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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by EricX

  1. I hope Paul was a responsible lad and passed on his gift many times in the intervening ten years.
  2. I see nothing wrong with your command of the English language. Please continue the story.
  3. Do you plan to post stories elsewhere? If so, I'd love to know where so I can continue to read your work.
  4. Hope to see the next chapter soon…
  5. I hope the next chapter is where he gets the devastating news he is changed forever.
  6. This needs a sequel
  7. This is one of my go to authors. He simply cannot write a bad story.
  8. This author writes in a similar style, with similar themes, to Orlando Neg, a very talented author who hasn't been heard from in a while. I hope he hear more-- a lot more-- from this writer.
  9. Wonder what bible beating Daddy will do once he finds out his son is a Poz cum dump?
  10. I think I have found my new favorite author.
  11. Relax. It's fiction.
  12. Did you get what you need?
  13. I like this too. In many ways, this reminds me of Orlando Neg's stories. I hope we have a new talented author on our hands.
  14. And "Spring Break" by Sperm Pig needs to make it on one of these lists.
  15. Anything that was written by Orlando Neg. (I think it's a pity that he seems to have disappeared).
  16. Will this story be continued?
  17. I notice your BBRT profile says you are undetectable…
  18. I have plans tonight but I want to head to the Crew Club now on Saturday!!
  19. EricX


    Thanks guys, you've given me some good information. I also don't do poppers on the fee occasions where I top.
  20. This isn't really a question about bare backing per say, but I'm sure some one on these forums can point me in the right direction. As a bottom, I find myself doing poppers more frequently these days, and have been using stronger brands than when I started. I also try to run 3 times a week, and to other cardio exercise on my off days. Does poppers have any long term effect on the cardiovascular system? I know, for example, I wouldn't consider smoking and running, and wondering if doing poppers is equivalent to that, and I should try to wean myself off them. Any ideas, boys?
  21. Care to share some pics of the t-shirts? I'm also not sure that the general population would connect a T-shirt that only says bareback to unprotected sex, so I think you'd be fine.
  22. Where are you in the DC region?

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