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Status Updates posted by boy4you

  1. With the Craigslist personal being taken down I know many who used the personal to make a living with or used it’s services. I hope the same does not happen to this site. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. boy4you


      This law was supported by both parties to stop illegal sex trafficking. 

    3. seaguy


      Trump could have vetoed it but they would have probably overrode his veto.  Holding website liable for human trafficking is stupid how is it their fault?  The3 ones we should be going after are the parents who let their daughters run wild and then they end up getting caught up in these sex trafficking gangs.

    4. bareall77


      I agree that this is not the right way to go about this!

  2. Being on PrEP will keep you somewhat safe but you are taking meds. Being Poz and undetectable you also are taking meds also so what's the difference? 

    1. Read1


      It's two parts of the same coin really! As long as you make the right decision for yourself -- that's what counts!

    2. Rillion


      I think the main difference is that you can stop taking PrEP and not have HIV (assuming it worked) as compared to having HIV and treating it. I've been on and off PrEP for two years now. As part of a triad, I often don't have time to have sex outside our relationship, so I can take breaks from PrEP. It might be different if I weren't a top. I'm not really concerned about getting HIV from fucking my boy, as I figure I'd know if he got the fuck flu and even then the odds of me getting HIV from fucking him is low. But in situations like when we went on a gay cruise and I knew I had the potential to fuck a lot of anonymous bottoms, I started back on PrEP, just to be extra safe. 

  3. My brother and his BF broth up as I knew it would, I guess they could not be decided who was getting was getting their hole fuck. My brother is very venerable right now so I will have to keep a closer eye on him now.

  4. 2-inch solid steel is about the biggest I could find the rest is hollow.

    1. ronnie4u


      Sounds HOT !  HOT !

  5. I like the heave metal ones but this is the biggest one I could find.

    1. cumbottom4use


      that's cool, guess we will just have to get bigger plugs!

    2. ronnie4u


      Yummy HOT on Toy !

  6. You know you are a rubber hole when a 2 inch Enjoy steel butt plug falls out and you don't feel it till you see it on the floor or in the bed.

    1. cumbottom4use


      I know the feeling boy4you, I also have trouble keeping a butt plug in my cunt.

    2. bareall77


      Fucking HOT!!!!??

  7. Just took my brother home and he is a lot better but very weak. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boy4you
    3. mikeinjersey


      Hope he feels better soon.  :)

    4. boy4you


      He is doing better today and is resting.

  8. Brother is really sick going to take him to the hospital. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 4Bare


      That's good to hear.  Hopefully his fever will go away soon.

    3. bareall77


      Is your brother on PREP? In other words... fuck flu or reg flu?

  9. I'm going to have great Valentine day BF is out of town and brother is sick with the flu in bed.

    1. cityjock


      Not a busy day for clients? 

    2. boy4you


      Busy time at work and taking care of my brother.

    3. 4Bare


      Take care, Dude, better days are coming!

  10. Well, my brother woke up with a with a fever and he has body akes all over. 

    1. HornyForPozSeed


      just the flu or perhaps the fuck flu?

    2. tighthole64


      Could make your trip to KW even more interesting! Could just be regular flu unfortunately.

    3. cumbottom4use


      maybe he has converted!

  11. Not sure but I think my brother has a BF as he is acting a little to happy and said he will be home late on Friday. 

  12. Part 1 is over and this is why I like having clients who are either undetectable or POZ.  

    1. bareall77


      Really and why is that? Is it because they're honest about their status? 

    2. boy4you


      Yes, and they like playing on the wild side with us and make it a very enjoyable time for us and not like work. 

  13. I love meeting up with people who I went to school who have a big from school and I don’t. Little do they know I don’t the life of a RENT BOY. 

  14. If my BF doesn't  get back by this weekend I might have to ask my brother to help me do something I never wanted to do.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PervBBbttm


      Or you could be my bf

    3. mikeinjersey


      I am kind of getting hard on what this might be....... hmmmm

  15. Well my brother just finish his last laser hair removal treatment, he will be hairless from the neck the rest of his life. No more peach fuzz on his ass or any where else.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boy4you


      Well he is now hairless for the rest of his life of what little hair he had.

    3. mikeinjersey
    4. bareall77


      That's actually hot. Then again I like hair and smooth but wow!!! I know he's your brother but woof?! 

  16. At MAL I gave 3 loads, was fisted 4 times past the elbow and took 20 loads from some really nice older people. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HornyForPozSeed


      would love to take a fist past the elbow

    3. bbjockload


      Wanna see a pic of the wrecked charged hole

    4. Read1


      Now there's a HOT boy! Total bliss! Congrats!

  17. Packing for MAL and brother want I will be doing down there for 4 days, why I'm bring so much leather and so little clothes.

    1. Read1


      You're a leather gear model going for a photo shoot?! LOL!

    2. boy4you


      In the past I have been a model for a vendor and was given a big discount on a pair of ass less chaps that were custom fit for me.

  18. Brother wants to know why I have a very large butt plug in me all day. Little does he know that MAL I will be getting my hole wreck in the sling. 

    1. Read1


      Tell him your bf wants you more ready for getting fucked by him. The butt plug serves to get one's hole better or more prepared for anal sex, no?! Have fun! LOL!

    2. boy4you


      He is smarter than that.

  19. Getting on a plane with my brother , this will be my first home with the family in 3 years. Really looking to see my older brothers , Mother and Father who is not in the best of health.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. boy4you


      We are waiting for the train that leave Chicago  at 12:50 am

    3. cumbottom4use


      happy holidays babe, hope you have a great time!

    4. BlindRawFucker1


      Have a Merry Christmas, and an extremely Happy New Year!


      Enjoy your visit home.

  20. My baby brother just received his last treatment so now he will be hairless like the day he was born from the neck down for the rest of his life. The life of a Fem twink. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rillion


      I paid for my boyfriend's laser hair removal. It is worth it since he no longer has to shave and deal with ingrown hairs.

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      It would be so hot to run my hands and mouth over both of your bodies!


      Not even necessary to mention fucking both of you would most likely give me a heart attack.  But, what a way to die!

    4. mikeinjersey


      This makes me want him even more.  I am in need of a fem twink

  21. I just saw on the AP that Iran has a big HIV problem with it's young teens and a lot don't know they are HIV infected.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. boy4you


      I guess you have to be on drugs to live there.

    3. BlindRawFucker1


      Most likely, if the authorities discover that you are HIV+, you would, at best, end up in prison.


      And if you got it from homosexual behavior, you would be executed.

    4. Willing
  22. Brother ask why we have 2 cases of Crisco and we never fry anything?????

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. boy4you


      We both have the same butt as we got that from our Mother.

    3. mjkuhl
    4. mikeinjersey


      i'd love to taste that butt

  23. Taking my brother over to the leatherman later to get fitted for a Leather harness and other things.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Read1
    3. boy4you


      I'm so glad he is here with me.

    4. breedme420


      I bet it's hot seeing him go commando in them!  Lol

  24. When my brother came here he wore clothes that were go for working on the farm. Now he has clothes that show off his hot body what a slut. 

    1. Read1


      You, rawboyz, are having a HUGE effect on your brother! His taste in men, music, and clothing, and dare I say BLING, is coming out stylishly! Touche! 

    2. PervBBbttm


      i'd so love to see Jesse.  id pay to see him. you have always have gotten me hard but now with Jesse wow.  to be with you both

    3. boy4you


      Read1 in NYC it's all around you and coming from the farm it's a big eye opener for him as it was for me.

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