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Everything posted by RiskyMarc

  1. Awesome slutty couple
  2. Your work is awesome. Please just go on like you think. I love this story and came multiple times. Just wanted to give feedback and be honest.
  3. This is developing extremely hot. If there would be one thing to criticize, it would be that it's getting a bit too fast. In the beginning, she had just some lovers and you described every single bit in detail, she now has more than a dozen cocks in one session and you are skipping some details - which I totally understand. This is still an awesome story and I'd LOVE you to continue. Just being honest with that tiny little point of criticsism which I hope you don't mind.
  4. I love how this develops
  5. Interesting. I hope there will be another part..
  6. Oh please, you cannot stop at this point! :-)
  7. This is, as always, written very good and is getting more and more interesting...
  8. Oh gosh... Maybe you should write some fictional stories and pretend they're real. Because you seem to like this topic and your writing is excellent.
  9. Even though I really enjoy your writings in general and I'll inhale every story from you no matter what it will be about, I most like everything about the poz aspect. So, some story about becoming infected or infecting someone else would be really awesome. Thanks man!
  10. This is a very well written development and such a great story. Can't wait to read more ;-)
  11. Interesting.
  12. ... and you're doing it very well. Unlike many other story tellers, you don't just write "I fucked her", "she fucked them", "it was great". You write about the whole thing, the surroundings, the thoughts and many "unimportant" side notes. But those side notes make your writing so alive. I love it. Please never stop ;-)
  13. Once again, this is so awesome. Not only that this story is hot as hell and should continue like forever, your style of writing is legendary. When reading each part, I absolutely feel like being part of the game. Please go on and on and on. Thank you so much!
  14. May I ask what's her name on here? I'm just curious because every "real" woman with a certain HIV interest is rare and interesting.
  15. This is getting more and more interesting. Especially because Alex has those risky games and infection fetish on her mind. That's awesome!
  16. Very hot so far. Thank you!
  17. I'd love to read more stories like this one!
  18. New website layout, old desire: getting pozzed by a girl/woman ;-)

  19. Hot!
  20. Great work! Please continue.
  21. Dreaming of a POZ or at least POZ-friendly girlfriend...

    1. PozSex


      Hey Marc, der Traum kann in Erfüllung gehen ;) Mail mich mal an ...

  22. Even though the author has been blocked because of being a fake, this is the best piece of story I've read in years. Does anyone know more of this type?
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