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Everything posted by GermanFucker
Do you wait to play after getting tested/treated for STDs?
GermanFucker replied to BuckTorro's topic in General Discussion
Same here: If I have something that is currently being treated (haven't had anything for a long time), I ask my doctor how long it takes for the antibiotics to be effective and I'm staying abstinent for that time period (wouldn't want to fuck anyway having that on my mind). If I have a suspicion / I'm noticing symptoms I also won't have sex until I have the test results (having had most STDs already in my early twenties helps, as my suspicions are usually spot-on). If I just have a regular / routine check-up I see no reason not to have sex, even if it takes two weeks for the results to come in. It's not the test that makes you sick, it's the bacteria. The test only shows what is already there. Or in the case of routine check-ups most likely isn't. My personal opinion: If you know you have a communicable disease or have a strong suspicion and you keep fucking without telling your partners (if they like having the clap, ah well, it's their business), that's pathetic. And pathetic guys are usually shitty lays. The peace of mind that comes from doing the right thing really helps one enjoy oneself during sex and the other guy will notice that, too. -
I'm saying that we have to separate two different kinds of discussion: the academic and societal discourse on the one hand from everyday personal decisions on the other. It is certainly not my business if a 15-year-old girl finds out she's three weeks pregnant and decides to have an abortion. However, I believe that when discussing legal and societal questions like whether one should allow on-demand abortions two weeks before delivery (yeah, a somewhat unrealistic scenario, I couldn't come up with a better one) one should follow the best scientific knowlegde. That doesn't mean MEN know better. It just means that there are certain aspects to a question where gender becomes irrelevant. Just like I can imagine certain aspects where serostatus becomes irrelevant, e.g. when it comes extending the duration of ARV patents because a pharmaceutical company has found a new use for them (e.g. PrEP). Maybe I gave you the wrong impression: For the most part I do agree with you that if a poz guy is ranting just because he doesn't like the idea of PrEP, it really is none of his business. I just don't think that a poz guy can never say anything if it has remotely to do with PrEP. I think there are specific aspects and broader implications that can be discussed academically regardless of gender or serostatus. That is exactly what I said / meant: There are certain ASPECTS (like side effects) where having more voices can be helpful. You also gave an example of what I meant by discussing such topic in a respectful way: keeping in mind that the experience for a neg guy will most likely be somewhat different. It also means looking at broader picture. I do belive that PrEP will also help poz guys with their therapy. Because for the first time you have a reference group to compare and contrast. Like some side effects that were considered to be caused by meds, but might also be the result of viral activity. With a multitude of PrEP users, over time, we will know for sure.
Other Tops How Long Do You Like Going Between Cums?
GermanFucker replied to breederboy's topic in General Discussion
The longest time (without jacking off) was about a month, just like in your case. And yes, the sex afterwards was great. But I find it more enjoyable to have real sex (i.e. fucking and seeding asses) twice a week, with masturbation in between, waiting a fortnight between fucks just seems weird. I don't NEED MORE to be content (believe it or not, I'm not a sex addict, I just LIKE sex), but I don't mind it, either. Right now I fuck around bareback on a daily basis. The offers I get right now are just amazing, so why should I restrain myself? I usually stick to one bottom per evening, so he will get a nice, big, juicy load. I don't like indifferent bottoms who are just looking for an interchangeable top to be part of a procession of dicks. So I try not to act the same way with my bottom boys. Of course, there are exceptions, especially when attending a bareback party or going cruising -
Now I'd have to disagree. I don't think either question should always be discussed as an absolute. While in general men can't say much about what it feels like to be pregnant, if some some woman wants to have a 36th week abortion I don't really see much difference to smothering a newborn with a pillow. In a civilized society one should be able to discuss that wider moral question - in a respectful way - without having to own a uterus. IMHO there are valid ASPECTS (like scientific questions regarding in-utero development) that form an exception to the rule "not your body, none of your business". As to PrEP: I do believe poz guys can contribute when it comes to the reality of living with meds. Again, that's a specific aspect, that should be open to dialogue as long as that happens in a respectful way. That means respecting the reality that in the end it's the neg guy's decision what he is doing with his body. Especially as no there is little potential for harming other persons. So right to comment on certain aspects as part of an ongoing discourse? Sure. Right to influence what is someone's personal decision? No.
Should I start the ARV therapy already?
