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Everything posted by ellentonboy

  1. It was on my "bucket list" when I first started partying. The first guy was nice, patient, let me sit on it and I had no side effects or tears. The second, who was a former D list porn performer after a stint in San Francisco, actually shoved it in me at a group party, without any notification or lube. Glad I was hosting, I promptly kicked his sorry ass out. But the first experience was a nice one. However, concerning my issues with fissures the past two years, I don't think I will be attempting that anytime soon.
  2. All I can say is you have to be one VERY confident bottom to engage in such activities. Wow...
  3. I can tell you that many people who have million dollar homes in that area often go back and forth with beach goes for a multitude of reasons. They are under the impression somehow that the beach area is their own property, and it is not. Sarasota Police, and the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office have tried to appease them, and occasionally run sting operations, usually citing men for "exposure". There are many more areas law enforcement can be using their resources. Harassing gay men on a beach should not be "priority number one" but it does happen on occasion if the complaints mount. Your point is well taken. The guys who are involved are doing this in a remote, distant area of the beach. If you live close to this area, it's known to local gay men. It's secluded, you see the gay pride flag up or the colorful rainbow umbrellas being used. Generally, the folks that complain are retired rich people that have absolutely nothing better to do with their time.
  4. Well there has been one upside to TiM, and that is I notice he used models that are new or "newish". That may be because he is filming outside the US. He probably can pay them less than their American counterparts, but that is just my cynical look at the business. I know even in the states there have been many "One and done" performers who decided they don't want to do it again, and probably have valid reasons. For viewers it has been nice to see fresh faces, or whatever, as opposed to TIM when he first started where I felt many of the performers were recycled from video to video. I watched a lot of his porn when he first started, some of it was ah, a bit much, but it seems the rest of the industry has caught up with him.
  5. What I find concerning is that Quest Labs posts across your lab results HIV detected. Then your actual viral load is less than 20, and your doctor tell you that you're undetectable. Even the infectious disease specialist thinks it's confusing.....so what gives? His explanation is that the labs are now so finite it can detect even the slightest trace of the virus. However other patients who use Lab Corp don't have the "HIV detected" on their results. It's upsetting when you open the app and you see that message. Ugh....
  6. Aren't those called Atlantis Vacations? Oh, sorry, this may be the wrong thread for me to vent my frustration towards that company......
  7. I would rather be safe than sorry. I am still getting calls from those who do not appear to watch television or follow the news closely. One FWB said, "oh come on, there's not that many cases where where we live, that's happening in south Florida, not here. I politely said "no, give me a call in a few weeks". I have known and played with this guy for years and I am baffled he isn't taking the situation seriously.
  8. At the time I was there it was managed by a couple, not Matt Sizemore. I heard it changed hands, and now is part of All World Resorst in Palm Springs. Since the two properties merged it now advertise itself as the "Largest Gay Men's Clothing Optional Resort" in the heart of Wam Sands. I haven't been back since the two merged, I have heard from a friend who was recently there that is was pretty much a ghost town, but then again it is August so I am not surprised. Trust me, if Matt Sizemore managed the place when I was there, I would have noticed! At that time it was this older couple, they were nice and the place was run very well.
  9. You mention you are looking forward to getting fucked on a beach, but it has not happened yet? If you are ever on the west coast of Florida, there is a beach called "Lido Beach" in Sarasota, Florida. The far right end of the beach, the area before you meet the privately built homes, contains a number of sand dunes. Not during the weekend, but rather weekdays you will see various gay umbrellas, and you'll find gay men sunbathing nude. I have personally come across men sucking each other off and have witnessed two guys fucking on one occasion. That beach is well known to have a gay clientele, and I am not urging you to take a chance. However, if you are with someone you know and trust, you can fuck on that beach. I wish I had a dime for every time some guy "stumbled" upon me laying out nude. So guys do look and if you are an exhibitionist it can happen. I would not approach someone in hopes of this happening, as they sometimes have police doing sting operations, especially in the brush area that runs along the back of the beach area. There are many guys cruising back there, and residents with telescopes have spotted them and contacted the police. That area is used as a quick way to walk back to where people park there cars, I have even run across a straight couple fucking back in that area, much to my chagrin. They actually had to remove the lifeguard stands because both straight and gay couples were fucking in the guard stands at night. It may not be like getting fucked at a gay resort in Palm Springs, where everyone has watched me (in 2007 that is) and even the staff has participated. But if you want an actual beach location, Sarasota, Florida does have one.
  10. I would refer that question back to you sir, as you are an educated gentleman with multiple degrees in the sciences, and I am mere a civil servant with a BS from an overpriced and overrated east coast university. I am taking a shot at your question and answering, no, the shark has nothing to worry about. 😊
  11. If only Inn Exhile was still in business..........great memories of that place.
  12. I had to move my appointment from late September to this coming Wednesday because the pain has increased to the point I can't sit or sleep. Miralax does help, but initially I had resisted it because it worked so promptly it has made me a prisoner in my own home. I have a feeling I will be undergoing procedure number five in a week or two, I just don't know if and when this will ever be manageable. If I drink alcohol I have issues, sex has become problematic, it is very discouraging.
  13. Okay that was funny, but based on shark attack percentages I have a better chance of getting Monkeypox then being eaten by a shark. I follow the lifeguard warnings when sharks are spotted in my area, but at least there is a warning. In Florida, our Health Department (and Governor) has done little or nothing to make vaccines available. I see my doctor tomorrow morning, hopefully he can help with that. Considering what he charges to see my over-insured ass, that is the least he can do.
