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Everything posted by wood

  1. This is very true, but also on of the things I do like about being vers, and vers guys. Sometimes things just don’t work out like you plan, but you are still really into the person so flipping is a fun alternative to just canning the whole experience.
  2. Considering how much sex it seems like you have, I’d try very hard to get back on it ASAP.
  3. Oh these topics... I hate to the be buzzkill on this “topic” but seriously all these topics end up doing is objectifying black men, and I can assure you that’s not attractive to the vast majority of POC. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to people different than your self, and if fact it’s probably a good thing. What isn’t is terms like “BBC” and insinuating that every black man is a hung sex god top.
  4. Actually only one more.
  5. Doesn’t matter. The rule still is you can’t donate if you’ve had sex with a man in the past 12 months.
  6. It’s a constant problem on this site... 🤦🏽‍♂️
  7. To repeat what you just said this is your medically un-tested opinion. The simple fact is that for men that are prep adherent, the cases of failure are incredibly low, and while they should not be ignored, they also do not represent a huge shift in HIV genetic mutation. If that was the case we would also be seeing lots of resistance is very common HIV medications that contain the same drugs as prep, and that’s not the case.
  8. My main concern is the efficacy of tenofovir alafenamide in the new version... the elimination half life is incredibly short compared at just around a half an hour, where TDF has a half life of 17 hours. Basic logic seems to say that if it’s eliminated that much quicker you have much less room for error in when you take the medication.
  9. This is fair but huge progress has been made in the past 15 years. Treatment is virtually side effect free, some vaccine trials have got over 50% efficacy, and two patients have actually been cured. Additionally in the field of virology, an Ebola vaccine has been developed and we have figured out how to cure HEP-C with a easy well tolerated treatment. It wouldn’t surprise me to see a cure in 10 years, and I would bet on one within 20. The technology at the disposal of researchers globally is leaps and bounds above what it was even 10-15 years ago.
  10. I doubt there is any info out there on something like this. Needle stick injuries in medical settings are treated the same regardless of the person is undetectable or not on treatment. However you can infer a few things just based on transmission statistics. now these stats are based on someone who isn’t on treatment but they are , blood transfusion 95% infection rate, receptive anal sex, 1-3%. Also remember that in early stages of the epidemic when factor 8 was being made from blood for hemophiliacs, not all people who donated were HIV+, so the theoretical viral load would be much smaller than a unit of hiv+ blood. Given that kind of info, going back to your original question. I’d give a 5-15% guesstimate chance, and the chance would go higher with the amount injected. Direct blood to blood contact is the perfect way to transmit hiv, so even with an undetectable viral load there is still some in there. The question variable is can it survive long enough in the new hosts body to replicate. If the host was on prep I’d guess the chance would be close to zero.
  11. They are right but it’s more of a testimony to lack of adequate healthcare in rural America. In general people in rural areas don’t get as many checkups, don’t see the doctor when they should and ignore potentially serious symptoms. The biggest difference now is that the opioid epidemic is bringing it to light because of unsafe injection practices. doctors in rural America aren’t going to think about things like prep, or even hiv testing, and frankly why would they? Those areas already have high rates of smoking, obesity, diabetes, and other chronic heath problems. HIV doesn’t manifest itself as symptomatic for a long time where those other conditions are often very apparent. now, I don’t agree with that but again health care in the US is pretty messed up.
  12. Exactly. And here’s the thing the statisical difference between people of African Decent and those of Europe’s ancestry is less than half an inch in both length and girth so a lot of people are going to be disappointed by their silly fantasies. let the silly fetishization shit go already.
  13. Here’s the thing about sex in the age of prep... if you remember to take your pill, you can avoid most of the consequences of being a huge slut, as long as you don’t get into PnP. to each their own, but my old life was condoms and worry each time I got tested. With prep I don’t worry, and I wouldn’t leave that for anything. if you think for even one second you are going to regret some behavior at least go on prep. There are no returns on hiv.
  14. You are not going to reinfect a undetectable on treatment guy with any normal sexual activity. PERIOD. As for your original question. There is no way to judge this, and little to no research on it other than newly infected people have highly viral loads. However just like a common cold or flu, people are usually more infectious BEFORE symptoms. However, there is no way for you to know you are infected outside of a viral load test and even that will probably need a week or two to register. hope this helps.
  15. It’s possible, but still not all that likely. This article says 10% of caucasians have some immunity, but that’s also by far the highest percentage I have ever seen... most articles I have read say it’s 1% of the general population. [think before following links] https://www.livescience.com/9983-immune-hiv.html whats important to remember here more than anything is that HIV is relatively hard to transmit. It’s a very delicate virus and survives outside of the body a very short time. Early on in the epidemic people were getting infected in large numbers because they were newly infected and probably had viral loads in the millions. That makes a person much more infectious. Even without treatment that will fall off to usually 100k or under for at least a years. Now, the number of people who are that infectious is relatively small, thus even with no protection ever, your net exposure over time is smaller.