GermanFucker replied to brazilian's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Recent studies (e.g. a new one from Italy) suggest that starting early has the most benefits. The lower your T-cell count drops and the more damage HIV is able to do to your body, the worse the long-term prognosis. Guys with severly compromised immune systems who never fully recovered their initial immune status (despite therapy) have statistically shorter live expectancy and a HIGHER likelyhood of health problems. Those who had a drop in T-cell count but fully recovered had an ALMOST normal life expectectancy / quality of life, whereas with those who started early and never let their numbers drop at all, their prognosis / life expectancy was basically IDENTICAL to someone without HIV (though more studies with higher numbers of participants seem to be necessary to validate that data). So 500 T-cells seems like a very good point to start. Two thoughts: 1. It is your life, i.e. your decision. It doesn't matter if someone thinks it's hot that you're infectious. Neither should you take meds because someone else talks you into it. What matters is that you yourself realize it makes sense to you, that it feels right and that once you started, you're able to adhere to your meds regime. 2. Every case is different. From what you say you seem to be a fast(ish) progressor, so you can't wait for ten, fifteen years like some other guys (slow or non-progressors). In any case you should talk to a doctor you trust. Personal experiences from other poz guys can be valuable input when it comes to assessing treatment options and avoiding pitfalls when starting meds. But the starting point for your decision process should be the opinion of a professional who knows you, not "some guy on the internet". -
Now I have the Biohazard tattoo
GermanFucker replied to aussiebarefucker's topic in General Discussion
My personal opinion: Do as you like, after all, it is your body! Tattoos are about expressing one's personality. However, if you're a conformist and therefore only get stereotypical tattoos or if you haven't got taste and cover your body in tramp stamps, it's true that these can only really be overlooked on hot, younger guys. But in the end, it's still all about what YOU want. -
The problem is that this line of argument is often used as an excuse for not disclosing. If I tie your ballsack tightly with a rope as part of bondage play, there is a slight risk that I might cut off the blood flow for too long. That's bad luck for you. But if I'm actively trying to neuter you that way, you do have the right to know. Knowledge and intention do make a difference.
That's the way to go. Start with your own piss and drink it regularly. You can use a glass or make it a fun game like trying to piss in your own mouth in the shower . Start off with diluted piss, i.e.: Avoid the first piss of the morning, which is usually quite strong. Instead drink more (lots of water) than usual before piss play. Nutrition has an effect on the taste of your piss. Most guys find that fruit(juice)s and especially diet sodas (most artificial sweeteners pass through your body undigested, thus sweetening your piss) have a rather pleasant effect. Certain types of fish and asparagus are often considered nasty. Beer piss is a taste one needs to aquire, but over time many guys enjoy it greatly.
Fully agree with the way you handled the situation. IMHO both elaborate fakers (who really get turned on by wasting your time and gasoline money, not just pic collectors, they're a mere nuissance) and blackmailers fall into the same category: Pathetic psychos. It takes a special mindset to even consider blackmailing someone into having sex with you, which is no better than taking joy in sending someone on a wild goose chase. I wouldn't want to touch that kind of guy with a ten-foot pole, let alone have sex with him (first thought running through my head would be: speak about chemistry and bad karma - such a douche must be horrible in bed). I prefer to have sex with laid-back guys, who just enjoy the game. Obsessive behaviour like stalking, blackmail and other kinds of histrionics isn't sexy. You win some and you lose some. By just going with the flow I frankly score more prime ass than I could handle. All one can really do is learn from experience, i.e. develop a sense for bullshit, assess probabilities realistically and act accordingly. If someone sounds too good to be true but lives just a bike ride away, I'll always take my chances, worst that can happen is me getting some exercise. But I won't drive 150 miles for that guy. Or I suggest meeting a the local cruising area where I was heading anyway. Also if you talk to a guy for a few minutes you often get a good sense of his sincerity, whereas obvious fakes usually stick to text messages. All that means that I'm seldom severily disappointed / frustrated. Instead I just enjoy the adventure.
Poz Guys - Do You Like Being Poz?
GermanFucker replied to rawTOP's topic in What's It Like To Be Poz?
