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About concerned1

  • Birthday 08/11/1994

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  1. Yes, I'm a little behind, sorry!
  2. Hi guys, a quick update. I will continue with Part 2 very soon (definitely before the year closes!), so you will have more to read and enjoy in due course 🙂
  3. Sometime in August 2024, in west-central London. Marco turned up at Felipe's place at 11pm as agreed. He was excited, as he was really attracted to the pictures he had seen of Felipe on the hookup app, and couldn't wait to get fucked by him and also to fuck with him. A good couple of hours flip-fucking was in order, and badly needed, as it had been several months since Marco last had sex due to a very busy work schedule. Due to the fact that it was such a late hour, he didn't knock on the door of Felipe's apartment, as he didn't know if perhaps some of the neighbours in the other apartments in the apartment block were sleeping, so he sent Felipe a text message saying "I'm here". Felipe sent a message back saying "Ok let yourself in, the door is open, I'm still in the bathroom. Just go straight through to the room directly in front of you as you come through the front door. I'll be with you in a few moments." So, Marco went in. To his left was a room and also a room directly in front, which he had been told to go to by Felipe. He could hear water running, from what sounded like a shower head, from the room on the left, so he assumed maybe Felipe was in there still preparing (douching, probably !). He went into the room in front, and it was a rather small room with a large double bed and a couple of windows that were open, seemingly to let cool air into the room, as it was the height of summer. The lighting in the room was subdued; the main light was off and the room was dimly lit by a bedside lamp on a chest of drawers. The room was not the tidiest, there were a few clothes on the floor and bags (plastic bags and also rucksacks and a couple of duffel bags). That didn't bother Marco at all, as Marco himself isn't the tidiest person in the world, but he did observe that the room was slightly messy. He sat down on the edge of the bed and just waited, and had a little scroll through his social media accounts, and checked the profiles of a few of the hot amateur porn guys he follows on Twitter, which made him really horny. About 5 minutes later Felipe came into the room, completely naked and drying his hair with a towel. "Hey, sorry about that. I wasn't quite ready when you arrived." Felipe said, drying his hair and then throwing the towel down onto the back of a chair beside the bed. Marco smiled: "Oh, that's alright. I'm good. Looking forward to enjoying your cock and ass, man!" Felipe laughed: "Good. I'm looking forward to it all too. By the way you look way better in person than in your pictures." Marco laughed, too, and simply said, "Oh, thanks man", as he started to unzip his trousers and strip off. Since Felipe was already naked, he thought to himself 'why not?'. Felipe was originally from Colombia (Medellin) rather small in height, maybe only around 5 ft 6, and very slim/slender, with nice abs that you could just about make out if you looked closely enough (not so clearly defined as some guys, but they were definitely there). He was maybe around mid to late thirties. He had an average sized dick, around 6 inches, uncut, with very nice smooth balls. His ass was also smooth; in fact, he was completely hairless all over (ass, balls, pubic area). Marco was English-born but of Portuguese heritage on his father's side (English on his mother's side). He was a bit taller in height than Felipe, perhaps around 5 ft 8 or 5 ft 9, and also rather slim. He was late thirties to early forties. His dick was larger than average, around 8 inches and very thick, with an upward curve. He had pubic hair but neatly trimmed, and balls that were slightly hairy too. Marco was now naked, and Felipe walked over to him, embraced him with a hug, and gave him a deep, slow, passionate kiss. "Mmmm. Fuck. You're a really good kisser" Marco told him, his big dick now very much standing to attention. "Que rico!" Felipe said, grinning, as he took Marco's dick in his hand and squeezed it hard. "I want that dick inside me." "Oh, you're gonna have it in you, babe. So deep. I love to go deep." Marco said, excitedly. Felipe walked to the other side of the room and opened up the chest of drawers with the lamp on it. He rummaged through a couple of the drawers before exclaiming: "Aha! There it is." He turned around and started putting a black coloured cock ring around his balls and dick. Marco thought it actually looked really hot and sexy. Felipe then started rummaging through the drawers again. "Hmmm. Where is it, I know it's in here somewhere...." Marco wondered what Felipe was looking for now: "What is it you're looking for?" he asked, while stroking his hard dick and admiring Felipe's smooth as fuck ass. "This!" Felipe said, and turned around and threw a cock ring at Marco. "Oh thanks," Marco said as he chuckled slightly, "but I don't really need this. I'll be okay thanks." Felipe grinned widely, with some beautiful white teeth showing: "Oh, believe me: you're definitely gonna need it." Marco was confused why Felipe had said