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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Somehow I missed reading this story, but am happy I’ve found it now. Not only is it original and causing me a major boner, it’s both realistic and plausible.
  2. Another outstanding tale, which is set up nicely for a continuation. As usual you have filled your writing with lots of background and created a convincing atmosphere, not to mention scoring highly on the horny thermometer! Keep up the good work, Thanks.
  3. Would I be correct in thinking that having a daily limit beyond 10 occurs only when you reach Senior Member status?/
  4. Thanks @chunkychains, quite a style change from your earlier stories; very original and thoroughly enjoyable.
  5. This synopsis is quite intriguing, and I am very much looking forward to your story of this dystopian future.
  6. Thanks for writing this story Bob, an excellent tale demonstrating straightforward true love, and devoid of deceit and trickery.
  7. Hot piece of writing, I felt like I was experiencing this myself, and am well boned. Great as it is, but well worthy of a follow up……..
  8. Would be very hard to resist……
  9. Amazing writing; so well written that I actually felt I was there, in your position. Very much looking forward to more chapters, and the final conclusion.
  10. Just found this story again, having first read it when it was freshly minted. It’s still one of my all time horniest reads on the site, and got me boned again as I smoke my pipe. Love the realism, tenderness and effortless corruption, as well as the creation of a new leather pipe cub. Thanks for writing this & I hope to read more from you soon.
  11. Did you actually get one yet, & how was the experience?
  12. Excellent horny start; anxiously awaiting your next chapters.
  13. I’ve had mine for around ten years, I guess. I have had it upsized twice. It was very quick & easy for me, with little or no blood or pain. I was so happy with the procedure that I immediately had both my nips done as well, the first was fine, but the second one was ouch! The PA only took around 10 days to heal, with limited wanking for the first few days. You will enjoy the PA, not only for how it looks, but how it feels 🔥🔥🔥
  14. Very hot and original plotting. Works well as a stand-alone tale, but would also be great to see a continuation.
  15. Will enjoy seeing how this develops, the lad already displays interest and the beer and smoke can only lower his inhibitions. Hopefully he will embrace the opportunities provided 😈 Great start & greatly looking forward to further instalments. Please don’t keep us waiting too long!
  16. Fantastic & well written start. Can't wait to see how this develops!
  17. Very sorry to hear about your tremendously sad loss. Hopefully you can take some consolation from the time you were able to spend together, and finally grant his wish. Giving yourself some space from other encounters, might be the right approach just now, but in time you will probably want to reconsider this.
  18. Great, well written story. Wondering whether he’ll be distracted from getting PEP in time? We shall see..... Well set up at the end for a second part!
  19. Excellent story, and I look forward to the next instalment. Thank You for writing, and don’t make us wait too long!
  20. One of the hottest entries on the site 🔥🔥 Am sure many, like me, can relate to either of the main protagonists, if not both! Hope you feel ready to gift us with further chapters in the near future. Many Thanks!
  21. Enjoyable, as always Thanks! But I must admit a strong preference for your longer epics, which allow your greater depths, character development, etc to really shine.
  22. Hot Profile mate 🔥🔥🔥

    Love to smoke  with you!

    1. Willing


      Love to smoke with you two men also


  23. I concur, it would be Perpetual CumMotion. Unfortunately I never had the agility to self suck, at least at a time I would have recognised it’s potential!
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