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Everything posted by wood

  1. you cant get rid of HPV. It never goes away, the symptoms (warts, etc) can be treated. Most people that have warts never get them again, despite still having the virus. The exception to that is HIV+ people with AIDS. With a very weak immune system, it is possible to have an outbreak again.
  2. It should be fairly easy to see if he actually owns anything like that as a trademark. Additionally, acronyms can mean all kinds of things. I don't know if you can trademark an acronym. Personally I would just do it. I really doubt any court is going to look fondly on someone who advocates stealthing, considering its very illegal in many jurisdictions.
  3. Look if you want to be the "voice of reasons" get off the political rant. I have no problem have a spirited debate, but ranting isn't that. Everything you just posted is pure speculation and fear mongering.
  4. protection starts almost immediately because there is a therapeutic level of medication in the bloodstream. However, you cant just stop it. For example, say a poz guy fucks you, and two days after you go off PrEP. That could still result in an infection because small amounts of the virus could still be in your body without causing an active infection. Most research says if you choose to go off, you should take it for one month after your last exposure date.
  5. I think you look into this site a bit too much. IMO a lot of what goes on in here is fantasy. Also sex is different to each person so its not fair to use your viewpoint as a basis for everyone else. Your second part is kind of what I addressed in my previous post. Its VERY difficult to accurately serosort, so using that as your "protection" method alone is silly. Heres my big issue. Condoms alone dont work, people dont use them often and consistently enough. The usage rate stays around 50% Have a frank discussion with anyone in public health and they will tell you they have little hope of increasing that number. So heres the scenario you are left with. People are going to continue having sex at the same rate, and continue to use condoms at the same rate. And the question is how do you stop or slow infection rates. IMO its this, 1) frequent testing. Every sexually active gay man IMO should be tested or HIV every three months, no exceptions. 2) all people infected should go on treatment right away. 3) negative men at any risk should be on PrEP. IMO this would almost eliminate new HIV infections, even for people having unprotected sex.
  6. I agree with you in theory but heres my issue, and feel honestly feel free to search and read through my posts, because I do some work in public health and am mostly the "voice of reason" on this board. If the guy is going to have unportected sex, An undetectable guy is MUCH lower risk than many other people. I'd rather him sleep with an undetectable guy than someone who only gets tested sporadically, and still fucks around without protection. Heres a good case in point. A good friend of mine last year tested positive. He was almost always safe, and said he would never fuck with a poz guy and would always ask status before hand. Didnt work. For myself, I personally have no problems sleeping with a poz guy on meds and undetectable. Sure often I would use condoms, but still. Serosorting alone doesnt work because the STD/HIV testing gaps for most people are far too wide. For me, Im on PrEP now, which is more effective when taken correctly than condoms, so sleeping with poz guys is really no issue at all. . Heres something I asked thebody.org about guys on PrEP. http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/SafeSex/Q232644.html
  7. if his CD4 count is 350 he's not one of them. http://www.aidsmap.com/HIV-non-progressor-status-established-soon-after-infection/page/1432975/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long-term_nonprogressor Additionally it is REALLY irresponsible for anyone to think or even really say its a possibility that someone will be a LTNP. Its about a 1 in 500 chance of that happening, and given someone that hope is just silly.
  8. You dont get it, thats not an option. Im gonna be real blunt here. YOU ARE NOT HEALTHY, HIV IS KILLING YOU, YOU WILL DIE FROM IT FAIRLY SOON WITHOUT MEDICATION. get it?
  9. I suspect you just don't like what you are hearing. The simple answer is that you die a slow painful death without medication. Thats it. You also are probably transmitting the virus to other people because you are so virulent, not cool. You have a choice, you take the meds and live a mostly normal life, or you dont, and die within probably 3-5 years. There are VERY few people who are whats called long term non-progressors who dont really need medication. From just your CD4 count I know you are NOT one of them. If you have a 350 CD4 and high viral load 3 years in, you are going downhill pretty quick. Spot on. And really you probably already did a decent amount of damage 3 years without meds. Theres a good reason many doctors are having people go on treatment immediately now
  10. Oh its way higher than that. People dont realize it, but HPV is EVERYWHERE, only a few kinds really manifest itself as anything. If you are a sexually active gay man, you have HPV of some kind, simple as that. Its something like 99% of gay men have it. And heres why, unlike HIV, HPV is ridiculously easy to transmit. kissing a guy? you can get HPV, feeling each other up naked? you can get HPV. rubbing a dick on your ass with no penetration, you can get HPV. However the thing about HPV is that most strains do next to nothing. For example the strain that causes warts is NOT the same strain that causes cervical and anal cancers. Also many people who do have the strains that can cause things like warts or cancer never get either. Its still not a bad idea to get vaccinated, but really any sexual contact with other sexually active guys is likely to have transmitted HPV. HPV isnt something to really have tons of worry about. Get it treated if need be, and take care of yourself. Also getting anal pap smears is also a really good idea for sexually active men.
  11. If it was my son, I wouldn't tell him what to do, but I would also have frank discussion about HIV and STD's. Contrary to the mentality of many on here HIV, and STDS are a big issue that can really hurt ones life. I would expect if the two guys are dating they are probably not using condoms, but I would encourage him to use them with other partners if it happens. Also when it becomes available he may want to go on PrEP for added protection.