that, and he didn't want to offend him or anything, so he just put the cock ring on. He actually liked how it looked, and loved how it actually applied a nice feeling of pressure around his dick and also his balls. "Actually it's quite nice wearing this" he told Felipe. Felipe went over to the windowsill and picked up a glass pipe that Marco hadn't previously noticed, perhaps due to the low lighting. It was a glass water bong-type thing. Felipe put his mouth against the top of the pipe and, using a torch lighter that produced an aesthetically-pleasing little blue flame, he lit the small bowl just underneath the part of the pipe that Felipe was sucking. Marco didn't do so-called 'chems' and had never done anything harder than marijuana (except for some ecstasy pills that he used to take at raves and in the nightclubs when he was younger, and the odd line or two of coke here and there, but that was a long time ago). He didn't know what Felipe was smoking and wondered if it was weed. He didn't ask, as he wasn't really interested; he didn't care. Felipe stopped sucking on the pipe and burning the bowl underneath the glass stem he had been sucking. He took a deep breath and held it in for roughly 5 full seconds, before letting out what was a very thick cloud of white smoke. Marco had never seen clouds from smoke so thick and so white. He thought to himself, 'that must be pretty good weed'. Felipe extended his arm out to Marco, offering him the pipe: "Here. Your turn." "Wh....what is it?" Marco nervously asked, wondering if he should take some if it was just weed. He had done weed in the past, a long time ago, and did enjoy it. "Tina." Felipe said. "Tina?" Marco said, with the sound of genuine ignorance in his voice. "Yes, Tina." Felipe said. "You don't know it? You never done it before?" Marco smiled and laughed slightly, shaking his head. Felipe smiled, too. It was the smile of someone who knew exactly what kind of night was in store. "Babe," Felipe said as he crossed the room to stand directly in front of Marco, who noticed that Felipe's dick was now hard with really tightened looking balls, "Smoke some of this. Take a couple of really long, deep hits. You know what I mean?" Marco shook his head, feeling slightly apprehensive. "No, not really." Felipe knew he was dealing with a novice. And he loved it. "Okay, babe. Put your mouth here, and suck" he told Marco, pointing at the top of the glass stem that protruded from the main body of the pipe. "I'm gonna hold the lighter and burn the bowl, okay. I will burn the Tina. All you need to do is hold the pipe for me, and keep sucking very hard and very deep on the pipe, and don't stop until I stop burning with the lighter, okay?" Marco felt very apprehensive. He felt very nervous. "Felipe, babe, I've never done this before." He smiled and chuckled nervously. Felipe put his hand on Marco's shoulder: "Babe, listen to me. With this stuff, you're gonna have the best sex you have ever had in your life. I mean it. I guarantee it. You never experienced this kind of pleasure or sex before. This stuff was made for sex. You are gonna go to another planet, and experience insane pleasure and insane sex like you never thought was possible. Believe me, there is nothing to be scared of. You already feeling horny, yeah?" Marco nodded: "Yeah, definitely. You're so hot man, and I was looking at your pictures on Grindr on my way here in the Uber. I've been feeling horny ever since we started chatting a few hours ago and we exchanged pictures." Marco put one hand on Felipe's ass, and squeezed one of the cheeks. It was so smooth and so soft; it made his dick throb slightly. "Oh man," Marco said, "I'm so excited. Your Latino ass is so smooth." Felipe looked into Marco's eyes intently: "Well, you know you're already so horny? This stuff....'Tina'....is gonna make you feel a horniness that you never even knew was possible to feel. Trust me. You're gonna have the most amazing sexual experience of your life with me tonight. So put your mouth on the pipe and start sucking in." Felipe started up the torch lighter, and held the blue flame underneath the bowl, which Marco noticed had what appeared to be white crystals in it. Marco opened his mouth, put his lips against the top of the stem and started sucking in. He noticed that Felipe watched the bowl very intently as he held the flame underneath it. He was moving the flame back and forth and up and down and all around the bowl. Marco could feel that he needed air, and his eyes went wide and he looked at Felipe as though to say "I'm running out of air"....Felipe looked at Marco and simply said, "Keep going. Keep sucking. Don't stop yet. Take it deeper, come on. Suck deeper." Marco did so. He could feel himself running out of breath. He wasn't used to this. Felipe looked at him again and said, "Keep going. I'm gonna stop burning the pipe in a second, okay? When I stop, you can stop sucking on the pipe and I want you told take the smoke down into your lungs and hold it in for at least 5 full seconds, okay? No less than 5 seconds." Marco nodded, and sucked in as hard and as deep as he could, as Felipe commanded. Then, Felipe let go of the lighter and stopped burning the bowl. Marco stopped sucking and held the smoke in his lungs. He started counting to 5.... .....TO BE CONTINUED.....
