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Everything posted by Knightfalconer

  1. Hearing this from the top's POV (point of view) would be horny. 😀 Personally, I'm hoping for a fetish top, dressed in head-to-toe black rubber; leather or lycra.
  2. A horny saga.... especially that oh-so-familiar 'mental conflict' in the mind, as temptation destroys any threat, and danger is overcome by desire! Looking forward to the next chapter.
  3. Love stories where one (or preferably both players) are dressed head to toe, in black; fetsh gear (be that rubber; lycra [aka spandex]; neoprene or leather). Tall boots; tight gloves and masks hiding faces add that extra level of excitement, which is so often lacking from the more usual 'naked' encounters. A further 'thrill' comes from the use of restrants (or a sleep sack with internal sleeves); tape-gag or GOM; and chems to ensure any lingering resistance from the (willing) victim is quashed.
  4. Love it when HOM (hand over mouth) or GOM (glove over mouth) is involved.
  5. This reminded me instantly of the first time I (intensionally) got fucked and seeded by a poz top, around fifteen years ago. I'd known this mature; rubber top for several years on the fetish scene in London, usually bumping into him in various bars and clubs, such as 'Gummi' @ Central Station or Rubber night @ The Backtreet. We'd not played, because he had a partner (a snotty; arrogant ****) whom I couldn't stand. Then, in a rare online chat, he admitted to being recently diagnosed HIV poz. He also said that whilst his partner knew he played away, he didn't know that the sex was often bareback. He didn't deny being turned on by the idea of pozzing a neg guy, and admitted to knowing of at least one successful conversion. When I then confessed that the idea of being 'pozzed up' was a fantasy of mine, his eagerness to 'gift' me was blatantly obvious. So we made plans to meet. So it was that not long after, I found my (black rubber-clad) self, pressed against a toilet wall in a nightclub in London. He was likewise fully dressed in black rubber including gloves, which I periodically licked as he kept one latex-clad hand, firmly clamped over my mouth. He roughly and deeply, fucked my neg arse, with his bare shaft, finally deposited his potent seed within me. All the while, his partner was chatting wiith friends at the bar, totally oblivious to our rendezvous (and its [banned word] origin). taking place on the other side of a wall. It wasn't successfful and circumstances prevented any repetition, but it remains one of my most vivid; sexual memories.
  6. Totally agree. Both the lead up to the sex and the rape scene itself, could be expanded. Here's just one suggestion. He asked Peter if he could suck him. Peter thought for a second. "Just side on the edge of the table and I'll kneel between your legs". Roy said, "You will enjoy it". Peter was feeling horny and he felt sorry for the older guy. He also reassured himself with the fact that the door wasn't locked and he could leave at any time. Peter agreed and got on the table. Roy began to suck on Peter's cock, which responded by swelling in his mouth. However, he could tell tthe lad wasn't relaxed and Roy needed him to be, as he would be distracted and unaware of the danger he was in. He stood up and placed a pillow behind his target. "Lay back on the pillow, close your eyes and relax...." he purred quietly. Fooled by this display of concer, Peter followed the seemingly innocuous suggestion and with his eyes closed, he soon started thinking that it was someone else stimulating him. He did not feel when Roy secured his ankles to the table, disguising the touch of the cotton straps by brushing his hands against the lads body. After a few minutes, Peter started to play with his nipples, clearly enjoying himself and lose in the stimulaton. Roy grabbed Peter's hands and held them. This prevented Peter from playing with his nipples, but still stimulated the lad as his cock jerked, as though about to cum. Roy stopped sucking and stood up, a third cotton strap in his hand, which he swiftly tied around the lad's hands. Now the real fun could begin. Roy locked the door and went over to Peter...........
  7. Love it when the top firmly clamps his (gloved?) hand over the bttms mouth, to silence any noise/protests etc., which would otherwise distract him from (poz?) fucking this helpless (neg?) arse!
  8. It has rather fallen out of favour with most gay men, but some stealthers will doubtlessly have a jar of it on their bedside cabinet. Its oil based constituents, act to degrade latex. After a brief period of 'safe' fucking, the perished condom will split, freeing the stealther's cock and facilitating 'bare' fucking. The bottom will enjoy being fucked and will, no doubt, even encourage the top to "cum in me", nievely unaware that he's about to be 'pozzed up'!
  9. Love the scene ('Dirty seed'?), where Ed has placed a younger,bottom guy in a slling. Ed's fucking him, but the guy is being tar too noisy, so Ed tape-gags him, before continuing to breed his ass. There's a suggestion that its a 'pozzing' scene too!
  10. Not only a really horny story, but one that is very well written. The author has paced the story line, neither rushing to the moment the top's poz cock penetrates the victim's neg arse, nor racing thereafter, to the 'pozzing' climax itself. The separation of lines of conversation also assisted in making it easier to read and follow what was taking place. My only preferences would be less space between lines and to use italics for any conversation, but these are minor points which don't affect the quality of the writing.
  11. Its over 18 months since you started this teasing story, and asked for feedback as to where it should go. Is it going anywhere?