  16. Says the man who will beg for meds, once he’s dying from HIV...
  17. QFT. What’s so insidious about HIV is that a person infected can think they are reasonably healthy for a long time without treatment. The immune system isn’t perfect, and it attacks things occasionally that are benign, think things like allergies. However in the absence of a well functioning immune system, often things like allergies and asthma actually can get marginally better. This gives people a false sense of health until basic and common infections kill people. Toxoplasmosis for example is almost everywhere and everyone with some immune system can fight it. When HIV decimates it, it can kill you. There is a huge difference Between fantasy and reality. In my opinion most things that are posted in HIV status for them should be considered almost all fantasy. Yeah there are people that are doing okay not taking meds for 10+ years, but there are also 90 year old smokers... that doesn’t make it the norm.
  18. It’s your life and you are free to choose as you wish. However there is a big difference between fantasy and reality. The reality is that consistent use of meds will allow you to live a long life with lots of sex. Inconsistent use, or stopping them WILL lead to resistance, and long term health effects.
  19. IMO the number of guys actually using them is falling. I am usually very upfront about wanting bb, but I was chatting with a guy yesterday who I was really into, and wanted to play ASAP. He also said safe only and he asked lots of health questions first. For many that’s a turn off but after doing outreach and sexual health work for years I don’t care and just answered. He comes over, and is way sexier than his pics, and with a giant dick. We get to playing and the next thing I know he’s pushing in me bare. We have an amazing time, and are chatting after and he just said yeah I like bare, but can’t stand when people can’t answer his questions. So it seems even ardent condom users like it raw too. 😂
  20. Good, that’s all you can do. If you’re neg consider going on PrEP.
  21. Unless your hole is gaping open or ripped the chance is minimal unless he tries to stick it in after. Skin is a very effective barrier to HIV infection.
  22. So as others have noted this is blatant harassment. Your response to the situation is going to depend a lot on your job, and company size IMO. Say you're a bartender at a gay bar, even a large one. I doubt even the owners are going to take it very seriously beyond someone saying something like "stop it" to the offender. If you work something more corporate, and have HR, go to them first. Most HR wont come close to tolerating stuff like that because its their job on the line. I worked two jobs where a manager/director showed overt favoritism to their friends in promotions. Long story short one was demoted, one was fired. With that said, I take a very private stance with all things work related. I don't talk with ANYONE about my personal life, I keep work friends at a certain distance, and I friend any of them on social media. Most people don't go as far as I do, but I just find it easier to keep work and personal separate.
  23. While I can't comment on the exact thing you have experienced in general I would say right now racial tensions throughout the US are just quite high among certain people and groups, even if its not all in a racial group. I am a white guy, who is very much into people from all walks of life, in fact I very much prefer diverse groups. However, I have also noticed within the past couple years that some racial groups, be it Asian, Latin, black, white, whatever seem to be sticking together more than say 5 years ago. Maybe it is a trump effect, who knows. I do know, and there are stats to prove it, that he is fueling racism and anti immigrant sentiment that is mostly targeted towards latinx people. I do feel like, there is more of a general feeling of animosity and blame among all people. While it may not be directed towards people that are different, in a moment when a group is ganging up on another, that animosity comes out. While its a very extreme example the current white power movement is a good example of this. In much lesser examples you may just see less people responding to you on apps that are different from your racial/ethnic background. Personally I find it all ridiculous. Point blank, we are all human, and while someone may be a bit different than you, try it, you may love it. My regular FB/maybe BF is black, and I see, fuck, and sleep with him all the time. His race is literally the last thing on my mind when I see him. Dinner, fucking, life stress, going out, sleep, work, etc all are in no particular order. That doesn't mean i'm not aware of it, and the nuances that accompany it, but its not something I think about. On that not what is also particularly interesting is that while racial tensions are currently high, interracial relationships and marriages are at an all time high. Again, once people are seen as human, and not just someone different or a threat, it all fades. We tend to forget that we are all animals, but that doesn't mean we have to act like them. There are tons of cats and dogs living happily together, even if sometimes they collide.
  24. Ding ding. I do work in outreach and prevention, and while the clinic I work at technically considers more than 50 detectable, Even they will tell the patient its statistically insignificant, unless they have had lots of viral load variability. Also, IIRC at one point under 1000 was considered undetectable because thats as good as the tests could measure, and as they have became more advanced the number has went lower
  25. I'm a huge proponent of prevention and health and I wouldn't do this. The main reason is that its illogical. If someone has been having tons of sex, oraquick tests are usually about 6 weeks away from conversion to detection. So you have a 6 week window?? Silly And really lets use a simple analogy, "If you don't want to play ball don't step up to the plate" Don't have sex if you don't want to assume some risk. Nothing in life is fool proof, and while a test might make you feel better, use a condom if you are that scared or don't have sex.
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