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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. I keep seeing a lot of people on here looking for a 'recharge' of hiv. I have done some research and cannot find where there is any such thing or at least not in any medical reviews I have found. My question is: Is there such a thing? Seems like if you have HIV, you have it and cannot get anymore of it, other than maybe, since there seems to be about 2 strains of it around, maybe catch a different strain of it? Kind of confusing I think. Ooops, I just noticed my fingers got tangled again. Meant I have found 3 strains mentioned and one of them is drug resistant? Not really in the know as much as many on here but do try to keep up with things. My 'strains' also are major strains recognized by medical pros and there may be some others as well but not documented as well?
  2. Would be glad to help if you like? Just let me know what you want done.
  3. Chapter III Our game of strip poker had each of us down to just a pair of jeans on when Steve suggested making the game last a little longer by givine the loser of each hand the option of taking off their jeans and ending the game or taking penalty instead to make the game go on some more. I wasn't really all that tired yet so I agreed and asked what penalties and he said whatever came to mind from the winner. He also said that if we started that we both had to agree to do whatever the penalty was from the winner or we might just as well go to bed. I again asked what kind of penalties we were talking about and he said from mild to the wildest possible to make it really interesting. I could not think of much that could be done here in a motel room so I said ok and we shook hands on it and he had a smile a mile wide then. It turned out then that he won the very next hand and I waited to hear the penalty. He thought for a minute and told me that he would start mild and told me I had to stand up in the window and drop my pants to my knees for a count of 30 seconds. I was a little taken aback at that but said ok and proceeded to drop my pants to my knees in front of the window. He laughed at my discomfort but it was a nice laugh. I pulled them up quick when the time was up and sat down to hopefully get even with him for that, but again he won the next hand also. I held my breath waiting for this one and he told me I had to drop my pants again and walk into the hall and back in and had to just open the door and walk out without looking or anything. I was a little freaked out by that but I had agreed so we went to the door and I dropped my pants down and he opened the door and I stepped out into the hall. Was just there for a second and looking both ways and got lucky as nobody in sight. I hopped back inside in a hurry though and almost ran over Steve and down we went in a tangle with him landing on top of me. The door went closed on its own and we both were laughing so hard it took me a moment to start to get up when I realized my damn cock had started to come up again from the excitement and I could actually feel his cock against mine and it seemed to be somewhat up also. I quickly got up and pulled my pants up in a hurry. Steve must have noticed though as when he got up he kind of rubbed the front of his pants and then said the excitement must be getting to both of us as he always seemed to get hard when he was in a wild situation. He went on to say it had felt to him like I was like that too. I kind of mumbled that it was unusual for me. He kind of then asked me about my wife and before long I told him we hadn't had sex in several months now. He said then that my dick acting like it was was probably because of that and the added excitement of possibly being caught doing something not considered to be the thing to do. He then laughed and told me I better watch out he might make me run around the room naked as hell with the windows open next time. My dick actually twitched when he said that. What the hell? We sat down to play the next hand and finally I won one. He grinned and teased me some by saying what could I have him do that would be as wild as what I had done. I thought a minute and then told him I was going to use his idea on him. He had to take his pants off long enough to run around the room with the curtains open on the window for a full two minutes. He just grinned and told me I would have to come up with a much harder one than that to stump him. He jumped up and opened the curtains and dropped his pants and started to just walk back and forth in front of the window. Sitting down put me at almost eye level to his cock as he came back towards me and his ass going away. I could not seem to help myself as I stared at his cock as it came towards me and looked at the ceiling as he walked away telling myself I would not look next time back, but as he turned towards me again my eyes just dropped and stared anyway. About the fourth or fifth time towards me it dawned on me that his cock was edging up more and more and by about the tenth turn as he came towards me it was really sticking almost straight to the ceiling and had to be all of a good twelve inches long and as thick as my wrist. My mouth dropped open and I almost drooled and then caught myself and started to look away and looked up and he was grinning like crazy and knew I had been looking. Again my own cock was coming up on its own and I realized also that it was almost all the way up now. As the time ran out Steve pulled his pants back up and with difficulty got his cock tucked in. He was grinning like crazy as he sat down again. He asked what I thought of his parade? I could hardly answer as I told him it was pretty wild to do that. He said he noticed I had enjoyed the show and laughed and said he hoped he won the next hand. Sure enough he