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Everything posted by TwinkChaserSlut

  1. Fuck nice thick dong. Get me pregnant.
  2. Hey, your profile is top notch. Any advice on how to up our stats on this site such as "Reputation", "Days Won", & "Ranking"???

    1. DarkroomTaker


      Not sure Twink, I am just me. I like many things in life and write about them, nothing special really Twink, maybe I spend too much time on here...thx for posting.

  3. Still on Twitter?
  4. You are the KING of BZ!!!

    1. DarkroomTaker


      Who Me??

      Wow, what a great compliment, thanks so much.

  5. Hot profile! What are your stats & age?

  6. Wow, sexy profile!

    1. swimslut


      I'll second that! Would fuckin love to ride his dirty cock!! 

    2. TwinkChaserSlut
    3. TwinkChaserSlut
  7. Love your screename!

    1. Toploader56


      Hehe thanks 😉🐷

  8. I hosted there in November. It's a good pump-dump hotel.
  9. Agree with you 100%!
  10. Your profile is so hot! Any vid of your pussy getting used?

  11. Sexy profile! What part of Ohio?

    1. Pup4poz


      I'm in the canton area (hour south of Cleveland) 

  12. I approach it with an "agree to disagree" sense of diplomacy when it comes to politics & religion. If I receive the same, consideration & courtesy in return, it can be a really good experience. I have little tolerance for political & PC bullies. I imagine that in some situations though, a dude who is a dickhead personality could also be sensational in the sack. 👅
  13. He is hot. Oh, by the way, thanks for the add too. I added you too. 👅
  14. My "type(s)" continue to evolve but certain preferences for specific characteristics & phenotypes will never change.
  15. Years ago ITrick was a thing to log encounters/tricks.
  16. I texted you.
  17. What an amazing, hot experience. What are his stats/age?
  18. This is what I was talking about in my earlier comment. Apparently other folks see it too. Be kind.



    1. BootmanLA


      Please do not feel the need to come onto *my* profile and give me advice. It's neither needed nor wanted.

    2. TwinkChaserSlut


      Can we just agree to disagree & be friends? 

  19. You are doing the very thing I advocated against. You are getting into a silly partisan argument slinging your mud & touting your opinions & alternative facts thinly disguised as actual facts. I can agree to disagree with your opinions but I won't agree with your alternative facts.  That Trump derangement syndrome is SO 2016. Good Lord, get over it. I don't mind that you are defending quite possibly the worst president in history but I still wish him well & hope he can detour us out of this horrific state of affairs (both nationally & internationally) he dragged us into. I warned folks not to vote for him but now we get what we get. Listen, live your best life & vote your conscience but please stop bullying people about their politics & religion. I don't mind that you defend such incompetence & idiocy, I really don't. But try to be more unifying in these trying times. We all need to unite & find commonality as Americans. Be kind, not a bully.


    "It's pretty clear that our previous leader (whether you hate him, love him or are indifferent to him & with all of his baggage) kept foreign tyrants at bay & kept our economy pumping. Let's not kid ourselves, Biden's perceived weakness & pacifist policies are not going to prevent Russia or China from pushing their evil agendas forward. 

    Russia was not kept "at bay". Russia chose to bide its time while Hair Furor tried to tear the post-Cold War western alliances apart. He had no reason to move on Ukraine as long as Hair Furor was actively trying to drive a wedge between the US and its  European allies. Putin was delighted to sit back and let the Mango Mussolini try to extort Ukraine for security assistance. Putin was delighted when his personal puppet tried to divide NATO over the amount of spending each would make on defense, deliberately mischaracterizing it as "unpaid back dues" to NATO. The previous occupant of the White House stood on an international stage and announced he took Putin's word over the combined work of all his own intelligence agencies, whose work he pointedly refused to even review on a regular basis.

    Of course Putin's moving now - not because Biden is weak, or perceived as weak, but because Biden is undoing the wreckage the last idiot left in his wake, and he knew his window of opportunity would be closing. 

    Finally: as for keeping our economy pumping: Trump was the first president under whom the number of jobs had a net DECLINE - despite the roaring economy he inherited, which grew no faster under him than it had in the last few years of the Obama administration. His abysmal, incompetent mishandling of Covid not only led to the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, but caused hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of dollars of damage to the economy. A rabid badger with a broken hind foot could have taken the economy inherited from Obama and managed it as well as Trump did. (The one thing I'll give him credit for: he wanted to provide the $2,000 per person stimulus payments but his own party, stingy rich capitalists to the core, cut it to $600. Biden got the remainder of the money approved, which is part of why the economy began recovering much more quickly under his administration than it was under the last months of Trump.)"

    1. BootmanLA


      So, in other words, you can post your opinion but anyone who posts something opposing that is a bully? Go fuck yourself.

  20. I'd love to help you. 👅
  21. I subscribed to his OF/JFF & was never disappointed. He's the biggest cumwhore in the UK. 👅
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