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    South, UK
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. I visit Glasgow a few times a year for work, if anyone wants to meet in my hotel when I am there 😜
  2. Ooo if I'm up that way for work might pop in when they open. Never been to a sauna before
  3. Thanks for the follow 😈

    1. fungayboy


      Feel free to pm if you wanna chat 😜

  4. I love red cock hair 😵

    1. smartnul
    2. fungayboy


      Thanks! 😜

    3. Willing


      Wish some was in my throat 😵

  5. Aww thank you, 🫶 but I am a somewhat older than 20 unfortunately lol is probably getting much more sex if I were 20 and had access to what we do these days LOL
  6. What's HDK? 🫣
  7. I've been thinking, I wonder if TIM would want a neg guy (me) and video me being fucked by toxic guys repeatedly. I know they probably couldn't advertise it as such but wonder if they would be interested.
      • 1
      • Piggy
  8. I had a guy, about 9" fuck me, we were having a bit of a rough session and he push all the way in. Hurt like fuck but so hot knowing he was balls deep in me 🥵
  9. I love the sort of stuff on a twink/otter and I hate it when they shave it off 🥵
  10. My Dom wants me to take poz cock

  11. It's like on BBRT I don't have the subscription so have limited messages. I do often try to take the convo to another app just because of that. I am sure those that stop responding think I am cat fishing, which is understandable but a shame as they are missing out on a tight hole 😂
  12. There seems to be a thing of (especially twinks) being totally shaved, but I find that a total turn off. I see naked pics of guys who have no body hair, pubes, underarm and (to me) it is totally unattractive. Ironically I do have a limit of how much hair is sexy to me 😂 (not saying I'm not a hypocrite 😂, as someone with back hair I hate it lol), but a treasure trail, pubes, armpit hair, hairy legs and, if not naturally smooth, chest hair is hot to me. I don't mind it trimmed, but when they have shaved but some is growing back it is like I feel short changed, like the are giving a peek at how sexy they could be with just a little more growth lol. Please tell me I am not alone in liking guys to show their natural (if well kept) body hair?
  13. What is the bottom doing while the top faffs cutting the rubber?! I mean if I were him I'd be "like WTF are you doing back there?!" LOL
  14. Love the top, seen a few clips of him is he poz?
  15. Who is the second guy to cum on his hole and fuck him? Sure I've seen him in porn vids before
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