  14. When I first joined here I found it difficult to post because what naturally came out of my mouth might result in an infraction. So I ended up being too wordy and not making my point clear, side stepping language that might normally get a moderator's attention. I've felt the need to step back and not participate because I wanted at least to have access to the Forum. It's given me information on health issues, legal issues, where normally I would not have a reference point, and fellow BZ members have been nice enough to respond and share their knowledge or personal experiences. I'm learning less is more, and not to take some postings personally. I have been called out once or twice, but it wasn't the end of the world and I am still here today. For all those "newbies" out there I would say let your voice be heard, you may not like the responses, but follow the rules of the Forum. If you have question, or if you are unsure as to why something happened to your post, drop the moderator a line. It's worth making a mistake here and there because in the long run the Forum has a lot to offer.
  15. I really appreciate you being honest with the BZ members. It's tough to talk about issues lyou addressed. I applaud your honesty, because there was a time when it was expected that a man marry a woman and have children, and you inner feelings did not matter. Divorce and having children are never a fun topic, I think it is great you took that leap to share your experience.
  16. Yes, I already voted for Charlie. I don't know one gay friend, even straight friends, that are voting for DeSatan. Any opportunity I have to promote the defeat of DeSatan I use it. His opinion on abortion alone has been enough to get former Republican friends to re-think their vote.
  17. I remember a time when sites told us the letters PNP could not be included in our screen name or handle. Of course, there are ways around that. What these sites didn't understand is that they would lose business. Have you ever posted a profile on Manhunt? I got a free 30 day membership from another site and found that Manhunt was a gay version of CHRISTIAN MINGLE. None of those members would have sex with a guy who was poz, participated in bb sex or was on prep, or parTied. I have never seen a bunch of more judgmental gays in my entire life. Give me BBRT, give me NKP, or MeWe (!) but you can keep Manhunt. I don't need to be judged, I went to Catholic school for twelve years I have had enough of that.
  18. HELL YES! I asked BZ members when I first joined about the pros and cons of using webcams. I was told about different laws, and how I could and could not use webcams to protect my property while having guys over. I have used web cam based programs like ICU and Skype to meet other guys and it made me more believable because they could see me live. I have no problem with being filmed as long as I AM TOLD in advance. I would not film anyone without their consent, but it has been done to me. But I digress. Yes I like being filmed, those pics and video clips can be used to PROMOTE the possibility of hooking up with me. BIGGEST TURN OFF: Guys who ask for pics and video clips, but offer nothing in return. Oh, and don't dare have your cell phone around, because you may be filming them. Give me a break.....
  19. It does not matter the color of the cock, it just matters if it works for you.......if you pick one color, you limit yourself from some incredible sexual opportunities. Why limit yourself? Why limit your opportunities?
  20. I am wondering how governors in red states are going to react now that the White House has declared Monkeypox a national emergency. Turn down funds perhaps? Refuse to set up testing centers? I just heard it announced at the 1:00 pm news on MSNBC. There weren't any details except I believe the head of HHS would be speaking sometime today. As a Floridian, all I can do is sit and wait.
  21. Getting no help from Governor DeSantis. Yesterday's news showed him stating that NO state of emergency regarding monkeypox would be declared in Florida. Currently Florida ranks 5th in cases, with the largest number in Broward county. His reasoning, he is trying to protect an individual's "personal liberties" and not force people to do something they don't want to do. WTF? What I took from that was just is utter lack of concern, "it's not our problem" attitude. He should tell that to the over 500 people in this state who have monkeypox. God, I hope we can vote him out of office this fall.
  22. I was hoping to get some feedback from BZ members regarding their experiences they have had or know of regarding anal fissures. Since 2020, I have had three outpatient procedures from an Anal and Rectal Care Specialist after developing an anal fissure. The first two procedures did not give me much relief from normal activities down in that area, it was only the last time that a new doctor managed to get that area somewhat under control. She managed to remove some pre-cancerous polyps and I was encouraged by the result. I do have HPV as well, the removal of the polyps helped but I am not currently taking any kind of medication for HPV, if it even exists. About a month ago I had some pain in that area and the situation has become difficult to deal with on a daily, non-sexual basis. I see her again on September 20 for a follow up, but to be honest if I am in so much pain after doing what is "normally" done in that area I doubt I can wait till then to see her. However, my question is this. I realize anyone who has had these had a different outcome and some responded better to treatment. Has anyone FULLY recovered to the point they can go back to bottoming again without risking the chance of tearing what has been repaired? I would hate to feel 100 percent and then bottom, only to tear that area again and have to start all over. My fissure was not caused by sex, but rather the use of hydrocodone after surgery on my foot. One day I strained just too hard and that was all it took. Anyone have experience they are comfortable to share? I need to put an "OUT OF SERVICE" note above my ass or on hookup sites, frankly regular fuck buddies have asked what is going on and to be honest I am running out of excuses. I am not comfortable telling them, I can't use COVID any longer as an excuse for not hooking up. Thoughts? Anyone?
  23. I just find it disappointing and upsetting that a Ryan White Case Manager, who has a client with monkeypox, can not tell me the location of the closest vaccine distribution center. I know I have to advocate for my own health but it's a bit demoralizing to not get any assistance. I see my infectious disease specialist on Tuesday, hopefully he or his staff will have some answers. I watch the news and they mention the total number of cases, county by county, but no information on vaccines and where or how to get one.
  24. Now, over five years later you are making another BZ member happy. That video was incredible, funny, I wasn't surprised it was produced by Machofucker, their reputation of abusing bottoms rings true.
  25. I have seen Rocco Steele in a gangbang video, I believe put out by Raging Stallion. Unfortunately he appeared to be about twenty years older then the rest of his fellow participants. Not a good look, it almost fell into the "cross-generational" video classification on torrents. Just saying, not being nasty, but he did look out of place...a little.
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