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    Sex deep throating looking to try group sex
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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. i have this issue too ive a big cock and people want me to top them. ive been in a sling not playing with my cock and a guy still wanted me to top him chastity might be a idea but not tried that approach
  2. set a safe word with the person that spanks you. a safe word is a word you say and the play stops if they dont do safe words dont let them spank you
  3. i get what you mean about Pandora being slutty i was like that at first scared by what Samantha was capable of doing sexually but if learned to channel that in a safe way. me personally when i started i classed my self as a CD as wore thongs dresses bras wigs now id say im gender fluid both sides a part of me. In your case as you like a Cheerleader outfit only i personally would say its a Cosplay fetish
  4. its a state of mind that varies from person to person "feeling like a women" it could be looking feminine feeling feminine, you could in a way say "treated like a women" as a better expression. i would say to you do you "feel gay" and why are you, where you born that way, way you where raised that way etc. its not about feeling like a sex object but feeling like you which can mean feeling sexy but it dont have to be the problem is there are different levels, crossdressing transvestism are fetishes and usually sexual. Transgender isnt a fetish its who the person. Most true transgenders you wont notice from a casual glance as they blend in, because they want to be seen as a person not a object/fetish for others , if you look close you might spot the male attributes adams apple broad shoulders etc. Transgender isnt about rebelling or the way you are raised but a need to be yourself also sex and gender are different male female are biological sexes. there are so many genders too many labels and labels are dangerous really as you cant pigeonhole people into one easily as they might not agree i write this from my point of view as gender fluid as a guy i have female attributes high cheekbones, girls lips, softer voice, graceful female walk and "camp" mannerisms that i have no control of . im more a guy than girl but i need both sides male and female to feel happy in myself
  5. i like chastity too but only for short locks. bought first one in lockdown so not played with anyone while locked hoping that when the saunas open again i can wear it there as guys see my cock size and auto think top (im verse) so its annoying at times when i want to get fucked but guys want to me to fuck them hoping a cage will give people the message of fuck me
  6. it s the idea its a tricky mindset to inflict pain on the balls but if i guy likes it they want it. ive done it with one guy a few times and thought i was being cruel but he said i wasnt after i punched slapped and kicked him from behind
  7. i guess that depends where you are getting fisted, anon saunas etc or by a regular you know gloves might give a smoother feel i think the skin to skin is partially a mental thing
  8. ive taken very light cbt and it hurts too much. im more a sadist i guess
  9. i am as the person giving the cbt
  10. some context is needed are you chasing or not. if you are not chasing then dont meet him
  11. does any one own a ManCage device im looking at number 6 ive measured and i need a 55mm ring and 4-4.5" tube can anyone recommend ManCage or another device that will fit me thanks
  12. also a tip ive been given is take a anti diarrhoea pill that should help too
  13. boo message limit reached 

  14. ive had similar experiences on a fuck bench ass up and all the tops seam to want me to do is suck them off
  15. can anyone recommend where to stay thats near by and not too expensive
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