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Everything posted by wood

  1. A good doctor knows how to respect someone, and still give advice. let’s flip this around a bit. Plenty of smokers have got lung cancer from smoking, and many still don’t quit even after they know or start treatment. Or a diabetic that still eats way too much sugar and knows it’s endangering their health. Those things are not that far off from a person with HIV who chooses not to start medication right away. However, at a certain point, if it’s obvious the person is dying and still denies treatment, they may be looking at a psych evaluation and involuntary treatment methods. Good docs know when, what and how to push people. Sometimes it’s really small steps, like asking an alcoholic to maybe drink more beer and wine instead of spirits. Or asking an addict to try snorting a drug instead of injecting. With HIV, if a person doesn’t want to start meds, okay! But let’s see you every few months and see where you are at. I have two friends that were infected around 19, and refused treatment, but their docs listened to them, and slowly built up a report and a relationship. It took both of them a health scare but by 27, both were on treatment. It’s not ideal, but you also can’t force people.
  2. Hehe, as hot as that is, it’s something that should be avoided. IE work fuck ups. 1) it’s never good for your job performance. 2) it’s very possible to play hard and work hard at the same time. Just plan better next time. 😜
  3. I really think it’s important for the “no meds” guys to hear this. You can’t play if you are dead.
  4. Plenty of guys have blown in under 2 mins while fucking me, and I’m sure I have as well. but most memorable is a 6’2 built model who was in town a few years ago. We had a great connection the first time we played, and continued to do so 5/7 days he was in town. But we were always challenged for time. Anyway. We would have a passionate flip fuck each time and were always done within 5-6 minutes. Hot as hell.
  5. This is actually a pretty good rule. Even fingers that are not your own can be problematic because the nails can easily cut you.
  6. Honestly, keeping up with your health in general helps a lot even with rectal health. Stay neg if you can, and get on meds if you are poz. I say this because if you are looking to stay alive and want to fuck a long time, your immune system is extremely important. For example anal cancer is on the rise amoung gay men of both statuses, but is higher amoung poz guys. For general anal health there is no huge secret. A high fiber diet and or fiber supplement helps both preparing for sex and dealing with things like potential hemmroids. Get tested regularly for STI’s and potential fissures must mean a healing time and refraining from sex. Cortisone cream helps a lot of inflammation after sex, but also shouldn’t be used everyday. Herpes flare ups are usually apparent and means you shouldn’t get fucked because they can increase the risk of a fissure. Annual anal Pap smears are a good idea as well, precancerous cells can easily be treated but anal cancer itself could mean the end of bottoming and possibly your life. lastly knowing your limits on what you can take is also hugely important, as is just being able to relax during sex. If you can’t relax you drastically increase your risk of a fissure.
  7. Nothing wrong at all. I’m neg and have been on prep for 8 years. Because of prep I don’t worry about status, but it still feels a bit “wrong” and [banned word] when fucking with a poz guy. If you don’t want to become poz you should get on prep. And or stick to only undetectable guys.
  8. Ummm your posts are all over the place man.... one thread you are poz, next you are neg, next you are on prep... sorry but this makes me think everything you post here is made up... not attacking you, there are plenty of people living out fantasies on here, but you really are not consistent...
  9. Ummm but you said you already got pozzed....
  10. I’m assuming if you say you charge him below market rate, you are on the mortgage/lease and are in control. Anyway, the simple fact is you need to feel comfortable in your own space. I had an impromptu “house guest” from March-June that went on way too long. He was and still is going through a lot, but at the end of the day it’s also not my problem. frankly it sounds like you already made your decision and while you may feel bad for a bit, it’s probably time to part ways. I’d give him a 60 day notice and move on. I’d leave it as something like “I respect you, but for both of our sake it’s time to part this living situation” I don’t see things getting better based on the frustration in your tone and even entertaining him staying or some conversation of it will most likely just end up in more frustration.
  11. Everyone is different, but in general I’d say many guys don’t know how to relax enough to take a large dick, or don’t have a diet conducive to taking a large dick without hours of prep. but for example I’ve played with this guy multiple times and have had zero issues taking his meat, and he def isn’t the largest I’ve ever had. [think before following links] https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/bastiansass-fucks-makingubust-42210231
  12. A couple weekends ago I had a hot AF threesome with two men. One 5’8” one 6” both with 8.5x6 dicks. Im slightly smaller at a real 7.5”x6” but still 6’ tall. All of us are about 165lbs with decent bodies, but the 5’8” guy is kinda stacked.. anyway We all Fucked and nut in each other 4-5x. I haven’t felt that drained and filled at the same time in a while. It was such a hot time. I also date the taller guy and the shorter guy is an old Fuck bud who was visiting but The whole situation was sooo much amazing organic fun. We fucked, passed out, fucked, smoked some weed. Napped, ate, etc etc. such a good time. Anyway I Only bring this up because they are both black. I’m white. In a typical story here, or in a porn, or in so many places it would all be about “bbc and fetishized shit” and honestly it’s a terrible part of the gay community. I bring that story up because it’s not uncommon for me, but as anyone who searches my posts I also never talk about it because I have no need to. I respect any person of any race as my equal, and frankly I always get the same respect in return.
  13. I’ve already BB’d with a couple famous people 😈
  14. It’s your diet. You need a bulking fiber supplement like Metamucil. It will change your life.
  15. Exactly. Also fun fact, black men like to bottom too. So the whole fetishized role play so many white people do is a huge turn off.
  16. Yeah.... NO. I’m a white guy and was sleeping between two very sexy black men last night, and I ended up in the middle in more than one way.. hot as hell? For sure. And we all enjoyed each other as equals. And thats like the vast majority of POC I know, race “play” isn’t fun, it’s demeaning.
  17. long term no progressors will almost always have a detectable viral load, usually in the 10-50k range but that can vary. What sets them apart is the CD4 count always stay high enough to fight off the other infections that kill people. Remember it’s not HIV that kills people, it’s the other infections that happen after your immune system is depleted. If his doctor wants him to start meds now it may just be general aging and maybe drug abuse that’s just taking it’s toll on him as well. And yes, it’s very rare. About 1 in 500. In comparison people with a high level of natural immunity occur in about 1 in 100.
  18. 30 years without meds, he has to be a long term non progresser. Pretty rare but they can happen.
  19. A fiber supplement like metamucial helps a TON. But if you are looking for a 12hr+ sessions you will need to fast ahead at some point.
  20. Don’t really care, but i do find it fun to switch it up a few times before we each cum.
  21. wood

