that permissive nod going. His face started turning blue and he was on the verge of passing out when the young man screamed in my face. “Stop, stop now, you’re going to choak him to death!” I had pulled off and stopped fucking with the first ‘s’ from the young stairwell fuck and the bear exploded into gasps of life saving air. I collapsed onto the floor sobbing. It seemed no time and I could hear the bear’s raspy voice; “That was fuckin awesome. God, I love a good choking! Love the adrenaline rush of fear as the thought ‘fuck, this guy’s gonna kill me!' sets in." The other actor stepped over me and plunged into the bear to take over where I had left off. Hands firmly around the bear’s neck. As the bears eyes bulged he was able to croak out , “Yeah, yeah!” There was no way I was going to allow him more pleasure so I quickly stood and pulled the other actor away. In the same motion I spun and fell back onto the bed edge with my legs spread and in the air. “Fuck me here and now” I barked. The other actor needed no encouragement and his raw cock was up my ass. He laid on a pretty decent fuck and was soon unloading deep inside me. My stairwell fuck was up my ass the moment the other actor pulled out. His erection had a big curve that made it prod my prostate with every instroke. He bellowed when he flooded my ass. The bear was ready to mount me next but I angrily demanded he lie on the bed. “I’m in control here, you get no fuckin control.” I had the other two aim the bears raging hardon at my hole as I straddled and lowered myself. As I bounced I dropped with the force of every ounce of my weight winding the bear over and over. After a few minutes of this I barked; “You ready for me to stop?” “No … ugh … No …araugh … No fuckin way!” My hands wrapped back around his neck once again. The fucker was mouthing ‘Thanks’. I was lost in rage and only stopped when the other two pulled my hands away. As I regained my breath I realized the bear was still under me. ‘Fuck, had I killed him?” As I had this thought he started coughing, spitting and gasping for breath. “Holy fuckin shit man! He really loved that! He orgasmed as he blacked out!” the other actor. As I got off I couldn’t hold all the cum that was draining from my ass. “Ok, time for you to finish knock us up. Maybe by the time you pump toxic loads into both of us this exhausted bear will be ready to up the chances of your impregnating us with the gift we so fuckin desperately need.” The other actor. I bent him over the edge of the bed and laid on the quickest pump and dump ever. My stairwell fuck was lying on the bed feet in the air as I finished breeding the other actor. I entered him with my cummy cock and the angelic look on his face and his soft smiling eyes melted away any anger I had been feeling. I made love to his hole, kissing his neck and lips for the next half hour. It was only after the bear slid in my ass and we train fucked that I began to feel anywhere near close to cumming. When the bear pushed into me deep and hard bellowing; “Fuckin breeding you poz slut” I was pushed over the edge and sprayed inside the stairwell fuck. The bear quickly retrieved his phone from his pants. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I enquired. “Well first I’m going to get a picture of your cummy ass. No, let’s make that a video, you got anything left in there to push out?” I bent over to accommodate him and when the phone was recording pushed out a huge wet fart. He was holding the phone so close I covered it with the cum mix from the three men. “You said firstly, what else did you have in mind?" I wondered out loud. As he poked away at the cum covered buttons the bear responded. “It’s time I call my friend with the scorpion tattoo. Clearly you are now ready to receive his toxic load.” “Do I want his poison load? Yes. Do I need it right now? No. Tell him to meet us tomorrow at the mid-town baths. What time will there be the biggest crowd?” “11 pm” from the other actor. “Tell him 11 p.m., he’ll find me in the sling taking any and all loads, no questions asked. I need a crowd cheering as his raw cock breaches my cummy hole and I take the sting of his scorpion tattoo when he breeds me."
    2 points
  33. so basically i’m “straight”, technically dating a girl but we have a sexless relationship im 28 and i was talking to this super cute black man on grindr. we met up and he ate my ass and made me sit on his face a bunch and i sucked his cock a bunch. i had only been with 1 guy ever. well that was like 3 months ago i lasted about 2 weeks before i ripped the condom off and begged him to fuck me bare. he was walking me around the room with his belt around my neck like i was a dog. it was so fucking good fast forward a couple days ago…we are supposed to be monogamous. i found out hes fucking another boy. i was pretty upset but i wasn’t shocked. i still let him breed me last night. i’m kinda pissy about the whole thing. still want his cock though. i definitely wanna be safe it’s just ya i might as well go find another guy to fuck me too then. it just sucks cuz he’s on prep but i’m not .. i dunno what would you do ?
    1 point
  34. Divorced with kids, and played a lot with guys while married. Late wife, I was faithful to her. Not sure what my ex thinks, even though she did ask me if I was gay. I replied no because I didn't have a feeling of self-worth and I played with guys because they were easier to hook up with than finding a woman to fuck. After all our bedroom went dead a little shortly after my son was born. My late wife knew I was Bi but never needed to look for sex. We had sex all the time, including using toys on each other.
    1 point
  35. Wow. You're taking it right up to the edge with these two.. I had to skip the filth/raunch eating (glad you included the dog bowls, woof), but that's just me (my Handler would love it), and the beating/crying/affection leaps off the screen with power. each chapter gets hotter and more intense, characters we can care about, you're an awesome talent. Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us sick depraved animals on this evil twisted site
    1 point
  36. Instead of a blindfold, how about a mask with eye, nose, and mouth holes? Playing with family can be sketchy. Played with my older cousin when I was younger. He probably doesn't ever think about it, but I do quite often. Thinking and wondering how big his cock is and how it would feel good in my cunthole. However, I know that it would be a terrible idea, no matter how hot it sounds. Personally, I'd back away and block him. For your future sanity.
