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  • Gender
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    Raw only. Likes: smooth, Asian & latino, perv, d/s, taboo, incest, w/s, K9, pnp, Tina.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Looking For
    Likeminded pervs

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  1. Trimmed bush and shaved balls.
  2. Anonymous sex is the hottest by far.
  3. Heck yes I'm taking the vaccine. I know someone who died from Covid.
  4. Nope, it's not just you. The worse are the ones who begin to straighten out their legs just as you're getting close to squirting in their fuckhole. Sometimes it's like a wrestling match, me trying to keep their legs bent for maximum penetration and them trying to straighten their legs and preventing me from going balls deep.
  5. Ian Torres. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph593a877d1411b
  6. I prefer a super smooth hole and shaving a bottom can be a very sensual experience.
  7. "high & tight" haircuts, PnP, and anonymous bathhouse sex.
  8. Mine bled A LOT the first day. Sort of freaked my bf out at the time. It still bled a bit for several days afterwards. Getting a hardon, even one from dreaming at night, was painful the first week. But it slowly healed and I totally love it. Definitely worth it, but just know you're not going to want to have any sex for at least a couple of weeks after getting it.
  9. Nothing turns me on than a totally smooth shaven fuckhole.
  10. Let's just say it involved an entire 8ball of tina and 3 ecstasys each, and went we on for about 40hrs. My cock was sore for a few days afterwards, but it was sooooooo good!
  11. Try fiber powder that has a high amount of psyllium husk in it. Big heaping tablespoon mixed with water or orange juice in the morning and another in the evening.
  12. FUCK! I would have loved to be the last one to fuck that smooth bottom boy with all that cum in his hole!
  13. Assuming you mean straight married men, that's a big nope. Not anymore. Done it a couple of times and as soon as the sex is over they are overwhelmed with guilt or whatever and take off. Once I hooked up with this HOT Air Force pilot and wanted to make out so bad. He wouldn't kiss, but he also couldn't wait to get on his knees and suck my cock. Whatever, life is too short to play that game with guys who don't know who they are. Gay married men, however, have been awesome to fool around with. My longest term fuckbud has been married for 20 years to his man.
  14. "turned up, dicked down" I love it! Have fun!
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