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Everything posted by curmud

  1. have had acclaimed success by gettin shit bbukt + am always up 4 a slow deep grinding shit bbuk, when one of us can sneak thru the other's back door that is
  2. need some Evilasiancock over here 

  3. luve the way U think

  4. strong painful emotions shared well. was expecting accounts of swallowing (gono, et al) sperm with an off taste and got a profound story: well done
  5. U look intense 

    a dirty mind can be wonderful 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. curmud


      easy going with pervs: verry cool

    3. scott0882


      Too bad I'm a little closer to your area.

    4. curmud


      sure Scott

      wanna nail me?

      open dirty ass on my mouth: will do anything 4 it

  6. yeah Sir. Yes Sir

     thank-you for allowing someone so not worthy to follow Sir 

  7. likin' your stats and your frame of mind 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. curmud


      long hug + lick on Ur neck

    3. kywolf


      Lick anytime!

    4. curmud


      au yeh U have me at full attenSHUN 

  8. want what Ur churnin nutz got hot fucker

  9. wld LUV to tongue scrub Ur rectal walls early just as Urr wakin up: b4 t crisco is even thot of

  10. cum 2 t sunshine state of mind + install churnin balz deep from bbeehind 

  11. so would i. does it hafta involve needles, tho, cuz just not there yet. 

  12. go thou and do likewise
  13. calm yourself Cheatingjock. youre among friends here. yeah verily masculinity + horniness come in many a different size n shape but time + place can make something even more surprising: dont hesitate. live in the moment bro.
  14. yeaahh Punaman well said
  15. well put by a fellow passionate oralist
  16. course i would: always swallow / sukkit clean
  17. like U Lynn. wld share saliva dna r lick + eat out Ur fart hole too 

    1. lynn1964


      Just exactly what a southern man needs!!:2thumbs:

  18. want U 

    install Urslf n me 

  19. hi: want it +like U, n that order. follwing U 2 get caught + 8up 

  20. welcome + thank-U brother: i understand + could handle U well, + U me, i suspect <SEG> 

  21. yeah compression garments and bro your qudas + hams could kill me softly no complaints

  22. yes 

    yes please 

    yes please u any way 

    yes please u any way that includes soaking Ur dna up my cushy pleted colon membrain

    1. drugsluthole


      Please can you fill in my tiny little boy pussy plesee daddy XXX pretty please dad xxx 16988771285075680582798678567430.thumb.jpg.720e9d505409ff82819858c1326828fb.jpg20231104_073153.thumb.jpg.15d7a65587c9d8285033296c49521c7f.jpg

  23. wld kiss Ur fine tusche deep 2git Ur sperm-canon n me

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