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Everything posted by hungry_hole

  1. If I were poz I would most likely hang around saunas and darkrooms, because I would like to have sex without having to discuss my health situation. Talking about HIV ruins the anonymous part of the encounter because the only talk I like is dirty talk before and during sex.
  2. If I were in my 20's or 30's I would consider PrEP, but at my age when I already have different pains issues I don't feel comfortable taking PrEP worried of the side effects. In my case, after so many years of really hot sex, more sex is just more of the same. I also have a couple of dudes that I can sex with and who test.
  3. I just came back from the clinic after testing HIV-negative, even after the 12 weeks window period. All other tests also negative (Syph, Clam, Gono, etc). I must say that it feels good because I don't have any interest in pozing. It's not my thing. Now, I know that if the test would have been HIV+ I would have found a way of adapting to the results, like having lots of sex in saunas, etc. Now I want to stay HIV-.
  4. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=ucsOD-G896-#.VN8sWC4YF2B I like the way the top's prostate pulsates as he dumps his load in the bottom's hole
  5. But can one ever fulfill the slutty side?
  6. bbzh wrote: "Back to the idea at hand, I could envision a pump and dump station that was totally anonymous as part of a sauna where the tops didn't have to get undressed.However, I don't think they should be able to pick among the holes. It would be totally dark and you'd have 15 min max to dump your load. If you dumped it sooner, you got a partial refund. Bottoms should have to pay for every top they service with a cap on the amount of time they could occupy the station." jeff238 wrote: "I have been thinking about starting a new sauna/baths/whatever for some time..." I would love to start a sauna but a bit different from the traditional ones. I would maintain a webpage that is automatically updated with the number of people in the sauna at the moment. If I were to implement the free service for quick-tops then I would publish the number of quick-tops waiting to get serviced. I would also pay a lot of attention to location of the door because many guys feel embarrassed to be seen going in. jeff238 also wrote: "I think that bathhouses are in more demand BECAUSE of the internet." it's not what you see when you go to the saunas. Compared to what I used to see in the saunas in the 90's they are now mostly empty and/or most clients are older 50+. Older guys don't feel as comfortable with the Internet. Saunas in large cities may still be bring in the guys but I'm suro nothing like it used to be. In Chile guys go to saunas because lots of young guys live with their parents. ff-whole wrote: "You just pay for an entry fee and that's it..." Well, most guys who are looking for a quick blow-job or quick fuck/breed session don't want to have pay a fee. Instead of horny guys having to go home and jerk-off, they could use this free service. Ask for permission to enter, enter into the assigned cubicle, close the door, unzip and stick their cock through the hole while they stand. ff-whole: in Chile the 282 is good at night/early morning. And yes, the Metro es very good. But then again, in the dark one of the windows is not completely covered so the room doesn't end up being that dark. Too bad this sauna is not open at night.
  7. Themes like "Dare to Bare" or Blackout events when most lights are off are good and attract lots of guys. My local sauna is busy for the Blackouts (last Thu of month) and hit-and-miss on the weekends. What I'm trying to capitalize on is on making better use of what I call quick-tops, horny guys who just wanna get off without major complication hopefully in an anonymous setting. Right now, for instance, if I young horny guy is leaving the bars and he is horny and just wants a wet mouth around his cock or a nice hole to fuck, he has to decide. Get on Grindr and find a hungry mouth or hole. Maybe, but must negotiate place. Going to a sauna where there's a gloryhole waiting for him would be the best, but does it make sense to spend $15 for a 10 mins blow job or fuck? A quick-top could very well be a guy who presents himself as a bottom but the idea of a free anon mouth or hole around his cock turns him on. That is why the way quick-tops have to behave is very structured to avoid play between them. They must be in their assigned cubicles at all times and willing to accept anyone to suck them off. The idea of separating the free from paying customers is for maintaining anonymity. None of the paying customers will know who they are sucking or getting fucked by. And the same goes for the quick-tops. Depending on whether or not quick-tops are waiting to get in, there's a time limit for quick-tops to get sucked or for fucking. On entry to the establishment paying customers can ask the clerk for the number of quick-tops stationed in the back cubicles. Maybe the clerk will say No-Vacancy which would mean a few cocks to suck or get fucked by. Or maybe some nights there will a steady stream of quick-tops going by which would mean unlimited number of cocks to suck.