    1 point
  37. Daddy took some pictures Sunday night during breeding time. Played with a speculum for the first time. It was fun.
    1 point
  38. Master stood before me. “Tell me, slave, have you noticed that I’ve never been completely naked in front of you.?” “Yes, master.” “Why do you think that is, slave?” “I’m not worthy to see master’s naked form.” “There is that, yes.” He laughed, and his friends joined in. “But there’s a greater reason.” He pulled off his pants and stepped towards me. “Now, slave, tell your master what you see above his cock.” I looked. “A tattoo, master.” “A tattoo of what?” “A scorpion, master.” “And what does that mean, slave?” I gulped. “It means master is positive.” “Positive for what, slave? If I had to take a drug test, my piss would test positive for meth? Tell your master what it means!” “It means master is HIV positive.” Somewhere off to the side, I heard the bear who explained things to me say, “Five points for Slytherin!” The others laughed at his joke, till master glared at them. “Smart-asses get spanked,” said master. “Promise?” replied the bear with glee in his voice. “Save it,” master growled, then looked back at me. “Very good. And I’m guessing you’re not.” “No master.” “Then you are alone in this room. The rest of us have the marks of true sex pigs, the sign we fuck with abandon, that we are driven by raw carnal lust. Tell him, my fellow pigs, what we think safe sex is?” They all shouted as one. “Bullshit!” “Damn right. And now, slave, do you want to be one of us?” My mind raced. I knew there would be no turning back. But I also remembered the times I had been fucked bareback, taken raw loads in my ass. I had taken the risks willingly. And I had heard how liberating being positive can be, to accept the inevitable… Master glared at me. “Do you want it or not, slave? Do you want to take toxic cum from all of us into your ass and join our brotherhood? Or would you rather get dressed, go home, and let the rest of us to behave like real men?” “Yes, master.” I was barely whispering. “Say it like you mean it, slave.” “Yes, master!” “Louder! Tell us all what you want!” “I want you to poz me! I want all your toxic loads inside me! I want to be a true pig! Please, master! Poz me!” Master nodded. “Good slave. There’s one more step before you serve us all. Meth is what fuels us, what allows us to fuck for hours. You’re high now, but you need to be even higher. There won’t be any clouds now.” He went to the drawer where he kept his party supplies, opened it, and showed me a syringe. “Have you ever slammed before?” “No master.” “This is your reward for being such a good slave, for demonstrating that you can please your master and willingly accepting punishment.” “Thank you, master.” He motioned to another one of the men in the room. “We are fortunate to have among us a pig who is a nurse and is skilled at giving injections.” As his friend walked over, he added, “Oh, I’ve given plenty of ‘injections’ to everyone in here. Gotten a lot, too.” The rest laughed as master glared at him. “Am I going to get a spanking for being a smart-ass, too? Please?” Master ignored him. The nurse prepped the syringe as he continued to address me. “This will leave you higher than you ever thought possible. You will be overwhelmed by the need to touch yourself. As I told you before we began your night of servitude, I am a master not a monster, and I will not be so cruel as to deny you that need. You will be allowed five minutes of self-pleasure, but you are forbidden to ejaculate. You will only be allowed that release when you have serviced us all, when we have all filled you with our poz seed. Do you understand?” “Yes, master.” “Then prepare yourself.” The nurse set down next to me. “Give me your arm.” I extended it and he strapped a tourniquet around the upper part. I watched with anticipation as he wiped my arm with an alcohol pad and gently inserted the needle into my vein. I saw the cloud of blood form as he pulled back the plunger. “Get ready for a wild ride,” then he pressed the plunger in and released the tourniquet. I coughed and then… ohgodohfuckohdamn I was overwhelmed by the massive rush. Master was right, I had to stroke my cock, and my right hand furiously began to yank it. As intense as it was, I knew I had to have a cock inside my ass, that nothing else would do. I had turned into a creature of nothing but sexual desire and pure lust. Master finally said, “Time’s up!” I forced myself to withdraw my hands. “And now, slave, you will serve us all. Rise and place yourself onto the fuck bench.” He pointed to the bench. It hadn’t been there before; it must have been brought into the room while I was laser-focused on stroking my cock. I walked and lay on it face down, my chest on the platform, my face, hands and legs on the rests. Some of the others placed the attached straps around my wrists and ankles. Master stood before me. I saw his huge cock and I wildly wanted to have it inside me and to feel his cum shooting into me. He spoke again. “Mine will be the last you take. You will need to be stretched thoroughly before you are capable of accepting my member. He looked out to the others. “Who among you desires to fill him with your seed first?” I heard what I hoped when the bear said, “I will, sir.” Master smiled and said, “I thought you might.” The bear walked behind me, then said, “Will one of you pigs there bring this pig here some lube?” Someone handed him some, then as he bent down next to me and started to lubricate my ass, he whispered to me. “If you really want to be poz, I’m glad I’m going first. We’ll never know for sure who really infected you, but we can say it was me and it will be a bond between us. Sound good?” I nodded. As he slathered lube onto his own cock, he asked, “Sir, may I give him a shotgun first?” “I doubt he needs another hit, but if you want one, sure. Someone help him, I don’t want lube on the pipe and torch.” Someone did help him, we opened our mouths, pressed our lips together, and teased each other’s tongues as we passed the cloud back and forth. As wonderful as that was, I wanted his cock driving into my ass. As he pulled away and stood up, he whispered again, “I wanted the hit, but the real goal was an excuse to kiss you again.” He went behind me, and, at long last, I got what I had been craving for hours, a cock thrusting into my ass. We both gasped in ecstasy. He started slowly and gently, clearly wanting us both to savor the experience. He slowly picked up speed, us both moaning in delight. Eventually he bent down over me. I felt his weight and fur and sweat on me, and it was amazing. He reached around and twisted my nipples, and just the perfect amount, more than playfully, but not enough to really hurt. I moaned with delight, and he whispered, “Yeah, I like that too. I hope you’ll remember that when we’re together again.” His thrusts got faster and deeper. I had been fucked many times, but never so well. Master yelled out, “The slave has a mouth, too! Don’t waste it!” A cock appeared in front of me, and I opened wide. Its owner drove it into my mouth. Getting spit-roasted had been a fantasy of mine ever since I first saw it in a porn video, and I was finally fulfilling it. More cocks were placed in my mouth as the bear kept pounding my ass. Someone loosened the restraints on my hands so I could stroke more pigs. I eventually was pleasuring four men at once. It got more and more intense until he started shouting, “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” I released the cocks in my hands and pulled my mouth away from the other so I could focus entirely on the moment. He finally roared in orgasmic ecstasy as I felt him shooting his load inside me. He pulled out, slowly and gently, then declared, “I’m not even gonna bother with the excuse of a shotgun this time,” gave me a big kiss, then whispered, “I’ll be back again tonight, but I hope sometime, it will just be us.” That wasn’t the last of it, far from it. Everyone except master filled my slave ass with their cum at least, and I sucked everyone, too, getting loads in my mouth.. The bear even buried his furry face in my ass and gave me an absolutely amazing rimming. Master face-fucked me again till he almost shot a load into my throat, but pulled back and declared, “Your ass gets my toxic load, slave.” And I kept getting hits of T, of course, from the pipe, of course, and then somebody shoved a shard in me for a booty bump before pounding my ass again. I lost count of the loads I had taken, cum was pouring out of my ass and down my legs, and I was