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Everything posted by firefighter

  1. Holy crap this is one hot story, so hot I have a 7inch on his way to breed my ass damn I'm horny as fuck after reading it
  2. I am at a loss as what to get my gay friend, you know the type the guy that has everything so here is the question, what do you like to get as a Christmas gift, and what should I steer clear of. Be serious here guys, Dildo's are off the gift list ..
  3. Took one deep in my gut last night from a regular Bi fuck buddy with a 7" cock, holy shit he sure does pound the hole off you I swear he must be sex starved, and he would suck a golf ball through a garden hose, but at least he knows how to plow an ass, and thrust well up when dumping the load. He is a sexy looking bastard too which adds to the enjoyment, the only thing off putting is he wont kiss, and damn do I love a good snog. Ah well can't have it every way I guess.
  4. A super story, keep up the good work .
  5. George Clooney, Bruce Willis, Al-pacino to name but a few
  6. Very clever title, I knew by it there was imagination behind what was to follow, and you never disappointed, roll on Part two, I'm wet already thinking about it. Don't leave it too long or I will be dehydrated ..
  7. This video is no longer available on XTube.com. The user who has uploaded it has removed it.
  8. Fuck but that's one hot story keep it cumming
  9. It's never too late to embrace the, and become the cum dump bot, look at me in the autumn years of my life, and loving the fact I have become a cum dump And here is the thing, and no disrespect to anyone here, I find most tops who want to just dump and leave don't really give a shit what you look like, they don't care if you have a body like Arnold, and one like Mr. Bean, they don't care if you are a porn star or a pimp, All they want is a place to call home for their manhood for whatever time it takes. And Me, well I am starting to be cool with that, I put way too much emphasis into caring about what they actually thought about me, ok yeah some think I'm hot, but they have white canes and Labrador dogs, and the rest they embrace what it's all about "Lock and Load". I regret spending to much of my life finding that perfect person, when what I should have been doing is taking what cum my way. Well no more I passed the first ring in my teens, I passed the second ring only this weekend, hell here is to the third if one exists, "do you ever want to be just holes" Hell yes, bring it on. I hope I have not offended anyone with this post if I have no offence was intended.
  10. Part two of being a cum dump this weekend guys, but for the first time ever being fucked I was fucked passed the second ring, ok I am 51 and never thought it was possible, but sweet Jesus it was amazing, took four loads in the gut this weekend, and from now on that is where all loads go, it was never as intense. I got an email from a guy yesterday on another note, he calls him self pozzpuppy, he an his partner want to violate my man pussy, his words not mine. But I have never knowingly taken a pozz load, and I assume with a name like that he is. But then assumption was always the mother of all fuck up's
  11. Great story, cant wait for the final installment, Just brilliant
  12. I was a total Cum Dump this weekend, took no less than six loads, I was worked so hard and rough I even bled, it has been two days of bliss, and would not have changed a thing, even if I am sore.
  13. That's so bang on, totally agree with you, I too am the same I have a couple of regular fuck buds, and to be honest I use them for the intimacy the cuddles and the kissing etc, I have one and he is the most amazing guy you could ever look at, hold and have inside you, and then when I don't need that well it's a case of whatever comes along and pumps and dumps does me.
  14. This is amazing brilliant story .. cant wait for the anaconda to enter
  15. four loads 3 last night and 1 this morning, what a guy, two score and ten he was, and a body to die for and could he fuck, he was like a young stallion. Damn I would do it all again tonight if he was here, roll on the next time sure it will give my guts ti me to recover.
  16. Think resuscitation if doing it what do we do to open the airway, tilt the head back .. so head over the edge of a bed or table or whatever you're strapped into should do the trick, and remember to switch to nasal breathing.
  17. Agree 100% I chose 18 also for the very same reasons as outlined above.
  18. Great story keep it cumming
  19. well it might be to some, tells the story of a guy who willingly caught the virus, but not in graphical detail sorry guys. I hope i am in the right place for posting this http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/bug-chasing-men-deliberately-trying-2033433
  20. I would love to try it to be honest, but it would have to be in the shower, there is no way some cunt is pissing in my bed
  21. There could be other reasons for this also, some now only some who are married men for instance, don't like to look at the person who they are topping, some, and again only some feel guilty after cumming. Now if this is not your guy, it might be he just prefers the doggie style. If it does not rock your boat why don't you agree on alternative position, each time you get together. After all it's not only just about him.
  22. I am the same as you nyfreak, It would totally put me off, and the smell of sweat around the crotch area is vile, but everyone to their own
  23. Congrats, there will be no turning back now, I have always been a barebacker used to top guys, and one day I decided I wanted a taste of cock up my ass, I became a selfish pig after that my favorite position is bottom. But I remember the first anon load I took at the BH too, like it was yesterday, I was giving this young hot guy head, and standing up with my ass sticking out, it was like an invitation to a top, and was taken as such. It was the first time I was not in control of what was entering me, but the whole thing just got me wild. I don't do BH too often as they are a bit of a journey from where I live, so most of my BB sex is in the comfort of my own domain.
  24. That was an amazing post, I found it very emotional but hey I'm a soppy git anyway but that line "and of course not having to send any christmas cards because no one is left in your address book". it really got me. I think this is an amazing thread, loving the open and honest comments.
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