  8. I'm always very critical about the ambience in saunas and sex clubs. When I go into one I look for all the changes that can be made to improve the chances for guys to have fun. This translates into owners making more money. One of the local saunas has one double room with a sling in it and no public sling. Guys had access to the sling but only if the guy renting that double room agrees to leave the door of the room open. If no one was renting the sling room, the sling was unused. So I wrote to the owner/manager of the sauna and suggested a few simple changes. One my suggestions was that the sling room remain open for public use unless someone wanted to rent it. It took almost 2 years until I read in Squirt that now the sling was available for play to anyone. A simple change added a lot of value to the place. Now someone renting a locker can jump on this temporary-public sling and give other guys a nice hole to fuck. My most common issue with saunas and sex clubs is the lighting. Most places don't provide adequate dark area for guys who like anon sex in dark rooms. A sauna in Montreal has 2 or 3 public slings but all in places with lots of light. The usual explanation I get is that guys like to see who they fuck and who fucks them. I say maybe some but there are others who prefer very anon scenes, hopefully without even seeing who fucks them or who they fuck. If a sauna has 2 or 3 public slings put one sling in a place with light, another a bit darker, and the third one in a VERY DARK place, maybe with some blacklight around. In Santiago, Chile, there is the sauna 282 which is very crowded on weekends. They have made absolutely no improvements to the facilities other than installing more lockers and some "bags" where you put your clothes in when lockers are sold out. Past 3am it's packed with mostly young guys drunk and horny after the bars, but most guys are stuffed in a dark hallway on 2nd and 3rd floors. There is a semi dark room but not good enough that also has a big mattress which ends up full of guys sleeping. Next to the dark room there is an old Jacuzzi room which now doesn't work. I would close the entrance to the Jacuzzi room and open the entrance from the dark room. That way provide a very dark area for guys ho like it dark and anon. Because of the Internet saunas and sex clubs are fighting to stay afloat. But saunas still offer something special, a more anon action. In a sauna there's no need to discuss stats, including age. Just look at each other and go for it. How to improve them? If I were involvement in the design of a sauna or sex club I would device a system where "quick-tops" can get serviced for free. A quick-top is a horny guy (doesn't have to be a total top) who wants to quickly get off because he doesn't have the time or because he likes it anon. Most guys in a quick-top mood are not willing to pay $10 for a 10 minute anon blow-job. But if there was a way for a quick-top to get serviced anon and for free, I'm sure most would gladly accept the offer. But how can this work? I'm thinking about the layout of my local sauna which is in a basement and with two entrances. The back entrance which is close to the gloryhole/dark area, is now a service and emergency entrance. Paying customers would come in through the front as they do now. The back area would have be remodelled. The back entrance would have access to a hallway, a small bathroom to clean up, and a set of small cubicles where once the door is closed the guy must be standing up forced to be a top. This area would be monitored by the cashier to make sure rules are followed: no talk, one at a time in the hallway and playing among quick-tops prohibited. Right now if a guy wants quick no nonsense service during lunch or after work, he must pay. Few guys will pay for a 10 minute blow job or breeding session. If the service is free horny guys wouldn't mind a quick service, even a 5 minute blow job. After all it's free. This would probably increase the number of paying customers looking forward to sucking anon cock or getting fucked anon. I know it's a crazy ideas but I find that saunas and sex clubs have to be more creative in the services they offer and that way offset the Internet.
  9. I know that many bottoms "are done" after they shoot their loads. When a bottom is hogging a fuck-bench or a good gloryhole I try to make them shoot their loads in order to free the fuck-bench or gloryhole. It works. At the sauna GI-Joe in Montreal there's a sling in the basement. Last time I was there a bottom was hogging the sling so while a top was fucking him, I made the bottom cum. As soon as he shot his load he pushed away the top, got off the sling and left. I took over the sling and took the top's load. Sometimes a certain gloryhole is better than the others with more connecting holes. At the gloryhole area in my local sauna there was a bottom hogging the best GH and I wanted it. I did my best to make him cum from the neighboring gloryhole. As soon as he shot I heard him pick up his room/locker keys so I quickly took over the best GH in the place. Yeah, many bottoms need a break after they shoot.
  10. I think that most bottoms prefer not to cum while being fucked even those bottoms who can continue getting their hole pounded. I prefer to focus on the top. If I cum while getting fucked for a few seconds I have to focus on myself too much so I prefer to avoid shooting my load while I'm getting fucked. I like to focus so much on the top, even while watching porn. It annoys me when in porn I hear a screaming bottom because it masks all the noises coming from the top while he plows the hole. I prefer to talk dirty to the top fucking me and keep the moans to a minimum.
