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Everything posted by Ocelot2000

  1. Yes but I live 6 months of the year in London and 6 months in LA. Whatever the courts decided was different to what you could get and/or was being offered by doctors in and for the gay community, and I stress, In London. You could get it for 50 pounds for the month. I did not take it because living in the US I was already on it at the time.
  2. I did read, and in that time you could get PrEP. Many places, at least in London, were giving out generic forms of Truvada plus breaking or cutting a condom, you can tell the difference. But to each his own in their thoughts. I never said he should not go to jail. I said it should not be for life.
  3. No comments about him going to Prison, I think he should, but not for life! That's daft. HIV is not a death sentence. OK, I did comment, but shouldn't the people he had sex with either have been on PrEP or used a condom if they didn't want to take that risk? I mean, where is the responsibility there? And as for a condom being cut and breaking, you can clearly feel that snap. I have felt it every time back when I didn't want to be BBed and I made the guy pull out immediately. It can't just be on him. Sorry, but that is a cop out!
  4. Well said @BootmanLAand sometimes you actually tell people stories that happened and you get a bunch of, this is fake, when it just happened a couple hours ago... it goes both ways. Unless you know a person IRL you aren't going to know for sure who that person is or what they are about simply from covering with said person online. And no one should be using fake pics. There should be a way of verifying people pics wise by the moderators. I hate people using some person's pic without their knowledge!
  5. I don't know how many I have been bred by but it's no where near 1K. I wish!!!!
  6. There are tons of people with Covid that only have GI issues and it can't be diagnosed from the nasal swab.
  7. Yeah the pool man when I was 9. Went on for a few years and others started during that time too.
  8. Fantastic story so far!
  9. Agreed, same, and a drink and some poppers helps, lol
  10. LOL, I havnet work deodorant since this started since i am basically jut sitting at home...
  11. I can't wait to start taking loads again. It's been almost three months now.....
  12. I was going to do my first one when this quarantine thing started.... lol
  13. Level 5 for me, however it's more like i will only get fucked raw but not everyone can fuck me. I do make my choices still. Neg, Undetectable guys etc
  14. I've been getting a lot of hits to bottom for some big disked tops but so far no sex in the last 7 to 8 weeks. It's tough but hey ho..... Gotta try and keep safe.
  15. It's a grey area in one way. I don't think anyone should lie. If asked, people should be truthful. If a person wants to remain negative, then honor that. However if I go to a bathhouse or a sex club and I take loads, and I do not ask, a poz guy fucking me and breeding me could be seen as stealthing, however is it? I didn't ask status or for a condom. So in one way, yes, absolutely, I agree with you. But there is a grey area in where steal thing starts or an action stop being stealthing.
  16. I'm in the same boat. No sex for a few weeks now and totally horny as fuck. Isolating and only going out for groceries and pharmacy. I hope it's over soon!
  17. 9 with the pool man if we are talking anal.
  18. I'm definitely holding off on places like Cumunion, DenLA and Slammer until we know more of what is going on. Can still hook up one on one, but not going to be in places where there are tons of people.
  19. There are so many contradictory things being said and written, it's hard to know what to believe. Last weekend, not this past one, but the one before, I was at Slammer in LA, each time someone came close to me to try to kiss me my mind was like "CORONA!!!!" So this past weekend I did not go and I will wait and see what happens. I take my flu shot each year, so have never really worried before. Some of you here are saying it is going to kill millions, others are saying the flu is worse, one is saying that he works with people who have it and healthy people are dying from it, others say only the elderly or people with underlying conditions will die from it. It's all too confusing. This evening I had a home made hand sanitizer wiht me at the gym spraying every bloody machine I went on, I thought I was going to get totally high or kill myself from the alcohol fumes, lol
  20. Of course. It's not like any of us are a one size fits all. I'm older, a bottom, I am bald, I'm of Arab origin, I don't have a six pack, I'm hairy, although I have never had any complaints about my ass, lol. But still. I go to parties, not everyone is going to like me, and that is OK. I get shut down a lot because of my age and just the "you aren't my type". Oh well, we move on and the next person will have a different thought about us.
  21. I'm sorry, but why should I be embarrassed about what happened to me as a kid? I sure am not, thank you very much. Whatever we experience in life, be it bad or good, shapes who we are today. I am a confident gay man with a great career and a good head on my shoulders. I am not going to back down as to anything that happened to me in the past nor am I going to not talk about it. Do you realize that talking about things actually might help others? I think what you are seeing is people finally able to just discuss anything and everything that happened to them, and that is a great thing to see, not a bad one! That argument you made is also the same argument made by people who do not want to see women talk about their sexual past, be in a good or bad one.
  22. Yeah I don't know of any here
  23. I live in LA. No one checks that now. No one wears condoms and if people ask to use one, most say no thanks. At least the places I go to here. But 26 years ago, it was a different story of course.
  24. Ocelot2000
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