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About bugpup

  • Birthday 10/10/1970

Profile Information

  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Porn Experience
    None, but interested
  • Looking For
    Newly converted rubber pig looking for similar pozbros

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  • BarebackRT Profile Name

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  1. I love the ' Like a drowsy sleepwalker ' a perfect summation of that moment between tasting poz cum for the first time and knowing it's wrong, but your mind is now implanting new needs and feelings into you, and that's the perfect moment of recruitment.
  2. Wow, sexy rubber guy!

  3. Love a Drew. How they can evolve in one night
  4. Poz no meds is hot ????

  5. Hot man.  Hope you are vers

  6. I have a mate who is going through similar. He had been mostly safe top until the start of this year, and then took a couple of raw loads and gradually got more addicted. Our conversations have got hotter, as he finds his way around the bareback brotherhood, and discovers new thoughts and feelings. I like seeing the gradual descent of a man into a pigbrother, a guy who slowly accepts slams or drugs or no longer goes out fully geared to clubs, but starts dressing sluttier and sluttier. He on course to convert, sure, and he'll make a fine addition to the brothers. Once it starts, it's hard to turn back.
  7. fuckin hot pig.wanna share my bugs!

  8. you're a gift giver now???

  9. want you hot aids load deep in my raw ahsole

  10. Got a good load for you man. Make you toxic

  11. Looking fucking hot there, pig!

  12. Hot profile n pics man

  13. Great story. Wouldn't mind being forced to become a fellow employee
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