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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. I concur, it would be Perpetual CumMotion. Unfortunately I never had the agility to self suck, at least at a time I would have recognised it’s potential!
  2. You are not stupid & the question you asked was perfectly reasonable. We are mostly here to enjoy our community for mutual enjoyment, but sharing knowledge. It’s great when people can provide help and answers, as often occurs based on shared knowledge or direct experience. There is absolutely no shame at all in asking questions & doing so does NOT make you thick. 🤗
  3. In support of the moderators, I would suggest that they have an entirely thankless task, for a job that they do, by & large very efficiently. Without them it’s difficult to see how this site can survive. I doubt either of them would miss the probably non existent salary! It certainly doesn’t come from my subs, or anyone else’s. Their task is rather like that of a children’s soccer referee taking very public and verbal abuse when they rule against a parent’s particular team or child. Not surprisingly in areas where this occurs it’s becoming impossible to retain or recruit people into these positions; then surprise surprise teams and leagues are disbanded. The disrespectful parents are entirely to blame when this happens. Without moderation and rules this site would be in a minefield of legal disasters, waiting to happen, including, but not limited to closure or litigation Now my dealings with both the moderators has been extremely limited, but less it be said I’m trying to curry favour for myself, I will say they are human, and as such not infallible. Mistakes will inevitably sometimes happen. However if I found myself being sanctioned for something I’d done, I would either grin and bear it, or if I felt it was questionable, or unfair, I would raise this directly with the person concerned. I would be confident of a fair hearing, or second opinion. Complaining publicly, with the obvious intention of causing embarrassment to the parties concerned, is not the way to change any minds. It’s a bit like having a shouting argument in a restaurant, when the meal has been unsatisfying. A quiet discrete complaint is far more likely to lead to a resolution. Goading or daring people to take sanctions, is pretty dumb, and may not have the intended consequences. Its a bloody good job I am not on the moderating team, because I would show considerably less restraint towards some of the nasty complainants, than has been shown here. Anyone unhappy with the site, (rules & all) is entitled to either cease active participation or if they wish they are free to leave.
  4. Just wanted to say I’m appalled that this sort of situation can occur in a seat of learning, in a supposedly civilised country. I cannot add any further suggestions to those already given by your supporters above. But know that you and your partner have my fullest sympathy and moral support. I hope that that you are able to receive some kind of restitution & that the guilty party is subject to some disciplinary action, or at least a severe reprimand.
  5. Sorry I can’t reply to messages today, as I’ve run out; will respond ASAP

    1. PozTalkAuthor


      uncomfortable situation when you run out of messages...

    2. Diesel


      Yes, was not good running out of messages, but happily I’m back now with a fresh batch. Apologies for late replies to everyone, & I’ll try to catch up tonight 🤗

  6. Actually one way might be to make sure you’re filly using your own “like”quota each day for worthy posts. This will increase your own prominence & earns points on your rankings. It’s especially satisfying when you can give a New Member a leg up to Junior Member status. So be nice brothers and spread yer likes!
  7. Would be very hard to disagree with any of the above points. Always that nagging feeling that professional staged porn, is just that. Prefer reality to implied ☣️
  8. Always a treat reading your tales! This one certainly maintains your usual high standards, and I look forward to the next episodes. Thank You for continuing to keep us entertained.
  9. A fantastic continuation of the first block of stories. Undoubtably a 🔥 tale, but love the greater plot depth and character development. I hope this epic tale does indeed develop into a full novel. Looking forward to many more chapters. Likes will follow when I have some more.
  10. Hot story so far, and I appreciate your writing. Looking forward to the next instalment(s) 🔥🔥🔥
  11. This question is really straining my brain cells, but I would guess around 12 or 13. I was probably around 15 before I first started to shave.
  12. Outstanding writing; I felt I was actually there & experiencing the action firsthand, even though I’ve never been fisted or tried meth. Thank you though for describing the cum down, and the feelings he had afterwards, which added further credibility to the tale. Despite this the protagonist is clearly taking steps to repeat the experience, providing a cautionary warning of how easy it would be to slip into long term drug addiction.
  13. Good range of interests there, oh and I like 🍕 too.

  14. I hadn’t seen this story before, as it was buried by newer entries since last updated. It’s a fantastic read, and ticks several of my desires, including a relationship potential. I can’t wait for further chapters, to see how this unfolds. Thank you very much for your writings.
  15. I guess one other possibility might be that he doesn’t want you to see any revealing tattoos, and potentially scare you away. ☣️ It would certainly be quite sensible and reasonable to broach your concerns with him, to permit you to make a more informed decision on any future encounters. You shouldn’t feel coerced into any situation where you feel threatened or uncomfortable
  16. Welcome back! Very glad you have posted this continuation. I’m out of likes for today, but my next quota in 24 hours are already earmarked for your good self. I hope you are encouraged to continue your writings with plenty of upvoting and comments.
  17. Autocorrect can be a pain! If you “report” your post & comment as to why, I am sure one of the mods will edit it for you.
  18. Deliciously brilliant 😈😈😈
  19. Bloody frustrating when blokes are too chicken to be straightforward and admit they have no intention of attending. I guess many are just cyber wankers to start with. Better to disappoint with a bit of honesty in the first place than to string a potential host along. This could cost the host alternate opportunities and as you say is a DICK MOVE.
  20. Fantastic so far Thanks. Part 3 eagerly awaited!
  21. Hot new story, with plenty of tension generated by your writing style. Definitely looking forward to more.....
  22. Many thanks for your rapid continuation. This is a tremendously well written and original storyline. I am certain your efforts are greatly appreciated, on all levels!
  23. Really great topic, with loads of interesting responses. My own supernatural desire would be an auto (but discrete) mind probe, to warn of potential flakes and ghosting tendencies to make meets more reliable and predictable. I guess, as an alternative, the probe could be adjusted to remove these tendencies from any potential hookups.
  24. Excellent story, which amazingly I’ve only just discovered. Hopefully someday you will return, and entertain us with the next episode. Look forward to reading more. Stay lit.....
  25. I don’t mind which party initiates, but passionate kissing is for me a fundamental requirement for any successful activity. Doubtless controversially, I would have to state a strong preference for smoke kissing or swopping at the same time 😈
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