  12. Reply to Ieatcumholes - I'm not a paid member on NKP. The message exchange took place around September. I first noticed something was odd, when I saw that all my sent messages were gone, but there was still a list of messages from the other profile. Since then, all messages and the other profile have vanished. Had I not taken a screen print (when the senders messages were still accessible), I'd have started doubting my memory (or my sanity).
  13. The message system on NKP has never been great, with two lists (sent & received) messages, which can't be collapsed or sorted and are inconveniently (unless you live in the USA), timed using an American time zone and dated Month/Day/Year rather than being timed and dated according to a person's location or preference. Recently, I've discovered whole groups of messages vanishing THAT I KNOW FOR CERTAIN, WERE NOT REMOVED BY ME. Had I not taken a screenshot, I would have doubted whether I'd imagined ever having the exchange of messages. No one has access to my laptop, it is not connected to any others/network and I do not share my passwords. Is anyone else experiencing a similar issue (as NKP have denied having a bug/virus in their software).
  14. There is no right or wrong way to clean your arse out. Everyone is different, and you simply need to try various methods to figure out which one works for you. Personally, I don't alter my diet; starve myself or take any 'preparations' in the run-up to a play. I have a shower attachment (pushed on my bath taps) and repeatedly fill my rectum, sending the jet of water in a different direction each time. I hold it for ten seconds and then evacuate it. I don't use too much water each time and ensure the water is neither too hot or under too much pressure. After it runs clear, I insert my finger until I feel my second sphincter and then push to open it up and drain any water held up there. Usually completed within ten-fifteen minutes. Thirty minutes later, I'll do another quick refill & empty just to check. If, despite numerous douches, you're still getting small bits appearing, then try filling your arse with a load of thick (gelatinous) lube. Leave it in place for a few minutes to allow any remaining bits to become trapped in the lube, to come out together when discharged. REMEMBER - The human body isn't a totally predictable machine and we've all had 'accidents'. As they say: 'Shit happens!' You will suffer a douche failure from time to time, no matter how long you spent in the bathroom beforehand. Don't get too upset or embarrassed. Just go sort yourself out and when you're clean, start your play again. And if it happens to your playmate instead of you, be supportive and reassuring.
  15. In reality, only one species on Earth has undeniably grown beyond its sustainable population size. This species is responsible for the extinction of numerous other forms of life. Its selfish actions, have destroyed or damaged numerous fragile ecosystems and are detrimentally upsetting the global climate. That species is 'homo sapien', aka the human race.
  16. Tied up to be pozzed... well hot. All that was missing was to tape-gag the guy.
  17. Love the idea of a guy pozzing his victim and biting him like a vampire.
  18. Yeah, the ones that tempt you in with careful; measured; plotted suggestions; hints and hot memories etc, until (far too late), you realise that he has had you in his lair and he's already 'bitten' and injected his poison into you. A poison from which you can't escape.
  19. In contrast to slipping the condom off entirely, wearing a condom that rips open (whether pre-weakened or not), but remains in place to cover the lowest inch (or two) of the base of the cock, is surely a (pun not intended) 'safer' technique for any stealther. It acts as a safeguard in case the bttm's hand reaches back to check that the top still has a condom on. Better still, the top can guide the bttm's hand to where the condom still surrounds his (otherwise bare) cock, confident in the false reassurance such an action gives.
  20. Great story + appreciate author's efforts separating dialogue from (paragraphs of) description. Would love to hear more about what these two hot poz guys got up to during the months they spent together!
  21. Love it when this happens in a hot story (like this one), or for real 😈..... (especially if the top is wearing black; latex gloves! 😈
  22. Love the anonymous aspect of this story, especially the way the top ensures that it is anon by putting a blindfold and mask on the bttm.
  23. Loved the rendezvous with Mat (student & virgin). Especially when (in spite of Mat's resistance to the suggestion of 'kinky' play), he is swiftly tied up and gagged, in advance of his cherry (& neg status) being claimed by a horny; poz predator! Wish there were more accounts / tales where the neg guy gets bound & gagged!
  24. This is a great tale, well paced and nicely balanced between conversation and narrative........ but it needs an ending, centred on confirmation that Dave has successfully 'gifted' Mike.
  25. You certainly are not alone mister. I was most definitely at the back of the queue when sensitive nipples / nipples connected to one's cock were being handed out. Mine are not erogenous, FULL STOP. I played with a guy once, who started tweeking mine, and he wasn't hurting me with what he was doing so I let him continue. But after a few minutes, I eventually got bored and told him that he had more chance tuning me in to BBC Radio Four than he did turning me on! Others have already said it, but I'll reaffirm. BD doesn't have to include SM. BD (control) can be exercised without SM (submission; humiliation; slavery; pain). I have played both top and bottom. I don't like inflicting pain as a top, but will if it is requested. As a bottom, I HATE ANY FORM OF PAIN, whether that's uncomfortable restraints; use of an 'insertive type' gag to keep my jaw open (makes my jaw ache & prevents me swallowing excess saliva); use of too large a dildo or too little lube when being fucked. Pain or discomfort cuts straight through any amount of chemical assistance I may have taken (an expensive waste), instantly destroys the horny atmosphere I had felt and brings me out of my 'sub' headspace. Its very much a question of finding the right playmates, who are experienced and willing to respect your boundaries.
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