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About Man4manplay

  • Birthday June 3

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Puerto Rico
  • Interests
    daddies, bareback, poppers, piss/watersports, pig play, submission, humiliation, anything goes, bug chasing, public, pics/videos,
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    42yr, latino, 5´10 220pds 34w, smooth, cut, verst bottom, vgl, shave head
  • Looking For
    i like masculine older men, i like to feel used and abused.

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  1. bareboypr
  2. I recently met this guy that he loves to take videos and pictures while we have sex. I have never had issues with that before and I actually enjoy it. While I never ask him ( or anyone before) I Assume the videos were private (or maybe he will share them with friends or a fuckbuddy) but never imagine what he was doing. He was actually creating private groups online in different social media and pages and streaming live our sex sessions. People actually requested him to do me stuff and he did it, like piss play, spanking, feet, spitting fisting etc. and to make things worst he was selling the access to these live shows ( there were a total of 3 but I learned about it the last time). Also I learned he sold content online including our videos. I told him he didn't ask my permission to do any of that, specially the part of the live show and selling our videos. He told me I never stopped him, that the videos were his property and that I had implicitly consented because any normal person will think that a video is meant to be view by people. I talk to 2 friends that are lawyers and apparently he is right if I didn't expressly told him not to film me or asked for a fee I consented to the video and that he is the owner of the source, and it wasn't a criminal act because he didn't do it as a vengeance or with the intention to hurt me or my reputation. Have you had any experience like that, that you found your videos or pictures online without your consent? Do you thing the owner of the video should at least inform the use he is going to give to the pictures and videos?
  3. I'm from San Juan Puerto Rico here works for tourist mostly that come for vacation and want some local ass, but other than that not that popular. So if you are in town and want to breed an ass let me know
  4. I´m caged there are a lot of myths and misinformation about it but I guess every experience is different. In my experience, I have learned to have ruined orgasms like when I get fucked while caged or fisted. my dick cums while caged and I experience a different yet very intense orgasm that for example when I jerk off. Now that I'm more used to it I put my cage on and instead of jerking off I will ride a dildo or butt plug and after a few minutes, cum will start to flow.
  5. Besides fisting which i started about 2 years ago and chastity cage, my real new fetish is called Findom. serving alpha males as a cashfag
  6. dude you gave me a warning for a post in Spanish, seriously, I literally translated the post, and the post was someone asking for Spanish speakers you are a racist or something? you cant tolerated or ever read a post really, wow talk about white privilege and stuff, you make me sick

    1. viking8x6


      OK, I'm going to be much nicer than you actually deserve, because I'm in a good mood today.

      Actually, I read the entire thread and I happen to speak Spanish as a second language. 

      I'm sorry that you took the warning the wrong way. It wasn't racist, it wasn't intolerant of you or of Spanish speakers in general. It's just my (volunteer) job to enforce the rules as best I can. One of them is that posts be in English. That's so that the moderators can read it (because, although I can read Spanish OK, I certainly don't read all the languages of all the people on the site). That's also so all the visitors of the site can read them.

      Also, a one point warning is pretty much a non-event as there's no penalty attached to it. Serious violations involve 5 points or more and can carry penalties with them, often severe. Those are things like "complaining about an infraction", "posting bug chasing or drug use outside the backroom", and "spamming the forum" (that last can get you removed permanently).


  7. I speak Spanish. The BB sites in Spanish are almost all from Spain; very few are from Latin America. You can try going to locations in [particular] countries on websites like BBRT, Adam, etc. yo hablo español, los sites de bb en español casi todos son de España, muy pocos de Latinoamérica. puedes intentar entrar en los locations de países en websites como BBRT y ADAM etc.
  8. I think I posted in another similar subject, my best friend brother moved with him during the pandemic. They started to act weird and because I am his best friend he confessed that he and his brother had a consensual sexual relationship and he considered him his boyfriend. I said that as long as they are ok with it, they are two adults and I wouldn't judge them.
  9. any findom masters here'

  10. any findom master in this page

  11. yes @man4manplay cashfag
  12. San Juan, Puerto Rico many tourist and fly attendants visit each day I have fuck in every single hotel in this city is amazing
  13. while visiting my doctor, he hired a new very hot nurse. He asked me how I was feeling and I told him i was sad cause guys didn't want to have bare sex with me because I was poz and i really miss cum in my ass. he check my record and saw i was on meds for a while and fuck me there.
  14. my cousin is from my father size of the family and my uncle is from my mother side. while i have talked to both of them about each other, my uncle is not welcome in my family so he is never invited to family gatherings and my cousin moved out of state a few years ago, so i only see him when i visit him or he comes to visit ( due to covid I haven't seen him this year).
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