did too. I thought about ending the game and just telling him I was taking my pants off and going to bed but then for some reason decided to see what he had up his sleeve. He didn't make me wait long either and told me he wanted me to drop my pants and let him stroke my cock with his hand for about 50 strokes. I started to say no way when he started to laugh and told me, hey, I can tell you are going to chicken out now aren't you. That hit me in the male ego of course and I immediately stood up dropped my pants and stepped in front of him. He looked me right in the eyes as he reached out and took ahold of my, still up, cock in his hand. He said it sure was a nice looking cock and too bad my wife wasn't using it. He then started to stroke me and count. He was doing slow long strokes and I could hardly believe the feeling. As he approached the 50 he quickened the pace and he kept eye contact as he went right on by the 50 and I could not stop him as it felt too good. I was slightly moaning now and then before I knew what he was doing he leaned forward and keeping eye contact with me, enveloped my cock head with his mouth. I was startled and started to back away when his free hand reached behind me and grabbed my ass and held me still and then his other hand joined it on my other cheek and my whole cock slid into his mouth till my balls were on his chin and the head of my cock was in his throat. I couldn't move then and he started to slowly suck me and I moaned loud now. WOW I had really needed that, but from a guy? Oh, hell it felt too good to stop him now.
  4. Chapter II Well a bad start to the day had almost turned tragic when I almost ran over a hitchhiker in the rain. Had stopped and picked him up and now we were at my destination. I had now offered to let him clean up in my motel room shower and he had accepted gladly. A completely striaight man with a wife and kids and no knowledge of pretty much anything gay and had no idea what my offer was to lead up to soon or the way it would change my life. I went in and checked in and then we unloaded my car and went to my room. It was still raining so by the time we got everything out of the car and inside, we were both pretty well soaked. I had been in the service so to strip down to get dried off was not a big deal around another guy. Wasn't something I even thought about and definitely not in a sexual way. I had told him he could shower first and as we stripped down we were still talking about just everyday things. As he got his lowered and stepped out of his jeans I noticed he was commando and when he straightened back up is when it happened. I had just stepped out of my jeans and was saying something to him when I happened to glance down. I completely stopped midsentence and stared with my mouth open. He had a cock that had to be 10 to 11 inches just hanging there and was huge around also. I had never seen anything like that before. Then it dawned on me that I had stopped talking and was staring and was sure he had noticed and I turned away to place my wet clothes out next to the heater to dry out. While I was laying my clothes out he went into the restroom and I heard the shower come on. The sight of his cock has hit me in a way no other one ever had. I had seen plenty of cocks in my life but his was so large it basically had taken me aback and to my surprise my own cock had twitched and started to fill out towards hard too. Did stay like that for long but it definitely caught me by surprise doing that. I put it off to not having sex with my wife in so long. It didn't take him too long to shower and clean up. He yelled at me and wanted to know if I wanted him to just leave it on or turn it off. I told him to go ahead and leave it on as i needed a little rinse off too more than anything. I headed towards the shower as he was coming out drying his hair and couldn't help myself as my eyes went down to look at that cock of his again. I almost gasped as it was now about half way up and wow what a monster it was and I couldn't help wondering what it would do to a woman's pussy. Had to tear one up and make it almost unusable to any other guy. I was again somewhat surprised that my own cock stirred again at that sight. After a quick shower I came out to get dressed and found my new friend already dressed and packed to go. I told him, hey, don't leave yet, let's go eat first, besides it is still raining. I went on to say it would help pass the time anyway and see if it quit coming down. He accepted and after I got dressed we headed to the motel cafe for supper. As we ordered and started to wait, it dawned on me I had never asked his name and did so now. He told me his name was Steve. We had a nice meal and a good talk. When we were finished and got up to leave we found that the rain still had not stopped and actually might be coming down harder even. I told Steve he could come on back up to the room and watch tv and see if the rain would finally let up later instead of trying to stand out in it or even just sit around the lobby waiting. He accepted and we went back to my room. It felt nice to have someone, if only for a while to talk to and not have a boring night like I thought it would be. We settled in but it didn't take long to find that we didn't really have much more to talk about so we decided to get some cards out and play. One thing led to another then and as a joke, Steve said we should be playing strip poker. We both laughed at that for a bit, but by then it was getting late and we decided to do it anyway as a way to get ready for bed. The room had two twin beds and the rain didn't seem to be letting up any and I had told Steve he was welcome to stay the night and hope the rain was gone by morning so he could head out then. We decided that we would both have equal clothes on and each hand was