in piggy ecstasy. I was the main attraction, of course, but the room was filled with raw sexual activity. Fucking, sucking, rimming, a group of men driven by their most primal desires. I was excited that I was to be one of them, now that I had learned that I was a pig just like them. Much later, as exhaustion was setting in for all master stood before. “And now, slave, you will perform your ultimate service to me. You have served a group of pigs, and served them well. Are you ready for your master to give you the fucking of your life?” “Yes, master. Please.” He walked behind me without speaking. He smacked both my butt cheeks with his hand then plunged that massive cock into my ass. There was no gentle sliding, he instantly started pounding me like a jackhammer. I almost screamed. God, it hurt like hell, but like the complete sub pig I am, I relished the pain. Master’s grunts got louder as his thrusts intensified till thought, like the bear told me, I’d split apart. I wanted to yell “Harder master!” but I could only grunt with him. Without slowing a bit, he spoke again. “I’ve not cum once tonight! I’ve saved this entire load for you! Show me you appreciate it! Beg me for it, slave, let me know you want it!” “Please master, give me your load! Fill my ass with your toxic cum! Poz me, master, poz me!” And he did. With a massive grunt, I felt his cum enter me, squirt after squirt. It must have taken thirty seconds for him to finish shooting. Even after that, he still kept pushing himself deep into me, till he finally withdrew. “You may stand, slave.” I was weak, but did. “Now, fellow pigs, we have all been served by this slave. I deem him worthy of joining our brotherhood of pigs, but we must all agree. Do you all feel he deserves such an honor? Signify in the traditional manner.” And they all oinked, the bear loudest of all. Master spoke again, “Welcome to our piggy brotherhood. You need no longer consider yourself a slave, though you are, of course, welcome to play at such as it suits your desires.” “Thank you, master.” He smiled and shook his head. “You are no longer expected to call me master. I am the alpha here, but you may call me sir, as do the others.” “Thank you, ma… sir.” “There is one other thing before we end the celebration of our sexuality. I am certain that you need the release of cumming yourself.” I nodded. “You may choose to achieve orgasm yourself, or you may ask one of your pig brothers to receive your seed. Even I will do so if you desire, as I am not a totally exclusive top, though know that it takes a truly talented top to please me.” I knew what I wanted. I looked at the bear who had treated me so well. To my surprise, that pig who had been with every man in that room, shyly smiled at me and even blushed a little. “Will you…”, I said. “Dude, why do you even think you have to ask?” The rest laughed, and even sir briefly dropped his stern dominant pig act, smiled and said, “Oh, god, are we going to have a couple here?” I was wondering where in the room we should go at it, but he walked to the fuck bench and got on it himself. “I’ve been here before, and I think it’s hot.” I knelt next to him, and he quietly added, “But even better, you’ve been here for hours. It’s got your sweat on it, your smell, and it’s driving me crazy.” He then said, loud enough for the room to hear, “Somebody get us a pipe so we can have another shotgun before he enters my furry bear butt.” Someone handed me one, I took the hit, and we passed it back and forth, but we kept kissing long after it completely entered our bloodstreams. We finally separated when he looked down at my cock. “Tina dick, huh? Let me help with that. Get in my mouth.” I did, and I was thrilled to know he had amazing oral skills. I was moaning so loudly he pulled away and said, “If you want to shoot inside my mouth, fine, but I’ve got a butt that wants you inside it, too.” I wanted to give him what he wanted, so I walked behind him. Before entering him, I stroked his furry bottom, then remembered what he had done for me, knelt down and started rimming him. He practically squealed with piggy delight. I kept up with that till he finally said, “Get inside me. You’ve earned it.” So I did. Now, I’m not an experienced top. I’ve always been a nearly total bottom. But he guided me, told me how to position myself to best please him. I did remember what he asked and played with his nipples some, and he roared with delight. I tried to make it last, but it didn’t take long till I came inside him. I pulled out, bent down for a final kiss, and then he whispered, “You were great, absolutely great. Don’t feel bad you couldn’t last. We’re all exhausted. Next time we play together, you’ll do even better.” The other pigs had all left, it was just me, sir, and the bear. Sir said, “You know where the shower is. Get cleaned up if you want.” I started to head to the shower, when the bear said, “Too bad it’s just a stall. Showering together can be fun.” I smiled and said, “We can try that sometime, sure.” I showered and got dressed. Sir took my phone number and said, “We do this about once a month. This session was rather impromptu, I didn’t expect to find such a willing subject. You are of course welcome back. Despite my initial treatment of you, which you now understand was part of the initiation, you are an excellent addition to our group.” “I’ll be there.” “You might want to wait around till your new furry friend finishes his shower. Some of our group occasionally organize more private sessions. I think the two of you seem likely to be interested in such.” I smiled. “What gave sir the first clue?” “Didn’t you hear? Smart-asses get spanked,” and he gave my ass a light slap. The bear came out of the shower. As he dressed, he said, “Hey, let’s exchange phone numbers. I’d like to, y’know, just hang out a bit, we could get to know each other some.” “I’d like that.” “Cool.” We exchanged names and numbers and I went home, sore ass and all. So, like title says, master, though he’s just sir now, gave me a gift. Yeah, he and his friends pozzed me (I’ve been tested now, and I’ve got the mark of a pig now), but he showed me that I had a wild, piggy side I had only vaguely thought existed, and it’s hot. But then there’s the bear. Kevin is his name, he told me. He texted me the next day and asked me to come over to his place that weekend for pizza and a movie. Andy that’s what we did, ate pizza and watched a movie. We talked a lot and found we had a lot in common, and not just sexually. We found we like each other, a lot, and we want to see what develops. And the movie, it wasn’t a porno (well, we did watch some porn later), it was Star Wars. I joked he was so hairy he’d make a good Wookiee, he asked if I’d “sooner kiss a Wookiee”, and I showed him I was very happy to kiss a Wookiee. Then we got high really high on Tina and had wild piggy sex, just the two of us. He even got me to try being the dom. It took a little getting used to, but it was hot, even though one time he almost fell off his bed laughing when I tried to sound as stern as sir does. We’re going to do play more, too, sometimes just privately and sometimes with our piggy brothers. My new-found piggy side is hot and I’m loving exploring it with my friends, one in particular.
    1 point
  39. I am driven by a desire to bottom. I think my brain was programmed to crave cock. The problem is that my hole is always tight - either just tight or from nervousness. i really want to have a loose sloppy hole that cocks just slide into with little resistance. I want tops to look at me and know I’m a real bottom. And I want a hole that guys will want to fuck again and again. I know it will take practice, and I need to stretch my hole regularly. But I was wondering, in practical terms - how does one do this and how long can I expect to practice before I have a loose hole? Do I use butt plugs? Dildos? How many minutes a day, how many times a week? Interested in hearing your experiences so that I can have a sense of what results to expect and when I can expect to see them. Would be grateful for your thoughts/advice
    1 point
  40. I always clean the tops cock. Immediately after he has bred me and pulled out I immediately get on my knees and suck his cock. For me it's about getting the remaining cum that I have worked so hard for, but it's also symbolic. I must show the top my utmost respect and desire to serve him. I will remain on my knees cleaning his cock until he indicates to stop. Being on my knees and cleaning his cock with my hands gripped around his ankles... It is everything I need.
