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Everything posted by garsento

  1. The pursuit of herd immunity, meanwhile, means that huge numbers of people will die before this status is achieved. In the United Kingdom, the Johnson government was going to pursue this even though perhaps a half-million people (out of 70 million) would die. [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-britain-path-speci/special-report-johnson-listened-to-his-scientists-about-coronavirus-but-they-were-slow-to-sound-the-alarm-idUSKBN21P1VF Quite.
  2. Eric Videos are good porn, They feel very direct, with a bit of story at the end to frame the hot sex between hot guys.
  3. The huge issue with this is that the normal access we might have to anti-STD treatments is simply not there, for fear of COVID-19 contagion. The Hassle Free Clinic has shut down for anyone who is not a contact of someone diagnosed with STDs, and even that might well end. Some STD infections might well peter out, be defeated naturally by immune systems, but that is all we can expect.
  4. This is horrifying. I have a certain amount of concern for myself from COVID-19. I do not care to die. I have much more concern for other people, especially people who fall into different risk groups. Many of my regular partners are undetectable guys, people whose medical status leaves them relatively vulnerable. (Many of these are also relatively older, too; some have had other medical conditions, too.) The idea of doing something that might not only hurt me, but might do much worse to people I care particularly about, horrifies me. I have no desire to have high-risk encounters that could hurt other people, never mind kill them. It probably need not be stated, of course, that it would not only be people you would fuck with that would be at risk.
  5. I like Drew Sebastian. Devin Franco also gets my attention.
  6. If you like writing your experiences down, please share them with us.
  7. I cannot wait for more!
  8. It should go without saying that a mortality rate of 3.5% is terrifyingly high. A one in thirty chance of death! Combined with an expectation that between 30 and 70% of most populations will get infected with COVID-19, this means 1 to 2.5% of a country's population would die. That would be between 3 and 8 million Americans dead.
  9. I was glad I had the chance while I could.
  10. I have gotten pissfucked twice by the same guy, once when I was finishing up a douche (that was exceptionally piggish) and once while getting fucked in a sling. I have also done this as a top. It feels hot.
  11. This is, indeed, a good point.
  12. Others have been right in highlighting how Covid-19 is too indiscriminate. The person who got fucked is likely not going to come down with the virus, but unless he self-isolated for two weeks afterwards, if he does get COVID-19 he is likely to pass it on to other people who did not consent to be put at risk. With HIV bugchasing, if someone becomes positive then it would not automatically directly involve other people. Even if it did, it would only involve other sexual partners. (I will note that, myself, I find HIV bugchasing perhaps psychologically explicable, but offputting.) COVID-19 knows no such limits, infecting people with whom an infected person has only the most glancing contacts, people who surely did not consent to be put at risk so someone could cum hard. Becoming infected with a lethal airborne contagion for sexual thrills that one will pass on is ... Well. Not safe, not sane, and certainly not consensual.
  13. One thing I have been surprised to discover, as I have set about being a bareback bottom, about how spit actually can be an effective sort of lube. Back in the days when I was only using condoms, I had thought that spit was not effective lube, that in the case where people actually did use spit for lube it would be rough. It turns out that, with the right top, perhaps with a bit of rimming beforehand, spit is perfectly good lube for fucking. Maybe it is a matter of me having become a practiced bottom. Spit actually does work fine. I've even been able to take at least one big dick, seven inches and reasonably thick, with spit alone. I would definitely be interested in trying more. What have your experiences been? What has been the most you have taken on spit alone? With said skilled top with the seven-inch dick, we have kept lube close at hand in case we wanted to try fisting, say.
  14. I have had a limited amount of experience taking loads. I do not think I have ever felt the loads as such, at least until they were leaking out of me. What I have felt inside me are the jerking of the penis (and the man, of course) as it has been ejaculating inside of me, and perhaps also an added slickness of cum-lubricated penis inside of me.
  15. Very hot. I am sorry that your world is being shut down so much, as it is for all of us.
  16. ^ That. COVID-19 makes a reopening impossible.
