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About rawloadstaken

  • Birthday 03/12/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Beaverton OR
  • Interests
    General debauchery: I enjoy being used, and I have few limits. That said, I will NOT deal with anything that's left the body via any channel other than the urethra.

    ... well, unless you're a good kisser. In that case, I suppose we'd swap saliva as our tongues bumped.

    (Romantic, no? (No.))

    I am a kinky bastard, though, so absent those topics, let's get nasty together.

    As a side note, I've one other interest: I desperately need to get rid of this damnably touchy gag reflex.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    I'm a versatile bottom, and while I enjoy fucking a nice ass or getting some sweet head -- or both, because sex -- I feel most at home with a raw cock in my ass.

    Okay, I feel most at home in my apartment, but I feel pretty damn good being bred.
  • Porn Experience
    From an amateur standpoint, I've a few videos of me having a trouser fiddle on Xtube.

    From a professional standpoint, however, none. Alas. Perhaps some day.
  • Looking For
    Big-dicked tops who shoot huge loads, and who refuse to pull out: I want it in me, not on me.

    I'm looking for 1:1 encounters, but I'm also looking to be used as an indiscriminate cumdump, with my ass offered up to any cock that wants it.

More Info

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  • Adam4Adam Profile Name
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  1. Full Disclosure ... or close enough thereto


    While I shan't promise to air all of my dirty [dirty, dirty, so very, very dirty] secrets, this hunkering has left me with naught but virtual salaciousness for far too long.

    That said, I'll show you mine, as it were, should you choose to slide yours into my inbox, so let your conscience - or lack thereof - be your guide, ask or say whatever you wish, and let me know if you want my answers to be public or private.

    To be honest, though, it doesn't even have to be naughty, just ... to be.

    Questions? Ideas? Suggestions for books or blogs? Discussions about art history? Favorite movies or musicals? Recipes? Photography?

    Let me know what interests you, and I shall, in return, provide a more well-rounded view of what makes me tick.

    Yes, I'm an unrepentant slut; however, just like my bisexuality, my social / political / religious views, and my dreams and desires, being a bareback cumdump bottom with an unholy craving for throbbing raw cocks stretching my ass to its limits and flooding my guts with uncountable loads is only part of my personality: each element helps to make me who I am, but no one aspect forms the metaphorical bedrock upon which the core of my being rests.

    Long story short, even though being an introvert means that I can be alone without feeling lonely, this does not mean that I do not occasionally crave even the most remote of interactions.

  2. I'd like to start this rather lengthy post with an apology for any measure of vitriol I did not catch prior to posting it. And to those moderating this forum, please let me know if you would like me to edit or delete this entry. --- My job is tied to provider and caregiver EMR support - flagging documentation, finding and reading test results, helping to place/correct/resolve orders, and so forth. I have friends and co-workers on the front line in over-capacity ERs and packed Immediate Care facilities. Some of my team may well be called back into a nursing or provider role. I am neither a clinician nor a licensed counselor, but I'm am SME for both impatient and outpatient medication integration, and I have been through - and currently use - our caregiver emotional support training. And, truth to tell, it hurts that we're unable to hug one another for comfort. My soul aches every time another person I know comes down with it. I cry with them when they say they haven't been able to be in the same house as their children since this started. As for me, I spent a week and a half with all the symptoms, but they weren't quite bad enough to push for the test. Close, yes: F 100° fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing, grinding fatigue ... but I didn't want to have them use a test on me unless I went further downhill, because I know all too well just how short the supplies of everything are. And yes, I'm an unrepentant, voracious bottom, but I refuse to risk myself or those I care for just because I want that intimate level of human contact, regardless of whether it's wholesome or some hole. Then I read stories like this, and I find myself suffused with an incandescent rage. His actions - both in and out of hospital - speak to a level of unconcern I find staggering. And to me it doesn't matter that it's tied to his sexual activities: what matters is that he chose to risk not only his own health, but that he treated the health of those around him in such a cavalier manner, and exhibited what I find to be an appalling level of disrespect to his caregivers. @rawTOP, thank you for posting this, and to all those taking care of themselves, thinking about what's best for you and those around you, and reaching out to take care of others, mere words cannot express my respect and appreciation for what you're wiiling to do to work towards ending this nightmare.
  3. There's a certain measure of irony in finally having a month where my personal time, work schedule, and finances would permit me to spend a couple of afternoons at various ABS locations, set up a hotel breeding party, and visit Hawks for Lights Out three times before May rolls in ... and we're currently - and understandably - under a shelter at home policy, which means that all of the aforementioned options are currently closed to me.

