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Everything posted by Phallarchist

  1. Indeed, it took sixteen minutes just to get his dick in that boy's mouth. Actual therapeutic rape would have to move along a lot faster at today's reimbursement rates, and would probably entail soundproofing of the examination room. It's a good concept, and the acting is exceptional for the medium.
  2. Did you ever get any good recommendations for rape tourism? I would be curious to know if there are cultures that are particularly known for forceful sex. And would you be willing to pay for the privilege? South Africa is infamous, but as far as I know, the victims are mostly female locals. I have heard multiple stories of wealthy Arabs traveling to poor countries to brutalize young prostitutes, but those practices don't necessarily generalize to the culture at large or to older male victims.
  3. No, you have to find individuals who will use force. The search term is "CNC".
  4. The topic title was so promising. Sad!
  5. It started when a boy asked me to break him. I was instantly enthused and made thoroughly gratifying work of brutalizing him. His tears were of pain, but also of profound gratitude. It occurs to me now that I was the star of his rape fantasy. I hope he still enjoys the memory of my violent lust as much as I do. I don't know if I need to hurt cunt, but the mate who dutifully endures my occasional rough jab raises his value considerably.
  6. It's the man's seed and his decision. If he's worthy of worship and service, then one of his many rights is to demand that his stain be displayed on my face.
  7. Throats grip really well, and the lubrication is superb. There's also the matter of making the bodily conquest complete. The latter has made me appreciate men who take women rectally. I used to be uninterested in the phenomenon, but have come to appreciate their total domination of the female body.
  8. By force.
  9. Making you cry and choke is at least as important as the sensation of fucking. I enjoy an open throat as much as the next man, but it's best if I get to make things difficult for you now and then. If I met a boy who took it with great ease, I would be tempted to prolong the fuck until his throat got tired and I could watch him struggle.
  10. I'm only into monogamy for the risk reduction. If diseases weren't a factor, I'd try to breed a new boy every day.
  11. Condoms are offensive and unacceptable. If his raw rectum is unavailable, then I'll use his throat.
  12. Depicted is a vagina, with a cervix. Would that it could be so.
  13. No.
  14. Yes, since the volume of ejaculate is a rough approximation of the amount of seed.
  15. Beer is best.
  16. To live a more phallus-centered life.
  17. Yes, it would be a disappointing rape for all concerned.
  18. It's an understandable and perhaps even valiant attempt to match the vaginal standard, but the primary problem is the shape of the passage rather than its inherent lubrication.
  19. The rectum is often a poor match to what a man requires from cunt. The sigmoid turn offers some consolation, but mediocre stimulation leads many men to forgo the male role. Which muscles are these? I see no mechanism by which the rectal walls can be made to contract.
  20. I haven't read the previous responses, so sorry for any repetition, but Like: * Comedic delivery (possibly unintentional) * "Sad!" * Kim Kardashian big-butt sentencing reform Dislike: Pretty much everything else
  21. On a sex forum, political excreta shouldn't be allowed to pollute erotic content. If anything, the off-topic responses should be flushed out into a separate topic in whatever irrelevant garbage-pail section is appropriate. Of course, there are already countless such collections of identical opinions, and it would no doubt would be frustrating for people whose primary kink is delivering lectures to boys who get clit-hard over doughy dimwits in red hats. It would be much better for these misguided faglets to dedicate themselves to acquiring the latest pox or getting castrated—by a Democrat, of course.
  22. I certainly don't read the screeds for content. It's just annoying to have to skip past walls of partisan blather to find the rare relevant response to the faggot's original sex question.
  23. MAGA does nothing for me, but all of this pontificating makes me want to tithe to the RNC.
  24. Could you give some examples? Is there anything distinct about their dominance as opposed to non-Trumpist alpha superiority"?
  25. It absolutely isn't, but I do wonder how often illnesses are caused this way, say in the context of couple where this act is routine.
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