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Everything posted by Dumpingground

  1. I was def planning to check it out on either Friday or Saturday night! Thanks!
  2. Will be staying at private apartment, easy access in and out. Looking for ALL loads for the whole weekend. I will have a car so I can travel as well. Let me know!! I can email or kik u pics of me too. I am on BBRT as dumpingground as well.
  3. What bathhouses are there in Montreal? Other places to get lots of loads? Please help guys!!!
  4. I don’t think it’s the best... there a guard posted by the elevator area who asks done for to show room key at night.
  5. What hotel did you use? Was it easy access? Need some advice.
  6. Need advice on a good hotel or Airbnb for a Cumdump to stay at in Montreal. Of course I’ll be looking for loads my whole trip so please help guys. Need a few good places to stay with EZ ACCESS
  7. Kinda sucks in my area..
  8. Shit he’s fucking hot too! What ever prison he goes to will gave a spike in hiv rates I bet!!!!
  9. What u guys think???
  10. Anyone know what happened to cumtemple.org?
  11. Just post your own party on BBRT as an open Cumdump. Then prop your hotel door and wait.
  12. Has anyone found an alternative for anon hook ups yet???
  13. So due to congress legislation Craigslist has shut down personal ads! https://www.cnet.com/news/craigslist-axes-personal-ads-after-sex-trafficking-bill-passes/ This is just insane!!!
  14. Can someone help me get in touch with master jerry?
  15. How do I get this master jerry to whore me out?
  16. Did you blindfold yourself? Get a hotel? Tell us more...
  17. I like to keep them in as well. Sometimes I do enjoy pushing out and I always record video of it or take a few pics! Also sometimes need to push out and douche so next top won’t know I was just fucked. I trick them and just say I’m always wet and loose or that I was playing with toys. Lol Anything to get the next new DNA in my ass pussy.
  18. Really? No keycard for elevator there? Place looks real nice and good location. Super affordable for a Cumdump like me.
  19. Fuck yes. Anon and raw is the best. I regularly post Craigslist ads and have men breed my cum hole. I love being a cum slut and can never get enough inside me. I also get hotel in NYC every couple months and post ads all over every site then just let me use my hole all night long! NJ/NYC here.
  20. The savoy in Chelsea is my fav hotel to get loads at.
  21. Arriving on the 8th at night and staying till Sunday the 10th afternoon. Taking loads at my friends private place all weekend. Message me for details. Help flood my hole D.C. boys and men.
  22. Ok everyone. I spoke to this twisted little fucker and believe me he's the real deal. We need to start like a gofundme to get this whore to NYC where we can really show him a good time!  He's sexy and filthy as fuck. We talked for over an hour so far. Just wanted to update you all since there are so many fakes and fantasy masturbators on this site. ???☣️☣️☣️

    He's toxic for life!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jason1090


      I miss fucking your cunt in public toilets in Pretoria and breeding u

    3. michaelcross


      If you are who I think you are @jason1090 then firstly word is spreading about me and 2ndly Where are you because I need take that massive load, it was just cunt back then.... NOW ITS PERFECT  used, dirty and filled with warts!!!!! If the cunts on this site will just participate we can get it DISGUSTINGLY PERFECT 


    4. jason1090


      fuck fuck yes...always be my Hero

  23. Fuck I need that to be me! Anyone interested?
  24. I must say if you have insurance, HIV = freedom and not really a bother in anyway.
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