  12. bingo.. To the OP, you are lucky, a guy with that high of a viral load easily could have infected you. Glad he didnt. Also maybe you should consider PrEP if you are nervous about HIV still. Taken correctly its actually more effective than condoms at preventing HIV infection.
  13. Its probably just the season, Mine is noticeably off too, but it always goes down this time of year. I'm also getting laid more because I'm seeing someone, so I'm cumming more. lol I REALLY doubt its the truvada.
  14. hehe, yeah I have read a lot of your posts... its a good thing you are going on it.
  15. Nah, its just what you make out of it. Of course if its geared primarily towards black men who are attracted to black men, you probably wont get much attention, but going there is no issue. I primarily date black men, and a majority of my friends are black. I have been in many situations where I am the only white guy. If You make it awkward it will be, if you don't it wont be, simple as that. Even when I had been in situations where the people in the room have almost no white friends and rarely see people that are not black, I make it work, and most people end up liking me. Don't act like a douche, be nice, and relax, and you will probably have a great time. Also when I'm in Atlanta next time I need to check this place out, lol
  16. Well you dont have PrEP yet in Australia, so I wouldn't be doing much of anything, or I would be topping. In your case I think you did the right thing. An unmedicated poz top is pretty high risk, so PEP was a good idea for you. Personally I would stay away from BB'ing right now, or at least play with a constant neg fuck buddy, or even a trusted undetectable guy. Really though if I were you I would just wait until you can get PrEP in Australia before I would bottom raw consistently
  17. I've been wondering that myself, or does Truvada provide protection in a situation where a poz top is resistant to the drugs in Truvada.. Anyway, the new strains don't really surprise me, and something tells me this has been happening all along. In Russia especially many new infections are being seen in injection drug users who are already in poor health, so its no surprise they dont do well with HIV.
  18. Good reality check, and also a good reminder of why i went on PrEP.
  19. Damn, sounds hot. Id like some of that. lol. Anyway I will repeat it again for you, but if you can get it in your area, and from what you say I think you are in the US, Go on PrEP, there is assistance plans to make it affordable, and it really take the worry away.
  20. NOPE, and IIRC its not a known side effect for neg people using PrEP (but is for poz people using truvada). so I bet its a psychosomatic reaction to something else going on in your life. I would stay on the PrEP as long as your numbers are good. In terms of losing weight, keep on your plan, and increase your exercise rate if you are having issues. It not uncommon for people on diet plans to lose a lot at first, then have the rate drop dramatically or gain slightly. You have to keep at it and in many cases increase your amount of exercise as you become more fit.
  21. Thats the issue, I do some work in HIV prevention and you would be SHOCKED to find out how little people know about how its transmitted and specific risk factors. Im on the fence about the criminalization of HIV transmission. I don't want to have this disease dragged into the courts, and I dont want guys crying foul who were properly informed, but felt bad later. However, there are others that I do feel deserve to be in prison. "Stealthers" for example really irk me. There are plenty of people out there interested in condomless sex, why do they insist on disregarding a persons wishes. I have a feeling that at least on here, its mostly fantasy, but there are real world scenarios of people lying, or not informing partners even when asked about their status, and that IMO is wrong. That being said doing things like being ass up in a bathhouse and asking no questions is not a criminal transmission IMO and I don't know of any cases of something like that being prosecuted. People that lie to partners or fuck buddies for years, telling a person they are neg? yeah that should be prosecuted. Just because HIV isn't automatic death now doesn't mean the vast majority of people want it. Its still expensive and debilitating.
  22. Haha thanks. To a lot of my "negative" friends. (I use that because I dont know their status personally) They have said before that they would never fuck with a positive guy. Well one ended up poz last year, and infected his BF too. Myself OTOH will fuck with poz undetectable guys, and haven't always used protection. In fairness before I went on PrEP I wouldn't bottom raw for them and let them cum instead, but I would now. When topping I almost never used a condom. Personally I have found that if a guy is poz, and willing to open up to you, he is going to be much more honest about ALL of his health related information and tests. If you are trying to stay negative, it really pays to look at things from an epidemiological perspective. With exposure to most pathogens, either viral or bacterial, it takes more than a couple copies to cause an infection. Many will still die trying to infect you. If its a very small number of pathogens, IE viral copies in the case of HIV, there is a good chance they will die or your body can fight them off. Now people who are newly infected and have extremely high viral loads are the opposite. Think of the common cold. Its well know that people are most infectious when they don't know they have a cold, or they first start to feel it. HIV is the same way, the only difference is in the long term people with HIV need medication to keep the virus suppressed, and thus there infect-ability low. Heres the answer to a question I posed about transmission risk with an undetectable guy and a guy on PrEP on thebody.org http://www.thebody.com/Forums/AIDS/SafeSex/Q232644.html
  23. im in exactly the same situation. Just make sure you take it everyday at the same time. a pill box helps
  24. you should really be on PrEP... check out the PrEP forum on here.
  25. Im glad to see more guys going on it. I've been on it since about July now, and it really has taken a huge worry off my back. Im also dating a guy now who is pos but undetectable, and with PrEP we are free to do whatever we want, which is good since we are both vers. :-) FYI. I actually asked several experts about my exact situation, and they said as long as he sticks to his regime, and I stick to mine the chance of him infecting me, despite never using condoms is virtually zero. PrEP really is a game changer.
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