AFAIK that is not quite correct. To the best of my knowledge, the "10 to 20 times safer" statistic refers to the sex guys who say that they always practice safer sex have in REAL LIFE. Which often isn't really all that safe. Wrong condom size, using decade-old rubbers, condoms get lost in the ass, or drunken encounters without rubbers are conveniently omitted etc.. If one practices safer sex the way it is meant to be (e.g. using right-sized condoms, replacing them regularly during a prolonged session, staying sober enough to know what you're doing etc.), safer sex is actually pretty safe. It's a question one can only answer for oneself. If someone had been strict about safer sex, then it is HIGHLY unlikely one becomes infected through safer sex. The "it just takes one" mantra doesn't apply then. If anything goes once you're just drunk enough (the way it often is in the real world), well, that's a different story. I don't know which category obsidian falls into. And it doesn't matter to me. Only thing that matters is that he's doing fine . -
Right now? None whatsoever. Summer finally started and all the guys seem to be in heat. My sex life is reaching the point of being ridiculously awesome. Just thinking about the things I did last week and the offers I already have for the next puts a stupid grin on my face.
Do fit guys have better erections? More stamina?
GermanFucker replied to rawTOP's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
If a person is regularly physically active and isn't significantly overweight* I'd say yes, for a number of reasons. Off the top of my head: Cardiovascular health: less clogged arteries, better blood flow. (For some guys) less self-concious, more relaxed and in the moment. (For everyone) regular exercise elevates one's mood (being moody = fickle errections) and - certainly not least - exercise leads to an increased and more even testosterone production. * not talking some hypothetical ideal weight, but rather "feel-good" weight. Some guys are naturally burly and if you have the muscles to support your frame, a few pounds of fat don't really hurt you. If you regularly take the stairs instead of the elevator and still have some spring in your step, your weight shouldn't be an issue. If you're always out of breath, that's a different story. On the other hand, being a gym rat doesn't necessarily mean you always feel great. If you're overtrained, the strain on your body and the Cortisone in your system should have a rather negative effect. -
Why do you think Gilead is suddenly pushing PreP and lobbying governments to support it? Two words: PATENT EXPIRATION. The majority of patents for the most popular HIV drugs will expire over the next 5 years (might be a bit longer in the US, where manufacturers often get extensions), meaning that competition from generics will definitely drive down prices. Gilead is just trying to create a new revenue stream, i.e. to compensate shrinking margins by marketing to a wider audience. To illustrate the effects of generics, here a more or less verbatim rendition of a chat I recently had on a bareback platform. Guy X: "Hey, interested in generic viagra? Only 3 euros per pill." Me: "Ooooooookay, these are 100mg pills?" Guy X: "Yeah, 100mg is the standard." Me: "Not that I need them, but why would I pay 3 euros if I can get them at the local pharmacy for 2 euros a pop?"
I always fuck like this. Is there any other way? Seriously, barebacking and then using lube - who does that? Barebacking means having natural sex, and spit and cum are the only natural means of lubrication. Granted, I make an exception for 18-year-old-virgins. But they have to bring the stuff, don't want that nasty shit in my house.
That's exactly it. It's porn. It's the equivalent of unloading ON a guy's ass and then shoving the cum in instead of just cumming up his guts. Lets you know they are breeding / pissing for real. It's showing off in front of a camera, not the way you'd do it in real life.
HIV AND Syphilis?? Fuckkkk....
GermanFucker replied to VersatileBreeder's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
First of all sorry for the double post, wasn't my fault, the site had hiccups. Mods feel free to edit it out. You're completely right, forgot about that, as I had no problems at all. If the doctor thinks there's a risk of a severe Herxheimer reaction he'll usually ask you to stay at the doctor's office for a bit so he can monitor your symptoms. You should plan your day's schedule accordingly. But again: The earlier it's caught, the fewer bacteria -> i.e. the fewer problems with a Herxheimer reaction. So for all those who think they might have caught the syph: GET TESTED. -
HIV AND Syphilis?? Fuckkkk....
GermanFucker replied to VersatileBreeder's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Speaking from personal experience: That doesn't quite sound like syphillis. Syph bacteria usually prefer to enter the body trough softer tissue than normal skin, e.g. mucous membranes in the mouth or rectum or the head of your penis, so that's the first place I'd look for chancres. Also, a chancre doesn't feel like a blister, but rather hard like a frozen pea trapped under your skin with a herpes sore on top. But then again, a chancre takes some time to develop. Speaking from book knowlegde: I depends on the condition of your immune system. If that's severely compromised it can be more of a problem. Otherwise it should be similar, if caught early. In any case, th difference in treatement between poz and neg should not be as big as between a fresh syphillis and an old one (or even neurosyphillis). So you might get three shots over three weeks instead of a single dose. That's really no big deal. If your doctor knows what he's doing, the injection is relatively painless and usually there should be no side effects (I didn't have any, but no guarantees) However if you waited for months or years, you'd have to stay in hospital hooked up to infusions. With syphillis the golden rule is: The earlier you catch it, the more harmless it is. First of all: You can get syph even while practicing safer / saf"ish" sex. If someone has a chancre in his mouth and gives you a blowjob, you'll most likely get it. Also: A doctor has sworn an oath to treat and heal you to the best of his ability. Judgement should have no place in a doctor's office. If you should get a preachy doctor, always keep in mind that this kind of situation means that HE is failing at his job, not you. -
HIV AND Syphilis?? Fuckkkk....