    1 point
  41. Part 31 Watching Kevin approach the bed with two liquid-filled syringes in his hand I listened as Drew explained to me and my son how this was going to be done. "Okay, Jer," he stated in a husky voice, "we're going to give you your slam first. You already know what to expect and how fucking great the rush feels when it hits you." "Fuck yeah I do!" Jeremy answered eagerly. Still talking to Jeremy but looking in my face Drew continued. "As soon as the waves hit you we're going to give Daddy, I mean your dad, his slam. As soon as it hits him he's going to push his cock inside your spasming ass. That will give your ass a jolt like you can't imagine and your ass is going to suck your dad's cock balls deep in you so you'll both feel hornier than ever together at the same time. Okay?" he asked us both. Jeremy didn't hesitate to let us know he was ready and I nodded excitedly at Drew. I watched Kevin fasten the belt around Jeremy's arm as I'd seen him do not too long ago on the computer. I was so engrossed in watching Kevin and Jeremy I was startled when Ryan took my left arm and began tying it off. He grinned at my astonished look and said, "Want to get you set for your slam stud so we can give it to you as soon as Jeremy feels his." I nodded my understanding and watched him mirror what Kevin was doing to my son. I saw both needles inserted to our respective veins then both syringes filling with our blood and mixing with the contents of the glass tubes. Then Kevin said, "Here it comes boy," as he pushed the plunger all the way down sending more of the liquified drug into Jeremy's system, while Ryan held mine steady until it was time. Just as before I saw Jeremy shudder and arch his back and heard him gasping for air as he was wracked with a series of powerful coughs. Then Jeremy began writhing on the bed, moving his hands all over his muscled torso, and we all heard a primal growl start in his throat and build quickly. At that point I was no longer able to watch the slam's progression on my boy as I heard Kevin say, "Do it," and I stared as Ryan gave me my first slam. Just as I was thinking I wasn't feeling anything, then WHAM! My head snapped backwards, my head and heart were pounding loud and hard, I felt a tightening in my chest and an almost deafening roaring in my ears. My body started shivering and convulsing and I was sure I was having a fatal heart attack. Deep coughs began in tandem with all of these things then it seemed my mind went silent. I was vaguely aware of two things: I could hear Jeremy still coughing as if from a distance, and my whole psyche and being were fixated on the need to have all the hot sweaty raw nasty sex I could. As I felt that need rapidly growing I heard Drew beside me saying what I ached to hear. "Now, Daddy Justin," he whispered even as he took hold of my throbbing cock. "Fuck your son! Slide your dirty cheating incestuous daddy dick inside Jeremy's fucking ass! Fuck him until you breed him stud!" With those words he let loose of my raging shaft as it pressed against Jeremy's burning 19 year-old hole and and was almost sucked into his flexing fuck chute! Jeremy's ass was still convulsing and spasming as I slid deeper and deeper into the warm wet for*idden places no father's cock is ever supposed to enter - my own son's ass! Tighter than any of the other three asses I'd been in today and more satisfying than I could have imagined. And more erotic because of the fact that it WAS my son I now had my bare cock buried in, something society called wrong and evil and despicable. I didn't give a damn what society said - this felt too good. Fucking my jock son Jeremy's cum-filled ass with the cock that had fucked him into existence. My head started to clear and I became aware of Jeremy's hands clawing at my back, his strong legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and his raspy voice crying out, "OH FUCK YESSS! Fuck me dad! Gawd you feel so fucking good in my ass! Pound me! Fuck me! Fill me up with your cum! Fucking do it!!" Bellowing in raw lust-filled carnality, I began fucking in and out of the hole impaled on my dick. We were both spewing profanity and vulgarity as our moans echoed around the room. Too soon, I felt my orgasm ready to explode. Suddenly I knew I wanted to be looking into Jeremy's eyes when I started to breed him with my incestuous cum. I caught Drew's eye and managed to moan out, "The blindfold. Take it off! I want him to see my face when I cum in him! Now! Do it! I'm about to cum!" As I slammed home one final time into my hot son's cum hungry hole and I felt the first eruption of my seed blasting from my piss slit, Drew grabbed the blindfold and yanked it off and I was looking deep into Jeremy's confused horny face as I cried out, "Take your dad's cum, son!" (to be continued)
    1 point
  42. Having mucked around cottaging as a late teen my first cock in my ass was from a 17 year old lad -I was by then 23/24 & he was 9/9.5". I thought I wouldn't be able to take him but there was a def attraction & I'm not ashamed to say he had my virgin hole in a public toilet whilst I was stradling the seat he fucked my ass really careful & really well. I still remember him cumming inside me & we met up a few times after that. He went into the army & I've never seen him in all these years but remember always his huge cock & so much cum. I didn't care how it hurt afterwards whilst fucking me it felt right & I felt we were meant to fuck. It just always felt right.
    1 point
  43. Part 5 I arrived at the lodge that Michael and Dan had rented later that afternoon. It was really beautiful - luxurious I think is the best word to describe it. The surroundings were amazing too - the lodge was by a lake with a great view of the mountains nearby and I had a double room overlooking the lake. I was in good spirits - I hadn't had any time off for about two years and I really needed a break and I was looking forward to doing not very much. I liked Michael and Dan a lot - they were both barristers and most of the other members of the house party were in the legal profession too - some were barristers and some solicitors. I had got to know Michael several years ago when I had worked in his office as an extra job and he had become a really good friend. In addition to Michael and his partner Dan, there was two other couples - Barnaby and Simon and Josh and Max. I had met Barnaby and Simon before - Barnaby was a stocky, ginger guy with a beefy arse and Simon was shorter, a little bit chubby and actually the better looking of the two. I hadn't met Josh and Max before - they were both trainee solicitors in their mid 20s and I couldn't help noticing they were both good looking young lads. All of us had travelled up from the south of England except the two young lads who were Scottish. The other member of the party was David, a friend of Michael's who was also a barrister. I didn't like David - and I was fairly sure he didn't like me. I had always found David very judgemental - he did not particularly approve of casual sex or cruising and was very judgemental about anyone who cheated or anyone who had what he called "unprotected sex". No matter what topic was being discussed, David and I always seemed to have opposite viewpoints. We were taking it in turns to do the food and on the first evening, Dan and Michael made us an amazing meal. The wine was flowing and the company was good. I was beginning to relax and, typically for me, was beginning to feel horny again, despite having cum heavily up the arse of the train guard just a few hours earlier. I promised myself I would have a good wank before going to sleep and at the same time I couldn't help noticing that one of the young lads, Josh, seemed to be looking my way quite a bit. He was an attractive