worth one article of clothing off for the loser. No betting just deal a seven card stud game and whoever had the best hand won. We both had kicked our shoes off when we got comfortable earlier so we both had two socks, a pair of jeans and shirt on as we had both dressed after our showers commando. LOL 4 losses would end the game and be time to sleep. Steve won the first hand and off came a sock and then I won the next three hands in a row and he ws down to his jeans only. The cards changed then and he won the next two and we were both down to the last item now. Steve told me the game had got interesting now and wondered if I wanted to keep it going longer. I asked him what he meant and he said the next loser could choose to do a penalty of the winners choosing instead of taking their pants off and we could play a little bit longer before turning in. I said sure what kind of penalties did he have in mind and he said whatever popped into the others mind. I thought what could that be and agreed.
  5. well don't know what I hit but had written about 5 sentences into part 2 and hit the wrong key and bam, all gone. What a way to go. Feel like a dummy now. LOL
  6. Cool Tiger. I am TOTALLY ok with it. LOL
  7. What a terrible start to a day. The company calling me out of bed to take a trip in a hurry out of town, just before leaving the house I had an argument with my wife and before getting a block from home, a flat tire. Good way to keep one's mind on anything but what it is supposed to be on. The company was getting more and more demanding and leaving me with less time for my home life, my wife as mad because I was hardly ever at home anymore, and not surprisingly she was increasingly moody and frequently cut off sex for what seemed an eternity, but actually was more like about eight months or so. Of course this left me frantic, but still I wanted nothing to do with the problem. I was even too tired to masturbate - except once in a great while. Frustration and more frustration. Although this trip wasn't all that far from the house, it was still too far to commute home daily. I assumed I would have to spend a week or two of lonely nights in a motel with not a damn thing to do after work except to hit a local bar for a couple of drinks, watch TV, and then go to sleep. Ugh, so boring. Well tire fixed and I was on the road, but it sure isn't getting much lighter out. Looks like it could pour down just at any time. Just another aggravation if it does. Driving in the rain isn't a pass time I enjoy either. It makes it so much harder to see and the drive that much longer. Of course with my luck it started pouring. Rain and buckets, and still got darker yet, which made it hard to even see the road, so I had to slow down quite a bit. Then it happened. There appeared to be a man right in front of me on the road. I swerved to miss him and it looked like he flew into the ditch. I was hitting the brakes and then backed up to look for him. I got out of the car and was relieved to see he was climbing up out of the ditch, so I ran over and offered my hand. He needed my help to climb out the final few feet as the slope was steep and slippery. I looked around and to my horror I saw tire tracks off of the road fast disappearing but there nonetheless. I had driven off of the road and almost hit this man. I was scared as hell that I had nearly hit him, but the guy seemed to be taking it pretty well, saying "That sure was a close call." He appeared to be about my height although perhaps a bit lighter in weight. Naturally he was covered in mud, and I found myself repeatedly apologizing, but he laughed-off the incident, saying "No big deal. There's no harm, just mud." I asked him if he needed a ride somewhere. He told me he sure picked a bad day to hitchhike anywhere and could sure use a lift. Hell, he was more worried about getting a little dirt in my car than the close call he had had. I told him not to worry about it. He stuck his backpack in the rear and climbed in and away we went. I was actually kind of glad to have someone to talk to a little to take away the boredom of the drive. I asked where he was headed and he said wherever I wanted to drop him was fine as he was not heading anywhere in particular, just taking a trip for fun more than anything else. He was up for about anything at all anywhere it took him. We hit it off pretty good and just talked about whatever came up. The weather, politics, sports, just ordinary everyday stuff. Time flew much better and then it was time to stop for lunch. I found a nice little place and told him I had to buy to help pay for not paying attention before and after a little protest he let me and then we were off again. Again, also, it didn't take long, it seemed, and it was getting close to supper and we had arrived at the town I was headed for. I pulled into the motel where I was to stay and asked him to join me for supper again. He said he had already imposed on me for lunch and he still looked terrible to be going into what appeared to be a better type of place. It was then it dawned on me, what I had completely forgotten about; he was still caked with mud, even if it was now dry. I laughed and said "The hell with it. Come up to my room and use the shower. It's the least I can do since I caused you to get dirty. He also laughed, answering "What a nice offer. I'll be happy to take you up on it."
  8. I like a connection but it is not really necessary. Top wants my mouth or ass, he gets it and about all I care about is he gets hard, cums and likes it. He wants more, that is fine also. I just love to please my tops and what I want is secondary.
  9. Special offer: Are you poz and hvl? If so no need to look anywhere else, just come and tell me you want to gift me good and till the end of the year I am yours to use whenever you want.