GermanFucker replied to VersatileBreeder's topic in HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Issues
Speaking from personal experience: That doesn't quite sound like syphillis. Syph bacteria usually prefer to enter the body trough softer tissue than normal skin, e.g. mucous membranes in the mouth or rectum or the head of your penis, so that's the first place I'd look for chancres. Also, a chancre doesn't feel like a blister, but rather hard like a frozen pea trapped under your skin with a herpes sore on top. But then again, a chancre takes some time to develop. Speaking from book knowlegde: I depends on the condition of your immune system. If that's severely compromised it can be more of a problem. Otherwise it should be similar, if caught early. In any case, th difference in treatement between poz and neg should not be as big as between a fresh syphillis and an old one (or even neurosyphillis). So you might get three shots over three weeks instead of a single dose. That's really no big deal. If your doctor knows what he's doing, the injection is relatively painless and usually there should be no side effects (I didn't have any, but no guarantees) However if you waited for months or years, you'd have to stay in hospital hooked up to infusions. With syphillis the golden rule is: The earlier you catch it, the more harmless it is. First of all: You can get syph even while practicing safer / saf"ish" sex. If someone has a chancre in his mouth and gives you a blowjob, you'll most likely get it. Also: A doctor has sworn an oath to treat and heal you to the best of his ability. Judgement should have no place in a doctor's office. If you should get a preachy doctor, always keep in mind that this kind of situation means that HE is failing at his job, not you. -
I think it's a bit more than that, there is a component to it that can't be learned. Some residual natural tightness that comes from not sticking anything up your ass (waterbottles, feet etc.). The evenly developed ass muscles that come from doing a variety of sports. Genes / anatomy. I've met inexperienced guys with great holes, they are just naturals. I've also met "accomplished" holes that - despite being somewhat sloppy - know when to tense up, but have lost that perfect level of overall grip. Sure, when I'm just seed a hole in a toilet stall, that's not possible. But if I meet a guy for a real sex date, there usually is some form of intuitive chemistry / intimacy. I made the experience that I can actually get that from hook-ups, at least the kind that lasts for an hour or more ). Otherwise wouldn't it be pointless to have more than just a quick pump-and-dump *LOL. Yeah, but the right amount of pain can add to the fun .
IMHO the most important thing is that a guy is interesting. A conservative, even an inexperienced guy can be an interesting encounter. A promiscuous slut that doesn't really engage when having sex can be boring as hell If you know how to fuck and are able to establish a personal connection with your partner, it doesn't really matter, if you've swapped seed with 5 or 5000 guys before. So at least to me the question of slut vs. conservative isn't really the most relevant / important. A very tight hole can be just as fun. Sure, if you're fucking a virgin's or a top's ass, he's usually not as good as an experienced bottom, but it's fun, because it's a different experience: It can be stimulating on a psychological level. At least to me it's a turn on to know that I'm the first guy to put my seed in there. Or to know that the guy I'm shooting my load in is usually the one to do the seeding. Other than that I'd disagree: A perfect ass shouldn't be loose and sloppy, but - for lack of a better word - "grippy". If you feel the muscle tone on your dick, that fine balance of pulling you in with just the right amount of resistance, which at the right pace feels like your dick being milked by the ass. Not just the occasional tightening, but a lasting, intimate grip, to me that's the best.
IMHO there's good slutty and bad slutty and it's important to know the difference. First of all forget about drugs. Drugs make you indifferent. Letting every guy cum in you just because you're fucked up and don't care is not the same as enjoying the moment and finding something hot about a wide variety of guys. The mark of a good slut is that he doesn't waste his time on finding "appropriately" hot/rich/cool/experienced/aged partners, but has sex for its own sake and as its own gratification. There are so many guys that live lifes of fear and inhibition and need drugs to let go of these, and frankly that's pathetic. All you need is to realize what you're meant to be and what you're priorities are. For crying out loud, just enjoy yourself and don't give a flying fuck about what others think. Don't be afraid of what your boss or judgemental acquaintances might think. But also don't let anyone talk you into stuff just because THEY think that's what makes a real slut. Sex is much better when two (or more) guys make a concious decision to enjoy each other instead of just living out some form of addiction or clichee of a certain role. Stay true to yourself and just cherish the ride with as many guys as you like. Indifference, on the other hand, makes you boring. If you're 18, that's not a problem. 18-year-olds can be boring as fuck, they will still get plenty of seed up their ass chute. But twenty or thirty years from now it will make a difference if guys think you're just a "washed up slut" or if they say "you're such a slut. but what a great fuck. let's do it again next week".