lad, slim and dark, with an attractive, boyish smile. I felt a familiar stirring in my pants and casually spread my legs a bit. I was fairly sure that Josh was watching me now and also fairly sure that he liked what he was seeing. A little later, the conversation turned to a new drug designed to prevent HIV infection that was apparently just starting to be offered as a trial to some high risk gay men in certain areas. Opinion was divided as to whether it was a good thing or not. David was, as usual, the most vocal - he was of the view that it would just encourage guys to be irresponsible and that everyone should just stick to playing safe. In his view, there was no need for anyone to become infected with HIV if they just behaved sensibly and if people didn't behave sensibly, they had no one to blame but themselves. Barnaby agreed with David. I decided to keep quiet on this occasion, unusually for me, as I didn't want to ruin the evening and I looked at David thoughtfully. He was not a bad looking guy and actually could be quite nice if he was not so uptight and so quick to judge. Simon then said mildly that it was up to everyone to make their own decisions, to protect themselves and to ask the right questions. Michael was, as ever, diplomatic and brought the conversation to a close before it got out of hand. The two young lads had said nothing. A little later I was sitting on the balcony in my room overlooking the lake as I had one last drink and then I stripped off and got into bed. I was still horny, and I started to play with my cock but decided that, on balance, I was too tired to have a wank and it could wait until the morning. A few minutes later there was a tap on my bedroom door and Josh's head appeared round it. "Can I come in?" he whispered. I nodded and he came into the room, wearing only a T-shirt and a pair of white pants that left little to the imagination. He grinned at me, put his finger to his lips and, without a word, pulled the duvet back. I was naked and hard and Josh wasted no time in going down on me. I closed my eyes and sighed as Josh began to suck my cock. He sucked me really well and I enjoyed every minute of him sucking me. After a while, Josh moved round and knelt over me. He took my cock in his mouth again as he pushed his arse into my face. I pulled his cheeks apart and my tongue went up his arse as he continued sucking my cock. I was getting close now and then Josh moved round again and squatted over me. He took hold of my cock, positioned it against his wet arsehole and pushed down. The entire length of my cock went slowly but surely up his arse and when it was right up him, he began to ride me. "Oh fuck....oh fuck....yeah!" he moaned softly as he rode my cock. I was really enjoying the fuck, and the thought that Josh's boyfriend was probably sleeping nearby none the wiser, somehow made it even hornier. Just as I was getting close once again, Josh climbed off my cock and laid down on the bed, holding his legs high in the air. I went back up him and really began to fuck him. I was getting close now and told him so. "Do it...." he moaned, "Fucking do it.......cum in me!" I started to cum and he moaned "Oh yeah......give it to me......fucking give it to me!" I didn't hold back - I really bred him - it felt like I was never going to stop cumming. When I had finally finished and pulled out, Josh pulled his pants back on, grinned at me and went softly out of the room. My week in Scotland had got off to a very promising start! I slept well that night and woke up just before 7am feeling refreshed. I usually get up before 6am so this was a bit of a lie in for me and I laid in bed for a while, feeling relaxed. I thought back to the night before and Josh riding on my bare cock and I started feeling horny again. I got up, showered quickly and got dressed. A large luxury hotel about a mile away offered reduced membership to their gym for guests at the lodges and I had taken this up and was looking forward to a good session in the gym to start the day. I enjoyed the walk along by the lake in the cool morning air and then I saw a figure up ahead and recognised Simon. He was on his way to the gym too and I caught him up and we began to chat. He was a nice guy and I enjoyed his company. We got to the gym, registered and went in to the changing room. There was only one other guy there and he left shortly after we arrived . I was still feeling a bit horny and was conscious that my dick was semi hard as I stripped off. Simon was still chatting casually to me as we got changed, but I could see his eyes straying to my dick, even though he was trying hard not to look. We had a good work out in the gym, sometimes we worked together and sometimes separately and, after about an hour, we were back in the empty changing room. Simon was a bit quieter as we both stripped off and he turned away as he pulled his shorts and pants down. I couldn't help noticing that he had a really fit arse and once again I had a semi as I followed Simon into the showers. As we showered together, I didn't trouble to hide my semi hard cock and when Simon turned to face me, I saw that he was also now getting hard. We both took hold of our cocks at the same time and soon we were wanking together. I could sense that Simon was nervous and I didn't want to push him so I decided to let things take their course and see how far Simon wanted to go. He seemed content just to wank off together and after a while, he moved in closer to me. My hand found his arse and he didn't object as I started to move my finger up and down his crack He was still wanking as my finger found his hole and began to push up it. He groaned as I fingered him and seconds later he shot his load. We made our way back to the lodge a little later, chatting normally as if nothing had happened and this suited me fine. I had enjoyed fingering Simon's arsehole and watching him cum and guessed that he might be willing to take things further and just needed to take things slowly. I didn't get a chance to speak to Josh until much later in the day when his partner was resting. I was sitting out at one of the tables in the garden enjoying a drink when Josh came and joined me. He smiled at me and told me how much he had enjoyed the night before. I told him I had enjoyed it too and then he asked me if my ears had been burning just before I had arrived the day before. I asked him what he meant and he said that David had been having a go at me shortly before I arrived. He told me that David had told Michael and Dan that he had heard I was HIV positive and not on meds and yet I still fucked around and didn't use condoms. I was really surprised. I said "So, last night.....you knew?" Josh nodded "Oh yeah, I knew exactly what I was getting!" He grinned at me. "I loved it. I fucking loved it!" I was hard now and I could see Josh was too. He suggested we take a short walk and said he knew of a quiet spot nearby and soon we were in a little clearing overlooking the lake. Josh sucked my cock for a while and then he bent forward against a tree, his pants and trousers down at his knees, wanking and telling me how much he wanted it as I fucked him hard and fast and shot another load of toxic cum into his fit young arse. As I pulled out of Josh's arse, I sensed we were not alone. I turned around just in time to see a tall young lad disappearing quickly into the woods. I told Josh and he laughed and said he hoped the lad had enjoyed watching as much as he had enjoyed doing it. A little later we were sitting back at the table having a drink together and Josh told me how good my dirty load felt in his cunt. He told me he had been chasing for some time now and nothing turned him on like taking a positive load. I asked about his partner. "What about Max?" Josh was silent for a moment. "He