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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. It would really help if you would do as I asked above. Go to the actual image or gallery you want deleted and use the report function on it. When you post a report, the moderator who deletes the image or gallery will mark the report completed, so we all know there is nothing else to do. When you post a request here, I can go look at your albums and not know which one you mean or if someone else has already deleted what you wanted deleted. TagBoy87, that is the case I am in with you now. I don't know what you want deleted, or if I just cannot tell because some other moderator already read your message and deleted the gallery.
  2. If you want a pic deleted, use the report function and explain what you want done. A moderator will take care of it for you. If you want every pic in an album deleted, please ask to have the entire album deleted. It is much easier to delete an entire album than each pic individually.
  3. On a profile page, there are 2 tabs: Activity and Albums. Click on the latter to see their photos.
  4. I would never have thought the revised story of Patient Zero would make good smut, but you did it. Super hot story!
  5. First of all, your entire contribution to the site at this point consists of 3 posts, so I am not certain why you are so concerned about your posts going away. When you need something changed in a post, go to the post with the mistake/offending information in it and report it. I deleted your Kik handle from your post like you wanted.
  6. Moderator's Note: I put links between the two threads, so folks will always be able to find one from the other.
  7. Click on the paintbrush icon and select one of the solid backgrounds. That should help.
  8. It sounds very similar to the first case. Truvada will not protect you from a strain of HIV virus that is Truvada Immune/Resistant.
  9. Taking loads on PrEP is just as hot to me as taking them without was. It sounds to me like you are having a drug interaction issue. Maybe Truvada is reacting with something else you take.
  10. Went to see a musical being performed at the local university Friday night with my husband and a friend. We chose our seats trying to get close (but not too close) to the stage. After we had settled in for a few minutes I realized that the man sitting with his wife a couple of seats to the left and in front of us was an occasional fuck buddy of mine. We actually had done a threesome with him as well, but my husband didn't notice him. I caught him glancing nervously back at us a couple of times, but I didn't try to make eye contact or anything. I bet I hear from him this week.
  11. Moderator's Note: There were complaints about some of the pics in the last chapter. I have hidden the post pending further review. I will get it back up tomorrow. Update: I removed several images of boys who looked underage. In my opinion, all the images remaining seem to be of adult men although a couple seem to be of the "barely legal" age. Post is back up. denVERScub and anyone else who posts images in their stories, Please do not post images of guys who look underage.
  12. If someone is editing his stories, they are either a moderator or someone who has broken into the site somehow. A regular user cannot edit anyone's posts except his own and those only for a brief time. That's a lovely idea.
  13. Scorpion, I think everyone agrees that your stories are hot. Since you acknowledge that your English is not perfect, I am not sure why it bothers you to have someone edit the stories to make them read better. It is not meant to discourage you from writing. MackyJay, no one is going to get banned for editing stories. One of our tasks as Moderators as assigned by rawTOP is to insure posts are readable and clear. This includes things like fixing obvious spelling/autocorrect errors and grammar. One of the things that happens all the time is that guys get the names in their stories confused. In one paragraph the top is named Jon and in the next he's become Jim. I fix several of those a month. He is fully aware that stories are getting cleaned up, and we have his blessing to do so.
  14. I am responding to this as best I can as one of the moderators. I do not know who edited the posts Scorpion made. That may be so, but the admin, rawTOP, does not currently have that option turned on. Unless a moderator chooses to check the box that inserts the "Edited by ____" line in the post, a moderator cannot tell who did it anymore than any of you can. You are not really helping. Like Bicycledude said, why would he make this up. I think it is far more likely that other writers just don't pay attention to the edits when they happen. Lots of guys don't spell check or grammar check their stories. I don't see any problem with those errors being corrected like they are all the time without anyone noticing or complaining. Scorpion, the vast majority of the edits in your story were removing extra hard returns that I assume were inadvertently carried over from the software you used to write this which I don't see as a problem. There were also quite a few changes in wording which don't seem excessive to me, but I accept that they bother you. If you are not going to continue the story, please let me know by posting or private message, and I will close the thread.
  15. It's from restaurant lingo. It is from a cook to a waiter to tell them they are out of a dish or ingredient. There was a book about the AIDS crisis in the early years called "86ed" referring to both the year 1986 and the direness of the situation.
  16. Every "straight" guy I have ever played with more than once ends up wanting my cock in their ass.
  17. Negative guys who really are negative are no risk for giving you HIV. Poz undetectable guys are no risk for giving you HIV. Poz unmediated guys, poz guys who are on meds but still detectable, and guys who say they are negative but aren't (either because they don't know or because they are lying - like GoodExercise says you cannot trust them) can transmit HIV to you. But if you are on PrEP, none of that matters. You won't catch HIV from any of those guys. It protects you, so you don't have to stress about which group the guy is in. Take your pills, and take their cum. Everything will be fine as far as HIV goes. Of course, PrEP doesn't protect you from any other STI. I hope you know that.
  18. It's also quite possible that these guys are gay-for-pay and aren't enjoying the experience at all. That would be a pity though.
  19. I don't know if this will work for you, Scottyrim. Over the summer, I was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 52. In an attempt to figure out what in my life aggravated the condition, I gave up poppers for 2 months. It was really tough for a week or two. Eventually, I found I did fine without them. I even took a couple of really hard fucks from big cocks without poppers. If you haven't tried going a few weeks without poppers for a while, give it a shot. You may find after you get them out of your system that you don't miss them as much as you thought you would.
  20. I lived in Austin in my 20s (late 80s - early 90s). One time, a buddy of mine who lived way out in the country called me up. He said a friend of his would be passing through Austin and wanted to know if I would let the guy fuck me. I said I would and ended up having a hot threesome with the out of town guy and another top fuckbuddy of mine. I didn't find out anything about the guy but his name. A year or so later, I was at Mardi Gras in New Orleans with some friends. We were making our way through the crowd at a parade when we just happened to stumble upon this guy with his whole family. I was so taken aback at running into a trick after so much time in such a strange place that I didn't immediately think to play it cool. Fortunately, my group moved on before it got really awkward. About a year after that, I met him a third time when he answered my personal ad in the local indie paper in Austin. It turned out his wife allowed him to fuck guys on the side in a Don't Ask - Don't Tell arrangement, so my faux pas at Mardi Gras hadn't been a big deal. He eventually decided that he needed to be free to be gay. He had moved to Austin and supported himself by giving "erotic massage" in his home usually followed by his bare dick up the ass of some closeted married guy. He fucked me many times after that (usually with a complementary massage) until I moved away and we lost touch.
  21. This stuff is amazing http://www.pureformen.com/ It contains Psyllium fiber which is the same thing you find in dietary supplements like Metamucil. This makes sure the poop moves through your colon smoothly and in well-formed turds. That keeps everything a lot cleaner. When I take it daily, I seldom have to wipe at all. (I mean I do wipe, but I just get clean paper). It also contains Chia and Flax which help your colon and rectum to make natural lubricant.
  22. Sounds like a great first time. Keep taking those loads.
  23. Agreed. Sounds like your BP is crashing. That can be dangerous.
  24. Guys coming out later in life after divorcing a woman is very common. No idea how many of them become cumdumps though.
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