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Everything posted by phillyhank

  1. Hurry back with another chapter. Please????
  2. "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!" Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?????????
  3. Doit2meraw.....That must have been when Brad was working in Chicago at Crew Bar as a waiter. That has to have been 5, 6 or 7 years ago. I did see him a few months ago on a street in the Castro in SFO. From what I understand, he and his partner are living by the Bay (and not in PS). But I could be entirely wrong
  4. Gets even hotter!!! :) :)
  5. Hot story! Looking forward to more chapters.
  6. I wonder if Cody is going to get a special Christmas "gift" from his Dad today?
  7. It is a hot video! Especially the Dawson group scene. But does anyone know why Brad McGuire left the "orgy" in mid-play? There has got to a story there!
  8. Hot story! Please continue.
  9. Andalas.....The scene was in "Cumsloppy Buttholes"---one of my favorites! :)
  10. Mark "10 1/2" Stevens from late 70s and early '80s porn. A bisexual guy who appeared in both straight and gay porn.
  11. Seaguy....I value your perspective (especially given your prolific and--more importantly--profound contributions to this site). I am just not buying it when it comes to Mr.Tim Skyler / Aaron Burr. He is a bit of a cunty bitch from my past experience here in Philadelphia. Perhaps it is a "boi" body image issue with which he has problems. And if he has some emotional/mental challenges, I would encourage him to avail himself of a variety of resources within the Gayborhood.
  12. Are you kidding me? Playing the Robin Williams "card"?
  13. It looks, on surface, to be a good story. But the lack of paragraph breaks is distracting.
  14. Next chapter! PLEASE!
  15. Can we have more?
  16. I agree! Randyrawman is such a tease. Give us more!
  17. Gymguy8....Thanks for the links to "Clint's Orientation" and "Jason's Party Weekend". But you have some unfinished business with both story lines. Now please get back to work! :-) :-) :-) LOL! We all await the next chapters!
  18. WOW!!! This "story" was so riveting!
  19. There was a pre-condom video done in the early 1980s titled "The Quarterback" filmed by Capitol Hill Productions (owned by the owners of the infamous Cinema Follies in DC and other cities). Part of the video was filmed in their DC location (it was all on VHS and I still wish that I had a copy). One of the Cinema Follies principals (a bi guy by the name of Marty) was in the flick. One hot fuck! I had a three-way with him and a prissy blonde (but pretty) ribbon clerk from Saks at their Pittsburgh location---in front of everyone---in the mid 1980s. The ribbon clerk was not particularly endowed (to Marty's disappointment), so I was brought in to give Marty a good fucking while he services the Saks clerk. Just as I was about to load Marty' s ass, one of the employees came to get him and said that his wife was on the phone. I told the employee to tell the wife that she would have to wait until I seeded her husband's ass! Wonderful memories!
  20. Guys.....Don't hold out a lot of hope that 1981Virginia will be continuing the story. He is one of the better contributors to this site in terms of content and writing style. Take a look at the many hot stories he has started. Unfortunately, his stories always seem to become abandoned along the way. It's a real shame!
  21. Randyrawman.....Let's get back to work!!!! :)
  22. Have any of you placed an order for this video and are still awaiting delivery? I placed my order on-line on May 23rd and STILL await delivery. I've called them a couple of times and keep getting all types of excuses about production delays, etc. Last week I was promised that it would be sent out and at my home when I returned from a long holiday weekend in Florida. I get home tonight (more than a week after the last conversation) and no package has arrived. I end up checking the USPS shipping confirmation once Cr8ative Juices sent the package and learned that they sent it to the wrong address!!!!!! What a half-assed organization!!!
  23. What a hot fucking versatile bareback stud! Does anyone have any information on him?
  24. So HOT!!! Can't wait for the next installment!
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