    Oh well ... I've needed to reorganize my bedroom and work on my bread recipes for the almost six weeks, so at least I have that going for me.

    Please excuse me whilst I fall back upon my fainting couch, my wrist pressed to my forehead, as my melancholy forces me to succumb to the vapors.

  4. Both the giving and receiving of loads occurred last night at my two closest ABS. Suffice it to say that I returned home with sore knees, a lopsided grin, and - thanks to taking what was intended to be a brief break - nary a hint of regret that I didn't complete the rest of my errands.
  5. Admission:

    My local ABS are closing for at least two weeks, the Oregon Theater closed, CumUnion has been canceled, and I've not seen a single Sex Now ad in the last eleven days. That said, I slaked my thirst, and now shall play it safe - as regards the coronavirus, of course, for I shan't use that term to describe my views on condoms - until this pandemic is under better control.


    Took three loads in the ass, got to swallow two, and was called both handsome and hot whilst cruising.


    Two individuals were 86'd for... less than appropriate behavior, one had outstanding police trespassing notices, two kept going limp as soon as their glans touched my hole, and one was so high that he crashed backward, slammed into the wall, and started slurring and moaning.

    That last one? Yeah ...

    All in all, while the sex was enjoyable, I've taken enough risks this go-round, and shall rely instead on a pageant wave for the foreseeable future.

  6. Oh, before I forget, I wanted to let you know that I may never use it on this site, but I do occasionally drop a bit of purple prose into my writing.


  7. This Saturday is FurFuck at Hawks:

    1. I don't work Saturday, I'm furry, & I love being fucked
    2. I'm neg, on PrEP & don't care about size/status - I want your loads
    3. They have day passes & lockers
    4. I'll take cock anywhere in the club

    Hopefully the hint wasn't too subtle.

  8. Over the course of my sexual life? Oh yeah. Keeping aside, it's probably closer to -- and, more likely, well over -- 2K.
  9. Sssssooooo ... yeah.

    I've decided to bite the bullet and send in a model application for Stocky Dudes. I may also send one in for Hairy Adult Modeling as one of their clients/affiliates is Bear Films, as there's a possibility I may fit their demographic as well.

    That said, I'm still working on my body [down four pounds and 1.5% body fat since last check-in], and assuming [hoping, really] I'm accepted by but not under an exclusivity contract for either of the aforementioned studios, I may well apply for Treasure Island Media once I'm a bit more toned.

    1. ejaculaTe


      Can I get your autograph...? 

  10. Hm.

    Out of curiosity, does anyone know of any bareback studios who're looking for someone who is (unfortunately) not in as good a shape as he might wish to be, but is still a voracious enough bottom that he can take cock with the best of 'em?

    1. NLbear


      I don't know what you look like but have you tried companies that focus on a more niche market such as bears, chubs or 'older' men?

    2. rawloadstaken


      @NLbear, I've thought about it, and I've tried to look for their sites online, but the only option I've found so far is Hairy Adult Modeling, and I wasn't sure if that was the only portal for that type of application.

      Don't get me wrong: I'm planning on applying there, but I was also hoping that other avenues were open to me in order for my avenue to be open to others.  😉

  11. Yeah, holding off on any sexy times for a bit.

    My doctor changed out one of my meds and changed the dosage on another, and I'm just a touch too fatigued and dizzy to drive.

    He said the side effects should (hopefully) fade over the next week or two, but I'm afraid I'll have nothing to report 'til then.

    Sorry about that.

    1. rawloadstaken


      On the bright side, if this works then it means my thyroid levels will (finally) be where they should be, and I'll stop having these godawful energy slumps in the afternoons.

  12. Oh ... what the hell.

    I think I'll - to borrow a line from Shakespeare - screw my courage to the sticking place and head to Saturday's FurFuck at HawksPDX.

    I usually go on Wednesdays - Lights Out is far less disconcerting for me - but I'll give it a shot and see what comes up.

  13. I apparently misremembered when my roommate worked. Either that, or she took tonight off.

    I came out of my room after being pounded for a half hour and begging for his load only to see her sitting on the sofa watching television and blushing furiously.

    He rather sheepishly tucked his dick back into his pants and almost ran out of the door and my roommate and I just stared at one another for a few seconds before we both busted up laughing.

    I didn’t necessarily like embarrassing her – or being embarrassed – but hey, this is why she’s a kick-ass roomie.

    1. pulcish


      Sounds like a good roommate. Did she already know that you get fucked by lots of guys?

  14. That's something that amuses me to no end. I get tops with "safe only" in their profile message me and tell me they only use condoms, and when I point out my screen name, about half of them give the "oh, maybe just this once" excuse and ask if I'm really willing to bareback.
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