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Everything posted by garsento

  1. I make no sweeping statements apartment from preferring what works in the moment for everyone involved.
  2. I feel guilty after sex only if I have done something wrong, if I have failed somehow towards a partner. Having sex, as such? No not a cause for guilt.
  3. I began having bareback sex a bit the opposite way, through my exploration of kinky sex. I ended up having my first condomless sex with a fisting bottom I played with. It took me some time to really get this, to internalize this new form of safer sex, but once I did I began to explore it with other people. Things have gotten to the point where I am taking loads from undetectable guys and PrEPsters. Do I see this sex as kinky? Not really. Sex without condoms can be quite fun, but it is also just another form of safer sex for me. There is a thrill to this--I like taking loads, the subtle signs of a cock shooting in me--but this is just another sensation for me. a minor new variation on bottoming. It isn't a relatively innovative form of sex like fisting, say, or double-penetration; it's a variation on conventional sex, can be perfectly vanilla, even.
  4. I find them hot. I also wear them as a top; taking my dick out to fuck is fun.
  5. I have been ducked by a couple of pierced ducks. It is interesting, although it can also make my ass sore.
  6. I gravitate towards older tops unless I do not. Really, that is it: I might have a bias, but it ultimately comes down to whether or not it works.
  7. Most of the sex that I have these days is without condoms. Undetectability and PrEP have been game-changers. Without these factors, I would likely still be a regular user of condoms.
  8. I am just under 6 inches and thicker than average. I do not lie about my size, and I am not impressed by other people lying. Never mind that you do not need a huge dick to be a great top, if you are going to lie about that what else might you be lying about?
  9. The fuck is key, and the load is nice. I refuse to accept an either/or argument.
  10. I should note that my partner thinks he picked it up in Berlin. I have not been diagnosed and lack symptoms, so ...
  11. I have just come from the Hassle Free Clinic, after a buddy let me know he had been diagnosed with LGV chlamydia. I have no symptoms, but still I have the same treatment: three weeks of pills, one week to wait, all part of a month of celibacy. How often have you guys encountered this? PrEP notwithstanding, serious STDs may easily alter my behaviour. Perhaps even a push towards monogamy?
  12. I play quite regularly with undetectable guys. Why shouldn't I? It is mind-blowing that safer sex is now something that can include condomless sex with HIV-positive guys under effective treatment, sure. It's still the truth. (My sex life, incidentally, has become so much better now that I have included condomless sex with undetectable guys. It feels really good on a lot of levels: The sex is great; there is little to no risk; it's nice to have HIV so vanquished.)
  13. Of course. Different asses feel differently to my dick.
  14. Now that I have thought some more about the idea, this would be deeply concerning. It would suggest to me that the person suggesting this simply did not know enough about how HIV is actually transmitted, indeed that they knew just enough about HIV to be confused. A test that would lead someone to turn down perfectly safe undetectable partners in exchange for people who have not tested positive yet because they have just become infected is a terrible idea. I would only have sex with this person if condoms were involved; bareback is simply not an option.
  15. The problem with this is that quick HIV tests would not identify the people most at risk of transmitting the virus, newly infected people who are not under any medication and are experiencing peaks in viral production.
  16. Most of the sex I have been having recently has been without condoms, but condoms do still feature. My most recent sex, a threeway with one guy whose blow job was so good that I can say he topped me and another guy who fucked me from behind, involved a condom. (Taking loads from people I do not know is not at all a priority.)
  17. Drew Sebastian is someone I quite like.
  18. I have found myself increasingly preferring sex with regular people, simply because regular relationships are fun. Random can still be good, and not only because that is the only way you will meet new people. 😉
  19. I know my hole has loosened: I have been able in the past year or so to take some dicks, including one pretty sizable dick, with spit alone. I do not think it has loosened permanently; I can just do a better job relaxing around a dick.
  20. I am quite fine with my furry crack. Might I shave it one day? Maybe, if the scene is right. Hair regrows, after all.
  21. Makes sense to me--one does not get fisted (or even fist, really) without some practice.
  22. I just went over to a new fuckbuddy's place and played with him for a couple of hours, taking a load. (He fucks superbly, his dick getting my prostate just right.)
  23. A couple of guys have been able to do it with spit alone. I like this.
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