  4. Anyone been to the Lord Clyde cruise bar in Deptford? What sort of a crowd goes there? Good mix of ages and ethnicities ? As good as Vault 139?
  5. Do you mean Greenhouse in Darlaston, just outside Wolverhampton? If so, I haven't been there for several years now. Glad to know the place is still open. Had lots of great bareback fun in there back in the day, lots of hot guys of all races, ethnicities and ages.
  6. @Bottom Jim why does it matter if this guy is straight or gay or bi or whatever? Why do you care about that? I’m not interested in what the sexual orientations of the men I meet for sex are. I have zero interest in what label he applies to himself. I can’t understand why that matters so much to some guys.
  7. Negative on PrEP (I take it daily).
  8. I wonder if Christopher is going to become a versatile Tina slut and end up fucking Reese (and maybe even dominant Brad, too?).
  9. @rawTOP I think you’ll find these interesting: First link is a really great interview with David Stuart, who coined the word “chem sex”. Second link is a documentary, the best documentary ever made about Chemsex, I strongly recommend it. It will cost only a couple or so dollars to rent or buy via YouTube.
  10. The term “Chemsex” was coined by David Stuart, who worked at 56 Dean Street in London, the largest and busiest sexual health clinic in Europe. He noticed a trend that started in the early 2000s (he was actually part of it at that time) where growing numbers of gay men were starting to use certain drugs in an exclusively sexual context. These drugs were crystal meth (tina or “T”), GBL/GHB (G) and mephedrone. By 2010 it had really grown into a large subculture within the gay world - guys attending sex sessions and sex parties across London (but also many other major world cities, too) getting high on one or any combination of these three drugs (T, G and Mephedrone) staying awake for days on end just having non-stop sex. People can take other drugs in a sexual context, such as MDMA/ecstasy, cocaine, cannabis, whatever…. But these drugs being used in a sexual context don’t have a very specific subculture built around them where gay men will use these drugs only and fuck for days on end, no longer be able to have sex at all without using them after frequent use, develop very serious problems in their life as a result of this sex. “Chemsex” is the use of very specific drugs (T, G, mephedrone also known as “M-cat”) for long sex sessions.
  11. I couldn't get an erection with condoms involved - like, even if my cock was rock solid hard, the moment I tried to put a condom on or the moment a guy even mentioned the word "condom", my cock would go soft and it would all be over, I wouldn't be able to get hard again. So the only way I could fuck was bareback.
  12. Darren owes you a load, huh? Haha. Okay, I will private message you with regards to a meet up on the Heath. Better not continue the discussion here as it's taken the post off topic. I'll hit you up shortly!
  13. Oh, I've been to Vault a few times - cruising around the place naked and wearing my shoes 😂 very fun place, do you know if it will re-open soon? I went to Greenhouse Luton a few times too (I used to love the jacuzzi there), and I had sex with one of the guys who worked there - a hot lad of Bangladeshi heritage. I also used to sometimes drive with a friend to Greenhouse Darlaston (in the West Midlands, near Birmingham). That was a good place too, on three floors if I remember correctly - but not as big as Chariots Shoreditch (that was my favourite!). Last time I went cruising on Hampstead Heath was, I think, one night in the summer of 2019 (I met a hot mixed race guy there who was smoking Tina and getting fucked raw taking anonymous loads... so I gave him mine, too). I'll have to hit you up sometime, friend!
  14. I bet you've been a right cumdump in the darkrooms at Chariots !
  15. Did you tell the sexual health worker who told you that you are poz, that you'd been taking PrEP on an event-based basis? If so, what did they say? I have been to 56 Dean Street many times. I had my Hep B vaccinations done there. But most of the time I go to Mortimer Market Centre Clinic (near Warren Street tube station), which is the clinic who started me on the PrEP Impact Trial in 2019. I actually love both clinics, the staff at both clinics are great and very friendly and non-judgmental.
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