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Everything posted by fillmyholeftl

  1. If you ask him his status.... U=U it would be virtually impossible. It still would be very low without some hard fucking and ejaculation. If you want to get fucked and not contract HIV, get on PrEP.
  2. Truvada & Descovy have little to no interactions with other medications or conditions (except HepB) Good Luck
  3. I am a lot like you in those aspects
  4. I like a younger TOP... But definitely one who has been around the block a bit. I like to be a little submissive and do role play. But they definitely have to be SKILLED in fucking. thats a must
  5. Sure it happens... regardless of what it feels like (throbbing etc) or grunting.. I ALWAYS stick my finger in my hoe and smell it! even a small amount of cum has a distinctive odor. 🙂
  6. ME too
  7. Today (Friday) is half price rooms 4 PM,-7:45 PM "Happy Hour" I believe CumUnion is next Wednesday night.
  8. As long as you wait the 7 days, PrEP is just as effective as it was the first time you took it. ~99%. As long as you stay HIV-, (get checked at the suggested 3 month intervals) you do not develop any "resistance" to the medication. Does this answer your question?
  9. Well...I was on the lookout for some cock and cum most of yesterday & today. Had the usual flakes. Posted a Quick Connect on BBRT. Gat a response this afternoon from a guy who had fucked and seeded me like 6 years ago. We've chatted a bit on & off on but never could hook up. He had only about 45 mins, was 10 mins away. Got here and I led him right away to the bedroom, I remembered he had a nice respectable 7", and was soft when I sucked him for about 5 or o minutes and it started to plump up. I turned around "doggy" and he slid into my lightly lubed hole. his breathing and moan increased a little after 10 mins.. when he said "it nice and wet now".. he seemed even harder and continued fucking me nicely for another 5 or so minuted when he really groaned and I felt the second load. I'm off to do some HIV testing & outreach at the bathhouse tonight with a nice wet hole... maybe I'll get some more there
  10. Why did you take a double dose?? If you were taking the PrEP (Truvada) for 5 consecutive days there isn't any real benefit taking a double dose. That alone could cause some GI distress See a Dr if the symptoms persist
  11. I ordered from Blue Chew a few months. No major issues or problems. I get generic Sildenafil 20mg from my Urologist, filled at my local pharmacy. 30 tabs approx. $30.00 I get a bottle a month o plenty for this bottom...and to pass along to friends
  12. If you are taking your PrEP daily, you have really 0% risk of contracting HIV.
  13. They are VERY VERY Real for this bottom. I've had some reg. FB Tops where I have had multiple anal orgasms in a fuck session. But I'll experience them most times getting fucked. I have to agree that when I have a connection with the top and his skill will lead to many many toe curling orgasms
  14. The general opinion I believe is to make the switch ASAP. Insurance and co pay assistance should remain the same. There is no logical reason to stay on Truvada now that Descovy is available. As far as my own treatment, as soon as the newer HIV meds were available with the reformulation (2-3 years ago?) I made a change from Complera to Odefsy. I've recently switched to Biktarvy. I haven't waited for any noticeable side effects or resistance issues. I (& my health care professionals) feel it's better to be proactive and remain compliant.
  15. Can everyone please stop saying that "THEY ARE CLEAN" its offensive
  16. You wouldn't/ COULDN'T how symptoms of infection in 2 days... Get on PrEP, and most of all... Get educated. Someone who is CLEAN, ha recently taken a shower. geeezzzz
  17. I usually love to have in marinate and absorb, but today @ The Baths I hooked up with a guy who kept sucking the loads I was collecting out
  18. I truly love getting fucked. Its that simple. I crave and want the load, but I am very happy and satisfied getting fucked all afternoon, like today @ Club Lauderdale. 🙂
  19. That's great... but I would still look into newer medications. I personally am concerned about LONG TERM side effects. Sustiva was one of the earliest medications and advances have been substantial in this regard
  20. Atripla has a third medication besides the other 2. But there are so many newer combo pills with medication that hare more effective and less side effects. You should talk to your Dr about that
  21. Coming to St Pete Saturday 9/28, staying in Downtown Hotel. Looking to hook up with tops. Either hotel, your place or one of the bathhouses. HMU, I'm open to all types of guys... I love getting fucked and bred.
  22. Not everyone has the "Fuck Flu", some sero-convert without any symptoms
  23. It might be better to "missing" an occasional dose. If you've been taking it regularly, a single missed dose in a month lets say will have negligible affect on effectiveness.
  24. Piggy Bottom "Daddy", visiting St Pete area 9/27-29 … Would love to meet up or open to ideas of where to play
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