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Everything posted by hungry_hole

  1. Responding to my comment that power0459 has to blame himself: True, but power0459 cannot blame no one else but himself for the anxiety he felt about the possibility of being poz.
  2. power0459, somewhere you say: But before that you said: Maybe he was wasted after a bad breakup too, and he was horny and felt like seeding a hole. Why being wasted can justify your behavior but not his? You are to blame. Something like "Are you clean?" is not the right question. Anybody who expects complete honesty and knowledge about their sexual health situation is simply naive. As it's been said so many times here, guys lie or they don't know they are HIV+. If you wanna share responsibility in terms of HIV you first have to get to know the guy you want to bareback with and not let somebody semi-anonymous breed your hole. I do blame a guy who lies to his long-term partner. But in "quickies" the responsibility is ALL yours. You're 26, still very young and attractive, so there will be many guys who will want to breed you and you have to decide whether you put your anon sex desires in the back burner or just live your fantasies and let yourself go, let guys breed you in saunas and gangbangs. The choice is yours but if you poz you shouldn't blame anyone but yourself.
  3. I felt the same way and the title Chaser didn't fit with what I saw in the movie. The idea that all bareback bottoms who take anon loads are bug-chasers is common to the point that even Tim Dean, author of Unlimited Intimacy, claims that in his book.
  4. It doesn't make sense to me to expect that one person will satisfy ALL my sexual needs. If you have a good relationship going concentrate on all the other aspects of the relationship and leave aside the sex. Unfortunately right now there's no way to have "Safe anon sex". So you have to find ways of satisfying your needs in "safer" ways or sometimes you may take some risks.
  5. I'm sure that you have your own preferences in terms of men. My first question to you would be "Do you like older men in their 60's or do you prefer younger men?" The cliché thing is that age is just a number but when it comes to the "erotic and sexual body" age plays a crucial role in how a sexual relationship develops. I've read in profiles "I'm a slutty bottom for older and a power top for younger" which refutes the notion that age is just a number. Even outside the realm of sex, when I read a story in this site about a slutty bottom who spent hours on a sling at the sauna on Saturday night, I need to know the age of the bottom to put it ion context in my mind. If the bottom in the story is an obese man in his 60's or 70's, not a turn on at all. But if the bottom telling the story is a 21 yo then the story becomes appealing. There was a discussion last week in some thread about a video called "Chased". I have to agree that it is a beautiful movie but I already pointed out that everyone in the movie is under 35 with chiselled bodies. Definitely no one over 60 like MackyJay. As a bottom I cannot get pissed of because a top likes younger. I do too! No matter how much everyone tries to mitigate the effects of age in cruising and sex with men, age is the most important attribute.
  6. I loved the film but it again reminds me of how important youth is in the portrayal of male homosexuality and of the power of male homoeroticism. There was nobody in the film older than maybe 35 and that is one of the reasons why it's such a beautiful film.
  7. "Can Relationships Work?" is an interesting question. For me the key to a successful male-male relationship is making sure that the relationship is strong independent of the sex. I would never stay or leave a relationship just because of the sex. That's what fuck buddies are for. If I'm going to be in a relationship it's because we both enjoy each other's company and we can live in peace and harmony. Sex is not important for me when it comes to relationships.
  8. I doubt guys who prefer to fuck and breed younger guys would even want to try fucking older bottoms. It has nothing to do with skill and more with the image of a young slutty bottom. Plus these days you can find plenty of young slutty bottoms or young bottoms want to train to be slutty.
  9. I love the last part of the video when you flood the bottom's hole with your cum while you moan. Hot!
  10. It's a big turn-on for me to get fucked and bred by another bottom I guess because most bottoms who occasionally top do it to relieve themselves just before going home so the action is quick where the bottom who's fucking is focused on shooting his load. But I was reading about a bottom who doesn't like getting fucked by a guy unless he is a "total top", no exceptions. So different from my experience because I would never refuse a fuck just because the top tells me that he also likes getting fucked.
  11. I've heard of many tops being infected by a bottom who is HIV+. But how about tops getting infected by fucking a sloppy hole, already lubed with poz cum? In saunas I often see a bottom being bred and as soon as the top pulls out another hard cock is ready to take over.