I think it's a bit more complicated than that. I think you're right in that the first wave of AIDS denialism was born out of shock and helplessness. But I don't think it died away, it just moved to other groups with financial interests, who often have very little contact with poz people themselves. Today IMHO AIDS denialism is perpetuated by a coalition of esoterics, vegans, animal rights activists, and all kinds of alternative medicine quacks (not saying that all alternative medicine is per se bad, just saying that there are quacks who make money by hurting people). Just one REAL example of a poz denialist from a german-speaking raw food forum: http://27718.foren.mysnip.de/read.php?27820,107593 But be forewarned, it's neither pretty nor does it have a happy end. That's simply not true. There are countless essays and lectures that have comprehensively debunked Duesberg's claims, which for the most part rely on outdated information, unfounded conjectures and outright lies.
How do you feel about spit roasting?
GermanFucker replied to JakeTurner's topic in General Discussion
Ideally it's not just about getting one's dick wet or watching another guy fuck bareback (safer sex only guys often do that, intentionally going for bottoms who are getting fucked raw. It's the closest thing to being a barebacking bad boy they'll allow themselves) but also about the comradery of two tops sharing a bottom. That intensity makes up for the lack of finesse of the BJ. However, if the bottom is completely inexperienced or otherwise incapacitated, so that e.g. he will bite the oral top's dick when receiving a deep thrust up the ass, he should better ignore the second guy and stick to what he is capable of. -
what NOT to do if you're a cumdump hosting
GermanFucker replied to bottomforsize's topic in General Discussion
Just my 2 cents on the topic (might add more if I think of something): Total darkness is just as bad. Usually guys want to see who they're fucking. So if you're into total anonymity by means of darkness, say that beforehand and make sure the top is okay with that. Often, I'd be happy enough if they just stuck to MTV/VH1, which is one can ignore. Went to a guy once who had a 24h news channel running in the background. "NOROVIRUS outbreak at a local ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" was what really killed my mood. Couldn't agree more. Also: Too many guys focus on non-essential stuff. I met a guy recently who was all nervous trying to find the right music and complaining that he doesn't like hosting because he has to take care of all the stuff, so that noone could really get in the mood. If he had just shut up and forgot about the music and focused on the fucking, it would have been fine. That is BY FAR the biggest NO-NO. And I agree 100% percent. If you want to do drugs (not talking about a beer or a bit of marihuana - we are talking about Colorado, right - which makes you mellow but doesn't turn you into a zombie), find others who are into that. Because it's more than just a legal issue. E.g. if you've done a lot of meth or ecstasy, you might think you're hot, but you're really, really not. Instead you're just on a different planet from the sober guy. It isn't a moral thing, it's a question of selfish behaviour vs. both having enjoyable sex. Doing drugs without talking about it beforehand is about the same as pissing on a guy without asking. You wouldn't do that, either, because most likely he won't like it. -
Probably not the worst, but the most recent: I had been chatting with this guy. A bit too slutty for my usual taste (kinda girly tattoos, too well groomed), but he had a cute face and definitely looked fuckable. So I'm my usual straightforward self, telling him that I'd like to hook up, but I'm not in the habit of telling my whole life story before we've even met. Which makes him get even more inquisitive. So he asks me about my job, my girlfriend etc. (which I don't particularly like when it's just about fucking) and finally my status (which is fine by me). So I tell him I'm neg (which I am) and ask him his. No answer. So I said: Hey, it's only fair if I tell you mine you tell me yours. So he accuses me of being a liar (which I'm not), lecuring me that all barebackers are by definition poz (huh?). It got slightly more surreal from there on (even though I tried my best to be friendly and have a sober discussion, trying to explain that I'm well informed and know what I'm doing) until he finally blocked me. I don't know whether it was drugs (I suspect it might have been). Or lack of information on his part. Or just prejudice against those with a different lifestyle. All I can say is that it was truly uncomfortable and that IMHO the distribution of idiocy has nothing to do with serostatus.
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