wants it too - he just needs to go a bit slower." He grinned and said "He really fancies you and when I told him this morning you were toxic, he was so horny he made me fuck him twice." Things were taking a very interesting turn, and not one I had expected when I arrived. I asked him who else had been there when David had said what he said to Michael about me and he told me only Dan and Barnaby. "By the way," said Josh "Just how toxic are you?" I told him. "Fuck me!" he said. We agreed that he would speak to Max and see what he could set up and a short time later we were joined by some of the others. The next morning I was back in the gym working out with Simon. He seemed more at ease today and we had a good workout together. Once again the gym was more or less deserted and for most of our workout we had it to ourselves. As we stripped off I could see that Simon was hard and when I followed him into the showers his arse was just a few inches away from my cock. We started wanking but I was so horny I knew I was going to cum almost immediately. I told Simon and he said "Cum on me!" To my surprise he turned away, bent forward against the wall of the shower and pulled his cheeks apart, exposing his arsehole. "Cum on my arse." he moaned. I began to cum almost immediately, my cum landing right on his open hole. He moaned and I moved in closer. He didn't object when I began to rub my cock over his hole and as I pushed up him the last few spurts of cum went right inside him. I was still rock hard and I knew I could easily cum again, so I pushed him forward and began to fuck him right there in the shower area. Simon was moaning "Oh, God.......Oh fuck.....Oh fuck...." He was pushing his arse back onto my cock as I fucked him and it was not too long before I was close to cumming a second time. I wondered whether I should warn him but he was lost in the fuck and so I just went ahead and began to shoot my load right into his arse. When I finished I pulled out and he stood up and pulled me towards him. He kissed me very hard and at the same time I felt his cum spurting out between our bodies. We both showered and soon we were making our way back to join the others for breakfast. I was interested that the guy who had said it was for everyone to protect themselves and to ask the right questions had done neither of these things. We all passed a fairly lazy day and in the afternoon Simon and his partner went out for the afternoon with Michael and Dan. Josh and Max had gone swimming in the next town and I wasn't where the others were. I was feeling very satisfied after the fuck I had with Simon that morning but I was still super horny around this time and I was still able to cum twice or even three times in the one day. Later in the day I decided to act on a hunch and I made my way to the spot where Josh and I had fucked the day before. It was just around the same time and shortly after I got there my hunch paid off. The young lad who had watched us fuck the day before came shyly towards me out of the bushes. I smiled at him. "Hi, I'm Lee." I said. "I'm Jack." said the young lad. "Nice to meet you, Jack." I said. He smiled and seemed to relax a bit. I asked if he was local and he said he lived on a farm nearby and was attending agricultural college. He was quite a good looking lad, tall and slim with long hair tied back in a ponytail and now that he had relaxed he was quite chatty. He told me he was nineteen and lived with his parents and he asked me what it was like living in London. We chatted for a while and then I decided to make a move. I asked him if he had enjoyed watching us the other day. He nodded shyly and I asked him if he would have liked to join in and he nodded again. I asked if he had done it before and he said yes - a few times. Then he hesitated and then said "But......" his voice tailed off and I said "But what?" He was silent for a moment and then he said "I've never done it without a condom before," and added "you didn't use a condom with that guy, did you?" I shook my head and he was silent again. "What's it like?" he suddenly asked. I wasn't sure what he meant at first and then I realised he was talking about fucking without a condom. "Well, I like it." I said cautiously. Jack was silent again. "Would you like to try it without a condom?" I asked. He was silent again for a moment and then he nodded. Soon my cock was out and Jack was down sucking me off. I could tell he wasn't very experienced but he sucked me quite well and then he licked my balls for a while before going back down on my cock. He sucked me for a while longer and then stood up. "Will you fuck me?" he asked. A little later Jack was bent over, his jeans and his white underpants at his ankles and my tongue was up his arse. I rimmed him for a while as he gave contented little moans and soon I was easing my bare cock into his tight, slightly hairy arsehole. He gave a yelp as I pushed further up him and I stopped. "Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. "Just go slowly" he said. I went slowly and soon I was right up him. I gave him a moment to get used to my cock and then I began to fuck him slowly. His arse was incredibly tight and this, together with the knowledge that I was taking his bareback virginity, really turned me on. I fucked him slowly at first and then began to go a little faster. He was moaning now and playing with his cock as I fucked him steadily, slowly but surely beginning to fuck him a bit harder. He was still moaning softly and I could tell he was getting more and more into it. I was getting close now and I told him so. "Are you going to cum in my bum?" he asked. "Do you want me to?" I said and he moaned again and said "Yes!" Almost immediately I began to cum deep inside him and I knew I was shooting a nice big load right into his unprotected arse. Jack's eyes were shining as I pulled out and he wanked his cum out on to the grass in front of him. "That was awesome!" he said. "Thanks." "My pleasure!" I said That night I couldn't sleep and decided to go for a night walk along by the river. I walked for about an hour and as I returned to the lodge I saw that there was a light on in one of the ground floor rooms. As I passed by I could see that it was Simon and Barnaby's room. There was a lamp on in the room and a gap in the curtains and, out of curiosity, I looked in. The first thing I saw was Barnaby's naked arse - he was fucking Simon, who was on his back with his legs up. I wondered what Barnaby would think if he knew I had been there before him and had dumped a load up his partner earlier in the day. I now had a perfect view of Barnaby's arse and as he thrust up Simon's arse every now and then I got a perfect view of his arsehole. I didn't like Barnaby much, but I had to admit that he had a very attractive arse. I couldn't help imagining myself stepping up behind him while he fucked Simon and depositing a nice little gift deep in his uptight ginger hole. Soon I was relaxing in bed. It had been a good day and I had enjoyed some very horny fun. The following evening the others were all going to a concert in a town nearby and I had arranged to take Josh and Max out for a meal and a few drinks. I was looking forward to that. The week was shaping up well. Part 6 to follow
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  44. My ass is always lubed. When I suck a guy, I'll alternate being on my knees and bending at the waist to give him a clear view of my arched back and ass. I'll bend over for a guy if he shows interest. I'll walk around in a jeckstrap so my ass is available at all times. I'll lie ass up and wait. I'll hop in a sling or on a fuck bench - sometimes blindfolded... (if no one is interested, I make sure to hop out so that another bottom gets a turn. It's only good etiquette.)
