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Everything posted by EricX

  1. Only he and his doctor know the full range of his health issues. I think medical decisions are best left to the patient and his doctor, and don’t need to be armchair quarterbacked by an online acquaintance.
  2. When I was opposite married, I loved getting bred in the bed I shared with my wife, while she was at work or out of town.
  3. Beat you! I have 7!
  4. Best answer : “Well actually I have an med resistant strain of HIV, and drug resistant gonorrhea”.
  5. Did you inform those you had sex with that you were diagnosed with Gono? I do when I’ve been diagnosed with an STI. If you do approach it simply as a piece of information they ought to know, and not as an accusation, after all, there’s no guarantee they have it or they were the one who gave it to you. If they don’t know they have it, they may appreciate the information ( I’ve had asymptomatic STIs in the past) if they are intentionally spreading it, there’s not much you can do to change their behavior, but you can avoid them.
  6. I’d take you up on that.
  7. A good storyteller can’t be rushed, either. So I try to avoid the “when is the next chapter coming” posts.
  8. I’m out of up votes for the day; but please continue
  9. You are a promising new author. Keep up the good work.
  10. Glad to see they were successful. That’s how I like to see a story end.
  11. This story should have one final installment, where he wakes up with the flu and we find out he finally got his money’s worth.
  12. Wow. Where are you located TopPigBB? I need me some.
  13. There’s something I worry about every day ?
  14. I hope Ben gets his next, whether he likes it or not.
  15. Giving this a bump in hopes the OP adds another part.
  16. He should thank you afterwards.
  17. I suppose that married guy will be in hospice soon. ???
  18. There’s one at the crucible, and one at Glorious
  19. I’ll be going to my first CODE party at the crucible during MAL. I suspended PrEP at the beginning of December.
  20. Any poz tops going to the code parties?
  21. Who is going to the Code parties?
  22. The original author hasn’t logged in in over two years. Perhaps a talented author could pick up this story and continue it under a new thread?
  23. Who called the police? Prudes!
  24. I hope there will be more chapters.
  25. Maybe Adam has been to sick with the flu lately to have any adventures ?
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