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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Did some testing just now. Seems to be a Firefox issue although I see some of you reporting issues with Chrome which I have not seen.
  2. http://www.truvada.com/truvada-patient-assistance
  3. PrEP normally protects at 92 - 99%. He factored in the increased risk. Truvada works by interrupting the replication of the virus at two stages in the process. One of the ways it offers protection is that after a week or so, your anal tissue is saturated with the meds. You're bypassing that protection, but it is still in your blood interfering with the replication process.
  4. I'm a chubby 53 year-old bottom. I get hit on by young tops on Grindr/Scruff/Growlr/A4A all the time especially the black ones. You just need to put yourself out there. I'm not claiming I get the kind of attention I did when I was 25, but I am still getting laid.
  5. What you are suggesting is illegal. I am closing this thread. It's really not hard to get a prescription for ED drugs. Might be simplest to ask your doctor.
  6. Glad I have a man who gets off on me taking it from other guys. No need to cheat - we accept the risk of the other one bringing something home.
  7. Next to your name in the interface, you should see a button labeled "+ Create" which you should click. Choose "Gallery Image" and follow the prompts. I do not know the answer about the My Attachments area. I am looking into this for another member now.
  8. You need to be logged into a registered account to see that content.
  9. You are conflating two things in your head: being a load-taking cumdump and being trans. You may be both of those things, but they don't automatically go together. As you already know, being able to present as a woman is not necessary for making top men happy. If you had feminine breasts there would be some tops who would find you more desirable, but they would also be a turn off to some tops. Of course, there are plenty of tops who would not care one way or the other. As you said, it is not a necessary thing for taking lots of loads. If you honestly feel like you may be a transwoman, then you need to discuss it with a sex-positive counselor.
  10. Moderator's Note: It's fine to announce your status. If you put it on your profile, it displays every time you post anyway. No bug chasing/gift giving posts are allowed outside of The Backroom.
  11. Generally speaking, it is a mistake to provide documentation of your committing a crime to the public. Please leave BZ out of it. I would suggest you start a tumblr blog. Lots of people seem to have them on this subject.
  12. When you cut/paste from another source where you carried over formatting, look at the bottom of the window where you are typing your message. A button should have appeared asking you if you want to remove the formatting. It works really well, but you can only do it before you post.
  13. The person who gets the most reputation awarded each day wins that day.
  14. I think this served it's purpose.
  15. You have to be a member of the site and logged it to access those areas.
  16. If nobody pays for porn, they will go out of business. I try to support various pay sites. I will subscribe to one for a couple of months, then move on to another.
  17. If the scene takes place in a bathhouse or Cum Union party or other venue when the partner is known to be of age, then the story is fine even if the kid does not LOOK over 18. It's perfectly legal to be into "barely-legal" boys. In all the scenarios where there is doubt in the reader's mind whether or not the sex partner is of age, the story would be removed and the poster would get a nice long break from the site. The specific infraction as listed by rawTOP is "Stories about or promotion of sex with minors." The penalty is 10 days off the site and 14 days without posting for a first offense. If the offender has points already, it would be longer.
  18. The barrier to entry for online cruising has gotten too low. It used to be work to look for sex online, so anyone doing it was really into it. Now any idiot with a smartphone can do it.
  19. It should. Just think of it as doing your part to keep chat and this site from being shut down by some overly zealous and litigious person.
  20. At the end of each post is a set of buttons. The green up arrow one gives reputation.
  21. It's like paying a bill online. You enter the routing number of your bank and your account number for your checking account; these numbers are on your checks.
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