  10. Sorry about that Tiger, may have just got carried away there as actually quite surprised in a way that not poz as haven't had a condom used in me in quite a long time now. LOL
  11. I need to be bred badly

  12. Totally neg and just tested a couple of weeks ago and only one load since and that was my reg. FB who is also neg so not really a chance of change yet. LOL Not chasing so much as being realistic, since I only BB and doing that usually just means it is a matter of time. LOL Not refusing any loads at this time either.
  13. I would meet and bend over for a guy like that too if offered. So fucking hot.
  14. I need loads and yes tha tis plural, I NEED MORE THAN ONE FOR A CHANGE.

  15. I totally agree with you on those for sure, Tattpig. That first one is really nasty anymore.
  16. I think it is almost a toss up with scat, vomit or children and no I cannot do any of them at all nor want to.
  17. Never want it pulled out of me. Deep inside me as you can get.
  18. This was the third time we went there. Almost got caught once. He had just stuck his cock in me when some guy walked through. LOL Made it all the hotter.
  19. One thing I have not seen posted yet. Condom failure from use of wrong lube. Make sure you use a proper lube that will not damage your condom. This is another thing that causes failures and another thing is it is anal sex and you need more lube most times. Lack of lube also will cause condom failure with too much friction and they tear. Don't think there is such a thing, really, as too much lube. DO take care and have fun.
  20. I love to get fucked over and over and over but seldom get more than one in a day and today was first time in 3 months
  21. Got picked up a little while ago by my regular FB. He has about an 8" cock and almost as big around as my wrist (pics in my photo album). Neither of us can host, so he drove us to a car wash. Pulled into one of the bays. We then jumped into the back seat and got naked. His cock was already up and ready. I lubed my ass some and he drove in in one push, balls deep and then started to pound. He does me like I like. Pounds me hard, fast and deep as possible. He pounded me until my ass was almost raw and my cock was leaking cum out it from him hitting my prostrate on basically every thrust. God, did that feel great. Been a long time, almost 3 months, since my ass had a cock in it. He then pushed my legs as far over my head as possible in there and then really pounded and filled my ass full of his cum. He must have saved up for it as my ass really had a LOT of cum in it. Felt magnificent and would love more now already. Can't get enough of his huge cock at all. Included pic is the last time we fucked and him in me balls deep.
  22. Just got fucked by my reg. FB and his big cock and he came a ton in me. WOW Marvelous and wnat more.

    1. backpackguy


      Congrats buddy! Know U needed that!! We all crave more cock and cum 2 hours after being piston fucked...that's why we are cock whores & cum sluts!!!

    2. MackyJay


      for sure backpack, I want more a few minutes after last one is out of me. LOL

  23. this is one of about 3 or 4 that are way overdo for next chapter.
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