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Everything posted by barefootboy

  1. I love a guy’s sweaty feet. Mine sweat a lot too
  2. Don’t misunderstand…I am not a proponent of stealthing and not endorsing it. I am just pointing out how difficult it is to enforce that law.
  3. I agree. How can a person even prove they were stealthed instead of getting fucked by their own consent? Can you imagine the conversation when you call the cops to a bathhouse and tell them someone fucked you in a certain way against your will while you are running around in a towel with the intention of getting fucked anyway??
  4. I used to love to do that. See how long it took for them to dump the condom.
  5. I also have FLD. Based on the responses here, mine may be a combination of drinking, Zantac (which I stopped), and PrEP. I also had a liver ultrasound just this week and am waiting on the doctor to call me. I understand what you are experiencing.
  6. Negative, on PrEP. Tested full panel last week. Not chasing but turned on by taking HVL (while still on PrEP though).
  7. I have had both shots and was happy to get them. I was lucky in that I had no problems or side effects with either shot. I look forward to venturing out for some hot sexual encounters.
  8. My first time was my married lover who slapped me repeatedly and dragged me to the bathtub and pissed in my mouth and made me swallow. Later he fucked me, came inside me, let his dick go limp and then pissed in my hole to mix with his cum.
  9. I got E Coli from rimming. I didn’t know that was what it was at the time. I was sick and had stomach problems for a month. There is only one guy I rim now and that’s because he does everything he can to clean himself before I put my mouth down there. I love to rim smooth asses but what I went through wasn’t worth it.
  10. Sorry, don’t mind if they smell. Auto correct is bad sometimes
  11. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether the porn is condom or bareback. The minute I see the rubber, I turn it off. Just doesn’t do it for me.
  12. I love bare feet and don’t kind of they smell.
  13. I used to do something similar at married men sex parties I used to go to (a few token gay boys were invited). I put Vaseline in my ass and their condoms would rupture. Not one married ever pulled out, just gave me their load.
  14. You did not ask for it any more than I did. As I said, no means no and if someone went ahead anyway, it’s rape regardless of what we were doing in a sex club or bathhouse. I also believe we are not alone and that it happens more than anyone realizes.
  15. I was also raped in a similar environment, at Flex in Atlanta years ago. Raped by a guy who insisted on fucking with a condom of all things. I had just gone on PrEP and was there to take loads but it’s up to me to decide who fucks me, but not that day. Three hot Latin guys approached me and I thought they would take turns loading me. It was a concrete area near the main area where the snack machines are. One asked me to fuck but he wanted the condom. I politely said more than once that I was bb only. That’s when he pushed down on the concrete (hurt like hell) and his two friends grabbed my legs, held my arms and covered my mouth. The guy put on the condom and rough fucked me. When he was done and I was able to get up, I started yelling and cursing at him. They just laughed and went on their way. They knew it would be hard for me to explain how I was raped while whoring myself in a bathhouse. That seems like an oxymoron but NO should have meant NO. I have not suffered any emotional effects from that experience except for a lot of anger at the guys. I did continue to go back from time to time but didn’t run into them again.
  16. I love UFC because they are barefoot and out each other in positions where you can see the soles of their feet. That’s so hot to me
  17. I like pump, dump, and go if I am bottoming. I like multiple loads from different guys and if they take too long, I lose interest.
  18. I had very different experiences from getting sexually involved with people at work. This was 20 or so years ago when I first went to work for a large company for which I still work today. a manager of another group flirted with me ( I was single at the time). We both worked late a lot and ended up going to dinner one night after work. Then we made out in his car. I went and spent the weekend at his house that weekend. I sensed he was not the marrying kind so we just had a good time. A couple of years later, I got involved with a manager who’s office was directly across from mine. We dated for several months and no one at work knew a thing! We were totally professional at work but in private, we were sex pigs. Even though I’m married now (open relationship), I still see him periodically and not just for sex. I got involved with another guy at work 3 years ago. He is married with kids. He worked in another building and we met on manhunt but he recognized me from seeing me in the cafeteria at work. We spent several months fucking around at seedy motels, his house , and my house. I even met his son one time when the kid came to work with him. I think as long as you know the ground rules and assess the situation properly, it can work out without being awkward. That’s just my take on it.
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