    1 point
  45. So here is a revised/updated part one followed by part two. I have no idea where to take it after part two, suggestions welcome! Thanks for yalls patience.. Part One, Updated. I’ll just get right down to it, cuz that’s what we’re here for right? So my meth dealer is fucking sexy/sleazy/I’d fuck him when I’m sober/I drool over him when high kind of confident macho bro that knows it. I’d guess he’s right around 40 but his demeanor and look is younger, as if he’s not maturing past his early 30s. He works out plenty, and while he's definitely always high, he handles his drug well, so well that he’s made it a part of his swagger. This ups his sex appeal 10 fold for party faggot’s like myself. Now, he’s definitely straight because he always has these hungry, territorial bitches hangin on him when I come to pick up. But, like most straight guys who know they're hot, hung, and have an inflated ego (false or otherwise) he teases the fags shamelessly. Whores for attention, and I’m a sucker for an attention whore. It’s Friday afternoon and I am over at his place to pick up for some weekend plans I have brewing. I know he’s horny and in a mood because he is shirtless and wearing these navy blue gym shorts (why is it always gym shorts?) that he sags, showing off some nice furry crack and obviously no underwear. I’ve seen these shorts numerous times but it dawns on me just now that if he didn’t sag them so much they’d only fall to about mid thigh, peculiarly short for such a bro. In any case, his fat cock with its generous mushroom head flops visibly around in them when he saunters towards me, his muscled ass stretching the worn navy nylon in the back, and a few holes show hairy flesh beneath. Without fail, he always manages to bend over or squat at least once each visit in locations that are blatant appeals to my obvious faggot desires. Sure, he knows that I know that he knows that I’d get on my knees and beg for it if he allowed me the opportunity. What he doesn’t know are all the diverse, well practiced and extreme ways he could extract pleasure from me. It is this knowledge, this skilled and indecorous depravity that allows me to barely maintain my confidence around him. I was sure that if given the chance and motivation I could blow his mind by getting him to blow his load in 3 minutes or less, changing his life forever. The fucker sure gives me a run for my money though... He knows I don’t use consistently and that whenever I come to reload that I’ve been sober at least a week if not more. Over time I’ve noticed that he always watches me real close when I take those first few bong rips he offers me. It’s the look of curiosity, disgust, and arrogance on his face observing me transform from composed business-casual gay to sweaty, needy, chemwhore in 60 seconds flat. I just can't help it. That bitch Tina immediately hijacks my brain, silencing any self control, dignity or hesitations and ignites an insatiable hunger, a pathetic need from my true self… My eyes (and my kunt) dilate, my cock twitches, and I salivate from both holes and my cock all at once. Unconsciously I rub my inner thigh and readjust my cum swollen balls and swelling cock. I know that I'm staring at him, at his muscles as he flexes his arms ripping the bong, the size of his hands, and then my eyes following the massive cloud he blows purposely down onto his crotch. The perfectly timed twitch of his cock through the swirling smoke, a trap I immediately realize when he snickers and my eyes snap to his leering back at me. Without breaking eye contact he leans forward, legs spreading wider (those fucking gym shorts!) and passes me the bong. “Here ya go man, best shit I’ve had in a while. Been making me wicked horny all day. Take a couple good rips off that while I weigh you out.” I don’t even hesitate or don’t break eye contact till he smiles and looks away to go about our transaction. Torch clicks, crystal melts, chamber fills and I suck that bong like the glass cock it is. He watches me exhale a thick cloud even bigger than his and whistles. I’m already power lunging my 3rd rip when he eases back into his chair, folding his beefy arms behind his buzzed sandy blonde head and exposing some ripe pits. He slouches more, legs spreading further, crotch pushing forward even more clearly framing his swollen dick print and huge balls. He continues leering while I suppress a whimper as I exhale... even more slowly this time, letting the smoke ooze from my mouth while meeting his domineering gaze. At this point I don't really care that he's smirking down at me, in fact it does exactly what it’s meant to: makes me want him, to submit to hum, helplessly falling deeper into his well practiced thrall. Now, as an unwavering, no reciprocation necessary, worshiper-of-cock kind of cocksucker, I have no problem dropping to my knees and servicing any man who knows how to put my grateful holes to good use but in my experience (or my assumptions) not many straight men really know about us faggots and/or just aren't interested. This guy though? I’d bet my left nut he knows exactly what to do with me. I pass the bong back to him and it’s then I realize there’s no one else in the house for once...just him and those fucking gym shorts with that big old dick print snaking down his thigh and some ripe fucking pits. Usually, I come in, give him cash, smoke a few hits and then leave, but this time he has invited me in, sat me on his couch across from him and is casually getting me twisted bong high. “So Cassandra thinks you’re a faggot” he states, Cassandra must be one of the territorial bitches I’ve seen on hanging around on occasion. “She says ‘your kind‘ occasionally come into her club, closeted fags… they’re still trying to play it straight in front of their bro friends but they’re awkward, never make eye contact with her or the other girls, never want lap dances and are always eager to tip big and leave early. Any dude who acts like that at a strip club sounds like a fag to me. You ever had that experience?” He more insinuates than asks. I finish my rip and clear the oversized chamber, holding it in for a second and respond while exhaling. “No actually, I embraced my faggotry at a young age so I never had to ‘fake it.’” The word faggotry comes out in a big swirl of smoke I aim right at him. “I knew what I needed but it wasn’t until I was on my knees in front of a man for the first time when I was fourteen that I understood my purpose in life.” I pause for a moment to let that gratuitous over-share linger in the smokey haze around us. “More often I’m the fag those bros call when they leave your friend’s club. All horned up, buzzed, and looking to use a hungry hole or two that will gratefully service them with out all the emotional bullshit their women make them go through.” Hell, if he thought he would catch me off guard and shame me into…whatever he had in mind, he thought wrong. My unapologetic response shocked him for a moment as he coughed and sputtered out his cloud before recovering his cool. He looked at me dead on checking to make sure I wasn’t bullshitting him, and then smiled. “So after Cassandra told me this, I did a little research. You ever been on Tumblr? Had never even heard of it but goddamn the shit on there opened my eyes real wide. Only had to search two key words I felt described you pretty well: chem faggot. I admit I had no idea…no idea this was even a thing.” He blatantly adjusts his cock which is obviously swelling now. “What really got me going is the realization that faggots exist to worship and service men like me and I bet you’ll do whatever the fuck I want.” The fact that this last part was a statement and not a question made me quiver and I averted my eyes naturally down towards his feet. He picked up on this right away, passed me back the bong and said, “Finish that faggot. I knew you were a homo but this? You’re fucked. I can tell you’re about to loose your shit just being in my presence and today is your lucky fucking day. And for what I have in mind, I want you all ready to go. Then you can show me if you faggots are worth a real man’s time. I never hit a bong so deep. At least four massive back to back rips till the bowl was emptied. The room was hazy with not only smoke, but the unmistakable scent of man: musk and a bit of after shave all electrified with the sparks of domination and submission.
    1 point
  46. Swallowed my first load at 12-13 and was hooked on the taste of cum. Could never get enough. Never wasted a drop while sucking and have eaten probably gallons of my own through the years.
    1 point
  47. Whilst we'ed been talking I heard the front door open a couple of times and footsteps in the changing room and then going up the stairs. I left Sid reading his paper and levered myself off the chair, aware of the cool spunk coating my cheeks. Upstairs, I ignored the sauna as I heard voices in the small TV room off on the other side of the landing. There were three guys there, much older than me watching the TV. One sat in a threadbare sofa on one side and the other two on another sofa on the other side. They were real trolls with sagging tits, spindly legs and old, lined faces. There was a porn movie playing with a couple of twinks fucking in a bedroom. "Nice cock on that lad." Said one as the camera zoomed in to show the heavy cock sliding into an arsehole. "Not bad," Said another. "Got a good technique, too." They could have been discussing football or something for all the casualness in their voices. "Alright matey?" The one on the sofa on his own smiled at me reavealing a mouthful of bad teeth. "Why dontcha sit here?" I sat down beside him, conscious that he smelled of body odour, and noticing his hand tugging idly at his cock had dirty fingernails. The others were watching the porn, wanking each others cocks as they moved on to taliking about some new housing estate being built. "Been before?" Asked the old man next to me. "Nope" I said. "First time. Been here a couple of hours" He cackled. "Yeah and I bet Bill or Sid have been up you by now - they don't hang about!" I blushed and nodded. "Both of them." He interrupted the other two. "Dirty bastards have fucked our friend here already!" They laughed and one of them, with rings through his sagging tits and a paunch hanging over his heavy cock gestured me over. "Let's have a look,then." I stood and went over. He turned me round and I bent forward, allowiing his scaley fingers to spread my cheeks and probe my hole. "He's wet, alright. Carrying a bellyful of dirty spunk, I reckon." The other man next to him was very thin and wasted looking with heavy veins on his arms and legs and a fat erection sticking up from his lap. "I need a fuck," He announced. "Once I get off, I can relax a bit." They pulled me onto the sofa between them, getting me to kneel on the cushions and rest my arms on the backrest. Lube was rubbed roughly over my hole, and then the wasted man got off the sofa and got behind me. Without any warning, he slid his cock into me making me gasp with the size of it, but the lube and spunk in my hole allowed it to slip in easily enough. "That's better," I heard him say as he started to thrust into me. The other two ignored us and began a conversation about the news whllst next to them I was being fucked by this disgusting old man. "Ahhh... " he said to the other two. "That feels better. Just need to empty my balls and then I'll hit the sauna." He hadn't even acknowledged me but now I felt his thrusts becoming urgent. For all he cared, he was fucking a piece of meat just to get off. "Yeah...he gasped. Here it comes!" With that he collapsed on my back, shuddering and grunting in orgasm as he shot his load up my insides. After a while, he got heavily off me, pulling his cock out brutally and said. "Right, see you later" to the other two. Then he left. I just knelt there gasping and embarrassed, spunk now dripping over my balls and onto the cushions. "Look at all that spunk!" Said the one with the tit rings. "Reckon Arthur gave him a bellyful that time!" I looked over at them, my face flushed with lust. The man with the tit rings stood up and held his heavy cock in his hand. "You do know you've been pozzed, dont'cha mate?" I nodded and just knelt here. He grinned and for the first time I saw the dark blotches on his skin and the sores on his lower legs. "Good, So you won't mind another bellyful of poz babies then, will you? With that he got behind me and began to slide his fat cock slowly, deliciously into my rectum. "Hold still, darling and let's see if we can get you pregnant today." He whispered as the other man laughed in the background.