  11. I'm planning a trip to Palm Springs myself so I've been looking at CCBC's website. I'm interested in one of the rooms facing The Walk and with hooks for a sling. I called them and they do have a few small rooms facing The Walk and with hooks for a sling. Does anybody have any experience staying at CCBC and trying The Walk?
  12. I find that hook-up sites/Apps like Grindr or Craigslist are better for setting up more impersonal adds than sites like BarebackRT where you have to make a more permanent profile. If I were to setup a take-all-loads scenario in a Hote/Motel I would use Craigslist. If I'm travelling I would use Grindr. On the other hand if I were a poz guy wanting to get off and who's looking for a pump-n-dump situation avoiding the HIV questions, Craigslist would be a good place.
  13. I don't have enough sex nowadays as to justify taking PReP every day. But I spent a month in Chile, South America, where I had a fair amount of sex. Unlike Canada where most guys have a place to get together for sex, in South America many times guys live with their extended family and need a place to go for sex: The saunas! Friday nights and Saturday nights one of the saunas is absolutely packed with horny guys. I rarely see a packed sauna in Canada these days. But also online using Grindr one can get a lot of action if one has a place. I had so it was great. But now I'm back on the waiting game. Waiting for the 12 weeks of my last trip to the sauna so I can test for HIV. Although I didn't get a fuck flu, testing positive would not be a total surprise. And this is where I get a glimpse of guys who wanna convert. What would I do and how would I react if I tested poz? I'd like to think that I would be in the mood for lots of raunchy sex once I know I'm poz. Then maybe being a top would be a turn-on, who knows.
  14. I agree with MaxC, which means that I disagree with the view that all those who bareback, especially bottoms, are bug chasers. Wanting to breed and to be bred have been part of the man-to-man sexual repertoire for centuries. Barebacking has nothing to do with wanting HIV.
  15. It's not easy to tell whether a bottom on a sling or fuck bench is effeminate or masculine. From my personal experience I would say that the most sought after bottoms are the younger ones. If the bottom other than young is also masculine, then even better.
  16. In terms of making money I'm sure that you would make more if you did not restrict yourself to being a bottom. Let the client ask you for what they want and go from there.
  17. I try to avoid scheduling a hook-up too much ahead of time. Unless it's one of the regulars whom I know well and is never late. Hook-ups made ahead of time can fail even because of a simple "no longer horny."
  18. I don't mind bottoming for the same guy as long as the action is anonymous.
  19. I like my butt to be smooth when I go out to saunas or sex clubs. I find that I like the feeling of the tongue directly on the skin around my hole. Also, for someone who is a bit squeamish about rimming, a smooth hole may be better. It feels cleaner.
  20. Years ago I remember how health officials would insist that the risk was almost the same for both tops and bottoms. I think this position had to do with the fact that no one was completely sure. Also, from a public health point of view it makes no sense to say that it's OK to top because every time someone tops bare someone else is getting fucked bare. Another important factor that was mentioned here before is that some guys have a difficult time accepting the role of a bottom and feel embarrassed about it. These men may top most of the times but while drunk and horny they may occasionally bottom and keep the fact that they did bottom to themselves.
  21. My first time was bareback right when the AIDS crisis had started. Then everyone started wearing condoms. Maybe about 20 years ago a guy was fucking from behind with a condom, he stopped, then he fucked me again at which time I noticed it felt better, but wasn't aware that it was bareback. When he pulled out he quickly took care of the condom for me not to see it, and whispered in my ear: "I left you a present" and he left the room. I touched my hole and go so turned on when I felt it leaking with his cum. I never again wore a condom.
  22. The only thing I can say is that I would have never taken risks when I was young. At around 45 I decided that I had to take risks if I wanted to have anonymous sex which is the kind of sex I really enjoy.
  23. In my case, it used to be pretty easy to clean-up, maybe 1/2 hour or so. When someone was coming over all I needed was half hour or so. Years later I started noticing that following the same procedures I was having trouble to "feel empty" and now I need a lot of time to prepare. Sort of the same situation as Mike_thieriot
  24. I know PrEP is becoming very popular, sort of like a party drug. Guys go on PrEP, feel immune to HIV and that way have all the sex we all dream in saunas and sex clubs. But, how long can a person be on PrEP? How long have you been on PrEP? Any problems?
  25. Because MaxC is in a relationship with a woman or plans to be in one with the ultimate goal of raising children, HIV should not be his only worry. Herpes, Hepatitis and many others are also of concern. Some infections affect women in ways that they can never bare children.
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