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About jimrs69

  • Birthday 01/15/1969

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Irving, TX
  • Interests
    Bareback, poz fucking, guys into converting, k9, horse cock, perverted chat (just not scat), incest (not really young), stretched out, ruined, bleeding assholes.
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    Been poz since 2000, been on meds since then, too. Love getting a poz load in me.
  • Porn Experience
  • Looking For
    Mostly chatting, possibly hooking up if you're local. I don't get much action so not used to big cocks.

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  1. Honey! Just a cuddle and a deep kiss for you 😘☣️

  2. Where are you, sweetie! 

  3. There's SO much about this story I love, mostly the 11.5 inch cock and even though he eased his way into him gradually, he still pounded his hard enough to make him bleed!!! AIDS cum with a side of bloody asshole. Too bad he didn't have a PA in...
  4. I just read this whole story for the first time and it was absofuckinglutely WONDERFUL!!! SO HOT, all those guys fucking and getting fucked like that over and over and no clue they were all becoming toxic. The whole "survey" premise was amazing! Great job!!!
  5. Your story is great and the pics are HOT!!! I do love me some BBC, fucking me hard and raw, filling me up with a huge (hopefully poz) load! Nothing better.
  6. Hi, you had [think before following links] http://fuckworker.blogspot.com/2012/03/daddies-poz-fuck-bug-chasing-twink.html in one of your stories, but it says you have to be invited.  How do I get an invite?

  7. Greetings!  I just discovered your profile and I LOVE IT!!!!!  

  8. Fucking hot story! And I love all the comments that are keeping it going. The only thing I would have changed is with that big of a cock and a PA, plus no mention of lube, that should have torn his cunt some. I know not everyone's into it, but I see quite a bit of stories in here talking about dry fucking a neg hole, fingering the neg hole and scraping with fingernails, or simply fucking them so hard, they get torn. Not only does it make sure they definitely get infected, but I love the talk about pulling the huge cock out and there's red streaks on it and the PA and pink cum dripping out.
  9. PLEASE write more! This is an amazing story!!!
  10. I have a general question about a new story I'm writing. I've submitted 2 stories before, but this one's different. The other 2 were expressly sex scenes involving consensual sex between over 18 aged men where some had HIV and some didn't. My new story has started out as more of a regular story about a gay man discovering sex in college and it ending up being with men that are HIV+. Since it does involve sex with HIV+ men, I want to put in in the Bug Chasing & Gift Giving Fiction section, but that doesn't happen until later in the story. I wanted to find out if there would be much interest in this story with sex happening later in the story and not necessarily right away. Is this the appropriate place to ask the members that or should I post it somewhere else?
  11. Such a fucking amazing story! I've loved everywhere it's gone and everyone that's been involved. I do hope you write more for it, but I'll be looking for other stories as well. Thank you for such a wonderful read!!!
  12. PLEASE write more!!! This looks so hot and so amazing. Not to mention the potential for his neg hole to get totally torn up just the way I like it.... PLEASE!!!
  13. This is BY FAR the BEST story I've read on this site! Pozpuppy, you are absolutely amazing. Love the poz AND Aids fuckers, love all the gangbangs, LOVE when his hole rips and there's blood, love it all! Just got finished reading everything that's here and was sad to see this was back in Jan 2018 when the last time Pozpuppy posted. I hope you're still around and might finish it one day. Thanks again!
  14. Hey, I was just wondering if there was going to be any more chapters to the Doctor Death story.  Have really loved it so far. THX

    1. dirtycumlover


      Yes eventually there will be. I've just been really busy lately 

  15. Are we getting any more chapters? This has been one of the hottest stories I've ever read!!! Love all the raping and dry fucking and blood, not to mention all the poz and aids fucking. I hope we get to see more with the original 4. Can't wait to see what happens next.....
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