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Everything posted by infinite290

  1. Horny and looking for a verbal bate buddy...

  2. Exactamundo! Especially when you consider the absolutely insane things that we overcome in order just to have the sex and sometimes it's not even that good, or worth the sacrifice.
  3. I absolutely understand the post cum giggle. I have been known to make jokes when fucking, and the best tops ive had always get right into the giggles with me. Make a great memory that's for sure
  4. Jesus! fuck, please let the creativity gods bless you with more!!
  5. Someone do this to me. That was so hot.
  6. This made me so fucking horny
  7. I seriously missed the golden era of cruising and gay sex
  8. These bugshare stories are going to push me off the edge
  9. Fuck man that just literally made me rock hard and I've jerked off early five times tonight
  10. if I may add the following from my personal Fantasy Recharge Fuck Roster: Kurt Wood Austin Shadow Lito Cory Brandon Jesse O’Toole Fyerfli (both O’Toole and Fyerfli I would sell my soul for being absolutely fucking demolished by the two of them) Jesse Stearns Brad Maguire Tom Sawyer (hottest god damn felch pig I have ever witnessed in my life, I want him to be the big brother I never had, showing me the ropes, swapping the ass juice from "my first fetch" and of course, "Lil Bro's first gape") Kevin Slater Rod Fulton And Dan Fisk (whom I would marry in a heartbeat or live as his personal sex slave and fuck puppet until I died).
  11. I'm so proud of all of us for being such sluts
  12. but--where-is he ok--the author--NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  13. God, these are what dreams are made of
  14. brilliant. ive always fantasized being a toxic piece of fuckhole aids-meat for superior alpha poison cock
  15. I hope rawrawraw is okay and still around. Sometimes it makes me sad to think of all the guys who have contributed so much who just kind of disappear... between Covid and everything else in life and just this entire drug landscape. I hope that all of them are good and OK and may they know that we are grateful for their contributions to our sick twisted desires
  16. this makes you a first class gentleman.
  17. This sort of feels like getting blue balls
  18. Jesus, I miss this story. dream come true for some.
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