  12. I hope you write about the things you did on the IML weekend. Maybe a Blog entry?
  13. Your fantasy is so common in men that it says more about men in general that anything about you specifically. We men have many sexual fantasies that are best realized in anonymous/dark situations. What is great about anonymous situations is that we know nothing about the sexual partners which allows us to build any fantasy we want around that anonymous encounter. In anonymous sex encounters I'm having sex with myself, like when I masturbate, but with the added enhancement of other bodies, cocks, asses to play with. When the sex is anonymous there's freedom to identify with any of the participants. For instance, when getting fucked bottoms get really turned on when the top is giving then a good pounding and then breeds their holes. This turn-on is not necessarily from the fucking itself but from identifying with the top. When the top says "I'm going to shoot my load!" the bottom knows how great shooting your load feels and can't help but to almost feel the top's orgasm. The identification is sometimes so strong that when the top starts moaning the bottom starts shooting his load, many times before the top.
  14. I like bottoms who like sharing their load with other bottoms. It's so hot.
  15. For me this is the hottest thing that can happen to me. A horny bottom who's been taking loads at the sauna dumps his load in my hole to relieve the pressure. That's hot!
  16. I hope this reminds guys that when it comes to saunas and other anon sex places, especially dark, EVERYTHING goes. Stealthing, not disclosing HIV+ statues, etc.
  17. I find a lot of videos of internal cumshots and real breedings in Xtube. Here's one: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Hkwiz-G188-#.U3yNyChfWs0 It frustrates me when the top pulls out because they usually take too long to stick their dripping cock back in. I like those internal breedings where you see the top's hole because I like to see it how his hole twitches when he's delivering his load.
  18. I would never consider myself to "be a bottom". Instead of saying "I am a bottom" I would say that I've enjoyed a lot getting fucked since the first time it happened and toping does not really appeal to me that much.
  19. I had an error when posting the options for the poll. These are the options I came up with: 1. I only have bareback sex with partner/lover in a monogamous relationship 2. I have bareback sex with partner/lover, and also with friend/fuckbuddy using condoms. No anonymous sex 3. I have bareback sex with partner/lover and with friends/fuckbuddy. No anonymous sex 4. I like to bareback with partner/lover/friend/fuckbuddy but use condoms when having anonymous sex 5. Prefer bareback with partner/lover/friend/fuckbuddy but I sometimes BB when having anonymous sex 6. I always bareback but prefer sex with someone I know such as partner/lover/friend/fuckbuddy 7. I always bareback but prefer anonymous sex 8. Only anonymous/impersonal sex and no sex with partner/lover whom I love 9. Only anonymous/impersonal sex and use condoms with partner/lover to protect him 10. Other
  20. I'm always curious about the kind of sex guys have and prefer.
  21. There's no real reason to feel guilty about wanting to have sleasy anonymous sex, which is what I think you mean when you say "animal". The only reason that would justify any bad feelings about anon sex is catching or passing on STIs, but everyone in the anonymous sex environments is responsible for their own actions. Then, nothing to worry about in spite of your possibly high VL. fuckboy20, you say you enjoy taking anon cock and having anon guys breed your hole. I'm sure some poz guy has unloaded in your hole. Should he be feeling guilty because he creamed your hole with his poz cum? Obviously not, so why should you worry about anyone else? Assume the holes you've been breeding are poz, just like yours. Just leave honesty for when you meet guys in non-anonymous situations. When I go to the sauna or a park and I have bareback sex with someone, I don't tell the next guy that I just had raw sex and that I may be infected. But I have done that with guys I know. And it's then their choice to have sex with me or not. I doubt the "animal" analogy is helpful when trying to understand sleazy sex. What would be helpful is to understand that wanting sleazy sex has little to do with "being gay" and more to do with "being male."
  22. "Barebacking and Actually Staying Neg?" I've been barebacking for more than 15 years and I estimate having taken around 2,000 loads, most of them anonymous, and I'm still testing HIV-. Probably lucky because I can't imagine being immune to HIV. I love anonymous sex, basically the only kind of sex I like having. I know the risks of anon sex and I don't want to seroconvert. I wish there was a way of being able to have anonymous sex but with a low chance of STIs.
  23. I had never turned away an uncut cock, but I prefer to get fucked by uncut cocks. The tips of uncut cocks are more sensitive and the walls of a lubed anus provide the right friction for a top to go crazy with pleasure.
  24. It's so hot when bottoms become real horny tops, on the hunt for a hole where to stick their hard rod and dump their load in. Then, they can go home. Dark rooms are perfect for bareback sex, both top and bottom and it's so hot for a top to breed just a hole, and for bottom to be bred by a cock, just a cock. I also see no problem when stealthing is done in dark rooms. If someone will be stealthing it will most likely be in a dark room. It seems so crazy that when a bottom wants to fuck and breed a hole, he can't find one!
  25. Sauna Centre-Ville in Montreal has a potentially awesome dark room, so dark that most guys stay closer to the entrance. Only some brave and horny guys venture deep into the darkroom. Unfortunately there are no slings or fuck benches in there and all there are the walls.
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