    My first bbc

    I’m sorry but is every story here involving a black man automatically a man with a “big black cock” For sure some black men, just like men of all races have large dicks, but the fetishized nature of this gets old as fuck. Newsflash, statistically men of African decent have 1 cm on anyone else. Also they like to bottom too. So maybe give them some dick instead of treating them like a machine to do you deep.
  22. I currently can only connect via cellular data, my home ISP doesn’t work, but *some* other home ISP’s do work. Rawtop if you need other info PM me and I’m glad to help but I’d rather not make specifics public, but it has been a frustrating problem.
  23. Just what the topic says. there was one going around the internet a few years ago. The guy clearly shows his face and was sitting right in his seat and iirc you can see other passengers as well. But his row was to himself. At the end he shoots a ton and it looks like it hits the ceiling.
  24. I would say yes, but I’d also say the reasoning is a bit more nuanced that just PrEP being the reason. There are plenty of studies about condom usage and gay men, and condom usage never went above 50% even at the height of the AIDS crisis. I’m sure it’s way lower than that now, thanks to PrEP, but I also think sexual habits have been changing. During the 80’s and 90’s many people just had less full penetrative sex. They would do other activities like masterbation, and oral activities instead. We also have to look at the rise in social apps and the internet as a way of meeting people. In the 80’s and 90’s many of the old gay bars and cruising spots died off, unfortunately many times with the people that used to frequent them. This left a vacuum in how people could actually meet each other. This brings us to the early 2010’s. HIV and AIDS was now a pill a day thing to manage, which drastically decreased the scary part of having penetrative sex. At the same time there was easy access to sex apps, and cameras so you could get a feel for someone electronically before you even met them. Because of this many people started to trust people more at an initial meeting rather than just meeting in a dark corner of a bar or park. Many people did, and still do use this as their method of “staying safe” The mentality of “oh he looks clean, and seems trustworthy so I trust him when he says he’s neg” is very real. Because of this instead of just doing the oral or masterbation that guys did in decades earlier they often decided to have penetrative sex. Condoms as usual felt awful, so often they wouldn’t be used. Then PrEP started becoming widespread around 2015. The stage was already set for a reduction in condom use, PrEP was just more gas on the fire. Today, as some have noted I do think that some guys still use them just because they hate getting regular STI’s. Even if you hookup with maybe 12 different guys in a year there is still a decent chance of getting something, even if you don’t know it and don’t have symptoms. I know just in my personal experience however guys who I have played with over the past 6-7 years who almost always used condoms at first, rarely do now. So yeah, bareback is the norm. But really it’s just natural sex, so it’s kind of always been the norm, even if things were different at certain times.
  25. Headaches are not a known side effect, so there may be something else going on there with other medications you are taking or food and or environmental factors. Additionally I would try taking it for a solid two weeks at night, and see if you are getting the same headaches. Most of the side effects do go away after your body gets accustomed to the drug being in your system on a regular basis. Also, when you “take lots of loads” are you parTying? If so some of those drugs can have delayed side effects.
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