  17. Spa Excess is not reopening after its renovations.
  18. It did take me a lot of time to get my head around the idea. Safer sex with condoms is something I had no problem with; fucking positive guys with condoms, similarly, was something I was OK with, once I thought about it. (If most HIV transmissions occur after people are infected, before they know never mind get treated, and if I used condoms anyway, I saw no elevated risk.) Dropping condoms altogether with undetectable guys did strike me as huge, because it was counterintuitive. But, yes, I have now come to the conclusion that it can make perfect sense to have condomless sex with undetectable guys and condomed sex with others. That's the strategy that I use, mostly, with the big exception being that PrEP users are also in that first category. I have found that some undetectable guys have been reluctant to fuck with negative guys. It makes sense: Ignoring the legal consequences of HIV transmission, contracting HIV and suffering from AIDS have been deeply traumatic events for them, as individuals and as people who live in communities hit by the epidemic. That I tend to go for older guys makes it likely I will run into people who have suffered. Of course they wouldn't want to risk passing on the cause of their hurt to others. That's why I tend to be clear in talking to them, about my understanding of what undetectability means. I also try to be as frank as possible at my end, including about STDs if it comes up. Turnabout is fair play, right? I think that I can say pretty conclusively that if I approached any of my undetectable partners asking me to give them their toxic sperm and to knock me up, even know with the history that we have built up, they would not be turned on. It might even be enough to wreck our friendships. Doing that as a cold open to them would simply have made anything between us impossible from the start--giving their partners HIV is just not a turn-on for them.
  19. Speaking as a negative guy who has happily been fucked by poz guys (and vice versa), I have no problem with this. I have even been fucked bare by poz guys; they have even given me their loads. The big concern, I suppose, is that I am doing this because I know the science of undetectability. Condomless sex with undetectable guys is just another form of safer sex, if one I would have had difficulty imagining a decade ago. I suppose another issue is that my undetectable partners know where I am coming from. Very few of any of the poz people I play with would do this if they thought I was trying to get infected from them. Never mind that undetectable guys cannot pass on HIV, they just do not want to hurt other people this way.
  20. Toronto is on the verge of a shutdown. I am stopping altogether. How can I do anything but that? Even if I was to ignore the risk to myself, so many of my partners past and present fall in at least one high-risk group that it would be unconscionable for me to put them--and theirs--at risk.
  21. One of the best times is still my first. I was lying on my back as my fuckbuddy, a hot older undetectable guy, was fucking me. We had dropped condoms earlier, as I had become more comfortable, and the sex had become all the better. He was pounding me, and he asked if he could come in me, and I said so. I did not feel the cum inside me. I did feel his dick jerk orgasmically inside me, and I think I also felt a new slickness inside me from his cum. There have been plenty of other times where people have shot in me, many of which are quite hot. One favourite top of mine loads me up and ends up spasming in ecstasy for minutes; another, after spreading my ass open, leaves me feeling wonderfully sloppy.
  22. Thursday morning, I got together with a guy I had been playing with before my LGV scare last year. J is a handsome person, tall and lithe with a flat stomach, and a very nice person too. He is also a fantastic lover, getting his average dick into me with spit alone and fucking me until we both came, he inside me and me on my chest. I am so glad I was able to meet up with him. Thursday afternoon, I headed over to the Black Eagle, to meet with another long-time partner, sharing beers before we went to the darkroom. He did not get into me--half a pill of Cialis was enough--but we did have a lot of fun playing together. I stayed a bit longer and met with other people who had drifted up there, trading oral with different people. I did get fucked with a condom, by a guy with a nice thick dick a bit more than six inches long. (I'm happy with that, BTW; I reserve condomless sex for people I know who are undetectable or on PrEP.) Saturday evening after work, I went to Fukd. The crowd was smaller than the organizers had expected, but there was still a crowd; Dolf Dietrich was a draw. I also ended up playing with a few people myself, topping two people including Dolf and performing a lot of oral. (I did manage to swallow some big dicks.) For the next while, the coronavirus is going to sharply limit my play. I am very wary about the idea of transmitting the virus to the partners I have who fall in different risk groups, to say nothing of other people, to say nothing of the risk to me. Still, at least I had fun.
  23. No one is ever going to get a universally successful hit rate. Why be overly upset if you cannot get everyone, or even a particular someone? Is it possible that you have a particular problem? Sure, anything is possible.
  24. In Toronto, at least, my experience has been that barebacking is the new normal.
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