    1 point
  48. Ginger was kneeling on the bed fingering his hole as Duke got his slam ready for him, I had to grin “fuck this boy is eager to be a whore”, the kid pulled on his dick licking his lips “yeah I am, always fantasised about it”, Duke grabbed the boys arm and tied the tourniquet around it “don’t you worry boy after this no more fantasies”, the kid took a deep breathe as the needle stuck into him. Ginger collapsed onto the bed coughing a series of dry hacking coughs as the slam rode through his body, the coughing subsidised the kids eyes widened and he sighed running his hands over his cute little muscle bod. Duke climbed onto the bed grabbing Ryan’s ankles spreading the lads legs wide and aiming his ebony cock at the kids little pucker “yeah chicky you want me to fuck your little white boy arse don’t ya?”, ginger groaned licking his lips while his eyes were glued to Dukes big black cock pulling his legs back whining “yes fuck me please”, I leaned over the boys body watching as Duke rubbed his cock head over the kids quivering cunt, I swear I could see gingers hole pulse with want and need! Ginger let out a little wail of pleasure as Duke pushed his cock against the boys ring forcing it to spread wide open under the pressure , I just loved watching as my friends big black cock pushed deep into the kids arse with one push and started fucking right away. Ryan started making little cooing noises and holding onto Dukes big strong arms as his hole got reamed out deeper that it probably had before and definitely much wider by the way his pink pussy lips began to turn red. Duke grunted a deep rough sigh as he ground his hips in an exaggerated way making sure his cock defiled previously uncharted areas of gingers cunt “oh yeah chicky that’s right you use your cunt muscles to milk my dick”, before pulling out a bit and slamming back in fucking the kid good and hard accompanied my the squelching sounds of the boys arse juices that were flowing freely. I clicked off a few pictures texting them to Carlo’s when Duke pulled his cock out of the boys cunt, showing it shiny and dripping with clear mucus after the slut had anal orgasmed yet again, plus a few of the kids leaking gaping pussy hole as Duke pushed his dick back up it. Duke was literally grinding his cock into Ryan so hard now that that even I thought he would split the boy in two and ginger was loving it, his hands where holding onto Dukes back as he got ploughed, Duke growled spitting into the kids open mouth “oh yeah chicky here is comes, take this dirty load you fucking slut!” hmmmm so i have a question for my next part, its a choice ----- a trip into a whorehouse or a trip in daddy's control???????????????? he first 5 have it
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  49. That night Bobby sleep curled up with me spooning him, my arms wrapped protectively round him like a good Daddy should and when I woke up late the next morning I looked down to see his head resting on my chest and those pretty eyes gazing up at me, he grinned “morning”, I stroked his head “morning son you feeling ok?”, he purred at my touch “I’m good Daddy” and buried his face in my chest hair whispering “I want to thank you for what you did”, I smiled down at the boy “for what boy?” he looked up at me his face reddened “for chemming me, seeding me and making me your son, I wanted it you know”, I stroked his face “I know you wanted it and needed it son, you just needed me to bring it out of you”, he grinned up at me “Yes I did Daddy”. I laid on my beck rested up against pillows and inhaled on my cigarette, filthy habit I know but then I’m filthy, I growled as the kid climbed on top of me and slid his cunt down on my rock hard dick “good boy”, Bobby sighed as his cunt took the last few inches of my dick “thank you daddy”, as the boy bounced up and down he was feeling his tits making me ponder “ever thought about getting your tits pierced son?”, he groaned as flexed my cock “oh god no daddy”, I raised my hips to give his pussy as few good pumps “well we will get them pierced”, the lad pinched his nipples “fuck yes Daddy”. “well good morning” Duke grinned as he stepped into the room and climbed onto the bed behind Bobby, “you loving Daddy’s dick in your shute boy?”, the lad made a ‘mmm’ing’ noise as Duke pulled his head to the side and shoved his tongue in the boys mouth, Duke kissed the boy for a few minutes before getting off the bed “coffee?”, I grunted “yeah” as I pumped yet another load into Bobby’s cunt. I sipped my coffee scrolling through my new property’s phone as Bobby knelt on the floor sucking off Duke “I’m going to get the kids nips pierced”, Duke grinned holding the boys hair as he pumped the lads head up and down on his dick, “fuck nice, I can see if Carlos is in town?”, I blew out some smoke “sweet call him” as Duke picked up the phone winking at me “pay or trade?”, I looked at Bobby’s muscle butt bobbing as he sucked “trade”. I paused on a picture on Bobby’s phone and let out a whistle, “who is this boy?”, the kid pulled his mouth away from Dukes dick “that’s Ryan”, I grinned Ryan was a hot very short compact ginger haired muscle boy, “is he a faggot like you son?”, Bobby blushed and nodded, “good call him and tell him to fly over today”, the kid frowned “why?” I burst out laughing, my boy was jealous! “Not for me my little love, he’s for Duke!” the look of relief on Bobby’s face was a pure picture to behold. Duke pulled the boys mouth back onto his cock “your not calling anyone till I’ve spunked your mouth chicky”, the kid went back to sucking as Duke raised his eyebrows quizzically at me, I passed him the phone to Duke and his eyes almost popped out of his head as he grunted and shot his wad into the boys throat “me want!”
    1 point
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